The Toms RIVER Times Vol. 23 - No. 24
In This Week’s Edition
Open Space Tax And Development Is On Ballot
Homes Destroyed By Sandy, But Land Preserved
Community News Pages 10-13
Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Page 19
Dear Joel Page 20
Inside The Law Page 21
─Photo by Chris Lundy Construction going on near the Seacourt Pavilion will eventually be homes, shops, and a veterans clinic. By Chris Lundy TOMS RIVER – One topic keeps coming up in some form or another at every meeting, every political mailer, and every Facebook page: development. Residents complain
about too many residential developments going into town, driving up school taxes and clogging roads. Meanwhile, the ease of buying everything online has led to a lot of brick and mortar stores
closing. On the ballot in November is more than just a choice for council. It’s a choice on whether you want to increase the open space tax rate by a penny. Taxpayers currently
pay 1.5 cents per $100 of equalized valuation. The valuation is not what the house was purchased for; this is the assessment of each property based on current market values. (Space - See Page 4)
Hunger Still Major Issue In County By Stephanie Faughnan T OM S R I V E R – Nonprofits and school of f ic i a l s m e t w it h Cong ressman A ndy Kim (D-3rd) to provide insight on food insecurity issues. T h e US D e p a r tment of Agriculture ( U S DA) p r o v i d e d all child ren with free meals in school
and th roughout the su m me r rega rd le ss of financial circumstances. The program expanded through this school year and Kim hopes to extend it further. K im int roduced t he Su m me r Meals REACH Act of 2021 i n C ong re ss at t he end of September. The Senate refer red the
bill to its Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Hunger relief efforts heightened during the onset of the pandemic, with greater amounts of people struggling to put food on their t a bl e s . S o m e n e ver expected to f ind t hemselves i n such dire circumstances. According to Jim
Kroeze, interim CEO for Fulf ill in Monmouth and Ocean County, the organization serviced 136,000 p e o ple a nd 50,0 0 0 child ren before the pandemic. “ I t ’s n o w a b o u t 250,000 people and 7 0 , 0 0 0 c h i l d r e n ,” Kroeze said. “For t y percent of the people who came
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through our lines at t hat t i me were first-time recipients of fo o d a s si s t a n c e during the height of the pandemic,” added Greg Loder, Director of Marketing, Food Bank of South Jersey. Participants in the round table discussion painted si m i la r pict u res of thei r (Hunger - See Page 9)
By Chris Lundy BERKELEY – There are shore neighborhoods where you can walk past tall reeds on the side of the road and think about how nice it is that this land so close to the water is open space. Then you see a fence that has been reclaimed by nature and you realize: this used to be somebody’s home. After Superstor m Sandy devastated bayfront communities, some of the land is being pu rchased and preser ved as open space. Usually, large areas of land are purchased to keep it from ever being developed. But something different is happening here. These are individual, buildable lots that at one time had homes but are now being turned into open space. There are a few programs in play. One is the Ocean County Natural Lands Trust Fund, which is fueled by a tax on every property in Ocean County. Throughout the years, it’s been used to take property off the market. 14 individual properties between 2015 and 2021 were acquired under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. The funding for these properties is provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the State Department of Environmental Protection. Approximately $6.5 million in grant funds are to be reimbursed in 2022. These properties, once developed with residential homes, have been or are in the process of returning to their natural state in order to further buffer the coastal marsh from development and reduce the risk and impact of routine coastal f looding, common to the area, said Commissioner Virginia Haines, liaison to the Trust. “All proper ties are preser ved open space,” she said. They will eventually return to their natural state. Following Superstorm Sandy, the more developed section of Good Luck Point in Berkeley (east of Bayview Avenue on Dorrance and Good Luck Drive) became (Sandy - See Page 5)
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Page 2, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
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The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 3
Page 4, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
Continued From Page 1 For example, if your property is valued at $200,000, you are currently paying $30 per year toward the township’s Open Space Tax. Voters will decide whether to raise the tax by 1 cent to 2.5 cents per $100 of valuation. By voting to increase the rate of the Open Space Tax, the township’s budget to purchase open space will increase. The decisions on spending this open space money falls to the governing body. Each candidate was asked how they will promote commercial development while keeping residential development under control. Their answers are below. The make-up of the governing body is currently five Republicans and two Democrats with a Republican mayor. Republicans have had a majority for many years. Council seats are four years. In Ward 1 In Ward 1, Board of Education member Michele Williams, a Democrat, is competing against attorney and Lavallette police officer Justin Lamb, a Republican. “Long range planning and zoning changes will allow us to keep residential development under control while continuing to grow commercial business populating in an industrial zone,” Williams said. “With all further development, we must adopt the mindset of smart/low impact development which takes into consideration environment, waterways, natural resources and
primarily addresses stormwater management. Commercial development will take root and grow if we make it a priority. If we want business growth, we must invest in business. We must develop innovative programming to attract new businesses and explore grants for start-up funding.” “The resident taxpayers of Ward 1 that I’ve spoken to are deeply troubled by the short-sighted urban sprawl unfolding around them,” Lamb said. “Proposals of high-density development is not what the taxpayers of Toms River want. Take a drive up Fischer Boulevard and you will notice several empty commercial spaces and I think the governing body needs to direct the effort to working with what we have. I intend to fight alongside Councilman Rodrick in preserving open space and maintaining the residential character of Ward 1.” Ward 2 Republican incumbent Councilman Daniel Rodrick, a teacher, is being challenged by Democrat Jeff J. Horn, an attorney, in Ward 2. “Residents are not interested in seeing any more development, residential or commercial,” Rodrick said. “We have enough empty storefronts around town, and there have been over 3,000 new units of housing built in the last five years. Residents are fed up with overdevelopment and so am I. As you know, I have consistently voted against more development and will continue to oppose the special deals that have enabled an explosion in high-density, residential
housing. “Mayor Hill recently gave a $3 million piece of property away to a developer to build two, 10-story apartment buildings, and they’re not going to pay school taxes for 30 years. I voted against this reckless plan,” he said. “If re-elected, I will continue to oppose Mayor Hill’s urbanization of Toms River and I will fight to preserve open space and the residential character of our neighborhoods.” “I have visited the doors of over 1,000 voters in Ward 2. By far, the greatest concern is managing over-development and maintaining the residential nature of Toms River,” Horn said. “The genesis of this issue spans back at least 20 years. A huge opportunity was missed. Specifically, the prudent acquisition of surplus land and open space would have gone a long way to solving the problem, in advance. We would have paid pennies on the dollar. “Now, we must play catch-up. We must invest in the acquisition of open space. Every dollar spent and every Council vote recorded must answer the question: How will this decision impact the residents of Toms River? “Commercial development is desirable in the generation of tax ratables and improvement of the quality of life for residents. More dining, entertainment and shopping options can enhance the community. Thus far, local government has failed to instill confidence as prudent stewards of big projects. Leadership on these issues will require the highest level of due diligence
and transparency,” he said. Ward 3 Republican James J. Quinlisk, a business owner, and Democrat Karin Sage, an attorney, are competing for Ward 3. “Sensible zoning regulations direct commercial development into areas with the roads and infrastructure to support it, and ensure that residential development makes sense and fits into our existing neighborhoods,” Sage said. “Zoning regulations should be consistent with the Master Plan which takes into account density, open space, recreation and business development. We need to review the zoning regulations to ensure we are protecting our existing residential communities, and to the extent we are not, we need to modify the zoning regulations. “In terms of promoting commercial development, there are numerous vacant storefronts throughout Toms River, that have remained vacant for years - this shouldn’t be. I would advocate for a program, similar to the one in Brick, which waives inspection and permit fees for business owners who, instead of building new, move into long-vacant storefronts. This would not only fill up the vacant storefronts, but would attract small businesses to Toms River, the result of which would be both good for the economy and good for Toms River,” she said. “Allowing business to open and thrive in a community of about 100,000 is good for the businesses and good for the residents (Space - See Page 7)
Continued From Page 1 a complementary project area as homes were damaged or demolished, she said. Other properties in the same area are in the process of being acquired. Additionally, the 0.44-acre Wright proper t y in Berkeley has been preserved and since improved with a small gravel parking lot and direct access to the creek. It was purchased in 2014 for $110,000. In 2015, an 11-acre property was preserved with the purchase of the Good Luck Point - Veeder property for $90,000. Berkeley’s not the only town to benefit from this. In 2016, a .15-acre property off South Burgee Drive in Little Egg Harbor was purchased for $110,000. In 2019, an .11-acre parcel in Manahawkin was purchased for $47,500. This is in the process of returning the property to its natural state as part of the county’s su r rou nd i ng 10 0 -acre Ma na hawk i n Marsh preserve. The county continues to reach out to willing sellers for more proper ty to purchase, Haines said. The federal government sees low-lying shore properties as “repetitive losses.” In states where hur ricanes are more devastating, the country is bailing out the same homeowners more than once. At that point, it’s more cost effective to just buy the land and prevent it from ever being built on again.
The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 5 Environmentally, some of these properties probably should never have been homes. For example, the man-made lagoons that populate the east coast in Ocean County. Dunes and native plants slow storm surges, not houses. And it’s also safer. With no one living there, no one has to be evacuated or rescued. First responders told stories about going door to door after Sandy to make sure no one was inside – dead or alive. They would mark the doors to tell others that they had already been checked. Taking these properties off the market means that there are less ratables for township coffers. Shore homeowners tend to pay more in taxes because it’s a desirable area. Municipal off icials say that it’s worth it for all the reasons listed above. They also note a lesser known benefit. “Purchasing these f lood prone (repetitive loss) areas will not only make that area more resilient but will improve ou r st anding in the National Flood Insurance Program with our Community Rating System,” Berkeley Mayor Car men A mato said. “As you k now we participate in this program which enables homeowners who are required to purchase f lood insurance, at a discounted rate. Prior to Januar y 2012 we were a class 7 community which offered a 15% discount. Since then, we have been very aggressive in updating our ordinances and working with other
entities to purchase f lood prone areas. Because of our efforts we improved our CRS rating twice and are now a class 5 which entitles our f lood insurance homeowners a 25% discount.” Although the lands return to a more natural state, some work still needs to be done on it. Edges of the property are mowed to make sure it’s safe for drivers, for example. If it’s on the water, it might have bulkheading. Sometimes, a neighboring property still has someone living there. Bulkheads only work properly if all of them are maintained – a line of fortification that includes you and your neighbors. “Natural Lands Trust properties acquired by the county that include bulk-
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heading will be maintained as such until the time we can safely and effectively remove the bulkheading,” said Mark A. C. Villinger, Supervising Planner for the county. “If there are developed properties adjacent to an acquired property we have to consider impacts to these neighbors. The long term goal would be to restore shorelines of these properties in the most effective way to preserve our open space into the future.” Any necessary maintenance of Natural Lands Trust properties is completed by county staff, he said. To see a map of all properties purchased by the county for open space, visit the Planning Department website at
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Page 6, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
Continued From Page 4 of our great town,” Quinlisk said. “Our population has grown by about 10% in the last decade and as a community we need places to shop, places to dine, and places for recreation. We also need places to work. Making it possible for new business to open here and our existing businesses the ability to grow, will increase the tax revenue to the town without raising property taxes for our home owners. “I am in no way suggesting that ‘build, build, build’ is the answer. Smart growth with strategic planning will allow for both new businesses to open without tearing down all of our green space,” he said. Ward 4 Democrat incu mbent Cou ncil man Terrance Turnbach, an attorney, is being challenged by Republican David J. Ciccozzi, a planning board member who works in property management, for Ward 4. “The residents of Toms River, myself included, are absolutely tired of seeing acres and acres of woods being cleared out for development,” Turnbach said. “Residential and commercial develop-
The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 7 ment are projects that are approved by members of the Toms River Planning Board, not the Toms River Township Council. We need to appoint members of the Planning Board that are not pro development. “Secondly, we have enough empty commercial storefronts in Toms River that should be focused on and filled before we ever consider new commercial development in wooded areas. In order to revive the empty storefronts, I would push for a Storefront Revitalization Program that waives all inspection and zoning fees for any commercial business looking to set up in Toms River in an empty or vacant existing commercial storefront. This will incentivize commercial businesses to come to Toms River while curbing any new development on property that will hopefully remain in its natural state,” he said. “One of the best ways we can promote commercial development in Toms River is to ensure we keep our taxes in check, making us a more desirable location to own a business,” Ciccozzi said. “That’ll be my focus from day one. Additionally, no one moved to Toms River for dense housing, but rather for single-family homes and smalltown feel. We should seek to preserve the character of our community, rather than reshape it with over overdevelopment.”
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Page 8, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
OPINIONS & COMMENTARY Featured Letter Stop Feds From Taking Back Sandy Grants I read with interest the article in the October 9, 2021 issue of the Toms River Times titled “12M in County Sandy Loans Forgiven.” I am grateful to Congressman Pallone, Congressman Kim, and Rep. Watson Coleman for their hard work to get these loans forgiven. Superstorm Sandy devastated many communities and the towns would have been hard pressed to deal with the ensuing costs had it not been for these Community Disaster Loans. The towns were now facing the extremely difficult situation of trying to repay these loans without substantially raising taxes. Passing the bill forgiving these loans was the right thing to do. The article also mentioned that “the next goal is to eli m i nate clawbacks” when “individuals were loaned money and then policies changed and the lender ordered the money back.” This statement is somewhat inaccurate. The ReNewJerseyStronger, or RREM Program, was a grant, not a loan. This grant money was to aid individuals and families in repairing, rebuilding, and elevating their homes when insurance money did not cover the cost. A loan, by its
very definition, must be repaid; a grant is money given without expectation of repayment. RREM applicants had to complete a detailed application and supply a great deal of financial information all of which was processed by RREM to determine the amount of money each applicant would receive. Clawbacks are the result of the RREM Program declaring, years af ter they had determined the grant amounts, that some individuals received more money than they should have. Those who received R R EM g ra nts should not be penalized with a clawback after using this grant money to rebuild their homes. Homeowners did not request a specific amount of money; they were told by RREM how much they would be given. Now RREM wants it back. I urge Congressman Pallone, Congressman Kim, Rep. Watson Coleman and the New Jersey Organizing Project to continue the fight to eliminate clawbacks. Those impacted by Sandy have suffered and struggled long enough. It is time to f inish the job. The state should do the right thing and cancel these clawbacks. Dee Daniels Lavallette
Letters To The Editor Senate Candidate For The People My name is Emma Mammano and I am running for State Senate in the 10th Legislative District. As we enter this in-person early voting period, I’d like to educate the community about my platform, and encourage everyone to vote. My professional background is in mental health counseling and substance abuse prevention. I have a Master’s degree in Child Psychology and a Master’s degree in Professional Counseling. I previously served as the coordinator of the Brick Municipal Anti-Drug Coalition, now I am a commissioner with the Brick Housing Authority. My platform addresses three critical issues: protecting the environment and preparing for future storms, the restoration of state school funding, and fighting for affordable healthcare and prescription drugs for all residents, especially those on fixed incomes such as seniors and veterans. The Jersey Shore is one of the most vulnerable regions in the nation to hurricanes and f looding. Sadly, on the ninth anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, we are still recovering from its devastating impact. My running mates, Sharon Quilter and Tony Kono, know this all too well, because they are Sandy Survivors themselves. As part of this team, they will use their knowledge and personal experience to find proactive plans to address future storms, in
collaboration with local and federal officials. I am particularly concerned about the cut in school funding that resulted from the adoption of the S-2 formula, because I have three children who at tend Br ick Tow nship Public Schools. I am not satisfied with the current school funding formula and support bill S-3617, which would revamp the formula. I will work with my legislative colleagues on both sides of the aisle to fix the formula, and seek alternate revenue streams. Finally, we need to address the needs of the numerous senior citizens and veterans who live in the district. Some individuals are spending what little savings they have on expensive prescription medications. I will work with my federal counterparts to broaden Medicare coverage and reduce drug prices. I will encourage continued enhancement of services for seniors, such as the new VA center being built in Toms River. I also will address the opioid crisis and do all I can to improve access to services for those struggling with addiction. Lastly, if elected as state senator, I will improve government transparency so you know how your tax dollars are spent. As a Democrat, I will have a seat at the table on behalf of Ocean County, not just when it comes to school funding, but on all issues that affect our community. Although I am a Democrat, I will never automatically rubber stamp Trenton’s policies, but judge their merit by the
We Welcome Letters To The Editor! The Toms River Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns. All letters are printed as space allows unless
deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for verification. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to edit or
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impact on our community. I am not part of the political machine - I am just like you, a mother and wife raising a family in this community, with a passion for service. To learn more about my campaign please visit: I would be honored to have your vote. Emma Mammano Brick
Vote GOP In Berkeley Let me start off by saying that Berkeley Township is truly a model community for not just Ocean County, but the state of New Jersey. Our community is a multi-generational community. We have young fa m ilies t hat a re coming to our town to raise their families in a safe and thriving community, while we have our senior communities that are active to enjoy. The town’s recreational services and offerings are absolutely superb. Whether it is the abundance of parks and beaches available for all residents to gather and play, to the concert and entertainment venues that come to our community, to the programs sponsored and organized by the Recreation D e p a r t m e nt , B e r kele y Township has something for everyone. It is my belief that the reason we have such a strong set up here is thanks to the Amato Team in Berkeley. All of the services and activities are available to the community at a low cost a nd sol id ma nageme nt because of our mayor and council team. There are towns in our area that are struggling with high taxes and slashing of services. However, here in Berkeley Tow nship, we have
some of the lowest taxes in the state. This happens because of the hard work and dedication of our local town government. I urge all voters to vote for the Amato Team in Column A on November 2, 2021. Reelect Councilmen James Byrnes, Angelo Guadagno, Michael Signorile, and Cou nci lwom a n Soph ia Gingrich. Gary DeRosa Berkeley
People Of Faith Should Get Vaccinated After reading a recent commentary, “Religious freedom includes deciding on vaccines,” I had to ask myself do people understand that America is at war, not just a political war, but spiritual as well? If we call ourselves believers and let emotions and conscience dictate getting the vaccine or even wearing a mask, and we get others sick, then are we ignoring the Commandment “To love your neighbor as yourself?” If we read the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible, did not Satan, the father of all lies, the great deceiver, also play upon their emotions and conscience? Just because it may feel good at the time, sin cannot be justified. No doubt some may disagree with this, but the numbers speak for themselves; this is not fake news as some, including politicians would have you believe. We not only have a health crisis on our hands, but also from a political standpoint our freedoms and democracy are in danger; and spiritually so also the soul of our nation! There is much to be lost! Ken Schorr Manahawkin
EDUCATORS! Have a special event planned for your class? Let everyone know by placing a news release in this paper! Call 732-657-7344 to find out how!
Continued From Page 1 o b ser vat ions when COV I D -19 shut down many businesses. Some residents have not recovered from the lack of resources. However, the stigma associated with accepting food assistance included school-aged children. “I saw the greatest change when all children were getting meals, and not just those qualified under free and reduced programs,” Jim Ricotta, Assistant Superintendent, Toms River Regional School Dist r ict, sha red. “T h is was especially true when we were back in school full time.” According to Ricotta, when the district handed out lunch during hybrid or abbreviated days, kids didn’t take the lunches because of the associated stigma. However, now that everyone has access to meals in the cafeteria, students are more apt to enjoy the meals with their friends. The Ocean County YMCA took an active role in providing meals throughout the community. The YMCA took a no questions asked approach to distributing foods, which YMCA representatives believe made it easier for those in need and concerned about the stigma. Some also wanted to give back themselves. “It was amazing to see who would drive up for the meals,” Gretchen Insole, Interim CEO, Ocean County YMCA, shared. “We would ask them how many meals without asking questions and didn’t want them to feel judged.” “I distributed the food last summer and met some really great families,” said Jennifer Poulos, an Ocean County YMCA staff member. “What actually sur prised me were the number of grandparents who came in. They would sometimes bring in bags of kale and tomatoes from their gardens as they were so grateful for our help.” Peter Rosario, the former CEO of the Ocean County YMCA stressed the importance of destigmatizing hunger in an impactful role. He said that the hardest working and low to moderate income families often have the most difficult time with food insecurity. “When you look at Toms River, we have 300 access points for alcohol and
The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 9 tobacco,” Rosario pointed out. “Before the Summer Meals program, we didn’t have access to fresh fruits and vegetables for kids during the day.” While much of the focus concentrates on feeding hungry children, providing food for adults also represents an issue. Parents who come to pick up food are embarrassed to share their hunger issues. There’s also a difference between handing out meals and providing groceries. “Some people have reported back that they don’t have the kitchenware,” said Kim. “They don’t necessarily k now what to do with raw groceries.” Those currently suffering from food insecurity in Ocean County can start with these resources: Meals on Wheels, Fulfill, the Food Bank of South Jersey, and Communit y Food Ban k of New Jersey. Toms River Township Councilman Terrance Turnbach and other volunteers host a “Pop the Trunk” food distribution drive every Friday at the Presbyterian Church of Toms River, located at 1070 Hooper Avenue. Fresh food and canned goods, together with meals are provided to those who arrive before 1 p.m. Fulfill provides some of the food, which is supplemented by other contributions. Participants in the roundtable discussion included Congressman Andy Kim, Gretchen Insole, Interim CEO, Ocean County YMCA; Pete Rosario, Former CEO, Ocean County YMCA; Jennifer Poulos, Staff, Ocean County YMCA; Darrin Anderson, CEO, NJ YMCA State Alliance; Sam Frisby, CEO, Capital Area YMCA (Trenton); Jim Ricotta, Assistant Superintendent, Toms River Regional School District; Jim Kroeze, CEO, Fulfill; Erin Leo, Nutritionist, Fulfill; Greg Loder, Director of Marketing, Food Bank of South Jersey; and Adele Latourette, Director of Hunger Free New Jersey. “We’re trying to push forward a White House summit that hasn’t been done since the Ken nedy ad minist ration,” said Kim. “…Some of the hardest calls we get during the pandemic are from the moms and dads telling us that they don’t know where their children’s next meals will come from – and how they feel ashamed.”
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Page 10, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements
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PROMPT & PROFESSIONAL REPRESENTATION ─Photo courtesy Toms River Schools TOMS RIVER – Walnut Street Elementary School’s Garden Club, under the leadership of Mrs. Marra and with help from Mr. Kleiner’s fifth-grade class, recently completed a fall beautification project, hauling debris and dead vegetation from school grounds. “Thanks to their hard work and caring attitude,” said WSE Principal Kevin McCann, “the school looks even better than before.” NEED AN EMERGENCY HOME REPAIR? WE’RE HERE TO HELP AT NO CHARGE
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The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 11
Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements
European Canvas Art Show
TOMS RIVER – The Ocean County Library is pleased to announce that it will host European Canvas, an exhibit by Suzi Hoffman and Mary Walker Baptiste, in the Toms River Branch’s McConnell Gallery during November and December. The collection is a stunning visual travelogue of watercolor and acrylic paintings and drawings, with brief anecdotes about the location and inspiration for each work. Following everyone’s stay-at-home pandemic year, the beauty and fun of Europe is captured and recreated here for exhibit visitors to enjoy and be reminded of their own wonderful travels. Bon voyage! Suzi Hoffman and Mary Walker-Baptiste
are on the board of directors of Pine Shores Art Association, where Mary is a regular instructor for adult classes. Mary won the Blick award from Garden State Watercolor Society’s 50th Anniversary Show, and Suzi won 2nd prize at LBI Foundation’s 2021 National Plein Art Plus show now on display there. They both have exhibited extensively along the eastern United States. Their works are held in corporate and private collections across the country. They are featured in the Library’s “Meet the Artist” series, which can be viewed on the OCL YouTube channel and heard on Spotify.
Veterans Day Parade Has New Time
By Chris Lundy TOMS R IVER – The 2021 Ocean County Veterans Day Parade will be still be held on Veterans Day, November 11 in downtown Toms River. However, the time of the parade has been moved from 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. A township official said that the change was made to accommodate school children who are watching, and bands who are performing. There is a shortage of
school bus drivers, so in order to get the kids there, the time had to be changed. The parade begins at the Toms River Shopping Center on Route 37, proceeding south on Main Street (Route 166) and then east onto Washington Street. The parade will feature numerous military vehicles, elected officials, civic groups, f irst responders, local high school marching bands and a showcase of vintage cars.
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Lights Now Installed At Skate Park
TOMS RIVER – Mayor Hill announced on October 20 that the lights have now been installed at the skate park. The lights had been on back order due to COVID, but are now up and running. “These high intensity LED lights allow
the park to be used after dark, which is just in time as the days are becoming shorter. This new skate park has been very successful with our residents, and this will allow the park to be used even more,” Hill added.
Holly Berry Christmas Bazaar
TOMS RIVER – First United Methodist Church presents a Holly Berry Bazaar on November 6 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Old Freehold Rd. and Chestnut St. The event will feature jewelry, hand crafted items,
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Commission on Accreditation for Home Care, Inc. The Commission on Accreditation for Home Health Care (CAHC) is pleased to announce that Saba Home Health Care Inc. of Toms River, New Jersey has been awarded “Full Accreditation with Distinction” by the Board of Trustees of CAHC for both Companion/Personal Care Services and Community Based Skilled Nursing Services. CAHC is dedicated to promoting the highest quality and safety standards in the New Jersey home care service industry. Care Street Home Care Services shares our commitment to such excellence and has undergone our accreditation review allowing us to monitor their compliance with established guidelines and industry best practices. Saba Home Health Care Inc., having passed our review with “Distinction,” is duly entitled to display our our official “Distinction” emblem and promote itself among the elite of home care providers within its provision of home health care services. The Commission on Accreditation for Home Care (CAHC) has been setting the standards for quality home care services in New Jersey since 1986. As New Jersey’s only state based accrediting body, CAHC is dedicated exclusively to New Jersey’s home care providers and delivering the highest standard of service to our local communities and families.
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Page 12, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements
Career And Technical Education
Gina Crevier Realtor Associate Cell: 201-602-1493 Office: 732-704-4033 Fax: 732-747-2570 My passion is to help you find your dream home, the perfect summer rental or find you the best buyer for your home with our personal touch marketing. I will walk you through the entire process as if you were family. Proud to be affiliated with Homes for Heroes, a program in which I give back a portion of my commission to qualified Military, veterans, police, teachers, firefighters or healthcare workers.
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TOMS RIVER – What qualifies as “career and technical education,” or CTE, has evolved in recent years to align with industry demand and student interest. The New Jersey Department of Education has been out in front of this evolution, designing programs and funding opportunities that include career exploration in traditional CTE fields like manufacturing and construction, but also more modern paths like computer science and business studies. On behalf of its students, Toms River Regional Schools has seized on these opportunities. Last year was the district’s first as a grantee of Carl D. Perkins funding, a federal grant filtered through the state which supports CTE education at the high school level. Through Perkins, the district was able to have approved, and thus funded, programs of study in finance, digital arts, manufacturing, IT, and radio and TV broadcasting, with more in the works. Entering its second year of Perkins, the district felt confident in pursuing a competitive grant opportunity which would introduce CTE to its intermediate students. The NJDOE’s Middle Grades Career Awareness and Exploration Program was, as district Supervisor of Educational Technology, Careers and Life Skills, Tiffany Lucey put it, “Right up our alley; this grant will provide us with the tools to enhance and improve our life-skills programs over the next three years,” and so the district got to work designing an application and full-scale program, which it deemed the Bridge to the Future (B2F) project. Lucey, in collaboration with Director of Curriculum 6-12 Adrienne Gold, Assistant Superintendent Cara DiMeo, and Grant Writer Mike Kenny, must have stated Toms River’s case well. The district has received pre-approval for the grant, and is currently finalizing the process. “This opportunity is the ideal continuum of our efforts in CTE thus far, and ensures that sustain-
ability that we’re always striving for,” said DiMeo. “Our expectation is that our students, as early as sixth grade, will be thinking about their career options, and we’ll be providing the resources and mentorships to help them along those pathways.” All told, between Perkins and the Middle Grades grant, the district will be utilizing more than $153,000 in state funding to support career and technical education, a huge boost in the context of TRRS’s ongoing fight to restore the millions lost in state aid as a result of Bill S2. And that does not include the CTE-based Project SPEAR-IT at High School South, which the United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties is supporting for another cycle with $30k in funding. “The huge strides this district has made in career education is impressive to say the least, and something this community and our students have really embraced,” said Superintendent Stephen Genco. “If our mission is to prepare our students for the real world-- and indeed it is-- we’re truly fulfilling that mission every day through the resources, mentors, and experiences provided by these programs.” The B2F project is designed to empower and equip the guidance counselors at the secondary level with the resources to help students determine what type of careers match their interests and personalities, and ensure those pathways transition seamlessly from middle to high school. Leading this effort on the ground will be Intermediate South counselor Betty Velez-Gimbel, High School East counselor Elise Weinberger, and a robust teacher cohort of life skills teachers and educators of other focused content areas. It’s anticipated that the program will get underway in the coming weeks. When it does, the pathway to career success will be extended even further at Toms River Regional Schools. With such a bridge in place, the future indeed looks bright.
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The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 13
Community News C lub N ews , A ctivities , E vents & A nnouncements
Students “Imagine A Day Without Water” With SUEZ
By Alyssa Riccardi TOMS RIVER – SUEZ Toms River recently visited Hooper Avenue Elementary School and spoke with 130 4th grade students about the importance of water in honor of “Imagine a Day without Water,” which took place last week. Students prepared essays on what was presented and four were picked to receive
─Photo courtesy SUEZ the top prizes for the best compositions. For many years, Mr. Doug Hynoski, 4th grade educator, has been working with SUEZ for years in putting this special event together at the school to help the children better understand the value of water. Pictured are the students who won special prizes for their efforts along with Mr. Hynoski.
AMI Opens 3rd Toms River Location
TOMS RIVER – Atlantic Medical Imaging (AMI) has opened its newest imaging facility in Toms River. Among the services offered at this location are MRI, 3D screening and diagnostic mammography, DEXA scans, ultrasound and x-ray. The office is located at 1430 Hooper Ave., Suite 102 in Toms River. Office hours initially are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To schedule an appointment, call 732-223-XRAY (9729), or visit
The Hooper Ave. center is the third AMI location in Toms River and the sixth AMI imaging center in Ocean County, including the two offices in Brick and the one in Manahawkin. “We are committed to providing the highest quality, most compassionate and easily accessible imaging services to all of our patients throughout south and central New Jersey,” said AMI Chief Executive Officer Dr. David Levi. “This new office location enhances our ability to provide that to residents of Toms River and surrounding areas.”
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Page 14, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
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Ribbon Cutting Held At Toms River Library For Sensory Space Room
By Bob Vosseller TOMS RIVER –Ocean County officials and representatives of the County Library system gathered for a ribbon cutting ceremony marking the grand opening of a Sensory Space on the second floor of the township branch of the Ocean County Library. With ceremonial scissors in hand, Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari, joined Director of the Ocean County Board of Commissioners Gary Quinn, members of the Ocean County Library Commission and library staff to mark the opening of the facility that will serve children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other disabilities. Vicari commended the library staff and commissioner “for their innovative approach to helping our citizens with autism and other disabilities. Vicari, who serves as liaison to the Ocean County Library system, said, “this room serves as a centerpiece of our efforts to be all inclusive in the programs and services we provide at the library.” Ocean County Library Director Susan Quinn said the project was staff driven. “I want to thank each and every one of them for the work that was contributed to make this a reality.,” “While individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities are welcome to visit all areas of our library branch, this space is especially designed for them,” she added. OCL Assistant Library Director Sara Siegler explained that the idea of creating a sensory space began after hearing negative stories in the news about experiences those with autism were having out in public. The Library’s Autism Resources Fair, traditionally held each April, also helped inspire the concept. “After reading articles in the news about people having bad experiences in public places with relatives who have autism, I knew we had to do better, to make a place that people could come to and not have to worry. I am so grateful that Commissioner Vicari and Ocean County Library Director Quinn gave us the go ahead to work on creating a space that would help so many families that come through our library,.” Siegler added. The purpose behind the sensory space is to provide an area for children and adults with a variety of disabilities including autism spectrum disorders, developmental disabilities, post-traumatic stress disorder, cerebral palsy, memory loss, dementia and sensory processing disorders. The facility has a variety of items that are visually stimulating, tactile, calming and
interactive. The purpose of creating this space is to provide an environment that develops the senses, encourages communication and social interactions, relieves stress and anxiety, and produces a feeling of calm and well-being. “This new space will give families who have relatives with a disability the opportunity to get to enjoy what the Ocean County Library has to offer,” Ruthanne Scaturro, who serves as Chairperson for the Ocean County Library Commission said . She added, “libraries have come such a long way from just being a room full of books and this is a great stepping off point for more sensory spaces to be created at the other library branches.” Some of the innovative features of the sensory space include: • IRiS Musical Touch Wall, using musical sounds, shapes, numbers and colors for visual and auditory stimulation. • Sensory Canopy of billowing, magnetic fabrics that create an impression of clouds overhead. • LED Illuminators for aid in color recognition, sensory stimulation and visual attention. • LED Play Light Cube, a durable, sensory activity object that encourages relaxation and learning for children. • LED Chromatherapy Fiber Optic Softie Sensory Beanbag Chair, for comfort and safe, enjoyable sensations through tactile fiber optic strands. • Fiber Optic Color-Changing Light Waterfall, providing tactile stimulation through touch and manipulation, and visual impressions of changing, bending lights. • Vibroacoustic Long Easy Chair, which magnifies musical vibrations emanating from the connected source, allowing sound to be felt as well as heard. “I want to thank everyone on the Ocean County Library staff, as well as the Ocean County Library Commission, Commissioner Vicari and everyone else who was involved in creating this sensory space,” said Director of the Ocean County Board of Commissioners Quinn. “This is a great feature for our library to have, and on behalf of the Ocean Cou nt y Boa rd of Com m issione r s I commend Commissioner Vicari on all the support that he puts into the Ocean County Library system,” he added. While the room was originally slated to open last year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, those plans were pushed back. More infor mation on the Sensor y Space can be found on the Ocean County Library website,
The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 15
Around The Jersey Shore Man In Body Armor Charged With Having AR-15 Rifle, Hollow Point Bullets
By Alyssa Riccardi MANTOLOKING – A Toms River man has been arrested and charged for possessing numerous weapons after police found a loaded rif le and three high-capacity magazines. On October 24 around 3 a.m. Patrolman LaRue from the Mantoloking Police Department was dispatched to a single car crash at 1200 Ocean Ave. Police found the driver, Jeremy W. Barringer, 46, of Toms River, wearing body armor and possessing a loaded AR-15 rifle, three high-capacity magazines with hollow point bullets, one loaded 9mm handgun with additional magazines loaded with hollow point rounds and a holster. Barringer was arrested and charged with
unlawful possession of a rile, unlawful possession of a hand gun, possession of 59-9mm hollow point bullets, possession of 8-5.56 hollow point rifle rounds, possession of a weapon after being a convicted sex offender and eight counts of possession of high-capacity magazines. He was transported to Ocean County Jail and additional charges are pending. The Mantoloking Police Department would like to thank the Bay Head police Department for back up and assistance in the investigation, as well as the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Officer, NJ Joint Terrorism Taskforce, FBI and NJ Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness. Charges are merely accusations until proven in a court of law.
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Do you Suffer with Chronic Neuropathic Pain? It’s estimated that in the United States, more than 20 million people have some form of neuropathic pain. There are many reasons why Neuropathy can become dangerous, if left untreated… Each year in the United States there are about 86,000 diabetesrelated amputations. That is one of the most feared complications The neuropathic pain becomes more and severe as the of the disease. No one likes to think about that, but it’s a reality. nerve tissue becomes more and more inflamed. Neuropathy can cause people to fall more often. Falls are a large percentage of fatal home accidents and have been increasing over “AFTER THE FIRST DAY MY FEET WERE NO LONGER COLD.” the years. More than 86% of the victims of a fall are 65 old or older. In the beginning I was skeptical of the treatments because I have Sometimes a fall can cause serious problems like a broken hip tried many things over the last nine years and nothing has worked. (which can be fatal). I was thrilled that after the first day my feet were no longer cold. I People with Neuropathy can have problems walking. Walking is a terrific am now able to sleep without socks, which I haven’t been able to exercise. So, those who suffer with peripheral neuropathy can increase do in 8 years. The pain is also getting progressively less. I am able their risk of cardiovascular disease because they stop being active. to be on my feet for longer periods of time. This helps me to get Here’s something else. Research shows the drugs you may be more exercise and generally feel better. My family tells me I am taking to lower your cholesterol may actually cause you to develop more upbeat and fun to be around. - Dennis R. peripheral neuropathy pain. Shocking? I know. How is Neuropathy Diagnosed? Neuropathic conditions are diagnosed through a neurological clinic examination utilizing medical technology known as nerve conduction velocity testing and Electromyography (EMG). These diagnostic tests measure muscle response and electrical activity in
Experiencing Neuropathy... People with neuropathy can experience different levels of pain, from tingling and numbness to debilitating burning and shooting pains. For some, neuropathic pain affects sleep, social activities, and even cause depression. Most commonly, pain occurs in the hands
and feet, but it can also affect other areas of the body. Diagnosing Neuropathy can sometimes be strange…where this condition can develop even when there is no obvious cause, and it may appear some time after the initial injury or infection. To compound the problem, this pain can be challenging to treat successfully, and it is associated with some serious compromise to one’s quality of life. How many treatments have you tried that left you hopeless? Healthcare professionals may offer a variety of treatments, including antidepressants, opioid pain relievers, and lifestyle changes, but neuropathic pain can often be resistant to treatment. To make matters even worse, these treatments can also come with unwanted side effects. For example, taking opioid pain relievers can cause nausea and constipation, and there is also the risk of these drugs becoming addictive. “AFTER 8 TREATMENTS MY IMPROVEMENT WAS 80%.”
The Neuropathy in my feet was becoming unbearable at night. I have stenosis of the spine and arthritis. After 8 treatments my improvement was 80%. I sleep thru the night, my stronger, and I can walk up and down stairs with little or no problems. The staff is excellent. - Elizabeth H.
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Page 16, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
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Around The Jersey Shore School Wide Respect Week Project
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BAYHEAD – Mrs. King and Mrs. Contreras are extremely excited about their
─Photo courtesy Bay Head School School Wide Respect Week Project. The students were asked to participate in helping create the BHS “Respect Tree” during the Week of Respect. Each classroom was provided with leaves in which the students were asked to answer the question “What Respect Means to Me.” Students could have kept their answers anonymous or could have included their names if they chose to do so. The Respect Tree is now on display in the main hallway!
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The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 17
Page 18, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
H ere ’ s T o Y our H ealth Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Presented By: Isidore Kirsh, Ph.D., F.A.A.A. (N.J. Lic. #678)
Dr. Isidore Kirsh Ph.D., F.A.A.A.
The Link Between Age-Related Hearing Loss & Cognition
An estimated 48 million Americans have some form of hearing loss according to a John’s Hopkins Study. If left untreated, this common, chronic health challenge can heavily impact physical, mental, social and even financial health. Though most instances of hearing loss are treatable, the NIDCD reports that fewer than 30% of adults ages 70 and older who could be helped with hearing aids use them. Usage drops even lower – to an estimated 16% - among Americans ages 20-69. In a fairly recent longitudinal study of 7385 adults 50 years of older in a community setting in the United Kingdom, the following conclusions were made: Hearing loss was associated with cognitive impairment, with the association being stronger in moderate to severe hearing loss compared to mild hearing loss.
The respondents who used hearing aids showed no evidence of an association between hearing loss and cognition. An indirect association was found between hearing loss and social isolation only in those who did not use hearing aids. The main recommendation is that folks older than 50 years of age should have a complete hearing test to establish a baseline either by primary care physicians, audiologists and/or ENTs. Since a large percentage of PCPs failed to accurately screen for hearing loss, Dr. Izzy strongly recommends having a baseline audiological evaluation performed by a board-certified audiologist. Dr. Izzy has been providing hearing care services for over 30 years and has offices in Toms River, Manahawkin, and Whiting. He can be reached at 732-8183610 or
His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks!
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The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 19
H ere ’ s T o Y our H ealth Dear Pharmacist Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
TUDCA For Gallstones And Liver Health
By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
You may not have heard of the medication Ursodiol, but it’s a gallstone dissolver. It’s also something you produce every day of your life. Let me clarify, ursodiol is a drug, and also a human chemical made in the liver. It reduces cholesterol production to some extent, and even better, it dissolves the cholesterol crystals in bile which would otherwise cause more stone formation! Ursodiol goes by the initials of UDCA, and it’s related to a supplement called TUDCA. Your gallbladder is on your right side and it’s a small pear-shaped organ that holds a fluid called bile. This bile is made in your liver and you need it to digest food, fats and vitamins. You don’t think about your gallbladder until it gets inf lamed, or develops painful stones! Gallstones can be very painful to a person, producing uncomfortable symptoms. With all the Halloween treats coming soon, I am worried about everyone’s gallbladder! Ursodiol was first identified in the bile of bears. That’s how it got its name! Fun fact, the genus known as “ursus” includes polar bears, black bears, and others! So, when they found this UDCA in bile bear, they named it ursodiol. Pharma then went on to purify a form that could help people who suffer with gallstones, bile duct and other gallbladder diseases! Dietary supplement makers have TUDCA which is just a taurine
molecule joined with the UDCA, hence TUDCA! It’s sold in some health food stores, but mostly online. There was an interesting animal study where researchers sought to investigate the effects of TUDCA on gallstone formation. The scientists fed rats a high fat diet, and then enhanced their diet with TUDCA supplementation. They evaluated several biomarkers during the study, and concluded that TUDCA could help the rodents with their gallstones by improving probiotic status, and reducing cholesterol crystal formation. Serum total cholesterol went down in a statistically significant manner also. Other studies on TUDCA have shown it could play a beneficial role in fatty liver, insulin sensitivity, weight loss and adipogenesis. If you suffer with gallbladder disease or liver problems, there are many things you can do. For example, changing your diet to one that is high-fiber and low fat. You can try omega 3 fatty acid supplements, and exercising more if physically able. You can drink carrot juice; studies suggest this is helpful. There is much more too. If this topic interests you, sign up for my free newsletter and I’ll email you a free recipe eBook, as well as the longer version of this article. Just a note of caution, there is no medical advice here. If you have or develop any gallbladder inflammation, pain, serious problems or a real intestinal disorder, please seek proper medical attention and care.
(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit ©2021 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.
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Page 20, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
Dear Joel
By Joel Markel
Tales From The Packrat 1749 Hooper Ave., Suite 104 Toms River, NJ 08753 • 848.221.1180 GAETANA DEL VIRGINIA CDPE, SFR. Broker of Record/Owner
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Dear Joel, I’m a packrat, I’ll admit it. I have tried to get organized, but I am nagged by thinking I’m going to need something or that I will run out of something. Do you have any suggestions? Answer: Try writing a date on some of the things you buy. You will be amazed at how fast time goes by. That should make freshening up things easier. Don’t you deserve nice new things? Another idea is to buy a shelf and put some of the items that you think you can’t
l ive w it hout on it and see if you ever touch them. You may just see you didn’t really need them after all. Thanks for writing, Joel Write to His radio show, “Preferred Company” airs Monday through Friday from 8 to 10 a.m. on preferredradio. com and 1160 & 1310 WOBM-AM.
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The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 21
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Inside The Law New Jersey Offers Traumatic Brain Injury Services
Michael J. Deem, Esq.
By: Michael J. Deem, Esq. If you or a loved one are dealing with a Traumatic Brain Injury then please read further. New Jersey has a Traumatic Brain Injury Fund which is administered by the Division of Disability Services. New Jersey residents of any age, who have survived a traumatic brain injury, have the opportunity to access brain injury related services and support they need to live in their community. The Fund purchases supports and services to foster independence and maximize quality of life when insurance, personal resources, and or public programs are unavailable to meet those needs. These services include home modifications, service coordination, assistive technology, cognitive therapy, neuropsychological services, pharmaceuticals, and therapy (physical, occupational and speech). To be eligible, a Fund recipient must: (i) provide medical documentation of a brain injury, (ii) have liquid assets of less than $100,000.00; and (iii) be a resident of New Jersey for at least 90 consecutive days. Liquid assets include
checking accounts, savings accounts, CD’s, stocks and bonds. Fortunately, your primary home, primary vehicle, 401k, and IRA are not considered liquid assets. In order to qualify for the Fund, an individual must have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A TBI is defined as an injury to the brain caused by a blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury/ neuro trauma that disrupts the normal brain function where continued impairment can be demonstrated. A TBI does not include congenital or degenerative disorders, birth trauma, or acquired brain injuries like a stroke or an aneurysm. The attorneys at R.C. Shea & Associates are experienced litigators who have successfully handled many Traumatic Brain Injuries. If you or a loved one have suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury call the attorneys at R.C. Shea & Associates 732-505-1212 for help. You can also access more information about the New Jersey has a Traumatic Brain Injury Fund by contacting the Division of Disability Services at 1-888-285-3036.
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Page 22, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
... ask Michelle Welcome to our Q & A Column. We will be here monthly to answer your dementia related questions. Send your questions to Harmony Village at CareOne Jackson is here to assist you in your journey. Q: My mom has dementia, one thing that I struggle with, is how she always repeats herself; I know it sounds trite, but after a while, it is hard for me to deal with. Donna P. A: Dear Donna P., If we look at this symptom in a different way, we will begin to see how this negative symptom can also be seen as a positive ability. Your mom still has the ability to communicate, so please, take this opportunity to have conversations with her. Her ability to speak will diminish once the dementia progresses, so be with her in her reality for now. Q: What are some things that I can do to have a meaningful visit with my newly diagnosed loved one? Mary S. A: Dear Mary S., In Early-Stage dementia, understand that communication, language, judgement, attention/focus, processing, and their response time is already being affected. In most cases, they are having trouble following conversations as they may be missing 1 out of every 4 words spoken. They will tend to withdraw from conversations especially in a group setting, they will tend to misunderstand what is being said. Use reminiscent conversation; as long-term memories are their strength; look through old pictures, talk about old memories and use music.
(House Calls Available By Appointment) TOMS RIVER OFFICE 244 Main St., Toms River, NJ 08753 • (732) 505-1212 BERKELEY AREA (800) 556-7432 MANCHESTER AREA (732) 408-9455 BRICK AREA (732) 451-0800 VISIT US ON OUR WEBSITE AT: WWW. RCSHEA.COM
The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 23
Around The Jersey Shore Egyptian Students Can Study At OCC
TOMS RIVER – Ocean County College and William Paterson University have signed an agreement with three Egyptian universities that will enable Egyptian students to major in computer science and earn degrees from both American institutions and one of the Egyptian universities. All courses are offered in hybrid and online formats. Under the three-way joint admissions agreement, the Egyptian students will enroll for the first two years of courses with Ocean County College, and after successful completion would receive an associate of science degree from OCC. In the third year, students will take courses recommended by William Paterson’s computer science faculty at one of the three Egyptian universities – Helwan University, Ain Shams University, or Alexandria University – and will take online courses at William Paterson University in their fourth year. At the completion of the program, the students will earn degrees from both William Paterson and one of the Egyptian universities. The initial cohort is expected to consist of 35 to 70 students.
“I am excited to launch this new program, which will use the respective strengths of all partner institutions to the benefit of promising students from some of Egypt’s finest universities,” said William Paterson President Dr. Richard J. Helldobler. “Given William Paterson’s growing reputation for excellence in online education and its strong computer science program, this new partnership promises to broaden access to a WP degree and extend the University’s global reach.” “Ocean County College is thrilled to put the official stamp on this dynamic alliance,” remarked OCC President Dr. Jon H. Larson. “We believe our Egyptian counterparts will thrive in the environment of and for academic innovation that OCC provides, and that they will be well-prepared for their courses at our partner institutions, as they build toward meaningful career opportunities in the computer science field.” Administrators at William Paterson University and Ocean County College expect that the collaboration will expand to include up to eight additional Egyptian universities, as well as additional academic programs.
Page 24, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
CLASSIFIEDS Real Estate Buying A House? - A simple tip that can save you $7,000 in your closing costs. 732-569-4607. (48) Waretown, NJ - Looking to purchase 3 Bedroom home in Greenbrier Oceanaire. Would prefer loft unit with privacy. Call or text 973476-1499. Appreciated. (48)
Seeking Rental Looking for rental - In crestwood village. 1 bedroom home. I’m over 55, work full time, have two cats. 201-214-3980. (45)
Personals Single Senior Males - 65+, Wanted for single females. Friends h i p , c o m p a n i o n o r p a r t n e r. Must have good standars, morals. 732-678-6786. (46)
Estate Sale ESTATE SALE - Jim's sporting goods equipment. Everything must go, priced to sell. Everything top of the line. Everything needed for salt water fishing (Including Lamiglass poles, etc. and 2 Van Staal reels with new $58 handles never used) Ocean Kyak, Haley Hanson rain gear, plug bags, tackle galore many unopened, rod building kit, etc. Everything needed for fresh water fishing, many spinning and bait casting reels, tackle boxes, all accessories, including everything needed for making your own tackle. Live well, stainless steel rod holder, etc. Everything for fly fishing, including a fly tying kit with a huge box of accessories, book on fly tying, huge fly and teaser collection, fly jackets, water, hip boots, hiking boots, etc. Everything for hunting, 4 outdoor cameras, Hunting gear, many tree stands, range finder, knife collection, etc. Everything for Turkey hunting, brand new slate caller, originally $85. Large collection of turkey calls, decoys, 2 turkey suits, etc, coolers, many back packs, chairs for ground blind or fishing, boxes full of new fishing hook, top of the line fishing line, gun finishing materials, Everything needed for trapping, and running a trap line, too much to list. Estate sale on October,30. Call Chris at 732-664-3605 (45)
Misc. Greenbriar Woodlands Clubhouse 1 Kensington Circle Toms River, Annual Flea Market & Bake Sale Saturday November 6, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Vendors and various items for sale coffee, bagels, donuts, hot dogs and chili for sale. (47) ATTENTION - If you or someone you know worked at ASARCO/ Heritage Minerals in Lakehurst between 1966 and 1981 and worked with or knew Marlin Sovey please call Rebecca at Simmons Hanly Conroy toll-free at (855) 988-2537. You can also email Rebecca at (45)
Items For Sale Puerto Rican Pasteles $3.50 each, $40 dozen. Made to order. Vacuum sealed. Cary 908-770-8537. Allow one week turnaround time. (47) Avon Sale - For the hoildays, gift or any time. Make up, eyeliner, eye shadow, perfume, etc. Call for brochure 732-773-5078. (48)
Items Wanted COSTUME/ESTATE JEWELRY Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n) $$$ WANTED TO BUY $$$ Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, bric-a-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n) Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (17) Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for LP albums, Rock, Jazz, Reggae, Blues, Metal. Very good condition only, Call Rick 908-616-7104. (49) U s e d G u n s Wa n t e d - A l l types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n) Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n) CASH PAID!! LP records - stereos, turntables, musical instru-ments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (47) CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n)
Help Wanted Home Health Care Company Now Hiring RN’s, LPN’s and CHHA in Ocean & Monmouth Counties! Flexible scheduling. Work in your community. Weekly pay. Career advancement. Comprehensive benefits. Call 732-505-8000 today. (t/n) Destino's - Hiring all positions drivers, counter, kitchen, full or part time available. Apply in store only. 2042 West CountyLine Road. (48) IMMEDIATE JOB OPENINGS We are hiring Certified Home Health Aides − CHHA. Licensed Practical Nurse − LPN. Registered Nurses − RN. Direct Support Professional − DSP Fill application on-line at or call us at 732-797-0700. Please send resume to (t/n) Pastrami House Delicatessen - at 363 N County Line Rd, Jackson is looking for a counterperson and cashier person. Full time and Part positions available immediately. Friendly and easy atmosphere. Experience preferred, but willing to train. Please contact Nick 917-502-4948. (46) Senior Living Community Cook/Dishwashers/Maintenance Technician/Restaurant Servers/Bus Drivers/Lifeguard (Indoor Pool). 1700 Rt. 37 West ∙ Toms River, NJ 08755. Call or email for details 732-341-4825 (t/n)
Help Wanted Custodian - Part Time - Crestwood Village Co-Op 2. Evenings and Saturday mornings. 13 hours per week. Stop at Harmony Hall to complete an application. (47) P/T 1st CLASS Conventional Machinist - wanted weekdays for small Lakewood Mfr. Call 732-367-3100 x 107. (47) Animal Lovers - Volunteers needed to help feed homeless cats 1 or 2 days weekly. Call 732-3672932, leave message. (47) HIRING NOW!! Looking for outgoing, positive, and engaging teachers to join our Toms River – Route 70 Goddard Family. We are primarily hiring teachers for our elementary school aged children to foster a learning environment in which these children can continue to do their elementary school work. This would include helping them with worksheets, zooms, google classrooms etc. Some of the great perks of being a part of the Goddard Family include a benefits package, paid time off, holiday events and free food and Goddard swag. Call today to inquire about this job posting and start as early as next week! We can be reached through phone at 732-363-5530 or email at Certified Home Health Aides Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n) Bus Drivers Needed - For the Toms River Regional Schools Transportation Department. $20 per hour, please apply on our website at www. under substitute/part time employment. $22.50 is the sub rate. $3,000 for someone with CDL with S,P, and airbrakes, and $1,000 for someone without the CDL and endorsements, but who is willing to be trained and get the CDL and endorsements. (46)
Services Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n) Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n) ALL American Home Health Aides Experienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605 (t/n) Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19) GENERAC Standby Generators provide backup power during utility power outages, so your home and family stay safe and comfortable. Prepare now. Free 7-year extended warranty ($695 value!). Request a free quote today! Call for additional terms and conditions. 1-833-901-0309. (t/n)
Services PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n) ENJOY 100% guaranteed, deliveredto-the-door Omaha Steaks! Get 8 FREE Filet Mignon Burgers! Order The Delightful Gift this holiday seasonONLY $99.99. Call 1-888-678-0501 and mention code 65658LPJ or visit (t/n) APlus Home Improvements - Over 30 years experience. Fully licensed and insured and bonded. We Do It All. No Job Too Small. Give Us A Call. Senior discounts offered. HOLIDAY SPECIAL book now for our team to hang your exterior holiday lights and exterior decorations! Call Duane 908-278-1322. (47) At Your Attention: Non Agency Family Team Companions, Caregivers, LPN, 25 plus years experience. Your Peace of Mind, Our Promise! Call or text JoAnn 732-278-3770 - Thank You. (46)
Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (19)
C H E A P PA I N T I N G D O N E RIGHT - Free est. Fully ins. Over 35yrs exp. Call 732-506-7787, Cell 646-643-7678. (43)
DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-866-749-3077 www.dental50plus. com/micro #6258. (t/n) Band Instrument Lessons In your home, with a state certified, vaccinated, techer of music! Call 732-350-4427. Seniors and beginners welcome! (47) A+ cleaning service - homes, offices, Air BNB’s, shopping. Thorough, reliable, honest, excellent references. Senior discounts, free estimates. Call Barbara 732-948-4730. (46) Don't Like Or Have The Time For Ironing? - Let me do it for you. Please call 732-886-0134. $25/hour. (18) Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (39)
Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. In sured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (16) LANDSCAPING - Restorations, Repairs, Stones, Mulch, Sod Installs, Hedges, Shrubs, Bushes, Downed Branches Trimmed & Removed, Demolition, Cleanouts, ect., Dumpster service provided by A901 Licensed Hauler ect. MAN WITH VAN LLC. Jim 609-335-0330 HIC# 13vh10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL! (15) Life Alert. One press of a button sends help FAST, 24/7! At home and on the go. Mobile Pendant with GPS. FREE First Aid Kit (with subscription.) CALL 877707-2722 FREE Brochure. (t/n) Two great new offers from AT&T Wireless! Ask how to get the new iPhone 11 or Next Generation Samsung Galaxy S10e ON US with AT&T's Buy one, Give One offer. While supplies last! CALL 1-877-373-0131. (t/n)
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The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 25
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Page 26, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
Fun & Games
C rossword P uzzle
Across 1 Hesitant sounds 4 Grand __ Auto: video game 9 A and B, for blood 14 Long of “Third Watch” 15 Gung-ho 16 Finnish bills 17 Method 18 Entirety of a manufacturer’s goods 20 Sent out 22 Inspiring Greek group of nine sisters 23 U.S. Forest Service mascot since 1944 26 __ and found 29 Peace of mind 30 Hightailed it 31 Namesake of a new wing, often 32 Dolphin communication method 35 Oregon city south of Salem
36 4, in 2 + 2 = 4 39 Indoor tanning aid 41 Reuben bread 42 Put-down 44 Inception 46 Lighter brand 47 Degree for a CFO 48 [Purchase at your own risk] 52 Floride, par exemple 53 Out-of-office investigator 56 Late-night host O’Brien 58 Whip (up), as grub 59 Tumbling seed, and a hint to each row of circled letters 63 AAA service 64 Author Asimov 65 Lawful 66 Night before 67 Rock or pop 68 Traditional piano key wood 69 Like half a deck of
cards Down 1 Not prudent 2 Swamp gas 3 Final approvals 4 Conical home 5 “Jude the Obscure” author Thomas 6 Big head on the set 7 Nourished 8 Writer Capote 9 Lunar New Years 10 Holiday fireplace blazer 11 “Orange Is the New Black” extra 12 Geological period 13 Toronto-to-D.C. dir. 19 Mangy dog 21 Hawaiian strings 24 __ flakes: cereal 25 Body part thoughtfully tugged on 27 PlayStation maker 28 Sloth’s hangout 31 Fool
33 Norsk Folkemuseum city 34 Macadamia __ 35 Pair of madmen? 36 Evaluate, with “up” 37 Army outfit 38 Female ‘80s arcade sensation 40 Like neat freaks 43 As good as expected 45 Graffiti signatures 47 Mix at a party 49 Irish pooch 50 Smitten 51 Slow-boiled, as prunes 53 Convection oven need 54 Water escape route 55 Unc’s spouse 57 “Good one!” 59 “The __ is up!” 60 Employ 61 Tot’s mealtime protector 62 Prefix with friendly
Crossword puzzle
The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 27
Around The Jersey Shore Schools To Collect Vaccination Data
By Chris Lundy TRENTON – School districts will report vaccination data of staff and students to the State Department of Health in order to increase rates of vaccinated children. The move comes per an executive directive from Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli. The Department will collect the information and analyze it for trends, said Donna Leusner, Director of Communications for the NJ Department of Health. When the data is complete, the DOH will share it on their website. Names and other identifiers will not be disseminated. The Department of Health continues to state that a combination of vaccination for those who are eligible, testing, masking, physical distance, handwashing, and staying home when sick are the best strategies for keeping schools safe. For a few months, the Pfizer vaccine has been approved for use on children 12 and older, and health officials are urging them to take advantage of it. The state has been reaching out to local leaders to set up vaccination clinics in large spaces. Leusner noted that Ocean County has had clinics at schools (Toms River High School North and Southern Regional Middle School in Stafford) and also at venues like Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson. Vaccination clinics at schools are optional
for districts, she said. “The Department of Health will work closely with participating school districts to identify vaccine providers equipped to administer doses in the school setting,” she said. Persichilli said at a recent governor’s press conference on the coronavirus that about 57 percent of children ages 12-15 have received at least one dose. However, for 16- and 17-year-olds, 70 percent have received at least one dose. That’s where the outreach comes in, Leusner said. By learning what communities have lower vaccination rates, the state can direct support to those areas to try to get those numbers higher. The support would take the form of enrolling family physicians or pediatricians as vaccine providers and working with schools to host clinics. Resources would also be directed toward educating the population about the importance of getting vaccinated. “We’re working diligently with these schools and local officials in every municipality to identify those individuals and try to encourage them and their parents to line up and get a shot in the arm. Overall, I’m pleased where we’re going with kids, but ... I wish the younger kids had higher levels of vaccination,” Persichilli said.
Government 0fficials... Have news that you would like the community to be involved with? Let everyone know by placing a news release in this paper! Send it to
Anderson & Campbell Funeral Home Serving the community with dignity and compassion since 1869. Susan S. Dunigan • Manager, NJ Lic. 4328 Aimee C. Brunson • Director, NJ Lic. 4511 Diana M. Daly • Advanced Planning Director, NJ Lic. 4920
3010 Ridgeway Road • Manchester, NJ 08759
Page 28, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 29
Around The Jersey Shore CDC Sets Rules For Booster Shots
By Chris Lundy TRENTON – The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention published regulations for when you can get the Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and Pfizer booster shots. “Eligible individuals may choose which vaccine they receive as a booster dose,” the CDC said. “Some people may have a preference for the vaccine type that they originally received, and others may prefer to get a different booster. CDC’s recommendations now allow for this type of mix and match dosing for booster shots.” Similar to the beginning of this year, when vaccines were rare, only certain people will be allowed the boosters for now. For those who got the Pfizer or Moderna originally, the following groups are eligible for a booster shot at six months or more after their initial series: • 65 years and older • Age 18+ who live in long-term care settings • Age 18+ who have underlying medical conditions • Age 18+ who work or live in high-risk settings If you want a booster for your J&J vaccine, you have to be 18 and older and you have to wait at least two months since the initial shot. In order to get the booster, you must be fully vaccinated. To find a site and book an appointment online, visit or call the state’s Vaccine Call Center at 1-855568-0545. State Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli said that guidance on these shots are
being distributed to vaccination partners throughout New Jersey. “With the holidays approaching and the Delta variant continuing to impact the state, we encourage everyone who is eligible to get their booster shots as they consider travel and gatherings for the holiday season,” she said. Medical officials continue to say to the 65 million Americans who have not yet received any doses that the vaccines are the best way to prevent this potentially life-threatening disease. Further, it has shown that in the case of people who still got sick despite being vaccinated, that the virus’ symptoms and death rate are significantly lower. “These recommendations are another example of our fundamental commitment to protect as many people as possible from COVID-19. The evidence shows that all three COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States are safe – as demonstrated by the over 400 million vaccine doses already given,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky said. “And, they are all highly effective in reducing the risk of severe disease, hospitalization, and death, even in the midst of the widely circulating Delta variant.” There are over 1,600 vaccination sites open to the public in communities throughout New Jersey – many of which have walk-in availability or extended hours. People who can’t leave their homes for medical reasons can contact their local health department or fill out a form at If you need help filling out this form, call 1-855-568-0545. For more information, visit
Page 30, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021
PROFESSIONAL PROFILE You’ll Never Be Left High And Dry As Long As Dr. Choxi is By Your Side By Michael Vandenberg “There’s always some kind of suppor t available,” for patients struggling with pain, Dr. Sarah Choxi told me in a recent discussion. If you, like many of Garden State Medical Center’s new patients, have been told by other doctors that nothing could be done to alleviate your suffering, it’s time to think again. When you combine the vast treatment options available at GSMC with Dr. Choxi and the rest of their pain management specialists (including founder Dr. Dharam Mann), that negativity simply doesn’t stand a chance. After all, her interest in helping people has driven her throughout her education and career. She decided to specialize in anesthesiology and interventional pain management because she saw how much those fields could change lives. “It was a way to help patients improve quality of life,” said Dr. Choxi. “It can be really difficult for people when they have pain to go through their normal day by day activities. So it was really impor tant to me as a medical student, later on as a resident, and now as an attending to be able to restore their function and have very independent lives.” People who have conditions that can’t be solved or are difficult to solve deserve the ability to be happy and painfree. Formerly at the Universit y of Chicago, Dr. Choxi was drawn to GSMC’s same focus, as well as the innovative tools it has to make it happen. “It’s a very multi-dimensional perspective on man-
aging pain,” she said. Their solutions include medication manage ment, injections, spinal cord stimulators, and countless others that have been proven safe and effective. Oftentimes a combination of techniques works best. “Patients aren’t cookie cutter. They’re very unique and individual. So I think you need to have a plan in place that caters to their specific needs.” Garden State Medical Center has always been on the cutting edge, so it’s only natural for them to have so much under their umbrella. If Dr. Choxi thinks you need to see a rheumatologist, don’t start looking at next month’s calendar; you can see one of her rheumatologist colleagues in-house in a matter of days. She’ll probably even share her notes with them on their stateof-the-art electronic database, which will also help you to stay informed about your own care. Being in-the-know about the options available to you is an important part of the culture at GSMC. Dr. Choxi remembers one patient in particular who was desperate for answers. She had heel surgery and, although When she saw the pa- granted. Recently she it had physically healed, tient, she told her, “No went to a flea market with she was still feeling a matter what, we’ll fig- her husband and could ton of pain. Unfortunately, ure this out together.” Dr. actually just walk around the surgeon had been Choxi gave her options: for a couple hours and enjoy herself. Previously, dismissive, telling her five to be exact. The patient decided anything longer than ten that there was no reason to go with minutes used to be una n i n j e c - bearable. “I’m finally able tion called to just enjoy the weather a s y m p a - outside,” the patient told thetic nerve her. “I’m so glad that you block, and could give me options j u s t l i k e and I know that I can t h a t s h e trust you.” achieved 90 percent reTrust in a doctor gives for her to be feeling dislief. It was a life-changing patients the courage to comfort. “She felt a little difference, giving her pursue the treatment pushed around by him the ability to experience they feel most comfortand sort of just pushed basic joys again in ways able with. Luckily, after out the door,” Dr. Choxi lots of people take for Dr. Choxi gives you the remembered her saying.
most effective and safest options, she’s happy let you make the ultimate choice. Unfamiliar with how some of these methods work? She’ll happily go over everything with you at length and answer any questions. In addition, GSMC has models in every room to help patients visualize what doctors are describing. There are even televisions in all the offices with videos that give patients a full rundown of procedures and illustrations on how they’re performed. It ’s all bec ause Dr. Choxi’s patients “know
that they ’re going to get the care they deserve”. To get started, call 1-888-376-2661 today to schedule an appointment, or feel free to visit gsmedicalcenter. org to learn more on the procedures Garden State Medical Center provides. Dr. Choxi currently practices at 780 Route 37 West, Suite 110 and 1314 Hooper Avenue, Building B, Suite 101 in Toms River; 1100 Route 70, Entrance A in Whiting; 1608 Route 88, Suite 102 in Brick; and 100 Route 36, Suite #1K in West Long Branch.
The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021, Page 31
Omarr’s Astrological Forecast For the week of OCT 30 - nov 5 By Jeraldine Saunders
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Support your ambitions with a friendly and helpful attitude. Someone may feel threatened by your expertise as the week unfolds. You are quick on the uptake, but this may not be the week to initiate a new venture. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Some people could question your motives in the week ahead. A disagreement with a loved one might foster doubts and concern. This is probably not the time to ask friends or family to participate in your business plans. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the week ahead, some things might not make total sense but still bring a smile to your face. It may be tempting to speak to the boss about a personal problem. However, it would likely be better to maintain a low profile on the job. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Live and learn in the coming week. Take advantage of an educational opportunity or enjoy intellectual stimulation. Use your intuitive and practical abilities to understand how to put together all the puzzle pieces. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The fantasies in your heart may blind you to upcoming problems. In the week ahead you may be inspired to try something new. Concentrate on the facts and figures but launching a new project could be a challenging effort. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Be confident that despite the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune everything will most likely turn out alright. An optimistic attitude will ward off negativity in the week to come. Listen, to criticism, but avoid offering it.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Less could be more. If you accumulate too much personal stuff you might feel too anchored to one place and no longer free to roam. In the week ahead avoid making investments and learn to get by with fewer things. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You could be immersed in ethical considerations as this week unfolds. You may receive some criticism or become cynical about some kind of indulgence. Taking the right steps at the right time can be challenging now. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You might come up empty handed if you try to pull a rabbit out of your hat. As the week begins you may seem to be working at cross purposes with a loved one or family member. Hold off on starting new projects. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Money has been called the “root of all evil” but it is simply a medium for the exchange of energy. In the week ahead take pride in your ability to handle your money efficiently, but steer clear of new investments. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): It may be better to remain silent in the face of censure. You might be more ambitious than usual in the upcoming week, but your luck could be at a low point. The wrong moves could undermine your most cherished plans. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Mix-ups can become memorable mistakes. During the next few days, you may become infatuated by someone inappropriate or something that disappoints. Avoid misunderstandings by insisting on clear communications.
Makes 12 Cookies 1 cup (5 ounces) all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup (5 1/4 ounces) sugar 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 1 large egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/3 cup M&M’s 1. Adjust the oven rack to the middle position and heat oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda and salt.
3. In a large bowl, whisk sugar and melted butter until smooth. Add egg and vanilla, and whisk until well combined. 4. Add the flour mixture and use a rubber spatula to stir until no dry flour is visible and a soft dough forms. 5. Roll the dough into 12 balls (about 1 heaping tablespoon each). Place the dough balls on the parchment-lined baking sheet, leaving space between them. 6. Gently flatten each dough ball. Press candies into each cookie (about 5 candies per cookie). 7. Bake until the edges of the cookies are just set and the centers are still soft, 11 to 13 minutes. Let cookies cool completely on the baking sheet, about 30 minutes.
(For 25 years, confident cooks in the know have relied on America’s Test Kitchen for rigorously tested recipes developed by professional test cooks and vetted by 60,000 at-home recipe testers. See more online at www.americastestkitchen. com/TCA.) (c) 2021 AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN. DISTRIBUTED BY TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC.
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Page 32, The Toms River Times, October 30, 2021