Vol. 16 - No. 29
In This Week’s Edition
Your FREE Weekly Hometown Newspaper For Howell, Farmingdale, Ramtown and Freehold
Howell Student Donation Drive Brings In Big Results
Monmouth County Included In Shared Services Pilot Program
Community News! Don’t miss what’s happening in your town.
Pages 8-10.
Letters Page 5.
Coloring Contest Page 6.
Dear Pharmacist Breathe Easier & Control Pain With Frankincense
Page 11.
Inside The Law Page 12.
Business Directory Page 15.
Classifieds Page 16.
Wolfgang Puck Page 19.
| December 15, 2018
–Photo courtesy FRHSD Large quantities of coats were collected and bagged for distribution. By Kimberly Bosco fi lled with coats for men, women, and chilHOWELL – Howell High School Peer Lead- dren being dropped off,” stated the Freehold ers hosted their annual coat drive this year, Regional High School District. bringing in a whopping 888 coats. Not only did the students take the drive These students are members of Athanasia beyond Howell High School, but they also Gregorakis and Matthew Coulson’s Peer partnered with Howell Middle School South’s Leadership classes. They were tasked with Student Council Executive Board, which reaching out to local businesses to coordi- brought in about 100 coats as well. nate collection bin drop locations throughout The donated coats will be distributed to Howell. families in need around Monmouth County “Their efforts were successful with bags by the New York Giants drive’s organizers.
By Kimberly Bosco MONMOUTH COU N T Y – A new bill has been signed into law that will make entering into shared se r v ice ag r e e me nt s much easier, and adds Monmouth County to the list of participating counties. Sponsored by Assembly members Joann Downey, Eric Hought aling, Vinc e n t M a z z e o, Jo h n A r m a t o, a n d S e n a tors Vi n Gopal a nd
Troy Si ngleton, t he bill adds Monmouth a n d At l a nt ic c o u n ties to the state pilot prog ram: “Com mon Sense Shared Services Pilot Program.” Established in 2013, the pilot program aims to “provide ser vices i n a n ef f icie nt a nd cost- ef fect ive ma nner to local gover nments,” according to a release from Governor Phil Murphy’s office. The “pilot counties” (Shared - See Page 4)
Howell Celebrates The Holidays
Howell High Students Can Achieve “International Baccalaureate”
By Kimberly Bosco HOWELL – Howell High School is now one of 17 schools in the state to become an IB World School, according to officials. As an IB World School, Howell High School can now offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP), which is a two-year program for juniors and seniors. Freehold Regional High School District recently announced that Howell High School is the second school in the district to receive its final authorization, alongside Freehold Township High School. “The IB DP provides students with an academi-
cally challenging and interdisciplinary course of studies, and also prepares students for a rapidly evolving, increasingly global, society. In addition to courses from six core subject groups, IB Diploma students also engage in the DP core, which prompts students to “reflect on the nature of knowledge, complete independent research, and undertake a project that often involves community service” (IBO),” stated the district. Students in the Class of 2021 will be the first IB students at Howell. For more information on the program, visit sites.google.com/frhsd.com/hhs-internationalbaccalaureate.
-Photo courtesy Howell Township The Memorial Elementary 5th Grade Chorus sang on the steps of Town Hall during the ceremony. By Kimberly Bosco HOWELL – Howell Township held its annual Christmas Tree and Menorah Lighting Ceremony at the Municipal Building. The Howell High School Brass Choir and Saxology, Howell High School “One Voice” and Memorial Elementary 5th Grade Chorus provided musical entertainment to accompany the holiday event. Attendees got to visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus, enjoy the Pony and Pals petting zoo, as well as take part in games and crafts.
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Page 2, The Howell Times, December 15, 2018
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The Howell Times, December 15, 2018, Page 3
Page 4, The Howell Times, December 15, 2018
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Continued From Page 1 were designated as Camden, Morris, Ocean, Sussex, and Warren Counties. The new bill, A1100, makes Monmouth and Atlantic counties the sixth and seventh counties in the program. “While many towns and cities across the state have taken steps to cut costs through shared services, the Legislature provided additional tools under a pilot program enacted several years ago that included five counties,” said Senator Gopal (D-Monmouth). “Making Monmouth and Atlantic counties part of this program will ease the process for towns and cities that want to share services where it makes sense and reduce taxpayer costs, making the counties more affordable for residents.” The addition of Monmouth County to the program will allow various Monmouth County towns, including Howell, to benefit from it. According to Howell Deputy Mayor Robert Nicastro, “The administration is always exploring new shared service opportunities.” Nicastro stated his support for the new legislation, but added that no moves have been made just yet to act on it in Howell. Howell has already entered into shared service agreements with other neighboring towns, including Colts Neck and Freehold, and is working on others. According to Nicastro, “we entered into shared services with Colts Neck for mechanical services and exploring recycling shared service…[and] we currently have a shared services with Freehold Township sewer services and have some shared service agreements with the borough of Farmingdale.” Howell is also in talks with Jackson Township to negotiate a shared service agreement with their Municipal Utilities Authority for a purchasing agent. “Shared services and outsourcing in my belief are going to play an integral role for municipalities in controlling budgets and property taxes,” he added.
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Page 16
The Howell Times, December 15, 2018, Page 5
F EATURED L ETTER Good Samaritans Exist – Right Here In Lakehurst The other day I had a fall outside the Lakehurst post office. Going to my car, I inadver tently t ripped on a small stone wh ile stepping off the curb. Falling is a scary thing for anyone but especially for an 84-yearold woman who always needs help to get up. For a moment, as I lay sprawled on the street, I just prayed I would not be run over by an inattentive driver! Then I realized that there were several people su r rou nd i ng me and asking me if I had “any pain,” “could I move,” “d id I ne e d any help to stand?” I even heard someone say they had already called 911! I was star tled. Pleased, but surprised! W here had all these p e o ple c o m e f r o m? One man apologized after a minute or two because he had to go t o a n a p p oi nt m e nt , but spoke with others a rou nd me t o m a ke sure that I would not be left alone. A clerk from the post off ice a l so r e m a i ne d w it h t he g r ou p. A not he r
gentleman went to his car to get a roll of paper towels so that I would not have my head on the cold ground. Everyone wanted to help me stand. I could not allow anyone to help me up because I have a shoulder replacement and I need to have a special tech n ique to stand with assistance. About four minutes after my fall a police off icer, Jason Guide, arrived. I explained the problem with getting erect. He maneuvered people to various positions, then bent down beh i nd me, and i n a twinkling of an eye, the kind “strangers” and the officer had me back up on my feet. I kept apologizing for all the trouble, but everyone told me they were glad to help. I just want to thank all those persons who ma de a n emba r r a ssing event a very happy and appreciative moment for me to be truly thankful. With sincere thanks and appreciation… Dolores Corte Lomega Manchester
W� W������ L������ T� T�� E�����! The Howell Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for veri�ication. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to edit or
reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail or bring typed letters to: 15 Union Ave., Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732-657-7388 or e-mail news@jerseyshoreonline. com. Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily re�lect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.
Article On Use Of Force Doesn’t Tell Whole Story A story from NJ Advance Media (nj.com) on law enforcement use of force will look to develop controversy and discontent by providing data with little context about the use of force officers are required to use. Police officers face an unparalleled challenge of saving lives, restoring peace, and bringing criminals to justice. The situations they face are dynamic and involve split second decisions. They are not done within the safety and security of a newsroom. The actions they take can mean life or death. In 2016 alone over 1,800 New Jersey Police Offi cers were a s s au lt e d wh i le doi ng the job of protecting the communities they serve. The number of assaults on offi cers increased 8 percent and contempt for law enforcement is a growing trend nationwide. Often thanks to irresponsible and half-written articles like the one released. Yes, law enforcement is permitted to use force, and newspapers buy ink in barrels. No revelations there. Unfortunately print media has all but disappeared and has been replaced with online news. When you can’t count newspapers anymore to tout your commercial success you have to generate “clicks” to sell advertising at top dollar. Regretfully, that has led to the demise of legitimate journalism in this country. I knew where this “investigative report” was going the moment I saw the teaser headings and salacious preview video. It worked a few months ago for another NJ news organization so why not give it a crack here at nj.com. They have provided you with a clickable database for watercooler banter, nothing more. Like TMZ, Inside Edition and the like they are giving
Letters To The Editor you a suggestive bit of likely the officer that con- Obama’s presidential tensensational data to keep an unsuspecting public engaged. Regretfully and unfortunately they have only told half the story. True journalists at least attempt to tell an entire story. WHY was force used? Was it justified? Did the officer prevent a violent rape or violent assault? Did they tackle a fleeing robbery suspect? Was the suspect resisting arrest? You will never know. You see, NJ.com only used the single page Use of Force repor ts. The Investigation report, supplemental reports and witness statements would tell the whole stor y but nj.com didn’t work on get t i ng t hem. That would require significantly more work and journalistic ability instead of having interns entering data into a spreadsheet for the last several months. Time is money when you need to generate clicks to sell advertising. Regrettably, “clicks” are today’s benchmark for journalistic success. Unreasonable or criminal uses of force are discovered more quickly today than ever before thanks to body cams, dash cams and the omnipresent cell phone. I say “thanks to” because I don’t want those officers in our ranks as much as the public doesn’t. They don’t belong in our profession. But use of force isn’t pretty and what may look like unreasonable force to the untrained eye is an acceptable use of force under the law. That decision will be determined by a prosecutor, judge and jury, not the amount of clicks it received online or irresponsible comments under a suggestive and misleading headline to make you click. Articles like this only makes a difficult job today incredibly more difficult. The officer that is “number one” today in your community on the database is
sistently leads the agency in arrests. Good arrests. He is the officer that is proactively patrolling and attempting to put a dent in crime in your community. And congratulations nj.com, now that officer will be doing everything he can to stay off your “half story” spreadsheet next year and the year after that. Improvements to our profession will continue with the support and assistance of the communities and citizens we serve, not with click bait entertainment. Patrick Colligan President New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association
Trump Is Mean To Everyone And Deserves Scorn In response to letter entitled “No Reason To Be Mean About Tr ump” in The Brick Times of December 1st, I feel morally obliged to offer a contrary view. I do not challenge the sincerity of the writer. I simply cannot grasp her reasoning, par ticularly because her hero acts like the playground bully always picking fights. But, if somebody hits him back, he runs off to the school principal to complain. This political era - or is it error? - might be described as four blind men trying to identif y an elephant with each man touching a different part of the ani mal. O ne t ouche s t he trunk and concludes it’s a snake hanging in a tree. Another touches a foreleg and “sees” a tree. The third reaches high and grasps an ear, deciding it’s a flamingo. Who knows what the fourth man thought when he touched the tail? But let’s keep prurience out of this conversation! For the eight years of
u re, I w rote ma ny letters to various newspaper editors, some seeing the light of day by get ting published. I suppor ted Obama, not only as our president, but also as a noble man committed to making this nation into a more perfect union. [Kindly refer to the Preamble of the Constitution.] My letters often appealed to the general public to give him a chance; to support his initiatives for the good of the economy and for the betterment of the people; even to pray for him. Donald Trump actually rode on the back of Birtherism and bigotry to win the hearts and minds of many millions of Christian citizens. Throughout his campaign and through his two years as president, a day does not pass without some outrageous incitement to hatred, exclusion and/or violence against strangers and dissenters of his worldview. The relentless attacks against our First Amendment f lood Tweetland. The same has been t r ue whenever he speaks in person. His worldview is one of unadulterated greed, a greed without conscience, lack i ng i n self-ref lection, insatiable and with not a morsel of morality. Donald Trump is the pure narcissist and his brand of greed is endangering all of us. Yes, in those past letters of mine, I too urged my fellow citizens to pray for Obama. Did the writer of “No Reason To Be Mean About Trump?” Or did she, as so many Americans, decide that blind belligerence and autocratic rule are what America needed? Sadly, that is what we got! She says: May God bless America. I say: May God bless all of humanity! Isn’t God supposed to be Father (and Mother) of all human beings? Nicholas Molinari Brick
Page 6, The Howell Times, December 15, 2018
The Howell Times, December 15, 2018, Page 7
Page 8, The Howell Times, December 15, 2018
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Stay Safe This Holiday Season
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MONMOUTH COUNTY – The holiday season is here and Sheriff Shaun Golden wants to make it a safe one throughout Monmouth County. There will be an increase of travelers as people celebrate with holiday parties. As a result, law enforcement will remain vigilant to keep roadways safe and free from drunk drivers. “We want ever yone to enjoy th is wonderful holiday season, but if you are going to drink, don’t drive, it’s as simple as that,” said Sheriff Golden. “Law enforcement will be out in full force and on the lookout for d r u n k drivers.” In New Jersey, an individual is considered over the legal limit if he/she operates a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level concentration of .08 or greater. According to the New Jersey Division of Highway Traff ic Safet y from 2012-2016 there were approximately 37,964 alcohol related crashes that resulted in 718 fatalities in the state. In an effort to avoid presenting a danger to oneself or others it’s important to follow these safety tips: • B efo r e goi n g o u t , d e s ig n a t e a driver who will not consume any alcohol the entire night. • DO NOT DRIVE if you are impaired. Call an uber, a cab, a sober friend or family member. • If you don’t have a ride, stay where
you are. If you see someone about to get behind the wheel or on a motorcycle after they have been drinking, take their keys and find them a ride with someone who is sober. • Under no ci rcu mst ances should adults provide alcohol to a minor or allow anyone under 21 to consume alcohol while at their home. There is also a tremendous increase of shoppers this season and it’s important to not be careless or look vulnerable wh i le sho p pi ng. T he b e s t way for shoppers to stay safe and not become a victim of theft, is by using a common sense and cautious approach. • Park your car in well-lit areas of shopping center parking lots. • Be aware of your surroundings. • Limit the number of trips back to your car. • Don’t leave packages exposed in your car. Lock them in your trunk. • Have keys ready before you get in your car. • Don’t shop alone especially at night. • Look in your car before entering – do not enter if something does not seem right. • ELFS-Enter the car, Lock the doors, Fasten Seat Belt, Scram “By applying these important initiatives, we can all help ensure a safe, secure and happy holiday season in Monmouth County,” said Sheriff Golden. •
PO Box 521 • 15 Union Ave. • Lakehurst, NJ 08733 Phone 732-657-7344 • Fax: 732-657-7388 e-mail: news@jerseyshoreonline.com jerseyshoreonline.com
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The Howell Times, December 15, 2018, Page 9
Apply For Howell Advisory Committees HOWELL – The Howell Township Board of Education will be seeking citizen members to serve on the following anticipated advisory committees during the 2019 calendar year: Community Interaction, Education, Finance, Operations, and Policy. Interested Howell Citizens should complete the form on the district website at howell.k12.nj.us or submit a letter of interest that includes address, daytime and evening telephone numbers, email address and three committee choices in order of preference. Please also include a brief statement indicating reason for interest in serving on the particular committees. Please note the committees listed above
December Is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
MONMOUTH COUNTY – Sheriff Golden and the MCSONJ continuously work on the prevention of drinking and driving and are reinforcing just how dangerous and deadly it can be by recognizing National Impaired Driving Prevention Month throughout December. Although it’s the most festive time of the year, December can also be one of the most dangerous months with an increase of drivers on the roads and holiday season celebrations. And it’s not just drunk driving that can have negative effects, drugged driving - driving under the inf luence of illegal drugs or prescription medications can also have grave consequences. Please don’t wreck the holidays. Stay safe and sober.
HOWELL – Howell Alliance will be hosting substance abuse prevention think tanks where you can share your ideas and perspectives in an informal, rela xed env i ron ment to en r ich ou r community commitment to substance abuse prevention. No membership is necessary. Meetings will be held the first Monday of each quarter at 7 p.m. at the Echo Lake Pavilion. Light snacks will be served. Feel free to bring one along. For more information, call the Howell Alliance at 732-938-4500 ext. 4012.
are anticipated. Upon re-organization the Board may add, delete, combine or realign the committees, however, all requests will be considered. To facilitate committee needs, appointments may be made prior to the closing date. Please apply as soon as possible. Apply by Mail or Email to: Mr. Ronald Sanasac, Assistant Superintendent for Business Administration/Board Secretary, Howell Township Board of Education P.O. Box 579, Howell, New Jersey 07731. Email: rsanasac@howell.k12.nj.us. Indicate Board Committee in subject line of email. Last Date of Submission: Wednesday, January 2, 2019.
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Catering for Christmas & New Year’s Holiday A La Carte Half Tray Serves 10-12 People
PASTAS Penne Vodka.…………………………………$40 Stuffed Shells…………………………………$40 Manicotti……………………………………...$40 Tortellini Alfredo………………………………$45 Baked Ziti...……………………………………$35 Cavatelli & Broccoli...………………………… $40 Ravioli Marinara.....……………………………$40 Meat Lasagna.....………………………………$55 Cheese Lasagna.....……………………………$50 CHICKEN Marsala.………………………………………$50 Bella Italia (white wine & mushroom).………$55 Parmigiana.…………………………………...$50 Francese....……………………………………$50 Piccata.….……………………………………$55 VEAL Marsala.………………………………………$75 Piccata.….……………………………………$75 Francese....……………………………………$75 Parmigiana.…………………………………...$75 Bella Italia…………………………….………$85 BEEF & PORK Roast Pork with Gravy..………………………$50 Baby Back Ribs……………………….………$55 Sausage & Peppers…………………………...$45
Homemade Meatballs..………………………$45 Roast Beef with Gravy...………………………$55 Steak Pizzaiola.......……………………………$55 Hot or Sweet Sausage w/Broccoli Rabe..……$55 Swedish Meatballs...…………………………$45 VEGETABLES Eggplant Parmigiana…………………………$40 Eggplant Rollatini.……………………………$45 Broccoli Rabe Sauteed...……………………...$50 Sauteed String Beans w/Garlic & Oil.………...$30 Stuffed Mushrooms...………………………...$40 Stuffed Mushrooms (Sausage)……………….$45 Broccoli Spears (Garlic & Oil)…………………$35 APPETIZERS Mini Rice Balls...………………………………$25 Mini Sicilian Rice Balls.……………….………$30 Potato Croquettes……………………………$25 Prosciutto Balls..………………………………$35 Fried Ravioli..….………………………………$40
Holiday Seafood Dishes Half Tray Serves 10-12 People
Baked Clams Oreganata...……………………$45 Fried Calamari...……………………….………$50 Zuppa Di Clams ………………………………$50 Shrimp Scampi..………………………………$80 Shrimp Oreganata...…………………………..$80 Seafood Salad...………………priced accordingly (a mix of calamari, scungilli, shrimp & crabmeat w/celery & olives) Jumbo Shrimp Salad....………priced accordingly (Jumbo shrimp w/celery, olives, oil and lemon juice)
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Page 10, The Howell Times, December 15, 2018
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Be sure to tune in for... GAME SHOW WEDNESDAY for a chance to win fabulous gift certificates to local restaurants & more!
COMMUNITY NEWS Monmouth County Develops Series of Cultural & Heritage Virtual Tours
FREEHOLD – The Monmouth County Division of Planning has announced the launch of its Cultural and Heritage Virtual Tour series. The series provides eight virtual tours of interconnected historic, natural, cultural, and arts attractions throughout Monmouth County, modeled after state and federal scenic byway programs as recommended in the 2016 Monmouth County Master Plan. The online format allows for flexibility in route selection, allowing visitors to explore a variety of points of interest along each route. The Cultural & Heritage Virtual Tours program was designed to increase public awareness about the many natural, cultural, historic, scenic, architectural, institutional, and commemorative sites located in Monmouth County. Each tour has a unique theme which showcases numerous attractions throughout Monmouth County in categories including: scenic, historic, architectural, art, cultural, science and technology, military, civic spaces, neighborhoods, crossroad/downtowns/commercial districts, pop, culture, myth/folklore/ legends, unique or unusual and more. Some sites are privately held and not open to the public. The complete series results in a network of tours featuring all 53 towns in Monmouth County. Freeholder Deputy Director and Liaison to the Division of Planning said, “We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Monmouth County Cultural & Heritage Virtual Tours. In addition to connecting our communities, the program showcases our Grown in Monmouth economic development initiatives by featuring partners in the program, while supporting local and regional tourism.” Eight tours are available by visiting the Monmouth County Division of Planning Webpage or link directly to the site through http://bit.ly/ monmouthmap. They include: • South Monmouth Emerald Byway: Travel through parks and open space along the
Manasquan Greenway across southern Monmouth County. • Monmouth County Crossroads Byway: Take a journey through American history along our historic crossroads following Revolutionary War troop movement from Millstone to Sandy Hook via Monmouth Battlefield. • MoCo Cultural Byway: Discover the best cultural happenings and places to be down the Jersey Shore between Matawan and Manasquan. • Bayshore Drive: Unexpected natural beauty and fascinating stories abound in the waterfront towns of the Raritan Bayshore. • Country to Coast Byway: Travel through time from villages and horse farms to boats and beaches. • Ocean Drive: Meander along our famous Jersey Shore towns, beaches and boardwalks. • Two River Tri-Way: Enjoy the peninsula’s picturesque charm and community-based culture that defines the Two River region. • Upper Freehold Historic Farmland Byway: The lush rolling hills and farmland of Upper Freehold set alongside colonial Allentown provide the backdrop for this loop tour through the rural reaches of western Monmouth County. Monmouth County towns, local tourism boards and chambers of commerce are encouraged to link to the Cultural & Heritage Virtual Tours to generate interest in visiting their communities. The tours can also be used as a tool by educators to teach students about local history, science, geography, arts, culture, innovation, architecture and city planning. Additional sites will be considered for inclusion on the byway tours. To nominate a site, email the name, location, brief description and photo (if possible) of the site to: planning@ co.monmouth.nj.us.
Global Studies Students Attend Seminars at Princeton University
FREEHOLD – Students in the Global Studies Magnet Program at Freehold Township High School attended seminars at Princeton University on November 30. The juniors and seniors in attendance engaged in round table discussions and lectures on United States foreign policy in the Middle East. The high school has formed a partnership with the Department of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, which allows upperclassmen to attend events there during the school year. The Global Studies Magnet Program is an intensive study of world regions, international challenges, cultures, governments,
and economies. The rapid pace of globalization means that future graduates will need a more expansive study of the world, and what roles the United States plays in it. Students with an interest in history, international development, diplomacy, and world order will be challenged with an accelerated and unique curriculum within the comprehensive high school, studying human geography, international relations, comparative government and politics, and international law. The goal of the program is to develop a sense of responsibility to the world community and an understanding of what it means to be an active global citizen.
The Howell Times, December 15, 2018, Page 11
H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
Breathe Easier And Control Pain With Frankincense
By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph. Frankincense is popular around Christmastime and the resin and oil have been used for ages. Frankincense resin is extracted out of trees that belong to the genus Boswellia, and that is why you see “Boswellia” on the ingredient list of dietary supplements, essential oils and other commercial products. Like curcumin, the boswellia-derived formulas are extraordinarily popular today, especially to treat joint pain, cancer, asthma and infections. This sticky sap that’s extracted from the tree dries out and is found in supplements galore. It offers more benefits than first meets the eye. There are many species of boswellia by the way, the most common one in the states is Boswellia serrata. Clinical trials show that “boswellic acids” from boswellia have anti-inflammatory properties so powerful that they rival non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). A crucial difference is that the medications have the ability to produce uncomfortable side effects like gastric ulceration and heartburn, but boswellia does not. Here are 4 compelling reasons to consider adding frankincense to your health regimen in some way, shape or form. It’s kind of amazing: 1. It Reduces Pain: Because it acts as a potent anti-inflammatory agent, it is a powerful painkiller for many physical conditions. There are many scientific papers supporting the use of boswellia for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as knee pain, back pain and more. 2. It Eases Asthma Symptoms: Boswellia extract is excellent at reducing leukotrienes,
a class of compounds in your body that trigger annoying allergies and terrifying bronchospasm. It mitigates asthma symptoms by keeping your airways open and reducing your immune reaction to environmental allergens. 3. It Relieves Gastrointestinal Discomfort: For those with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s, numerous studies are clear and profound! Boswellia absolutely provides soothing relief and reduces flare-ups, pain and possibly even progression of GI conditions. Remember, it’s a very strong natural anti-inflammatory and it pacifies your immune system. 4. Restricts the Growth of Cancer Cells: The natural boswellic acids from frankincense make it practical for slowing down the growth of cancer cells that invade the brain, breast, pancreas and blood (as in leukemia). Furthermore, acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA) found in boswellia, has been shown to slow down the progression of multiple myeloma. Now that you understand the health benefits of this versatile plant, how can you integrate it into your life? It’s pretty easy, you can do what I do. I have the essential oil (Boswellia frereana) and I just put it into my diffuser during the day or sometimes just inhale it from my hands. You can put it in your bath, and some high-quality essential oils can be taken internally (depending on the brand). You can also take boswellia as a dietary supplement at any health food stores. It’s found all by itself in stand-alone products, as well as in multi-tasking formulas that relieve joint pain. And finally, you can burn frankincense resin as incense, like wise men and women have done for ages during important ceremonies and celebrations.
(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2018 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.
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Page 12, The Howell Times, December 15, 2018
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In 1998, the State of New Jersey adopted the Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act (AICRA) to reduce the cost of automobile insurance by reducing the benefits available to persons who are injured in automobile accidents. This means less coverage to pay for medical treatment and less rights to recover monetary damages from careless drivers who injure your family. Protect yourself. Automobile insurance is mandatory in New Jersey. The failure to carry automobile insurance may be punishable by imprisonment. When purchasing automobile insurance, you have two choices; you are required to select either a Basic Policy or a Standard Policy. We do not recommend choosing the Basic Policy. The Basic Policy only provides minimal coverage and leaves you unprotected in several areas. A Basic Policy only provides you with $5,000.00 of property damage liability coverage if someone makes a claim against you and only provides $15,000.00 of medical expense benefits should you require medical treatment for your injuries. The Basic Policy does not cover you if you injure someone else. The Basic Policy does not provide Uninsured Motorist coverage to protect you and your family if the careless driver who causes the collision is uninsured or is insured under a Basic Policy. Perhaps most importantly, the Basic Policy will not provide you with a free lawyer to defend any claim against your personal assets. We recommend that you purchase a Standard Policy. A Standard Policy provides the best insurance coverage to protect your assets if you are sued and to provide compensation to you and your family if you/ they are injured.
The Standard Policy does provide medical Michael J. Deem expense benefits (PIP) coverage which includes medical expenses up to $250,000.00 per person per accident. The Standard Policy also provides you with Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM Benefits), so if you are injured by someone who does not have automobile insurance, is insured under a Basic Policy or leaves the scene of the collision then you and your family are covered for your losses. When you purchase the Standard Policy you must elect a “tort option” that will determine your right to make a claim. You must select either the “limitation on lawsuit option” or the “no limitation on lawsuit option.” If you purchase the Basic Policy then you are assigned the “limitation on lawsuit option.” We recommend that you choose the “no limitation on lawsuit option.” Ask your insurance representative what is the actual dollar amount that your overall premium will increase if you elect the “no limitation on lawsuit option.” By choosing the “ limitation on lawsuit option” you are limiting you legal right to make a claim for monetary damages unless you sustain one of the following injuries: Death, Dismemberment; Significant scarring or disfigurement; Displaced Fractures; Loss of Fetus or a Permanent Injury that can been diagnosed by credible, objective medical testing. Selecting the correct insurance coverage is extremely important when it comes to protecting your family and personal assets. Call the Attorneys at R.C. Shea & Associates 732-505-1212 for a free evaluation of your automobile insurance policy.
Our clients’ success is our greatest reward. 732-505-1212 • RCSHEA.COM
The Howell Times, December 15, 2018, Page 13
Healthcare Provides Home Sweet Home For Adult Residents By Joyce Blay There’s no place like home, and for seniors at all stages of their adult lives, there’s no place like Bartley Healthcare Nursing, Rehabilitation and The Orchards At Bartley Assisted Living. Conveniently located off County Line Road in Jackson, you’ll receive a friendly greeting and a welcoming smile from staff members or Bartley residents. One of them may be Emilia Harrison, who turned 93 years old on December 4, 2015, and has been a Bartley resident for over five years. “I don’t know where the time went,” she tells a visitor. Emilia enjoys soaking up the sunshine outdoors on a regular basis, but says that residents have a wide variety of activities from which to choose. “You do what you want to do,” she says. For thirty years, Bartley
Healthcare has provided that flexibility to seniors requiring a wide range of facility services, thanks to Chief Executive Officer Philip Scalo and his physician partners. “My partners had a very big practice in Jackson,” Scalo says. “We thought we could open a facility and do a very good job meeting residents’ needs.” With his financial and legal expertise, Scalo and his physician partners make a good team. Others think so, too. The Orchards at Bartley has rec eived nu merous awards for excellence from the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services in partnership with the Healthcare Asso ciation of New Jersey (HCANJ); the American Healthcare Association/ National Center for Assisted Living; and the Assisted Living Federation of America. “What we’ve always
tried to do is be leaders in our field,” Scalo says. For the past three decades, that has been the hallmark of the Bartley experience for residents and the staff that ser ve their healthcare
needs. Bar tley Healthc are opened as a 120 -bed skilled nursing home in 1985, one year after breaking ground. Scalo says the facility’s first residents were in their seventies, but stayed into their eighties and late nineties. Bar tley Healthc are began expanding its’ range of services and facilities by opening a memory care unit and a post-acute rehabilitation unit where patients typically stay less than 30 days, then return to their homes. Today, Bartley Healthcare is a 234-bed facility offering a full range of skilled nursing services for orthopedic conditions and post-surgical joint replacements; cardiac and post-cardiac surgery recovery programs; enteral feeding; IV therapy, multiple trauma; pain management; respiratory; stroke; tracheostomy; and wound care.
The campus facilities also offer inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation; assisted living; memory care programs; respite/ hospice; and at-home services. “We started with a basic concept, understanding and meeting the individual needs of both resident and patient,”Scalo says. “Each step of our development has been based on the need for services. (For example,) in the late 1990s, we saw the need for memor y care programs.” Scalo says that he and his partners have plans to add respirator y ser vices and a sub-acute program for Alzheimer’s patients. Even after a resident leaves Bartley Healthcare, the facility ensures their continued rehabilitation by providing a follow-up program. Residents that live at The Orchards At Bartley Assisted Living will feel right at home right away. N e st l e d i n a qui et c ount r y set t ing, T he Orchards promotes a neighborhood environment. Located within the community, “Main Street” is a hub of activity that features a theater, exercise center, library with c omputer s, hair salon and barber shop, game room and other
gathering areas. Family recreational oppor tunities abound at t h e n e i ghb o r h o o d movie theater, greenhouse and playground
Residents can share their Bartley adventure with other residents or pursue independent pastimes, indoors or outdoors. The choice is theirs. Scalo says that Bartley’s core values are attitude, trust, teamwork, integrit y, re spect and excellence, which he emphasizes on a green bracelet with the acronym “A.T.T.I.R.E.” “The key thing we stress is that we’re a home providing the care levels needed at a certain phase in (an individual’s) life,” Scalo says. “It’s home for (on-site) staff, not What we’ve always just residents. We are tried to do is be leaders very experienced in this community and in our field. (we) give back to our –Chief Executive community.” Officer Philip Scalo Bartley Healthcare Nursing and Rehabilfor grandchildren. itation is located at 175 At any age, there is Bartley Road, Jackson something fun to do at NJ 08527. For further The Orchards for assist- information about their ed living residents and services, call the facility their visitors. at 732-370-4700. In the privacy of indeThe Orchards At Bartley pendent suites, locat- Assisted Living is located by street names in ed at 100 North County The Orchard’s assisted Line Road, Jackson NJ living wings, residents 08527. For further incan decorate their new formation about their home with their favorite services, call the facility furnishings and beloved at 732-730-1700. mementos. For ever y For further information taste, there is a floor about both facilities, visit plan that meets every the company’s Web site resident’s needs. at bartleyhealthcare.com.
Page 14, The Howell Times, December 15, 2018
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Holiday Shopping Tips And Reminders
FREEHOLD – The holidays are fast-approaching. Whether you like to dash through the mall or search for online deals, the Monmouth County Division of Consumer Affairs and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have a present for you – shopping tips to help budget and protect your personal information. “The Division of Consumer Affairs protects against consumer frauds and dishonest, deceitful business practices by enforcing New Jersey’s Consumer Fraud Act and other regulations,” said Deputy Director Lillian G. Burry, liaison to the Division of Consumer Affairs. “Beyond the winter holidays, the Consumer Affairs staff is available to assist County residents who believe they may be victims of fraud or unfair business.” Before you shop, consider the following advice from the FTC: • Make a list of not only items you would like to purchase, but also incidentals such as wrapping paper, cards and dining out. • In stores, make sure the scanned prices for your purchases are correct. Overcharges cost time and money, especially when they are not noticed right away. • Before buying anything based on an online review, search for information from a trusted source. Browsing the internet for different prices may help keep you on budget. • If you use your smartphone or computer to shop for deals, be weary of unexpected
emails, texts or notifications that may flood your device. Fraudulent websites will advertise to consumers claiming bargains on a variety of brand names. • Save your receipts. When online shopping, keep copies of order numbers, refund policies, shipping costs and warranties. • Be mindful of warranties. Even though it is not required by law, warranties come with the majority of major purchases. • Have packages delivered to a secure location or if someone is home. If no one is home, have the package delivered to work or see if a neighbor can be on the look-out. “Monmouth County consumers contact us to say a favorite restaurant or nail salon is under new ownership and they cannot use their gift certificate. Another example would be a consumer may find that the furniture store where they recently placed an order is now empty,” said Annmarie DeVito, director of the Division of Consumer Affairs. “The Consumer Affairs staff can provide assistance and help County residents resolve all types of consumer-related issues.” Information about consumer affairs programs, complaint histories of businesses and lemon law booklets can be found on the County website at visitmonmouth.com, by calling 732431-7900 or by emailing consumeraffairs@ co.monmouth.nj.us. The office is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
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The Howell Times, December 15, 2018, Page 15
Axelrod Contemporary Ballet Announces 2019 Season
OCEAN – The Axelrod Contemporary Ballet Theater, Monmouth County’s newest professional ballet company, announces an exciting line up of ballets for the 2019 season including “Jungle Book,” “Alice in Wonderland,” and “The Nutcracker Rocks.” A new subscription plan allows dance lovers to enjoy all three ballets with a season discount. “We’re thrilled to announce our first full season of exciting and uniquely fun ballets,” commented Elise Feldman, president of the Axelrod Contemporary Ballet Theater. “Our inaugural performance in of A Midsummer Night’s Dream created a tremendous buzz in the local arts community, and the accolades we received show that there is a strong desire for this caliber of ballet from dance lovers throughout Monmouth County!” “The Jungle Book,” running February 2 through 10 is a new, contemporary ballet
based on Rudyard Kipling’s collection of stories about a boy adopted and raised by wolves, who fulfills his quest for identity, love and belonging. The Jungle Book will feature ballet and contemporary choreography by Gabriel Chajnik and an exciting collaboration with classical Indian dance choreographer and teacher Sudha Shekhar Devulapalli. The production features a fusion of Bharatanatyam and ballet performed by a cast of professional dancers and talented young trainees, as well as dazzling visuals and costumes by acclaimed designer José Solis and striking masks and headpieces designed by Tentacle Studios, whose clients include Lady Gaga, Kesha, and the Royal Ballet. “Alice in Wonderland,” running August 25-29, is a contemporary ballet based on the Lewis Carroll favorite. Alice sits by a
riverbank on a warm summer day, drowsily reading over her sister’s shoulder when she catches sight of a white rabbit in a waistcoat. This jumpstarts a fun, whimsical adventure in which Alice, Carroll’s celebrated little girl creation, meets a cast of extraordinary characters, from the fierce Queen of Hearts and a bubbly Mad Hatter, to the funny Cheshire Cat and the mysterious Caterpillar. With an imaginative, eye-popping digital-projection landscape that will transport audiences into Wonderland, this magical story will be told through the imaginative choreography of Gabriel Chajnik and a live orchestra conducted by Jason Tramm. Finally, in time for the holidays, it’s “The Nutcracker Rocks,” a contemporary new look at an old classic! Perfect for the entire family, “The Nutcracker ROCKS” is a mixture of high-power music and dance that will transport you to a land of brave toy soldiers
and sweet sugar plum fairies. Based on Hoffman’s original story, choreographer Gabriel Chajnik translates the Victorian-era Nutcracker from the bustles and ruffles of the 1890s to contemporary times. Clara’s rocker Uncle Drosselmeier shakes things up when he shows up to a distinguished Manhattan holiday party with his electric guitar and his amazing toys, igniting the imagination of people young and old. The beloved Tchaikovsky score is reimagined in collaboration with renowned rocker Alex Levine, a member of The Gaslight Anthem. The Nutcracker ROCKS is destined to be a Jersey Shore staple for many holidays to come. To subscribe to the series or order individual tickets, visit axelrodartscenter.com or call the box office at 732-531-9106 ext. 14. Group, senior and student discounts are available.
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Page 16, The Howell Times, December 15, 2018
Help Wanted
Homestead Run 55+ Community Toms River. Immediate Occupancy – RENTALS, 2 BR homes- 1 or 1.5 Baths. SALES - single & doublewide homes. Call 732-370-2300. (51)
Part Time Food Service - We have an immediate need for Part Time Waitstaff/Servers AM and PM shifts available, Dietary Aides, PT Dishwashers. We are a well established retirement/healthcare community located in Whiting. We offer competitive pay. Under the direction of great Food Service leadership team, you will be working in an environment where you get the support and training needed to grow in your culinary career. The Pines offers an open door policy and Senior Leadership is always available and visible to our employees every day. Rate of pay starts at $9.00/ hr. Apply in Person to: The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or email resume to rscully@thepinesatwhiting.org. (50)
Manchester - 2 bedroom mobile home. 55+. Gym, clubhouse. 20 minutes from Seaside. $6,000. 732350-8685, 973-670-8325 (2)
For Rent Village SRV - Condo to share. Women 40 to 70. With job. $600/month ser. Good credit. 732-662-1291. (50) Small One Person Apartment In Beachwood - Quiet private home, quiet neighborhood. Call for details. 732-341-7009. (50) Flexible Space For Rent - Prime location. Plenty of parking. GSCB Plaza, 340 Route 9 Bayville, NJ. Call Ed 973-886-0053. (1)
Auto For Sale For Sale By Original Owner - 2008 Toyota Avalon LTD 4 door Sedan 135,000 miles, $7,500, Fully loaded with sliding sun roof, pearl white/ tan leather interior/tan carriage roof, brand new tires. Current full inspection writeup by original dealer, has 2020 inspection sticker. 732-270-3966. (51)
Items For Sale Plot - For Sale Ocean County Memorial Park Cemetery Plot. $1,200. Must be Veteran or spouse will pay transfer fees. 732-773-1429. (51)
Items Wanted COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, bric-a-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (51) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/ dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n)
Now Hiring – The Goddard School on Route 70 is seeking full time Teacher’s Assistant and leads for the upcoming school year. We provide a warm, loving environment for children up to six years. Must have a flexible schedule, available Mon-Fri. Benefits include paid time off, 401k and paid lunch on Fridays. To learn more about these positions, email your resume to tomsriver2nj@goddardschools.com Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n) Counter Help Wanted - Part time hours. Manchester Dry Cleaners. Call Dave 732-657-4421. (47) Caregiver – I’m a loving, compassionate caregiver with over 20 years experience to include demential and Alzheimer’s. Will take excellent care of your elderly/ sick loved one, at home. Willing to travel. Available 24/7. Live-in or live-out. 201-589-7269. (52) Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) Now Hiring - CNA’S, CHHA’S, LPN’S. Weekly pay. Numerous cases throughout Ocean Count y. M a k e y o u r o w n s c h e d u l e FT/PT. 732-288-1600. (2)
Services PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice.com. See our 2018 specials on our website. Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n) Clean Outs, Clean Ups - Hauling, small moves, minor interior and exterior repairs. Honest and dependable. LIC 13VH05930800. Tony/Owner 732-678-7584. (t/n) Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonary, repairs large and small. 40 years experience. 732-674-3346. (50) Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (51) Removal Service and More - We Haul It All! Yard waste, household junk, trees/shrubs, furniture, appliances, metals, construction debris, concrete, dirt/sand and stone. Also specializing in Landscaping, masonry and all fields of construction. Serving Ocean County area. Call now! 732-998-4725. (1) Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n) Electrician - Licensed/Insured. Will do the jobs the big guys don’t want. Free estimates, senior discount. Call Bob 732608-7702. LIC #12170. (40) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n)
Low Voltage Technician - Familiar with card access, CCTV systems, key pad and panel installation, door closures, security cameras. Please send resume to SSpies.alu@gmail.com. (1)
Need A Ride - Airports, cruise, A.C., doctors. Save $$$. Senior discounts. Tom. Save ad. 551-427-0227. (4)
Now Hiring Property Inspectors FT/PT in your area. Full, free training provided. msangelabove@comcast. net. 732-766-4425, ask for Mel. (3)
Roofing Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows, gutters. Repairs and discounted new installations. Prompt service. Insured. NJ license #13HV01888400. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (36)
U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n)
Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (5)
CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n)
Handyman - All masonry work, repairs, sidewalks, paving, stone, decorative stone. Call Andy 848299-7412. Free estimates. (2)
CASH PAID!! - LP records, stereos, turntables, musical instruments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (3)
MASSAGE - Newly opened spa at 542 Fischer Blvd, Toms River. Expert massage by a friendly skilled personnel 732-228-7573. (2)
All In 1 General Contracting-Handyman Services - All phases of Interior and Exterior Repair, Improvements, Renovations, Construction for Home or Business. Carpentry, Painting, Roofing, Siding, Gutters, Lighting, Windows/Doors, Kitchens, Baths, Finish Basements, Flooring, Decks, Handicap ramps, Sheds installed/ repaired, etc.#1 Contractor for Banks, Real Estate Agency’s, Real Estate Investors, Home Inspection report repairs. From A-Z, big or small, we do it all. Skip the rest, come to the best! Senior and Veteran Discount. $ave Call Clark 732-850-5060. Insured. License # 13VH06203500. (52)
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The Howell Times, December 15, 2018, Page 17
PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Garden State Medical Center’s Dr. Usmani Is The Detective On The Case By Michael Vandenberg When a detective is trying to figure out, for instance, who stole the diamond ring, he’ll fi rst question the usual suspects. Most of the time that’s the end of the investigation, but sometimes it’s only the beginning. Maybe it’s actually the person he least expects. Or perhaps after examining the evidence, he realizes it was an act of nature instead. And then there are the times that in the course of his investigation he uncovers something else entirely and is able to prevent a far more malicious crime from occurring. If you listen to Dr. Qaisar Usmani talk about just a few of his fascinating anonymous diagnoses stories, you’ll quickly realize that rheumatology works much the same way. Rheumatology was an acquired taste for Dr. Usmani: back in his residency days, he mastered cardiology but found rheumatology to be a more difficult subject at first. But he relished the challenge. In 1999 he opened up his own practice right across the street from Kimball Medical Center in Lakewood. He enjoyed every second he was helping patients reach recovery. The problem with owning your own doctor’s office, however, is that there’s a mountain of paperwork that never seems to get any smaller. Dr. Usmani started to look for a way to give his patients 100 percent of his focus again. Having shared a lot of the same patients with Dr. Dharam Mann, founder of Garden State Medical Center, over the years, Dr. Usmani began to notice how well GSMC treats them. “I was satisfied with what he was doing for my patients. That’s how it star ted,” said Dr. Usmani. About a year ago, Dr. Mann was interested in expanding the practice, and Dr. Usmani decided to become the newest addition to the Garden State Medical Center family in April of 2018. Now, thanks to GSMC’s elec-
tronic filing systems and large network of supportive staff, Dr. Usmani is able to just do what he loves: treat patients and alleviate their pain. “You see the patient and you take care of them. That’s what I like,” he said. And the Dr. Usmani that isn’t distracted by physician bureaucracy is the rheumatologist able to help you with a large variety of ailments that you may be experiencing. He helps patients with many types of arthritis alone, including psoriatic, rheumatoid, inflammatory, and that of the hand, knee, back, and neck. In addition, he’s treated countless cases of lupus, vasculitis, sarcoidosis, and gout, just to name a few. Diagnosis of these conditions can be toughsomething like shortness of breath can be caused by a range of illnesses- but his experience makes it a lot easier. Once the criminal is found, so to speak, the delicate art of treatment can begin. Help is never one-size-fits-all when you’re treated by good physicians like Dr. Usmani, so he’ll be sure to take the proper steps to lead you toward recovery. “You have to be careful what medicines you give them,” he explained. While the target is to make sure you get better, he also wants to confirm that the medicine is safe by perfectly gauging the proper the person looked fatigued. tion sounded like it was trend- but they decided that doing amount you need, if you even They talked for a few minutes ing positive, but Dr. Usmani nothing was not an option. “We need it at all. “I’m very careful. and then, “out of nowhere, I decided to examine him just took the risk, and thankfully I don’t want to give pills unnec- asked him if he has arthritis.” to confirm. “And to my surprise, she had a beautiful healthy essarily. I believe in organic The patient said, “Well I have he had a big tender point on baby. We repeated the MRI back pain and knee pain but his left side.” Something didn’t a month after birth and the and natural therapy.” Knowing the best strategy for everybody has that. But that’s seem right, so he ordered a lesions were better.” treatment comes from years of not bothering me; it’s my ab- CAT Scan. “It turned out to be That’s the kind of care paexperience helping patients. dominal pain that’s not going colon cancer that had ruptured tients have come to expect away.” When he into his abdomen.” Luckily it from Dr. Usmani, fitting in perwent on a trip, was still stage 2, so they were fectly with the top-of-the-line his hemoglobin able to remove it and get him regional reputation of Garden level went down started on chemotherapy. State Medical Center. If you’re Recently, a patient who ready to make an appointment, to 7. Doctors did an ultrasound happened to be six months he’s available at two of their loof the abdomen pregnant came to Dr. Usmani cations: 1608 NJ 88, Suite 102 and stool testing after having seizures. Her in Brick and 2333 Whitehorse Many of those stories are re- but everything looked normal. conditions are more serious Mercerville Road in Hamilton. markable. Just recently, some- He was put on some pills and and delicate. He ordered an Give them a call at 1-888-376one made an appointment was actually feeling better, but MRI and a lumbar puncture 2661 or visit gsmedicalcenter. complaining of abdominal pain. his doctor recommended that and ended up finding brain org today to finally get the type When the patient walked in, Dr. he get a second opinion from lesions. Chemotherapy runs of dedicated care Dr. Usmani Usmani noticed right away that Dr. Usmani anyway. His condi- its own risks in this situation, can provide.
Page 18, The Howell Times, December 15, 2018
The Howell Times, December 15, 2018, Page 19
Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of dec 15 - dec 21 By Jeraldine Saunders
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Whisper sweet nothings to receive sweet somethings. This is an excellent week to think up delightful ways to create harmony in romantic relationships. Avoid initiating crucial changes or making major business decisions. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Although other people may want to hurry a project along it is in your best interest to remain calm, cool, and collected. Don’t make a business deal into a competition during the week ahead or you will be needlessly frustrated. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Someone’s words may move you or help you achieve inner peace. There may be a few moments this week when you feel you have connected on a spiritual level. Good communication helps you excel at the workplace. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Your affectionate attitude might warm the heart of a partner. Remain sensitive to the rights and feelings of others, especially family members, as this week unfolds. Bonds of affection might easily grow stronger. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Earn success by being focused on achieving your career aspirations. It might seem that the enemies are battering down your defenses, but you hold the high ground. A little romance might be in the stars in the week to come. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): One phase must end before another may begin. Reflect on ways to repair key relationships and you can find just the right words to banish an awkward situation. Use your good taste in the upcoming week.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Just because you are a bit stressed or discouraged doesn’t mean you must take it out on others. Show off your compassion and sympathy in the week ahead. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Actions speak louder than words, but words can compel someone to take the most beneficial actions. Make it a point to prove you mean what you say. A special someone might be appreciative of your loyalty this week. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You know what happens when the blind lead the blind. Emotional issues can cloud your judgement in the week ahead, so it is a good idea to rely on the best available information before you take a crucial step. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Be patient with those who cause agitation during the week ahead. This is not a good week to engage in petty squabbles when an understanding attitude will smooth the way. You can help someone by lending an ear. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Tame your trigger finger. You could create an adversary out of an advocate if you are too quick on the draw. Your good taste is at a high point, so this is a good week to focus on surrounding yourself with lovely things. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Enjoy immense imagination. Whether you are apart for a few hours or separated by a continent you and a loved one may remain on the same wavelength. Concentrate on creating lasting harmony as this week unfolds.
wolfgang puck’s kitchen Baking Memories: Classic Italian Cookie Is A Lovely Christmas Treat By Wolfgang Puck
COCOA BISCOTTI WITH WALNUTS AND BITTERSWEET CHOCOLATE CHIPS Makes 7 to 7 1/2 dozen 4 cups (1 L) all-purpose flour 1 cup (250 mL) unsweetened cocoa 1 tablespoon baking powder 8 ounces (250 g) unsalted butter, at room temperature, cut into pieces 1 1/4 cups (310 mL) granulated sugar 4 large eggs 2 teaspoons brandy 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 cups (500 mL) shelled walnut halves 1 cup (250 mL) good-quality bittersweet chocolate chips 1 large egg white, lightly beaten, for egg wash 3 tablespoons coarse sugar crystals In a mixing bowl, sift together the flour, cocoa and baking powder. Set aside. Put the butter and granulated sugar in the large bowl of an electric mixer with the paddle attachment or beaters. Start beating at a low speed until slightly blended; then, raise the speed to high and continue beating until fluffy. Reduce the speed to medium, add 1 egg, and beat until just combined; then, in the same way, add each of the remaining 3 eggs. Beat in the brandy and vanilla. Reduce the speed to low and slowly pour in the sifted ingredients, beating until just combined. Add the nuts and chocolate chips, and beat just until evenly incorporated. With lightly floured hands and working on a lightly floured smooth work surface, divide the dough in 3
equal portions and form each portion into a log about 15 inches (37.5 cm) long and 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter. Wrap each log in plastic wrap, place on a baking tray, and refrigerate until firm, 2 to 3 hours. Before baking, position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 325 F (160 C). When the logs are firm, unwrap 1 or 2 and place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper; if placing 2 logs on the tray, position them about 4 inches (10 cm) apart to allow for spreading during baking. Brush each log with the beaten egg white, and sprinkle each with 1 tablespoon of the sugar crystals. Bake the logs until they are slightly firm to the touch, about 35 minutes; do not be concerned about any cracks in the logs. Bake remaining logs in the same way. Transfer the tray with the baked logs to a wire rack, and leave the logs to cool completely without trying to move them. Carefully wrap the cooled logs in plastic wrap, set them on a baking tray, and refrigerate overnight. The next day, preheat the oven to 275 F (135 F). Fit 1 or 2 wire racks inside a rimmed baking tray to fill it completely. Meanwhile, move a log to a cutting board and unwrap it. With a sharp, serrated knife, use a sawing motion to trim off the end of a log at a sharp angle of at least 45 degrees. Then, continue carefully cutting even slices barely 1/2 inch (12 mm) thick and about 4 inches (10 cm) long, making 28 to 30 slices per log. (You can use the ends, too, if you like.) As each log is sliced, arrange the slices on top of the racks in the baking tray. Bake until the slices have hardened, about 35 minutes; then, transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Repeat with the remaining logs. Store the biscotti in airtight containers.
(Chef Wolfgang Puck’s TV series,“Wolfgang Puck’s Cooking Class,” airs Sundays on the Food Network. Also, his latest cookbook, “Wolfgang Puck Makes It Easy,” is now available in bookstores. Write Wolfgang Puck in care of Tribune Media Services Inc., 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207) © 2018 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.
FULL SERVICE SALON Peace of Mind and Heart Before, During and Beyond Timothy E. Ryan Owner/Senior Director N.J. Lic. No. 3103
Serving Ocean County for Over 50 Years “I have always believed that funeral service was a vocation and not simply a career.” - Tim Ryan
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OUR LOCATIONS 706 Grand Central Ave. Lavallette, NJ 08735 732-793-9000 809 Central Ave. Seaside Park, NJ 08752 732-793-9000 145 St. Catherine Blvd. Toms River, NJ 08757 732-505-1900 995 Fischer Blvd., Toms River, NJ 08753 732-288-9000 O’Connell Chapel • 706 Hwy 9 Bayville, NJ 08721 732-269-0300 DeBow Chapel 150 West Veterans Hwy. Jackson, NJ 08527 732-928-0032
HOURS Monday: 9-5 Tuesday: 9-7 Wednesday: 9-7 Thursday: 9-8 Friday: 9-5 Saturday: 8-3 Sunday: By appoinment only
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Page 20, The Howell Times, December 15, 2018