2019-10-12 - The Jackson Times

Page 1

Vol. 20 - No. 20

In This Week’s Edition





Your FREE Weekly Hometown Newspaper For Jackson, New Egypt and Plumsted

Local Kid Vies For Hip-Hop Championship Letters Page 6.

Community News! Don’t miss what’s happening in your town.

Pages 8-11.

Dr. Izzy’s Sound News

5 Tips To Keep Your Technology Going Strong

Page 14.

Dear Pharmacist Page 15.

Inside The Law Page 16.

Business Directory Page 18-19.

—Photo provided by Lisa Rizzo-Troxell. Justin Rizzo-Troxell, 12, Jackson is seen during his various dance competitions around the country and appeared on a television show in July. enjoyed hip hop music. range of styles pri- and Wild Style showBy Bob Vosseller JACKSON – Jus- “He t r ied to d a nce marily break dancing cased these crews and tin Rizzo-Troxell may and sit on his head,” which was created in dance styles in their only be 12 years old his mother Lisa Riz- the 1970s and made early stages which led p o p u l a r b y d a n c e to hip-hop receiving but he is on his way zo-Troxell said. Hip-hop dance refers crews in the United mainstream exposure. for a chance to become Justin’s early dance an Oly mpics award to street dance styles St at e s. T he t elev iprimarily performed sion show Soul Train moves got noticed by winner. Even when he was t o h i p - h o p m u s i c and the 1980s films hip-hop dancer and three years old, Justin which includes a wide Breakin’, Beat Street, (Hip-Hop - See Page 4)

Classifieds Page 21.

Wolfgang Puck Page 23.

By Bob Vosseller JACKSON – New members of the land use boards were appointed during a recent Township Council meeting. The appointees named replace two members of the Zoning Board and one from the Planning Board whose resignations were due to their attendance at an advocacy group called Citizens United to Protect Our Neighborhood, (CUPON). The new members are Garnold Miller, who previously served as an alternate member and will now serve as a regular member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and Janine Kaunitz Fritch who joined the Zoning Board as alternate member number one. A third appointment is under review at this time as the appointee is unavailable. Miller’s term ends on June 30, 2023 while Fritch’s term will end on June 30, 2021 The Planning Board still has two vacancies to fill. Carl Book Jr. who served as the Zoning Board’s vice chairman has stepped up as that board’s chairman. The Township Council approves appointments for the Zoning Board while Mayor Michael Reina appoints members to the Township Planning Board. That board saw a vacancy when member Richard Egan resigned on Aug. 23. The three members resigned after word spread of their attendance at a CUPON meeting. CUPON is a grass-roots organization (Council - See Page 7)

Environmentalist Honored For Her Service

Fun Page Page 20.

Appointments Made, After Controversy

By Bob Vosseller JACKSON – Members of the governing body honored Blanche M. Krubner who was a longtime member of the Jackson Environmental Commission. According to the College of New Jersey’s alumni news, she served on the Jackson Environmental Commission and worked with the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commission and the U.S Environmental Pro-

tection Agency. She has also been involved with the Ocean County League of Women Voters, the Pinelands Preservation Alliance, and the Ocean County Environmental Agency. She taught social studies, geography, and economics for 28 years. Krubner was present for the meeting and received a proclamation from Councilman Alex Sauickie III. “Jackson was so lucky to have her dedication

for all those years,” Councilman Kenneth Bressi said. Councilman Andrew Kern remembered Krubner from her school teaching days. “I want to thank you for all you did and for teaching me social studies in 12th grade.” Council Vice President Barry Calogero commented “Ms. Krubner I thought I was a big shot serving on the Zoning Board for eight years. (Honored - See Page 5)



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Page 2, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019



The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019, Page 3


Page 4, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019


Continued From Page 1 choreographer Geo, owner of the ICON Dance Complex in Englishtown. “Geo saw that he had some moves even then,” Justin’s mother added. His budding interest was nearly cut short when he was 4 years old and suffered a brain injury. He was in a car accident involving an impaired driver. “The doctors said at the time he should avoid contact sports. He was too little to have an MRI taken,” his mother said. Justin recovered and along with his dancing he enjoys playing baseball and other sports, plays the video game Fortnite and is a good student. “We’re proud of him for not only this but for his character. He has an old soul. He is kind, holds doors open for people and always waits to speak until the person talking to him is fi nished. He takes his dancing seriously but he also appreciates his family and friends,” his mother added. Justin is a 7th grade student of Christa McAuliffe Middle School. During a recent Township Council meeting, Council President Robert Nixon read a long list of accomplishments Justin earned as a hip-hop dancer. Nixon presented him with a Mayoral Proclamation on behalf of Mayor Michael Reina during the meeting which honored Justin’s being accepted into the International Dance Organization’s Olympic Hip Hop Team. Justin will be representing not only

Jackson, Ocean County and New Jersey but all of the United States. His mother added that sadly, he is performing not only for his country and community but in memory of his friend, Anthony Fontana. Anthony was a fellow Christa McAuliffe student and a friend. Anthony was fatally struck by a vehicle while he was riding his scooter on Sept. 30. Some of Justin’s awards have included fi rst place in the hip-hop division and fi rst place overall at the 2018 KAR Nationals in Connecticut 2018 where he led the pack of 50 dancers in the hip-hop category. He also took part in the Hollywood Day Parade with his fellow dance crew members of 34th and Phunk in Los Angeles which brought him to the attention of the producers of the CW network TV show “The Big Show.” The episode he was in aired in July. Justin was the lead dancer in the Icon Dance Complex Production “Next Level” earlier this year. His parents and sister will join him as he departs on Oct. 12 to compete in the International Dance Organization’s (IDO) Hip Hop Team at the IDO World Hip Hop Champions in Bremerhaven, Germany. Nixon said of Justin “when you have dedication, vision and will, your hard work pays off. This came true for Justin when he was asked to compete in Atlantic City for the Olympic Hip-Hop Team.” That audition yielded 75 fi nalists, in which Justin made the senior team of only 25 members. He was competing against dancers ranging from 13-18 years of age, making him

the youngest member of the team. “I’m pretty excited. I’ve never been to Germany before. I’ve never been out of the country before so this will be an exciting experience,” Justin said recently after a long day of dancing rehearsal at the ICON Dance Complex. Members of the governing body wished Justin the best of luck in Germany and all his future endeavors. “I know you have worked hard and we know you will make the town proud of you,” Councilman Ken Bressi said during the meeting. “Justin, this is an unbelievable accomplishment at your age; keep it going,” Councilman Alex Sauickie said.

Council Vice President Barry Calogero added, “What a great athlete, tremendous. In addition to thanking you I want to thank your parents, your siblings. The commitment that they demonstrate is just as good as what you do. Thank you very much.” “We see generationally so many great people in this community. Justin keep making us proud and thank you for representing our community well,” Nixon added. Justin has adopted the motto of the Patriot’s football team which is “Get the Job Done” and in relation to the dance competition which will run from Oct. 14-19, he said that is what he hopes to do.

—Photo provided by Lisa Rizzo-Troxell. Justin Rizzo-Troxell, 12, Jackson is seen during his various dance competitions around the country and appeared on a television show in July.

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Continued From Page 1 That is nothing compared to all you have done. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. You are truly an inspiration to all of us who serve.” Resident Denise Garner, who served on the township’s Environmental Commission for 16 years, sat beside her during the council meeting and spoke during the public comment period about what it was like working with her. Garner commended Krubner’s land use knowledge adding, “she helped me stand up against some of the most controversial

The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019, Page 5 applications that came before us. You provided a strong light and you left such a beautiful legacy.” During her emotional praise of Krubner, Garner was also critical of the current Environmental Commission saying “the commission is not as strong as it used to be. Now all I see is a rubber stamp. Let her legacy live, don’t let it die.” Krubner commented that she wanted to see the beauty of the community and clean potable water preserved in the township. Council President Robert Nixon agreed with K r ubner’s remarks saying, “it should always be our highest priority.”

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-Photos by Bob Vosseller Jackson Councilman Alex Sauickie III presents a proclamation to resident Blanche Krubner during a Sept. 24 council meeting. Krubner was praised for her many years of work on the Jackson Environmental Commission. She joined the commission in 1978.


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Page 6, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019

OPINIONS & COMMENTARY E DITORIAL Make Local Changes Matter People are so angry at what’s going on in the world that they overlook the small, solvable problems just outside their door. People watch or read world news but not local news. Why is it that someone can say what’s going on in another country but they have no idea what’s going on in their ow n tow n? They can tell you the names of the movers and shakers in Washington, but couldn’t tell you the name of their own mayor. You might be wellversed in a national debate, but no one on the federal level cares what you think. You are just one voter. One drop of rain in the ocean. Your opinion on the national or international theater means nothing. Now, of course, if you are par t of a g reater

movement that is something. But Donald Trump or Phil Murphy aren’t going to listen to one solitary voter. On the contrar y, if you want to really affect change, start local. I’ve been to some council or board of education meetings where the only people in the audience are reporters. If you have a solution, if there’s a dangerous road, if the taxes are too high, if there are neighbors who are breaking township codes, t hese a re t he changes you can make. It’s a bit hypocritical of me because I can’t get out to my own town meetings as much as I would like, but I want to underscore the importance of getting involved in your own town. Chris Lundy News Editor


The recent article, “Environmentalists Blast Governor’s Energy Plan” misidentified Peter Blair as a policy attorney for Clean Water Action. Blair is a policy attorney for Clean Ocean Action. Clean Water Action is a separate group. We regret the error.

Do you have something you want everyone to know? Write a letter to make yourself heard. W� W������ L������ T� T�� E�����! The Jackson Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for veri�ication. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to edit or

reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail typed letters to: P.O. Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732-657-7388 or e-mail news@jerseyshoreonline.com. Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily re�lect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.

Letters To The Editor Mayor Challenged To Debate My name is Laura Shaw. I am running for the office of Mayor of Berkeley Township. I am a lifelong resident of the Bayville section and this is my first time running for elected office. I am excited and humbled to be running for mayor in the town I grew up in. I have spent the last several months knocking on doors and meeting residents. It has been an enlightening and rewarding experience. I have three terrific running mates, also all first time candidates. We got into this race for all the right reasons; mainly to improve the qualit y of life in our hometown and keep it affordable to live here. I have a lot of ideas to achieve these goals and I would like to share them in a public setting, and cont rast them with our current mayor’s ideas and his eight year record. I have let it be known that I want to have a debate with our current mayor. I have challenged him to a debate on social media several times and have had no response. I think t he voters of Berkeley Township need and deserve to hear their elected officials and those seeking off ice present their platforms. Since I have not received any response to my previous overtures, I want to take this opportunity, in a public newspaper for all to see, to challenge Mayor Amato to a debate. I will comply with any format he wants to use; a moderator, a panel discussion, a voter Q&A. He can pick the date, the time and the location. I k now there are undecided voters in town who would find a mayoral debate to be helpf ul in making this very important decision. So what do you say, Mayor Amato? Shall we give the voters

Letters To The Editor an opportunity to see us m a ny lo c a l non - p r of it Sept. 14, 2019). share our ideas and our contrasting visions? I will await your response.

Laura Shaw Berkeley

Amato’s Leadership, Compassion Got Us Through Sandy I want to express my deep appre ciat ion t o Mayor Car men A mato for his assistance and leadership during Superstorm Sandy. On the 29th of this month, we will mark the 7th ann ive r sa r y si nce Sa ndy decimated our area. I was one of the unlucky ones, as I lost most of my home on that day. Many of my neighbors in Glen Cove, some in Good Luck Point and Berkeley Shores were also vict i ms of Sa ndy, losing everything. Before and during the storm, Mayor Amato kept us residents informed by sending out messages and automated calls. Immediately after the stor m, Mayor Amato personally went into the storm-ravaged areas with dozens of trucks and equipment with public works personnel to start the long clean-up process. T his clean-up was at no cost to any of the residents affected by Sandy. During the long twowe ek bla ckout , Mayor Amato coordinated with JCP&L to have free water and ice for area residents at the recreation center. He was there helping distribute it most evenings a n d we e ke n d s! M ayo r Amato also ordered 24hour police protection and command posts to protect the areas from criminals so only “US” residents had access to our dark neighborhoods. A few weeks later, Mayor A mato held publ ic i nformation seminars and wo r k s h o p s w it h SBA , FEM A, Red Cross and

groups to help and aid our residents in the rebuilding process. The Mayor sol icit e d a nd r e c eive d $200,000 from the Robin Ho o d Fou nd at ion t h at provided mini grants to homeowners. When the state and federal government finally allocated the Sandy Relief funding, it was Mayor Amato who took the ext raordi nar y steps to notify the affected residents of the grants that would be available and how to apply for them. A s P r e sid e nt of t h e Berkeley Township Taxpayers Coalition, I also want to commend Mayor Amato and the Council for the outstanding job they have done in keeping our Township affordable, despite the loss of tens of millions of dollars in retables during Superstorm Sandy. Berkeley Township has the SECOND lowest overall Proper t y Taxes in all of Ocean County, thanks to their hard work. Mayor Amato is running for re-election this year. I wanted to remind the residents of the extraordinary effort he put forth then, during the worst natural disaster to hit our area in my lifetime, and the effort he puts forth each and every day serving our community. Mayor Amato has ear ned my suppor t and I encourage you to vote for Mayor Amato and the entire the Amato Team on Column A. Samuel Cammarato, President Berkeley Township Taxpayers Coalition Superstorm Sandy Survivor

The Corrupt Conservative Media A writer from Manchester talks about the corrupt liberal media, Fake news and silent majority (“Silent Majority Should Stand Up Vs. Media Bias,”

Let’s start with silent majority. Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. That’s not a majority. His approval rating has never been even close to 50%. As far as being silent I don’t see that from Trump supporters. They are gener ally bu llies spew i ng false claims and they hate facts. On the fake news media that would apply to Fox News who constantly comes out with “alternate facts.” They have been caught over and over making false statements, taking statements out of context to change the meaning and many times outright lies. Their retractions are a lways af t e r m id n ig ht when most of their viewers are not watching. I remember one in particular during the controversy of football players kneeling during the National Anthem where they showed a photo of players from the Philadelphia Eagles k neeling stating it was during the anthem when is act ually was players praying before the game. They made a retraction in writing but never retracted it during the show it was broadcast. I never saw anything that blatant done on any other news show. And of course let’s not forget the King of Fake News Donald Trump himself, the man is pathological liar who gets caught several times a day making false or outrageous statements. Remember he went for two years saying President Obama was not born in the US and he was going to show indisputable proof. W hat ever hap pened to that proof? Fox News and Tr ump harassed Obama daily but I guess you forgot that. I thin k the eight abysmal years you are talking about were the Bush presidency. Joseph Marra Seaside Park



Continued From Page 1 formed to curb development. Accusations began to circulate through reports posted in The Lakewood Scoop shortly after the CUPON of Jackson and Manchester held its fi rst meeting on Aug. 15 at a Jackson fi rehouse. The Lakewood Scoop reported that Zoning Board Chairman Sheldon J. Hofstein, Joseph Sullivan and Egan had attended that meeting. According to that media outlet the meeting involved strategy discussions about how to counter proposed development plans involving the Orthodox Jewish community. Hofstein resigned on Aug. 26 while Sullivan and Egan resigned from their respective board positions on Aug. 23. Each were secretly recorded during the meeting and the sound clips from that meeting were posted to The Lakewood Scoop’s report. During a Sept. 10 Jackson Council meeting the three men said they had been asked to resign and singled out Councilman Kenneth Bressi in particular, saying he demanded their resignations. They in turn, demanded Bressi’s resignation during the council meeting and blasted the council for not hearing them out. Sul-

The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019, Page 7 livan asked that he, Egan and Hofstein be reinstated to their respective boards. Hofstein had served on the board for 11 years and his term would have ended in January 2020. Sullivan was an alternate member who recently became a full member and his term would have expired in January 2023. He also resigned from the township’s Rent Leveling Board. Egan’s resignation letter to Mayor Michael Reina from the Planning Board included his resignation from the Jackson Environmental Commission. Zoning Board Attorney Sean Gertner was quoted in The Asbury Park Press saying that for members of the board to attend a meeting where anti-development strategies are being discussed, potentially taints the outcome of any individual application and potentially adds to the possibility of future litigation. The attorney also suggested that Hofstein and Sullivan’s judgement could have come into question during future application hearings had they remained on the board. The Zoning Board approves/denies applications for land use applications that do not conform to the township’s master plan. The Planning Board approves/denies development projects that conform to the township’s master plan.

Prett y In Pink, Handsome In Blue Day Celebrates Lives of Those Affected by Cancer TOMS RIVER – For the last 18 years, the Ocean County Health Department selects a day in October to recognize the strong individuals touched by cancer by asking residents to wear something pink or blue. This year, Pretty in Pink, Handsome in Blue Day is set for Wednesday, October 16, 2019. “What started out as Pretty in Pink Day to recognize those with breast cancer, evolved to include all the brave individuals that have fought or are fighting any form of cancer,” explains Ocean County Freeholder Gerry P. Little, liaison to the Ocean County Board of Health. “Now we ask everyone to wear something pink or blue for the day to show your support.” The American Cancer Society estimated that in 2018, more than 53,000 New Jerseyans would be diagnosed with cancer and more than 16,000 would die from the disease. It’s estimated that a total of 606,880 Americans will succumb to cancer in 2019. The most common type of cancer? Breast cancer tops the list with more than 270,000 people expected to be diagnosed in the United States this year. “Just about everyone has a relative, friend, neighbor or co-worker that has been diagnosed with some form of cancer,” says Daniel E. Regenye, OCHD Public Health Coordinator. “That’s why we ask our residents to participate in Pretty in Pink, Handsome in Blue Day to keep our thoughts on all those individuals that have been affected by this terrible disease.” Pretty in Pink, Handsome in Blue is also about spreading awareness. The Ocean

County Health Department, and its community partners, encourages individuals to discuss with their health care provider potential cancer risks such as family cancer history. Learn more about when, why and how you can be tested for cancer. The earlier the detection the better chance to cure the disease. Cancer can strike anyone at any time, but individuals can help themselves by trying to live a healthy lifestyle by eating right, exercising and not smoking. “It’s a disease that does not discriminate. But the good news is there have been major advances in a variety cancer treatments over the last several years and people are living longer, added Regenye.” And on October 16 we will salute all the people that have had to struggle with cancer. Let them know you care by adding a little pink or blue to your wardrobe that day.” The Pretty in Pink Day, Handsome in Blue Day is sponsored by the Ocean County Health Department, Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Long Beach Island Health Department, Family Planning Center of Ocean County, Ocean Monmouth Health Alliance, Ocean County Library System and NJ CEED Program. To find out more about Pretty in Pink and Handsome in Blue Day, please visit the OCHD website at ochd.org or follow us on Twitter@OCpublichealth or on Facebook. Also, please check out our new website at phu2.org, to access and learn more about our Public Health is You Too! campaign to help equip you to take simple steps to improve your health.


Page 8, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019

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Donate And Save A Life: Ocean County Mall Marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month By Kimberly Bosco TOMS RIVER – The Ocean County Mall is marking October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month by partnering with Susan G. Komen, the world’s leading nonprofit breast cancer organization. As part of Simon’s fall campaign, over 150 Simon Malls, Mills, and Premium Outlets nationwide, including the Ocean County Mall, will be participating in a range of activities during the month of October. “We are thrilled to launch our More Than Pink initiative and have been overwhelmed by the ongoing positive support this movement has garnered with our shoppers, retailers, and employees to support Susan G. Komen in its tireless efforts to save lives and end breast cancer forever,” said Erin Barbato of Ocean

County Mall. If you make a $10 donation to Susan G. Komen during the month of October at the Ocean County Mall, you will receive a discount pass valid at participating retailers. When purchasing a gift card at the Mall Office, Simon will donate $1 to Komen for each specially marked Visa Simon Giftcard purchased. The More Than Pink initiative allows Ocean County Mall to do its part in helping to save lives and helping Komen reach its Bold Goal of reducing the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50 percent in the United States by 2026. Last year, Simon raised more than $550,000 to benefit Susan G. Komen, all generated through the support and participation of shoppers, retailers, and employees.

7th Annual Vendor and Craft Fair

JACKSON – Jackson Liberty Lions Band will host its 7th Annual Vendor and Craft Fair on December 8, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Jackson Liberty High School Gym, 125 North Hope Chapel Rd. in Jackson. There will be free

admission, free parking, over 100 vendors and crafters, a mega 50/50, and refreshments. Help support the Lions Band! For information, contact vendorfair4libertylionband@ gmail.com.

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The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019, Page 9


Spooky But Safe: Officials Urge Caution As Halloween Approaches

By Kimberly Bosco OCEAN COUNTY – As spooky season descends upon Ocean County, officials are working to ensure that the only Halloween scares residents see are the fun kind. “As Halloween approaches I again ask that our children, parents and drivers pay special attention to safety so everyone can enjoy a safe and spooky holiday,” Freeholder Joseph Vicari said. Vicari reminds parents to check in on the Megan’s Law website to be aware of any potential sex offenders that may live in your neighborhood, or neighborhoods where children may be trick-or-treating for candy. “This only takes a few minutes and can make a big difference in keeping a child safe,” Vicari said. The Megan’s Law website provides a database of up-to-date information on all convicted sex offenders who are residents of New Jersey. Towns, counties, zip codes and even individual streets can be easily reviewed. The database can be accessed through a link on the Ocean County Government Homepage at co.ocean.nj.us. In addition, Vicari suggests opting for face makeup over a mask for your Halloween costume, as masks can obstruct a child’s vision making it difficult for them to see oncoming traffic. “Wear light-colored clothing or add reflective tape to darker costumes,” he added. “Always carry a flashlight at night.”

When trick-or-treating, young children should be accompanied by an adult and older children should travel in groups for their safety, Vicari added. “Make sure trick-or-treaters know to only approach familiar houses that have outside lights on and never enter a stranger’s home or vehicle,” he said. After bringing home your Halloween candy haul, parents should inspect all treats before letting kids consume them. Vicari also reminds everyone to never eat candy that has been opened already. As the Halloween season gets on, residents will of course be shopping around for that perfect costume. Vicari encourages residents to purchase their Halloween costumes at a reputable business in Ocean County. “It’s important to check every costume for a flame retardant label,” said Vicari. “Some cheap or counterfeit costumes may not be safe to wear.” Lastly, motorists are advised to pay special attention when driving on Halloween. According to federal statistics, children are four times more likely to be struck by an automobile on Halloween than on any other night of the year. “In the excitement of the day, trick-ortreaters probably won’t be paying attention to passing motor vehicles, so slow down and drive cautiously,” he said. Before heading out for nighttime trickor-treating, stop by the annual Toms River Halloween Parade on October 31.

Food Safety During Power Outage

As the USDA notes in Keeping Food Safe During an Emergency, your refrigerator will keep food safe for up to 4 hours during a power outage. Keep the door closed as much as possible. Discard refrigerated perishable food such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and leftovers after 4 hours without power.

After a power outage, never taste food to determine its safety. You will have to evaluate each item separately—use this chart as a guide. When in Doubt, Throw it Out! For information on which foods to keep or toss, visit foodsafety.gov/food-safety-charts/ food-safety-during-power-outage.

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Page 10, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019


County Prepared To Service Pets With Disaster Relief

By Kimberly Bosco OCEAN COUNTY — According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, over a third of US households are also home to a furry companion. In Ocean County, many local families have dogs or cats they consider part of the family. In an effort to service both humans and animals in the event of an emergency, Ocean County has become the newest member of the AKC Pet Disaster Relief program. AKC Reunite is the largest non-profit pet identification and recovery service provider in the United States. Their national program, AKC Pet Disaster Relief, is dedicated to keeping pets and their owners safe in response to natural or civil disasters. In collaboration with local American Kennel Club dog clubs and dog lovers, AKC Reunite presented an emergency trailer to the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office. The AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailer will be available to dispatch to any disaster scene that needs assistance sheltering pets. “We are beyond grateful to AKC Reunite and the Kennel Club of Philadelphia for providing us with this life-saving tool for our community,” said Kevin Cooney of the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office. “Our department is now better equipped to help pets and pet owners in the case of a disaster.” In the event of an emergency, the AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailers create a safe, temporary home for at least 65 pets during the first 72 hours after a disaster is declared. Inside the trailers you will find essential animal care items including


crates and carriers, AKC Reunite microchips, an AKC Reunite universal microchip scanner, bowls, collars, leashes, fans, lighting and a generator, cleaning supplies and maintenance items. These supplies can be used as co-location shelters, where people can evacuate with their pets, as well as emergency animal shelters for displaced animals. “This is the 76th trailer donated through the AKC Pet Disaster Relief program. The trailer will provide critical resources to help the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office quickly assist its community when responding to natural disasters,” said Tom Sharp, AKC Reunite CEO. “Safe, effective pet sheltering solutions are important following a disaster, and we are pleased that an AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailer will be available to the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office as a vital tool.” A generous donation of $100,000, courtesy of the Kennel Club of Philadelphia, funded the purchase of the OCSD’s new trailer. While Ocean County was the first, the donations funds will continue to provide trailers to eight other counties throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania. “Our association is thrilled to be able to bring such an important resource like the AKC Pet Disaster Relief Trailer to the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office,” said Wayne Ferguson, President of the Kennel Club of Philadelphia. “The trailer will help the organization assist their community in times of disaster”. For more information about AKC Pet Disaster Relief, visit akcreunite.org/relief.

Ocean County Mall Hosts HalloweenThemed Play Date

Saturday, October 19, 2019 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Rain or Shine Public Works Garage 10 Don Connor Blvd., Jackson, NJ Must bring proof of previous rabies vaccination to clinic to receive three year immunization For 2020 licenses, rabies shots must be valid through 2020. 2020 Licenses can be purchased by mail or at 65 Don Conner Blvd. M-F. After Jan. 2, 2020. License applications will be available at clinic for the remainder of 2019.

Dogs must be on leashes Cats must be in carriers For further information call: Division of Animal Control


By Kimberly Bosco TOMS RIVER – Join Ocean County Mall for a Halloween-themed Disney Junior Play Date for children of all ages. The event will take place on October 24, 4-7 p.m. and will feature activities inspired by some of Disney Junior’s most popular television series including Vampirina, Puppy Dog Pals, and T.O.T.S. This Disney Junior Play Date will provide a host of family-friendly fun activities in-

cluding a craft project to create their own Disney Junior character mask and a Halloween themed photo booth. Don’t miss out on great prizes and opportunities to meet local businesses as well. The registration booth opens at 3 p.m. Be one of the fi rst 100 families and receive a goodie bag! The fun starts at 4 p.m. in Center Court. This event does not include live character appearances.


The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019, Page 11



AMI Foundation Marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month Events and Free Screenings Available


By Kimberly Bosco BRICK – In honor of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, healthcare professionals at Atlantic Medical Imaging (AMI) and the AMI Foundation are hosting free mammograms and special events. The free mammograms – for uninsured women ages 40 and older with no current or previous breast issues – will be available throughout October at all AMI locations in Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, Ocean and Monmouth counties. Evening and weekend appointments will also be available. To schedule an appointment, contact 609677-XRAY (9729) or 609-463-9500. In addition to free mammograms, AMI will be hosting a Girls Night Out special event at the Brick location, 495 Jack Martin Blvd., on October 23, 5-8 p.m. Girls Night Out combines health care with fun, food, and friends. The event will include screening mammograms, free mini chair massages and free nail polish change, light hors d’oeuvres and cocktails, as well as the opportunity to meet and interact with AMI’s female physicians, technologists and staff. All attendees will be entered in a drawing to win a free spa treatment. Space is limited for the free massages and nail polish change, both of which are available on a first come, first served basis. Girls Night Out will also take place on October 10, at AMI Vineland and October 16 at AMI EHT, 5-8 p.m. To RSVP for Girls Night Out, call 609568-9153. For more information, visit amifoundation.net/gno. You can also join AMI for The American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Walks Against Breast Cancer on October 13 in Ocean City (6th Street and Boardwalk) and October 20 in Point Pleasant Beach (Ocean and Arnold Aves).


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Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., a kickoff ceremony will be held at 9 a.m., and the walk begins at 10 a.m. at both locations. “These events represent a ‘best of both worlds’ opportunity for women,” said Dr. Peggy Avagliano, head of women’s imaging at AMI. “They promise to be a fun and enjoyable night out, while at the same time empowering women to take charge of their body and their health.” For walk information, or to join AMI’s team and/or donate to the cause, visit amifoundation.net/strides.

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Page 12, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019



The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019, Page 13

The Ocean County Library Joins National Effort To Provide Unlimited Copies Of New eBook

TOMS RIVER – The Ocean County Library is joining public libraries nationwide in a new digital reading program, the Libraries Transform Book Pick, which offers access to the same ebook for a two-week period. The first ebook selection is the newly released title “After the Flood” by Kassandra Montag, published by William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. “After the Flood” will be available Oct. 7 to 21 through the Ocean County Library at theoceancountylibrary.org. Readers will only need a library card and the Libby app to download a free copy of the ebook to their device. There will be no waitlist or holds for the title. “After the Flood” is an inventive and riveting climate fiction saga from a promising new author. In a starred review, Booklist states, “Montag’s thrilling debut takes place in a future climate-change-altered world overrun by water… Anchored by a complicated, compelling heroine, this gripping, speculative, high-seas adventure is impossible to put down.” Karen Slaughter, international bestselling author of “The Last Widow,” calls Montag “a visionary new talent!”

Business Programs Coming to Jackson Library

JACKSON – The Jackson Branch of the Ocean County Library will host several business-related programs this fall presented in partnership with SCORE of Ocean County. “Website Design Tips for Your Business” 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23. Internet marketing specialist Maureen Rushalski reviews design techniques and tips to improve your website. “How to Launch a Successful Small Business” 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4. Glenn Harris will discuss skills needed prior to launching your business. It will also cover financial, marketing, and business plans. The branch is located at 2 Jackson Drive. Registration is required for these free programs. To register, call the branch at 732-928-4400 or visit theoceancoutnylibrary.org/events.

St. Monica’s Annual Gift Auction

JACKSON – On Friday, Oct. 25 St. Monica’s Church will be holding our Gift Auction at the AMVETS Hall at 1290 Rte. 571, Jackson. Doors open at 5 p.m., calling begins at 7 p.m. Prizes include: Tickets to Billy Joel in Concert, Radio City Music Hall & the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular, a gorgeous Coach bag, a Ford Power Wheel, 65’’ HD TV, and over two hundred fifty fabulous baskets and gift certificates. We will have a 50/50, door prizes, & a lottery tree. Food & drinks will be available for purchase. Entrance tickets are $25 which includes a sheet of level 1. Call Rosalie at 732 928-3961 or Caroline at 732 833-0002 to purchase your ticket.

The Libraries Transform Book Pick is a collaboration between the American Library Association (ALA) and Rakuten OverDrive. The program gives public libraries and their staff the opportunity to bring readers in their community together to discover a new ebook

and celebrate the very best in reading. The selection of “After the Flood” for the Libraries Transform Book Pick was made in consultation with experts at Booklist, the book review magazine of the ALA. For more information about the Libraries

Transform Book Pick, visit ilovelibraries.org/ libraries-transform-book-pick. You can also follow the Libraries Transform Book Pick on ALA’s Facebook and Twitter and join the discussion on social media using the hashtag #LTBookPick.


Page 14, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019

H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dr. Izzy’s Sound News

Presented By: Isidore Kirsh, Ph.D., F.A.A.A. (N.J. Lic. #678)

Dr. Isidore Kirsh Ph.D., F.A.A.A.

5 Tips To Keep Your Technology Going Strong Does hearing technology call for ongoing professional upkeep? Can I handle any needed maintenance at home? How can I tell whether my devices are damaged? Where can I take them for replacement or repair? Much like today’s tablets and cell phones, hearing aids are powered by complex technology that may require professional attention in certain circumstances, but a little DIY maintenance can go a long way in keeping your devices in top shape. Read on for five simple tips to maximize your tech’s longevity. Keep ’Em Dry and Sanitized: Water is kryptonite to hearing aids, so remember to remove them before showering or swimming, and use a hearing aid dryer or dehumidifier not only to reduce moisture but to sanitize and store your technology at the same time. Wipe Off the Wax: Earwax (also called cerumen) naturally accumulates in the ear and on your hearing aid, but gently wiping your devices each night with a soft, dry cloth and clearing the part of the device that goes into your ear canal with the provided tooth brush will make quick work of the buildup. Check the Batteries: Batteries typically can last from a few days to a couple weeks

depending on the technology, usage, and other factors, but a constantly beeping hearing aid may mean the batteries need changing. Always keep spares on hand, and remember to remove and store batteries at room temperature apart from your hearing aids when not wearing them. Ask for a “battery caddy.” Replace the Wax Guard: Put your hearing aid’s wax guard — which helps protect against the damaging accumulation of wax, skin particles, and debris — on a monthly change schedule. Also, if your technology isn’t functioning properly even with fresh batteries, it may be time to change the wax guard. Skip the Pockets: Pockets seem naturally convenient for carrying loose hearing aids and batteries while on the go, but not so fast! Keep your devices in their case to avoid losing or getting debris on them, and place batteries where they won’t come into contact with keys, coins, and other metals, which can cause battery discharge and other problems. Self-care of your hearing aids is an important part of keeping them performing their best, and periodic clean and checks with our caring professionals will identify and address any damage or other problems that might otherwise be harder to spot.

His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com. Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks!

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The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019, Page 15

H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

B Vitamin Deficiency Apparent In The Potty By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

When you think of B complex, you probably think of it as one B vitamin, but “B Complex” refers to a group of B vitamins consisting of B1, B2, B3, B6 and others. The B Complex available as a dietary supplement is intended to fill a nutrient gap that some people develop from malnutrition. This is fine, however most people can eat their way to better B status. The concerns about B vitamin deficiency are frequently overlooked by the most caring practitioners. Remember, the mindset in today’s atrocious health care system is to medicate you, so you’re bound to get a drug for a symptom, even if that symptom stems from a nutrient deficiency! But that’s what you have me for, I have written articles for 20 something years to help you identify nutrient depletion and proper ways of restoration. Here are some signs and symptoms of B deficiency: Fatigue, anemia, diarrhea, hypothyroidism, burning mouth, nerve pain, memory issues, depression, vision/hearing difficulty, hair loss, confusion, agitation and numbness. Do you have a lot of those? One thing that leads to B vitamin deficiency is being a fussy eater. There’s a new case study about a boy who was so fussy about his food that all he ate was fries, white bread, potato chips, slices of ham and sometimes sausage. Perhaps you know a child or adult who has a limited diet? According to the case study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the teenager impacted his hearing and vision. So profound was his B12 deficiency,

injections of it could not save his sight. As adults, B deficiencies could be even more profound due to the oxidative oxidative damage that occurs from drinking alcohol, smoking and taking medicines which deplete B vitamins. Medications that are known to lower B vitamins include oral contraceptives, blood pressure pills, metformin, antibiotics and acid blockers. The first sign of B12 deficiency could be apparent in the potty. I’m referring to diarrhea or loose stools. If you suddenly have this problem, and it’s not related to food poisoning or antibiotic use, then consider a B vitamin deficiency. A balanced diet will give you the full range of B vitamins, so don’t worry if you eat eggs, vegetables, salad, fruits, chicken, seafood, red meat, dairy and nuts. If you have a limited diet for some reason, and you decide to supplement, buy a B complex that offers the B nutrients in their body-ready, biologically active form. For example, “methylfolate,” not folic acid, and “pyridoxal phosphate,” not pyridoxine. Most people don’t realize that some of the most important B vitamins are manufactured in the GI tract by our own microflora (probiotics help restore healthy microflora). So a deficiency in biotin, B12 and other B’s could indicate that you’ve stripped your gut of healthy probiotics. This contributes to the diarrhea, or for some, constipation alternating with diarrhea. If you have pins/needles or neuropathy, or you take the medication metformin, then B vitamins are essential for you.

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(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2019 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.

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Page 16, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019


Busy Bee

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Residential Real Estate Tax Appeals Basics


By: Marc S. Galella, Esq. and Robert C. Shea, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates


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January is the time to consider whether to appeal your residential real estate taxes. This article will address some of the most commonly asked questions about tax appeals. The most important thing to understand about real estate tax appeals is what you can and cannot appeal. Under New Jersey law, you can only appeal that the assessment for your property is in excess of the property’s fair market value. The assessment is the municipality’s determination as to the value of your property. This determination is sent to each taxpayer around February 1 of each year in the form of a post card identifying the property and the current assessment. It is equally important to know what you cannot appeal. You cannot appeal the following: (1) the amount of taxes which you have to pay; (2) whether you can afford to pay the taxes; (3) that another person is paying less taxes than you; and (4) that the assessment of another property is less than yours. Thus, the local County Tax Board can only hear appeals that the property’s assessment is greater than its fair market value. The municipal tax assessment is entitled to a presumption that it is correct. It is up to the taxpayer to prove that the assessment is excessive. To do this, the taxpayer must present evidence to the Tax Board as to the correct fair market value of the property. This evidence

Robert C. Shea Esq.

should be in the form of sales of compara- Marc S. Galella Esq. ble properties which occurred on or before October 1 of the year prior to the filing of the appeal. Since most people do not know how to obtain comparable sales, it is best to hire a State licensed or certified real estate appraiser to prepare an appraisal showing the comparable sales. The appraisal must be filed with the Tax Board no later than one week prior to the tax appeal hearing date. The appraiser should also be at the hearing to present the appraisal. In most cases all tax appeals must be filed no later than April 1 of each year. However, the appeal deadline may be earlier or later. It is best to check with the town as to the filing deadline. The filing deadline is strictly enforced and the failure to file by the deadline will result in the appeal being dismissed. Taxpayers seeking to file appeals should begin the process as soon as they receive the assessment card from the tax assessor. Because the laws and procedures regarding tax appeals are complicated, it is a good idea to retain the services of an attorney to assist you in filing and pursuing the appeal. R. C. Shea and Associates has a long history of obtaining reductions in tax assessments for our clients.

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The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019, Page 17


"I will fight to SLASH PROPERTY TAXES. As a homeowner, I know too many families are struggling to make ends meet because we have the highest property taxes in the nation. So I’m running to do something about it and not just listening to others say they will." Jackson and the district need a fighter who’s not afraid to stand up to the same do-nothing Trenton politicians who keep getting re-elected. David Lande is a PROVEN LEADER with a track record of standing up for everyday people’s rights and GETTING THINGS DONE. Paid for by Lande for Assembly, 88 Agress Rd, Millstone Twp, NJ 08535. For more info, visit landeforassembly.com and Facebook @landeforassembly.


Page 18, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019

Dear Joel

By Joel Markel


She’s Got Happy Feet And He’s Got Cold Feet

Dear Joel, My husband is a charming man. He’s faithful and loves people, but when we go to parties and he hears music, he’s turns into a dancing machine. The problem is I’m not. He dances with everyone… young or old, family or friends even kids. Am I wrong to feel a little jealous when he’s dancing with other women? I’ll admit I have two left feet, but how should I deal with my resentment? Answer I’ll bet there are some women who are a little jealous of you. Most men hate dancing which may just be why your husband is so popular. I know it’s hard to sit on the sidelines, but what is really disturbing you? Are you afraid he’s flirting or that


he is having a better time than you? Try enjoying his performances. You have a very rare thing, a husband who likes dancing. Some people bring their prize winning recipes to parties; you instead bring a dancing partner for all with you, which makes you very popular too. Look at your husband like he’s a bestselling book at the library; everyone shares and enjoys it and in the end, it winds back up at home. Write to joel@preferredcares.com. His radio show, “Preferred Company” airs on Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. on preferredradio. com and 1160 & 1310 WOBM-AM

If you or anyone else is in need of home health care, call Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services, Inc. at 732-840-5566. “Home Health Care with Feeling.” Joel Markel is President of Preferred Home Health Care and Nursing Services Inc. serving NJ, PA, DEL in adult and pediatric home health care.

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Become A Volunteer Advocate for Victims of Domestic Violence

OCEAN – You can be the change you want to see in the world by joining 180’s life-changing mission today. 180 Turning Lives Around (180), a private non-profit organization in Monmouth County, continues to provide confidential support and advocacy to victims of domestic violence in the aftermath of a highly emotional and traumatic experience with the assistance of its dedicated response team volunteers at police headquarters throughout Monmouth County. 180 will be conducting a 40-hour mandatory training course for new Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT) Victim Advocates, October 1 – 24, Tuesdays/ Wednesdays/Thursdays, 6-9:30 p.m., at Ocean Township Police Headquarters, 399 Monmouth Road in Ocean Township. Training will be provided to successful applicants. 180’s volunteer DVRT Advocates are civilian members of the community who work collaboratively with law enforcement to provide support, information, and resources to victims of domestic violence at police headquarters. Advocates also discuss with victims safety planning and their legal rights in regard to obtaining a Temporary Restraining Order. By providing empathy and a crucial perspective of the situation, these specially-trained advocates help to empower victims

to make informed decisions for themselves and their families. Basic requirements for volunteers to apply include that they must be eighteen years of age or older, have access to reliable transportation, possess a valid driver’s license, be willing to serve on an on-call shift basis, participate in an interview process, submit to background investigations and fingerprinting, and successfully complete the mandatory training. The police departments and 180 are committed to culturally and socially diverse teams to better serve the community. Bi-lingual capability is helpful. Prior knowledge of domestic violence is not required. The identities of the DVRT volunteers are kept anonymous. For an application or additional information, please contact Sue Levine, Victim Support Program Coordinator, at susanl@180nj.org or 732 264-4360, Ext. 4271. Please mention the town where you reside. Deadline to apply is Friday, September 20. Applications are also available for download at 180nj.org/give-help/volunteering/ domestic-violence-response-team-advocate/. The free, confidential service of the DVRT program is available for victims of domestic violence, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, at the police departments in Monmouth County.

Depression And Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) Meetings OCEAN COUNTY – Are you one of those people who feel left out of the festivities? You are not alone. Many of us who deal with mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, feel the same way. You do not have to suffer alone. There are two mental health support groups that meet in Ocean County that can provide support for you during this time, and throughout the year. The Jackson group meets at the Brighter Days Community Wellness Center (CWC) located at 268 Bennetts Mills Road, Jackson, NJ 08527 on Wednesday afternoons, year-round, at 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. The Toms River group meets at the Community Medical Center, 99 Route 37 and Hospital Drive, Auditorium C, Toms River, NJ 08755 on Wednesday and Friday evenings, year-

round, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. DBSA is a national and NJ state-wide, non-profit, tax-free, 501(c)3 charitable corporation, whose mission is to help, support, educate, and improve the lives of people who have mood disorders. If you suffer from mood disorders, we welcome you to attend our group. Those who have a family member or friend with these issues are also welcome. It is an entirely voluntary group with no registration required, or payment of dues or fees, but we do accept a small voluntary donation. For more information, call Maureen at 732-536-5826. DBSA Jackson is led by its members, who have similar mental health issues; and have had special training on how to lead groups. If you have questions, call Maureen at 732536-5826.


CALL TODAY 732.657.7344 & find out how!





The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019, Page 19



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Page 20, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019




MINCE QUACK ROOKIE BUREAU - AIRBORNE 63 Ready to hit the hay 64 Invalidate 65 Maiden name preceder 66 Used up 67 Pond critters 68 Mexican Mrs. Down 1 Gaudy trinket 2 Opposed 3 Enlargement advantage 4 Scot’s swimming spot 5 German “I” 6 Welcoming wreath 7 Highway through the Yukon 8 Newswoman Roberts 9 “Erin Burnett OutFront” channel

10 Pick up with effort 11 Geographically based trio 12 Makes trite, in a way 13 Hoff who wrote the “Henrietta” children’s books 19 Red “Sesame Street” puppet 21 Light beer? 25 Biceps exercise 26 Not at all handy 27 “Trainwreck” director Judd 29 Pay-__-view 31 Kings, e.g. 33 Lumbered 35 “MASH” setting: Abbr. 36 Lopsided



Across 1 Wander (about) 4 Fragrant bloom 9 Utter disorder 14 Second person in Eden 15 Kitchen sponge brand 16 Full of moxie 17 Like many a gray day 18 Peanuts 20 Sales meeting aid 22 Feel crummy 23 Coal __ 24 Most populous continent 25 Date night destination 28 One of a gallon’s 16 30 Like a successful business, presumably 32 Stand against 34 Northern California city 37 Birch family tree 38 Peanuts 41 Hardly fresh 42 Bit of photography equipment 43 Southern California team 45 Inside information 49 Copper source 50 Hits the road 53 Albany-to-Buffalo canal 54 Former Air France jet 56 Geologist’s division 57 Tops by a slight margin 58 Peanuts 62 Picnic invader

38 Sci-fi fleet vessel 39 Leave no doubt 40 GI addresses 41 __-mo 44 What a freelancer may work on 46 Hearts, but not minds 47 Ballpark snack 48 Lipton rival 51 Lindsay of “Mean Girls” 52 Foolish 55 Anti-counterfeiting agts. 57 Slim swimmers 58 Euro divs. 59 West Coast hrs. 60 Houston-to-Dallas dir. 61 Belly





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The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019, Page 21


Help Wanted


For Rental or Purchase 1 BR/1 Bath. NEW home. Homes t e a d R u n 5 5 + C o m m u n i t y, Toms River, NJ 732-370-2300. www.homesteadrun.com . (46)

Laundromat Attendant - For PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (46)

Cheap Painting Done Rite - Free estimates. Fully insured. 38 years experience. 732-5067787 cell 646-643-7678. (37)


Housekeeper - for two afternoons at home in Whiting. No cooking nor heavy cleaning. Fold, mop, wash, clean. Background check. $80 a week. (44)

Vendors/Crafters Needed! - Please read before responding. Saturday, November 23, 2019 10am – 3pm. Holiday vendors and craft show, Pinelands Reformed Church 898 Rt. 37 West, Toms River. Cost is $30, we are providing one 6ft table & 2 chairs. We will also provide a roll and coffee to each vendor before 10am. If interested, please send an email to maryalicereed@aol.com. Or call 732-349-7557 ASAP. (45) Manchester Little League Halloween Gift Auction and Comedy Show October 19, 5 p.m. Manchester Fire House 545 Commonwealth Blvd. $20, BYO Food and Drinks Age 21+. Free sheet of small prize tickets with entry. Costume Contest! (43)

Items Wanted $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for Rock, Blues, Jazz, Reggae, Metal, Punk. Very Good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (43) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n) We Buy Used Cars, Van, & Trucks any year, any make, any condition. Top $ paid CASH PAID ON THE SPOT. Fast and easy transaction. 609-622-9545. (43) CASH PAID!! - LP records, stereos, turntables, musical instruments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (43) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) CASH PAID - for unwanted household items, dvds, toys, musical, historical, odd items, etc. No furniture. 732-864-6396 leave message. (43) C a s h - To p d o l l a r, p a i d f o r junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (37) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n)

Looking For Experienced Waitresses - Great Opportunity, only serious people with dinner experience. A very busy restaurant in Whiting, NJ. Call Now 908-930-8960. (45) Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) Now Hiring – The Goddard School on Route 70 is seeking full time Teacher’s Assistant and leads for the upcoming school year. We provide a warm, loving environment for children up to six years. Must have a flexible schedule, available Mon-Fri. Benefits include paid time off, 401k and paid lunch on Fridays. To learn more about these positions, email your resume to toms river2nj@goddardschools.com Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n) Part Time LPN Weekends - The Pines Senior Living Community is currently looking for experienced LPN’s for our Skilled Nursing community. Skilled Nursing Part Time LPN – Weekend 7-3 Shift Apply in Person to: The Pines, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759. 732849-0400. ext. 2039 or email resume to rscully@thepinesatwhiting.org. (42) CNA/CHHA - The Pines Senior Living Community is currently looking for entry level and experienced Certified Nursing Assistants for our Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living Communities: Skilled Nursing Sign on Bonus of $1000 for FT 3-11 Skilled Nursing Hire (Payable in 90 days). Weekly pay coming in 2020! Full Time 3-11 (10 days per Pay) Part time and weekend commitment available for all shifts $ Assisted Living Weekly pay coming in 2020! Full Time 3-11 (10 Days per pay) Part Time 3-11 (6 days per pay) Part time and weekend commitment available for all shifts. All positions require every other weekend. Full Time positions offer competitive rate (based on experience), and excellent benefits including health, dental, life, paid time off and 401(K) with generous match after 1 year. Apply in Person to: The Pines, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or email resume to rscully@thepinesatwhiting.org. (42) Part-time custodian/janitor - For active adult commmunity in Whiting, NJ. $12per/hr. Start immediately. Approx 19-21 hrs/wk. Must have some experience, but willing to train the right candidate. Must pass a back ground check and drug test. Call m-f 9a.m.-3 p.m. Call for application & interview 732-350-0230 ext. 10. (42)

Services Don Carnevale Painting Specializing interiors. Some exterior. Quality always. Very neat. Prompt courteous service. Reasonable-affordable. Senior discounts. Honest-reliable. Low rates. Free estimates. 732-8994470 or 732-915-4075. (43)


1. Below, circle the heading you would like your ad to appear under:

Private Care Caregiver - With license, car. Have great references, experienced. Will carte for you. Name Tamara 973-204-0108. (41) House Cleaning - One-time cleans, weekly, biweekly, monthly! Free estimates! Give me a call 609-622-9855. (42) Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (41)

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Need A Ride - Senior discounts. Airports: NEW, PHIL, AC, Trenton. Tom. Save ad. 551-427-0227. (4)





Dee's Cleaning Service - Cleaning homes like your since 1994. Senior discounts. Insured. Call Dee 732-552-6633. (45)





















Pottery Classes - Ages 8-12 being taught in Toms River. We will learn the basics of how to make a vessel. We will also use the potters wheel on a rotating basis. It will be once a week for 3 hours and runs for 6 weeks. Adult pottery classes are going to be during the day and the children's are after school. The classes are Tuesday or Thursday nights 4-6 p.m. and are running for 6 weeks. Please e-mail me for more details. Amymfed@gmail.com. (44) Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (39) Nice Polish Lady - Can take care of elderly. Available days, has car for shopping, doctor visits. 15 years experience. Call Krystyna 973-568-0714. (43) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) Cini's Cleaning Service - Too busy to clean? You have better things to do than clean. I'll take care of your house. Call or text today. Free estimates. Efficient/Realiable. Good references. Cini 305-833-2151. (38) Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (44) Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n) Handyman - All masonry work, repairs, sidewalks, paving, stone, decorative stone. Call Andrew 848299-7412. Free estimates. (2) Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (40) "No Job To Small" General Handyman - Carpenting. Painti n g . P r e s s u r e Wa s h i n g . C a l l Eric 732-608-9701. (42)

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Page 22, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Hearing Discusses How We Can Protect NJ Schools Better By Kimberly Bosco WASHINGTON, DC – On Sept. 26, Director Jared M. Maples of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP) testified as part of the hearing, “Engaging the Community: Perspectives on School Security,” to discuss Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery in our schools. The hearing was meant to provide updates

on a variety of measures and initiatives by NJOHSP and its partners to protect students and staff throughout New Jersey. “The safety of our children and those charged with their care are paramount,” said Maples. “We must do all that is necessary to provide students and staff with a sense of comfort and security in their learning environments, and parents and guardians deserve the peace of mind that their children will

return to them at the end of the school day. Governor Murphy’s administration remains committed to combining all State resources to continue achieving that goal.” In an effort to stay ahead of the curve, the NJOHSP conducts trainings for school personnel and the community on how to recognize and report suspicious activity. An ongoing focus in NJOHSP’s efforts is expanding security, with particular emphasis on mass gatherings; understanding common vulnerabilities of these areas and events where large numbers of people gather; and ensuring that everyone, including schoolchildren, know what actions to take if they face emergency situations. “Like many Americans, I am heartbroken by the alarming cycle of violent acts taking place in our nation’s schools. My subcommittee’s hearing was an opportunity for stakeholders, like the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, to

discuss ongoing challenges in school safety and provide critical feedback to Congress,” said US Representative Donald M. Payne Jr. (NJ-10). “I appreciate Director Maples’ testimony before the subcommittee, as it gave Congress a better understanding of the complex challenges our state faces in protecting New Jerseyans. I look forward to continuing to work with Director Maples to ensure that New Jersey’s students can focus on being students.” Kathy Martinez-Prather, Director of the Texas School Safety Center; Lauren Hogg, survivor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, and co-founder of March For Our Lives; and Max Schachter, father of slain Parkland victim Alex Schachter, also testified before the Subcommittee. For more information, contact NJOHSP’s Communications Team at communications@njohsp.gov.

Oyster Dinner NEW EGYPT – The New Egypt Volunteer Fire Company will host an Oyster Dinner on Nov. 3, 12-4 p.m. Cost is $28 per person for sit down or takeout. Tick-

ets are available every Thursday night at fi rehouse from 6-7 p.m. Any questions call 609-752-2484. Tickets on sale starting September 5.

We Are Your Helping Hand When it Comes to Your Pet’s Care! Complete In-House Laboratory

Coming Soon! A New Pet Emergency & Surgical Center Let Us Be A Solution To Your Pet Problem Watch for Our Grand Opening in Early 2020!

OUR SERVICES: We provide veterinary care at an affordable price TPLO (ACL Tear Surgery) • MPL (Medical Patellar Luxation) • Fracture Repair Joint Surgery • Trauma • Sports Injuries • Dentistry & Oral Surgery Blockages (Gastric or Urinary) • C-Section • Total Ear Canal Ablation Eye Surgeries • Limb Deformity Correction • Tumor Removals Skin Reconstruction • Advanced Diagnostics • Pain Management X-ray/Ultrasound • Endoscopy • General Medicine • Preventative Healthcare

Prior to opening the new facility, some services are currently available during regular business hours at: 2354 Route 9 South - Howell

Emergency/Trauma • Orthopedic (Hips, Knees, Bone Fractures, Ligament Tear, Sports Injuries) CT Scan/Ultrasound/Diagnostic Radiography Endoscopy • Cryogenic • Laser Surgery & Therapy Rehabilitation Center

Ask About Our Low Flat Rates for Surgical Procedures

•24/7 Emergency Care! •New 10,000 sq. ft. Facility! •Referrals & Walk-Ins Welcome! SAVE THIS AD FOR YOUR PET’S NEXT EMERGENCY, SURGICAL OR DIAGNOSTIC NEEDS



The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019, Page 23

wolfgang puck’s kitchen Mashed Sweet Potatoes With A Little Spice And Zest By Wolfgang Puck ROASTED SPICED SWEET POTATO PUREE WITH ORANGE ZEST Serves 4 to 6 3 medium-sized sweet potatoes, peeled and cut crosswise into rounds 1/2 inch (12 mm) thick 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1-inch (2.5-cm) piece fresh ginger root, peeled and cut into 4 pieces 1 whole cinnamon stick 1 cup (250-ml) good-quality low-sodium chicken stock or vegetable stock Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper Finely grated zest of 1 orange 1 to 2 tablespoons unsalted butter (optional) 1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives Preheat the oven to 450°F (230°C). Set the rack in the middle of the oven. Put the sweet potatoes in a mixing bowl. Drizzle with the olive oil and toss them until evenly coated. Spread the sweet potatoes in a roasting pan. Evenly scatter the ginger and cinnamon pieces among the

potatoes. Pour in the stock. Season with salt and pepper. Cover the pan with aluminum foil. Place the covered roasting pan in the oven. Roast the sweet potatoes until they are tender enough to be pierced easily with a fork, about 45 minutes, very carefully opening a corner of the foil away from you to avoid the steam. When the sweet potatoes are done, remove the pan from the oven and set it aside on the stovetop for about five minutes. Carefully remove the foil. Pick out and discard the pieces of ginger and cinnamon stick. While the potatoes are still hot, use a potato masher to mash the potatoes until they are as chunky or smooth as you like. Sprinkle in the orange zest and stir well. If you’d prefer a richer flavor, add butter to taste, stirring to incorporate it as it melts. Taste and adjust the seasonings as needed with a little more salt and pepper. Transfer the mashed sweet potatoes to a heated serving bowl or individual serving plates. Garnish with chives and serve immediately.

(Chef Wolfgang Puck’s TV series,“Wolfgang Puck’s Cooking Class,” airs Sundays on the Food Network. Also, his latest cookbook, “Wolfgang Puck Makes It Easy,” is now available in bookstores. Write Wolfgang Puck in care of Tribune Media Services Inc., 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207) © 2019 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.

JERSEY FOOT & ANKLE CLINIC For Every Podiatric Medical & Surgical Foot Problem In Adults & Children Including but not limited to:

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Jersey Foot & Ankle Clinic LLC 2105 West Countyline Road, Suite 1 Jackson, NJ 08527 • 732-534-5196 jerseyfac.com

Page 24, The Jackson Times, October 12, 2019


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