2 minute read
Why You Should Think Twice Before Buying B Complex Vitamins
By Suzy Cohen, R. Ph.
I was inspired to write this blog because I took a capsule of my Mito B complex today and sat down with hot tea. About 15 minutes after that walked into my hot yoga class, where I quickly developed a heat flush! I’m talking about a hot flush from the niacin. I did it to myself without thinking twice about the timing of a hot drink and a hot gym! Just FYI, the niacin flush is a pretty unusual occurrence with dietary supplements, but it can happen if you’re sensitive to niacin, or if you take it and then go into a room that is 102 degrees and do headstands, lol! I have some tips on how to avoid a niacin flush. If you go to suzycohen.com and sign up to receive my newsletter, I’ll email you the longer version of this article. Anyway, it got me thinking about an article on B Complex vitamins. Some brands are better than others. If you don’t shop with me, you should read the rest of this article. B Complex refers to a family of nutrients, it’s not just one nutrient. Most people take it for one of these 4 reasons:
1. Energy production: You will be tired if you are depleted in B vitamins. The B complex vitamins convert your food into energy, making ATP out of what you eat. This gives you zest and energy.
2. Brain function: All of the B complex nutrients are important for maintaining brain function, memory, and the ability to learn. They help make neurotransmitters.
3. Cell health: B complex vitamins are necessary for maintaining healthy cells, specifically our DNA synthesis and repair, which is essential for cell division and growth.
4. Nerve Sheath Health: B complex vitamins protect the myelin sheath and help with neuron regeneration. This could help neuropathy.
Most people take B vitamins for the reasons above, however, B vitamins also help men and women with estrogen metabolism. Specifically, the B vitamins help increase the formation of 2-hydroxyestrone (designated as 2-OH-E1 on your DUTCH test if you’ve ever taken that).
The 2-OH-E1 is a protective type of estrogen metabolite and again, B vitamins can help you create more of that.
Not all B Complex Vitamins are the same. Most of the supplements contain inactive precursor ingredients that your body has to activate before it even works. For example, pyridoxine is on the label of most B Complex supplements, but that isn’t active. You have to turn that into another compound “P5P” short for pyridoxal 5’ phosphate. Think of cyanocobalamin, it’s okay but methylcobalamin is methylated. That means it gets absorbed better. Methylated B vitamins are beneficial for people who have a high demand for B vitamins, such as pregnant women, athletes, and regular people with certain health conditions like high homocysteine and fatigue. They also help people who are on a junk food diet, and those who have had gastric surgery. Always consult your practitioner before making changes to your vitamin regimen.
(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2022 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.