Vol. 16 - No. 50
In This Week’s Edition
Your FREE Weekly Hometown Newspaper For Toms River, Island Heights, Ortley Beach & Lavallette
Support Growing For Plant Sale Letters Page 10.
Government Page 9.
Community News! Don’t miss what’s happening in your town.
Pages 11-17.
Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Team Science: Hearing Help & Hope…
Page 20.
Dear Pharmacist Caffeine Is A Natural Option For ADHD
Page 21.
Inside The Law Page 23.
Business Directory Page 28-29.
Classifieds Page 27.
Wolfgang Puck Page 35.
–Photo by Chris Lundy Susan Payne Gato carries some vegetables at the end of the sale. By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – It was a good day for plants that like shade and light rain. The annual Ocean County Master Gardeners Plant Sale was held on a recent Saturday morning in the parking lot that services the health department and the Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Week 21-May 11 p-County plant sale (TR 21) 1-School budget long story 2-History - Mutter
The impending drizzle didn’t keep people away. There were about 742 people who showed up to shop, 325 of them in the first 10 minutes, said Sue Masoorli, chair of the plant sale. They come looking for unusual plants you won’t find in the box stores. Funds raised through the sale support the Master Gardeners
for the rest of the year. By noon, the first drops started to fall but that was OK because customers had practically cleaned them out by then. Some people are looking for creating havens for wildlife, said Mary Townsend, co-manager of the greenhouse. There were a lot (Plant - See Page 4)
What Was Needed In Early Days Of Toms River?
By J. Mark Mutter In 2017, Toms River celebrated its 250th a n n ive r s a r y – t he founding of our town in 1767, nine years before A mer ican i nde pe nde nce wa s declared. It’s a colonial-era story, an 18th century story. But what of those years after our founding? How did our town
grow after its creation? That’s a 19th century story.
Just A Small, Isolated Resort Town? With the closing of Cr a nbe r r y I n let i n 1812 due to a nor’easter storm, Toms River grew ever so slowly in the first half of the 1800s. The inlet had provided easy access
to Toms River from the ocean and helped make the village a thriving hub of commerce in the late 1700s. Indeed, this is one of the reasons the British attacked Toms River in 1782. In 1810, the town’s population was 1882. By 1850 - the year Ocean County was created and Toms River was designated as the county
seat - the population had grown modestly to just 2,385. There were several reasons for this: the creation of Jackson Township out of our township in 1844, the move west by Mormons in the early 1800s (we had a sizeable Mormon population here), and the closing of the inlet which stagnated
(Needed - See Page 4)
| May 11, 2019
Dozens Of Jobs Cut In Budget By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – The school district budget includes cuts of 77 positions in the 20192020 school year, set against the backdrop of the district losing millions in state aid over the next few years. Business administrator William Doering confirmed that they are removing 58 teaching jobs, 12 secretarial positions, six facilities jobs and one administrative position. However, only 31 of these employees are being cut. The rest are leaving due to retirements. In addition to these full time jobs, the district will also be cutting 55 assistant coaching positions and 10 percent from accounts for supplies and textbooks, Doering confirmed. These cuts are in reaction to legislation that has changed the way state aid is given to schools. The law, S-2, will cut approximately $83 million in state aid over the next six years to Toms River, including $2.8 million in the 2019-2020 budget. Senate President Steve Sweeney has said that districts like Toms River were overfunded, and with declining enrollment, they don’t need as much aid. Other districts that were considered underfunded received more aid. Large groups of students, faculty, and supporters have rallied in Trenton, first for the State Assembly Budget Committee hearing and most recently for the Senate Budget Committee hearing. They have been stating that the funding formula has been flawed for years, and this most recent change is just furthering the flaws. They demand a joint legislative committee to be immediately convened, with an aggressive timeline, to fix it. The total 2019-2020 budget would be $242,260,946, a reduction of $852,674 f r om t he c u r r e nt ye a r’s bu d ge t of $243,113,620. Taxpayers would be responsible for $164,516,502 of this, an increase of $3,208,458 from this year’s $161,308,044. The budget would have the following effects on each town in the district: • Toms River: The tax rate would be $1.16 per $100 of assessed valuation, an increase of (Budget - See Page 5)
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Page 2, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 3
Page 4, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
Continued From Page 1 growth. Would our township, then known as Dover Township, be forever destined to be just a small, isolated resort town centered in the village of Toms River? 150 Years Ago In those days after the American Civil War, the lumber and charcoal industries - so vital to the township’s colonial economy became less important. Our town was changing. Inland, cranberry cultivation grew in importance. Along the coast, the barrier island began to be populated and lifesaving stations were built. 150 years ago, in 1869, our local newspaper, the New Jersey Courier, listed the town’s needs: “We want a town clock. We want a steamboat to New York. We want a larger school house. We want a public library.
Continued From Page 1 of salvias for hummingbirds, Agastache for bees, and milkweeds, which are the only plant that monarch butterflies will lay their eggs on. There were some plants that were created this year by growers, like senecio “angel
was formed. And as we turned the corner into the 20th century, in 1905, a local board of trade was created.
The Late 1800s In 1890, the Courier published an editorial and said that our town needed several things: “A ship canal from the Delaware to Toms River to make the village a strategic port from New York to Philadelphia. A branch rail road from Lakewood to the
Toms River village. Large hotels for accommodating both summer and winter guests. An incorporated government for the village of Toms River. A fire department that could save our property from destruction in case of fire. Lots of manufacturing establishments to utilize our splendid water power. Capitalists to put up houses and boom the town for all its worth.” And in 1891, the Courier again said what it thought the town still needed: “Better roads. Good sidewalks and curbs. Better water supply. Fire apparatus. Street lamps. Gas works. Electric plant. Public wharf. New rail road stations. Clean streets. Better schools.” In 1895, our population was 2,580. In 1896, the first organized volunteer fire company
wings,” a small succulent with broad, graywhite leaves. The “sunfinity” is unusual among sunflowers in that it has more than one bloom. The “ember’s wish” salvia debuted from an Australian breeder that donates proceeds to that country’s MakeA-Wish Foundation. And every plant grown was chosen based on how well it grows in this climate.
Susan Servidio, horticulturalist and Master Gardener coordinator, “Some people have a list and some just see what looks good,” she said. Most of them are local, but through conversation, she learned that some of them came from pretty far away. It was also the first year that they accepted credit card payments, so that helped with people making big purchases.
Yard Sale
We want free public schools. We want the village of Toms River to be incorporated. We want a rail road along the shore.” Only the schools and library were ever built. A central story of 19th century Dover Township is that of support for schools. In 1870, $4000 was raised by the village’s residents to build a schoolhouse. In 1871, New Jersey’s free public school law went into effect. Since 1832, however, Dover Township had had a local “school committee” to support schooling of local children. And in 1891, Toms River saw its first graduating class.
The Nineteenth Century As we look back on the 19th century in our township, it was marked by slow and steady growth. The pleas for improvements by the local newspaper: some were made, some were not. It would not be until the next century when enormous change would come to our township - making it the community that we know today. NEXT: The first years of the 20th century SOURCES: “The History of the Public Schools of Dover Township, N.J. From 1900 Through 1955, a Thesis” by Donald F. Martin, 1957, N.J. State Library; “The Dover Town Book 1783-1861”; “Ocean County: Four Centuries in The Making” by Pauline S. Miller; the U.S. Census. J. Mark Mutter is the former Toms River Clerk and chaired the township’s 225th and 250th anniversary committees
TOMS RIVER – Come out for a yard sale on May 11, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m., at 889 Tudor Ct. in Toms River. Proceeds will benefit the SAVE Rescue Shelter located at 1594 Lakewood Rd. Check out Dr. Izzy’s Sound News on Pg. 20
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The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 5
Continued From Page 1 2.11 cents. For the average home, assessed at $273,900, the homeowner’s taxes would increase by $57.82 per year, from $3,136.68 to $3,194.50. • South Toms River: The tax rate would be 97 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, an increase of 1.75 cents. For the average home, assessed at $165,851, the homeowner’s taxes would increase by $28.99 per year, from $1,585.71 to $1,614.70. • Beachwood: The tax rate would be $1.06 per $100 of assessed valuation, an increase of 1.48 cents. For the average home, assessed at $204,100, the homeowner’s taxes would increase by $30.18 per year, from $2,136.10 to $2,166.28. • Pine Beach: The tax rate would be $1.10 per $100 of assessed valuation, an increase of 1.49 cents. For the average home, assessed at $269,400, the homeowner’s taxes would increase by $40.07 per year, from $2,939.07 to $2,979.14. Prosecutor: Crime Will Increase With Toms River losing as much as $83 million in state aid over the next six years, anything is possible – including cutting after school activities.
TOMS RIVER – Ever experienced bladder or bowel dysf unction? How about pelvic or abdominal pain? If yes,
Without clubs and sports, children and teenagers will have more time after school unattended by adults, and that’s when they get into trouble, stated a letter from Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley Billhimer. It was sent to Gov. Phil Murphy, Senate President Stephen Sweeney, House Speaker Craig Coughlin, Department of Education Commissioner Lamont Repollet, and other decision makers. “Approximately 13,000 students in Toms River Schools participate in extra-curricular activities and/or athletic programs,” his letter stated. “For these students, their day does not end in the early afternoon. The research is very clear that after school hours tend to be the most generative time for juvenile delinquency and problem behaviors. In fact, during the school week, studies show that juvenile crime peaks between the hours of 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. The importance of after-school extracurricular activities and athletic programs cannot be understated. “I truly believe there is a direct correlation between how adolescents spend their time and juvenile delinquency. Adolescents that spend their after-school time with positive adult supervision exhibit better behavioral outcomes, including fewer delinquent behaviors, better school performance and higher positive aspirations. The ripple ef-
fect of the reduction in State aid in Toms River clearly goes beyond the classroom,” he wrote. In some cases, it’s a life or death situation. Ocean County is in the midst of one of the worst opioid epidemics anyone has ever seen, he said. Having teenagers be unattended will certainly cause more addiction and overdoses. Petitions For More Aid Last year, Toms River resident Bridget Maillard created a petition to show support for the school district and urging the state to return the aid. She warned that future cuts could include athletics, clubs, and of course teaching staff and paraprofessionals. She was right. “Without these vital programs available to our students, gaining acceptance to a college, the military, or the transitional career is almost impossible. And without these social interactions, the personal development and the reinforcement of life skills will become neglected for our students, making it extremely challenging for our students to stay involved. With that, the concern over drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and vaping becomes even more paramount, especially with Ocean County’s growing opioid epidemic,” she said. Approximately 16,000 people have signed
There’s A Physical Therapist For That
then join physical therapist, Nicole Freitas, from Inner Dynamics Physical Therapy as she explains the scope, diag-
noses, and practices of pelvic physical therapy. Program held on May 15, 3-5 p.m., at
the petition as of press time. To visit the petition, go to change.org/p/new-jersey-governor-save-our-students-help-the-studentsof-toms-river-regional-schools-before-it-stoo-late More recently, the 9th District legislators have created another petition to tell Governor Phil Murphy to reinstate the aid. That can be found at senatenj.com/saveourschools/ It has about 1,000 signatures as of press time. “As a result of this unfair proposal, teachers will be laid off, class sizes will increase, and important programs, including sports and special education, will be severely impacted in many school districts,” the petition read. “In fact, 17 of the 26 school districts in the 9th District would see a loss in aid under the governor’s plan. “School districts in our area would be among the hardest hit anywhere in New Jersey, with our Ocean County schools suffering a net loss of nearly $4.4 million in funding next year. “Our local schools in Ocean County will lose a whopping $28 million in State school aid annually when the Governor’s new funding formula is fully implemented in six years. Our Burlington County schools will lose $10 million each and every year,” the lawmakers said.
the Toms River Library. The program is free to the public. Registration is required.
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Page 6, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
Poultry Pageant Attracts A Flock Of Fans
at Whiting Village at Crestwood VII Sunday, May 19, 2019 DOORS OPEN AT 8AM
Shop til you drop, or until 1PM (Whichever comes first)
FOOD & FUN To reserve a table, you can drop off or mail your $10 payment in an envelope with your name, address and contact number. The front desk will gladly supply you with an envelope. You will receive a confirmation call.
Here is Lady Buckington for the Best Dressed category. By Chris Lundy HOWELL – Chickens are really taking off lately. Not literally, of course. They can’t fly. But the number of families keeping them in their back yard is growing. Whether it’s for eggs or for pets, they are becoming popular backyard friends. What better way to celebrate them than a poultry pageant? The Third Annual Miss Hen was held recently at Monmouth Feed Supply. The event was scheduled to coincide with the arrival of new chicks for the season. With all the backyard chickens, it’s become a fun way for the community of amateur chicken farmers to get together and share tips, owner Ralph Kiracofe said. People are loving having small backyard flocks, especially families that get their children involved in the care of the birds, he said. They learn a lot and are rewarded with having a social and affectionate pet. And nothing answers the market for organic eggs than growing them yourself. “We just figured we’d celebrate it,” Kiracofe said. The chickens were judged in four categories: Trick/Talent, Best Feathered, Best Dressed and Miss Congeniality. The three judges – Diane Goossen of Goossen Farm, Shelby Johnson of Harleys and Horses Farm, and Rob Schuster of Schuster’s Poultry Farm – made the rounds to interact with the birds to see which ones had the softest and most aesthetically pleasing plumage and who had the warmest
–Photo by Chris Lundy
personality. The “Best Dressed” competition had chickens in children’s carts or in a cute outfit. The winner had Jacob Wladich dressed as Colonel Sanders carrying around his chicken, Matilda, in a bucket. The KFC in this case stood for “Kindness For Chickens.” When it came to talent, there are certainly some talented animals in the county, but they were also camera shy. Once they got in front of the judges, some got stage fright. Like one chicken who didn’t respond to commands and just sat there so her owner improvised and declared “She’s doing an impression of a boulder.” Bryce Decline of Brick brought his pet Chica to the competition. He had been working on a trick to get her to fetch bits of cheese. In another case, “The Amazing Big Bird” was trained to find an egg under one of three cups. When she didn’t quite get it, the owner used some “hidden magic” to sprinkle some bird seed near the right one. Results Prizes and ribbons were given out in all categories, with a first through fourth place. But there can only be one Miss Hen. The winner of the competition – and a year’s supply of feed courtesy Monmouth Feed Supply and Nutrena, was Lady Buckington, presented by Ryan and Christina Ward. The runner-up, who won six months of feed, was Muffin, presented by Emily Favre.
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The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 7
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–Photo by Chris Lundy (Above) Bud was playing with his toys for most of the morning. By Chris Lundy BEACHWOOD – About a dozen heartwarming cats and kittens were at a Kitten Shower donation and adoption event – and that’s only a fraction of the animals available for good homes. This was the 5th annual event, held every year at the Beachwood Fire House, said Tana Wilberg, treasurer of Calling All Cats Rescue. The ultimate goal, of course, was to find homes for the animals. There were some full grown cats, some just a few months old, and even some just a few weeks old that had to be bottle fed. Cur-
rently, their home is at a rescue in Jackson, but they are waiting for “furever homes.” Volunteers brought trays of food for the free buffet. There were also several tables set up for crafters and vendors. A wishing well was set up by the entrance, and it was soon filled with donations of food and supplies for cats. It’s always a good event for donations – and for adoptions, Wilberg said. Anyone interested in donating, adopting, fostering, or finding out about future events should “like” Calling All Cats Rescues on Facebook.
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Page 8, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
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Please Stop In Our Toms River Office: 732-244-4900 - 25 Route 37 East, Toms River, NJ ISLAND HEIGHTS Impeccably updated 5 BR, 3 Classic Riverfront bath home in the hub of Historic Island Heights. Walk or bike to the nearby yacht club, marinas,river beach and attend a myriad of cultural events offered throughout the year. Open floor plan, beautiful hdwd floors, updated state of the art kitchen, large MBR suite, 3 staircases, water views from almost everywhere. Includes Riparian Grant stretching into the Toms River which could be utilized for a private boat dock. $739,000. #21909272 Call Michael DellaRocca 732-244-4900
This Ranch is in great condition and priced to sell on a quiet cul-de-sac. Large LR, great kitchen, 4 BRs, 3 Bas, one car garage, formal DR, four season knook / den, utility area, lots of storage, appliance package included and a private deck. $349,000. #21916455 Call Susan Columbo 732-244-4900.
TINTON FALLS Meticulously Maintained Townhouse ROSE GLEN Recently built 3 BR, 2.5 BA Townhouse is fully upgraded, with 3 levels, custom closets, beautiful kitchen w/ granite counters, center island, SS appliances, large family room on the ground level with a gas fireplace and sliders. Recessed lighting with 9 foot ceilings and built in speakers, rear paver patio and 2nd floor deck. $395,000. #21916897 Call Darell Szezypat 732-244-4900
BERKELEY TWP. HOLIDAY CITY BERKELEY Adult 55+ Community Meticulously renovated 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 car garage Capri model features 1,300 SF, French doors open to a beautiful front sunroom/ den/office with lots of light. State of the art kitchen w/ decorative lighting, large island, granite, an open floor plan, LR sliders lead to a large patio. New roof & hot water heater, quality craftsmanship throughout. $248,000. #21915275 Call Joyce Rogers 732-244-4900.
Wide open floor plan w/ custom features, 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 car Belaire model. Front porch w/ column and room to sit, oak hardwood floors, 42 in cabinets in kitchen, SS appliances and two pantries. Expansive living room with dining, updated roof and sliders lead to patio. $239,900. #21916801 Call Robert Cox 732-244-4900.
BERKELEY TWP. HOLIDAY CITY BERKELEY Adult 55+ Community Beautiful 2 BR, 1 bath, 1 car garage Sarasota model with a custom layout ! A covered front porch, kitchen w/ center island, a large w / in closet, large shower and custom tile in Master BR, renovations are in full swing and should be completed by Memorial Day. Pick your colors, cabinets and tile to make it your own! $239,900. #21915544 Call George Shenewolf 732-244-4900
Adult 55+ Community
L akeview mo del, charming 2 BR, 2 BA, one car garage home with a Florida room and deck on a quiet street. Some upgrades have been done. $160,000. #21917690 Call Joyce Rogers 732-244-4900 MANCHESTER RENAISSANCE
Adult 55+ Community
Lovely Aragon model w/ 2 BR, 2 BA, one car garage, extended family room, open floor plan, EIK and a sunroom. Nothing to do but move in. Community features a golf course, club house, gym, indoor & outdoor pool and a fitness room. $257,000. #21916171 Call Tina Orth 732-244-4900 WHITING Adult 55+ Community WHITING STATION Manchester Twp. Freshly painted 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 car garage Wembley model features a kitchen w/ a breakfast bar, den, large living and dining room combo w/ vaulted ceiling, central A/C, and garage access through kitchen. Active clubhouse, w/ a community pool and tennis courts. $150,000. #21915605 Call Thomas Channing 732-244-4900
Ready for You
Adult Community
A split level home in a Great Handyman Special great neighborhood features 4 BRs, 2 BAs and a one car garage. Original hardwood throughout main living space, sliders off dining room to raised deck. Selling AS – IS, needs some TLC to make it your own. $180,000. #21914482 Call Thomas Channing 732-244-4900 BERKELEY TWP. HOLIDAY CITY BERKELEY
Adult 55+ Community
Adult 55+ Community
Fully renovated 2 BR, 1.1 BA one car garage home w/ a luxury lifestyle in mind. Spacious LR, formal DR, kitchen w/ custom cabinets, granite, deluxe lighting, stunning back splash and SS appliance package. Beautiful flooring, upgraded doors and hardware, custom base moldings and lots of crown. Windows w/ a lot of light, located w/ a rear buffer offering more privacy. $214,900. #21902445 Call Susan Columbo 732-244-4900
Yellowstone model w/ open floor plan, 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 car garage features a large bonus room, formal LR, DR and EIK. Best buy in Holiday City! $169,900. #21916741 Call Tina Orth 732-244-4900
BERKELEY TWP. HOLIDAY CITY BERKELEY Adult 55+ Community Open floor plan, 2 BR, 1 BA, new flooring, new kitchen, SS appliance package, wrap around island, with seating, recessed lighting, Live RM / Dine RM combo, sunroom or den with heating and AC, new high end cobblestone driveway, underground sprinklers, landscaping, storage off side of home, newer C/A, newer gas heating system, great home close to shops, restaurants, beach areas and clubhouse. $144,300. #21916028 Call Jeanette Calao 732-244-4900
MANCHESTER Adult 55+Community RENAISSANCE Fabulous 3 BR, 3 BA, 2 car garage Tivoli model, community features a golf course and pond view that is second to none. A beautiful $30,000 gourmet kitchen w/ granite countertops, formal LM, DR and a family room. The loft has a library, office, 3rd BR and a full bath. Full size extended patio with a beautiful view. $350,000. #21901468 Call Tina Orth 732-244-4900
Adult 55+ Community
Devon model w/ 2 BR, 2 BA home w/ recent updates featuring a new roof in 2016, w/ GAF weather stopper system plus warranty, new AC in 2013, new hardwood floors in LR / DR combo 2015, new attic fan in 2016 and newer HWH. EIK w/ ceramic tile floors, granite counter tops, center island and new DW in 2016. Family room has a gas fireplace and access to patio, 2 WI closets and en-suite full bath w/ 2 sinks, soaking tub, stall shower, laundry room w/ new dryer in 2016 and direct access to a 2 car garage w/ a double wide driveway. $253,900. #21847871 Call Donna Suhl 732-244-4900
Adult 55+ Community
Manchester Twp. Well kept 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 car garage, Yorktowne model with den, living room, dining room combo, spacious room with heat and air, walk in closets, extra cabinetry in the kitchen, 2 pantries and loads of closet space. Close to shopping and doctors. $99,900. #21914376 Call Tina Orth 732-244-4900
WARETOWN Adult Community GREENBRIAR OCEANAIRE Spacious & pristine, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 2 car garage Chesapeake model with an open floor plan offers a loft w a bonus room/ office. Beautiful kitchen w/ 42” cabinets, granite counters and breakfast bar, plenty of storage and a walk up attic. Enjoy resort style living w/ a world class clubhouse, 18 hole Arthur Hill golf course, indoor / outdoor pools, spas, saunas, fitness room, tennis, bocci, pub restaurant and much more. $410,000. #21915082 Call David Werrell 732-244-4900 WHITING Adult 55+ Community CRESTWOOD VILLAGE 6 Manchester Twp. This 2 BR, 1 bath quad features a front Florida room w/ double closets with a lot of light. Spacious kitchen & dining area, nice sized LR, guest bedroom or home office, Master BR and large attic for storage. This unit is not a co-op, maintenance free, HOA covers roof, siding and more. $54,900. #21917712 Call Susan Columbo 732-244-4900
VISIT WWW.CROSSROADSREALTYNJ.COM 9 Offices Serving Ocean and Monmouth Counties
The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 9
Spotlight On Government Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials
Roads, Bridges In Ocean County Need Federal Funding From The Desk Of
Congressman Andy Kim WASHINGTON, D.C. –The following is testimony from Congressman Andy Kim (D-3rd) submitted to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee as part of their “Member’s Day Hearing,” which allows all members of Congress to provide guidance on infrastructure priorities in their district. “It doesn’t matter where in the world you are, if you meet someone from New Jersey that finds out you’re also from our state, you’ll be greeted with the same question: which exit? “‘Which exit’ isn’t just a question of geography, it’s a statement that our infrastructure helps define us. It’s a reminder that our transportation systems aren’t just what get us from point A to point B, but what deliver us from the present to the future. “As we look at the future, it’s hard not to examine our past. Years of neglect from Washington and increased use across our state have led to an infrastructure system that faces massive challenges today. “A recent report from the American Road and Transportation Builders Association showed that in my district alone, there are 44 structurally deficient bridges and another 155 in need of repair. “What does that mean for
the people I represent here in Congress? It means when they exit the New Jersey Turnpike on Exit 5 and go north to Route 130, they drive over three structurally deficient bridges. Just one of those bridges, over Pompeston Creek, has nearly 68,000 trips per day. “That means tens of thousands of parents trying to get their kids to school are doing so on a bridge that is a direct danger to their safety. It means tens of thousands of people trying to get to work are doing so on a bridge built when Calvin Coolidge was president. It means tens of thousands of seniors trying to get to their medical appointments are doing so on a reminder of Washington’s failure to improve our basic infrastructure. All of this happens over the course of an average day in New Jersey. “For these parents, working people and seniors, the basic infrastructure that delivers us to the future in New Jersey isn’t just the paved roads of the Turnpike and Parkway. It’s not just our state roads and city roads that connect our homes to our businesses, schools and communities. It’s our public transit, sea and airports that connect us with the rest of the country and the rest of the world. “If we are going to build connections – from commu-
nity to community, from exit to exit, from New Jersey to the work and from the present to the future – we must build the infrastructure to make it happen. “No family in Cinnaminson should be endangered because of a bridge that is deemed unsafe. No business owner in Toms River should face the challenge of roads that make it difficult to move goods and grow jobs. No senior should miss a medical checkup because they were failed by public transit. “We need a robust and bold infrastructure package that reflects the bold aspirations of the people I’m proud to represent. The benefits of bold action aren’t just felt by Democrats or Republicans. “Building a new overpass over Route 539 won’t just help Democrats or Republicans, it’ll help make our Joint Base more secure and a stronger economic engine for our region. Fixing water infrastructure in Bordentown won’t just help Democrats or Republicans, it’ll make sure our children can drink from the faucet without fear. Expanding broadband access won’t just help Democrats or Republicans, it’ll make our businesses competitive in a global marketplace. “These are benefits that will be felt across our state, regardless of your party or your exit. I’m proud to stand up for investment in infrastructure because every exit should be one that leads to the future. I call on this committee and this Congress to take immediate steps to make that investment and ensure that the future is truly bright.
Government 0fficials... Have news that you would like the community to be involved with? Let everyone know by placing a news release in this paper! Call 732-657-7344 to find out how!
Jim HOLZAPFEL Assemblymen
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Page 10, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
E ditorial What Do Our Towns Need? Toms River township historian and retired Township Clerk J. Mark Mutter researched some old newspapers for this week’s edition of The Toms River Times. He fou nd that the local paper, the New Jersey Courier, made a list of what the town needed in 1869. It stated: “ We wa nt a t ow n clock. We want a steamboat to New York. We wa nt a la rge r school house. We want a public library. We want free public schools. We want the village of Toms River to be incorporated. We want a rail road along the shore.” In 1890, they still had a list of demands that included large hotels, a fire department, and “Capitalists to put up houses and boom the town for all its worth.” A yea r later, t hey were asking for a better water supply, better roads, a public wharf, clean streets and better schools. It made me wonder: what would that list look like today? A lot of items on the wish list were physical – a library, a rail road. We have certainly built up a lot more since then and there aren’t too many physical things we need. Several of those things are perennial. We all want better roads, and a better water supply. Most of the necessities we already have (schools, etc.) it’s just a matter of how to maint ai n t he m. We have volunteer fire and first
aid squads, but there’s little in the way of new blood volunteering and many are going to paid services. Some towns have a clock. I don’t want to speak on behalf of the entire region, but I think it safe to say we need: • A homeless shelter. Doesn’t have to be huge. But it should be near services and jobs. Mo r e jo b s . It ’s n o t enough to create commercial zones and hope for the best. We need to entice employers to the area so that people aren’t com muting to work 30 or more minutes a day. And these jobs need to be able to pay a livable wage for the area. • An office park. See above. • A t e c h c e n t e r. There’s a brain drain going on where anyone who graduates with an advanced degree move elsewhere. • More open space. The county has reported that about half of the county is open space. That said, more open space. • Lower taxes. I think this goes without saying, but there are a lot of padded positions in municipal and county gover n ment that get paid a lot more than their work entails. Ever y super visor could take a 10 percent pay cut and still be rich, while saving residents a lot of money. That’s my list off the top of my head. What do you think your town needs? Chris Lundy News Editor
Letters To obscene The Editor gestures of disgust
A Blessful Mother’s Day You’re a blessing from heaven that came Mother you’re so giving, never looking for fame You have a heart of gold The goodness and kindness I was told That God blessed you to be, You are an angel it’s plain to see The sharing you give to others May comfort anyone that suffers For a mother like you There is no false, you are true and true You’re always there to lend a hand Showing thoughtfulness as you can May the Lord keep you in good health Is more precious than any wealth A mother like you shall always live in my heart, Even at the end of time my feelings will never part Mom you’re the greatest I must say Always caring and loving all the way It’s no wonder to see That it turned out to be A highly dedicated day of the year Yes this is for you my mother dear This may not be a holy plaque made out of clay Embossed on this plaque, A Blessful Mother’s Day
Seymour Berger Toms River
Speeding Is Unacceptable In Howell We have a dangerous speeding problem on our residential Addison Road in Howell and, for years, have addressed letters to past mayors, the traffic unit sergeant, council members, and the present mayor, Theresa Berger. Enclosed is a letter recently sent to the President of the Monmouth County Chiefs of Police [Scott Patterson]: “As residents of Addison Road in Howell, we are
appealing to you for help. There has been absolutely no change in the excessive speed of cars on our street. In fact, the blatant disregard for the posted speed limit has worsened. Is this acceptable? T he major it y of cars continually speed past children walking or on bikes, people walking or jogging, mothers pushing carriages, or others walking their dogs. Is this acceptable? Moreover, speeding drivers have been observed crossing the double line to pass and shouting or using
We Welcome Letters To The Editor! The Toms River Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for verification. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to edit or
reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail or bring typed letters to: 15 Union Ave., Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732-657-7388 or e-mail news@jerseyshoreonline. com. Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.
to those driving the speed limit. Road rage is both a dangerous and frightening concern. It would be horrible if a tragedy occurred as a result of this problem. But again, is this acceptable? There is no indication that the police chief has set up inconspicuous radar to address the problem. Why is Addison Road a residential street where excessive speed has been continuously ignored for a very long time? Does the police chief call this protecting the community? Or perhaps because this is simply acceptable. We have no answers. Chief Patterson, as President of the Monmouth County Chiefs of Police Association, we are asking that you use your influence to help us. Perhaps there is an underlying reason why our concerns for the safety of our children have not been addressed. We, as residents, know it is not possible to catch every speeding car, truck, or even school bus that blatantly ignores the speed limit. But there must be something that can be done. If the chief can allow three and four officers to eat lunch at Aldrich Pizza and Chick-fil-A together, then there is obviously not a shortage of officers available to radar. The most serious times are between 7-9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to approximately 8 p.m. Monday-Friday, as well as miscellaneous times over the weekend. It is obvious our road is used as a fast shortcut for many drivers. The excessive speeding on Addison Road will never be acceptable to its residents. Past letters have been addressed to the chief and mayor; however, they have yielded no results. We appreciate any help you could give and than k you for this consideration.” Residents of Addison Road Howell
Free Mental Health Group
I am the leader of the local non-profit Recovery International group here i n Toms R iver. Before I moved to Toms River in 2000 I ran the Recover y meeting in Summit for t we nt y ye a r s. T he Presbyterian Church of To m s R i v e r h a s b e e n kind enough to allow me the use of one of their rooms to hold our weekly ment al healt h meet i ng for t he past n i neteen years. One of the first things that people say to me after a meeting is “I have been looking/needing a meeting like this for a long time – where have you been all this time?” Ye s , p e o ple h ave s a id t h a t t o m e . R e c ov e r y International is the best kept secret. One of the reasons that it is not well known is that we cannot afford publicity. Recovery International is a free self-help mental health group. Recover y offers understanding and suppor t for t hose who suf fer f rom st ress a nd tension, an xiet y, panic or worry, anger or fears, sleep problems, depression or fatigue, feelings of helplessness and other emotional problems. As you know, May is Me nt a l He a lt h Mont h. D u r i n g t h e l a s t fo r t y ye a r s , I h ave s e e n s o many people benef it from this non-profit organization. Meetings are at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights in the Mission Room of the Presbyterian Church of Toms River, 1070 Hooper Ave. For more information, visit Recover yInternat ional .org. We have meetings in every state and about seven foreign countries. Dolores A. Gumina Toms River Group Leader New Jersey Area Leader
The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 11
Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements
Parkway Detours Possible From Water Project
By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – A $1.5 million project will replace water mains for Suez Water customers but may impact drivers on or near the Garden State Parkway. Most of the construction will take place during the latter half of this month, according to a press release from the company. It will replace about 1,800 feet of water mains that cross under the Garden State Parkway. The workers will be on Waterline Road, Lakehurst Road, Highland Parkway and West Water Street during normal hours of operation, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., according to the company. Horizontal boring work near the Garden State Parkway at Exit 81, both northbound and southbound, will take place between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.
near Exit 81. Notice will be given for closures and detours. Nighttime work at each Garden State Parkway entrance and exit ramp is not expected to exceed three consecutive nights at each location. “SUEZ is taking a proactive approach in upgrading the water mains which will help ensure that our business and residential customers will be served by a system that provides exceptional water quality and reliability for many years ahead,” said Jim Mastrokalos, Director of Operations. Mastrokalos said that this capital improvement is a continuation of a local $4.5 million water main upgrade program for 2019. The project will be mostly completed by June 30, the company said, with a final completion date in November.
13th Annual Golf Tournament
TOMS RIVER – Join Toms River Fire Co. #1 for their 13th annual golf tournament on June 6 at Bey Lea Municipal Golf Course. Shotgun start is at 1 p.m. There will be golf, refreshments, giveaways, and prizes.
Dinner to follow. Cost is $100 per person. For more information, call the firehouse at 732-349-0144, Christopher Vicidomini at 908-448-1296 or email cvicidomini@trfire.org.
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Page 12, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
Busy Bee
C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements
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Community News
Additional Costs: Crematory Fee, Urns, Disposition Of Cremains & Certified Copies Of Death Certificates, Permit, Removal Assist. & Mileage, Viewings Or Memorial Services
Join Toms River Township’s Community Garden At Riverwood Park
TOMS RIVER – Do you have a green thumb, or wish you did, and don’t have space for a garden? Have you always wanted a garden but don’t have the space or conditions to grow your own vegetables and herbs? Are you interested in growing your favorite plants or trying some new ones? The Toms Mayor and Council and the Toms River Green Team are proud to present Toms River Community Gardens at Riverwood Park. A total of ten plots are ready for you to rent to start your own garden. The purpose of the Community Garden at Riverwood is to encourage healthy eating and good environmental practices by offering community members an area to cultivate, grow and harvest their own produce and/or flowers. Our goal is to provide a space for gardening to grow plants in an environmentally sustainable way that is available to all community members. Individuals, families and gardening enthusiasts who need or want a plot of ground with very rich soil to grow their own vegetables are encouraged to participate in this exciting opportunity.
Parking, water and the opportunity to grow fresh plants, herbs and vegetables is provided. If you have absolutely no experience in gardening, this is perfect for you! Come and learn, enjoy the farm atmosphere, and meet other gardening enthusiasts. We have 4 x 8-foot garden plots now available in Riverwood Park at our new Community Garden. Toms River residents and organizations will be given priority. Sites are available for lease for $25. A limited number of SNAP residents, 501(c)3 organizations, and student/ youth groups will be accepted for a free lease. 501(c)3 organizations and student/youth groups are required to help with Fall or Spring garden clean-up for additional Community Service Hours. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. You will be notified of acceptance and payment and a signed garden contract will be due within five business days or your plot will be reassigned. For more information, contact Gail D’Amico at the Toms River Green Team at 732-4068323 or by email at gaildamico@gmail.com.
Anne Wong Art Exhibit Coming To Toms River Library
TOMS RIVER – The Toms River Branch of the Ocean County Library will host “An Exhibit of Everything That Resonates in Life” by painter Anne Wong in the McConnell Gallery throughout the month of May. Anne Wong has been painting since she was a child in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, taking private lessons, hoping to attend an art college. However, life took her on a different path, graduating from the University of Malaya with a degree in Social Science and Psychology. Suffering personal trauma after Hurricane Sandy in 2012, she began painting again and traveled to Vancouver, Canada in 2015 to study with renowned
mandala artist Paul Heussenstamm. Wong sees her works, especially her mandala art, as manifestations of the fluid, dynamic, circular wheels of life; with no end or beginning, mysteriously woven into the fabric of spacetime where time is not quantifiable. “It therefore becomes a state of being, where everything is nothing, and nothing is everything,” she says. The branch is located at 101 Washington Street. “An Exhibit of Everything That Resonates in Life” is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the branch at 732-349-6200, ext. 5100, or visit theoceancountylibrary.org.
DPW Closed For Memorial Day
By Kimberly Bosco TOMS RIVER – Toms River’s Department of Public Works announced that they will be closed for Memorial Day on May 27. No sanitation or recycling collections will be done on this day. All collections will be postponed one day. The Recycling Convenience Center will also be closed. Due to the holiday, there will be no extra recycling pickups on the Friday of that week,
May 31. The township posted the following: “As a reminder to the residents on the BARRIER ISLAND only, your garbage day changes the week of May 20th to Monday and Thursday and your recycling day changes to every Friday. Labor Day week all your collections return to the original pickup schedule.” If anyone has any questions or requires further information, visit tomsrivertownship.com.
Downtown Toms River Farmers’ Market
TOMS RIVER – The Downtown Toms River Farmers’ Market is located at The Ocean County Parking Garage Lawn along Hadley Ave. Convenient free parking is available. The market features Jersey Fresh farmers featuring fruits & vegetables, baked goods, pickles & olives, Italian specialties, herbs & spices, candy & nuts, NJ winery, homemade soaps, coffee, and much more! Join us the 1st Wednesday of each month, 11
a.m.-5 p.m., to celebrate Jersey Fresh Fruit and vegetables! Enter the free raffle for a chance to win a basket of Jersey Fresh produce featuring the fruit and vegetable of the month plus items from the vendors at the market. Enjoy lunch at the Farmers Market under the tents! Food vendor and smoothie truck on the premises. For more info, contact Kim Dippolito at 732-341-8738.
The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 13
Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements
Ciba-Geigy Acts as Classroom For AP Science Students
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–Photos courtesy TRRS TOMS RIVER – AP Environmental Science students from High School North and High School East had an incredible experience as they visited the Ciba-Geigy Superfund Site. Now owned and operated by BASF, this site is surrounded in much mystery and misconception. The students learned about the contamination of groundwater which affected so many people in the town. They then witnessed first-hand the remediation sites and water clean-up.
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Page 14, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements
Peace of Mind and Heart Before, During and Beyond Timothy E. Ryan Owner/Senior Director N.J. Lic. No. 3103
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OUR LOCATIONS 706 Grand Central Ave. Lavallette, NJ 08735 732-793-9000 809 Central Ave. Seaside Park, NJ 08752 732-793-9000 145 St. Catherine Blvd. Toms River, NJ 08757 732-505-1900 995 Fischer Blvd., Toms River, NJ 08753 732-288-9000 O’Connell Chapel • 706 Hwy 9 Bayville, NJ 08721 732-269-0300 DeBow Chapel 150 West Veterans Hwy. Jackson, NJ 08527 732-928-0032
–Photo courtesy Island Heights Vol. Fire Co. ISLAND HEIGHTS – Former Island Heights Vol. Fire Co. Explorer Alec Mazzaccaro recently completed Corpsman “A” school, becoming Naval Corpsman Mazzaccaro. Fair winds and following seas Sailor!
The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 15
Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements
Girl Scout Troop Donates Tree For Arbor Day
“We Come To You”
oceancountycremationservice.com Brian K. Daly, MGR. N.J. Lic. #3723
1252 RT. 37 W, Toms River, NJ 08755
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Stella Towne Center • 1232 Route 166 • Toms River
–Photo courtesy Toms River Township TOMS RIVER – Toms River held its annual Arbor Day tree planting celebration recently at Huddy Park. Girl Scout Troop 50422 from Toms River generously donated a cherry blossom tree for the town this year. Mayor Kelaher joined the girls to help plant the tree. 2019 marks the Arbor Day Foundation’s 33rd annual recognition of Toms River Township as a Tree City USA, in honor of its commitment to effective urban forest management. “Trees are an essential component of Toms River’s livability”, said Mayor Thomas F.
Kelaher. “They help enhance the environment, provide shade and wildlife habitat, filter storm water runoff, and improve air quality.” The Tree City USA program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters. Toms River achieved Tree City USA recognition by meeting the program’s four requirements: a tree board or department, a tree-care ordinance, an annual community forestry budget of at least $2 per capita and an Arbor Day observance and proclamation.
Summerbrew 2019
ISLAND HEIGHTS – Ocean County’s favorite summer kickoff party is back for our 21st year! Island Heights Fire Company is proud to present Summerbrew 2019 on June 29! For year 21 we are looking to have the best time yet, and are happy to announce some of our favorite beers are coming back with Icarus Brewing Company, Palaweno Beer Company, Lagunitas Brewing Company, and many more to be provided by Silverton Buy Rite.
As always it’s all you can eat and drink once inside, and the party will get kicked off by some great performances by our friends in the band Screaming Broccoli! Mark your calendars and stay tuned as more information will be coming very soon! This event is 21 and older only and is a rain or shine event. For more information, see our Facebook event page: facebook.com/ events/323791575001941/.
Pineland Symphonic Band At Toms River Library
TOMS RIVER – The Pineland Symphonic Band is a symphonic wind ensemble which has been performing in New Jersey for over 20 years. As a “Pops” ensemble, they offer a varied repertoire guaranteed to please every musical taste, from “Pearl Fishers,” to the Star
Wars theme, to Sousa, Dixieland, patriotic tunes, show tunes, standards, and more. Come see the band perform on May 20, 7 p.m., at the Ocean County Library. The program is free to the public. Registration is required.
Sip & Sign Fundraiser
LAVALLETTE – The Lavallette Ladies Fire Auxiliary is hosting a Sip & Sign Fundraiser on May 29, 7 p.m., at the Lavallette Firehouse. There will be door prizes and a basket auction.
Tickets are $45; BYOB and appetizers. For more information, contact LavalletteLadiesFireAux@gmail.com. Buy tickets online at jerseyshorepaintparty.com.
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Page 16, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
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Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements
Lavallette Resident Honored With Outstanding Student Award
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–Photo courtesy Brookdale Community College LAVALLETTE – Brian Sandy, a Lavallette resident, will be recognized as one of the Outstanding Student Award Winners at Brookdale Community College’s commencement ceremonies on May 16. Sandy, who will receive A.A.S. degree in Respiratory Care, is receiving the Outstanding Student Award from the Health Sciences Institute at Brookdale. He previously earned his B.S. in Biology from Monmouth University and expects to be involved in respiratory care issues at the state and national level. He also looks forward to teaching in the field one day. “Being a respiratory care student has brought my self-confidence to a whole new level,” said Sandy. “I am no longer afraid of challenges or obstacles, embrace challenges and learn from my successes and failures.” “Anything worthwhile requires hard work and endurance. It is possible if you surround yourself with likeminded individuals. Do
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not be afraid to ask for help and admit that you do not know everything. Brookdale programs are filled with professors who want to see the students thrive. I am fortunate to have had professors who took the extra time to stay for help and were genuinely concerned for me success. Also live by the 3 Ds: discipline, dedication and determination,” Sandy said. The Outstanding Student Awards recognize student academic excellence, community service and personal accomplishments. Faculty from Brookdale’s respective institutes nominate students who have excelled in and outside the classroom for consideration. Sandy added that he was surprised and humbled when notified that he was one of the Outstanding Student Award recipients. He said his fellow students in the respiratory care program were a constant source of support and inspiration.
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The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 17
Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements
www.funonwheelstours.com • 609.857.6000 PO Box 211 • Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734 July 14th – Ain’t Too Proud $159/pp | July 17th – BEETLEJUICE $159/pp Aug 3 – Cher or Beautiful $139/pp | Sept. 4 Ain’t to Proud $159/pp June 2nd – Beauty and the Beast at the Papermill Playhouse. Includes lunch before show $162/pp June 30th – Caesar’s Atlantic City Cruise & Casino Includes $25 slot play, buffet & cruise $68/pp July 23rd – “I Do! I Do! at Hunterdon Hills Playhouse A comedy musical. Includes lunch $106/ pp July 28th – GREASE THE MUSICAL at the Toby Diner Theater $117/ pp Sept. 7-12th – 7 DAY LOUISVILLE, KY and the Ark Encounter $964/ pp DBL. OCC Sept. 15-17th – 3 DAY LANCASTER & HERSHEY, PA 2 nights at Eden Resort $474/ pp DBL. OCC Sept. 22-24th – 3 DAY HAMPTONS RICH & FAMOU$ TOUR 2 nights at Sag Harbor Inn $499/ pp DBL. OCC
–Photo courtesy Toms River Police TOMS RIVER – 2019 Bring Your Child To Work Day was a great success! Children from 6 months to 17 years old enjoyed a day of tours, demonstrations, simulations and fun at the Toms River Police Department! We think the parents liked it too!
National Geographic Live – Ocean Soul TOMS RIVER – National Geographic Live – Ocean Soul will be held at The Jay and Linda Grunin Center for the Arts on June 6, 7-9 p.m. Voyage across the oceans with one of National Geographic’s most seasoned photographers and discover a vast, hidden world beneath the waves. Using his camera to communicate, Brian Skerry has spent more than
10,000 hours underwater telling the oceans’ stories. His images celebrate the mystery of the depths and offer portraits of creatures so intimate they sometimes appear to have been shot in a studio. Skerry dives eight months of the year, often in extreme conditions beneath Arctic ice or in predator-infested waters, and has even lived at the bottom of the sea to get close to his subjects.
Sept. 25th – Jesus at Sight & Sound Theatre with lunch at Shady Maple $120/ pp DBL. OCC Sept. 28th – DAY in AMISH COUNTRY with lunch at Shady Maple & Time at Kitchen Kettle $69/ pp Oct. 1-3rd – 3 DAY MOHEGAN SUN CASINO $327/pp DBL. OCC Oct. 5-10th – 6 DAY MYRTLE BEACH OCEAN FRONT RESORT $1099/pp DBL. OCC Oct. 19-25th – 7 DAY NASHVILLE & MEMPHIS MUSIC CITY TOUR $1399/pp DBL. OCC Oct. 29th – Tribute Show to Frankie Vallie & Four Seasons with lunch at the Statten $110/pp Nov. 9th – JOY TO THE WORLD at the American Music Theater lunch at the Shady Maple $124/pp Nov. 14-18th – 5 DAY BILTMORE ESTATE CHRISTMAS $869/pp DBL. OCC Nov. 29th-Dec. 1st – 3 DAY CHRISTMAS on the Potomac $539/pp DBL. OCC Nov. 30th – THE THREE SCROOGES Christmas at Hunterdon Hills Playhouse $106/pp Dec. 3rd – MIRACLE OF CHRISTMAS at Sight & Sound Theatre with lunch at Shady Maple $120/pp Dec. 5-6th – 2 DAY DOVER DOWNS CASINO & Temptations Holiday Show $209/pp DBL. OCC Day 1 $30 Slot Play, Dinner, Show. Day 2 Breakfast, $30 Slot Play @ Delaware Park Casino. Jan. 5-19th – 14 DAY WESTERN CARRIBEAN CRUISE $1807-2687/pp DBL. OCC On the NEW Norwegian Bliss Feb. 15-26th – 12 DAY FLORIDA WINTER GETAWAY $1964/pp DBL. OCC
Please visit our website for ALL upcoming trips and itineraries. Bus Departures LANOKA HARBOR Walmart (Rte 9) Toms River (Exit 81 West Water Street) NJT Station
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Page 18, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
The Sexual Abuse and Assault Program of St. Francis Counseling Service El Programa de Asalto y Abuso Sexual Del Servicio de Consejería de St. Francis Providing trauma-focused therapy at no cost to survivors of sexual abuse and assault. Proveyendo consejería centrado en el trauma sin costo para sobriventes de abuso sexual.
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The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 19
Whiting Diabetic Foot Care Center Dr. Scott A. Amoss DPM, New Patients & Emergencies Welcome!
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Page 20, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
H ere ’ s T o Y our H ealth •
Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Presented By: Isidore Kirsh, Ph.D., F.A.A.A. (N.J. Lic. #678)
Dr. Isidore Kirsh Ph.D., F.A.A.A.
Team Science: Hearing Help & Hope…
Did you know? People and organizations worldwide are putting funding, expertise, and dedication toward learning more about hearing loss for continued innovative solutions and a possible future cure. Here are three exciting developments: GENETICS Professor Xue Zhong Liu, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Depa r t ment of Otola r y ngolog y, won a $3 million grant last summer from the National Institutes of Health toward continued research on hearing-loss-related biological treatments and clinical diagnosis. Per a university news release, the professor and his team will use the award for activities such as performing “preclinical studies of gene- and cell-ba sed t he r apy approa ch of CR ISPR /Cas9-mediated genome editing to t reat hearing loss.” * We’re looking forward to seeing the outcomes of this initiative. NOISE In a collaboration among the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research, and the Department of Defense Hearing Center of Excellence, researchers will probe the potential long-term effects of both excess noise exposure — one of the most common and preventable causes of hearing loss — and certain chemicals on
active-duty personnel and veterans. The Noise Outcomes in Ser vice Members Epidemiology study will follow participants for some 20 or more years, collecting and analyzing data on hearing and tinnitus issues and other changes. TINNITUS Speaking of tinnitus, a common and sometimes debilitating issue often associated with hearing loss and typically involving ringing, buzzing, or other perceived noise in the ears: The British Tinnitus Association, in partnership with Tinnit us Hub, has awarded University of Groningen Ph.D. student Elouise Koops a research grant through its Daniel Ballinger Memorial Fund to study auditory-pathway changes brought on by tinnitus and hearing loss. The award is relatively small — 5,000 British pounds (about $6,400) — but it contributes to the global hunt for much-needed answers. These are three exciting developments: As science continues making headway, remember that HELP IS AVAILABLE TODAY! If you’ve experienced changes in your hearing or it’s been a while since your last checkup, please call our caring team at 732-818-3610 (Toms River/Whiting) or 609-978-8946 (Manahawkin) for your appointment now! Visit us at www.gardenstatehearing.com.
His offices are in Toms River, Whiting (expanded hours!), and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732276-1011 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com. Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks!
The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 21
H ere ’ s T o Y our H ealth Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
Caffeine Is A Natural Option For ADHD By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph. Caffeine is the number one stimulant and and psychoactive drug in the world! The category of ADHD medications such as Concerta, Adderall, Ritalin, Dexedrine and others are “stimulant” drugs, and so is caffeine. They all raise certain compounds in the body such as dopamine and norepinephrine (and others). Here are 5 reasons why i think this is a good option for some of you: 1. Most all medical treatments for ADHD include a nervous system stimulant, which may sound strange to you, considering the patient appears to be overly active, wound up or unfocused. But this is true, conventional treatment of ADHD utilizes physiological stimulants. Caffeine is a stimulant. 2. A study published in the European Neuropsychopharmacology, concluded that caffeine can normalize dopamine levels (which is exactly what the pharmacy drugs do). Caffeine raises both dopamine and norephinephrine, just like the medications. 3. There was a study that evaluated caffeinated tea. They concluded that “The caffeine in tea can reduce one’s fatigue, increase people’s self-confidence, motivation, alertness, vigilance, efficiency, concentration, and cognitive performance.” 4. So profound is caffeine’s impact on the brain and cognitive function that Stanford University even funded a small study to evaluate if dextroamphetamine is superior to caffeine in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). 5. Caffeine has been shown to extinguish the action of adenosine receptors in your brain. This was discussed in a 2014 review article published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology which recommended the use of caffeine for ADHD.
Just like methylphenidate, caffeine begins to work in about an hour, and as you might expect, the effect wears off after about four hours. Both methylphenidate and caffeine are absorbed and physiologically processed in a similar way. Their mechanism of action is the same, as are the side effects! One is a prescription amphetamine drug, the other is America’s favorite hot coffee! The downside is that caffeine can wear out adrenals if taken long-term. Caffeine content varies with each food and beverage making daily dosing through diet somewhat difficult. With tea, the amount of time that you steep the teabag determines the caffeine content. Some people find that caffeine helps their ADHD, while others find that it doesn’t offer any benefit at all. Pay attention to your body and work with your doctor/therapist to find out what is right for you. Too much caffeine or excessively high dosing on stimulants medications may cause insomnia, tachycardia, aggression, diarrhea and dehydration. The intake of caffeinated drinks, caffeine pills or energy drinks containing caffeine or guarana may seem like a nice and exciting alternative to prescription medications, I just want to caution you that if combined with conventional (amphetamine) medications, the impact could be dangerous. As an aside, many studies point to DHA Fish Oil as a useful essential fatty acid, which may be taken with medications or caffeine. How much caffeine is too much? The United States FDA hasn’t fully defined this but the Canadian government has suggested not to exceed 85 mg in kids aged 10 to 12 years. I have a much more comprehensive version of this article that I can email to you if you sign up for my free newsletter at suzycohen.com
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(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2019 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.
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Page 22, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
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EPA Announces Available Funding To Improve Drinking Water
NEW JERSEY – On April 30, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of nearly $87 million in grant funding to assist states, tribes, and territories with improving drinking water. New Jersey is eligible to receive up to $2.26 million in available funding. “EPA is committed to ensuring all Americans, regardless of their zip code, have access to safe and clean drinking water,” said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “With these grants, EPA is fulfilling its core mission of providing states, tribes, and territories with the resources needed to protect children from lead exposure and other contaminants and ensure all American families have safe drinking water.” States, tribes, and territories are eligible to receive funding from two new EPA drinking water grant programs established by the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN): Under EPA’s new Voluntary Lead Testing in Schools and Child Care grant program, EPA will award $43.7 million in grants to fund testing for lead in drinking water at schools and child care programs. Testing results carried out using grant funds must be made publicly available. New Jersey is eligible for $1,537,000 of this funding. Under EPA’s new Assistance for Small and
Disadvantaged Communities grant program, EPA will award $42.8 million in grants to support underserved communities with bringing public drinking water systems into compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act. Funding can also be used for conducting household water quality testing, including testing for unregulated contaminants. New Jersey is eligible for $723,000 of this funding. Under the Trump Administration, EPA has taken significant actions to modernize aging water infrastructure and reduce exposure to contaminants in drinking water: In 2018 the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds committed $9.6 billion in drinking water and clean water infrastructure loans and refinancing and disbursed $8.8 billion for drinking water and clean water infrastructure. Over the past year, EPA’s Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program has issued eight loans totaling over $2 billion in WIFIA credit assistance to help finance over $4 billion for water infrastructure projects. EPA is undertaking the first major overhaul of the Lead and Copper Rule since 1991. EPA anticipates releasing the proposed rule in summer 2019. State, tribal, and territorial grant allotments for the two grant programs are available on EPA’s website. As a next step, program participants will be asked to submit workplans to EPA outlining their proposed project(s) for approval and funding. EPA will announce funding details for WIIN’s third newly-created grant program dedicated to reducing lead in drinking water systems in summer 2019. For more information, visit: epa.gov/safewater/grants.
Rummage Sale
TOMS RIVER – Join Christ Episcopal Church, 415 Washington St., Toms River for a Spring Rummage Sale. Sale will be held on May 16, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., and May 17, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Rummage sale will feature clothing, household goods, books, children’s games and toys, and more. Friday is bag day. Fill a large bag for a low price.
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The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 23
R.C. Shea & Assoc.
Inside The Law Trusts For Minor Children
Robert C. Shea Esq.
By: Marc S. Galella. Esq. and Robert C. Shea, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates
Where parents have minor children, they often want to establish trusts in their Wills for the benefit of the minor children in the event that both parents should pass away. In such a case, the money is held in the trust for the benefit of the children. A person called the “trustee” is appointed by the Will to manage the trust on behalf of the children. Most trusts for the benefit of minor children allow the money to be used for their health, education, maintenance and support. The term “education” usually also refers to college education. There are several ways to go about doing this. The most common ways are the (1) common trust or (2) the separate trust. In the common trust, all of the money is held until the youngest child reaches an age specified in the Will. Upon the youngest child reaching the specified age, the monies remaining in the trust are then distributed to all of the children. In a separate trust, the assets are divided among the children and a separate trust is created for each child and each child receives their trust when the each reach the specified age. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? The advantage of the common trust is that the money is held until the youngest child reaches the specified age. In this way, the trustee can use the money in the trust and if necessary spend more of the money in the trust on one child as opposed to the others. As a parent, most people would be willing to spend everything they
had on one child at the expense of the other children if that child required greater care than the other children. Marc S. Galella Esq. By using a common trust you give the trustee the flexibility to do this. The drawback to the common trust is that the older children will have to wait a longer period of time to receive their share of the inheritance depending upon the age of the youngest child. This could be a disadvantage if there is a significant age difference between the youngest and oldest child. The advantage of the separate trust is that each child will receive their share of the estate when they reach the specified age. This means that the older children do not have to wait for their inheritance until the youngest child reaches the specified age. The drawback to the separate trust is the trustee can only use the money in that individual child’s trust for the care of that child. If one child requires significantly more care than the other children, the trustee is limited to the amount of money in that child’s trust and cannot use the money in the other trusts. Which trust is better for you for your is something to be discussed with your estate planning attorney when making up your Will.
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Page 24, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
Dear Joel
By Joel Markel
Fear Of Planes
Dear Joel, I have a problem that I hope you will be able to help me with. I have been married to my husband for 30 years as of this May and he has a phobia of flying on planes and we just booked our first vacation in almost ten years to Italy. At first, he was okay with the fact that he was going to have to get on an airplane, but last night he told me we should cancel. What should I do? I don’t want this to sound selfish, but I really want to go on this vacation. Marissa Lake Como, NJ Dear Marissa, Thank you for reaching out to me about this issue. First off, Happy Anniversary. Secondly, please do not think that you are selfish because you most certainly are not. You got excited for a vacation that has been planned for a long time and now that the date is approaching,
there is a possibility that it won’t happen so your disappointment is totally normal. As for your husband not wanting to fly on planes, I would remind him that it is very normal to be afraid of flying, but despite what you hear on the news, flying is very safe. I have flown overseas many times and find that the service is much friendlier too because it’s such a long flight. I would also tell him to bring a computer or a phone onto the plane and play some games to get his mind off of being on a plane. I hope this helps. Joel Write to joel@preferredcares.com. His radio show, “Preferred Company” airs on Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. on preferredradio. com and 1160 & 1310 WOBM-AM
If you or anyone else is in need of home health care, call Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services, Inc. at 732-840-5566. “Home Health Care with Feeling.” Joel Markel is President of Preferred Home Health Care and Nursing Services Inc. serving NJ, PA, DEL in adult and pediatric home health care.
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The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 25
Kohl’s Will Take Amazon Returns
By Chris Lundy NEW JERSEY – The nationwide department store chain Kohl’s announced that all stores – including the local ones – will allow people to return unwanted Amazon purchases to their stores. This is an expansion of a pilot program that was successful in 100 stores in the Los Angeles, Chicago, and Milwaukee areas, according to a press release from the store’s corporate headquarters in Wisconsin. The expansion will hit more than 1,150 locations. “Kohl’s will accept eligible Amazon items, without a box or label, and return them for customers for free, providing additional service and convenience to Amazon customers,” the
press release stated. The store will then send the items to Amazon return centers on behalf of the customers. “This unique partnership combines Kohl’s strong nationwide store footprint and omnichannel capabilities with Amazon’s reach and customer loyalty. This new service is another example of how Kohl’s is delivering innovation to drive traffic to our stores and bring more relevance to our customers,” said Michelle Gass, Kohl’s chief executive officer. Last month, Kohl’s had also announced that it will expand its product relationship with Amazon by carrying Amazon products in more than 200 stores.
Girl Scouts Of The JS Requests Nominations For Phenomenal Women Under 40 Award
FARMINGDALE – Do you know a young woman who is making a difference, serving the greater community, or doing something phenomenal to help others? Recognize her! The Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore is accepting nominations until May 15 for the fourth annual Phenomenal Women Under 40 Awards. The event recognizing emerging women leaders in Monmouth and Ocean counties will be held on September 18 at The Mainland in Manahawkin. Candidates must live or work in Monmouth or Ocean counties and be under the age of 40 on December 31, 2019. Candidates will be evaluated based on their personal and professional accomplishments, philanthropic efforts and other exemplary qualities. Nominees do
not have to be affiliated with the Girl Scouts. “Phenomenal Women Under 40 is our way of celebrating young women professionals while they’re still ascending to the full height of their accomplishment,” said Girl Scouts CEO Eileen Higgins. “These leaders make a difference in the world today, and they’ll continue to make a difference for a lifetime.” The names of candidates who are chosen for the award will be announced in mid-June and all nominators will be notified of their candidates’ status at that time. Submit your nomination today by visiting jerseyshoregirlscouts.org/phenom. For additional information, contact Tara Novak at 800.785.2090 or phenom@jerseyshoregirlscouts.org.
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Page 26, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
Fun & Games
C rossword P uzzle
Across 1 First assassin to attack Caesar 6 Marvel Comics mutants 10 Folk singer Joan 14 Arctic or Indian 15 Bit of trickery 16 In the style of, in ristorantes 17 End that “I face,” in Sinatra’s “My Way” 20 Feudal laborer 21 Popeye’s Olive 22 Given to giving orders 23 Grounded Aussie birds 25 Twirl or whirl 27 Gentlemen’s partners 30 It has 32 pieces and a 64-square board 34 Surrounded by 35 __ accompli 36 Often rolled-over investment
37 Prepare to fly 41 Kind 42 Self-images 43 Gold bar 44 Vital phase 47 Decadent, as the snobs in a historic Agnew speech 48 Blessed 49 Get-out-of-jail money 50 Drinks with floating ice cream 53 Windy City summer hrs. 54 Jersey or Guernsey 58 Broadway do-or-die philosophy, and a hint to the ends of 17-, 30-, 37- and 44-Across 62 Informal negative 63 “No __!”: “Easy!” 64 Brief 65 Activist Parks 66 Words meaning the same thing: Abbr. 67 Furry swimmer
Down 1 Emergency shelter beds 2 Throb 3 Fortuneteller 4 The jolt in joe? 5 “Give me __!”: start of a Hoosier cheer 6 Diagnostic tests 7 Ponder (over) 8 Top-left PC key 9 Modern, in Munich 10 Twirled sticks 11 “That’s a shame” 12 Yale alumni 13 Madcap 18 We, to Henri 19 Grand slam homer quartet, briefly 24 Prefix with hit or store 25 Backs up in fear 26 Cats and dogs 27 Eye surgery acronym 28 More than enough 29 Foolish, in slang 30 Easily tipped boat 31 Burn slightly 32 Rye grass disease
33 Try, as food 35 Swimming in pea soup? 38 Hand out cards 39 Coffeehouse connection 40 Like airplane services 45 California peak 46 British balderdash 47 Food, in diner signs 49 Buffalo Wild Wings nickname based on its initials 50 Marquee name 51 Cincinnati’s state 52 Family rooms 53 “Let’s get goin’!” 55 Chimney sweep’s sweepings 56 Passed-down knowledge 57 __’acte: intermission 59 Covert or black doings 60 Droll 61 Chinese menu general
Crossword puzzle
The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019, Page 27
CLASSIFIEDS For Rent One Bedroom Apt - Kitchen and bath, Just refurbished including utilities. $1,000. (Brick) Occupy July 1. Call Jerry 732-278-7641. (20) SEASIDE PARK - Yearly Lease, Magnificent Oceanfront, Super Clean one/two or three bedroom apartments with deck and yard -from $1800 908-278-5491. (24) Three Room Apt. in Brick - Rent includes all utilities. $1,000. Call Jerry at 732-278-7641. References. (21)
Real Estate Rental Or Purchase - 1 & 2 BR Homes – Adult 55+ Community Homestead Run – Toms River. BYRON COURT-nearing completion! www.homesteadrun.com Call 732-370-2300. (23)
Garage Sale Multi-Family Garage Sale - Lake Riviera. Friday, May 10th - Saturday, May 11th. 236 Essex Drive, Brick. Furniture, housewares, tools, clothing, baby gear and much more! Rain or Shine. (21)
Items Wanted COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) We Buy Cars Trucks & Vans - Any make, year, or Condition Top Dollar$ Paid more than anybody call for your offer. 609-384-1036 Richard. (21) $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, bric-a-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) Vinyl Records Wanted - Rock, Blues, Reggae, Metal, Punk, Jazz, Psychedelic, soul. Very good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (22) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/ dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) CASH PAID!! - LP records, stereos, turntables, musical instruments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (18)
Help Wanted Full or Part-time counter help in restaurant - Cooking experience helpful. Toms River. 848-303-2444 (21)
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Micromedia looking for a high-energy account rep to sell print and online advertising in Ocean County. Competitive base, bonuses & company benefits. Successful applicant should possess good communication skills & a desire to grow with the company. E-Mail resumes to jallentoff@jersey shoreonline.com. EOE. (t/n)
Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n)
Part Time Food Service - NEW STARTING RATE OF $10.00/hr. We have an immediate need for Part Time Waitstaff/Servers AM and PM shifts available, Dietary Aides, PT Dishwashers. We are a well established retirement/healthcare community located in Whiting. We offer competitive pay. Under the direction of great Food Service leadership team, you will be working in an environment where you get the support and training needed to grow in your culinary career. The Pines offers an open door policy and Senior Leadership is always available and visible to our employees every day. in Person to: The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or email resume to rscully@thepinesatwhiting.org. (22)
Don Carnivale Painting - Specializing interiors. Quality always. Very neat. Prompt courteous service. Reasonable-affordable. Senior discounts. Honest-reliable. Low rates. 732-8994470 or 732-915-4075. (23)
School Bus/ Trip Drivers Wanted Ocean County runs and athletic trips available. CDL with P&S endorsements needed. Willing to train up to $19.50 per hour. 732-905-5100. (22) PT Receptionist - The Pines, A Full Service Senior Living Community, is looking for a part time receptionist for our Healthcare Community.The selected individual should be enthusiastic and customer service focused. Hours for the position are Saturday and Sunday, 9:00am - 5:00pm. This individual will answer phones and greet visitors coming into our healthcare center. Light administrative work so experience with Microsoft Office is required. Email resume to rscully@thepinesatwhiting. org or apply in person to: The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759, 732-849-2047. EOE. (22) Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) Now Hiring – The Goddard School on Route 70 is seeking full time Teacher’s Assistant and leads for the upcoming school year. We provide a warm, loving environment for children up to six years. Must have a flexible schedule, available Mon-Fri. Benefits include paid time off, 401k and paid lunch on Fridays. To learn more about these positions, email your resume to tomsriver2nj@goddardschools.com Laundromat Attendant - For PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (19) Custodians Needed - 1 full time, 1 part time. Friendly upbeat atmosphere. Adult Community Clubhouse duties. 732-350-2882. (22) CNA - The Pines is looking for experienced C N A's to work FT or PT on our Skilled Nursing Unit. Full Time 3-11, Part time and weekend commitment available for all shifts. WE have a weekend program that requires a commitment of 4 weekend shifts per month. Full Time positions offer competitive rate (based on experience), and excellent benefits including health, dental, life, paid time off and 401(K) with generous match after 1 year. Apply in Person to: The Pines, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or email resume to rscully@thepinesatwhiting.org. (22)
House Cleaning - I will clean your home. Very good prices. Call 732-773-5078. (22) Experienced Aide - Provide personal care, shopping, cooking, driving. Katherine 609-529-6522. (20) Cheap Painting Done Rite Over 35 years experience. Fully insured. Free estimates. 732506-7787 or 646-643-7678. (23) We Unclog All Drains - Including main sewer lines. Toilets repaired and replaced and more. Lic #13VH05930800. 732-678-7584, Tony. (11) Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (20) Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (28) Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n) Need A Ride - Airports, cruise, A.C., doctors. Save $$$. Senior discounts. Tom. Save ad. 551-427-0227. (20) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) Painting - I will paint your rooms. Very good prices. Call 732-773-5078. (22) Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (22) Don't Like Or Have The Time For Ironing? - Let me do it for you. Please call 732-886-0134. $25/hour. (18) Driver - Handling all your transportation needs. Airports, NYC, AC. 5 Star Service. Senior discounts. Call Kevin 732-644-2361. (19) JoAnn Cares - Part time help for seniors. I can do companionship, prepare lunch, light shopping and light cleaning. Call JoAnn 908-783-7985. (19)
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Page 28, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
Volunteers Needed To Assist Victims Of Sexual Violence: How You Can Make A Difference
WALL – One victim is one too many. On average, two survivors of sexual assault come forward to 180 Turning Lives Around (180) each day seeking counseling and other services – over 70 per month. Nationwide, one in five women and one in 71 men have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime. The number of LGBT survivors is even higher. Fear for one’s safety, fear of not being believed, self-blame, and shame are just a few of the reasons why survivors of don’t disclose, thus making sexual violence the most under-reported crime.
Perpetrators use sexual violence to harm, degrade, and exert power and control over other individuals. Sexual violence includes non-consensual penetration, even the slightest, criminal sexual contact, lewdness, sexual harassment, childhood sexual assault, and sexual abuse of vulnerable populations. Perpetrators and victims are of all ages, familial and supervisory relationships, socio-economic backgrounds, education levels, ethnicities, religions, and professions. Due to the adverse effects of the trauma caused by sexual violence,
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survivors often experience long-term physical and mental health issues. Sexual violence is never the victim’s fault. 180 Turning Lives Around stands with survivors of sexual violence. For forty-three years, 180, a private non-profit organization in Monmouth County, continues to provide support and advocacy for victims of sexual violence in the aftermath of a highly emotional and traumatic experience with the assistance of its dedicated Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) volunteers. Since 1996, 180’s specially-trained, confidential victim advocates, who are members of the community, with countywide law enforcement and the Forensic Nurse Examiners program, provide emotional support and assistance to victims, and their significant-others, during accompaniments for timely and sensitive hospital medical examinations, and police and grand jury procedures. The volunteers also provide telephone support, which includes at the time of crisis, addressing medical and emotional needs, information regarding the criminal justice system, and referrals for services. They also provide support and advocacy to the survivor’s significant-other and adult survivors of childhood sexual assault. You can be the change you want to see in the world by joining 180’s life-changing mission today. 180 is conducting the mandatory, 40-hour SART training course for new volunteers on June 4_27, Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays, 6-9:30 p.m. at Wall Township Police Headquarters, 2700 Allaire Road.
Basic requirements for volunteers to apply include that applicants must be eighteen-years of age or older, have access to reliable transportation, possess a valid driver’s license, be willing to serve on an on-call shift basis, participate in an interview process, submit to fingerprinting and background checks, and successfully complete the mandatory training. 180 is committed to a socially and culturally diverse team to better serve the community. Bi-lingual capability is helpful. Prior knowledge of or training in sexual violence is not required. To obtain an application, contact Tina Morgan at tinam@180nj.org or 732 264-4360, Ext. 4272, or visit 180nj.org/give-help/volunteering/sexual-violence-program-advocate/. Deadline to apply is Friday, May 26. 180 is dedicated to providing safe housing, counseling, support, prevention, education, and advocacy for those in Monmouth County who are affected by domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking. 180’s caring staff provides immediate and long term support in assisting clients with the trauma they have experienced through sexual violence, while supporting them in obtaining services and making decisions that will help them turn their lives around. 180’s Court Advocate is available to assist and support survivors through the Sexual Assault Protection Order process at State Superior Court in Freehold. If you, or someone you know, is a victim of sexual violence, you can call 180’s Confidential Hotline at 1-888-264-7273, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.
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Page 30, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
E T S A P R R B I E N L G! E C At The Annual Pond, Koi, Wildbird & Pet Food Sale!
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Page 31, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
How Can You Protect Yourself From Osteoporosis?
By Kimberly Bosco OCEAN COUNTY – Osteoporosis is a common disease, accounting for more than 2 million broken bones per year in the US. Want to prevent yourself from becoming one of the 200 million people suffering from osteoporosis? The Ocean County Health Department is here to help. The OCHD recognizes May as National Osteoporosis Month, reminding residents that there are ways to help slow or stop the loss of bone mass and help prevent fractures no matter what your age. “Osteoporosis is often called a “silent disease” because unfortunately for many people they don’t know they have it until it’s too late. It usually takes breaking a bone before a person is diagnosed with the disease,” stated Ocean County Freeholder Gerry P. Little, Liaison to the Ocean County Board of Health. Start thinking about your bone health and take action now! The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) recommends these tips to improve bone health and prevent osteoporosis: Get to know your risk factors: age, gender, lifestyle, medical history, family history and
whether you take any medication or have medical conditions that can lead to bone loss. Get active: Do regular weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercise Eat Your Way to Healthy Bones: Calcium, vitamin D, lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats are the key to eating for healthy bones. Ask your healthcare provider when you should get a bone density test Don’t smoke and don’t drink too much alcohol: No more than two drinks a day is best for bone health “Bones affected by osteoporosis have lower density or strength which leads to bones becoming more fragile and likely to break. Osteoporosis causes severe pain, suffering and life-altering loss of mobility - yet it is treatable and even preventable. Diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle are keys to preventing and managing osteoporosis,” stated Daniel E. Regenye, Ocean County Health Department (OCHD) Public Health Coordinator. For more information on National Osteoporosis Month and how to build and maintain strong bones for life, visit ochd.org. Check out the OCHD’s new website at phu2.org.
Holiday City Lakes (Upper/Lower), Toms River Township, Ocean County, New Jersey may have aquatic pesticides applied on or between 8 May 2019 and 7 June 2019 for aquatic vegetation control with Tribune (diquat dibromide), Renovate MAXG (triclopyr+2,4-d), Aquapro (glyphosate), Clipper (flumioxazin), Sonar (fluridone), Captain (copper) by boat equipment by Princeton Hydro, LLC (NJDEP #97186A), 1108 Old York Road, Ringoes NJ 08551. There may be an irrigation/watering restriction 30 days. Upon request, the pesticide applicator or applicator business shall provide a resident with notification at least 12 hours prior to the application, except for Quarantine and Disease Vector Control only, when conditions necessitate pesticide applications sooner than that time. Emergency Information, contact NJ Poison Information and Education System 800-222-1222, National Pesticide Information Center 800-858-7378 for routine health inquiries, information about signs/symptoms of pesticide exposure, Pesticide Control Program 609-984-6666 “This number is for pesticide regulation information, pesticide complaints and health referrals”. Other information contact Tyler Overton, Aquatic Operations Manager, Princeton Hydro, LLC, 908-237-5660
OCVTS Highlights Precision Machine Technology Program
TOMS RIVER – Ocean County Vocational Technical School’s Career Expo will showcase Precision Machine Technology Program for high school students on May 23 from 6:308:30 p.m. Tour the new Precision Machine Technology training facility and learn more about the incredible opportunities in advanced manufacturing, OCVTS Jackson Center, 850 Toms River Road. With an increase in the number of advanced manufacturing jobs returning to the United States, there is a growing need for skilled technicians. Today’s manufacturing environment involves integrated technology, automation, applied engineering skills and the need for individuals to program, troubleshoot, repair and operate the manufacturing lines. Ocean County Vocational Technical School is now offering a training program for high school students which meets the current and emerging workforce needs in the advanced manufacturing industry. This program involves Computer Numerical Controls (CNC)
theory and operations, interpreting engineering drawings, production planning, metal fabrication, GTAW (TIG welding, GMAW (MIG) welding, precision measurement and analysis, manual machine operations and workplace safety (OSHA-10). Students will also learn programming, problem solving and equipment operations as they bring a product from idea to reality. OCVTS has partnered closely with industry professionals to create an authentic STEM-based makerspace with state of the art equipment and technology used in industry today. Local manufacturers, right here in Ocean County, are searching for new employees with the right skills AND the ambition to build a challenging career. High school sophomore and juniors are invited to tour the new facilities and learn more about the incredible opportunities in advanced manufacturing at the OCVTS Career Expo on May 23 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the OCVTS Jackson Center, 850 Toms River Road. For more information visit ocvts.org/expo or call 732-473-3122.
According to recent estimates, as many as 16.5 million U.S. adults suffer from “atopic dermatitis” (AD), which is an inflammatory disease characterized by red, itchy skin. Of this number, 6.6 million are classified as moderate to severe cases, adversely affecting quality of life. While atopic dermatitis is common among children, about 30 percent of AD patients are in their 60s and developed the disease at an older age. The dry, itchy patches of skin associated with AD can occur anywhere on the body and tend to flare periodically and unpredictably. In 2017, the FDA approved the biologic drug known as “dupilumab,” which is administered by injection and targets the inflammation from the inside out. More and more, researchers are coming to the realization that inflammation is the driving force behind many of the problems that plague our bodies. We can feel its effects on the inside with achy joints, but we can see its evidence on the outside with rashes, itchy patches, and the like. We offer a full range of medical services including diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, skin cancer, acne and more. No need to wait months for an appointment – care for your skin and call today for skin cancer screening! P.S. There is no cure for atopic dermatitis, but treatment to control it can involve a gentle skin-care regimen that involves over-the-counter products and/or topical or systemic steroids.
Page 32, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
Ocean County Celebrates Arbor Day
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By Kimberly Bosco OCEAN COUNTY – Ocean County officials celebrated Arbor Day with the help of students and staff at the Mill Pond Elementary School in Lacey Township. Ocean County Freeholder Director Virginia E. Haines, Principal Holly Niemiec, and Director of the Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation Michael Mangum placed mulch
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Serving All Faiths Lawrence G. Bolen, Founder Michael J. Defonzo Jr., Manager • NJ Lic #4075
Family Night Out
FORKED RIVER – Take the family for a fun night out for students with special needs. Events are held at the Gille Park pavilion. June 5: Family Picnic and Outdoor Science,
Little Egg Harbor Location
around a newly planted Ivory Silk Lilac Tree on the school grounds. “Just by participating in today’s event you are helping the environment and making Ocean County an even better place to live,” said Freeholder Director Haines. In addition to two Ivory Silk Lilac trees, a Kwanzan Cherry Tree was also planted on the school grounds.
5-6:30 p.m. Cost is $10 per family, food included. June 26: Pine Barren Modelers RC: Learn to Fly, 5-6:30 p.m. Cost is $10 per family, food included.
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Lanoka Harbor - 539 N. Main St. M-F: 8am-8pm • Weekends: 8am-5pm
Little Egg Harbor - 1395 Rt. 539 M-F: 8am-8pm • Weekends: 8am-5pm
Page 33, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
PROFESSIONAL PROFILE “Let’s Talk” With Dr. Jani By Michael Vandenberg “ T h e e r a of p ate r n a l i s tic medicine where I’m the doctor, you’re the patient, and you’re going to do this bec ause I say so is long gone,” Dr. Samir Jani said to me recently. “That’s just not the way I was trained.” When it comes to your health, shouldn’t you be in the driver’s seat? That’s certainly the guiding philosophy passed down by Garden State Medic al Center ’s founder, Dr. Dharam Mann, and it’s what makes Dr. Jani the perfect f it here. He wants to use his expertise and impart his knowledge to help you make an informed decision about your pain management. And there’s no question that Dr. Jani has plenty of information to share because he checks all the boxes when it comes to education. At age 17 he was already accepted into a higher education program that included a guaranteed spot in medical school. He kept a high GPA while taking his courses at an accelerated rate that allowed him to finish a year early. Then he jumped right into residencies and a fellowship focusing on pain, anesthesiology, and internal medicine, culminating in his current specialty of Interventional Pain Management. He finished his fellowship and began practicing in 2016, making his way to GSMC the following year. Dr. Jani pointed to a variety of reasons as to why he decided to make the switch to GSMC. For one thing, it fosters a seamless team environment. “The support and infrastructure of the practice is huge,” like the large network of staff on hand, to the electronic rec ord keeping. With those tasks already being taken care of, Dr. Jani is able to put his entire focus on alleviating your pain. After all, it’s crucial to maintain a sense of urgency when it comes to pain management because people are running out of options by the time they come to him. Most
of Dr. Jani’s patients are those who have seen countless doctors and had lots of tests but have never been able to find a diagnosis and fix the underlying cause. “ My ankle hur ts,” Dr. Jani said as a general example. “I’ve seen ten podiatrists, I’ve had six ankle surgeries, and no one’s fixed it.” But even though it may never be fixed, “there are things we can do to at least help you get rid of the pain”. Thankfully, Dr. Jani is not the type of doctor who just throws pills at the problem; he has a ver y strict interpretation of the related safety regulations. Not that he doesn’t use medications at all, but it’s only a tiny part of what he can do. “We’re highly inter ventional,” said Dr. Jani. He can target the pain with various injections, or hide the pain using electricity to target different stimulators in the nervous system. By implanting pain pumps, the medication is delivered directly to your spine, creating a much stronger effect. It all depends on the severity and longevity of the pain. These steps may seem elaborate, but rest assured Dr. Jani is conservative in his relief suggestions. “I always tell patients that if I don’t have to do something, I don’t want to do it. So if I can make it go away with a two minute injec tion, that ’s what I ’m going to do,” he said. If that
py if that’s what the patient longer has to take any pills. rarely even has to come in for prefer s. Either way, your Now her kids see her and a visit. “Previously she was treatment is entirely up to you. say, “You’re back to being going in to see another pain After all, he has the tools yourself. You’re Mom again.” management doctor, having and knowledge, but you also As an inter ventional pain to go in every month to get know your body and how you management doctor, “I don’t Percocet that she didn’t even feel. When the two of you know what was causing her want to take and wasn’t even collaborate, you’ll see inspir- pain, but I knew what she that helpful.” With her newing results. Dr. Jani had no was feeling and that’s what I found happiness and relief, problem giving me a couple targeted,” said Dr. Jani. she was able to go on her first examples of his Another patient came to him vacation in years! “ h o m e r u n s”. Fo r one time with fibromyalgia, You deser ve to be paininstance, one wom- with pain primarily in the back free too. Give Garden State an c ame in c om - and neck. He first put her on Medical Center a call today at plaining of chronic non-opioid medication, which 1-888-376-2661 to schedule pelvic pain. She’d solved some of her problems an appointment with Dr. Jani had ten surgeries but not all of them. Injections or any of their other superb and was on a ton did the trick for her neck. For pain management specialists. doesn’t work, then Dr. Jani of medicine at this point, and her lower back, he used a Feel free to visit gsmedicalwill happily go over additional yet her pain was making her spinal cord stimulator, which center.org for a full listing of minimally invasive options life miserable. With just a is like a pacemaker for the their convenient locations with you. He might even just few injections, her pain is spine. With that combination, and to get more information recommend physical thera- effectively gone and she no she’s feeling fantastic and on treatment.
Page 34, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Advanced Foot & Ankle Specialists, PC: Treating Everything Below The Knee
By Michael Vandenberg Dr. Scott Amoss, DPM, CWS is a lot more than a “foot doctor,” as people often mistake podiatrists for. In reality, “we provide comprehensive lower extremity care,” he said. So yes, if your foot hurts, Dr. Amoss will be happy to help. However, that barely scratches the surface of all the conditions he sees and the treatments he provides. Dr. Amoss (pronounced like “famous Amoss”) grew up in nearby Ocean Township and has been connected to the Jersey Shore community and greater New Jersey area his entire life. Originally, he earned his Bachelor’s degree in chemistry at Rutgers and spent a few years in the chemical industry. However, that feeling of wanting to make a difference in people’s lives that drives all physicians caught hold of Dr. Amoss. He liked podiatry in particular because of its ability to help people really quickly. “You can immediately have a positive impact on someone’s life. They come in pain, and can leave virtually pain free.” Scott Amoss became Doctor Scott Amoss when he graduated fourth in his class with numerous honors from the New York College of Podiatric Medicine in 2000. He then completed a two year residency focusing on orthopedic, vascular, plastic, and reconstructive surgery, in addition to training in internal and emergency medicine, dermatology, and radiology.
After that, Dr. Amoss knew it was time to go out on his own, so he opened Advanced Foot & Ankle Specialists in Whiting. 17 years later, the practice is going strong and recently opened a new location in Toms River to be closer to Community Medical Center, where he’s a surgeon on staff. Critically, this new foothold also allows him, as a specialist in diabetic foot care, to help the growing diabetic community in the area. While expanding served a logistically necessary purpose, Advanced Foot & Ankle has never lost its personal touch. You’ll never just be passed off to whichever doctor is on the clock that day, because Dr. Amoss is proud to be a solo practitioner. “The patients see me and only me,” he said. “It’s good continuity of care.” His tight-knit support staff of seven ensures that you get the streamlined care you deserve. That’s crucial in the field of Podiatry because, after all, things can get serious when it comes to Diabetes and foot complications. Luckily, Dr. Amoss is an Amputation Prevention Specialist as well as a Certified Wound Specialist. Less serious conditions like hammertoes, ingrown nails, bunions, and athlete’s foot can be treated in the office, often during your initial visit! “We’re very conservative,” Dr. Amoss assures future patients. “I’m surgically trained but I only like to perform surgery when all other conservative means
One of Advanced Foot & Ankle locations is 601 Route 37 West, Suite 300 in Toms River (in front of the Ocean Eye Institute)
have been exhausted. It’s going to be painless.” He makes that possible by developing treatment plans for each specific patient. Rest assured, Advanced Foot & Ankle is fully equipped to do so as soon as you come in. Both offices have digital X-rays so they can almost instantly see what’s going on and review it with the patient. They also have a diagnostic ultrasound to diagnose soft tissue conditions, as well as a laser for treatment of pain and neuropathy, a painful nerve condition caused by diabetes and other issues. They even offer MicroVas therapy, which gives much needed relief to patients with high levels of diabetic neuropathy, as well as vascular or PAD testing. In addition to the most cutting edge podiatric technology, Advanced Foot & Ankle has professional-grade consumer products you need for immediate relief. They offer a great selection of diabetic shoes, for example, One of Advanced Foot & Ankle locations is 601 Route 37 West, as well as custom - made 400 Lacey Road in Whiting (in the Stop and Shop Shopping orthotics which provide arch Center) support and help correct the
imbalance in patients’ feet. Advanced Foot & Ankle accepts most insurance plans. (Medicare covers one pair of diabetic shoes per year!) By having strategically-located offices, an experienced and focused staff, and tons of treatment methods and equipment at his disposal, Dr. Amoss is able to easily achieve his goal of getting you fast comfort and relief. When it comes to diseases like melanoma, for example, speed is absolutely critical. The most deadly form of skin cancer, melanoma has an especially poor prognosis on the foot because it often goes unnoticed for a long time. Dr. Amoss diagnosed several of these cases last year, which probably saved those patients’ lives. But sometimes conditions aren’t as complicated as much as some of the larger podiatrist offices try to let on. Dr. Amoss remembers one recent patient who came in after being with one such practice. “These eight doctors had exhausted all treatment options for this individual in pain,” he said. After years of getting the runaround, they told him there was noth-
ing they could do. The patient came limping into Advanced Foot & Ankle with what Dr. Amoss diagnosed in a matter of minutes as a simple corn on the tip of his toe. “We gave him a customized foot pad which helped him tremendously, and by the next day he came in to thank us and tell us how much better he was doing,” Dr. Amoss said. “He couldn’t believe he waited and wasted several years with this other group of doctors.” At Advanced Foot & Ankle, you’ll get fast and customized treatment from a doctor you can trust. Give them a call today at 732-350-0100 and their very accommodating staff will be able to make an appointment for you with Dr. Amoss right away. And as the “urgent care of the lower extremity,” emergency app oint ment s are also available. Advanced Foot & Ankle is located at 400 Lacey Road in Whiting (in the Stop and Shop Shopping Center) and 601 Route 37 West, Suite 300 in Toms River (in front of the Ocean Eye Institute). Or check out their website AdvFootandAnkle. com for more information.
Page 35, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019
Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of may 11 - may 17
By Jeraldine Saunders
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Everything will turn out fine if you act on your intuitions in the week ahead. Your love life could experience some rocky spots but using honesty and sincerity will overcome any potential misunderstandings. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your tough as nails attitude can help with business decisions in the upcoming week. As your ambitions grow, getting ahead in the material world could become a top priority. Focus on being organized to reach your goals. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Sometimes the person who gives the best advice might not have the best delivery, listen to the message. In the week ahead focus on money-making activities that have shown a proven profit and accept help when it is offered. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Acting on your fantasies could bring fairy tale endings. Your creative genius may be energized during the week ahead allowing you to turn your ideas into money for your pockets. Always work smart, not just hard. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Your career or job could be of primary importance in the upcoming week. You may be expected to comply with high standards or follow a set of specific rules. You will be up to the challenge and prove your value. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Keep your knowledge fresh when it comes to technology, your computer smarts make you extremely marketable. You may struggle to decipher messages this week, keeping current with the latest trends can help communication.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In the upcoming week you may be more focused on your job and health. Real teamwork is not only more productive, it’s more rewarding too. A partner or loved one could challenge you to up your work ethic. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Stay on top of your obligations and don’t waste resources when good fortune comes your way. As this week unfolds you might be tempted to take more risks than usual, rely on your good sense to keep you afloat. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Every penny counts in the week ahead; be smart with money matters. You might find yourself cashing in those pennies at the bank or a local cash machine right now, but your overall financial picture is getting brighter. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Concentrate on making your ambitions a reality. Achieving your goals might require passing up social invitations and putting in some extra work hours. It is possible to enjoy being alone instead of brooding on loneliness. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): An opportunity to take a calculated risk with money may appear this week and you should grab it. If you play your cards right, you could create a lasting source of income. A partner will have some practical ideas for you. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Others might think you are not paying attention to practicalities, but you are more capable than anyone knows. In the week to come your ideas could fall into place and start something of value, to your surprise and delight.
1301 Rte 72 | Ste 305 | Manahawkin, NJ 08050
609-597-9195 211 W Millstream Road Cream Ridge, NJ 08514
Wolfgang Puck’s Kitchen New Take On Caesar Salad Shows Dish’s Versatility By Wolfgang Puck
Makes 1 heaping cup (250 mL)
1 cup (250 mL) Nicoise olives, pitted 1 cup (250 mL) small green French olives (Picholines), pitted 1/4 cup (60 mL) drained oil-packed sun-dried tomato pieces 1 tablespoon drained capers 1 clove garlic, trimmed and peeled 1 oil-packed anchovy fillet, drained 1/2 tablespoon chopped fresh basil leaves 1/2 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves 1/2 tablespoon chopped fresh Italian parsley leaves 1/4 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano leaves 1/4 cup (60 mL) extra-virgin olive oil
For the tapenade croutons: 1/3 cup (85 mL) extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoon freshly grated Parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons minced garlic 1 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano leaves 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme leaves 1-pound (500-g) loaf day-old sourdough bread, cut into slices 1/3 inch (8 mm) thick, slices cut into large bite-sized pieces, to get about 2 cups (500 mL) of pieces Black-and-green olive tapenade (recipe follows) For the salad: 2 heads baby romaine lettuce or hearts of romaine, or 1 large head romaine, leaves separated, rinsed well, patted dry thoroughly, wrapped in a clean damp kitchen towel, and chilled in the refrigerator Caesar vinaigrette (recipe follows) Freshly grated Parmesan cheese Freshly ground black pepper First, make the tapenade croutons: Preheat the oven to 350 F (175 C). Meanwhile, in a medium mixing bowl, stir together the oil, Parmesan, garlic, oregano and thyme. Add the bread, and toss well to coat. Arrange the bread in a single layer on a baking sheet, and bake until golden brown on all sides, turning them about halfway through, about 10 minutes total. Remove from the oven, cool to room temperature, and store in a cool, dry place until ready to use. For the salad, trim the lettuce and tear into bite-sized pieces; or, if using smaller leaves, keep them whole. Put the lettuce in a large mixing bowl and toss well with enough Caesar vinaigrette to coat evenly. Arrange the lettuce attractively on chilled salad plates, stacking whole leaves or mounding pieces. Sprinkle with Parmesan and black pepper to taste. Just before serving, spread a thin layer of black-and-green tapenade on one side of each crouton. Arrange croutons on top of or around the salads. Serve immediately. BLACK-AND-GREEN OLIVE TAPENADE
Put all of the ingredients except the oil in a food processor. Pulse the machine on and off until the ingredients are coarsely chopped and well blended. Turn on the machine and continue processing while slowly adding the oil, until the mixture resembles a coarse puree. Transfer to a covered container and use as needed, storing in the refrigerator for up to one week. CAESAR VINAIGRETTE Makes about 2 cups (500 mL) 1 large pasteurized egg 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1/4 teaspoon crush red pepper flakes 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 2 oil-packed anchovy fillets, drained and mashed 1 scant cup (250 mL) peanut oil 1/3 cup (85 mL) extra-virgin olive oil 1/4 cup (60 mL) freshly grated Parmesan cheese Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the egg, lemon juice, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, red pepper flakes, mustard and anchovies. While whisking continuously, slowly drizzle in the oils to form a thick emulsion. Stir in the cheese, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Store in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to one week, whisking again before use.
(Chef Wolfgang Puck’s TV series,“Wolfgang Puck’s Cooking Class,” airs Sundays on the Food Network. Also, his latest cookbook, “Wolfgang Puck Makes It Easy,” is now available in bookstores. Write Wolfgang Puck in care of Tribune Media Services Inc., 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207) © 2019 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.
Page 36, The Toms River Times, May 11, 2019