Polycystic kidney disease with high blood pressure

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Polycystic Kidney Disease with High blood pressure Do you know PKD also can lead to High Blood Pressure?There are thousands of peoples is suffering from High Blood Pressure in Kidney Failure.Do you want to know the reason?And do you want to find out an efficient therapy to treat this symptom.At last treat PKD? Follow this article find the answer for these question. Most people know that hypertension can lead to coronary disease,



stroke. and







between (PKD)


relatively secret. And moreover, some people may still think that hypertension occurs only in the elderly people. This is the reason why some young patients with PKD cannot understand and accept the fact that when they have been diagnosed with hypertension. Is the fact really to be that case? In fact, hypertensions not only connect with the age, but also connect with a vast of factors, such as disease, environment, heredity, personal character, etc. So, nowadays, suffering hypertension is not a rare thing for young people. After

knowing this, next we will reveal the secret relationship between hypertension and PKD. Medical research suggests that, renal damage can lead to hypertension, and meanwhile, hypertension usually can result the kidney damage. So, they can influence each other, and often can form a vicious circle. Let us look at them carefully. Generally speaking, the worse in the decline of renal function is, the higher the blood pressure will be. At the time of the later-stage of renal failure, 80% patients can show the obvious hypertension. The reason that patients with PKD can often have hypertension can be attributable to cysts. The continuous growth and spreading of the cysts can oppress the normal renal vessels, which can induce the renal blood shortage; When the interoceptor in kidney receive this signal, it can make the concentration of angiotensin high, thus lead to the vasoconstriction, so the hypertension appears. On the other hand, the constant enlargement of the cysts can severely damage the kidney, and eventually bring the kidney into the stage of renal failure. From above we have a general knowledge about why there is hypertension for the patients with PKD.

Treatments of PKD Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy use Chinese Medicine to clear the excess waste and toxin.At last will create a better environment of the kidneys.Can promote the treatment of the kidney disease. Have any questions about your kidney disease?Do you have interested




kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .




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