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Protecting Habitat for People and Wildlife
In the spring of 2019, Michigan Nature Association (MNA) was awarded a $250,000 Planet Award grant from the Consumers Energy Foundation. The goal of the grant was to conserve 575 acres of high quality wildlife habitat in the service area of Consumers Energy to benefit rare, threatened, and endangered plants and animals and imperiled natural communities native to Michigan through permanent land protection and the implementation of habitat management and ecological restoration.
These efforts were strategically planned to address priorities identified in the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Action Plan to target imperiled natural communities within at least 11 of MNA’s existing nature sanctuaries. MNA indicated that it would leverage the grant funding with $750,000 of additional funding through donations and grants over the 3 year term of the grant.
MNA also planned outreach efforts to recognize the reception of the Planet Award and Consumers Energy’s generosity. Outreach efforts were planned in MNA’s Michigan Nature magazine, advertising in the “Race for Michigan Nature” MNA’s statewide 5 kilometer run series, and with the installation of onsite signage at higher profile MNA owned project sites.
At the conclusion of the grant period, in the summer or 2022, MNA was able to exceed the initial acreage goals of the grant by conducting conservation work on over 670 acres scattered throughout the Consumers Energy service area. MNA also managed to exceed the additional funding leverage identified in the grant application by over $140,000.
$1.14 Million total grant dollars awarded and leveraged
670 Acres protected and conserved
11 nature sanctuaries included