Vol. 15 - No. 16
In This Week’s Edition
Your FREE Weekly Hometown Newspaper For Toms River, Island Heights, Ortley Beach & Lavallette
Death By Beauty: Why Our Manicured Lawns And Landscaping Is Killing Us
| August 17, 2019
VA Clinic Busiest In NJ
By Judy Smestad-Nunn BRICK - With an estimated 40,000 veterans living in Ocean County, the Veterans Administration’s Out patient Clinic on Route 70 in Brick is “by far” the busiest of 10 community-based VA clinics in New Jersey, said director of the VA New Jersey Health Care System Vincent F. Immiti. There are 10,000 veterans enrolled to receive their primary care at the Brick clinic, and with an estimated 85,000 to 90,000 visits a year, the facility is one of the 27 U.S. clinics that will be expanded after Congress approved a $1.5 billion spending
Community News! Don’t miss what’s happening in your town.
Pages 6-15.
Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Page 18.
(Clinic - See Page 5)
Dear Pharmacist Page 19.
Inside The Law Page 21.
Classifieds Page 23.
Business Directory Page 24-25.
Fun Page
—Photo by Jennifer Peacock Pamela Almeida’s dining area is turned into a monarch butterfly nursery for a good part of each year. By Jennifer Peacock TOMS RIVER – The neighborhood looks like a typical, middle class one, with mostly manicured lawns that, in mid-July, are blooming with tiger lilies and hostas in yards, hanging baskets filled with a riot of petunias or impatiens probably purchased from a local big-box chain or grocery store - lining front porches. Shrubbery creates fences and privacy walls, while many properties are otherwise treeless. The yards typify the
post-World War II ideal of success. And they are killing us. But then there’s Pamela Almeida’s yard, which like a moth to a flame drew the attention of code enforcement for a while. To the untrained eye, it would appear that Almeida doesn’t own a lawnmower or weed whacker and doesn’t care. Her front yard (and backyard), however, is a haven for insects and birds whose habitats are choked out by non-native plants, invasive species and yard-beautifying
poisons. She eventually won over code enforcement and is spreading her conservation message to the public about the importance of pollinators in general and their impact on the environment. How does she do this? Through monarch butterflies. Almeida, a Toms River resident for 15 years, has been involved with The Native Plant Society of New Jersey for the last 8 years. She just joined Save Barnegat Bay, where Eagle Scouts are building a butterfly
waystation. She’s also worked in animal control, including in Toms River. “When you bring up bees, or certain pollinators, people are completely turned off. So, learning how to approach people about native plants or pesticides in their yard, the gateway, I found, was butterflies, because everyone loves butterf lies,” Almeida said. “They are a threatened species, because of lack of food source, lack of habitat, pesticides, insecticides. (Butterfly - See Page 4)
Page 26.
Horoscope Page 31.
Wolfgang Puck Page 31.
County Officials Looking To Expand Open Space Fund
By Kimberly Bosco OCEAN COUNTY – In the last 20 years, the Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Fund has successfully preserved
close to 30,000 acres of open space. In an effort to continue this progress, the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freehold-
ers will ask voters to amend the program in order to expand its purpose allowing the trust fund to be used for costs of acquisi-
County Remembers Tim Ryan
tion, development and maintenance for recreational and historic preservation purposes. Residents will be
—Photo courtesy Ryan family By Chris Lundy LAVALLETTE – When writing an obituary, staff at the Timothy E. Ryan Home For Funerals would talk to family members about their loved one. It can be hard to sum up a life like that. It’s even harder when it hits so close to home. (Memoriam - See Page 16)
(Space - See Page 16)
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Page 2, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 3
Page 4, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
Continued From Page 1 Their decline is an indicator for what’s going on in the environment. People are starting to become more aware.” She created Endangered Wings, a charitable educational program that teaches participants about the butterflies and how pest control and landscaping practices are decimating pollinator populations. She also accepts donations to bring pollinator centers to schools, retirement communities, and garden centers. “When I bring programs to schools, I ask the kids, ‘What do you find when you go outside?’ And they say mosquitoes and ticks. And that’s heartbreaking, because there is so much beauty out there and it’s becoming less and less, our children are losing that compassion, losing that knowledge, because they’re being conditioned to not enjoy [the outdoors], because of what past generations have done, and what the government is still doing, and that makes a huge impact,” Almeida said. Some studies have indicated 90 percent of the monarch butterfly population has died over the last 10 years, 80 percent in California last year alone. Raising Monarchs She also raises monarch butterflies, an intensive labor of love that consumes hours of her summer days. Her dining area is transformed into a butterfly nursery for part of the year. “I’ve always been around animals. I was taught very young to have compassion and awareness of things around us,” Almeida said. Female monarch butterflies in New Jersey spend their adult lives eating milkweed and laying eggs. Those that are born in September and October will
migrate to warmer climes in California or Mexico. Almeida can easily spot monarch eggs, which are smaller than a grain of rice and stuck to milkweed leaves. She gently removes the leaf from its plant and brings it inside, where she keeps the insects in containers in various stages of development - egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, adult. She spends hours each morning changing and bleaching leaves, moving caterpillars, and checking for diseases. Monarchs specifically can suffer from Ophryocystis elektroscirrha, a fatal protozoan parasite that is spread from infected adults onto eggs or milkweed leaves, then ingested by caterpillars. Almeida raises each egg she finds, but can’t confirm an O.E. infection until the monarch is an adult. O.E. is confirmed or ruled out by pressing the monarch’s abdomen against the sticky side of transparent tape and examining the tape under a microscope to check for O.E. spores. Almeida will release healthy adults into her yard. Monarchs found with O.E. have to be euthanized, or they’ll spread the fatal disease to other monarchs. Return Of The Native Eight years ago, Almeida simply considered herself an avid gardener. She brought seeds to a swap at Jake’s Branch county park - she was the only one who brought seeds - and was approached about co-leading the local chapter of The Native Plant Society. “I was terrified because I’m just an avid gardener. I really at the time did not understand or know about native plants or the impact they had. Most of my yard, at that point, was invasive species, thinking I was doing the best thing for pollinators by having all of these flowers. And as my education grew, finding out things like big box stores, their plants
are from seeds soaked in systemic (insecticides). So, the whole purpose of what I was doing was actually harming the environment more than helping,” Almeida said. “Maybe let’s think about how native plants will bring back those insects, which are not only necessary for our soil, but our bird population. It goes up the entire food chain.” For example, she said she recently attended a bird-watching event at Georgian Court University. At one point, dozens upon dozens of species would be seen around campus. They counted 11. That pesticide that keeps pests away also gets ingested by the birds that eat the worms. They all die. “So I transformed my yard into native species, and the abundance…if you were here [in early July], the abundance of pollinators just on my milkweed is astronomical. It’s a beautiful thing to see birds that are in my yard and different species. Many, many types of insects.” Insects have specific host plants. Monarchs, for instance, only eat milkweed, only lay their eggs on milkweed. No native insects eat hostas or burning bush, both native to Asia, for example. So people are not only starving native insects and plants, but inviting invasive insects to the area. Stinkbugs. No native birds eat those, so they reproduce with abandon. Black-spotted mosquitoes, another invasive species. They attack all day. Native mosquitoes only came out at dusk. “Even having a small habitat on your property can make a huge impact on the things around you. So when people feel like it’s not just depressing and hopeless, but when they’re empowered and they can make a difference, and there is a way they can make a change, I think that bring a lot of hope,” Almeida said. According to The Native Plant Society of New
Jersey, butterfly host flowers include asters, beardtongue, golden alexander, indigo (blue false), milkweeds, white turtlehead, and violets. A full list of butterfly host plants can be found at npsnj.org/PDFs/ articles/Native_Butterfly_Plants_NJNPS_list2.pdf. Save The Money Planting native plants not only saves habitats, it saves money. Native plants thrive in native soil and don’t need fertilizer. They hold soil better, thereby preventing erosion. “How can we fix the land? You’re hurting your economy. You’re hurting your homeowners. Simple changes at a local level can save millions of dollars. Let’s save taxpayer money by not mowing these certain areas and installing native plants instead,” Almeida said. “When it comes to the political standpoint, [politicians] don’t necessarily care about the butterflies, but they do care about their wallet. So when you talk about what we do and how it can save our municipalities and county money, well then people might listen.” One recent report out of Ohio stated that the state saved more than $2 million on mowing costs by installing native plants - specifically, wildflowers - along state highways. Almeida’s work can be seen at endangeredwings. com. How You Can Help Besides ditching the nonnative plant species and poisons, Almeida says locals can help by volunteering with her, learning how to raise monarchs and release healthy specimens into nature. She’s looking for interns who want hands-on training on how to raise the butterflies from egg to adult. More information can be found at facebook.com/ pg/endangeredwings/jobs/.
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Continued From Page 1 plan in 2014 to improve health care to veterans. Immiti was at Brick’s James J. Howard Outpatient Clinic on Wednesday Aug. 7 to tour the facility along with Congressman Andy Kim (D-3 rd ), Veterans Integrated Service Network 2 Director Dr. Joan McInerney, Chief of VA Outpatient Clinics in NJ Melba West, and veteran leaders from Ocean County. Not only is the Brick facility the busiest in New Jersey, it is also the largest and offers more services than the other clinics. With a growing population of younger veterans, not having enough space or parking has been a problem for years. At 34,335 square feet, the Brick clinic offers ser vices including primar y care, mental health, dental, audiology, radiology, pharmacy, physical therapy, and much more. Tele-Health is a new service for veterans who can’t leave their homes, said Public Information Officer for the VA Jason Kaneshiro. “Veterans can be seen remotely by a VA doctor using technology like smart phones and computers to improve services to vets,” said Kaneshiro, who served 10 years in the Army. The square footage for the proposed facility is about 60,000 square feet, and with 450 parking spaces would offer all the existing services and more, he said.
The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 5 The lease on the Brick clinic expires in September 2020, but there would be a bridge lease until a new facility is completed, said Kaneshiro. The larger facility might be new construction, or it could be a rehabilitated existing structure, but it is still in the planning stages. There was no word on where in Ocean County it would be located, he said. Meanwhile, the Brick clinic has hired four doctors to replace doctors who left, and they are adding a nurse practitioner, which would give the clinic increased capacity, Immiti said. The two VA medical centers in New Jersey - one located in East Orange, and the other in Lyons in Somerset County - are “very, very short-staffed” of phy sicia n s , I m m it i s a id , wh ich could be caused by physician salary limits and /or by marketing towards physicians. The hospitals’ affiliation with New Jersey medical schools has helped a great deal, he added. Beginning on June 6, 2019, under the Mission Act, veterans have more ways to access health care by making it easier for them to seek medical care by using a network of providers in the community, Kaneshiro said. The White House has a VA hotline where veterans can report or make a complaint about their medical care. The number is 1-855-948-2311. “The calls get filtered down to individual networks, and they get to us
eventually so we can try to set things right, but it takes time,” Kaneshiro said. After Congressman Kim toured the facility and spoke to several veterans he said he had a dual purpose for his visit to the James J. Howard Outpatient Clinic. “I’m trying to make sure the VA stays on track with the dates for the new clinic to open in 2021,” he said. Kim said he calls and meets with the VA on a regular basis. “I have been told that that target will be met,” said Kim, who serves on the Armed Services Committee. His second reason for coming to Brick was to make sure that veterans are getting quality care until the new clinic is opened, he said.
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“T he Of f ice of Const r uct ion a nd Facilities Management in Washington D.C. is evaluating sites and evaluating bids for the new clinic, and will ask for our input, and then we’ll take a look at the sites and at where the veterans are,” Immiti said. Hazlet veteran Jimmy Krause, 37, said he comes to the Brick clinic two to three times a week. “I drive here for the extra services they offer for alternative therapies for mental health,” he said. “Parking is a little difficult, and space is an issue, but the staff is amazing, especially for Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans, he said. Krause served in Iraq for a year during the initial invasion in 2003 and again in Afghanistan in 2006.
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Page 6, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
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County Prepared To Service Pets With Disaster Relief
By Kimberly Bosco OCEAN COUNTY — According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, over a third of US households are also home to a furry companion. In Ocean County, many local families have dogs or cats they consider part of the family. In an effort to service both humans and animals in the event of an emergency, Ocean County has become the newest member of the AKC Pet Disaster Relief program. AKC Reunite is the largest non-profit pet identification and recovery service provider in the United States. Their national program, AKC Pet Disaster Relief, is dedicated to keeping pets and their owners safe in response to natural or civil disasters. In collaboration with local American Kennel Club dog clubs and dog lovers, AKC Reunite presented an emergency trailer to the Ocean County Sheriff ’s Office. The AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailer will be available to dispatch to any disaster scene that needs assistance sheltering pets. “We are beyond grateful to AKC Reunite and the Kennel Club of Philadelphia for providing us with this life-saving tool for our community,” said Kevin Cooney of the Ocean County Sheriff ’s Office. “Our department is now better equipped to help pets and pet owners in the case of a disaster.” In the event of an emergency, the AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailers create a safe, temporary home for at least 65 pets during the first 72 hours after a disaster is declared. Inside the trailers you will find es-
sential animal care items including crates and carriers, AKC Reunite microchips, an AKC Reunite universal microchip scanner, bowls, collars, leashes, fans, lighting and a generator, cleaning supplies and maintenance items. These supplies can be used as co-location shelters, where people can evacuate with their pets, as well as emergency animal shelters for displaced animals. “This is the 76th trailer donated through the AKC Pet Disaster Relief program. The trailer will provide critical resources to help the Ocean County Sheriff ’s Office quickly assist its community when responding to natural disasters,” said Tom Sharp, AKC Reunite CEO. “Safe, effective pet sheltering solutions are important following a disaster, and we are pleased that an AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailer will be available to the Ocean County Sheriff ’s Office as a vital tool.” A generous donation of $100,000, courtesy of the Kennel Club of Philadelphia, funded the purchase of the OCSD’s new trailer. While Ocean County was the first, the donations funds will continue to provide trailers to eight other counties throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania. “Our association is thrilled to be able to bring such an important resource like the AKC Pet Disaster Relief Trailer to the Ocean County Sheriff ’s Office,” said Wayne Ferguson, President of the Kennel Club of Philadelphia. “The trailer will help the organization assist their community in times of disaster”. For more information about AKC Pet Disaster Relief, visit akcreunite.org/relief.
Seaside Heights Offering Weekday Beach Badge Early-Bird Special SEASIDE HEIGHTS – Seaside Heights is offering an end-of-summer “Get To The Beach” early bird special now through August 29. Beach goers can purchase an adult wristband (12 years-of-age and older) from any beach cashier booth 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for only $4.00. That’s 50 percent off the regular price of $8.00 per wristband. The discount is on cash purchases only and is not available through the Viply smartphone app. According to Seaside Heights Mayor Anthony Vaz, “Fortunately, our beach attendance has been very good this summer, so we have the ability to partner with local businesses to offer this “Get To The Beach” beach discount. As the summer winds down and families prepare for school, we want to encourage people to visit the Seaside Heights beach one more time!” Mayor Vaz said. The borough has partnered with parking lots and other businesses to offer early birds even more discounts during the same 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. time. Parking is one-half price at 1400 Ocean Terrace, 16 Hamilton Ave, and 9 Ocean Terrace. Pay $5 to park at 715 Boulevard. In addition, early birds will pay one-half price
for beach chair and umbrella rentals at the Hancock Ave, Blaine Ave, Sumner Ave, and Franklin Ave beach accessories rental booths on the beach. When beach goers receive their half-price wristband, they should ask the cashier for a discount brochure containing even more savings at participating restaurants, amusements and retail stores. Details of the Get To The Beach early bird specials may be found at exit82.com/earlybird. Military service men and women, veterans, and their spouses and children are free every day on the Seaside Heights beach. And there are also special discount days: Aug. 13, for Dad & Me Day, and Aug. 20 for Bring a Friend Day. The Seaside Heights beach has been voted Ocean County’s Favorite Beach for four consecutive years in the NJ Sea Grant annual ratings. Enjoyment in Seaside Heights doesn’t end with Labor Day, either. There is a full schedule of weekend fall events ranging from a country music and barbecue festival, to other weekend-long music events, to Wine on the Beach, to the Italian festival and parade. Details may be found at exit82.com.
The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 7
KNEE PAIN? Grinding, popping, difficulty walking or going up and down the stairs, bone-on-bone pain… Does any of this sound familiar?
There’s no one single answer to all knee pain, especially when every person is different. The truth is, it is impossible to know what kind of treatment would be effective until your case is examined. Only then can medical professionals determine what would be best for you. People suffering from knee pain often try a number of potential solutions before finding relief. What works for one person may not work for another, and that’s where expert 5-star care and nearly 20 years of experience comes into play at Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation. Knee pain patients are unique and suffer from a great deal of pain. They deserve and require practitioners who are invested in their case, who take the time to explain what’s causing the pain
and why particular treatments may work or not work. That’s the difference at Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation. Five-star service and the well-being of their patients are the doctors’ top priorities. At Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation, there are no cookie cutter plans. With so many different services available in one facility, there are a number of possibilities and different combinations of treatments that can be customized to each patient. While these doctors do see many patients who receive injections to postpone painful knee surgery, some patients may benefit more from Cold Laser Therapy combined with physical therapy, or maybe acupuncture or vibration therapy. There are a number of possibilities and no one single solution to cure all knee pain. So what’s the solution? Start with a consultation with one of these skilled medical professionals. Sit down with one of the doctors to determine exactly which approach would be the most effective in your case. Take advantage of this special offer for Asbury Park Press Readers: FREE initial consultations ($245 value) for the first 17 people who call!
Knee Pain Solution: Combining Time-Tested Injections with New Technologies So many people who have been experiencing knee pain have sought out treatment before. Whether they tried a round of injections, painkillers, or saw a doctor and were told surgery is necessary, many people suffering from knee pain feel like they’ve tried everything. There have been many patients who have called Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation saying that they’ve exhausted all their options, but they may as well see if these therapies will help. They come in hopeless, and many end up having more success than ever before! So, what is it that makes this facility special? It’s bringing together all the individual working pieces to provide the well-rounded, all-encompassing treatment that delivers results. Patients can get multiple treatments all under one roof. Beyond that, the doctors at Monmouth Pain take the time to explain your condition and your treatment so that patients can understand what is going on. Why don’t you come see for yourself – call now to claim your FREE consultation ($245 value), available only to the first 17 callers. 732-345-1377 WHAT IS ACUPUNCTURE LIKE? Acupuncture sessions take place in a relaxing setting. A Licensed Acupuncturist will insert tiny needles into incredibly precise points of the body, sending signals to the brain to release neurotransmitters that reduce feelings of pain. These tiny pricks that most patients can hardly feel are awakening your body’s innate ability to relieve pain –all while you get to sit back and relax. Osteoarthritis patients who receive acupuncture regularly may see noticeable improvements in levels of pain and functionality. Acupuncture is especially effective when combined with other treatment methods and may even improve the effects of physical therapy and other modalities.
“Monmouth Pain and Rehabilitation is the best place in the world to come to. It is a friendly atmosphere instead of business-like. The treatments are intense but the practitioners are At Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation, gentle in their approach. I started here with my the doctor administering the knees and had physical therapy - it was gentler injection uses video fluoroscopy to and more bearable than any fitness doctor you could go to but so awesome guide the injection to a precise point because I saw immediate results in my pain level. I had bone on bone knee in the knee. Watch onscreen as the pain and was able to regain mobility. They were also able to help with my fluid is introduced into the joint, and back pain and range of motion - I was unable to bend and move without the healing process begins. pain and now I can touch my toes! My acupuncture sessions BEYOND INJECTIONS with Nicole H. are so relaxing and help tremendously with my back and knee pain. Acu has saved my quality of life! If it wasn’t Cold Laser Therapy is one of for the whole team here I would probably be in a wheel chair.” Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation’s cutting edge ways to expedite the healing process. The painless laser –Carol, Atlantic Highlands interacts with the cells in the knee to increase cellular energy so that these “The variety of services I receive at MPR have enabled me to function, I cells can begin rebuilding tissue in the damaged area. Laser energy increases believe, well above my expectations. Professional treatment and personal circulation, drawing water, oxygen, and nutrients to the knee. You will feel the attention work! Both of my knees have been giving me trouble for years, beneficial effects, as the laser treatment reduces inflammation, stiffness, and but now I have two young grandkids that I try to keep up with, and I needed pain – and treatment sessions take just minutes! to do something about the pain. I thought I would need surgery, but To accelerate your healing even further and faster, try Power Plate© luckily Dr. Murray let me know there were other options. Thanks to him technology to complement your treatment. Power Plates© send vibrations and everyone else over in the Wall location, I’m seeing a lot of progress!” through the body, increasing blood flow, reducing inflammation and –Tom, Brick accelerating the body’s healing process. Best of all, Power Plates are housed under the same roof as all these other advanced technologies at Monmouth SPACE IS LIMITED Pain & Rehabilitation, so you can get your full treatment course in one TO THE FIRST 17 CALLERS! convenient location. joint. Movement becomes easier, thanks to this all-natural replica of your body’s cartilage!
Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation offers acupuncture on its own if you are interested, or it may be incorporated into your comprehensive treatment program. It is covered by some insurance plans. For more information or to THE DEFINING DIFFERENCE OF THIS KNEE PAIN SOLUTION? MERGING THE BEST OPTIONS FOR A MORE COMPLETE APPROACH schedule your acupuncture appointment, please call 732-345-1377. SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY: TAKE YOUR HEALING TO THE NEXT LEVEL Have you tried physical therapy only to be frustrated with limited results? Have injections gotten your hopes up? Are you on the verge of giving up on finding All-natural knee injections any sort of relief ? Don’t give up! Your lack of results means that something has counteract the effects of been missing from your treatment, and the highly skilled team at Monmouth Osteoarthritis by introducing a Pain & Rehabilitation is here to tell you what that missing piece may be. gel into the joint. This gel, called a viscosupplement, bonds with Call 732-345-1377 today to claim your free consult ($245 value). Aren’t naturally occurring joint fluid to you curious what treatment plan the doctor would create for you? create a lubricating and cushioning With three convenient locations in Wall, Shrewsbury, and Forked layer, making up for the layer of River, there’s no reason not to give it a try. cartilage that breaks down through CHECK OUT THESE SUCCESS STORIES! Osteoarthritis. Where previously *Covered by most insurance plans bones were rubbing together, including Medicare there now is a layer of gel keeping No known side effects • Little to no pain them apart. It also reduces pain, Immediate relief inflammation, and swelling of the
Call today to schedule your FREE Knee Consultation! ($245 Value) Call now if you experience any degree of knee pain or discomfort.
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Page 8, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
OPINIONS & COMMENTARY F EATURED L ETTER NJ Needs To Stop Funding Needy States On July 17, 2019 Kent uck y Se nat or R a nd Paul, blocked a bipartisan bill to make sure our September 11 Victims’ Fund never runs out of money. Senator Paul had no problem voting for tax cuts for the wealthy, which has created a huge deficit, but when it came to ensuring our heroes had funding he said “It has long been my feeling that we need to address our massive debt in the country.” Aside from the unpat r iotic disgrace of the Senator’s lack of empathy and respect fo r o u r h e r o e s a n d neighbors, there is a hu ge i r ony i n R a nd Paul denying the funding for our heroes and neighbors. New Jersey (WE) literally fund his “welfare state” of Kentucky. New Jersey is a donor state that pays
way more in federal dollars than it gets in return: $0.61 for every dollar paid in to the federal gover n ment. On the other hand, Kentucky gets $1.51. If New Jersey got our fair share of tax dollars paid back, we would have plent y of money to fund our roads, schools, local heroes, etc. It’s time our leaders demand we get our fair share and stop funding greedy “welfare states’ like Kentucky. We can easily take care of our own! We must urge our leaders, Senators Booker and Mendendez as well as our Congressional Representatives to demand New Jersey gets a fair share of our tax money back from the feds. Robin Nowicki Manalapan
Do you have something you want everyone to know? Is there an issue that needs to be addressed? Write a letter to The Toms River Times and make yourself heard.
W� W������ L������ T� T�� E�����! The Toms River Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for veri�ication. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to edit or
reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail or bring typed letters to: PO Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732657-7388 or e-mail news@ jerseyshoreonline.com. Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily re�lect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.
Letters To The Editor Why I’m Running For Mayor of Berkeley First, let me introduce myself. My name is Laura Shaw. I am a lifelong resident of Berkeley Township. I grew up in the Belaire Park section of Bayville. As newlyweds in the 1980s my husband Jim and I bought our first house in the Cedar Beach section. In the 1990s, we bought our present home in the Holly Park section. I love my hometown. I could live anywhere, but I choose to live here. I’m proud and excited to be running for mayor of Berkeley Township. When I tell people I’m running for office, the reaction is usually one of the two following questions: “Can you get me a job?” or “Why would you want to do that?” This is my response to those two questions. The first one is easy. No, I can’t get you a job. If I am elected mayor, I am not going to hire any friends and family. I have worked for several local governments for the last 18 years and I have seen up close the negative effects of nepotism. In addition to competency issues, it is destructive to the morale of the other employees. We want productive, motivated employees who are qualified to do their jobs and will provide excellent service to the residents. Radical, I know, but I’m confident I can keep this promise. The second question, the “why” is a little more complicated. As a government employee, I have had a front row seat to how towns work and how they are supposed to work, good, bad and ugly. I enjoy working with the public and helping to solve problems. People tell me the mayor is a “thankless” job. I disagree. If your motivation is to improve the quality of life in your hometown, how can that be thankless? I don’t buy into the cynicism that pervades our politics today. You can make things
Letters To The Editor better if you go into public with any questions, sugges- much better. service for the right reasons. I am so lucky to have this opportunity and have three terrific running mates who feel, as I do, that as great as Berkeley is, we can do better. Years of one-party control and the resulting patronage have not produced any significant progress. We have gone door to door and spoken with hundreds of residents and the same issues keep coming up. Taxes have risen steadily. There are two ways to provide tax relief: bring new businesses to town and cut expenses. We need to do both. We need to focus on commercial development on the Route 9 corridor. More restaurants, more stores, things for people to do. When I grew up in Bayville, we had a movie theater and a bowling alley. Now we have neither. We need to focus on beautification as well. If we want to attract new businesses, we need to make Route 9 look more appealing. Current and future expenses need to be examined. Can we share services on some items with neighboring towns and still provide excellent service? We must go out to bid for every professional service contract, including attorneys, engineers and other professionals. Builders need to be held accountable for any construction flaws and issues with f looding and land grading. Paving projects need to be better coordinated with state and county road departments. Purchase orders need to be carefully examined. When I can’t afford to buy something, I don’t buy it. I don’t ask my neighbors to pay for it. If elected, I will bring this fiscally conservative mindset to our hometown. In closing I would like to thank the voters and residents of Berkeley Township for all the positive feedback and suggestions I have received since becoming a candidate. Please feel free to reach out to me via e-mail at lauraeshaw@comcast.net
tions or concerns you may have. I am humbled and grateful for the chance to participate in the electoral process. I hope you will consider voting for me and my running mates in November to bring fresh ideas, expertise and perspective to our beautiful hometown. Laura Shaw Berkeley
Barnegat Mayor Abuses His Position At the Barnegat Township Committee meeting, Mayor Al Cirulli took over the meeting to espouse his homophobic, fear-mongering beliefs that the inclusion of the political, economic and social contributions of the disabled and LGBTQ communities in school curricula would “indoctrinate” the students of Barnegat. There is much evidence that demonstrates that information is valuable, not detrimental, to creating an inclusive, open and caring community. More importantly, this is a clear abuse of his elected position as a Committee member and as Mayor. The scripture quotes and statements such as, “God would hold politicians accountable for passing such laws,” are also a violation of the separation of church and state and have no business in a township meeting. Equally disturbing was the silence that ensued from most of the other Committee members sitting there on the dais with Cirulli. John Novak spoke in support of Cirulli’s comments while Linda Kropf, Pat Pipi and incumbent Al Bille, up for re-election in November, sat there silently. Silence means consent. You all had a chance to do the right thing and you chose to sit there. I can only hope that the people of Barnegat recognize that the current Township Committee is not inclusive, does not value all equally and that the residents deserve better,
Editor’s note: This letter writer is running for election against Cirulli and Bille. Peg Houle Barnegat
Mueller’s Report A Scam Although Molinari’s letter re. the Mueller report is very descriptive its composition, number of pages, and even the color of its cover, he misses the point. Unfortunately for people of his mindset, we DID read the Mueller report, so the b.s. emanating from its believers of its fiction has not taken hold. It is also so far out of the loop, knowing what we now have seen about the issue. Mueller’s investigation was not made to “exonerate” Trump, nor fi nd him guilty or not guilty. It was to find out if he had broken any laws or committed any crimes. He didn’t. Mueller’s duty was to report that and not make a political statement. As we have learned now, and will learn even more in the future, this entire exercise was a politically instigated, criminal fraud perpetrated upon Trump and the American people, by a weaponized DOJ, CIA, FBI, and other government agencies. They will be held to account for their criminality as we also shall see. After spending over 20 million on a scam that they all knew was false, and had no evidence of, Mueller couldn’t even be honest enough to accurately and truthfully report his negative findings. Being the consummate, DC political hack, he left “questions” open and created doubtful controversy so as to prevent the closure of his folly. He left that “grenade with the pin pulled” in the room because he is apparently as corrupt as those who hired him. Fun times are ahead as “The Reckoning” looms. Dennis O’Brien Jackson
The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 9
SPOTLIGHT ON GOVERNMENT Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials
WASHINGTON, D.C. - As part of an ongoing effort to bring new resources to help military families and veterans access good-paying jobs, Congressman Andy Kim (D-3rd) led a listening session on how Congress can expand opportunities for small businesses in militar y communities. The event followed a military family and veteran employment roundtable in Ocean County. “Our Joint Base doesn’t just directly employ tens of thousands in our community, it’s an economic engine that drives entrepreneurs to create jobs,” said Congressman Kim. “I want to thank
Local Base Provides Jobs Indirectly
the small business leaders and military advocates who testified today for sharing their expertise and experience. The best ideas in Congress often don’t come from Washington, but right here at home. I look forward to bring these ideas back to my colleagues and turn them into results for Burlington and Ocean Counties.” The meeting was an official hearing by the House Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax and Capital Access, chaired by Congressman Kim. Members of the business and military community testified on how they believe
economic opportunities can be improved. They included John Wittington, Business Representative at Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 27; Paul Costello, President of Del Ran Business Association and Vice President of Sciacca’s Upholstery; Raul Mercado, Director of New Jersey Institute of Technology’s Procurement Technical Assistance Center and U.S. Army Colonel Jeff Cantor (Retired), Founder and CEO of the NJ State Veterans Chamber of Commerce. “There are hundreds of business in the Burlington County area that can provide their services to mil-
itary bases,” said Costello, Vice President at Sciacca’s Upholstery & Design Center, a 75-year-old establishment with 3rd generation ownership. “The key is that they need to know how to connect and become properly registered. The action of cultivating the relationship between a small businessowner and the military base is a tremendous growth potential for that private business owner. In the past year, we have seen only a handful of bidding opportunities related to our services and most have been outside of our immediate service area.” Making it easier for vet-
erans and military families to find work and afford to live comfortably is a top priority for Congressman Kim. Earlier this year, he introduced H.R. 3191, the bipartisan Spouse Employment Reciprocity and Vocational Instruction for Career Enhancement (SERVICE) Act, which would address the active duty military spouse unemployment rate, which stands at 24 percent, more than six times the current national unemployment rate. Significant elements of the bill were included and passed through the National Defense Authorization Act. In addition, Congressman Kim introduced H.R. 3661,
the bipar tisan Patriotic Employer Protection Act, which would strengthen programs intended to protect small business owners whose employees are military Reservists deployed on active duty. The bill has been endorsed by the American Legion. In addition to being a member of the House Committee on Small Business, Congressman Kim is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, where he serves the Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Readiness and as a Member of the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Emerging Threats and Capabilities.
Lawmakers Want Tax Breaks For Shore Homeowners Renting To Tourists TRENTON - Legislation t h at wou ld rel ieve t he costly consequences of a tax on short-term rentals that was imposed by Gover nor Phil Mur phy last year continues to sit on the governor’s desk while evidence of the tax’s damage to the Jersey Shore economy mounts. Senator Ji m Hol zap fel a n d A s s e m bl y m e n Greg McGuckin and Dave Wolfe (R-10th) say they are frustrated by the delay and are calling on the Murphy administration to enact the bill before it’s
too late for the summer season. “ T he leg islat u re ha s done our job to rework portions of the tax that are unfair to shore homeowners,” said Holzapfel. “The governor’s inaction is troubling and irresponsible. While he vacations at his villa in Italy, rentals are going unoccupied and busi ness is feeli ng the impact. We need this bill signed now.” The measure ( S -315 8 /A - 4 814 ) w a s passed unanimously by the Senate and Assembly
and has been parked on the governor’s desk since June 27. It exempts homeowners who rent directly to vacationers from last year’s so-called Airbnb tax which extended the 6.625 percent sales tax and the 5 percent hotel and motel occupancy fee to private rentals of less than 90 days. A newspaper report published confirms the law’s severe impact on the shore season. According to the Inquirer, homeowners are having a diff icult time finding renters and rev-
Jim HOLZAPFEL Assemblymen
Dave WOLFE & Greg MCGUCKIN Contact our legislative office if you need assistance with State related matters, have questions about proposed State legislation or any other inquiries you would like to discuss with us. Visit us at 852 Hwy 70 Brick, NJ or Call 732-840-9028 Committee To Elect Holzapfel, Wolfe & McGuckin
enue is down by as much as 20 percent. “We were worried about what this tax would do to the shore communities, and the reality is as bad as we feared or worse,” said McGuckin. “Unheard of numbers of rental units are sitting vacant in prime
President & Publisher Stewart Swann
vacation weeks, and owners are being forced to make deep discounts to fill openings. It’s not just homeowners who are feeling the pinch. The seasonal businesses that rely on the summer months to get them through the year are paying the price, too.”
“There’s still a few weeks of the vacat ion season remaining,” said Wolfe. “Summer tourism is too important to New Jersey’s economy for the governor to continue to ignore this important piece of legislation. He needs to step up and sign the bill now.”
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Page 10, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
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NJ Awards Funding For “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” Crackdown
By Kimberly Bosco OCEAN COUNTY – We all know the phrase by now: “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” In an effort to crack down on drunk and impaired drivers with the national “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” initiative, the Division of Highway Traffic Safety awarded grants totaling more than $540,000 to local law enforcement agencies throughout the state. One hundred and ten law enforcement agencies in NJ received funds to staff saturation patrols and sobriety checkpoints during the campaign, which runs from August 16 through September 3. In Ocean County, three $5,500 grants were awarded to Berkeley Township, Jackson Township and Seaside Heights. In Monmouth County, five $5,500 grants were awarded to Allentown, Brielle, Eatontown, Middletown, and Howell. More than 300 additional agencies, including the New Jersey State Police, are expected to join the annual statewide traffic safety effort aimed at reducing highway crashes. “The risks of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol are enormous and the consequences are tragic,” said Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal. “With rideshare apps and
other forms of public transportation readily available, there’s no excuse for anyone to get behind the wheel impaired.” Statistics show that in 2017, driving while under the influence of either alcohol or drugs was a contributing factor in more than 25 percent of the 591 fatal crashes that occurred on New Jersey roadways. Those 158 alcohol/ drug-related crashes killed 174 people. During a five-year period between 2013 and 2017, 678 individuals were killed in alcohol-related crashes in the state. “Impaired driving remains one of the biggest traffic safety threats in New Jersey and combatting it is a year-round priority in our state,” said Eric Heitmann, Director of the Division of Highway Traffic Safety. “As we head into the final weeks of summer and the busy Labor Day driving weekend, our officers will be stepping up those efforts, working longer hours and increasing sobriety checks to keep intoxicated drivers off the road. If you’re out there driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the odds are we’re going to stop you and arrest you.” Last year, the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign yielded over 1,196 impaired driving arrests, 4,764 speeding summonses, and 3,194 seat belt citations.
Caregiver Volunteers Needs YOU! TOMS RIVER – If you have as little as few minutes a week or a few hours a month, please consider becoming a Caregiver Volunteer! Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey (CVCJ) is holding a special orientation session for new volunteers –or anyone interested in learning more about the free services CVCJ provides, on Wednesday, August 28, 10 a.m. at St. Maximillian Kolbe Parish Hall, 130 St. Maximillian Lane, Toms River. This is a perfect opportunity for both newer residents to our area and longtime residents too, to learn about the
CVCJ services and how you can make a difference in the lives of our neighbors, or tap into those services yourself or for a loved one! Volunteers do grocery shopping, make a friendly phone call, visit a senior to reduce social isolation, participate in our Vet to Vet Program or our Alzheimer/Dementia Respite care program. Call Mary at CVCJ at 732-505-2273 or emailinfo@caregivervolunteers.org to reserve your place at the orientation on August 28. Other dates and times are available, but this is the only session scheduled in heart of Holiday City!
Around the World in Toms River
TOMS RIVER – Join TR United for a day of celebrating our diversity at Around the World in Toms River on Sept. 2, 12-4 p.m., at Huddy Park. There will be games, prizes, music, activities, food trucks and more. Explore the festival with your international passport!
2nd Annual Giant Art Show and Liquidation Sale TOMS RIVER – The 2nd Annual Giant Art Show and Liquidation Sale will be held on Sept. 7, 2-6 p.m. at Holiday City Berkeley Clubhouse 1, 631 Jamaica Blvd. in Toms River. There will be seven artists and over 100 paintings. There will also be a free raffle to win an oil painting!
Special Children’s Ball
TOMS RIVER – Save the date! The Toms River Elks Lodge #1875 will be hosting their Special Children’s Ball on September 7. Can you guess what the theme is this year? More details to come!
The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 11
The Arc, Ocean County Chapter Community Partner Games with the BlueClaws LAKEWOOD – The Arc, Ocean County Chapter partnered with the Lakewood BlueClaws on four Community Partner Games which raised over $2,000. The Arc, Ocean County sold over 600 tickets to four separate BlueClaws games during the months of May, June and July. With every ticket sold, a portion of the profit directly went to the programs and services The Arc, Ocean County provides, which supports 1,500 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The June 8 game in particular was a big hit because the seats were filled with 100 Arc clients, staff, family and friends all cheering on two Arc of Ocean County representatives throwing the first pitch and interviewing with the stadium radio station. —Photo courtesy The Arc, Ocean County
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Italian Night Dinner TOMS RIVER – The Holiday City South Men’s Club is pleased to announce they are holding their annual Italian Night Dinner on September 21 from 5 to 9 p.m. The event will be located at the Holiday City South club house on Mule Road. The dinner is being catered by Midtown Pizzeria/Restaurant in South Toms River. The music will be provided by DJ Lewis and his wife. The Menu includes Chicken
Francese, Cavatelli and Broccoli, Lasagna, meatballs, sausage and peppers, Caesar salad. It is a BYOB event, coffee and dessert will be included. The price is $25 per person. Contact Bill Holencsak at 732-570-7213 for information. Tickets can be purchased on Friday mornings 9:30 to 11 a.m. at our clubhouse located at the corner of Mule road and Santiago Drive.
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Page 12, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
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Health Dept. Reminds Residents To Vaccinate Their Pets
OCEAN COUNTY – The Ocean County Health Department (OCHD) wants to remind residents that vaccinating their precious furry friends can save their pets lives from many deadly diseases such as canine distemper and rabies. “We have recently seen an increase in canine distemper cases in raccoons here in Ocean County so now is a good time to urge all cat and dog owners to vaccinate their pets with age appropriate vaccines as recommended by their veterinarian,” said Ocean County Freeholder Director Gerry P. Little, Liaison to the Ocean County Board of Health. Pet vaccines exist to prevent your pet from falling ill. They provide immunity from a range of infectious diseases that can affect both humans and animals. Daniel Regenye, OCHD Public Health Coordinator reminds us, “Living in Ocean County, many of us share our surroundings with wildlife. Sometimes animals such as raccoons, skunks and opossum may have an unexpected encounter with a family pet so it’s best to be protected from any of the diseases those animals may potentially be carrying. And you can never forget that rabies can be passed
on from animals to humans so keeping vaccinations up-to-date is crucial in maintaining not only your pet’s health, but your own.” Tips to keep your pets safe from wildlife: • Keep your dogs on a leash while on walks or at the park • Keep your cats indoors • Do not catch or remove wildlife form their homes • Don’t feed wildlife on your property and don’t feed your pets outside • Keep garbage can lids secure • Enjoy wildlife from a distance Regenye added, “Pet owners should schedule annual wellness appointments with their veterinarian to discuss their health and vaccination schedule. However, if you suspect your cat or dog had contact with a sick animal you should call your veterinarian right away.” If you have any questions regarding vaccinations please call the Ocean County Animal Facilities at 732-657-8086 or 609-978-0127 or your veterinarian. You can also visit the Health Department’s website at ochd.org or follow the Health Department on Twitter@OCpublichealth or like us on Facebook.
The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 13
County To Host Master Composter Training Program This Fall
By Kimberly Bosco LAKEWOOD – A Master Composter Training Program will be held this fall, hosted by the Ocean County’s Department of Solid Waste Management and the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders. “This program provides attendees with the tools to be master composters and gives them the opportunity to teach others in their communities about the importance of composting,” said Ocean County Freeholder Gary Quinn. “We want to encourage our residents to sign up and take advantage of what this program has to offer.” The program will take place on two consecutive Saturdays, Sept. 14 and Sept. 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Recycling Education Center at the Ocean County Northern Recycling Center. The program is free to Ocean County residents and taxpayers. There is a $75 fee for non-residents. Each applicant is encouraged to be sponsored by a group or organization as this ensures the opportunity to establish an outreach network for the program. Many types of groups can sponsor an applicant including garden clubs, municipalities, environmental commissions, recycling committees, retirement communities or service clubs. The course is limited to 20 participants and the registration deadline is Aug. 26. For more information and to register, contact Sandra
Blain-Snow, Recycling Program Aide, at 732-5065047 or by email at sblain-snow@co.ocean.nj.us. Registration can also be completed online by filling out and submitting an application at co.ocean.nj.us/ recycle and clicking on Composting. Select Master Composter Volunteers from the drop down menu. Once you complete the Master Composter Training Program, you can assist with the county’s efforts in providing residents with information on managing the organic waste they produce in their homes and the benefits of composting. “Master composters have been doing a great job in volunteering their time to help other Ocean County residents who are interested in composting,” said Ocean County Freeholder Director Virginia E. Haines. “The Master Composter Program is a great way to learn about how to manage and reuse the organic waste that is generated in our own homes.” Trained volunteers agree to provide a total of 24 hours of outreach, education and service to promote the benefits of home composting. They are encouraged to tailor their outreach activities to their individual strengths and preferences. “The environmental benefits of using compost are significant,” Quinn said. “It can help clean up contaminated soil, reduce runoff of toxic materials and improve your garden or lawn.”
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Spotlight On Business
Visiting Physician Services
These Doctors Still Make House Calls Remember the days when doctors made house calls? They still do! Visiting Physician Services has been making house calls to older adults and homebound patients for 25 years and is one of the largest and most experienced geriatric house call practices in New Jersey. Our mission is to enable patients to stay at home as they age with an improved quality of life. House calls also help ease the stress on both caregiver and patient providing convenience and peace of mind. Visiting Physician Services, part of VNA Health Group, provides comprehensive care that includes physical exams, managing chronic conditions, medication management, wound care, in-home diagnostic testing and much more. Visiting Physician also works closely with other home care and
visiting specialists including visiting podiatrists, dentists, audiologists, optometrists, durable medical companies, physical therapy, visiting nurse services, palliative and hospice care. As the primary care provider, Visiting Physician takes a preventive and therapeutic approach that ensures patients stay as healthy as possible. This includes reducing hospital and emergency room visits. Headquartered in Holmdel, Visiting Physician has a staff of 8 doctors and 31 nurse practitioners and physician assistants who serve patients in Monmouth, Ocean, Middlesex, Union, Essex, Somerset, Passaic and Bergen counties. If you or a loved one has difficulty getting to the doctor, consider calling the doctor who comes to you. Medicare and Horizon insurance accepted. For more information call 732571-1000 or visit www.vnahg.org/vps.
Page 14, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
28th Annual Scholarship Golf Classic
OCEAN COUNTY – On August 29, 2019, the Ocean County Mayor’s Association presents the 28th Annual Scholarship Golf Classic. This event enables Ocean County mayors, corporations, and friends to renew and strengthen relationships vital to our Ocean County high schools and communities, and provides an opportunity to help students who need financial assistance. Proceeds from this golf outing fund the scholarship program. The golf outing over the past 27 years has awarded over $690,000 in scholarships. The Ocean County Mayor’s Association awards 20 $1,000 scholarships to one high school senior from each Ocean County high school. Four additional $500 scholarships are awarded to stu-
dents attending Ocean County Vocational Technical schools. The association also awards $5,000 to the Trustees of the Ocean County College for a scholarship fund distributed to incoming OCC freshmen. In addition, the William T. Hornidge Memorial Scholarship provides $1,000 to the person who achieved the highest academic record achieved during four years attending high school, the David M. Simmons Memorial Scholarship provides $1,000, the Russell K. Corby Scholarship, and Arthur P. Petracco memorial Scholarship provides $1,000 each to students entering various fields. Rain date: Sept. 19, 2019. For more information, contact April D. Elley, OCMA Administrator at 732644-0657.
Back To School Extravaganza
SOUTH TOMS RIVER – South Toms River Recreation is hosting a Back To School Extravaganza on August 17, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at the STR Recreation Center, 1 Drake Lane. Enjoy refreshments, meet STR’s civic orga-
nizations, first responders, see K9 demos, MONOC 1 helicopters, library displays and more. Admission is free! For information, call 732-505-3243 or 908-783-0291 or visit strnj.us.
Send your community events to news@jerseyshoreonline.com
The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 15
JCP&L Tips To Beat The Summer Heat
With the summer heat upon us, JCP&L is prepared to meet the anticipated increase in customer electricity usage that comes with a heat wave. Our system is designed and maintained to operate safely and efficiently even when temperatures soar, and our crews have reviewed hot weather operational procedures to ensure any power outages are handled promptly. JCP&L offers some common-sense hot weather tips customers can follow to stay comfortable while using electricity wisely during this period of high demand: • Set thermostats as high as comfort will allow. Every degree a customer can increase the temperature in their home will result in using about 3 percent less energy during the hottest summer days. • During sunny weather, close drapes or blinds on windows facing the sun to prevent direct radiant heating from impacting interior temperatures. • Use fans – moving air cools skin faster, resulting in greater comfort on hot days. • Use a programmable thermostat to keep temperatures higher when no one is home, and to reduce the temperature before arrival back home. • Only operate window air conditioners when someone is in the room.
• Keep refrigerators and freezers as full as possible. Frozen or cold items in the refrigerator help keep other items cool, reducing the amount of work the refrigerator has to do to maintain a lower temperature. • Close rooms that aren’t used regularly during the summer, and close the air conditioning vents in those rooms, as well. • Avoid using heat-producing appliances during the hottest hours of the day. The less heat produced at home, the less work the air conditioner will do. • Consider investing in ENERGY STAR® appliances or heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. JCP&L may offer rebates on these purchases and tax deductions may apply, as well. • Check air conditioner and furnace fan filters. Clogged filters waste energy and money by forcing HVAC systems to work harder than necessary. In addition, if summer storms result in downed wires it is important to avoid the area and immediately call JCP&L. If you see a downed power line, always assume it is live and dangerous. Report downed power lines immediately by calling 1-888-LIGHTSS (888544-4877). Extra caution should be exercised in areas where downed wires may be tangled in downed tree branches or other debris.
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Page 16, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
Continued From Page 1 Timothy E. Ryan passed away at the age of 68, surrounded by his loving family. What do you include when telling readers about his life? There are the professional designations and honors from his career as a funeral director. The civic groups. The political history. The faith and heritage groups. Those are the facts of his life, but those facts only tell a fraction of who he really was. “He was the best person,” his daughter Erin Ryan said. “He was the funniest guy. He would hold court and he would just tell story after story after story.” He was genuine, and went above and beyond for other people. “He treated every family like they were his own. He was just an amazing man.” Looking at all of his accomplishments, it’s clear to see that he left big shoes to f ill. She promised that she would uphold his legacy, making it bigger and better, and make him proud. Born in Orange, New Jersey, he had been splitting his time between Lavallette and Siesta Key, Florida. In his youth, he served an internship with his Uncle Jack at the John J. Ryan Home for Funerals in Keansburg. He became manager of the Colonial Funeral Home in Lavallette. Eventually, he purchased that business and spread out to six locations in the county.
In addition to his education regarding his chosen industry, he also attended St. Joseph Seminar y for Franciscan Friars, O.F.M Pulaski, Wisconsin. Ultimately, his obituary had an impressive list of organizations where he wa s eit he r a me mb e r or held a lea de r sh ip posit ion. T hey we re all groups dedicated to making peoples’ lives better. Despite having all this on his plate, he always made time for his family, his daughter said. That came first. He and had been battling leukemia for 11 years. When he passed away, condolences came from all directions, since he touched a lot of lives. Some people came to know him from politics. He had been a councilman in Seaside Park, and he was a candidate for U.S Congress in the Third Congressional District of New Jersey and for an Ocean County Freeholder. Ben Giovine, who is involved in local politics, spoke instead about how Ryan inf luenced his faith. “Tim and I developed a friendship through his dedication to the Roman Catholic Church,” he said. “Several years ago, I had made the decision to convert to Catholicism at St. Barnabas. During this time, Tim was a constant source of suppor t and guidance. He had an infectious sense of humor and grit but if you wanted to discuss deeper topics about faith or the church - there was no one better than Tim.” Robyn Paciulli-Griff ith’s f irst im-
pression of him was when a you ng f r iend ha d been k illed by a d r u n k driver. Ryan had grief counselors at the viewing to talk to people. “When my father passed away two years ago, that’s where I went. He was one of the good ones, taken way too early.” Later, when she ran for council in Beachwood, she came to learn how his sense of humor lit up a room. “When Ti m my wa s t h e r e , e ve r y b o d y wa s smiling,” she said. After his passing, people spoke of the various ways he had impacted them. The warmth and professionalism of his staff. The various community efforts he helped. Or even the way he filled up the front lawn of his funeral home with little American f lags on patriotic holidays. But ultimately, he got the last word. When looking through his papers to write his obituary, Erin found a note from him: “I feel sorry for the poor son of a bitch that has to write this obituary, keep your smile on your face.” Surviving is his beloved wife Denise (Putlock) Ryan; his loving daughter Erin C. Ryan of Seaside Park, NJ; his sisters Mary E. Ryan of Seaside Park, NJ and Alice M. Santangelo of Brick, NJ; his many loving nieces, nephews and good friends and his faithful dog Brody. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to Florida Cancer Specialists Foundation at foundation.f lcancer.com or New Jersey Golden Retriever Rescue at grrinj. org. Condolences may be sent by visiting ryanfuneralhome.com.
Continued From Page 1 asked to vote for this question on the ballot in November. “This proposal will not increase the open space tax that is currently in place,” said Ocean County Freeholder Director Virginia E. Haines, who serves as liaison to the county’s Natural Lands program. “But what it does provide is more flexibility within the program…It would assist in our efforts to develop further some of our parks like the Barnegat Branch Trail, for example,” she said. “Also it would help in our efforts of historic preservation for such important buildings like the Cox House in Barnegat Township.” According to Haines, the program’s fi rst priority will always be acquisition of open space in Ocean County. At the August 7 meeting, the Board of Chosen Freeholders approved placing the question on the ballot. The ballot question will read: “Shall the Ocean County Natural Lands Trust, which was approved and established by referendum in 1997, be expanded to permit use of the Trust Fund not only for open space preservation purposes and farmland preservation purposes, but also allow for the acquisition, development and maintenance for recreational and historic preservation purposes?” According to Ocean County Freeholder Deputy Director John P. Kelly, the Natural Lands Trust currently only allows for (Space - See Page 17)
The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 17
Continued From Page 16 Trust Fund money to be used to acquire and maintain land for the purpose of open space preservation or for the preservation of farmland. “This is a very successful program,” Kelly said. “This proposed change builds on its success by allowing additional uses for the money specifically for recreational and historic preservation.” In the past, the program has been useful in saving environmentally sensitive areas, in providing buffers for Joint Base McGuire, Dix Lakehurst and for curbing some development. Anthony Agliata, Ocean County Planning Director, noted that many counties and municipalities that have open space programs allow for the funds to be used for recreational and historic preservation purposes including almost all 15 municipalities in Ocean County that have an open space program. “The Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Fund currently allocates 1.2 cents per $100 of assessed land for the open
space tax,” Agliata said. “There will be no increase to taxpayers. The question only expands the use of the existing Trust Fund.” The Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Fund Advisory Committee was formally established in 1998 at which time general guidelines were developed for considering properties to be preserved. In order to be considered, a property must be formally nominated, purchased only from willing sellers, and the sale must have the approval of the local governing body. In this way, the program was able to preserve the Forked River Mountains in Lacey Township, allowing it to remain in the public domain and as open space into perpetuity. “This property totaling almost 8,000 acres is surrounded by thousands of acres of preserved land and was the largest property in single private ownership left in the county,” Haines said. “By expanding the scope of the open space program we can use some of the money to better maintain these properties and provide additional recreational opportunities to our citizens and visitors.”
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Page 18, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Presented By: Isidore Kirsh, Ph.D., F.A.A.A. (N.J. Lic. #678)
Dr. Isidore Kirsh Ph.D., F.A.A.A.
Better Hearing Q & A Our patients always have great questions about hearing and hearing technology. We feel it’s our obligation as the community’s only AudigyCertified practice to provide you more than exceptional hearing care and technology recommendations; we are here to give you the informative answers you’re looking for so you can confidently make educated decisions about your hearing health. Question - I’ve seen devices called “personal sound amplifiers,” or PSAs, advertised on TV. Are they the same as hearing aids? Answer - No, they are not. Personal sound amplifiers are quite different from hearing aids. These devices shouldn’t be used in the place of an expertly tuned hearing aid fit by a licensed hearing professional. Personal sound amplifiers were created to amplify
sounds during recreational activities like hunting and bird watching, not to alleviate a hearing problem. Since their specific function is to make sounds louder, personal sound amplifiers can actually be harmful to your hearing. Unlike properly fit hearing aids, personal sound amplifiers cannot adapt to environmental sounds. Loud sounds will just get louder, potentially causing serious damage to your hearing. Call for a free technology demonstration - Our practice offers the latest, most effective hearing aid technology available. And our experience in fitting and adjusting hearing aids means we can fine-tune them to respond to the way you live your life. Only a properly fit hearing instrument can do this, and this is what our hearing care providers do best.
His offices are in Toms River, Whiting (expanded hours!), and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732276-1011 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com. Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks!
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The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 19
H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
You Can Order Your Own Lab Tests Now
By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
I am thrilled to tell you that you can test yourself for pretty much anything! It’s absolutely fantastic and quickly puts you on the track to better health! In the old days, if you wanted to check something, you had to make an appointment with the doctor, wait a week, drive over, request the test you want, or hope the pertinent one is offered, and then go to a lab somewhere else, probably on another day because you needed to fast. Then you’d wait another week for results! Today you can order your own tests from many labs nationwide, either online, or by going directly to the laboratory or local hospital where these are offered. Call in advance. I just did it the other day to test the theory before writing this. I went to the local hospital’s out-patient laboratory on a Thursday (quiet time). I ordered a ferritin and TIBC test for iron, filled out a simple form, provided a driver’s license, and had blood drawn within minutes. I was in and out the door in 8 minutes! Typically results are made available on your lab’s secure website or they can be picked up. If you’re buying a test online the website should begin with https, not http in the URL, to keep your credit card information secure. Here are 2 options: RequestaTest.com. WalkinLabs.com. You can call Quest as well, they are nationwide or go online to QuestDirect.com Even if you need a local lab or a phlebotomist, you can arrange that pretty easily as well, just
visit anylabtestnow.com to find a location near you. There’s also Phlebotomy Services International and you can visit phlebotomyservices.com. Advantages 1. It’s convenient because some tests for urine, saliva or feces are conducted from home, and you mail samples back to the lab in pre-paid envelopes. 2. It’s private, which is useful for drug/alcohol testing or gene testing … even STDs. 3. Self-pay pricing is dramatically reduced. Monitoring your PT, ferritin, A1c and cholesterol just got a whole lot cheaper! 4. Get well quicker! Ordering highly specialized tests can reveal the missing link, and therefore speed healing for chronic situations that haven’t responded to conventional treatments. Aren’t you tired of doing the same thing with no results? There are disadvantages which I outline in the longer version of my article which you will receive over email. Join my online community which is almost 200,000 people strong, and decide to get all the longer versions of my articles. Tuesday is Suze-day, lol, and that’s when you get my newsletter which also includes specialized lab tests now available. Sign up at suzycohen.com. One disadvantage is that you get an abnormal test result. What do you do? Obviously, you will need guidance from your practitioner, but I even have a useful workaround for that! And specialty tests that are extraordinary in their scope, and exclusive to specialty labs (which you can now purchase yourself).
(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2019 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.
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Page 20, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
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The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 21
Dear Joel Students Need School Supplies Dear Joel, Summer isn’t even over yet and we’ve already gotten our school supply list from my son’s new teacher. I’ve started looking around, and was disheartened at how expensive fulfilling this list is going to be. Do you have suggestions as to how I can save some money and still make sure my son has all that he needs to have a great school year? Answer: It seems like Summer gets shorter every year, and back to school shopping starts earlier. Shopping for school supplies can be fun for students, and expensive for their parents, costing
R.C. Shea & Assoc.
By Joel Markel
upwa rd s of $200 per student. For electronics such as calculators and computers, I would suggest resale sites like Facebook Marketplace, letgo, etc. for gently used but fully functional items. For the basics such as notebooks, paper, pencils, etc., I would recommend buying in bulk at stores like BJs, Costco, etc. and splitting with other parents. Write to joel@preferredcares.com. His radio show, “Preferred Company” airs on Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. on preferredradio. com and 1160 & 1310 WOBM-AM
If you or anyone else is in need of home health care, call Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services, Inc. at 732-840-5566. “Home Health Care with Feeling.” Joel Markel is President of Preferred Home Health Care and Nursing Services Inc. serving NJ, PA, DEL in adult and pediatric home health care.
Government 0fficials... Have news that you would like the community to be involved with? Let everyone know by placing a news release in this paper! Send it to news@jerseyshoreonline.com.
www.funonwheelstours.com • 609.857.6000 PO Box 211 • Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734 Oct. 30 Beetlejuice - Lunch Included $179/pp | Jan. 8 Ain’t to Proud $149/pp Jan. 29 TINA the Tina Turner Musical $149/pp | Apr. 22 West Side Story $129-149/pp Sept. 15-17th – 3 DAY LANCASTER & HERSHEY, PA 2 nights at Eden Resort $474/ pp DBL. OCC
Sept. 22-24th – 3 DAY HAMPTONS RICH & FAMOU$ TOUR 2 nights at Sag Harbor Inn $499/ pp DBL. OCC
Sept. 25th – Jesus at Sight & Sound Theatre with lunch at Shady Maple $120/ pp DBL. OCC Sept. 28th – DAY in AMISH COUNTRY with lunch at Shady Maple & Time at Kitchen Kettle $69/ pp Oct. 1-3rd – 3 DAY MOHEGAN SUN & FOXWOODS CASINO $327/pp DBL. OCC Oct. 19-25th – 7 DAY NASHVILLE & MEMPHIS MUSIC CITY TOUR $1399/pp DBL. OCC Oct. 29th – Tribute Show to Frankie Vallie & Four Seasons with lunch at the Statten $110/pp Nov. 9th – JOY TO THE WORLD at the American Music Theater lunch at the Shady Maple $124/pp Nov. 14-18th – 5 DAY BILTMORE ESTATE CHRISTMAS $869/pp DBL. OCC Nov. 23rd – Longwood Gardens, Brandywine River & Tavern Lunch $119/pp Nov. 29th-Dec. 1st – CHRISTMAS ON THE POTOMAC Xmas Themed Tour $539/pp DBL. OCC
Inside The Law RIPPED OFF? NOW WHAT? By: Michael J, Deem Robert C. Shea, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates Have you been ripped off by a car dealer, a home improvement contractor or some other business? Remember, there is no such thing as a “free lunch.” Anytime someone tries to sell you something, you should take everything they say with a grain of salt. This is particularly true when you purchase a car, buy a home, hire someone to remodel your house, pay for any other type of goods and/or services, and particularly where you are entering into some type of written agreement. Unfortunately, we live in a society today where some businesses make claims or representations that turn out not to be true or omit to tell you an important item, for example, that an automobile has been in a severe prior accident or a home has a wet basement. Make no mistake, fraud is rampant in New Jersey. The Division of Consumer Affairs reports that the largest source of complaints concern car dealers and home improvement contractors. However there are other dishonest businesses that rip off consumers for small amounts of money – which add up to a lot of profits for the business. When the amount is small, you may think that your damages are too small to hire an attorney and may not be worth the time to do something about it. THE NEW JERSEY CONSUMER FRAUD ACT Fortunately, New Jersey has a remedy – the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act- is the strongest consumer protection law in the nation. If you have been the victim of a misrepresentation, deception, fraud, false pretense or the omission of an important material fact, you may be entitled to three times your damages plus payment of your attorney’s fees by the defendant business if you have suffered the loss of money. The Consumer Fraud Act covers almost every sale of merchandise and services. The purpose of the Act is to promote honesty and fair dealing in the marketplace. For example, any affirmative misrepresentation by a seller results in liability regardless of whether the representation was made in good faith or negligently. Businesses are presumed to have a superior knowledge of the goods and services that they sell as well as superior knowledge of the laws and regulations
NOW OFFERING LUXURY CAR SERVICE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES! Bus Departures LANOKA HARBOR Walmart (Rte 9) • Toms River (Exit 81 West Water Street) NJT Station Cheesequake Plaza (GSP) • Brick Target (Rte 70) • Monmouth Service Plaza
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that govern your business. Accordingly, they are strictly liable for committing consumer fraud. The purpose of the Act is to encourage private attorneys Michael J. Deem to represent consumers in disputes that involve small damages otherwise consumers would not be able to obtain representation. The defendant is required to pay the successful consumer’s attorney’s fees and costs. AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE When you deal with a home-improvement contractor or other seller, try to limit the amount that you make as a down payment. The more money that pay a contractor upfront, the greater the risk they will delay the job, not return to finish the work, or not make corrections. There have been many stories where a contractor took a deposit and never returned to start the job or only did a little work and never returned. When purchasing a used car, you should always get a CARFAX and you should always take the vehicle to your trusted mechanic and have it tested. Make sure that any verbal representations that are made by the dealer are put in writing. Always read the agreement! Many times, the agreements contain paragraphs that limit the liability of the seller, require you to give up consumer protection rights, or say things that are completely opposite from that which the seller has verbally promised. Although “Buyer Beware” is not the law in New Jersey, not reading or understanding the terms of the agreement you sign is no defense—the seller is not required to explain the agreement and you cannot rely on the verbal representations when entering into a written contract. The litigation attorneys at the Law Offices of R.C. Shea & Associates handle most consumer fraud claims on a contingency basis. A contingency means if there is no recovery, there is no fee. Call us for a free consultation: 732-505-1212.
Our clients’ success is our greatest reward. 732-505-1212 • RCSHEA.COM
2 Breakfasts, 2 Dinners, 1 Brunch Cruise, 1 Xmas Musical Ice Spectacular Exhibit, White House or Capital Tour
Dec. 3rd – MIRACLE OF CHRISTMAS at Sight & Sound Theatre with lunch at Shady Maple $120/pp Dec. 5-6th – 2 DAY DOVER DOWNS CASINO & Temptations Revue Show $214/pp DBL. OCC Day 1 $30 Slot Play, Dinner, Show. Day 2 Breakfast, $30 Slot Play @ Delaware Park Casino. Dec. 31-Jan. 1 – 2 DAY NEW YEAR’S EVE Baltimore Inner Harbor $499/pp DBL. OCC Includes: 1nt. stay, 3 hr Spirit of Baltimore New Year’s Eve Cruise, Dinner & Fireworks Feb. 15-26th – 12 DAY FLORIDA WINTER GETAWAY $1964/pp DBL. OCC 2 Nights Sarasota, 2 Nights St. Augustine, 5 Nights Orlando Feb. 19th – MUSICAL TRIBUTE TO NEIL DIAMOND @ Resorts Casino $75/pp Includes $20 Slot Play Feb. 29th – PHILADELPHIA FLOWER SHOW Themed Riviera Holiday $70/pp Mar. 31, 2020 – Queen Esther at Sight & Sound Lunch at Shady Maple $125/pp May 17-23, 2020 – 7 DAY SAVANNAH & CHARLESTON $1399/pp DBL. OCC 2 nts. Savannah, 2 nts. Charleston; Charleston Tea Plantation, Guided Tours
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Page 22, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
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NJSPBA Survivor & Welfare Fund Fundraiser
BAYVILLE – The Ocean County Sheriff’s Officers PBA Local 379 is hosting a fundraiser for the NJSPBA Survivor & Welfare Fund and the Ocean County PBA Conference. The f u nd raiser is scheduled for Saturday, September 21, 2019 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the FUBAR located at 140 Atlantic City Blvd Bayville, NJ. Tickets are $75 per person (adults only). Price includes open bar for four hours, buffet food and entertainment by Karmakoustic and Slap Happy Bands Sponsors can also be purchased for $400. Sponsors will receive, Two VIP tickets to the event, two event shirts, Two mugs, entry into the VIP Tent, VIP Bar & Buffet Food, and upfront view of
the bands. The New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association Su r vivor & Welfare Fund is a non-for- profit charitable organization dedicated to provide support and survivor benef its to the families of PBA members who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty and easing the burden of those officers who are experiencing significant personal hardships. The fund will also administer the NJ COP SHOT program, providing rewards for the arrest and conviction of anyone killing or seriously wounding a law enforcement officer in the state of New Jersey, regardless of union affiliation. The Survivor & Welfare Fund is dedicated to honor the service, bravery, and sacrifice of those who serve and those survivors whose lives are forever changed. Rain date for the event is Sunday, September 22, 2019. For additional information about the event please contact Jim Brown at 732691-6131 or by email at jbrown3128@ aol.com.
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The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 23
CLASSIFIEDS Real Estate ADULT 55+ COMMUNITY- Fountainhead Properties-Jackson, For Sale 34 Goldenrod Place 2 Br, 2 Bath, Price Reduced $117,000-Call for Special Offer 732-928-3100. (36) For Sale – NEW 2 BR/2 Bath Homes Homestead Run 55+ Community Toms River – call 732-370-2300. www.homesteadrun.com. (37)
Moving Sale Multi Level Tool Chest - 7ft garage starage cabinet, work bench with drawers, patio set, rattan furniture, futon queen sofa bed, small bedroom set, mirrored glass cabinets (3), wall paintings, pictures, Teaching walnut piano/ bench, guitar, treadmill, bride dolls, household and more. Call appointment/info 609-698-3079. (35) Date: Saturday, Aug 24 & Aug 31 from 9AM - 3PM - Location: 755 Hardean Road, Brick, NJ 08724. Furniture, great linens, lots of housewares, scrapbooking, rubber stamping, crafting supplies, board games, dog supplies and lots more! (36)
Misc. RENTAL WANTED - Separate single family house in Whiting, Manchester, Country Walk, Toms River, Silverton. 2bd, 1+ baths, w/d, garage. $925 - $1,050. 732-272-2982. (35) Vendors/Crafters Needed! - Please read before responding. Saturday, November 23, 2019 10am – 3pm. Holiday vendors and craft show, Pinelands Reformed Church 898 Rt. 37 West, Toms River. Cost is $30, we are providing one 6ft table & 2 chairs. We will also provide a roll and coffee to each vendor before 10am. If interested, please send an email to maryalicereed@aol.com. Or call 732-349-7557 ASAP. (39) Car & Vendor Show - Manchester Little League August 17th 9-2. Cars $15 pre-reg $20 day of. Contact Beth for info bnp52000@yahoo.com. (35)
Items Wanted U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n) COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) CASH PAID!! - LP records, stereos, turntables, musical instruments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (35) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) Vinyl Records Wanted - LP albums. Rock , Jazz , Blues , Reggae, Metal , Punk , Psychedelic, Soul. Very Good Condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (34) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n)
Items Wanted $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n)
Help Wanted Receptionist - Send resume via email to hr@magnoliaal.com or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens 1935 Route 9, Toms River - 732-557-6500. (35) Housekeeper Needed - Apply online at magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens 1935 Route 9, Toms River For more inco call 732-557-6500 or email hr@magnoliaal.com. (35)
C a s h - To p d o l l a r, p a i d f o r junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (37)
P/T Custodian - For senior community clubhouse. Alternate weeks. Call 732-341-0616. (36)
Items For Sale
CNA – The Pines is looking for experienced CNA's to work FT or PT in our Skilled Nursing Unit. Full Time 3-11. Part time and weekend commitment available for all shifts in our Assisted Living. Full Time 7-3. Part time and weekend commitment available for all shifts. Full Time positions offer competitive rate (based on experience), and excellent benefits including health, dental, life, paid time off and 401(K) with generous match after 1 year. Apply in Person to: The Pines, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or email resume to rscully@thepinesatwhiting.org. (36)
White Wicker Sofa - Include two chairs, 3 tables, cushions, lamp$350. Cherry wood dinning room china closet, glass front-$150. In Brick 732-477-2155. (36)
Help Wanted Kelly's Cleaning Services - Expanding into Jackson, Lakewood, Howell. Must have a car with license and workers over 30. Women/men. Can speak Spanish and English over 15 years on LBI. 908-216-2400. (37) Activities Assistant - Help with recreational activities like BINGO, trips, etc. Apply online at magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens 1935 Route 9, Toms River - 732-557-6500 or email hr@magnoliaal.com. (35) Part Time Food Service - NEW STARTING RATE OF $10/hr. We have an immediate need for Part Time Waitstaff/Servers AM and PM shifts available, Dietary Aides, PT Dishwashers. We are a well established retirement/healthcare community located in Whiting. We offer competitive pay. Under the direction of great Food Service leadership team, you will be working in an environment where you get the support and training needed to grow in your culinary career. The Pines offers an open door policy and Senior Leadership is always available and visible to our employees every day. in Person to: The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or email resume to rscully@thepinesatwhiting.org. (36) Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) Kitchen/Wait Staff Needed - Apply online at magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens 1935 Route 9, Toms River For more info call 732-557-6500 or email hr@magnoliaal.com. (35) Now Hiring – The Goddard School on Route 70 is seeking full time Teacher’s Assistant and leads for the upcoming school year. We provide a warm, loving environment for children up to six years. Must have a flexible schedule, available Mon-Fri. Benefits include paid time off, 401k and paid lunch on Fridays. To learn more about these positions, email your resume to toms river2nj@goddardschools.com Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n)
CDL DRIVER – PT . The Pines at Whiting is currently looking for a part time weekend CDL driver to transport residents to and from our community. This person will work every Sunday to coordinator church runs, and every other weekend for residents trips.. Position requires a CDL license with 16+ passenger endorsement. Rate up to $15/hr. For immediate consideration apply to: The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759, 732-8492047 or email resume to rscully@ thepinesatwhiting.org. EOE. (36) Block Advisors - 1900 Route 70 Town & Country Shopping Center in Lakewood is hiring new and experienced Tax Advisors. Please email your resume to carolyn.francaviglia@ hrblock.com or call 732-920-9333 and leave a voicemail for Carolyn. (37) Wanted Barber or Hair Dresser For busy walk-in shop. No following necessary. Call 732-232-6224. (36)
Services Don Carnevale Painting Specializing interiors. Some exterior. Quality always. Very neat. Prompt courteous service. Reasonable-affordable. Senior discounts. Honest-reliable. Low rates. Free estimates. 732-8994470 or 732-915-4075. (35) Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (35) Certified computer technician - Inhome training on computer, phone, tablet, smart tv, and WiFi. I will teach you the skills to navigate the internet and the use of your devices to give you a better quality of life such as ( grocery or pharmacy home delivery services). I can troubleshoot technical problems easily and will beat the price retailers charge. Call Ray for a patient, friendly and professional service. 609-285-3245. (35) House Cleaning - I will clean your home. Very good prices. Call 732-773-5078. (35)
Services The Original Family Fence A fully licensed and insured company in Ocean County has specialized in unique fence repairs and installations around the Garden State for over 35 years. We want your gate repairs, sectional repairs, and new installation inquiries! No job is too small for us to tend to in a day’s time. Call us today for your free estimate You might just be surprised with what is possible. NJ LIC: 13VH09125800. Phone 732773-3933, 732-674-6644. (39) Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n) Cheap Painting Done Rite - Free estimates. Fully insured. 38 years experience. 732-5067787 cell 646-643-7678. (36)
Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (40) Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (39) Leah Masonry Restoration and Home Improvement - 39 yrs. experience. Specialize in brick replacement, brick pointing, concrete repair, concrete refacing, masonry coating, stucco, and interior and exterior painting. Call Walt at 732505-3081. Lic#13VH10059500. (35) Cini's House Cleaning - No time for cleaning? I have experience in Deep, Regular, Basic Cleaning. I offer schedules for weekly, every other week and monthly, cleaning. Give a try leaving you more time for other errands and chores or rest from busy schedule. I will leave your house looking great and sparkling, text me for free estimates! Efficient/Reliable Good references. Cini: (305)833-2151 Service areas: Monmounth County - Ocean County. (38)
Bobs Waterproofing - Basem e n t a n d c r a w l s p a c e w a t e rproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) Call Paul - 732-604-5850. Reroofing, residing, bathrooms, kitchen remodeling. Over 40 years. Experienced. Fully insured and licensed. Call for free estimate. (36) Landscaping Services - Pavers, walls, mulch, stone beds installed. Cleanup, trimming, thicket cleanup. Call for free estimate. 732-678-8681. Fully Licensed and insured. (35) Home Healthcare - Companonship, meal planning and preparation, medication reminder, hygine assistance, light housekeeping, errands, transportation, grocery shopping. Call Donna 609-891-7830. (34) Need A Ride - Senior discounts. Airports: NEW, PHIL, AC, Trenton. Tom. Save ad. 551-427-0227. (4) Handyman - All masonry work, repairs, sidewalks, paving, stone, decorative stone. Call Andrew 848299-7412. Free estimates. (2)
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Page 24, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
Registration Open for Toms River Youth Services After-School Program
By Jennifer Peacock TOMS RIVER – Registration is open for the Toms River Youth Services after-school
program. To be eligible: • Both parents, or a single parent, must work
Take notice that an application for a CAFRA individual permit has been submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Land Use Regulation for the development described below: APPLICANT: Patrick G. Nocera and Barbara S. Nocera PROJECT NAME: Single family home PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of 2793 sqft single family home, 4ft x 105 ft dock with boat slip, boat lift and a bulk head landward of mean high water level. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: 21 Antiqua Avenue BLOCK: LOT: 1500.07, Lot 68 MUNICIPALITY: COUNTY: Ocean County
week program. • The program is open to 80 children, firstcome, first-served. • To register online, create an account at register.communitypass.net/tomsriver and choose “Toms River” in the drop-down box. Follow the prompts to complete the account. • Visit tomsrivertownship.com. Under “Main Menu” click “downloads” and scroll to “Youth Services” for registration and babysitter forms. • For more information, call Youth Services at 732-341-1000 ext. 8436.
• The program is open to township children ages 5 to 12 • Children must be picked up by 6 p.m. Students at Hooper Avenue Elementary, North Dover Elementary, Walnut Street Elementary, Intermediate North and Intermediate East will be taken directly to Youth Services from their school on district-provided transportation. • The program offers educational assistance, peer interactions, arts and crafts, snacks, educational in-services, TV time and outside activities (weather permitting). • The cost is $150 a month for the 5-day-a-
The complete permit application package can be reviewed at either the municipal clerk’s office in the municipality in which the site subject to the application is located, or by appointment at the Department’s Trenton Office. Either a 30-day public comment period or public hearing will be held on the application in the future. Individuals may request a public hearing on the application within 15 calendar days of the date of this notice. Requests for a public hearing shall be sent to the Department at the address below and shall state the specific nature of the issues to be raised at the hearing: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Land Use Regulation P.O. Box 420, Code 501-02A 501 East State Street
Specializing in Roofing, Siding Renovations & Repairs 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Fully Insured & Licensed 609.242.3946 732.674.4121
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The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 25
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Page 26, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
Across 1 “__ Secretary”: CBS drama 6 Tense period? 10 Studio payment 14 Anaheim’s Honda Center, e.g. 15 West Coast sch. 16 Harbinger 17 Woody Woodpecker’s creator 18 Commuter option 19 Skip over 20 Circus barker turned hurler known for brushbacks? 23 Auditorium 24 Sound sometimes choked back 25 Harvest-ready 28 Wooded valley 31 Olympics volleyball great Kerri __ Jennings 35 Like fans after a tough win, probably 37 Pro words 39 29-Down’s rock gp. 40 Circus emcee turned fry cook? 43 Reason to wear earplugs 44 A, in many orgs. 45 Saws 46 Emmy contender 48 French cathedral city 50 “Not gonna happen” 51 With 27-Down, sign on a damp bench 53 Party leader 55 Circus performer turned gardener? 62 Disturbs 63 Button on some remotes
Busy Bee
Chimney & Gutter Cleaning • New Roofs Steps & Sidewalks
Owned & Operated by Mike Umstead
HIC #13VH06729000
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10 Disc-shaped robotic vacuum 11 Austen classic 12 Nuremberg no 13 Blasted stuff 21 Respected tribe members 22 Tearful words 25 Sitcom with a 1974 wedding episode 26 Greek column style 27 See 51-Across 29 Jeff of 39-Across 30 Chair part 32 Release 33 “To __: perchance to dream”: Hamlet 34 Epsom Downs racer 36 Caught 38 __ Prime 41 Ideology
42 Red-and-white topper 47 Admits (to) 49 Yet 52 Estimates on weather maps 54 Dots on a subway map 55 Excel input 56 Graphic __ 57 General Organa in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” 58 Days and Holiday 59 Permission-seeking phrase 60 “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” writer Carle 61 Military status 62 Hanukkah celebrator
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The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019, Page 27
Page 28, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Volunteer With Angelic Health Hospice
Angelic Health Hospice is looking for volunteers. For as little as an hour or two a month you can make a difference to a hospice patient in your community. Angelic Health Palliative & Hospice Care is asking you to share your time and compassion to those on their final journey. Your visits can mean so very much to hospice patients and their loved ones. Your volunteer service will fit your schedule and interests, and visit assignments are your choice. Volunteer activities can include: • Reading, playing music, card games, or crafts activities. • Listening to and documenting their memories for a life or memory journal. • Staying with patients to give family members a break to run errands, or take care of their own needs.
Draperies • Shutters Blinds/Shades • Slip Covers Custom Upholstery Foam Cut to Order
• Certified Pet Visitors for pet lovers. • Keeping vigil with patients in their fi nal hours. • Bereavement and grief support of family. • Military Veterans Visiting Veterans For your convenience volunteer training is provided online. Volunteer visitors must be 18 years of age. For more information visit our website at Angelic.health, email Volunteer@Angelic.health, or call 609515-3041. Angelic Health Palliative & Hospice Care serves all South Jersey counties, providing clinical, social, spiritual, emotional and physical care to those with a life-altering or terminal diagnosis. Patients are cared for wherever they call home—private residence, nursing care facility, assisted living, or other facility.
Barrier Island Classic Surf Competition BERKELEY – Be part of a new tradition of surfing in Jersey. The Barrier Island Class PRO will be Saturday, September 21 at Island Beach State Park. The no wave day will be Sunday, Sep-
FREE INSTALLS! CALL 732-929-0044 Visit our website: www.superiorupholsterydecor.com Victoria Plaza Unit #7 • 1594 Route 9 • Toms River
Little Egg Harbor Location
tember 22. This contest is for any surfer 18 years of age or older. There will be a long board division and a short board division. Cost is $25. For information, visit friendsofibsp.org.
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4 Toms River - 970 Hooper Ave.
M-F: 8am-8pm • Weekends: 8am-5pm
Manahawkin - 712 E. Bay Ave. (Near DMV) M-F: 8am-8pm • Weekends: 8am-5pm
Lanoka Harbor - 539 N. Main St. M-F: 8am-8pm • Weekends: 8am-5pm
Little Egg Harbor - 1395 Rt. 539 M-F: 8am-8pm • Weekends: 8am-5pm
Page 29, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
Page 30, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Jersey Shore Boat Sale & Expo • All Natural • No Preservatives • Chock Full of Yummy Stuff • Low to No Salt/Sugar
WE DELIVER! ($15 min.) Call Us: 732.797.8839
LAKEWOOD – Calling all New Jersey boaters! Head over to the Jersey Shore Boat Sale & Expo September 20-22, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., at FirstEnergy Park Home of the Lakewood BlueClaws. This show has something for ever yone, with hundreds of new boats on
sale from the top dealers in the state, plu s a n ex p a nd e d p r e - ow ne d b o a t section, boaters market place f ull of accessor ies and ser vices, activities for the little boaters and much more. You’l l f i nd t he b e st s ele c t ion a nd pr ici ng at t he most af ford able a nd convenient boat show around.
Send your community events to news@jerseyshoreonline.com
Mystical Psychic • Spiritual Reader Kaballist Clairvoyant Proficient in: Santaria • Yeruba • Voodoo • Kaballah STRAIGHT FROM JAMAICA AVE QUEENS
Call Mystic Sheila
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Serving Toms River For 30 Years
NJ State Inspection· No Lines No Waiting· Try Us!
With this ad. Valid thru 8/31/19.
HANDS FOR ALL A Division of HOMES FOR ALL, INC. A Not-For-Profit Affordable Housing Developer 309 Hooper Ave. • Toms River, NJ 08753 Tel: 732.286.7929 • Fax: 732.286.9698
Home of Sun and Fun
Summer Events • Fall Festivals • Fireworks • Year Round Fun For All Monday, August 19th
UPCOMING EVENTS (AUG 19-AUG 26) AUGUST 19 Broadway Meets the Beach (Franklin Ave. Stage 6 p.m.) Monday Concert Series: Sounds of the Street (Franklin Ave. Stage 7 p.m.) Bonfire On the Beach (North Beach Dusk-9:30 p.m.)
AUGUST 21 Boardwalk Dream Day (Seaside Heights Boardwalk 1-10 p.m.) The Big Joe Henry Variety Show (Boardwalk at Grant Ave. 7 p.m.) Wednesday Night Fireworks in Seaside Heights (Boardwalk 9:30 p.m.)
AUGUST 25 Movies on the Beach: Incredibles 2 (Carteret Ave. 8:30 p.m.) Kim Jenkins in Concert (Carteret Ave. Stage 7 p.m.)
“2 For 1” Family & Friends Appreciation Day (Beach ALL DAY) Kites, Kids, and Bubble Storms (North Beach 5 p.m.-8 p.m.)
AUGUST 22 AUGUST 23 U2 Tribute Concert (Blaine Ave. Beach 7:30 p.m.)
Drive In Movie: Back To The Future (Sumner Ave. Parking Lot 8:30)
AUGUST 26 Monday Concert Series: Blu Lilly (Franklin Ave. Stage 7 p.m.)
Join our weekly email newsletter for even more fun! For more information: 833-4SEASIDE • Exit82.com
Details: www.exit82.com/earlybird
Page 31, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019
Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of aug 17 - aug 23 By Jeraldine Saunders
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Conversations with friends might be inspiring or spur your imagination. In the upcoming week you might be empowered by a loved one’s ideas or insights to make your mark in your career or job. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): This is not be the right time to start an extreme diet, as your self-discipline could be really tested in the week to come. Better results would come with gradual long-term changes in nutritional habits. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You excel at finding practical solutions for financial problems because your mental prowess is enhanced at this time. In the week to come you may be more concerned with business than with love. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Stay abreast of news and trends. Show you can be an excellent businessperson by being on top of the latest data. In the week ahead show good taste and spend your money for things you need or want. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Start the week off with a bang rather than a whimper. Approach your work or a project with a fearless and fierce attitude and you will make headway. Friends will support your efforts. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Keep conversations fresh and relevant by having plenty of inspiring stories on hand. As the week unfolds, your wits will grow sharper and it will be easier to put your best ideas into action.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You may be content to gaze into one another’s eyes for the moment. It is wonderful just to hold hands, but handholding could possibly lead to something more intense as the week progresses. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Expand your horizons and be prepared to let go of what no longer serves you well. In the week to come use the opportunities and insights that arise to rid yourself of outworn ideas, attitudes and habits. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Share inspiring stories that will brighten conversations and uplift spirits. In the upcoming week it can be profitable to join forces with others to mastermind a wealth of new ideas. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In the week ahead don’t be pressured into making a decision before you have the clarity to be sure it is the right one. Romantic meetings may occur, but it may take time to break an impasse first. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You can be completely absorbed in your home and family this week yet still be a go-getter when your career is involved. Share something pleasing but sensible with loved ones. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Make your workplace a happy hub of industry; use your ability to be sympathetic and compassionate to win friends and strengthen alliances. Adventures of the amorous kind might make the upcoming week memorable.
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wolfgang puck’s kitchen Middle Eastern Fare Is Perfect For Your Summer Table By Wolfgang Puck FATTOUSH WITH SPICED LIME DRESSING Serves 4 SPICED LIME DRESSING: 1/4 cup (60 mL) freshly squeezed lime juice 1 tablespoon pomegranate molasses 1 tablespoon ground sumac 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon ground allspice 1 cup (250 mL) extra-virgin olive oil Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper
salt and pepper, and set aside. Before you plan to serve the salad, cut the cherry tomatoes in halves. In separate bowls, toss the tomatoes and cucumbers with a little salt and leave them to sit for a few minutes to release their juices a bit; then put the tomatoes and cucumbers with their juices into a mixing bowl. Just before serving, add to the mixing bowl the purslane, pita chips, parsley, mint and green onion. Lightly toss everything together. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of the dressing, and toss the salad well. Sample a bite, and then keep adding and tossing with more dressing to taste: It should have a nice, strong edge of tart flavor. Transfer to serving plates or bowls, and add a dollop of labneh on the side. HERBED LABNEH Makes about 2 3/4 cups (435 mL)
FATTOUSH: 2 cups (500 mL) cherry tomatoes, stemmed and cut in halves 2 cups (500 mL) Persian cucumbers, sliced in half lengthwise and cut diagonally into 1/2-inch (12-mm slices 1 cup (250 mL) purslane leaves or watercress, torn by hand into bite-sized pieces 1 cup (250 mL) coarsely crumbled store-bought pita chips 1/4 cup very coarsely chopped fresh Italian parsley leaves 2 tablespoons very coarsely chopped fresh mint leaves 2 tablespoons thinly sliced green onion, green part only
2 cups plain whole-milk or low-fat plain labneh or Greek yogurt 1/2 cup (125 mL) extra-virgin olive oil 1/4 cup chopped fresh dill 1 tablespoon thinly sliced green onion, green part only 1 clove garlic, finely grated with a microplane or fine grater Zest of 1/2 lemon, finely grated with a microplane or fine grater Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper
First, make the dressing. In a mixing bowl, combine the lime juice, pomegranate molasses, sumac, cumin and allspice, and whisk until evenly combined. Whisking continuously, pour in the olive oil in a thin, steady stream until fully incorporated. Season the dressing to taste with
Put the milk, labneh or yogurt in a mixing bowl. Add the olive oil, dill, green onion, garlic, and a little salt and pepper. Stir well. Taste, and adjust the seasonings with more salt and pepper as needed. Cover and refrigerate until serving.
(Chef Wolfgang Puck’s TV series,“Wolfgang Puck’s Cooking Class,” airs Sundays on the Food Network. Also, his latest cookbook, “Wolfgang Puck Makes It Easy,” is now available in bookstores. Write Wolfgang Puck in care of Tribune Media Services Inc., 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207) © 2019 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.
Carmona ~ Bolen Home for Funerals, LLC
Do you have a loved one you care for and have concerns about their current living situation? Rose Garden Nursing and Rehabilitation has very limited immediate availability for Medicaid approved long-term residents. Experience the love and luxury. Call Kelly in Admissions to make arrangements - 732.505.4477
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FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Since 1980 Competitively Priced to Meet All Your Funeral & Cremation Needs
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Includes a 2 Hour Memorial Service* and Complimentary Select Urn. *Package includes: place of death removal (within 25 miles of funeral home), all funeral home service fees, crematory fees and required cremation container. *2 Hour Memorial service during regular business hours.
Toms River - 732.349.1922 | Whiting - 732.350.0003
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Lawrence G. Bolen, Founder Michael J. Defonzo Jr., Manager • NJ Lic #4075
Page 32, The Toms River Times, August 17, 2019