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Our Continuing Education certificate programs span different areas in health care that will give you an edge in furthering your career.

Our certificate programs are available online and facilitated by instructors with years of experience practicing in their respective fields, bringing you education that is relevant and applicable.

These programs offer facilitated online learning that meet the needs of your busy schedule as an adult learner and allow you to build relationships with other professionals across Ontario, Canada, and the world. Many of the courses can be taken individually or combined to meet the requirements for completion of a certificate program.

Acute And Critical Care Nursing

The Acute Care and Critical Care Nursing Programs at Michener were developed through a unique collaboration between the Continuing Education department and the Practice-Based Education department at the University Health Network. The programs were developed by seasoned acute care and critical care nurses in concert with a team of education specialists and leaders to deliver a learning product that is modern, relevant, and reflective of current practice needs.

These programs are taught using a hybrid and spiraled curriculum, delivering core content about body systems through a series of online modules. For each body system, learners are guided through online knowledge components, which is followed by a clinical practicum, and finally a classroom-based session where the integration of knowledge and practice is facilitated by the course instructor. This approach helps learners to continue building their knowledge and skills throughout the course and sets learners up for optimal success in their professional practice.

Both Acute Care and Critical Care programs have been developed in accordance with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and University’s Registered Nurse Critical Care Nursing Program Standard as well as Critical Care Services Ontario’s Standards for Critical Care Nursing in Ontario (2018)

CCNU110 Acute Care Nursing Certificate

CCNU120 Critical Care Nursing Certificate

Both courses are available only through sponsorship on a contract basis with hospitals. Email ce@michener.ca for more information.

Artificial Intelligence

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) certificate program will introduce students to the discipline of AI and how it is applied in the health care environment. Students will acquire data science and analytic skills, learn how to implement AI solutions, and participate in creating an AI solution. Online delivery provides a pathway alternative that concludes with an AI project and/or solution. There are four courses to be completed in this program.

Courses include:

AINT111 AI Fundamentals

AINT120 AI and Data Science

AINT130 AI and Developing in Health Care Environment (path 1) or

AINT131 Managing AI Implementations (path 2)

AINT140 AI Final Project

* Successful completion of the AI Certificate Program assures a direct path to Michener’s Digital Health and Data Analytics Advanced Diploma program.


The legalization of cannabis in Canada has raised interest from the health care community about cannabis use in the treatment of disease. With this interest, and an increase in the prescription of medical cannabis, comes the need to educate health professionals on how to properly teach patients about the safe use and application of cannabis.

This 12-week course will provide health care professionals with the in-depth knowledge they need to understand medical cannabis use. Through online activities, learners will explore the below topics which will help them understand how to educate their patients and what essential information they need:

• The History of Cannabis and the Current Landscape

• The Science of Cannabis

• Medical Cannabis Education

• Cannabis for Medical Purposes

• Dosing Medicinal Cannabis

• Adverse Effects of Cannabis

• The Legalities of Cannabis

Clinical Management

Clinical Management offers learners the opportunity to build skills essential to working as a functional manager in a health care setting. Facilitated discussions, wiki posts, interprofessional activities and collaborative, synchronous meetings are a few ways to learn with and from your colleagues and instructors. There are six online courses in this program. Choose any four of the below courses to meet the program requirements.

Courses include:

CMC110 Leading and Managing People

CMC120 Strategic and Operational Planning and Review

CMC130 Managing Quality and Patient Safety in Heatlh Care

CMC140 Managing Finances

CMC150 Project Management

HECE110 The Heatlh Care Ecosytem: Behind the Scenes

Clinical Laboratory Quality Management

Do you have an interest in quality and compliance with regulations set by the International Standards Organization (ISO)? The five required courses in this certificate program offer participants multi-professional learning opportunities, facilitated discussions, and practical activities with tools to implement quality management in your own organization. ISO compliance is an international expectation and requirement in many industries beyond health care.

Courses include:

FSQM110 Fundamentals of Leadership Effectiveness*

INQM110 Quality Management Systems (QMS): Introduction

RMQM110 QMS: Resource Management

PMQM110 QMS: Process Management

MEQM110 QMS: Measurement, Analysis and Improvement

* Also core to the Leadership in Health Care Certificate. Qualifies for 0.5 de Souza Designation credits. For more information, please visit www.desouzainstitute.com/designations

Clinical Research

Clinical Research professionals assist in the design, preparation, planning, implementation, and monitoring of clinical trials to ensure they adhere to regulations, good clinical practices, and ethical standards. Case studies, discussion posts, video blogs, and group activities provide a means for students to connect and learn from one another. Clinical research is an expanding field with many opportunities for trained professionals. This certificate consists of six required courses.

Required Courses:

CRCR130 Principles of Clinical Research I

ETCR120 Ethical Issues in Clinical Research

SCCR240 Elements of Clinical Study Coordination

MCCR140 Monitoring Clinical Trials

RMCR110 Research Methodology and Biostatistics

QCCR110 Quality and Compliance in Clinical Research

“I was able to directly apply what I learned into both my day-to-day routine work as well as longerterm strategic planning initiatives. I recommend this course to any health care professional who wants to lead their team and their organization to success through effective change management.”

- Natalie F., Fundamentals of Leadership Effectiveness (FSQM110) - Student, 2022

Imaging Informatics

The digital age is here, and changing technologies are fueling a growing demand for qualified Imaging Informatics health care professionals. In this certificate program, you will learn from experienced and practicing imaging informatics professionals about designing networks, managing databases, and acquiring and integrating technologies. This certificate consists of four facilitated online courses.

Courses include:

GEII110 Work and Information Flow

NTII120 Networks and Infrastructure

PLII130 Planning the Transition

ENII140 Sustaining the Environment

Leadership In Health Care

These courses are targeted to individuals who are ready to explore leadership fundamentals and organizational effectiveness in health care, and who are willing to challenge themselves by building their capacity for leading people, processes, and change. Students can learn from the experiences of their instructors and peers through a variety of teaching approaches. Achieving a certificate requires completion of all four facilitated online courses below.

Courses include:

FSQM110 Fundamentals of Leadership Effectiveness*

ETHL110 Ethical Leadership in Health Care

OEHL110 Organizational Effectiveness for Health Care Leaders

ADHL110 Advanced Practices for Leadership in Health Care

* Also a core course for the Management Certificate - a great opportunity for dual certification. This course qualifies for 1 credit under the Developing Professional Practice and Leadership domain of a de Souza Designation. For more information, please visit www.desouzainstitute.com/ designations. To claim your credit, contact the de Souza Institute.

“As a future health care leader, I was exposed to the transformational aspect of leadership – how to be a visionary and lead a positive change.”

- Advanced Practices for Leadership in Health Care (ADHL110) - Student, 2022

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