2020-07-25 - The Berkeley Times

Page 1

The BERKELEY Times Vol. 26 - No. 6

In This Week’s Edition



Community News! Page 10-13

Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Page 16

Dear Joel Page 19

Inside The Law Page 19



Red Balloon Parade Makes Woman’s Day A Bright One

By Bob Vosseller BERKELEY – You could call them the Red Balloon Brigade! Sixteen cars each sported a crimson balloon flying in the wind for a drive by parade. Their mission was to make Eva Biegel’s afternoon a memorable one and they certainly succeeded. The event was held on a warm Sunday afternoon. Event organizers Barbara Leigh and Joyce Abrahamsen arranged the July 12 event for their good friend and fellow member of Our Special Klub. Our Special Klub New Jersey, Inc. is a parent advocacy organization that provides social activities for adults with developmental disabilities. The club promotes public awareness, while exploring programs and governmental provisions for housing, employment opportunities, and other vital services. Eva received an arrangement of flowers and several homemade cards.

−Photos by Bob Vosseller (Above) Eva Biegel of Silver Ridge Park North waves to those who took part in a 16-car red balloon parade in her honor on July 12. She is a member of the Our Special Klub and the membership wanted to provide a tribute for her as she approaches her 99th birthday next month. (Below) Members of the Our Special Klub inflate some crimson balloons to tie onto the 16 cars that performed a drive by parade. Sitting in a wheelchair and fighting back tears of joy, Eva watched

the parade with family members outside her front door of her Silver

Ridge Park North house. She was transfixed as (Parade - See Page 9)

Energy Savings Program To Pay For School Improvements

By Chris Lundy BERKELEY – There will be $3.25 million in improvements to Central Regional High School and Middle School using an energy savings program, Business Administrator Kevin O’Shea said. The district contracted with a Robbinsville company called Energy Systems Group. They will be working with subcontractors to do the work around the school campuses, he said. According to Energy Systems Group’s website, they survey buildings and examine the current costs to operate the facilities. Then, they figure out the best technology that is a good fit for the buildings. The goal here is to save energy. Furthermore, by saving energy it also saves the district money every year. The improvements include such things as LED lighting and controls, HVAC replacements and recommissioning, and building envelope (walls, roofs, and windows, etc. that separate the building from the elements), (Improvements - See Page 4)

Exchange Zone Established For Online Purchases

“Freeholder” Title Could Change To “Commissioner”

By Bob Vosseller OCEAN COUNTY – While welcoming Ocean County Vocational Technical School dramatic art students to their new classrooms in Ocean County College, in January, Ocean County Freeholder Director Joseph Vicari explained to them his role as a Freeholder: it’s like being mayor of the county. Vicari, who is the longest serving Freeholder in the state, may soon have a different title as lawmakers move forward on legislation to eliminate the title of “freeholder.” The bill to replace the title “freeholder” with “com-

July 25, 2020

missioner” was originally proposed by Sen. Joseph Pennacchio, a Morris County Republican, in 2018. It never wound up passing. Gov. Phil Murphy, Senate President Steve Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin, said the proposal was revised. A joint statement by the three Democrats called for the change saying “As our nation tears down symbols of injustice, we must also tear down words we use in New Jersey that were born from racism. It’s past time for New Jersey to phase (Freeholder - See Page 13)

By Chris Lundy BEACHWOOD – A S a fe E xchange Zone has been established in the front parki ng lot of t he Beachwood Municipal Complex. If a resident has made a purchase from a local per−Photo courtesy son through Ebay, Beachwood Police Craigslist, Facebook marketplace The Safe Exchange Zone is or any other online under video surveillance. (Zome - See Page 4)

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Page 2, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020






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The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 3


Page 4, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020





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Continued From Page 1 service, the Safe Exchange Zone acts as a neutral territory for the transaction to take place. The zone is available to the public 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It’s in front of the building, just look for the sign. There will be a security camera trained on the area and recordings are kept for ten days. The lobby of the Police Department can also be used for these purposes between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on holidays. The Safe Exchange Zone comes with some rules, though. There can’t be any illegal transactions, naturally. The exchange can’t be for any type of weapons,


Continued From Page 1 O’Shea said. The Energy Savings Improvement Plan has already received approval from the NJ Board of Public Utilities. It is estimated that when everything is done, the improvements will save the school district about $200,000 in energy costs per year. These savings will be spent on the lease payments on the equipment. The idea behind energy programs such as this is that the improvements, especially in things like HVAC, have to be done anyway. This way, it is done within the already

destructive devices, drugs or drug paraphernalia. These items are not permitted on the property. While the zone is being watched, and officers are often nearby, the police will not provide any personnel to witness the transactions. “The building’s video surveillance and proximity to police headquarters is meant to increase the public’s peace of mind when they meet strangers to buy or sell an item,” police said. “The Borough of Beachwood and the Beachwood Police Department will make no guarantees, assurances, or promises as to the safety or security of any in-person transaction that may take place on Borough property.” The Municipal Complex is located at 1600 Pinewald Road.

approved budget. This makes it “budget neutral.” In other words, the district doesn’t have to take out a bond, or ask taxpayers for the money. “When the students return to school in September, they will be coming back to LED lighting, better air quality and circulation, and we could not be happier. And the taxpayer will feel this in their pocket,” O’Shea said. The full plan on bringing students back in September has yet to be made public. School districts have until the end of July to send a plan to the Ocean County Superintendent for approval. The superintendent would then send it up to the state.


The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 5


Page 6, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020



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The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 7




Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials

Congressman Discusses Senior Care In Time Of COVID-19 From The Desk Of

Congressman Andy Kim WASHI NGTON, D.C. – On a call convened by Congressman Andy Kim (D-3rd), senior community leaders from across Burlington and Ocean Counties outlined ongoing issues faced during the Coronavirus Crisis and discussed potential solutions to help New Jersey’s seniors. “The message I heard today was loud and clear; this crisis has hit our seniors hard,” said Congressman Kim. “I’m going to keep working to make sure that our seniors have access to the care and resources they need to stay safe and healthy during this pandemic, and to make sure our senior communities have the support to return operations back to normal.”

Congressman Kim was joined by leaders from the Ocean and Burlington County Office of Senior Services, as well as representatives from nearly a dozen senior communities across the two counties. Specific issues discussed on the call included concer ns about vaccine costs and distribution, testing and contact tracing efforts in New Jersey, and liability insurance coverage for senior communities. Senior leaders were encouraged to keep in touch with Congressman Kim’s office whose staff handles many constituent issues and stands ready to assist senior residents. Congressman Kim is a member of the bipartisan House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis, where he serves as one of twelve members of the House tasked with conducting oversight over programs aimed at ending the Coronavirus pandemic and helping address the economic impact it’s having on the American people.

Food, Craft And Farm Market Day

BEACHWOOD – There will be a Beachwood Family Market Day at the Beachwood Fire House on Saturday, July 25, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Craft vendors, farmer’s market, local eateries and games will be on hand. There is no admission fee and all are welcome.

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Page 8, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020

OPINIONS & COMMENTARY E DITORIAL Questions Remain About Sending Kids To School It lo ok s l i ke some hybrid of in-person and remote schooling is going to be the best option in September. Remote schooling is not ideal, but nothing about this pandemic is. My motto has always been “hope for the best, prepare for the worst.” We have to expect the worst when it comes to this virus. Sure, Ocean County has far fewer cases than other count ie s. T hat ma ke s me feel a lot better. We’re goi n g t o g e t a n u p tick in September. Any teacher or parent will tell you that September is when all the bugs go around. I d o n’t bl a m e t h e schools for whatever they decide. They are damned if they open, d a m ne d i f t hey st ay closed – at least in the eyes of the residents. T hey’re not goi ng to please everyone – nor

should they. School officials are in the unfortunate position t o cle a n u p t h i s m e s s that they didn’t create. Just like all of society’s ills, people look to the schools and yell “Well, what are you going to do about it!?” If people would just wear masks, like the CDC says, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. T he s t at e i s i s s u i ng guidelines, and I believe that the school officials locally will do their best. There are a lot of problems, however, that might not be easily solved, or won’t fall into the guidelines: According to the Asthma a nd A llerg y Fou ndation of America, 8.4 percent of children have asthma. The CDC says this places them in the higher risk category. How can you protect them? What do you do about

the kids who are asymptomatic and come to school? What do you do when a parent gives their kid Tylenol to reduce the fever and then sends the kid to school? What do you do when you can’t get a hold of a parent and their kid is showing symptoms or has a fever? When a child has a fever, do you put them in a quarantine area? And if they are put in the same room as kids who have a fever, but do not have COVID, are you then spreading it? How do you know? A re schools or st af f liable if a ch ild gets sick? Can parents sue the school/staff ? Does this matter if it’s a private or public school? How can you social distance on a bus? Does the bus driver have to take a kid’s temperature before letting them on a bus? How much will

that slow down the transportation schedule? If a kid has a temperature at the bus stop, what power does the driver or aide h ave t o s e n d t h a t k id home? What if there are no parents or guardians at home or the kid doesn’t have a key? Let’s say one kid on a bus later tests positive for COVID. Kids on a bus always go to several different classrooms. Does that mean every classroom is then potentially infected? How can we have kids social d ist a nce du r i ng a fire drill or an active shooter drill? (The fact that we have active shooter drills and a pandemic is depressing.) If a therapist helps one ch i ld , a nd t he n wor k s with another, then they have potentially spread it. Do they have to sanitize m at e r ia l s i n b et we e n? Or if they have individual items for each kid, where are they stor ing

that equipment? How long do they have to be temperat u re-f ree before they come back to school? If one child has it, does ever yone in that classr o o m h ave t o q u a r a n tine? Do they have to stay home? If the teacher then brings it home to their fa m i ly, doe s t hat t he n s pr e a d t he v i r u s f rom their kids? If the teachers or other staff get sick, or they have to qu a ra nt i ne, do t hey have to use up sick time? Where are you going to get substitute teachers? I seriously doubt anyone will be signing up for that job now. Where are the districts going to get the money to pay for any improvements to the building to keep p e o ple s a fe? O r e x t r a staff ? How can you get pre-K kids to understand any of these rules? How can you get spe-

cial needs kids to understand any of these rules? How can you communicate these issues to children who don’t have English as their primary language? How ca n you kee p very young children six feet apart? How do you toilet a special needs kid? How do you put a mask on an autistic child who won’t tolerate it? If a special needs child is having a behavioral issue, and is hurting themselves or others, how can you restrain them?

pleted classes that will help you in your future endeavors. These are difficult times that we are currently in. But that should never stop you from dreaming big and from reaching as high as you can. As a member of the 2020 graduating class the obstacles you have overcome will someday be the stepping stones to your future and lessons learned that will make you stronger, more compassionate and caring. As students you have developed critical thinking and problem solving skills to help propel you into a global landscape. Education exists to provide you with a unique, nurturing and inspiring experience. It prepares you for what’s ahead so long as you use the

tools you have been given wisely and to the benefit of not just you, but others. With graduation behind you, many of you will go on to continue your education and others will go out into the job market securing employment in a profession that interests you – maybe it will be the trades, maybe it will be teaching, maybe it will be medicine. Whatever path you take, remember the importance of the journey. Your future begins today. Always remember that you are a part of something great and your world is one of opportunities. Take advantage of them. You can make the difference the world is counting on.

We c a n c e l s c h o ol when there’s two inches of snow in fear of the worst thing that can happen. Maybe keeping at least half of the students home is a smart idea. Chris Lundy News Editor

Letters To The Editor A Letter To The Class Of 2020

W hether you wal ked across a stage, drove by in a car or celebrated it virtually, your graduation has great meaning to us all.

Letters To The Editor You see, as graduates, while there may have been on the calendar. whether high school, college, or middle school, all of you were faced with an unprecedented challenge in 2020 – one that none of us had familiarity with – and

W� W������ L������ T� T�� E�����! The Berkeley Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for veri�ication. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to edit or

reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail typed letters to: PO Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732-657-7388 or e-mail news@jerseyshoreonline.com. Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily re�lect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.

some trepidation as to how things would turn out, you forged ahead, made the best of a difficult situation and in the end you received that diploma that shined the greatest light on your success during some very dark days. When it became clear that the novel coronavirus pandemic was going to shut down a great deal of our everyday routines, including school, it also came with change and disruptions no one could have anticipated. Proms, signing yearbooks, job fairs, interviews, last school days were no longer

As you mark the completion of your time in middle school, high school or college, all of you have reached a milestone in your life. This is your moment in time. Graduation marks the beginning of a new and significant journey as you take what you have learned and make it that much greater. Today you are recognized for your hard work and dedication that got you to your goal of graduation. With the help of your teachers, administrators, school staff and loved ones, you participated and com-

Do you have something you want everyone to know? Write a letter to make yourself heard.

Joseph H. Vicari Freeholder Director



Continued From Page 1 many of her friends and a few family members stopped by to greet her and wish her well before moving forward. “We had 14 families and we picked a route of local roads so we could follow the cars easily, without traffic,” Leigh said. While Eva’s birthday isn’t until next month, the members of the club felt they needed to bring some joy to their friend who suffered a few health setbacks in recent months. Each car got a balloon to tie on the door handle on the passenger side or adhered to a car window. Before that, there were the challenges of loosening up the helium tank that was wound very tight and gathering up some strings for the balloons that weren’t included in the balloon kit as had been promised. The Red Balloon Brigade assembled in the parking lot of the Silver Ridge Realty, on Fort de France Avenue. Abrahamsen and Leigh provided each car their crimson balloon and directions. Then the drive by parade was ready to roll out and proceed west on Fort de France heading toward Jamaica Boulevard and onto Nostrand Drive with another turn onto Doral Drive where Eva was waiting with family members. Abrahamsen is a charter member and former president of the club. She currently serves as chairwoman of fundraising raffle committee and is also on the Executive Committee. Her daughter, Danielle is a special member who is always willing to help when she can. She made a card for Eva. Leigh serves as corresponding secretary and trip chair. Her son, Greg, is a special member, who also likes to help out. They have been members for six years. Virginia “Ginny” Doty, is a charter member, treasurer, and club historian. She has been a member for over 30 years. Her daughter, Melissa, is a special member. Eva and Arthur Biegel were early members of OSK. They ran the monthly dances for years, setting up the tables and chairs and acting as DJ. Arthur was able to teach tennis skills and later to play match play tennis with the kids well into his 80s. “She was a bundle of energy in a tiny package! Eva worked hard at arrangements for the dances, her main driving force was that it was always for the “kids.” They had two sons, Tom and Arthur, special members,” Abrahamsen said. She added, “I personally remember Eva on trips, as our 90-yr-old Mom who had the vitality and enthusiasm to participate in every activity we offered.” Leigh said that during this time of pandemic, “our monthly dances are probably the “mostmissed” activity. We invite local group homes, at no charge, to come to dance and socialize. We provide snacks and soda and later coffee and cake. It’s on a Friday once a month from 7 to 9 p.m., at the Toms River Elks.” “In conversations with other members, the most disturbing consequence of COVID-19 is that parents miss our monthly parent meetings when we could pass on the information about changes in government agencies, and resources available for our children,” Leigh said. She added that they

The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 9 also miss planning OSK events. She noted that the club’s day programs provided vital activities which have now been shut down. “Some of our children have been laid off from unessential jobs, so they are home with nothing to do,” Leigh said. “Although they are adults, they can’t process the meaning of the restrictions as we do, and it’s very emotional for the family. The children in group homes could not have family visitors for months. They are now

allowed to visit sometimes outside with masks and from a distance. They did make the exception to let Arthur come today, but I was told he’s only seen Eva twice this year,” Leigh added. She said that OSK’s special members have a hard time with following “new and different” rules of procedure. “We looked forward to going to “Disney on Ice” in March, but it was canceled and we are still waiting for refunds. All our

annual events have be canceled, as well as trips to shows. We usually have at least one event a month besides the dances and weekly bowling.” OSK was established in 1981. “All family members are volunteers. They do not get any pay for what they do except the smiles and appreciation of our adult disabled children,” Leigh said. For more information, visit Our Special Klub on Facebook.

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Page 10, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020


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Staff try out the disposable gowns. BERKELEY − The company Lovepop Cards, a 3D pop-up greeting card company, took on a project several months ago to help our amazing frontline workers during this pandemic. They set out to make disposable paper gowns for healthcare workers in need of PPE! Amazing, right?!? We thought so too! So, in an effort to help our community and this awesome company, member Danielle DeSaro reached out to purchase gowns on behalf of the Central Regional Education

−Photo courtesy CREA Association. We were super excited to drop off our donation to Tallwoods Rehabilitation and Nursing Center yesterday. We would like to thank Colin Spillane, Head of Retail, who was instrumental in making this purchase possible! To our healthcare workers and first responders who continue to fight against COVID and support our communities, we are so thankful for everything you do! To learn more, visit lovepopcards.com.

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The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 11


Ocean Gate Day Still On, With Social Distancing

By Chris Lundy OCEAN GATE − Ocean Gate Day will still be held this year, with some changes due to coronavirus. The popular event will be held from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Aug. 15 at the corner of Wildwood and Longport Avenue. The rain date is Aug. 16. There will still be vendors, food trucks and ice cream. The difference is that vendors will be spaced farther apart and will have hand sanitizer nearby. Like grocery stores, there will be a suggested path for people to walk through, one-way, to limit the amount of times people are crowding

around. The cardboard boat parade that is held by the First Aid Squad has unfortunately been cancelled for this year. COVID-19 requires social distancing and that popular event has people lined up shoulder to shoulder on the beach and on the pier. Gov. Phil Murphy had said that masks are required for outside events if social distancing is not possible. The beach will be open. For more information, contact Joella Nicastro at 732-288-4706 or JoellaOGBeach@Yahoo. com.

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Second Chef Tasting On The Bay

BAYVILLE – The second Chef Tasting On The Bay event will be held on Sept. 27 at Martell’s Waters Edge at 11 Whitecap Way. The event will run from noon to 4 p.m. so save the date for the tastiest event on the Barnegat Bay. Last year the event featured 18 of the shore’s best restaurants serving up unlimited samples of the best dishes around to a packed house of 450 people. Afterwards everyone went outside to the Tiki Bar and enjoyed live entertainment by The

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Brue Crew. There were raffle baskets, signed memorabilia, crystal, 50/50 ticket and a whole lot more. This event is being hosted by A Need We Feed which helps fight hunger. Their mission is to prepare, package and deliver hot meals to create dining opportunities for veterans, seniors, families, homeless and those in need. For information about this nonprofit charity organization visit aneedwefeed.org or call 732-600-6831.

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Page 12, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020


Man Stabbed Breaking Up Fight Near Rail Trail

By Chris Lundy BERKELEY – Police reported that a man was stabbed while trying to break up a fight involving his son and four other male juveniles. The incident happened on July 16 in the area of Wheaton Avenue and Central Boulevard. The juveniles had fled the scene prior to police arriving. They all knew each other. The adult male, whose identity is not being revealed, was stabbed multiple times as he was

trying to break up the fight. He was transported to Community Medical Center in Toms River for non-life-threatening injuries. This case is still under investigation and charges are pending. Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Michael O’Connor at 732-341-1132 x2153. Or Oconnor@ btpdnj.org. Tips can be left by calling 732-341-1132×611 or tips@btpdnj.org. Tips can be anonymous.

Soulsational Open Air Market

BERKELEY - For the 10th consecutive year, Music & Wellness will be joined together at the Soulsational - Open Air Market - to take place at Veterans Park in Bayville, on July 25, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. The festival is a free community event featuring music, vendors, giveaways, a silent auction, and lots of opportunities to give back and unite the Jersey Shore community! The social distancing Open Air Market will include music, numerous social distancing free group classes, a kids village, art, poets and live demonstrations. The day will include a schedule of FREE events for the entire family of all ages; and have vendors and food trucks. Some featured vendors this year include businesses such as

Pelvic Physical Therapy as a Treatment for Constipation | By Dr. Jamie Scomak, PT Did you know that out of 100 people, 16 individuals suffer from constipation? In adults older than 60 years of age, 33 out of 100 individuals experience symptoms of constipation. The common signs of constipation include: straining during bowel movements because your stool is too difficult or painful to pass, having fewer than three bowel movements per week, and/ or the feeling of incomplete evacuation. A pelvic physical therapist can help with constipation in many ways... Here are just a few conservative treatment approaches a pelvic PT can take with you to better your constipation: • Increasing the amount of fibers and fluids in your diet...Fibers allow for quicker movement of fecal matter throughout the intestines by bulking up stool and making it softer, larger and easier to pass. One should have 14 grams of fiber for every 1000 calories eaten every day. Foods containing more than 20% of the daily value of fiber per serving are

considered high in fiber and should be eaten regularly. In addition, a body that is happily hydrated draws less water from the intestines, allowing for stool to be bulkier and easier to pass. Drinking over 8 glasses of water a day is not only important to better constipation, but when increasing the amount of fiber in your diet, you want to do so while increasing the amount of water to avoid bloating, cramping, or gas. • Increasing the amount of physical activity you are getting...Exercise increases the nervous system, which stimulates contractions along the gut to further move stool along. There are many ways to exercise to create happy bowels. Do you like weight training, walking, running, other cardio activity like the elliptical and stairmaster? Try adding physical activity into your daily routine to get your bowels moving along. • Learning pelvic floor muscle coordination...When the pelvic floor muscles do not properly relax in order to have a bowel movement, constipation may persist. One way to address this is to perform a Reverse

Kegel, this is the opposite of a pelvic floor muscle contraction and a pelvic physical therapist can assist you on how to properly perform these. • Learning proper toileting techniques/ modifications… Modifying your toileting posture to one in a deep squat creates an angle in the rectal canal that causes the least amount of strain, allowing for easier passage of stool. Ways in which you can get into this proper toileting posture in by getting your legs up on a stack of books or a stool in order to elevate your feet so gravity is assisting the passage of stool. Addition of a Squatty Potty to your bathroom is a cost effective and easy fix to this problem! • Design and stick to a toileting schedule...Regardless if there is an urge or not, scheduling when you use the bathroom 20-30 minutes following a meal can encourage a bowel movement by utilizing a reflex that tells your intestines to move when your stomach is full.

massage...Abdominal massage can stimulate wave- like contractions throughout your intestines, which helps move waste along the digestive tract. Each individual is different when it comes to their experience suffering from constipation. When seeking treatment from a pelvic physical therapist at IDPT, an individualized treatment plan is created, along with ways to progress the program. IDPT works one- on- one with patients to address each and every need, in which we understand varies tremendously from one patient to another. If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of our specialized pelvic physical therapists at our Toms River (732.506.3471) or Ocean (732.508.9926) office. Thanks! We hope to hear from you soon.

• Performing abdominal

TOMS RIVER: 167 RTE 37 W • SUITE 2 • TOMS RIVER, NJ 08755 | P: 732.506.3471 • F: 732.551.2318 OCEAN: 1300 RTE 35 • PLAZA 2 • UNIT 102 • OCEAN, NJ 07712 | P: 732.508.9926 • F: 732.508.9928

Hannah Mary Reiki, The Meaningful Mala and Broadway on Main... plus more. There is something for everyone - safely, from start to finish! The Soulsational Music & Wellness Festival was created to honor, share, and explore the many healing paths devoted to wellness right here on the Jersey Shore. Its goal is to increase awareness of the healthy options within our community, support our local small businesses and offer a unique interactive family experience for all those in attendance. We hope to motivate and inspire our community to find what brings them health and greater happiness while creating lifelong family memories. A big Thank You to the 2020 sponsors including; Berkeley Township Recreation, Leadership United, Michelle A Leonard Hypnosis, Hannah Mary Reiki, Broadway on Main, Shanti Revolution and The Meaningful Mala. This is an 100% volunteer run event and we charge NO admission fees. Donations gathered from this event will be donated directly to local Ocean and Monmouth County charities on site; collected pantry food will be given to a local Pantry to distribute. All donations will remain local with chosen charities in our area who attend the festival. Any donations collected for Soulsational goes directly to help produce the event including paying for musicians. For more information, visit Soulsational.info It is being sponsored and organized by Leadership United and MichelleALeonard.com. This event is sponsored and supported by Berkeley Township Recreation and The Zen Den Center.



Continued From Page 1 out the term ‘freeholder’ from our public discourse – a term coined when only white male landowners could hold public office.” The Senate bill, S-855, passed in committee. The Assembly version, A-3594, has not yet been heard in committee. A bill has to pass through committee and then be brought up before the full body for a vote before the governor signs it into law. Freeholder Director Vicari spoke with Micromedia Publications/JerseyShoreOnline.com and said that while he understands the emotion behind the idea, he wished the issue could wait until 2021 because there is also a cost factor associated with a name change. He also agreed that the term commissioner was not a good choice preferring County Supervisor. Vicari pointed to the response that the late Freeholder John C. Bartlett Jr. had made in 2018 when the idea first came up. During the Ocean County Freeholder Board’s April 18, 2018 meeting, Freeholder Bartlett, a retired history teacher, voiced strong opposition to the proposed legislation. At the time, he was the longest serving Freeholder, having served 39 consecutive years. He passed away later that year. “I find the proposed legislation disturbing.” “We have been the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders since the county was founded in 1850. It pains me to think the State Senate has a bill before it - a bill that would change the name to a Board of Commissioners,” Bartlett said. There were an abundance of boards with the titles of commissioners throughout the state and in Ocean County alone there were 12 commissions with well over 100 non-elected commissioners. There are also numerous commissioners serving in the governor’s cabinet. “Commissioners is an overused term. What is wrong with the term ‘freeholder?’” Bartlett asked stating that the term had been used since colonial times. He also noted at the time that while monuments and statutes were being removed and acknowledged some might be inappropriate that they, like the term of “freeholder” were still a part of history. “To suggest the term ‘freeholder’ is in anyway sexist or racist is downright insulting. It makes no sense,” Bartlett said. The Freeholders passed a resolution opposing the move in May of 2018. As Vicari would echo two years later, Bartlett pointed out that there would be a cost factor to changing signs on county buildings, parks, stationary, trucks and other areas. “This is up to the State of New Jersey and it will happen. I’d prefer it happen after the COVID-19 crisis is over. It will be very expensive. Some counties (outside of New Jersey) have County Supervisors. We supervise county government we don’t commission it,” Vicari added. Vicari said that the way it looks now the new terminology term would start to be used in all 21 counties after December

The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 13 but with no change of the functions of a freeholder. “I would prefer they wait until later in 2021 so we can have a transition as we have so much printed paper. Let’s wear it out, the COVID-19 pandemic will be gone and then we can look at what we want to do and reeducate the people that we are no longer a freeholder but a commissioner,” Vicari said. He added that a survey should have been taken “as a courtesy to each county what their preference was. I don’t think we should rush through it right now.” “The diversity of freeholders has never been more to what it is now in 2020. Do we change the name of the sheriff or governor? If you are going to change the name of freeholder do you change the rest?” Vicari asked. Vicari added, this is a very emotional time right now but let it wait one more year. “They never came to Ocean County or any county and asked us what our preference was. We picked up the paper one day and saw this is what the state wanted to do.” “We have to be practical. I am not going to be emotional about this whole situation. The people of Ocean County know what a Freeholder does. It is publicized out there. Most people, I would say, know the function and job of a Freeholder,” Vicari said. He noted that people just voted in the July 7 primary which had the term position of Freeholder on it. “We will accept whatever the state does. I think we should wait to 2021 and cut the expense as much as possible. These are difficult times. Let’s use the money for something else.” Vicari was also a history teacher. He said “is it an English term? Yes, but we have an English background here. I cannot change history.” He noted in the 1960s there were only three Freeholders on the board but it went to its current five later. The Freeholder Director also recalled a time when Tom Kean Jr. had proposed the idea of abolishing the state’s Freeholder boards and turning over the power of governing to the towns. “We are middle government. We manage $450 million a year in our budget. We have 607,000 people and no one is complaining about our services. I think people should have something to say about this,” Vicari said referring to the name change decision. “How can people vote for a Freeholder in one year and change it the next year without the input of the people?” Vicari asked. He said he’d have liked to have seen the matter put on as a state ballot question and to first have a feasibility study on the impact it would have on the state. The “freeholder” name change is just one of the local changes being made or being proposed. Toms River school district officials are being asked to change the name of the Toms River High School South “Indians.” The mascot for Howell Township High School changed from Rebel Yell to H and his appearance shifted from a Confederate soldier caricature to a side profile of a Revolutionary War soldier.

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Page 14, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020



The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 15


Page 16, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020





Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Presented By: Isidore Kirsh, Ph.D., F.A.A.A. (N.J. Lic. #678)





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Preferred Company

Joel & Fran

Dr. Isidore Kirsh Ph.D., F.A.A.A.

The New Normal According To Dr. Izzy

New Jersey is continuing to identify new cases of COVID-19 but our “curve” will continue to flatten but the virus will remain with us for at least the remainder of the year. In my opinion, the “new normal” will include a) social distancing, b) continued use of wearing a mask, c) frequent hand washing, and d) no more hugs for a while. Telepractice will become increasing popular in all medical fields, including hearing healthcare. Remote programming of hearing aids has been available for several years, but in my opinion, the majority of our patients calling our offices cannot benefit from remote programming. During this pandemic, due to the frequent use of wearing a mask, dozens have “lost” their hearing instruments or broke a receiver wire. Many other patients have a “dead” hearing aid and the only way to fix it is to send it back to the manufacturer. Remote programming would be a complete waste of time in these instances. We have continued to offer “curbside services” and/ or drop off services at our Toms River office. This concierge service is critical during this time of uncertainty as well as the increased importance of communication with family and friends.

As our offices begin to transition to opening again, the “new normal” will require us to scan temperatures, ask patients specific questions related to covid-19 symptoms, stagger appointments so there’s no more than two patients in our office at the same time and allow extra time to disinfect all areas once the patient has left. This “new normal” will significantly limit the total number of patients we can see but it’s absolutely critical to follow these procedures at least for the remainder of the year. For over 30 years, Garden State Hearing & Balance Center is here to help anyone who is suffering from hearing loss and/or can’t communicate with their loved ones because they’re hearing aid stopped working. In these times of social isolation, it’s imperative that we communicate with our loved ones. We need that connection for psychosocial and cognitive support. If you need our help, please call us at 732818-3610. We will be re-opening very soon! Please stay healthy, stay home, practice social distancing and I promise you there will be a bright light at the end of the tunnel. All the Best! Dr. Izzy

His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com. Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks!

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It can be quite disconcerting to look in the mirror and discover that you have a spot of blood under the transparent membrane (conjunctiva) that covers the surface of your eye. Called a “subconjunctival hemorrhage,” the condition can occur without you knowing it, following a forceful cough, sneeze, or straining effort. The conjunctiva contains tiny blood vessels that can break (or leak) after sudden increases in pressure. In these cases, the redness usually clears up within a week or two as the blood is reabsorbed. However, if pain or any change in vision is experienced, the ophthalmologist should be consulted. Subconjunctival hemorrhaging is also related to “diabetic retinopathy,” which should not be allowed to go untreated. Despite its bloody appearance, a subconjunctival hemorrhage should cause no change in your vision, no discharge from your eye, and no pain. Your only discomfort may be a scratchy feeling on the surface of your eye. SUSSKIND & ALMALLAH EYE ASSOCIATES is dedicated to providing a full spectrum of high-quality personalized eye care. To schedule an appointment, please call our office at 732-349-5622. Our doctors take the time to listen to and answer your questions so that you can make the best choices to fit your unique needs and lifestyle.

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www.oceancountyeye.com P.S. Rare causes of subconjunctival hemorrhaging include high blood pressure, taking blood thinners, and medical disorders that cause bleeding.


The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 17

Murat Karatepe, M.D. FACC


Board Certified in Cardiology, Nuclear Cardiology & Echocardiography

Dear Pharmacist

Asu Rustenli, M.D. FACC

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Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

Black Currants Help With Night Vision By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

The retina is a delicate tissue that surrounds the back part of your eye, and it is easily harmed. Taking care of the retina is important for vision, and black currants are rich in compounds that neutralize free radicals which would otherwise assault and destroy your retina! Then you wouldn’t be able to see. Then there’s this compound called “rhodopsin.” Have you heard of it? Rhodopsin is imperative for light adaptation, so you need it to see in the dark. Black currant supplements are quite popular for this purpose. Specifically, free radicals are neutralized in the presence of certain pigments (a.k.a. dyes) that are naturally found in colorful fruits. Black currants should be thought of as eye food! These can be eating dried, raw, as jelly or in tea/ supplements. When you think of healthy fruits you think of the darkest ones like blueberries, blackberries and black currants. These are often made into jams and preserves, which are truly delicious. But as you know, they can all be eaten raw in your cereal or fruit salad. You can bake with them too. It’s the anthocyanins (a dark bluish black pigment) that impart the health benefits. Black currant has been studied for its anti-viral properties, and it’s been found to have a good effect on dry eyes. They also stimulate T helper cell activity, which is a great side benefit now that we’re interested in our immune function.

Eating foods with black currants, or supplementing with an extract of it helps with dryness in the eye, as well as intraocular pressure. A study from a few years ago discovered how black currants increase blood f low to the optic nerve which enables vision. In various other trials, black currants In various studies, black currant anthocyanins were shown to increase nourishing blood flow to the eyes in patients with glaucoma, reduce intraocular pressure in the eye, and slow down visual field deterioration. Anthocyanins (again, dark fruits contain this dark pigment), have a relaxing effect on myopia. According to research, the compounds can read the blood-retinal barrier and have a relaxing effect on it. This can help treat myopia and glaucoma. Please don’t misconstrue this as a reason to stop your Xalatan, Vyzulta, Zioptan, Travatan or Lumigan. Those are brand names of prescription eye drops. But if you do take them, ask your doctor if black currants are good for you, and if you can try an oral dietary supplement for your eyes that includes them, or eat them! I can’t think of a reason why not, however, I’m not able to advise you on this. Like all supplements, there are pros and cons, just like with all medications. But I can’t think of a reason as I write this, why it would be bad, unless you’re allergic to them. I have a longer version of this article posted at my website if you’re interested: suzycohen.com.

(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2019 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.

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Page 18, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020



The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 19

R.C. Shea & Assoc.

Inside The Law Class Action Notice

Robert C. Shea Esq.

• Oneonta, • Polytechnic Institute, Michael J. Deem • Schenectady, • Broome, • Downstate, • Empire State, • Erie, • College of Environmental Science and Forestry, • Delhi, • Finger Lakes Community College, • Hudson Valley Community College, and • Tompkins-Cortland Community College. R.C. Shea & Associates if a full-service law fi rm. Our Class Action claims are handled by Michael J. Deem, Esq, who is Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Civil Trial Attorney and also Certified by the National Board of Trial Advocacy in Civil Trial Law. Please call us for a free consultation. (732) 505-1212.

Our clients’ success is our greatest reward. 732-505-1212 • RCSHEA.COM

Dear Joel

By Joel Markel

Empty Nest Now Full Thanks To Pandemic

Dear Joel, When the COVID-19 Pandemic hit and NJ went on lockdown, my two twenty-something daughters, and one college student daughter moved home so we could quarantine together. My husband and oldest daughter were able to work from home, while my middle daughter was considered ‘essential’ and went to work daily. As a physical therapy assistant, I was unable to go to work, so my college student and I kept busy at home. It was a difficult adjustment at first, but we soon settled into a routine. As a matter of fact, my two older daughters are enjoying the routine so much that they have hinted at moving back permanently. As much as we all enjoyed our extended family time, it’s time for them to go back to their own lives so we can continue with ours. Do you have any suggestions as to how we can send them home without having them feel that they’ve been kicked out?


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By: Michael J. Deem, Esq.and Robert C. Shea, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates If you, a family member, or a fried attended any one of the SUNY schools during the recent Spring Semester, then please continue reading. We are looking for an out-of-state (any non- New York resident) student who attended one of the below SUNY schools during the recent spring semester. We think out-of-state students are entitled to a pro-rated refund of their tuition when they were relegated to online courses for the final few months of this past semester. Please let us know if you or anyone you know may fit this description. • University at Buffalo, • Alfred State, • Binghamton University, • Buffalo State, • Brockport, • New Paltz, • Oswego, • Plattsburgh, • Stony Brook, • Canton, • Cobleskill,



Answer: You certainly had your hands full, but at the same time I’m sure you and your husband were happy to have your family together, safe and sound. It’s interesting how adult children, who once couldn’t wait to leave home, suddenly won’t. It sounds like it’s time for a family meeting where you and your husband let them know how you love them, but that now it’s time for Mom and Dad to have their independence. And, my guess is that as restrictions in NJ and surrounding areas are lifted and life starts to resemble something familiar, they will reclaim their own independence. Thank you for writing. Joel Write to joel@preferredcares.com. His radio show, “Preferred Company” airs Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. on preferredradio.com and 1160 & 1310 WOBM-AM.

If you or anyone else is in need of home health care, call Preferred at 732-840-5566 (800603-CARE (2273). “Home health care with feeling. (“Home Health Care with Feeling”)

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Page 20, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020

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AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Ocean Health Initiatives Reopens Closed Locations

By Bob Vosseller NEW JERSEY − Ocean Health Initiatives recently reopened several of its locations in Ocean and Monmouth counties. The locations that have reopened include its Brick office at 1610 NJ-88, Suite 204; OHI Freehold located at 20 Jackson Street, Suite E, Freehold; OHI Little Egg Harbor located at 798 Route 539, Building 3, Little Egg Harbor; and OHI Stafford located at 333 Haywood Road, Manahawkin. Those locations were temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic while Toms River’s location at 10 Stockton Drive; Lakewood’s location at 101 Second Street; and Manchester’s location at 686 Route 70, Lakehurst, remained open. OHI has a bilingual staff available to assist patients and callers and offers Telehealth services for people who cannot travel to an OHI location. It has seven

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NEW JERSEY − Concern for the health and safety of its clients, as well as the nurses and aides who care for them, has always been a top priority for Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services (PHHC), with offices in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Since COVID-19, however, additional safety practices are now standard. All nurses and aides, who are bonded, licensed, and insured, are educated and trained in CDC safety practices and recommendations. They are required to self-monitor their temperatures before visiting a home. Each clinician and aide have approved CDC personal protection equipment, including gowns, KN95 masks, face shields, and gloves for each client. Employees receive weekly updated CDC guidelines and information; and nurses, aides, and families have access to a


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In This Week’s Edition Community News! Pages 10-13

Columns Page 16




clinical supervisor 24 hours a day. Client telehealth visits are conducted daily to ensure the well-being of PHHC clients and families. PHHC Chief Operating Officer Jonathan Herman said, “Throughout the pandemic, Preferred is proud to have maintained our high standard of care for all of our clients, while also working hard to ensure the safety of our nurses and aides. They continue to demonstrate why they are recognized as heroes during this time.” For the past 20 years, PHHC has been accredited by CHAP (Community Health Accreditation Partner), an accrediting organization for the home health care industry. For more information about Preferred, contact Lisa Gallicchio, director of community relations, at lisa@preferredcares. com or call 732-547-9886. Visit Preferred Cares.com for more information.


Cremation With Memorial Package Includes: all of Cremation Only plus a 2-hour Memorial Visitation (during business hours) & complimentary select urn.

locations throughout Monmouth and Ocean Counties. To become a patient of OHI, call 732-363-6655 or visit ohinj.org to schedule an appointment. The Lakewood, Little Egg Harbor and Manchester health centers have pharmacies. OHI provides comprehensive primary and preventative health and dental care to Ocean and Monmouth County’s uninsured, underinsured and insured populations. A sliding-fee scale is available, based on an individual’s or family’s ability to pay. Services include family and internal medicine, dental, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral health and social services, podiatry and pharmacy services. Ocean Health Initiatives (OHI) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) federally qualified health center (FQHC) with seven health centers, a Mobile Medical Unit and two school-based wellness programs in Ocean and Monmouth County.

Classifieds Page 17




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The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 21


Help Wanted



Italian - American Gentleman seeks woman 65-75 yrs with same interest. I am loving, caring, and easy going. Loves music and dancing. Give me a call 732-207-5338. (12)

Janitor/Cleaner - To keep the cleanliness of clubhouse, restrooms, surrounding recrea-tional areas, set up for events, etc. This position is responsible for keeping the premises in a clean and orderly condition. 732-350-3322. (34)

Cheap Painting Done Rite Free estimates. Fully insured. 38 years experience. 732-506-7787 cell 646-643-7678. (37)

1. Below, circle the heading you would like your ad to appear under:

Personal - 973-229-3386. Looking for older black woman, any age, for company and nice time. White gentleman will treat you good. (31)

Items Wanted $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n)

Now Hiring – The Goddard School on Route 70 is seeking full time Teacher’s Assistant and leads for the upcoming school year. We provide a warm, loving environment for children up to six years. Must have a flexible schedule, available Mon-Fri. Benefits include paid time off, 401k and paid lunch on Fridays. To learn more about these positions, email your resume to toms river2nj@goddardschools.com Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n)

COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/ estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n)

Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n)

All Firearms WANTED - Gun Collections, Military/Hunting, Antique, Military Artifacts, Swords/ Bayonets. We pay CASH on the spot! Call John & Stephanie 610716-5353. email: antiqueand rareguns@gmail.com. Federal Firearms License Holder (38)

Power Washer - $14 p/h. Cash to start. Executive Enterprises, Toms River. Call 732-608-6181. NJ Lic#13VH05877600. (31)

Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (17) CASH PAID!! - LP records, ste-reos, turntables, musical instru-ments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (28) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for Rock, Reggae, Blues, Elvis, Jazz, Metal, Psychedelic. Very Good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (34) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n)

Help Wanted Laundromat Attendant - For FT/PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (34) 2 College Students - Work full time until school starts. $14 p/h. Cash to start - power washing. Call 732-608-6181. (31)

Hire at once full time at 4 to 6 hours a day - You need to have your own vehicle. Currently working on Long Beach Island, Jackson & Howell. Call 908-216-2400/732-364-5330. (31)

Food Service - Our staff has done a tremendous job during the recent pandemic. Our staff has been and is committed to quality service to our residents. Our staff is are not just employees but they are heroes in the eyes of the residents and family members. We continue to comply with all department of health standards and maintain strict following of all CDC standards. The Pines is currently looking for experience and on experienced food service workers) who want to be part of a team that is committed to providing excellent service to the residents here. We have numerous part time openings for Servers/Waitstaff, Dietary Aides, and Utility Aides/Dish Washers. We have a diverse workforce from high school kids to retired individuals. Our high school kids get the work experience and at the same time have the opportunity to earn scholarships to college from our resident association. Our retired individuals come in and provide mentorship and leadership to our young kids and at the same time get the satisfaction and feeling that they are still making some type of contribution. At this time, we currently have the following part time opportunities with our dining services department: All positions are part time and currently start at $11/hr. Apply online at https://www.thepinesatwhiting.org/contactus/careers/ or in person to: The Pines at Whiting, 509 Route 530, Whiting, NJ 08759 EOE. (34) Kitchen/Wait Staff - Apply online at Magnoliaal.com or in person at Magnolia Gardens. 1935 Route 9, Toms River. 732-557-6500 or email hr@magnoliaal.com. (30) Program Management Analyst needed by VitalAxis in Toms River, NJ to be responsible for execution of multiple programs of strategic business value & end-to-end delivery by managing teams across geographies in America & India. Email resume to, Arun Tumati, Chief Operations Officer, at arun.tumati@vitalaxis.com. (38)

Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n) Don Carnevale Painting Specializing interiors. Some exterior. Quality always. Very neat. Prompt courteous service. Reasonable-affordable. Senior discounts. Honest-reliable. Low rates. Free estimates. References. 732-8994470 or 732-915-4075. (33) ALL American Home Health Aides Experienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605 (t/n) Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (33) Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19) Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (19) When You Need A Caregiver Call Lucy - European Registered Nurse, 25 years. US Eldercare experience, 17 years. Live in/out, hourly, negotiable. Leisure Village West resident. 732-657-1409 (H), 732-833-3273 (C). (20) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice.com. Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n) SPRING CLEANUPS - Landscaping restorations carpentry masonry renovations repairs downed branches hedges shrubs bushes mulch stone debris removal demolition cleanouts dumpster service provided by a Licensed A901Hauler. MAN WITH Van LLC Jim 609335-0330 HIC#13VH10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL. (27) You Deserve A Personal Concierge - Let me help with dayto-day tasks. Reasonable hourly rates. hhconcierge.com. Phone 732-806-7841. (32)

• Estate/Garage/Yard Sales

• Items Wanted

• For Rent

• Auto For Sale

• Help Wanted

• Real Estate

• Items For Sale

• Services

• Other


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The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 23




Across 1 Talked into, with “on” 5 Calyx part 10 Typical artist’s apartment 14 Samoan capital 15 Amtrak option 16 Cabinet dept. formed under Carter 17 Doughnut order from a king? 19 Fifty percent up front? 20 Recorded 21 GPS info 23 Pisa possessive 24 Recording device 25 Musicians given to tippling? 28 Writer LeShan 29 Is next to 31 Sergeant Bilko, to friends 32 Tapestry thread 33 Saturn models 34 Set of data within an atmospheric

analysis? 40 Quarterback Tony 41 Swamplike 42 Protection against Mr. Decay Germ, in old ads 44 Continued violently 45 MDX Ö X 48 Occupants of a well-insulated nest? 50 One of the Coen brothers 52 “10538 Overture” gp. 53 Ocean bird 54 Gets rid of 55 M’s favorite agent 57 How perfume is sold ... and this puzzle’s title 60 Commercial exchange fee 61 Ames native 62 Future ENT’s exam 63 “You’ve Got Mail” co-star 64 Grabs 65 Turtles, sometimes

Down 1 Biblical seductress 2 Offered a view 3 Shoeless Joe Jackson portrayer in “Field of Dreams” 4 Mother of Perseus 5 Marquis de __ 6 Prefix with friendly 7 Product with a Simpsons set 8 Last Olds models 9 Andy Panda creator 10 Took charge 11 Two-run homer situation 12 Like “executrix,” e.g. 13 Old TV parts 18 Urban __ 22 “Beauty is bought by judgement of the __”: Shakespeare 25 Fit and muscular 26 Certain footrest 27 Verve 30 Quilting party 34 Math branch con-

cerned with surfaces 35 Rain forest region 36 Beyond slender 37 Former PBS “Mystery!” host 38 Extractable natural resource 39 Louisiana genre featuring the accordion 40 Grain-based treat 43 “Understood, Cap’n” 44 His stories inspired “Guys and Dolls” 45 Luck 46 Pet that needs a sitter? 47 Many Alaska maps 49 “__ non sufficit”: the world is not enough 51 Outdo 54 Beltway VIPs 56 Put on 58 BOAC competitor 59 Storied cauldron stirrer








Page 24, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020

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AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Parents/Guardians Allowed Indoor Visits To Long-Term Care Facilities

By Bob Vosseller NEW JERSEY – After months of being denied access to their loved ones, parents and guardians will be allowed indoor visits at long-term care facilities thanks to a New Jersey Department of Health directive. The DOH recently released a directive that permits parents, a family member, legal guardians and support persons of pediatric, developmentally disabled and intellectually disabled residents of long-term care facilities to arrange for by-appointment indoor visits with their loved ones. “I understand how stressful and heartbreaking it has been for so many families not to be able to visit their loved ones in person for more than three months now,” State Health Commissioner Judith Perischilli said. “Reuniting families with their loved ones in these facilities is a critical step for the mental, physical, social and emotional well-being of these residents.” The directive by the Department outlines guidance to safeguards the health of these vulnerable individuals. Facilities can only allow visits if there has been no new probable or confi rmed coronavirus cases recorded across a 28-day period, which is two incubation periods for COVID-19. All visitors must be screened for symptoms, which includes temperature checks and potential exposure to COVID-19. These screenings should take place in a designated area that maintains social distancing and infection control standards. If an individual has any COVID-19 symptoms or possible exposure, they will not be per-

mitted to visit with a resident. Visitors are required to wear a mask, be educated on proper hand hygiene and practice social distancing with anyone other than their loved one. Specific areas for visits will be designated by the facilities in order to limit the visitor’s movement around the facility. While transporting the resident to designated visiting area, a safe distance of six feet must be maintained by other residents and staff. Informed consent forms will be collected by facilities and those giving consent must acknowledge that they are aware of the potential dangers of COVID-19 exposure and will comply with the facility’s policies during the visit. The consent form includes agreement by the visitor to notify the facility if they tested positive for the virus or have symptoms within 14 days of visiting. Hours, days and duration of visits will be established by each facility and they can start scheduling indoor visit 48 hours after they have submitted an attestation to the Department that they have implemented the requirements of the Department’s directive. Facilities must confirm that the facility is not experiencing an outbreak, designated areas have been established for visitation, sufficient staff and personal protective equipment are available and that they have created a system to schedule appointments. For further information about the NJ DOH follow the agency on Twitter @ njdeptofhealth, Facebook /njdeptofhealth, Instagram @njdeptofhealth and Snapchat @njdoh.

Car, Truck & Cycle Showdown

TOMS RIVER − The Toms River Lions Mane Event Car, Truck, and Cycle Showdown has been will now be on Sunday, Aug. 2 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.) The event is located at the Pizza Hut at 211 Route 37 East in Toms River. The event is rain or shine, and there is no rain date.

It’s a judged show and trophies will be awarded (including Best Represented Club). The events will also have vendors, food and beverages, giveaways, a 50/50 and DJ Blue Jay. For vendor opportunities or for more information, call Jason at 732-810-5729. To register and pay by credit card, call Mel at 732-239-8968.

Beach Plum Festival ISLAND BEACH STATE PARK – The annual Beach Plum Festival is returning to Island Beach State Park from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sept. 13. This yearly event features over 100 arts and craft vendors, children’s games, non profit

and of course Beach Plum jelly. Don’t miss this fun family festival in the park, sponsored in part by a grant from the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Explore more at oceancountytourism.com.



The Berkeley Times welcomes your special announcements! Engagements, Weddings, Births, Birthday Wishes, etc. Please call 732-657-7344 for more details!


The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 25

Spotlight On Business


Largest Apartments Most Freedom - Lowest Rates

Arrangements Available In Your Home, Removal From Place Of Death, Alternative Container, Wood #ODZ, Transfer To Crematory L :

DG L F H  U A, L



S T. DG NJ L N 

We like to call Silverwoods Independent Living by Complete Care a unique community and a place “Where Seniors Thrive”. With the challenges of life during COVID 19, we believe this now more than ever! Our residents tell us every day how fortunate they feel living in our large, roomy and bright garden-style apartments on our beautiful campus. They never feel cut off from the world enjoying the ability to safely connect with family, friends, neighbors and staff from their front or back porch. Being able to see the campus bloom with flowers and enjoying outdoor space in safety is adding enjoyment to their days. Staff makes daily dinner delivery a special occasion with a gift, activity or special dessert. Social distancing activities outdoors adds vital human connection to enhance well-being. Residents tell us that they feel “so safe and supported because Nurse Anna


checks on them” regularly. Our friendly housekeeping staff, while following CDC guidelines, always take the extra time to share a few laughs and kind words and seeing our maintenance crew buzzing on their golf carts brings a feeling of community to all. Residents are now looking forward to the day they can again enjoy the full range of amenities like dining & activities in our clubhouse, trips, shopping, swimming in our indoor pool and fitness classes that are all included in one low monthly rate. CALL TODAY to schedule a Virtual or an In-Person Tour, see our newly renovated apartments and receive a FREE GIFT! Bring this article with you and receive ONE MONTH RENT FREE for Full-Service reservations made by 9/1 with a move in by 11/1. For more information call 732-3416630 or visit www.SilverwoodsLiving. com.




An interactive website where you can:

Your Gateway Resource to Ocean County NJ Information

♦ Ocean County Events ♦ Community Information ♦ Business Listings

Additional Costs: Crematory Fee, Urns, Disposition Of Cremains & Certified Copies Of Death Certificates, Permit, Removal Assist. & Mileage, Viewings Or Memorial Services

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HANDS FOR ALL A Division of HOMES FOR ALL, INC. A Not-For-Profit Affordable Housing Developer 309 Hooper Ave. • Toms River, NJ 08753 Tel: 732.286.7929 • Fax: 732.286.9698


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Page 26, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020

PROFESSIONAL PROFILE By Michael Vandenberg Most of the time, getting treatment is simple. Something hurts or you feel ill, so you go to the doctor. He or she describes what the problem is and then gives you advice or medication. But sometimes answers aren’t so simple. That’s when rheumatologists like Dr. Shahzad Hussain step in. With his innate ability to read between the lines, along with years of education and first-hand experience, Dr. Hussain stands ready to solve the problem and make a difference. The challenging nature of rheumatology is part of what originally appealed to him back in residency. It was a field where he could do more than write prescriptions; he really wanted to get to know his patients, and that comes with the territory when you’re asking them a lot of questions for a diagnosis and treatment. So he did fellowships in both rheumatology and immunology, making his level of knowledge on the former’s top villains (like lupus) among the highest. He happened to finish his residency in San Francisco at the same time and city as Dr. Usmani, who would go on to start his own practice in Lakewood in 1999. Meanwhile, Dr. Hussain had gone home to care for his ailing brother. A few months went by, and Dr. Usmani started to get busy and looked to hire a partner. He heard about Dr. Hussain and gave him a call. “It would be at least another six months before I can come back,” Dr. Hussain warned

Patients Ask Doctors. Doctors Ask Dr. Hussain him. “No problem, I can wait,” Dr. Usmani said. They eventually joined forces and ran a highly successful practice until early 2018, when they decided to merge with Garden State Medical Center. There were two major benefits to joining GSMC. For one thing, everything is electronic here for easy access: data, records, and charts are all in one place. That means they can spend less time doing paperwork and more time getting you better. Second, they could team up with Dr. Dharam Mann and his gifted team of pain management specialists. The idea of having everything under one roof was huge to Dr. Hussain. Before the merger, “I’d see a patient here, and then I’d say, ‘Okay go get pain management forty miles away.’” Sometimes this would result in a disconnect in treatment strategy, or patients understandably didn’t want to do all that traveling. But now he’ll come to a diagnosis and say, for example, “Dr. Jani is next door. I know him, I’ll talk to him.” All of his notes are right on the database,

along with Dr. Jani’s, so they can easily coordinate the best way to care for you. “I’ll send them and in the next few days they are being seen,” by one of the pain management specialists. No more bouncing around for a month just to go from diag-

nosis to treatment. With the full force of GSMC behind him, Dr. Hussain has pulled off some great feats. “It’s very gratifying in this field when you see patients doing well, because these diseases are hard to treat,” he pointed out. One woman had rashes head to toe and had been to five or six other rheumatologists before Dr. Hussain. She had only recently been diagnosed with skin lupus, but treatment wasn’t working. The key would be to figure out anything besides the lupus that might be triggering the rashes. Sun exposure was an obvious cause, but Dr. Hussain was able to lean heavily on his

allergy training in immunology to dig deeper on things like perfumes and shampoos. After six months of careful consideration and communication with the patient, they were able to get the rashes down to 10 percent of their former surface area. A great improvement, but not perfect. Dr. Hussain found a new infusion that had just been approved by the FDA. The only problem: it cost $20,000 every four weeks. His office fought hard for the patient to get it approved with her insurance, and then they began treatment. In three months, there was not one spot left on her body. “She literally sat and cried and cried and said, ‘Oh my God, I’ve lived with this for so long. I thought I was go-

ing to die with this.’ So now she’s still rash-free. She’s in complete remission,” and only has to take one medication per day. Rashes aren’t the only thing Dr. Hussain treats either. Rheumatology can concern all of the major bodily systems in one way or another. Regardless of what you’re feeling, he is prepared to talk to you and give you a hand. Feel free to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hussain today at 1100 NJ Route 70, Entrance A in Whiting or 2333 Whitehorse Mercerville Road in Hamilton by calling 1-888-376-2661. Visit gsmedicalcenter.org anytime to get more information on all of the services Garden State Medical Center provides.


The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020, Page 27

Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of july 25 - july 31

By Jeraldine Saunders

ARIES (March 21-April 19): You might rush to get something done on time and only end up slowing yourself down. This is one of those weeks when you should be extra polite and avoid letting anyone get under your skin. Hold off on making major changes. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Let sleeping dogs lie. You might feel that it’s best to be forthright when discussing a financial matter. Unfortunately, all you may do is stir up resentment and controversy. Remain discreet in the week ahead. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Dialogues about the past can needlessly complicate the present. Put personal meetings and serious discussions on the back burner during the first half of the week. There may be obstacles to handling your budget. CANCER (June 21-July 22): The New Moon arrives in your sign early tomorrow. The next few days could be difficult to navigate because there may be a pileup of duties and realities to face. Wait until the second half of the week to make weighty decisions. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The shift in focus during tomorrow’s New Moon might be all it takes to reveal hidden problems and mistakes. Be glad to have a chance to fix them as the week unfolds and learn from them for the future. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You can solve crossword puzzles easily but may not easily handle cross words. There could be a competition or struggle over money, policies or ethics, so it’s best to let a sense of fair play prevail in the week ahead.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You may feel your achievements are unsatisfactory if you compare yourself to others. This is not a good week to negotiate better terms because other people may be focused on their own agenda and could be less empathetic than usual. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You may briefly feel you’re out of your depth in the upcoming week. You could be dismayed by family dramas or feel uncertain when faced with a dilemma. Make a deliberate effort to fill in the gaps in your knowledge. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In the week ahead, you may be discouraged when people don’t react to your ideas with the level of enthusiasm you expect. Remain budget-conscious and be sure to pay your bills on time. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don’t let a spat turn into a grudge. When people are stressed out, a few harsh words can quickly turn into hard feelings. In the week ahead, be aware that unmindful criticism of others might build an unscalable wall. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Performing the dullest duties may show others that you are diligent but may not earn you any credit. Do not expect to receive glowing praise for just being there. Avoid disputes and dissension during the upcoming week. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Put creative energies to work on your own behalf as this week unfolds rather than being distracted by lingering problems. Wait until a project is perfected and polished before presenting it to the world.



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Page 28, The Berkeley Times, July 25, 2020


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