1 minute read
Why Was There So Little Snow At The Shore? Stores, Apartments Planned For Drum Point
By Judy Smestad-Nunn
BRICK - The look and feel of Drum Point Road, Mantoloking Road and Herbertsville Road is gradually changing as developers are taking advantage of zoning that was established by ordinance in 2018.
By Andrey Nalbantov
JERSEY SHORE - Do any of you remember the massive snowman contest more than two weeks ago at the beach?
No, of course you don’t. It’s because we’ve barely had any snow this winter – not enough to even build a single snowman. And with the winter months now passed, an important question is being raised again. Why was there so little snow at the shore?
Luckily enough, there is an answer to that question, and it doesn’t exactly involve climate change, a term many believe taboo.
While our neighbors from Northern Jersey got more than five inches of snow on a couple of occasions this winter, here by the Shore we got the occasional flurries, around an inch of snow, and a whole lot of rain that used to be snow.
According to the New Jersey State Climatologist at Rutgers University, Dr. Dave Robinson, the reason for the
(Snow - See Page 20)