2 minute read
Conservation Superhero: Dan Burton
Dan Burton looks for any opportunity to go outside and discover something new about nature. Along the way, Dan has become an active citizen scientist, learning as much as he can about plants and animals - a list that includes aquatic bugs, birds, butterflies, turtles, botany, amphibians, wetland ecosystems and so much more. Becoming an MNA Sanctuary Steward seemed a natural fit, even after only one visit to an MNA nature sanctuary. “Dan’s willingness “After I finished Michigan State University’s Conservation Steward to share his Program, I might have volunteered conservation once for a workday at Butternut Creek Nature Sanctuary before I was invited enthusiasm leads to help out at the Palmer Memorial Nature Sanctuary,” says Dan, “I became to much greater a Steward almost immediately. It just seemed like a great opportunity to learn protection of these more about the natural world. And I really enjoy the physical work of restoration.” special places.” These days, Dan is the Steward for both Palmer Memorial and Wilkie Memorial Nature Sanctuaries in southwest Michigan. A food scientist by profession, Dan especially enjoys learning new restoration techniques and the science behind maintaining vital habitat. “I’m always looking to learn more, especially something I didn’t know anything about like fens,” he says, “And the scientist in me likes to tinker and test, and to see where restoration work goes.” Since his start with MNA, Dan has achieved “rock star” status as a Sanctuary Steward. Leading hikes and canoe trips, conducting species surveys, removing invasives, donating sanctuary tours for our silent auction, and volunteering for events are just some of the reasons he earned MNA’s Volunteer of the Year award in 2017. He’s especially happy with a multi-year spotted turtle survey he recently completed, which helps inform MNA’s management activities. But Rachel Maranto, MNA’s Stewardship Coordinator, says Dan’s work stands out for another important reason. “Because of Dan, there is a network of neighbors around the Palmer and Wilkie sanctuaries who know about our work and why we do it,” Rachel explains. “He makes an effort to communicate to them what we’re doing. The neighbors understand the importance and, in turn, are motivated to address some of the invasive species on their properties, which helps the sanctuaries. Dan’s willingness to share his conservation enthusiasm leads to much greater protection of these special places.”
Photo courtesy Dan Burton.

Dan describes his conservation passion as a ‘symbiotic relationship’ with the places he stewards, grateful for all the benefits he receives while helping to restore native plants and animals. For anyone wanting to get outside, learn more, and give something back, Dan says MNA’s stewardship model is great. “I like the freedom as a Steward, I like the flexibility of working a couple of hours or all day, I can spend as much time or as little as I want. MNA provides the guidance and training if needed. And I can feel good about doing the environment some good.”