2021-07-03 - The Howell Times

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The HOWELL Times

Vol. 19 - No. 5

In This Week’s Edition



Radio Club Connects With Others Around The World


Community News Page 8

Dear Pharmacist

Classifieds Page 18

Inside The Law Page 21

−Photo by Alyssa Riccardi (Above) OMARC Member Rich operating a $6,000 radio and logging who he reaches through the frequencies. (Right) Member Jerry working digitally, using a keyboard to make contact. By Alyssa Riccardi HOWELL – Despite starting the day with some showers, the Ocean Monmouth Amateur Radio Club (OMARC) hosted a successful Field Day, connecting to over

Creative 4th Graders Win County Poster Contest Giordano Hanlon, Sheriff Shaun Golden and Surrogate Rosemarie D. Peters revealed the first, second and third place winners and invited them to the June 24 Board of County Commissioners meeting to display their work. Every year, all 4 th graders in Monmouth Cou nt y a re i nvited

to create posters that showcase unique aspects of Monmouth County and how they relate to county government. This year, the Constitutional Officers had to choose the winners from more than 200 entries submitted by schools from across the county. The fi rst place winner

more. Daily entertainment includes: Hell on Wheels BMX Stunt Show; Bwa na Ji m Wildlife Show; Robinson’s Racing Pigs; Ready GO Dog Show; The Motorcycle Madness Thrill Show; Hilby, The Skinny German Juggle Boy; Jeff Wilson Horsemanship; Tara Jones Pieceful Solutions Riding & Training; Robocars “Big Red” the Mack Firetruck; Crunchy the Dinosaur (Saturday and Sunday); Balloon Twisters; and 4-H Live Animal Exhibits. (Fair - See Page 16)

High Schoolers Earn Associate Degree Before Graduation

(Radio Club - See Page 12)

By Alyssa Riccardi MONMOUTH COU NTY – From a record-breaking selection of over 200 entries, three artistic 4th grades were announced the w i n ner s of t he a nn u a l ‘My C o u n t y’ poster contest. Monmouth County’s Constitutional Officers, County Clerk Christine

Monmouth County Fair Returning

By Alyssa Riccardi FREEHOLD – After cancelling in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Monmouth County Fair returns this summer at the East Freehold Showgrounds in Freehold Township. Hosted by the Monmouth County Park System, the fair will take place from July 21 to 25. Hours are 4 to 11 p.m. on July 21, 22 and 23; 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. on July 24; and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on July 25. Visitors will enjoy r ides, ga mes, l ive music, fi reworks and


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July 3, 2021

is Mackenzie Miller of St. Leo the Great in Lincroft whose poster “creatively outlined Monmouth County’s geog raphy and ut ilized window flaps to showcase some of the County’s most popular destinations and historic sites.” Second place was awarded to Avalina

Paul of St. Leo the Great in Lincroft for her “vibrant and colorful poster illustrating all that Monmouth County has to offer, including its schools, parks, and open space.” T h i rd Place w i nner, Luke Farina of St. Jerome School in We st L ong Br a nch (Contest - See Page 5)

By Alyssa Riccardi MONMOUTH COUNTY – Over 90 high schools students earned a college degree before graduating high school thanks to a special program offered by Brookdale Community College. High schoolers who took part in Brookdale Community College’s Early College High School (ECHS) program expanded their traditional high school curriculum and added college-level courses in order to receive their associate degree. “We are honored and excited to congratulate 91 high school students from nine schools throughout Monmouth County that graduated from College this year,” Brookdale President (Degree - See Page 4)

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Page 2, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021



The Howell Times, July 3, 2021, Page 3


Page 4, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021


Continued From Page 1 Dr. David Stout said. “These partnerships have saved students both time and money in their pursuit of a college degree while preparing them for the highest level of success after graduation.” “Brookdale’s ECHS Program not only serves as an invaluable conduit through which students can achieve academic and personal

success, it also tangibly fosters the notion that education and enlightenment are society’s most precious ‘goods,’” Cara Novak, associate director of Early College High School said. “Students who graduated from the program are prepared for the continued rigors of college,” Margaret Kane, the Principal at Saint John Vianney (SJV) said. “We are confident that our graduates will succeed as they move on to the next stage of their education.” The ECHS program allows students to earn

60 college credits so they can obtain their associate degree that transfers easily to fouryear colleges. “This is an affordable option for students to get their college degree and accelerate their path toward a bachelor’s,” Dr. Sarah McElroy, executive director of Career and Transfer Pathways at Brookdale said. During a student’s freshman and sophomore years, they will complete the first 30 college credits with Brookdale professors teaching

the college courses at the high school. Afterwards, they’ll take courses at Brookdale’s regional locations in their junior year. They become full-time Brookdale students their senior year on the College’s Lincroft campus. Kelly Robb will be continuing her education at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) next year. “Taking college-level classes while in high school helped me become familiar with future expectations and responsibilities and, as a result, I feel more confident about continuing my education,” Robb said. “I always felt like my teachers at SJV and professors at Brookdale were there to help me succeed every step of the way.” Due to the pandemic, the class of 2021 had to take their college courses virtually midway junior year and all of senior year. The relationships they built their first two years helped them to get through to their college graduation. “The partnership with Brookdale Community College has been a huge part of our success here at Neptune High School,” Principal Kevin McCarthy said. “The friendships and teamwork of working together as a cohort for the past four years have created a system of strong supports between students and staff. These relationships and support structures helped everyone cope with and succeed within the realm of a worldwide pandemic. They are now approaching high school graduation, having already completed their associate degree, putting them among the elite in our nation. The skills they learned through this rigorous program will serve them throughout their lifetime.” “We are so proud of the 32 students who graduated from BCC,” Raritan High School (RHS) Principal Andrew R. Piotrowski said. “It is rewarding for our students and administrators to see their dreams come true over the past four years.” Francesca Giordano feels fortunate to have been an Early College Academy student at RHS. She will be entering as a junior at Montclair State University this fall. “I have developed many special friendships with our close-knit group of classmates while studying both high school and college curriculums,” Giordano said. “I am so proud of all of us earning both a high school diploma from RHS along with an Associate of Arts degree from BCC.” All the ECHS graduates, from all the high schools were together for graduation at Brookdale. “I can honestly say that the (Brookdale) graduation was one of the most satisfying moments of my career,” Joe Palumbo, director of school counseling at Keyport High School said. “To see these 12 young men and women, all of whom I have worked with since their very first day in high school, graduate with their associate degree was unbelievable.” “The Early College Academy was an immense challenge, but definitely worth it. I kept up my confidence of getting through the program, and it all paid off in the end,” Connor North from MHSN, attending Boston University in the fall, said. “Tons of fun and so glad I did it, especially with such good friends. I really could not have asked for a more fun time out of what I initially thought was an unattainable task,” Michael Murphy attending the United States Naval Academy said.



Continued From Page 1 highlighted “Monmouth County’s scenic beaches and historic Sandy Hook lighthouse, while showcasing some of our

The Howell Times, July 3, 2021, Page 5 popular summer activities.” Those who received honorable mention include: Peyton B. Afanador of Avon Elementary School in Avon-bythe-Sea; Robbie K rol, III of Indian Hill Elementar y School in Holmdel;

Madison Man ners of West Freehold School in Freehold; Alyssa Marchitello of Swimming River School in Tinton Falls; Charley Piscopo of St. Benedict School in Holmdel; and Joan Marie Casey, Hunter Domanski, Luke Ellis, and Olivia Sidoti of St. Leo the Great in Lincroft. “The fourth graders’ posters showed not only knowledge of county government, but also imagination and originality,” Hanlon said. “I congratulate all the students who participated in the contest, especially this year’s winners.” “After learning about the State of New Jersey in their classroom social studies curriculum, fourth graders from Monmouth County were able to demonstrate

their knowledge of county government in a creative way through this poster contest,” Peters said. “We were so glad to receive a record-breaking number of contest entries this year.” “A project like this helps students learn more about the great county we are all so fortunate to call home,” Golden said. “I commend all of these fourth-grade participants as they continue to impress us each year with their knowledge of Mon mouth Cou nt y and t remendous ability to use their artistic talents to create eye-catching posters.” The winning posters are displayed for a period of one month over the coming year at the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office in Freehold.

−Photos courtesy Monmouth County (Above) First place winner Mackenzie Miller. (Right) Second place winner Avalina Paul. (Left) Third place winner Luke Farina.


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Page 6, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021


F EATURED L ETTER Bills Would Expand Treatment To Those Struggling With Addiction The Legislature acted to support New Jerseyans struggling with substance use disorder by passing, on a bipartisan basis, a package of legislation designed to expand access to treatment. For too long, substance use disorder has been regarded as a crime rather than the illness that it is. Those str uggling with addiction deserve high-quality health care, not a cycle of stays behind bars. These bills offer New Jerseyans a more compassionate future, one where those struggling with substance use issues can get the care they need. Each bill will improve health care access for individuals currently in need of treatment by reducing administrative and financial barriers that lock out too many of us, particularly those in Central and South Jersey who have suffered from high unemployment, displacement from Superstorm Sandy and the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic with less access to resources. S3491/A5457 revises and expands authorization for any person or entity to obtain, distribute, and administer naloxone. S3800/ A5703 requires health insurers, including Medicaid, New Jersey Family-

Care and others to cover the cost of opioid antidotes - like Narcan - without prior-authorization requirements, expanding access to life-saving drugs. S3803/A5495 would permit certain paramedics to administer buprenorphine to patients who badly need it, allowing those suffering from substance use disorder to immediately access science-based treatment and avoid a risk of relapse while waiting to access long-term treatment options. The truth is that almost everyone knows someone who struggles with a substance use disorder. This devastating epidemic can strike anyone, regardless of their race, class, gender or political beliefs. Our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends are counting on Trenton lawmakers to act quickly by focusing on science-based solutions that work. We look forward to Governor Murphy quickly signing this measure and getting people the help they need. Amanda Devecka-Rinear Executive Director of the New Jersey Organizing Project

W� W������ L������ T� T�� E�����! The Howell Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for veri�ication. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to

edit or reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail typed letters to: PO Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732-657-7388 or e-mail news@jerseyshoreonline.com. Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily re�lect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.

Police, Especially Those In Manchester, Deserve Thanks Almost two years ago we had occasion for the Manchester police to come to our house, and it’s happened again recently. On both occasions (different officers) I’ve found our police to be respectful, helpful, and commendable in their conduct, which was exemplary. I told them this as they were leaving the other night but I wanted to write a letter and I hope you’ll publish it. You see, we hear far too much these days about those who are perceived as “bad cops” but part of the problem is we as a society are slow to publicly affirm and commend the overwhelming majority who are undeniably good even great - at what they do! Thank you again to all of our terrific....terrific, I say..... police here in Manchester, and beyond! Chet Jelinski Whiting

Don’t Post Religious Texts In Public Schools North Dakota just passed a Bill permitting the display of the Ten Commandments in its public schools, stating “there is no reason why they shouldn’t be displayed.” There is a reason! “First and foremost,” the Ten Commandments are a sacred Judeo-Christian religious text, which makes their display inappropriate (and unconstitutional) in public buildings, including public schools. If that is not convincing enough they do not belong, the first Commandment should: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3). This country was built upon religious freedom. We are free to believe in any god, many gods or no god at all. Moreover, the First

Commandment is completely incompatible with the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. One (the First Commandment) abhors religious freedom and diversity, while the other (the Constitution) protects religious diversity and demands that government respect it. What this religious intrusion into government is about is, an attempt to place the imprimatur of government behind one religion’s belief. Government must stay out of the religion business just the way our founding fathers intended. That is the reason they gave us a godless (religion-free) Constitution. For those who feel compelled to display something in our public school, how about a copy of the First Ten Amendments – the document that underwrites our religious liberties! Borden Applegate Jackson

Biden, Feds Borrow To Throw Money Away I am writing this e mail to try to justify the actions of the Federal government over the illegal migrant crisis in the United States. I truly hope for a realistic explanation and not a canned one. I am told that illegal immigrants receive a monthly allowance of approx. $2500 plus medical and food assistance, while someone who has worked their entire life in this country receives and average of $1500-$1700 from Social Security. Why is the government housing illegal migrants in hotels for approx. $250 a night and men and women (homeless) who have fought for this country live on the street with what appears no care from cities and the Federal Government. Why are we housing them? They broke our laws and should be sent back. Not all of them are political refugees. Or is it the allure of free money, housing and medical? Why is the Federal Govern-

ment (President Biden) talking about send billions of dollars, which will be borrowed, overseas to build infrastructure in foreign nations? Is it a fear of China getting a foothold all over the world? Why is he not spending reasonable money to help the homeless and their medical problems or building affordable housing and health care systems? Electoral College? Why does the whole state vote for a president with the majority of votes. The cities will always rule because of the high capacity of residences. We who live in rural or suburbia areas of the state don’t really have a say in how the Electoral College votes. Why can’t Electoral Votes be representative vote for the way his district votes. Just look in New Jersey! Whatever way Union, Essex, Camden, Trenton or the commonly referred to Turnpike Corridor votes so goes the state electoral. But what about the rest of our votes? Why has there been a 6 percent rise in our inflation rate? The cost of fuel going up from $2.60 to $3.07 in the first 120 days? Why is the government still subsidizing unemployment checks with $300 a week and businesses are crying for help? Might as well ask, where are you getting that money from…borrowing again? Captain R.M. Silva Toms River

Remove The Filibuster This letter was sent in before the GOP blocked discussion for the bill in question. Year after year, we see politicians in Congress make promises about what they can do for constituents like me. And year after year, the progress is usually less than we hoped for. The solution is clear: It’s time to get rid of the filibuster - a Senate rule that allows a minority of senators to block any piece of legislation. Democrats have introduced some great bills that would help a vast majority of Americans. Right now, the Senate is deciding

whether to pass the For the People Act, for instance, a big reform bill that addresses everything from making voting more accessible and streamlined to getting rid of corruption in government. But the fate of the For the People Act is uncertain as long as it can be filibustered by senators like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham. And that’s only one bill. Imagine all the progress that’s being held up in Congress because the filibuster stands in the way. For me, for my community, and for communities like mine all across America, I’m asking senators to do away with the filibuster once and for all. Danielle Wilson Freehold

Van Drew Is Anti-Police Congressman Van Drew was one of the few politicians who did not support an investigation into the capitol riots. Even Chris Smith voted for it because one of the officers who died that day was from his area. But Van Drew would rather side with extremists who think it’s OK to go into a federal building and attack law enforcement. I’m not going to say the officer’s name, because he and his family has been through enough. But he did his duty and for that he was pepper sprayed and suffered two strokes. He later died from his strokes. Van Drew voted against creating a bipartisan commission that would investigate the cause of this riot. But of course we all know who caused it. But I stand by it – you’re either for the police or you’re against it. If you vote to protect a mob, you care nothing for law and order. If you don’t care what caused people to get angry enough to pepper spray a cop, then you can’t call yourself a friend to law enforcement. Mary Cantor Toms River


The Howell Times, July 3, 2021, Page 7

SPOTLIGHT ON GOVERNMENT Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials

Ceremonies, Road Work Mark Early Summer From The Desk Of The

Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone

Happy summer! I hope everyone has been enjoying the warmer weather and all the county has to offer! There are so many events and activities throughout the county that there is sure to be something for everyone. I am excited to announce that the Monmouth County Fair will be returning this year from July 21st-25th! I hope everyone can join us and enjoy all the fair has to offer! On another note, I would like to congratulate all our high school graduates. I had the honor of attending and speaking at several graduation ceremonies, including Academy of Allied Health and Sciences High School and High Technology High School. It’s always nice to hear about their achievements before they even graduate. I wish them all the best in their future endeavors. Speaking of graduations, I also attended the Monmouth County Fire Academy Class 127, 128, 129 and 130 graduations with my fellow Commissioners. It was an honor to attend and speak to the graduates. I am very proud of these young men and women and wish them the best of luck, as well as thank them for their service to our community! In addition, last week I, alongside Clerk Christine Hanlon, Sheriff Shaun Golden and my fellow Commissioners had the honor of attending and participating in a Military Honors for Forgotten Veterans organized by the Monmouth County Sheriff ’s Office, The Ocean County Sheriff ’s Office, The Vietnam Veterans of America, Shore Area Chapter 12 and the Manalapan Police Department. During the Honors, there was a salute and interment service of forgotten veterans whose remains were never claimed. Afterwards, the cremains

of 23 veterans and two spouses from WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam were escorted to their final resting place and honored with a military service. I want to thank Sheriff Shaun Golden for his outstanding efforts in putting this most important service together. My fellow Commissioners and I are very proud of the work that the Sheriff and his office does for our community, especially our veterans. Monmouth County will always do everything we can to assist and support our military, veterans and law enforcement officers. Lastly, I want to thank everyone who gathered as we paid tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom Switching gears, those traveling throughout Monmouth County may have noticed an increase in the amount of road work being completed. With warmer weather, this is the time of year when our county department of public works and engineering can complete numerous projects. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we have the best employees who are truly passionate about and take great pride in their work. Updating our infrastructure is one of our main initiatives and this includes numerous construction and reconstruction projects around the county. One project I would like to update you about is the Glimmer Glass Bridge Traffic Study. As you are aware, our shore municipalities attract a large volume of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic throughout the year. During the summer months, the volume of traffic significantly increases. Recently, the county heard the public’s concerns regarding the summertime traffic backups at the Glimmer Glass Bridge in Manasquan. In continuing with my commitment to enhance the operation and safety along the roadways throughout the county, I requested that the County Engineer’s Office to undertake a study to develop possible solutions to mitigate the increased

Bill Would Create “Overdose Fatality Review Teams” Capitol Comments Senator Robert W. Singer 30th Legislative District

TRENTON − Drug overdoses claim the lives of more than 3,000 New Jersey residents each year. Legislation sponsored by Senator Robert Singer that would help prevent fatalities was approved by the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.

The bill, S-52, would authorize New Jersey counties to establish local drug overdose fatality review teams to develop strategies to prevent drug overdoses and promote cooperation among state and local government agencies. “The legislation reflects a proactive approach to save lives,” said Singer (R-30). “There are lessons we can learn from each overdose that can help avert similar deaths in future. Rigorous research, analysis and evaluation (Government - See Page 17)

summertime traffic. I am pleased to report that the Public Works & Engineering Department immediately responded to this request. The study has been underway and includes investigating the current operations to measure the traffic impacts of the bridge openings as well as investigate and develop solutions to help reduce the traffic backups in this area. As part of the study, county staff has been on-site measuring and collecting traffic data that includes traffic queues, volumes and delay times. To assist with data collection, I authorized the installation of eight specialized cameras at various locations along Fisk Avenue, Brielle Road, Green Avenue and on the Glimmer Glass Bridge. These cameras recorded video along the roadways on both Saturday and Sunday. In addition, I also requested that the En-

gineering & Traffic Safety Division work with the municipalities of Manasquan and Brielle to install additional traffic signs to alert motorists to the potential for bridge openings and traffic delays. The additional signage that was installed included signs informing motorists that the “Drawbridge Opens Every ½ Hour,” as well as signs that provide the bridge opening schedule. Our study will continue throughout the summer to capture traffic data for representative weekends. Once the study is completed, I will review our fi ndings and recommendations and will share that information with you as well as with the boroughs of Manasquan and Brielle. Lastly, I want to wish everyone a happy and safe Fourth of July weekend! As always, it is a pleasure to serve as Commissioner Director.


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Page 8, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021


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8th Annual 5K Run To Benefit Suicide Prevention

By Alyssa Riccardi HOWELL – The 8th Annual Howell Township/Farmingdale 5K Run & Race Walk will be held in-person on August 25 at 6 p.m. at Howell High School, with a virtual option from August 18 through 25. In Memory of Jake Bukowiec, John Bukowiec, Jr., Jared Crippen, Craig Held, William Johnson, Brian McDonough, Bubba O’Reilly, Walter Reitsma, Naneisha Rivera and Howell Mayor Robert Walsh, the event will be benefiting CONTACT of Ocean & Monmouth Counties 24/7 Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention Hotline. The course will be roads throughout How-

ell and Farmingdale. All ages are welcome to sign up. Awards will be presented to the top male and female overall, plus age group awards for 5K Run. There will be special pricing for ages 19 and under. All other registration fees will be discounted when you register by August 18. To register or to become a race sponsor, call 732-240-6104 or email contact@ contactoceanmonmouth.org. you can also register inline at: runsignup.com/Race/ NJ/Farmingdale/HowellTwpFarmingdale5KRunRaceWalk. To view the race application for m, visit contactocean monmouth.org.

Howell Pack 258 Wants You For Cub Scouts

HOWELL – Looking for a safe, fun, educational activity for you son or daughter? The Howell Pack 258 is seeking children between kindergarten and 5th grade to join the Cub Scouts. In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right now selves and grow into their very busy future selves. It’s fun, hands-on learning achievement that puts kids in the

middle of the action and prepares them for today and for life. Kids will enjoy: hiking, camping, bike riding, learning about nature, building camp fires, cooking, fishing, pinewood derby, “big trips,” ceremonies, parades and first aid. If interested, contact Mike Duchaine, Cub Master at 973-714-0143, cubscoutpack258. bsa@gmail.com.

Howell EMT Now Recruiting

HOWELL – The Howell Emergency Medical Services is now accepting applications for open positions. The division of EMS benefits consist of: • Salary range $17 to $13 per hour based on certifications, education and experience.

• 10- to 12-hour shifts • Paid training and CEU’s • Opportunity for potential full-time position(s) For more information, contact the Howell Police EMS at 732-938-4575 ext. 2850.

Township Now Accepting Applications For Howell Day

HOWELL – The Township is now accepting applications for Howell Day & Green Fair which will be held on September 25 from 3 to 8 p.m. at the Soldier Memorial

Park in Howell. Enjoy games, rides, fireworks and music for the whole family. The application deadline is August 27. To apply, visit twp.howell.nj.us.

Fire Truck Dedication & Wetdown Fundraiser

FREEHOLD – The Freehold Township Independent Fire Co. #1 (FTIFC) will be hosting a Truck Dedication & Wetdown Tower Ladder 16-1-90 fundraiser on July 24 beginning at 1 p.m. at the FTIFC #1 District Fire House, 330 Stillwells Corner Road, Freehold. Music & entertainment, super 50/50 raffle, food & beverages, gold VIP tent. Support the fundraiser for official T-shirt, mug and lawn

sign! Lawn signs will be delivered to firehouse and exhibited one week before event. Supporters can then take home for display after dedication ceremony. Limited supply of mugs will be sold at event, so order now! T-shirts/signs only available through pre-sale. Order all items before June 21: ftifc.orderpromos.com Any questions, email FTIFCevents@gmail.com.

Freehold Township Day Announced

FREEHOLD – Make sure your calendars are marked! In partnership with the Veterans Community Alliance, Freehold Township Day is on July 10 from 4 to 11 p.m. a t Michael J. Tighe Park.

There will be merchandise, food vendors, free kid rides and free teen center. Fireworks will be at 9 p.m. For more information, or vendor inquiries, go to freeholdtownshipday.com.


The Howell Times, July 3, 2021, Page 9

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Chief Recognized For 50 Years Of Service

Feed the Soul Gardening is Therapy

Our Country Farm Market is Now Open! We will be practicing safety for ALL! The Nursery is receiving: Quality Shrubs, Trees & Perennials Weekly. Our greenhouses are full of beautiful, flowering plants! Come enjoy the open air space!

−Photo courtesy Freehold Township FREEHOLD – Congratulations to Dennis “Chip” Polo on 50 years of service to the East Freehold Fire Company and the Freehold Township Community. On June 22, the Township Committee and

Monmouth County Commissioners presented Chip with a proclamation honoring his milestone. Chip is a 2-term Chief, has held every line position and also has served on the Freehold Township Fire Bureau for over 40 years.

Local Student Organizes Uplifting Event

MARLBORO – Rachel Osias, a sophomore at Marlboro High School, was looking for ways to get involved and take initiative in her community. After doing some research, Rachel decided to apply for a TedxYouth license and created TedxYouth@ Manalapan. TedxYouth@Manalapan was held earlier this month and its theme was Lead by Example. The event was dedicated to highlighting successful voices with lives

that challenge the status quo. From cooking to personal finance to anti-bullying campaigns, TedxYouth@Manalapan explored what it means to be a youth leader. The overall mission was to inspire Gen Zs and Millennials to take initiative and create change in their communities. To create this event, Rachel developed a board, interviewed and contacted speakers, and marketed and oversaw the entirety of the event.

Senior Center To Host Chair Yoga

HOWELL – The Howell Township Senior Center will be holding chair yoga classes every Wednesday beginning July 7 from 1:15 to 2:15 p.m. For more information, call 732-938-4500 ext. 2550.


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Page 10, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021




Historical Association To Host Annual July 4 Celebration


CALL MARK AT 848-525-8282

SHREWSBURY – Monmouth County Historical Association will once again host the Annual celebration in honor of Independence Day featuring a public reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 4 at the Allen House Tavern Museum, Historic Four Corners, 400 Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury at 10 a.m. Neighbors and friends of all ages are invited to gather together and participate in sharing the words that sparked America’s journey of independence and democracy. “The Association is very excited to welcome back our Historic Four Corner neighbors, Mayor Erik Anderson of the Borough of Shrewsbury and the Reverend Lisa Mitchell of Christ Church, as well as Monmouth County Commissioner Lillian Burry to celebrate this special day,” said MCHA’s Board President Linda W. Bricker. Mackenzie Doherty will perform the “Star Spangled Banner” and Shrewsbury Boy Scout Troop #50 will present the colors. Much like the day the Colonists first gathered to hear these stirring words, the bells at Christ Church will ring 13 times to honor the patriots from the original 13 states. The MCHA Independence Day celebration has become a local favorite, attracting over 300 participants from across Mon-

mouth County. Current health and safety guidelines will be observed for the celebration. Attendees are welcome to bring lawn chairs and are encouraged to wear hats and sunscreen. Parking is available in the Shrewsbury municipal parking lot across the street from the Allen House. The story of the Allen House stretches back to 1680 when the property where the house stands was fi rst purchased by a Quaker named Judah Allen. In 1754, Josiah Halstead acquired ownership and turned the existing dwelling on the site into the Blue Ball Tavern, which operated for almost sixty years at the already busy intersection. Functioning as one of the community’s vital social institutions, taverns served at times as a courtroom where legal decisions were handed down by a visiting judge, town hall, post office, dance hall and gathering place. The rich history of the Tavern Museum at Allen House includes, among other events, a Revolutionary War massacre (1779) and – by legend – a visit from President and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson (1916) who stopped to purchase goods during a period when the property acted as a local store. MCHA has chosen to furnish the building as a tavern to reflect its reputation as the “most noted tavern in Shrewsbury.”

Al-Anon Meetings Available Locally

MONMOUTH COUNTY – Are you troubled by someone else’s drinking? Al-Anon Family Groups may be able to help you. Call their 24-hour hotline for local meeting locations at 856-547-0855.

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The Howell Times, July 3, 2021, Page 11

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Senior Olympics Set For September

By Bob Vosseller N EW J ERSEY – The New Jersey Senior Olympics will once again take place, in Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County on the weekend of September 10-12. This will mark the 14th year that Woodbridge will host the statewide competition. It was canceled last year due to the pandemic. The competition will proceed this year with all of the recommended COVID-19 safety protocols. Events will include basketball foul

shooting, billiards, bocce, bowling, cornhole, darts, golf, horseshoes, mini golf, pickleball, swimming, tennis, track and f ield, and other categories. The event is open to athletes age 50 and older Visit njseniorolympics.com to register by August 27. For more information, go to twp.woodbridge.nj.us. Those interested can also call the NJ Senior Olympic headquarters at 973618-1111 or Woodbridge Senior Olympic chairperson P. Trombetta or Frank St. Marie at 732-636-3910 for details.

Annual Ben To The Shore Bike Tour

PHILADELPHIA – Come join for the Families Behind the Badge Children’s Foundation’s 34th Annual Ben to The Shore Bike Tour on August 29! This exciting 65-mile charity bike ride will take over 2,500 riders from Philadelphia to Atlantic City. Upon arrival in Atlantic City, at the legendary after party, riders, volunteers, supporters and friends & family come together to celebrate the amazing physical accomplishment of the participants and raise even more for worthy causes. 50 mile and virtual participant options are also available. All proceeds will benefit the foundation and the goal of raising $1 million in 2021 for the families of fallen or injured fi rst responders (police officers, fi re fighters, and EMT’s) and programs that cultivate positive relationships and interactions

between police officers and the children in the communities they serve.

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Page 12, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021

Radio Club:

Continued From Page 1 40 states in America and parts of Canada through airwaves. The OMARC was founded in 1977 and serves Ocean and Monmouth Counties. Field Day is the most popular on-air event held annually where radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or with friends to operate from remote locations. Although part of the event is a contest where clubs compete to contact as many other stations as possible, others use it to learn how to operate radio gear in unusual situations and use the day as an opportunity to practice their emergency response capabilities. This year, OMARC held their Field Day event at Echo Lake Park, having multiple antennas set up outside and other equipment inside due to the rain. Denis O’Brien, who’s been the president of the OMARC since 2002, explained how the event will run for 24 hours non-stop, and will use multiple different types of radios to demonstrate how to connect with others. “I’m on solar power, so there’s no electricity involved. Very low power transmits, so

it’s meant to be like simulating an emergency situation,” OMARC member Scott said. “If we happen to lose all communication and no power, we have the ability to set up antenna in an emergency,” O’Brien said. “That’s what Field Day is all about, it’s a simulation of an actual emergency. We’re here to help. And it’s also fun for us, we get to use our radios.” “I used to work on a ship as the ship’s radio officer. That’s how I got interested in this. As a radio officer, I was responsible for if the ship was going down, I had to take the radio to the life boat,” O’Brien said. The OMARC currently has around 50 members who are licensed operators. Those members have the option to upgrade their license, reaching a higher class allows them to use more of the frequency spectrum. At Field Day, members use either morse code, digital nodes and regular voice devices, in total using four transmitters at the event. Outside at the edge of Echo Lake, O’Brien and two other members were operating a battery powered radio “So, what you hear is some of these beeps are a high pitched or low pitched sound. He’s (Denis) tuning in and listening to just the one that he likes,” member David Drapkin said. “Denis heard the call from the other operator and he responded with our group ‘N2M0.’ The other person responded ‘N2M0 I recognize you’ and now it’s our turn. Denis then sent out the quality of the signal and our information like our club category and so on.” Through this initial trial, O’Brien connected with two guys who were using two radios from a home location in Illinois. “After both sides have confirmed communication, the club logs the info and enters it into the record. When they’re all done, they tally it up,” Drapkin said. O’Brien went on to discuss how he’s been able to connect with hundreds if not thousands of people around the world through radios. “When I was testing this morning, I was talking to a guy in France. In the past I’ve talked to Australia, New Zealand and more. The radio propagation has to be just right, so it doesn’t happen every day. Right now, we are coming out of the low part of the solar cycle. The solar cycle is every 11 years. We are just coming out of the bottom and move up. So, things are getting better, but not perfect. They will in a couple of years,” O’Brien explained. “It’s really out of our control. All we can do is recognize when things are rooting for us to get long distances and we go after it,” Drapkin said. “Denis is using an antenna that is a basic wire antenna and has a single strand of wire on each side. With the big antenna we have, having three elements in a row like that end up like a magnify glass and they multiple the power, being a directional beam antenna. The idea is that we steer it and becomes highly focused. You can’t hear it from the sides, but it sounds like you have more power. That way you can reach even further distances… even on days when the atmosphere isn’t working its best for our needs. Just by having a bigger antenna, it allows us to go further distances.” (Radio Club - See Page 17)


The Howell Times, July 3, 2021, Page 13

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Page 14, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Man Indicted For Firing Multiple Shots At Residence

DEGRAFF CREMATION SERVICES DIRECT CREMATION $1575 Arrangements Available In Your Home, Removal From Place Of Death, Alternative Container, Wood #ODZ, Transfer To Crematory L :

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Additional Costs: Crematory Fee, Urns, Disposition Of Cremains & Certified Copies Of Death Certificates, Permit, Removal Assist. & Mileage, Viewings Or Memorial Services

By Alyssa Riccardi WHITING – A Whiting man has been indicted for Unlawful Possession of a Firearm and more after firing a weapon multiple times, leaving projectiles in a home and car. On April 7, 2020 the Marlboro Police Department responded to a report of shots fired in the in the area of Dutch Lane near Moore Road. After investigating the incident, police discovered that a weapon was fired multiple times from a car and left projectiles in a home and car located at 59 Dutch Lane Road. Police later found that the weapon belonged to Joseph M. Galli, 27, of Whiting, although he had no connection to the residents of that home. As a result, Galli was arrested on July 15,2020 at his job in Burlington County. On June 25, Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Lori Linskey announced that Galli was indicted on one count of 2nd de-

gree Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, one count of 2nd degree Possession of a Firearm for an Unlawful Purpose and one count of 2nd degree Certain Persons Not to Possess a Weapon. If convicted of any of the firearm offenses, Galli faces a sentence of 10 to 20 years in a New Jersey State Prison, subject to a mandatory five years of parole ineligibility. The investigation was the product of the collective efforts of members of the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, Marlboro Police Department, Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office and Pemberton Police Department. Despite these charges, every defendant is presumed innocent, unless and until found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, following a trial at which the defendant has all of the trial rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and State law

Online Pet Licensing Available

HOWELL – The Howell Township Clerk’s Office, Public Service Division, is pleased to announce that residents are now able to license their dogs and

cats online. This will apply to both new registrations and renewals. Details and instructions will be provided on the Howell Township website.


The Howell Times, July 3, 2021, Page 15

H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

6 Ways To Help Hashimoto’s Disease

By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

Thyroid hormone is not always understood, so I’ll tell you that it is a fat-burning switch. If the hormone swings low, you gain weight, if it’s elevated you may not be able to gain weight. With the auto-immune condition Hashimoto’s, your levels of thyroid hormone may be like a pendulum driving you crazy with varying symptoms. I think many people have this condition and do not know it yet. Today’s article is to help you understand the symptoms, as well as new information about it. Hashimoto’s disease is an immune disorder and condition in which your own immune system attacks your thyroid. When the human body’s own immune system targets the thyroid gland as if it were a foreign tissue, it causes an autoimmune disorder of the thyroid gland termed Hashimoto’s thyroiditis; other names for this condition include chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis or chronic thyroiditis. A new study published in June 2021, in the Romanian Journal of Internal Medicine found that the ratio of uric acid to HDL cholesterol are elevated. Both uric acid and HDLF can be measured with simple blood tests. Hashi’s like other autoimmune conditions will cause pro-inflammatory cytokines that attack different systems of the body. So antioxidants are very important, and a clean diet is too. Digestive enzymes are important for a person with any type of autoimmune condition because they help reduce the burden of partially digested proteins in your body, which sometimes exacerbate your symptoms. When a dietary antigen is seen by your immune system - and I’m thinking gluten or casein - your

immune system goes to work to fight that off, not realizing it is attacking it’s own tissue. So your intestinal microflora plays a role, and probiotics are useful, especially in Graves’ disease, but I wonder if digestive enzymes are even more important. Other symptoms of thyroid dysfunction include problems with memory. Is it crisp and do you focus on what people are saying? Do you have more anxiety lately or suffer with insomnia? Brain problems are an under-diagnosed, but well-known phenomena that occur with this condition, and it’s called Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy. Sometimes thyroid problems can be mitigated with antioxidants (especially those that specifically break down peroxide and turn it into water and oxygen). Some of the things you can do to help yourself with Hashimoto’s include the following: 1. Reduce peroxide and break it down with catalase enzyme 2. Calm down the inflamed tissues by eating a low histamine diet 3. Consider minerals like selenium to support healthy TPO levels 4. Take protease enzymes and/or DPPIV to help break down gluten and casein 5. Routinely check blood levels for thyroid antibodies, uric acid, HDL, free T3/T4 and more 6. Consider probiotics and a high-quality B complex vitamin Certain foods can trigger you, especially those that are high in histamine. I wrote a special Food Guide that I’m giving away called “Hashi No No’s” and it’s downloadable at my website store.suzycohen.com/hashi-no-no.

(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2021 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.



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Page 16, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021


The Manasquan Reservoir is known for being a great five-mile walking trail. It’s also quite breathtaking as seen from this picture. (Photo by Patrick Bianchi – follow Patrick on Instagram @patrickbianchi.photography)


Continued From Page 1





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Throughout the five-day event, the main stage will feature performances by The Big House Band, Shore Thing, After the Reign, Remember Jones and The Motor City Revue, The Last Whippoorwill and Yosi & The Superdads. In addition, the Home and Garden Competition is back with categories like crafts, needlework, art, photography, vegetables and f lowers. Once the entries are judged, they will stay displayed in the Home and Garden Tent. The tent will also have demonstrations from the

Central Jersey Beekeepers Association, Park System Deep Cut Gardens and Park System Creative Arts Center, Wheel Thrown Pottery. Ride wristbands can be purchased at the fair for $25 on July 21, 22 and 25; and $30 for July 23 and 24. Single ride tickets will also be available daily. General admission is $8 per adult; children 17 and under admitted free. Pre-sale passes will be $5 available through Viply app. Seniors 65 and older and active military with card are free on Sunday. For more information and to view the fair schedule, MonmouthCountyFair. com or call 732-842-4000.


Radio Club:

Continued From Page 12 Last year, Field Day still took place despite the coronavirus pandemic. Although members and visitors could not meet up, they had to operate on their own and at the end they combined their scores. “There’s so many other facets to amateur radio besides the long-distance communication. There’re folks who join just to computer chat using radio, not connected to the internet. You build a network outside of the world network and it’s just radio to radio, but there’s computer’s instead of microphones and instead of morse code,” Drapkin said. Not all radios have to be big in order to talk to someone. Something as small as a walkie-talkie radio can be used to connect. “This idea of using this small radio (walkie-talkie), we don’t have to talk very far. All you have to do is reach the repeating station. The station will take your signal high into the air and send it out to a much broader

Government: Continued From Page 7

can help put an end to the rampant plague of overdose that threatens our loved ones, friends and neighborhoods.” Singer’s bill requires the Commissioner of Health to develop a uniform, standardized reporting process for drug overdose deaths, and to forward certain information concerning each death to the appropriate local drug overdose fatality review team, including

The Howell Times, July 3, 2021, Page 17 area,” Drapkin said. After the 24 hour-long Field Day, they club reached over 40 states in America and also parts of Canada, as they displayed a map tracking where each member had connected to. The OMARC holds meetings on the second Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Spring Lake Heights Volunteer Fire Company Number One, located at 700 Sixth Avenue in Spring Lake Heights, in the second floor meeting room. They also get together every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. and on the second and fourth Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. at the firehouse. They are currently are transitioning back to in-person meetings at the fire house meeting room and the radio room in the basement, with a combination of in-person and zoom gatherings. If you are interested in joining, email Joe Kruszewski at Joekru1@hotmail.com. To learn more about the OMARC, visit n2mo.org. To learn more about Field Day, visit arrl.org/Field-Day.


certain personal details concerning the victim and the circumstances of the death. Local drug overdose fatality review teams will also be provided with access to certain health treatment records and government records concerning the overdose victim. “Overdose fatality review teams are being deployed effectively in other states,” Singer said. “We can do the same in New Jersey, and lives will be saved.” The Assembly version of the bill was approved with a 72-0 vote in March.

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Page 18, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021

CLASSIFIEDS Items For Sale Help Wanted Lighted China Cabinet - $700. Dining table, six chairs, $400. Two brown leather loveseats, $300 each or $500 pair. Call 732-364-3078. (26) Motorcycle Gear For Sale - Leathers, mesh jackets, heated gear boots, etc. 732-267-4389. (27)

Items Wanted COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/ estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (17) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n) Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for LP albums. Rock, Jazz, Blues, Reggae, Metal. Very Good Condition only, Call Rick 908-616-7104. (30) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n) CASH PAID!! LP records - stereos, turntables, musical instru-ments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (29)

Help Wanted GENERAL OFFICE WORK Full-time with benefits. Email: joannkrez@gmail.com. (29) SHOP WORK - Full-time with benefits. Email: joannkrez@gmail.com. (29) Kelly's Cleaning Services - Cleaning assistants needed up to $20 hour Ocean County area residential/ restaurant cleaning - must have transportation. 908-216-2400. (29) Part-time Night Custodian Wanted For Adult Community in Whiting. Hours Monday – Friday 5 pm to 9 pm. Extra hours a few nights per month. A Saturday night may be required monthly. Please fax resume to 732350-2838 or call 732-350-2656. (31)

Part Time Helper - 8hrs. per week in Jackson Wire Forming Shop. Leave message with good time to return call, 732-928-4605. (27) Counter Staff Needed - Lessee seeks to hire 2 individuals to work Saturday hours at SixFlags location. Immediate employment, great pay, additional days and positions available. 908-240-9694. (27) Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n) Senior Living Community Cook/Dishwashers/Maintenance Technician/Restaurant Servers/Bus Drivers/Lifeguard (Indoor Pool). 1700 Rt. 37 West ∙ Toms River, NJ 08755. Call or email for details 732-341-4825 info@Silverwoodsliving.com. (t/n) Full/Part Time Residential Cleaner Wanted - Experience Preferred. Competitive hourly pay. Must have their own vehicle - Ocean County vicinity. Mike 908-216-2400. (26) Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) IMMEDIATE JOB OPENINGS We are hiring Certified Home Health Aides − CHHA. Licensed Practical Nurse − LPN. Registered Nurses − RN. Direct Support Professional − DSP Fill application on-line at Sabahomehealthcare.com or call us at 732-797-0700. Please send resume to ssalu@sabahhc.com. (t/n) Needed Female Live-In-Aid/Companion - (24/7) No experience needed. For a 57 year old disabled veteran, very light duty in exchange for private bedroom and bath, all utilities, cable, phone and food are included, plus a small weekly salary. Some perks for long term, must have drivers license. At my covid safe home in Holiday City, Toms River. Please call 201-306-6839. (26) HIRING NOW!! Looking for outgoing, positive, and engaging teachers to join our Toms River – Route 70 Goddard Family. We are primarily hiring teachers for our elementary school aged children to foster a learning environment in which these children can continue to do their elementary school work. This would include helping them with worksheets, zooms, google classrooms etc. Some of the great perks of being a part of the Goddard Family include a benefits package, paid time off, holiday events and free food and Goddard swag. Call today to inquire about this job posting and start as early as next week! We can be reached through phone at 732-363-5530 or email at TomsRiver2NJ@GoddardSchools.com.

Services Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (19) Pet Sketches - Professional artist will create beautiful pencil drawing of your pet(s) suitable for framing. Reasonable rates. Senior discount. 551-265-3062. (24)




GENERAC Standby Generators provide backup power during utility power outages, so your home and family stay safe and comfortable. Prepare now. Free 7-year extended warranty ($695 value!). Request a free quote today! Call for additional terms and conditions. 1-833-901-0309. (t/n)

LANDSCAPING - Restorations, Repairs, Stones, Mulch, Sod Installs, Hedges, Shrubs, Bushes, Downed Branches Trimmed & Removed, Demolition, Cleanouts, ect., Dumpster service provided by A901 Licensed Hauler ect. MAN WITH VAN LLC. Jim 609-335-0330 HIC# 13vh10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL! (11)

Wallpaper and Bordering - Hanging and removal of old. No job too big or small. Great references. Call Angela 609-891-8544. (47)

Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (39) Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (16) Two great new offers from AT&T Wireless! Ask how to get the new iPhone 11 or Next Generation Samsung Galaxy S10e ON US with AT&T's Buy one, Give One offer. While supplies last! CALL 1-877-373-0131. (t/n) Life Alert. One press of a button sends help FAST, 24/7! At home and on the go. Mobile Pendant with GPS. FREE First Aid Kit (with subscription.) CALL 877707-2722 FREE Brochure. (t/n) Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19) ALLAmerican Home Health Aides Experienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/ pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605 (t/n) APlus Home Improvements - Over 30 years experience. No job too small. Give us a call. Fully licensed and insured. 908-278-1322. Senior Discounts. Now offering 10% off of any job over $1,000. (23) SUMMER GARDENING SERVICES - Plant Health Care, Vacation Watering, Containers, Repotting, Beds & Borders, Trimming, DIY Help. Experienced, Reasonable. Joseph 732-232-8144. (30) Cheap Painting Done Rite Free estimates. Fully insured. 38 years experience. 732-506-7787 cell 646-643-7678. (37) Anyone Interested in Having Their Home Cleaned? - Contact Diane 845-762-9952. Free estimates. Honest and reliable. (26)


Let Me Help With Your Day to Day Tasks - Contact Mary at 732-7037939 or see listed services online at www.hhconcierge.com (29)

PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice.com. Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732-500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n)


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The Howell Times, July 3, 2021, Page 19

AROUND THE JERSEY SHORE Governor: Masks Won’t Be Mandated In Schools

By Bob Vosseller NEW JERSEY – Answering a question being posed by parents at many recent school board meetings across the state, students will not be required to wear masks in schools unless the district mandates it this fall, according to Governor Phil Murphy. He made the announcement during a recent press conference. Full in-person instruction is also being mandated by the state this fall. The New Jersey Department of Health is prepared to announce updated health and safety guidelines for the upcoming school year, according to the governor. He said he was encouraging health officials to “work

collaboratively with the community on a masking policy that works for everyone.” He noted those that feel more comfortable wearing masks would be able to do so. He also said that the state anticipates updated guidance from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) later in the summer. New Jersey will consider any updates from the federal agency prior to the first day of the new school year. Last spring the governor indicated that students and school staff in the state would most likely have to wear masks when school resumes in the fall with some flexibility for high school students who have been vaccinated.

Most high school students are expected to have been vaccinated by September. The governor mentioned during the news conference that “there are recommendations on social distancing and that is absolutely one of the items on the list. It was noted that county health departments were working in tandem with school districts and the funds from ESSER (federal money designed to assist school districts with expenses related to COVID-19 conditions of materials and other costs) are being used to address ventilation, heating and cooling needs across schools in the state. “Because of the vaccines in our tool

box this is a largely preventable illness,” the governor said noting four additional COVID related deaths today. The governor said he was hoping to take a vacation now that travel restrictions have been lifted. “I sure as heck hope to. “ When asked about a potential visit before Election Day by the president or vice president the governor remarked, “I can’t speak for them but this is a state they both know well and I would welcome them with open arms.” Governor Murphy is seeking re-election for a second term as governor this fall. He will be facing GOP nominee former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli.

Upcoming Blood Drives In Monmouth County MONMOUTH COUNTY – New Jersey Blood Services would like to announce that it is conducting blood drives in your area which are open to the public. The following drives are scheduled in the near future: July 6: Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route 9 South, Howell from 1:30 to 8:30 p.m. July 7: Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route

9 South, Howell from 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. July 8: Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route 9 South, Howell from 1:30 to 8:30 p.m. July 13: Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route 9 South, Howell from 1:30 to 8:30 p.m. July 14: Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route 9 South, Howell from 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. July 15: Howell Donor Center, 4068 Route 9

South, Howell from 1:30 to 8:30 p.m. July 15: Freehold Raceway Mall, Freehold from 1 to 7 p.m. Blood products have a short shelf life – from five to 42 days, so constant replenishment is necessary. Each day there are patients who depend on the transfusion of

red blood cells, platelets and plasma to stay alive. But blood and blood products can’t be manufactured. They can only come from volunteer blood donors who take an hour to attend a blood drive or visit a donor center. To donate blood or for information on how to organize a blood drive call Toll Free: 1-800-933-2566. Visit: nybloodcenter.org.



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Page 20, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021




Across 1 “Friends” catchphrase 11 Auctioned wheels 15 Far from perfect 16 European capital with more than 340 lakes 17 Newspaper audience 18 Convertible option 19 City downriver from Las Cruces 20 Temporary fixes 22 Ctrl + I, in much software: Abbr. 24 Draft pick 25 Early product promotion with few details 29 Summer hire, perhaps 32 Cruise controls 33 Piece maker? 35 Vietnamese soup 36 Hawkish god 37 Light refractor

38 Coagulate 39 Show passes, informally 40 Secret meeting 41 Vocation 42 Living room piece 44 Factory equipment 46 19th-century English novelist Charles 48 __ Jim 49 Like a “pony” with limited skills 52 Dyson alternatives 56 Beginning to call? 57 One may be part of a fresh start 59 Knotted up, scorewise 60 Campaign focus 61 Sources of furniture wood 62 Relative of a fidget spinner Down 1 Present 2 Only unanimous Cy Young Award winner

between Dwight and Randy 3 Finish (up) 4 “Always in motion is the future” and others 5 Electra’s brother 6 Hullabaloo 7 Oz and Howser: Abbr. 8 Sounds heard at an unveiling 9 JFK and LBJ, e.g. 10 Relative priority in hiring 11 Some moonshine 12 One may include large gifts 13 Ripple preceder 14 Cry over spilt milk 21 Corn bread 23 Jerry’s “Seinfeld” co-creator 25 “__ So Raven”: 2000s sitcom 26 Like meeting one’s doppelgänger, probably 27 “I’m curious about everything--even things

that don’t interest me” speaker 28 Belief in a handsoff god 30 __ Island 31 Observes 34 “Cmo __?” 37 Forecasts 38 Forensic analysis site 40 Berlin Wall Speech word 41 Ardent desires 43 Wyoming range 45 “Jurassic Park” dinosaurs, e.g. 47 Brilliance 49 Snack manufactured in 18 countries 50 Super star 51 Broadway’s Walter __ Theatre 53 “Flashdance... What a Feeling” singer 54 “Hooked on Classics” co. 55 Navy __ 58 Mature








The Howell Times, July 3, 2021, Page 21

R.C. Shea & Assoc.

Inside The Law Workers’ Compensation Basics

Robert C. Shea Esq.

By: Robert C. Shea, Esq. & Christopher R. Shea of R.C. Shea & Associates In New Jersey, if you sustain an injury arising out of or in the course of your employment, you are entitled to certain benefits under the law. This is more specifically set forth in the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Act. Primarily, should your injury require medical attention, the Workers’ Compensation carrier for your employer is to provide this to you. The insurance carrier pays for reasonable and necessary medical care until you reach a medical plateau. In turn, however, the insurance carrier does have the right to direct your medical care. In other words, the insurance carrier has the opportunity to choose the physicians with whom you treat, as well as the facilities where any treatment or therapy is administered. In the event that your injury is such that you are medically unable to work for more than seven (7) days, the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Act provides that the insurance company is to pay temporary disability benefits. This entitles you to seventy percent (70%) of your wages, up to the statutory maximum for the year in which you sustained the injury. These payments continue until the authorized physician permits you to return to work or until you reach a medical plateau, whichever is sooner. Should permanent effects of your injury remain after achieving a medical plateau, you may be entitled to benefits to compensate for those permanent effects. This is based on a statutory value determined according to the part of your body which was injured and the permanent residuals of your treatment and injury. This process progresses after your physician has returned you to gainful employment. In the event that you are deemed medically unable to return to work, you may be entitled to total disability benefits.

The questions often arise, “What happens Christopher R. Shea Esq. if I am injured during the course of my duties as a volunteer for a municipality?” It has been determined that volunteer firefighters, first aid or rescue squad workers, ambulance drivers, forest fire wardens or firefighters, board of education members and auxiliary or special reserve police officers are provided for within the Workers’ Compensation Act in New Jersey. Although, as a volunteer as listed above one would not have been compensated for the acts performed within the scope of that position, if injured while performing those duties, and medically unable to work, you would be entitled to compensation at the maximum rate for the year of that injury. Furthermore, the injured volunteer is entitled to reasonable and necessary medical treatment as if an employee. In the event that the volunteer suffers permanent residuals from the injury in question, the volunteer would also have the right to seek payment for those residuals, the same as if a paid employee. The law firm of R.C. Shea & Associates is a full-service law firm representing and advising clients in the areas of Estate Planning, Estate Litigation, Personal Injury, General Litigation, Real Estate Law, Medicaid Law, Medical Malpractice, Workers’ Compensation, Land Use, Wills, Trusts, and Powers of Attorney. Call or visit our firm at 732505-1212, 244 Main Street, Toms River, Manchester Area (732) 408-9455 or our Brick Area at (732) 451-0800, email us at Rshea@rcshea.com or visit our website at www.rcshea.com.

Our clients’ success is our greatest reward. 732-505-1212 • RCSHEA.COM

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Page 22, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021


A worry free and independent lifestyle is what every Aging Adult wants! Experts tell us that the greatest challenge to holding onto our cherished independence as we age is due to the effects of a disengaged retirement and the aging process. Less physical activity, feelings of isolation and loneliness that comes from losing friends or life partners, less purpose and fewer social engagements can all contribute to depression and a sedentary lifestyle that can have negative impacts on c ognitive and physical health and well-being. This became so much more apparent during this past year with the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic restrictions. The reality is that where you live matters! Living alone and caring for a property, large or small, gets tougher as we get older. Even the healthiest of aging adult homeowners no longer want to endure the physical rigors of maintenance projects and costly repairs that put a strain on budgets and add worry to our lives.

Independent Senior Living could be the answer!

Age restricted Independent Living Communities are for seniors who require minimal or no assistance but want less work and more peace of mind. They are designed to offer aging adults their own private residences, while living in a supportive and secure environment that they can Thrive in. Independent living residences may be apartments or freestanding homes usually obtained through a rental arrangement. Hospitality and supportive

amenities are generally provided for a monthly fee. The convenience of access to higher levels of care are often available. One of the main objectives of Independent living Communities is to offer a daily abundance of physically and socially engaging recreational activities, opportunities to meet new people, experience the joy of camaraderie and enjoy their retirement years to the fullest, with peace of mind. Researchers have long known about the benefits of staying active and building “Social Capital” – the social ties that build trust, connection, and resiliency as we age. One of the most apparent benefits of independent living is the enormous peace of mind it provides for residents as well as concerned family members who worry about their loved ones living alone and what would happen if there was a fall or health episode with no one there to help. Moving to an independent living environment, where residents are never isolated and alone brings that peace of mind to families, knowing that in an emergency, help is always close by. Families taking tours of various senior living options will look for features and amenities such as robust recreation offerings, fitness centers, educational opportunities, wellness programs and access to on-site healthcare.

What is the ideal community that offers this lifestyle?

Silverwoods Independent Living by Complete Care is one of the best of these communities because it is dedicated to enhancing lives. The

Silverwoods, part of the Complete Care family, is located at 1700 Rt 37 West in Toms River.

A mother and daughter share a laugh during a visit at Silverwoods. unique 55-acre park-like campus with spacious garden-style apartment homes is a community where residents’ needs are taken care of from the start – and active living takes every shape and form. The most ambitious activities agenda facilitates active minds and bodies all day with physically invigorating choices like walking club, swimming, tai chi or yoga classes and Wii bowling tournaments. These are complemented by educational seminars and

lively social gatherings such as joining friends for cocktails at happy hour or full course dinners in our newly renovated restaurant dining room. Staying connected to the larger community through volunteer opportunities and frequent outings add to this active lifestyle with trips to Atlantic City, Seaside Boardwalk, theatre shows, restaurants, museums, religious services and more. As a rule, care is not offered at independent living communities, how-

ever, Executive Director Katie Davis states “I am proud that health, nutrition and safety play major roles in everyday living at Silverwoods”. Included in the premium services program are wellness visits and checks by a licensed nurse, code alert for medical emergencies, a brand-new on-site Wellness Center staffed by a Geriatric Provider for Primary Care, Lab Testing, Podiatr y and other services. Luxury amenities include chef prepared meals served

in our beautiful club house restaurant, weekly housekeeping, scheduled bus transportation and a new concierge service for off campus medical appointments. Aging experts tell us that the key to owning your future is in planning early and wisely, knowing your options and taking action. Talk to friends and family and begin planning your move to the independent living lifestyle you deserve at Silverwoods. Call today for a complimentary Silverwoods Lifestyle Lunch, held every Tuesday to get all the information you need to help in your decision, or schedule a personal tour with our Senior Advisor, at 732-341-6630. Silverwoods, part of the Complete Care family, is located at 1700 Rt 37 West in Toms River. Visit us at www.silver woodsliving.com or on Facebook @Silverwoods Independent Living by CC.


The Howell Times, July 3, 2021, Page 23

Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of jul 3 - jul 9 By Jeraldine Saunders

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Moving your body charges up your mind. The more active you are, the better you’ll feel and the more likely you’ll realize your dreams. As the week unfolds, get out to meet people who’ll be impressed by your accomplishments. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Strength and determination can allow for gentleness, too. Even in business affairs, a little compassion and generosity is necessary. Use strategies that take the needs of others into consideration in the week ahead. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You may frequently change your mind or go around in circles without making a final decision. Wait until later in the week to commit yourself to a plan of action. Your spouse or partner may be your best friend. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Lead the pack. There may be plenty of incentives to work hard and be diligent about meeting your objectives. You may be encouraged by your partner’s ambitions or focused on achieving your own goals in the week ahead. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Stretch your legs whenever you have a chance, because you might be stuck behind a desk for too many hours in the upcoming week. Harmony-loving Venus has entered your zodiac sign, so expect to enjoy plenty of social activities. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): There may be more than one worthy cause that pleads for support during the upcoming week. You probably won’t mind spending a little to serve a higher purpose. However, don’t put all your charitable eggs in one basket. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Projecting a

forgiving attitude should keep you at the top of your game and promote a positive team spirit. In the week ahead, you might benefit by following someone’s inspiring lead. You may be able to act on imaginative ideas. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Someone who says “yes” today may say “no” later in the week. Make sure your strategy includes a provision for changes at potentially inconvenient times. Focus on making your bank account as healthy as possible. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Anything you can imagine you likely can achieve. Put inspiring notions down on paper in case you’re distracted and forget them. You can make a favorable impression on others with thoughtful actions in the week to come. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You may find it difficult to decide who gets the final vote if you and a partner discuss a major undertaking. A loved one or collaborator may have a better vision of how best to handle financial affairs in the week ahead. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Drum up some enthusiasm for games, sports or drop-in visitors. A loved one might be more willing to spend time with you in competitive situations. Remain poised to adapt to unforeseen changes in the week ahead. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Try not to be vague about your opinions. Once you decide to help someone or make an investment of your time, show a firm commitment. You’ll get the best results if you’re utterly sincere in whatever you say or do.





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Page 24, The Howell Times, July 3, 2021


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