2019-03-02 - The Toms River Times

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Vol. 16 - No. 40

In This Week’s Edition





Your FREE Weekly Hometown Newspaper For Toms River, Island Heights, Ortley Beach & Lavallette

| March 2, 2019

Polar Bear Plunge: Freezin’ For A Good Reason Government Page 9.

Dr. Izzy’s Sound News

Loss Of Balance And Unsteadiness

Page 12.

Dear Pharmacist Diet Drinks May Increase Stroke And Disability

Page 13.

Dear Joel Page 18.

–Photos by Bob Vosseller Left: Large crowds gather on the borough beach during this year’s NJ Polar Bear Plunge. Right: The starting line featured some enthusiastic plungers ready to head into the 41 degree water. By Bob Vosseller SE A SI DE H EIGH TS – Each Febr uar y, the Polar Bear Plunge tests the resolve of thousands of brave plungers from around the Garden State. This year’s 26th annual NJ Polar Bear Plunge was no exception as thousands of plu nge r s r a n , ju mp e d

or waded their way into some chilly waves as a means to support a good cause. That cause was the Sp e cia l Oly mpic s New Jersey. T he plu nge site in Seaside Heights draws one of the largest crowds for this charity. They came out in all shapes and sizes, ages and

at t i re to dip more tha n their toe into the 41-degree water along the borough ocean front. Some plu nged as members of teams, organizations, and businesses, while others went solo. A s o f Fe b . 2 2 , o n e d ay b efor e t he plu nge, $1 ,7 8 4 , 3 4 8 h a d b e e n

raised toward the event’s goal of $2,000,000. That figure would dramatically rise during event day. Last year, 7,100 plungers entered the surf raising $2.2 million. Special Olympics New J e r s e y p r o v i d e s y e a rround spor ts t raining, competition, leadership

opportunities and health screenings to more than 25,0 0 0 at h let e s f rom funds collected from the plunges like the one held in Seaside Heights. According to the organization’s website, all of these p r og r a m s a nd s e r v ic e s are always free thanks to (Polar - See Page 2)

Inside The Law Page 19.

Business Directory Page 24-25.

Classifieds Page 26.

Horoscope Page 31.

Wolfgang Puck Page 31.

Field Of Dreams Reaching Home Stretch

By Chris Lundy T OM S R I V E R – What does it take to become the #1 trending topic on Twitter? Field of D rea m s is pushing through all the politics and the d aily d isasters a nd the celebrities to rise to the top of national discourse thanks to a publicity push by its organizers. The Field of Dreams will be a special (Dreams - See Page 4)

–Images courtesy Field of Dreams Left: These renderings show what Field of Dreams might look like. Right: Gavin Kane has been the inspiration behind the Field of Dreams.



Freeholders Condemn Website As Anti-Semitic

By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – There wasn’t any pomp and circumstance from the politicians. The resolution was listed along with 21 others, simply saying “Resolut ion op p osi ng and condemning the Administrators, Creators and Many of the Activities of ‘Rise Up Ocean County.’”

All the resolutions were approved together. The social media site has been accused of stirring up aggression against Or thodox Jews in Lakewood and surrounding towns, culminating in a documentary that was scheduled to come out this month but has been postponed

(Website - See Page 2)


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Page 2, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019


Continued From Page 1 fundraising events. While bathing tr unks, bikinis and various st yle swim suits were wor n during the event, some plungers took the occasion to be a bit more creative with a variety of costumes to plunge in. T he Her rera fam ily of West New York donned shark hats and special T-shirts as this year’s costume theme. This marked their seventh plunge. “It is a good cause and we have fun doing this,” Daddy Shark Joey Herrera said. The team sang the popular song “Baby Shark” to get prepared for the plunge. Kelsey Deeg, of Oradell, enjoyed her third plunge. “I’m a social worker who works with special needs adults.” Deeg plunged with her boyfriend and she met John Sesso, Toms River who was also not with a team. Sesso sported all yellow attire from his fedora hat to his socks and shoes. “This is my first year. I’m doing this as a way to give back and for my late brother’s god child.” Members of the Ice Slayers (made up of mostly EMTs from around Ocean County) took their sixth plunge. The 10 -member team feat u red members who had plunged together for six years. “I’ve done this for 18 years,” said Ron Parry of Toms River. “I’ve done it when it was held in Point Pleasant, here in Seaside Heights and when it was held in

Long Branch after Superstorm Sandy.” Brian Gunnigle, Bayville, said that the plunge is not just a team event but a family one as well. Members of his family joined the team and entered the icy surf. “We all used to work together at Alert Ambulance in Lakewood. My son has cerebral palsy so this is also personal for me.” Brian P. Smith, a former Toms River resident who currently resides in the Philadelphia subu rb of Folcrof t Pa. made a special trip out to join his fellow EMT friends for the activity. “As a group we raised $1,931 this year,” Smith said as he held a white plunger with a mini polar bear attached to the top of it. Smith made the plunger which is now a new tradition for the team. The holder of it is the team member who has raised the most money toward the total. “I will hold onto it until the next year.” This marked the first year for team m e m b e r s A n a s t a s i a Pa r r y, 8 , a n d Kayleigh McDonough, Bayville. “I’ve got my water shoes on and I’m ready,” Anastasia said with a smile. Team Loreal CPD assembled outside of Bobbers Restaurant in Seaside Heights where they had breakfast. They wore their bright blue team hoodies for a group shot outside the eatery. Ch r is Dr udy, Hamilton, said t h is wo u ld b e t h e s e c o n d ye a r fo r t h e 12-member team which had Loreal as a sponsor. “I’ve done it in previous years as Special Olympics is a great cause.”


Continued From Page 1 to an unknown date. A statement from Rise Up explained that the documentary was delayed because a screening committee had identified nine minutes of video that could expose the group to civil litigation due to “personal identifiers” being recorded. The documentary focuses on three instances of alleged criminal activity, and attorneys who screened it also thought that more documentation was needed to back up the claims. An unnamed representative from the site told JerseyShoreOnline.com in a previous interview that their efforts aren’t anti-Semitic, but focus on what they feel are immoral or illegal practices regarding such things as housing. Orthodox Jews in the area see the posts it shares as hateful – and the angry, sometimes threatening tone of the people commenting, as proof of the fact that it was meant to be divisive. However, it wasn’t just Orthodox Jews that took offense to the social media page. If it was intended to cause a divide, it had actually caused people of different cultures to speak at the Freeholder meeting against it. Lakewood Board of Education member Ada Gonzalez, Michael Cohen from the Simon Wiesenthal Center, state chair of the NAACP Mike McNeil, and several others praised the Freeholders for their condemnation of the site. Rabbi Avi Schnall, director of Agudath Is-

rael of America, a religious advocacy group, said that the Freeholders’ statement was a historic one. However, there was another incident that happened on the same day, Feb. 20, but 80 years ago. Madison Square Garden was host to more than 20,000 at a pro-Nazi rally. Jews in the area were beaten. “The messages are not on banners anymore,” he said of Nazi signs. “They rest on social media websites.” Last year, on Memorial Day weekend, houses of worship across denominations sent out the same message: Love Thy Neighbor. Colin Lewis, an activist in Ocean County, reminded the crowd of how people came together for that simple message. “Speech that puts you down is not what we want here,” he said. “We want speech that’s going to build people up.” Community advocate Rabbi Moshe Zev Weisberg said the website was “hate speech disguised as issue-oriented.” He said there are definitely issues that need to be discussed, but this site is not interested in discussion. He said it was humbling to see a diverse group of people uniting against it. “Today they might come for me and my kind, but tomorrow they might come for you and your kind.” Chanie Jacobowitz, a vice president at Beth Medrash Govoha, said that the school was created by Rabbi Aaron Kotler in 1943 after he came here as a refuge. “It’s disconcerting to us to see anti-Semitism that we thought was left behind in (Website - See Page 4)

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The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 3


Page 4, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019

Dreams: Continued From Page 1 needs playg rou nd and more in Bey Lea Park on North Bay Avenue in Toms River. It will likely be the only area in the state that serves this purpose. It wou ld i nclude a wal k i ng pat h with rehabilit ative st ations, a temperat u re - cont rolled pav ilion, complimentar y snack shack, cou r ts for basketball, bocce and shuff le board, a state of the ar t all-inclusive playg rou nd , quiet cor ner, a nd baseball f ield . T he c om plex i s o p e n t o a l l residents of sur rounding towns and counties. The fundraising group won’t stop at the physical construction of the park, prefer ring it to be a living, breathing center so families can continue to meet. There would be organized leagues for special needs baseball and basketball, and special events. It began when the Kane family wanted a place for their son that would be tailored to his needs. Their son was only 19 months old when he was in a car crash. A beer truck collided with the family vehicle in 2012, causing severe brain trauma in the young child. The Field of Dreams philosophy is that a disability shouldn’t keep kids and adults away from the physical activity and socialization that they need. “All I want is for Gavin and other kids with special needs to experience the joy of being a kid,” Christian Kane

said. Kane said that he spoke to the three local high schools recently and enlisted the likes of local baseball legend Todd Frazier to get the word out. Comedians like Ron Funches are plugging it on Twitter, as well as donating. Does this media push translate into t he remai n i ng $ 40 0,0 0 0 needed to build the park? Kane hopes so. All of this might get the attention of Ellen Degeneres or one of the talk shows. But you don’t have to be famous to help. The Kanes are asking everyone to spread the word with the hashtag #TRFOD on all social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. A lot of other elements are falling into place. The naming rights have been sold, so the official name for the park will be the RWJBarnabas Health Field of Dreams at the Ocean Orthopedics Association Complex. New Jersey Site and Utility Contractors is scheduled to start clearing the land for free – on Feb. 27, Kane said. At a recent meeting, the Toms River Township Council approved a change in use for a section of Bey Lea Park to allow this project and to lease it to the Field of Dreams LLC to construct and operate it. The goal is to have it fully funded by Oct. 1. For more information, such as a virtual tour, visit tomsriverf ieldofdreams. com. The fundraiser can be found here: gofundme.com/trfod.


Continued From Page 2 Europe,” she said. “This website has shown the world the worst of Ocean County.” It was passed unanimously by the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders with only one comment. Freeholder Director Virginia Haines

said that people need to unite, rather than divide each other. After the Freeholder meeting, Rise Up posted a retort to the Freeholders, calling them traitors. It said that there is “no anti-Semitism, no hate” on their site. It also accused the Freeholders of selling out “for a few sheqels and a Lakewood Vaad endorsement.”

County GOP Picks Wolfe’s Replacement, Other Candidates

By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – The Ocean County Republican Organization announced their slate for November’s regional elections. Incumbents took up most of the spots, but there was a group of candidates seeking to replace retiring Assemblyman David Wolfe on the ballot. Wolfe, who had been an assemblyman since 1992, announced earlier this year that he would not be running for another term. The 10th District is made up of the following towns: Bay Head, Brick Township, Island Heights, Lakehurst, Lavallette, Manchester, Mantoloking, Point Pleasant Beach, Seaside Heights, and Toms River. A slew of candidates stepped forward, seeking to have the party’s endorsement. According to a press release from the county Republicans, the following people were interviewed by the screening committee: Mayor Stephen Reid from Point Pleasant Beach, D’Arcy Green of Mantoloking,

Councilman Daniel Rodrick from Toms River, and Councilman Jim Davis from Lakehurst. Wolfe was from Brick, and the GOP noted that three candidates came from that town: Ruthanne Scaturro, John Catalano and Samantha DeAlmeida. “I (am) encouraged to see the rebirth of the Republican Party in Brick,” said GOP Chairman George Gilmore. Currently, there is only one Republican on the governing body, and he used to be a Democrat. “Ruthanne has answered the call any time the party needed someone to step up and John has been a tireless advocate for candidates up and down the ballot,” he said. “At just 29 years old, Sam represents the future of the Republican party not only in Brick, but throughout the entire state. I have encouraged Sam to continue to build relationships and gain valuable experience at the local level, and I am hopeful that she will consider running for council in Brick.” (GOP - See Page 8)


The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 5


Page 6, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019

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Serene unobstructed views of the bay and natural refuge, beautiful and significantly large, 5 BD, 3BA, lagoon-front home features 80’ of bulkhead, a dock, oversized 2-car garage w/ paver driveway, fabulous upgraded kitchen, unique 2-story foyer, hdwd flooring, newer roof, frpl, an in-law suite w/ separate kitchen. The grounds are professionally landscaped including a waterfall & Koi pond, paver patio, 2 spacious decks, and plenty of space for storage. $598,900. #21904597 Call Donna Walesiewicz 732-244-4900


Adult Community

All new inside & out! New Timberline roof, vinyl siding w/ cedar impressions, windows, garage door and opener, recessed lighting, hot water heater, gas furnace ( in attic ) An open concept w/ a new white kitchen, soft close doors, SS upgraded appliances, custom center island, tiled back splash, designer granite tops and modern tiled flooring, Crown molding highlights, 2nd bedroom expanded to include 2 closets and a third for washer / dryer, 2 new tiled baths, the master has a 5 ‘ stall shower. The exterior boasts new cobblestone driveway, walkway & patio. New sod lawns, underground sprinklers, new C/A & Trex yard deck / railings. $228,900. #21846752 Call Jeanette Calao 732-244-4900


Adult Community

2 BR, 1 bath Yellows tone m o d el with a garage has a wonderful waterfront location! Spacious LR / DR combo, EIK, loads of counter space and a sun room. A tranquil peaceful location. $137,900. #21843280 Call Tina Orth 732-244-4900 MANCHESTER Adult Community LEISURE VILLAGE WEST A fabulous 2 BR, 2 BA Oxford model w/ a garage featuring a spacious kitchen w/ granite countertop, dining area, LR, den, central AC and a gas heat pump. Laminate wood flooring, crown molding, wood blinds, loads of closet space, nothing to do but more in! $139,900. #21902446 Call Tina Orth 732-244-4900 TOMS RIVER Adult Community DOVER WALK 2 BR, one BA home in a small community close to public transportation. Enter through a windowed /screened porch and into an updated space with new carpet, kitchen, fresh paint and new central AC. Most windows have been replaced and there are assigned parking spaces with visitor spots. $70,000. #21902139 Call Lisa Lombardi-Bergstrom 732-244-4900


BEACHWOOD Charming Starter Home 2 bedroom one bath home w/ new electric, plumbing, HVAC, roof, siding and double pane double hung win dows. A new kitchen w/ granite, a brick feature wall, open oak stairs and rails. The second floor has hardwood throughout w/ a large closet and a laundry room. $249,000. #21906699 Call Jeffrey Purpuro 732-244-4900

3 Story Shore Colonial Just 2 blocks from the ocean… Moor your boat ! Watch wild life ! Marvel at the water views & breathtaking sunsets ! This well maintained home has so much to offer, featuring 3 possible 5 BRs, 2 BAs, sunroom, covered porch, den, utility room, 2 car detached garage, hardwood flooring, recessed lighting, natural gas FHA heat, CA, tankless hot water heater, Cedar Shake siding and much more. A comfortable atmosphere w/ a great location. An opportunity to own a piece of the Shore life. $689,000. #21841879 Call John Brown 732-244-4900


Beautiful, 1394 sq ft, 2 BR, 2 BA Yorkshire model w/ 1 car garage. Featuring hardwood floors, huge LR, DR, kitchen w/ SS appliances, custom floating island, tile floors, extends into den area. Gas hot water baseboard heat, freshly painted, several ceiling fans, C/A, Pella windows, Florida room is 25 x 12, new floor added, opens to concrete patio, custom solar panels with a low monthly cost. Nice landscape and a security system. Close to Clubhouse w/ a pool and activities, short drive to beach and highways. $194,900. #21835203 Call Louis Calao 732-244-4900

BERKELEY TWP. Adult Community H.C. SOUTH Bal Harbor w/ 2 BR, 2 BA, garage has been completely remodeled! A white kit ch en, lo ad s of cabinets, an island and a huge living and dining room. Home is light and bright and is located on a private cul-de-sac. Great clubhouse with lots of activities. $189,900. #21906012 Call Tina Orth 732-244-4900.

LAKEWOOD Adult Community FOUR SEASONS D a n b e r r y m o d el , fabulous 3 BR, 2 BA 2 car garage with an open floor plan. Formal LR and DR, large EIK, w/ loads of counter space and plenty of closet space. Many clubs and activities, indoor and outdoor pool, jogging paths and exercise facility. $299,900. #21904984 Call Tina Orth 732-244-4900

MANCHESTER Adult Community RENAISSANCE Fabulous 3 BR, 3 BA, 2 car garage Tivoli model, community features a golf course and pond view that is second to none. A beautiful $30,000 gourmet kitchen w/ granite countertops, formal LM, DR and a family room. The loft has a library, office, 3rd BR and a full bath. Full size extended patio with a beautiful view. $389,000. #21901468 Call Tina Orth 732-244-4900


Adult Community

Adult Community

2 BR, 2 BA one car garage Blair model offers French doors leading to a private den/office or guest area. Large LR w/ formal DR and another set of French doors leading to your outside area. Lots of closets including 2 doubles in the Master suite. Great location w/ sweeping views, and a private courtyard area is off the kitchen. This home will require a bit of TLC and has been priced accordingly, paint and carpet will do wonders! With almost 1,400 sq ft this will not last. $129,900. #21846743 Call Susan Columbo 732-244-4900


Adult Community

Spotless 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 car garage Lynnwood model on a private location that backs up to woods. Featuring a large front sun porch, LR, DR, EIK, and a laundry room that is big enough to double as a craft room. Closets galore and a walk up and walk around attic for lots of storage. The home is on a solar lease and the lease must be assumed, the heating bills are under $200 a month, the HOA covers your exterior and roof. $114,900. #21906710 Call Susan Columbo 732-244-4900


Adult Community

Location, location, location…. Newport model, 2 BR, one BA, on the lake features a heated den and is in a premier location. $139,000. #21901119 Call Tina Orth 732-244-4900 WHITING Adult Community CRESTWOOD VILLAGE 6 Incredible value! Yardley model some TLC this 2 BR, 2 BA, one car garage home features all new flooring, large spacious LR w/ fireplace, formal DR, EIK, large separate utility room w/ a utility tub, three season room, all on a corner lot w/ privacy in the back. $99,900. #21904396 Call Susan Columbo 732-244-4900.

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The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 7

3rd Annual Meatball Showdown

TOMS RIVER – Please join us for the 3rd Annual Meatball Showdown located in downtown Toms River on Sunday, March 31 from 2-5 p.m. The Meatball Showdown will feature meatballs prepared by several local, non-professional cooks as they compete for the title of “Best Meatballs of the Jersey Shore”. Returning to defend her 2018 Judge’s 1st Place Meatball and People’s Choice Award Meatball, Deb Turner! How Winners Will Be Determined: Two winners will be crowned - one will be selected by the 3-judge panel. The other, The Peoples’ Choice Award, will be selected by everyone in attendance on the 31st. Attendees, come prepared to provide feedback that will put your favorite meatball over the top! How to Enter: If you think your (aka your mom’s) meatballs have what it takes to be the best, then we invite you to submit a video telling us why you think they’re going to make our mouths water! Only the top submissions will be selected. You can submit your video entry one of three ways: Post your video to Facebook - make sure you take @meatballshowdown! • Post you r video to I nst ag ram meatbal lshowdow n a nd /or w it h hashtag #meatballshowdown and #sundaysareformeatballs • Email us at meatballshowdow nTR@gmail.com

Submissions should be creative. Why are your meatballs the best? W h at is you r favor it e me mor y about your mom’s meatballs? You get the idea. • Prizes: $500 to Judges’ 1st Place Me at ba l l a nd $10 0 t o Pe ople s’ Choice Award Meatball. • Space is limited for this event s o ple a s e buy you r t icke t s v ia Eventbr ite. Tickets are $25 and include a tasting of each meatball, the ability to vote for your favorite, samplings from local wineries (1-2 bottles of wine will be placed on each table for sharing), and a lot of laughs. In short, prepare to leave full and happy! If you’re going to spend the afternoon with us on the 31st, please bring a non-perishable food item that will be donated to The Hope Center in TR. All profits (with the exception of the prize money) will also be donated to the organization. In 2018, we donated $3,600 to The Hope Center - help us top that in 2019! If you are interested in being one of the chefs and would like more information please send an email to meatballshowdownTR@gmail.com and we will give you all the details. This should go unsaid, but we are talking classic Italian meatballs here - no Swedes, please!

Award-winning Celtic Musician Colm Keegan Headlines Two Programs at Ocean County Library TOMS RIVER – Ocean County Library welcomes an evening of Celtic celebration with multiple events hosted by award-winning, Irish musician and teacher Colm Keegan on Friday, March 8, at the Toms River Branch, 101 Washington St. Beginning at 4 p.m., Keegan will present his “Introduction to the Irish Language.” Participants will learn Irish phrases and basic communication. To register, call 732-349-6200 or visit http://bit.ly/ColmKeeganOCL At 6:30 p.m., Keegan presents “Colm Keegan in Concert”, a special solo Celtic show featured as part of his 2019

cross-country “I’ll Never Be Alone” tour. Tickets for this event are $15 and can be reserved online by credit card or eCheck at theoceancountylibrary.org or by cash at any of our 21 locations. Please bring your receipt of ticket purchase for entry. Doors open at 6 p.m. This event is made possible in part by an OceanFirst Foundation Arts and Cultural Grant and the Ocean County Library Foundation. Free parking is available in the Ocean County garage located on Hooper Avenue. All Downtown Toms River parking is free after 5 p.m.

9th Annual Gift Auction by Central Ocean Rotary Club of Toms River

TOMS RIVER – The 9th Annual Gift Auction by Central Ocean Rotary Club of Toms River will be held on March 4, 2019 from 5:30-10 p.m. at the Clarion Hotel in Toms River. Tickets are $30 each and will be available for purchase online or by mail. Ticket includes Buffet dinner, Dessert, Entry into Door Prizes and one free Sheet of Tickets. You can purchase tickets at Eventbrite. com. The day of the event, bring the Eventbrite email confirmation to the will call table (at check-in) and you will receive


your ticket along with door prize ticket and the free sheet of tickets. If you can’t find your confirmation email, you must provide the full name and email address of the person who purchased. Buying tickets by mail: Call 908-229-9052 and leave your name, address, phone number, email address, and number of tickets purchasing. Mail check with full payment to: P.O. Box 63, Toms River, NJ 08754. All proceeds go to local charities in addition to awarding scholarships to our local high school senior students.

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Page 8, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019



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Jim HOLZAPFEL Assemblymen

Dave WOLFE & Greg MCGUCKIN Contact our legislative office if you need assistance with State related matters, have questions about proposed State legislation or any other inquiries you would like to discuss with us. Visit us at 852 Hwy 70 Brick, NJ or Call 732-840-9028 Committee To Elect Holzapfel, Wolfe & McGuckin

Continued From Page 4 Ultimately, the screening committee recommended John Catalano from Brick to be on the ballot in November. “John will be a tremendous candidate and I am confident that he will make a great member of the Assembly. John has proven himself as a fearless campaigner for candidates throughout the county and I believe that he will continue to use that work ethic to earn the support of the voters,” Gilmore said. In other races, the committee unanimously chose the following incumbents to run again:

• • • • • • • • • •

Freeholder Virginia Haines Freeholder Jack Kelly Sheriff Michael Mastronardy Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove (9 th District) Assemblyman Brian Rumpf (9th District) Assemblyman Greg McGuckin (10th District) Assemblyman Ron Dancer (12th District) Assemblyman Rob Clifton (12th District) Assemblyman Sean Kean (30th District) Assemblyman Ned Thomson (30th District)

A Love Letter To Broadway

TOMS RIVER — The Ocean County College Repertory Theatre Company will bring their production of A Love Letter to Broadway to the Black Box Theatre at the Jay and Linda Gr unin Center for the Arts from March 8 through March 17. Join the theat re company as they present a rousing collection of musical favorites spanning decades and styles. You’ll enjoy a delightful show featuring well-known hits (and some misses), the up-tempo, the ballad, and the rock n’ roll jukebox. If you’re a fan of Broadway musicals, this is a show you don’t want to miss! Performances: • Friday, March 8 at 7:30 p.m. • Saturday, March 9 at 8:00 p.m. • Sunday, March 10 at 2:00 p.m. • Thursday, March 14 at 7:30 p.m. • Friday, March 15 at 7:30 p.m. • Saturday, March 16 at 8:00 p.m. • Sunday, March 17 at 2:00 p.m. Creative Team: Paul Chalakani, Director; Beth Brierley, Choreographer;

President & Publisher Stewart Swann

Kara Leigh, Musical Director; Lauren Schwa r t z , Lig ht i ng Desig ner/St age Manager; and Stephan Caldwell, Set Designer/Technical Director. Cast: Taylor Bongarzone, Brandon Burns, Connor Dosch, Javier Fuentes, Samantha Gertner, Becky Hobba, Cassie Jones, Thomas Krey, Donovan Lee, Becky Malinowski, Amanda Mason, Kelly Morrissey, Marley Pullen, Megan Rafferty, Derek Rizzo, Arianna Scarano, Cameron Schlussler, Rubin Smyers, John Thompson, Mike Thullner, Katie Whalen Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for seniors, and can be purchased online at grunincenter.org; by phone at 732-2550500; or in person at the Grunin Center Box Office, Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Ask about group and student rates. 92.7 WOBM is the off icial media sponsor of the 2018-2019 Grunin Center Season. The Grunin Center is located on the OCC Main Campus, College Drive, Toms River, NJ.

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The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 9

Spotlight On Government Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials

Legislation Will Expand Paid Family Leave

From The Desk Of The

Governor Phil Murphy TRENTON - Acting on his commitment to support and uplift New Jersey’s middle class, Governor Phil Murphy today signed into law a sweeping expansion to the state’s paid family leave program. New Jersey enacted a paid family leave program in 2008 and today’s law significantly expands that program to provide additional job protections for those who miss work due to caring for a newborn child or a sick loved one.

“No one should ever be forced to choose between caring for a family member and earning a paycheck,” said Governor Murphy. “By providing the most expansive paid family leave time and benefits in the nation, we are ensuring that New Jerseyans no longer have to face such a decision and that working families are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. This comprehensive paid family leave program, coupled with the newly passed

earned sick leave and minimum wage increase, are fundamental elements in building a stronger and fairer New Jersey for all working families.” A3975 changes New Jersey’s paid family leave program in a number of ways, including the following: Doubling the number of weeks for Family Leave Insurance (FLI) and Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI): Employees can take up to 12 consecutive weeks of paid family leave or temporary disability insurance during any 12-month period, beginning in July 2020. Currently, employees are only able to take up to 6 weeks of FLI or TDI in a 12-month period. Increasing the weekly benefit:

Individuals can now receive 85 percent of their weekly wage, with the maximum possible benefit going up to 70 percent of the statewide average weekly wage. Using data from this year, the maximum possible benefit would go up from $650 a week to $860 a week under this law. Increasing intermittent leave from 42 days to 56 days: Workers will be able to take up to 56 days of intermittent leave within a 12-month period, beginning in July 2020. Anti-retaliation provisions: Employers with over 30 employees will be barred from retaliating or discriminating against an employee because they took family leave.

Expanding individuals eligible to take paid family leave: The newly signed legislation expands paid family leave to include caring for siblings, in-laws, grandparents, grandchildren, other blood relatives, and any other individuals who can be shown to have the equivalent of a family relationship. Including domestic and sexual violence: The bill explicitly allows family temporary disability leave to be taken for medical attention, counseling, or legal assistance or proceedings arising out of domestic violence or sexual violence. An individual can take family leave under this provision if they themselves were the

Government 0fficials... Have news that you would like the community to be involved with? Let everyone know by placing a news release in this paper! Send it to news@jerseyshoreonline.com.

victim of domestic or sexual violence, or if they need to care for a family member who was such a victim. “Expanding family leave means people can take needed time off to care for each other without the worry of losing their paycheck, or even worse, their job,” said Lt. Governor Sheila Y. Oliver, who also serves as Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs. “Taking care of family members is a fact of life that we will all have to face at some point and by signing this bill today, we are making it possible for working people to take care of each other without risking their livelihood.”


Page 10, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019

Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements

Attend Fisherman’s First Meeting with Offshore Wind Developers


TOMS RIVER – Join the American Littoral Society and Anglers for Offshore Wind Power for a dynamic night of interaction as we bring together New Jersey’s recreational fishing interests with fisheries liaisons from several current wind developers working in the New Jersey offshore area. This event will be held on March 6, 6 p.m. at The Ocean County Library, 101 Washington Street. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to interact with offshore wind recreational fishing liaisons from companies including Equinor, Orsted, EDF Renewables, and Shell to discuss a variety of issues important to the rec fishing community. Conversation topics will include: • Fishing access at turbines • Stakeholder engagement and public input • Science and data needs • Responsible project siting and cumulative impact concerns • Protection of Prime Fishing Areas, including shipwrecks and reefs

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Mar ine mam mals and birds and more! Developers will also be prepared to discuss: Assigned lease areas off of NJ with siting descriptions; EMF impacts; transmission lines and cable landings; experiences with fishing communities overseas to incorporate “lessons learned” in the U.K. here in the U.S.; how companies will mitigate effects on wildlife; limitations to boaters during construction; American jobs and supply chain; and homeland security issues. We will also have a live, hands-on station for viewing offshore areas on the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal, to show how you can use this resource to aid in your public review of various projects. Light refreshments will be served. Now is the time to make your voice heard. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Contact Capt. Paul Eidman Anglers for Offshore Wind Power Paulyfish@reeltherapy.com or Helen Henderson, Ocean Program Manager helen@littoralsociety. org with questions or concerns.

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Little Egg Harbor - 1395 Rt. 539 M-F: 8am-8pm • Weekends: 8am-5pm



The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 11

Community News



C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements

Poseidon Academy Trust Speaker Series TOMS RIVER – The Toms River Green Team, in partnership with the Toms River Regional School District, is presenting the 2019 Poseidon Academy TRUST Speaker Series. The events are held on the third Tuesday of each month, starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Poseidon Academy, located in Downtown Toms River. The speaker series includes presentations on environmental and sustainable topics, such as the health of the


Ba r negat Bay, t he g ree n e conomy, stormwater management, arts and its impact on the local economy and other similar topics. Events are Free. Registration is not required. Space is first come first served. The Poseidon Academy is located across from the Post Office on Irons Street. For more information, contact Erika Stahl at 732-341-1000 or estahl@tomsrivertownship. com.

Police Chief Teaching Self Defense Class

TOMS RIVER – Chief Little of Toms River Police Department is conducting a self-defense class including weapons for all women over the age of 13 at Superior Fitness on April 7! The class will be held from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. The cost is $20 per person. All proceeds will go to the Toms River Police Foundation Kids Program and Bigs In Blue. No

refunds. Self-defense is a set of awareness, assertiveness, verbal confrontation skills, safety strategies, and physical techniques that enable someone to successfully escape, resist, and survive violent attacks. A good self-defense course provides psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training.

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Page 12, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019


H ere ’ s T o Y our H ealth

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Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Presented By: Isidore Kirsh, Ph.D., F.A.A.A. (N.J. Lic. #678)

Loss Of Balance And Unsteadiness Loss of balance and unsteadiness are changes often seen as a function of aging, the number one health concern of individuals in their later years. Over $3 billion are spent in medical expenses due to balance related falls. Human equilibrium is a complex interaction which requires correct input from three receptors: the inner ear, vision and somatosensory receptors, which is our contact, with our feet, ankles, muscles and joints. All three signals must be received by our central nervous system. Then, the cerebellum, which is the motor of the brain, must execute the correct movement of our musculoskeletal system to maintain our center of gravity. If any one or several components of this complicated system are not working properly, then we will have a loss of sure footedness or movement coordination. The natural aging process may effect any one or all of these senses as well as the nervous system’s ability to interpret them and then to react quickly. It is very common for someone

who has fallen to say they saw the curb or step, but just were not able to maintain their balance. Common illnesses or diseases with aging which cause decreased hearing and vision also cause a decrease in a person’s balance. For most people, however, this occurs over several years. Sometimes, it is noticed as difficulty walking, particularly up or down steps or across surfaces such as thick carpeting. Balance retraining programs have helped thousands of older adults with fall prevention to improve balance and coordination. These programs are specially designed for the individual based on their strengths and weaknesses. The programs work in coordination with the patient’s health care provider so that continuity of care is not sacrificed. If you feel unsteady on your feet and have had difficulty maintaining your balance (like a sensation of feeling drunk), you may wish to contact Dr. Izzy at 732276-1011, who may be able to provide you with some answers.

Dr. Izzy and his staff are always available to answer most of your questions regarding your hearing health. His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com. Expanded Whiting Hours!

How We Can Afford Medicare For All And A Green New Deal TOMS RIVER – How can we have Medicare For All? How can we eliminate poverty? How do we pay for a Green New Deal and beat climate change? Come and find out, with Geoff Ginter at the Ocean County Library Downtown Toms River on March 9, 2-4 p.m.

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The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 13

H ere ’ s T o Y our H ealth Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

Diet Drinks May Increase Stroke And Disability

By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

We are so attached to our food and drink that it pains me when I have to take something away from you. But this is an old story for me. I have never ever recommended artificially sweetened sodas or “diet” anything! To me, that whole industry is a multi-billion dollar campaign effort to get you to drink and eat things that aren’t, by definition, food anymore. The entire industry depends on the illusion of you thinking that diet drinks are healthy. The latest research is frightening. It’s based upon data collected over 12 years and suggests that consuming just 5 diet drinks (sodas, juices, other) correlates to a much higher risk of stroke and heart disease, and in fact a dramatically higher risk of dying early from any cause. This data was extrapolated from a study on people over the age of 50, who did not have other major health problems. They were essentially well, but after drinking artificially sweetened drinks for 12 years, a lot of them had a stroke! What’s wrong with water? Water does not come with the risk that one day someone will have to change your adult diapers. Water makes sense, yet some health practitioners recommend “diet” beverages as a way to cut calories, support weight loss or improve health status. Very sad. The study that I’ve been referring to is entitled: Artificially Sweetened Beverages and Stroke, Coronary Heart Disease, and All-Cause Mortality in the Women’s Health Initiative. The study finds your risk for a hemorrhagic

stroke is dramatically higher if you drink a lot of diet sodas. No particular brand is the problem, it’s the artificial chemicals inside of these drinks. It’s egregious that these things are not only allowed to be sold, no less pitched to you as some healthy alternative. So it’s really up to you to know better. The newest research was published in a journal called Stroke. Over 80,000 women were studied, most between the ages of 55 and 79. Drinking a couple of diet drinks each day (335ml which is the amount in a typical can of soda) increases your risk for stroke by 23% compared to women who drink less than one per week. Every 40 seconds, someone in the US has a stroke. If survived, a stroke can leave one paralyzed and sometimes in need of nursing home care or bed-ridden. Other post-TIA or stroke disabilities include confusion, inability to speak or understand language, poor memory, difficulty swallowing food (requiring a feeding tube) or blindness and/ or hearing loss. Other factors that further raise your risk include being overweight, sedentary, nutritionally deficient in essential nutrients or fatty acids that support brain health, and of course your genes. Impending signs include sudden eyesight loss or visual changes, slurring, inability to speak or understand, tingling and balance problems. For more information visit my website and use my search box. You can also sign up for my newsletter at suzycohen.com to get more free health advice to your inbox each week.

(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2019 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.







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Page 14, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019



The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 15

Foot & Heel Pain Center Dr. Scott A. Amoss DPM, New Patients & Emergencies Welcome!

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Page 16, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019

FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM! Search: @JSHOREONLINE LOOK FOR A VARIETY OF PHOTOS SNAPPED ALL AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE! Have a photo you’d like to share with the community? TAG US! VISIT ONLINE AT: jerseyshoreonline.com

Toms River United Sustainability Team Sponsors Needed TOMS R I V ER – Just i n t i me for war mer temperat ures, f rom Apr il 19–28, the Toms River United Sustainability Team (TRUST), is challenging residents to get out and get active in six of Toms River’s beautiful parks. The “Spring 6 Parks Challenge” is hosted by TRUST via their Facebook Page @sustainableTR. The Sustainability team is making sponsorship oppor tunities available. To sponsor the event, we would appreciate a donation of a prize geared toward children and families, with a value of $25 or more, either from your establishment or you may offer a general gift card. We encourage gift cards that could be used to facilitate time outdoors. The prizes will be awarded to participants of all ages, and your

business will be mentioned in promotional materials and posts, and honored by the Sustainability Team. Prizes are awarded at a town council meeting and you will be invited to attend and present your prize to winners. Last year, we awarded over $500 in prizes! The deadline for commitment to sponsorship is March 15, 2019. We are also looking for local businesses and organizations to come out and participate. Wear your branded attire and come out for a walk in the park or a game or a picnic. Share your photos and let our residents and visitors see your love for Toms River. You can even schedule some informal activities as a recruitment event for your athletic, civic, hobby, youth, or other organization. We’d love to see you out in our parks! Recycle Art Work Earth Day Competition: The Recycle Art Work Competition encourages the use of recycled or reclaimed materials to create art work tailored to a specific theme. The artwork is created by local residents and groups (such as businesses, non-profit, families, etc.). The artwork is reviewed by a panel of judge and prizes are awarded to the winning artwork on the Sunday before Earth Day (April 21, 2019). Prizes are awarded to First Place Children’s Prize, Runner-up Children’s Prize, First Place Adult Prize, Runner-up Adult’s Prize, and First Place Group Prize and Runner-up Group Prize. Community Garden Seeds and Plants: The Toms River Sustainability Team has established a community garden at Riverwood Park. The Sustainability Team rents some plots to local groups and is seeking to grow produce to provide to local food banks. Flowering plants attract bees and other insects which assist the plants to produce vegetables and fruit. The Sustainability Team would like to partner with the Toms River Regional School system to have children germinate seeds for planting in the Green Team Community Garden.

Toms River Food Fest

TOMS R I V ER – The Toms R iver Food Fest will feature food trucks, live music, free children’s rides and a beer and wine garden. The festival will be held on May 4, 2019 from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. More details to come! For more information, contact Toms River Township or visit tomsrivertownship.com.

Horoscope See Page 31


The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 17

Toms River Camp-A-Palooza! The New Jersey Special Needs Camp Fair

TOMS RIVER – CAMP-A-PALOOZA! is New Jersey’s premiere special needs camp fair. This free, family-friendly event will be held on March 24, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center on Rt. 37 in Toms River, New Jersey. CAMP-A-PALOOZA! will feature over 25 camps and summer programs for children with special needs of all ages and abilities. Parents can browse the tables, meet the camp representatives, gather information and find dozens of options for their special camper this summer! Plus the first 100 parents to register will be guaranteed a Summer Sensory bag filled with goodies! CAMP-A-PALOOZA! features local special needs day camps, special needs sleepaway camps from the tristate area including NJ, NY and PA, and assorted ESY and summer programs for kids and young adults with special needs in New Jersey.

Boy Scouts Troop 59 Host Pasta Dinner

TOMS RIVER – Join Boy Scout Troop 59 for a Pasta Dinner on March 24, 3-6 p.m., at the Silverton Volunteer Firehouse, 15 Kettle Creek Rd. in Toms River. The meal will include pasta, meatballs, tossed salad, Italian bread, beverages, and dessert. The cost is $10 per person. For seniors and kids under 6, $6. Advance tickets are appreciated. Contact Vicki Dougherty at 732-575-2130 or svlreflect@aol.com.

Six Flags Opening Weekend

JACKSON – After a long winter, what better way to celebrate spring than with coaster thrills and family fun? Come on out April 6 & 7 for Opening Weekend to take a spin on El Toro, Kingda Ka, Nitro, BATMAN: The Ride and more. Don’t forget to grab the whole family for an off-road Safari adventure. Go round on the big wheel and catch a glimpse of 2019’s new ride construction and be sure not to forget that funnel cake!

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CAMP-A-PALOOZA is sponsored by NeedQuest, a local event company that connects families to special needs resources in New Jersey via our online directory (NeedQuest.com) and family-friendly events including Camp-A-Palooza, School-

A-Palooza and Thera-Palooza in north and south New Jersey. This event is free for families to attend. You may register in advance or at the door. Walk-ins are welcome. However, you must register to receive a Summer Sensory bag.

Additional bags will be given out while supplies last. For the kids, the fair will have live entertainment throughout the day and a quiet Activity room staffed with volunteers for those moments when kids need a break.


Page 18, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019

Dear Joel

By Joel Markel

New Dog At My Neighbor’s House Dear Joel, I’ve lived next to my neighbor for 30 years. We really get along but he recently retired and got a beagle. He’s been looking forward to getting this dog for years, but every time the dog goes outside, he barks constantly. Last fall he dug up a patch in my flower garden. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs but what can be done to restore our peaceful neighborhood. Answer, Oh those barking dogs. They’re cute and cuddly, but the noise can wear on your nerves. It took my wife and me about two months of obedience training to get our dog to behave. Try to identify why the dog is barking. Maybe it would be good to talk to your neighbor about

converting part of his backyard into an exciting dog friendly environment. I have a friend who installed a run, a pool, and digging patch for the dog, which he loaded with surprises. The dog is so preoccupied with activity, he plays for hours and he’s tired enough to sleep through the night. You might also contribute a few toys, as mixing up playthings is very effective. Be patient, good neighbors are a blessing. Write to joel@preferredcares.com. His radio show, “Preferred Company” airs on Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. on preferredradio. com and 1160 & 1310 WOBM-AM

If you or anyone else is in need of home health care, call Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services, Inc. at 732-840-5566. “Home Health Care with Feeling.” Joel Markel is President of Preferred Home Health Care and Nursing Services Inc. serving NJ, PA, DEL in adult and pediatric home health care.

Toms River Youth Services After-School Program

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TOMS RIVER – Don’t miss the opportunity to sign your child up for Toms River Youth Services After School Program on March 11, 9 a.m. To be eligible for the After-School Care Program, children must be between the ages of 5 to 12 (must be enrolled in Kindergarten) and must be picked up by 6 p.m. The fees are: 5 day program $150/ month. Youth Services can accommodate 80 children, on a first come, first served enrollment basis. Transportation is arranged by the Toms River School System to transport from these schools directly to Yout h Ser v ices: Hooper Avenue Elementary, North Dover Elementary, Walnut Street Elementar y, Inter mediate North & Intermediate East. The After-School Program includes: educational assistance, peer interactions, arts & crafts, snacks, educational in-services, TV time and outside activities when the weather permits. Visit tomsrivertownship.com and under the “Main Menu” click “downloads” and scroll down to “Youth Services” for Reg-

istration and Babysitter forms. Please call Youth Services at 732-341-1000 ext. 8436 for more information. Families must create an account for all Youth Services program at register.communitypass.net/tomsriver and choose “Toms River” in the drop down box. Below are brief instructions on how to access the online system: 1) Log on to http://register.communitypass.net/tomsriver 2) Click on “Create an account for your family now” 3) Complete the account information and click “submit” 4) Click on “Register Now” to begin registering for programs 5) View Youth Service programs and click to register Follow the instructions on the resulting pages to add individuals to your family account and register for all programs available from Toms River. Please check our web site at tomsrivertownship.com for regular updates. If you have any questions please call Youth Services at 732-341-1000 ext. 8436/8437.

1st Annual Dodgeball Tournament

TOMS RIVER – Toms River PBA 137 is holding our 1st Annual Dodgeball Tournament on March 22, 6-10 p.m., to benefit the Police Unity Tour in conjunction with the Toms River Police Foundation at Toms River High School East. The Dodgeball Tournament proceeds will support Toms River

Police Department riders in their quest to ride from New Jersey to the Washington D.C. Police Memorial, in honor of officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. For more information or to register your team please visit tomsriverpolicefoundation.org/dodgeballtournament.


The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 19

R.C. Shea & Assoc.

Inside The Law Choosing The Right Automobile Insurance Will Protect Your Family And Assets

Robert C. Shea Esq.

By: Michael J. Deem, Esq. and Robert C. Shea, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates

In 1998, the State of New Jersey adopted the Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act (AICRA) to reduce the cost of automobile insurance by reducing the benefits available to persons who are injured in automobile accidents. This means less coverage to pay for medical treatment and less rights to recover monetary damages from careless drivers who injure your family. Protect yourself. Automobile insurance is mandatory in New Jersey. The failure to carry automobile insurance may be punishable by imprisonment. When purchasing automobile insurance, you have two choices; you are required to select either a Basic Policy or a Standard Policy. We do not recommend choosing the Basic Policy. The Basic Policy only provides minimal coverage and leaves you unprotected in several areas. A Basic Policy only provides you with $5,000.00 of property damage liability coverage if someone makes a claim against you and only provides $15,000.00 of medical expense benefits should you require medical treatment for your injuries. The Basic Policy does not cover you if you injure someone else. The Basic Policy does not provide Uninsured Motorist coverage to protect you and your family if the careless driver who causes the collision is uninsured or is insured under a Basic Policy. Perhaps most importantly, the Basic Policy will not provide you with a free lawyer to defend any claim against your personal assets. We recommend that you purchase a Standard Policy. A Standard Policy provides the best insurance coverage to protect your assets if you are sued and to provide compensation to you and your family if

you/they are injured. Michael J. Deem The Standard Policy does provide medical expense benefits (PIP) coverage which includes medical expenses up to $250,000 per person per accident. The Standard Policy also provides you with Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM Benefits), so if you are injured by someone who does not have automobile insurance, is insured under a Basic Policy or leaves the scene of the collision then you and your family are covered for your losses. When you purchase the Standard Policy you must elect a “tort option” that will determine your right to make a claim. You must select either the “limitation on lawsuit option” or the “no limitation on lawsuit option.” If you purchase the Basic Policy then you are assigned the “limitation on lawsuit option.” We recommend that you choose the “no limitation on lawsuit option.” Ask your insurance representative what is the actual dollar amount that your overall premium will increase if you elect the “no limitation on lawsuit option.” By choosing the “ limitation on lawsuit option” you are limiting you legal right to make a claim for monetary damages unless you sustain one of the following injuries: Death, Dismemberment; Significant scarring or disfigurement; Displaced Fractures; Loss of Fetus or a Permanent Injury that can been diagnosed by credible, objective medical testing. Selecting the correct insurance coverage is extremely important when it comes to protecting your family and personal assets. Call the Attorneys at R.C. Shea & Associates (732-505-1212) for a free evaluation of your automobile insurance policy.

Our clients’ success is our greatest reward. 732-505-1212 • RCSHEA.COM

30th Annual NJ State Chili & Salsa Cook-off

TOMS RIVER – The 30th Annual NJ State Chili & Salsa Cook-off takes place along Washington Street in Downtown Toms River on May 18, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. There will be Food Trucks, Beer & Wine Garden, Live Entertainment, Merchandise

Vendors, and not to mention, Chili & Salsa Tastings! This event is free to the public. Tasting kit is $7 and vote for your favorite chili! For more information, contact Downtown Toms River at 732-341-8738.

Check out Micromedia Publications’ website, jerseyshoreonline.com.


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Page 20, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019

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Local Schools Earn Environmental Grants

By Chris Lundy Several local schools won grants to teach children about sustainability, to change habits in order to prevent natural resources from being depleted. The New Jersey Education Association awarded 11 $10,000 grants and 36 $2,000 grants throughout the state. “Our job as educators is to prepare the next generation with the skills, information, and resources to become engaged citizens and leaders in our efforts to save and protect our planet,” NJEA Vice President Sean M. Spiller said in a press release. “NJEA is honored to continue to work with Sustainable Jersey on this important program that directs resources into our schools.” Locally, the winners were as follows: Brick Township schools will use their $10,000 grant for the “Grow Brick Grow” program in elementary and middle schools. “These funds allow our elementary and middle school students to engage in hydroand aquaponic farming methods to develop an understanding of how productive it can be to grow and raise their own food supply. We look forward to promoting healthy and sustainable food choices as we cultivate our school gardens into positive community partnerships,” said Superintendent Gerard Dalton. Lake Riviera Middle School in Brick will use a $2,000 grant for healthy and sustainable meals. “This grant will provide our students with an opportunity to broaden their knowledge of sustainability in a living classroom through an aquaponic gardening system. This project-based experience will allow our students to explore the connections between chemistry and life science and use innovation to improve the planet,” said Principal Alyce Anderson. Switlik Elementary School in Jackson won a $10,000 grant to install water bottle stations to decrease the number of plastic bottles used. Green team members will sell reusable water bottles, with the money going to a donation to the Jackson food pantry. “Our Switlik Panthers will be enlightened to the importance of preventative recycling, through the installation of water

bottle refilling stations, and the practice of restorative recycling through the use of re-purposing and reusing recyclable waste and materials to grow nutritional food. The Switlik School has great passion for educating ourselves and our community on sustainability efforts. We believe our sustainability efforts will have a lasting impact on our school and community that we are proud to call home,” said Principal Kathleen McKiernan. An outdoor classroom will be constructed with a $10,000 grant at Toms River High School North. According to a press release from the district, the outdoor classroom, dubbed Setting the Stage for Outdoor Learning (S.S.O.L.) will have several unique features. A student-built boardwalk will join the school to an enclosed courtyard. This will be made up of a concrete bottom, with weather-resistant benches and storage. Seats will face a stage near the theater department’s shed. The courtyard itself will be filled with native plant species, based on consulting work with partners like the Barnegat Bay Partnership and the Jane Goodall Institute. Ramtown Elementary in Howell will use a $2,000 grant in a plastics reduction campaign. “As an active participant in the Powersave program sponsored through New Jersey Natural Gas, our school is proud to have been selected a recipient of the Sustainable Jersey for Schools Grant,” Principal Albert J. Bohrer said. “The money will be utilized to further advance our school’s efforts to promote sustainable and conscientious choices to benefit our environment.” Island Heights Elementary School will use a $2,000 grant for a student wellness program. “The Island Heights Grade School educational community is thrilled to accept the $2,000 Sustainable Jersey for Schools Grant that will benefit our children’s health and wellness which is so important in their physical, social and emotional growth. We thank Sustainable Jersey for Schools for this opportunity to apply and compete for this chance to purchase health and fitness related (Grants - See Page 21)


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The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 21

Grants: Continued From Page 20 supplies and equipment that will enhance our children’s wellness,” Superintendent Timothy Rehm said. “Our state’s students and teachers continue to inspire me with their passion for sustainability and commitment to New Jersey’s future,” said Sustainable Jersey Executive

Director Randall Solomon. “We are proud to support their efforts with grant money to help realize their vision.” Proposals were judged by an independent Blue-Ribbon Selection Committee. The Sustainable Jersey for Schools grants are intended to help school districts and schools make progress toward a sustainable future in general, and specifically toward Sustainable Jersey for Schools certification.

Toms River Shakespeare Festival Announces 2019 Summer Season

TOMS RIVER – Join in August 1-11 for the 2019 Toms River Shakespeare Festival! Performances will be held at Huddy Park on Thursday-Saturday at 7 p.m., Sunday at 3 p.m. and at Ortley Beach on August 7. This year’s play will be Measure For Measure, directed by Lori Garrabrant. A young novice nun must persuade the Duke of Vienna’s corrupt Deputy, Angelo, to spare her brother’s life but when Angelo proposes a salacious bargain to redeem him, where will she turn and who will believe her. We can’t wait to return to Huddy Park Ortley Beach this summer for a 3rd Season of storytelling! Each year, our work is made possible by generous individuals, sponsors

and supporters like you, who help us raise the funds we urgently need to bring our productions to life. Alone, we couldn’t accomplish very much, but together we can continue to do exactly what we set out to do: to bring people together, to share timeless texts and stories with our audiences and to create theater that is inclusive, accessible and free for all! We need your support now more than ever to make it happen! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Toms River Shakespeare Festival today! Any amount makes a difference and will help ensure the vitality of live theater in our community! For more information, visit trshakespeare. org/support.

Introducing Alexis Morrast TOMS RIVER – Alexis Jessica Morrast began singing at the age of three. The youngest of six, this singer/songwriter is a 16-year-old phenom and native of Newark, now residing in Plainfield, New Jersey. She is not only a two-time Amateur Night Winner at The Apollo but also won “Showtime at the Apollo,” which aired on Fox TV and was hosted by Steve Harvey! Not to be complacent, she

continued studying and working hard to become the recipient of the 2017 Hot House Magazine “Best Up and Coming Young Artist Award.” The Grunin Center for the Arts will host Alexis Morrast on March 21 at 3 p.m. Tickets are $24 adult, $20 senior. For tickets and information, visit grunincenter.org/event/ introducing-alexis-morrast/.

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Page 22, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019

OCC Offers Pet Therapy & Certification Course

TOMS R I V ER — O ce a n Cou nt y College’s Depar tment of Continuing & Professional Education, in partnership with Caregiver Canines and Compassionate Canine Training LLC, is once again offering Pet Therapy Preparation & Certification. This hands-on training course is for friendly dogs and their owners. Since 2017, 38 dogs have been trained through the program. Pet therapy visits enrich lives, encourage personal connections, and provide the dogs with an opportunity to use interactive skills that help keep them mentally and physically fit. In addition to the connection between dog and the client, the handlers often form relationships with the people they visit. Pet Therapy Preparation & Certification consists of four training classes to prepare both owner and pet to be tested, and hopefully certified, as a Therapy Dog Team on week five. The class helps touch up basic

obedience cues and coaches partners to work as a team in the therapy visit environment. (NOTE: Dogs do not need to be perfectly obedient, but should enjoy new people and have a basis in cues.) This certification allows you and your dog to volunteer with Caregiver Canines® and perform home visits in the local senior community, as well as independently visit any hospital, assisted living facility, school, or business that allows pet therapy visitations. Two classes are open for registration this spring: Saturdays, February 23 to March 16, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Evaluations are to be scheduled for the following week: Saturday, March 23. To register, call the OCC Department of Continuing & Professional Education at 732-255-0409 or visit ocean.edu/programs-and-courses/register-pay-here/. Select ONLINE then NEW USER, then type in keywords “Pet Therapy.”

Ms. New Jersey Senior America Pageant 2019

ATLANTIC CITY – “Women, 60+: experienced enough to do the right thing, yet young enough to enjoy more!”, is the theme for the Ms. New Jersey Senior America Pageant 2019. Harrah’s Resort Hotel & Casino will host the annual event on Wednesday, June 5, 2019, in the Superstar Theater at 1 p.m. The Pageant began in 1971, and is the search for that gracious lady, 60 and over, who best exemplifies the dignity, maturity and inner beauty of all Senior Americans. There are four Judging Categories which include: Evening Gown, Philosophy of Life, Talent, and Judges Interview. After

winning the State title, the Queen becomes the delegate from New Jersey, who will participate in the Ms. Senior America Pageant 2019. The National Pageant will be held in October at Resorts. This is a great opportunity at this time of your life to have the time of your life! If you are interested in becoming a contestant, please contact Mrs. Terry Meade, State Pageant Director, 609-443-3039, or 908-216-8534., or email tbm5201@ aol.com. To learn more, visit our website and blog at newjerseysenioramerica.org and msnewjerseysenioramerica.blogspot.com.


The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 23

–Photo courtesy Toms River Township TOMS RIVER – At a recent Council Meeting, the Governing Body and Mayor Kelaher presented honoring proclamations to Eagle Scouts and swore in five new Police Officers. Congratulations to the new Eagle Scouts of Troop 29: Mason Hopson, Matthew Pizzo, Alexander Plaskon, Nicolas Lamana and Joseph Ruggiero. Congratulations to the newest Police Officers, who were officially sworn in by Mayor Kelaher: Anthony R. Carafa #436, Brendan M. Hirtes #437, Brittany M. Catalano #438, Sean M. Ryan #439 and Michael R. Hader #440. Thank you all for your dedication and service to our community.

Women’s Self-Defense

TOMS RIVER – In this two-hour self-defense course women ages 16 and up will be taught basic striking, as well as how to escape from holds, chokes and grabs. Defensive moves are taught from both standing and ground positions. Dan Chandler, a 2nd degree black belt and American Top Team Level 3 MMA instructor with years of experience working with kids and adults, will lead class.Please wear comfortable clothes. Please bring exact cash or make a check payable to Trench Sports, LLC for $20 for each session.

Class held at the Program Room, Parks Administration Office, Toms River from 9-11 a.m. • Session 1: Saturday, March 16 #451544 - 6A • Session 2: Saturday, March 23 #451544 – 6B • Session 3: Saturday, March 30 #451544 – 6C • Session 4: Saturday, April 6 #451544 – 6D There is a $5. per person registration fee. Call: 732-506-9090 for more information

The Toms River Times welcomes your special announcements! Engagements, Weddings, Births, Birthday Wishes, etc. Please call 732-657-7344 for more details!


Page 24, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019

ATTENTION COACHES! Want to let everyone know your team’s schedule for the season? Want to let everyone know of your players’ successes and milestones?


CALL 732.657.7344

Special Occasion Announcements The Toms River Times welcomes your special announcements! Engagement, Wedding, Anniversary, Birth, Birthday Wishes, etc.

Artists & Vendors Needed For 2019 Earth First Festival

OCEAN COUNTY – Artists and Vendors wanted for the 2019 Earth First Festival at Jakes Branch County Park on Saturday, May 18. Earth First Art Contest: Attention all local Ocean County artists! Ready to put your skills to the test? Jakes Branch County Park is looking for talented, local ar tists to design a themed ar t piece that will be showcased on various advertisements and show items for the 2020 Earth First Festival. All artwork must be newly created and entered by March 30. All art will be judged by an art panel and the finalists will be posted on our Facebook page for the public to vote for their favorite piece. For contest r ules and ent r y for m, email Ben Ackerman at backerman@ co.ocean.nj.us. This year’s art theme: The Power of Pollinators. Entry form: bit.ly/2t7oaxD.

Ear th First Festival Jakes Branch County Parks 2nd Annual Earth First Festival is approaching quickly. We are looking for local artists and businesses to take part in our event. Spots for the event are free! In keeping with the theme of the event, we are looking for local environmental and holistic businesses, recycled and environmental crafters and artists, garden and plant vendors, and whole food and produce vendors who have products to sell on site. Products being sold must be family friendly and fit within the criteria laid out in the vendor rules. All applications are subject for review before an acceptance letter is sent. An application is not a guarantee of acceptance to the show. For an event application and vendor rules, email Ben Ackerman at backerman@co.ocean.nj.us. Vendor Application form: bit.ly/2BdGlGn.

Law Enforcement Personnel: Join Our Group

Publication fee of $24.95 includes photo* and 200 word limit. The announcement will appear in Color and on ourWeb site!! Mail or bring to: The Toms River Times, 15 Union Avenue, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 or e-mail to news@Jerseyshoreonline.com. Enclose check or Visa/MasterCard/American Express information. For more information or questions, please call 732-657-7344. *Photos will not be returned unless accompanied by a self addressed, stamped envelope.

TOMS RIVER – Our goal is to bring together Retired Law Enforcement Officers, Corrections Officers, State Troopers, Prosecutors Investigators and Career Firefighters living in and around Ocean County. We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at noon. Meetings are held at the Silverton Firehouse, 15 Kettle Creek Road, Toms River. Yearly dues are $20 in addition at each meeting we charge $5 to cover lunch. As a chapter of the statewide organization, we discuss issues related to our pension and benefits. We also share a lot

of war stories and brotherhood. If interested in joining, please let us know and an application will be forwarded. Please keep the posts related to our common retiree issues and other information for the good of our professions. Remember, you do not have to be retired from an Ocean County department to join. Out of state retirees are also welcome to join as long as you meet the above criteria. We have a yearly picnic and Christmas party. We try to have guest speakers when available. An application may be downloaded at njrpfa.org.



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Page 26, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019


Help Wanted


Seaside Park Beautiful (Yearly) Oceanfront - Home with yard, porch, deck, parking, cabana hot/cold shower, super clean 2 or 3 bedroom with spectacular sunrises. From $1800 monthly or rent the entire summer season. 908-278-5491. (13)

Full Time Administrative Assistant For a manufactured housing community in Browns Mills. $16/hour, Monday thru Friday, 9 - 5. Job consists of collecting monthly lot rents from residents, paying bills for 3 communities, filing, answering phones and greeting prospective buyers. Working directly for the owner. Mature person over 50. Must have some computer knowledge. Very pleasant environment. Please call to set up an interview. 609-893-3388. (12)

Don Carnivale Painting - Specializing interiors. Quality always. Very neat. Prompt courteous service. Reasonable-affordable. Senior discounts. Honest-reliable. Low rates. 732-8994470 or 732-915-4075. (11)

Items Wanted $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, bric-a-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) Vinyl Records Wanted - Rock, Blues, Reggae, Metal, Punk, Jazz, Psychedelic, soul. Very good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (8) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/ dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) CASH PAID!! - LP records, stereos, turntables, musical instruments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (3) Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (11)

Legal I, Ernesto Di Giacomo, am petitioning for ownership of a 1972 Ford Mustang - VIN number: 2F02F226792. A court date has been set in Ocean County Superior Court on the 22nd day of February 2019. (11)

Help Wanted General Maintenance - Browns Mills, NJ. Looking for maintenance person for 55+ Manufactured Housing Community. General knowledge of carpentry, plumbing, sewer, electrical and snow plowing. Must be neat and organized. Full time 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. $17-$20 per hour depending on experience. Health benefits available after 90 days. Must have valid drivers license and clean criminal background. Call 609-893-3388 to set up an interview. (13) Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n)

Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) Now Hiring Property Inspectors FT/PT in your area. Full, free training provided. msangelabove@comcast. net. 732-766-4425, ask for Mel. (11) CDL DRIVER – PT. The Pines at Whiting is currently looking for a part time weekend CDL driver to transport residents to and from our community. This person will work every Sunday to coordinator church runs, and every other weekend for residents trips. Position requires a CDL license with 16+ passenger endorsement.For immediate consideration apply to: The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759, 732849-2047 or email resume to rscully@ thepinesatwhiting.org. EOE. (11) Part Time Food Service - NEW STARTING RATE OF $10/hr. We have an immediate need for Part Time Waitstaff/Servers AM and PM shifts available, Dietary Aides, PT Dishwashers. We are a well established retirement/ healthcare community located in Whiting. We offer competitive pay. Under the direction of great Food Service leadership team, you will be working in an environment where you get the support and training needed to grow in your culinary career. The Pines offers an open door policy and Senior Leadership is always available and visible to our employees every day. in Person to: The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or email resume to rscully@thepinesatwhiting.org. (11) CNA/CHHA - The Pines is looking for experienced CNA's/CHHA’s to work FT or PT. All shifts available in both Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing. WE have a weekend program that requires a commitment of 4 weekend shifts per month. Full Time positions offer competitive rate (based on experience), and excellent benefits including health, dental, life, paid time off and 401(K) with generous match after 1 year. Apply in Person to: The Pines , 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or email resume to rscully@thepinesatwhiting.org. (11) Community Resource Center - Driver wanted for mental health agency in Brick. Monday – Friday 7 a.m. - 9 a.m.; 2:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Candidate must have valid NJ driver’s license with a clean driving record. Please Call 732-255-9102, Ext. 5. (14) Now Hiring – The Goddard School on Route 70 is seeking full time Teacher’s Assistant and leads for the upcoming school year. We provide a warm, loving environment for children up to six years. Must have a flexible schedule, available Mon-Fri. Benefits include paid time off, 401k and paid lunch on Fridays. To learn more about these positions, email your resume to tomsriver2nj@goddardschools.com

Services Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonary, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (13)


Private Instrumental Music Lessons - In your home by state-certified teacher of music. School students and adults are welcome! 732-350-4427. (13) House Cleaning - Honest, reliable, reasonable since 2001. References provided. Primary coverage area Holiday City, Crestwoods. Please

call Pat 908-330-1572.

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The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 27

Psychic Fair Returns On March 30 BERKELEY – The HCB First Aid Auxiliary is holding another Psychic Fair on Saturday, March 30, from 11:30 to 5 p.m. at Holiday City West Clubhouse, 45 Cabrillo Blvd., Berkeley. This event is by appointment only! Margaret Steele: Medium. She performs Angel Card Readings and automatic handwriting to contact your personal loved ones in Heaven. She is a certified Reiki Master, who also uses crystals to perform healing sessions on people and animals. Madame Wanda: Spiritual reader from a long ancestral background of psychics. She has been reading Tarots for more than 15 years. In New York, she studied spiritual readings under a minister. She deals in herbal medicines and spiritual healing. Carol Hellings: Professional psychic reader practicing for many years. She is a certified astrologer and published on Palmistry.She appeared on Television, radio, and taught classes in Marie Militello: She combines the Fan of Life which tells your fortune through blades of wood etched with pictures and antique fortune telling cards. Both the sticks which originated in Italy, and the cards date back to 1937. They have been passed down to Marie from her mother. Peggy Brennan: Evidential Medium, licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Reiki Master. As a EM, Peggy’s

mission is working with spirit to connect her clients with their loved ones on the other side and bring them healing messages to help them on their life path. As a LCP she has extensive counseling experience, especially with children from K-12th grade Rose Chiachetti: Offers a personalized approach to Palmistry. Her insights are both unique and rewarding and offer a revealing glimpse into a person’s past and future. She is considered to be an expert in her field. Elizabeth Bertolf: Intuitive Tarot Card Reader. She has been reading tarot cards for local shops, restaraunts, psychic fairs, corporate events, fundraisers as well as doing home parties and private readings for over 15 years. Joe Hicks: Medium. As far back as Joe can remember he has heard and seen things others do not. When he spoke to his parents about it they would brush it aside. He realized that not everyone saw what he could see. For years he only helped friends, but then it became more apparent that he had this gift and should be helping other people. He says what he has is truly a blessing. To make an appointment or for more information please contact Madeline Wesolowski at 732-797-0686 or e-mail Madweso@comcast. net. If necessary, please leave message and she will get back to you.

Volunteer At SAVE Rescue

OCEAN COUNTY – Love animals? Want to help local homeless pets? You CAN make a difference! Become a volunteer at SAVE Rescue! Our adoption centers are at: SAVE

Pet center 1594 Lakewood Rd. in Toms River and PetSmart in Brick, 1 Brick Plaza Chambersbridge Rd. Visit our website at save. rescuegroups.org to fill out an application!

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Page 28, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019

Fun & Games


C rossword P uzzle

Across 1 Hershey’s toffee bar 5 Res __ loquitur: the thing speaks for itself 9 Online shopping mecca 14 Chip in a chip 15 Seasonal song 16 Hunky-dory 17 Start of a knitting project 18 Prefix with space 19 Dry Italian wine 20 Tailpipe emission 23 Hot state 24 Beatty/Hoffman box office flop 28 Tug-of-war injuries 32 Former fillies 34 Ready for a refill 35 Freelancer’s

email attachment: Abbr. 36 Glider on runners 37 Flowing garments 38 Sonar signal 39 Word in a bride’s bio 40 Went a-courting 41 Two-time US Open winner 42 Hair-smoothing hairs 45 Library machine 46 “__ the Walrus” 47 Shellfish cookouts 54 Medicare prescription drug section 57 Pre-coll. 58 Brandy bottle letters 59 Prospero’s servant 60 Highest sudoku digit 61 Hip bones 62 Free, in France 63 Armoire feature 64 Counting-out word

Down 1 Cyber Monday event 2 Fort with lots of bars 3 “Then again,” in tweets 4 Fixed 5 “Be right with you” 6 Pound, but not ounce 7 Medieval laborer 8 Six-time All-Star Moises 9 Slips past 10 __ pork: Chinese dish served with pancakes 11 Letters often after a perp’s name 12 Loo 13 Corrosive substance 21 “Exodus” author 22 Money makers 25 Warbles 26 Musical set in an orphanage 27 Replies to an invite, for short

28 Make available 29 “__ coffee?” 30 Louvre Pyramid architect 31 Pages with views 32 Rachel Maddow’s network 33 Final Olds made 37 Charming snake? 38 2007 animated film in which Sting voices himself 40 Coax 41 Big chunk 43 Many a bridesmaid 44 Less cluttered 48 Shift (for oneself) 49 Hodgepodge 50 “How awful!” 51 Cruise stop 52 Pork choice 53 Do a vet’s job 54 Chum 55 NPR journalist Shapiro 56 Bone in a cage




Crossword puzzle




The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 29

Brick Continues Push For New VA Clinic


Search: @JSHOREONLINE Do you have a loved one you care for and have concerns about their current living situation? Rose Garden Nursing and Rehabilitation has very limited immediate availability for Medicaid approved long-term residents. Experience the love and luxury. Call Kelly in Admissions to make arrangements - 732.505.4477 The VA Clinic in Brick is very busy year-round. By Judy Smestad-Nunn BRICK - Mayor John G. Ducey recently took a tour of the overcrowded VA outpatient clinic in Brick with Congressman Andy Kim (D-3rd) and VA staff members to get a “bird’s eye view” of how small the facility is and how inadequate the parking is there. According to the VA staff, veterans book some 400 primary care appointments a day, and patients have resorted to parking in the dirt at the edge of the woods since there aren’t enough parking spaces, Ducey said during the Feb. 5 council meeting. The township has been lobbying to keep a new 80,000 square-foot outpatient clinic in Brick since the VA is looking to lease a site that could accommodate the larger structure and at least 480 parking spots. Neighboring Toms River has also been promoting a location. The James J. Howard Outpatient Clinic has been located at 970 Route 70 for 25 years and is used by a large number of military veterans and their families who live in Brick’s 13 adult communities and


–Photo by Judy Smestad-Nunn

in other areas of Ocean County. The township administration has proposed two sites in Brick which are near the Garden State Parkway, are close to Brick Hospital and outside the flood zone. The first site is behind the Lowe’s Home Improvement store on Cedar Bridge Avenue. The second site is a wooded triangle-shaped piece of property located between Burrsville Road, Jack Martin Boulevard and Route 88, which the mayor told the congressman was a perfect site. “It’s large enough for the 400 parking spots they want to have, it’s large enough for the square footage they want for the facility, it’s close to the Parkway, it’s not in flood zone, and it’s right next to our hospital,” Ducey said. “It’s the absolute perfect site, and hopefully our congressman agrees.” More importantly, Ducey said he hopes the VA administration ag rees since they’ll be going through the process of lease agreement submissions and financial agreements in March. Both sites would be putting in for that, and he said (Clinic - See Page 30)


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Page 30, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019


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Clinic: Continued From Page 29 he assumes another site in Toms River would be applying as well. “It’s something that our veterans need,” Ducey said. “Speaking with the veterans that were there, they want a bigger clinic, they need a bigger clinic and they need more services.” The current facility offers teleconferencing, mental health services, primary care, including lab work and simple x-rays, he said. “All that is available, which sounds like a lot, but depending on what kind of problem you’re dealing with you might not need a simple x-ray, you might need an MRI or a CT scan, in which case you

have to drive to the VFW, a bus picks you up and they take you two hours up to the big medical center in East Orange, so that’s going to be available at our new clinic here in Brick,” Ducey said. The VA is also planning for a pain management department at the new facility which could offer cortisone injections, epidurals and more, he said. Ducey said at some point in the future he might ask veterans and residents to write letters to the VA asking to keep the new clinic in Brick. “I don’t think we’re there yet, but we may need it in the future,” Ducey said. “If you go there, it’s bursting at the seams and needs to be updated with a new facility.” The next council meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb. 26 at 7 p.m.

NARFE Association Winter/ Spring Meetings 2019 MANCHESTER – Chapter 1619 of NARFE would like to invite all Federal Employees, active and retired, or spouses of deceased Federal Employees, to join us at our monthly meetings. We discuss our benefits, pensions and annuities. Each month there is a guest speaker on relevant topics, fellowship and refreshments. We are in the process of obtaining speakers for the meetings. Meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month (excluding Januar y, July and August). We meet at 1 p.m. at the Man-

chester Municipal building, Route 37 West and Colonial Drive, Manchester, NJ, in the downstairs meeting room (elevator available). We look forward to welcoming new and current members. 2019 Winter/Spring Meeting Schedule is as follows: • March 18 – April 15 – May 20 • June 3 – Spring Luncheon – Place to be Determined Any questions or further information, please call Janet Adams at 732-2793857 or Phyllis Papa at 732-849-9247.

Pasta Making 101

TOMS RIVER – Have you wanted to try your hand at making homemade pasta but felt a bit unsure about the process and how the results would come out? This class will explore the basics of pasta made from scratch including: spaghetti, ricotta cavatelli, and sweet potato gnocchi. Leave class with some firsthand experience, a taste test of each pasta created and recipes to use at home. This program will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County, 1623

Whitesville Road, Toms River. There is a non-refundable program fee of $5 per person. Payment is due prior to program. Please make check payable to OCBA. Space is limited. Please register by Tuesday March 5, 2019, contact 732-349-1247. Rutgers Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity program provider and employer. Contact your local Extension Office for information regarding special needs or accommodations. Contact the State Extension Director’s Office if you have concerns related to discrimination, 848-932-3584.


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The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019, Page 31

Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of Mar 2 - Mar 8 By Jeraldine Saunders

ARIES (March 21-April 19): When the bar is set high, you tend to try harder. A desire to reach the heights of perfection to impress someone can be a worthy incentive. Use your street smarts to upgrade your piggy bank in the upcoming week. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): As the week begins you may have a handle on shrewd business strategies, but by mid-week you may learn that money is the root of all evil. Focus your energies on being a responsible member of your community. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “My way or the highway” is not a motto that will win friends or help you attain your objectives in the week ahead. You may start off with high standards but could become discouraged when your desires are misunderstood. CANCER (June 21-July 22): A little romance and relaxation can brighten your day, but the coming work week will require you to shift your attention to obligations. A hard-working partner can set a fast pace and you may be challenged to keep up. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You may be amazed at the way a loved one can elevate the atmosphere with charm and grace. You may ride a financial roller coaster in the week to come, and you may not be as shrewd or as lucky as you think. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Today you may be able to charm your way past anyone’s objectives, but the rest of the week might not be as easy. Avoid trying to take advantage of anyone as your strategies could backfire and cost you money.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your week may revolve around a partner’s ambitions or a loved one’s work schedule. By the weekend, however, you will have a chance to break free of restraints and try something more exciting. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Rely on your people skills for successful negotiations as this week unfolds. You can charm people into giving you a bargain rather than testing your luck with wheeling and dealing. Control extravagant spending habits. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Having fun may require a huge effort in the upcoming week but is well worth the bother. Overcome any temporary downturn in the atmosphere by focusing on hard work and staying within the budget. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In the week ahead, you may feel driven to become more efficient and organized. You may think you are practical about purchases and sensible with the budget, but you could go to extremes without realizing it. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Today you are blessed with charm and poise under fire that will make everyone stand up and take notice. As the week goes by you will find it necessary to put more effort into actual work and spend less time dawdling. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You may easily become sidetracked by material ambitions in the week ahead. Friends may encourage you to be more competitive, but this may not be a posture that fits your nature. Work hard but be patient.



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Wolfgang Puck’s Kitchen Rustic Soup Brings Back Warm Family Memories

By Wolfgang Puck

I first learned to cook in a kitchen ruled by two strong, loving women: my mother and grandmother. They were both amazing cooks, and all these years later my mouth still waters when I think about the food they prepared. They weren’t fancy about our daily food. Though they both knew how to prepare the finest traditional Austrian dishes, they ran our home smartly and frugally. They grew most of their own vegetables, relying largely on fresh produce straight from our home garden along with smart pantry staples. Among their most reliable staples were dried beans. Of course, they grew most of the beans they used. I remember scarlet runner beans that they let dry on the vines in the summer sun before shelling and storing them. There were white beans like cannellini, too, since we lived so close to the Italian border. And I’m sure they bought more beans at local street markets. For such an inexpensive ingredient, dried beans provide generous flavor and texture, not to mention abundant healthy nutrients such as B vitamins, potassium, complex carbohydrates and fiber, along with good amounts of protein but little fat and no cholesterol. More than just a great accompaniment, they’re robust and flavorful enough to serve as a main dish in their own right. Take, for example, my recipe for white bean soup with root vegetables. With generous quantities of root vegetables, a little bacon for extra flavor (though vegetarians and vegans could leave that out), and optional garnishes of sliced cooked sausage and freshly grated Parmesan (also easy to omit for those who don’t eat meat or dairy), it’s definitely a soup that adds up to a meal in itself. With very little effort on your part, my recipe - which you can make with any variety of dried white beans - yields a generous quantity: 3 quarts (3 liters), the equivalent of a dozen 1-cup (250-mL) servings. So, unless you’re feeding a crowd, you can refrigerate or freeze leftovers to reheat for later. Add some warm, crusty bread, a salad of flavorful leaves like kale, arugula or endive, or just a simple slaw of shredded cabbage and carrots, and you have a perfectly satisfying dinner. It’s the sort of meal that will make you feel as if you’re dining by the fireplace. Once you’ve made the soup a few times, feel free to start experimenting. Use different kinds of beans, vegetables and seasonings. Add a smoked ham hock or turkey leg, if you like. In other words, make the recipe your own, reflecting whatever you have available that’s in season. In other words, cook like my mother and grandmother did. WHITE BEAN SOUP WITH ROOT VEGETABLES Makes 3 quarts (3 L)

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2 cups (500 mL) dried white beans 1/4 cup (60 mL) extra-virgin olive oil 2 1/2 quarts (2.5 L) store-bought good-quality

low-sodium chicken stock or broth, or vegetable stock or broth 2 ounces (60 g) smoked bacon, about 3 slices, cut crosswise into strips 2 medium yellow onions, peeled, trimmed, and diced 2 large carrots, trimmed, peeled, and diced 2 small celery stalks, trimmed and diced 1 small bulb celeriac, peeled and diced 6 large garlic cloves, peeled and chopped 1/4 cup (60 mL) tomato paste 1 large tomato, about 8 ounces (250 g), peeled, seeded, and chopped 2 or 3 large fresh basil leaves 2 or 3 sprigs fresh Italian parsley 1 sprig fresh thyme 1 sprig fresh rosemary 1/3 cup (85 mL) sherry wine vinegar 2 teaspoons sugar Kosher salt Freshly ground white pepper Sliced cooked sausage, for garnish, optional Freshly grated Parmesan cheese, for garnish, optional Start prepping the beans the night before. Little by little, spread them out on a clean work surface and sort out any grit or other debris or malformed beans. Put the beans in a strainer, and rinse thoroughly with cold running water. Then, transfer them to a bowl, add cold water to cover them by at least 2 inches (5 cm), and leave at room temperature to soak overnight. Start cooking the soup at least 3 hours before serving time, first draining the beans thoroughly. Heat a large stockpot over medium heat, and add the olive oil. Add the bacon strips and cook, stirring frequently, until they have browned lightly, several minutes. With a slotted spoon, remove and discard the bacon. In another pot, bring the stock or broth to a boil over medium-high heat; then, reduce the heat and keep warm. While the stock is heating, add the onions, carrots, celery and celeriac to the pot containing the oil and bacon fat, and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until they begin to turn tender, 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in the garlic, tomato paste, chopped tomato and drained beans. With kitchen string, securely tie together the basil, parsley, thyme and rosemary. Add the bundle to the pot along with the vinegar and sugar. Pour in the hot stock or broth, and stir well. Season lightly with salt and white pepper. Raise the heat, and bring the liquid to a full boil. Then reduce the heat to medium and cook, stirring occasionally, and adding more stock or fresh water as needed to keep the beans fully covered. When the beans are tender, remove and discard the herb bundle. Ladle out 2 cups (500 mL) of the beans and vegetables and puree them in a blender or food processor, carefully following the manufacturer’s instructions for processing hot liquids safely without spattering. Stir the puree back into the pot. Taste and adjust the seasonings with more salt and pepper. To serve ladle the soup into heated bowls. If you like, garnish with sausage and Parmesan cheese.

(Chef Wolfgang Puck’s TV series,“Wolfgang Puck’s Cooking Class,” airs Sundays on the Food Network. Also, his latest cookbook, “Wolfgang Puck Makes It Easy,” is now available in bookstores. Write Wolfgang Puck in care of Tribune Media Services Inc., 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207) © 2019 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.

Page 32, The Toms River Times, March 2, 2019


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