A word from our Director, Continuing Education and International, on behalf of Michener’s Senior
Wecontinue to feel the stress of health human resource shortages across our hospitals, laboratories and clinics. It is in our news, impacting elections and on our minds; who will be taking care of the next generation, who will be taking care of me?
Michener CE continues to create pathways for internationally educated health professionals, nurses wishing to specialize, regulated professionals looking to make career changes and those returning to the field. Our goal is to help people get into the workforce efficiently and be effective members within the health team.
Working collaboratively with all health partners, we will deliver courses, micro-credentials and certificate programs that will meet the demands and needs within this constantly changing health-care system.
We encounter daily advancements in the digital and technology space, including the widespread integration of artificial intelligence across all realms of health care. We are committed to empowering health-care professionals with the necessary education in this field, ensuring they grasp its potential to elevate patient care.
Our focus for 2024-2025 is to support our health-care professionals and professions with education that fits within busy schedules, meets the needs within the field and provides the skills needed right now.
Michener is the only educational institution of its kind that is integrated into a hospital network, and we plan to continue to build upon this relationship for all the value and opportunity that it provides.
The CE team is excited for the year ahead.
Thank you for your continued support. We cannot do our job without you!
Jane Mattson Director, Continuing Education The Michener Institute of
Education at UHN
Introducing our newest Continuing Education course offerings:
MDRT110 Medical Device Reprocessing Training
BCMC110 Biochemistry Micro-Credential for MLAs
NCCE100 Nerve Conduction Studies
IGCE900 Ultrasound Guided Arterial Line Insertion
AMVM110 Advanced Mechanical Ventilation
BIVA110 Bioinformatics and Genetic Variants Interpretation
SHCE701 Working with Older Adults as Community Partners
EMCE110 Electron Microscopy: Skills of Today
HEMC110 Hematology for MLAs
ICCE100 Fundamentals in Infection Prevention and Control
CRCR110 Good Clinical Practice: A Refresher
CRCE600 Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Research
CRCE601 Resource Management and Strategies in Clinical Operations
CRCE602 Startup Strategy in Clinical Trials
CRCE603 Biomarker and Biosample Operations
RA815 Contrast Injection for Radiological Technologists
EVLP110 Ex-vivo Lung Perfusion
With curriculum specialists, instructional designers and subject matter experts, Continuing Education at Michener creates accessible course content that leverages different learning methods. You can register for an individual course or courses that are part of a certificate program, offered online, in-person and in some cases, with flexible timelines.
Facilitated courses start at specific times throughout the year and typically run for 12 weeks (about three months), or one semester. Online facilitators, who are experts in their fields, guide learners through the course from week to week, act as a resource and provide perspective. Various assessments and evaluations help solidify and apply the learning. This includes many specialty courses, certificate courses and webinars.
Self-Study courses are open for registration any time throughout the year. Complete a course at your own pace and within 6 months of registration (unless otherwise specified). This flexible option gives you control over how long you spend learning online, and tutors are available virtually to answer your questions and guide you through the course. At Michener, most self-study options are online.
Virtual workshops allow for synchronous learning, where participants can interact with each other and facilitators in real-time.
Some courses are offered exclusively in a classroom or require hands-on, simulated practice to ensure you acquire the knowledge and skills you need to be successful. Workshop examples include courses such as Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support.
Hybrid courses integrate online learning with in-person classroom sessions, providing a dynamic environment that simulates real-life job experiences. This blended approach allows students to apply their learning in practical settings and collaborate with peers, enhancing both their skills and professional networks.
A micro-credential is a certification that validates the attainment of a specific skill through formal assessment in an educational setting. The online component offers detailed instructional material along with opportunities to showcase and demonstrate your competency.
Continuing Education certificate programs encompass diverse aspects of health care, providing you with a competitive advantage in advancing your career and preparing you for leadership and management roles.
Our certificate programs are delivered online and guided by expert instructors who share their professional experiences, challenges and successes. These programs offer structured online learning tailored to fit the busy schedules of adult learners, enabling you to connect with other professionals across Ontario, Canada and the world. Many of the courses can be taken individually or combined to fulfill the requirements for a certificate program.
The Acute and Critical Care Nursing Programs at Michener were developed through a unique collaboration between the Continuing Education department and the Practice-Based Education department at the University Health Network. The programs were developed by seasoned acute and critical care nurses in coordination with a team of education specialists and leaders to deliver a learning product that is modern, relevant, and reflective of current practice needs.
These programs are taught using a hybrid and spiraled curriculum, delivering core content about body systems through a series of online modules. For each body system, learners are guided through online knowledge components, which is followed by a clinical practicum, and finally a classroom-based session where the integration of knowledge and practice is facilitated by the course instructor. This approach helps learners to continue building their knowledge and skills throughout the course and sets learners up for optimal success in their professional practice.
The Acute and Critical Care nursing programs have been developed in accordance with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and University’s Registered Nurse Critical Care Nursing Program Standard as well as Critical Care Services Ontario’s Standards for Critical Care Nursing in Ontario (2018).
CCNU110 Acute Care Nursing Certificate
CCNU120 Critical Care Nursing Certificate
Both courses are available only through sponsorship on a contract basis with hospitals. Email ce@michener.ca for more information.
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) certificate program introduces students to the discipline of AI and how it is applied in the health care environment. Students will acquire data science and analytic skills, learn how to implement AI solutions, and participate in creating an AI solution. Online delivery provides a pathway alternative that concludes with an AI project and/or solution. There are four courses to be completed in this program.
Courses include:
AINT111 AI Fundamentals
AINT120 AI and Data Science
AINT130 AI and Developing in Health Care Environment (path 1) or
AINT131 Managing AI Implementations (path 2)
AINT140 AI Final Project
The legalization of cannabis in Canada has raised interest from the health care community about cannabis use in the treatment of disease. With an increase in the prescription of medical cannabis, comes the need to educate health professionals on how to properly teach patients about the safe use and application of cannabis.
This 12-week course provides health-care professionals with the in-depth knowledge they need to understand medical cannabis use. Through online activities, learners will explore the below topics that will help them understand how to educate their patients and what essential information they need:
• The History of Cannabis and the Current Landscape
• The Science of Cannabis
• Medical Cannabis Education
• Cannabis for Medical Purposes
• Dosing Medicinal Cannabis
• Adverse Effects of Cannabis
• The Legalities of Cannabis
Clinical Management provides learners the opportunity to build skills essential to working as a functional manager in a clinical, health-care setting. Facilitated discussions, wiki posts, interprofessional activities and collaborative, synchronous meetings are a few ways to learn with and from your colleagues and instructors. There are five online courses in this program, choose any four of the below courses to meet the program requirements.
Courses include:
CMC110 Leading and Managing People
CMC120 Strategic and Operational Planning and Review
CMC130 Managing Quality and Patient Safety in Health Care
CMC140 Managing Finances
CMC150 Project Management
Interested in quality and compliance with regulations set by the International Standards Organization (ISO)? The five required courses in this certificate program offer participants multi-professional learning opportunities, facilitated discussions and practical activities with tools to implement quality management in your own organization. ISO compliance is an international expectation and requirement in many industries beyond health care.
Courses include:
FSQM110 Fundamentals of Leadership Effectiveness
INQM110 Quality Management Systems (QMS): Introduction
RMQM110 QMS: Resource Management
PMQM110 QMS: Process Management
MEQM110 QMS: Measurement, Analysis and Improvement
Clinical Research professionals assist in the design, preparation, planning, implementation and monitoring of clinical trials to ensure they adhere to regulations, good clinical practices and ethical standards. Case studies, discussion posts, video blogs and group activities provide a means for students to connect and learn from one another. Clinical research is an expanding field with many opportunities for trained professionals. This certificate consists of six required courses. Be sure to watch for mini courses coming this fall:
CRCE600 Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Research
CRCE601 Resource Management and Strategies in Clinical Operations
CRCE602 Startup Strategy in Clinical Trials
CRCE603 Biomarker and Biosample Operations
Required Courses:
CRCR130 Principles of Clinical Research I
ETCR120 Ethical Issues in Clinical Research
SCCR240 Elements of Clinical Study Coordination
MCCR140 Monitoring Clinical Trials
RMCR110 Research Methodology and Biostatistics
QCCR110 Quality and Compliance in Clinical Research
The digital age is here, and changing technologies are fueling a growing demand for qualified Imaging Informatics health-care professionals. In this certificate program, experienced and practicing imaging informatics professionals provide instruction on designing networks, managing databases and acquiring and integrating technologies. This certificate consists of four facilitated online courses.
Courses include:
GEII110 Work and Information Flow
NTII120 Networks and Infrastructure
PLII130 Planning the Transition
ENII140 Sustaining the Environment
These courses target individuals who are ready to explore leadership fundamentals and organizational effectiveness in health care, and who are willing to challenge themselves by building their capacity for leading people, processes and change. Students can learn from the experiences of their instructors and peers through a variety of teaching approaches. Achieving a certificate requires completion of all four facilitated online courses below.
Courses include:
FSQM110 Fundamentals of Leadership Effectiveness
ETHL110 Ethical Leadership in Health Care
OEHL110 Organizational Effectiveness for Health-Care Leaders
ADHL110 Advanced Practices for Leadership in Health Care
“As a future health-care leader, I was exposed to the transformational aspect of leadership – how to be a visionary and lead a positive change.”
- Advanced Practices for Leadership in Health Care (ADHL110) - Student
According to Diabetes Canada, 30% of Canadians are living with diabetes or prediabetes. Given the high prevalence and its impact on the health care system, effective patient education is an important factor in managing this disease. Continuing Education at Michener offers a variety of online courses for those who work with patients, clients or loved ones living with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.
All courses are current to the 2018 Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines and have incorporated subsequent Guideline updates.
Delivered online and led by Certified Diabetes Educators, the Diabetes Educator Certificate Program offers flexible and varied learning methods with objectives drawn from the International Diabetes Federation’s International Standards for the Education of Diabetes Health Professionals. The program will provide learners with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge about diabetes. In addition, learners will explore the most effective means to educate patients, whether new to diabetes education or working towards certification or credits through the Canadian Diabetes Educator Certification Board.
This program is eligible for transfer credit in Athabasca University’s Post-LPN Bachelor of Nursing and Post-RN Bachelor of Nursing programs.
The Diabetes Educator Certificate Program consists of one course made up of six modules:
• Teaching and Learning
• Managing Diabetes
• Complications of Diabetes
• Pathophysiology
• Antihyperglycemic Agents
• Special Populations and Issues
In addition to the Certificate Program, there are Diabetes Specialty Courses focused on special topics and/or populations.
DE801 Diabetes Management in Children and Adolescents
DE802 Diabetes Management in Pregnancy
DE803 Engaging Patients in Managing Chronic Illness
DE804 Diabetes Management in Older Adults
DE806 Diabetes 101: Introduction to Diabetes
DE807 Intensive Insulin Management
DE808 Foundations of Foot Management in Diabetes: A Holistic Approach
“The tools and strategies I learned at Michener – such as how to properly communicate with patients in a way that allows them to understand information, to empower them to self-manage their diabetes, and to build effective therapeutic relationships – was invaluable to me.”
- Meagan N., Diabetes Educator Certificate - Student
Continuing Education offers a variety of workshop-based and online courses for those who work in primary and critical care environments. These course options, including Advanced Life Support and Adult Physical Assessment, use team, case and simulation-based learning to build these critical skills for a wide range of health professionals.
These simulation-based workshops, delivered live by expert facilitators with years of applied experience, will help you maintain your credentials and the skills crucial to providing emergency and critical care to patients.
RS810 Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)*
RS831 Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Provider – Basic Life Support Renewal Dual Certification*
RS812 Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Recertification*
RS833 Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Recertification and Basic Life Support Renewal Dual Certification*
CR802 Basic Life Support (CPR)*
CR803 Basic Life Support (CPR) Renewal*
NE800 Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP)
RS814 Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)*
RS832 Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)/Basic Life Support Renewal Dual Certification
RS816 Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Recertification*
RS834 Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Recertification/Basic Life Support Renewal Dual Certification*
RS827 Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, and Stabilization (PEARS)*
NE502 The S.T.A.B.L.E. Transport Program
* Some of these workshops, including Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support and Basic Life Support, are delivered using the standards outlined by the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
These courses are targeted to a variety of health professionals including nurses and personal support workers. Some are facilitated in-person, some online and others are self-study. Many courses, including Cardiac Stress Testing, can be offered onsite at your organization to learn with and from your peers.
EK816 12-Lead ECG Interpretation
APA100 Adult Physical Assessment
BSTR110 Basic Spirometry Training
EK703 Cardiac Rhythm Interpretation
EK817 Cardiac Stress Testing (recognized for CAMRT credits)
CCNF100 Critical Care Nursing Boot Camp
NENU120 Foundations in Nephrology Nursing
MHNU100 Mental Health Nursing Certificate Program
PC723 Pediatric Physical Assessment
RS823 Pulmonary Function Testing
SAWA100 Situational Awareness and Verbal De-escalation
“Both instructors were excellent. Very knowledgeable and communicated in an effective manner.” - Pediatric Cardiac Life Support - Participant
Amicro-credential is a type of certification that demonstrates achievement of a skill that has been formally assessed in an educational environment. Micro-credentials are meant to be a fast and flexible way to certify your achievement of skills and competencies. These are designed for people and organizations to integrate critical skills in the workplace.
Micro-credentials can only be issued for competencies that address areas of need and growth in the health care system. They must be developed with the endorsement of industry and with the intention of preparing professionals to engage in today’s workforce.
Michener Continuing Education can review and issue micro-credentials. We are excited to relaunch many of our current offerings as micro-credentials and introduce new offerings that meet the micro-credential framework.
BCMC110 Biochemistry Micro-Credential for MLAs
AMVM110 Advanced Mechanical Ventilation
VP804 Venipuncture Techniques
RA815 Contrast Injection for Radiological Technologists
IV500 IV Insertion and Maintenance
PIIR110 PICC Insertion: A Comprehensive Guide
HEMC110 Hematology Micro-Credential for MLA (Fall 2024)
In addition to our certificate programs, you can choose a variety of special interest courses that are applicable to a wide range of health-care professionals. Whether you are looking to take a refresher course in medical laboratory sciences, explore special topics like artificial intelligence and medical cannabis, or build basic skills in clinical education and plain language, Michener Continuing Education offers a wide range of facilitated self-study and in-class courses to help you build your professional capacity in niche areas.
Competency profiles and changes to scope of practice can occur rapidly as health sciences and technologies advance. The self-directed courses in Medical Laboratory Sciences below are offered with the flexibility to be completed at your own pace and offer you the ability to stay up to date with practice. The courses are approved by the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) and/or the College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario (CMLTO).
FGML816 Fundamentals of Grossing
MB801 Basic Molecular Biology Techniques for Health Care Professionals
MB800 Basic Molecular Biology Theory for Health Care Professionals
PD807 Clinical Behavioural Sciences
GK800 Medical Terminology
ML814 Pathology I
ML815 Pathology II
AP601 Anatomy and Physiology for Health Care Professionals*
AP807 Gross Human Anatomy and Physiology*
MGCE100 Molecular Genetics*
HGCE100 Human Genetics*
UCDF110 Introduction to Clinical Molecular Diagnostic Testing & Viruses
* Take these courses to help meet specific prerequisites for Michener full-time programs – Diagnostic Cytology, Cardiovascular Perfusion, Ultrasound, and Genetics Technology.
The courses below are approved by the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) and/or the College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario (CMLTO), and are ideal for Medical Laboratory Technologists who want to refresh their knowledge as they consider a different area of practice. These courses also support those meeting Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) recommendations and for those seeking Canadian certification.
CY611 Gynecological Cytology
CC859 Tutorials in Clinical Chemistry: I
CC860 Tutorials in Clinical Chemistry: II
CC861 Tutorials in Clinical Chemistry: III
HE837 Tutorials in Hematology and Coagulation
HI901 Tutorials in Histology
MI905 Tutorials in Microbiology
IH903 Tutorials in Transfusion Science
ML7110 Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician Exam Preparation
ML7111 Medical Laboratory Sciences National Certification Exam Preparation
VP804 Venipuncture Techniques
MTMC100 Micropipette Techniques
The Radiation Sciences and Imaging fields are embracing technologies that improve and initiate change in practice. Continuing Education courses at Michener can open new doors to help you prepare and be ready as technology evolves. All of the courses below are recognized for Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) credits.
RA815 Contrast Injection for Radiological Technologists
IG804 Cross Sectional Anatomy: A Multimodality Perspective
IG805 Image Interpretation for Radiological Technologists
IG809 Introduction to PET/MRI Technology
IV500 IV Insertion and Maintenance
IG810 Patient Preparation and Safety in MRI
IG808 Multimodality Imaging for Medical Radiation Sciences
IG807 Pathology for MRI Technologists
IG806 Ultrasound Localization for Radiation Therapy
IG811 Vascular Sonography
IG812 Musculoskeletal Sonography for Advanced Practice
IG814 Diaphragm Ultrasound: Physiology and Technique
PIIR110 PICC Insertion: A Comprehensive Guide
PECT110 Introduction to PET/CT and Theranostics
Consider the Imaging Informatics Certificate program and the AI Certificate program as an alternative career path if your interest and passions combine medical radiation sciences (MRS) and information technology.
Chiropodists have a unique scope of practice that is evolving as the profession matures in Canada. As the only institution in Canada with an entry-to-practice Chiropody program, Michener continues to partner with its graduates and practicing chiropodists across the country to offer exciting continuing education opportunities. For those who are small business owners, consider taking courses from our Clinical Management or Health Care Leadership certificates to keep you at the leading edge of practice.
CH804 Local Anesthesia and Injections for Chiropodists
CH806 Radiological Interpretation for Chiropodists
CHCP800 Clinical Pharmacology for Chiropodists and Podiatrists*
DE808 Foundations of Foot Management in Diabetes: A Holistic Approach
* Approved by the Council of the College of Chiropodists of Ontario
In our workplaces we all have accountability for teaching and learning. This course will give you the tools to create a safe learning space by building your capacity in clinical supervision and teaching. A series of five online, self-paced interactive modules that focus on the following topics:
• Learner and Educator Diversity
• Coaching Learners
• Cultivating Optimal Learning Environments
• Feedback and Evaluation
• Principles of Adult Education and Competency-Based Learning
• Reflective assignment: Using the materials from the online modules and work experience, learners will illustrate how their knowledge can be integrated into practice
Clinical research is a rapidly growing field, and with rapid growth comes consistent change and evolution. These webinars will introduce clinical research professionals to recent trends in the field. Each online webinar will tackle an emerging topic through an interactive discussion led by industry experts. These webinars will also introduce learners to emerging topics but is not a prerequisite for the Clinical Research Certificate Program.
• Patient Educator Certificate
• Nerve Conduction Studies
• Medical Device Reprocessing Training
• Fundamentals in Infection Prevention and Control
• Working with Older Adults as Community Partners
• Good Clinical Practice – A Refresher
• Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Research
• Resource Management and Strategies in Clinical Operations
• Startup Strategy in Clinical Trials
• Biomarker and Biosample Operations
The Michener Centre for Post-Graduate Nursing Education (Michener CNE) offers sought-after certificate and boot camp programs to help nurses advance their knowledge and develop specialized skills for safe, confident practice in various health care settings. Dedicated to delivering quality academic programs, we offer courses like Critical Care Nursing, Acute Care Nursing, Pediatric Physical Assessment and more. Whether you’re a hospital, community organization, recent graduate or experienced practitioner, we support all aspects of ongoing professional practice. Explore our programs today!
For more information about group learning opportunities, please contact ce@michener.ca
Michener’s bridging programs and courses are designed for experienced internationally educated health professionals (IEHPs) who wish to practice as licensed health care professionals in Canada. Before writing a licensing exam, it is recommended that IEHPs enroll in a bridging program. This will improve their chances of being licensed. Prior to applying for the programs, applicants need to be assessed either by the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) or the College of Medical Radiation and Imaging Technologists of Ontario (CMRITO) and obtain a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA).
In each of the programs and courses, students will review theory components and gain valuable simulated hands-on laboratory experience to help prepare them to write either the CSMLS, Sonography Canada or the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) certification exam.
These programs and courses are offered in the evenings and on weekends, and some may include an observership component at UHN hospitals.
This bridging program is designed for internationally educated and experienced medical laboratory technologists whose training and work experience have been assessed by CSMLS and who have been issued a PLA Report.
In this 16-week hybrid program, students gain simulated hands-on laboratory experience and theory review. The simulated laboratory experience will assist students in obtaining an understanding of Canadian laboratory practices.
“This program helped prepare me for the challenging certification exam (CSMLS) and refresh knowledge that I lost due to lack of practice. I would recommend this program to any international student that wants to gain an advantage in their career and find good employment in Canada.”
- Bernalyn G., Medical Laboratory Science Bridging Program - Student
This bridging program is designed for internationally educated and experienced medical radiological technologists whose training and work experience have been assessed by the CMRITO and who have been issued an Order by them.
In this intensive, 15-week program students will review core theory components including basic skills assessment, and gain simulated laboratory experience in positioning labs, CT, PACS, Image Critique and Interventional Special Procedures. Through online collaborative chats and assessments, students will obtain thorough preparation to write the CAMRT certification exam.
This bridging course is designed for internationally educated sonographers with recent education and experience, to help them prepare for Sonography Canada’s Canadian Clinical Skills Assessment (CCSA) exam.
In this comprehensive four-weekend hands-on ultrasound scanning evaluation course, students will have many opportunities to review and practice various imaging protocols, gain simulated sonography scanning experience in a laboratory setting and be evaluated every weekend on their competency in performing procedures using correct sonographic scanning techniques. The five scanning evaluations, taking place over four weekends, will be conducted by certified sonographers. Weekly review of protocols, patient care and procedures will be used to introduce the new topics, debrief the weekly scanning lab sessions and answer questions that arise from the lab experiences.
The Michener English Language Assessment (MELA) is a standardized English language proficiency test specific to the health care sector. This test is referenced to the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB). MELA scores are used by some post-secondary institutions and regulatory bodies as approved and acceptable demonstration of communicative competence to study or practice in English.
MELA measures English language communication skills in four areas: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The test takes about 3.5 hours. MELA in-class sessions are offered on a monthly basis. Applicants can register to complete an English assessment in-person at The Michener Institute in Toronto through Michener’s Self-Service Portal. Each testing session is offered in a proctored environment.
MELA scores are used both for admission to all Michener full-time, part-time and bridging programs/courses as a diagnostic tool by program consultants, and for licensure by some regulators across Canada.
If you are an administrator from a regulatory body, college or university, and are interested in how to use MELA at your organization or looking for more information, please email mela@michener.ca.
Michener Continuing Education is keen to develop and deliver curricula for health professionals and learners where they work - locally, nationally and internationally. In addition to running a series of courses that individuals can participate in, we can work with your organization to customize programming to meet your specific, local needs.
Many kinds of programs can be customized, including individual courses, workshops and certificate programs. Our team can work with you to contextualize these courses for your own learning purposes. These programs can be delivered online or, in some instances, in-person at your organization.
Examples of customized programs include Diabetes Educator, Critical Care Nursing and the Advanced Diploma in Ultrasound.
Continuing Education can support your organization to achieve its own strategic teaching and learning goals by helping your educators plan and deliver professional development activities. Our curriculum and faculty development specialists can work with your teams to identify learning needs and to build pedagogically sound learning activities and programs.
In addition to supporting education design, we can also partner with you to deliver existing educational programs through Continuing Education. This includes access to a learning management system, student registration and records, and marketing your learning activity. This is all achieved by the administrative/project support from the various administrators on our team.
The International team in Continuing Education collaborates with international organizations to deliver our offerings. Michener programs can be customized to meet local practice standards to ensure sustainable translation of knowledge to practice in the learners’ home context.
MELA (on page 21) is a language assessment specific to the health care sector designed by the Michener Institute. If you are an administrator from a regulatory body, college, or university, and are interested in how to use MELA at your organization, please email mela@michener.ca
The Michener Institute of Education at UHN is a Royal College Accredited Provider of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This means that the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada has allowed Michener to issue Section 1 and 3 credits under their Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program. We are the first institution that is not a medical school office of CPD, or a national medical specialty society or association, to be granted this responsibility.
Programs can be assessed for issuance of MOC credits to ensure you are putting forward the highest quality programs you can for your learners.
Email cepda@michener.ca for details, or visit our website www.michener.ca/cepda.
TheTemerty Advanced Surgical Education and Simulation Centre (the Temerty Centre) proudly boasts the future of innovative surgical medicine. This space is a unique environment that will become a hub of advanced surgical simulation-based education and training for health-care professionals. With the finalization of the Phase II build out, the floor will be complete.
In addition to a state-of-the-art, high-fidelity operating room (OR) simulation lab, 10-bay self-directed skills lab, telesimulation/telementoring rooms and an innovation hub, Phase II boasts five open-bay surgical bays, and three lead-lined surgical simulation suites. A total of 2,815 square feet of wet lab space.
Phase II will be operational in Summer 2024.
2023/24 was the busiest year yet, we hosted internal programs across multiple surgical specialties, including thoracic surgery, general surgery, endoscopic simulation, transplant and neurosurgery. The space was used by external organizations in orthopaedics, cardiovascular and medical aesthetic surgical simulations and procedures.
2024/25 programming will feature the above specialties along with a large orthopaedics course, colorectal and ENT related programs. CONNECT WITH US! Visit
The Temerty Centre is an official testing centre for the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS). In early 2024, approval was received to become a testing center for Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery (FES). The final stages of logistics are underway to launch exam slots for FES in late spring.
To support the testing of both specialties, an Endo Mentor Suite Surgical Simulator and FLS task trainers are available. Supervised practice on the Mentor Suite unit can be booked in advanced through our Centre. FLS task trainers are available for rent (excluding June /July / August), and onsite practice opportunities can be booked in advance. To book your exams, please visit the SAGES website.
Follow us on Twitter (X) to see our programs in action, upcoming courses and exciting news from our colleagues and partners @TemertySimCtr
Want to know more?
Connect with us at any time via email temertycentre@michener.ca
Michener accepts payment online, and by mail, fax or telephone.
Find the course that interests you at michener.ca/ce and click Register Online.
Please have your Visa or MasterCard and the course code(s) ready. Call 416.596.3117 or toll-free 1.800.387.9066 (toll-free within Canada and outside the Toronto area).
Fax your completed registration form with payment by Visa, MasterCard or purchase order to 416.596.3180.
Mail your completed registration form with payment by certified cheque or money order (payable to The Michener Institute), Visa or MasterCard or purchase order to:
Registrar’s Office
The Michener Institute of Education at UHN 222 St. Patrick Street Toronto, ON M5T 1V4 Canada
For registration in CE Programs at the UHN Hospitals, please contact the program of interest directly.