2020-04-11 - The Southern Ocean Times

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SOUTHERN OCEAN Times Vol. 7 - No. 42

In This Week’s Edition



Community News! Pages8-9

Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Pages 14

Inside The Law Page 21



Local Man 3-D Prints Masks For Doctors

By Chris Lundy TOMS R I V ER – Whenever there’s a big problem, everyday people often step up to the challenge. Wherever COVID-19 has struck, there has been a shor t age of personal protective equipment for first responders. Globally, the story is the same: as the numbers of infected rise, so does the demand for masks, gowns, and other necessities among the medical community. Township resident Er ic Mewe ng k a ng, is part of a group of people who have been using their 3-D printers to make masks for medical professionals. These masks are a plastic shield that drops down from the forehead and creates a kind of splash guard for the wearer. They are not to be confused with the N95 respirator masks that look like surgical masks and filter out particles from the air. His group is made up of people from all over

−Photos courtesy Eric Mewengkang (Above) Medical professionals using the 3-D printed masks. (Right) Masks in the process of being printed. the world. There are about 8-10 people who collectively print about 200 masks a day. A 3-D printer builds an object one layer at a time until it’s complete. In this case, it is literally building a plastic object one tiny layer

at a time until it’s real. The printer is told what to make by giving it a design file. That file is open source, meaning

that people share the file and make changes to it to fit people’s needs. They might get feedback (Masks - See Page 12)

Inside One Family’s Struggle With COVID-19

By Judy Smestad-Nunn BRICK − Bob Richards and his wife Mary, flew into Florida’s West Palm Beach Airport on Thursday, March 12 to attend the wedding of their nephew, whose nuptials were to be held on March 14. “That’s where I think we picked up the virus,”

Bob said during a phone interview from his home in Brick recently. “Six members of our extended family, who were from New Jersey and from New York City, have tested positive since they came home, and one of my cousins, who has diabetes, has been hospitalized,” said Bob, who

is in his 60s. Two family members in Florida also developed symptoms in the days following the wedding. On March 15, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised no gatherings of 50 or more people in the United States over the next eight weeks.

The Richards f lew home on March 16, which is when they came down with a fever and chills initially, followed by various other symptoms including coughing, body aches and more. After being home about a week, Mary thought they should be tested, but testing in

New Jersey was limited to those who had a fever. Mary called Ocean Me d ic a l C e nt e r i n Brick where they suggested a video exam for coronavirus with an emergency room doctor. Instead of waiting on hold, she joined a queue and the doctor (Struggle - See Page 4)

April 11, 2020

Barnegat Adopts $27M Budget

By Chris Lundy BA R N EGAT – A $27,905,152 budget was adopted by the Township Committee during their most recent meeting, which was streamed live because of the pandemic. The budget includes an increase in taxes of approximately 1 cent per $100 of assessed valuation. For someone living in a house assessed at the township average, $240,000, they would pay $24 more a year. The budget is an increase of $1,413,055 over 2019’s adopted budget of $26,492,097. It needs to be noted that the total budget

includes all sources of revenue, not just taxes. The amount that will be raised in taxes for 2020 is $22,857,004. This is an increase of $865,283 f rom last year’s $21,991,721. Barnegat Chief Financial Officer Thomas Lombarski said that the township will be paying off several lines of debt this year. It’s bond rating recently increased to AA-, meaning that there are only two higher ratings, he said, which indicated a strong fiscal position. A bond rating is a lot like a credit rating, but for a town. The better the bond rating, the (Budget - See Page 12)

Quarantine May Not Be Safe When There’s Domestic Violence

By Judy Smestad-Nunn BRICK − What is happening behind closed doors during the coronavirus quarantine for families who have a history of domestic abuse? There is no question that tensions are running high for most people who self-quarantine. They are isolated, and when they do venture out, they have to keep a social distance from others. “There has actually been a decrease in [domestic abuse hotline] calls across the state,” said Mary Pettrow, associate service area director of Catholic Charities’ Providence House-Domestic Violence Services. The organization provides comprehensive services to victims of domestic abuse and their children. “Historically, when there’s a crisis, like SuperstormSandy and 9-11, there is quiet before (Quarantine - See Page 7)

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Page 2, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020



The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020, Page 3


Page 4, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020



With the


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Continued From Page 1 called her about two hours later. “You probably have coronavirus; it’s everywhere,” said the emergency room doctor, who was based in Weehawken. “I think I had it last week,” she added. Another week passed. The Richards’ felt like they were getting better, but he would have full days where he felt achy and fatigued, and she had a lingering cough. Both of them had lost their sense of taste and smell. By that time, COVID-19 testing was being expanded in New Jersey. When testing began at the PNC Arts Center, lines were reported to be three miles long, and testing was only available to those who had a fever and a prescription, so the Richards’ continued to rest at home. When the testing center opened at Ocean County College on March 30, the couple called their family doctor to see if they were eligible to get prescriptions for the COVID-19 test. “When we told our doctor about the wedding, and about how many of our relatives tested positive, she wrote the prescription,” Richards said. The couple was able to book an online appointment for the next day. Their 26-yearold son, who had attended the Florida wed-

ding, also got a prescription to be tested. The only symptoms he had was the loss of taste and smell. The drive-thru testing facility at Ocean County College was by appointment, so there was no line of cars, no waiting, and all three family members stayed in their car as employees from the Ocean County Health Department (OCHD) performed the test, which was done with a nasal swab. “When I heard about the test, I figured it was a Q-tip in the nostril, but as it turned out it was about twice that length. I felt like it tickled the back of my eyeballs,” Richards joked. “The facility was run with military precision, it was very impressive,” he added. The family was told that results would be available in three to five days, and three days later they got their results. Test results from Mary and her son came back “Positive for 2019-NCOV,” but Richards’ test came back “Not Detected.” According to their health care provider, based on Richards’ clinical history, exposure and symptoms, the results were likely a false negative, which is not unusual. His results could also mean that he no longer had detectable levels since the test did not check for antibodies. * Note: The name of the couple and a few identifying details have been changed in this story to protect their identity.

The Southern Ocean Times welcomes your special announcements! Engagements, Weddings, Births, Birthday Wishes, etc. Please call 732-657-7344 for more details!

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The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020, Page 5


Page 6, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020

SPOTLIGHT ON GOVERNMENT Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials

Seniors Will Get Direct Relief Payments From The Desk Of

Congressman Andy Kim WA SH I NGT ON, D C – Congressman Andy Kim (D-3 rd ) announced that after calling on the Tr u mp Ad m i n ist r at ion t o e n su re se n ior s who don’t file tax returns can still access direct relief

payments authorized by the CARES Act, the Dep a r t m e n t of Tr e a s u r y announced plans to directly issue payments to social security beneficiaries. This means millions of seniors, veterans and

low-income individuals who would have had to file a tax return will now receive their pay ments without any further action. “This announcement is a big win for New Jersey’s seniors who need immediate financial help, not bureaucratic red tape,” said Congressman Kim. “I’m glad that the Administration answered my call, and the demands of many of my colleagues to make this change, and

hop e t hey c ont i nue t o f ind ways to fast-t rack aid and assistance to our communities to fight this pandemic and help our neig hb or s t h roug h t he economic impact.” The CARES Act includes direct relief payments to A mer ica n s to help get t h r ou g h t he e c o nom ic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Some fact s about t he t i m i ng of the direct pay ments includes: • The IRS will make

a b out 6 0 m i l l ion p ayments to Americans t h roug h d i rect de posit in mid-April (likely, the week of April 13th). The I RS has di rect deposit information for these individuals from their 2018 or 2019 tax returns. • About 3 weeks after those deposits are made (the week of May 4th), the IRS will begin issuing paper checks to individuals. • The paper checks will b e i s s u e d a t a r a t e of about 5 million per week,

which could take up to 20 weeks to get all the checks out. • The checks will be issued in reverse “adjusted g ross i ncome” orde r starting with people with the lowest income first. Information about Congressman Kim’s actions to contain the Coronavirus pandemic and address the ongoing economic impact can be found on his website by visiting kim. house.gov/issues/coronavirus-updates.

Booker: FEMA Should Develop National Ventilator Database

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a let ter add ressed to the head of the FEMA Su p ply C h a i n St a bi l ization Task Force, U.S. Senator Cor y Booker (D -NJ ) u rged FEM A to create a national database of existing U.S. ve nt i l a t o r s u p ply t h a t is a c ce s sible t o st at e s as well as a distribution program to immediately g e t ve n t i l a t o r s t o t h e areas that need them the most. W h i l e pl a n s fo r i n -

c r e a s e d p r o d u c t io n of ventilators that will be available in the future is a positive development, t h o s e ef fo r t s w i l l n o t help the states like New Jersey that need ventilators now. “I write today to urge you to im mediately develop and implement a n a t i o n w i d e ve n t i l a t o r d at aba se a nd d ist r ibution program. Doing so will help us send these dev ice s t o whe re t hey are needed, when they

a r e ne e d e d , a nd i nevit ably save cou ntless lives,” Senator Booker urged. “As the leader of the newly-established Supply Chain Stabilization Task Force at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), you are no doubt aware that our nation is facing a critical shortage of ventilators. Today, many health systems throughout the country are very close to reaching their ventilator

capacity. These systems have been war ni ng for weeks that as the number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise, there will be an insuff icient supply of ventilators for ever y patient who will ne e d one. I n a nt icipation of this, many health systems and st ates are preparing ventilator allocat ion g u idel i nes.[1] This is a national shame that should be felt deeply by our gover nment, but it should also ignite im-

mediate action. “I urge you to use the i n fo r m a t io n c ol l e c t e d by FEM A to create a database that illuminates where the ventilator supply is throughout the cou nt r y and where t he g reat e st ve nt ilat or n e e d s a r e . Us i n g t h i s database, FEMA should i m mediately dist r ibute all of the ventilators in the federal supply to the states that need them now. FEMA should also use this infor mation to

work w it h st at es a nd health systems to voluntarily redistribute some ve nt i lat or s f rom a rea s where they are not being used cur rently to areas that need them now. In coordination with other federal agencies, FEMA should ar range to transport ventilators to where they are needed and ens u r e t h e vol u n t e e r i n g entities that ventilators will be sent back to them as necessa r y,” Senator Booker continued.


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The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020, Page 7


Continued From Page 1 the uptick happens,” she said in a recent phone interview. Victims of domestic abuse can manage for a short period of time while sheltering in place, but now the quarantine has been extended, she said. “A lot of referrals come from school guidance counselors, hairdressers, doctors and others, when people confide in them, but people are not seeing each other since they are now in isolation,” Pettrow explained. Domestic abuse is about power and control. Individuals and families keep the violence a secret so outside people don’t see it, she said. “Social distancing equals physical distancing, so as a society we can still check on each other, we need to check on people,” she said. Pettrow said, “isolation can escalate the

violence, especially when there’s outside forces like drinking, and loss of employment, which can cause financial stress and as children are home can escalate in families where violence exists.” Ocean County has one of the highest populations of seniors across the state, so domestic violence is not just an issue for younger families, Pettrow added. “We have seen domestic abuse on seniors when an adult child moves back into the house,” she said. “If you’re unsure that you’ve been a victim of domestic abuse, just call; you can stay anonymous,” Pettrow said. “We’ll get you the help you need.” Providence House receives an average of 2,000 individual outreach calls a year, and an average of 700 calls a year to their hotline, she said. They are open right now and all services are available. The organization is funded by the Department of Children and Families, multiple federal grants, fundraising and individual

donations. Their major fundraiser - a gift auction held at Georgian Court University in June can’t be held as planned due to coronavirus restrictions. The fundraiser nets $70,000, “so we’re kind of scrambling, trying to backfill that revenue loss,” Pettrow said. “But we’re not going to let it hinder our ability to help and offer our services.” To reach Providence House call 732 2448259. Calls to the state hotline for domestic violence are also down during the pandemic, said Executive Director of Womanspace Patricia Hart, who runs the statewide hotline. “That’s one of the problems - there’s been no increase in calls, and with us that’s the fear that with the quarantine there might not be many opportunities for someone to make calls, or to get out,” she said in a recent phone call. “When there’s less calls we get concerned.”

Many of the recent calls to the hotline have been questions about the coronavirus, she added. “It says a lot. People are scared, and they don’t know where to turn,” Hart said. The hotline is still manned, 24/7, but the staff is spending a lot of time on conference calls, Zoom meetings and webinars, learning how to protect the staff and clients against the virus, she said. “But our main mission is domestic violence and sexual assault,” Hart said. “How do we provide these critical services during a pandemic?” The statewide hotline number is 1-800572-SAFE, where victims can receive information and referrals. Last year Womanspace received some 3,000 calls on their hotline, Hart said. According to Brick Police Chief James Riccio, there were 52 calls in the township for domestic violence in January, 53 in February and 48 in March.

Police Department Announces Junior Police Academy

WARETOWN – The Ocean Township Police Department will once again be sponsoring a Junior Police Academy this summer starting on July 6 to 10. The Junior Police Academy is not a “boot camp” for troubled youth, but a camp designed to operate like an actual police academy. You do not have to want to be a police officer to enjoy this camp! The objective of the Junior Police Academy is to educate the recruits with

various police procedures, history of law enforcement and familiarization with numerous specialty units within the law enforcement field such as Police K-9, Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.), Traffic Safety, Haz-Mat and Emergency Management, Motorcycle Patrol, Bicycle Patrol and Criminal Investigations to name a few. The curriculum will consist of educational activities as well as physical training.

Those wishing to participate in the Junior Police Academy must: Must be a current 4th, 5th or 6th grade student (all students eligible) Must be eager to learn and participate! Applications are available at the police department lobby and are due to be returned no later than April 13. Due to the overwhelming response the last several years and the increase in attendance we will be limiting enrollment to 50 recruits.


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Page 8, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020




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Ocean Recreation Hosts Trip To Tropicana Holiday Show

WA R ETOW N – T he Tow nship of Ocean Recreation is sponsoring a trip to Atlantic City Tropicana Holiday Show on December 7. Tickets are $30 per person. Pr ice includes show ticket for the 3:30 p.m. matinee, $15 slot play and driver’s gratuity. Lunch on your own. The bus will board at 10 a.m. from Township of Ocean Com munit y Center 239 11th St reet, Waretown. Bus departs from Atlantic

Library Offers Temporary Digital Library Cards

OCEAN COUNTY – The Ocean County Library is now offering temporary, digital library cards to residents. These cards are active for 60 days after being received via email. An active email address is required for activation. How to get a card: Visit: theoceancountylibrary.org/li-


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The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020, Page 9


Wedding Road Show Event To Be Held Online

By Bob Vosseller SHIP BOTTOM- Members of the Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce have been busy promoting its business community and continues to champion the importance of collaboration and adaptation during the current pandemic. “COVID-19 has brought us into uncharted territory in every aspect of life, the response is to evolve to the next level of service and bring the Long Beach Island Region businesses to the guests that could not come here,” Lori Pepenella, CDME Chief Executive Officer said. In the last several months the chamber has been designing their five-year strategic plan. That plan includes consumer connection and enhanced access to local businesses. The 2020 Wedding Road Show & Party Planning event will not only showcase members who registered to be part of the event, but help people get more familiar with the area. Pepenella said, “typically the day of the Wedding Road Show brings hundreds of out of state attendees as well as a wide range of residents from New Jersey together. We will be highlighting the beauty of the area with dynamic video from the Just Beneath the Surface Series, pro tips, photos, online tools from venues and vendors, and prize giveaways for participants that join in.” In order to win the grand prize of the show an attendee will need to log into the event at the start time and stay online until the show is over.

The grand prize is an exclusive package from the Seashell Resort and Beach Club in Beach Haven that includes an overnight stay, dinner for two on a private beach with a curated menu and wine pairing. Other prize opportunities will be offered throughout the day. Cyber sponsors have joined in to support and spread the word about this unique spin on a one-of-a-kind event. NJWedding.com, Elegant Bridal Production, Celebration Guide, Press Communications, Visit NJ as well as the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders are looking to bring thoughts for a brighter future to everyone who takes part. The Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce has served as the region’s professional chamber since 1914 as well as its globally accredited Destination Marketing & Management Organization. Since creating the Wedding Road Show more than a dozen years ago, the chamber has tracked increased weddings and special event services in the region by 200% making Long Beach Island a destination for celebrations. The event will be hosted at no cost online. Register at visitlbiregion.com/lbi-regionevents/wedding-road-show/ to receive a link for the event, which is at 10 a.m. to noon on April 26. For more information go to visitLBIregion. com, or contact the chamber at 609-4947211, info@sochamber.com and follow on dedicated WRS social as LBI Wedding Road Show on Facebook and Instagram. Follow Twitter @LBIWRS to interact during the event.






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Page 10, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Health Officials: Don’t Gather For Religious Celebrations Our Services

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By Chris Lundy OCEAN COUNTY- While many people want to spend time with family during the religious celebrations in spring, health officials are reminding residents that the social distancing regulations still apply. The Executive Order was passed to slow the spread of COVID-19. As people get sick, they spread it to other people during these gatherings, and ultimately, to the medical community when they need treatment. “The Governor’s Executive Order 107 is still in full force and calls for residents to stay home during Passover, Easter and Ramadan observances and refrain from social gatherings of any size until further notice,” said Ocean County Freeholder Gerry P. Little, liaison to the Ocean County Board of Health. “We certainly understand the disappointment that many people within our faith-based communities will have as they looked forward to friend and family gatherings, parties and events for the April holidays. However, this is an unprecedented time and we need everyone to do their part and adhere to the law.” Religious leaders are urged to provide ways to celebrate without gathering in person. Some ceremonies are being televised or streamed online. State and local police will continue to enforce the order that services, celebrations and meals must be limited to members who live in the same household, officials said. “Ocean County is a diverse county with citizens representing all religions. While we all recognize our holidays, we must adhere to the mandates of social distancing and no large gatherings at this time for everyone’s safety,” explained Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari, Chairman of Senior Services and County Operations. “New Jersey officials have asked us to reach out to our faith-based communities and leadership in an effort to remind people how important – especially during

these festive times – to stay home and follow the social distancing guidelines,” advised Daniel Regenye, OCHD Public Health Coordinator. “As much as we’d like to make an exception for the holidays it’s just not possible. I can’t stress enough how these measures can ultimately save lives.” “Faith-based and community leaders continue to be valuable resource of comfort and support for their members and communities during times of distress and anxiety that may be caused by the COVID-19 outbreak,” Little added. “In addition, these leaders can help us spread this important messaging regarding the current laws regarding social gatherings as we head into the heart of this joyous spring season.” The Health Department reminded readers that COVID-19 can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, and it doesn’t have to be from someone who is coughing or sneezing. Someone with the disease can exhibit no symptoms and still transmit it. The virus can also live on surfaces for a time. The best way to stay safe is to prevent exposure, Regenye said. And the most common way of being exposed is any type of gathering, religious or otherwise. For more information on COVID-19, visit ochd.org. The OCHD has also set up a COVID Information Call Line for residents and clinicians to answer questions regarding the coronavirus. The number is 732-341-9700 ext. 7411. Residents can also call the State Department of Health hotline available around the clock for questions at 1-800-222-1222 or dial 2-1-1. Additional information can be found at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019ncov/summary.html or New Jersey Department of Health website at state.nj.us/health/cd/topics/ ncov.shtml.

Lizzo Helps Feed Staff At CMC

By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – Lizzo, a rapper/singer/ classically-trained flautist, dropped off a welcome donation of food to Community Medical Center as a token of her appreciation, according to some tweets between her and RWJBarnabas Health. “Hello Toms River!” was the opening to a short video of Lizzo thanking the staff of the hospital for their hard work during the

coronavirus pandemic. As a token of her appreciation, she arranged for food to be delivered. “We’re praying for you every day. We’re thinking of you every day. We’re socially distancing every day for you guys. And that’s the least we can do for everything you’re doing for us,” she said. “Thank you so much and I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. I hope this puts a smile on your face.”

Due to restrictions placed on gatherings of large groups because of COVID-19, events might be postponed. Please reach out to the organizer of the events to determine if it is still being held.


The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020, Page 11

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE County Employees Give Blood During Recent Blood Drive

By Bob Vosseller TOMS RIVER – Employees of Ocean County Government recently donated blood during the Ocean County staff blood drive providing 32 successful blood donations. Along with the county workers, some school districts, private citizens, businesses and some dentist offices donated personal protective equipment (PPE) to the Ocean County Office of Emergency Management. County Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari said, “so many are stepping up to help others while following state and federal mandates that are in place to help curtail the spread of the coronavirus. A spirit of helping and generosity is alive and well in Ocean County. That spirit has never been diminished.” Vicari and other Ocean County officials gave thanks to all those that have come forward to donate blood, and the personal protective equipment. “The Ocean County Office of Emergency Management will accept donations of PPE and we appreciate those individuals and organizations that have already provided us with gloves, masks, shoe covers and other items,” Ocean County Sheriff Michael G. Mastronardy, County OEM Coordinator said. The Sheriff added “we are working to assist our emergency responders and our health care providers. The donations we receive are distributed to those men and women working to take care of the citizens in all the communities across the county.” OEM received donations from Ocean County school districts, dentist offices, health care providers and private citizens. Anyone wishing to donate PPE can contact Ocean County OEM by emailing OceanCountyEmergencyManagement@ co.ocean.nj.us or calling 732-341-3451. Items should not just be dropped off. Vicari noted that just like PPE donations, blood donations are critical at this time.

“Ocean County with the American Red Cross runs blood drives for our employees a few times a year,” he said. “We worked with several county departments to switch the location because the library, which is the usual site is currently closed, and to provide a space where we could make certain all the social distancing requirements were met and everyone was safe,” Vicari said. “At this time, moving the blood drive instead of canceling it was the right thing to do,” Vicari added. Gov. Phil Murphy’s executive order states that whil blood drives may continue to operate they must undertake appropriate mitigation efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 including incorporating social distancing where practicable, collecting blood only from individuals who are healthy and feeling well at the time of donation/ Also required is that during blood donations, blood collectors will be conducting temperature screens of both staff and donors before entering a blood drive, requiring the use of PPE, providing hand sanitizer to donors for use before the drive and during the donation process, and frequently sanitizing equipment and work spaces. Nothing in Executive Order No. 107 (2020) limits, prohibits, or restricts the ability of New Jersey residents to participate in blood drives, including leaving their homes or places of residences to do so. “Blood donation is essential to ensuring the health of our communities,” Susan Holliday, Account Executive, American Red Cross Penn Jersey Blood Services said. She added, “the need for blood is constant, and volunteer donors are the only source of blood for those in need. Every day patients rely on lifesaving blood transfusions including those who need surgery, victims of car accidents and other emergencies, or patients suffering from cancer.”

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Page 12, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020



Continued From Page 1 like “it’s too tight on the straps,” and then they make the necessary adjustments. He estimated that this group has spent hundreds of thousands of hours fine-tuning the process. The first ones took four hours to print. Now, they can be done in 30 minutes, he said. He dropped them off to some doctors at Community Medical Center in Toms River and they loved them. It snowballed from there. Now, he’s getting requests from doctors and nurses all over the state and even from Rhode Island and North Carolina. Officially, hospitals can’t approve these masks since they are being made in someone’s home, rather than a quality-controlled factory where they would be tested. However, doctors and nurses from these hospitals have reached out to him directly for masks, and he drops them off outside the hospitals and medical offices. “Doctors are saying ‘We’re at home making masks out of shower curtains and clothes,’” he said. Others have told him that they share a mask, washing it in between uses. “They’re better than nothing,” he said. Hobbytown in Toms River donated some of the raw material. Others are donating cash to help him make more. If you are interested in donating, visit gofundme.com/f/funds-tomake-ampdonate-3d-printed-face-shields


Continued From Page 1 better the interest rates. Lombarski and other fi nance officials were thanked for their hard work in putting together the budget. Mayor John Novak said that it’s one thing for township officials to know that their town is fiscally secure, but it’s another thing that an outside company knows that they are secure. That’s what the credit rating company did – by increasing the town’s credit rating, they stated that Barnegat is in sound fi nancial shape. This took place during a meeting that was streamed live from the township’s website, Barnegat.net. Township officials sat more than 6 feet apart from each other, per medical guidelines.

The Food Trucks Are Coming

OCEAN COUNTY – The food trucks are rolling in to Toms River. Kick off your summer at this awesome event featuring 25 food trucks, DJ, live bands, beer, margarita and sangria garden, face painting, petting zoo, hatchet throwing and so much more. Bring your appetite, lawn chairs, friends and blankets. Admission is $5, kids 10 and under are free the event is being held May 17 from 11a.m. to 7 p.m. at The Ocean County Mall JC Penney Lot, 1201 Hooper Ave, Toms River.


The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020, Page 13

Special Occasion Announcements The Southern Ocean Times welcomes your special announcements! Engagement, Wedding, Anniversary, Birth, Birthday Wishes, etc.

Publication fee of $24.95 includes photo* and 200 word limit.Th limit.The announcement will appear in Color and on our Web site! Mail to: The Southern Ocean Times, PO Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 or e-mail to agradzki@jerseyshoreonline.com. Enclose check or Visa/MasterCard/American Express information. *Photos will not be returned unless accompanied by a self addressed, stamped envelope.For more information or questions, please call 732-657-7344, ext. 203.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Physical Therapy By: Elise Pavlick, DPT

WHAT IS ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE? Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, affecting one in eight Americans over the age of 65. Dementia is a general term for a variety of conditions that develop as a result of malfunctioning nerve cells in the brain. Research has shown that individuals with Alzheimer’s disease tend to develop abnormal structures in the brain, called plaques and tangles, that block communication between nerve cells in the brain and body. Plaques build up in the spaces in between nerve cells, and consist of a protein called betaamyloid. Tangles are described as a collection of twisted fibers made from a different protein, called tau, that develop inside nerve cells rather than in between them. Because the nerve cells are unable to work properly, individuals can experience a variety of cognitive, behavioral, and physical symptoms. Alzheimer’s disease is progressive, meaning that is worsens over time, and although there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, medication and physical activity can be helpful in slowing its progression. WHAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS? The most common symptom of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease is difficulty remembering newly learned information. As we age, it is common to experience occasional memory loss or slowed thinking; however, serious memory difficulties and confusion are signs that the brain is not working exactly as it should. As the disease progresses, individuals tend to experience mood and behavior changes, increased confusion about time and place, disorientation, and difficulty responding to the demands in their environment. Physical symptoms accompany cognitive changes, particularly muscle disuse, difficulty walking, negotiating turns and obstacles, and loss of balance. HOW CAN PHYSICAL THERAPY HELP? The physical symptoms mentioned above ultimately increase an individual’s risk of falling, which can possibly lead to serious injury. Research has shown the importance of physical activity for overall well-being. During a physical therapy evaluation, a licensed physical

therapist evaluates various components of the body in order to determine impairments that may be contributing to a patient’s symptoms. From there, an individualized exercise program is created to meet the specific needs of each patient. A supervised exercise program, with the goal of increasing muscle strength and improving balance, will ultimately lead to improved safety awareness and decrease a patient’s fall risk. The following are important aspects that are addressed in each exercise program, as deemed appropriate by a physical therapist: STRENGTH AND FLEXIBILITY As Alzheimer’s disease progresses, individuals tend to become more sedentary, which leads to muscles becoming weak and tight. This is predominantly true for the muscles of the hips and legs. The lower extremity muscles are very important for standing and walking, so as they become weak, it becomes particularly difficult to perform daily tasks and ambulate, or walk around. Physical therapy can help break this cycle by developing a safe strengthening and flexibility program to improve muscle performance. As an individual’s strength starts to improve, exercises may be altered or advanced to further maximize strength gains. GAIT TRAINING In addition to developing an exercise program, a physical therapist will evaluate and determine the most appropriate assistive device for each patient in order to provide safe ambulation. The most common assistive devices are rolling walkers, single point canes, and quad canes. The physical therapist will educate and train the patient on how to correctly use his/her assistive device during ambulation. If unsafe ambulation is identified during the initial evaluation, subsequent treatment sessions will consist of gait training, in order to maximize safety awareness. As quality of gait improves, the patient will be challenged to negotiate obstacles and ambulate on various surfaces, in order to simulate real life situations. Continued practice will eventually lead to improved safety awareness during community ambulation and while performing daily tasks. BALANCE Along with safe ambulation, balance is by far one of the

most important aspects of minimizing an individual’s fall risk. Balance can be divided into two components: static and dynamic. Static balance refers to an individual’s ability to maintain balance while in a still position, whether that be while seated or standing. Dynamic balance refers to maintaining balance while moving. Both static and dynamic balance are addressed during physical therapy by simulating tasks that individual’s experience in their daily lives. These tasks include reaching, stepping onto and off of various pliable surfaces, and negotiating obstacles while walking. This is a great opportunity to not only challenge balance, but also memory, as the patient will need to follow directions and remember multi-step commands. By challenging balance in various ways, the body is better able to adapt and learn how to respond safely and appropriately during real life situations. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER YOU FINISH PHYSICAL THERAPY? All of the factors addressed during physical therapy work together to improve overall function and safety. Once an individual has achieved his/her goals and is ready to be discharged, the physical therapist will provide the patient with a home exercise program so that the gains made during physical therapy can be maintained. Physical therapy can provide the tools for success, however it is up to the individual to use the information he/she has learned to continue to maximize safety and functional mobility! ELISE PAVLICK, DPT Elise graduated from the University of Delaware in 2011 with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology and a minor in Disabilities Studies. She continued her education at the University of Delaware where she earned her Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree in January 2014. While at UD, she and a few classmates were chosen to present their case study, The Use of EMG Biofeedback as a Treatment for Facial Paralysis Secondary to Bell’s Palsy, at APTA’s Combined Sections Meeting. Elise has clinical experience in a variety of settings, including inpatient rehabilitation, acute care, outpatient orthopedics, and pediatric rehabilitation.

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Page 14, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020

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Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Presented By: Isidore Kirsh, Ph.D., F.A.A.A. (N.J. Lic. #678)

Dr. Isidore Kirsh Ph.D., F.A.A.A.

I’m Stuck in my House & My Hearing Aid Stopped Working

The majority of you reading this column either wear hearing aids or know someone who does. By the time this column goes to print, there could be over 10,000 cases of the COVID-19 virus in New Jersey. All of us really need to practice social distancing and just stay home. The peak of COVID-19 cases may not occur for several weeks and this “invisible enemy” can attack all ages, although our senior population is significantly at risk. According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can live in the air and on surfaces between several hours and several days. The study found that the virus is viable for up to 72 hours on plastics, 48 hours on stainless steel, 24 hours on cardboard, and 4 hours on copper. It is also detectable in the air for three hours. I’ve been an Audiologist for over 30 years and I’ve never experienced anything like this. However, my staff and I are here to help anyone who is suffering from hearing loss and can’t communicate with their loved ones because they’re hearing aid stopped working. In these times of social isolation, it’s imperative that we communicate with our loved ones. We need that connection for psychosocial and cognitive reasons. So... what are the steps you can take if your hearing aid just stopped working? • Replace the battery and wait at least three minutes before you close the battery door. If you have a rechargeable hearing aid, make sure the charger is plugged in and the lights are blinking green. Some chargers need to be reset and that button is usually on the underside of the charger. • If you are wearing a hearing aid that has a dome that inserts into your ear, replace that dome and remove the white filter inside the receiver. If you have replacement filters, replace the old filter. If you don’t know how to replace the filter, take a “pin” and carefully pop off the filter. Hearing aids can function without a filter. If you don’t have extra domes, remove the dome and clean it

with soap and warm water, let it dry and put the dome back on the receiver. • Always use a soft dry toothbrush to clean the dome every day. If you’re wearing a custom hearing aid (only goes into the ear…nothing behind the ear), you should be cleaning the “white” filter daily and if the hearing aid is not working, remove the filter. Again, if you have replacement filters, replace the old one. If you don’t, leave the filter out. • If you’re wearing a traditional BTE (behind-the-ear) hearing aid with an earmold, it is more than likely that your “tubing” is blocked with wax. In many cases, the tubing needs to be replaced. This creates a big problem since 99% of our offices are closed. In the short term, I would remove the tubing from the “ear hook” of the hearing aid, and run very warm water through the tubing or even hydrogen peroxide. In addition, if you have a “pipe cleaner” run this wire completely through the ear mold. Please let everything dry out before putting the tubing back on the BTE ear hook. • If you have hearing aids that are connected to an APP on your smart phone, remember the hearing aids are still operational whether you lose connection with your APP. Your hearing healthcare provider can provide you with technical support phone numbers from all of the major hearing aid manufacturers. They will help you reconnect your hearing instruments to your APP. Hopefully these trouble shooting steps will be helpful in rectifying your hearing aid issue. If not, contact your hearing healthcare professional and leave them a message. In my practice, we are checking messages on a daily basis and returning calls. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to directly email me at ikirsh@gardenstatehearing.com or 732-818-3610. Please stay healthy, stay home, practice social distancing and I promise you there will be a bright light at the end of the tunnel. All the Best! Dr. Izzy

His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com. Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks!


The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020, Page 15

H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

Cooking Oils Are Not All Good For You

By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph. Do you whip up delicious meals without measuring a single thing? The oil you use in your kitchen can make or break your dish. Did you know that some oils are harmful? Did you know that fried chicken or French fries often use “hydrogenated” oils, which increase your risk of diabetes, heart attack, obesity and cancer? Some “partially hydrogenated” oils are even derived from soybean oil, discussed below. What’s in your kitchen? Good oils that are high in Monounsaturated fats: Olive oil – Excellent source of antioxidants, polyphenols and essential fatty acids. It supports cardiovascular health and blood pressure. Coconut oil – I’m referring to the unheated, unrefined, virgin coconut oil, which is healthy raw, or baked; don’t use super high heat. Please avoid “hydrogenated coconut oil,” this is man-made and contains trans fats. Almond – A source of natural vitamin E, it has even less saturated fat than olive oil. Almond contains monounsaturated fat (like olive oil). Almond oil goes rancid easily, so store it in a dark cabinet. Good oils that are High in Omega 3 fatty acids: Hemp – This unrefined oil has a good amount of Gamma Linolenic acid (GLA), which is considered a healthy omega 6 that may relieve PMS and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Flax – A fragile oil that shouldn’t be heated. It’s good to make salad dressings with. Refrigerate the oil. Too much may be goitrogenic (suppress iodine absorption) so avoid consuming high dose supplements for

extended periods of time. A little oil on your salad should be fine though. Tea seed – This is one of my favorite oils because you can use it at high temperatures, the flavor is mild and it contains antioxidants like vitamin E. It has both omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Do not confuse tea seed oil with the essential oil of “tea tree,” which cannot be ingested. Bad oils that are high in Saturated fats or Trans Fats: Canola or Rapeseed – Some of you think this is a “healthy” oil because it’s very low in saturated fat and like olive oil, it’s high in monounsaturated fat. However, hexane is used as a chemical solvent to extract canola oil from the seeds, and pesticides are sometimes used. Bleaching too. It’s used for baking or stir-fry. Margarine – This is a man-made chemical, do I need to say anything else? Bad oils that are high in Omega 6, which can increase inflammation: Corn – It’s hard to find a non GMO version of this, unless it specifically says “organic” and plus, it may be bleached. Corn oil increases “oxidized” or bad cholesterol. Cooks (not me) recommend it for high heat. Soybean – This is another oil that’s heavily refined and often genetically modified (GMO). Soy plants are somewhat toxic to humans, you didn’t know? Soybean oil, milk and tofu contain a lectin called PHG, short for phytohemagglutinin. PHG may interfere with digestion, affect memory and make your blood cells stick together (like clot). People use soybean oil for stir-fry because of the high smoke point. Read your supplement bottles, soybean oil is used in many dietary supplements.

(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2019 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.


Page 16, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020

FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM! Search: @JSHOREONLINE LOOK FOR A VARIETY OF PHOTOS SNAPPED ALL AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE! Have a photo you’d like to share with the community? TAG US! VISIT ONLINE AT: jerseyshoreonline.com

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Virtual Programming Offered At YMCA

By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – Although so many activities are now canceled, the YMCA here is offering virtual programming. Yoga and fitness classes are online, as well as story time and book/crochet club. If interested, visit either ocymca.org or the Ocean County YMCA’s Facebook page (@ OCYMCA) to get started. “At the Y, we are committed to ensuring social distancing does not become social isolation,” said Peter Rosario, President and CEO of the Ocean County YMCA. “During these unprecedented times, we have created virtual content through Zoom, YouTube and Facebook Live to continue engaging with members and promote healthy living.” This is all part of its #StayingWithUs

initiative. Some of the content being produced online promotes physical activity and S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) projects for kids to complement their at-home schooling. “Developing activities and exercise for children and families to share is changing outcomes and creating new ways to educate and promote fitness at home,” said Michael P. Ritacco, Board of Directors Chair of the Ocean County YMCA. “We would like to extend our gratitude to the Grunin Foundation for providing us with access to Zoom accounts so that we are able to offer virtual programming to the community,” said Rosario. Carol, a member of the Ocean County YMCA, recently said, “You have no idea what it means to us that we can still see each other’s faces. We need to thank you so much for thinking and caring for all of us in this creative way.” The YMCA is also a contact point for a lot of local residents, and the organization has been using that contact to make sure people get what they need during this time. It has increased phone outreach initiatives to check on its most vulnerable members, Rosario said. They are packaging and distributing meals to those in need through their partnership with Fulfill. “The number of requests for Crisis Relief Boxes have doubled in one week,” Ritacco said. “This allows the YMCA to provide a safety net for its community’s most vulnerable populations.” The Ocean County YMCA, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, is located at 1088 West Whitty Road in Toms River. For more information, call JoAnn at 732-847-2071, email jkermick@ocymca.org, or visit ocymca.org.

Golf Fundraiser Scheduled For August

OCEAN COUNTY − The Ocean County Mayors’ Association will hold the annual scholarship golf outing August 27, 2020. As a companion fundraiser we are once again having a 50/50 raffle. We have 100 tickets which are $100 each. The winner will receive $5,000 if all tickets are sold or 50% of the proceeds, you do not need to be present to win. This has been a sold out raffle over the years. If you would like a ticket please email to ocmayors@comcast.net and let me know what number you would like and what address I can mail it to. I will mail the ticket with a self-addressed stamped envelope for you to return the completed stub and a check or money order payable to OCMA. Please support our fundraising efforts. Please note, tickets (#’s) will be distributed by a first come, first serve basis.


The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020, Page 17




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Page 18, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020



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The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020, Page 19


Help Wanted

Room For Rent - Adult Community Toms River. Furnished kitchen privileges. All Utilities included. $500 monmth. Call 732-779-7432. (15)

La Gondola Ristorante & Pizzeria - in Lakehurst is seeking ft/pt waiters or waitresses. Come into our pizzeria for more information. (15)

For Rent 55 plus Holiday City@ Berkeley - Sarasota 2 Bed 1 bath, completely painted, new carpet, new windows, central air, garage, patio, corner lot. $1,375. No smoking, No references-no show. 862-262-7232. (15)

P/T Weekdays Experienced Electro-Mechanical Technician - for Lakewood Printer Distributor/ Mfr. 732-966-1817. (17)

Cedar Glen West is looking for mechanics and laborer / grounds crew. General building knowledge and a drivers license for mechanics are a must. Working knowledge of hot water boiler operations is a definite plus. Drivers license for laborers is a must. We do offer health benefits. Mechanics must be willing to participate in the on call rotation. 7326575525. (13)

For Rent

Rent Adult Community - Bedroom with bathrooms, kitchen priveledges. $550 a month. Senior woman. Call 732-657-2897. (18)

Real Estate C re s t w o o d Vi l l a g e 5 - S i n gle, 2 beds, 2 baths, garage, patio screened. 55 years or older.

$150,000. 732-350-8046.


For RENT OR SALE - NEW 1 BR/1Bath homes. Homestead Run Adult 55+ Community, Toms River, NJ – for SALE - NEW 2 BR/2Bath Homes - call today for appointment. 732-370-2300 www. homesteadrun.com. (21)

Items For Sale Fishing Equipment - For sale. Fresh and salt water flies. Call Don 732-349-4373. (15) Baby Grand Piano - $1,800 or best offer, Forked River, NJ. 609693-9578 leave message. (16)

Items Wanted Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (17) $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/ estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for Rock, Reggae, Blues, Elvis, Jazz, Metal, Psychedelic. Very Good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (20) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n)

Carpenters, Glaziers, Helpers Wanted - Glass experience a must. Clean Drivers License. email resume to info@gssindllc.com or call 732-919-0011. (13) SALES - Reliable, Friendly Personalty for P/T retail sales. Military experience helpful but will train. Retired? Need extra money? Send resume to shorearmynavy@gmail. com or call 732-349-3307. (13) Laundromat Attendant - For FT/PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (13) C.H.H.A. - Weekends. Send resumes via email to hr@magnoliaal.com or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at Magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Part Time Food Service - STARTING RATE OF $11.00/hr. Scholarship opportunities. Flexible Schedules. We have immediate openings for the following positions: Part Time Server/ Wait Staff. Part Time Dietary Aide. Part Time Utility Aide/Dishwasher Apply in in Person to: The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or email resume to rscully@ thepinesatwhiting.org. EOE. (16) Now Hiring – The Goddard School on Route 70 is seeking full time Teacher’s Assistant and leads for the upcoming school year. We provide a warm, loving environment for children up to six years. Must have a flexible schedule, available Mon-Fri. Benefits include paid time off, 401k and paid lunch on Fridays. To learn more about these positions, email your resume to toms river2nj@goddardschools.com Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n) Receptionist Part Time - Send resumes via email to hr@magnoliaal. com or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at Magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) Nurse Needed - Send resumes via email to hr@magnoliaal.com or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at Magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Laundry Assistant Part Time - Send resumes via email to hr@magnoliaal. com or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at Magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Kitchen/Wait Staff - Apply online at Magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14)

CNA/CHHA - The Pines Senior Living Community is currently looking for entry level and experienced Certified Nursing Assistants for our Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living Communities: Skilled Nursing CNA $16/hr. FT 7-3 Skilled Nursing E/O Weekend (1) position. FT 3-11 Skilled Nursing E/O weekend (2) positions. Weekly pay! Weekend only positions - $20/hr Per Diem $18/hr Assisted Living CHHA or CNA $12/hr Weekly pay Full Time 3-11 (10 Days per pay) E/O weekend Memory Care. Full Time 11-7 E/O weekend. Part Time 11-7 E/O weekend 4 days a week. Weekend only positions $14/hr. Per Diem $12/25/hr Full Time positions offer competitive rate (based on experience), and excellent benefits including health, dental, life, paid time off and 401(K) with generous match after 1 year. Apply in Person to: The Pines, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or apply online at www.thepinesatwhiting.org. (16)

Services Don Carnevale Painting Specializing interiors. Some exterior. Quality always. Very neat. Prompt courteous service. Reasonable-affordable. Senior discounts. Honest-reliable. Low rates. Free estimates. 732899-4470 or 732-915-4075. (19) A Great Cleaning Service - Homes Offices Rentals. Thorough, reliable honest, with excellent references. Senior Discounts. Free Estimates. Call 732-948-4730, Barbara. (15) When You Need A Caregiver Call Lucy - European Registered Nurse, 25 years. US Eldercare experience, 17 years. Live in/out, hourly, negotiable. Leisure Village West resident. 732-657-1409 (H), 732-833-3273 (C). (20) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice.com. Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n) Need A Ride - Senior discounts. Airports: NEW, PHIL, AC, Trenton. Tom. Save ad. 551-427-0227. (24) Paint Your Rooms - Fast Clean Neat, Starting At $50. Per Room. Wallpaper Removal, Exteriors, Power Washing Call 732-864-6396 Leave Voicemail. (4)

SPRING CLEANUPS - Landscaping restorations carpentry masonry renovations repairs downed branches hedges shrubs bushes mulch stone debris removal demolition cleanouts dumpster service provided by a Licensed A901Hauler. MAN WITH Van LLC Jim 609335-0330 HIC#13VH10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL. (17)

Services Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19) Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (19) At Home Companion - Dementia and Hospice Experienced, Cooking, Shopping, Transportation. Enjoy Peace of Mind! 732-278-3770 JoAnn. (14)



Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (16)

Cheap Painting Done Rite Free estimates. Fully insured. 38 years experience. 732-506-7787 cell 646-643-7678. (37)

ALL American Home Health Aides Experienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605 (t/n) Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (16)

Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n)


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Page 20, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020




Across 1 Asset for Sherlock 6 Fast 11 Additional information? 14 Important period 15 Eat into 16 What makes a deal ideal? 17 Elaborate costume parties 19 Pickle 20 “Zip it!” 21 Prosperity 22 “Blah, blah, blah,” for short 24 Golden __ 25 “I used to be Snow White, but I __”: Mae West 26 Part of the pelvis 29 In essence 30 “Bor-r-ring” 31 LPGA great Lopez 32 Green shade 35 Rare blood type, briefly 36 Shakespearean

barmaid 37 Picky details 38 “But __ got high hopes ... “: song lyric 39 Neutral tone 40 Prefix with -gram 41 Like angel food cake 43 Curry favor with, with “to” 44 Ill-mannered 46 Veers suddenly 47 Distance runners 48 First name in folk 49 How it’s always done, initially 52 Heat meas. 53 Places for seeing stars? 56 CSA soldier 57 Green shade 58 Fragrances 59 Pack animal 60 Snooped (around) 61 “Check” Down 1 NASA vehicles 2 Fish with vermilion

fins 3 “Jeepers!” 4 “Ugh!” 5 Enjoy Orbit 6 Masonry-reinforcing rod 7 Inland Asian sea 8 D.C. player 9 Set-for-life set 10 Lot 11 What can help you avoid getting stuck changing diapers? 12 Form a coalition 13 Personalized collection of love songs, say 18 Consider 23 Toronto Argonauts’ org. 24 “... bug in __” 25 Hustle or shuffle 26 Former Mideast ruler 27 Tops 28 Groups with a piece-keeping strategy? 29 Like many a stray dog 31 Bay sound 33 Incredulous dying

words 34 “Hurry!” letters 36 Tried to make it on one’s own 37 Storied loch 39 New Orleans’ __ Street 40 Crude smelting product 42 “Once upon a midnight dreary” poet 43 Two-checker piece 44 Eclipse shadow 45 Times in ads 46 Daydreamed, with “out” 48 Nonsense talk, whose circled letter is the start of what might be done with items in the four longest puzzle answers 49 Stuffed shirt 50 Brutish one 51 “You there!” 54 Ones following the nus? 55 Court promise








The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020, Page 21

R.C. Shea & Assoc.

Inside The Law Buying A House During The Days Of The COVID-19 Virus

Robert C. Shea Esq.

By: Michael J. Deem, Esq., and Robert C. Shea, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates Despite the wide spread threat of COVID 19, many residents are already in contracts to purchase new homes with closing dates fast approaching. W h ile t here a re ma ny ma nd ator y business closures and the need for social distancing, a closing can continue provided various safety measures are taken. First, make sure that when there are any inspections or appraisals scheduled that the new home is vacated. It is acceptable to request that the current owners leave the home during the inspection to avoid person to person contact. Wearing gloves and a mask during the inspection is not unreasonable to protect yourself, your professionals and the seller. Second, as you complete attorney review and agreed on final contract terms you should discuss with your attorney immediately ordering a title search and survey. Many companies are closed, on restricted hours, or back logged. It is best to order these documents early to get this documents that are essential for closing to avoid later delay. Third, as group meetings are limited

you may be able to schedule your closing Michael J. Deem enacting other social distancing measures. The real estate industry is currently in the process of designing platforms and approving methods to allow for electronic signatures and notarizing for loan and conveyance documents. These technologies are in the process are being perfected, implemented and soon to be used to assist in the closing process. Finally, once you close you should take extra steps to properly disinfect your new home. This would include cleaning duct work and dry vents. There are companies that are specialized in disinfecting for the COVID 19. The list above is a broad outline of measures to be taken to protect yourself. We at R.C. Shea and Associates ca n a ssist you du r i ng you r home purchase. Feel free to contact us as 732-505-1212. Our attorneys and staff are ready to help you purchase your family’s new home.

Our clients’ success is our greatest reward. 732-505-1212 • RCSHEA.COM

Ocean County Arc Needs Face Masks, Isolation Gowns And Gloves

By Bob Vosseller LAKEWOOD - The Arc, Ocean County Chapter is seeking public support in their effort to collect 10,000 face masks, isolation gowns and gloves for residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities and direct support professionals. Arc Executive Director Laura Williams said, “we realize we need to remain proactive for the safety of our staff and the individuals we serve amid the COVID-19 crisis.” The Department of Health is recommending universal masking for healthcare workers and The Arc, Ocean County Chapter is voluntarily following those guidelines. The Arc is in search of protective face masks, not necessarily the N95 masks reserved for hospitals. Williams added, “we have already teamed up with Sew to Stop who are mobilizing sewers in the tri-state area.” “We are hopeful we receive the 10,000 masks we need for a 30-day supply for our staff and residents very soon,” Williams

said. The Arc, Ocean County Chapter continues to provide direct care during the COVID-19 crisis to 184 residents among twenty-two group homes, forty-three supervised apartments and eight supportive living apartments. Housing options are based on the individuals needs and desires with the goal to live a full and productive life in the community. For more information and how you can help please visit arcocean.org. The Arc, Ocean County Chapter, Inc. was established in 1955 with the mission to advocate, provide opportunities and supports necessary for all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Their mission includes that all such individuals be accepted and valued as citizens of the communities in which they choose to live, learn, work and play. Currently, the chapter serves more than 1,500 individuals through residential services, vocational services, and family support services.


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Page 22, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Officials Warn Of Scams Regarding COVID-19 CARES Act

FREE Breastfeeding Class Nursing Your Newborn

Every 3rd Wednesday 7-9pm


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1-800-560-9990 Call today to register

By Bob Vosseller WASHINGTON- Beware of direct payment scams connected to relief efforts of the COVID-19 pandemic! That is the message that Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03), Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer, and Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina, shared noting the increased potential of scams targeting people receiving COVID-19 relief payments through the CARES Act. Congressman Kim said “in these tough times, the last thing New Jersey’s families and seniors should be worried about are scammers trying to steal this much needed help,” said Congressman Kim. “Everyone should be on the lookout for possible scams and make our local law enforcement aware if you become aware of or have been victimized by a scam.” “Please don’t give any personal information over the phone or via the internet. The IRS will not call you or solicit personal information through an email. It’s unfortunate that we have to issue these warning, but please be vigilant about releasing any personal information. Be sure to call your local police department to report any such solicitations,” Prosecutor Billhimer said. He added, “everyone needs to be aware that scams become more prevalent and creative as new opportunities are presented that allow for possible theft,” Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina said. “In addition to the advice presented below, remember also to follow your instinct. If something seems wrong, then it probably is, and residents should call their police department or Prosecutor’s Office and let them take it from there.” The IRS Criminal Investigation unit has provided the following guidance to the public to warn about potential scams. • The IRS will deposit your check into

the direct deposit account you previously provided on your tax return (or, in the alternative, send you a paper check). • The IRS will not call and ask you to verify your payment details. Do not give out your bank account, debit account, or PayPal account information - even if someone claims it’s necessary to get your check. It’s a scam. • If you receive a call, don’t engage with scammers or thieves, even if you want to tell them that you know it’s a scam, or you think that you can beat them. Just hang up. • If you receive texts or emails claiming that you can get your money faster by sending personal information or clicking on links, delete them. Don’t click on any links in those emails or texts. • Reports are also swirling about bogus checks. If you receive a “check” in the mail now, it’s a fraud - it will take the Treasury a few weeks to mail those out. If you receive a “check” for an odd amount (especially one with cents), or a check that requires that you verify the check online or by calling a number, it’s a fraud. In addition to county resources, Governor Murphy announced the formation of the New Jersey COVID-19 Fraud Task Force, a joint federal-state effort to investigate and prosecute unlawful and misleading activities related to COVID-19. To report any instance of price gouging, hoarding of medical supplies, charity scams, procurement fraud, scam calls, or any other related unlawful activity call 866-720-5721 or email disaster@leo.gov. The CARES Act includes direct relief payments to Americans to help get through the economic crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. Information about Congressman Kim’s actions to contain the Coronavirus pandemic and address the ongoing economic impact can be found on his website kim.house.gov/


HANDS FOR ALL A Division of HOMES FOR ALL, INC. A Not-For-Profit Affordable Housing Developer 309 Hooper Ave. • Toms River, NJ 08753 Tel: 732.286.7929 • Fax: 732.286.9698


The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020, Page 23

Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of APR 11 - apr 17

By Jeraldine Saunders

ARIES (March 21-April 19): You enjoy being part of the crowd but may want to stand out in it as well. If you’re rebellious, your behavior might create some irritations. Don’t take too many undue risks in the week ahead, as you might upset a valuable relationship. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): When you sparkle brightly, you might be dazzling. The urge to mingle and socialize is strong in the early part of the week, but this might annoy someone who expects your undivided attention. Steer clear of dangerous hobbies. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Participating in group meetings, events and outings can bring you closer to people who will help you do better in business or in your job. Focus on creative endeavors, entertainments and hobbies during the earliest part of the week. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Peace and serenity might reign supreme on the home front as this week begins. A loved one might bring a little excitement into your life that puts an end to any boredom, but it could cause you a few worries. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Excellent communication can glue you and a partner together and help the two of you withstand minor disagreements. In the upcoming week, focus on maintaining a happy home life and put job-related ambitions on the back burner. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You might stumble on something that fits your wants and needs perfectly in the beginning of the week. You may make a rewarding purchase that satisfies your need

for beautiful possessions and makes fiscal sense, too. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Take your own weather to the picnic. Your cheerful, enthusiastic attitude can turn every frown upside down in the upcoming week. Get a handshake ready because you might meet people who will become bosom buddies. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): A passing comment can set you off on a research project as this week begins. Lofty social issues may preoccupy your busy mind, but a loved one might demand a bigger chunk of your time and interrupt your studies. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): A loved one or partner might offer suggestions that help you attain your financial ambitions. Take advantage of someone’s wise guidance in the first part of the week, but be sure to stash away some money for a rainy day. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Enjoy having free time on your hands and better luck than usual in the first part of the week. A romantic interlude might bring pleasant surprises, but by the end of the week you’ll be more passionate about material success. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You may end up getting burned if you make a big change too soon. Family issues can cause a brief period of agitation. Relax and let things come to you as this week begins and you should be satisfied with the results. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): A partner may focus almost exclusively on money and budgets, but you understand that it’s just their way of showing love and affection.Avoid making new contacts in the early part of the week when you aren’t at your best.


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wolfgang puck’s kitchen Rustic Soup Brings Back Warm Family Memories By Wolfgang Puck I first learned to cook in a kitchen ruled by two strong, loving women: my mother and grandmother. They were both amazing cooks, and all these years later my mouth still waters when I think about the food they prepared. They weren’t fancy about our daily food. Though they both knew how to prepare the finest traditional Austrian dishes, they ran our home smartly and frugally. They grew most of their own vegetables, relying largely on fresh produce straight from our home garden along with smart pantry staples. Among their most reliable staples were dried beans. Of course, they grew most of the beans they used. I remember scarlet runner beans that they let dry on the vines in the summer sun before shelling and storing them. There were white beans like cannellini, too, since we lived so close to the Italian border. And I’m sure they bought more beans at local street markets. For such an inexpensive ingredient, dried beans provide generous flavor and texture, not to mention abundant healthy nutrients such as B vitamins, potassium, complex carbohydrates and fiber, along with good amounts of protein but little fat and no cholesterol. More than just a great accompaniment, they’re robust and flavorful enough to serve as a main dish in their own right. Take, for example, my recipe for white bean soup with root vegetables. With generous quantities of root vegetables, a little bacon for extra flavor (though vegetarians and vegans could leave that out), and optional garnishes of sliced cooked sausage and freshly grated Parmesan (also easy to omit for those who don’t eat meat or dairy), it’s definitely a soup that adds up to a meal in itself. With very little effort on your part, my recipe - which you can make with any variety of dried white beans - yields a generous quantity: 3 quarts (3 liters), the equivalent of a dozen 1-cup (250-mL) servings. So, unless you’re feeding a crowd, you can refrigerate or freeze leftovers to reheat for later. Add some warm, crusty bread, a salad of flavorful leaves like kale, arugula or endive, or just a simple slaw of shredded cabbage and carrots, and you have a perfectly satisfying dinner. It’s the sort of meal that will make you feel as if you’re dining by the fireplace. Once you’ve made the soup a few times, feel free to start experimenting. Use different kinds of beans, vegetables and seasonings. Add a smoked ham hock or turkey leg, if you like. In other words, make the recipe your own, reflecting whatever you have available that’s in season. In other words, cook like my mother and grandmother did. WHITE BEAN SOUP WITH ROOT VEGETABLES Makes 3 quarts (3 L) 2 cups (500 mL) dried white beans 1/4 cup (60 mL) extra-virgin olive oil 2 1/2 quarts (2.5 L) store-bought good-quality low-sodium chicken stock or broth, or vegetable stock or broth

2 ounces (60 g) smoked bacon, about 3 slices, cut crosswise into strips 2 medium yellow onions, peeled, trimmed, and diced 2 large carrots, trimmed, peeled, and diced 2 small celery stalks, trimmed and diced 1 small bulb celeriac, peeled and diced 6 large garlic cloves, peeled and chopped 1/4 cup (60 mL) tomato paste 1 large tomato, about 8 ounces (250 g), peeled, seeded, and chopped 2 or 3 large fresh basil leaves 2 or 3 sprigs fresh Italian parsley 1 sprig fresh thyme 1 sprig fresh rosemary 1/3 cup (85 mL) sherry wine vinegar 2 teaspoons sugar Kosher salt Freshly ground white pepper Sliced cooked sausage, for garnish, optional Freshly grated Parmesan cheese, for garnish, optional Start prepping the beans the night before. Little by little, spread them out on a clean work surface and sort out any grit or other debris or malformed beans. Put the beans in a strainer, and rinse thoroughly with cold running water. Then, transfer them to a bowl, add cold water to cover them by at least 2 inches (5 cm), and leave at room temperature to soak overnight. Start cooking the soup at least 3 hours before serving time, first draining the beans thoroughly. Heat a large stockpot over medium heat, and add the olive oil. Add the bacon strips and cook, stirring frequently, until they have browned lightly, several minutes. With a slotted spoon, remove and discard the bacon. In another pot, bring the stock or broth to a boil over medium-high heat; then, reduce the heat and keep warm. While the stock is heating, add the onions, carrots, celery and celeriac to the pot containing the oil and bacon fat, and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until they begin to turn tender, 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in the garlic, tomato paste, chopped tomato and drained beans. With kitchen string, securely tie together the basil, parsley, thyme and rosemary. Add the bundle to the pot along with the vinegar and sugar. Pour in the hot stock or broth, and stir well. Season lightly with salt and white pepper. Raise the heat, and bring the liquid to a full boil. Then reduce the heat to medium and cook, stirring occasionally, and adding more stock or fresh water as needed to keep the beans fully covered. When the beans are tender, remove and discard the herb bundle. Ladle out 2 cups (500 mL) of the beans and vegetables and puree them in a blender or food processor, carefully following the manufacturer’s instructions for processing hot liquids safely without spattering. Stir the puree back into the pot. Taste and adjust the seasonings with more salt and pepper. To serve, ladle the soup into heated bowls. If you like, garnish with sausage and Parmesan cheese.

(Chef Wolfgang Puck’s TV series,“Wolfgang Puck’s Cooking Class,” airs Sundays on the Food Network. Also, his latest cookbook, “Wolfgang Puck Makes It Easy,” is now available in bookstores. Write Wolfgang Puck in care of Tribune Media Services Inc., 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207) © 2020 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.

Page 24, The Southern Ocean Times, April 11, 2020


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