2020-05-16 - The Toms River Times

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TheTOMS RIVER Times Vol. 16 - No. 3

In This Week’s Edition



Seaside Plans To Reopen Beaches, But Not For Swimmers

Councilman Asked To Step Down During Feud Over Hiring Department Heads



Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Pages 18

Dear Pharmacist Pages 19

Dear Joel Page 25

By Chris Lundy OCEAN COUNTY – Add three more to the roster of county parks that are open for passive recreation. On May 14, these parks were opened to the public: Enos Pond County Park in Lacey, Mill Creek Cou nt y Park in Berkeley, and Lochiel Creek County

─Photo by Bob Vosseller Seaside Heights beaches are reopening, but don’t expect to go swimming yet. By Chris Lundy Murphy,” said Mayor manpower resources. cont i nued pat ie nce SEASIDE HEIGHTS Anthony Vaz. “Make This means less beach and understanding,” – Borough off icials no mistake about it, attendants, less life- added Vaz. h a ve a n n o u n c e d a our beach and board- guards and less seaSeaside Heig hts pla n t hat w ill t a ke walk operations will sonal laborers. Many Emergency Managethem through the first be very different from of the restrictions that m e n t C o o r d i n a t o r, half of the sum mer past years. In addi- we have developed Erik Hershey, added easing some restric- tion to whatever re- arise from the budget “We will be very pretions, but not allowing strictions are imposed crisis we are work- pared to seek compliswimming. by state government ing through. And we ance f rom visitors. “Although we be- on restaurants, bars, cannot sustain beach But ple a s e , e ve r ylieve many of the re- r e t a i l s t o r e s a n d and boardwalk oper- body, do you r pa r t strictions will remain amusements, we have ations on the backs to comply with our in place for the entire t he a d de d proble m of local t a xpaye r s. restrictions, use sosummer, we are still at the local govern- Nonetheless, we will cial distancing, and patiently waiting, well ment level of a likely work hard to give our help stop the spread perhaps less patiently and substantial loss visitors a worthwhile of COVID-19 while supat this point, for guid- of revenue that has e x p e r ie n c e b u t we porting local businesses. (Beach - See Page 2) ance from Governor led to a reduction in ask for ever ybody’s

More County Parks Opening Park in Barnegat. “A s we c ont i nue t o fol low ou r pla n to gradually reopen all 27 of our County parks, I again want to stress these parks are being reopened for passive recreation only – walking, jogging, hiking, running and similar activities,” said Ocean Cou nt y

Freeholder Virginia E. Haines, Chairwoman of the Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation. “Park visitors must maintain social distancing and ad here to the other requirements set in place for the safety of the public and our County staff.” These three are added

to the total list of parks that are now open for pa ssive re c reat ion: Cattus Island County Park, Toms River Township, Cloverdale C ou nt y Pa r k , Ba rnegat Township, Tip Seaman County Park, Tuckerton, Wells Mills County Park, Waretown, John C. Bartlett Jr. County Park

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May 16, 2020

at Berkeley Island , Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood, Ocean County Park and Lake Shenandoah County Park, both in Lakewood, Pat r iots County Park, Jackson Township, and Freedom Fields, Little Egg Harbor Township. The county has also (Parks - See Page 12)

By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – A councilman was censured and asked to resign over accusations that he leaked information to the public, which spiraled into an argument over who is being appointed to high profile township positions. The argument took place during the May 12 meeting of the Township Council. At the heart of the issue is a February 11 executive session of the Township Council. In executive sessions, the governing body discusses issues like personnel in a private forum. During this Feb. 11 executive session, the governing body discussed eliminating health benefits of the Municipal Utilities Authority’s commissioners. Not the employees of the MUA, just the commissioners appointed by the council. Within an hour of the end of that (Feud - See Page 6)

Homeless Still Struggling Through Pandemic

By Chris Lundy OCEAN COUNTY – While the governor has issued orders for everyone to stay at home unless on emergency business, there are some who don’t have a home to begin with. “It is hard right now for the homeless in Ocean and Monmouth counties,” said Minister Steve Brigham, a longtime advocate for local homeless. “A lot of pantries have closed, and the ones that are still open, a lot of them have cut back their hours.” Due to the virus, everyone has to be careful about exposure to the public. (Homeless - See Page 7)

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Page 2, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020


available. The public is encouraged not to touch handrails and not to sit on benches.

We can accomplish both if we all accept personal responsibility for our behavior.”

Beach & Boardwalk/Phase 2 May 23 - June 30 The following gates will be open 7 a.m. for access to the boardwalk and limited access to the beach (9 a.m.): Blaine Avenue, Franklin Avenue, Dupont Avenue, Hiering Avenue, Carteret Avenue, and Hancock Avenue. No swimming (red f lags). No coolers. No dogs. A season beach badge or senior beach badge will be required for beach entry. Season beach badges and senior beach badges must be purchased using the Viply smartphone app or through Viply’s website. There will be no sales of beach badges on the boardwalk. We do not anticipate selling daily wristbands during Phase 2. Beach will be cleared at 5 p.m. Boardwalk will be cleared at 11 p.m. and access gates locked. Social distancing required. Wearing a face mask is encouraged but not required unless a superseding State order requiring face masks is issued. No gatherings or groups of 10 or more people. Public restrooms will be open on a limited basis. Shower pedestals and water fountains

Continued From Page 1

Beach & Boardwalk/Phase 1 May 15 - May 22 The following gates will be open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. for access to the boardwalk and limited access to the beach: Blaine Avenue, Franklin Avenue, Hiering Avenue, and Hancock Avenue. The gates will be staffed. Activities on the beach are limited to walking, jogging, active surf fishing, and surfing. No swimming (red f lags). No beach chairs or blankets. No sitting or standing - please keep moving. No coolers. No dogs. Activities on the boardwalk are limited to walking, jogging, and riding bicycles - please keep moving. No dogs. Beach and boardwalk will be cleared at 5 p.m. and the gates locked. Social distancing required. Wearing a face mask is encouraged but not required unless a superseding State order requiring face masks is issued. No gatherings or groups of 10 or more people. Public restrooms will be closed. Shower pedestals and water fountains will remain shrink wrapped and un-

will remain shrink wrapped and unavailable. The public is encouraged not to touch handrails and not to sit on benches. Bayfront/Phase 1 May 15 - June 30 South bayfront: Social distancing is required. No gatherings or groups of 10 or more people. North bayfront: Boat ramp: Open Beach/boardwalk/dock open. No personal watercraft or boats on the shoreline. Social distancing is required. No gatherings or groups of 10 or more people. Swimming beach closed (red f lags). Parking/Phase 1 May 23 - June 30 All private commercial parking lots and public metered parking shall be reduced to 50% capacity. The following municipal parking lots and metered parking areas will be closed: Grant Avenue lot, Hiering Avenue lot, Sampson Avenue lot, “free parking” lot at Webster Avenue & Bay Blvd, and boardwalk street end parking areas. In addition to the 50% limit on available parking spaces, pr ivate com mercial parking lots will be subject to a Local State of Emergency Order prohibiting parking charges in excess of $45 per day.

jerseyshoreonline.com Short-term rentals/Phase 1 Current – May 31 The existing local emergency orders shall remain in full force and effect. The temporary restriction concerning online marketplace rentals (e.g., VRBO, Airbnb, etc.) set forth in Local Emergency Order #5 (March 30, 2020) shall expire 11:59 p.m. May 31. Short-term rentals/Phase 2 June 1 – June 30 The short-term rental restrictions contained in Local Emergency Order #6 (April 5, 2020) will be amended to permit motels, hotels, and multi-family dwellings (3+ units) to rent not more than 25% of available units. Other rentals units will be released from the order. Special Events The following Borough sponsored events are cancelled for 2020: Monday night concert series, tribute band concert series, Big Joe Henry Show, overnight beach camping, and Wine On The Beach. No busker/performer permits will be issued through June 30. Third party special events in May and June are cancelled (some events may be rescheduled for August or fall depending on the status of the State of Emergency at that time). A decision concerning July and August third party special events will be made in the near future.

Government 0fficials... Have news that you would like the community to be involved with? Let everyone know by placing a news release in this paper! Send it to news@jerseyshoreonline.com.

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The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 3

Page 4, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020



The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 5


Page 6, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020


Continued From Page 1 meeting, that information was leaked to a member of the MUA. At that meeting was Business Administrator Donald Guardian, assistant township attorney Anthony Merlino, Township Clerk Alison Carlisle, and every member of the Township Council except for Laurie Huryk. The council hired an independent investigator to determine who was the leak. As the township started losing money due to COVID-19, the investigation was instead handed over to Township Attorney Kenneth Fitzsimmons. Fitzsimmons interviewed four people, which led to his conclusion that the leak was Councilman Daniel Rodrick. The rest of the council voted to censure Rodrick, which is just a formal statement denouncing his behavior. They also called for him to resign. Rodrick had also been censured last year for his behavior during a very tumultuous mayoral race. “You’ve already censured me. I’m not going anywhere,” Rodrick said. Fitzsimmons detailed a list of commissioners who learned about the leaked information, which included commissioner Carmen Memoli, and commissioner Alfonso Manforti, a former member of the Township Council. Rodrick denied that he was the leak, and instead said it was Assemblyman Gregory McGuckin, also a former member of the Township Council and the leader of the mayor’s transition team. His version of the events is that Memoli and McGuckin had met prior to the Feb. 11 meeting. This entire argument was being hashed out via an online meeting due to social distancing. At one point, Rodrick said that Memoli texted him that Memoli told Fitzsimmons that he had met with McGuckin. Rodrick held the phone up to the screen to show the text. “A commissioner at the Municipal Utilities Authority told me that Assemblyman Greg McGuckin had taken him out to breakfast on February 5th, 6 days before our February 11th meeting, to discuss Commissioner health benefits and the MUA director position that was being vacated by Bob Dibiase,” Rodrick had said in a previous statement. Robert DiBiase is the former president of the Regular Republican Club of Toms River. He stepped down from this position in 2018

when he became the head of the MUA. Rodrick’s source said that McGuckin asked him not to reappoint the Executive Director position until he got word from the Assemblyman. Rodrick felt that McGuckin was trying to pressure commissioners to appoint someone to the position. When asked to rebut this accusation, McGuckin sent an email to this newspaper on April 29. “To distract from his own misconduct, as is par for the course with Dan, he seeks to divert, distract and attack others,” McGuckin said. “With Dan it is always about his political agenda, not the facts. “The simple fact is I was not in attendance at the February 11th Council meeting, so it would be impossible for me to leak confidential information from a meeting I did not attend,” McGuckin said. “Second, it is likewise impossible for me to have leaked a confidential discussion of the Council on February 5th, since, according to Mr. Rodrick himself, that discussion didn’t occur until six days later on February 11th.” McGuckin said Rodrick’s motives are always political and urged him to admit that he was the leak. McGuckin was hired as the director to the Toms River Township Department of Law during the May 12 meeting as well. Rodrick, and some members of the public, questioned the appointment. McGuckin’s appointment was not bid upon and there is no cap to his salary, Fitzsimmons answered. Professional services don’t have to be bid upon. Mayor Maurice Hill said there’s an expected savings of about $300,000. There are two retirements coming up this year, a secretary and Fitzsimmons. Alex Davison, the township’s chief financial officer, said that the cost fluctuates given the amount of litigation the township is involved in. During a typical year, the township would see a savings. In a worst case scenario, the township will break even. Rodrick held up a copy of the ordinance that created the position. That ordinance had a stamp on it from McGuckin’s law firm. “The guy who’s getting the job tonight wrote the ordinance,” he said. Business Administrator Don Guardian noted that there was a request for proposals earlier and McGuckin applied then. The RFP is an open and fair process. Rodrick said he couldn’t understand how someone can apply for a job months ago that didn’t exist yet.

Farmers’ Market To Return To Toms River TOMS RIVER – The Downtown Toms River Farmers' Market will take place this year at a new location - in the parking lot of The New Life Church at 700 Main Street, Downtown Toms River. The Market will be open every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. starting May 20 through

October 28. Special COVID-19 procedures will be in place. All market patrons must wear protective masks or face coverings. Vendors will also be required to wear protective face coverings. Vendors will pick up and bag all items for customers.

Group Donates For Nurses Day

The Central Ocean Rotary Club of Toms River recently donated meals for National Nurses Day.



Continued From Page 1 “The churches that were hosting dinners for the homeless have stopped doing dinners. I’m getting calls from the homeless almost every day saying they need food and water,” he said. Paul Hulse, the CEO/President of Just Believe, Inc. said his group has been working with private agencies and the Board of Social Services to get them temporary housing. They’ve successfully housed 10 people as of press time. “When the homeless get sick they either call us here at Just Believe Inc, call 911, or go to the hospital. One person contracted COVID-19 and we initially got her housed in a motel but we ran out of money and now she is living in her car because she doesn’t want to get anyone else sick,” he said. The volunteers working with the population wear masks and gloves, he said. “We have served 4,200 (an average of 700 a week) families and individuals by providing them meals and crisis boxes during the pandemic. We have delivered meals and food to the disabled and families that cannot leave their house,” he said. “We have been feeding the homeless in downtown Toms River seven days a week in collaboration with the Toms River Community Church and Alive Again Alliance Church. We also provide them with hand sanitizer and masks. We work with a few churches that allow the homeless to come in to wash up or use the bathroom. In addition, we are working with the Tom River Township Police Department to ensure the safety of the homeless by periodically checking on them to see if they are OK,” he said.

The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 7 How To Help There are a few easy ways to help the homeless make it through this difficult time. A donation to Just Believe can be made at justbelieveinc.org/donate/ They can also be given to Destiny’s Bridge, Brigham’s organization, through Destinysbridge. org, mailed to Destiny’s Bridge, PO Box 692, Lakewood NJ, 08701, or sent through PayPal at Destinysbridgefoundation@gmail.com. “The food is going out, and being used as fast as it comes in,” he said. Suggested items for donation include: Hearty soups, Ramen noodles, tuna fish/ canned chicken, peanut butter and jelly, bread, water, juices, snacks and gift cards to BJs for propane. Brigham has some good Samaritans that allow their property to be drop-off locations for supplies for the homeless. He goes around and picks them up. The items can be dropped off at these locations: Ian MacKenzie Smith 10 Bucknell Dr. South Toms River M-F 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Please leave behind the van in the driveway. Nancy Jean 72 Maxim Dr. Forked River Please leave in front of the garage. Kimberly Morelli 1 Lorelei Dr. Howell Please leave bags on porch. Sandra Lee 51 John McGuckin Dr. Brick Please leave items on front porch.

OCC To Be Virtual Through Summer

TOMS RIVER - Ocean County College is providing high quality, affordable, remote instruction in all classes during the mandated campus closure and will continue for as long as necessary, according to a statement by College President Jon H. Larson, Ph.D. All classes will be delivered remotely through August 31, 2020. Thereafter, OCC is prepared to offer in the fall semester both remote instruction and limited, select courses on campus that require laboratory experiences, including Nursing and STEM disciplines, with the approval of New Jersey’s Office of the Secretary of Higher Education. Under the guidance of epidemiological scientists and the terms of all State and Federal executive orders, College officials are currently developing a plan to partially open the campus for in-person instruction. The reopening plan will include specific, strictly-enforced requirements for social distancing, wearing personal protective equipment, and other reasonable measures to protect our students, faculty, staff, and their families from COVID-19 infection. We anticipate that many students, and their parents as well, will not wish to risk exposure by close contact in traditional classroom and dormitory settings and will opt for the world-class instruction for which Ocean County College has been ranked nationally as a top-ten leader. We recommend that

students and families consider either the option of limited on-campus instruction in some disciplines or, the safest option, remote instruction from OCC. As you make enrollment decisions, we urge you to consider the cost, convenience, and quality advantages of enrolling at OCC, where annual tuition, including most fees and all books, will average $5,250. Compare that to Rutgers University, where the 2020 annual tuition is estimated at $15,407, excluding books and living expenses. We ask, “Why pay more for remote instruction?” Why not enroll at the most well prepared, highest quality remote instruction college in New Jersey, Ocean County College. All of OCC’s credits transfer to all in-state universities and most out-of-state universities. After completing an Associate Degree, students are guaranteed by State law to be admitted to any public New Jersey university as a junior. Graduates also have the option of remaining on the OCC campus to complete a Bachelor’s Degree at Kean University or transferring to one of our many partner universities, some of which allow students to complete three years at OCC and one year online. All of these options are surprisingly affordable and can make a debt-free Bachelor’s Degree a reality for OCC graduates. For more information, visit ocean.edu.


Page 8, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020

SPOTLIGHT ON GOVERNMENT Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials

Renewed Effort To Help Seniors Through Coronavirus Crisis From The Desk Of

Congressman Andy Kim WASHINGTON, D.C. Congressman Andy Kim (D-3rd) held a virtual question and answer session with more than 1,800 members of AARP New Jersey where he called for additional assistance for New

Jersey’s seniors, especially those in long-term care facilities which have been particularly hard hit by the coronavirus crisis. “In times like this, our senior population can be the most vulnerable, and it’s im-

portant that we exhaust every effort to make sure their health and well-being is prioritized,” said Congressman Kim. “Our long-term care facilities have felt the brunt of this crisis; it’s critical that we do everything we can to support the men and women who work hard every day – often without enough personal protective equipment – to take care of our seniors.” The issues brought up by members of AARP New Jersey include efforts to

improve readiness at senior long-term care facilities across New Jersey, the Congressman’s role on the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis, and additional funding from Congress for states, localities and vulnerable communities. “We applaud Congressman Kim for the work he is doing to pass bipartisan legislation to address the unprecedented public health and economic crisis that is now facing New Jerseyans

and all Americans,” said Evelyn Liebman, AARP New Jersey’s Director of Advocacy. “AARP New Jersey is continuing to provide information and resources to help older adults and those caring for them stay informed and stay healthy. We’re honored Congressman Kim was able to join our Telephone Town Hall and connect with listeners in Congressional District 3 for an informative discussion on the coronavirus in New Jersey, resources for

residents, and answer questions about the economic stimulus package.” “I want to thank AARP New Jersey and their members for taking time out today to let me hear their priorities,” continued Kim. “I will keep fighting to ensure Social Security and Medicare are protected, and will work to make sure our seniors have what they need to stay healthy, and weather the economic impact, in these trying and troubling times.”

Smith Calls On VA Secretary To Overcome Delays On New Veterans Clinic From The Desk Of


Chris Smith WASHINGTON, D.C. Rep. Chris Smith (R-4th), responding to a notice he received about yet another delay in the replacement of t he Br ick Ve t e r a n s Clinic, made an immediate and direct appeal to Robert Wilkie, Secretary of the Department Veterans Affairs (VA). Smith fired off a letter requesting to meet with the VA to discuss - and resolve - the long-delayed construction

of a new clinic for Ocean County. In a letter to Secretary Wilkie, Smith asked for a meeting to discuss “the ex t r a ord i n a r i ly d is ap pointing announcement” that the VA is, for the second time, cancelling the current lease award and begin ning over its process of procurement for a new outpatient clinic lease to replace the Brick VA Clinic.

In part, the letter read: “Our veterans deserve a new, expanded, state-ofthe-art facility at which they can get the quality health care they deserve. Tod ay’s a n nou ncement delays that reality for a second time and jeopardizes the health and welfare of veterans in central New Jersey. As the former chairman of the Veterans Affairs committee and as the author of legislation that ultimately led to the establishment of the Brick clinic in the early 1990s, I am requesting your personal attention to this matter. I have also pushed the VA to pursue this important

service upgrade because the current facility is currently handling as many as three times the number of appointments which it was originally intended to serve when I first introduced my legislation back in 1985 to establish a VA facility in Ocean County. “In 2014, Congress approved a legislative package I strongly suppor ted wh ich i ncluded t he Department of Veterans Af fai rs Major Medical Facility Lease Authorization Act reauthorizing a new clinic to replace the Brick Clinic, as well as 26 other VA facilities across the country. It is my understanding that the

majority of those 26 clinics have been replaced, yet the Brick Clinic remains one of t he i nc omplet e projects saddled by timeline postponements and two cancellations. “Having successf ully spearheaded and supported the efforts to locate the CBOC in Brick, as well as VA clinics in Trenton a nd Ha m ilton ( Me rce r County) and For t Monmout h , now i n Ti nt on Falls (Monmouth County), a nd bot h t he Vet Center and its Mobile Vets Center in Lakewood, I have seen first-hand how properly situated facilities can provide convenient, cost-effective, quality pri-

mary care for millions of veterans. I also know that VA personnel recognize the value of the clinics and want to see the solicitation and procurement process through to ensure the establishment of a facility that will provide our vets with the care they deserve. “I look forward to meeting with you to investigate and overcome the hurdles in this project. We need to ensure that this, the third procurement process, only represents a setback that will be properly resolved with the establishment of the long-overdue, top-notch facility our veterans need and deserve.”

Retirement Community Donates To Food Bank By Chris Lundy LAKEWOOD – With the need for food at an all-time high, Harrogate retirement community has become the latest to supply a local food bank. Fulfill, formerly known as the Foodbank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, has been on the front line serving meals to families in need. The demand for food has increased substantially with the shutdown of businesses. Residents and staff of Harrogate retirement community in Lakewood decided to raise funds for Fulfill to help them do this very important work.

The group set a goal of $500, but actually wound up raising $2,500. The leadership of Harrogate had pledged to match all donations, which meant that the group raised a total of $5,000. “This represents 15,000 meals served to the community,” officials at Harrogate said. “Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped us to support our community and reciprocate the kindness we have received.”

How To Help Those who are interested in helping feed their neighbors can visit fulfillnj.org/donate/ Food banks buy food at a discount, therefore a $50 donation can $150 meals.

─Photo courtesy Harrogate Harrogate staff and residents donated $5,000 to Fulfill


The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 9


Making Some Noise For Healthcare Workers


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─Photo courtesy Lake Ridge residents Dozens of socially-distanced residents of the Lake Ridge community in Toms River used pots and pans, whistles, bells, musical instruments, trash cans and other noise-makers to pay tribute to first responders and healthcare workers.


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Page 10, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020

Feed the Soul, In Chaotic Times, Gardening is Therapy

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AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Excrement, Lack Of Masks In Parks Concern Officials

By Chris Lundy JERSEY SHORE – State parks are open, but the restrooms are not, causing some people to leave behind disgusting things for parkgoers and park police to find. During a press conference on May 11, State Police Col. Patrick Callahan said that for the most part, the reopening of parks went well, and the cold weather had something to do with that. However, officers reported an “inordinate amount” of urine in bottles and feces left in parks. “We understand that the restrooms are closed,” but people should be preparing for that before they leave the house, he said. “There is a zero tolerance policy for that,” he said. “The whole idea behind the parks is to give our citizens the ability to go out there and enjoy fresh air and have time outside.” Park, state and county police will be on the lookout for this behavior, and will charge people

if they see it. Gov. Phil Murphy repeated that there would be zero tolerance for any residents caught leaving waste like that. “You’re not going to get a warning if we catch you leaving something like that behind,” Murphy said. Additionally, Murphy noted that people need to be wearing masks or some other kind of facial covering at these parks. There are a lot of parks with narrow trails, and you physically can’t social distance in situations like this. “The more we can cover up our faces, the better off we’ll be,” he said. This applies to all areas of life, not just parks. Murphy’s Executive Order closed all parks on March 31, and state parks reopened at the beginning of May. He also gave each county the option of opening their parks and golf courses.

Pet Facility Open For Adoptions

TOMS RIVER - The Toms River Animal Facility will now be doing adoptions by appointment only between the hours of 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Interested potential adopters should call the shelter between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. to set up an appointment. The adoption application will be filled out at

the shelter when you arrive and then we will do a meet and greet with you and the dog or cat you are interested in. Please check out our Facebook page at facebook.com/Toms-River-Animal-Shelter-328991144162247/ and Petfinder.com for available animals.


The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 11

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Hackensack Meridian Jersey Shore University Medical Center Earns Grade A Status

NEPTUNE - Hackensack Meridian Jersey Shore University Medical Center earned an ‘A’ grade as part of the spring 2020 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade. The designation recognizes the academic medical center’s efforts in protecting patients from harm and providing safer health care. This is Jersey Shore University Medical Center’s fifth straight Leapfrog ‘A’ grade. “I am very proud and congratulate all of our clinicians and support teams on receiving this important achievement,” said Vito Buccellato, MPA, LNHA, chief hospital executive, Jersey Shore University Medical Center. Buccellato said, “oiur patients and their safety is at the core of everything we do. Achieving this accolade for five consecutive grading periods is a welcomed validation of everyone’s hard work.” The Leapfrog Group that provides the grading program, is a national nonprofit organization committed to improving health care quality and safety for consumers and purchasers. The Safety Grade assigns an ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D,’ or ‘F’ grade to hospitals across the country based on their performance in preventing medical errors, injuries, accidents, infections, and other harms to patients in their care. “I’m grateful for the remarkable efforts of all our teams. Providing safety from infection, medical errors, and other harms represents a special significance during this COVID-19 pandemic,” said Kenneth N. Sable, M.D., MBA, FACEP, Hackensack Meridian Health regional president, southern market. “I know, especially at this time, they continue to be committed to protecting all our patients and everyone at our academic medical center to keep them safe,” Sable added. Developed under the guidance of a national Expert Panel, the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade uses 28 measures of publicly available hospital safety data to assign grades to more than 2,600 U.S. acute-care hospitals

twice per year. The Hospital Safety Grade’s methodology is peer-reviewed and fully transparent, and the results are free to the public. For more information about the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, visit hospitalsafetygrade.org. Visit jerseyshoreuniversitymedicalcenter.com for more information about the medical center. The team’s commitment to excellence has earned Jersey Shore University Medical Center numerous accolades, including being named the #5 top hospital in New Jersey by U.S. News & World Report for 2019-2020. The medical center’s clinical research program and commitment to medical education is evident through an affiliation with Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University and a new affiliation with St. George’s University School of Medicine. Jersey Shore University Medical Center serves as an academic center dedicated to advancing medical knowledge, training future physicians and providing the community with access to promising medical breakthroughs. Jersey Shore University Medical Center’s HOPE Tower – a $265 million 10-story medical office building provides a new outpatient healing experience. Guided by a patient-centered approach towards care, and informed by the latest medical breakthroughs, HOPE Tower includes advanced imaging services, a clinical academic center, innovative simulation laboratory, stateof-the-art amphitheater, specialty physician offices, a nine-level parking garage, and a 58,000 square foot cancer facility. The new cancer facility features a range of comprehensive treatment options, including surgical specialties, medical oncology, and the most advanced radiation therapy and minimally invasive interventional therapies. Nurse navigators guide patients through every step and provide an extra layer of support and coordination.

Ortley Beach Open, But Not To Swimming TOMS RIVER - Ortley Beach in Toms River has been reopened, however swimming won’t be allowed yet. “We felt it was time to open our beaches for recreational purposes,” said Mayor Maurice B. Hill. “Beaches are open for walkers, runners, those who are exercising without sitting or sunbathing. Swimming is prohibited.” Additionally, township employees will continue to enforce strict social distancing guidelines. The boardwalk and bathrooms

will remain closed. Beach access parking lots will be open. The following roads have beach access: • 2nd Ave • 3rd Ave Parking lot • 4th Ave (ADA accessible) • 5th Ave • 7th Ave • 8th Ave • Fielder Ave (ADA accessible) • Fort Ave • Harding Ave

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Page 12, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020

R.C. Shea & Assoc.

Inside The Law Commercial Rent Payments And The Coronavirus

Robert C. Shea Esq.

By: Marc S. Galella, Esq., and Robert C. Shea, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates Many commercial tenants are asking whether they are excused from making rent payments if the tenant’s business has been impacted or shut down by as a result of the coronavirus. In particular, they are asking whether a force majeure clause often found in commercial leases, excuses the tenant from having to pay rent. A force majeure clause in commercial leases generally relieve the performance of a party because of an unforeseeable circumstance beyond the control of the parties to the lease which causes a party not to be able to perform under the lease. The term “force majeu re” usu ally mea ns a n event that could not have been reasonably anticipated, or which, if anticipated, could not be controlled. Force majeure clauses are added to leases to excuse a party’s performance under the lease in cases of natural disasters or “acts of God,” such as hurricanes, f loods, earthquakes, etc. The answer to this question depends on the terms of the commercial lease. Does the lease contain a force majeure clause? If so, does the clause specifically address the issue as to the payment of rent. In many, if not most, force majeure clauses the obligation to pay rent is not forgiven in the case of an event that is beyond the control of the parties. Thus, the commercial lease must be reviewed to see whether it contains a force majeure clause and what is excused or not excused under that clause.

New Jersey courts h a v e t r a d i t i o n a l l y Marc S. Galella Esq. been very reluctant to allow force majeure clauses to excuse the perfor mance of one party to a commercial lease and especially to excuse the payment of rent under the lease. Courts look to see whether the event should have been anticipated by the parties and addressed in the lease. Not all unforeseen events are subject to the force majeure clause. The lease would need to be reviewed as to whether the shutdown of a business by the government is an event that is covered by the force majeure clause. In addition, the coronavirus may not be considered an “act of God” if a court determines if it should have been foreseen in the drafting of the lease. As you can see, there is no definite answer to the question of whether a force majeure clause excuse the non-payment of rent by a tenant. Tenants and landlords should consult with their attorneys to review their commercial leases and determine whether the lease contains a force majeure clause and, if so, whether the force majeure excuses the payment of rent by the tenant. If the payment of rent is excused, what are the terms for the non-payment of rent? Please note that the discussion above pertains only to commercial leases. Force majeure clauses are not typically found in residential leases.

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Continued From Page 1 opened the Barnegat Branch Trail and its natural land sites. “Our playgrounds, public bathrooms, nature centers, and pavilions will remain closed to the public as will the dog parks and some other smaller parks,” Haines said. “As per the Governor’s executive order there cannot be any large gatherings, no sporting events, picnics or barbecues allowed at this time.” The state has required that parking at these parks be capped at 50 percent to control the amount of people going in. County officials said people shouldn’t park on nearby streets or grass to get around that. It defeats the purpose of the social distancing. The Ocean County Sheriff ’s Office and Ocean County Security Department will be patrolling the county facilities. Face coverings should be worn, even at the park, officials said. The parks that have been reopened are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. “We encourage everyone to adhere to the requirements we have put in place to reopen the parks,” she said. “In time we look forward to reopening all of our parks.” They were all closed on March 31 to slow the spread of COVID-19. “I believe it’s important to again emphasize that reopening our parks in no way means the coronavirus pandemic is over,” Haines said. “And while we want to provide safe and large open spaces for our residents to spend time outside, especially with warm weather coming, we also

want to urge everyone that they need to be mindful of themselves and their neighbors and continue to take precautions at this time including social distancing, washing your hands, wearing face masks and staying home if you are sick.” “We want everyone to enjoy our parks and natural lands safely,” said Ocean County Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari. “The he alth and safety of our residents and visitors is paramount. It’s important that we continue to follow social distancing rules. We all need to remember that our actions don’t affect just us, they affect our family, they affect our health care workers, they affect our emergency responders, they affect the workers at our grocery stores.” “We need to all continue to do our part to stop the spread of this virus,” Vicari said. Athletics There are a few sports that have reopened as well. Golfing is available at the two count y cou rses: the Ocean Cou nt y Golf Course at Atlantis, in Little Egg Harbor Township and Forge Pond County Golf Course in Brick Township. T he se c ou r se s c a n on ly b e u se d through a prepaid reservation, Haines said. No groups larger than two will be allowed. “If you want a tee time you need to make a reservation,” Haines said. Golf course hours are from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Singles tennis and pickleball is allowed at Ocean County Park, Lakewood, Jakes Branch County Park, Beachwood and Tip Seaman County Park, Tuckerton.

State Police Clarifies Which Wave Parades For Graduates Are OK By Chris Lundy TRENTON – During a press conference to discuss COVID-19 issues, Col. Patrick Callahan clarified that the only “wave parades” that are banned are ones that involve people congregating together. Since school is closed and large gatherings are banned, high school seniors are missing out on some of the fi nal bookends

of their public education. Events like proms and graduation ceremonies are being lost. Callahan had written a letter to the Department of Education and to school officials banning the practice of wave parades, but the message had been unclear. He said that there were reports of students gathering at a school, football field, or town hall and having loved ones drive by to wave. Or, loved ones getting out of their cars. These kinds of events are banned because they defeat the purpose of the social distancing regulations that are necessary to slowing the spread of the coronavirus. “We would never – and could not prevent vehicles from driving by” and congratulating individuals at homes, he said. Gov. Phil Murphy added that he understood the sadness families were feeling about not being able to celebrate these events normally, but he didn’t want in intergenerational group of people gathering together, spreading the virus. That celebration could be the reason that they lose someone.


The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 13

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Ocean County Library Offers Online Learning TOMS RIVER – With tele-teaching thrust into the foreground for the rest of the academic year in New Jersey, the Ocean County Library has a wide educational safety net in Brainfuse, LearningExpress Library 3.0, and Universal Class. These programs are available free with a valid permanent or temporary Library card. Brainfuse services include: • HelpNow – Free, live, one-on-one tutoring for elementary, secondary and college students in core subjects. Services are also offered in Spanish. Tutors hold four-year degrees and undergo background checks. • SkillSurfer – The means to master concepts or skills through state-aligned lessons, with the aid of a live tutor. • Writing Lab – Constructive feedback for written assignments by tutors, usually within 24 hours, for improved communication skills. • Send Questions – Answers by tutors to questions sent by students online, usually within 24 hours. • Language Lab – Live, online assistance for Spanish language homework by fluent bilingual tutors. • LEAP Learning Platform – A diagnostic test center with lessons, study plans and live tutors.

• Brainwave – Wniteboard sessions to record homework solutions, class projects, or any concept involving motion or sequencing. • FlashBulb – A platform to access and create interactive learning games, quizzes and flashcards. • eParachute – Skills and strengths assessment, to help build career goals. • Adult Learning Center – Preparation for GED and U.S. Citizenship tests, help for Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, and popular job-search links. These services are all free with a valid Library card and an email address. Enrollees can take as many as five classes at a time, accessible day and night, and have up to six months to complete assignments. Instructors also communicate via email. Universal Class - contains more than 500 non-college-credit continuing education courses and the Language Arts offers free classes for mastering the English language, including grammar and composition, basic speaking, and research skills. To see the full range of online services, free with your Ocean County Library card, enter the “Resources” tab at theoceancountylibrary.org.

Ocean County Library Chat/Text Is Back

OCEAN COUNTY – The Ocean County Library want library card users to know that if they are seeking the title of their favorite author’s newest book or have a question about Ocean County Library services, or any other questions, OCL’s live, real-time Chat/Text service has resumed. This useful service as returned on a modified schedule, to accommodate patrons during social distancing associated with COVID-19. The service is available Monday through Friday,10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Chat/Text is optimized for most iOS and

Android mobile devices. Questions can be sent via text of up to 140 characters to 732-943-1625. Cell phone users are subject to standard message and data rates applied by their carriers. The service is also accessible on the OCL web page, and is compatible with most web browsers, including Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 6 or higher, Firefox 1.5 or higher, Safari, and Opera. Questions are treated equally and are kept confidential, as are patron identities. For complete details, visit: theoceancountylibrary.org/ chat-online.


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Page 14, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020






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The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 15




Page 16, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Seaside Heights Historical Society Created SEASIDE HEIGHTS - It’s official. Seaside Heights now has its own historical society! The organization, formally known as Seaside Heights Historical Society, is a New Jersey non-profit corporation with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Section 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. The organization is led by a seven member Board of Trustees comprised of Lou DiGuilio, Marsha Dionisio, Betsy Dudas, Dr. Floyd L. Moreland, Peter Smith, Christopher Vaz, and Joseph Verderosa. Dr. Moreland accepted responsibility for serving as the organization’s fi rst president. The organization’s purposes include

scanning, documenting and archiving historical documents; historical research; genealogy; planning exhibits and special events; developing membership; and perhaps most importantly for the near-term, raising funds for the preservation of the Moreland Carousel. The organization is operating out of an office trailer located in the municipal parking lot on Bay Boulevard. Interested persons can learn more about the Seaside Heights Historical Society by visiting the Historical Society’s official website (seasideheightshistory.org/) or the Historical Society’s official Facebook page ( facebook. com/seasideheightshistoricalsociety).


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As we age, our eyes’ lenses begin to lose their flexibility, giving rise to “presbyopia” (Greek for “old eye”) and the need for reading glasses. At the same time, eye lenses are also likely to become progressively cloudy, a condition known as “cataracts,” which causes blurry vision. “Lens replacement surgery” (LRS) has been developed so that ophthalmologists can take care of both problems with a single procedure. It involves removing the natural lens and replacing it with a synthetic substitute called an “intraocular” lens. While LRS may be described as cataract surgery, it also serves to correct vision by changing the lens’ focusing ability. The technique can correct eyesight for far- and near-sightedness as well astigmatism. Intraocular lenses come in different focusing powers, just like prescription eyewear or contact lenses. Your ophthalmologist will measure the length of your eye and the curve of your cornea. These measurements are used to set the focusing power of your lenses. When you need the best eye care in the area, look to SUSSKIND & ALMALLAH EYE ASSOCIATES. Please call 732-349-5622 to schedule an eye exam. For our patients who wear glasses and contacts we offer an array of options, from fashionable eyewear to comfortable contact lenses.

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P.S. Lens replacement surgery is typically performed one eye at a time as an outpatient procedure.


The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 17

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─Photo courtesy Encompass Health Jean Powell, recovering from COVID-19, celebrates her 91st birthday with family outside her window By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – Jean Powell has a lot to celebrate. Not only did she turn 91 on April 26, but she also beat COVID-19. “I could have just cried when I saw her on her birthday,” said Kim Wedemeyer, Powell’s daughter. “She showed me her card and was just so happy. She said it was the best birthday of her whole life.” Like a lot of birthday parties lately, loved ones had to send their wishes from afar. In this case, the family was outside her window at Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Toms River. Powell waved to her family as her care team showered her with cards and gifts. The next day, she went home to her assisted living facility. Her daughter recalled the fear she had as her mother had got sick. “She was sent to the hospital, and they told me she had pneumonia, and they were testing for COVID-19,” Wedemeyer said. “It was terrifying because I couldn’t be there, and she has dementia. I’m her familiar face. I can talk her down.” She spent weeks in a hospital fighting the virus. After being released, she was not strong enough to return home. That’s why she spent her time recuperating at Encompass Health. They now have a COVID unit specifically to treat patients like her who need more rehabilitation before they go home. Powell spent 10 days there before going home. “One of my nursing assistants described

these patients as being like little kittens; they’re so weak they can’t even hold the phone to talk to their families,” said Coleen Rossi, the chief nursing officer at Encompass Health Toms River. “They’ve been in the hospital a long time. In addition to therapy, we’re doing a lot of those little things. Their hair might be matted or they might not have had a real shower. A lot is that personal touch.” Although the patients in the COVID unit are recovering, Rossi said it is safer to assume they are all still positive. Therefore, the unit is separated from other patients and staff. Visitors are not allowed. This, naturally, is difficult for families. “Her case manager called me that fi rst day and said if you ever need anything call me,” Wedemeyer said. “I never had to call her. She would call me. And I know the nursing staff is under horrendous pressure, but if mom ever needed anything, they were there. One of them called me so we could Facetime. I didn’t ask her to do that; It was wonderful. They really put my heart at ease and were like an extension of my family.” Rossi said the entire staff at the hospital, and particularly the COVID unit, is working hard to comfort patients when their loved ones cannot. “I have an aunt in a nursing home who tested positive for COVID-19, so I get it,” she said. “We’re trying to do for these patients what their families can’t. It’s really touched and overwhelmed me, some of these things the staff has done.”

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Page 18, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020





Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Presented By: Isidore Kirsh, Ph.D., F.A.A.A. (N.J. Lic. #678)





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Dr. Isidore Kirsh Ph.D., F.A.A.A.

The New Normal According To Dr. Izzy New Jersey is continuing to identify new cases of COVID-19 but our “curve” will continue to flatten but the virus will remain with us for at least the remainder of the year. In my opinion, the “new normal” will include a) social distancing, b) continued use of wearing a mask, c) frequent hand washing, and d) no more hugs for a while. Telepractice will become increasing popular in all medical fields, including hearing healthcare. Remote programming of hearing aids has been available for several years, but in my opinion, the majority of our patients calling our offices cannot benefit from remote programming. During this pandemic, due to the frequent use of wearing a mask, dozens have “lost” their hearing instruments or broke a receiver wire. Many other patients have a “dead” hearing aid and the only way to fix it is to send it back to the manufacturer. Remote programming would be a complete waste of time in these instances. We have continued to offer “curbside services” and/or drop off services at our Toms River office. This concierge service is critical during this time of uncertainty as well as the increased importance of communication with family and friends.

As our offices begin to transition to opening again, the “new normal” will require us to scan temperatures, ask patients specific questions related to covid-19 symptoms, stagger appointments so there’s no more than two patients in our office at the same time and allow extra time to disinfect all areas once the patient has left. This “new normal” will significantly limit the total number of patients we can see but it’s absolutely critical to follow these procedures at least for the remainder of the year. For over 30 years, Garden State Hearing & Balance Center is here to help anyone who is suffering from hearing loss and/or can’t communicate with their loved ones because they’re hearing aid stopped working. In these times of social isolation, it’s imperative that we communicate with our loved ones. We need that connection for psychosocial and cognitive support. If you need our help, please call us at 732-8183610. We will be re-opening very soon! Please stay healthy, stay home, practice social distancing and I promise you there will be a bright light at the end of the tunnel. All the Best! Dr. Izzy

His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com. Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks!

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The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 19

H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

3 Ways Saffron Helps Age-Related Macular Degeneration

By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph. If you’ve ever cooked using saffron spice, you know that this unique spice is flavorful and aromatic. For me, saffron is a must-have for dishes such as plain rice (or paella), soups such as chicken soup or bouillabaisse and certain bread/pastries. The active medicinal compounds in saffron come from a tiny part of the flower, not from a bulb, or the leaves like other herbs. The painstaking labor required for harvesting it by hand makes the price of saffron extremely high. That’s why it has not been studied for very many human diseases the way we study other less expensive herbs such as rosemary, turmeric, garlic or sage. Specific components of saffron spice have demonstrated benefits in several eye ailments. These diseases include age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and cataracts. Let’s focus on AMD today. Age-related macular degeneration may lead to blindness, especially among person’s over 65. The eye disease occurs gradually and with little to no warning. It begins with a loss of central vision, and may eventually progress to total blindness. We know that breakdown of the macula occurs, but researchers are not sure why. The macula is next to the retina. Obviously, reversing the progressive condition would be the dream scenario, but halting it would suffice. Recent research indicates that oxidative damage is a culprit in AMD. Studies on saffron suggest it offers protection against oxidative damage in patients with early AMD. First, it is essential to note that, to date, conventional medicine has found no way of restoring vision lost to AMD. Treatments such as prescription drugs and laser surgery

may slow the progression of AMD. So if an herb can augment your current protocol, I’d have a conversation with your ophthalmologist about it. Here are three reasons why: 1. Saffron contains many different constituents including crocin and crocetin. These have shown neuroprotective properties for the eye in multiple double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. 2. Saffron contains potent antioxidant capabilities, meaning they neutralize those troublesome free radicals that attack the retina and the macula. 3. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial offers unconscious bias information. Two of these types of studies have produced information about saffron that is impossible to ignore. In one trial (using their proprietary form of Saffron from France), patients who supplemented for 3 months with low-dose saffron (20 mg/day) experienced improvements in retinal sensitivity, color perception, and visual contrast. When the trial was extended over a year, the participants experienced even more benefit in terms of increased visual acuity! The data was published in The Journal of Translational Medicine. We know saffron can improve a low mood, and now it appears that oral saffron supplementation may partially reversed the damage to visual perception. No one is claiming that saffron cures AMD, but the benefits are pretty crisp! Even a modest improvement in eyesight is a big deal to many people because it can greatly improve quality of life. Please ask your doctor if it’s right for you. You can cook with saffron as a spice. Saffron teas, supplements and extracts are available nationwide.

(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2019 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.


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Page 20, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020




Across 1 Photoshop maker 6 Late __ 9 Average Joes, e.g. 14 Fishing needs 15 Bill’s future, maybe 16 Troy story 17 Dutch vodka brand 19 Coin receivers 20 Round orders 21 Extraction target 22 Hide in a crowd 23 Piano part 24 End of an Ernie Banks catchphrase about doubleheaders 27 State bordering six others and the Canadian mainland 29 Beam 30 Beats Electronics co-founder 31 Rebuke 35 Checks out 36 Powerful Detroit group

38 Powerful pair 40 Parliament of Israel 41 Former Texas Rangers manager Washington 42 Grafton’s “__ for Alibi” 43 2014 Olympics city 47 NCAA hockey semifinal group 52 Chuckle online 53 Borneo swinger 54 Jessica Rabbit feature 55 Composer __ Maria von Weber 56 Mascot once awarded a Doctor of Bovinity degree 57 Traditional golf pants, and a hint to why certain puzzle answers are wrong 59 Santa __ 60 Charged particle 61 Bhopal locale 62 Burdens 63 Sitter’s charge 64 In dire straits

Down 1 Caustic potash, e.g. 2 Fought, in a way 3 Company with a Taco Club 4 Contests whose competitors stand in place 5 Course for some U.S. arrivals 6 Tease 7 Gutter sites 8 Woolly mama 9 Lose 10 Way behind buildings 11 Hostile place 12 Swallow one’s pride 13 Campus org. revived in 2006 18 Un-friend? 22 Grass components 24 Bound 25 Finicky sort 26 Marks with two intersecting lines 28 Confused sounds 32 Blues singer in the

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame since 1987 33 Word before repeat 34 Sensitive subject for some 35 Reject 36 Clinton’s instrument 37 A tie may be partly under one 38 Pound sound 39 Toyota model 42 Trojan who survived the sack of Troy 44 First name in impressionism 45 Plain awful 46 “Amen to that!” 48 Rumble in the Jungle setting 49 Inuit home 50 More than skinny 51 Bounty title 55 Pine __ 56 Outside: Pref. 57 Casino area 58 Shark feature








The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 21


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Page 22, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Slip available in Barnegat Light NJ The slip is 60 ft and located at the High Bar Harbor Yacht Club on Long Beach Island in Barnegat light. Docks are floating with power, water, cable and pump out. Slip rental comes with all yacht clubs benefits including club house, pool, private individual bathrooms with showers, full kitchen and lounge. Slip is D-8 located on second to last dock overlooking the bay and Barnegat Lighthouse with quick access to Barnegat Inlet. For information and rates contact Manager Mark at 609-494-8801. (24)

Help wanted! - Experienced Deli worker For a small deli in Howell. Please call Eric 917-618-1624. (19)

Cedar Glen West is looking for mechanics and laborer / grounds crew. General building knowledge and a drivers license for mechanics are a must. Working knowledge of hot water boiler operations is a definite plus. Drivers license for laborers is a must. We do offer health benefits. Mechanics must be willing to participate in the on call rotation. 7326575525. (13)

Real Estate C re s t w o o d Vi l l a g e 5 - S i n gle, 2 beds, 2 baths, garage, patio screened. 55 years or older.

$150,000. 732-350-8046.


For RENT OR SALE - NEW 1 BR/1Bath homes. Homestead Run Adult 55+ Community, Toms River, NJ – for SALE - NEW 2 BR/2Bath Homes - call today for appointment. 732-370-2300 www. homesteadrun.com. (21)

Items For Sale Fishing Equipment - For sale. Fresh and salt water flies. Call Don 732-349-4373. (15) Baby Grand Piano - $1,800 or best offer, Forked River, NJ. 609693-9578 leave message. (16)

Items Wanted Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (17) $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/ estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for Rock, Reggae, Blues, Elvis, Jazz, Metal, Psychedelic. Very Good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (25) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n)

P/T Weekdays Experienced Electro-Mechanical Technician - for Lakewood Printer Distributor/ Mfr. 732-966-1817. (17) Carpenters, Glaziers, Helpers Wanted - Glass experience a must. Clean Drivers License. email resume to info@gssindllc.com or call 732-919-0011. (13) SALES - Reliable, Friendly Personalty for P/T retail sales. Military experience helpful but will train. Retired? Need extra money? Send resume to shorearmynavy@gmail. com or call 732-349-3307. (13) Laundromat Attendant - For FT/PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (13) C.H.H.A. - Weekends. Send resumes via email to hr@magnoliaal.com or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at Magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Part Time Food Service - STARTING RATE OF $11.00/hr. Scholarship opportunities. Flexible Schedules. We have immediate openings for the following positions: Part Time Server/ Wait Staff. Part Time Dietary Aide. Part Time Utility Aide/Dishwasher Apply in in Person to: The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or email resume to rscully@ thepinesatwhiting.org. EOE. (16) Now Hiring – The Goddard School on Route 70 is seeking full time Teacher’s Assistant and leads for the upcoming school year. We provide a warm, loving environment for children up to six years. Must have a flexible schedule, available Mon-Fri. Benefits include paid time off, 401k and paid lunch on Fridays. To learn more about these positions, email your resume to toms river2nj@goddardschools.com Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n) Receptionist Part Time - Send resumes via email to hr@magnoliaal. com or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at Magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) Nurse Needed - Send resumes via email to hr@magnoliaal.com or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at Magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Laundry Assistant Part Time - Send resumes via email to hr@magnoliaal. com or fax to 732-557-6501. Apply online at Magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14) Kitchen/Wait Staff - Apply online at Magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500. (14)

CNA/CHHA - The Pines Senior Living Community is currently looking for entry level and experienced Certified Nursing Assistants for our Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living Communities: Skilled Nursing CNA $16/hr. FT 7-3 Skilled Nursing E/O Weekend (1) position. FT 3-11 Skilled Nursing E/O weekend (2) positions. Weekly pay! Weekend only positions - $20/hr Per Diem $18/hr Assisted Living CHHA or CNA $12/ hr Weekly pay Full Time 3-11 (10 Days per pay) E/O weekend Memory Care. Full Time 11-7 E/O weekend. Part Time 11-7 E/O weekend 4 days a week. Weekend only positions $14/hr. Per Diem $12/25/hr Full Time positions offer competitive rate (based on experience), and excellent benefits including health, dental, life, paid time off and 401(K) with generous match after 1 year. Apply in Person to: The Pines, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 or apply online at www. thepinesatwhiting.org. (16)

Services Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19) Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (19) At Home Companion - Dementia and Hospice Experienced, Cooking, Shopping, Transportation. Enjoy Peace of Mind! 732-278-3770 JoAnn. (14)



Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (16)

Cheap Painting Done Rite Free estimates. Fully insured. 38 years experience. 732-506-7787 cell 646-643-7678. (37)

ALL American Home Health Aides Experienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605 (t/n) Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (16)

Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n)


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Don Carnevale Painting Specializing interiors. Some exterior. Quality always. Very neat. Prompt courteous service. Reasonable-affordable. Senior discounts. Honest-reliable. Low rates. Free estimates. References. 732-8994470 or 732-915-4075. (19)













E-Z CARE GARDENING - Enjoy healthy vegetables & seasonal flowers with Container Gardening. We prepare & plant custom E-Z Care Containers & Planters. Great for Seniors. Garden Maintenance. Contact jpgardener@ msn.com, 732-232-8144. Master Gardener. Free Advisory. LIFE IS BETTER IN THE GARDEN. (22) When You Need A Caregiver Call Lucy - European Registered Nurse, 25 years. US Eldercare experience, 17 years. Live in/out, hourly, negotiable. Leisure Village West resident. 732-657-1409 (H), 732-833-3273 (C). (20) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice.com. Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n) SPRING CLEANUPS - Landscaping restorations carpentry masonry renovations repairs downed branches hedges shrubs bushes mulch stone debris removal demolition cleanouts dumpster service provided by a Licensed A901Hauler. MAN WITH Van LLC Jim 609335-0330 HIC#13VH10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL. (27)

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The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 23

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE COVID-19 Virus, Antibody Tests Available

By Chris Lundy LAKEWOOD - Ocean Health Initiatives (OHI) and Chemed will be coming together to offer COVID-19 virus and antibody testing at their Lakewood locations. • Ocean Health Initiatives (OHI) will be open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. for testing by appointment only. COVID-19 testing will be performed outdoors at 101 Second Street, Lakewood. Call (732)363-6655 to schedule an appointment. OHI has bilingual staff. • CH EM ED of fe r s t est i ng Mond ay th rough T hu rsday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. by appointment only. Testing will be administered in an outdoor tent in the CHEMED parking lot at 1771 Madison Avenue, Lakewood. Call (732) 364-2144 ext. 1 to schedule an appointment. Antibody tests measure the immune

system’s response to an infection. Negative antibody results DO NOT rule out SARs-CoV-2 infection, particularly in those who have recently been in contact with someone who has the virus. A nasal swab (a molecular diagnostic test) is performed to rule out the possibility that someone could be an asymptomatic carrier of the virus. Positive results SHOULD NOT be used as the sole basis to diagnose SARSCoV-2 infection. Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such a s coronav i r u s H KU1, N L63, OC43, or 229E. These are causes of the common cold. People who test positive for antibodies are not guaranteed to be free of all virus and therefore may still be able to transmit the virus to others. For more information please visit OHI at ohinj.org or CHEMED at chemedhealth.org.

Rose Garden Nursing & Rehabilitation wishes to acknowledge the Professional Heroes who rise each day in this upside down world to care for those in need. In fact, they and all Long Term Care Professionals do this every day of the year. They, too, are on the front line. We all know someone who is that Professional Hero.

Quarter Direct Debit Date Changed

TOMS RIVER – The Mayor and Township Council have changed the direct debit date for the May 2020 tax quarter to May 27th. Normally the direct debit process that automatically debits the amount due on a property’s tax account is done around the 6th day of the grace period. The May 2020 grace period has been extended from May

10th to June 1st. Toms River Township has approximately 1,400 properties enrolled in the popular program that automatically debits the amount due from a tax payer’s checking or savings account. To fill out the enrollment form for direct debit please go to tomsrivertownship.com and click on the online payment link and select Tax Payments.

Send your community events to news@jerseyshoreonline.com


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Page 24, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Now Is Time To Start Vegetable Garden


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By Patti Dixon Horticultural Consultant OCEAN COUNTY - Considering a Vegetable Garden? Vine-ripened tomatoes, crisp bell peppers, fragrant herbs - if you ever thought of starting a vegetable garden, now is a great time to get started. Not only will you have the satisfaction of preparing meals with your home-grown produce, but you will also benefit from exercise and fresh air. Gardens can range from simple to elaborate. You can grow vegetables in the ground, raised beds, or even in 5-gallon buckets. There are a few key elements that will always need to be in place for your garden to be successful: sunlight, nutritious soil, and a water source. All vegetable plants need sunlight to grow and thrive. While some salad greens need just 4 for 5 hours of sun, plants like tomatoes and peppers require at least 6- 8 hours. If your garden space is limited, e.g., growing on your deck or balcony, make sure to take note of how much direct sunlight the plants will receive. Knowing how much sunlight you have will help determine what plants will be best suited to your location. If you have a garden space that will be in full sun, thoughtful planning can create some shade so you can grow a wide array of vegetables. Pole beans can easily reach 5 to 8 feet tall; they will need a trellis for support. Position tall plants so they will cast some shade in the afternoon, offering relief to more sensitive plants. Conversely, make sure your tallest plants are not throwing shade on sun-lovers. Once you know where your garden will be, you will have to spend some time preparing your soil. We recommend that you do a soil test when growing in the ground to determine if the pH and nutrient levels are favorable for growing

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vegetables. Unfortunately, the Soil Testing lab located at Rutgers University is temporarily closed due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, there are some basic guidelines that you can follow to help you obtain a soil mixture that will be appropriate for vegetables. Amending our naturally sandy soil with well-composted material is a reliable way to make the garden suitable for veggies. For container gardens, potting soil is readily available and a safe bet. Water is crucial to vegetable gardens. While vegetable plants need plenty of water, they don’t want wet feet. When planting in the ground or raised beds, you want to make sure that the area never has standing water. When growing in pots or buckets, make sure that the containers can drain any excess water. Once you have assured that your plants will drain properly, there is the issue of watering them. In general, vegetable plants thrive with about an inch of water a week, distributed evenly. Too much water can promote fungal diseases and rotting roots. Not enough water can stress your plants by making them struggle to utilize the soil nutrients that are necessary for their overall health. Rain gauges and water meters are useful tools to help you measure how much water the garden is receiving. As plant nurseries are on the list of New Jersey’s essential businesses, vegetables, herbs, and flowers will be readily available for you to start your new garden. Call your local garden centers to check their hours and safety guidelines. At the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County, we welcome horticultural questions year-round. You can reach us by email at oceanag@njaes.rutgers.edu or by phone at 732-349-1246. We’re looking forward to helping you grow.

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The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 25

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE County Officials Urge Residents To Fill Out And Return Census Forms By Bob Vosseller TOMS RIVER – Fill out and return those 2020 Census forms. That’s the message Ocean County Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari wants to get out all Ocean County residents if they haven’t done so already. “The steps you take now to fill out the Census have an effect on federal and state funding for the next decade. This is the time to fill out the Census for 2020.The Census directly impacts the federal and state funding allocated to New Jersey and its counties, municipalities and communities,” Vicari said. Vicari added, “Gov. Murphy has been strongly encouraging everyone to fill out their Census forms. We need everyone’s participation. During the coronavirus pandemic we are hearing a lot about the need to financially assist businesses, seniors, health care providers.” “That money is based on Census participation figures. Now more than ever, we need everyone to be a part of this and fill out the Census,” Vicari added. According to the Governor’s office, New Jersey ranks 21 out of 50 states in the number of completed census forms returned to the federal government. About 59 percent of the state’s residents have returned their forms. The Freeholder Director said the recent $106 million federal CARES Act aid package to fight the COVID-19 crisis is an example of the kind of federal programs that can be impacted by the census. “When the federal government looks to make an appropriation like this, they take census data into consideration. This is just one example of why it is so important that each and every Ocean County resident is counted,” Vicari added. The Census has taken place every decade since 1790, as mandated by the U.S. Constitution - an effort to count every person living in the

United States. The results of the Census affect the distribution of billions of dollars to states and communities every year for the next 10 years. Vicari said, “our state’s federal funding related to the COVID-19 recovery depends on the completeness of our Census count. This is so very important to all of us as this pandemic has affected everyone.” This is the first year where about 80 percent of residents have received a mailing directing them to complete the Census online at www. my2020census.gov. Residents can also submit their form by phone, or request a mail-in form by calling 1-800-923-8282. Vicari also emphasized that Census data and the collection of the data is strictly confidential and protected by Federal Law under Title 13. The information on the census questionnaire cannot be used for any other purpose or shared with any other institutions or agencies. The results of the Census also determine how Congress is apportioned. “These are key factors in us obtaining our fair share of funding for many vital programs and services, such as important infrastructure improvements, senior services, public health, education, transportation, and block grant programs,” Vicari said. Ocean County is unique because of the number of snowbirds – people that spend winters elsewhere – that live in the County. “With more than 170,000 seniors living in Ocean County, it is important our snowbirds who live in Ocean County most of the year are counted here,” Vicari said. Residents are encouraged to go to Ocean County’s 2020 Census Facebook page @OceanCounty2020Census to get updates regarding this year’s Census in Ocean County or check out the Census website, 2020census.gov.

Dear Joel

By Joel Markel

Ways For A Healthier Lifestyle

Dear Joel, While working from home and staying in (apart from essential errands) as instructed during the COVID-19 pandemic, I have developed a new and healthy routine. Now that I have more free time, I use it to prepare healthy meals, try new recipes and educate myself on healthier food choices. I take time every day to exercise; walking, stretching, gardening and just moving more. I am more engaged in each activity which has led to increased efficiency, especially regarding work. I am learning to enjoy a simpler life, grateful for things I once took for granted. My concern is that once we resume life as it was (with modifications), I will revert to old ways. Ways that left me stressed and exhausted at week’s end. Do you have any suggestions on how I can maintain my new mindset and routine? Answer: Congratulations to you for using this time to improve the quality of your life; it has

been challenging in so many ways for so many of us. As life returns to more of what we have been used to, free time will once again be at a premium. You may have to pick and choose which activities are feasible daily. Rather than eliminating your daily exercise, you may have to shorten the duration. Many people choose to prep their meals in advance on days when they are not working, etc. If you are happier with living a simpler life, continue to do so. How you participate in the ‘reopening’ of our world is your choice. One thing is certain, maintaining your ‘attitude of gratitude’ will keep you focused on what is important. Thank you for writing. Joel Write to joel@preferredcares.com. His radio show, “Preferred Company” airs Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. on preferredradio. com and 1160 & 1310 WOBM-AM.

If you or anyone else is in need of home health care, call Preferred at 732-840-5566 (800603-CARE (2273). “Home health care with feeling. (“Home Health Care with Feeling”)


Page 26, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020

PROFESSIONAL PROFILE By Michael Vandenberg For almost 25 years, “Exceptional Care without Exception” has been the motto and guiding pr inc iple for N ew Jersey Hematolo gy Oncology Associates (NJHOA). If you’ve gotten that terrible cancer diagnosis, or are in the midst of a blood disease, you’ll want to come to a practice where you’re treated with dignity and efficiency. A place where you can get compassionate care with a smile. That plac e has always been NJHOA. Dr. Gir ish A min started the practice i n 19 9 6 i n B r i c k . His approach was highly suc c es sf ul and well-regarded,

Exceptional Care Without Exception At NJ Hematology Oncology Associates

s o i t wa s n’ t l o n g before he decided to add more locations across Ocean Count y and addi tional doctors who shared his philosophy. Dr. Jayne Pavlak- Schenk joined the team in 2000. Currently there are four doctors on staff, including Dr. Apurv Agrawal and Dr. Randi Katz. T h ey a r e l o c ate d at 1608 Route 88 West, Suite 250 in Brick; Winding River Medical Park at 508 L akehur st Road, Suite 1B in Toms River; Hope Tower at 19 Davis Avenue, 2nd Floor in Neptune; and 63D Lacey Road in Whiting. Since our last prof ile on NJHOA , a new doctor joined the team: Dr. Randi

Dr. Randi Katz

Katz. Although she may be new to the practice, she knows the area well, having practiced Hematology and Oncology in both Ocean and Monmouth counties for over 10 years. She keeps busy helping the valued pat i e nt s of t h e s e counties, being on staff at Ocean Medical Center, Jersey Shore Medical Center, and Community Medical Center. She employs joint-decision making with all of her patients. It’s not just NJHOA’s overall philosophy on patient care that draws like-minded physicians like Dr. Kat z to the prac tic e, but also the amount of services they provide for patients. A lot of their

focus is specifically on diagnosis and treatment. In addition, the prac tic e places a great deal of value on symptom management to maximize the quality of life of their patients. They accomplish that not just with medic ations, but by c reating a share d c are p lan with their patients and their families to help them achieve their goals of care. NJ H OA t r i e s to keep most aspects of testing and treatm e nt i n - h o u s e i n an effort to provide complete care for cancer and prioritize convenience for their patients. The practice features a state-of-the-art lab for testing including r out ine bl o o d work, flow cytometry for blood disorders, hereditar y cancer screening tests, and molecular profiling of tumors. NJHOA also offers on-site i nf u s i o n s of c h e motherapy, mono clonal antibodies, biological agents, hor mone therapy, iron infusions, therapeutic phlebotomy, and bone mar row aspiration and biopsy. They also infuse immunotherapy treatments including Provenge, Yer voy, Opdivo, Key truda, and Tecentriq. There is an on-site pharmacy for dispensing oral medic ations including oral chemotherapy medications. The practice molecularly profiles tumors of their cancer patients when appropriate to help create a targeted treatment plan. Dr.

Dr. Apurv Agrawal Agrawal explained that, “targeted treatment based on molecular profiling of a patients tumor offers not only a personalized treatment but a greater likelihood of success for patients”. Molecular profiling of tumors and immunotherapy are on the forefront of cancer treatment. Besides treatment, they also offer hereditary canc er sc reening for their patients. “The genes we are born with may contribute to our risk of developing certain types of cancer, including breast, ovarian, colorectal, and prostate cancer,” said D r. A m i n. “ I f yo u have a family history of cancer, we

can help you understand your risk for disease. We of fer genetic counseling and testing, and can assist you in making info r m e d m e dic al decisions.” One Toms River resident was planning to enroll in a clinical trial in New York Cit y to treat h e r S t ag e 4 lun g c anc er. T he do c tor in NYC advised the patient to see Dr. Agrawal since that same clinical trial was available at NJHOA . It was practically next door and she’d still be able to participate in the trial. It was a win-win, thanks to the practice having a robust clinical trial program. “Some cancer patients may

fear that enrolling in a clinical trial means they might receive a plac ebo or that the treatment might h ave a d ve r s e ef fects, but the reality is that patients in clinical trials receive either the best c a n c e r t r e at m e nt currently known for them or new, and possibly more effective, therapy,” said Dr. Pavlak-Schenk. New Jersey Hematology Oncology Associates offers complete cancer care and allows patients to get cutting edge treatment close to home. Give them a call today at 732840-8880 to schedule an appointment, or feel free to visit NJHOA .com for more information.


The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020, Page 27

Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of MAY 16 - MAY 22

By Jeraldine Saunders

ARIES (March 21-April 19): You can’t hurry love. Avoid coming on too strong if you give someone your undivided attention. If someone is meant to be in your intimate circle, then divine providence may give you a clue in the week ahead. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Rock the boat if you must, but don’t capsize it. You might drop what you’re doing to try something new and surprise someone who thought you’d do something else. Focus on being productive in the week ahead. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Recognize that things you do could have far-ranging effects that you may not have anticipated. Focus on learning something from others and avoid offering your own opinions. Plan wisely to begin key projects late in the week. CANCER (June 21-July 22): In the coming week you might be exposed to some odd ideas. Thanks to your common sense and a devoted someone who offers a wise assessment, you may not get caught up in anything that would cause you lasting problems. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You recognize a good value when you see it. You might be wise to put terms under a microscope before you make a final decision about a purchase or investment. Better opportunities may arrive as this week unfolds. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Be mindful in the upcoming week. You may find the advice or support you need to enrich your life and make a project a success. Avoid making spur-of-the-moment financial decisions or major purchases in the first half of the week. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your heart

may be like a roulette wheel, so you can’t always anticipate where your interests will land. In the upcoming week you might see friends in a new light and enjoy spending more time with online social groups. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Insecurities might occasionally well up and undermine your confidence. When someone does or says the unexpected, you might not know which way to turn. In the upcoming week, accept changes with good grace. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You might be too optimistic about your financial condition in the week ahead. Steer clear of chancy enterprises that might sound like a calculated risk but attract your interest only because they seem exciting. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The pressure from outside influences could provoke you to abandon a pet project. There might not be enough time, or you may be distracted by other priorities as this week unfolds. Focus on making your future better. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You might remain on edge until you deal with unfinished business. Don’t be distracted by social requests or online meetings with friends in the week ahead. Apply yourself to achieve your dreams of financial security. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The person you are crushing on might not feel the same way. Due to your own romantic yearnings, you might be blind to the feelings of others in the week ahead. If you’re confused it’s because you may not be seeing clearly today.


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Page 28, The Toms River Times, May 16, 2020


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