1 minute read

CBW’s Artists Of The Month

BERKELEY – Congratulations to Clara B Worth Elementary School’s Artists of the Month! What beautiful artwork! You are amazing!

Berkeley 202324 Preschool And Kindergarten Registration

BERKELEY – Visit btboe.org. Parents > Forms and Information > Pupil Registration.

• Download and print the Pupil Registration Packet.

• Send the following documents to registration@btboe.org.

• The completed Pupil Registration Packet

• Your child’s birth certificate (either scanned copy or photo)

• Two proofs of residency (either scanned copy or photo)

• Proof of immunization (either scanned copy or photo)

Once your documents have been received, you will be sent a link via email to sign up for registration which will take place on February 21 through 24. You will be contacted by phone to complete the registration process on the date and time you choose.

Your child must be 3 or 4 years old by October 1, 2023 to attend preschool and 5 years old by October 1, 2023 to attend kindergarten.

If your child already attends school in the district, you do not need to register for next year. Due to space limitations, your preschool child may not be placed in your home school.

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