14 minute read
Reflections on America’s Independence Observance: 2023
from 7.5.23 NPC
Once again, because of where America stands today on the ever present issue of race, the following reflections are offered from the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence, signed July 4, 1776. First, the preamble, which has much bearing on where we stand today as a nation:
“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, they should declare the causes which compels them to separate...”
The Extreme Conservative Right elements of the American people, operating under the banner of the Republican Party, have provided living proof that the political “Bands” they are connected to do not include us, as people of color.
In addition to the attacks on which books our children can read, the efforts to outlaw any teaching dealing with the ugly truths of racism such as the attack on Critical Race Theory which most don’t even understand; the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision on Abortion Rights; the failure to act on gun violence and the continued murder of citizens, mostly African Americans, by law enforcement officials all provide clear proof that there is not and never was a belief “that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Before we get too excited about the cookouts and holiday celebrations with fire-
John E. Warren Commentary
works across this great land, let us reflect on the words of Frederick Douglass which appear elsewhere in this issue, including his famous Fourth of July Speech of 1852, in Rochester, New York. Let’s look at Independence as being incomplete because of the disparity that Douglass found between Blacks and Whites. Today, although more sophisticated, disparities still exist at every level, in spite of the efforts of so many Whites who have joined with Blacks in the struggle for equality for all.
Douglas asked in his speech: “Are the great principles of political freedom and natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us?”
It would appear that in 161 years, many of his questions remain unanswered. The inequality of slavery still exists today in the minds and behavior of many Americans who cannot accept that America is a melting pot of all nations.
“Out of many, one.” That melting pot includes people of color. The key requirement is that we as people of color must never accept less than equality in all things. While we may not technically be slaves, as reminded by the recent declaration of Juneteenth as a federal holiday, many of us are still mentally slaves to mediocrity and the acceptance of less than what we should have. If some of us remain slaves to inequality and injustice, then the following question Douglass raised is appropriate today:
“What to the American slave, is our Fourth of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than any other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is constant victim; To him your celebration is a sham, our shout of liberty and equality hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and Thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception impiety, and hypocrisy —a thin veil to cover crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages.”
In conclusion: what should we do? We should review the America to whom Frederick Douglass spoke. We should weigh against his words how far we’ve come. We should celebrate Juneteenth; the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments; the Emancipation Proclamation, which had not been thought of when Douglass wrote this speech; Civil Rights, Voting Rights, and Equal Employment Opportunity as well as an integrated Armed Forces.
Let us remember our schools are just as segregated now, based on economics rather than race, than when the Supreme Court handed down the Brown v. Board of Education Decision.
Yes, we can take time out to celebrate, but let that celebration be measured in terms of where we are and where we have yet to go.
What is the 4th of July? That which I must still fight for to make it really apply to me and those who look like me.
Challenging regression
(TriceEdneyWire.com)—Some legal analysts have assessed our current Supreme Court as being “the most conservative Supreme Court since the 1930s.” The first question that needs to be asked is, “Who among us would want a return to the status that they and their people endured in the United States in the 1930s?”
I’m guessing that the only people whose hands would be up would be rich White men. I cannot imagine any other category or group within our society believing that the 1930s was better for them than the current era. Not women. Not ethnic minorities. No one who is concerned with human rights, worker’s rights, voting rights, or the environment. That’s not to say we don’t have problems now, but thankfully, we are not living in the 1930s.
Speaking personally, I can certainly recall life in a “simpler time.” Growing up in the 1960s and 70s things “made more sense,” from my perspective. But that’s just it…MY perspective isn’t the only perspective. I share this country with 332 million other Americans, and this planet with 7.8 billion other human beings. It’s simply not all about me, my perspectives, my opinions and my wishes.
Sadly, I think the current Supreme Court, and the billionaires who paid for them to be there, don’t understand that it’s not all about them! Rather than use the word, conservative, I think regressive is more appropriate for this court. Regressive means “becoming less
Rev Stephen Tillet Commentary
advanced; returning to a former or less developed state.” Several recent court rulings have undone decades of established law simply because of the personal ideology of the conservative activists on the court. Those rulings threaten to make us a less advanced and less developed nation. In life, things move in one direction. There is no rewind button. Life does not afford us the opportunity for reruns. And yet this court has determined that it wishes to revisit an earlier time that is largely unacquainted with the changes that have occurred in our nation and the world over the last century. That sort of backward movement is simply unsustainable and wholly undesirable for a significant majority of our fellow Americans. This is a direct result of the Supreme Court appointment and around 100 other judicial appointments, stolen from President Obama by Mitch McConnell and his cohort in the US Senate. Rather than fulfill their constitutional duty of “Advise and Consent” for court appointments, they simply chose to put their fingers in their ears and ignore the nominations the twice-elected President of the United States was attempting to make, because they wanted someone else to make those appointments. As a result, we have a court that is rendering rulings that are so contrary to the lives and wishes of large majority of our citizens that it is unsustainable.
In an Op-Ed, I wrote in mid-May, “The Choice Is Ours,” I wrote “we can either decide that maintaining what we have, imperfections, and all, is worth preserving, or we can determine that since I am not getting my way, I choose to burn it all down, wage war in whatever form against my fellow citizens, and assume that whatever comes next will be better than what we have now. I promise you that will not be the case.”
We must learn to share every aspect of this constitutional republic with one another. No one is entitled to dominate and have their way all the time. We cannot continue to go backward. That’s just not how life works! We must return to some governing “norms” where everything does not play out like a knife fight. Having one’s so-called “opponent,” lying wounded or dead on the floor is not a sign of victory, but rather, of an avoidable cliff that is fast approaching. In the 1980s, in response to widespread violence in our communities, a collection of rappers came together to record a song of warning. The refrain of the song was “Self-destruction, you’re headed for self-destruction.” Uh-huh…
(Rev. Stephen Tillett is Pastor of Asbury Broadneck United Methodist Church in Annapolis, MD.)
Help Wanted
American Eagle Outfitters, headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, seeks a Principal Engineer. This is a fully remote position, and the employee can work from anywhere in the United States. Will be responsible for: developing high caliber technologies and requirements, design and architecture for protocols, API’s for Supply Chain and integration with external systems and services. Send CV with cover letter, references, and salary requirements to Jobsaeoinc@ae.com.
Complete job description and directions on how to apply are available at: www.southfayette.org
Applications must be received by 4:00 PM July 17, 2023
Elementary Principal, Barrett
Elementary Certification Requirement:
Administrator, Elementary Principal, or; Administrator, Elementary Principal K-6, or; Administrator, Elementary Principal K-12. Provide leadership for school improvement and community engagement. Demonstrable success with important job components such as social-emotional learning, equity and inclusion. Previous administrative experience preferred.
Following positions are available for the 2023-2024 school year only.
These positions are funded by the ARP ESSER III funding.
Supervisor of Pupil Services
Department Requirements:
Supervisor of Special Education certification and either Supervisor of Pupil Services certification or Superintendent certification.
Preferred: 5+ years of supervisory or administrative experience, and demonstrable success with important job components such as Inclusive Practices/Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), disproportionality and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
Special Education Teacher: Opening for Special Education teacher for 2023-2024 school year.
PA Special Education K-12 or Special Education PK-8 required; Math, English or other Middle-Level Certification preferred with training/ experience in Autism & Sever Cognitive Disabilities. Send letter of interest, resume, standard application, transcripts, current clearances and credentials to hrsupport@steelvalleysd.org.
Deadline noon on July 14, 2023.
Supplemental Positions
Drama – Spring Musical Director
Drama Fall Play Production Director Choral Director
Stage Tech
Yearbook Sponsor
Supplemental Coaching Positions
Two (2) Middle School Football
Assistant Coaches
Senior High School Head Baseball
Senior High School Head Softball
Send letter of interest, resume, standard application, current clearances and credentials to Mr. Shawn McCallister, Athletic/Activities Director, at: smccallister@steelvalleysd.org.
Deadline noon on July 14, 2023.
Pittsburgh Regional Transit is seeking an Manager of Capital Programs – Systems to be responsible for the mechanical, electrical and systems engineering functions related to capital improvements, maintenance, and state of good repair of the Port Authority of Allegheny County d/b/a Pittsburgh Regional Transit (PRT)’s systems, facilities, buildings, tunnels, subways, and light rail transit system. Oversees staff and provides engineering and technical support in the operations and maintenance of various systems/ equipment including mechanical, electrical, plumbing, vertical transportation, communications, and light rail equipment.
Essential Functions:
Oversees and manages all staffing, technical and control (such as budgets, schedules, reporting, quality assurance) required to implement and complete projects on PRT’s infrastructure including but not limited to systems, facilities, buildings, and light rail transit system. Performs all project management functions necessary to implement the design, construction, and closeout of funded capital projects within established scope, schedule, budget, and quality metrics. Provides guidance and assistance to PRT personnel on mechanical, electrical and systems issues and activities pertaining to all capital projects and existing facilities.
• Supervises the daily activities of an assigned staff; provides day to day guidance and initiates personnel actions as appropriate. Evaluates staff performance, performs necessary administrative tasks, and develops staff’s technical and interpersonal skills.
• Maintains knowledge and makes decisions on mechanical, electrical and systems engineering problems and building codes, permit procedures, and requirements of local municipal jurisdictions related to new construction, facility modifications, repair, reconstruction, and maintenance of facilities. Assists in developing and assessing the feasibility of preventive maintenance procedures for PRT systems and equipment.
Job requirements include:
• BS Degree, Major in Mechanical, Electrical, Civil Engineering or related engineering field from an accredited school.
• Minimum of seven (7) years of progressive experience in the design and construction of mechanical, electrical, systems and/or related work in managing capital projects and professional service contracts, quality control, dispute resolution, financial and schedule control.
Four (4) of the seven (7) years must be in a project lead role.
• Three (3) years in a management supervisory role
• Professional and effective communication skills.
• Valid driver’s license.
• Demonstrated ability in the use of Windows.

Preferred attributes:
•Experience in Electrical Design related to Light Rail Transit Systems.
• Registered Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of.
• Demonstrated ability in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Pittsburgh Regional Transit is seeking an Assistant Manager –Way to manage the planning and scheduling of all Port Authority of Allegheny County d/b/a Pittsburgh Regional Transit (PRT) Way Department work and provide technical assistance to support repair and maintenance of the PRT Right of Ways including, but not limited to, track, bridges, parking lots, tunnels, and busways and other PRT properties. Oversees the Way department in the absence of the Manager of Way.

Essential Functions:
• Directly responsible for maintenance of PRT’s busways, tracks, retaining walls, bridges, parking lots, and driveways including signage. Maintains PRT’s landscaping, including grass cutting and weed spraying activities. Oversees the Way department in the absence of the Manager of Way.
• Maintains all operational structures at a high status of readiness and supplies immediate repair support under any emergency conditions.
• Manages the activities of the maintenance supervisors, Way maintenance supervisors and related crews.
• Develops and implements new maintenance procedures, oversees the assignment, scheduling and implementation of corrective and preventive maintenance tasks for Way Department.
Job requirements include:
• High School Diploma or GED.
• Associates Degree or Technical Degree in Engineering or directly related field from an accredited school. Experience in directly related field may be substituted for education.
• Minimum of five (5) years of experience in rail/track and/or roadway maintenance.
• Minimum of two (2) years of supervisory experience.
• Demonstrated ability in the use of Windows and Microsoft Word. Preferred attributes:
• BA/BS degrees in a technical field from an accredited school.
• Supervisory experience in track repair/replacement or heavy highway construction.
• Project Management Experience.
Public Notice Allegheny County Sanitary Authority
The Professional Services Committee of the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority will hold a special meeting for general purposes on Thursday, July 13, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. prevailing time, in the Trefz Board Room at its offices located at 3300 Preble Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15233. Official action on the Committee’s recommendations will take place at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors at a later date. The public may view the meeting via livestream by visiting www.alcosan.org.
The Allegheny County Housing Authority (ACHA) is accepting proposals from qualified contractors for:
DOCUMENTS: RFP documents will be available on/after Wednesday, July 5, 2023 RFP ACHA-1693 Documents can be downloaded from the Housing Agency Marketplace: https://ha.internationaleprocurement. com/ or requested by contacting Dean Allen, Modernization Manager by email: dallen@achousing.org or by calling 412-402-2469.
FEE: No Charge for Emailed / Electronic Transfer documents.
We offer a comprehensive compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates should forward a cover letter (with salary requirements) and resume to:
Glenn Huetter Employment Department 345 Sixth Avenue, 3rd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2527 GHuetter@RidePRT.org EOE
Engineering and Environmental
Firms- Qualifications relative to the following should be discussed:
Civil site design, erosion and sedimentation control, site grading plans, wetland delineation, geotechnical engineering, construction and demolition management, permitting, environmental site characterization and remediation, and closure of industrial sites through the PA. Land Recycling Program. Qualifications should include personnel available for this assignment, working in a team environment, meeting goals for minority and women owned businesses, and method and hourly rates of compensation.
Economic Development/Grant Management Firms- Qualifications relative to the following should be discussed: redevelopment planning, managing Federal grants for economic development, packaging other economic incentive programs, working in a team environment, personnel available for this assignment, assistance in securing women and minority participation, and the method and hourly rates of compensation. Both RFQ’s are due July 14, 2023 and should be mailed to: North Side Industrial Development Company, 700 River Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Estate of LENORE ADLER, deceased, of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, No. 02-23-04489, Benjamin A. Goldberger, Executor, 7 Ivy Lane, Natick, MA 01760 or to AUBREY H. GLOVER, Atty; BRENLOVE & FULLER, LLC. 401 Washigton Avenue, Bridgeville, PA 15017
Estate of MELISSA SASSO, deceased, of Wilkinsburg, PA,
We offer a comprehensive compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates should forward a cover letter (with salary requirements) and resume to:
Glenn Huetter Employment Department 345 Sixth Avenue, 3rd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2527
Public Notice
The Board of Supervisors of Kilbuck Township will hold a public hearing and public meeting to consider an amendment to the Township Zoning Ordinance establishing a dog day care use as a special exception in the C-1 and SUD Zoning Districts, said hearing and meeting to be held on July 25, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kilbuck Township Municipal Building, 343 Eicher Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237.
The proposed Ordinance would establish a dog day care use as a special exception in the C-1 and SUD Zoning Districts and establish other requirements pertaining to that use. A copy of the proposed ordinance may be examined in the office of the Township Secretary, without charge, during regular business hours.
Andrew Wright, Township Secretary.
July 12, 2023, at 10:00AM EST at the ACHA Central Office, 301 Chartiers Avenue, McKees Rocks, PA 15136
QUESTION SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: Wednesday, July 19, 2023, at 3:00PM EST
PROPOSALS DUE: Wednesday July 26, 2023, at 10:00 AM EST at the ACHA Central Office, 301 Chartiers Avenue, McKees Rocks, PA 15136 Section 3 Businesses, MWDBE, VOSB are encouraged to respond.
Frank Aggazio Executive Director Allegheny County Housing Authority
Bids for the Eastmont Park
Improvements Project will be received by Wilkins Township online via PennBID until 10:00 AM local time on Friday, July 21, 2023, at which time the Bids received will be opened electronically and posted on PennBID’s website. The Project generally consists of installing fencing and sports equipment, lining courts, and installing light fixtures. Work will also include restoring all disturbed areas to original condition. Bids will be received for a single prime Contract. All documents and solicitation details are available online at no cost on PennBID –www.PennBID.procureware.com.
Bids shall be accepted online through the PennBID Program.
Additional bidding requirements are found in Section 00 21 13, “Instructions to Bidders,” of the Bidding Documents. All bidders must submit bid security of a Certified Check or Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the Base Bid. All bids shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the bid opening date as provided by the Act of November 26, 1978 (P.L. 1309, No. 317) as amended by the Act of December 12, 1994 (P.L. 1042, No. 142).
The Brashear Association, Inc.is soliciting proposals for the development of a 3-year strategic plan. This 3-year plan should include a demographic profile of our service area as well as a 12-month action plan. To view the full RFP, please visit www.brashearassociation.org. Any questions regarding the RFP can be addressed via email to management@brashearassociation. org. RFP submissions are due no later than 5:00 pm on July 31, 2023.
LOWER HILL BLOCK E PARKING GARAGE BID to Justin H. Kelly, Co-Executor, 3748 North Woodridge Road, Birmingham, AL 35223 or to AUBREY H. GLOVER, Atty; BRENLOVE & FULLER, LLC., 401 Washington Avenue, Bridgeville,PA 15017
Carl Walker Construction, Inc. is currently accepting bids for the Block E Parking Garage project on the Lower Hill Redevelopment Site. All bidding documents will be provided upon email request via a document sharing site. Bids due July 26, 2023. Email BlockE@carlwalkerconstruction.com to request the bid invitation. Visit https://www.lowerhillredevelopment .com/construction-bidding.html for more info.
Estate of MARY A. BELINSKY, deceased of Pittsburgh, PA, No. 02-22-07504 Judith A. Lehnowsky c/o Judith A. Lehnowsky, Atty.102 Penbryn Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237