TheTOMS RIVER Times Vol. 16 - No. 34
In This Week’s Edition
Scouts Cleaning Cemetery Learn About Toms River’s Early Residents
Community News Pages 9, 11, 12, 19
Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Page 16
Dear Pharmacist Page 17
Inside The Law Page 25
Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts helped clean up the cemetery By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – History isn’t something that stays in books. It’s a living, breathing body of work that is constantly growing. In the same way that you can’t remember being a baby, no one is still around who lived during the township’s formative years.
Well, let’s amend that. Some of them are still here. If you know where to look. In the downtown grid of streets, one area stands out among the municipal buildings and law offices. It’s a cemetery at the corner of Hooper Avenue and Washington Street. Here, you’ll find
─Photo by Chris Lundy
a few Revolutionary War soldiers. You’ll see familiar names on stones. But mostly, this is a place full of people who were t r ying to build their lives and wound up building a town. J. Mark Mutter, township historian and retired clerk, gave the tour to Scout troops
one recent morning. He told the stories of the people he k new about, like Timothy Page, who was born in what is now Cattus Island County Park. He was a lookout during the Revolutionary War. “He’s the fi rst person we’re going to visit,” Mutter told the boys. (Scouts - See Page 4)
Schools Launching Dual Enrollment With OCC
TOMS RIVER – The local school district has pa r t nered w it h Ocean Count y College to Dual Enrollment with OCC a Huge Plus for TRRS Students, Parents Enhanced College Credit Program Will Launch Next Year Nov. 17, 2020: High s cho ol s t u d e nt s a t Toms River Region-
al Schools will have ample opportunities to get a head start on their collegiate careers thanks to an expanded partnership between the district and Ocean County College. Dual enrollment will enable students to earn college credits, certificates, and even associate degrees through academic pathways
a l ig n e d w it h O C C course offerings. The catalyst to this arrangement is the district being recognized as a satellite location for the college, for which the Toms River Board of Education passed a resolution earlier this fall, and which is in the process of being recognized th rough OCC’s Middle States
Accreditation application process. “The benefits of this arrangement reach far and wide, and it’s difficult for me to overstate the positive impact this will have for our students and families,” said Superintendent David Healy. “This will increase our course offerings, boost the profile of our Career
Academies, increase academic achievement and produce more college-ready graduates, and ultimately provide significant cost savings for our families.” The rollout for this enhanced dual enrollment program will be September 2021. Students will have the option to take OCC-level
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(OCC - See Page 10)
December 19, 2020
Emotional Supports In Place For Students With COVID
By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – When a student is diagnosed with COVID-19, contact tracers will tell everyone they’ve been close to, in order to warn them, and to slow the spread to others. The identity of the student is not made public in order to protect their privacy. But this is 2020. News spreads. Kids find out who is sick. Even if the kids are learning from home, they are all connected on their remote devices. They are texting and group chatting. Soon, everyone knows. This adds a new wrinkle for district leaders in trying to prevent bullies which might be literally adding insult to injury. Districts throughout the area were contacted for this article about what emotional supports are in place for students who have (COVID - See Page 2)
Local GOP Leader To Appeal Conviction Again By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – An inf luential Republican leader will continue to appeal his conviction for tax evasion and fraud. Former Ocean County GOP Chairman George R. Gilmore, 71, of Toms River, was convicted of not paying federal income tax for his employees and lying on a loan application. He was sentenced to one year and one day in prison. He had appealed that, but that appeal was shot down earlier this month. The appellate panel upheld his 2019 conviction. Now, another appeal is on the horizon. His attorney, Kevin Marino, said that they are petitioning for the entire appellate court to rehear the case-not just a panel. (Local - See Page 6)
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Page 2, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
LEGAL NOTICE Take notice that Liquid Runner Beverage Company LLC. Trading as Liquid Runner. With the Member Christopher S Rugg who resides at 200 Portland Rd E23 Highlands NJ 07732 has applied to the Director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control for a Limited Wholesale license for the premises situated at 1745 Lakewood Rd #9 Toms River NJ 08755 and salesroom situated at 1745 Lakewood Rd # 9 Toms River NJ 08755. Objections, if any, should be made immediately in writing to the Director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, P.O. Box 087, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0087.
Continued From Page 1 tested positive and might be targeted by their peers. All of them spoke of how this would fall under anti-bullying curriculum in general that is in place throughout the year. Character education includes how to treat others and how to respond to and report bullying, district officials said. They had not been made aware of any specific cases of bullying over COVID diagnoses. “The one area that is stressed is confidentiality,” Manchester Superintendent David Trethaway said. “Students do not necessarily want others to know about the situation other than the nurse. The nurses are the main contact with the students. They share with students and families that if they have any issues that would be related to bullying or any other issues, they could contact guidance or the nurses directly. That would be their option. The administration is also aware of any social media posts that may be detrimental to the student.” Berkeley Township District Superintendent James Roselli said that the social and emotional health of the students are a big component of education. Staff have
been cognizant of the issues that children have been having, and have been working to address them. “We’ve been providing emotional support throughout the year, because there are kids having trouble with this in general,” he said. “We make sure we are following all of our procedures to be consistent and safe,” Central Regional Superintendent Triantafi llos Parlapanides said. “Guidance plays a part in the process in that they change the student to all virtual for the two weeks. Our students are very good in understanding” that if someone gets infected and has to quarantine that it is not a reason to treat them any differently. Barnegat Superintendent Brian Latwis was interviewed for this article earlier in the season and only had one student test positive at that time. He said that emotional supports are in place for students but that has not been an issue the district had encountered. In Toms River, there is a district-wide Youth Counseling Program in place thanks to an H. Hovnanian Foundation grant, spokesman Michael Kenny said. This program is not specific to COVID but was in place before the coronavirus hit. Every student has access to it, so the emotional supports are in place.
Government 0fficials... Have news that you would like the community to be involved with? Let everyone know by placing a news release in this paper! Send it to
The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 3
Page 4, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
Continued From Page 1 He pointed out the age on the tombstone: 19. “He was a teenager,” he said, putting it into perspective. Some of the history was framed with Toms River’s part in the Revolutionary War. The town was formed in 1767, and blood was shed here in the battle of Toms River. “We call it a battle because we’re from Toms River. It was probably more of a large skirmish,” Mutter said. The scouts didn’t come with books and notebooks; they had rakes and gloves. After the lesson, they cleaned up the cemetery. It was full of fall leaves and branches. Some things, of course, they couldn’t do anything
about: There were tombstones that were toppled, cracked, worn down by weather to be unreadable. But the thing about history is that you don’t just read it and put it back on the shelf. You have to nurture it, care for it, shine it up and show it off. Cubmaster Jeff McElwee said that the clean-up is part of a service project for the boys. “We clean up the area and remind everyone of the importance of it,” he said. Scoutmaster George Rose said history is a big part of scouting. They’ve been to places like Gettysburg and Valley Forge. “You travel (to these historical sites) and you always forget what’s in your own back yard,” he said.
The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 5
Page 6, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
Continued From Page 1 Original Charges As a partner and shareholder at Gilmore & Monahan, he was in control of the law firm’s financials. This firm has since closed and his partner and employees were not charged. For tax quarters ending March 31, 2016 and June 30, 2016, the firm withheld tax payments from its employees’ checks, but Gilmore did not pay them in full to the IRS. Additionally, he applied for a Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) to obtain refinancing of a mortgage loan for $1.5 million with a “cash out” provision that provided Gilmore would obtain cash from the loan on Nov. 21, 2014. On Jan. 22, 2015, he updated the application, failing to disclose outstanding 2013 tax liabilities and personal loans he got from other people. He had received $572,000 from the cash out portion of the loan. The jury was not able to reach a decision on the charge of tax evasion for years 2013, 2014, and 2015, the court spokesman said. He was acquitted of two charges of filing false tax returns for calendar years 2013 and 2014. He had a sentencing hearing on January 22. There, he was sentenced to a year and a day in Fort Dix Federal Correctional Institution. He had also been sentenced to three years of probation after that. The sentencing judge did not fine Gilmore for any of his offenses, but said he would end up paying “about a million a year” in contract penalties. The sentencing judge ordered mental health treatment. First Appeal Instead of paying taxes, he had been spending a great deal on home remod-
eling and lavish decorations, reportedly on such things as a mammoth tusk and a statue of George Washington. During the appeal handled by his attorney, Marino alleged that the trial did not include expert psychiatric testimony regarding his claim of having a hoarding disorder that made him spend lavishly on personal expenses. In the non-precedential ruling written by Judge Thomas Hardiman for a threejudge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, the court rejected four separate claims raised by Gilmore. It agreed with the government that the trial judge properly excluded the psychiatric expert. Gilmore contended that testimony would have negated his intent to commit the charged tax crimes. The court also rejected Gilmore’s challenges to the jury instructions and sufficiency of evidence. Political Connections Gilmore is the grandson of late Seaside Heights mayor J. Stanley Tunney, of which the Tunney bridge between Toms River and Seaside is named. Gilmore’s law firm did work for a number of towns, which dissolved their contracts with him after his arrest. He also had to step down from being chairman of the county Republicans. Frank Holman took his place, but he is reportedly still very inf luential in local politics. In fact, several sources stated that he persuaded local Republicans to back David Richter in the 3rd District Congressional race. Richter ultimately lost to incumbent Andy Kim. Gilmore has remained active in politics, attending county events and forming a political consulting firm with Freeholder Jack Kelly.
Reaching For Water Bottle Causes Driver To Crash By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – Police said reaching for a water bottle while driving caused enough of a distraction to make the vehicle veer off the road and overturn. The crash took place on December 8
at around 7:30 a.m. at the intersection of Lakehurst Road and Camelot Place. Richard Sheridan, 68 of Bayville, told police he was reaching for a bottle of water when his vehicle drifted off the road to the right, striking a utility pole and lighted sign before overturning and sustaining extensive damage. Sheridan suffered lacerations to his hands in the crash. Toms River Traffic Safety Officer David Bartoshek is investigating. Police reported that there was no indication of driver impairment. He was cited with Careless Driving.
Do you have something you want everyone to know? Is there an issue that needs to be addressed? Write a letter to make yourself heard.
The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 7
SPOTLIGHT ON GOVERNMENT Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials
Kim: Town Hall Call Gave Info On Health Care During COVID
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Andy Kim (D-3 rd ) held a telephone town hall where he discussed how constituents can sign up for Get Covered NJ and provided an update on the ongoing coronavirus crisis. This was the Congressman’s 28th town hall since he was sworn into office in January 2019. Congressman Kim was joined by Marlene Caride, Commissioner of the New
Je r s e y D e p a r t m e nt of Banking and Insurance (DOBI); Maura Collinsgru, Health Care Program Director of New Jersey Citizen Action; Barbara Scholz, Director of Advocacy and Programs of Fulfill (formerly the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties); and Pam Gray, Senior Navigator with the Navigator Exchange Prog ram at the Center for Family Services. The pan-
elists provided updates and answered questions on how New Jersey residents can sign up and receive subsidies through the new statebased health care exchange. Other issues raised on the town hall include: when an approved coronavirus vaccine will be distributed, inquiries about other health care deadlines, and the latest on a coronavirus relief package. Last year, Congressman
Kim passed the bipartisan SAVE Act, which would strengthen the Affordable Care Act by helping states like New Jersey establish their state-based exchanges. “The New Jersey state health care exchange is a great way for people to fi nd coverage for them and their families, and I want to thank my guests who provided critical information for people to sign up,”
said Congressman Kim. “I look forward to working in the next Congress to strengthen the Affordable Care Act and f ind new ways to expand quality, affordable health care for New Jerseyans.” “When I was sworn into office, I made a promise that I would hold a town hall every month. I’m proud that we’ve held 28 over the past two years, and of the conversations we’ve had together,”
said Congressman Kim. “We’ve highlighted issues that truly impact our community. From flooding to the opioid epidemic and from our troops in Afghanistan to a potential COVID-19 vaccine, I’ve been able to take your thoughts and ideas from these town halls and advocate for them in Congress. I look forward to continue the conversation as we begin a new year and a new Congress.”
Murphy: Unemployment Insurance Benefits Expanded
TRENTON – Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation (A4852) expanding eligibility for extended UI benefits to claimants who either had been eligible for regular UI benefits prior to exhausting those benefits or earned 40 times their unemployment weekly benefits rate. Per prior law, eligibility for extended U I bene fits, which offer up to an additional 20 weeks of benefits, was limited to claimants who satisfied both criteria. “We have an obligation to make sure that New Jerseyans can stay af loat during these extraordinarily challenging times.” said Gover nor Mur phy. “W hile we desperately need the federal government to step up, we’re doi ng ou r pa r t to help working people weather the storm. This law will help many residents that were previously ineligible for extended UI benefits to get the financial relief that they earned and deserve.” “We applaud the Legislature and the Governor for enacting this legislation, which will provide extended unemployment benefits for tens of thousands of additional workers at a time when they
most need the support,” said Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo. Primar y sponsors for A4852 include Assemblymembers Yvonne Lopez, Craig Coughlin, Vincent Mazzeo and Senators Joseph Vit ale and Nellie Pou. “As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to surge in New Jersey with no clear end in sight, we must do everything in our power to bolster our unemployment program and help unemployed workers through this difficult time,” said A s s e mbly s p on s or s of the bill Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez, Assembly Sp e a ke r Cr aig Coug hli n, a nd Assembly ma n Vince Mazzeo, in a joint s t at e me nt . “ Unc e r t a i n times call for innovative measures and extending unemployment benef its for eligible workers under this new law will certainly help bridge the gap for workers to find new employment opportunities.” “In the spring, millions of people became unemployed through no fault of their own, and have since b e e n r e c e iv i ng u n e m ployment benefits while they continue to look for work. However, for some these benefits are set to run out in the middle of
December, leaving countless New Jersey residents without any financial secu r it y for t he foresee able future,” said Senator Joseph Vitale. “This is an essential piece of legislation that will ensure New Jersey’s extended benef its program eligibility is evaluated in the most generous way possible under federal law. Our residents need help, now, to pay thei r bills and survive during this pandemic. This bill will help them do that.” “The pandemic has ravaged the state’s economy and left far too many families without any financial security other than their unemployment benefits. These benefits were set to expire in the coming weeks, but thanks to today’s signing that won’t be the case,” said Senator Nellie Pou. “Despite very good news about a COVID-19 vaccine, this public health crisis will likely continue well into the new year and we have a responsibilit y to ou r residents to ensure they receive the financial support they need.” Cla i m a nt s of Fe d e ral-State Unemployment Insurance Program benef its are entitled to 26 weeks of regular unem-
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ployment in New Jersey. The CAR ES Act offers up to 13 additional weeks of unemployment benefits t h r ou g h t he Pa nde m ic Emergency Unemployment Compensation prog r a m. A f t e r clai m a nt s exhaust their 26 weeks of State unemployment plus 13 weeks of federal Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, claimants are eligible for extended benefits. Twenty weeks of extended benefits are available during “high unemployment pe-
riods.” The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development announced on July 1 that it would begin providing 20 we e k s of ex t e nd e d u nemploy ment to New Jersey workers who have exhausted their State and federal jobless benefits. The additional 20 weeks of benefits brings to 59 the maximum number of weeks an eligible claimant may receive unemployment benefits. Under prior State unemployment law, a claimant
qualifies for extended benefits, only if the claimant had been eligible for regular UI benefits prior to exhausting those benefits and was paid wages during the base year of the claimant’s applicable benefit year 40 times the claimant’s weekly benefit rate. A4852 permits the claimant to be eligible for the extended benefits if the claimant had been eligible for regular UI benefits prior to exhausting those benefits or earned 40 times their unemployment weekly benefit rate.
Page 8, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
E DITORIAL Is It Too Late To Shop Local? The common refrain this time of year is to shop local. Spending your money in your own community has multiple benefits. Your money goes to the employees and the shop owner, all of whom live around here. Small businesses generally pay their employees better than corporate ones. They will, in turn, spend their pay in the community. The store spends money on a supply chain that’s only a few steps removed from here. It’s a win-win for all involved. When I wrote the headline for this editorial, I didn’t mean it might be too late in the season. I mean it might be too late for the community. Decades ago, the people who run our towns zoned land for commercial development. They anticipated large buildings that they can tax. And places for people to shop. They couldn’t have foreseen what really happened. But maybe they should have. I remember working at Encore Books on Hooper Avenue in Toms River, watching the land across the road be cleared for what would eventually be Target. Encore Books is long gone now. Wal-Mart and Target eliminated small shops. Petco and PetSmart eliminated small pet stores. Home Depot and Lowe’s eliminated locally
run hardware stores. Once again, our government failed us and we have to pick up the slack. Convenience is king, which is why it’s become so easy to shop on Amazon rather than Wal-Mart. You might have had loyalty to a small, locally run shop. But now that those are gone, there’s less guilt in shopping online. No one has loyalty to WalMart. Nor should they. That company treats its employees like garbage. This is not to take away from the many small shops that have still managed to survive in this climate. I know some small shops that I’ll order from even though it’s easier and cheaper to get stuff online. I do this because I’m financially able to spend a few extra bucks. Not everyone is able to do so. Urge your mayors and town officials to zone available land for small businesses. Or ask them to rezone land with empty shops into walkable, convenient areas for shoppers to get to. Any large area (like an abandoned spot on Route 37 or Route 72) should be zoned or rezoned to become destination shopping areas. Tell your government to support small businesses. Chris Lundy News Editor
W� W������ L������ T� T�� E�����! The Toms River Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for veri�ication. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to edit or
reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail typed letters to: PO Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732-657-7388 or e-mail Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily re�lect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.
Let’s Move Forward Together Well now that Michigan & Pennsylvania have certified their presidential election results and the President has given the go ahead to the GSA to begin the process of transitioning from one administrator to another it is my sincere hope we can get back to a place where we can disagree respectfully and our debates can be on policy and not hatred. President Trump has nobody to blame but himself for his loss. His loss was not due to his policies, but his behavior and his total disrespect for the office he was elected to and we are all paying the price, especially the 70 million voters who supported him. It is my sincere hope he handles the next month in a manner befitting his office. I wish President-Elect Biden a nd Vice P resident-Elect Harris all the luck in the world because if they are successful all of us as Americans will be the true winners. Scott Martin Jackson
Local GOP Did More Than Federal I’m proud of the local Republican leaders who have treated the pandemic with the seriousness it deserves. Right away, they started the testing center at (Ocean County College) and they even had a location to sterilize emergency vehicles. I wouldn’t have even thought about cleaning ambulances and the like. But they did and they made it happen. Towns – mostly led by Republicans – cancelled local events reluctantly. They did it to keep people safe. They stepped up because the federal Republicans backed down. Now, they’re starting to get bored of the pandemic and I don’t blame them but I’m hoping that they stick
Letters To The EditorJFK’s spirit continues to to the program and keep helping us. The CDC recommends testing centers and contact tracing. The White House said no. They wanted to sweep it all under the rug. The county had to open testing centers, and do their own contact tracing, because it was all too much work for the federal government – which is in a better position to do so. So, Trump would rather us spend our money than to do it on a federal level. Back in the spring, the Post Office had a plan to send every American reusable face masks. The White House nixed it. There was a COVID relief bill that would give everyone money to stay home from work. The bill is still sitting on Mitch McConnell’s desk. The Senate has gone on vacation – again! People in other countries are receiving more than a thousand dollars a month for this. Our country has forgotten its own people. Other countries are having concerts and returning to normal but we’re still here, dying at a rate of more than a thousand a day, because our federal government just doesn’t care. John Berent Toms River
A Day To Remember A “Day to Remember” for two reasons. Dec. 7 is “The day of infamy Pearl Harbor” and the day Joe Namath and Joe Thiesmann (former pro footballers) will stop their never-ending telling us seniors “Do we have the right medical coverage?” day and night. Oh, by the way, (a writer’s) letter about Congressman Pascrell is right on the ball. As a former north Jersey resident and voter, in my opinion the only action Pascrell did with enthusiasm was endorsing his Congressional paycheck! Bill McPhail Toms River
JFK’s Call To Action Relevant Today
For those of us who remember that dark November day 57 years ago, the image is as vivid today as it was then. The limousine, the cheering crowds, the shots, confusion, the fear and disbelief. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy, one of the darkest days in American history, continues to haunt Americans of all ages. Ken nedy brought optimism to the White House, an optimism that t ranscended politics and gave t h e n a t io n ho p e fo r a brighter future. P re side nt Ke n nedy’s youth also forged a new generation of young people who were drawn to public service. I credit President Kennedy and his call on Americans to give their all as one of the reasons I became a teacher and decided to run for public office. As the anniversary of his tragic death (goes by), I ask all residents to remember the man, the man who brought out the best in all of us. The president was also a champion for the underdog. He called on his fellow citizens to lend a helping hand to those who needed it most. A s t he hol id ay sea son approaches, I call on all Americans to take President Kennedy’s challenge a nd help t he poor a nd needy in their local communities. What better way to remember this great man and his legacy than by opening our hearts and helping those less fortunate? More than half a century after his tragic death,
be a beacon for generations of Americans. Truly an eternal fl ame of hope and charity. Let us always continue the work that he began. Joseph H. Vicari Toms River
A Question For Trump I have a question for President Donald Trump. It is a quote from counsel Joseph Welch aimed at Senator Joseph McCarthy during the Army-McCarthy hearings on August 31, 1954. “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency!” John J. Radlinsky Whiting
Letters To Gov. Murphy I want to express my gratitude to Governor and Mrs. Murphy for leading me and my NJ community through this unprecedented time of immeasurable challenges. I thank them from the bottom of my heart. Over the years I have sent many letters to the Governor’s desk of concern and consternation - my comfort is knowing I am heard. The response is meaningful and a skilled trait of a leader. My next letter to Gov. Mu r phy m ig ht not be so complimentary; perhaps a bit more pointed in concer ns of policies but again, I know, it will resonate with reasoning and efforts in governance. Jeanine Feaman Toms River
Do you have something you want everyone to know? Is there an issue that needs to be addressed? Write a letter to The Toms River Times and make yourself heard.
The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 9
Safe Exchange Zone Set Up For Shoppers
By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – A Safe Exchange Zone has been set up for people to pick up items that they buy online. No, this is not a place for people to exchange presents with each other. This is a spot to meet up with someone when you buy an item online. Some people in cyberspace don’t have your best interests in mind. Local police stations have been responding to this by designating a spot for residents to pick up items from strangers in a safe location. The one in Toms River is in the parking lot of the police department, located at 255 Oak Avenue. There are two parking spaces designated, and you can tell which ones they are by the green striping and posted signs. The purpose of the Safe Exchange Zone is
to add a layer of security to the exchange of online transactions from websites such as Craig’s List, eBay, LetGo, and other online marketplaces as well as private sales and even safe child custody exchanges, police said. However, it is important to note that Toms River Township employees will not act as witnesses. They also won’t take part of any transaction. The spaces are monitored by 24-hour surveillance, though. The spot is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, the transactions should be done during daylight hours for people’s safety. While residents are encouraged to use this spot for a variety of legal reasons, they should not be used for the exchange of weapons, controlled dangerous substances or paraphernalia.
Toms River Motor Vehicle Closed Until Dec. 22
By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – The State Motor Vehicle Commission announced on December 9 that the Toms River location will be closed due to an employee testing positive for COVID-19.
In a tweet, the commission noted that it will reopen on Tuesday, December 22. The Toms River location was not the only one closed. Several locations across the state have had intermittent closings this year.
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Page 10, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
Continued From Page 1 courses at a reduced rate and earn college credits. Certificates (30 credits) and associate degrees (60 credits) will be available in pathways such as business, science, manufacturing, graphic arts, and IT. There will be opportunities for assistance based on need, which includes standard student scholarships through the college. OCC Executive Director of Academic Success Dr. Henry Jackson presented a snapshot of the program during a public committee meeting Nov. 11. He stressed that the program is fully optional-- the courses will be offered regardless of robust or minimal enrollment-- and spoke of its advantages. “The goal here is to allow your students the option to take these courses and earn college credits,” Dr. Jackson said. “Ultimately, they’ll be able to utilize our entire OCC course catalogue.” Students who complete between 12 and 24 college credits, Dr. Jackson explained, are at a distinct advantage when applying to colleges. With credits under their belt, students can apply for sophomore programs at colleges and universities. Not only does this potentially save parents a year of tuition; it gives students a competitive edge. Rather than contending with the biggest pool of college applicants, graduates with credits become more appealing to colleges seeking to fill a sophomore class that typically dwindles after freshmen drop out or transfer. “I know firsthand what this level of college readiness can mean for families since my daughter recently graduated High School South and OCC with an associate degree in math,” said Board President Anna Polozzo. “What’s uniquely special about this dual enrollment program is that OCC works so well with our high school kids to ensure that their college credits are relevant and applicable. Having recently gone through this process, I’ve seen the disappointment of students who learn, for example, that their AP credits don’t count. That’s not the case here. OCC, in combination with our teachers and guidance counselors, is truly preparing our students for college, and giving them genuine leverage. Every parent in the district should be jumping for joy at this news.”
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The journey to this point began years ago and, under the direction of Superintendent Healy, was spearheaded by former Assistant Superintendent Dr. Marc Natanagara and then Director of Curriculum Norma DiNoia. That torch has been successfully carried by Assistant Superintendent Cara DiMeo, Director of 6-12 Curriculum Estee Mailot, and Supervisor of Educational Technology Tiffany Lucey. “This is a matter of equity,” said DiMeo. “Not only will dual enrollment help our Career Academy and general education students; it meets the needs of our at-risk learners who might not have otherwise pursued a college pathway. “This is truly momentous for the district, a product of years of hard work by many people from different organizations working together in the interest of students. We couldn’t be prouder.” That the district has the capacity to implement this program is a testament to its strong working relationship with OCC, top-level support, and its own efforts to foster career readiness. Last week TRRS attained Phase 1 approval for its Perkins application which, once fully approved, will release more than $90,000 for this school year in support of CTE programs of study which offer dual enrollment, including strands in manufacturing, finance, and digital arts. OCC’s own Perkins funding can be redirected toward these efforts as well, and tuition for these courses will be partially rerouted to the district by OCC to help sustain the program. Initiatives like the Career Academies and high-level grants that have supported or required college pathways-- all of which were buoyed by board support and active administrative involvement-- laid the foundation for enhanced dual enrollment. “Without the [Toms River] school board’s support, and Mr. Healy’s support, we wouldn’t have been able to do this,” said Dr. Jackson. Extensive planning is underway among administrators, curriculum writers, educators, and guidance counselors to design and align the courses and develop the coursework, which will be rigorous, and work out the remaining details and logistics. More information will be provided in the coming months, and enhanced dual enrollment will anchor the launch of the 2020-2021 school year.
The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 11
Inspiring Resident Passes From COVID-19
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─Photo courtesy Twitter
Sheriff Michael Mastronardy and the entire staff at the Ocean County Sheriff ’s Office gave their condolences to the family and shared their memories of Michael. During the early days of this pandemic, Michael and his co-workers helped with the cleaning the squad’s vehicles and buildings to keep everyone safe. They ask for the community to pray for Michael’s wife, his two children and his family.
Across from M&T Bank Need a ride? OCEAN RIDE can get you here!
By Alyssa Riccardi TOMS RIVER – Michael Reilly, a 1991 graduate of Toms River High School South and owner of ServPro in Toms River has lost his battle against COVID-19. Michael was known for inspiring and helping others within the community. In 2019, he serviced a school district and when the job was complete, he gave gift cards to all the custodians. He also picked up the tab for his classmates at their 20year high school reunion.
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Page 12, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
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─Photo courtesy Toms River Lions Club Pictured (left to right): Lion Valerie Mc Kee, PID and Club President, Mel Bray, PCS and Club Secretary, Marion Goldberg. TOMS RIVER – The Toms River Lions Club in 16 L volunteered at the NJ Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center in late November. Each person was masked and gloved to begin the sorting process that is so urgently needed. The Center has been receiving glasses in bags, boxes and on pallets from individuals, clubs and commercial eyeglass centers all during the lockdown for the COVID-19 virus. Boxes are stacked almost to the ceiling everywhere and in need of volunteers. The NJLERC is under the direction of PCC Alan Brewer of the Flemington Lions Club and the operations manager Jim Spada. Mr. Spada deals with the volunteers in an efficient manner as he instructed them with the process of sorting and then in keeping them always in a new supply of glasses as they sorted through them. The facility is currently open by appointment for volunteers due to the COVID-19 virus for small groups to come to sort the eyeglasses. It is located on the campus of the Katzenbach School for the Deaf in West Trenton, NJ. The maximum number of people that could be accepted to volunteer is currently 10 as suggested by state and local laws due to the social distancing needed inside. The volunteers would search through and sort the glasses into bins marked Bifocals, Single Lens glasses, plastic scrap and metal scrap and yes – sunglasses too. The job is a little time consuming but necessary to prepare for the next step which is to send off cleansing the approved glasses. Some are sent to the NJ prison system. That is where some men have been trained in the cleansing process. Then additional inmates have been trained in the use of a lens-ometer. This is equipment that reads the prescription of each lens in the glasses. This training helps prepare them for a job as they leave the prison system. 80 percent of all glasses donated are recovered as usable with this system. Each lens is marked and the eye glasses are sealed and sent back to the facility to be used as doctors request them for their annual trips to needy foreign countries. Those countries are usually in Africa, South America
and Asia. The scrap metal and scrap plastic bulk are sold. This money helps with the funding of the project along with many Lions clubs’ donations to NLERC. They accept donations from the general public as well. During the three and a half hours spent, there were approximately 3000 to 3500 eyeglasses that were handled. That was just a small dent in the amount at the location. The virus has kept so many volunteers away. But as you can see, the need is great, the facility is constantly cleaned and the glasses keep coming in but need to go out also. Each doctor could easily request 5,000 to 10,000 glasses for his trip abroad. Without the volume of glasses these doctors could not assist in the healing of eye diseases that are prevalent in these areas. Although this operation is in District 16L, Lions from all over the state and out of NJ have come to give their assistance to this extremely worthwhile operation. In addition to Lions and Leos volunteering, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, corporate groups routinely volunteer at NJLERC. We were impressed with the process and have a renewed respect for our gift of sight and a better understanding of the importance eyeglasses can bring to those who do not have them. Mel Bray, President of the Toms River Lions stated,” Eyesight is a gift that we take for granted in this country. Those in impoverished areas do not have access to basic glasses and sunglasses.” The NJLERC is one of nine such facilities in the country plus Europe and Asia with the NJ Center being the busiest in the country processing millions of glasses yearly. It was an uplifting experience seeing millions of eyeglasses and doing a part to bring a smile to the face of someone who could now see for the first time, or a child that will not get cataracts due to excessive sun exposure. What a worthy cause! Find the time to volunteer by contacting or by calling A. Brewer 1-908-244-9996 for information to schedule an appointment to volunteer.
The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 13
Page 14, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
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The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 15
AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE State Urges Residents To Get Their Flu Shot This Holiday Season
By Alyssa Riccardi FREEHOLD – The New Jersey Department of Health is urging all residents to get their annual f lu vaccine. It’s usually recommended that people receive their f lu shot before October, but the DOH still insists on getting the shot as the f lu viruses can circulate as late as May. “Getting your f lu vaccine is more important than ever as we face increases in COVID-19 cases throughout the state, said Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli. “Flu vaccination can reduce f lu illnesses, hospitalizations, and can help to conserve potentially scarce healthcare resources during the pandemic.” Governor Phil Murphy recently published a proclamation declaring December 6 through 12 as Inf luenza Vaccination Week in New Jersey to go along with the national initiative which focuses on the importance of flu vaccination during the holiday season and for the future. A yearly f lu vaccine is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for everyone 6 months of age and older. Certain people are at greater risk for serious complications from the f lu. Those at high risks include: • Children younger than 5, but especially children younger than 2 years old.
• People 65 years of age and older. • Pregnant women and women up to 2 weeks after end of pregnancy. • American Indians and Alaskan Natives. • People who have medical conditions such as asthma, heart disease, and diabetes. People who care for persons at higher risk for inf luenza-related complications should also be making it a priority to get a f lu shot. This can consist of healthcare personnel and household contacts of children less than six months of age, since these children are too young to receive the f lu vaccine. “Everyone can play a role in fighting the f lu,” said Commissioner Persichilli. “Through the Department’s initiatives, our stakeholders share in the responsibility to help ensure that our communities are aware of the dangers of f lu, the benefits of vaccination, as well as helping to improve access to vaccination services.” Flu vaccines are offered in many locations including doctor’s offices, clinics, health departments, urgent care centers, and pharmacies. For general flu information and to find a f lu shot near you, visit the Department’s website at lunj. For more information about NIVW, visit the CDC web page at lu/ nivw/index.htm.
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Page 16, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Presented By: Isidore Kirsh, Ph.D., F.A.A.A. (N.J. Lic. #678)
Dr. Isidore Kirsh Ph.D., F.A.A.A.
Do I Have A Trial Period With My New Hearing Instruments?
October 1 - December 31, 2020 *Managed Care Organizations (MCO - NJ Medicaid) Insurance Clients Only. Overtime and non-MCO hours not included.
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In the State of N.J., a trial period to test drive hearing aids is not required by law. However, in 98% of other States, you would receive 30 or 45 days to wear and evaluate the hearing instruments and return the system to the hearing care provider if you’re not satisfied. In fact, certain providers will give you greater than two months to return the hearing aid system. If you return the hearing aids, there may be a small restocking fee which is typically 5%-10% of the total purchase price. This restocking fee is very common, however, feel free to negotiate that percentage. Remember, the hearing care professional is spending time with you and should be compensated for his/ her time. For those of you who have never worn a hearing aid, it will take time for your brain to acclimate to all of the sounds we “normally” hear and for many of us, it could take at least 30 days. In fact,
“new” hearing aid users are typically not fit at 100% prescription during the initial first fit. More often than not, the new hearing aid user is set between 80-85% of predicted prescription for the patients hearing loss. It will usually require at least two additional follow up visits to reach close to 100%. The more “time” the hearing care professional wants to spend with you, the greater the chances of a successful experience. In my opinion, I believe all potential hearing aid patients need a minimum of 45 days to acclimate to wearing hearing aids and at least two follow up visits need to occur after the initial fitting. Any practice that does not offer this should not be considered using best practices and I would look elsewhere to improve your hearing. Dr. Izzy is always available to answer your questions about most hearing care issues.
His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks!
Send your community events to
The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 17
H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
Tweaks For Healthier Recipes By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph. When cooking this holiday season, use these recipe tweaks and make everything healthier. My ideas are designed to improve immune function. Don’t be afraid to experiment in the kitchen with different healing herbs and spices. Slivers of Swiss Chard. Dark leafy greens are nutrient dense. So add one large green leaf of Swiss Chard to a big salad, just make sure to cut it into thin pieces or slivers, so that it combines well into your Romaine lettuce. This superfood offers important antioxidant compounds to your salad that help boost immunity and improve methylation. Turmeric. One half teaspoon (dried) of turmeric into the green bean casserole will go virtually unnoticed by even kids! fYou can also grate about a teaspoon of fresh turmeric, and either way, it adds strong anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory benefits. Enhance the water. Add immune-boosting herbs to the pot of simmering water with potatoes (when you’re making mashed potatoes). Enhance the water of any soup with a Bay leaf, or 2-inch piece of astragalus root, or both. Remember to pull them out before serving. Shiitake mushrooms. Using these mushrooms in your stuffing instead of plain ones adds biologically active compounds that fight cancer and inflammation. A 2015 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that shiitake reduces CRP (C-Reactive Protein). Cauliflower. Most people know about making cauliflower mash, as a substitute for the high-carb regular mashed potatoes. But what about “Caulifl ower Mac and Cheese?” I have this recipe posted on my website.
Fresh Rosemary, Sage or Thyme. Everyone is used to using dried spices from a jar, but if you ever try the fresh sprigs, you’ll never go back! If you are cooking gravy, scissor in some fresh rosemary, and put some thyme in too. Pumpkin Seed Oil. Add 2 teaspoons to your pumpkin pie filling before cooking it for a profoundly richer flavor and powerful medicinal benefits. It’s rich in vitamin E, zinc, omega fatty acids and is well known to support prostate and breast health. Garlic. Anywhere you can add garlic, do so! You can even roast a whole head of garlic if you wrap it in foil and cook it inside the oven. Then spread it onto crackers or add a dollop to mashed potatoes. Garlic contains allicin which is a very strong anti-viral and antibacterial compound. Dried tart cherries. Instead of cranberries add dried tart cherries into your stuffing. These contain natural melatonin which is deeply relaxing, plus there’s research to show cherries support gout. Tart cherries reduce muscle breakdown and speed up recovery too. They have virtually no fat or sodium and taste delicious, not too sweet. The health benefits of tart cherries are so well-documented that I added it to one of my Collagen Beauty Powder formula which is designed for healthy hair, beautiful skin and strong nails. Substitutes for Wine. If you don’t want to drink red wine (or alcohol), you can make a 50/50 mix of tonic water with pomegranate juice. You can also find alcohol-free egg nog everywhere! Finally, you can sip on warm apple cider. If you’re interested in more recipe tweaks, I have a longer version of this article posted at my website right now, at
(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit ©2020 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.
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Page 18, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
TOMSRIVERONLINE.COM Information for Residents, 24/7 Exposure for Local Businesses
LOCAL INFORMATION: • Area Events • Restaurants • Things to Do • Local Business Directory AND MUCH MORE...
AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Deborah’s 15th Annual Red Tie Gala Raises Funds for Cardiac Care » 732-929-0730
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Enjoy The Silver Time Experience 600 Mule Road • Toms River, NJ 08757 ─Photo courtesy Deborah Hospital Foundation Chef Eddie Jackson entertains at Deborah Hospital Foundations’ 15 Annual Red Tie Gala, Virtual Style. NEW JERSEY – Deborah Hospital Williams, and sponsored by numerous Foundation’s 15th Annual Red Tie Gala, businesses, Gala attendees enjoyed an overheld virtual style on December 5, raised view of the Hospital’s 2020 achievements nearly $150,000 for cardiac care at Deborah and 2021 goals - including plans for a new Heart and Lung Center, New Jersey’s only hospital expansion project – a silent auction, specialty heart, lung, and vascular hospital, and a live 3-course cooking demo by Food and an Alliance Partner of the Cleveland Network Celebrity Chef and former NFL Clinic Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute. football player, Eddie Jackson. “This year our virtual Gala captured the The annual Gala supports Deborah’s nearly 100-year mission of never balance billing same elements that our guests have come to enjoy over the years,” said Gala Chair Mea patient for care received at the hospital. This year’s Gala, originally scheduled to be lissa McGrath. “It was a fun way to safely held on November 14 at the Hilton at Penn’s join together from our homes, while still Landing in Philadelphia, was rescheduled supporting the important work of Deborah due to the pandemic, and moved to a virtual Hospital Foundation.” For more information, or to make a donaformat. Emceed by 6ABC News Anchor Rick tion, visit
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The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 19
North Dover Teacher Named “Extraordinary Educator”
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─Photo courtesy Toms River Regional Schools TOMS RIVER – North Dover Elementary School fifth-grade teacher Michael DeRiggi has been included in the Extraordinary Educators Class of 2021 by Curriculum Associates. “We are continuously amazed by the work you do!” wrote representative Liz Schrader in a tweet on December 7. Curriculum Associates manages the iReady assessment, along with other
services including distance learning, differentiated instruction, and equity in learning. North Dover announced the news to its school, and in doing so revealed that Mr. DeRiggi has also been named NDE’s “Teacher of the Year” for 20202021. Quite a year for one of Toms River Regional Schools’ fantastic educators. Congratulations Mr. DeRiggi!
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Page 20, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Be Safe And Go Green This Holiday Season
1301 Rte 72 | Ste 305 | Manahawkin, NJ 08050
609-597-9195 211 W Millstream Road Cream Ridge, NJ 08514
By Bob Vosseller TOMS RIVER – Staying safe this holiday season is the best gift you can give yourself and your family and to help you do that there are a few simple safety tips. To make sure that the only flashing red lights you see this holiday season are the ones on your home or on your Christmas tree, and not on an ambulance, Freeholder Joseph H. Vicari suggests you start a new tradition. “Make safety a holiday tradition. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and never plug too many lights into one socket. If you use a real tree, check daily that its branches are not dry and prone to ignite,” Vicari, who chairs the county’s Department of Consumer Affairs said. He added that many families enjoy colorful holiday lights both inside and outside, but the improper use of decorations can turn the season of joy into one of disaster. Hospital emergency rooms treat more than 12,000 people each year for holiday-related injuries, such as falls, cuts and shocks related to decorative lights, decorations and Christmas trees. Each year, the US Fire Administration reports holiday fires, including those caused by Christmas trees, kill more than 400 Americans and injure more than 1,600, causing a total of $990 million in damages. The Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs offered the following tips to help keep the holidays safe: • When buying a live Christmas tree, make sure the needles are fresh and green. The needles should bend and not snap between your fingers. • Place a live tree in a cool spot away from heater vents, the fireplace and other heat sources. Water the tree regularly and dispose of it or recycle it properly after the
season. • When purchasing an artificial tree, look for a “fire resistant” label. While most artificial trees can burn, fire resistant trees will resist burning and extinguish quickly. Use only indoor or outdoor lights that have been properly tested for safety by a recognized laboratory. Use only lights that have fused plugs. • Check all lights for burned out, missing or damaged bulbs. Replace bulbs with the same wattage bulbs only. Use no more than three sets of lights per extension cord. • Make sure outdoor lights have been certified for outdoor use. Hang lights with insulated staples or run them through hooks. • Never use nails or tacks. • Turn off the lights when leaving the house or going to bed. • Use only non-combustible or flame-resistant materials to trim a tree. Do not hang sharp ornaments near the reach of small children. Avoid hanging ornaments that resemble candy canes or food near young children, as they may be tempted to eat them. • When using candles, always place them in a safety holder away from trees and other flammable materials. Make sure all candles are out before leaving your home or going to sleep. • Anchor all outdoor decorations against high winds. “Consider making this Christmas a truly green holiday by using these energy efficient lights and decorations,” Vicari said. He recommended LED indoor and outdoor Christmas lights. The low-voltage, long-lasting lights use up to 90 percent less energy and generate much less heat than traditional lights.
Man Sentenced To 30 Years For Aggravated Manslaughter
By Alyssa Riccardi LAKEWOOD – A 39-year-old Lakewood man has been sentenced to 30 years in New Jersey State Prison after shooting a man, resulting in the victim’s death. On June 13, 2016, Lakewood Township Police Department responded to the area of Martin Luther King Boulevard in Lakewood and discovered a body. Johntel Thomas, 23, of Toms River, was found lying on the sidewalk with a gunshot wound to the chest. Shortly after finding him, police pronounced Thomas dead. After interviewing witnesses to the shoot-
ing, detectives from the Lakewood Township Police Department and Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Major Crime Unit were able to acquire video surveillance footage of the incident. Police identified Merrill Spencer, 39, of Lakewood as the shooter and was arrested and charged accordingly. On December 9, Spencer was sentenced to 30 years in New Jersey State Prison as a result of his previously entered guilty plea to Aggravated Manslaughter. Spencer will be required to serve at least 85 percent of his prison sentence before he may be considered for parole eligibility.
The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 21
Woman Found Dead On A Jersey Shore Beach, Probe Underway
By Jason Allentoff OCEAN COUNTY – Authorities are investigating the death of a woman whose lifeless body was found on a beach in Toms River. O c e a n C ou nt y P rose c ut or Br a d ley D. Billhimer conf ir med 43-year-old Jennifer Jack of Lavallette was found unresponsive on the Ocean Beach on December 12. Officers from the Toms River Township Police Department responded to
the scene after getting a report from a concerned caller. According to authorities, a post mortem examination was conducted by the Ocean County Medical Examiner’s Office – the results of the examination determined the cause of death to be drowning. Police do not believe any foul play or criminal activity was involved in the death. Prosecutor Billhimer said “The Ocean
C ou nt y P rose c ut or’s Of f ic e Major Crime Unit, Toms River Police Department and the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office will continue to investigate the manner of death to be sure our information is accurate.” He commends the efforts of the Ocean C ou nt y P rose c ut or’s Of f ic e Major Cr i me Un it, Tom s R iver Tow n sh ip Police Department, New Jersey State Police Marine Division, New Jersey St ate Police Missi ng Persons Un it,
New Jersey State Police Major Crime Unit and the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Investigation Unit for their collective assistance in this investigation. Anyone who any information on this m at t e r t o c ont a ct D et e ct ive D e n is Mitchell of the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Off ice Major Crime Unit at 732-929-2027 or Detective Ryan Quinn of the Toms R iver Tow nship Police Department at 732-349-0150 ext. 1361.
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Page 22, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
Help Wanted
Single White Male - Searching for female to stand beside me for love, romance. 53-63. Open to any race. 609-709-5087. I'm submissive. (1)
HIRING NOW!! Looking for outgoing, positive, and engaging teachers to join our Toms River – Route 70 Goddard Family. We are primarily hiring teachers for our elementary school aged children to foster a learning environment in which these children can continue to do their elementary school work. This would include helping them with worksheets, zooms, google classrooms etc. Some of the great perks of being a part of the Goddard Family include a benefits package, paid time off, holiday events and free food and Goddard swag. Call today to inquire about this job posting and start as early as next week! We can be reached through phone at 732-363-5530 or email at
Lady of Mixed Race - 50-plus. Independent. Non-smoker. Attractive, seeks single gentleman 45-65. Trustworthy. Non-smoker. Stable. For companionship and friendship. 908-902-7119 Dating. (51)
Items Wanted $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/ estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (17) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for LP albums. Rock, Jazz, Reggae, Blues, Metal. Very good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (4) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n) CASH PAID!! - LP records, ste-reos, turntables, musical instru-ments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (44)
Items For Sale NY Yankees Jacket - Men's large with World Championship Patch, $50. NY Yankees jacket ladies medium, $50. 732-657-7380. (52)
Help Wanted IMMEDIATE JOB OPENINGS Saba Home Health Care. Working with a quality team with over 25 years’ experience. NOW HIRING RN, LPN, Certified Home Health Aides, Live-ins, & Companions. FullTime/Part-Time. Flexible schedule. Incentive Programs. Referral Bonus Paid time off. Fill application on-line at or call us at 732-797-0700. Please send resume to (t/n)
Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n) School Bus Drivers Wanted! $19.50 per hour $1200 Sign on Bonus. Flexible hours and pm trips available. CDL with P&S endorsements required. Willing to train. Please call 732-905-5100. (49) Aid/Companion - Part time a few days a month, days and hours vary, for a 57 year old veteran, very light care needed. Mostly self sufficient, must be pleasant and have drivers lic., meals included, must be covid safe and recently tested. Please call 201-306-6839. (3) Cedar Glen West - Is seeking a part time Office Assistant to join our team! Positive minded person with excellent communication skills and multitasking capabilities. Responsibilities: Answer inbound calls, manage and follow up maintenance requests, maintain filling systems compose and write letters, communicate with staff and residents. Qualifications: Previous experience in office administration, be able to prioritize and multitask, have excellent written and verbal skills, a desire to take initiative and accept responsibility. Knowledge of Word, Excel, outlook required with QuickBooks being a plus. Contact Bill at 732-657-5525 or (49) Needed Live In - Grandmotherly caregiver for 66 year old MR female. Large private bedroom and bath. Lite housekeeping and cooking. Car available. Small salary. Call 732-657-4714. (1) Auto Parts Delivery Drivers Needed - Part time, Lakewood area. Vehicle supplied, clean license required. Call Lee 732-719-0018. (51) Looking for woman to clean house - 2x/wk. Cortelyou Rd, Jackson. $13/ hr. Please call 917-561-0091. (49) Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n)
Services Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19) C a re g i v e r - C o m p a n i o n s h i p 24/7 Momes Angels. Call Natia: 347-737-4415. (52)
LANDSCAPING - Fall Cleanups. Restorations, Repairs, Stones, Mulch, Sod Installs, Hedges, Shrubs, Bushes, Downed Branches Trimmed & Removed, Demolition, Cleanouts, ect., Dumpster service provided by A901 Licensed Hauler ect. MAN WITH VAN LLC. Jim 609-3350330 HIC# 13vh10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL! (52)
Cheap Painting Done Rite Free estimates. Fully insured. 38 years experience. 732-506-7787 cell 646-643-7678. (37)
$9.99/Room Universal Cleaning Services - APARTMENT • HOME • OFFICE. Services Offered – $9.99: Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Foyer, Hallway, Basement, All other rooms $19.99: Kitchen, Bathrooms, Refrigerator, Deep Clean. ONE TIME • WEEKLY • BI-WEEKLY • MONTHLY. Coverage area: Ocean and Monmouth County. CALL NOW! 732-301-4111 Gaby Cohen. (48)
Services Don Carnevale Painting Specializing interiors. Some exterior. Quality always. Very neat. Prompt courteous service. Reasonable-affordable. Senior-Veterans discounts. Honest-reliable. Low rates. Free estimates. References. 732-8994470 or 732-915-4075. (50) Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n) When You Need A Caregiver Call Lucy - European Registered Nurse, 25 years. US Eldercare experience, 19 years. Live in/out, hourly, negotiable. 732-657-1409 (H), 732-833-3273 (C). (47) File Bankruptcy by James W. Donnelly, Esq., - Chapter 7, clear your debts, obtain a fresh start, free telephone consultation, hundreds of bankruptcy cases handled, practicing law since 1980. Cell 908-773-3727, email (48)
BB Towing And Recycling - We buy it all. Cars, trucks, all metals bought. Top prices paid. Light iron 560 cars, 650 late model cars, trucks. Any condition. Cash paid. 609-758-8850. (47)
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Care Provider - Offering assistance with daily activities for both the elderly and adults. 23 years experience. Nancy 732- 864 - 5359. (4)
Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (19)
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ALL American Home Health Aides Experienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605 (t/n) Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (39) Gutter Cleaning - $60 special, Holiday City, Silver Ridge homes. Also Leaf removal. Call Jim 609-335-0330. (52) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) APlus Home Improvement and Repairs - Fully licensed and insured. Over 30 years experience. No job to small. Call Duane 908-278-1322. (52) PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n) Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (50)
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The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 23
AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE One Dead After UTV Crashes Into A Lake
By Jason Allentoff MANCHESTER – A Howell Township resident is dead after an accident sent his Utility Terrain Vehicle into a lake at the Heritage Minerals Mine in Whiting. Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer and Manchester Township Chief of Police Lisa Parker confirmed that the incident happened on December 12 shortly before 8:30 p.m. Officers from the Manchester Township Police Department responded to Heritage Minerals Mine, also known as ASARCO, on Route 70 in Whiting, for a report of a motor vehicle accident with a submersion. Police spoke to a group of people who were driving UTV’s and they said that a UTV had entered the lake at the center of the property, causing the driver and the passengers to be submerged in
the water. Authorities said 62-year-old James Grover of Howell did not resurface. The other passengers and members of the group attempted to locate Grover but were unsuccessful. Manchester Township Police and members of the Manchester, Ridgeway and Whiting Volunteer Fire Companies conducted an underwater dive search and rescue operation and located the UTV overturned and submerged in 25 feet of water. Grover was attached to the UTV by his safety harness. Rescue units attempted to perform life saving measures but he was pronounced dead at the scene. The cause of the crash is now being probed by the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Vehicular Homicide Unit, Manchester Township Police Traffic Safety Unit and the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Investigation Unit.”
Friends Of Ortley Beach Need Volunteers For New Project
ORTLEY – Friends of Ortley Beach is looking for volunteers to help with their new Adopt a Spot project. Through the project, Friends of Ortley Beach will partner with local businesses to clean up the
road verge areas in Ortley. They are forming a committee to decide how to organize the effort. The committee will meet virtually for now. For more information or to join, contact Julie Shino at
Page 24, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
Across 1 Island top 11 Beaver young 15 Dreamer of Greek myth 16 Short race, briefly 17 Celebrated 1981 bride 18 Kyrgyzstan range 19 Italian sonnet closing 20 One may be mounted close to a grille 22 Never encountered before 25 Sleeper’s path 26 Didn’t lose at all 30 Athlete’s best effort 32 “Breaking Bad” org. 33 City on the Arno 34 Hardly the best smoke 35 Filing aid 36 Item on many a diner check 38 Jazz piano style 40 Greek letter 41 White water 45 Early philosophical hot spot 46 Columbo, for one: Abbr. 47 Point of view 48 Sidestep 49 Formal wear 51 One way to think 53 Experiment with Zener cards 55 Tree with greenskinned fruit 60 Opposite of bue-
Preferred Company
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Monday-Friday 8 AM-10 AM 1160 & 1310 WOBM-AM no 61 United Nations goal 64 King Harald’s father 65 Obsolescent media 66 Flier over Hawaii 67 Island bottom Down 1 Jungfrau setting 2 Stuff of legends 3 Name you might see while listening to Muzak 4 Follow the game? 5 Trip up 6 Address 7 Dines on 8 Part of TGIF 9 Sign of trouble
10 Beaux Arts __: longtime chamber music group 11 Arboreal marsupial 12 Countertop option 13 Captain, say 14 Stops pumping momentarily? 21 Receive with a shake, maybe 23 Brewery fixture 24 Narcissist’s issue 26 One flying without a plane? 27 January clearance 28 Where there’s a will, usually 29 Equal footing 31 Hit opposite 34 Bean of “Game of
Thrones” 37 Make room on a drive 39 Gun in neutral 42 Org. that runs the FedEx Cup Playoffs 43 Misfortune 44 __ volente 48 Makes adjustments 50 Hot spot 52 Beehives, e.g. 54 Promotional handouts 56 Watered down 57 Longtime MLB star Big __ 58 HP rival 59 Old U.S. region? 62 Nutritional abbr. 63 Fleur-de-__l
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The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 25
R.C. Shea & Assoc.
AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Bay Head Students Raise Money For CHOP
Inside The Law Trusts For Minor Children
Robert C. Shea Esq.
By: Marc S. Galella, Esq.and Robert C. Shea, Esq. of R.C. Shea & Associates
BAY HEAD – The Bay Head School students and staff raised nearly $500 in support of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Pajama Day fundraiser!
─Photo courtesy Bay Head School Giving back and showing their support for CHOP in recognition and thanks for all that they do for the community is what BH Sharks do!
Local Family To Host Christmas Light Spectacular TOMS RIVER – Buddy the elf, said it best “The best way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” So the Ferone family invites you to sing your heart out and watch some Christmas lights at the Ferone Family Christmas Light Spectacular! They are located at 184 Yellowbank Rd., Toms River (or look up Ferone Family Light Show on google maps). The show opens Thanksgiving and will run through December 27, Monday through Thursday from 5 to 9:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 5 to 11 p.m. New this year: Every Tuesday is Disney night! Spend the whole night listening to your favorite Disney songs as you are pulled into the magic of our show!
The show is free, and you do not need a reservation time. They are, however, collecting donations for Children’s Hospital of Toms River. Last year they raised over $3,000. This year, they are aiming high with the hope of raising $5,000! They are a drive up light show located at the end of Yellowbank Road. You are welcome to watch the light show from the comfort of your car (tune into FM 88.1 to hear the music) or bundle up and hop out of the car to enjoy the show. Due to COVID, they ask that if you get out of your car to wear a mask and social distance from other families. New this year: they have added an interactive to go along with our light show. Visit the link to play:
Where parents have minor children, they often want to establish trusts in their Wills for the benefit of the minor children in the event that both parents should pass away. In such a case, the money is held in the trust for the benefit of the children. A person called the “trustee” is appointed by the Will to manage the trust on behalf of the children. Most trusts for the benefit of minor children allow the money to be used for their health, education, maintenance and support. The term “education” usually also refers to college education. There are several ways to go about doing this. The most common ways are the (1) common trust or (2) the separate trust. In the common trust, all of the money is held until the youngest child reaches an age specified in the Will. Upon the youngest child reaching the specified age, the monies remaining in the trust are then distributed to all of the children. In a separate trust, the assets are divided among the children and a separate trust is created for each child and each child receives their trust when the each reach the specified age. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? The advantage of the common trust is that the money is held until the youngest child reaches the specified age. In this way, the trustee can use the money in the trust and if necessary, spend more of the money in the trust on one child as opposed to the others. As a parent, most peo-
ple would be willing Marc S. Galella Esq. to spend ever ything they had on one child at the expense of the other children if that child required greater ca re tha n the other children. By using a common trust you give the trustee the f lexibility to do this. The drawback to the common trust is that the older children will have to wait a longer period of time to receive their share of the inheritance depending upon the age of the youngest child. This could be a disadvantage if there is a significant age difference between the youngest and oldest child. The advantage of the separate trust is that each child will receive their share of the estate when they reach the specified age. This means that the older children do not have to wait for their inheritance until the youngest child reaches the specified age. The drawback to the separate trust is the trustee can only use the money in that individual child’s trust for the care of that child. If one child requires significantly more care than the other children, the trustee is limited to the amount of money in that child’s trust and cannot use the money in the other trusts. Which trust is better for you for your is something to be discussed with your estate planning attorney when making up your Will.
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Page 26, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020
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Shop Local And Save Businesses In Ocean County By Bob Vosseller TOMS RIVER – Noting that business owners are the ones people turn to when we need help, whether supporting local charities, a community member in need or during difficult times, it has come time to support them according to Ocean County Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari said. “Now, it’s our turn to help them. We don’t want to lose any more businesses in Ocean County because of this pandemic. Their economic health is the county’s economic health,” he said. Vicari wants shoppers to keep up the trend of patronizing local businesses during the holiday season. “By shopping at small, local businesses you are making a difference in helping local workers and families during what has been a very difficult time for so many people.” The Freeholder Director serves as liaison to tourism and business development. “The coronavirus pandemic which has led to many restrictions in how we do things has hurt so many of our small businesses. This holiday season, one of the best gifts we can all be a part of is buying locally and at small, family owned businesses.” He noted that while small businesses are highlighted on Small Business Saturday, that everyone should remain shopping at small
locally owned shops throughout county. “Check with local chambers of commerce and business associations to find out what might be offered by small businesses in your area,” Vicari said. The Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders has assisted small businesses with its grant programs that have helped with rent and other operational expenses. “Small businesses are truly the heart and soul of our communities,” Vicari said. “The Ocean County business community has been uniquely impacted by the pandemic since tourism and hospitality represent such a high percentage of the economic activity here. It’s vital to our small businesses that we do all we can to help them.” The holiday shopping season is a good time for consumers to tap into all of the great stores throughout Ocean County. Vicari said, “we have a host of great downtowns, and main streets that are filled with local, small businesses offering up gift ideas and people can also shop local businesses online. I cannot stress enough the importance this holiday season of buying from small, locally owned businesses.” “Gift cards for restaurants, electronics, clothing, wine, toys, the list is endless and remember to patronize other locally owned businesses like dry cleaners and hardware stores,” Vicari added.
Oak Ridge Professional Centre 191 Hwy 37 W • Toms River, NJ 08755
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The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020, Page 27
Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of dec 19 - dec 25 By Jeraldine Saunders
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your instincts are likely right on target when it comes to making quick decisions. Since you are mentally acute, you can overcome objections and navigate tricky situations. Loved ones could be out of sorts in the week ahead. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In the week ahead, making money may be more important than spending it. A loved one may be at odds with you during the next few days unless you adopt a cooperative attitude. Steer clear of unnecessary misunderstandings. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Connect with others as well as your ambitions in the upcoming week. Your sincere belief can be very convincing. Success could be easily achieved by helping move people and things toward constructive results. CANCER (June 21-July 22): In the week ahead, you may be motivated or empowered by a partner to focus on excellence in your work. Whatever you are focusing your energies on, you will be encouraged to do the job to the best of your ability. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You can be at your best when you can show off your talents and expertise. Don’t hesitate to display your skill set; you should attract others who are equally adroit. Show your admiration for others’ strengths and abilities too. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Cut through the fog in the week ahead. Shine friendliness and a positive attitude to clear up any misunderstanding. Save important purchases for later in the week, when your good taste is in higher gear
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Though you will not always receive the attention or the gift that you desire, you can always attend to and treat yourself. Some people may be more interested in their jobs or their ambitions as the week begins than in socializing. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): A conversation or new information can make your choices easier. In the upcoming week, you may take a new approach toward finances. Focus on how to gather more resources or maximize your savings. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The New Moon falls in your sign this week and might be an indication that you are willing to face your fears and ready to let go of the past. To achieve your ambitions, it might be wise to curtail spending on nonessentials. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Give from the heart to a worthy cause you believe in. There should be a little room in your budget for some discretionary spending that helps others. Feeling that you have made a difference is a wonderful reward. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Recalling consequences of past mistakes may remind you to make better choices. Friends could bring up questions about moral issues that may not have concrete answers. You might need to reevaluate your goals this week. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You don’t operate in a vacuum. You may realize that you need to abide by the group consensus. Take the needs of everyone into consideration as you traverse the week ahead. If you cooperate, life is almost always easier.
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Page 28, The Toms River Times, December 19, 2020