2 minute read
Local Development Policy
from 2022-2042 Masterplan
by micireland
to the Limerick waterfront, the College is exceedingly well placed to play its part in meeting the objectives of the Project Ireland 2040. The opportunity exists to expand teaching programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and to promote the further development of MIC Limerick as the location for sustainable development of teaching accommodation, support facilities and student residential accommodation.
The RSES also identifies Thurles as a Key Town and local authorities are supported in targeting growth of more than 30% for each Key Town subject to capacity analysis and sustainable criteria. The importance of Thurles within County Tipperary is evidenced by the commitment of Tipperary County Council to seek Central Government funding for the enhancement of Thurles under the Urban Regeneration Development Fund. The Council has engaged with the College in relation to a partnership approach on many areas of shared interest including the proposed Thurles Relief Road (which will cross the MIC Thurles Campus) and the Market Quarter development adjacent to the campus. The opportunity presented by the Thurles Relief Road to the College to develop the Thurles campus is illustrated in the plans supporting this document. LOCAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY
The College’s Limerick Campus sits within the administrative area of Limerick City & County Council (Limerick City & County Council is the result of the merger in 2014 of the former Limerick City Council and Limerick County Council into one joint Local Authority). Limerick City & County Council sets out the development objectives for the City and County in their Development Plan. The Council is currently engaged in preparation of a new Limerick Development Plan 2022-2028 that seeks to integrate the needs of the City, suburban areas and the County in an inclusive manner that supports balanced and sustainable development and which aligns with the objectives of both the NDF and the RSES.
MIC Thurles is located within the administrative area of Tipperary County Council. (Tipperary County Council is the result of the merger in 2014 of the former North Tipperary County Council and the South Tipperary County Council into one joint Local Authority). The current Local Area Plan for Thurles dates to 2009 and predates the merger. Tipperary County Council is currently engaged in the preparation of a new County Development Plan 2022-2028.
Therefore, the development of this 2022–2042 Masterplan coincides with the efforts of both Limerick City & County Council and Tipperary County Council, to envisage the future planning objectives of the locations of both the Limerick and Thurles Campuses. At this juncture, the College has an excellent opportunity to engage with the Local Authorities to ensure that its interests are both recognised and protected.