2023-04-01 - The Howell Times

Page 6

Contamination Sparks Fear In Locals

HOWELL – Dozens of Howell and Farmingdale residents showed up at a meeting with fervent attempts to uncover details regarding the discovery of unknown toxic materials found at 15 Marl Road.

Compounders, Inc., owns the 7.7-acre newly fenced-off site located just south of the Farmingdale border adjacent to the railroad near the intersection of Preventorium Road and Railroad Avenue, and Marl Road.

The informational session hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) included representatives from both the federal agency and members of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Local officials also did their best to provide answers as residents voiced their concerns and grievances.

Decades ago, the property was approved for compounding mate-

–Photo courtesy EPA

The EPA is overseeing the cleanup of 15 Marl Road after deteriorating drums with unknown toxic materials were discovered onsite.

rials used to produce adhesives. The site was classified as an asphalt

Nearly 400,000 Pieces Of Trash Removed From Beaches In 2022

Everything from cigarette butts to a giant 3-foot teddy bear were among the thousands of pieces of garbage collected off our beaches during Clean Ocean

Action’s (COA) 2022 beach sweeps. The Long Branchbased environmental organization recently released their 2022 Beach Sweeps Report. Volunteers rallied together last year to pick

up a total of 376,969 pieces of trash, according to the organization.

Some of the most common garbage items included thousands of plastic bottle caps and lids, over 37,000 food (Beaches - See Page 2)

and tar manufacturer in 1979, which involved cooling liquid asphalt

and tar and storing it in drums. Other operations on

the site have included wax and resin melting, as well as Xylene/

Xytol and gum resin. Three separate fires

(Locals - See Page 3)

Plan Forming To Preserve Farmland

As part of their continuing implementation of the township’s Master Plan, members of the Farmers Advisory Committee (FAC) hosted an open public forum at the town hall on March 23 to discuss the 2023 Farmland Preservation Plan (FPP).


The meeting was chaired by the township’s Director of Community Development, Matt Howard, with advisory input from Christine Bell of the Leon S. Avakian engineering fi rm.

“We’re here now to present the preliminary

draft of the comprehensive permanent preservation plan,” Howard stated at the onset of the meeting. “The Township has a Master Plan and it contains several elements, everything ranging from land use, circulation, open space and recreation, [and] environmental resource. One of those is the comprehensive Farmland Preservation Plan.”

The plan, which is currently in the drafting stage, is available as a public document on the township’s website, along with a color-coded

(Farmland - See Page 5)

e In This Week’s Edition BREAKING NEWS @ jerseyshoreonline.com Inside The Law Page 9 Community News Pages 6-7 Classifieds Page 13 Dear Pharmacist Page 11


Continued From Page 1 and candy wrappers, and more than 22,000 cigarette filters.

Amidst the garbage was the “Roster of the Ridiculous,” as COA calls it, which is the most outrageous finds during a beach sweep. Some of these wacky items included asparagus, a car muffler, handlebars from a bike, Legos and more.

COA’s Beach Sweeps are held twice a year with a goal to clean the environment while recording debris for data which helps with federal and state legislation.

COA’s advocacy campaign manager Kari Martin said the data has helped push the state’s ban on single-use plastic bags and plastic-foam takeout containers, which have decreased nearly 38% since the ban.

According to the report, volunteers re-

moved 5,833 plastic bags; 21,216 straws and 1,689 plastic food containers in 2022. “We’re able to turn all of that effort into a legacy of information that we can use to change policies and to make the changes that we need to reduce litter that gets into our ocean and into our waterways,” said Cindy Zipf, executive director of Clean Ocean Action. “It’s is not just ugly on the beaches, but as many of you know it’s lethal or harmful to marine life.”

During a recent press conference, COA staff explained that the amount of garbage pulled off New Jersey beaches last year dropped from 2021.

Disposable face masks decreased by 40%, disposable wipes also decreased by 40%, and plastic bottle caps and lids dropped 29%. Other items such as e-cigarette cartridges, dog waste bags, and disposable gloves all saw a significant decline.

During the Q&A session, one person questioned the restriction of outdoor balloons. COA said they are currently working to find a sponsor, as balloons and their ribbons are a great threat to seabirds, sea turtles and marine mammals, COA said.

“We really need to change the public awareness about balloons. They’re beautiful. They’re fun, but they’re inside toys or things to be very careful with.,” Zipf said.

This Year’s Sweep

The press conference relaying last year’s information had another purpose: to bring attention to this year’s clean-up.

If you’d like to be a volunteer in the organization’s 2023 Beach Sweeps, it will be held on April 1 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. across the Jersey Shore. For a list of locations, visit cleanoceanaction.org/aboutbeachsweeps.

Bradley Beach Green Fair Seeks Vendors

BRADLEY BEACH – The Annual Borough of Bradley Beach Green/Environmental Fair will take place on Earth Day, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Riley Park, Bradley Beach. The event is free and teaches people of all ages about the local environment.

The fair will feature a wide range of activities including a free Earth Day yoga class, live music and food. Visitors can expect to learn about local resources and eco-friendly products and services.

There are still vendor spaces left for this year’s fair. Any environmental groups or organizations are offered a free table. If you’re interested in being a part of the fair, please visit the web site at bradleybeachnj.gov or contact the Borough at communications@ bradleybeachnj.gov

Page 2, The Howell Times, April 1, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com



From Page 1

have occurred on the property over four decades, with the most recent one on February 9 causing alarm.

“Howell firefighters dispatched to the site found materials were being burned and found an old metal silo in the back of the structure,” said Matt Howard, Howell’s Director of Community Development and Land Use. “There was a really strong chemical odor at the time, and 200-300 drums were observed on the site.”

According to Howard, the drums are in poor condition, with many not only bulging and leaking but also rusted and dented. Reports indicate that smaller containers were also present in addition to the 55 gallon drums. Some of the drums were open, and there was evidence of spills and solid waste on the site.

The standard protocol called for reports made to the Monmouth County Board of Health, which alerted the DEP of the potential gravity of the situation. The EPA subsequently took over as the lead agency.

Preliminary steps taken by the federal agency include arranging for 24-hour security service to avoid the possibility of someone tampering with the containers. In addition, repairs to breaches in the front fence are intended to keep out trespassers and further remove the risk of imminent danger.

With the site secured, the next step is to remove the deteriorating drums from the property. Compounders, Inc., the potentially responsible party, has the option to conduct the removal action themselves.

“They’ve been very cooperative, and they’re working with us to secure the fence at this time,” said Michael Mannino, On-Scene Coordinator for the EPA. “They are currently reviewing a couple of cost estimates for removal contractors to make sure that people who are doing the work are properly certified and trained to do such work.”

The EPA has not yet entered the assessment phase of the project that would identify what compounds were present on the site. While some of the drums are labeled, Mannino said the information was decades old and not necessarily reliable.

“We don’t want to make an assumption based on old information,” Mannino explained. “We’re going to conduct an assessment with a potentially responsible party, Compounders, Inc. And we’re going to collect lab samples submitted and analyze it so we know exactly what the chemicals are that we’re handling or disposing of and will be providing those through community updates.”

The entire remediation process also includes working with the DEP to identify threats of contamination in the soil and groundwater.

Public Fears

There was an overwhelming sense of desperation as some residents sought answers that would bring them peace of mind concerning their health and safety.

One woman said she’d moved to the area from Toms River and recalled the trauma of living near the Ciba-Geigy Superfund site. Another gentleman contemplated whether

his evolving health issues were related to contamination on the property. He also suggested his feline companion’s illness might be due to the cat licking its paws if dangerous substances were airborne or on the ground.

Authorities did not have answers regarding whether the site’s contaminants were airborne or had impacted groundwater or the soil. These are subject to investigation and analysis.

Other residents questioned whether a deadline had been set for the removal of the drums from the property. The short answer is that there are none. Federal law requires allowing the potentially responsible party to do the work. Enforcement mechanisms are in place if they do not conduct the process safely or correctly, which would result in the EPA taking over the site.

Several individuals expressed disappointment that they did not get what they considered adequate notice of potentially hazardous conditions – beginning with the chemical fire itself.

“I’d like to know why we weren’t notified by a robocall of people in that area,” said Ramey Allen of Farmingdale. “And had to find out – by someone at the grocery store.”

Howard said the township set up a separate page on its website to disseminate information about the site and made announcements on both social media and local newspapers. Other residents reiterated their distress about the notification process.

“We should be going to our local news stations,” Elizabeth Biernacki of Farmingdale suggested. “We should be aware of where to contact even if the robocall said take precau-

tions and follow the website. It’s just kind of common sense.”

Shereen Kandill, a Community Involvement Coordinator for the EPA, said that she was happy to listen to suggestions regarding the best methods of communication from the federal agency. She volunteered to knock on doors or show up at grocery stores to keep people informed.

Information regarding the site and continuing work can be found at response.epa.gov/ CompoundersInc or on Howell’s webpage.

Evacuation Route Established

Although federal and local authorities do not believe there is a threat of imminent danger, an evacuation route has been established. Details can be found on the township’s website.

Victor Cook, Howell Emergency Management Director, stressed that the implementation of the evacuation plan was intended to be proactive to prepare residents in the event something did happen.

The one-mile radius around the contaminated site includes three public schools and two day care centers.

“We have been in touch with the schools,” reassured Cook. “They have a reunification plan in place for their schools. We also have places in the township where we are going to set up to reunify families and to check in if people need to leave their houses.”

Cook said that the township has also made arrangements with the Monmouth County Office of Emergency Management to secure buses should an evacuation plan become necessary.

The Howell Times, April 1, 2023, Page 3 jerseyshoreonline.com 732-349-1448 • www.caretemp.com √ SAME DAY SERVICE/REPLACEMENTS √ CERTIFIED & TECHNICALLY TRAINED PROFESSIONALS √ CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED √ SERVING ALL OF OCEAN & MONMOUTH COUNTIES Central Air Conditioning • Boilers • Furnaces • Heat Pumps • Water Heaters • Tankless Water Heaters Oil/Gas/Propane Conversions • Air Cleaners • Attic Fans • Humidifiers • Tune-Ups • Service Plans AWARD-WINNING COMPANY NJ HIC #: 13VH02253000 Fred Paprocky, Master HVACR Contractor Lic#: 19HC00878000 Michael Battaglio Electric, NJ Electrical LIC #: 17909 A-Jay Plumbing, NJ Plumbing LIC #: 12661 *FINANCING AVAILABLE* $25 OFF SERVICE CALL (with repair made while there) Not valid after 4pm on weekdays or on weekend services. Coupon must be presented at time of service. Expires April 30, 2023. FREE AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE CONTRACT (FOR NEW CUSTOMERS) Call for details. $500 OFF Gas Conversion $250 OFF New Install of Air Conditioning or Heating System $150 OFF Central A/C &/OR Gas Boiler/Furnace Replacement COUPONS MUST BE PRESENT WHEN SIGNING CONTRACT and may not be used for prior services/installations. Coupons do not expire, except service call coupon. $100 OFF Tankless Gas Hot Water System $50 OFF Gas Hot Water Heater OR FREE 2ND OPINION! 891 Rt. 37 West • Toms River, NJ 08755 HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING FREE ESTIMATES Replacements & New Install of Heating & Air Conditioning Units MENTION HOWELL TIMES & RECEIVE ADDITIONAL SAVINGS! We Service & Install All Makes & Models
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S potlight o n g overnment

Correspondence & Commentary From Your Local, County, State & Federal Officials

Bill Would Require Schools To Notify Parents When Violence Is Recorded

From The Desk Of Congressman Chris Smith

WASHINGTON, D.C. - During consideration of the Parents Bill of Rights Act (HR 5), the House of Representatives unanimously passed an amendment offered by Rep. Chris Smith (R-4th) that would require school officials to notify parents of any video recordings of violent incidents that occur at school.

Smith’s amendment - which is now headed to the Senate as part of HR 5 - comes in response to the death of Adriana Olivia Kuch, a student at Central Regional High School


Continued From Page 1 map of farms within the town borders of Howell.

“We have to do an update every ten years and we are just about past that date,” said Howard. “So that’s why we’re looking to do an update now.”

To continue to be eligible for state funds, the township must renew and address its open space and preservation plans, and the public forum meeting was one way to address the concerns and questions of the residents of Howell Township. Advanced notice had been posted on the township’s website on March 1, providing information about the publicly attended meeting.

“Howell Township’s elected officials and committee members are deeply committed to preserving our natural resources, open space and agricultural foundation,” the notice read. “The plan will identify and list potential properties that may be eligible for grant funding on a state, county and local level for farmland preservation.”

The township’s Farmland Preservation Plan, in its draft form, currently runs 107 pages. As she went through the plan, which was projected on the screen adjacent to the dais, Bell enumerated the numerous aspects of the comprehensive plan, including the newer elements which had been incorporated into the latest edition.

“New to this plan, but not new within the last few years in the area, we talked about COVID-19 and how there’s been an increase in demand for warehousing around and how that can impact farmland,” said Bell. Warehouse proliferation has been an increasingly controversial topic in New Jersey as well as the rest of

in Berkeley Township, who tragically took her own life just days after a group of fellow students violently attacked her in the school hallway and then shared the video of the horrific assault online.

“Adriana’s family told the Asbury Park Press that she ‘took her own life after being threatened online, attacked on school grounds, and later harassed when video of the attack was spread via social media,’” said Smith.

“My amendment recognizes that bullying and violence are often compounded - and the victim further traumatized, further humiliated, and further mocked - when the crime is videotaped and shared on social media,” said Smith.

Specifically, Smith’s amendment would

the United States, and proposals presented to the Planning Board by developers are closely scrutinized by the Howell FAC.

The FPP addresses agricultural support services and related industries, land use planning, in addition to development pressures, sewers, public water supply services and expanded farmland preservation funding. Both the Howell FAC and the Preservation Task Force function as the de facto monitoring system presently in place to ensure that current preserved farmland remains as such, and as Bell explained during the meeting, the township’s comprehensive plan also lays out the short- and long-term goals to purchase sites for preservation.

As Bell’s presentation concluded, the proceedings were then opened to public comment, and while there were a number of individuals who did ask questions, many chose to hold their questions until the end to approach Howard and Bell privately, as well as members of the Howell FAC, once the meeting had ended.

One of the major issues with farmland preservation is simple economics. Without state funding, the township is left to allocate funds from the municipal budget in order to secure the lands to be purchased for preservation.

“Unfortunately, as we all know, in this market property’s expensive,” Howard explained. “Property with development potential is significantly expensive, so the township going at it themselves to preserve large tracts of land is very difficult, because you’re paying top dollar.”

The project also considered other factors in identifying potential properties, including size (parcels need to be over ten acres), as well as soil quality and location. The list in its finalized form identified

add to the Parents Bill of Rights’ disclosure requirement of violent incidences a provision that schools notify parents of whether recordings exist of such violence.

“Once informed, parents are empowered to better shield, comfort and protect their child,” said Smith.

In the wake of Adriana’s loss, Berkeley Mayor Carmen Amato, Jr. and the Township Council introduced a resolution imploring elected officials to enact legislation to help prevent the revictimization of students who are attacked at school.

“We must continue to do everything we can to better protect our kids,” said Mayor Amato, who has taken a lead in promoting reform measures to enhance school safety.

“Congressman Smith’s important amendment will give parents added information about violence and bullying in schools and allow parents to make the best decisions to

those farms that appeared to be the most feasible targets, as well as those that had the potential to be preserved.

“This list was put together with the help of the Farmers Advisory Committee,” Howard explained. “We spent more than a couple of nights, probably, looking at aerial maps, looking at wetlands mapping, and all kinds of different factors to come up with this list.”

With the list in place, the town is still inviting any commentary from the public before the plan moves forward through the steps for Planning Board approval.

“After this meeting, we’re going to notify existing present farms, the existing target list, and the potential target list just to say, ‘this is what we’re talking about, and if you have any comment or interest, just come forward’.”

Once adopted into the town’s Master Plan, officials will await funding to become available to move on approaching the current owners about having their properties

protect their children.”

Smith noted that his amendment is a step in the right direction of what must be a fullcourt press to tackle online bullying at the federal, state, and local levels.

“There must be absolutely zero tolerance for bullying, harassment, and violence in our schools and in our community,” said Smith.

“What happened at Central Regional High School must never happen again,” Smith said. “There must be no higher priority for us than school safety and protecting every student from violence.”

The Parents Bill of Rights Act which empowers parents by requiring K-12 public schools to notify them of their rights on the education of their children - passed the House with Smith’s strong support and vote and now moves to the Senate for further consideration.

purchased and converted into preserved farms. But preserving farms, as well as open space, is seen not only as a quality of life issue to the residents of Howell.

“It’s more than just farm preservation,” explained Leslie Chaillet, a member of the Farmers Advisory Council. “Take a look at our township flag, that was designed and sewn by hand in 1976. The flag depicts so much of what Howell history is about from the plow, to the forests, to the crops, each telling a story of why we need to continue to preserve our farms and support our local farmers who work so hard to maintain it.”

The next stage of the process, now that the public forum has been held, is to move the draft version of the FPP to the Planning Board subcommittee. The subcommittee will fine-tune and augment the document as currently constituted before it moves to the Planning Board proper for a full vote and eventual adoption into township policy.

The Howell Times, April 1, 2023, Page 5 jerseyshoreonline.com


Teacher Awarded Golden Apple

Howell PAL Advanced Golf Camp

HOWELL – The advance camp builds on what was taught in the beginners camp. This camp is for the person that has completed our beginners camp or has some experience playing the game.

They will spend the fi rst day going over GPA (Grip, Posture, Alignment). The remainder of the week we will be at a golf course learning how to play the course mentally.

Please note Monday will be a refresher course from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. with lunch provided at Eagle Oaks Golf & Country Club located at 20 Shore Oaks Drive in Farmingdale. Tuesday to Friday the camp will take place at Cruz Farms Country Club

from 6 p.m. to dusk located at 55 Birdsall Road Farmingdale. All days while we are at Cruz Farms any family members are welcome to golf with their son/daughter. Please be sure to have your cell phone listed in your online account and check the box that you can receive SMS text! No makeups unless multiple days are rained out. Space is limited!

Campers should wear suitable clothing, hat, sneakers and bring water bottle with name. Campers must provide their own clubs.

Camp is scheduled for July 17 through 21. Open to ages 8 to 14. Cost is $150 per person. For more information visit howellpal.org.

Opening Day At Allaire Village

HOWELL – Opening Day At Allaire

Village is April 1 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. At New Jersey’s premiere outdoor living history museum, come and celebrate Allaire’s history with special house tours, craft demonstrations (carpentry, tinsmith, blacksmith, hearth-cooking, fibre arts), children’s games, storytelling, and more! With winter behind and signs of spring, the village comes to life this day to kick off the 2023 season. Our unique craft guilds will be demonstrating their 19th century skills. Guided tours of the historic buildings, including two of our newly developed interpretive sites for 2023.

The day will include cooking, hands-on activities, and interactive programs to experience life in this early 19th century

industrial village. Visit our restored enameling building. Learn about what Allaire has to offer via group tours, facility rentals (the Chapel), benefits of museum membership, special events, volunteer/intern opportunities, sponsorships, and much more!

Learn about opportunities on how you can help at Allaire and what the village has to offer! We certainly appreciate any and all donations this day to support our craft guilds and preservation of the historic buildings.

What is The Historic Village all About? What does Allaire have to offer? How can you help and get involved? Visit us Opening Day to fi nd out. Explore our history and happenings for 2023!

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit allairevillage.org.

Page 6, The Howell Times, April 1, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com C ommUnitY n eWS C LUB N EWS , A CTIVITIES , E VENTS & A NNOUNCEMENTS
–Photo courtesy Howell Schools HOWELL – Proud to present a Golden Apple on March 20 to Ms. Melinda Muller for her 25 years of outstanding service in the district!

Easter Celebration At Allaire Village

HOWELL – Celebrate Easter at Allaire on April 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. One of the most popular family events on the Jersey Shore! Enjoy the day in the park while you visit with live chicks, bunnies and animals, a Spring flower stilt walker, bonnet decorating, egg games on the green, storytelling, a village scavenger hunt, historical Easter egg dying demos, and more! The Easter Bunny will be roaming the Village throughout the day! Easter selfie stations, live music, a few surprises and more! Two food trucks on site for the event. Sweet treats available at the Bakery. Bring your own Easter basket to collect eggs at special stops throughout the village. Plus enjoy learning about life in the early19th century industrial village; witness a variety of 19th century demonstrations

such as blacksmithing, woodworking, hearth cooking, and more!

Be sure to pick-up some delicious Easter treats at our Village Bakery. Tickets must be purchased in advance! tickets are limited! Tickets are $8 per person, 2 & under free. Day of Tickets: $10 per person, 2 & under free.

Note: All event pricing, dates, times and events are subject to change. No refunds or exchanges. Tickets are non-transferable. All events are rain or shine unless otherwise noted.

Ticket purchases must be made in advance. No tickets will be sold at the door if the event is sold out. Once tickets are purchased, no refunds and transfers are available. Purchase tickets at allaire village.org.

Spring 2023 Brush Collection Schedule

HOWELL – The Howell Department of Public Works has announced the spring 2023 Brush Collection Schedule.

Brush collection will begin April 10, weather permitting. Place all brush curbside no later than May 15. After this date, one fi nal collection will be made per zone, until all sections of the Township have been completed.

Only brush/tree trimmings will be collected. No leaves. Leaves can be brought to the Township Recycling Center located at 278 Old Tavern Road. The Recycling Center is open 7 days a week, 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

(except holidays)

Please adhere to the following guidelines:

• Stacked against curb with all butt ends facing the same direction.

• Maximum size: 6” in diameter and 8’ in length. No stumps.

• Maximum volume: equal to one pickup truck load. Additional brush can be dropped off at the Recycling Center.

• No leaves.

For more information, contact the Department of Public Works, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at 732-938-4500 ext. 2450 or visit twp.howell.nj.us.

Networking LunchSpeaker Police Chief Storrow

HOWELL – Join the Howell Chamber of Commerce for lunch and networking on April 4 at 12 p.m. at Capricci Pizzeria & Restaurant, Friendship Mall, 512 New Friendship Road, Howell.

The guest speaker will be Howell Chief of Police, John Storrow, who will discuss

safety in and out of the workplace.

Cost is $20 for members; $25 not yet members (payment in cash or check at the event; whether you eat or not). Includes choice of wrap, salad or half sub sandwich and drink. RSVP at howellchamberofcommerce.com so the restaurant can prepare accordingly.

Howell Heritage and Historical Society Upcoming Meeting

HOWELL – Howell Heritage and Historical Society next meeting will be on April 28 from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Ardena Baptist Church. The program for the evening will

be “Did you know this”? presented by Ann Malsbury and Lynn Barrall. All are welcome! Followed by the business meeting or the society.

Howell PAL Theater Company Presents: West Side Story


1 and May 3. Callbacks on May 4.

Show dates: June 30 and July 1 at the Strand Theater, Lakewood. Sign up for an audition time at howellpaltheaterco.com.

– Howell PAL Theater Company presents: West Side Story. Auditions are May


Jackson Square Plaza

(between Bartley Rd. & Harmony Rd.)

STORE HOURS: Mon-Sat: 9am-6pm • Sunday: 8am-4pm | CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY

photo oF the WeeK

Although the publication date of this newspaper is April 1st, this is NOT an April Fools Joke. Ok, well, maybe a little. Recently, there were a series of controlled burns in Ocean County performed by the New Jersey Forest Fire Service. Dave Lansing was able to snap this great shot on Route 37 in Toms River. It gave us all quite a chuckle in the newsroom. Want to see your photos in this space? Email them to photos@ jerseyshoreonline.com and you may win a prize!


Holiday Meats!

• Boneless Leg of Lamb (Plain or Seasoned)

• Rack of Lamb

• Standing Prime Rib Roast

• Eye Round Roast Beef (Plain or Seasoned)

• Boneless Loin of Pork (Plain, Seasoned or Stuffed)

• Fresh Ham (Plain or Seasoned)

• Spiral Ham

Holiday A La Carte


Penne Vodka.…………………………………$45

Stu ed Shells…………………………………$45


Orecchiette (sausage & broccoli rabe) ………$45

Linguini with Clams ………………………….$45

Rigatoni Bolognese…………………………...$45

Baked Ziti...……………………………………$40

Cavatelli & Broccoli...………………………… $45

Meat Lasagna.....………………………………$60

Cheese Lasagna.....……………………………$50

Rice Primavera (fresh vegetables) ……………$45



Bella Italia (white wine & mushroom).………$65








Bella Italia (white wine & mushroom).………$80


Roast Pork with Gravy..………………………$60

Sausage, Peppers & Onions………………… .$55

Homemade Meatballs..………………………$50

Roast Beef with Gravy...………………………$60

Make Your Holiday Memorable With One of Our Famous Roasts!

Steak Pizzaiola.......……………………………$65

Hot or Sweet Sausage w/Broccoli Rabe..……$60


Eggplant Parmigiana…………………………$50

Eggplant Rollatini.……………………………$50

Broccoli Rabe Sauteed...……………………...$55

Sauteed String Beans w/Garlic & Oil.………...$45

Stu ed Mushrooms Oreganata……………...$50

Stu ed Mushrooms w/Sausage……………...$50

Oven Roasted Potatoes……………………....$45

Sauteed Broccoli w/Garlic & Oil.……………...$45


Mini Rice Balls (20)……………………………$35

Mini Sicilian Rice Balls (20).…..……….………$40

Potato Croquettes (20)…………….…………$35

Prosciutto Balls (20)………………………..…$40

Fried Ravioli..….………………………………$50

Fried Breaded Zucchini Sticks………………..$45

Mozzarella En Carrozza (20)………………….$55

Artichoke Oreganata…………………………$65

Italian Egg Rolls………………………………$50

Italian Assortment Platter……………………$75

Antipasto & Salad

Small Serves 10-12 / Large Serves 15-20


Cold Antipasto Platter……………… $60… $95

Caprese Combo………………………$75…$115

Shrimp Cocktail………………………$85…$145

Mozzarella & Tomato Platter………… $55…$90

Bruschetta Platter…………………… $45…$70

Baby Green Salad…………………… $35…$50

Caesar Salad…………………………... $35…$50

Page 8, The Howell Times, April 1, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com
CARRYING: Easter Chocolate Eggs La Colomba Classica Panettone St. Joseph Pastry • Grain Pies Easter Bread • Gift Baskets VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.BELLAITALIAJACKSON.COM FOR THE FULL CATERING MENU
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Half Tray Serves 10-12 People

R.C. Shea & Assoc. Inside The Law

Paid Sick Leave Act

On October 29, 2018, New Jersey became the 10th state to enact a statewide mandatory paid-sick-leave law. The New Jersey Paid Sick Leave Act requires that nearly all New Jersey employers provide up to 40 hours of paid sick leave per year to covered employees.

Here is an overview of what New Jersey employers need to know:

Who Is Covered?

Covered employees: The act applies to most employees working in the state “for compensation.” The act expressly excludes employees in the construction industry employed under a collective bargaining agreement, per diem healthcare employees, and public employees who already have sick leave benefits.

Covered employers: The act broadly applies to any business entity, irrespective of size, that employs employees in the state of New Jersey, including a temporary help service firm. It expressly excludes public employers required to provide their employees with sick leave.

How Is Leave Accrued?

Accrual period: The act requires employers to designate any period of 12 consecutive months as a “benefit year.” Employers cannot change the established benefit year without fi rst notifying the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Under the act, current employees begin accruing sick time on the effective date of the act. New employees hired after the effective date of the act begin accruing sick time on the first date of their employment.

Accrual limits: In each benefit year, an employee will accrue up to 40 hours of sick time at a rate of one hour for every 30 hours worked. Alternatively, an employer may “frontload” the full 40 hours at the beginning of the benefit year. Employers with existing paid time off (PTO), personal days, vacation days and sick-day policies may utilize those policies to satisfy the requirements of the act as long as employees can use the time off as required by the act.

In the case of a temporary help service firm placing an employee with client firms, paid sick leave will accrue on the basis of the total time worked on assignment with the firm, not separately for each client firm to which the employee is assigned.

How Can Leave Be Used?

Employers are not required to permit employees to use more than 40 hours of sick leave in a benefit year. Employees can use accrued sick time after the 120th day of their first date of employment for the

following reasons:

Diagnosis, care or treatment of—or recovery from—an employee’s own mental or physical illness, including preventive medical care.

Aid or care for a covered family member during diagnosis, care or treatment of—or recovery from—the family member’s mental or physical illness, including preventive medical care.

Circumstances related to an employee’s or their family member’s status as a victim of domestic or sexual violence (including the need to obtain related medical treatment, seek counseling, relocate or participate in related legal services).

Closure of an employee’s workplace or of a school/childcare of an employee’s child because of a public official’s order relating to a public health emergency.

Time to attend a meeting requested or required by school staff to discuss a child’s health condition or disability.

The act broadly defines “family member” to include individuals related by blood to the employee or whose close association with the employee is the equivalent of a family relationship.

Employers may not require an employee to find a replacement to cover the employee’s absence.

Carryover and Payout Rules

Maximum carryover: The act does not require employers to permit employees to carry over more than 40 hours of accrued sick time in a single benefit year.

Optional buyout: Employers may, but are not obligated to, offer to pay employees for their unused accrued sick time in the final month of the benefit year. If employees agree to receive the payment, they may choose a payment for the full amount of their unused accrued sick time or for 50 percent of such time.

The payment amount shall be based on the same rate of pay that the employee earns at the time of the payment. If an employer frontloads the entire amount of sick time, it must either pay the employee for the full amount of unused accrued sick time in the final month of the employer’s benefit year or carry forward any unused sick time to the next benefit year. Employee approval is not required.

In What Increments Can Workers Use Leave?

The act provides employers with the discretion to choose the increments in which its employees may use accrued sick time.

(RC Shea - See Page 10)

The Howell Times, April 1, 2023, Page 9 jerseyshoreonline.com MANCHESTER TIMES • BERKELEY TIMES • BRICK TIMES JACKSON TIMES • HOWELL TIMES • TOMS RIVER TIMES SOUTHERN OCEAN TIMES Copyright by Micromedia Publications, Inc. All material printed in The Times’ is copyrighted by Micromedia Publications, Inc. unless otherwise noted. The reproduction of the contents, in full or in part, is prohibited, unless permission is granted by Micromedia Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Published Weekly P.O. Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 • Phone: 732-657-7344 • Fax: 732-657-7388 email: news@jerseyshoreonline.com • jerseyshoreonline.com President & Publisher Stew Swann Vice President/COO Jason Allentoff News Editor Chris Lundy Assistant News Editor Bob Vosseller Production Manager Allison Gradzki Graphic Artist Adriana Starcic Distribution Manager Laura Hoban Sales Manager Lorrie Toscano Send your news tips, copy & letters to news@jerseyshoreonline.com Layout Designer Sara Zorns
Our clients’ success is our greatest reward. 732-505-1212 • RCSHEA.COM

RC Shea:

Continued From Page 9

However, the largest increment chosen may not be larger than the number of hours an employee was scheduled to work in a given shift. For example, if an employee is scheduled to work a 7-hour shift, the employer cannot mandate that the employee use paid sick time in increments of eight hours.

What Happens Upon Transfer, Separation or Reinstatement?

Transfer of employment to a related or successor employer: If an employee is employed by a successor employer or transferred to a separate division, entity or location of the same employer, the employee will retain and be entitled to use all accrued sick time.

Separation of employment: Unless the employer has a policy or collective bargaining agreement providing for the payment of accrued sick leave upon termination, resignation, retirement or other separation from employment, the act does not require

the employer to pay employees for unused accrued sick leave upon the separation from employment.

Reinstatement of employment: If an employee is separated from employment but then reinstated within six months, all of the employee’s unused and accrued sick time must be reinstated.

What Notice and Documentation Is Required?

Foreseeable absences: Employers may require advance notice, not to exceed seven

calendar days, of the intention to use the leave and the expected duration. Employers may require employees to make a reasonable effort to schedule the use of sick leave in a manner that does not unduly disrupt the operations of the employer. Employers may prohibit employees from using foreseeable sick leave on certain dates, and require reasonable documentation if sick leave that is not foreseeable is used during those dates.

Unforeseeable absences: Employers may require employees to give notice of the intention to use the leave as soon as practicable, provided that the employer has notified the employee of this requirement.

Absences of three days or more: If an employee is absent for at least three consecutive days, the employer may require documentation that confirms that the employee used sick leave for a covered purpose.

What Are the Notice and Record-Keeping Rules?

Employers must post a notification of employees’ rights under the act and provide employees with a written copy of the notice within 30 days after the department has issued a model notice and each time thereafter when an employee is hired or requests such a notice. Additionally, employers must retain records documenting hours worked by employees and paid sick time taken by employees for a period of five years and permit the department access to those records.

What If We Have a Collective Bargaining Agreement?

The act does not apply to employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) that is in effect at the time of the effective date of the act, at least until the CBA expires. Even then, employees or their representatives may waive the rights under the act during the negotiation of the CBA.

What About Local Paid-Sick-Leave Laws?

The act preempts all existing and future municipal ordinances in New Jersey regarding paid sick time.

How Will the Law Be Enforced?

Employees may sue their employers for violating the act and can seek actual damages suffered as a result of the violation, plus an equal amount of liquidated damages.

How Does the Anti-Retaliation Provision Work?

The anti-retaliation provision of the act includes a rebuttable presumption that an employer’s actions are unlawful if it takes adverse action against an employee within 90 days of the employee engaging in activity protected under the act. This includes such actions as filing a complaint with the department, cooperating with an investigation, opposing policies and practices that are unlawful under the act, or informing other individuals of their rights under the act.

What Should Employers Do Now?

In anticipation of the effective date of this new law, you should review your paid time off, vacation or other paid leave policies to determine whether you will have to implement a paid-sick-time policy for any of your employees or amend your existing policies to ensure compliance with the act. You should also inform managers and supervisors of any new policy changes and of the importance of the provisions of the law prohibiting retaliation.

You should also consider revising your employee handbooks to account for these changes. For example, if you choose not to pay out accrued but unused sick leave upon termination, you must make that abundantly clear in your written policies. Finally, you should be on the lookout for the poster and template notice issued by the Department.

Page 10, The Howell Times, April 1, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com

Revolutionizing Healthcare: 3 Pros And Cons Of Telemedicine

Telemedicine is an approach to healthcare delivery that I find fascinating. Through the use of technology, you can receive medical care and support from anywhere in the world, making it easier to access care regardless of location or mobility challenges! It’s truly amazing.

One of the greatest benefits of telemedicine is its ability to provide patients with quality medical care, even for chronic conditions and mental health issues. As someone who has dealt with a few recent health issues, I appreciate the convenience of being able to talk to a doctor from the comfort of my own home without driving through a Colorado blizzard!

I also think one relatively untapped area for telemedicine is for mental health support. What if you just feel too bad to dress, or drive to your psychiatrist? I can see how virtual appointments could help a person in need receive important counseling when they otherwise couldn’t drive there.

Telemedicine appointments exploded during the pandemic, and even now years later, it’s not without challenges. Limited broadband/ wifi access and difficulties understanding how to connect to your appointment can make it difficult for some people to access telemedicine services. I’m thinking of my elderly parents who still can’t turn on a computer, no less connect to wifi!

Legal and regulatory barriers can also be a challenge, as telemedicine is subject to different rules and regulations in different jurisdictions. Plus, you can’t do a pap smear, ear wax removal or dental exam without being there in person! Despite these challenges, I believe that telemedicine has the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery and improve the lives of patients around the world.

I know a lot of people reading this might not like how fast the world is moving, and all of the digital technology, but let’s face it, by embracing telemedicine, medical care becomes available to more people, regardless of their circumstances.

In summary, here are three potential pros and cons of telemedicine:


1. Improved access to care: Telemedicine makes it easier for patients to receive medical care, regardless of their location or disabilities.

2. Convenience: Telemedicine allows you to see a doctor without having to travel long distances, or sit in a germy clinic.

3. Cost savings: Remote support is often cheaper (and faster) than in-person doctor’s visits.


1. Computer difficulties: Having a good wifi connection and a computer with a camera and mic, it’s harder. Also, there are inevitably computer glitches depending on what app and platform you use to connect.

2. Legal and regulatory barriers: Telemedicine is subject to different rules and regulations in different jurisdictions, which can create challenges for patients and healthcare providers.

3. Privacy concerns: If you are not alone during the time of your zoom appointment for telemedicine, others will hear you discussing your medical problems. This is embarrassing for some people.

I’ve written a longer version of this article and have practical advice for practitioners who want to start offering telemedicine services. To read that, please visit my website, suzycohen.com.”

(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2022 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.

The Howell Times, April 1, 2023, Page 11 jerseyshoreonline.com H
• Furniture • Appliances • Debris • Sheds • Pools • Decks • Garages & More - Licensed & Insured - Senior Discount - Same or Next Day Services
732-355-3315 Dear Pharmacist

United For Impact Food Truck Festival

FREEHOLD – In partnership with DowntownFreehold.com, United Way of Monmouth and Ocean Counties (UWMOC) is hosting the United for Impact Food Truck Festival on April 30 from 12 to 6 p.m. on West Main Street in Freehold. The event is rain or shine.

Guests will enjoy great food from 10 food trucks, 20 vendors, beer and live music while supporting United Way’s critical work in our community. Musical entertainment includes The Joe Baracata Band,

SHREWSBURY – The Shrewsbury

Chorale proudly announces that its Flea Market Fundraiser will take place on April 1 at First Methodist Church, 103 Monmouth Road, Oakhurst from 9 a.m.

Eddie Testa Band and The Break Plans. Tickets for a 50/50 cash raffle will be available for purchase. The suggested donation of $5 per person to enter the festival will help advance UWMOC’s mission to bridge the gaps to education, financial stability and health for every person in our community.

“DowntownFreehold.com is excited to work with United Way to host a great day for the community, which will also raise awareness and support for an amazing cause,” said Jeff Friedman, Executive

Director of DowntownFreehold.com. “We were thrilled to have over 5,000 people in attendance last year, and hope to have even more join us this year. United Way has wonderful programs and basic needs initiatives that help those who are struggling throughout Monmouth and Ocean counties, including many residents of Freehold Borough.”

United Way would like to thank event sponsors New Jersey Natural Gas, NJM Insurance Group, LoPresti State Farm

Shrewsbury Chorale Flea Market Fundraiser

to 3 p.m.

The Shrewsbury Chorale Flea Market is one of several annual fundraisers required to supplement ticket sales income in order to continue to serve the musical needs of

Monmouth County.

Please come browse their unique collection of housewares, occasional furniture, kitchen items, holiday decorations, jewelry, toys, puzzles, games, books, prints

Agency and OceanFirst Bank. Sponsorship opportunities are still available, and volunteers are also needed for the event.

For any inquiries, please contact Bill Kelly at 848-206-2036 or bkelly@uwmoc.org.

Visit UWMOC’s website to enter a to win a $25 cash giveaway for the United for Impact Food Truck Festival! No purchase necessary, must be 18 or older to enter. For more information including a full list of food trucks and vendors, visit uwmoc. org/food-truck-festival.

and more. In addition, stop by the Bake Sale for a delicious assortment of items large and small. The church is located a short drive south of Route 36 with plenty of parking.

Page 12, The Howell Times, April 1, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com EFFECTIVE AFFORDABLE WE ACCEPT: › Visa › MasterCard › American Express CALL TODAY 732.657.7344 & find out how! THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS! THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS! EFFECTIVE › AFFORDABLE VISA, MASTERCARD & AMERICAN EXPRESS ACCEPTED DISCOUNT PACKAGES AVAILABLE! CALL 732.657.7344 TO FIND OUT HOW! HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING Serving All of Ocean & Monmouth Counties 1-800-688-TEMP • www.caretemp.com 891 Rt. 37 West • Toms River, NJ 08755 FREE ESTIMATES Replacements & New Install of Heating & Air Conditioning Units BUSINESS DIRECTORY www.lezgusplumbing.com Since 1928 PLUMBING • HEATING • COOLING CALL TODAY FOR FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE Service Contracts • Water Heaters • Boilers Furnaces • Air Conditioning • Gas Conversions Tubs/Grab Bars • Sinks/Faucets Bath & Kitchen Remodeling FREE ESTIMATES 732-349-3322 • 732-892-3322 • 732-367-3322 Instant Financing Available Ronald Schultz NJ Master Plumber Lic #12170 NJ HIC Lic# 13VH01340700 $25 OFF With This Ad

Lakewood 55+ Covington VillageNewer construction gorgeous 2BR/ 2BA Condo 1165 sqft, hdwd floors; CAC; Washer/Dryer; balcony, pool, gym/amenities; billiard/card/theater rooms; parking; $2,700/Taxes; $416/ HOA; ONLY $239,000; pet friendly, close to beaches, shopping and all major highways; 201 390-7377/Julianne_matskin@yahoo.com (15)

For Rent

Floating Dock Slip For Rent This Season - Private home in Baywood area in Brick 25 feet $990 Call 732-477-3053. (17)


Partner Wanted - To open thrift store. Also need garage rental for storage. Leave message and number for call back 732-678-6786. (17)

For Sale

For Sale - $3000 or Best Offer: Two Grave Plots At Ocean County Memorial Park Toms River. Location: Garden Of Remembrance Grave 277 and 278 (Singles). Number Of Spaces: 2. We hold the deed, and this sale will be conducted at the Memorial Park's office in Toms River. All paperwork will be signed over to new owner's name immediately. If interested, please call 201-400-9433 leave message, all calls will be answered within an hour. (16)

House For Sale By Owner - Pheasant Run section of Forked River. Prime lot. Asking $350,000. For more info, 609-290-9702. (15)

Items Wanted


RY Looking to buy costume/estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n)


Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n)

Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for LP albums. Rock, Blues, Reggae, Soul. Very good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (17)

Wanted Storage Space - Long term non-commercial use. Jackson, Manchester or surrounding area. Electric a plus, 732-278-5098. (16)

CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n)

Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n)


Items Wanted

CASH PAID!! LP records - stereos, turntables, musical instru-ments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (30)

Used Guns Wanted - All types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n)

Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (t/n)

Help Wanted

Jersey Child Care is hiring! We care for children from six weeks through 12 years old. Full and Parttime shifts available. Please call us for details! 732-262-3600 (18)

Laundromat Attendant - For FT/ PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (t/n)

Seeking Responsible Individual With Good Phone Skills - Experience In Hvac & Permits A Plus. Filing/Answering Phones/Scheduling/Permits/Ordering Parts/ Customer Service. Great Work Environment. $15/Hour 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Paid Holidays. Call Care Temp Heating & AC at 732-349-1448 Or Fax Resume To 732-349-6448. (t/n)

Send resume

mgritschke@mail.ocvts.org. (t/n)

THE RIDE GUY - Takes you anywhere! No limits. Comfy mini-van. Call Charlie 732-216-3176 or Email: cr@exit109.com. References. Let's Go! (19)

DIRECTV. New 2-Year Price Guarantee. The most live MLB games this season, 200+ channels and over 45,000 on-demand titles. $84.99/mo for 24 months with CHOICE Package. Some restrictions apply. Call DIRECTV 1-877-557-1213 (t/n)

Computer problems? We can fix computers, printers, WiFi, networks, and more. njcomputerfix.com. CALL Chris at 732-575-3450. Located in Jackson. (16)

Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, A family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. We transform kitchens in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Call today for a free estimate 1-844-367-2477. (t/n)

CHEAP PAINTING Done RITEFree est. Senior discounts interior exterior. Call 732-506-7787, cell 646-643-7678. (28)

LANDSCAPING - Restorations, Repairs, Stones, Mulch, Sod Installs, Hedges, Shrubs, Bushes, Downed Branches Trimmed & Removed, Demolition, Cleanouts, ect., Dumpster service provided by A901 Licensed Hauler ect. MAN WITH VAN LLC. Jim 609-335-0330 HIC# 13vh10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL! (20)


Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n)

Absolute best home improvements!"Building the shore since 1984" Additions, carpentry, windows & doors, roofing & siding, painting & staining, flooring, kitchens & baths, finished basements, masonry, fencing, custom decks, fully insured, license #13VH11804800. $ave. Call Brien 732-850-5060. (28)

Property/Management - Brick repair, brick restoration, mulch, stone, Spring/Fall cleanups, pruning, concrete repairs. Call Ken 732-814-7743. (14)

Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (19)

Computer Tutoring for Seniors –Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n)

Certified Home Health Aides - Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n)

A1 HANDYMAN SERVICESOver 30 years experience in all phases of home improvements. Free estimates and referrals. Call John 267-475-7962. (10)

Car Service - 24/7. Doctors, shopping, airports, hospitals, cruise, shops, Atlantic City, family functions, NYC accomodations for large groups. Call for reasonable rates. Kerry 732-606-2725. (42)

MY HANDY CREW - Home repairs, carpentry, painting roofing and siding, decks, powerwashing, yardwor,k all your home maintenance needs. $ave. Call Clark 732-850-5060. Insured and NJ License #13VH11804800. (46)

Don’t let the stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-855-634-0529. (t/n)

AAA Handyman - Carpentry, Painting, Flooring, Doors, Windows, Trim, Plumbing, Electrical, Masonry, Tile. Affordable, Reliable. New And Repairs. Licensed Insured. 609-384-9030. (16)

ALL American Home Health AidesExperienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605. (t/n)

Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19)

Services Services Services

Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (39)


Male Care Assistant/Caregiver

Assistance - With all of your needs excluding hygiene. All daily routines including; Meal preparation, light housekeeping, medication reminders, safety monitoring, transportation, errands, Etc. Also assisting individuals with mild to moderate dementia and those on palliative and hospice care. 732-664-2833. (18)


APlus Home Improvements - Over 30 years experience. Everything from small handyman tasks to large renovations, decks, finished basements and much more. Lic #13VH11453600. No job too small give us a call. 908-278-1322. (52)

Properties, Houses, Attics, Garages, Sheds, Storage Units, ect. Handyman Disposal provided 901a Dumpster Service LLC.

Licensed, Insured, call or text Jim 609-335-0330. (27)

PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice.com . Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n)

Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-877-791-2033 or visit dorranceinfo.com/micro. (t/n)


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for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Money Down + Low Monthly Payment Options Request a FREE Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1-833-901-0309. (t/n)
Learn To Play The - Flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, or drums from a NJ State Certified Teacher of instrumental music, in your home! Call 732-350-4427 for more information. (15) Real Estate Services 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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Page 14, The Howell Times, April 1, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com Across 1 King-sized 6 Seat in un parc 10 Beer party staples 14 Scarlett of Tara 15 “Young Frankenstein” aide 16 Dark purple berry 17 Orson Scott Card sci-fi novel 19 Pinball no-no 20 “Anger, fear, aggression: the dark side of the Force are they” speaker 21 Adopted cat, say 22 Radiant pigment 24 Toon spouse with a blue beehive 27 Hypotheticals 30 Old Faithful’s st. 31 “__ Baby”: “Hair” song 32 Beat by a mile 34 Couture initials 35 Ostrich cousin 39 Park warning sign 43 Hairy Himalayan 44 Like King Cole 45 Kind of node 46 Filmmaker Ephron 48 Sch. north of Denver 50 Bean used in nondairy milk 51 Cheddar shredder 56 Elizabeth Arden parent company 57 Coleridge’s “before” 58 Harleys, familiarly 62 Burn balm 63 Go from neutral to singer 11
briefly 12
__” 26
spot 27
29 Christmas
fat 33
34 Since Jan. 1 36 Unlikely Oscar nominees 37 Hockey legend Phil, to fans 38 Cinder-covered
Vaping smokes,
Ernest or Julio of wine fame
Parisian pal
Dr. Seuss’ “Horton Hears
Merit badge
reverse ... and a hint to each set of circles 66 Kinds 67 Island near Mull 68 Vermont patriot Allen 69 Leaves 70 Sweet-talk 71 Small earrings Down 1 Baby in a pouch 2 “Sorry, can’t do it” 3 Alcohol awareness-raising org.
Another name for bluegill
Dinghy mover
Playground marble
When tripled, “Yum!”
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Omarr’s Astrological Forecast

For the week of apr 1 - apr 7

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Excellent communication can be a key to intimacy and may promote positive outcomes. Do not hesitate to call on colleagues and friends to gather facts and opinions. Learning to discipline the mind can lead to ever greater enlightenment.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You might stray from your comfort zone when strict logic is required. However, your ability to read people and embrace novel ideas can give you the upper hand. Your social skills can make you an undisputed leader in the upcoming week.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Use imagination to envision diverse and more satisfying goals. When you are involved with repetitive activities, there is less time to think about limitless possibilities. Schedule some free time to daydream and plan this week.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Take pride in your perseverance because it could pay off quickly. You cannot stop running when you see the finish line ahead. Deep, philosophical conversations can inspire you even if the knowledge is not immediately applicable.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) : Contentment is a work in progress. Enjoy peace of mind and a sense of well-being when you can. Since all people and situations are imperfect, learn to discover and treasure the grace and beauty In each moment.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your conscience will not bother you if you are ethical. If you find yourself with an advantage, this is not the time to exploit it. You know that you can count on a partner or loved one to remain loyal and faithful.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You may possess a commanding presence in social gatherings but might not be as successful when leveraging your financial assets. Combine a path to success with enjoyment by getting together with, and learning from, savvy friends.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): An envious person might pay you a genuine compliment. Learn to value yourself enough that you can accept kudos with grace. You can diffuse power struggles and unpleasant situations in the workplace by remaining pleasant and friendly.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Let your sincerity and honesty have free rein. Some people view you as a leader because you are not afraid to “tell it like it is.” Do not let someone’s obsession with success blind you to their kindness and thoughtfulness.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Connect any dots by connecting with more people. Someone will see your creative talents in a positive light. An industrious partner or friend could motivate you to think up more efficient ways to achieve your ambitions.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Try to solve problems rather than just worrying about them. Your best bet is to stay out of petty spats and mind your own business. Focus on thinking your way out of a predicament and keep on building upward with what you do have.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Be guided by your own inner light whenever you find yourself in a precarious position. You should not believe everything you hear or read but listen with your heart and seek the truth. Your serenity can be a touchstone for a potential connection.



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