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Society Giant Annual Yard Sale
BRICK – The Brick Township Historical Society recently held their Giant Annual Yard Sale at the Havens Homestead Museum property.
Member Dianne Upmal sold raffle tickets for the society. There are four prizes, each a $100 gift certificate to a local restaurant. The raffle will be called in December. Tickets can also be purchased at the Civil War Encampment August 5 and 6.
Community Members Participate In Clean Ups
BRICK – In honor of Earth Day, participants from the Sport Saturday session worked on building relationships while cleaning up their community.
They learned to have pride in their community and respect for the things they love while working together and having fun!
AAUW Upcoming Meeting
BRICK – American Association of University Women (AAUW-Northern Ocean County Branch) has their in-person meeting at the Brick Library, 301 Chambers Bridge Road, on May 16 at 6 p.m.
They will begin with a demonstration by Maryanna Forman of Sipology. Ms. Forman holds certification in Aromatherapy and Holistic Health, Wellness and Nutrition Coaching. She will discuss the health benefits of tea, basic vs. regular teas, reduced sugar teas, AHD healing teas. Samples and a light snack will be provided. A short business meeting will follow the demonstration.