3 minute read

C ommUnitY n eWS Manchester Litt le League 2023 Registration

MANCHESTER – Division age is how old your child will be on August 31, 2023. If your child was born before September 1, 2006, they are too old.

Ages 4 to 6 – TBall Division

Ages 6 to 8 – Coach Pitch Division

Ages 7 to 11 – Minors Division

Ages 10 to 12 – Majors Division

Ages 13 to 14 – Juniors Division

Ages 15 to 16 – Seniors Division

2023 MLL baseball fees:

TBall Player – $150

Coach Pitch Player – $275

Minors, Majors, JR/SR – $325

Credit card users pay the card processing costs. In addition, there is a $3 Sports Connect transaction fee. If you pay in full, there is only one $3 charge. However, if you use the installment plan, you incur this $3 charge monthly.

Family Discount: Discounts are automatically applied when registering multiple children. Total fees do not exceed $550 per family, excluding credit card processing and transaction fees.

In person registration at MLL Complex: January 28 from 8 to 10 a.m. Final registration at MLL Complex; Cash/Check Payments Due: February 25 from 8 to 10 a.m.

Tryout Dates: March 4. TBall & Coach Pitch do not try out. Coaches/Parents Safety Meeting: March 16. Parents Meeting March 21. Opening Day: April 1.

Payment Options: Online – Visa & Mastercard; In Person – Mail Check or Cash. Note Monthly Payment Plan is Online Credit Card payments only. All participants must register online. Register Online at: ManchesterBaseball.net.

For more information, email mancehsterlittleleague@comcast.net.

The Start-Up Roadmap: Starting Your Journey

MANCHESTER – Does the thought of starting a business and being your own boss make you a little nervous?

Business ownership is an exciting journey! Even though many steps lie ahead, our Start-Up Roadmap can guide you along that journey. It provides detailed directions, tips on avoiding detours, and helpful resources to reach your destination.

This workshop will be conducted live and in person at the Manchester Branch of the Ocean County Library on January 30 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Key topics covered include:

Starting Your Journey - Are You Ready to Start a Business?

Defining and Validating Your Idea Business Plan or Business Model Canvas?

Finding Funding Marketing Your Business Pricing, Sales, and Distribution Location Setup and Staffing

Join chapter mentors for an interesting presentation and come prepared to learn how to start your own business! Register at: score. org/southeastnj/event/startup-roadmap-starting-your-journey-part-2.

Annual Valentine’s Dance For Special Needs Students

MANCHESTER – The Valentine’s Dance for the school district’s special needs students is being held on February 11, from 12 to 2 p.m. at Ridgeway Elementary School.

Celebrate with an afternoon of music, dancing and food hosted by the Manchester

Township School District in partnership with our school staff, parent and community organizations.

We hope that you can join us! RSVP by February 3, here: bit.ly/ValentinesDanceRSVP.

2023 Annual Easter Egg Hunt

MANCHESTER – Children will have loads of fun as they hunt for prize filled eggs and visit with the Easter Bunny!

Join for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 2 at 10 a.m. at Pine Lake (rain or shine). Pre-registration is required. All participants must register by March 27. Manchester Township residents only. Must be 2 by or before April 2. Must still be 10 at the time of the Egg Hunt on April 2.

Crestwood Village 1 Dance

WHITING – Crestwood Village 1 will be hosting a dance on March 17 from 6 to 10 p.m. Music by DJ Louie. Set-ups included; BYOB and anything you would like to eat at your table. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. and close 7 p.m.

Tickets are $10, 412 at the door. On sale at Crestwood Village 1 Auditorium on Tuesdays mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. Tables can be reserved when tickets are purchased in blocks of eight. No refunds unless dance is cancelled.

Sunday Worship Services of Holy Communion at 10 a.m. &Wednesday spoken Holy Communion at 9 a.m. Christ Lutheran Church

The Rev. Dr. J. Francis Watson, Pastor 40 Schoolhouse Road, Whiting, NJ 08759 Phone 732.350.0900 • Fax 732.350.0343

E-mail: christlutheranchurch2@verizon.net

Website: christlutheranwhiting.com



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