2023-02-11 - The Jackson Times

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School Budget Faces Uphill Battle

seven-year period.

Jackson World War II

Wally Jamison


of the celebration. Jamison is


the Jackson Police Color Guard. with a parade?

“This should be a great day for Wally and his family,” Jackson Police Officer Mike Basso said.

“This event is a joint effort being coordinated by Jackson PBA 168 and Jackson VFW Post 4703.”

The officer de -

1996. He retired recently but not without a special farewell celebration by

scribed Jamison as a “national treasure and true American hero who deserves (Veteran - See Page 18)

Long Time Jackson Police Sgt. Retires

JACKSON – Township Police Sgt. Vin -

ny Rubio has seen a lot over his years in the department since he joined in February of 1996 but the sight of family, friends and

fellow officers bidding him farewell was one of the most memorable experiences he has ever had.

Rubio’s last time leaving Police Headquarters came with some fanfare through a cer-

emony by members of the department. After joining the force in 1996, he was promoted to sergeant in 2000. He served in the detective bureau from 2000 to 2007 then joined the (Police - See Page 8)

JACKSON – Members of the Township Board of Education are gearing up for this year’s budget preparation process noting that that the district will realize a $19.3 million loss in state aid through the S2 state aid funding formula following a

Much of Superintendent Nicole Pormilli’s report during a recent board meeting concerned the planning of the annual spending plan. She opened with a review of the cuts the school district has experienced through (School - See Page 5)

Open Space Committee Gets Rocky Start

JACKSON – Township officials want to create a committee to find land that can be preserved for open space, but they disagree on who should choose its members.

An ordinance was introduced by the Township Council at a recent meeting that would establish the Jackson

Township Open Space Committee. Its purpose would be to locate properties for the township to purchase and preserve using open space funds. The land could be kept pristine or it could be used for recreation.

Council President Martin Flemming originally pulled that

(Space - See Page 4)

Times JACKSON The February 11, 2023 JERSEYSHOREONLINE.COM MICROMEDIA PUBLICATIONS Vol. 19 - No. 34 In This Week’s Edition BREAKING NEWS @ jerseyshoreonline.com Inside The Law Page 17 Community News Pages 9-12 Government Pages 7 Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Page 14 GeorGe S. HaSSler Funeral Home 980 Bennetts Mills Road • PO Box 1326 • Jackson, NJ 08527 Tel: 732.364.6808 | Fax: 732-364-8592 www.hasslerfuneralhome.com • contact@hasslerfuneralhome.com George S. Hassler, Owner & Director, NJ Lic. No. 3193 Brian T. Hassler, Manager, NJ Lic. No. 4054 CELEBRATING 45 YEARS OF SERVING THE COMMUNITY • 2ND GENERATION FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1978 Serving All Faiths with Personal Service • Traditional Burial & Cremation Options Prearrangement and Prepayment Plans Available
What better way to honor World War II veteran Wally Jamison on his 100 th birthday than
will be part
─Photo courtesy Jackson PBA 168 veteran will turn 100 on Feb. 18 and members of the seen here standing with of Photo by Bob Vosseller Jackson Township Board of Education President Giuseppe Palmeri and Board Vice President Tina Kas listen to a presentation during a recent meeting of the Board. ─Photo courtesy Jackson Police Jackson Police Sergeant Vinny Rubio joined the police department in February members of the department and including friends and family.
Page 2, The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com
The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023, Page 3 jerseyshoreonline.com

Space: Continued From Page 1

ordinance which had been drafted by the mayor and his administration.

It was removed prior to the Council’s Jan. 17 meeting because Flemming, Councilmen Nino Borrelli and Steven Chisholm had concerns with it and wanted to discuss it further. Council members Scott Sargent and Jennifer Kuhn however, introduced the ordinance at the January 17 meeting where it was not approved.

Although all members of the governing body are Republicans, there is a political divide. On one side is the three council members who had concerns with appointments; on the other side is the mayor and the two remaining council members.

“I drafted the ordinance for the creation of the ‘Open Space Advisory Committee’ for our town which is quite different in key aspects from the ordinance that the Administration put forward. The mayor and administration and I were supposed to work on it together before introduction. That never happened,” Borrelli said.

He added, “the Administration’s proposal gives the Mayor total control over the committee. It’s not right. The Council should have a say in appointing resident volunteers to the committee and some other language that I had in my draft wasn’t in there which would help make the ordinance for the committee more specific and more enforceable,” Councilman Borrelli added.

Councilman Borrelli also told The Jackson Times that several members of the Council would be meeting with the mayor/administration “to sort out this ordinance which will, I think, greatly benefit our town.”

On the subject of open space, the council also approved a change order for the township’s contract with AB Kurre Contracting, Inc. for the recent demolition of the Rova Farms restaurant.

Chisholm remarked that the Rova Farms building, “is actually down and they are in the process of spreading out soil, smoothing that out and basically preparing it for better things. Hopefully, that park will become something that will be a vision coming true in the next year or two.”

A Night In Portugal

JACKSON – The Jackson Elks #2774 is hosting a Friday night dinner “A Night In Portugal” on February 17 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Cost is $20 per person and includes salad; choice of seafood rice, pork and

clams, or pork and potatoes; bread; sides; dessert.

Tickets must be pre-purchased by February 11. See Tim Murphy, any questions call 732-740-6906. Open to all Elks and guests.

Page 4, The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com How's the real estate market? Is now the time to sell? Call Mike for an in-depth local market analysis. Mike McIntosh, Realtor Associate M: (917) 627-4577 • O: (732) 367-1300 2340 Rt 9 S • Howell, NJ, 07731 michael.mcintosh@cbrealty.com themichaelmcintosh.com
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School: Continued From Page 1

the state aid funding formula over the last several years.

“We have experienced a tremendous amount of cuts, with millions of millions of dollars over the last five years. We are in the last two years of this. This school year we will see a loss of $2.5 million in state aid (this year) and we will lose $806,460 after that (in the 2024-2025 school year),” she said. The district saw a cut of $4.6 million last year in state aid and $4.3 million the year before that.

“You can imagine the huge impact it has had on our district,” Pormilli said. “The budget process has to take that all into account. Obviously, over several years we have had to cut tremendously in areas that will have the least impact on our students.”

“As a reminder to the Board and the community, before we can even begin our budget planning, we are already $2.5 million behind before we even consider all the other factors that increases our budget over the years,” the superintendent added.

Some of those factors mentioned were the contractual responsibilities for all the employees of the school district and other rising costs. “We all know that with this economy all prices have gone up. Insurance continues to go up and we have tuition and transportation which all have to be taken into consideration as we move forward,” she added. The district “has reached that place where we have reached that perfect storm scenario. You can only cut millions and millions of dollars for so long

before you have a tremendous impact and it compounds over time.

“Not only do we have a $2.5 million cut, but we have a tremendous increase and change in our population, a huge increase and that has an impact on our students who need extra support and that increases our budget, as well as increases in our non-public transportation which impacts our budget significantly,” she added.

Pormilli told the Board and public that there was also an impact “on the cost of living. We have 10 schools, a transportation building and an administration building that operate and there are increases in gas, electricity, water and food that we purchase for students for lunch. All of those things have increased tremendously.

“We are starting out in a difficult place for sure. One of the things I often hear from the community … ‘what can we do to help?’ We’ve tried to send letters to the State Board of Education and the governor. We do that every year and we haven’t seen any change in the S2 projected cuts in state aid,” Pormilli added.

The superintendent said that the school district has worked with legislators on a pilot bill for three years concerning transportation for “all of our non-public schools within the district that qualify for transportation in lieu, that would allow for a consortium to provide transportation or payment to those who qualify for that.”

She said that bill (A-4461) would also fund those transportation needs differently and “would tremendously offset those costs which is a large increase to our budget. We are committed to providing transportation to our nonpublic school families but we are looking

at how the state can help us with that situation.”

“It was introduced by (12th District) Assemblyman Alex Sauickie and we are hopeful that it will move forward and the Board supported a resolution in support of this and we wrote a letter to our neighboring districts and to our state legislators and our governor and the State Board of Education to support this,” she added.

The superintendent called on residents of the school district to advocate for lawmakers to put it up for a vote and to support it when it does. Pormilli said slides from the meeting’s PowerPoint presentation would also be available for review on the school district website which includes where residents can send their letters and e-mails of support to.

Board President Giuseppe Palmeri said in a social media post that Sauickie’s legislation would provide “solutions to our educational funding

problems... My hope is that residents and public officials alike will stand up and promote these very important solutions.”

“Without overwhelming support, it will be an uphill battle. Why would we not support it? Call your local public officials and ask them to support Assemblyman Sauickie and especially bill A4461,” Palmeri stressed.

Pormilli explained the budget timeline includes multiple opportunities for public input and questions. “We will be putting a calendar together that will be posted on our website jacksonsd.org

The budget will be introduced at the Board meeting in March and the Board will be polled in April and a public hearing on the proposed spending plan will be held at that time. “All the information is transparent. Everything will be posted to the website,” Pormilli said in conclusion.

The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023, Page 5 jerseyshoreonline.com 732-349-1448 • www.caretemp.com √ SAME DAY SERVICE/REPLACEMENTS √ CERTIFIED & TECHNICALLY TRAINED PROFESSIONALS √ CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED √ SERVING ALL OF OCEAN & MONMOUTH COUNTIES Central Air Conditioning • Boilers • Furnaces • Heat Pumps • Water Heaters • Tankless Water Heaters Oil/Gas/Propane Conversions • Air Cleaners • Attic Fans • Humidifiers • Tune-Ups • Service Plans AWARD-WINNING COMPANY NJ HIC #: 13VH02253000 Fred Paprocky, Master HVACR Contractor Lic#: 19HC00878000 Michael Battaglio Electric, NJ Electrical LIC #: 17909 A-Jay Plumbing, NJ Plumbing LIC #: 12661 *FINANCING AVAILABLE* $25 OFF SERVICE CALL (with repair made while there) Not valid after 4pm on weekdays or on weekend services. Coupon must be presented at time of service. Expires Feb 28, 2023. FREE AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE CONTRACT (FOR NEW CUSTOMERS) Call for details. $500 OFF Gas Conversion $250 OFF New Install of Air Conditioning or Heating System $150 OFF Central A/C &/OR Gas Boiler/Furnace Replacement COUPONS MUST BE PRESENT WHEN SIGNING CONTRACT and may not be used for prior services/installations. Coupons do not expire, except service call coupon. $100 OFF Tankless Gas Hot Water System $50 OFF Gas Hot Water Heater OR FREE 2ND OPINION! 891 Rt. 37 West • Toms River, NJ 08755 HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING FREE ESTIMATES Replacements & New Install of Heating & Air Conditioning Units MENTION JACKSON TIMES & RECEIVE ADDITIONAL SAVINGS! We Service & Install All Makes & Models
-Photo by Bob Vosseller Jackson School District Attorney Marc Zitomer, left, joins School Superintendent Nicole Pormilli, Board President Giuseppe Palmeri, Board Vice President Tina Kas and Board member Tara Rivera during a recent Board of Education meeting where the preparation of this year’s school budget was discussed.


Pop Culture: They Don’t Make ‘Em Like This Any More

On New Year’s Eve my friends and I didn’t watch the show before the ball dropped. We knew what those shows are like - a bunch of celebrities we don’t know or care about, some musical acts for us to turn our noses up at, and complaining about what pop culture is today.

Instead, we opted to watch blocks of 1980s music videos. They were comfortable, if cringey. A nice walk down memory lane. We knew who everyone was, and we could skip them if we didn’t like them.

We all talked about how good music used to be

In Praise Of Local QuickChek

I’ve heard many people claim that stores such as QuickChek don’t care about their employees. I’m setting that claim straight.

I work at the store on the corner of S. New Prospect and Bethel Church Roads. They hired me as a cashier knowing I have a significant disability. They have allowed me to bring my chair in and sit between waiting on customers. They have been consistently helpful,

and how it isn’t as good anymore.

Pop culture is the only culture we all share. These songs become a part of our identity. And when music changes, we feel like we’ve lost something.

And what’s worse - is that politicians and people on TV turn this into an “Us vs Them” situation. They weaponize pop culture to turn generations against each other.

Next time you’re on Facebook, pay attention to how many sites there are designed to make you feel good about your pop culture while saying others’ are bad.

“They don’t make good

music any more. Kids today don’t know the classics. They ruined this TV show. The remake sucks.”

Comments like this are said so often that no one even stops to really think about it. But you should always question general statements like this.

When you say “There’s no good music today” or something similar, you might think it makes you sound decisive. But really it shows you don’t know what’s going on. Pick your favorite type of music. Can you even name five artists in that genre who had their debut after 2010? After 2000? Take a minute and really

think. Unless you listen exclusively to chamber music, every genre has had new and exciting artists coming out every year. Sure, some of it is garbage. But there are some real gems, too, that you’re missing out on.

Part of it is that you’re not the target audience anymore. Record companies have always aimed at the late teen to early 20s demographic, and that probably doesn’t describe the person who’s reading this editorial in a newspaper. It sure doesn’t describe the person who wrote it.

You might not even know how to listen to the music being released today.

Letters To The Editor

My 15-year-old daughter put some albums on her Christmas list that were only available via download. No physical copy of the album exists.

My point in all this is to ask you to avoid speaking in generalizations like “today’s music/movies/shows/ whatever are bad.” By doing that, you’re giving in to the politicians’ desire to categorize, separate, and pit us against each other. They want you to think of everything in terms of “Us and Them (Pink Floyd, 1972).”

Watching those blocks of music videos reminded me that that for every excellent band from my childhood

like Queen, there was also a Kajagoogoo. So, my point is there was crap back when we were young, too.

By the way, the song that goes “They Don’t Write ‘Em Like That Anymore” is actually called “The Breakup Song,” and it was released by the Greg Kihn band in 1981. So someone was talking about music changing and it was put out four decades ago. I guess no matter how much music changes, “It’s Still Rock ‘n Roll To Me (Billy Joel, 1980).”

supportive, and understanding since day one.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer several months ago, they all signed a card and gave me flowers. When I received surgery, they gave me another card, and totally understood the time I would need off. They have understood the increased tiredness I feel due to the current radiation I’m getting, and have allowed me to leave my shift early. I even received a Team Member of the Month award! I can’t imagine working for a better place, and on April 29th, I’ll

We Welcome Letters To The Editor!

The Jackson Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns.

All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for verification. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to

deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail typed letters

PO Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, fax 732-657-7388 or e-mail news@jerseyshoreonline.com. Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at the editor’s discretion.

The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.

be celebrating 1 year with them. Does QuickChek care about their employees? Most definitely yes!

Slow Down Boats To Help Sea Life

Financial Aid For Pet Parents

It has occurred to me that there are so many animals, cats and dogs, that are in shelters and begging for a permanent home and many seniors that are alone and needing companionship that something should be done to remedy this situation.

The cost of adoption and the veterinary costs are so high that both seniors and animals are being kept from each other.

I adopted a Bichon Frise from Bichon rescue and paid $300 for him. No problem since they had him dewormed and vaccinated and kept him until he found a home. He was born in a puppy mill in Pennsylvania and then was taken by a hoarder. He was rescued from her and the rescue put him up for adoption. He subsequently got bladder stones and had surgery (over

$3,000). Had to have a urinary diet without calcium and his teeth became decayed from the lack of calcium and had dental surgery to remove half of his teeth ($1,400). His specialty food costs approximately $110 per month. He has skin allergies and needs allergy shots periodically and gets skin infections, ear and anal gland infections that don’t heal due to a diminished immune system. My last three vet bills were $400, over $350 and $280. I pay it because he needs care and I love him. He is now 17 years old and has had a great life with me.

and other sea life. Scott

I had a thought, what if a program could be developed to have seniors adopt a pet and register for a discounted care plan for that pet?

Vet bills are very high and people on a fixed income cannot have a pet and pets get euthanized that could have loving homes. Maybe someone in government can come up with a solution and make the senior years better for pets and people.

A sincere pet lover and senior citizen.

Regulating vessel speeds along the U.S. east coast to protect right whales is a critical step in saving this endangered species and balancing our fragile aquatic ecosystem. And in the long run, it is an important step in economic growth and development.

Abducting fish and other animals - sensitive, complex living beings who feel pain just as we do - from their ocean homes is an unsustainable industry, harmful to the environment and harmful to our health. Fish flesh stores dangerous contaminants that can cause liver damage, nervous system disorders, and fetal damage; dioxins, which have also been linked to cancer; and radioactive substances. The corporate world of lobster and crab fishing often leads to serious food-safety violations.

Automobiles rendered the horse and buggy obsolete. Personal computers did the same to the typewriter business. It’s time to invest in innovative, cruelty-free industries before it’s too late for right whales

Gerrymandering is a way for politicians to stay in power by manipulating boundaries so as to favor one party or class. This practice empowers politicians and plays games with the voters, diminishing their voting power.

Recently voters in Michigan finally overcame long time gerrymandering by passing a citizen-led ballot initiative that created an Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission to draw congressional maps. This initiative earned 61% of the vote and won in 66 out of 83 counties statewide, showing that voters from across the political spectrum wanted to unite against the rigging of elections through gerrymandering and live under fair maps. New Jersey citizens should now do the same and stop politicians from playing boundary games to stay in power!

Page 6, The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com
edit or
letters. The

Assemblyman: State Should Help Winter Humanitarians

Capitol Comments

JACKSON - Several weeks ago, I read a news item about an Ocean County man named Paul Hulse and his efforts to build a sober living place for homeless veterans. A veteran friend of his had taken his own life while suffering from psychological harms related to his military service, and Paul wanted to help others avoid the same fate.

As the newest member of the New Jersey General Assembly and its Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I wanted to speak with this man and find out more about him and his efforts. On a human level, I wanted to meet this compassionate and driven person, and see if there was any way to get help for his good works.

Within a few days, I had the opportunity to sit with Paul and members of his team. What I heard was an education indeed.

Paul and his group, Just Believe, Inc., were not “only” working on the sober living home. The nonprofit runs a thrift store to raise money, helps people who’ve lost or are about to lose their homes find temporary housing, and runs the Code Blue program in the county.

But that’s not all. Paul and top members of his team said they had fallen on hard times themselves, and had managed to overcome some very difficult obstacles. They committed themselves to helping others now that they are in a better place in their own lives. They are truly inspiring people.

They offered to show me their operations in person, so we promptly set -

tled on a date and time. Soon, I was standing in a two-story building in a local park, where Paul showed me a roomful of neatly organized temporary beds, a space for eating, games and socializing, and closets full of food and supplies. This was the Code Blue facility.

Thanks to Paul, I learned that Code Blue is a county-based program that provides emergency warm spaces for homeless people when it’s particularly cold outside. Stays there must be temporary because continuous use requires stricter standards that apply to permanent shelters. Code Blue was originally run in several counties under varying rules, but the state enacted uniform rules in 2017.

Under that law, Code Blue shelters could only be used when temperatures fell to 25 degrees, or 32 degrees with precipitation, or when the wind chill temperature fell to zero degrees for at least two hours. Two-and-a-half years later, the law was changed so they can be used at 32 degrees regardless of precipitation, but with the same wind chill standard.

Paul told me his nonprofit received grants from the county and from Toms River Township. What about the state, I asked. When local governments recognize and endorse life-saving humanitarian works by a local nonprofit, you’d think the state – with its much greater resources – should chip in. But it hadn’t.

So I drafted legislation to create a state matching grant program. Under the bill, when a nonprofit receives a grant from a local government to support a Code Blue program, that nonprofit could apply to the state for a 100 percent matching grant. The organization would have to provide information

on its activities and finances, and on how it plans to use the money.

You hear a lot about political fighting in Trenton, and sometimes it’s necessary, but common ground can still be found. From across the political aisle, Assemblywoman Carol Murphy has joined me to push for this grant program, and I expect support from her party in the state Senate as well.

Unfortunately, as I write this a Code Blue alert has come out from the state. It’s time to make sure the people working in the community to keep people safe and warm in winter have the resources to help as many as possible.

Alex Sauickie is a life-long Jackson resident who represents his home town and 13 other towns in the State Assembly.


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The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023, Page 7 jerseyshoreonline.com S potlight o n g ov E rnm E nt Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials

Police: Continued From Page 1

Support Services division. He has fulfilled many roles throughout his career, including Field Training Officer, SWAT member, Special Response Team instructor and leader, firearms instructor, and range master.

Rubio was credited in starting the ATV unit, researching a firearms upgrade, implementing less-than-lethal Taser devices, coordinating the body-worn camera program, and acquiring literally millions of dollars of equipment, weapons, vehicles, electronics,

computers and so many other federal and military surplus items.

He also was actively involved in the Jackson PD response to the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Jackson Police Public Information Officer Sgt. Fred Meabe noted that “Sgt. Rubio left large shoes to fill and has been instrumental in the growth and expansion of this agency. Our agency cannot thank him enough for all he has done during his career.”

“The members of the Jackson Police Department wish Sgt. Vinny Rubio and his family the best as they enter the next phase of life being retired” Meabe added.

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─Photo courtesy Jackson Police An electronic sign posted outside headquarters congratulates Jackson Police Sergeant Vinny Rubio on his retirement.

Volunteers Have Cats Available For Adoption

JACKSON – Calling All Cats is a cat rescue group made up of volunteers, some of whom work at a spay and neuter clinic. People would drop off unwanted cats. As a group, they save the babies that are left alone, the countless mothers that have had numerous litters and those that are losing or have lost their home.

Sisters, Moira (left) and Jocelyn (right), are about 1.5 years old. These sweet girls need a loving home together, if at all possible. Jocelyn is a little more shy than Moira, but she

gets a bit braver when he sister is with her!

To help humanely lower the feline population, they spay and neuter feral cats and then find homes for the friendly adults and the offspring that have been born. The rescue works extremely hard to find the best homes for cats of all shapes, sizes, colors and ages. While these cats wait, they are cared for in safe, loving, and nurturing foster homes

To start the application process, visit Calling All Cats on Facebook and Petfinder. com

The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023, Page 9 jerseyshoreonline.com C ommunity n E w S C lub N ews , A C tivities , e ve N ts & A NN ou NC eme N ts CALL 732-355-3315 Furniture • Appliances Debris • Sheds • Pools Decks • Garages & More Licensed & Insured | Senior Discount Same or Next Day Services
─Photo courtesy Calling All Cats




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Joseph Viscuso, Broker Salesperson 201-889-6506

Sharon Asay, Realtor® Associate 732-267-8485

Vickie Black, Broker Salesperson 848-992-0232

Timothy Brennan, Realtor® Associate 609-722-1112

Robert Cox, Realtor® Associate 973-580-8254

Jennifer Czarnecki, Realtor® Associate 732-267-1014

Karen Eremita, Realtor® Associate 646-269-4728

Marc Johnson, Realtor® Associate 848-333-0505

Carole Kuiken, Broker Salesperson 732-232-1402

Marilyn Mecchia, Realtor® Associate 732-267-4065

Linda Miotto, Realtor® Associate 914-413-2727

Anita Morris, Realtor® Associate 917-579-0691

Michele Nesbihal, Broker Salesperson 856-237-6025

Maria Oliver, Broker Salesperson 908-783-8320

Jacqueline Paterno, Broker SalespersonAssistant Manager 201-218-6388

Jeanette Schlapfer, Broker SalespersonManager 732-606-7733

Emily H. Smith, Realtor® Associate 732-674-6258

Bernadette Webster, Realtor® Associate 732-604-5487

Elzbieta Wladczyk, Realtor® Associate 732-850-4291

Lori Woytanowski, Broker SalespersonManager 732-874-0764

Janis Wyatt, Realtor® Associate 732-694-2927

Page 10, The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com
732-244-4900 • www.CrossroadsRealtyNJ.com
$20 million and 30 units minimum, or 125
$12 million and 25 units
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“Herskowitz” Cynamon Realtor® Associate 347-452-7006 cell The Sapphire Group

Firefighters Participate In Reading Arts Day

EDUCATORS! Have a special event planned for your class? Let everyone know by placing a news release in this paper! Call 732-657-7344 to find out how!

The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023, Page 11 jerseyshoreonline.com C ommunity n E w S C lub N ews , A C tivities , e ve N ts & A NN ou NC eme N ts MICHELE’S GOLD BUYERS, LLC NO COUPONS, NO GIMMICKS GUARANTEED BEST PRICE PAID PERIOD! WE BUY GOLD PLATINUM • SILVER • DIAMONDS • STERLING FLATWARE CASH PAID FOR YOUR DIAMONDS!! Michele DeGeorge – Serving Ocean County 732-262-GOLD (4653) DeGeorge Professional Building • 249 Brick Blvd. • Brick, NJ ON-SITE SECURITY • BONDED INSURED • LICENSED #11-09 www.michelesgoldbuyers.com
JACKSON – On January 27, members from Jackson Volunteer Fire Company #1Station 55 and Jackson Fire District #3 participated in Reading Arts day at Rosenauer Elementary School. ─Photo courtesy Jackson Volunteer Fire Company #1

Fire Departments Honor Retiring


JACKSON – Congratulations Captain Howles on your retirement! Thank you for your years of service, as a volunteer and as chief in 2004 with Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Company #1 - Station 55, and as a career firefighter with Jackson Fire District #3.

Zandray Thompson Named To Dean’s List

JACKSON – Zandray Thompson of Jackson is one of 1,257 students named to the Dean’s List at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU) for the fall 2022 semester of the 20222023 academic year, according to Margaret Ball D.M.A., interim provost and vice president for academic affairs.

Students eligible for the Dean’s List are those who have attained a 3.50 quality point average or better and are enrolled full-time. The letter grade “B” earns 3 quality points per credit, and the grade “A” earns 4 quality points per credit.

Page 12, The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com C ommunity n E w S C lub N ews , A C tivities , e ve N ts & A NN ou NC eme N ts MANCHESTER TIMES • BERKELEY TIMES • BRICK TIMES JACKSON TIMES • HOWELL TIMES • TOMS RIVER TIMES SOUTHERN OCEAN TIMES Copyright by Micromedia Publications, Inc. All material printed in The Times’ is copyrighted by Micromedia Publications, Inc. unless otherwise noted. The reproduction of the contents, in full or in part, is prohibited, unless permission is granted by Micromedia Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Published Weekly P.O. Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 • Phone: 732-657-7344 • Fax: 732-657-7388 email: news@jerseyshoreonline.com • jerseyshoreonline.com President & Publisher Stew Swann Vice President/COO Jason Allentoff News Editor Chris Lundy Assistant News Editor Bob Vosseller Production Manager Allison Gradzki Graphic Artist Adriana Starcic Distribution Manager Laura Hoban Sales Manager Lorrie Toscano Send your news tips, copy & letters to news@jerseyshoreonline.com Layout Designer Sara Zorns
-Photo courtesy Jackson Firefighters Association FMBA Local 86

Wildlife Rescue 911 – Mother Seton Regional High School

Renee A. Thomaier

Retired New Jersey State Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator

Typically, a wildlife rescue scenario is receiving a call, any hour - day or night - from a concerned person. If they’re lucky enough, they already know to contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator (rehabber). They’re advised to transport the animal to the rehabber. There are times, however, when I performed the rescue myself as special skills are required. Don’t attempt rescue yourself before speaking with a licensed professional.

It was a warm summer afternoon when my phone rang. Like everyone else, wildlife rehabbers try to maintain a normal life and are often already caring for many animals. The woman on the phone explained there was a large bird who was having trouble flying. The bird was located at Mother Seton Regional High School in Clark, New Jersey. As I hung up the phone, so many things began running thru my mind. What kind of bird, was it a broken wing, a head injury, adult, or juvenile, and most importantly, where at the high school would I find this bird? The adrenaline starts pumping because you know the rescue could be dangerous for either the animal, for you, or both. Until you see the situation, planning the rescue cannot be done. I hopped in my car with my usual rescue supplies.

I arrived at the high school and was fortunate enough to quickly spot a

red-tailed hawk, suffering from what appeared to be a broken wing, perched on the fence. Knowing that hawks have excellent eyesight, I positioned myself within a few feet of the bird, who continued to ‘watch me like a hawk.’ About five minutes passed, when he turned his head away from me. I quickly swung the net up, over

and behind the bird, moving him to the ground, when I suddenly heard a woman on a motorcycle cheering. A sense of relief, I secured the hawk and transported him to the Raptor Trust for rehabilitation. Wildlife rescue begins with a concerned person making the effort to get the animal help. Without rescue, the odds of survival are very


To reach me please call 732-2442768.

It is illegal to possess or relocate wildlife for any reason without the proper state and/or federal permits. Violating New Jersey laws protecting wildlife, which include harm inflicted upon an animal, are subject to punishment.

JACKSON – Gina Novello, of Jackson, was named to the Mississippi State University fall 2022 Deans’ List. Novello was among 2,445 students named to the fall 2022 Deans’ List.

To be named to the Deans’ List, a student must have achieved a grade-point average between 3.5 and 3.79, based on a 4.0 scale, while completing at least 12 semester hours of course work with no incomplete grades or grades lower than a C.

JACKSON – Kristina Weiser of Jackson has received the following degree from The University of Alabama: Bachelor of Science in Human Environmental Sciences. UA awarded over 1,650 degrees during its fall commencement ceremonies on December 10, 2022.

The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023, Page 13 jerseyshoreonline.com
Gina Novello Named To Mississippi State University’s Fall 2022 Deans’ List Kristina Weiser Of Jackson Awarded Degree From UA

Dr. Izzy’s

4 Ways Hearing & Vision Work Together

Hearing actually enhances sight, According to a UCLA study, both senses work as a team to help you perceive and participate in the world around you. Study participants ran through a series of trials to correctly identify the direction in which a display of dots moved. Hearing the direction in which the dots were collectively traveling enhanced participants’ ability to see the direction of the movement.

Visually challenged seniors are more likely to experience hearing loss, A study published in the medical journal JAMA Ophthalmology uncovered links between age-related vision and hearing problems. Researchers found that even after considering age, the two conditions are somehow linked and “have a cumulative effect on function and well-being, significantly affecting both physical and mental domains.”

Vision and hearing loss accompany cognitive decline; Research shows that either condition is connected to reduced brain functioning over time. One study found that participants with the most profound vision impairment had the lowest average scores on cognition tests. And hearing-challenged seniors on average may experience significant -

ly reduced cognitive function at least three years before their normal-hearing counterparts.

Healthy eyes and ears help you keep your balance. It’s pretty obvious that seeing your best helps you stay upright, but many people may not realize that the inner ear also plays an important role in maintaining balance. Conversely, untreated hearing loss could nearly triple your risk of a fall, per a study from Johns Hopkins. We all know that eyes and ears play a huge role in experiencing life’s adventures. Seeing and hearing the people, places, and moments that matter create wonderful, lasting memories. What fewer people know is that sight and hearing are intertwined. Here are four reasons to make regular checkups for hearing and vision an important part of your wellness plan:

Hearing and vision work together to help you live your best life, so remember to keep them both healthy. Start with a hearing checkup by contacting us today!

732-818-3610 (Toms River & Whiting) or 609-978-8946 (Manahawkin).

Dr. Izzy & his Staff are always available to answer any hearing care questions you may have. Visit us at www. gardenstatehearing.com.

Page 14, The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com H ere ’ s t o Y our H e A lt H •
His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com. Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks! ATTENTION MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS! 732.657.7344 Expand your patient base by advertising in the pages of Micromedia Publications’ quality newspapers! Manchester Times • Berkeley Times Toms River Times • Brick Times Jackson Times • Howell Times Southern Ocean Times CALL TODAY AND BE SEEN! 368 Lakehurst Road | Suite 305 Toms River, NJ 08755 732-473-1123 1301 Rte 72 | Ste 305 | Manahawkin, NJ 08050 609-597-9195 211 W Millstream Road Cream Ridge, NJ 08514 609-758-9595 www.OceanPediatricDental.com PEDIATRIC DENTISTS & ORTHODONTISTS FOR YOUR CHILD! WE ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA!
Sound News

Dear Pharmacist

6 Important Tips To Stay Safe On Laxatives

Laxatives are intended to stay in the gut, however, some can affect the central nervous system indirectly by impacting electrolyte balance or stripping away the body’s natural gut microflora.

One in particular called MiraLAX® (PEG 3350) is an “osmotic” laxative. It draws water into the colon which softens the stools and stimulates peristalsis and ultimately a bowel movement. Like all other osmotic laxatives, it has the potential to mildly alter electrolyte balance in the bloodstream, although that effect is rare if it is used properly according to label directions.

MiraLAX is FDA-approved to treat constipation in adults only and is only supposed to be used for a week. It is recommended for opiate-induced constipation in adults. In a short time frame like these scenarios, you should not experience any untoward effects.

But what if you took it for several months? What if you gave an adult-only drug to a small child? What if your doctor told you to keep taking it beyond a week?

Overusing, misusing or abusing laxatives is common and leads to unwanted side effects. The electrolytes that were in homeostasis in the bloodstream become altered unnaturally when laxatives are used chronically.

The FDA has received reports of behavioral changes over the years, especially in children taking PEG 3350. These include agitation and aggression and other behavioral issues. The relationship between PEG 3350 and these side effects hasn’t been formally tied together with a clinical trial. It’s what’s called “anecdotal” and these types of laxatives remain popular all over the world.

But are psychiatric/emotional problems even

possible? Impacting the water-to-mineral balance with laxatives, or any drug for that matter may cause the following shifts in any person, which can cause dozens of problems. Laxatives notoriously cause:

Hypokalemia - low potassium in the blood

Hyponatremia - low sodium in the blood

Hypermagnesemia - high magnesium in the blood

Gut problems - the destruction of healthy gut microflora

Symptoms from these electrolyte imbalances may cause headaches, teary eyes, depression, anxiety, aggression, confusion, dizziness, muscle cramps, nausea, and more. Part of the problem is that laxatives are flushing things out of you including your gut microflora! That’s not good long-term because poor probiotic status causes low GABA and B12, and that alone may lead to emotional problems and even more gut problems than you started with.

6 Tips to Using Laxative Properly

Do not take laxatives longer than the label states, follow directions

Stay hydrated by drinking water or Pedialyte® which will help restore some balance to your potassium and other electrolytes. Drink enough fluids each day while taking this medication in order to offset dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Don’t combine laxatives.

Take a probiotic to restore gut flora. Change your diet so you won’t be so reliant on laxatives.

See a gastroenterologist and do the tests required to determine the root cause. An endocrinologist can test you for hypothyroidism, an overlooked but primary cause for chronic constipation. Laxatives are not intended for long-term use, or for children.

(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2022 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.


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Page 16, The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com


Wheelchair Lemon Law.

Who Knew There Was Such A Thing?

I can’t say that New Jersey does a lot of things right, but I have to admit that our consumer protection laws are some of the best in the country.

When dealing with motorized wheelchairs a “consumer” is defined as the purchaser of the motorized wheelchair, if the motorized wheelchair was purchased from a motorized wheelchair dealer or manufacturer for purposes other than resale. A “consumer” is also a person to whom the motorized wheelchair is transferred for purposes other than resale, if the transfer occurs before the expiration of an express warranty applicable to the motorized wheelchair.

A manufacturer who sells a motorized wheelchair to a “consumer”, either directly or through a motorized wheelchair dealer, shall furnish the consumer with an express (written) warranty for the motorized wheelchair. The duration of the express warranty shall be at least one year. In the event the consumer does not receive the express warranty then the manufacturer shall be deemed to have expressly warranted to the consumer that, for a period of one year from the date of the first delivery to the consumer, the motorized wheelchair will be free from any condition or defect which substantially impairs the value of the wheelchair to the consumer.

If the wheelchair has what is called a “Nonconformity” this means that a condition or defect substantially impairs the use, value or safety of the motorized wheelchair, and that is covered by an express warranty. A “Nonconformity” does not include a condition or defect that is the result of abuse, neglect or unauthorized modification or alteration of the motorized wheelchair by the consumer.

If a new motorized wheelchair does not conform to an applicable express warranty and the consumer reports the nonconformity to the manufacturer, the wheelchair lessor or any of the manufacturer’s authorized dealers and makes the wheelchair available for repair before one year after first delivery of the wheelchair to a consumer then the nonconformity shall be repaired at no charge to the consumer by the manufacturer. However, the consumer must provide the manufacturer a reasonable attempt to repair the wheelchair.

“Reasonable attempt to repair” means, within the term of an express warranty applicable, or within one year after first delivery of the wheelchair to the consumer, whichever is sooner, that: (1) the wheelchair has been in for repair three or more times and the nonconformity continues, or (2) the motorized wheelchair is out of service for an aggregate of at least 20 days due to a nonconformity after having

been returned to the manufacturer, wheelchair lessor, or any of the manufacturer’s authorized dealers for repair.

If, after a reasonable attempt to repair, the nonconformity is not repaired then the manufacturer shall, at the direction of a consumer (other than a consumer who leases a motorized wheelchair from a motorized wheelchair dealer), either (1) accept return of the wheelchair and replace the wheelchair with a comparable new one and refund any collateral costs; or (2) accept return of the wheelchair and refund to the consumer and to any holder of a Note on the wheelchair the full purchase price plus any finance charge amount paid by the consumer at the point of sale and collateral costs, less a reasonable allowance for use.

In order to receive a comparable new motorized wheelchair or a refund a consumer shall offer to transfer possession of the defective wheelchair to the manufacturer. No later than 30 days after that offer, the manufacturer shall provide the consumer with the comparable new motorized wheelchair or a refund.

When the manufacturer provides the new motorized wheelchair or refund, the consumer shall return the defective wheelchair to the manufacturer, along with any endorsements necessary to transfer legal possession to the manufacturer.

In order to receive a refund a consumer shall:

(a) offer to return the defective wheelchair to its manufacturer. No later than 30 days after that offer, the manufacturer shall provide the refund to the consumer. When the manufacturer provides the refund, the consumer shall return to the wheelchair; and (b) offer to transfer possession of the wheelchair to its manufacturer. No later than 30 days after that offer, the manufacturer shall provide the refund to the motorized wheelchair lessor. When the manufacturer provides the refund, the motorized wheelchair lessor shall provide to the manufacturer any endorsements necessary to transfer legal possession to the manufacturer. Also, keep in mind that any lease of a motorized wheelchair shall not be enforceable after the consumer receives a refund for the leased motorized wheelchair.

No motorized wheelchair returned by a consumer or motorized wheelchair lessor in this State or by a consumer or motorized wheelchair lessor in another state shall be sold or leased again in this New Jersey unless full disclosure of the reasons for return is made to any prospective buyer or lessee.

The consumer litigation attorneys at the Law Offices of R.C. Shea & Associates are available for a free consultation (732-505-1212) to discuss your rights.


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The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023, Page 17 jerseyshoreonline.com ALLEN’S OIL & PROPANE Family Owned & Operated EST. 1919 www.allensoilandpropane.com Vincentown Plant 609-859-2334 “Service is the difference” Want To Save Money? Call Us Today! FREE INSTALLATION *Some Restrictions Apply. Call For Details Now Offering Propane Delivery and Service to Jackson! Michael J. Deem, Esq. R.C. Shea & Assoc. Inside The Law Our clients’ success is our greatest reward. 732-505-1212 • RCSHEA.COM


Veteran: Continued From Page 1

the best 100th birthday party possible. With such an impressive resume, I’m surprised Hollywood hasn’t made a movie about him yet.”

The activities will all take place on February 18 kicking off with a vehicle parade at 11:30 a.m. at the Jackson Police Department in the Justice Complex. Basso said the parade will consist of various police vehicles, fire trucks, emergency service vehicles, motorcycles, military vehicles and classic cars.

The parade will proceed onto West Veterans Highway past town hall, onto Bennetts Mills Road all the way to Magnolia Drive.

Jamison will ride in the parade which will then turn left onto Magnolia Drive towards the VFW Post. “On

Magnolia Drive, there will be a matching contingent of the parade including police and veteran honor guards, pipe bands, high school bands, and more,” Basso said.

Along the parade route on Bennetts Mills Road, there will be Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts lining the roadway as well as fire trucks displaying American flags.

Basso added, “the parade should arrive at the Jackson VFW Post (54 Magnolia Drive) at approximately 12 p.m. As the parade marches in, a live band, Kickin Wing will be performing on stage outside the VFW.”

“Following the conclusion of the parade, a brief ceremony will occur honoring Jamison. An after-party will then commence at the VFW with food, refreshments and a cash bar for those of age, which will be open to the public,” he said.

Page 18, The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com GREAT RATES FOR BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADS! NUMEROUS DISCOUNT PACKAGES AVAILABLE! FOR DETAILS, CALL 732-657-7344 TODAY! McMahon’s Jersey Shore Powerwashing Hot Water and Soap Mold Removal Houses • Patios & Roofs Washed Gutter Cleaning • Interior/Exterior Painting 732-681-1111 Insured Lic.# 13VH09707800 Senior Community Discounts Free Estimates NO HIGH PRESSURE USED Low Pressure Roof Stain Removal Safely Washing Houses & Roofs for Over 20 Years HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING Serving All of Ocean & Monmouth Counties 1-800-688-TEMP • www.caretemp.com 891 Rt. 37 West • Toms River, NJ 08755 FREE ESTIMATES Replacements & New Install of Heating & Air Conditioning Units BUSINESS DIRECTORY INCOME TAX PREPARATION Individual & Business CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Emily
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The Jackson Times welcomes your special announcements! Engagements, Weddings, Births, Birthday Wishes, etc. Please call 732-657-7344 for more details!

For Rent

Room For Rent - In Toms River, NJ. Couples allow. $1100. Call 201-844-5526. (7)

Real Estate

Lakewood 55+ Covington Village - Newer construction, gorgeous 2BR/2BA Condo 1165 sqft, hdwd floors; CAC; Washer/Dryer; balcony, pool, gym/amenities; billiard/card/theater rooms; parking; $2,700/Taxes; $416/HOA; ONLY $239,000; 201 390-7377/Julianne_ matskin@yahoo.com (11)


Items For Sale

Perfect Beige LaZBoy - Reclining loveseat with console and cupholders. 18 months old. Paid $1,200, asking $600 OBO. You transport. 404-513-8897. (9)

Kitchen/Dining Room Table - Oak, 60" x 40", 8 chairs and leaf. Like new $400. 201-755-8933. (9)


MISSING - Black and tabby female cat lost at 733 Old Burnt Tavern Road, Brick. Call 732-840-1434. (10)


Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n)

Absolute best home improvements!"Building the shore since 1984" Additions, carpentry, windows & doors, roofing & siding, painting & staining, flooring, kitchens & baths, finished basements, masonry, fencing, custom decks, fully insured, license #13VH11804800. $ave. Call Brien 732-850-5060. (28)

Services Services Services

Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (39)

APlus Home Improvements - Over 30 years experience. Everything from small handyman tasks to large renovations, decks, finished basements and much more. Lic #13VH11453600. No job too small give us a call. 908-278-1322. (52)

A+CLEANING SERVICE - Homes, Offices, Air BNB, Shopping, Thorough, Reliable, References, Senior Villages, Free Estimates. Call Barbara 732-948-4730. (8)

PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice.com . Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n)

Bus Trips

ESTATE CLEANOUTSProperties, Houses, Attics, Garages, Sheds, Storage Units, ect. Handyman Disposal provided 901a Dumpster Service LLC. Licensed, Insured, call or text Jim 609-335-0330. (27) Philadelphia Flower Show - Bus

Trip Saturday, March 11. $88 includes admission and bus fare. Toms River departure. Call Bill, Morano Tours, 732-278-2059 (10)

Items Wanted


RY Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n)


Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n)

Junk or Wrecked Cars and Trucks

Wanted - Cash paid. 732-6577251, Steve. Thanks. (10)

Cash Paid LP Records - 33/45's, reel to reel's. Fast response, we answer the phone 732-829-5908, 24/7, Eddie. (41)

Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for LP albums. Rock, Blues, Reggae, Soul. Very good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (9)

Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/ dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n)

CASH PAID!! LP records - stereos, turntables, musical instru-ments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (30)

CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n)

Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (t/n)

Used Guns Wanted - All types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n)

Ca$h Paid For Old 45 RPM

Records. - R&B, doo wop, soul, early rock & roll, and rockabilly preferred. Call between 8AM and 8PM 909-938-4623. (3)

FREE Golden Retriever Puppies to Forever Homes! - 1 Male,1 Female. Excellent temperament! House trained with very good trainable natures & perfect for families with children and other pets! I will not re home to just any-one. Please email me first at: staceymcclelland8@gmail.com and Text (312) 270-0850. (43)

Micromedia Publications is looking for a high-energy account rep to sell print and online advertising in Ocean County. Competitive base, bonuses & company benefits. Successful applicant should possess good communication skills & a desire to grow with the company. E-Mail resumes to jallentoff@jersey shoreonline.com. EOE. (t/n)

Help Wanted

Animal Lovers - Volunteers needed to help feed homeless cats 1 or 2 days weekly. Call 732-3672932, leave message. (8)

Male Health Aide - Needed occassionally for senior male assisting with daily routine. $25 hourly. Call 732-319-6358. (10)

Laundromat Attendant - For FT/ PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (t/n)

Home Organizer Wanted - Empty packing boxes, organize closets etc. Must be personable, competent. $20 per hour. Time is flexible. References required. Victoria 508-680-6088. (10)

Seeking Responsible Individual With Good Phone Skills - Experience In Hvac & Permits A Plus. Filing/Answering Phones/Scheduling/Permits/Ordering Parts/ Customer Service. Great Work Environment. $15/Hour 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Paid Holidays. Call Care Temp Heating & AC at 732-349-1448 Or Fax Resume To 732-349-6448. (t/n)


CHEAP PAINTING Done RITEFree est. Senior discounts interior exterior. Call 732-506-7787, cell 646-643-7678. (28)

LANDSCAPING - Restorations, Repairs, Stones, Mulch, Sod Installs, Hedges, Shrubs, Bushes, Downed Branches Trimmed & Removed, Demolition, Cleanouts, ect., Dumpster service provided by A901 Licensed Hauler ect. MAN WITH VAN LLC. Jim 609-335-0330 HIC# 13vh10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL! (20)

Advertise in the main sections of Micromedia’s weekly newspapers. Your ad will be seen by thousands. Call 732-657-7344 ext. 206 for more information.

Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (19)

Computer Tutoring for Seniors –Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n)

Learn To Play The - Flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, or drums from a NJ State Certified Teacher of instrumental music, in your home! Call 732-350-4427 for more information. (11)

Certified Home Health Aides - Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n)

A1 HANDYMAN SERVICESOver 30 years experience in all phases of home improvements. Free estimates and referrals. Call John 267-475-7962. (10)

Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (42)

MY HANDY CREW - Home repairs, carpentry, painting roofing and siding, decks, powerwashing, yardwor,k all your home maintenance needs. $ave. Call Clark 732-850-5060. Insured and NJ License #13VH11804800. (46)

Don’t let the stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-855-634-0529. (t/n)

Donate your car, truck or van. Help veterans find jobs or start a business. Call Patriotic Hearts Foundation. Fast, FREE pick-up. Max tax-deduction. Operators are standing by! Call 1-833-885-0359. (t/n)

ALL American Home Health AidesExperienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605. (t/n)

Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19)

Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options Request a FREE Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-833-901-0309. (t/n)

Get DIRECTV for $64.99/mo for 12 months with CHOICE Package. Save an additional $120 over 1st year. First 3 months of HBO Max, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz and Epix included! Directv is #1 in Customer Satisfaction (JD Power & Assoc.) Some restrictions apply. Call 1-877-557-1213. (t/n)

Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-877-791-2033 or visit dorranceinfo.com/micro. (t/n)


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If you have any questions, please call Ali at 732-657-7344 ext. 203.

The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023, Page 19 jerseyshoreonline.com
Custom House Painter - Pays attention to detail, interior, cracks, nail pops,wall repair. Benjamin Moore paints. Wayne 908-327-5471. (52)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Page 20, The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com 520 ARNOLD AVE., PT. PLEASANT BEACH www.unclevinniescomedyclub.com • Call for Dinner/Show Reservations NJ’S TOP COMEDY CLUB! CALL US AT: 732-899-3900 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY: 8 P.M. • FRIDAY & SATURDAY: 9 P.M. SAVE THIS PAGE! Order tickets online: unclevinniescomedyclub.com Click on the venue on the home page! UPCOMING COMEDIANS UPCOMING COMEDIANS ALGONQUIN THEATRE · MANASQUAN AMERICAN HOTEL April 21 Dr. Dirty John Valby valby.eventbrite .com March 24 Jackie The Joke Man Martling jokemanfreehold. eventbrite.com April 22 Jeff Norris & Renee DeLorenzo jeffapril22. eventbrite.com April 28 Uncle Floyd floydfreehold. eventbrite.com ADAM FERRARA FEBRUARY 17 & 18 JOHN HEFFRON MARCH 3 & 4 ANDREW DICE CLAY MARCH 1 & 2 JIMMY GRAHAM FEBRUARY 22 & 23 COREY RODRIGUES FEBRUARY 11 MAIJA DIGIORGIO FEBRUARY 24 & 25 ERIC MCMAHON FEBRUARY 15 & 16 FUNDRAISERS • PRIVATE PARTIES • BOOK A COMEDIAN FOR YOUR EVENT! GENERAL HOSPITAL EVENTS JOHNNY WACTOR & BONNIE BURROUGHS MARCH 5 KATHLEEN GATI, KELLY THIEBAUD & ROGER HOWARTH MARCH 19 KATHLEEN GATI & CHARLES SHAUGHNESSY “MR. SHETFIELD FROM THE NANNY” MAY 7 HAYLEY ERIN & CHLOE LANIER MARCH 12

“If you get caught between the moon…and Long Beach Island?” Photographer Bob Birdsall captured Old Barney in all of his newly renovated glory and the sky over the jetty. Magnificent! Whether you are

a professional photographer, a dabbler or someone who just has a smartphone, we want your pix for our Photo of the Week! Email them to photos@jerseyshoreonline.com and you could win a prize!

Expect Moderate Noise This Month From Joint Base

– If you happen to hear loud booms in the area, it’s the soldiers training at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst (JBMDL).

Every month, JBMDL releases their “Noise Level Calendar” so residents know when to expect mild or severe noise. This is to deter calls to local 911 dispatchers. The calendar is labeled with three different levels of noise: slight

noise, moderate noise and abundant noise.

For the month of February, a majority of days are scheduled for “moderate noise.” Some key days to look out for are February 18 and 19 which are scheduled for “high noise.” Additionally, February 12 is scheduled for “low noise.” Noise levels are subject to change without notice due to training requirements and weather, JBMDL said.

The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023, Page 21 jerseyshoreonline.com
thE wEEk Chimney & Gutter Cleaning • New Roofs Steps & Sidewalks $39 CHIMNEY CLEANING – $85 GUTTER CLEANING 10% OFF WITH THIS AD Owned & Operated by Mike Umstead 732-240-0488 CHIMNEYS • GUTTERS • ROOFING • MASONRY Busy Bee HIC #13VH06729000
photo of

F un & G ames S udoku

C rossword P uzzle


Crossword Puzzle

Page 22, The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com
Jumble: GOOFY PILOT STANZA FINALE – ALOFT IN A LOFT Across 1 Have over 5 “A Land More Kind Than Home” novelist Wiley 9 Mary-in-mourning sculpture 14 1968 self-titled live folk album 15 Baseball family name 16 Cruise stopovers 17 More than a little unkind 18 Dozes off 19 Magazine featuring Pencil Pointers 20 S 23 “Gloria in Excelsis __” 24 Shelter adoptee 28 C 32 Cornfield cries 33 Total 34 Joe 35 Dilutes
“Good Omens” actor Jon
Cookie with a Cakesters variety
Balkan native 4 Soft-pedal
“1812 Overture” instrument 6 Facial tissue additive
Pop 8 Tamale wrapper 9 Milne friend who notes, “It is hard to be brave when you’re a Very Small Animal” 10 “It’s my call” 11 Blight-stricken tree 12 Bit of concert merch 13 Donkey 21 Sneetches creator 22 Nation that follows the Solar Hijri calendar 25 Caravan mounts 26 Customary 27 Gate postings, briefly 28 “__ Moon”: manga series 29 Pull the plug on 30 Light weight 31 Squeals (on) 32 Bowlful served with a cinnamon roll in the Midwest 35 RPM gauge 37 Poem
of rustic life 38 Opposite sides of a rather pointed fight? 40 Record holders 43 Apelike 44 Challenging puzzle 45 Aerie nesters 49 Espy 50 Skunk River state 51 Gritty film genre 52 “Ja” opposite
Hindu goddess of destruction 54 Manual component 55 Transcript fig.
57 Fluffy wrap
ist Petry
unwell 40 Canine kiss 41 Not too keen 42 B 46 Looking to add staff 47 100% 48 Evolutionary mysteries, and a feature of three clues in this puzzle 55 Swing for the fences 58 Summer hangout 59 Stock exchange membership 60 Tourney format 61 Boo-boo 62 Flooring preference 63 Hatha yoga posture 64 Patches potholes, say 65 Quick cut Down
36 “The Street” novel-
37 Thoughts
S udoku

Omarr’s Astrological Forecast

For the week of FEB 11 - feb 17

ARIES (March 21-April 19): The people who love you unconditionally deserve your attention, not just those who support you when the conditions are exactly right. During the upcoming week, you may work harder than usual to reach your goals.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You may be filled with discontent in the week ahead; use it to discover what you need to release or can improve in your life. Fulfill any family obligations with an open heart and do not begin anything new.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Keep your spirits up and concentrate on the best and highest. In the week ahead you might become cynical if you hear too many negative comments or untruthful gossip. Avoid being a victim of someone else’s agenda.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Be cautious and avoid making new or unusual investments in the week to come. You may not want to settle for less than you deserve, so you should wait for a worthy opportunity. Maintain a non-judgmental attitude.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Universal law states that like attracts like and what goes around comes around. If you are putting out bad vibes, you will likely attract the same from others. In the week ahead, do your best to be fair and to honor your commitments.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): As the week begins, do your best toward every facet of your responsibilities and keep an eye peeled for problems that could affect your health. A supervisor may scrutinize your work. Realign your thoughts from the abstract to the tangible.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): No one ever created a masterpiece on their first try. Take practical steps to develop your creative talents. Avoid overspending to satisfy an obsession in the early part of the week. You may see things differently late this week.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): First things first. Handle your responsibilities and take any family problems seriously. Apply self-discipline if you aspire to becoming proficient in something. By the end of the week, you may earn some unexpected recognition.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Be honest about your mistakes since the truth always comes out; use the opportunity to learn the lesson. Put plans on hold and wait for better timing. Focus on handling your responsibilities in the week ahead.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Focus on saving money, especially if you are tempted to act on impulses. You or a family member may want what you can’t have in the first half of the week. Work hard to earn money and save for the future.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): As this week unfolds, you may realize that some problems you encounter are outside your control. Your response to any situation, however, is within your control. Steer clear of power struggles and confrontations.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You may possess a gift, but in the week ahead, may notice that other people have refined and polished theirs. Let others be examples and practice more until you’ve stepped up your game. Take the rough edges off to shine.



Serves 8

1/2 cup packed light brown sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg

6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled

Vegetable oil spray

1 pound pizza dough, room temperature

1/3 cup powdered sugar

2 teaspoons milk

1. In a small bowl, stir together brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Place melted butter in a second small bowl. Spray 8-inch round cake pan with vegetable oil spray.

2. Spray counter lightly with vegetable oil spray. Place dough on greased counter and pat into 6-inch square. Use kitchen shears to cut dough in half. Cut each half into 3 strips (you’ll have 6 strips total). Cut each strip into 6 even pieces (you’ll have 36 pieces total).

3. Roll each piece of dough into a ball. Dip each ball in melted butter to coat, roll in brown sugar mixture, then place in greased pan. Cover bottom of pan with dough balls in single layer.

4. Cover pan tightly with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place until dough balls are puffy and have risen slightly (about 1/2 inch), 1 to 2 hours.

5. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. When dough is ready, discard plastic. Place pan in oven and bake until top of monkey bread is light golden brown, 20 to 25 minutes.

6. Transfer pan to cooling rack and let monkey bread cool for 5 minutes (no longer).

7. Place a large plate on top of the pan. Carefully flip out monkey bread onto the plate. Remove pan. Let cool for 10 minutes before glazing.

8. In a third small bowl, stir powdered sugar and milk until smooth. Use spoon to drizzle glaze over monkey bread. Serve warm.

(For 25 years, confident cooks in the know have relied on America’s Test Kitchen for rigorously tested recipes developed by professional test cooks and vetted by 60,000 at-home recipe testers. See more online at www.americastestkitchen. com/TCA.) (c) 2022 AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN. DISTRIBUTED BY TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC.

The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023, Page 23 jerseyshoreonline.com
Page 24, The Jackson Times, February 11, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com

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