The HOWELL Times
Vol. 17 - No. 40
In This Week’s Edition
Community News! Pages 9, 12-13
Dear Pharmacist Page 15
Blood Donor Center Reopens In Howell
─Photo By Bob Vosseller (Above) Staff of New Jersey Blood Services, a division of New York Blood Center gather for a ribbon-cutting ceremony outside the front of the Howell Donor Center at 4068 Route 9 South. (Right) Baby Charlotte Scalese received numerous blood transfusions during her treatment. Her mother Laura was present for the opening of the new blood center. By Bob Vosseller HOWELL − Giving blood will be a whole lot easier now that a facility that can fill that desperate need for residents of Ocean and Monmouth coun-
ties has reopened. A r ibbon- cut t i ng ceremony was held on Feb. 20 opening the donor center which the area has been without for two years. Blood donors, patients
─Photo courtesy Laura Scalese who h ave r e c eive d life-saving blood and others from the central Jersey community came together for the ceremony at the Howell Donor Center. The event was held
from noon to 2 p.m. at the facility located at 4068 Route 9 South in the township. After Central Jersey, a nonprof it organization shut down on (Donor - See Page 6)
Schools Awarded Grants For Going Green
By Bob Vosseller HOW ELL − T he township school dist r ict received good news recently that it will receive two Sust ai nable Jer sey for Schools Project grants of $10,000 each. Howell Tow nship Middle School South will receive the grant for its Feeding Howell’s Minds and Bodies
program. The school will build an outdoor classroom with a g reen house to sup por t its sustainable ga rden i ng prog ra m that educates students and feeds the community. Students will grow seedlings for the “Plant A Row for the Hungry” program and the town’s community garden.
The second g rant will go to the Howell Memorial Elementary School for its Better Your S.E.L.F. program. Memorial School’s Social Emotional Learning and Fitness Program involves students creating a “Wellness Way” - a hallway in the school that focuses on social-emotional learning and fitness.
Well ness Way w ill i nclude a Well ness Lounge, a Greenhouse Therapy Room, and a Sensory Fitness Hallway designed to help students with special social, emotional, and physical needs and available for use by all staff and students. The awards were announced on Feb. 12 by Sustainable Jersey
for Schools based in Ewing. Forty-two New Jersey public schools and districts were selected to receive the grants funded by the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA). Superintendent Joseph Isola said, “I am extremely proud of all our schools for their part in the (Awards - See Page 11)
February 29, 2020
Council Members Debate Supporting 2nd Amendment
By Bob Vosseller HOWELL – The governing body passed a resolution supporting the rights of gun owners during its last council meeting. Councilman Thomas Russo had proposed the resolution during a Feb. 4 council meeting but said he pulled it as he wanted to revise the wording of it. “It’s a resolution supporting the second amendment in town. I felt we should add more to protect gun owners in Howell Township. I wanted to do more research on it,” Russo said during that council meeting. The resolution would not have any authority to change current, township, state or federal regulations. “Howell has done a pretty decent job in protecting gun owners,” Russo said. He added that Governor Phil Murphy’s stance on legislation that restricts gun ownership which was what prompted him to draft a resolution on the issue. In response to a resident’s opposition to the need for the resolution and describing the potential of Howell having a gun fight like “the OK Corral,” Mayor Theresa Berger said, “I don’t think Howell will become the OK Corral. When legal guns are handled legally there is no issue. “We’re not going to change the 2nd Amendment. That’s not us so I think we’re just wasting our time,” Councilman John Bonevich said during the Feb. 4 meeting. During the Feb. 18 council meeting Russo’s resolution supporting the 2nd Amendment was approved in a three to two vote. “New Jersey’s increasingly strict gun laws have a direct impact on Howell residents, and I think it is important now more than ever that Howell knows that members of their local government will advocate for and defend their 2nd Amendment rights,” Russo said. “We as town council members don’t have the power to directly change State or Federal law, but change often times starts from the ground up. I feel it is our duty as elected representatives of the people of Howell to let our lawmakers know through this common (Council - See Page 10)
Page 2, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
The Howell Times, February 29, 2020, Page 3
Page 4, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
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The Howell Times, February 29, 2020, Page 5
Page 6, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
Continued From Page 1 Dec. 31, 2018, residents of Ocean and Monmouth Counties were left without a facility to donate blood, platelets and plasma to their neighbors in need. New Jersey Blood Services, a division of New York Blood Center, responded by holding more mobile blood drives in the area, but they were still not enough to make up for the loss. Regular donors stopped donating and plasma and platelets cannot be collected at mobile drives. Nearly 2,000 donations are needed each day in New York and New Jersey alone, so this was a major loss for the entire region. Now, more than a year later, New Jersey Blood Services has re-opened a donor center in Howell, which used to serve more than 1,180 donors. Founded in 1964, New York Blood Center (NYBC) is a nonprofit organization that is one of the largest independent, community-based blood centers in the world. “The closure of the Howell Donor Center was a major blow and we’re thrilled to be able to bring back this vital facility,” Director of Recruitment Marie Forrestal said. “Blood is perishable and there’s no substitute for human blood, so we’re dependent on regular donors to keep up the region’s supply. This will help strengthen the region’s blood supply and ensure it’s available on the shelves for those in need.” Long-time blood donors from the com-
munity were in attendance, including John and Mary Ellen McLean who have made 96 and 109 donations respectively. Neptune resident Laura Scalese, the mother of 2-year-old baby Charlotte also thanked the community for their support. Baby Charlotte was diagnosed with neuroblastoma and has had surgery, chemotherapy and two stem cell transplants, and has received more than 100 pints of blood and platelets. Scalese said, “having these kinds of facilities facilitates having more people to make a lifesaving donation especially in cases like my daughter. In one of her transplants alone, she needed 30 bags of blood. In total she needed 60 bags so having these kinds of centers doesn’t create such a nerve wracking need whereas now there might be an overabundance which is good because there are so many kids that we met just like Charlotte on the oncology ward who desperately need blood just as much as she did.” She added that she was happy to report her daughter was doing well. “She is doing much better thank god. She is on her last leg of treatment. So hopefully she will be cancer free and on the road to normal toddlerhood. We are looking forward to normalcy.” “We need 70,000 units of blood to meet patient needs. Charlotte is just one story,” Forrestal said. It takes one hour to donate blood, and a single donation can be used to save multiple lives. About one in seven hospital
admissions requires a blood transfusion, and with a limited shelf life, supplies must be continually replenished. Those in need include: cancer patients, accident, burn, or trauma victims, newborn babies and their mothers, transplant recipients, surgery patients, chronically transfused patients suffering from sickle cell disease or thalassemia, and many
more. Donors with O-negative blood type, or “universal donors,” are especially encouraged to come out and give blood in the future. Forrestal said, “people in New Jersey are used to convenience and so this is a good location as it isn’t too far and won’t take up a half day of time for them to donate blood.”
─Photo by Bob Vosseller Andrea Cefarelli from New York Blood Center, left, joins Laura Scalese, of Neptune, New Jersey Blood Services Director of Recruitment Marie Forrestal and Laura Scalese's father gather during the recent grand-opening of the Howell Donor Center at 4068 Route 9 South.
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The Howell Times, February 29, 2020, Page 7
e DitoriAl A Vacation From Social Media I recently took a week off to take my family to Disney and Universal. I lear ned that being without social media really is “the happiest place on earth.” Now, I did upload my pictures from the day to Facebook at night. And I did check in for a political update since the Iowa caucus was that week. But I didn’t l i nge r on Fa cebook or Twit ter, absently scroll i ng t h roug h a barrage of posts. You know what? It felt good! So good , i n fa ct , that I still haven’t resumed my social media habits. There were times I’d crash on the couch af ter a tough day and catch up to what my friends were doing on Facebook, or find something funny on Twitter (I follow mostly comedians and cartoonists, that way there’s always something funny to counter the bad news.) Usually, when that happens, though, suddenly half an hour has gone by and I’ve got nothing to show for it. In addition to it suck-
ing up free time, it consumes emotional energy. With social media, every single problem is right outside your door. Most of these problems are things you can’t do anything about (especially not while sitting on your couch). A lot of these problems won’t be a big deal in another day. Maybe not even another hour. The 24hour crisis factory will have chur ned something else out by then. Try this experiment: go without social media for a week. This doe sn’t cou nt st u f f you do for work. Just your personal pages. You’ll find that you’ll b e h ap pie r, mor e open-m i nded , more productive, and your neck won’t hurt from being hunched over a little phone. Instead of letting other people’s thoughts bounce around in your brain, take a “stay-cation” and stay in your own head for a while. Chris Lundy News Editor
W� W������ L������ T� T�� E�����! The Howell Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for veri�ication. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to
edit or reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail typed letters to: PO Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732-657-7388 or e-mail Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily re�lect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.
Home Rule Leads To Corrupt Rule It is in the national news that a lot of cor r uption exists in New Jersey, with eight cases of small town cor r uption in different places in New Jersey making the headlines. Why would anyone be surprised? New Jersey has over 550 different towns, over 550 governing bodies that make decisions and pass laws, hundreds and hundreds of school boards, over 550 police forces that have highly paid police officers who make decisions, over 500 mu nicipal cou r ts, over 550 zoning boards and or planning boards that allow or disallow developments and grant permits, hund reds and hu nd reds of political parties on a local and count y level yada, yada, yada. Do you get it? There is a lot of opportunity for people with power to be motivated to do things, and sometimes the illegal things. There is much more opportunity with all these individual entities within New Jersey’s hu nd reds and hundreds of towns and school boards etc. There should have been consolidation many years ago, and still, New Jersey is good old “home rule.” With this amount of home rule, there will always be more opportunity for “corruption.” It is that simple, and should be no surprise to anyone. David F. Lipton Beachwood
Kate Gibbs Can Beat Andy Kim Kate Gibbs has my unwavering support for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District. She is a strong Republican woman with a successful track record of job creation in the private sector as a labor union leader and also as
Letters To young The Freeholder in Burlington peopleEditor and women by the fact that there was County. Kate has the endorsement of the Burlington County GOP, Assembly members Jean Stanfield and Ryan Peters as well as loads of other local Republican leaders. Kate is also on the National Republican Congressional Committee’s Young Guns List. Despite the groundswell of support that Kate Gibbs has received, another candidate named David Richter recently announced his intention to run against Gibbs. Unlike David Richter, Kate was born and raised in the 3rd Congressional Dist r ict. Un li ke David Richter, Kate doesn’t give up when the f ight gets tough. Here’s what happened: Richter was originally running in the 2nd Cong ressional Dist r ict against Van Drew but once party leaders decided not to support him, he packed up and moved to the 3rd District. Local Republican leaders were quick to condemn Richter’s latest district switch and came to Kate G ibbs’ defe n se. Sout h Toms River Republican Councilman Thomas Rolzhausen recently said “Kate Gibbs is the best candidate to beat A ndy K im. We as Republicans, need to get together and support one candidate and don’t run a primary. We need all Republicans to win. We need to save valuable money and use it to fight Democrats not fellow Republicans. United we stand divided we fall. Kate Gibbs for Congress!” Aside from being a great p e r son a nd ca nd id at e, Kate Gibbs can also raise the money needed to beat Andy Kim. She has proven that she can win in tough winnable elections. David R ichter t r y i ng to push Kate Gibbs out of the race is a terrible look for the Republican Par t y. At a t i me when t he Re pub lican Par ty needs more
to run for office it would be a disaster for the GOP if Gibbs was denied the nomination. David Richter is everything that is wrong with the Republican Party and Kate Gibbs is the kind of candidate we need as a party to be successful in future elections! Vote for Kate Gibbs on June 2, and Nov. 3. Dana McDonald Brick
Seniors Lose Money, Immigrants Don’t A recent article spoke of cuts to New Jersey senior programs of about $700,000+ (“County Challenges State On Senior Funding Loss,” Feb. 1). There are cuts to programs for New Jersey and USA venerable citizen seniors while New Jersey added $1M+ to the existing $1M+ for illegal aliens. When will Democrats learn the cost of the Democratic governors and Democratic presidential candidates existing and proposed programs come at direct cost to lower and middle classes and NOT the top 1-10% as they say. This is a perfect example. Joseph Cannatelli Barnegat
All Is Not Well In Iran “All is well,” proclaimed Donald Trump shortly after the assassination of Qassem Soleimani and Iran’s faint-hearted attempt to r e t a l i a t e by a t t a ck i ng American military bases. He was no doubt cheered
no American bloodshed. But were there really no casualties? Some 176 innocent people met violent deaths when their Ukrainian air plane was shot down by Iranian forces; another fi fty civilians were trampled to death during the mourning ceremonies in Tehran. All of these people would still be alive if it were not for a careless, purely political decision made by the churlish buffoon in the oval office. Michael J. Doherty Berkeley
Andy Kim Protects Health Care Unlike his predecessor representing the 3rd Congressional District, Congressman Andy Kim offers legislative updates and takes questions from all comers at monthly town hall meetings throughout the district-from the Delaware River to the Atlantic Ocean. Congressman Kim works methodically on legislation to improve health insurance coverage, things such as lower drug costs for seniors and protections for provisions that outlaw preexisting condition exclusions. While the Republican establishment is quietly and systematically dismantling the health insurance of thousands through regulator y changes and court challenges to benefit the industry, Andy Kim is squarely on the side of consumers. Jamie Harrison Waretown
Do you have something you want everyone to know? Is there an issue that needs to be addressed? Write a letter to The Howell Times and make yourself heard.
Page 8, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
Spotlight On Government Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials
Package Of Bills Promise State Ethics Reforms From The Desk Of The
Governor Phil Murphy TRENTON – Building on his long-term commitment to changing the political culture in Trenton, Governor Phil Murphy unveiled a sweeping set of ethics proposals to strengthen restrictions on lobbying, enhance financial disclosure requirements, and increase transparency in the legislative process. The legislative package, which follows Governor Murphy’s call for action in his State of the State address in January, will have bipartisan sponsors in the Senate and the Assembly, including Senator Richard Codey, Senator Chris Brown, and Assemblyman Ryan Peters. “When I ran for Governor, I pledged that if elected, I would make every decision based on what is best for the people of New Jersey, not Trenton insiders,” said Governor Murphy. “At a time when public cynicism about government is all too common, we must restore the public’s confidence by making government more transparent and accountable than ever. For the first time in a decade, we are proposing comprehensive ethics reforms to ensure that elected officials are serving the public interest, not the special interests.” Alongside bipartisan partners in the Legislature, Governor Murphy announced a comprehensive legislative package outlining wide-ranging new ethics rules in New Jersey. The five bills contained in the package will address the following: • Lobbying Reform: The bill will target the shadow lobbying industry by requiring lobbying firms and companies that hire lobbyists to disclose when they hire a person or firm to provide professional services other than lobbying, a proposal that was introduced by Senate President Sweeney last session. This bill will also reduce the threshold for individuals to register as governmental affairs agents from 20 hours of lobbying activities per calendar year to one hour per calendar year. • Eliminating Legislative Exemption to OPRA: The bill will remove the very broad legislative exemption to OPRA that exempts all communications for the use of a legislative member in the course of their official duties. Eliminating this exemption ensures that the executive branch and legislative branch would operate under the same rules. • Aligning Gift and Outside Income Rules: Currently, legislators and legis-
lative staff are permitted to accept gifts as long as they do not know or have reason to believe that the gift is offered to them to influence the performance of their public duties or responsibilities. This bill would subject legislators and legislative staff to the same standard that currently governs executive branch employees, who are prohibited from accepting any gift related in any way to the employee’s public duties. Additionally, this bill will also prevent high-level legislative staff from receiving outside income unless they seek review and approval by the Joint Legislative Committee on Ethical Standards. Under current state law, designated senior staff members in the Governor’s Office cannot receive outside income unless they seek review and approval by the State Ethics Commission. Lastly, the bill will require legislators and all executive and legislative branch employees earning $100,000 or more per year to fill out the detailed financial disclosure form promulgated by the State Ethics Commission. • Extending the Cooling Off Period: New Jersey’s “cooling off” period, which statutorily applies to the Governor, Cabinet, and legislators, is currently one year, meaning those officials must wait a full year after leaving their jobs before being able to register as lobbyists. The bill extends this cooling off period from one year to two years and applies it to all executive and legislative branch staff earning $100,000 or more per year as a matter of law. A number of states, including New York, Colorado, and Alabama, have twoyear prohibitions, partially based on the rationale that a two-year cooling off period ensures that a former official will not be lobbying during the same legislative session when they were in office. • Legislative Transparency: The legislative proposal will require bills or resolutions not to be voted on unless their final form has been made publicly available on the Legislature’s website for 72 full hours preceding the vote. This legislative proposal will also require the disclosure of all organizations or individuals who submit testimony supporting or opposing bills or resolutions, similar to an existing requirement in California. In 2012, the Center for Public Integrity gave New Jersey a B+ grade on ethics, the top grade in the nation. By 2015, New Jersey fell to a D grade, and was ranked only 19th in the nation. Today’s announcement reflects Governor Murphy’s commitment to make New Jersey’s ethics laws as strong as any in the country.
The Howell Times, February 29, 2020, Page 9
Officer Announces Retirement
─Photo courtesy Howell Township Police Department HOWELL - Corporal Matthew Bishop worked his final day as a Howell Township Police Officer. Bishop was hired in February 1995. He attended the Monmouth County Police Academy Basic Course for Police Officers Class #49. Bishop was assigned to the patrol division for a majority of his career but spent several years in the Traffic Unit. He was considered an expert in traffic collision investigations. Bishop was also responsible for field training many of our new officers.
Those that were trained by him were fortunate to have been trained by one of the best. Bishop grew up in Howell and dedicated 25 years of his life serving this community as a police officer. He was a model employee and a dedicated professional. He wore the uniform with pride and is an excellent representation of the high expectations required to be a Howell police officer. From the day he was hired, to the day he retired he “worked”. He had an outstanding career.
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Page 10, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
Continued From Page 1
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sense resolution that Howell supports the 2nd Amendment and responsible and lawful gun ownership, and opposes laws that cut against the 2nd Amendment.” Berger and Bonevich abstained on the resolution while Councilwoman Pamela Richmond, and Deputy Mayor Evelynn O’Donnell joined Russo in voting for it. Bonevich said, “we already have a 2nd Amendment. We are Howell Township Council we are not Congress. We should be putting up resolutions for things like parks. When we put up resolutions for things like this, we are asking Joe (Clark, Township Attorney) to spend time on something symbolic. I’m not a Congressman. None of us are. Every time we add something like this, we are wasting taxpayers’ dollars. I’m just going to abstain; I’m not going to vote on this stuff anymore.” “I do believe in the 2nd amendment but I agree with Councilman Bonevich that this is something we can’t do anything about. My son has his rifles and he loves them but this is not something to be passed by us so
I will abstain as well,” Berger said. It was noted during discussion that the township’s police chief, Andrew Kudrick, had read the resolution and was believed to have agreed with it. Russo shared a story concerning why he proposed the resolution. “About five years ago I was in my third year in law school and I was followed home by somebody. I was in Pennsylvania and the gun laws out there are very relaxed as everyone knows. I was coming home and a guy asked me for gas money, he parked behind me so I couldn’t get out. I said okay I’ll give you some money and I walked into my apartment and I told my roommate about this guy who was acting funny. He kept looking in his pocket and seemed really shady and my roommate walked down stairs with a gun container. We were on the phone with the police and the guy took off. “Just the appearance of a gun case was enough. I felt completely helpless from the time I walked from the car when the guy was essentially cornering me until I got into the apartment and I never wanted to feel that way again,” he said. “I think it is our job here to advocate for responsible gun laws at the same time I advocate for not supporting a crackdown by the state. I also support extensive background checks which allow our police department to more closely vet individuals before they access a firearm permit,” Russo added. Russo said “we recently saw a restriction on ammunition. We’re not trying to make it the wild west at all we’re trying to do make sure that we have law abiding citizens obtain guns and keep them and use them responsibly. I didn’t always feel like this but that incident changed my life, that feeling of being helpless.” The council’s next meeting is March 3, at 7:30 p.m.
Organization Hosts Annual Chef’s Night Out TOMS RIVER – Dozens of area restaurants, caterers, bakeries, specialty stores and beverage distributors are expected to participate in the 24th Annual International Chef’s Night Out on March 2 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the RWJ Barnabas Arena. In addition to the magnificent food and beverage offerings there will be a 50/50 raffle valued at up to $10,000, themed gift baskets and door prizes. All attendees may sample an extensive variety of sweet and savory delicacies as well as some of the area’s fine wines and beverages. Proceeds go to scholarships for adult learners that attend Ocean County Vocational School and state of the art equipment for Ocean County Vocational School students. Tickets are $60 in advance and $75 at the door. To purchase tickets, visit For more information, contact Sharon Noble at 732-473-3100 ext. 3157.
Continued From Page 1 Sustainable NJ Program. Of the 42 schools that received a grant, Howell Township Public Schools accounted for 12 of those recipients.” “Both Middle School South and Memorial Elementary School received a $10,000 grant, with our other ten schools receiving a $2,000 grant,” Isola said. Josh Langenberger, a 6th grade science teacher/Project Plus/TSA and Robotics Advisor at Howell Middle School South wrote the school’s grant proposal which has a 16-month timeline. Langenberger said, “this grant provides the resources to develop a sustainable gardening program that will cultivate the curiosity of our students and feed our community. The completion of our greenhouse will provide an outdoor learning landscape where students will develop a stewardship to the people of our community and our planet. Students will grow seedlings for a nationally recognized program, ‘Plant A Row for the Hungry’ while learning they are the beginning of a positive change in their own lives and the lives of others.” He said that the district contacted Rick Pereira and Andy Valdes from Howell Township’s Organic Community Garden to learn about the community’s needs. “Our principal assembled a Green Team committee of those staff members that demonstrate a passion for sustainability and the environment. Recognizing a fully funded grant would exceed our proposal, the PTO President, Joanna Pierce was contacted. The PTO pledged its immediate support through a donation of $5,000 for the greenhouse structure and covering. We also recognize that the Grant will only be
The Howell Times, February 29, 2020, Page 11 partially funded until its completion and our Principal has pledged the balance of support, pending reimbursement,” Langenberger said. The Memorial Elementary School’s grant will help to deepen the school’s commitment to social, emotional and physical wellness and will allow the school to develop Wellness Way- a dynamic learning space that will provide access to fitness, mindfulness and sensory space for both students and staff. It will also allow for community partnerships with local businesses to strengthen the community understanding of social, emotional and physical wellness and will be implemented throughout the course of this school year. Some of the work has begun already with the help of a previous grant from Sustainable NJ, PTA help and HTEF grant funding. Vice Principal Chrissy Remo spearheaded the grant which was written by the Memorial School Improvement Panel- a team of 10 educators and administrators. Twelve $10,000 grants and 30 $2,000 grants were distributed to support a variety of projects including hydroponic garden towers, outdoor classrooms, school gardens, water bottle refilling stations, school wellness programs, cafeteria composting, student green team capacity building and more. With this contribution NJEA has provided $1.25 million to support a sustainable future for children across the state through the Sustainable Jersey for Schools program. “It is our responsibility to care for our planet, protecting it, making sure that the ways in which we interact with it are sustainable,” NJEA Vice President Sean M. Spiller said.
Know The Signs Of Heart Attack NEW JERSEY – Fast action can save lives. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms below call 9-1-1 immediately. It could be a heart attack. Do not drive to the hospital yourself or have a family member do so. If there is a serious heart issue, emergency medical personnel can start tests and treatments right away in the ambulance
and can send time-sensitive information to the hospital in anticipation of your arrival. Symptoms include: chest pain or discomfort, upper body discomfort, shortness of breath, cold sweats or clammy skin, unusual fatigue or weakness, dizziness, nausea or lightheadedness, anxiety and feeling of indigestion that won’t go away.
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Page 12, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
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Local Blood Drive Dates Released HOWELL – New Jersey Blood Services would like to announce that it is conducting blood drives in your area which are open to the public. The following drives are scheduled in the near future: • March 2, North Centerville Volunteer Fire Co. #1, Hazlet, 2 to 8 p.m. • March 3, Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route 9 South, Howell, 1 to 8 p.m. • March 4, Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route 9 South, Howell, 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. • March 5, Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route 9 South, Howell, 2 to 9 p.m. • March 8, Temple Beth Shalom, 108 Freehold Road, Manalapan, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. • March 8, St. Rose of Lima Church, 16 McLean St, Freehold, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. • March 9, Keyport Donor Center, 234 Atlantic St, Keyport, 2 to 8 p.m. • March 10, Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route 9 South, Howell, 1 to 8 p.m. • March 11, Lincroft Fire Company, 601 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, 2:30 to 8:30 p.m. • March 11, Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route 9 South, Howell, 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. • March 12, Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route 9 South, Howell, 2 to 9 p.m. March 14, Manasquan Presbyterian Church,
16 Virginia Ave, Manasquan, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Blood products have a short shelf life – from five to 42 days, so constant replenishment is necessary. Each day there are patients who depend on the transfusion of red blood cells, platelets and plasma to stay alive. Blood and blood products can’t be manufactured. They can only come from volunteer blood donors who take an hour to attend a blood drive or visit a donor center. To donate blood or for information on how to organize a blood drive, call 1-800-933-2566 or visit Any company, community organization, place of worship, or individual may host a blood drive. NYBC also offers special community service scholarships for students who organize community blood drives during summer months. Blood donors receive free mini-medical exams on site including information about their temperature, blood pressure and hematocrit level. Eligible donors include those people at least age 16 (with parental permission or consent), who weigh a minimum of 110 pounds, are in good health and meet all Food & Drug Administration and NY or NJ State Department of Health donor criteria. People over 75 may donate with a doctor’s note.
For Wolfgang Puck’s latest recipe, see page 23
The Howell Times, February 29, 2020, Page 13
Local Musicians Perform At Concert Series
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─Photo courtesy Earth Room Concerts HOWELL – The Earth Room Concerts music series at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County (UUCMC) in Lincroft, NJ presents its next concert on March 7 at 7:30 p.m., featuring folk-Americana duo Mike + Ruthy (of The Mammals). The UUCMC series, named for the attractive stained glass in the sanctuary where concerts are held, brings excellent contemporary folk and singer-songwriter artists to Monmouth County. When it comes to chemistry, Mike Merenda and Ruth Ungar have plenty to spare. Onstage, they are Mike + Ruthy, a husbandand-wife duo setting the indie-folk scene ablaze. Singers and storytellers, poets and parents, the two tour with their children in tow, embodying a down-home approach to Americana. Bouncing between festivals and intimate venues, these troubadours bring harmony-driven fiddle and banjo tunes to more than 100 shows a year. Road-tested material such as the pair’s celebrated re-harmonizing of Woody Guthrie’s “My New York City” cement Merenda and Ungar’s status as a “national treasure,” according to peer Anaïs Mitchell. Merenda is a prolific songwriter, whose
recent crowd-pleasing piece, Sunshiner, was nominated for an International Folk Music Award for Song of the Year. It is an ode to renewable energy which simultaneously honors the past and looks to the future with the sing-along lyric, “Yes my Daddy was a miner, but I’m gonna be a sunshiner.” Ungar’s unique vocal style ranges from acapella balladry to earthy soul and country. She was raised in a folk music family and learned the fiddle at a young age. Her father is fiddler/composer Jay Ungar, best known for his composition Ashokan Farewell which she also enjoys performing. Mike + Ruthy have recorded and performed their exquisite, original, Americana music together for two decades, as the duo Mike + Ruthy and with their quintet The Mammals. They make their home in the lush Hudson River Valley of New York where they and friends host their own thriving community folk festival, The Hoot. Earth Room Concerts at UUCMC schedules six to eight concerts each year. Tickets in advance are $20, and $25 at the door. For more information and tickets, visit The venue address is 1475 West Front Street, Lincroft.
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Page 14, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
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Howell Township Alliance Offers New Programs
By Bob Vosseller HOWELL – The Howell Township Municipal Alliance has partnered with Howell PAL to launch the “I AM…” Creative Writing and Mindfulness Workshop open to all 3rd through 9th graders. Alliance Coordinator Christa Riddle said “the program is offered the third Tuesday of each month, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Howell PAL building, 115 Kent Road in Howell (the old Southard School). Riddle said this substance abuse prevention program focuses attention on “creative youth looking for a chance to write and relax in an inspiring, informal, and welcoming environment. Just bring your creativity, unique writing style, favorite writing tools, and a blanket or yoga mat to participate.” “We wanted to encourage youth to write for enjoyment and self-fulfillment, without the restrictions and pressures of a structured school assignment,” Riddle said. “We incorporated mindfulness to teach youth simple strategies to clear their minds and de-stress in a comfortable and accepting setting. All types of writing are welcomed, from poetry and journal keeping to song lyrics and short stories, and the writers can choose to share their work or keep it to themselves,” Riddle added. Riddle explains that mindfulness is a non-religious, centering, and calming practice of “in-the-moment” awareness, where thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surroundings are accepted “as is,” without judgment, while focusing on the breath. Each workshop session starts with 15 minutes of mindfulness to clear the head, followed by an hour of free writing and a final 15 minutes of mindfulness to leave on a relaxed note. During the free writing, participants can select any genre of writing that interests them, and there will be opportunities to converse about and share writing
for those who would like to do so. To register, vist and select the “I AM…” Creative Writing and Mindfulness Workshop. Each session is just $15, and youth are welcome to register for one session at a time or all of them,” Riddle said. The “I AM…” Creative Writing and Mindfulness Workshop is facilitated by Riddle, who holds a Master of Arts in Teaching and mindfulness certification, and Stefanie Mastbeth Trento of Beautiful Mind Counseling Center, who is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) with mindfulness certification. For more program information, contact Riddle at 732-938-4500 ext. 4012. For registration questions, contact Howell PAL at 732-919-2825. The Howell Alliance collaborates across the community to prevent substance abuse, underage drinking, alcoholism, tobacco/nicotine use, vaping, and other at-risk behaviors among youth and the entire community population. It also promotes physical, mental, emotional, and social health and well-being and the reduction of substance use and mental health disorder stigmas. Our mission is achieved through providing awareness, resources, and education. “For more information on the Howell Township Municipal Alliance, our unwanted prescription safe and anonymous disposal initiative in partnership with the Howell Police Department, our Prevention Press quarterly newsletter, and a comprehensive list of prevention/treatment/recovery resources, visit our website at twp.howell.,” Riddle said. Riddle said, the Howell Alliance welcomes new members “at our official committee meetings the third Tuesday of each month, 12:30 p.m. at town hall and at our Friends of the Howell Township Municipal Alliance healthy community think tanks the first Monday of each quarter, 7 p.m. at the Echo Lake pavilion.”
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The Howell Times, February 29, 2020, Page 15
H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
Stay Safe By Identifying Hidden Food & Drug Allergies
By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
Adults can tell pretty easily if they react to a specific food but it may go unrecognized in kids. Symptoms associated with food allergies vary greatly from individual to individual. Most people know about skin rash, hives, itch or tingly sensation in the mouth and lip/tongue swelling. Also, abdominal cramps or swelling of the throat and/or vocal cords. Here are some other symptoms: • Flushed or hot skin • Diarrhea • Nausea (or vomiting) • Coughing, sneezing or wheezing • Dizziness • Fainting or Lightheadedness If you experience any of these symptoms, get help. Taking Benadryl isn’t the answer for everyone, some people need emergency medical care, an inhaler to help breath or an EpiPen, and/or a Medrol Dosepak (or steroid equivalent). Here are some common food allergens to look out for: Peanuts. Peanuts are highly allergenic to millions of people, so I’ve always thought it was in poor taste to serve them on planes. Southwest Airlines stopped doing on August 1, 2018. Good for them! There is peanut oil in the medication “Prometrium” and Depakene® (Valproic Acid, a drug used for seizures and nerve pain). Hidden sources of peanuts include marzipan, beer nuts, nougat and weirdly, artificial nuts! FYI, the first peanut antidote type of medication was just FDA approved (January 2020) and it is called Palforzia. Eggs. Obviously, you can avoid eggs for breakfast as well as quiche, but did you know you should also read labels and probably avoid many baked goodies, some canned soups, frosting, mayonnaise, marshmallows, meatloaf and cer-
tain brands of coffee drink foam and ice cream! The surgical sleep-inducing anesthetic called “propofol” contains egg proteins (as well as -based ingredients). Fish & Shellfish. This type of allergy usually causes breathing difficulties and can be very severe. Hidden sources of fish-based ingredients are found in Worcestershire sauce, Caesar dressing, surimi and caviar. As for shellfish, think of lobster, crab, prawns, shrimp and crawfish. You will need to avoid glucosamine as well, because this is derived from shellfish. Tropomycin is the most predominant compound in shellfish that people are allergic to, and may cause you to feel faint, lightheaded, dizzy or foggy. This may ruin your appetite for lobster and crab but just so you know, tropomycin is also common in cockroaches! Milk. Allergies to milk are due to the protein called “casein.” Milk alternatives on occasion have dairy-derived whey protein in them, which fools people into thinking their safe when they’re laden with milk-derived proteins. So, check your label on pea, oat, soy, almond, coconut or flax milk just to be 100% sure it doesn’t have any milk-derived allergens in it. You know the obvious ones to avoid like cow’s milk, ice cream, butter, cow’s milk-based cheese, sour cream, cream cheese and yogurt. But dairy hides in deli meats, gravy, baked goods and batter-fried foods. Some breathing medications/inhalers such as Advair Diskus, Flovent Diskus, Asmanex and Pulmicort contain lactose monohydrate which contains milk proteins like casein. So be aware of this if you’re treating a milk/dairy allergic reaction with an inhaler that contains trace amounts of it! For a more comprehensive list of food and drug allergens, read the longer version of this article at my website,
(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit ©2019 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.
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Page 16, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
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AroUnD the JerSeY Shore Healthcare System Announces Clinical Affiliation MORRISTOWN – The Atlantic Health System and CentraState Healthcare System announced a clinical affiliation that will provide enhanced access to high-quality specialty health care services to the communities of central Jersey. The affiliation will accelerate the growth of CentraState’s oncology and neuroscience programs through linkages with Atlantic Health System’s nationally recognized specialists and coordination of clinical and research activities. In addition, both systems will share clinical expertise and best practices and coordinate patient care through a common technology platform. In recent years CentraState has worked closely with Atlantic Health System, initially as a member of the statewide Healthcare Transformation Consortium (HTC) that was launched in 2018. HTC is a collaborative of leading, independent health systems that share their expertise to improve access to high-quality health care for covered employees and dependents while reducing costs. More recently, CentraState became a participating member of the Atlantic Health System Cancer Care Research network, as well as a primary affiliate of the Atlantic Health Cancer Consortium (AHCC) National Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP). Through this new affiliation, the organizations will build on the initial success of HTC to develop a regional Clinically Integrated Network (CIN) to provide seamlessly coordinated care for their patients. In addition to having a history of collaboration in their respective regions, both organizations share similar philosophies and approaches to affordability, access to care, physician engagement and innovation. “The goal of this agreement is to introduce clinical enhancements that will allow CentraState to increase the breadth of services we can offer to the patients in our service area for complex illnesses like cancer and neurological disorders,” said John T. Gribbin, CentraState President and CEO. “Atlantic Health matched the profile and embraced the shared philosophy we were looking for in a partnership more than any other potential affiliate. We are pleased to partner with them in bringing advanced clinical services to our community normally found only in academic medical centers outside our community.” “We are excited to make care more accessible for patients throughout north and central New Jersey by enhancing our relationship with CentraState,” said Brian Gragnolati, President and CEO, Atlantic Health System. “As demonstrated through the success of our ongoing collaborations, uniting the strengths and talents of our great teams delivers better experiences and outcomes for all of our patients.” Through this affiliation, which involves a
sharing of expenses and investments, CentraState and Atlantic Health System have agreed to work together initially in three key areas: Cancer Services, Neurosciences and Information Technology. The Statesir Cancer Center at CentraState provides a strong foundation of excellent community cancer care in the region, from diagnosis to treatment, including services such as radiation and proton therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, immuno-therapy and hormone therapy. The affiliation with Atlantic Health System will provide community oncologists with greater access to the resources and expertise of Atlantic Health’s award-winning cancer care programs, including clinical trials via participation in NCORP, subspecialty services and other breakthrough cancer treatments. CentraState is a community site of the Atlantic Health Cancer Consortium (AHCC), the first and only New Jersey-based National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP). Covering 73% of the state’s population, the AHCC NCORP partners with leading healthcare organizations across New Jersey to significantly improve patient access to clinical trials focusing on prevention, screening, care delivery, treatment and quality of life. As a Clinical Affiliate, CentraState will also benefit from inclusion in grant applications, broadened clinical leadership and overall physician alignment across the organizations. With one of the largest Multiple Sclerosis (MS) programs in the state and innovative programs to manage Parkinson’s disease, CentraState will partner with Atlantic Health System, the leading provider of neuroscience services in the northern New Jersey region to further enhance the quality of neuroscience diagnostics and care in central Jersey. Through this affiliation, Atlantic Health System will support the expansion of research opportunities in MS and enhance access for CentraState patients to specialists’ capabilities. Atlantic Health System will also expand access to its telestroke and neuro-hospitalist programs for patients in central Jersey, provide additional physician experts in the areas of Movement and Parkinson’s disease, and provide greater access to diagnostic technology at Overlook Medical Center. Atlantic Health System and CentraState will collaborate in the planning and development of Information Technology Networks with a goal of sharing clinical and technical expertise and data via a common platform. Data analytics provided through Atlantic Health System will enable the organizations and physicians to more effectively coordinate patient care, enhance participation in accountable care plans and more quickly introduce and coordinate population health management initiatives.
The Howell Times, February 29, 2020, Page 17
AroUnD the JerSeY Shore Free Tax Prep Offered In Monmouth & Ocean
JERSEY SHORE – In partnership with Fulfi ll, United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties is offering free personalized tax preparation at Financial Success Center (FSC) Network locations in Freehold, Long Beach Island and Toms River. Financial Success Centers provide free, comprehensive resources under one roof to help people move from fi nancial difficulty to economic well-being. One way the Financial Success Center Network helps struggling workers in our community is by connecting them with the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). EITC is a benefit for working people with low to moderate income. To qualify, certain requirements must be met and a tax return must be filed, even if you do not owe any tax or are not required to fi le. In 2019, Fulfi ll helped 4,500 households file their taxes for free through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. This resulted in over $7.8 million in State and Federal refunds for participants, including $2.4 million in Earned Income Tax Credits. Monmouth and Ocean County households earning $56,000 or less, or in-
dividuals earning $35,000 or less, are eligible for free tax preparation by IRS certified tax professionals from Fulfi ll. Appointments are available at the following Financial Success Centers from now through April 15. FSC Freehold Tuesday – Friday 12 to 7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hackensack Meridian Community Resource Center, Freehold Raceway Mall, First Floor Macy’s Wing 3710 Route 9, Freehold. FSC Long Beach Island. Virtual Tax Site, By Appointment Only – Call 609494-8861 x116. St. Francis Community Center (LBICC), 4700 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach Township. FSC Toms River. Monday, Tuesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The B.E.A.T. Center, 1769 Hooper Avenue, Toms River. To make an appointment, dial 2-1-1 and press 27 at the prompt, or schedule online at If your household earns $66,000 or less, you can also fi le your taxes online for free at For more information on the program, visit uwfi
Dear Joel
By Joel Markel
Neighbors Who Care… Too Much
Dear Joel, My husband and I have lived in our 55 and over community for the past ten years. Our neighbors who are in their upper 70’s have been our friends since we moved in, welcoming us from day one. In the past year, their health has declined as well as their mobility; they struggle with everyday tasks. My husband and I help as much as we can, providing transportation to doctors, supermarkets, etc. whenever possible. The couple has two grown children, but they both live out of state. We’ve spoken to both about relocating their parents to an assisted living facility, but we haven’t made much headway. In the meantime, we have become somewhat responsible for the couple, a responsibility that is slowly becoming a burden. We love them dearly, but we have our own family to care for. Do you have any suggestions on how to handle this delicate situation? Answer: First let me commend you and your husband for being good neighbors, good friends, and good humans. What you are doing is not easy. I suggest that you and your husband speak frank-
ly to your neighbors and express your concern for their well-being. Let them know that although you want to help as much as possible, you are not always available. Assure them that you and your husband will help them connect with senior service organizations who can provide information on transportation, meal service, and housing alternatives, as well as investigating what your 55 and over community offers. Your friends may not be completely truthful with their children, so it’s important for you to have direct conversations with them to keep them informed. Don’t hesitate to remind them that while you and your husband care for their parents, you cannot provide the level of care they require daily, and something must be done sooner rather than later. Thank you for writing. Joel Write to His radio show, “Preferred Company” airs Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. on and 1160 & 1310 WOBM-AM.
If you or anyone else is in need of home health care, call Preferred at 732-840-5566 (800603-CARE (2273). “Home health care with feeling. (“Home Health Care with Feeling”)
Page 18, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
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The Howell Times, February 29, 2020, Page 19
CLASSIFIEDS For Rent For Rent - Adult Community. Whiting Crestwood Vill. 5 (55+) Larger 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath and Powder Room. Porch, W/D, Garage. Not Pets. $975.00 plus utilities, Available 3/1/20. 732-604-0323. (12) For Rent Or For Sale - New 1 BR, 1 bath homes. Adult 55+ Community, Homestead Run, Toms River. 732-3702300 call today. (12) Seaside Park - Beautiful, clean, and quiet oceanfront and oceanblock (yearly). 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with yard and parking from $1050. 908-278-5491. (11)
Personals Single Senior Males - 65+ Wanted for single females. Soulmate, friendship or partner. Have good standards, qualities. Leave name and number for return call. 732-678-6786. (13) Italian - American Gentleman seeks woman 65-75 yrs with same interest. I am loving, caring, and easy going. Loves music and dancing. Give me a call 732-207-5338. (12)
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At Home Companion - Dementia and Hospice Experienced, Cooking, Shopping, Transportation. Enjoy Peace of Mind! 732-278-3770 JoAnn. (14)
Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n)
Help Wanted Personal Executive Assistant - 2 days per week. Must be proficient with Excel, Salesforce CRM, Netscape CRM, Quick Books, Sales, Powerpoint and run errands. Remote position. Experience in Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Call 973-934-1171. (11) Laundromat Attendant - For FT/PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (13) Micromedia Publications is looking for a high-energy account rep to sell print and online advertising in Ocean County. Competitive base, bonuses & company benefits. Successful applicant should possess good communication skills & a desire to grow with the company. E-Mail resumes to jallentoff@jersey EOE. (t/n) Now Hiring – The Goddard School on Route 70 is seeking full time Teacher’s Assistant and leads for the upcoming school year. We provide a warm, loving environment for children up to six years. Must have a flexible schedule, available Mon-Fri. Benefits include paid time off, 401k and paid lunch on Fridays. To learn more about these positions, email your resume to toms Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n) Receptionist Part Time - Send resumes via email to hr@magnoliaal. com or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) Nurse Needed - Send resumes via email to or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Laundry Assistant Part Time - Send resumes via email to hr@magnoliaal. com or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Kitchen/Wait Staff - Apply online at or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14)
C.H.H.A. - Weekends. Send resumes via email to or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Marina - Join our expanding team at our new marina in Toms River. We are seeking experienced marine mechanics, assembly techs & yard help. Great pay & benefits to qualified candidates. If you're under appreciated or under compensated contact Jared today at or call 732-929-8168. (12)
Services Don Carnevale Painting Specializing interiors. Some exterior. Quality always. Very neat. Prompt courteous service. Reasonable-affordable. Senior discounts. Honest-reliable. Low rates. Free estimates. 732-899-4470 or 732-915-4075. (7) Pet Sitter - Dog walker, Insured and bonded. I will walk your dog and pet sit your cat. Certified in pet 1st Aid and CPR. Call or text 732-330-2889. (11) Private Home Health Care - Companion for you. I have drivers license, car. I have great references, experience. 973-204-0108. (11) Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (10) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n) ALL American Home Health Aides Experienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/ pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605 (t/n) Paint Your Rooms - Fast Clean Neat, Starting At $50. Per Room. Wallpaper Removal, Exteriors, Power Washing Call 732-864-6396 Leave Voicemail. (4)
Need A Ride - Senior discounts. Airports: NEW, PHIL, AC, Trenton. Tom. Save ad. 551-427-0227. (4) Man With Van LLC Home Improvements - All Phases of Carpentry Masonry Landscaping Repairs Restorations Demolition Debris Removal Cleanouts Dumpster Service Spring Cleanups Small Tree Trimming Pruning Removal NO JOB TOO SMALL Jim 609335-0330 HIC#13VH1080600. (13)
House Painting - Interior only. Wa l l p a p e r r e m o v a l , k i t c h e n cabinet painting. Nice job. Not a cheap job. Licensed and insured, 732-929-4399. (14)
Music Lessons In Your Home By state certified teacher. Available on Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone or Drums. School students and adults welcome! Call 732-350-4427. (10)
Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n)
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Page 20, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
Across 1 Catnip or coriander 5 Throw in the towel 9 Former “Idol” judge Paula 14 Old music halls 15 Loosen, as laces 16 Author John le __ 17 Out of control 18 Road in old Rome 19 Martial arts-based fitness routine 20 *Old West transport 23 British brew with a red triangle in its logo 24 “Oops, almost forgot” 25 Captain Marvel’s magic word 27 Felt sorry about 29 Workable, as an alternative 32 Good-and bad-dietary substances 35 Consumed
38 Jiffy Lube supply 39 __ F‡il: Irish “stone of destiny” 40 *Trailways, for one 42 Big fuss 43 Pennysaver contents 44 “Family Matters” nerd 45 Kenton of jazz 46 Making a cake, say 48 DVR pioneer 51 Charlatans 54 Shoe polish targets 58 Molecule part 60 Having financial freedom ... and, literally, what the last words of the answers to starred clues comprise 62 Bouquet __: chef’s tasty bundle 64 Retail complex 65 Took a tumble 66 One sent back down the river? 67 “Metamorphoses” poet
68 Russian river 69 Loses on purpose? 70 Nickname for JosŽ 71 A great deal Down 1 “In what way?” 2 Novelist Wharton 3 Race with batons 4 Annoys persistently 5 Pielike brunch serving 6 Golden rule word 7 “Any more bright __?” 8 Olympic symbol 9 Play a part 10 Words to a black sheep 11 *Handsome guy or gorgeous gal 12 Metro regions 13 Many August babies 21 Water in the Seine 22 Place of safety 26 Kindle read, briefly 28 Furniture with a lock, maybe
30 “__ Rose”: “The Music Man” song 31 North Carolina campus 32 Personal trainer’s target 33 Verdi princess 34 *Temporary group for a specific job 36 23-Across, e.g. 37 Lean 40 Camp bed 41 Impulses 45 Deeply expressive 47 Emphatic denial 49 Wagner princess 50 48-Across ancestor 52 Swab again 53 Avoid, with “off” 55 Sporty ‘80s Pontiac 56 Note equivalent to E 57 Flies off the shelf 58 Like much whiskey 59 Prepare for takeoff 61 Toss of a coin 63 Elected pols
Page 21, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
BACK PAIN? We Have Your Back Pain Solution: 1 - Diagnose 2 - Fix the Problem Sciatica
Back Spasms
Back pain on its own is bad enough, but when nerves become compressed, they can create a condition called sciatica. Sciatic pain can travel as far down as the foot. Symptoms can range from a mild to sharp ache, excruciating pain, or a burning sensation. Some patients have described sciatica as feeling like a jolt or electric shock. Usually one side of the body is affected and is aggravated by prolonged sitting. Others have experienced numbness, tingling or muscle weakness in the affected areas such as the leg or foot.
Muscle spasms in the back may sound familiar to you – they can range from slight discomfort to immobilizing pain. They may be a result of an injury or strain on the muscles, or of more chronic conditions like arthritis or disc issues. With proper treatment, you can take control of your muscle spasms. There may be pressure on the spine that can be corrected with chiropractic care, or acupuncture may help relax the muscle spasms.
Sciatica may derive from a sudden movement that sends pain shooting from the back down the legs. Or it may be a more long-term issue that comes and goes, getting worse over time. Either way, it is imperative you seek professional medical help to fix the problem and prevent further, possibly irreversible, damage. Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation has a variety of skilled practitioners able to treat sciatica, addressing both the cause of the issue and relieving the pain itself through services like acupuncture, chiropractic, laser therapy, and more. To schedule your FREE consultation ($245 value) please call 732-345-1377.
Relief is just a call away – call Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation today at 732-345-1377 to claim your FREE initial consult ($245 value) to learn how we can help you find your solution.
Piriformis Syndrome
X-Ray Diagnosis
Spinal Stenosis Spinal Stenosis is an arthritic condition of the spine that may result in pain, tingling in the extremities, muscle weakness, and even difficulty walking. Recurring back pain is something that should and can be corrected, and at Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation, we offer solutions that don’t involve surgery or medications. Our doctors combat the pain at the source, using a range of hands-on techniques, as well as cutting edge laser therapy and vibration therapy. Acupuncture has also been proven to provide relief. Any number of these modalities could make up the perfect formula for your custom treatment program – that’s what makes the Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation experience unique. To schedule your FREE consultation ($245 value) please call 732-345-1377.
Similar to sciatica, is a condition in which the piriformis muscle, located in the buttocks region, irritates the sciatic nerve. Symptoms are very similar to sciatica, and may also include aching or spasms in thepiriformis muscle and reduced range of motion in the hip joint. The skilled team of practitioners at Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation is capable of providing relief from this syndrome and address it at the root of the problem.
We take x-rays in our facilities in order to provide a more complete and accurate diagnosis. This allows us to curate a treatment program based on the cause of the pain to truly address the problem, not just mask the pain.
CHECK OUT OUR PATIENT TESTIMONIALS “I’ve had back pain since 2000 and have had to use a cane to walk because of a few bulging discs. In the last year it’s gotten extremely painful, so I finally looked into Monmouth Pain & Rehab. I was previously told I would need surgery, but the doctors at Monmouth Pain assured me they could have me feeling a lot better. Within two weeks I no longer had to use my cane, and after a few months I am feeling at least 80% better. I would HIGHLY recommend Monmouth Pain to anyone who needs pain management.” –Google review by Jeff R Check out more 5 star reviews on Google, Yelp, and Facebook.
Herniated Disc Herniated discs occur when a spinal disc pushes through the spine, often times pressing on a nerve and resulting in pain, tingling, numbness or weakness in the legs or arms. Herniated discs can occur in the neck and lower back. If not treated, discs can continue to degenerate which may lead to permanent nerve damage.
One of Monmouth Pain & Rehabilitation’s most effective treatments for disc issues is non-surgical spinal decompression. The computerized decompression machine relaxes the spine, enabling the disc to slide back into its proper position, easing the pain on the nerve. We also offer chiropractic care to help prevent future herniated discs. If you’re interested in exploring spinal decompression or other treatment options, schedule your FREE consult ($245 value) today! Call 732-345-1377.
Cold Laser Therapy is a painless way to kick-start the healing process to reduce recovery time.
• Cold Laser Therapy • Whole Body Vibration Therapy • Modern Acupuncture • Hands-On Physical Therapy • Modern Chiropractic • Spinal Decompression Traction • Therapeutic Injections
(732) 863-7400 | 1001 Rt 9 • Bldg. 101 • Casino 9 • Howell, NJ 07731
Offering FREE BACK PAIN CONSULTATIONS (a $245 value) for those first 18 callers. Call today and reference this ad to schedule your appointment! 732-863-7400.
ESTABLISHED 1998 • Clinics throughout Monmouth & Ocean Counties
Page 22, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
Theatre Groups Hosts Benefit For Children With Cancer ASBURY PARK – For the fi rst time on the Jersey Shore, local theatre groups will be coming together to bring Broadway to Asbury Park. On March 21 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Paramount Theatre, ticket holders will gather for The Ashley Lauren Foundation’s much anticipated Inaugural “Cabaret For Hope” sponsored in part by
The Jay and Linda Grunin Foundation. Monica Ver meulen, Fou nder/CEO stated, “We are so excited to have Constantine Maroulis as our Guest Artist.” Constantine Maroulis is an accomplished actor, producer, singer and songwriter best known for his Tony-nominated performance in Rock of Ages and his epic
run as a fi nalist during the heyday of American Idol. His new original album, Until I’m Wanted, will be released in early 2020. This “Broadway Themed” evening of entertainment is a collaboration of many theatre groups including The Ashley Lauren Foundation Theatre Ensemble,
Phoenix Productions, Premier Theatre Company, Exit 82 Theatre Co., Holmdel Theatre Company, Spring Lake Theatre Company, Zzak G. Applaud Our Kids, The Prep, the “Best of Monmouth County” ensemble along with additional singers and musicians. Monica Vermeulen also states, “We are bringing Broadway to Asbury while raising funds for and increasing awareness of The Ashley Lauren Foundation’s mission of providing Hope & Help for Children with Cancer in NJ. There are still sponsorship opportunities available.” The goal of The Ashley Lauren Foundation is to ease the journey when pediatric cancer is diagnosed by providing Direct Financial Assistance (household bills, medications not paid through medical insurance, traveling expenses to and from hospitals, funeral expenses, etc.); Material Assistance (food, clothing, household items); Emotional Support (for the entire family); 4 Major Seasonal Parties for the Children and their families (Spring Party at the Boardwalk, Summerfest, Harvest Par t y, Ch r ist mas Par t y); Advocacy; “Making Dreams Come True” Program; Birthday Brigade; Special Outings; and anything else that is needed to make their lives easier and bring smiles to their faces. Tickets can be purchased at The Stone Pony Box Office (Ocean Ave.), Blackbird Presents (Cookman Ave.) in Asbury Park and select Ticketmaster locations. There are also limited Post-Show VIP reception tickets available that include a Meet & Greet with Constantine Maroulis along with some of the Monmouth County elected officials. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the VIP reception is directly after the show. The event will also be collecting non-perishable foods to give to Fulfi ll of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Specifically, Fulfi ll is in need of canned foods with pop tops and cereals to feed our neighbors in need. Fulfi ll feeds 136,000 people in Monmouth and Ocean Counties, 50,000 of them are children. For additional information and sponsorships of this inaugural event, contact The Ashley Lauren Foundation at 732414-1625.
Page 23, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020
Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of feb 29 - mar 6 By Jeraldine Saunders
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your warm, friendly overtures can delight some people but might cause others to think you are being insincere. You may receive compliments and publicity in the early part of the week. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You can rock in the role of the brilliant entrepreneur. Sweeten business deals by using smart strategies paired with a pleasant attitude as the week flies by. If you need to be tough on the outside, remain soft-hearted inside. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The calm voice of reason should overcome agitation. Loved ones could admire little things or seem overly sentimental. In the upcoming week, friends might support your efforts to renovate or upgrade your home. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Find innovative ways to get other people involved in your plans. You may be someone who can reach goals by mixing with numerous people and obtaining their advice. Apply your knowledge in the week to come. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be on the alert. If you are sensitive to mood swings, you will feel a constructive shift. Your financial situation may undergo a positive change if you allow the latest technology to benefit you in the upcoming week. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): A unique opportunity may change your destiny. You might meet someone who can give you the courage to change old habits that have held you back. You can shine in social situations and rise above the ordinary in the upcoming week.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Handle a confusing situation with dignity and diplomacy. Someone may prove their loyalty in the week ahead, although you might not realize it at the time. Every promise you keep is a credit to your character. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Cooperate, whether as a co-worker or a customer. Consider partnering with others to improve your career or business prospects in the week ahead. Your activities can be focused on romance and not just moneymaking. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Whether you are building a nest egg or building lasting bonds with people, patience is more important than instant gratification. Avoid wasting time or money this week trying to impress friends. Focus on ideas and solutions. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You will do your best this week if you spend time thinking before acting. The world may see you as unyielding, but deep down you are generous in fulfilling requests from people you care about. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Be more confident in your ability to do your job well. You can be both businesslike and approachable when there is a task to perform. Listen to a wide range of ideas and people as the week passes by. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The New Moon might mean a new start in the way you see yourself. Be willing to share your dreams with others in the week ahead, and they might help you make them happen. Focus on keeping your promises..
DEGRAFF CREMATION SERVICES DIRECT CREMATION $1275 Arrangements Available In Your Home, Removal From Place Of Death, Alternative Container, Wood #ODZ, Transfer To Crematory L :
Additional Costs: Crematory Fee, Urns, Disposition Of Cremains & Certified Copies Of Death Certificates, Permit, Removal Assist. & Mileage, Viewings Or Memorial Services
wolfgang puck’s kitchen
Spring Ahead With Vegetarian Chili By Wolfgang Puck VEGETARIAN THREE-BEAN AND QUINOA CHILI Serves 8 to 10 1 pound (500 g) dried white beans 1 pound (500 g) dried black beans 1 pound (500 g) pinto beans 3 dried guajillo chiles 1/2 cup (125 mL) extra-virgin olive oil 1 cup (250 mL) finely diced yellow onion 2 tablespoons minced garlic 2 tablespoons ground cumin 2 tablespoons pure chile powder 1 cup (250 mL) tomato paste 1 1/2 cups (375 mL) canned crushed tomatoes 3 tablespoons kosher salt, plus more to taste 1 1/2 gallons (5.75 L) vegetable stock 1 1/2 pounds (750 g) quinoa 2 jalapeno chiles, halved, stemmed, seeded and deveined, and minced 1/2 cup (125 mL) fresh lime juice 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup 3 ripe Hass avocados, halved, pitted, peeled and sliced, for garnish 1 cup (250 mL) sour cream, for garnish 1 cup (250 mL) chopped green onion, for garnish 1 cup (250 mL) chopped fresh cilantro leaves, for garnish 1 cup (250 mL) prepared tomato salsa, for garnish 3/4 cup (185 mL) thinly sliced fresh jalapeno chiles, or pickled jalapenos, for garnish The night before you cook, pick through each batch of beans, removing any debris or misshapen beans.
Rinse the beans put into separate large bowls, and add cold water to cover by at least 2 inches (5 cm). Leave to soak overnight, adding water as needed to keep the beans covered. The next day, put the guajillo chiles in a bowl, add enough hot water to cover, and leave to soak for 20 minutes. Drain. Carefully slit open the guajillos, and remove the seeds. Put the guajillos and a little soaking liquid in a blender, and puree to a paste. Transfer to a bowl, and set aside. Drain the beans, and set aside. Heat a large pot over medium heat. Add the olive oil and onion, and saute, stirring occasionally, until the onion turns translucent, 3 to 5 minutes. Stir in the garlic and saute briefly until fragrant. Stir in the cumin and chile powder. Stir in the tomato paste, and saute, stirring until it darkens slightly, about 30 seconds. Add the drained soaked beans. Stir in the crushed tomatoes, with their juices, the guajillo puree, salt, and enough vegetable stock to submerge the beans completely. Cover the pot securely and cook, adjusting the heat to maintain a simmer, until the beans are cooked through and tender but still firm and whole, 20 to 30 minutes. Stir in the quinoa, cover, and cook until tender, 5 to 7 minutes, adding more stock if needed. Stir in the minced jalapenos, lime juice and maple syrup. Simmer, uncovered, over low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring often. Taste and, if needed, add a little more salt. Arrange the avocado, sour cream, green onion, cilantro, salsa and sliced fresh or pickled jalapenos in bowls to serve as garnishes. Ladle the chili into individual serving bowls, inviting guests to garnish their servings to taste.
(Chef Wolfgang Puck’s TV series,“Wolfgang Puck’s Cooking Class,” airs Sundays on the Food Network. Also, his latest cookbook, “Wolfgang Puck Makes It Easy,” is now available in bookstores. Write Wolfgang Puck in care of Tribune Media Services Inc., 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207) © 2020 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.
Page 24, The Howell Times, February 29, 2020