The BERKELEY Times Vol. 26 - No. 18
In This Week’s Edition
Sign Removal Causes Conflict, First Amendment Debate
October 17, 2020
First Responders Train With “Operation Total Chaos”
−Photo courtesy Brick police First responders trained in a drill where a lot of emergencies happened at once.
Community News! Page 10-12
−Photo courtesy Daniel Kessel The owner said signs like these were taken off his property.
Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Page 16
Inside The Law Page 19
Dear Joel Page 24
By Chris Lundy BERKELEY – When signs advocating for the legalization of marijuana were removed by an official, it brought up questions about the first amendment and the role of senior community bylaws and their enforcement. Daniel Kessel, who lives with his father in Holiday City West, said that his signs were up for a few days before the president of the homeowner’s association took them down. The
signs urge people to vote for adult use marijuana legalization. However, when his signs were taken down, but not other political signs, he said they are applying the bylaws unevenly. The community should allow all signs or none of them, he said. “So they broke their own law.” His father had caught the association president “with her hand in the cookie jar” taking the sign (Rally - See Page 4)
Trump Rally Takes To The Road By Bob Vosseller TOMS RIVER – The Trump Train had a stop in Ocean County. Many were ready to roll in support of Donald Trump as part of a car parade which launched from the parking lot of the BJ’s store in the township through Route 37 east. It was similar to the huge boat parade that was held on Labor Day weekend supporting the president’s reelection
bid and in support of law enforcement that filled Barnegat Bay. Instead of boats, it was cars, and the parking lot of BJ’s resembled a sea of red, white and blue as well as some pink Women of Trump flags as vehicles of all shapes, sizes and models and a number of motorcycles lined up for a mobile rally. There were a number of vendors hawking Trump banners, flags, T-shirts, stickers and all manner of Trump
merchandise. Toninn Comello of Jackson organized the event which was a bit of a sequel to the prior week’s Monmouth County Trump Road Rally which featured a large vehicle parade of cars decorated with flags, banners, Trump faces and other items. “This is a continuation of that parade. I did that one as well. Last week we (Rally - See Page 9)
By Chris Lundy BRICK – Fortunately, it was only a drill. There was a propane tank fire, live wires on the ground, multiple overturned vehicles including a school bus – with people inside, and the need to search for victims in buildings and a large field. “O perat ion Tot al Chaos” was a disaster preparedness drill developed by Brick Tow nship EMS Director Rob Contreras and Manchester EMS Director Rob Baran. It took place at the Fire Training Academy on Herbertsville Road. “The purpose of the exercise was to evaluate players’ actions against current response plans and capabilities responding to a weather-related emergency in Ocean County,” said Director Contreras. During the two-hour drill, fire and EMS per-
sonnel worked together to extricate wounded victims, while dealing with live wires, fi res, and smoke conditions. Victims were triaged, treated, and rehabbed as needed. Vehicles and special equipment were brought into play. “Everyone did a fantastic job, and thank you to Dr. Ken Lavelle, our Medical Director for attending the exercise and overseeing the health and safety of our participants. Through this exercise we were able to identify areas where we can improve, such as interagency communications and triaging victims,” Contreras said. There were approxi mately 80 pa r t icipants, including those play i ng r ole s. T he fol low i ng age ncie s took part: Manchester Township EMS, Jackson Township EMS, Lakewood Township (Train - See Page 4)
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Page 2, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
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The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 3
Page 4, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
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ed. In that case, he says the association just doesn’t want signs that they don’t agree with. “If they’re going to allow one sign up, they have to let them all up,” he said. The conflict brings up several issues. Free speech being one. Another is the relationship between homeowners associations and the town they are in. In this case, does a homeowners association have say in what signs are on a public street? Does the township police enforce the association’s bylaws? Marietta Kobus, the president of the Holiday City West homeowners association said that the bylaws support her action. “People just have to realize he’s breaking all kinds of bylaws,” she said. For it to be a political sign, it has to have a candidate’s name on it. So, for example, if there was a sign advocating how to vote on an open space tax, that sign would also be against the rules and would be taken down. The common land is actually owned by the township, but the bylaws would apply to them, she said. “Even though it’s township land, the bylaws still apply,” Kobus said. She’s received complaints about Kessel’s signs, she said. “People don’t want to see drug promotion in their neighborhood,” she said. “People are aghast over it.”
The drill was observed by Chief James Riccio, Office of Emergency Management Coordinator Joe Pawlowicz, the Brick Township Safety Officer Ron Gaskill, and the Brick Township Fire Bureau. “Everyone did a great job. Drills like this are important to help to identify areas where we can do better and prepare for emergencies when they really happen. It was good to see all these agencies coming together and working as a team,” Riccio said.
Continued From Page 1 and he called police. A video published by Kessel on social media showed a Berkeley police officer responding to the call about the stolen signs. The officer said the sign was promoting illegal activity. The association president had also told him it was advocating drug use. But the signs are specifically about the referendum question that’s on the November ballot, he said. It’s a political statement, he said. Criticism that he’s trying to promote illegal activity is ridiculous. Kessel has been a medical marijuana patient for six years; it helps him deal with ulcerative colitis. Berkeley Police were contacted about this issue for this story but they did not respond by press time. Kessel has since contacted an attorney to advocate on his behalf. “I’m going to take it as far as I can because if I don’t” they’ll keep infringing on other people’s rights, he said. The sign was among other signs for political candidates. If the association allows the Trump and Richter signs to stay up, but not his, then he accuses them of being one-sid-
Continued From Page 1 EMS, Berkeley Township EMS, Ocean County EMS Coordinators, Brick Township Office of Emergency Management, Brick Township Fire Bureau, Herbertsville Fire Company, Laurelton Fire Company, Pioneer Hose Fire Company, Brick Township Police, and Brick Township EMS.
YMCA Offers All Day Child Care, Help With Virtual Learning
OCEAN COUNTY - The Ocean County YMCA is supporting local families by offering all-day childcare that will include assistance with virtual instruction for students. For those parents who need to return to work, we will provide a safe and enriching
environment for learning. The all-day childcare program is available at the Ocean County YMCA, Walnut Street Elementary, East Dover Elementary, and Beachwood Elementary. To learn more, visit
The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 5
Page 6, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 7
OPINIONS & COMMENTARY E DITORIAL The Real Reasons For Televised Debates We recently just had the fi rst (and possibly only) presidential debate for the 2020 election. We also just recently had the only vice presidential debate for 2020 (which also might wind up being the fi rst presidential debate of 2024 since both of those people could wind up winning primaries in four years). Did you learn anything from those debates? Were you an undecided voter before that? Chances are, you answered “no” to both of those questions. Maybe at one time, debates were used to hash out the differences bet ween candidates, but these days they are as different as can be. Moderators give a candidate two minutes (unless they go over) to talk about their plans on a given topic. But there isn’t a single topic that can be summed up in two minutes. Global economics. St r uggles in the Middle East. Vulnerabilities in our election system. Racial divides. Immigration. These are all very complex issues that need more than a two-minute answer. But, since they have two minutes, they give you
the short, short version. They give you slogans. They give you lies. They give you a sound bite. They give you something that can turn into a meme on Facebook for 1-4 days after. So, that is the fi rst reason for debates. Politicians use them to reinforce the lies they have been telling you already. It is free advertising for them. There is nothing of substance in these debates. What you do learn, somewhat, is character. You get to see what the candidate acts like under pressure. The camera zooms in on every facial tic and bit of body language that they can’t hide. You get to see what they’d be like addressing our nation – or another nation abroad. So, that’s one thing they are good for. And finally, the most important reason for debates: advertising revenue. Let’s face it, the debate is good TV. There’s fighting. There’s drama. There’s emotion. It’s like a reality show. People tune in for that and the television station rakes in the money. Chris Lundy News Editor
W� W������ L������ T� T�� E�����! The Berkeley Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for veri�ication. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to edit or
reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail typed letters to: PO Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732-657-7388 or e-mail Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily re�lect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.
Letters To The Editor Martin Weber – A True Conservative The best politician is someone who never expected to be one. That’s Marty Weber. A veteran and a south Jersey business owner who – like the rest of us – has gotten so fed up with the way things are that he threw his hat in the ring. He wants term limits, so you know he wants to just get in there, do what needs to be done, and get out. He’s not looking to live off the dole forever like politicians. He also wants term limits for federal judges. I didn’t even know federal judges had lifetime appointments. As a U.S. Army vet, he wants to reform the veteran care in this country. Our men and women fought for us and he’s going to fight for them. He’s running as an independent, but he’s a better conservative than David Richter, who never had a job that his daddy didn’t give him and who’s just going to raise our taxes. Weber wants tax reform, and to bring common sense to Washington. I want to send him to Washington to help all of us in the 3rd District. W. Smith Berkeley
Smith Has Always Helped Us As 9/11 widows known as “The Jersey Girls,” we have spent 19 years fighting for truth, justice, transparency and accountability with regard to the murder of our husbands. In December of 2001, we found ourselves in Congressman Chris Smith’s office. As our meeting with him progressed, we knew we had come to the right place. Congressman Smith gave us a road map for how to navigate Congress to accomplish our goals, he also held our hands and walked us through … every step of the way. For nineteen years he has been our guide and mentor helping us decipher the maze of D.C. He has supported us and our issues - even when it cost him politically and
personally for going against party lines. Congressman Smith actually does what ALL our elected officials should do - help the people you are sent to D.C. to represent and make the world a better place. He is truly one of the good guys in DC. We have personally witnessed Chris Smith’s commitment to his constituents and his tireless efforts on human rights issues. His work has made the world a more humane place. We cannot think of a better person to represent New Jersey’s 4th District in Congress. We are truly lucky to have him! Mindy Kleinberg Lorie Van Auken Kristen Breitweiser
NJ Organizing Project Endorses Kim The NJ Organizing Project was born out of desperation by Superstorm Sandy survivors who were trapped in a failed recovery system, beleaguered, and on the verge of losing everything. Our ears burned as elected officials told us how well the recovery was going, while those with boots on the ground knew the real story and struggle. Individual cries for help went unheard. It wasn’t until Sandy-impacted families organized and created the NJOP in 2014 that real change began to happen in our communities. That change happened because we built community power. We worked diligently to earn the trust of both families struggling and the officials elected or appointed to serve them. We avoided party affiliation and have been careful to not align ourselves too closely with any single political figure. Indeed, in the entire history of the New Jersey Organizing Project, we have only made one endorsement for election - until now. After much discussion and input from our members, we are proud to announce our first congressional endorsement - Congressman Andy Kim for New Jersey’s Congressional District 3. Our core belief is that those most impacted by a problem are the experts and be-
long at the table fighting for solutions. We have always sought to engage and build relationships with legislators who value the insights and solutions that grassroots organizations bring to the table. Legislators who share our values and a willingness to co-govern with engaged citizens are rare and worth standing up and speaking out for. Andy Kim’s platform and beliefs align with the foundation of NJOP’s values of helping working class NJ families improve the quality of their lives. These include, but are not limited to, economic recovery from the COVID crisis, protecting the environment, better support for America’s veterans, and continued recovery for Sandy victims who are still struggling 8 years after the storm. Andy’s support for adequate health care for all Americans is a critical pillar of NJOP’s economic security and dignity initiative. Furthermore, his tireless work to seek solutions to the opioid crisis that is decimating our communities is vital to the wellbeing of NJ families. We have carefully observed Congressman Kim during his first term of office and have determined that he does in fact, “walk the walk” by following through on his campaign promises. We are further encouraged by his willingness to set divisive party politics aside and reach across the aisle to work with other elected officials who are truly committed to improving the lives of our citizens. It is our hope that you share our vision for a better New Jersey: one with an equitable share of prosperity for all citizens and compassion for our state’s most vulnerable residents. It is our hope that you see, as we do, that Andy Kim is the leader most able to help make that vision a reality. Thank you for all you do and don’t forget to vote, Joe Mangino and Doug Quinn New Jersey Organizing Project
Letters To Th Why Commit A Sin To Atone For A Sin? Oct. 3rd, The Jackson Times reported that animal sacrifices are taking place in Ocean County. The practice revolves around the religious ritual known as Kaporos, where Jewish Orthodox men sacrifice chickens supposedly to “cleanse the practitioner of his sins.” The ceremony entails grabbing a chicken, by the neck, then twirling the bird around your head three times, and according to Rabbi Avi Schnall – “we take the chicken and say a prayer, ‘let this chicken be an atonement for me’….” The hapless fowl is then eventually dispatched by separating its head from its body with a knife. The rabbi stated that “the ceremony is more symbolic and a tradition that dates back many hundreds of years….” Ringing a chicken’s neck till it expires is not symbolic! nor is the “tradition” claim valid. At one time in this country slavery was a “tradition.” An American humanist summed up the practice of animal sacrifice well: “It is difficult to think of anything more utterly absurd and barbaric, than the religious practice of animal sacrifice to atone for a supposed wrong. A man commits a wrong and then to atone, sacrifices a chicken. His offense remains. He need not kill something. Let him correct his misdeed and live an honorable life…and let the innocent animal alone. There is no sense in sacrifice, never was and never will be. Make amends, undo the wrong, and you need shed no blood.” It’s hard to believe in the 21st century, any human being possessing a brain and a heart, would willingly participate in such an ignominious Bronze Age practice. The religious sacrifice of nature’s yardbirds is disgraceful and offensive display of animal cruelty. Common decency, at the very least, is a compelling reason why this appalling practice should be outlawed. Borden Applegate Jackson
Write a letter to The Berkeley Times and make yourself heard.
Page 8, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
SPOTLIGHT ON GOVERNMENT Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials
Update On Senior Freeze And Homestead CAPITOL COMMENTS
the following information posted by the New Jersey Division of Taxation about payments for the Senior Freeze and Homestead Benefit programs: 9th Legislative District According to the new Senator Christopher J. Connors • Assemblyman guidance, Senior Freeze Brian E. Rumpf • Assemblywoman DiAnne C. Gove payments are expected to start being made to eligible TRENTON − As an update to constituents, taxpayers on October 15th, 2020. Additionally, Homestead Benefit payments 9th District legislators Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf, and will be paid to eligible taxpayers beginning Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove provided in May, 2021.
The 9th District legislators offered the following remarks: “In June, our delegation started an online petition demanding that the Senior Freeze and Homestead Benefit programs be protected and fully funded under the new State Budget. It was one of the small victories, in an otherwise dreadful FY2021 State Budget, that funding for these critical tax relief programs was ultimately restored. “Funding for the Senior Freeze and Homestead Benefit programs should never have been on the chopping block in the first place. Trenton is already causing enough financial
hardships by increasing the gas tax and tolls. Taking away property tax relief during these uncertain economic times would have had drastic consequences for many taxpayers, including those who have already reached their financial breaking point. “Certainly, we are disappointed it will take the Murphy Administration so long to resume the Homestead Benefit credit. If Trenton bureaucrats can quickly implement tax increases, they should also be able to expedite Homestead payments to taxpayers who can’t afford to wait months for the tax relief they deserve.”
$500 Million Available In School Projects From The Desk Of The
Governor Phil Murphy TRENTON – The Murphy Administration announced the availability of grant applications for school security, water infrastructure improvements, and enhancement of career and technical education in county vocational-technical school districts and county colleges in New Jersey. The grants are supported by $500 million in bonds authorized by the Securing Our Children’s Future Bond Act (Act), and approved by New Jersey voters in November 2018. “Investing in our students’ future is an essential part of building a stronger and fairer New Jersey,” said Governor Murphy. “From critical school security measures to necessary career
and technical education training, this new funding will further strengthen our efforts to ensure that students across our state are equipped with the tools and support they need to succeed.” “New Jersey students win twice through these initiatives,” said Interim Education Commissioner Kevin Dehmer. “The funding will help ensure students throughout the state are provided a safe and secure learning environment, and it will also provide countless students with greater opportunities for success both during and after high school.” “One of the goals of our State Plan for Higher Education is for every student to have high-quality, career-relevant academic programs that prepare them for success,” said Interim Secretary of Higher Education Diana Gonzalez. “These campus upgrades will enhance students’ access to experiential learning opportunities and equip them with in-demand skills needed to compete in New
Jersey’s innovation economy.” “Funding from the Securing Our Children’s Future Bond Act will provide critical funding for our vocational-technical high schools and county colleges to expand their programs, giving our students increased opportunities for good-paying jobs and providing our industries with the technical-skilled workers they need,” said Senate President Steve Sweeney. “It also provides critical funding for programs to improve security and remove lead contamination for our schools. This landmark legislative initiative will create jobs and provide important stimulus to help our economy rebound from the recession caused by the coronavirus.” The economic viability and competitiveness of New Jersey is inextricably linked to the strengths and skills of the state’s current and future workforce,” said Assemblyman Daniel Benson. “The Securing Our Futures Bond Act will make the necessary investments in career and technical education programs will help us maintain current and attract new high-demand industries that are the engine of economic growth.”
“We are on the path to better aligning our education system, especially our high schools and county colleges, with the needs of our economy in order to equip more students with the skills they will need to take advantage of career opportunities in high-demand, high-growth fields,” said Assemblyman John Burzichelli. “New Jersey’s county vocational school districts and county colleges have established and advanced career and technical education programs, but the demand for such programs far outweighs their availability,” said Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt. “Moving forward on this investment will help repair this imbalance, as well as provide funding for school security upgrades.” The Securing Our Children’s Future Bond Act includes: School Security: $75 million. This grant funding will help districts implement Alyssa’s Law, which requires that schools have a panic alarm system that alerts police if an emergency occurs. After addressing Alyssa’s (Government - See Page 21)
Continued From Page 1 had 500 vehicles and it looks like we have 600 vehicles. We are going down 37 east going over the bridge into Seaside then back and down to Fischer Boulevard going all the way up to Hooper Avenue and then to Route 70.” The Vunic family from the Forked River section of Lacey were certainly prepared for the event. “We are here to support our police officers, Trump and our country. That is why we are here today,” Vanessa Vunic said donning her patriotic flag pants and joined by her husband and her 3-yearold daughter Melania. Their vehicle was decorated in flags and banners. Awaiting the start of the road rally parade were Donna Rausa of Whiting and Arlene D’Ambrosia of Toms River holding their Blue Line American flags in support of police. “I am of a one-track mind in that I do not listen at all to the Democrats, liberal adversaries because they sing and scream the same information. This is a shot in the arm and feeds our brain and our hearts like nothing else can,” Rausa said. The ladies learned about the page from a pro-Trump/Law Enforcement/Veterans
The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 9 Facebook page. “I am 73 years old, this has been the best president who has done the most for the American people that I have seen in my lifetime and I was a big fan of Ronald Regan but Trump seems to have a lot of hutzpah and he doesn’t care what is politically correct. He just cares about people,” Lynn Earhart of Freehold Borough said. She sported a shirt which she first wore during the 2016 election and updated with a sticker replacing that year with 2020. She held up a sign she made that stated “Seniors For Trump.” The vehicle she rode in featured a Trump bear. “There has to be 500 or a thousand people here today,” John Longo of Beachwood said. He noted that the crowd at this event dwarfed the turnout of the Biden rally of last week and the one held earlier in the day in South Toms River. Helena Cohen who is currently living in Manchester not only donned a red Trump cap and shirt but wore a button featuring Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. Her SUV had a flag with a Confederate flag configuration that bore a rifle that states “Come Take It From Us” in the front of her vehicle and another Trump flag flying from the back. She said Trump’s actions have been good for her family. “I don’t know him personally
−Photos by Bob Vosseller Arlene D’Ambrosia of Toms River left, and Donna Rausa of Whiting hold up their Blue Line American Flags in support of police during a rally that began in Toms River and took to the road along Route 37 recently. but he works from the soul. He has helped me so much for someone I’ve never met.” She said while some may feel the president doesn’t receive a lot of support from those of the African American community such as herself, “President Trump doesn’t have a racist bone in his body.” She said financial programs initiated by Trump served to help her pay her mortgage
and said the president was on her Facebook page and assisted with her husband’s medical bills through a veteran’s program. Supporters were also lined up at various areas along Route 37 and Hooper Avenue to cheer on the parade and many had their own flags, banners and sported similar Trump shirts and waved Blue Line flags at their cheering positions.
Ocean Gate Volunteer First Aid Squad
OCEAN GATE – The Ocean Gate Volunteer First Aid Squad seeks members! Day shifts and night shifts are available. We will train on driving, CPR and EMT training and certification. If you are interested, contact Jeanette at or 732-674-7369.
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Page 10, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
Toms River Boy Becomes Honorary Draft Pick For NJ Devils
By Alyssa Riccardi TOMS RIVER – The New Jersey Devils made a fan’s dream come true when they surprised 13-year-old Reilly as an honorary New Jersey Devil. Make-A-Wish partnered up with the New Jersey Devils to make Reilly Hoagland the honorary draft pick for the season. Reilly was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis
at the age of four and continues to combat the life-threatening medical condition. Although Reilly is fighting his illness, he is a talented athlete and hockey player. He plays right wing for the Toms River Blackhawks, wearing the number 8 on his jersey. Being a lifelong fan of the New Jersey Devils, he knew his wish would be to become a New Jersey Devil.
Due to COVID-19 concerns, Make-AWish had to alter any travel-related or large gathering wishes for kids and families. These wishes, though, are never cancelled. Make-A-Wish was able to grant Reilly’s wish by visiting him at his home in Toms River. The New Jersey Devils, with mascot “NJ” and Devils alumni Bruce Driver and Grant Marshall showed up and surprised
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him with a contract, his own jersey, and a special video message from Tom Fitzgerald, General Manager and Executive Vice President of the New Jersey Devils. The video message addressed Reilly being selected in the draft and welcoming him onto the team. “It’s overwhelming, it’s an honor to be a part of an organization that I’ve been following since I was three years old,” Reilly said. “Instead of dreaming to be a Devil, it’s now fun that I am a Devil now.” Reilly thanked his parents for telling him to keep going and keep fighting through cystic fibrosis. He also thanked his CF doctor for keeping him healthy, allowing him to play hockey and making the smart decisions of when he can and can’t play. “The odds were against me, but the way I think about it, don’t listen to the odds just reach and reach and reach and you’ll get there.”
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By Bob Vosseller SEASIDE HEIGHTS – Normally Sherman Avenue up to the boardwalk would be lined with vendor booths and a tent would have housed patrons listening to music and enjoying Italian sausage sandwiches and cannolis, but thanks to the ongoing pandemic, things were different this year. An Italian-American heritage celebration was held in its place. The Knights of Columbus Color Guard posted the colors and the Juke Box Legends sang during the day’s program. Various Italian heritage organizations were recognized during the day including the Seaside Heights Italian-American Club, the Greenbriar Oceanaire Italian-American Social Club of Waretown, the Lacey Italian-American Club Social Club, and the Point Pleasant and Brick Unizo Clubs. While the music of the American and Italian national anthems played, one elderly Italian woman in the crown could be heard singing the words to the Italian anthem without missing a beat. Sandy Rosenberg and Kelly Barrett of Toms River were among the early arrivals who were enjoying the music and waving the small Italian flags that were given out by members of the parade committee. “Wherever there is music we go to,” Barrett said. While the festivities that included musical performances by the Metropolitan Festival Band started around 11 a.m., the presentations started around noon. Officials took to the boardwalk stage, including Ocean County Columbus Day Parade and Italian Heritage Festival Committee Chairman Michael Blandina, three (Event - See Page 26)
The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 11
Bayville Volunteer Emergency Medical Service October News
BERKELEY − Township officials request that everyone adheres to the New Jersey Department of Health’s parameters on Halloween. The township set trick-or-treating hours for 12-7 p.m. Saturday, October 31. They encouraged parents not comfortable to not send their children out to trickor-treat. Homeowners who don’t wish to participate should turn off their lights. The township also included a printable poster for doors and mailboxes to show you’re not participating. October continues to be a busy month for Bayville Volunteer Emergency Medical Service. We have answered numerous 9-11 calls not only in our community but those of Lacey, Ocean Gate, and Beachwood on mutual aid programs. Our crews continue to respond on the front lines of this pandemic at all hours of the day. The calls during October 1 to October 9 ranged from motor vehicle accidents; also numerous patients who had cardiac arrests, which is a sudden loss of blood flow resulting from the failure of the heart to pump effectively requiring immediate transportation to the local hospital; patients required our assistance who fell and could
not get back up by themselves; patients with abdominal pain due to: constipation, diarrhea, gastroenteritis (stomach f lu), acid reflux (when stomach contents leak backward into the esophagus, causing heartburn and other symptoms), vomiting and or stress all which requires hospitalization, to suicide attempts. We want to thank RWJ Barnabas Health Paramedics, Bayville Volunteer Fire Dept, Berkeley Township Police Department, and Ocean County Sheriff 911 Dispatchers for their help. On October 9, in front of Central Regional High School on Forest Hill Parkway, the squad held its fi rst annual coin toss. We were hoping for enough funds to purchase life-saving equipment like the Lucas device that will improve the quality of chest compressions and sustain life-saving circulation during prolonged resuscitation attempts. With the LUCAS device, fatigue, individual variations, and psychological factors, there is no longer a need to switch CPR providers every two minutes. LUCAS helps provide high-quality and safer chest compressions in patient movement and transportation during prolonged CPR.
Water Bill Assistance Program Available
BERKELEY − Aqua New Jersey announced that it has established a customer assistance program designed to enable customers in need to receive uninterrupted water service. The program, named Aqua Aid, focuses on customers within the communities Aqua serves and is funded by donations from customers so neighbors can help neighbors in their own communities. One hundred percent of each donation goes directly to those in need and the contribution is tax deductible. “We are very excited to introduce this program to our customers throughout New Jersey,” said Aqua New Jersey President Larry Carson. “We wanted to make it as easy as possible to provide and receive assistance, and with the help of NJ SHARES, we’ve been able to do just that.” The program functions as follows: A customer places a call to Aqua at 877-9872782 to request assistance on a delinquent account. They will be prescreened for eligibility and then referred to NJ SHARES
for program facilitation. NJ SHARES will provide an application to the customer and conduct an interview to determine if the customer qualifies for assistance under the Aqua Aid program. Upon approval, credits are applied electronically to the customer’s account. How To Help: Customers wishing to make donations can do so by logging onto Once there, they must provide their Aqua account number, name and address and select their donation frequency (either one time or monthly) and donation amount. Non-Aqua customers who may wish to donate can do so by making checks payable to “Essential Assistance Initiative – New Jersey” and send to 10 Black Forest Road, Hamilton Township, N.J. 08691. In addition to financial assistance, customers can learn about water conservation and leak detection through WaterSmart Tips available at or by calling 877.987.2782.
Support Group For Survivors Of Suicide Loss
BEACHWOOD – Forever In Our Hearts, an organization to support those who have lost ones to suicide, is holding monthly meetings the second Saturday of each month at St. Paul
Lutheran Church, 130 Cable Ave, Beachwood. Meeting time is 1 p.m. For complete information visit our page at ForeverNRHearts or call 732-269-3236.
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Suez Invests $1.5M In Water Infrastructure
By Alyssa Riccardi SOUTH TOMS RIVER – SUEZ has announced that they will be investing $1.5 million to provide clean and safe water to the community. SUEZ will be replacing 1.5 miles of aging water pipes, eight fire hydrants and over 50 individual water service lines in South Toms River. Starting in late October, the project will consist of enhancing service reliability and water quality to the area and also improving water pressure to help ensure firefighters can do their essential work. “This project is part of a comprehensive effort to improve service throughout our area by building resilient, sustainable water systems
that customers can rely on for many years to come,” said Jim Mastrokalos, Director of Operations. Dover Road, Flint Road and Main Street will all be receiving upgraded water pipes from the original ones which were installed in the 1950s. The new pipes will be 6-inch, 8-inch and 12-inch ductile iron pipes. “We are pleased to serve the local community and will do our best to ensure the project moves along according to schedule. If residents see our crews working in the street, we kindly ask that they stand at least 10 feet away from the work site so that everyone’s health and safety is protected,” Mastrokalos said. The project is expected to be finished by late December, with a final restoration projected for early spring 2021. For more information about the project, visit
Purpose And Hope To Host Survivor Day 5K
ISLAND HEIGHTS – Purpose and Hope will be hosting a Survivor Day 5K in the Memory of Ocean County Sheriff ’s Officer Christian Schenk on November 21. Survivor Day was designated by congress as a day when those affected by suicide can join together for healing and support. This year, they ask for the community and friends to come together in unity to run or walk a 5K in the memory of Christian Schenk and in support of those that are mourning his loss during the week that he would’ve been celebrating his 29th birthday. Come out and show your support alongside the Schenk family and many others. The Survivor Day 5K will take place on November 21 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at 5 Wannamaker Municipal Complex in Island Heights. To register, visit IslandHeights/SurvivorDay5K.
Concert To Benefit Animal Shelters
LACEY – A concert to benefit local animal shelters and animal charities will be held at 1 p.m. on October 24 at William Hebrew Park, 327 Manchester Ave. in Lanoka Harbor. Stomp Out Animal Abuse has held several concerts in recent months benefiting nonprofits that work for animals. There is a $5 donation. Masks and social distancing is part of the day. BYOB with ID. Performers include Threat 2 Society, Departed, Gloves Off, Silence Equals Death, DJ Jah Measles and Jay Boxcar, Useless, Faded Line, and Grimthinker.
The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 13
AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE OCC Presents Ted Talk To Mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month
TOMS RIVER – The Counseling Center at Ocean County College, in collaboration with the St. Francis Counseling Service and Providence House, will present a recorded TED Talk via GoToMeeting with Leslie Morgan Steiner, advocate and author of “Crazy Love,” at 12:30 p.m. on October 26, to mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In the Ted Talk, Steiner will share the story of her relationship and will speak about misconceptions of domestic violence. A panel discussion will follow with the following participants: • Laurie Toole, Providence House Domestic Violence Services of Catholic Charities • Danielle Dunne, St. Francis Counseling
Service Sexual Abuse & Assault Prevention Program • Samantha Tucker, Ocean County Assistant Prosecutor • Tabitha Comery, Local Advocate • Patrick Lovaglio, Ocean County Batterer’s Intervention Program • A representative from Ocean County College Safety and Security Representatives also will be available during and after the meeting to share information about their services. For more information and to register, contact the OCC Counseling Center at 732-2550386 or email counselingservices@ocean. edu. The program is free.
Suicide Prevention Program Offers Learning Experience
NEW JERSEY – The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide’s online learning experience recognizes the back-to-school challenges teachers, administrators, parents, and students will face. In its free, short, online learning modules, SPTS University uses a variety of training formats - animation, video clips, interactive
exercises, and instructional content - to help set a positive tone for the school year. SPTS aims to prepare everyone to deal with the unexpected while staying focused on the important educational mission of the school. Register at to ensure the students you care about are prepared this autumn.
Al-Anon Meetings Available Locally
OCEAN COUNTY – Are you troubled by someone else’s drinking? Al-Anon Family Groups may be able to help you. Call their 24-hour hotline for local meeting locations at 856-547-0855.
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Page 14, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 15
Page 16, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
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5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Mood In These Crazy Times
Did you know that hearing health and mental health are closely linked? Untreated hearing loss increases our risk of depression, anxiety, social isolation, loneliness, and more. Here are some ways to boost your mood and find the light at the end of the tunnel. EXPRESS GRATITUDE - Gratitude improves happiness, well-being and mental health. The best researched method is keeping a gratitude journal. Once or twice a week, choose one act or person you’re grateful for and write a few sentences detailing why. In daily life, you’ll begin to seek out the positive – rather than the negative- and writing it down allows you to really savor that positive emotion. EXERCISE REGULARLY - Exercise increases endorphins, which relieve stress and boost your mood. You can even try small things that add more activity to your day, like skipping the elevator in favor of the stairs or taking a short, brisk walk. If you work from home, tackle chores that require you to walk to another
room or – better yet-another floor. Aim for 30 minutes a day. SPOIL YOUR SENSES - Use your senses to quickly find calm. For some people, it’s an uplifting song or the smell of ground coffee. For others, its squeezing a stress ball. Each person’s relationship to their senses is a little different, so experiment to figure out what works best for you. LOSE YOURSELF - Doing something you love, something you know you can lose yourself in, allows you to forget about life for a while. You don’t have to be a parent, a spouse, or an employee –you can just be. FIND A FURRY FRIEND - Interacting with a pet lowers cortisol (the stress hormone) and raises oxytocin (the feel-good hormone). It also lowers blood pressure and eases loneliness and depression. Don’t have a pet? Walk a friend’s dog, volunteer to cat-sit for a vacationing neighbor or volunteer at a shelter. Dr. Izzy and his Staff are always here to answer your questions about hearing care issues.
His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks!
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“Photorefractive keratectomy” (PRK) was the first type of laser eye surgery for the correction of refractive errors. Although it is the predecessor to the more widely used LASIK procedure, PRK remains a viable option and provides some advantages over LASIK for some patients. For instance, such factors as corneal thickness (or thinness), corneal curvature, and corneal scarring may all play a role in the recommendation of PRK over LASIK. While both procedures use an excimer laser to correct vision, LASIK involves creating a corneal “flap,” under which the excimer laser is applied. PRK uses the excimer laser to directly remove epithelial (outer corneal) tissue without a flap. So, while PRK may take longer to heal than LASIK, it removes less corneal tissue. As with any other surgery, it’s very important that you follow your doctor’s instructions to help ensure optimum results. You will need to attend frequent follow-up appointments with your doctor over the next several weeks to monitor the healing process. To schedule an appointment, please call SUSSKIND & ALMALLAH EYE ASSOCIATES at 732-349-5622.
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BARNEGAT (609) 698-2020 P.S. During the healing process, PRK patients wear a contact lens bandage for approximately four to five days, as the epithelial tissue undergoes the initial healing phase and seals the surface.
The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 17
H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
All The President’s Meds
By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
On Friday, October 1st, the President of the United States and the First Lady, Melania tested positive for COVID-19. President Trump’s health is monitored constantly, and he is tested daily for the virus which has taken the lives of more than 1 million people worldwide, at the time of this writing. He was taken to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center reportedly with symptoms of fatigue, a hoarse voice and headache, coughing and low-grade fever. He is going to receive better monitoring and there are qualified, licensed physicians close by. I think it’s a good idea because he is in a high-risk category being a senior, and overweight. That said, he has an extraordinary amount of vigor and energy and doesn’t look or act 74 years old. He does not drink, or smoke, two risk factors that would be detrimental for this condition. Now, let’s talk about some supplements, and all the president’s meds: Zinc. Zinc deficiency will cause a person to fare out worse if they get COVID-19 due to immune suppression and higher amounts of inflammatory cytokines. Vitamin D. Vitamin D is thought to be able to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms and reduce the respiratory distress problems associated with the condition. Baby Aspirin Studies show that COVID patients have thicker blood (a hypercoagulable state), so aspirin is an appropriate intervention. Regeneron. A cocktail of antibodies given intravenously. This is given to eat up the virus which reduces the body’s viral load,
and speeds recovery. It is in late-stage Phase III clinical trials for potential benefit in the treatment and possibly prevention of COVID-19. Famotidine. The use of this drug for President Trump may have to do with acid reflux, or perhaps from research discovered at Columbia University. Famotidine use seemed to lessen severity of the illness. Patients taking it were approximately 48 percent less likely to require a ventilator. Melatonin. The news outlets are reporting that this natural supplement is for sleep, however, melatonin is also a strong antioxidant and powerful immune modulator. I think it’s a brilliant adjunctive treatment during infection. There are a few items that I would recommend using my background as a pharmacist. For one, I’d suggest a peptide given by injection called “Thymosin Alpha 1” which has been studied for its effect on COVID-19. This requires a prescription and is often used for people with Lyme disease, EBV, cancer, lupus and severe fatigue. The POTUS would benefit from vitamin C due to its antioxidant benefits, as well as anti-viral herbs such as olive leaf extract and Andrographis. Finally, a cup of matcha tea each day could help due to its strong immune-boosting effect. Probiotics would of course be useful since COVID is known to hide in the intestinal cells of the body. In closing, I’d like to reiterate that I do not have access to President Trump’s medical chart and I am providing my opinion here based upon the list of vitamins and medications that were publicly posted today. Please ask your doctor what is right for you.
(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit ©2019 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.
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Page 18, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 19
R.C. Shea & Assoc.
Inside The Law Is Your Automobile Adequately Insured?
Robert C. Shea Esq.
By: Michael J. Deem, Esq.and Robert C. Shea, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates In 1998, the State of New Jersey passed the Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act to reduce the cost of automobile insurance by reducing the benefits available to persons injured in automobile accidents. This means less coverage to pay for you or your family’s medical expenses regardless of fault and less rights to recovery of monetary damages from reckless drivers who cause collisions. Protect yourself! Make sure you have purchased a Standard Policy and not a Basic policy. Make certain that you purchase your Standard Policy with no less than $250,000.000 in medical benefits. Most people who elect a lower amount of medical expense benefits, only to save literally a few dollars, fi nd themselves unable to afford necessary medical treatment because they have already exhausted their medical coverage. Medical treatment is expensive and don’t let any automobile insurance company tell you otherwise. Think about it. If an automobile insurance company sells you $15,000.00 in medical expense benefits (as opposed to the standard $250,000.00) they may lose somewhere between $20.00 and $45.00 in premiums but they have just saved themselves from having to pay up to $250,000.00 in medical expense benefits god forbid you or a member of your family is/are injured in an automobile collision, regardless of fault. Also, make sure you have purchased the “No Limitation on Lawsuit Option.”
By electing the “No Limitation on Lawsuit Michael J. Deem, Esq. Option” you are not limiting your right or your child’s right to receive monetary compensation in the event you or your child is/ are injured in a motor vehicle collision. While the “No Limitation on Lawsuit Option” will slightly increase your premium than if you chose the “Limitation on Lawsuit Option” the limited premium increase is well worth the expense. When you are discussing pricing of your premium for the “No Limitation on Lawsuit Option” versus the “Limitation on Lawsuit Option” demand that the insurance company provide you with the actual dollar amount that your premium will increase if you purchase the “No Limitation on Lawsuit Option” over the “Limitation on Lawsuit Option.” Do not settle on the typical explanation from your insurance company that one option may increase your premium by 120% or 220%. This is very misleading. When you ask the insurance company what the actual dollar amount of a 220% premium increase amounts to you will probably be pleased to hear that it may only cost you $50.00 a month as it has for myself and my family. The 120% or 220% premium increase is not an increase on your overall premium. Rather it’s an increase of a line-item premium such as the premium associated with your medical expense benefits.
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Page 20, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
Across 1 Weed whackers 5 Annoy 9 Macbeth, by birth 13 Saintly glows 15 Impressionist 16 Lola’s nightclub, in song 17 Like an old joke 18 Wind that’s worth a warning 19 Idi of Uganda 20 Deer hunter’s dinner, perhaps 23 Holy Ohio city? 26 Bridal bio word 27 Sault __ Marie 28 “I think,” to a texter 29 Childlike race in “The Time Machine” 32 Learn thoroughly 34 Cutting in half, in math class 37 Seine summers 38 Lincoln or Ford
39 Love, in Spain 42 Nearby 47 Fidel who overthrew Batista 49 Aussie birds that don’t fly 50 San Francisco’s __ Valley 51 Diplomatic VIP 52 NBA tiebreakers 54 Sports team swaps 56 Attributed speaker of the circled words 60 Medical suffix 61 Sentry’s “Stop!” 62 Swiss peak in an Eastwood film title 66 Eye part 67 Oil cartel letters 68 Iced tea wedge 69 Icelandic poetic work 70 PC repair person 71 Avec’s opposite Down 1 Suffers from
2 One of an inning’s three 3 Pitcher’s stat 4 Soothing cream 5 Carol kings 6 Hoppy brews, for short 7 Serious criminal 8 Portmanteau for a false ally 9 “Beat it, feline!” 10 Is remembered 11 Addictive narcotic 12 Oil cartel ship 14 Started the grass-growing process 21 __ me tangere: “Don’t touch me” 22 Place to park it 23 Ocean motion 24 Skip over 25 Age-old romantic adage 30 A single time 31 “__ it my best”
33 Graceful pond swimmer 35 “That __ fair!” 36 Fedora feature 40 Great Plains tribe 41 Deli breads 43 Pants, briefly 44 Someone who’s good, and obviously knows it 45 Skips, as class 46 Tel Aviv’s land 47 Sweet-talk 48 Got a smile out of 53 Suffix with land or sea 55 Spring zodiac sign 57 “Insecure” Emmy nominee __ Rae 58 Knighted actor Guinness 59 Draw with acid 63 ABC show for early risers, briefly 64 Long, long time 65 ICU workers
The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 21
Government: Continued From Page 8
Law, the funding can be used for other security measures in schools such as cameras, secure vestibules, and shatter-resistant glass. Water Infrastructure: $100 million. This grant funding can be used to address issues of lead in school drinking water, and can be used for water-remediation projects such as service line replacement, water flushing systems, and fixtures that filter water. CTE Programs in County Vocational-Technical School Districts: $275 million. This grant funding will support the expansion of CTE programs in the county vocational-technical
school districts, including building, expanding, and renovating facilities. Projects under this grant will focus on labor market demands and further the State’s economic development goals. Depending on the scope of the project, projects will be funded up to a maximum of $40 million, and per the Bond Act, 25 percent of total project costs must be supported by the county vocational-technical school districts. CTE Programs in County Colleges: $50 million. This grant funding is designed to target key industry clusters as designated by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. These include technically skilled careers that are in demand in today’s economy, such as technology, healthcare, construction and energy, logistics, manufacturing, and
financial services. Each county college is eligible for a maximum award of up to $4 million and 25 percent of total project costs must be supported by the county college. Projects funded under these grants will prepare students for high-demand, technically-skilled careers, align with labor market demands and economic development goals outlined in the Jobs NJ: Developing Talent to Grow Business in the Garden State plan, and strengthen partnerships between county vocational school districts and employers and industries that provide technical education and training to employees. For more information on the grant applications, including timelines, eligibility requirements, and application materials, please visit
the Department of Education’s (DOE) website and the website for the Office of the Secretary of Higher Education. The Act stipulates that, when the grant review process is complete, the Department of Education and the Office of Secretary of Higher Education will present a list of eligible projects to the Legislature for each of the funding categories. The Legislature must approve the projects and appropriate funds from the bonds issued. CTE projects could begin as early as the summer of 2021, barring unforeseen obstacles or delays. Projects for security and water infrastructure could begin sooner, and the Act allows for reimbursement of eligible projects dating back to 2016.
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Page 22, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
CLASSIFIEDS Real Estate Nice 2 bed ranch - Completely renovated, New vinyl floors, new roof, hot water heater. Nice area. $105K or B.O. 609-342-9209 seniors only. (45)
For Rent Seaside Heights, 3BR, 2BA, furnished condo apartment. A/C, W/D. Available 10/01/2020 – 05/31/2021. No pets/No smoking. $1950/month + utilities. 732-822-7688 (47)
Personals European Lady - Honest, faithful looking for serious man 68-75 years old to build strong stable relationship withour love, trust, respect. 973-204-0108. (44) Italian - American Gentleman seeks woman 65-75 yrs with same interest. I am loving, caring, and easy going. Loves music and dancing. Give me a call 732-207-5338. (12)
Items For Sale Four Tires With Rims - Rims o f f Wr a n g l e r J e e p P 2 4 8 7 5 R17. $400. 609-240-2274. Will Sell Seperate. (43) Shed/Snow Blower - Non metal, never assembled 7x7 Rubbermaid storage shed. Plus used one hour snow blower. Both in cold storage. Inquire 732-241-9130. (44) E x e rc i s e E q u i p m e n t - To t a l gym, $100. Stay fit mini stepper, $100. 732-657-7380. (45)
Items Wanted $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (17) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) Vinyl Record Wanted - Paying cash for LP albums, Rock, Jazz, Blues, Soul, metal. Very good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (47) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n) CASH PAID!! - LP records, ste-reos, turntables, musical instru-ments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (44)
Items Wanted COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/ estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n)
Help Wanted HIRING NOW!! Looking for outgoing, positive, and engaging teachers to join our Toms River – Route 70 Goddard Family. We are primarily hiring teachers for our elementary school aged children to foster a learning environment in which these children can continue to do their elementary school work. This would include helping them with worksheets, zooms, google classrooms etc. Some of the great perks of being a part of the Goddard Family include a benefits package, paid time off, holiday events and free food and Goddard swag. Call today to inquire about this job posting and start as early as next week! We can be reached through phone at 732-363-5530 or email at Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n) Now Hiring or Training School Bus Drivers -Free CDL Training and Competitive Pay Rate and Benefits Call Today: 609-296-0400 or www. (47) Cedar Glen West - Is looking for mechanics with experience in framing and or household boiler heating systems. We are also interested in laborer and grounds crew. Must have a valid drivers license with a clean driving record. Contact me at Williams@cedarglenwest or call 732-657-5525 and ask for Bill. (44) Glass company has positions open for glazier/Carpenter - Helper with a strong work ethic. Glaziers, Carpenters, and helpers willing to learn Experience a plus. Clean Drivers License. Complete every installation according to company expectations and leave each job site in a clean manner. Good communication skills with supervisor, project managers, customers and co-workers. Ability to Install the following material: - storefronts - doors - mirrors - curtain wall shower doors. Email info@gssindllc. com or call 732-919-0011. (47) Laundromat Attendant - For FT/PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (41) Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n)
Services Don Carnevale Painting Specializing interiors. Some exterior. Quality always. Very neat. Prompt courteous service. Reasonable-affordable. Senior-Veterans discounts. Honest-reliable. Low rates. Free estimates. References. 732899-4470 or 732-915-4075. (50)
LANDSCAPING - Fall Cleanups. Restorations, Repairs, Stones, Mulch, Sod Installs, Hedges, Shrubs, Bushes, Downed Branches Trimmed & Removed, Demolition, Cleanouts, ect., Dumpster service provided by A901 Licensed Hauler ect. MAN WITH VAN LLC. Jim 609-3350330 HIC# 13vh10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL! (52)
Cheap Painting Done Rite Free estimates. Fully insured. 38 years experience. 732-506-7787 cell 646-643-7678. (37)
$9.99/Room Universal Cleaning Services - APARTMENT • HOME • OFFICE. Services Offered – $9.99: Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Foyer, Hallway, Basement, All other rooms $19.99: Kitchen, Bathrooms, Refrigerator, Deep Clean. ONE TIME • WEEKLY • BI-WEEKLY • MONTHLY. Coverage area: Ocean and Monmouth County. CALL NOW! 732-301-4111 Gaby Cohen. (48)
Services Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19) Estate Cleanouts - Whole houses, garages, sheds, barns cleaned out. Dumpsters filled. Presale buyouts. Dumpster service provided by A901 Jim 609-335-0330. (47) Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n) Home Healthcare, Companionship, Meal Planning - and prep medication. Reminder hygeine assistance, light housekeeping, errands, transportation, grocery shopping. Call Donna 609-891-7830. (41) Nice Guy Car Service - Doctors, airports, NYC, hospitals, cruise ships, shopping, weddings. Call for rates. John Puglisi 732-779-8366. (43) Laundry Service - Free pickup and delivery. We charge $1.69 per pound. We have a 48 hour turnaround time. Call 732-998-0935. (43) Care Provider - Offering assistance with daily activities for both the elderly and adults. 23 years experience. Nancy 732- 864 - 5359. (4) Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (19) ALL American Home Health Aides Experienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605 (t/n) Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (39)
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PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n)
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Does Your Elementary School Child Need Help With School Work? - Mom of 3 grown children and a Master's degree, seeking an elementary home-school position. Your house or mine. Brick area only. Please call 732-801-0469. (40)
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Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n)
Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (33)
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The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 23
AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE NJOHSP Promotes Cyber Safety For Cybersecurity Awareness Month
TRENTON – The New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP) reaffirmed its commitment to keep the State cyber safe after Governor Phil Murphy proclaimed October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month. NJOHSP and its cyber division, the New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell (NJCCIC), are also participating in National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). “As many of our daily routines have transitioned online, it has become more important than ever to strengthen our defenses against malicious cyber activity,” said Governor Murphy. “My administration remains committed to securing New Jersey’s vast technological resources that keep our communities fully operational. As the State’s lead agency for cybersecurity, NJOHSP offers several tools to help residents, schools, and businesses shore up their vulnerabilities so they can thwart the latest threats and stay connected.” Throughout the month, NJOHSP and the NJCCIC will promote best practices alongside partners in the private and public sectors to increase awareness of cyber threats and provide information about how
to stay safe online. “This year has demonstrated the critical
role of technology in maintaining normality during a crisis. The increased dependence
on online resources and information (Cyber - See Page 25)
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Page 24, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
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Dear Joel
By Joel Markel
Help Mom After Working All Day
Dear Joel, I have recently returned to in-person work after a six-month furlough due to COVID-19. My husband, who is continuing to work from home, will monitor our two children, ages 12 and 14, who are attending school remotely. I leave the house at 7:45 am and arrive home between 5:15 and 5:30 pm Monday through Friday. I will admit it’s taking some getting used to, but I enjoy getting out of the house and interacting (safely) with my co-workers and clients. What I don’t enjoy is coming home to a mess, and the lack of cooperation with daily chores, etc. I know that my family had gotten used to me being home and taking care of everything, but now that I’m back to work it’s time for everyone to pitch in. Repeated requests for help have fallen on deaf ears. Joel, do you have any suggestions on how I can ‘motivate’ my family to keep our household running smoothly? Answer: First, let me say congratulations on returning to work, it sounds like you are happy to be back. The last six months have been challenging to say the least, with so many changes to our daily rou-
tines. I’m sure it was nice for your family to have you home taking care of things, and hopefully you enjoyed having the extra time at home. But now, circumstances have changed, and your family has to re-group. I like to think that families are like teams; each member must do their part to get the job done. As ‘captain’ of the team, it’s time to call a family meeting and devise a game plan. Everyone on the team is assigned responsibilities and if those responsibilities are shirked, the team is let down. It’s up to you what the consequences for that are. If you had a system in place pre-COVID, it may be time to revisit and revamp it to fit the current circumstances. Don’t forget to remind your husband and children that with everyone pitching in, there’ll be more time for fun family activities. Thank you for writing. Joel Write to His radio show, “Preferred Company” airs Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. on preferredradio. com and 1160 & 1310 WOBM-AM.
If you or anyone else is in need of home health care, call Preferred at 732-840-5566 (800603-CARE (2273). “Home health care with feeling. (“Home Health Care with Feeling”)
Winning Lottery Ticket Sold In Ocean County
By Chris Lundy BRICK – Did you buy a Jersey Cash 5 ticket at the Jersey Farms store? Might want to check your ticket. The winning numbers were: 13, 15, 31, 35, and 36 and the XTRA number was: 03. The ticket matched five numbers.
The ticket is worth $372,477 from the drawing on Columbus Day. The store, located at 2540 Old Hooper Ave. in Brick Township, will receive a check from the Lottery Commission for $2,000 because they sold the winning ticket.
Send your community events to
DEGRAFF CREMATION SERVICES DIRECT CREMATION $1575 Arrangements Available In Your Home, Removal From Place Of Death, Alternative Container, Wood #ODZ, Transfer To Crematory L :
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Continued From Page 16 requires greater cybersecurity awareness,” said Jared M. Maples, Director of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness. “The mission of both NJOHSP and the NJCCIC has always been to protect the juncture where physical security and cybersecurity meet, and we maintain that goal this month and beyond.” The NJCCIC continues to expand its influence and impact on the cybersecurity landscape with a growing membership that currently consists of nearly 11,000 members in 45 states, the District of Columbia, and 50 countries. The NJCCIC contributes to preparedness and response efforts surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as more people have shifted to work-fromhome and remote learning environments. Through its updated website and social media platforms, the NJCCIC informs the public of cyber threats and provides guidance on how to avoid and defend against these threats. NJOHSP similarly warns New Jersey residents and visitors of misinformation and disinformation campaigns, specif-
The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 25 ically those spread online in relation to the pandemic, civil unrest, and the upcoming Presidential election. “Technology has become an increased necessity in our daily lives and has allowed us to continue working, learning, and staying in touch with loved ones, all while being remote,” said Michael Geraghty, Director of the New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell. “As such, we each play a crucial role in strengthening our cyber resiliency to continue using technology in a secure way and to prevent cyber incidents. Do your part, #BeCyberSmart.” The NJCCIC developed cybersecurity guides and best practices that can help residents and organizations become more cyber resilient and keep devices secure at work, home, and school. NCSAM is a nationwide initiative that continues to raise awareness regarding the importance of cybersecurity in America, ensuring that all people are prepared with the tools and resources they need to be safe and secure online. For more information and resources on cybersecurity, visit and njohsp. gov.
Volunteers Needed For Hospice Care
OCEAN COUNTY - Compassionate Care Hospice is looking for volunteers who are willing to give companionship to a patient and their family. This is a gift one gives to themselves as
Sunday Worship Services of Holy Communion at 10 a.m. &Wednesday spoken Holy Communion at 9 a.m.
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Page 26, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020
Murat Karatepe, M.D. FACC Board Certified in Cardiology, Nuclear Cardiology & Echocardiography
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Continued From Page 10 local mayors, Ocean County Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari plus various volunteers of the parade committee. Blandina teared up as he dedicated the program, a substitute to the usual Ocean County Columbus Day Parade and Italian Festival, in the name of his father Anthony who passed away earlier in the year. He thanked the Metropolitan Festival Band for its years of performances during the 29-year old parade/festival history and for coming out for this event. “I want to thank them for joining us in celebrating our national holiday, Columbus Day.” Prior to the stage presentation a procession of decorated vehicles featuring the mayors of Berkeley, Brick, Toms River townships and Seaside Heights was held: Berkeley Mayor Carmen Amato, Brick Mayor John Ducey and Seaside Heights Mayor Anthony Vaz. Toms River Mayor Maurice “Mo” Hill was part of the procession but could not be part of the later program on stage. John Giavatto of Lakewood heads the International Relations sub-committee of the parade. He reviewed some of the history of the event and of Christopher Columbus himself. His committee brings performers from Italy for the Italian-Heritage Festival each year. “Columbus Day is a national US holiday that commemorates the discovery of the new world in 1492. It did not become a federal holiday until 1937 proclaimed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It is a celebration of the contribution of Italian immigrants to this beautiful country, the United States of America,” Giavatto said. “We will be back next year stronger than before because of our unity, support of our future events in 2021,” Giavatto added. “I want to thank those towns that participated this morning especially the police departments who did a phenomenal job in that procession. We went from Berkeley Township to Toms River, to Brick and then we headed down here to Seaside Heights,” Blandina said. Mayor Amato remarked, “We presented a proclamation to Michael earlier today. I am a very proud Italian-American and we should be proud of our Italian heritage. Unfortunately, our heritage is under attack which is not right. Christopher Columbus, founder of America established the root to a national holiday and we are all proud of what we accomplished. Columbus Day is a holiday that
should be recognized forever.” “I was talking to someone before and they said it is sad that you couldn’t have the parade but I think it would be sad if we didn’t have anything. I want to thank Michael for putting this together. This is really important. I’m Irish and March is mostly my month but congratulations and have a wonderful Columbus Day and a wonderful heritage month during October,” Mayor Ducey said. Mayor Vaz said, “Imagine living in 1492 when Europeans weren’t known to the new world, the legacy of Columbus to find a new continent. It was like us putting a man on the moon in 1969. Columbus was a controversial figure and yet contributed greatly to his country and to fostering our Italian culture.” Freeholder Director Vicari noted recent events of statues of Columbus being removed and vandalized in areas of the country. “All over the United States they want to change history. They are taking down statutes. They are decapitating him. This is the land of the free and home of the brave unless you are an Italian-American.” “I appreciate Michael Blandina and this organization for holding this ceremony where we have made it loud and clear enough is enough. When is it going to stop?” Vicari asked noting his own Italian heritage. New Jersey Italian-American Heritage Commission Chairman Robert DiBiase echoed some of the sentiments expressed saying, “in these times, we are experiencing a rebellion against the Admiral of the seas. There is so much disinformation and propaganda maligning Columbus, causing his statues to be vandalized and torn down. From coast to coast the headlines have been difficult for Italian Americans to believe. We ask ourselves, why? You know why, “revisionists” using falsehoods to advance their own agenda.” He said the NJIC was working with various Italian-American organizations such as the Italian American One Voice Coalition to restore the statues. “This is happening right here in cities across New Jersey, even Trenton our capital. In most cases these monuments were paid for and donated by Italians. Columbus opened the door to western civilization by bridging continents.” Christopher Columbus has been the subject of criticism by historians and others who have stated he treated ingenious people cruelly and forced labor upon them. Some cities have cancelled Columbus Day Parades and have changed the names of monuments, buildings and streets that bore his name.
Busy Bee
Chimney & Gutter Cleaning • New Roofs Steps & Sidewalks
Owned & Operated by Mike Umstead
HIC #13VH06729000
The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020, Page 27
Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of oct 17 - oct 20 By Jeraldine Saunders
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Unfortunately, there is no remote control that allows you to fast-forward past the challenging parts of life. In the week to come, it would be wise to think before you act. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In the week ahead, you might find that dealing with a health issue, your job or a new project may take you outside your comfort zone. Ask for advice today before you take further steps. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Loved ones and partners will likely reassure you whenever you have doubts. In the upcoming week it’s a good idea to thoroughly think through events before you react. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You may be uplifted by visions of business success and lofty ideals in the upcoming week. There could be some friction in your home or with loved ones that will best be dealt with in a diplomatic way. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Make decisions that will withstand the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.� The week ahead could be filled with an onslaught of challenges. Don’t worry, but do prepare. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Remain tolerant of the little irritations of life and concentrate on the things that bring you joy and happiness. In the week ahead, remain skeptical of anything that is offered at little or no cost. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The week
ahead can be challenging on many levels. Get important issues settled to everyone’s satisfaction before this weekend ends, if possible. Remember that honesty is more important than winning. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Sometimes you need to make a cooperative effort for team morale. Meeting others’ expectations might mean temporarily sidelining some of your own ambitions now. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Family members should treat you fairly and be free with their praise. Enjoy having a few extra dollars right now, as it may be necessary to economize later in the week. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You can fine-tune most business details by being willing to cooperate, but you should never compromise your principles. Avoid signing crucial agreements or launching new ventures in the upcoming week. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Before this week unfolds, it might be a good idea to practice counting to 10. You may frequently need to hold your tongue to avoid disputes, but the outcome should be well worth it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your spirit remains undiminished by exposure to some of life’s realities, but not everyone shares your generosity. Remain skeptical of high-pressure sales pitches this week.
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Page 28, The Berkeley Times, October 17, 2020