Vol. 16 - No. 36
In This Week’s Edition
Your FREE Weekly Hometown Newspaper For Toms River, Island Heights, Ortley Beach & Lavallette
Annual Homeless Count Conducted Government Page 7.
Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Restaurants Can Be Really Noisy
Page 12.
Dear Pharmacist Take A Fish Oil With Your Statin It Works Better
Page 13.
–Photo by Chris Lundy Suppl ies were avai lable for p e opl e at t he BE AT Ce nt er who were coming in for various services.
–Photo courtesy Monmouth County Volunteers and staff worked the event at the Jersey Shore Rescue Mission in Asbury Park.
Dear Joel
By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – “Where did you sleep last night?” A simple question for most of us. Not so simple for the small portion of the population that is out of the public eye most of the time: the homeless. This was the question asked to people coming in to the annual point-in-time count throughout the country. It’s meant to provide a snapshot of the larger problem of shelter insecurity – when people are not sure where they will be living. In Monmouth County, the counts were conducted at the Jersey Shore Rescue Mission in Asbury Park, New Beginnings Agape Christian Center in Freehold, St. Mark’s Soup Kitchen in Keansburg, (Homeless - See Page 2)
Page 14.
Inside The Law Page 15.
Business Directory Page 20-21.
Classifieds Page 22.
Horoscope Page 27.
Wolfgang Puck Page 27.
Fire District Budgets, Commissioners Up For Vote
By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – The town’s two fire districts will hold an election to determine their budget for the year and who will sit on their boards of commissioners. The first question on each ballot will be whether you approve of the budget that funds the fire companies. The rest of the questions on the ballot have to do with specific purchases that have to be put to the voters.
The polls will be open on Feb. 16, from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. District No. 1 There are three people running for two, three-year ter ms as commissioners. They are incumbent George Convery, Rick Tutela, and Ian Monzo. Voters are being asked to approve the budget of $8,250,239, a reduction from last year’s $8,957,603. (Fire - See Page 2)
Toms River Mayor’s Race: 3 Potential Candidates, Similar Views
By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – Although it’s months away from election day, three local politicians are mulling a run for mayor, and development and taxes seem to be on their minds. Mayor Thomas Kelaher’s term is up at the end of the year. He has not formerly announced his candidacy. Council mem–Photo by Chris Lundy bers Maurice Hill and Daniel Rodrick have both expressed Councilman Maurice Hill, administrator Don Guardian, and Mayor interest in the spot. Hill said he will screen the Thomas Kelaher at a recent township council meeting. (Race - See Page 4)
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| February 2, 2019
Toms River Wants To Hire More Locally
By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – The Township Council passed a project labor agreement that would ensure that a majority of future contractors on large jobs would be local. The point of a project labor agreement is to set some rules for a project before it even gets to the draft stage. The resolution authorizing them said that these agreements “lead to less disputes, delays,” as well as “fair and agreed to employment terms and more efficient project management.” The resolution does not lay out all of the details of the agreement, but business administrator Don Guardian said that it will be similar to the one drafted by the school district in advance of the referendum to rebuild the schools, in that it would require 88 percent of workers to be local. He said that the $5 million figure was chosen “since smaller projects may not require the expertise and professionalism that prevailing wage brings to the table.”
Page 2, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
Continued From Page 1 and Pilgrim Baptist Church in Red Bank. There were three locations in Ocean County that were used: the Lakewood Community Center, Ocean Community Church in Manahawkin, and the BEAT Center in Toms River. There were hygiene kits, snacks, and other donations available for them. There were multiple reasons for this event, said Kathryn Colhoun, director of community resource development for Ocean Par tnership for Children, while at the Toms River location. First, it helps local service agencies get an idea of how many homeless there are in an area. Second, it tells the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development how to distribute aid. Third, the direct giveaways to the area’s homeless bring them in where they can partake of other services. The county Health Department was offering f lu shots. Mental health, basic health screenings, legal services, veterans affairs, family planning, and of
course housing situations were all part of the equation. Whether they were a veteran and are able to apply for benefits, or a victim of domestic violence, or in need of help with addiction, there were options available for them. “A lot of people are getting linked to other ser vices,” Colhoun said. “The goal is to count the homeless and get them services, but it’s really open to anyone in need.” Everyone is asked where they are in the process of getting food stamps or housing from various agencies, said Rose Bulbach, coordinator of Human Ser v ices Adv isor y Cou ncil for t he county department of human services. Some will say that they were already tur ned down. To this, staff will tell t hem to t r y agai n becau se c r ite r ia changes and people’s personal situations change. Not everyone can come to one of these centers. Volunteers were also going out to where homeless are known to be and engaging them there. Last year, NJCounts 2018 reported 9,303 men, women and children who
were homeless on the night of Jan. 23, 2018. This was an increase of 771 from 2017, according to a press release. I n Ocean Cou nt y, there were 311 people experiencing homelessness in 2018. Of those, 52 were identified as chronically homeless. This number might be impacted this yea r by a nu mber of other factors, according to NJCounts. The cur rent federal shutdown will put government employees at risk of missing rent or mortgage and might cause them to lose their home. Additionally, federal programs are lacking funding that would normally help people who are at risk, causing them to slip closer to being homeless. Other reasons that the count might be h ig her i nclude less f u nd i ng for affordable rental housing, and the increasing cost of health insurance and treatments. Monarch Housing Associates is coordinating the count, and the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency funds NJCounts 2019.
Fire: Continued From Page 1 Of this year’s total, $5,550,011.35 would be raised in taxes. It is an increase from last year’s $5,422,530.23. The increase comes from pension and benefits, said business administrator Brian Kubiel. There are a few questions on the ballot besides the budget. One of them is to allow the district to appropriate $70,000 for the purchase of replacement Fire Prevention vehicles. Of this, $25,200 would come from District No. 2. The next question is whether the district should appropriate $105,000 for “exterior training area surface replacement, replacement tile floor in classroom building and additional upgrades at the Toms River Township Fire Training Center.” Of this total, $37,800 would come from District No. 2. In these last two questions, District No. 1 contributes more than No. 2 based on having a larger tax base. District No. 2 In Fire District No. 2, there is one commissioner, Kevin Britton, who is running unopposed for a three-year term. The budget would be going down, from last year’s $3,570,693.10 to this year’s $3,462,426.80. The amount to be raised in by taxes would also decrease, from last year’s $3,070,008.10 to this year’s $2,766,781.80. The tax rate would be approximately 6 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, according to business administrator Darlene Gargano. There are other special questions people would be voting on. The first question after the budget is whether the district should authorize $77,893 to upgrade the OptiCon system in 2020. These are the devices that change traffic lights so that crews can respond more quickly to emergencies. Another question would appropriate $25,200 toward this district’s share of replacement fire prevention vehicles. The last question is whether the district should appropriate $37,800 toward its share of $105,000 that is being used for upgrades at the Toms River Fire Training Center. Replacements include “exterior training area surface replacement, replacement tile floor in classroom building and additional upgrades.”
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The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 3
Page 4, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
Race: Continued From Page 1 local Republican club to see if there’s support for him to run. “I’m optimistic they’ll select me,” he said. “I screened last time, too,” he said. Ultimately, in that race, the nod went to current mayor Kelaher to run again. If the same thing happens, he said he wouldn’t challenge the party’s decision, and wouldn’t fight in a primary election. He had also screened twice for Congressional openings, he said. “I’m very interested in moving up.” “Tom has done a good job for 12 years,” he said. “There’s some changes that could be made and I think I’m the one to do it. I have the time and energy to do a good job as mayor, now that I’m retired,” he said. Kelaher said he’ll take a few weeks to decide. “Very honestly, I haven’t made up my mind,” he said. “Certainly, I like being mayor. I think I’ve done a good job. I have the management philosophy of ‘Surround yourself with good people and get the hell out of their way.’ ” Meanwhile, Councilman Daniel Rodrick said he was asked by the club to screen. He feels like he has a lot of support in the club as well. Rodrick won a spot on the council in 2017 running as a Democrat. He changed party affiliation a few months ago, going back to being a Republican like he had been in the past.
NJ Residents Petition Against Affordable Housing
“Development is the Number 1 issue, along with taxes,” he said. “We’ll have to work extra hard to cut the fat in town.” With the Toms River School District fighting a substantial loss in state aid, many fear an increase in school taxes. Rodrick said he didn’t want to compound this with taxpayers by also raising local taxes. When it comes to development, council members are constantly discussing purchasing land to keep it away from developers, he said. When he ran in 2017, a large part of his campaign had to do with fighting development. Hill has said he’s been on the front lines fighting requirements that Toms River allow more housing. Every town is required to build a certain number of homes for affordable price ranges. The goal now is to redirect those homes away from the northern portion of town, which is becoming crowded, and plan them for the downtown area, he said. The town bought the Red Carpet Inn, because it had a history of drug use. And the Post Office building is in a bad spot. Those two buildings might be coming down. There’s a portion of land off Caudina Avenue, near Hooper Avenue, where the town is hoping to reposition the Post Office and a new Veterans Administration clinic. If the federal government approves those spots, it will be a huge win for the township’s services and veterans, he said. Then, it would open the downtown for new shopping centers with apartments over them. As of yet, no Democrats have publicly announced a run for mayor.
By Kimberly Bosco HOWELL – A petition started in Bernards Township, located in Somerset County, has made its way into Howell Township to denounce the state’s affordable housing obligation laws. In light of recent township advances towards fulfilling Howell’s affordable housing obligation, residents have circulated the petition across social media, in the popular Howell Happenings NJ page. The petition, entitled New Jersey Affordable Housing – Time to Make it Fair, has gained 860 signatures of its 1,000 goal as of press time. The petition states: “We are calling for reasonable ways to address the current problems to enact clear legislative guidelines that will: 1) ensure that AH benefits those in need; 2) implement a regional or statewide approach; 3) expand the ways in which municipalities can address their fair share of affordable housing - FAIRLY!” The petition was created by Friends of STQP, which stands for Stop the Quarry Plan, a group that originated in Bernards Township. Should the petition receive its 1,000 signatures, the group plans to send it along to state legislators to make a stronger impact.
Little Egg Harbor Location
In June, Howell Tow nship passed a resolution that set the tow nship’s obligation at 895 affordable housing credits. More recently, the township council passed five resolutions that could allow for the township to begin fulfilling its affordable housing obligation. At the Nov. 20 meeting, the council passed four resolutions which authorize developer’s agreements with Howell Family Apar tments, LLC, Kenneth Zaback, Tyrpak Road Group, LLC and FP Howell LLC to construct affordable housing units. Township Attorney Joseph Clark confirmed this, and noted that the fifth resolution authorized an amended settlement agreement with the Fair Share Housing Center. Some of Howell’s newest cou ncil members, swor n in on Jan. 1, 2019, are outspoken in their stance against certain affordable housing measures. Councilwoman Pamela Richmond stated during her swearing in that she is against high density housing. The petition can be found at thepetitionsite.com/572/858/429/new-jerseyaf fordable-housing-t ime-to -make-it fair/?f bclid=IwA R1Evnluj93K H59x8rwr_ Pe2kcEZ373YaOVkVgHda2d3am3CsEOKPmrySO8.
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The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 5
Page 6, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
Mitch The Minister Honored in 11th Annual WeddingWire Couples’ Choice Awards
TOMS RIVER – Mitchell Maged aka Mitch The Minister was announced a winner of the renowned WeddingWire Couples’ Choice Awards in Toms River for the 11th year in a row. WeddingWire, Inc., a leading global
online wedding marketplace, annually celebrates the top wedding professionals on WeddingWire across more than 20 service categories, from venues and caterers to f lorists and photographers. These distinguished vendors exhibit su-
perior professionalism, responsiveness, service, and quality when interacting with the five million monthly consumers who turn to WeddingWire to help ease their wedding planning process. Mitch the Minister (MitchTheMinis-
ter.com) received this esteemed award based on his outstanding experience working with real newlyweds. WeddingWire features more than three million reviews, and these notable vendors all received prompt, reliable, and quality feedback. “We are celebrating our 11th annual Couples’ Choice Awards, where we honor our vendors who help make millions of couples’ big day one to remember,” said Timothy Chi, CEO, WeddingWire. “Not only are these hardworking and distinguished wedding professionals, such as Mitchell, a fundamental part of the wedding planning process for engaged couples, but they help make WeddingWire a trusted source for wedding planning. We congratulate Mitch and everyone on this well-deserved achievement.” Mitch the Minister is honored to be one of the top wedding businesses in Toms River on WeddingWire.com. For more information about Mitch the Minister, visit WeddingWire. To learn more about the WeddingWire Couples’ Choice Awards, please visit weddingwire.com/ couples-choice-awards.
Coin Castle Adding Restaurant, Not Closing
By Jennifer Peacock SEASIDE HEIGHTS – The reports of Coin Castle’s demise has been greatly exaggerated. “No, we are not closing. Just two wheel games facing the Boardwalk will be eliminated, it will not affect Coin Castle Arcade, it will remain the same,” Coin Castle responded on its Facebook page to questions about an item appearing on a recent Seaside Heights Planning Board agenda. The Board will consider the plan at its 6 p.m. meeting Jan. 30. Amusement games on the southeast corner of the property - at Webster Avenue and Ocean Terrace - will be removed and replaced with a full-service restaurant/bar that seats 84 persons. The Coin Castle sign will be removed. Additional signage for Spicy’s Cantina, a Mexican restaurant, will be added over this area.
Toms River Food Fest
TOMS RIVER – Save the date! The Toms River Food Fest is coming on May 4, 2019! The event will feature food trucks, live music, free children’s rides and a beer and wine garden. More details to come! For more information, contact Toms River Township or visit tomsrivertownship. com.
The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 7
SPOTLIGHT ON GOVERNMENT Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials
Capitol Comments Senator Jim Holzapfel 10th Legislative District, Serving Toms River
TRENTON - Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Dave Wolfe and Greg McGuckin of the 10th Legislative District said a new online petition is designed to give a voice to citizens who oppose Governor Phil Murphy’s
proposal to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens in New Jersey. Concerned citizens can sign the petition online by visiting: senatenj.com/sanctuarystate/ The petition was launched to counter the passage of pending
From The Desk Of
Andy Kim WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Andy Kim (D-3rd) released the following statement after being named to the House Small Business Committee for
the 116th Congress. “I am excited and eager to serve on the House Small Business Committee,” said Congressman Kim. “The importance of small
From The Desk Of The
Governor Phil Murphy CAMDEN – Governor Phil Murphy and the Murphy Administration unveiled several new initiatives to strengthen New Jersey’s fight against the opioid epidemic. In 2018, more than 3,000 individuals in New Jersey died due to overdoses. “The opioid epidemic continues to devastate families and communities across our state,” said Governor Murphy. “As we combat this crisis, it is critical that we use data-driven, evidence-based strategies to support individuals suffering from addiction and help them get on the path to recovery.” At Cooper University Medical Center in Camden recently, the Governor outlined his Administration’s key strategies for combatting the epidemic: 1. Increasing access to evidence-based prevention and treatment programs in our communities; 2. Supporting individuals on their path to and maintenance of recovery; 3. Building sound data systems and strengthen system-wide in-
frastructure for the addictions community; and 4. Delivering robust law enforcement to stem the supply of illicit drugs, while also supporting diversion programs. To advance these strategies, Governor Murphy announced that Medicaid will be removing the requirement for prior authorization for Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). Prior authorizations have shown to be a timely administrative barrier to life saving treatment for patients. Additionally, Medicaid is launching a suite of initiatives to advance accessibility to MAT. Medicaid is launching the Office Based Addiction Treatment (OBAT) program, which will create new Medicaid reimbursement incentives for primary care providers to provide MAT for opioid addiction. Further, Medicaid will be building Centers of Excellence for opioid treatment at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and Cooper Medical School of Rowan University. The Governor also announced
Petition Online To Protest Driver’s License For Immigrants Here Illegally legislation (S-3229/A-4743) that would allow the State to issue driver’s licenses to persons who are “unable to prove lawful presence in the United States.” The legislation is part of Governor Murphy’s effort to turn New Jersey into a sanctuary state. The legislators issued the following statement: “The Governor’s proposal is an
outrage and a dangerous political statement that jeopardizes the safety of millions of our residents. New Jersey is a diverse and welcoming state, but allowing illegal aliens the ability to obtain a driver’s license goes too far. “By signing the online petition, our residents can voice their opposition to rewarding illegals at the expense of our taxpaying
constituents. “When the MVC changed its regulations and implemented a 6-Point ID system to obtain a drivers’ license, many of our senior residents experienced difficulty and aggravation during this process. How lenient will the documentation requirements be for illegals? How is it fair to allow undocumented immigrants the
ability to obtain a driver’s license while the average citizen needs to display an enormous amount of identification? “If you oppose this you must act now. We strongly urge our constituents to sign the petition and tell Trenton Democrats and Governor Murphy that we will not allow New Jersey to be turned into a sanctuary state.”
Congressman Andy Kim Named To Small Business Committee businesses, which make up 99.6 percent of our state’s businesses and create two out of three new jobs, cannot be overstated. I look forward to finding ways to open doors and promote growth for small businesses across New Jersey’s Third District.” According to the Small Busi-
ness Administration, there are more than 850,000 small businesses in New Jersey that employ nearly half of all employees in the state. The Small Business Committee has jurisdiction over matters related to small business financial aid and increasing access to capital, regulatory flexibility, paperwork
reduction and cutting red tape. “Small businesses are the backbone of our local economy and provide invaluable support to the community. As the only member of the state’s delegation on the Small Business Committee, Congressman Kim’s appointment is an important step forward for New Jersey businesses and
we look forward to working with him in this new role,” said Karen Hershey, President and CEO of the Greater Toms River Chamber of Commerce. Congressman Kim was recommended to the Small Business Committee by the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee.
New Initiatives Would Combat the Opioid Epidemic
the addition of opioid addiction to the Medicinal Marijuana Program (MMP) as an eligible condition. The MMP will have expanded availability by allowing for the use of medical cannabis as an adjunct to MAT for all patients that suffer from opioid addiction, not only those with chronic pain. After the Governor’s announcements, the Commissioners of Human Services, Health, Corrections, Children and Families, Labor and the Attorney General outlined their department’s work to advancing the statewide response to the crisis. “Governor Murphy has made clear that we need all-handson-deck to fight the opioid epidemic,” said Human Services Commissioner Carole Johnson. “The Department of Human Services is taking action by removing barriers to opioid addiction treatment, including lifting Medicaid prior authorization requirements for medication to treat opioid addiction, to help speed access to care and make treatment more readily available. In addition to removing these barriers, Human Services is investing in training more primary care clinicians to provide medication-assisted
treatment for opioid addiction, creating new Medicaid reimbursement incentives for primary care providers to provide treatment for opioid addiction, and standing up new Medicaid Centers of Excellence to support community-based clinicians in providing opioid addiction treatment.” “We cannot defeat the opioid epidemic and we cannot win the fight against addiction, if we do not work together – and that’s exactly what we have been doing,” said Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal. “While prescription opioid use is down, in the first few weeks of 2019 we have already had over 100 suspected overdose deaths. To save lives – we are coordinating an all-hands-on-deck response – across government and within the Department of Law and Public Safety. We are bringing all of our resources to bear to unleash a full attack on drug addiction. We are in this fight together.” “We are pleased to announce that, as of today, opioid use disorder is a condition for which physicians can recommend medical marijuana to patients,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Shereef Elnahal. “We are also taking steps to ensure that these patients will be on MAT for their addic-
tion, in addition to marijuana. Finally, DOH is doubling down on syringe access programs and initiatives to reduce opioid prescribing, proven methods for reducing the impact of opioid addiction.” “New Jersey’s substance use epidemic requires a thoughtful, coordinated approach which leverages the strengths and subject matter expertise of a variety of State agencies to combat this public health crisis,” said New Jersey Department of Children and Families Commissioner Christine Beyer. “Programs like Keeping Families Together (KFT) speak to the complexities of the issues around substance abuse – issues of family distress, intergenerational poverty, housing instability, food insecurity and more. When we view substance abuse as a family issue, we can interrupt the cycle of adversity, maltreatment and addiction, and stabilize and preserve the family unit through the difficult work of recovery.” “We know people are more likely to remain in recovery longterm if they can count on steady employment,” said Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo. “Employment, an important social determinant of health, provides dignity, so this funding
has the power to change lives by helping people overcome the employment barrier of opioid use disorder.” “In corrections, we have a responsibility to rehabilitate the entire person, and that includes medical, mental health and substance use disorder needs,” said acting Corrections Commissioner Marcus O. Hicks, Esq. “By addressing these needs, we increase the likelihood that an incarcerated individual will be in a position to make a positive contribution to society when released. These strategies aren’t solely NJDOC initiatives. In order to maximize our chances for successful outcomes, it is imperative that the county jails are included in these initiatives.” Governor Murphy advanced $100 million from his Fiscal Year 2019 budget to tackle New Jersey’s opioid crisis. Through this, the Administration has implemented an aggressive, multifaceted approach to combat the epidemic by making outpatient treatment more accessible, enhancing real-time data collection to focus on risk factors, and expanding access to social services.
Page 8, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
Robert Eric’s Piano Man – A Tribute to Billy Joel TOMS RIVER – Tickets are on sale now for a spring concert event to benefit the students of Ocean County College. The OCC Foundation and The Jay and Linda Grunin Center for the Arts are partnering to host Robert Eric’s Piano Man – A Tribute to Billy Joel on Saturday, March 30. The Grunin Center is located on the OCC Main Campus on College Drive in Toms River. A VIP reception will be held at 6:30 p.m., in the Black Box Theatre, and the concert begins at 8:00 p.m. on the Main Stage. VIP reception (includes wine, beer, light fare) / concert tickets are $100. Tickets for the concert only are $45. Proceeds from the event will support the mission of the OCC Foundation and help students fulfill their dreams of college education. Known as “Philly’s Piano Man,” Robert Eric began his career with the group “Big Shot,” Billy Joel’s back-up band. He has also
toured with “Rocksplosion” as Billy Joel and has opened for the man himself twice at the Wachovia Center, with Billy asking for and receiving a big round of applause from the crowd in honor of the warm-up tribute act. This guy looks, sounds, talks, acts, and plays just like him! For one night only enjoy an evening of incredible music and food as you support the mission of the OCC Foundation. Despite the College’s best efforts to contain costs and maintain an affordable education, many students still have a tremendous need for financial assistance. Scholarships make the difference. Your support of this event can turn the dream of a college education into a reality for many Ocean County students. Learn more about scholarships at go.ocean. edu/scholarships. To purchase tickets, contact the Grunin Center at 732-255-0500 or visit grunincenter.org.
Learn About Misty Copeland And Robert Battle At Ocean County Library
TOMS R IVER – The Ocean County Library will host “An Unlikely Two: Misty Copeland and Robert Battle” at several of its branches throughout February. This presentation will cover Misty Copeland and Robert Battle, two highly acclaimed African American ballet and modern dance choreographers and dancers. Discover how they became prominent figures in the dance world and African American culture. The program will take place at the following locations and dates: • Brick Branch, 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5, 301 Chambers Bridge Road, 732-4774513 • Toms River Branch, 6 p.m. Thursday,
President & Publisher Stewart Swann
Feb. 21, 101 Washington Street, 732349-6200 • Manchester Branch, 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 26, 21 Colonial Drive, 732-6577600 Excerpts from the quintessential ballets “Swan Lake” and “Don Quixote” will be performed by Librarian Laurence Krupinski, who has over 20 years of dance experience and holds a BFA in dance. The program will also feature excerpts from Robert Battle’s “Promenade.” This program is free and open to the public but registration is required. To register, call the branch or visit theoceancountylibrary.org/events.
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The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 9
Page 10, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
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The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 11
PE Games at Walnut Street Draws A Crowd
TOMS R I V ER – Wal nut St r e e t Ele m e nt a r y S cho ol hosted its PE Games, which featured a fun obstacle course and which even drew a special guest – Superintendent David Healy. And, of course, as superintendent, it’s part of Mr. Healy’s job to ensure that everything is working properly. The rope swing in particular needed to be tested – for, you know, safety – and it held up quite well. Fun was had by all during the event that was orchestrated by Mrs. Grace Goble and Mr. –Photo courtesy TRRS Timothy Vliet.
Boy Scouts Troop 59 Host Pasta Dinner
TOMS RIVER – Join Boy Scout Troop 59 for a Pasta Dinner on March 24, 3-6 p.m., at the Silverton Volunteer Firehouse, 15 Kettle Creek Rd. in Toms River. The meal will include pasta, meatballs, tossed salad, Italian
bread, beverages, and dessert. The cost is $10 per person. For seniors and kids under 6, $6. Advance tickets are appreciated. Contact Vicki Dougherty at 732-575-2130 or svlreflect@aol.com.
Maker Travel Series: China
TOMS RIVER – Join the Ocean County Library Toms River Branch for a Chinese-themed green screen photo and craft kit on Feb. 2, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. While supplies last! Admission is free. For more information, contact the Ocean County Library at 732-349-6200.
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Page 12, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
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Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Presented By: Isidore Kirsh, Ph.D., F.A.A.A. (N.J. Lic. #678)
Dr. Isidore Kirsh Ph.D., F.A.A.A.
Restaurants Can Be Really Noisy One of the most common hearing problems we hear about is the difficulty of hearing in noisy restaurants. It seems that along with movies, television shows, and the world in general, restaurants have become noisier than ever. Loud background music, the clatter of silverware and dishes, the sounds of other diners raising their voices to be heard, all can make the restaurant setting a challenging and frustrating place to carry on a conversation. People with normal hearing also complain about noisy restaurants. According to Sagat Surveys, noise is the second most common complaint of restaurant-goers (second only to poor service). Research has documented that the noise levels of most restaurants are loud enough to interfere with normal conversations, whether or not the individual has a hearing loss. In general, family restaurants are much quieter than the bar/ restaurant setting. The “elegant, upscale”
restaurant will always be the quietest setting by far. Apparently, patrons of more expensive restaurants receive not only better food and service for their dining dollar, they also get a better listening environment. Tips for hearing aid users in restaurants may include the following: (1) Try to sit away from the kitchen and with your back to a wall. Noise levels will be kept to a minimum and your waiter or waitress will have to face you when speaking, and (2) Try not to be a people watcher and sit towards the corner of a restaurant. You will be surprised how much better you will be hearing by preferentially situating yourself in any restaurant environment. Remember, we live in a very noisy place and even individuals with normal hearing have difficulty hearing in noisy restaurants. Utilizing effective communication strategies will help to reduce your frustration in these listening environments.
Dr. Izzy and his staff are always available to answer most of your questions regarding your hearing health. His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com. Expanded Whiting Hours!
RWJ Barnabas Health Arena Wedding Show TOMS RIVER – New Jersey’s largest wedding event will be held on Feb. 24 at the RWJ Barnabas Health Arena! Meet over 75 area wedding professionals at the 2019 RWJ Barnabas Health Arena Wedding Show. The event will feature a runway fashion show, DJ, and live band performance. You will also have a chance to win a luxury honeymoon provided by The Travel Smiths
or a $200 gift card from Celebrations Magazine! Over 100 prizes will be given out all day long. Come check out reception locations, photographers, florists, salons and makeup artists, limos and more! The expo will be held from 12-4 p.m. at the RWJ Barnabas Health Arena, 1425 Old Freehold Road, Toms River.
The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 13
H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
Take A Fish Oil With Your Statin - It Works Better
By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
Over 15.5 million Americans have CAD, Coronary Artery Disease and every 42 seconds a person has a heart attack (termed myocardial infarction or MI). A third of this people die. The conventional thought process to prevent an MI is to lower cholesterol. Whether or not that approach works is up for debate, but the reality is these drugs are extraordinarily popular with physicians and patients. The word “statin” is a household name! Pharmaceutical companies harvest 25 billion in revenue annually from their use which is in everyone now, even kids. Statins come with some ‘drug mugging’ though, among the stolen nutrients: CoQ10, selenium, zinc, vitamin D, E and copper. There are millions of people taking statins and I can make your statin work better! Take them with fish oils! Fish oils are supplements that are known to boost cardiovascular health. There have been two trials that recently showed unprecedented results. The JELIS Trial and the REDUCE-IT Trial. These studies used an EPA only drug, Epadel and Vascepa, respectively. These are purified fish oils that require prescription and do not contain and DHA. Keep in mind that both EPA and DHA are in regular supplements, so if you look at your fish oil at home, you’ll see both EPA and DHA listed on the Supplement Facts Box. Just FYI, the trials above were essentially self-funded using medications that they themselves manufacture, not fish oils from a health food store. The purpose of the JELIS Study was to
find out if EPAs would enhance a statin, or if a statin alone was enough. Every person in the study was on a statin. Cholesterol numbers came down in both groups (the statin only group, and the statin plus EPA group). But this part’s excellent. After 4 and a half years, the most dangerous and potentially catastrophic consequences were significantly lower in the group who took EPA with their statin. Their incidents were reduced, in some cases by up to 28 percent, for example in the group of people with unstable angina. One potential mechanism of action is that EPA reduces your body’s production of arachidonic acid (AA), which is an inflammatory compound. Reducing AA improves the outcome of many conditions, including Alzheimer’s, depression and autoimmune diseases. The ratio of EPA to AA in your body is very important - that’s the message I’d like to get out there. You want the EPA to be higher than the AA so taking a high EPA fish oil is what works. If you’d like to read my awesome much longer and more comprehensive article on this topic, sign up for my free newsletter at suzycohen.com and I’ll email it to you next week. In the meantime, if you take a statin medication right now, consider a fish oils supplement, one that is tilted in the direction of EPA versus DHA. There are brands sold at health food stores, and online like this. You can also ask about the fish oil medications available by prescription, if you prefer this route for insurance purposes, or because that’s what was given to participants in the above-mentioned clinical trials.
(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2018 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.
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Page 14, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
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By Joel Markel
Honesty Is The Best Policy In This Instance Dear Joel, I have a situation and don’t know how to handle it. I work in a hotel in Ocean County. I referred a good friend of mine to my supervisor for an opening we had at the reception desk. I was looking forward to working with her. The work conditions are pleasant and the pay is good. She has been out of work for over a year. After the interview I asked my supervisor if she was going to be hired. His response was that she met all the qualifications but would not be hired. His issue was her tattoos which he said is not the image the hotel wishes to portray. She does have an abundance of tattoos on her arms. My question, Joel, is should I tell her? Answer:
Ordinarily, I would tell you not to tell her but; you are the one who referred her to the potential job. There is no rule which prohibits someone from not hiring based on tattoos (as far as I know). I would think that most law firms, Doctor’s offices and other places of employment may respond in the same way. She may have to look for work of a different nature. I wish her luck in her job search. Joel Write to joel@preferredcares.com. His radio show, “Preferred Company” airs on Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. on preferredradio.com and 1160 & 1310 WOBM-AM
If you or anyone else is in need of home health care, call Preferred at 732-840-5566. “Home health care with feeling. Joel Markel is President of Preferred Home Health Care and Nursing services inc. serving all of New Jersey in adult, senior and pediatric home health care.”
Get Your Dog A Park ID
OCEAN COUNTY – Ocean County Dog Park ID’s will be available at the County Connection in the Ocean County Mall in Toms River on Saturday and the Ocean County Administration Offices in Toms River, Jake Branch County Park in Beachwood and Wells Mills County Park in Waretown on Monday. Dog Park Rules & Regulations: • The Ocean County Off-Leash dog area is for use by permit only (With valid ID card) • Management reserves the right to close the area due to weather conditions • Children under eight (8) years of age are not permitted within the off-leash dog area. • Children eight (8) years of age and older must be closely supervised by an adult. • There is a limit of two (2) dogs per person. When others are waiting, please limit your use to thirty (30) minutes. The maximum number of dogs at one time is twenty (20). • Owners are responsible at all times for the behavior and safety of their dogs and should be considerate of others • Puppies under six (6) months old are prohibited. • Dogs must wear collars displaying valid licenses at all times and have current vaccinations. Choke collars
Horoscope See Page 27
• • • • •
are prohibited in the Off Leash Dog Facilities. Dogs must be leashed prior to entering and upon leaving area. Owners must remain with their dogs at all times and must carry a leash for each dog at all times. Owners must clean up after their dogs. No dog treats, food or toys are allowed in Off-Leash dog area. Dogs in heat will not be permitted inside the facility. Dogs i n heat a nd non-neutered male dogs will not be permitted inside the facility. All visitors are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations governing the use of facilities within the Ocean County Parks System as adopted by the Board of Chosen Freeholders.
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The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 15
R.C. Shea & Assoc.
Inside The Law Let’s Start Holding Insurance Companies Responsible For Their Willingness To Delay, Deny And Defend By: Michael Deem, Esq. and Robert C. Shea, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates
Michael J. Deem, Esq, of R.C. Shea & Associates is a member of the New Jersey Association for Justice Board of Governors. NJAJ and R.C. Shea & Associates strongly support A-4293, a bill which protects insurance consumers from unreasonable delays in the payment or denials of legitimate claims. When someone buys an insurance policy, that person has a simple expectation - which is that the insurance provider will be there in their customer’s time of need. Too often, however, insurers seek to avoid paying claims in order to protect their bottom lines. We are very concerned about the rising trend of insurance companies acting in bad faith by unreasonably delaying or denying payment that is justly due. This is practice is unfair and wrong. Insurers should have their customers, not their shareholders be their highest priority. A-4293 recognizes this obvious injustice and remedies it by allowing those filing claims the first-party right to sue their insurance companies for bad faith if and when those companies fail to properly settle claims. Insurance companies have civil and criminal remedies available to hold people accountable if they commit insurance fraud. They have the Office of Insurance Fraud as an arm of state government to investigate and prosecute insurance fraud when the companies are victim. But, the honest consumer does not now have a remedy against an insurance company when a valid claim is denied or delayed. This bill levels the playing field so consumers are protected when they are the victim of insurance fraud. Whether it is for claims relating to declared disasters or automobile coverage that they are required by the State of New Jersey to purchase, the first-party right to sue levels the proverbial playing field. It allows consumers to hold powerful insurance companies accountable for delaying or denying just payment to their customers. Automobile insurance is perhaps
Robert C. Shea Esq.
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the only product that people are required to purchase but are then forced to seek permission in order to use it. Additionally, the provider of that insurance product is then permitted to tell the consumer that he or she cannot use a product that they have already purchased. A-4293 corrects this situation. This bill seeks recognition of that fact that insurance companies should be held to account when the fail to act in good faith. This is a simple expectation that every consumer has when they choose to do business with any company. The fact that auto insurance consumers are required by law to purchase this service and that they are putting the wellbeing of themselves and their loved one in the hands of the insurance companies only increases the stakes. In far too many cases, insurance companies delay, deny and defend claims. This dishonest practice forces their customers to fight for needed medical care, treatment for injuries or funds to repair damaged property. When an insurance company unjustly delays or denies the payment of legitimate claims, consumers must have the right to go to court. Presently, consumers in this state have no practical remedy if their insurance company unreasonably delays or refuses payment on a claim. Insurance customers are entitled to have their claims resolved in a fair and equitable manner without unreasonable delay; this is why they need the ability to seek redress when an insurance company acts in bad faith. We strongly encourage our readers to contact their Legislature and ask him/ her to pass A-4293 which would provide much needed insurance consumer protection. R.C. Shea & Associates has form letters and e-mail available should you require assistance with your effort to contact your Legislature. Please do not hesitate to call us: 732-505-1212.
Our clients’ success is our greatest reward. 732-505-1212 • RCSHEA.COM
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Page 16, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
Shore Native Celebrates Change Of Command Ceremony
OAK HARBOR, Washington – The Cougars of Electronic Attack Squadron One Three Nine (VAQ139) announced their change of command ceremony that occurred on Jan. 4 onboard Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. Cmdr. Michael Strauss of Toms River relieved Cmdr. Ladislao Montero of Nogales, AZ as Commanding Officer of the Cougars. Capt. Robert Loughran, Commander, Carrier Air Wing Seventeen presided over the transfer of command. Cmdr. Montero led the Cougars through a successful seven-month combat deployment to the Western Pacific and North Arabian Gulf. The squadron supported Operations Inherent Resolve (OIR) and Freedom’s Sentinel (OFS), operating from USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) with Carrier Air Wing Seventeen (CVW-17). The Cougars successfully completed 138 combat sorties totaling 993.0 hours while maintaining a remarkable 100 percent combat sortie completion rate. Under Cmdr. Montero, the Cougars totaled 1,468 sorties and 3,229.9 flight hours. During this time, the squadron was awarded multiple awards to include the Navy’s Aviation Battle Effectiveness Award (Battle “E”) for Pacific Fleet embarked Electronic Attack Squadrons, the Association of Old Crows Outstanding Naval Unit Award for Electronic Warfare, CVW-17 Golden Wrench Maintenance Award, Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist Pennant, Chief of Operations Aviation Safety ‘S’, CNAF Blue ‘M’, as well as the Navy Surgeon General’s medical readiness Blue “H” award. Cmdr. Montero has totaled over 2,500 flight hours and 600 arrested landings during the course of his career in the S-3B, EA-6B and EA-18G as a Naval Flight Officer. Upon reflection of his time in command, Montero said, “I am honored to have led such a fine team of Sailors, Chiefs, and Officers. The Cougars have continued the tradition of professional and tactical excellence while operating at home and abroad. I am excited for the future of the squadron under the helm
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of Cmdr. Strauss.” Upon detaching from VAQ-139, Cmdr. Montero will report to the Office of the Secretary of Defense in Arlington, VA. Cmdr. Strauss has accumulated over 1,700 flight hours in eight aircraft and 340 carrier arrested landings, including 50 combat missions. Cmdr. Strauss graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 2000, earning a Bachelor of Science in Naval Architecture. Upon completion of flight training at NAS Pensacola in 2002, Strauss earned his Naval Flight Officer Wings of Gold. He has participated in multiple deployments supporting Operations UNIFIED ASSISTANCE, IRAQI FREEDOM, And ENDURING FREEDOM. After completion of his joint tour at USCybercom J73 in Fort Meade, MD, Strauss transitioned to the EA-18G and reported to VAQ-139 as Executive Officer in October 2017. The VAQ-139 Cougars set the pace for all Naval Aviation in 2018. The command built an unprecedented tradition of operational excellence through innovative maintenance, tactical acumen and expert execution that was carried out by each and every member of the team.
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The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 17
Toms River Celebrates King’s Legacy
Carmona ~ Bolen Home for Funerals, LLC
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Traditional Funerals Cremations • Memorials Complimentary Memorial Package –Photo by Chris Lundy The Toms River governing body remembered Dr. Martin Luthor King Jr. at a recent Township Council meeting, inviting former South Toms River Mayor Joseph Champagne (center) to recite one of King’s speeches.
Volunteer At SAVE Rescue
OCEAN COUNTY – Love animals? Want to help local homeless pets? You CAN make a difference! Become a volunteer at SAVE Rescue! Our adoption centers are at: SAVE
Pet center 1594 Lakewood Rd. in Toms River and PetSmart in Brick, 1 Brick Plaza Chambersbridge Rd. Visit our website at save. rescuegroups.org to fill out an application!
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Page 18, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
Goddard School Hosts Career Day
–Photo courtesy The Goddard School TOMS RIVER – The Goddard School in Toms River recently hosted Career Day, where the children got the opportunity to play dress up and imagine their future careers! The children were able to talk about what they want to be when they grow up with special visitors and professionals that came in to talk about their own careers.
Youth Services’ Spring Break Camp TOMS RIVER – Looking for something to do with the kids during Spring Break? Toms River Youth Services presents: Spring Break Camp on April 22 -26. Camp will be held at 1505 North Bay Avenue from 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. The cost is $230 per child. Trips include: Jenkinson’s Aquarium,
Roller-skating, Ice Skating, Skyzone, and iPlay America. Register online at register.communitypass. net/tomsriver. Ages: 6-12; Limited to 30 children For more information, call 732-341-1000 ext. 8436/8437.
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The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 19
Local Doctor Celebrated
–Photo by Chris Lundy The Toms River governing body honored Dr. Parvez Mahmood (center). He started the urology department at Community Medical Center in 1975, and was also honored at the hospital for his work.
Lecture: NJ Association For Music Therapy TOMS RIVER – Representatives from the NJ Association for Music Therapy will lecture on various aspects of music therapy and provide a demonstration. The program will appeal to caregivers of children and adults with disabilities or illnesses and students who are interested in explore this as a career. The program will be held at Ocean County Library - Toms River branch on Tuesday, February 12 beginning at 7 p.m.
The program is free and open to the public. For information or to register, please call 732-349-6200 or visit our webpage at theoceancountylibrary.org. Free parking is available daily after 5 p.m. plus all day Saturday and Sunday in the top and middle levels of the Toms River Parking garage located behind the library or all levels, anytime in the Ocean County Parking garage on Hooper Ave.
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Page 20, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
Deborah Hosts 9th Annual Women’s Health EXPO
Jim HOLZAPFEL Assemblymen
Dave WOLFE & Greg MCGUCKIN Contact our legislative office if you need assistance with State related matters, have questions about proposed State legislation or any other inquiries you would like to discuss with us. Visit us at 852 Hwy 70 Brick, NJ or Call 732-840-9028 Committee To Elect Holzapfel, Wolfe & McGuckin
By Kimberly Bosco BURLINGTON – Join Deborah Heart and Lung Center for the 9th annual Women’s Health EXPO on Feb. 9, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Held at the Fountain of Life Center, this year’s event will feature health screenings, a variety of health and fitness activities for women, prizes and giveaways, and tasty treats! “Each year we work in conjunction with the American Heart Association’s Wear Red Day,” said Renee Bullock-Palmer, M.D., Director of the Women’s Heart Center. “We want to raise awareness about the need to fight heart disease in women.” In addition to Dr. Palmer, Denise Zingrone, D.O., Associate Director of the Women’s Heart Center; Jenine Vecchio, M.D., Director, Deborah Specialty Physicians Diabetes Center; and Navdeep Brar, M.D., Attending Pulmonologist will be present. “Bringing together the expertise of specialists in pulmonology, cardiology, endocrinology, and diabetes, we can really offer our visitors a full picture of what it takes for a woman to stay ‘heart healthy,’” Dr. Palmer added. “We are really looking forward to the one-on-one time with our visitors.” This year’s expo hopes to see over 1,000 women coming together for health screenings, including: blood pressure; glucose; body fat analysis; pulmonary function testing; balance; cholesterol/ lipid panels; sleep apnea; asthma information; peripheral arterial disease assessment; bariatrics; and wound care and lung cancer information. Screenings for colon cancer information from
NJCEED; hearing screenings from Associates in Hearing Healthcare, and sun damage assessments and flu shots by the Burlington County Health Department will also be available. Not only this, but the expo features fun, free activities such as massages and bodywork, yoga therapy, tai chi by Next Step Strategies, mini make-overs by RetroChic Beauty, foot massages from Healthful Solutions 4 U, jewelry making from Art with Marianne, entertainment from Elaine and the Cimarron Sky Band, custom-tailored workout plans from Soulscapes Fitness, blow-outs, extensions, and hair care from True Colors Hair Salon, crafts and more! Tasty treats will also be provided by Mario and Frank’s II Italian Restaurant & Oven Fresh Pizza and Vintage Vineyards, Chick-Fil-A, Properly Fueled, and Wawa. Radio station B101.1 and the Philadelphia Soul Mates will be on hand with good tunes, prizes and giveaways throughout the day. EXPO Premium Partners include: Aspen Hills Healthcare, CrisLaRose, Garden State Diagnostics & Imaging, Hampton Behavioral Center, Holy Redeemer Homecare and Hospice, Horizon Connect NJ, Masonic Village at Burlington, Med East Ortho, Moorestown Visiting Nurses, New Jersey Department of Children & Families, Praesto Group, Waters Medical House Calls, and Yoga Mandala. Admission and parking are free! The first 1,000 participants will receive a gift bag! For more information call 1-800-555-1990 option #4 or visit demanddeborah.org.
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Page 22, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
CLASSIFIEDS Real Estate Homestead Run - Adult 55+ Community. NEW & pre-owned Homes for Sale, RENTALS also – Immediate Occupancy. Toms River – 732-3702300. www.homesteadrun.com. (9)
For Rent Ocean Twp., Waretown NJ - Studio Apt for rent. Fully furnished, off street parking, living room, full bath, bedroom. 1 house to the lagoonm waterfront community. Acomodates 1 person only. All utilities are included with rent. $850 a month. 1 month security. Month to month rent. Call 609-339-9450. (7)
Privad Europian lady - Faithful, honest, respectable looking for serious man 67-80 years old for serious relationship. I live in Lakewood. 973-204-0108. (7)
Items Wanted $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, bric-a-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) Vinyl Records Wanted - Rock, Blues, Reggae, Metal, Punk, Jazz, Psychedelic, soul. Very good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (8) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/ dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) CASH PAID!! - LP records, stereos, turntables, musical instruments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (3)
Misc. Looking For Collectors - Coins, dolls, toys, any collectables. No dealers or pickers. Bill 732-477-7225. (6) Retiring - If you want to start thirft store, flea market, florist gift shop. Beautiful items (hundreds). Double or triple your money. $2,200 for all. 732-678-6786. (8)
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The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 23
Trial Scheduled For GOP Leader’s Tax Evasion Charges
By Jennifer Peacock TRENTON – The trial for the Ocean County GOP Chairman accused of tax evasion and other charges is set for the end of March. George Gilmore, 69, of Toms River, partner at the law firm Gilmore & Monahan P.A, pleaded not guilty Jan. 18 before U.S. District Judge Anne E. Thompson in Trenton. The judge set his bail for $250,000 in an unsecured appearance bond. He must surrender his passport and stay within the continental United States, according to reports. He must also undergo mental health testing and treatment as per the U.S. Pretrial Services Agency. Gilmore’s attorney, Kevin Marino, of Marino, Tortorella & Boyle, P.C. in Cha-
tham, New Jersey, said previously that his client suffers from a “hoarding disorder,” something the federal government was aware of before the indictments were handed down. It’s alleged Gilmore made lavish purchases while failing to pay taxes, among other charges. His trial is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. March 29 at the federal courthouse in Trenton. Gilmore was indicted at the beginning of this year on six counts: one count of income tax evasion for calendar years 2013, 2014, and 2015; two counts of filing false tax returns for calendar years 2013 and 2014; failing to collect, account for, and pay over payroll taxes for two quarters in 2016, and making false statements on a 2015 loan application submitted to Ocean First Bank N.A. He is accused of evading more than $1 million in taxes.
Toms River High School North’s 14 contestants from grades 9-12 were: Michael Indovina, Anna De Angelis, Moujan Moghimi, Trinity McNary, Zuleika Rodriguez, Olivia Marino, Matthew Spalletta, Jade Sarabia, Niziere Clarke, Osman Shah, Mahamede Diawara, Luciana Collina, Matt Hirtes, and Samantha Duncsak. The judges, Principal Ed Keller, Assistant Principal Kevin Raylman, Mrs. Veronica Maier, and English Supervisor Tonya Rivera, determined Toms River North’s school champion to be senior, Samantha Duncsak. Miss Duncsak, the editor of North’s poetry magazine Polaris, will work together with Ms. Stephanie Reid, lead teacher and contest coordinator, to prepare for the regional contest on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at the Count Basie Theater.
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Poetry Out Loud Winner Headed To Regional Contest
TOMS RIVER – On Friday, January 11, 2019, Toms River North held its first New Jersey Poetry Out Loud schoolwide contest. Poetry Out Loud is a national poetry recitation program for students in grades 9-12. In New Jersey, Poetry Out Loud is a project of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, in collaboration with Writers Theatre of New Jersey, ArtPride New Jersey Foundation, and a growing list of local partners. Poetry Out Loud encourages students to learn about great poetry through memorization and recitation. This program helps students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about literary history and contemporary life. Awards are given out at the regional/state level competitions and at the national finals.
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Page 24, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
CELEBRATING 40 YEARS! 1979 - 2019
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–Photo courtesy Toms River Regional School District By Jennifer Peacock Nardini, Joe Palmisano, Dr. Adam Repole TOMS RIVER – The Toms River Regional and Dr. Ron Rotem - stuck to a healthy School District gained $16,000 while Jere- eating plan and worked out at Extraormy Grunin lost 20 pounds. dinary Fitness for 10 weeks. The team Back in September, Grunin signed on to raised $8,000, which was matched by the the Extraordinary Fitness 10-Week Chal- foundation. lenge. He would raise money, and the Jay The Jay and Linda Grunin Foundation and Linda Grunin Foundation would match presented a $16,000 check to the Toms River those donations. Regional School District at Extraordinary Grunin and his team - Steve Green, Joe Fitness Jan. 28.
Let’s Get Ready for Spring!
TOMS RIVER – As we settle in for the winter now is the time to think about planning our spring and summer flower beds with beautiful flowering annuals. Learn about old and new annuals that will enhance your garden throughout the summer and into the fall. Take home a “seed bomb” for your spring garden and the recipe to make your own. This is a program given on Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 6:30–8 p.m. and will be held at Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County, 1623 Whitesville Road, Toms Riv-
er. There is a program fee of $5 per person. Payment is due prior to program. Please make check payable to OCBA. Please register by Thursday, February 14, 2019, contact 732-349-1246. Rutgers Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity program provider and employer. Contact your local Extension Office for information regarding special needs or accommodations. Contact the State Extension Director’s Office if you have concerns related to discrimination, 848-932-3584.
Check out Micromedia Publications’ website, jerseyshoreonline.com.
Arrangements Available In Your Home, Removal From Place Of Death, Alternative Container, Wood #ODZ, Transfer To Crematory LOCATED AT:
Additional Costs: Crematory Fee, Urns, Disposition Of Cremains & Certified Copies Of Death Certificates, Permit, Removal Assist. & Mileage, Viewings Or Memorial Services
The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 25
Across 1 Bucks in the woods 6 Ratted out the bad guys 10 Dept. store stock 14 Condor’s condo? 15 Prefix with logical 16 Dry as a desert 17 Cold weather groundswell that can cause pavement damage 19 Go for the worm 20 Wind down or wind up 21 Name in Cold War news 22 Wright who wondered, “What’s another word for Ôthesaurus’?” 24 Ball catcher 25 Needing wheels 26 Ancient siege weapon 30 “Knock it off!”
31 Architectural curve 32 L.A. NFLer 35 Tax-free govt. bond 36 Good feller? 37 “One day only!” event 38 Boomer that no longer booms, briefly 39 __ Valley: Reagan Library locale 41 Warring factions 43 Manufacturer’s coming-out event 46 Woofer’s partner 48 Landed 49 Film boxer Rocky 50 Black, to a bard 51 Syst. for the deaf 54 Islamic branch 55 Reversions ... or what 17-, 26- and 43-Across all have? 58 Bard 59 Capital of Belgium 60 Good-sized wedding band 61 Kind of spot or loser 62 Cong. meeting
63 Lawn spoilers Down 1 Heist target 2 Beach bird 3 Five-time A.L. home run champ, familiarly 4 APO mail addressees 5 Gem mount 6 Midday snooze 7 Some govt. lawyers 8 Calif. neighbor 9 Loses one’s cool 10 Pre-1985 communications nickname 11 Car’s engine-towheels connector 12 Surfers visit them 13 Paradises 18 Sub access 23 __-blue 24 View from Molokai’s south shore 25 Lab rat’s home 26 Radiation units 27 Taxing task 28 New England capital
29 Needing a skulland-crossbones label 33 Actor Baldwin 34 Screen door material 36 Russia-China border river 37 X-rated stuff 39 Explorer Hernando de __ 40 Conceptualizes 41 Permit 42 Post-shower display 44 Mail-in incentive 45 They’re off-limits 46 Recipe amts. 47 “Yippee!” 50 Gets an “I’m sorry” from Alex Trebek, say 51 Entr’__ 52 Short agenda? 53 Iwo Jima troop carriers: Abbr. 56 Tint 57 Blackjack component
Page 26, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019
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FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM! Search: @JSHOREONLINE LOOK FOR A VARIETY OF PHOTOS SNAPPED ALL AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE! Have a photo you’d like to share with the community? TAG US! VISIT ONLINE AT: jerseyshoreonline.com
Assemblyman Wolfe Announces He Will Not Seek Re-election
By Chris Lundy BRICK – A long-time assemblyman announced he will not seek re-election in 2019. David Wolfe (R-10th) has been a member of the New Jersey Legislature since 1992. Prior to that, he held municipal office in Brick. “My goal as an elected official always has been to help my constituency to have a better life for their families,” he said in a statement. “I think it is time for me to be more involved in the lives of my family members, and I am looking forward to spending more time with them,” he said. “I would like to offer my sincerest gratitude to my wife, Carol, who has supported me every step of the way during my tenure as Assemblyman. “It has been an honor to serve the district with strong leaders like Andy Ciesla, Ginny Haines, Jim Holzapfel, and Greg McGuckin. They were and always will be great teammates and friends. I would like to thank my staff, many of whom have been with me for nearly the entire ride,” he said. Education was the fi rst subject that he touched upon, in his role as Chairman of the Assembly Education Committee and Vice Chairman for the Joint Legislative Committee on the Public Schools. “I’ll never forget all of the classrooms I visited, or my ‘blueberry kids’ who learned about the legislative process by helping me to pass the law designating the state fruit.” He will continue to serve until the end of his term, in January of 2020. As several Republican spots turn over to
Democrat, and other long-time Republicans (like 2nd District Rep Frank LoBiondo) also step down, Wolfe said his desire to leave is not about changing voting demographics, sure that he would still have the support of the community if he ran again. His partners in the 10th District, Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblyman Greg McGuckin (both Republican), commended him and thanked him for his service. “I have had the honor to serve alongside Dave since 1995 and during those years I have witnessed his passion and dedication to the people of our district and the State of New Jersey,” said Senator Holzapfel. “His public service cannot be measured by bills passed and votes cast but rather by his commitment to the real needs of the people of New Jersey. He is a great colleague who I am proud to call my friend and a man who represented nearly a quarter of a million people with dignity and integrity at all times.” McGuckin echoed the senator’s statement, sharing some personal history. “When I fi rst joined the Assembly, Dave mentored me and assisted me during my fi rst few years in Trenton,” said Assemblyman McGuckin. “Many people don’t know that my relationship with Dave goes back a generation when he supported my father for Mayor of Brick Township in the late 1960s. That is something that me, nor my family, will never forget. Dave will be missed not only by myself, Jim and our legislative staff but most importantly he will be missed by the residents of the 10th Legislative District.”
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TOMS RIVER – Toms River Teens! This event is the perfect place for you to show off your talent. Come out to this super trendy venue set up for high quality performance on Feb. 9 7-9 p.m. Whether it is poetry, singing (acoustic), or joke telling, sign up for this free event to show off your talents. There will be
giveaways and free food plus a coffee bar! Please let us know what you will be doing and how long you may need to showcase your talent. Remember to invite your friends to come watch you shine! For information, email alyshaws19@ gmail.com.
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The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019, Page 27
Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of FEB 2 - FEB 8
By Jeraldine Saunders
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Make wise decisions that make sense as soon as possible. You wish to be magnanimous but could be too many demands on your wallet. Accept apologies and be generous with loved ones within reasonable limits. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): As this week unfolds new ideas and creative interests could monopolize your time and cause you to neglect other responsibilities. You will be smart to spend more time on planning an improved career path. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): A partner or loved may give you a nudge, urging you to take a chance on something new. In the upcoming week it will be easy to make apologies, mend fences and receive support from important people in your life. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Your kindness and generosity may not become headline news, but your reward will be felt within your heart. As this week unfolds you may be more generous and charitable than usual. Spend money thoughtfully. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Take a leap of faith. Rest assured that everything you begin today will turn out for the best. This is a good week to make decisions or promises as your hopes will be fulfilled and the outcome will exceed your expectations. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Mutual trust can be achieved. As this week begins there may be an opportunity to bring all parties together for a meeting of the minds. Your effort to create a cohesive consensus of opinion proceeds at a pleasant pace. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Put your best
foot forward in the week ahead. If you create an aura of success other people you will think you are successful. You may receive kudos for your fairness and friendliness, which will help you achieve your goals. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): A good deed is a reward in and of itself. You may be wiser than usual about how to share and spend your pennies this week. You can use good judgement as you steer a path toward finding future financial security. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Extra ounces of optimism may overflow. As the week begins you possess the vision to plan far ahead and visualize the results with amazing accuracy. This is a great day to launch plans or begin something new. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): There is no clear starting point or ending place on a carousel, but you can reach out to grab the brass ring if you have a firm seat. Benefit financially by reaching outside your comfort zone early this week. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Prepare to make breakthrough. In the week ahead, creative thinking can pay off. Reaching your most important goals is possible. Your enthusiasm allows you to ride the momentum once you have made a crucial decision. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Maintain your sense of humor if it seems you are getting bogged down by details. Promises made early tin the week may be to your advantage, so it might be a very good time to sign on the dotted line.
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wolfgang puck’s kitchen Start Your Day With A Healthy Indulgence
By Wolfgang Puck
Many health-conscious people try to avoid eating egg yolks because of their high fat and cholesterol content. While there is some debate over whether or not you need to eliminate yolks entirely, I understand the need some people feel to eat only egg whites at breakfast. Like most things in life, however, it is possible to find a middle ground. Consider the happy coincidence that most doctors recommend a daily cholesterol intake of no more than 300 milligrams per day, and that one large egg yolk contains around that same amount. So, if you avoid other cholesterol sources during the rest of your day - red meat, skin-on poultry, dairy products, lard and shortening, and saturated vegetable oils like coconut oil - you may be able to spoil yourself occasionally with one yolk. But how do you best enjoy it? I suggest combining the yolk with several egg whites for scrambled eggs or an omelet. It will add a welcome touch of rich flavor and luscious texture to egg whites that can often turn out rubbery or dry when cooked on their own. Plus, the yolk will also give the eggs a sunny yellow color that will make you think you’re indulging yourself before you even take your first bite. When the yolk is combined with four large egg whites in a generous single serving and prepared using nonstick cooking spray, the results fall well within generally accepted guidelines for a healthy low-fat diet. FRENCH-STYLE EGG WHITE OMELET WITH VEGETABLES Serves 1 4 large egg whites 1 large egg Kosher salt Freshly ground white pepper Butter-flavored nonstick cooking spray 1/4 cup (60 mL) thinly sliced asparagus
1/4 cup (60 mL) thinly sliced snow peas 1 teaspoon minced shallot 1/2 tablespoon chopped fresh chives, Italian parsley, or other fresh herbs, for garnish In a mixing bowl, whisk together the egg whites, egg and a little salt and pepper to taste until well blended and slightly frothy. Set aside. Heat a 10-inch (25-cm) nonstick omelet pan over medium-high heat. Spray lightly with the cooking spray. Add the asparagus, snow peas and shallot, and saute, stirring continuously, until the vegetables are bright green and tender-crisp, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer to a bowl, cover, and keep warm. Wipe the pan clean with a paper towel. Return it to medium heat and spray again with nonstick cooking spray. Add the egg mixture. Grasping the pan by its handle, start shaking the pan back and forth while stirring the eggs slowly with the back of a fork, gently lifting and moving the cooked egg so that the liquid egg slips beneath it. After about 30 seconds, the egg will have formed a uniformly cooked but still fairly moist pancake shape. To fold the omelet, immediately tilt the pan to about a 45-degree angle by raising the handle, so that the cooked eggs nearest the handle begin to fall and fold over the filling; you may use the fork or a spatula to help this happen. Then, hold the far edge of the pan over a heated serving plate and continue tipping the handle up, so that the omelet folds over on itself and rolls out of the pan onto the plate. To fill the omelet, use a small, sharp knife to cut a shallow slit lengthwise along the center of the top of the omelet, cutting only through the upper layer of egg. Spoon the reserved sauteed vegetables into and spilling out of the slit. Garnish the omelet with fresh herbs and serve immediately.
(Chef Wolfgang Puck’s TV series,“Wolfgang Puck’s Cooking Class,” airs Sundays on the Food Network. Also, his latest cookbook, “Wolfgang Puck Makes It Easy,” is now available in bookstores. Write Wolfgang Puck in care of Tribune Media Services Inc., 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207) © 2019 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.
Page 28, The Toms River Times, February 2, 2019