1 minute read

The Other Job Of A Legislator

will be 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.

I also have Information posted on my social media and my office website: facebook.com/assemblymanalex instagram.com/AssemblymanAlex assemblymanalex.com/

It was truly a collaborative effort to make this happen, and I appreciate the diligence of staff at the MVC and the library in working with my office to make the arrangements.

As with some other great ideas I’ve worked on, this one didn’t originate with me. It was suggested by community leaders and strongly endorsed by area residents I spoke with. It will help to make things a little easier for people not only in Jackson, but in our neighboring towns as well. It’s a service for anyone who needs it.

That brings us to the other job of a legislator. Sure, we propose and vote on policies, but that’s only part of being a representative. The other part is advocating for people and in other ways.

I mentioned above the helpfulness of our contact at the MVC. If you’re having a

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