2021-09-25 - The Howell Times

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The HOWELL Times Vol. 19 - No. 17

In This Week’s Edition



Surf’s Up With Monmouth’s New Facility Dog



Community News Page 8-10

Inside The Law Page 14

Dear Pharmacist Page 13

Classifieds Page 15

─Photo courtesy Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office Surf, a 4-year-old Labrador retriever joins staff at the Child Advocacy Center and Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office during his first day of work. By Bob Vosseller FREEHOLD – The n e we s t m e m b e r of the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office brings years of rigorous training, a relentlessly affable attitude, and an unwavering commitment to service to his role; he’s also a 4-year-

old covered with fur. On his first day on the job at the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center, the yellow Labrador retriever named Surf was very busy meeting everybody and shaking hands. He will spend two days a week with

young victims of abuse from across the county. Surf will be the center piece of a newly implemented therapy initiative shown to decrease victim anxiety and improve outcomes of investigations into such crimes. “Our Child Advoca-

cy Center is meant by design to offer a warm, welcoming environment for our very most vulnerable crime victims as they recuperate, and Surf’s arrival here brings that to another level entirely,” Acting Monmouth County (Surf - See Page 2)

Officials Urge: Stop The Spread Of Spotted Lanternfly By Alyssa Riccardi MONMOUTH COUNTY – Recently, the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Monmouth County ha s been receiv i ng numerous repor ts from concerned residents about the spotted lanternf ly. T he s p ot t e d la n -

ternf ly, which is an invasive insect that is native to China, India, and Vietnam, was accidentally introduced into Pennsylvania in 2014 and has si nce spread to New Jersey. Although they are not ha r m f ul to humans or animals, they can feed on the sap

of more than 70 plant species i ncludi ng g rapes, f r uit t rees, ornamental landscape plants and hardwood trees. Monmouth County Commissioner Lillian G. Bu r r y ha s be e n speaking with the agricultural community focusing on the chal-

lenges they are facing due to this invasive pest. “This is not a matter to take lightly,” Commissioner Burry said. “Stopping the spread of the spott e d la nt e r n f ly w il l require a coordinated public effort to prevent economic losses

to our local farms and businesses.” Monmouth County was recently added to the spotted lanternf ly quarantine zone by New Je r sey Se c r e tar y of Ag r icult u re Douglas Fisher. This z one a l so i nclude s Mor r is, Middlesex, (Spread - See Page 4)

September 25, 2021

Council Bans Short-Term Home Rentals

By Alyssa Riccardi HOWELL – Howell homeowners will no longer be able to rent out their home and its amenities for small periods of time. At the most recent Township Council meeting, Councilman John Bonevich, Councilwoman Evelyn O’Donnell, Councilwoman Pamela Richmond, Deputy Mayor Thomas Russo and Mayor Theresa Berger voted ‘yes’ to pass the ordinance that bans short-term rental properties. The ordinance states that no rental facility, rental unit, dwelling or residential structure may be rented or leased for less than 90 days at a time. Amenities, features or accessories associated with the house are also prohibited from being rented out. This includes swimming pools, pool cabanas, hot tubs, decks, patios and yards. In addition, the ordinance will prohibit the advertisement of these shortterm rentals. (Bans - See Page 4)

Residents Comment On Cannabis Businesses At Special Meeting

By Alyssa Riccardi HOWELL – Residents recently voiced their concerns and support about the possibility of having cannabis businesses in Howell and where they should be zoned to the members of the Township Council. A special meeting was held on September 14 where the council to received public feedback from the community regarding the extensive topic. Back in November, New Jersey residents voted to legalize adult use of marijuana. State officials had given municipalities until (Meeting - See Page 16)

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Page 2, The Howell Times, September 25, 2021


Continued From Page 1 Prosecutor Lori Linskey said. “We couldn’t be more thrilled to have him join us.” The canine’s arrival was more than two years in the making and was made possible by someone who has been working at the Child Advocacy Center long before that. Melissa Boege, Program Director of the

Family Growth Program of Monmouth & Ocean Counties for Catholic Charities, has provided therapy to children, teens, and adults there since 2014. In 2019, the California-based nonprofit group Canine Companions placed Surf with her permanently. “The children I work with have expressed ongoing enthusiasm about working with a facility dog, and have talked extensively about how the dog will

help them feel better, talk about difficult things, and feel comfortable in therapy,” Boege said. “It’s incredible to witness – children who were previously shy, anxious, disengaged, and defiant become interested, engaged, enthusiastic, open, and connected,” Boege added. She and Surf began working together with clients at the Family Growth Program’s Red Bank location just a matter of months

after his arrival in New Jersey. A few months later, they started visiting public and private schools across Monmouth County to present “Safety Steps,” a series of abuse-prevention workshops. Surf’s newest assignment won’t be his first rodeo. He has “the ideal temperament to perform this unique brand of work – he’s naturally calm, nurturing, and reassuring, while also responding enthusiastically to children and adults who prompt him to show a more playful side,” Child Advocacy Center Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Coordinator Debbie Riveros said. “He fits in perfectly with our team,” she added. Facility dogs fall under a definition that sets them apart from service dogs or therapy dogs, according to Canine Companions. To be designated as such, the dogs are expertly trained from birth, trustworthy in professional environments, and able to perform more than 40 commands. There are a limited number of facility dogs already serving at some of the more than 900 child advocacy centers nationwide, which serve more than 338,000 children annually, according to the Washington, D.C. - based National Children’s Alliance, the primary professional organization dedicated to supporting the model. That number is increasing, with studies showing that use of facility dogs during therapy sessions drastically reduces anxiety among child abuse victims, drastically increasing the likelihood of disclosure. To follow his work and what he’s up to, connect with him on Facebook at Facility Dog Surf, or on Instagram at @facilitydog_surf.

─Photo courtesy Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office Surf, a 4-year-old Labrador retriever joins staff at the Child Advocacy Center and Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office during his first day of work.


The Howell Times, September 25, 2021, Page 3


Page 4, The Howell Times, September 25, 2021


Continued From Page 1 The ordinance was introduced at the August 17 meeting after residents in the town dealt with several problematic house parties, the most recent ones coming from Peter Forman Drive. “I have the petition. It’s over 56 households, over 100 residents. Sometimes technology beats us to the punch. That’s what happened here. Airbnb, college kids throwing frat parties. Now this Swimply went from simple pool parties, families gathering, Sweet 16s, to party promotions,” Bonevich said at the August 17 meeting. “I just want to ensure you that this council, this governing body and professionals are doing everything and we have an ordinance. We


Continued From Page 1 Essex, Union, Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Hunterdon, Mercer, Salem, Somerset and Warren. “The spotted lanternf ly’s excellent hitchhiking skills on all types of transportation have allowed it to spread, making it necessary to expand the quarantine zone,” Fisher said. “While we have crews working throughout the state to treat

hear you. We are introducing an ordinance tonight, not only against hourly and daily rentals of homes, but as well as the amenities. We’re not taking this lightly.” Airbnb, which rents homes, and Swimply, which rents pools, has caused issues along the Jersey Shore, but also inland areas like Howell and Jackson. Last summer, police shut down a party with over 400 people. The “pop-up party” caused havoc in the Ramtown section of Howell. Many of the attendees were not even locals, police said. Both the recent parties and previous ones were advertised online. The property owners rented out their home or backyard for the party and charged a fee. Many residents who live on or near Peter Forman Drive created a petition wanting to

ban these types of rentals and to stop the massive parties. At the most recent council meeting, Howell resident Charles Teator who lives on Bock Boulevard explained how the house next door to him is rented frequently and renters are constantly littering and causing havoc with parties. “The owner advised us they lived in Brooklyn and this was going to be their vacation home for the weekends. Not long after, we noticed that there would be different cars in the driveway each day. Some days it would be one car and others it would be four or five cars in the driveway. We would notice numerous people walking around. We noticed litter would be on our front lawn as well as cigarette butts,” Teator said. “The most recent renters had a party for the four

days they were there, which were all work days. The three garbage cans were at the curb for several days - full and overflowing. Up against the garage were anywhere from 10 to 15 garbage bags, much more than a normal household would have.” “My biggest concern with the home next door being used as a rental is a lack of respect for the neighborhood by renters who do not live here, the loud daily parties, overflowing garbage and the lack the of respect for the environment with the littering,” Teator said. “Just to follow up, the last meeting we talked about Swimply and this ordinance was created for Airbnb… this (ordinance) takes care of their own personal signage as well. This is just daily rentals, no more,” Bonevich said.

infestations of the spotted lanternf ly, we are seeking the public’s assistance by asking anyone who sees this pest to destroy it whenever possible.” It is important to inspect your car for any spotted lanternf lies before traveling out of the quarantine zone to reduce its spread to other areas. Businesses that regularly travel in and out of the quarantine zone are also required to obtain a permit by completing this free online spotted lanternf ly training: extension.

psu.edu/slf-permit-training-nj. Adult female spotted lanternf lies will soon begin to lay eggs and they can lay up to three egg masses during its life cycle, with each egg mass contains between 30 and 50 eggs. Although the adult spotted lanternf ly cannot survive the winter, the egg masses do survive and hatch in the spring. Scouting and destroying their egg masses will help prevent the spread of this invasive pest. If you see a spotted lanternf ly, report

the sighting to NJDA using their online reporting tool: nj.gov/agriculture/divisions/pi/prog/pests-diseases/spotted-lanternfly/#reporting-tool. Additional information regarding control options and management strategies for the spotted lanternfly can be found on the NJDA website: nj.gov/agriculture/ divisions/pi/prog/pests-diseases/spotted-lanternfly/homeowner-resources and on the Rutgers Spotted Lanternfly Website: njaes.rutgers.edu/spotted-lanternfly.

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The Howell Times, September 25, 2021, Page 5

OPINIONS & COMMENTARY Featured Letter Soon It Will Be The Spookiest Season Of All It’s getting dark out sooner. Pumpkin spice is being sprinkled on everything. Soon, those scary people will be coming door to door…I’m not talking about Trick or Treaters… Look out! Here come the politicians! The election is November 2, so that means all of October you’ll be seeing some truly scary sights. You’ve probably already started getting things in your mail. These won’t be tales of Dracula or Frankenstein. The politicians will be telling you about boogeymen closer to home. They’ll terrorize you with tales like “The Day The School System Failed Our Children,” and “Salem’s Lot Of New Homes Bringing 1,000 Cars To Clog Up Roads.” But everyone wants a happy ending to their horror stories. They want the final girl left alive to beat Jason Voorhees or Freddy Krueger and then the credits roll. The politicians will tell you that they are the hero of the horror story. Only they can f ight against the governor (but they are lying because no one can). Only they can save the children (oh, won’t someone think of the children?!). Only they can lower taxes (let’s see your plan up front, then, pal). Why is it that politicians like inspiring more fear than a Stephen King story?

Because fear works. Fear gets you out of your seat and into polling booths. Fear taps into your fight or flight response deep in your brain. It’s a primal response, honed by centuries of evolution – we fight against what we fear, or we flee from those who represent it. So be careful when you’re online, or looking through your mail, because politicians are sending you little tiny horror stories. Except, instead of a movie where you know it’s all make-believe, it’s very official looking and it makes it seem real. Now, to be fair, there are plenty of real problems. But these problems need thoughtful answers, and are often more difficult to solve than a simple slogan would have you believe. Remember when you were little, and your parents wouldn’t let you watch something scary close to bedtime? Well, that idea is still a pretty good one. Be careful what kind of content you are consuming online. Fear-mongering spreads like wildfire on Facebook, and it’s easy to get caught up in it. So the next time a politician asks “You wanna see something really scary?” tell them “really scary? No. I’ll take fun scary instead” and then go watch one of the “Halloween” movies. Chris Lundy News Editor

Letters To The Editor Apology For Schools Spreading COVID Editor’s note: This letter is in response to Toms River Schools making masks optional in non-air conditioned areas during the first week of school due to heat. The letter writer declined to have their name made public. I’m forwarding this note all parents received this week from Toms River Regional Schools to help our area benefit and take advantage of this new school year. So, Hospitals: sorry, but please see if you can get more ventilators ready. Maybe set up some overtime, too? Cause, see, Toms River Regional Schools doesn’t value your skills. Senior Citizens: sorry, but please get your wills in order and wrap up anything you had planned, lingering bucket list items, final goodbyes, etc. Cause, see, Toms River Regional Schools doesn’t value your lives. Local and State Politicians: sorry, but please see about 2022 budget updates that include more funding for closed businesses, lost tourism, lower tax base. Cause, see, Toms River Regional Schools doesn’t value your efforts. Area Businesses: sorry, but please prepare to switch back to all-delivery, eat outside, curbside pickup, and employee furloughs. Cause, see, Toms River Regional Schools doesn’t value your livelihoods. Funeral Homes: well!

Here’s a change! Get ready and stock up, maybe get a jump on some childsize models, get the oil changed in the fleet! Cause, see, Toms River Regional Schools DEFINITELY LOVES YOU! But hey, at least everyone will see our students’ smiles! We’ve got school spirit, yes we do! We’ve got school spirit, how ‘bout you? Normal Toms River Parents Who Believe in Reality

Biden Should Push For Voting Laws Biden has a choice to make: Does he want to establish his legacy as a president who fought for voting rights, or not? In order to be remembered as a president who fought for voting rights, Biden must do more than ask the Senate to pass voting rights legislation. He knows as well as we do that bills like the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act won’t make it through the Senate unless we abolish the filibuster. Biden must publicly and unequivocally support abolishing the filibuster to clear the way for these crucial reforms. It’s time for Biden to be the leader he promised to be and call on the Senate to end the filibuster and protect our right to vote. We’re counting on him to do the right thing. Linda Sakariasen Jackson

We Welcome Letters To The Editor! The Howell Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless

deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for verification. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to edit or

reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail typed letters to: PO Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732657-7388 or e-mail news@ jerseyshoreonline.com. Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion. The opinions expressed in

the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.

Nature Rules The World Is Nature the ultimate authority - as many scientists and naturalists, such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson and David Attenborough contend - or is man’s deities the supreme and final authority when it comes to the natural world? I have always believed that in Nature, there are neither rewards nor punishments – there are consequences. In other words, that men and women suffer and enjoy according to conditions. As one naturalist once put it: “…the sun shines without love and lightning strikes without hate, hitting both the pious and pervert alike.” That is to say, it’s just as apt to strike the good man as the bad man. Just as I believe that a ship loaded with pirates is just as likely to ride out the storm as one crowded with missionaries. “We know if we know anything,” as another naturalist opined: “Nature neither weeps nor rejoices. She produces man without purpose and obliterates him without regret. Poison and nutrition, pain and joy, life and death, smiles and tears are alike to her. She makes no distinction between the beneficial and the hurtful.” We know from just watching the Weather Channel, that both church and brothel fall alike before the deluge; know that earthquakes are just as liable to swallow virtue as to swallow vice; know that counting beads has not stopped the tornado; know that the rushing lava pauses not for bended knee – we know it. From my perspective, at least, the earth will continue to revolve on its axis, the sun will rise and set, the rain will fall, the seasons will change according to their accustomed time,

and Nature will pursue her course without the slightest reference to the wishes of mankind or his gods. Borden Applegate Jackson

Lakehurst Mayor Endorses Arace Team For Manchester Lakehurst Mayor Harry Robbins announced his endorsement of the Arace Team for Manchester. Robbins has served as Mayor of Lakehurst for nearly a decade, raised his family with his wife, Eileen, and has been a friend to the Manchester community. “Rob and Joe (Hankins) are down to earth, hard-working guys who care about Manchester and its residents,” said Robbins. “I know working alongside these two will continue a great relationship between our two towns, I have full confidence in them,” he added. Robbins is endorsing the Arace Team because they’ve demonstrated their dedication to the town and was impressed by Rob’s problem-solving approach as well as Joe’s background as a leader in the Manchester Police Department and as a volunteer fireman. “Joe and I are grateful for Mayor Robbins’s support, it’s so important that Manchester and Lakehurst work together considering our shared services and proximity” said mayoral candidate Rob Arace. Rob and Joe are honored to have Robbins’s support and look forward to working with the Lakehurst team in the coming months. Harry Robbins Lakehurst

Do you have something you want everyone to know? Is there an issue that needs to be addressed? Write a letter to make yourself heard.


Page 6, The Howell Times, September 25, 2021

Spotlight On Government Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials

Smith: Deadline For Service Academy Nomination Is October 8

TRENTON - The deadline for students in the Fourth Congressional District to apply for a congressional nomination to attend a United States service academy - as a member of the class of 2026 - is Friday, October 8th, announced Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ). “Throughout my tenure in Congress, I’ve had the honor and privilege of nom-

inating more than 1,000 outstanding students for acceptance into one of our service academies,” said Rep. Smith, who has authored more than a dozen laws for those who have served in uniform. “These elite academies play a crucial role in educating and training young men and women who aspire to become our Nation’s next generation of

uniformed leaders.” The service academies include the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy, the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. All military academies - with the exception of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy - require a congressional nomination

from applicants in order to be considered for admission. To be eligible for nomination by Congressman Smith, applicants must be U.S. citizens living in the Fourth Congressional District and submit a completed application packet before 4 p.m. on October 8th. Though many students apply in their senior year of high school,

applicants may apply up to the age of 22 - or 25 - for the Merchant Marine Academy. To download the Congressman’s 2021 Service Academy Nomination Guide and Application, please visit ChrisSmith.House.Gov and click on Service Academy Nominations under the Constituent Services tab. While a congressional nomination doesn’t guar-

Governor Murphy: All Child Care Center Workers To Be Vaccinated Or Tested Regularly TRENTON – Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 264, requiring all child care center personnel to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by November 1 or be subject to COVID-19 testing at minimum one to two times per week. Additionally, effective September 24, and in accordance with CDC recommendations, the Order also clarifies that all employees, visitors, students, and children aged two and over must wear facemasks indoors, with limited exceptions. These requirements will strengthen protections against COVID-19 to chil-

dren in these settings who are all under 12 years old and not yet eligible for vaccination. “We know there are already many child care providers who are doing their utmost to protect the children in their care, their employees, and their communities – and we thank them,” said Governor Murphy. “This order ensures that everyone is abiding by the same strong standards to protect those who are not yet eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations, so that we can continue to offer safe, in-person learning environments for children of all ages.” For purposes of Executive

Order No. 264, child care settings include any facility defined as a child care center pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30:5B-3. For purposes of Executive Order No. 264, child care personnel include: All individuals employed by the covered setting, both fulland part-time, including, but not limited to, administrators, teachers, individuals providing food, custodial, and administrative support services, contractors, providers, and any other individuals performing work in covered settings whose job duties require them to

make regular visits to such covered settings, including volunteers. Covered workers do not include individuals who visit the covered setting only to provide one-time or limited-duration repairs, services, or construction. All child care centers will have until November 1, 2021 to come into full compliance with the vaccine or testing requirement. At that time, if a worker has not submitted proof that they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, the worker will be required to submit to a minimum once to twice weekly testing. Regardless of whether the setting is providing workers

with on-site access to testing or requiring workers to submit proof of a COVID-19 test, both antigen and molecular tests will be acceptable to fulfill the requirements of the Order. Workers are considered “ f ully vacci nated” for COVID-19 two weeks or more after they have received the second dose in a two-dose series or two weeks or more after they have received a single-dose vaccine. Individuals will only be considered fully vaccinated when they have received a COVID-19 vaccine that is currently authorized for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug

a nt e e a d m ission t o a n academy, it is necessary in order to be offered an appointment from four of the five military service academies. For more infor mation on competing for a nomination to one of the U.S. service academies, please call Congressman Smith’s Freehold District Office at 732-780-3035.

Administration or the World Health Organization, or that are approved for use by the same. Workers for whom vaccination status is unknown or who have not provided sufficient proof of document, must be considered unvaccinated for purposes of this Order. This Order will not impact a child care center’s ability to impose more stringent vaccination or testing requirements on workers, including any requirement for more frequent testing, for testing of both vaccinated and unvaccinated staff, and for mandatory vaccinations without a testing alternative.

CORRECTION In the September 18 edition, the story “Health Officials Warn: New COVID Mutation On The Rise” was written by Judy Smestad-Nunn. Her name was left off the story. We apologize for the error.


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The Howell Times, September 25, 2021, Page 7

Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements

Dementia Awareness & Wellness Day

FARMINGDALE – Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey is presenting a Dementia Awareness and Wellness focused event at Calgo Gardens, in Farmingdale on September 30, 2 to 7 p.m. Over 25 area professionals and dementia related experts and providers will be on site to provide free resources, presentations, workshops, support, give-a-ways and even prizes! The focus of this event is to offer a peaceful and nurturing environment for attendees to learn about the resources available to them while enjoying opportunities for self-care and wellness.

Howell Shade Tree Commission Seedling Giveaway

Music, healthy food and workshops will be offered all day and will end with a light dinner and film screening of the award-winning documentary, ALIVE INSIDE. Area seniors, those diagnosed with dementia, their caregivers, professionals and anyone interested are invited to attend. There is no fee to attend, but donations are greatly appreciated. For directions, details and a list of workshops and providers, visit: caregivervolunteers.org/dementia-awareness-and-wellness-day or call 732-05-2273.

HOWELL – The Howell Shade Tree Commission will be hosting a Seedling Giveaway on October 2 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the DPW Garage located at 278 Old Tavern Road. It is asked to arrive early for the best selection. The following seedlings will be available: Eastern Red Cedar, Flowering Dogwood, Common Persimmon, Red Maple, Spicebush, Buttonbush, High Bush


Baxter’s Fishing Derby

HOWELL – Baxter’s Fishing Derby will be held on October 2 from 8:15 to 11 a.m. at Alfred C. Sauer Park at Echo Lake for children ages 5 to 14. Registration begins 8:15 a.m. on the day of the event. Over 550 fish will be stocked for participants to catch. Participants are encouraged to bring their own fishing pole and supplies. Limited bait will be provided for the derby. Light refreshments

will be available towards the end of the event provided by Stop & Shop of Howell. Trophies will be awarded at the conclusion of the event. Stocking, trophies and bait provided by the Lake Restoration & Wildlife Management Committee and The Baxter Family Raindate: October 3. For more information, call 732-938-4500 ext. 2106 or visit twp.howell.nj.us.

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Blueberry, New Jersey Tea, American Holly, Joe Pye Weed, American Hornbeam, White Meadowsweet. Seedling giveaway for Howell residents only. Limit five seedling per address. For more information, visit the Howell Township Shade Tree Commission page on Facebook: facebook. com/Howell-Township-Shade-Tree-Commission-101668778576801.

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Page 8, The Howell Times, September 25, 2021

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C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements

Howell PAL Saturday Flag Football HOWELL – Are you ready for some football? Howell PAL will be hosting f lag foot fall for k id s i n g r a des 3 r d through 5th on Saturdays, September 25 through October 16 from 10 to 11 a.m. Flag football rules are similar to those of the mainstream game, but instead of

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tackling players to the ground, the defensive team must remove a f lag from the belt of a ball carrier to end a down, and contact is not permitted between players. Register today at howellpal.org and don’t miss out

Howell Farmingdale Car Show FARMINGDALE – Howell Farmingdale Car Show sponsored by the Howell Optimist Club will be held on October 23 at Main St. in Farmingdale. Registration is at 10 a.m. Fee is $20 day of the event. Show is from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Judged

show, trophies, food and music. All proceeds go towards the Mayor Harvey Morell, Mayor John P. Morgan and the Mayor Roberts Francis Walsh Memorial Scholarships. For more information, visit HowellOptimist@yahoo.com.

Southard Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary Comedy Show

HOWELL – Come out and help support the Ladies Auxiliary as they hold a “Everything is Funnier with Fire” comedy show on October 9 from 7 to 11 p.m. with national comedians, featuring Jay Black and

Tara Cannistarci. Tickets are $40 and includes a buffest dinner, cash bar, comedy show, dancing and more. Call 732-456-6127 to purchase tickets or for more information.

Ramtown-Howell Fire Co. # 2 Open House

HOWELL – The Ramtown-Howell Fire Co. # 2 will hold an “Open House “ on October 6 from 6 until 8 p.m. at the Fire Station. Come visit and their special guest’s “Sparky the FireDog” and “Buster” from the BlueClaws.

This will be their first Open House since 2019. This year’s Fire Prevention Weeks theme is “Learn The Sounds Of Fire Safety.” For information contact FF James Gaul at 732458-0222.

Send your community events to news@jerseyshoreonline.com

Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services is proud to offer FREE online Health and Wellness programs! Sign-up for one or all sessions! Classes are open to the public, and all are welcome. REGISTER TODAY!



The Howell Times, September 25, 2021, Page 9

Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements

Local Animals Ready For Adoption

─Photo courtesy MCSPCA MONMOUTH COUNTY – Jim Bob the cat was sick when he first came to the MCSPCA. He stayed in foster care with a vet tech and now he is old enough to be adopted. He is seven months old, likes other cats, and in tip-top shape. In the beginning, he was scared and avoided being touched but now he’s a “smushy love bug who can’t get enough cuddles.” The MCSPCA only does adoptions in

person (please bring all family members). They will ask you to fill out an Adoption Survey and speak with an Adoption Counselor to help find your perfect match. They are open to the public. Feline/exotic animal adopters should make an appointment. Dog adopters are by walk-in only. They are open Tuesday through Sunday at noon and are located at 260 Wall Street in Eatontown. They can be reached at 732-542-0040.


Page 10, The Howell Times, September 25, 2021

1 FOOTPRINT “THE ART SPOT” IN FREEHOLD RACEWAY MALL IS HERE! Art Lessons for ALL AGES • Art Retail Gallery Slime Bar/Seasonal Classes (i.e.-Tie Dye T’Shirt Class) Individual Classes/Group Classes for ALL AGES Paint & Sip w/ BYOB (Guests 21 yrs & older) Art Camp (Ages under 12 years old)


Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements

Fundraiser Started For Injured Dog

Select Classes are $5

HAPPY HOUR: 5pm on Fridays Enjoy BOGO/BYOB Paint &Sip Buy 1 get the second 1/2 OFF!

1Footprintinc.com • 732-702-2707

By Chris Lundy EATONTOWN – A fundraiser has been started for a dog who had been struck by a car. According to the Monmouth County SPCA, Cecelia was struck by a car and then wedged herself under another car that had stopped to help her. As a result, she had a fractured tibia, road rash, a cut tongue, a broken tooth, and was in shock. She was brought to the shelter and put on oxygen and fluids as well as pain medication. The ultrasound confirmed that she had no internal injuries that would be fatal. Once stable, she was transferred to a pet hospital for additional

─Photo courtesy MCSPCA treatment for shock, pain, wound therapy and to prevent infection. “Cecelia’s owner was found through her microchip and he has made the decision, in her best interest, to surrender her to our care,” the shelter said. “We’re seeking donations to support sweet Cecelia’s medical journey - it will be a long road for this girl to feel better, but with your help, we know she’ll get there.” You can donate by going through monmouthcountyspca.org, finding the Monmouth County SPCA on Facebook, or by going to this site: bit. ly/3Ck9mgL

... ask Michelle Welcome to our Q & A Column. We will be here every month to answer your dementia related questions. Send your questions to Questions@care-one.com. Harmony Village at CareOne Jackson is here to assist you in your journey. Q: Dementia runs in my family. When should I talk to my parents about their wishes and getting legal paperwork taken care of? Cody G. A: Dear Cody G., The earlier, the better. Ideally, the conversations should be on-going, and their wishes should be expressed before an actual diagnosis. I believe end-oflife planning with or without a dementia diagnosis is important for everyone to consider. There are 5 legal documents that are highly recommended, a certified elder law attorney can assist you; Living Trust, Will, Advanced Directive, Durable Power of Attorney, and Financial Power of Attorney. Q: My grandpa has dementia, and it is getting worse. He drives. We are concerned about his safety and the safety of others. What is the best way to talk with him about not driving anymore? Amanda Z. A: Dear Amanda Z., In Early-stage dementia our judgement and reasoning abilities are already being affected. Talking with a family member about giving up their driving privileges might not be the best approach. They still believe that they are independent and ok to drive. I would suggest having an outside professional like a physician or elder law attorney recommend that they be retested at NJDMV by a Certified Rehabilitation Specialists.



Free Online Health And Wellness Programs NEW JERSEY – Preferred Home Health Care & Nursing Services (PHHC), Eatontown, with offices in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, is offering free online Health and Wellness programs, open to the public. The wellness programs include Numerology, Calming Stress and Anxiety, Energy Medicine for Women, Relieving Pain – Natural Methods, Love Numerology, Keep Your Energies Humming, and Tapping into Your Joy. Sign up for one or all sessions at PreferredRadio.com. For more information about Preferred, contact Lisa Gallicchio, director of community relations, at lisa@preferredcares. com or visit PreferredRadio.com for more information

Arts & Crafts Sessions With Howell PAL

HOWELL – Time to get those hands dirty... with art! Join the Howell PAL for six sessions of all new fall and Halloween crafts. They will use a variety of media: paint, clay, wood, paper etc. Note: Crafting can be messy, bring a smock or wear an old shi r t!! All state mandated guidelines concerning COVID-19 will be followed! Sessions will take place on Wednesdays, September 29 through November 3, from 5:45 to 7 p.m. and is open to kids in kindergarten to 5th grade. Register today at howellpal.org

The Howell Times, September 25, 2021, Page 11


Page 12, The Howell Times, September 25, 2021

Around The Jersey Shore Felon Sentenced To Prison For Handgun Possession By Alyssa Riccardi MONMOUTH COUNTY – A Monmouth County man has been sentenced to 30 months in prison after police found him in possession of a loaded hand gun. On April 7, 2019, officers with the Asbury Park Police Department were patrolling around the area of the Asbury Park Gardens. The public housing complex is known as a high-crime area due to recent gang, firearms and narcotics-related investigations and arrests there. Police were told that a gathering was taking place at the Asbury Park Gardens in honor of a recently deceased gang member. When off icers walked through the premises, they found Khalil I. Howard, 24, of Neptune, on the second f loor trying to conceal a large bulge in his left jacket pocket. Howard, who is a previously convicted felon, then quickly turned and walked to the third f loor, officials said. Officers asked Howard to stop and

apprehended him. They seized a stolen Beretta 9-millimeter semi-automatic handg un, loaded with one round of 9-millimeter ammunition in the chamber and an additional seven rounds of 9-millimeter ammunition in the magazine, from Howard’s left jacket pocket. Since Howard is a previously convicted felon, he is not permitted to possess firearms under federal law, officials said. Howard pleaded guilty to an indictment charging him with one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm. On September 20, Howard was sentenced to 30 months in prison. Acting U.S. Attorney Honig credited special agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives, Newark Division, Trenton Field Office, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey L. Matthews, as well as officers of the Asbury Park Police Depar t ment, u nder the direction of Chief of Police David Kelso, with the investigation leading to the sentencing.


The Howell Times, September 25, 2021, Page 13

H ere ’ s T o Y our H ealth Dear Pharmacist

Keith Rosenthal, D.P.M. Julian Sansone, D.P.M. Marjorie Rarama, D.P.M. THE

Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

How To Manage Hypertension With Modern Treatments By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.

Being sedentary will raise your blood pressure. Researchers evaluated 28 older women with hypertension and made them exercise. They compared the results to 17 other women who maintained their normal (sedentary) lifestyle and did not exercise. They had them exercising routinely for nine months and their blood pressure numbers improved. Then they had them rest without any kind of training, and their markers all went to pot! Essentially, exercise helped to reduce both systolic and diastolic pressures, as well as resting heart rate but after sitting around, there were no longer any benefits. It’s not like we had to have a study to know this, but the topic of maintaining healthy blood pressure reminded me of another story I want to share with you today. A new acquaintance of mine mentioned he was taking atenolol pills for his blood pressure (and only that), and it concerned me because prescribers today should already know that the drug is not super useful for this purpose! There was a study a long time ago in the Lancet in 2004 which caused the drug to fall from grace. It didn’t appear to work much better than placebo so doctors started using other medications to manage hypertension. Regardless, there are 3,788,125 people still taking the medication in the U.S. and over 18 million prescriptions were written for it in 2019. Since it’s not too useful for high blood pressure, maybe you are taking it for an off-label indication such as

migraine or anxiety? The drug may also used to relieve chest pain (angina) and help with essential tremors. Some research indicates that if atenolol is used in combination with another medication for hypertension, then it’s beneficial. More modern treatments include ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors like enalapril, and even better, the ARB drugs such as candesartan. There is the category of Calcium Channel Blockers too, drugs such as amlodipine, or nifidepine and these are considered modern treatments. Doctors sometimes use diuretics to reduce fluid volume in the body and these work via your kidneys. There are many agents today, and your doctor selects the best drug for you based upon your specific medical problem, age, kidney/heart function and even your race. Atenolol (and also propranolol) belong to the larger category of beta blockers. These drugs may increase potassium levels and reduce CoQ10 levels. They may also reduce melatonin, your sleep hormone. If you would like to read my longer article on this, I can email it to you if you sign up for my newsletter at suzycohen.com. In the meantime, Make sure you are working with a qualified professional to make appropriate changes to your diet, lifestyle and medication regimen. Blood pressure elevations do not happen overnight, they are the symptom of another disease so please do not ignore the warning signs of headache, nose bleeds, fatigue and edema.

(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2021 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.

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Page 14, The Howell Times, September 25, 2021

R.C. Shea & Assoc.

Inside The Law Is Your Automobile Adequately Insured?

Marc S. Galella Esq.

By: Michael J. Deem, Esq.

Valid through September 30

Michael J. Deem, Esq. In 1998, the State of New Jersey passed the Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act to reduce the cost of automobile insurance by reducing the benefits available to persons injured in automobile accidents. This means less coverage to pay for you or your family’s medical expenses regardless of fault and less rights to recovery of monetary damages from reckless drivers who cause collisions. Protect yourself! Make sure you have purchased a Standard Policy and not a Basic policy. Make certain that you purchase your Standard Policy with no less than $250,000.000 in medical benefits. Most people who elect a lower amount of medical expense benefits, only to save literally a few dollars, find themselves unable to afford necessary medical treatment because they have already exhausted their medical coverage. Medical treatment is expensive and don’t let any automobile insurance company tell you otherwise. Think about it. If an automobile insurance company sells you $15,000.00 in medical expense benefits (as opposed to the standard $250,000.00) they may lose somewhere between $20.00 and $45.00 in premiums but they have just saved themselves from having to pay up to $250,000.00 in medical expense benefits god forbid you or a member of your family is/are injured in an automobile collision, regardless of fault. Also, make sure you have purchased

the “ No Li m it at ion on Lawsuit Option.” By electing the “No Limitation on Lawsuit Option” you are not limiting your right or your child’s right to receive monetary compensation in the event you or your child is/are injured in a motor vehicle collision. While the “No Limitation on Lawsuit Option” will slightly increase your premium than if you chose the “Limitation on Lawsuit Option” the limited premium increase is well worth the expense. When you are discussing pricing of your premium for the “No Limitation on Lawsuit Option” versus the “Limitation on Lawsuit Option” demand that the insurance company provide you with the actual dollar amount that your premium will increase if you purchase the “No Limitation on Lawsuit Option” over the “Limitation on Lawsuit Option.” Do not settle on the typical explanation from your insurance company that one option may increase your premium by 120% or 220%. This is very misleading. When you ask the insurance company what the actual dollar amount of a 220% premium increase amounts to you will probably be pleased to hear that it may only cost you $50.00 a month as it has for myself and my family. The 120% or 220% premium increase is not an increase on your overall premium. Rather it’s an increase of a line-item premium such as the premium associated with your medical expense benefits.

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The Howell Times, September 25, 2021, Page 15


Items Wanted

Daytona Fla. House 1 Block to Beach.

CASH PAID!! LP records - stereos, turntables, musical instru-ments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (29)

3/2, W/D, Weekly, Monthly, $200/ nite. todd.waller29@yahoo.com (42)

Yard Sale Country Walk Community Yard Sale - Saturday, September 25, 9-3. Multiple houses; many different items. Township Line Road, Whiting. (41) Homestead Run Community Wide Yard Sale - Saturday, October 2nd 9am to 3pm - Rain or Shine - 100 Fireside Blvd., Toms River, NJ 08755. (42)

Lost Pet UPDATE: FOUND - Lost Cat from Ishmael Rd/Atlantic Shore Pines Campground area 8/13. White fur with tabby markings. 662-380-1662. (41)

Misc. Comic Book Festival - Sunday, September 26. Elks, 600 Washington Street. Toys, cards, Anime, artists, writers, costumes, crafts. Admission $3. Info 609-242-7756. (41) FALL RUMMAGE SALE - 1ST Church of Toms River, 129 Chestnut St., Toms River. Friday, Oct. 1; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. Oct. 2; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. $4 bag sale. For more info: 732-349-8155 or email: Office@fumctr.com (41)

Personals Single Senior Males - 65+, Wanted for single females. Friendship, companion or partner. Must have good standars, morals. 732-252-9881. (46)

Items For Sale Automatic Lift Chair - Brand new $600/OBO. Call 732-657-4144. (43)

Items Wanted COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (17) Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for LP albums. Rock, Jazz, Blues, Reggae. Very good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (43) Used Guns Wanted - All types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n)

CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n)

Help Wanted Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n) HELP WANTED/SE SOLICITA Hiring For The Following Positions: -Lead Cook (experience is must). - Dishwasher. - Servers. Apply in person Tuesday-Sunday. Tenampa Mexican Restaurant - 1341 U.S. 9, Toms River. 732-505-1870. (41) IMMEDIATE JOB OPENINGS We are hiring Certified Home Health Aides − CHHA. Licensed Practical Nurse − LPN. Registered Nurses − RN. Direct Support Professional − DSP Fill application on-line at Sabahomehealthcare.com or call us at 732-797-0700. Please send resume to ssalu@sabahhc.com. (t/n) HHA - Wanted as needed basis. Lite housekeeper wanted as needed basis. Seaside Heights. Dependable, flexible. Please call 732-854-2750 for salary. (40) Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) HIRING NOW!! Looking for outgoing, positive, and engaging teachers to join our Toms River – Route 70 Goddard Family. We are primarily hiring teachers for our elementary school aged children to foster a learning environment in which these children can continue to do their elementary school work. This would include helping them with worksheets, zooms, google classrooms etc. Some of the great perks of being a part of the Goddard Family include a benefits package, paid time off, holiday events and free food and Goddard swag. Call today to inquire about this job posting and start as early as next week! We can be reached through phone at 732-363-5530 or email at TomsRiver2NJ@GoddardSchools.com. Senior Living Community Cook/Dishwashers/Maintenance Technician/Restaurant Servers/Bus Drivers/Lifeguard (Indoor Pool). 1700 Rt. 37 West ∙ Toms River, NJ 08755. Call or email for details 732-341-4825 info@Silverwoodsliving.com. (t/n)

Services Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (39) Loving, Reliable, and Experienced Mom - Caring for children 6-months to 4-Years-old in my Jackson home, located near 60 Acres Reserve Complex. Childcare to begin in October. Drop off as early as 7 a.m., and pick up by 6 p.m. Fun Pre-School activities and scheduled nap time. Accepting no more than 4 children at reasonable rates. Call Donna and leave a message: 732-921-2749. (43)




Life Alert. One press of a button sends help FAST, 24/7! At home and on the go. Mobile Pendant with GPS. FREE First Aid Kit (with subscription.) CALL 877707-2722 FREE Brochure. (t/n)

Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (19)

Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. In sured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (16)

Services Don Carnevale Painting Interior, Some Exterior. No Job Too Small. Very Neat. Reasonable & Affordable. Senior Discounts. Low Rates & Free Estimates. 732899-4470 or 732-915-4075. (t/n) Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n) C H E A P PA I N T I N G D O N E RIGHT - Free est. Fully ins. Over 35yrs exp. Call 732-506-7787, Cell 646-643-7678. (43) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice.com. Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n) Chris N The Smooth Jazz Kats Mo-Town, Pop and R&B. Available for Weddings, Anniversary Parties, Birthday Parties, Retirement Parties, Corporate Events. Find us on Facebook & The Knot, and Wedding Wire. 609-892-8194. chrisandthesmoothjazzkats@gmail.com. (40) Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19) ALL American Home Health Aides Experienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605 (t/n) GENERAC Standby Generators provide backup power during utility power outages, so your home and family stay safe and comfortable. Prepare now. Free 7-year extended warranty ($695 value!). Request a free quote today! Call for additional terms and conditions. 1-833-901-0309. (t/n) Two great new offers from AT&T Wireless! Ask how to get the new iPhone 11 or Next Generation Samsung Galaxy S10e ON US with AT&T's Buy one, Give One offer. While supplies last! CALL 1-877-373-0131. (t/n) LANDSCAPING - Restorations, Repairs, Stones, Mulch, Sod Installs, Hedges, Shrubs, Bushes, Downed Branches Trimmed & Removed, Demolition, Cleanouts, ect., Dumpster service provided by A901 Licensed Hauler ect. MAN WITH VAN LLC. Jim 609335-0330 HIC# 13vh10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL! (15)


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Page 16, The Howell Times, September 25, 2021


Continued From Page 1 August 21 to pass ordinances to prohibit or permit marijuana businesses. Within Monmouth County, 65.6 percent of residents voted to approve legalization of marijuana, and 34.4 percent voted against. For Howell, 63.39 percent voted to legalize it. Despite the votes, council members voted ‘yes’ on August 21 to prohibit marijuana businesses in the town. However, they reassured residents that the ban would be temporary to give the council more time to properly zone and choose where the businesses should be in Howell. Before the ordinance was adopted, many residents stated that the legalization was a “missed opportunity.” The special meeting opened discussion for residents on the issue as well as allowing town officials to comment and give a response. “There are some members here that I know will speak on both sides of it (cannabis issue). But our intent is to hear all angles so the council can form the best policy as to what we want to allow, what we don’t want to allow, and what areas of town we want to allow it in,” Township Manager Brian Geoghegan said. “The discussion is how recreational cannabis and/or medical cannabis should be regulated, zoned and permitted for land use purposes in Howell. So, that’s what we want to talk about tonight,” Mayor Theresa Berger said.

Lifelong resident Howell Police Chief Andrew Kudrick was asked to provide insight on the issue and wanted to speak about the possible effects of having cannabis businesses on law enforcement and policing of the community. When looking into cannabis cultivation operations in other states, Kudrick said, “there were no issues at all. Security is airtight (at facilities), the businesses are very regulated and the business owners are in tune with the community.” “We’re more concerned about the DWI side of it, driving while under the influence. Making it easier for people to have access to those materials that lead to DWIs. But we have liquor stores in town, those are intoxicating substances. I think this is something we’re just going to have to accept in New Jersey and work with it the best that we possibly can,” Kudrick said. When asked about the surveillance and security of marijuana businesses, Kudrick said the security systems can be compared to any bank or other businesses. “I know these business owners take it very seriously because they know they are an easy target. But other than that, it has not been reported to me that there was a rise in crime, vandalism, whatever it may be, that would draw police attention or police resources to this business,” Kudrick said. Resident Ed McNamee, the owner of Merrick Farm in Farmingdale, said residents could just

go to neighboring towns to get weed from medical marijuana dispensaries and retail cannabis operations. “Anybody can go ahead and drive to other places and get it. They can come home and smoke it at their house. So, you can’t prevent it from happening because the law says you are going to have it. The question is do you want to be involved somehow?” McNamee said. He also stated that the town would benefit from the fees that would be paid by the operators. McNamee said he’s interested in creating a cannabis cultivation operation on property in Howell and explained the difference in revenue between farming and cannabis cultivation. “It is here, you are not going to prevent it from happening. Right or wrong it is going to be in the town next to you and they’re going to go buy it and bring it in. So, do you want to go ahead and get any revenue from it or not? Somebody is,” McNamee said. Resident Lisa Doud, who chairs the Howell Shade Tree Commission, explained how she lived in a state where weed is legal and was able to see cannabis businesses first-hand. “I think there are a lot of misconceptions that everybody is talking about. It seems that everybody just thinks you go to the marijuana store and you are just going to buy pot, roll a joint and sit there and smoke it. You can buy edibles, which a majority of people do. There are not a lot of people in

marijuana shops that are just buying pot, they are buying edibles and different things you can drink,” Doud said. “It is not just people buying pot to roll a joint to smoke on the patio and blow smoke onto somebody else’s patio. It is not like that anymore. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about what is sold and how it is used.” She also said how majority of the people who visit these types of shops are actually seniors and older individuals who want to smoke weed instead of taking opioids or pain killers to ease pain. “I think we are putting a lot of the onus on ‘teenagers are going to do it and kids are going to do it and people are going to become drug addicts’ and it is really not like that,” Doud said. “The people who are buying it are my age or older than me, who are looking for alternatives because they do not want to use opioids … We are not reinventing the wheel here. There are plenty of other states and towns that have done this for years.” Other residents spoke saying how banning medical marijuana dispensaries or retail shops will not stop black market sales of cannabis in town. Many agreed that allowing these businesses would not only make life easier for residents in Howell, but also help clear the stigma linked to the use of cannabis. The discussion regarding zoning marijuana businesses in the township will continue on October 12 for a second special meeting on the topic.



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The Howell Times, September 25, 2021, Page 17


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C rossword P uzzle

Across 1 Queens stadium namesake 5 Elevated vantage point for Wile E. Coyote 9 Sister of Sasha 14 Many a gamer 15 Oodles 16 Freezes 18 Red River city 21 Fronded plant 22 Exit in a hurry 23 Oodles, with “a” 24 They, in Calais 25 Drawn from diverse sources 29 Hound for payment 30 Words of urgency 33 Partners 34 TV component? 35 He hit his 600th homer exactly three years after his 500th 36 Medical suffix 40 Caesar’s next-tolast words 44 “Take a hike!” 47 Intro suggesting uncertainty 51 Way off 52 Be decided by 53 Sot’s woe 54 Caesar’s last day, e.g. 56 __ act 57 Summers in Bordeaux 59 Pre-road trip detail ... and a hint to what certain parts of three long answers were do-

ing as you solved them 64 Make certain 65 Island in Micronesia 66 Big name in digital imaging 67 Jovial 68 Modern address letters 69 “Got it” Down 1 DOJ bureau 2 Shipwreck site 3 “Want to know the culprit? I’ll tell you!” 4 Many an MIT alum 5 Ralph Ellison’s “Invisible __” 6 “Livin’ Thing” rock gp. 7 Cold dessert 8 Stick on

9 Central dividing point 10 Here, in Ju‡rez 11 Albanian money 12 Tristan’s love 13 Filmmaker with a distinctive style 17 One before a king? 19 “It’s __ the other” 20 Try to strike 24 Old Peruvian 26 Old TV component 27 “__ Miz” 28 Wile E. Coyote collectible 31 Surfing tool 32 Bridal shop array 37 Source of some tadpoles 38 “Okay to come out yet?” 39 Norms: Abbr. 41 Asian holiday

42 Competition 43 Strip of gear, as a ship 44 Econ. yardstick 45 Environmentalist’s prefix 46 Principle 47 Cruelty named for a marquis 48 Ultimatum phrase 49 “Just stop, okay?!” 50 Production 51 World Cup soccer org. 55 Omit a part of, perhaps 58 Asian takeout option 60 Mdse. category 61 Angkor __: Cambodian temple 62 Trickster 63 Encl. with a résumé




Page 18, The Howell Times, September 25, 2021

Photo Of The Week

No matter what season, the Jersey Shore is quite picturesque. Here’s an amazing sunset direct from Berkeley Island Park. Fish anyone? (Photo by Heather Allen)

Tales & Ales Fundraiser Contest

MONMOUTH COUNTY – Is your pet destined for fame? Well here’s your chance! The Monmouth County SPCA has teamed up with Jughandle Brewing Co. for a fun contest/fundraiser to get your pet’s face on a limited edition can for the 2021 holiday season! Entering, sharing and voting is as simple as it gets. • Submit your pets photo for $20

• Share with friends and family for votes ($1=1 vote) • Photos with most votes wins! It’s super easy, fun and a great way to raise funds for the animals of the Monmouth County SPCA. At the end of the contest, we’ll have a special unveiling event Jughandle Brewing Co. on November 6. Enter now through October 6. Get started here: bit. ly/2X2mF5Y.


The Howell Times, September 25, 2021, Page 19

Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of sept 25 - OCT 1

By Jeraldine Saunders

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Find common ground. You and a loved one may be at odds over how to spend money this week. The simplest solution is to respect each other’s views and find something that benefits you both. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Evidence of someone’s love and affection can brighten your day. The only way to get past roadblocks in the week ahead is to roll up your sleeves and show greater initiative on the job. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Make a relationship more harmonious by being sincere and truthful. Share your wisdom with children or forgive someone who has crossed the line. Incorporate visionary ideas into your work in the week ahead. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Frank discussions with family and friends may offer useful insights into business relationships or your career direction. Listen carefully to sound advice as the week unfolds and focus on making profitable transactions. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Go with your first instinct when faced with tough financial decisions. You can most likely follow a partner’s advice without fear of making a mistake. Put your creativity to the test in the upcoming week by showing off your projects. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Actions will speak louder than words in the week ahead. Honor your promises and prove that you mean what you say. Loved ones will appreciate your companionship and your sincere compliments. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): When you’re

smart and hardworking it can be easy to make money. Make an intense atmosphere brighter by being witty and positive. Avoid making big decisions or signing contracts at the end of the week. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your business sense may be undone when you’re exposed to something unique in the week ahead. Don’t spend your cash on frivolous garbage or make impulse purchases that won’t pay off as an investment. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Use brains, not brawn. To achieve your goals, figure out how to work better and smarter. In the week to come, think about what you can have and how to get it rather than obsessing about what you don’t have. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Being secretive or possessive may not sit well with loved ones. Allow them breathing room to do their own thing and share confidences in the week to come. Be generous if purchasing someone a gift. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Cooperation is the key to harmony. Without solid support, you’ll have a tough time getting the ball rolling in the week ahead. Point out the shared benefits someone will gain by being in your corner. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Current cosmic energies signal a focus on partnerships and verbal exchanges. Rather than taking financial risks if your imagination gets out of hand in the week ahead, do some serious homework to clarify the situation.




Vegetable oil spray 1 cup (8 ounces) whole milk 1 cup shredded extra sharp cheddar cheese (4 ounces) 1 cup grated Pecorino Romano cheese (2 ounces) 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups (8 ounces) tapioca starch 1. Adjust oven rack to the middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a 12-cup muffin tin with vegetable oil spray. 2. Add milk, cheddar cheese, Pecorino cheese, oil, eggs, and salt to a blender. Add tapio-

ca starch. (Make sure to add the tapioca starch last, or the mixture will turn to glue in the blender.) Process on high speed for 30 seconds. 3. Scrape down the sides of blender jar. Replace the lid and process on high speed until smooth, about 30 seconds. Pour batter evenly into greased muffin tin cups, filling each cup about three-quarters full. 4. Place the muffin tin in the oven and bake until rolls are golden and puffed, 25 to 30 minutes. 5. Place the muffin tin on a cooling rack and let the rolls cool in the muffin tin for 5 minutes. Run a butter knife around the edges of the rolls to loosen them from the muffin tin. Remove the rolls from the muffin tin and transfer directly to the cooling rack. Serve warm.

(For 25 years, confident cooks in the know have relied on America’s Test Kitchen for rigorously tested recipes developed by professional test cooks and vetted by 60,000 at-home recipe testers. See more online at www.americastestkitchen. com/TCA.) (c) 2021 AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN. DISTRIBUTED BY TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC.

Page 20, The Howell Times, September 25, 2021


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