Bust Your Way Through Weight Loss Plateau

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Losing weight, as desired by most people, may be one of those hard things in life to achieve. However, breaking a weight loss plateau is even more difficult. Breaking a weight loss plateau is often comparable to running the "longest mile" in a race. Weight Loss Plateau - What Is It? Each step accomplished in a fat loss or diet program is a type of plateau. For example, the first plateau may be taken as the starting of our diet. In combination with a planned exercise regimen, we commence eating certain amounts of food daily. We need to set goals and these become our plateaus. If losing 100 pounds is the overall goal, we typically set plateaus along the course. Maybe after a couple of weeks, we may be doing 50 push-ups a day and be hoping to lose 10 pounds or so. Once this plateau has been overcome, we move further up, and that would include increasing the quantum of exercises and continuing with the prescribed diet. Each step towards progress and accomplishment is yet another weight loss plateau reached. Despite working hard at exercise and dieting, we may at times find breaking a fat loss plateau virtually impossible. Regardless of our best efforts and whatever else we try to do, we seem to have reached a stalemate. Given below are some useful tips on the successful ways of breaking a weight loss plateau. Increase Calorie Intake This may be contrary to popular belief, but you face difficulties in breaking a weight loss plateau when your body is deprived of the requisite amount of calories. In reality, you may even end up gaining weight! Increase your calorie intake by 200 - 400 calories daily. Ensure that increase comes from carbohydrates or high-quality proteins like whole grains, vegetables or fruits. Increase Exercise Duration If you are starting to exercise for the first time or after a long gap, it will certainly be painful and difficult. Your goal at this point of time would be to get through an entire exercise session without becoming tired, sore or feeling pain and discomfort. What most people do not understand is the fact, that for an effective exercise, they need to sense the intensity of the exercise and feel the tiredness at the end of the exercise session. If you feel very comfortable after an exercise session, it means that you would have difficulty in breaking a weight loss plateau just for the reason your body is not getting motivated enough!

Proper Rest And Recovery You need to adequately rest and allow your body to recover after every exercise session you do, else you will not succeed in reaching your ultimate weight loss goal. Trying to do too much in a short span of time will result in hindering your progress. Your body certainly needs proper rest and recovery to work itself up gradually between two consecutive exercise sessions. If you are getting fed up with repeated workouts of the same kind in each exercise session, try adding new variants to the workouts to enliven you. And your body will certainly welcome the change and may soon propel you into breaking yet another weight loss plateau!

Want more tips on how to lose weight Fast and Effectively? Find out here: Rapid Weight Loss tips [http://www.blastfatoff.com/rapid-weight-loss-tips.php] The author used to be overweight and has tried close to every single weight loss program and diet under the sun. Given up so many times and got tired of trying and listening to what this and that 'Guru" had to say. Until he decided enough was enough, and took control by making Informed decisions. Now he's here to share his experiences: The Best way to Lose Weight [http://www.blastfatoff.com/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darren_Bent

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