2023-05-13 - The Southern Ocean Times

Page 23

Garage Sales vs. Estate Sales: The Differences In


TY – Inclement weather led to the postponement of Barnegat’s original townwide garage sale, but it turned out to be a boon for bargain hunters. The rescheduled date coincided with Stafford’s yard sale weekend, creating a double opportunity for shoppers to uncover deals. Both communities transformed their lists of participating homes

Treasure Hunting

The Island Singers Bring Harmony To Local Venues

into virtual treasure maps, making it easier for shoppers to plan their routes. Social media lit up with posts offering sales previews to attract buyers searching for hidden gems. Garage sales offer a fantastic opportunity for individuals to declutter their homes and make some cash on unwanted items. Unfortunately, while there may be some truth to the old adage that one person’s trash is another’s

treasure, that’s not always the case. Although both garage sales and estate sales share similarities, they differ in several ways. For one, haggling may be more prevalent at garage sales than estate sales. While most homeowners run the show when it comes to garage sales, professionals generally oversee estate sales and take in a share of the profit. Estate sales typically take place

(Sales - See Page 4)

Students Honored As Unsung Heroes

TOMS RIVER – Ocean County’s top law enforcement office honored 28 elementary and high school students as unsung heroes during a special ceremony earlier this month. While some students were recognized for their resilience in the face of adversity and challenges, others were distinguished for going the extra mile to assist other people.

At the onset of introducing the honorees, Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer expressed his fondness for the Unsung Hero Student Recognition Awards. Billhimer said he

LACEY – A local choral group is proving that you don’t need to audition to make great music.

The Island Singers, featuring 42 singers of all ages and abilities, has performed in the area for over half a century.

Village Lutheran Church in Lanoka Harbor

(Singers - See Page 5)

Forked River Open Space Given To County

LACEY – More than 3,100 acres of pine forest was donated to Ocean County by the Nature Conservancy to expand the protected Forked River Mountain Wilderness Area. Although county leaders agreed to accept the

(Open - See Page 12)

May 13, 2023 JERSEYSHOREONLINE.COM MICROMEDIA PUBLICATIONS Vol. 10 - No. 45 In This Week’s Edition BREAKING NEWS @ jerseyshoreonline.com Inside The Law Page 16 Community News Pages 8-11 Classifieds Pages 18 Dr. Izzy’s Sound News Page 14
–Photo by Stephanie Faughnan Barnegat resident Nancy Scherer shows off the jazzy top she plans to purchase at a local garage sale. –Photos by Stephanie Faughnan Members of the Island Singers are in rehearsal for their upcoming Spring Concert, featuring An American Tapestry –Photo courtesy Deirdre Giumetti The county land by the Forked River Mountain has expanded with a donation of more than 3,100 acres. –Photo by Stephanie Faughnan Harrison Headley, Eagleswood Elementary School, was honored for their determination. (Heroes - See Page 7)
Page 2, The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com 520 ARNOLD AVE., PT. PLEASANT BEACH www.unclevinniescomedyclub.com • Call for Dinner/Show Reservations NJ’S TOP COMEDY CLUB! CALL US AT: 732-899-3900 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY: 8 P.M. • FRIDAY & SATURDAY: 9 P.M. SAVE THIS PAGE! Order tickets online: unclevinniescomedyclub.com Click on the venue on the home page! UPCOMING COMEDIANS UPCOMING COMEDIANS ALGONQUIN THEATRE AMERICAN HOTEL • FREEHOLD June 2 Dr. Dirty John Valby valby.eventbrite .com May 19 Jeff Norris & Renee DeLorenzo norrisfreehold. eventbrite.com June 16 Jim Florentine florentinefreehold. eventbrite.com AARON BERG JUNE 2 & 3 JOE DEVITO MAY 19 & 20 ANTHONY DEVITO JUNE 8 MARY LYNN RAJSKUB JUNE 10 & 11 ANDREW DICE CLAY AUGUST 24 RICHIE BYRNE MAY 31 & JUNE 1 JOE CURRIE MAY 17 & 18 SHEBA MASON MAY 24 & 25 VINCE CHANG JUNE 7 PATTY ROSBOROUGH MAY 12 & 13 • FUNDRAISERS • PRIVATE PARTIES • BOOKA COMEDIAN FORYOUR EVENT!
The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023, Page 3 jerseyshoreonline.com



From Page 1

when a person has passed away or when they are moving out of their home and wish to sell off the entire contents of the house. In the case of estate sales, the value of a family’s treasures may not be what they expected. Take, for example, Grandma’s china or her showcased collection of expensive figurines. It’s not uncommon for these types of items to either be bypassed or sold for a fraction of their original cost.

Sales of furniture at both garage and estate sales can be unpredictable. Oak, once a highly sought-after wood, has fallen out of favor in recent years. Dining room sets and pianos can be particularly challenging to sell because of lifestyle differences and the cost of moving them.

Donna Pregler and her sister Christine opted to organize their own estate sale instead of enlisting a professional service. The decision was made after their parents had to leave their Barnegat home due to health concerns and move into a nearby nursing home. The process of going through and selling their parents’ possessions was an emotional one for the sisters. Although Donna and Christine set aside items with sentimental value, it was still difficult to see strangers sorting through their belongings. Donna admitted she was somewhat puzzled at things that sold quickly and others that were left behind.

People showed up earlier than scheduled to race to the garage for tools. Others sifted through costume jewelry, pocketbooks, and linens. Very few appeared interested in check-

ing out the family’s book collection. Boxes and boxes of VHS tapes remained untouched. As far as furniture, buyers ignored the chance to own a once expensive bedroom set. The only things sold were a bench, a rocking chair, and patio furniture.

“My parents had this great hutch in the dining room,” shared Donna. “Not one person expressed an interest in the set at all.”

Donna said she intends to donate what’s left of her parents’ furniture to a woman who helps needy families. She’s hopeful she can do the same with some of the other household items. Many of the people who stop into estate sales carry specific lists and are looking for vintage items or antiques. Art pieces sold at estate sales typically have a higher value than those found at garage sales, which tend to feature prints or starving artist reproductions.

While dishes and glassware aren’t generally top sellers, there are exceptions. Buyers are constantly on the lookout for depression glass, milk glass, carnival glass, and cut crystal. Collectible glassware, such as Fenton or Murano glass, may also bring in sales, as do serving bowls and containers.

Not everyone who frequents estate sales or garage sales plans to repurpose their finds for their own use. Professional collectors and amateur resellers are also on the hunt for whatever will bring them the most return for their money.

Garage sales are typically more affordable than estate sales and appeal more to families of all ages. While clothing doesn’t traditionally sell well at estate sales, it seems to move quickly at garage sales. For boys and girls alone, outfitting kids with barely used clothes

gives hand-me-downs a whole new meaning.

Presentation matters when it comes to any type of sales, including those of the home variety. It doesn’t take an expert to figure out that no one really wants to sort through black bags of clothes. Prom dresses and suit jackets get better prices when displayed on racks.

Toys are another popular item at garage sales. Parents are always looking to save money to keep their children entertained. While it’s usually easy to check if all game pieces are intact before making a purchase, puzzles are a different story. If the price is right, it may well be worth the risk.

Cesar Alves and his wife, Stefanie took a chance and blocked off a section of their garage on the rainy day of the originally planned Barnegat townwide sale. However, they were shocked when someone rang their doorbell an entire hour before the time listed on the sign in front of their house.

Within just a few hours, the Aviles couple had some cash to play with and a nearly empty garage.

“We sold vintage concert shirts and a table saw,” Stefanie said. “People also bought all sorts of new age books, video games, and kitchen stuff.”

Books turn out to have more appeal in garage sales than estate sales. People are always

looking for good deals, especially for children. Tools and electronics are top sellers at many garage sales, provided they’re in working order. Home décor items such as lamps, frames, and decorative pieces can also do well, as can sporting equipment and outdoor gear like fishing equipment and bicycles.

Both garage sales and estate sales offer the opportunity to discover hidden gems and use them. The idea that one person’s unwanted items can be another’s treasure generates extra cash and contributes to reducing waste in landfills. Recycling and reusing goods can lead to an extension of their lifespan and a reduction in environmental impact.

Page 4, The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com
–Photo by Stephanie Faughnan Christine and Donna Pregler take a mental inventory of items that remained unsold from the estate sale they put on at their parents’ home.


Continued From Page 1

comes alive with the sounds of music on Monday evenings as the Island Singers rehearse for their upcoming concerts. New singers are always welcome to join the group at practice, regardless of their experience or ability.

The rehearsal opens with choral members sitting in seats assigned by vocal parts and pulling out their sheet music. Singers begin to warm up their voices, ultimately filling the air with beautiful and uplifting sounds.

Ned Perwo, the group’s director, stands in the front of the room where all of the vocalists can see him. He moves his hands as a guide to the rhythm and tempo and gives visual cues in the direction of each of the vocal parts.

Although new to The Island Singers, Perwo has roots in the community and a wealth of experience and education in music. He is the Director of Music Ministry and Youth and Family Ministry at Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Manasquan. Perwo also teaches music and shares his own voice as a part of the New Jersey Chamber Singers.

It was a stroke of serendipity that led Perwo to the Island Singers. He stumbled upon the opening to direct the choral group while perusing postings on the Ocean County Guild of Organists. The choral group was in the midst of an interim period after their long-term director retired.

“When I saw the posting, I realized it was for the town I grew up in,” said Perwo. “I

grew up in Forked River and graduated from Lacey High School in 1997.”

The Island Singers formed as a non-profit community chorus in 1972 and typically performs a Spring Concert and a Winter Concert. Nine of the members are men, and one of the female singers began performing with the group more than four decades ago.

“Our members come from all age groups, from the 20s and up,” Perwo shared. “They all love to sing, and some have music degrees.”

Andrew Van Buskirk joined the Island Singers as an accompanist in 2016. He appears to be a valuable asset to the group, complementing the cohesive sound that has become the hallmark of the Island Singers. Depending on the musical selection, the Island Singers occasionally enlist the accompaniment of other instrumentalists.

The Winter Concerts generally have a touch of holiday with Christmas and Hanukkah music. The group is currently gearing up for its fi rst spring performance on June 17 at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Beachwood.

“We’re doing a real big mix with a theme we call American Tapestry,” said Perwo. “It’s American composers, American folk songs, and American spirituals.”

The passion and dedication in just the group’s two-hour rehearsal appear to be a teaser to their upcoming concerts. Some of the singers started as complete strangers and now create a synchronicity of powerful music.

In addition to their performance at St. Paul Lutheran Church, the Island Singers

will also perform at Community Reformed Church in Whiting on June 24 at 2 p.m. Their fi nal Spring Concert is on June 25 at Holy Innocents Episcopal Church in Beach Haven on June 25 at 4 p.m.

Rehearsals end in June and preparation for the Winter Concert starts in September. This year, the Island Singers received support from a grant administered by the Ocean County Cultural & Heritage Commission from funds granted by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a division of the Department of State.



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Letters To The Editor

School Security Upgrades Should Be Outside

Spending Cap

Back during the Chris Christie administration, working with Democrat-led lawmakers, he instituted a law that limited tax increases by schools and municipalities to 2 percent. The law itself is way more complicated than that – because of course it is – but that’s the gist of it.

Christie and the lawmakers never considered that fuel and other costs would increase by more than 2 percent. They were just looking at ways to cut costs for taxpayers and didn’t think of the big picture. If you think our taxes are high now, imagine how much higher they would be without the cap. So, the law did what it was designed to do, but put the burden on districts to decide what to cut in order to come in under the cap.

Christie was governor from 2010 to 2018. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (part of the U.S. Department of Education), there were about 400 shootings that took place in schools across the country during these years. Approximately 40% of those had no casualties, but that doesn’t make the number more palatable. My point is that the governor and lawmakers should’ve known that school security was and always will be a necessity.

School districts have partnered with towns to hire school resource officers and have regular patrols. They’ve upgraded their PA and security systems. Some have reconstructed entrance vestibules. They’ve covered the windows with shatter-resistant film. All of this was done to prevent someone from attacking the school or mitigating the damage if they got in. And all of it costs money.

Some schools have used federal relief aid to pay for this. Some are splitting the cost of an officer between

GOP Spread Lies About Offshore Wind To Protect Big Oil Companies

the school and the town. They’ve gotten creative on how to pay for these needed security measures. A school district shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to figure out how to protect their kids.

One of our legislators should write a bill that places any school security upgrade outside the 2 percent cap. This could be an increase in security personnel. It could also be any number of capital projects such as doors, cameras, overhead loudspeakers, impact-resistant coating on windows, security vestibules, and more. The bill would have to be specific as to what it applies so that it can be clear to school business administrators.

Will it make budget calculations more complicated?

Yes. But it’s to help schools for a change. Besides, people in the finance department do math all day long. They love math.

I’d even go so far as to say that towns should be allowed to remove their police department from the limits of the 2 percent cap. That, however, might get sticky. One of the unwritten “benefits” of the 2 percent cap was that towns and schools had a hammer they could wield during contract negotiations. “I’m sorry, we can’t give raises more than 2%. State law.”

So, let’s stick to just school security. I’m going to be reaching out to the lawmakers I know to see if they’d be interested in sponsoring this proposed legislation.

The 2 percent cap was the state’s solution to limiting tax hikes on a local level. While it serves a purpose, this is a situation where it has caused a problem.

Don’t penalize school districts for doing the right thing.

TRENTON – The following statement is from members of the New Jersey Wind Works Coalition, in response to the New Jersey state Senate Republican independent hearing on offshore wind.

“It is disappointing, but not surprising, that New Jersey Senate Republicans are continuing to spread lies about offshore wind with the hopes of delaying progress and continuing our dependence on fossil fuels. The anti-wind campaign is anti-environment and anti-wildlife. Developing New Jersey’s offshore wind industry will create union jobs, generate economic prosperity in communities across our state, and is essential to fighting climate change, which is the number one threat facing marine life. After significant investigation, our nation’s top scientists have stated there is no evidence that offshore wind is causing the deaths of marine mammals. We know for a fact that warming oceans are threatening entire ecosystems.

“Here’s what elected leaders who really care about protecting the oceans should be doing, and the environmental

criteria for pro-marine life politicians: slowing down boats, removing abandoned fishing gear, reducing plastic pollution, and combating climate change, the greatest threat to our oceans.

“It is time to stop playing politics with our oceans, listen to the scientists, and get on board with a clean energy future, which will protect wildlife for New Jersey.”

The New Jersey Wind Works Coalition is a group of environmental advocates who support the responsible development of offshore wind.

New Jersey Wind Works Coalition Members: New Jersey LCV, NJ Audubon, Waterspirit, Pinelands Preservation Alliance, ANJEC, NJ Sustainable Business Council, UU Faith Action, Sierra Club NJ, New Jersey Environmental Lobby, Special Initiative on Offshore Wind, Anglers for Offshore Wind, GreenFaith, Great Egg Harbor River Council Association.

New Jersey League of Conservation Voters

Mayor Hill Knows Our Town

Mayor Hill will have my vote in the primary and in the fi nal election in November. While there are four different Republicans

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The Southern Ocean Times welcomes all points of view for publication and provides this page as an open forum for residents to express themselves regarding politics, government, current events and local concerns.

All letters are printed as space allows unless deemed offensive by the editorial staff, and provided they are signed and include address & phone number for veri�ication. Letters may not be printed if we cannot verify them. Names will not be withheld from publication. While most letters are printed as submitted, we reserve the right to

running for mayor in the (June 6) primary, Mo is the only one who knows our town and its people.

Mo knows how to get things done. He has consistently fought Trenton for us and has our best interests in heart. That’s not to say I agree with everything he’s done 100%. For example, he likes Trump and I don’t. But I have much more in common with him than with any of the other three. They only care about themselves. Mo cares about us.

Do you think (Councilman Daniel) Rodrick would be able to make a well planned and executed argument to the DEP about Ciba-Geigy? He doesn’t even understand how a town works. Every meeting he’s caught with his pants down because he clearly doesn’t know what’s going on. He sounds like a kid who showed up to class without his homework.

Do you think (Geri) Ambrosio will do anything for us? No, she’s just going to make her boss George Gilmore the new town attorney, and give her friends jobs. She has no experience doing things for other people – unless there’s something in it for her.

I can’t remember the name of the fourth Republican running for mayor and I’m not going to bother looking it up.

Mo Hill cut ties with Gilmore’s corrupt party, and it was the best choice ever. Mo has no boss except the people of Toms River.

care in the United States. I believe that lack of healthcare coverage was brought to light during the COVID period but it appears that it is no longer discussed as to what needs to be corrected.

Having worked in hospitals and a health clinic over 40 years, I have seen the problems with our system. It is complicated and needs fi xing but our elected officials in Washington are not willing to act. I started working in the financial office of a hospital as an accountant when Medicare was passed and went on to becoming a CFO in small hospitals. The system has grown and the costs have become impossible for the average American family to bear. A family of four could not afford to pay the full insurance premiums, co-pays and deductibles based on average income. Only with the employer paying part or a good portion of the premium is a family able to carry healthcare insurance today. What I have explain thus far only covers acute care but then as the population gets older, we are exposed to the many long term illnesses that are not covered by acute care insurance and will put a family’s financial position in serious trouble. We not only have to deal with health problems but how we can pay for it. As our populations grows older, it becomes a more signifi cant factor on how do we meet these costs. Trying to save for it is difficult, as we try to save to meet our general expense needs in retirement years.

The opinions expressed in the Letters To The Editor section do not necessarily re�lect those of the staff, management or sponsors of Micromedia Publications/ Jersey Shore Online. Letters to the Editor are the OPINION of the writer and the content is not checked for accuracy.

American Health Expense Is Unaffordable

Your editorial “One Day, You’ll Be Sick” (March 25th edition) made a very good point on human wellness and the cost of health-

If we don’t act soon, we will be forced into a universal system in order to continue delivering care to all. It will become impossible for the average person to cover healthcare needs. Oh! What I failed to mention is that healthcare is not guaranteed in this country.

Page 6, The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com
edit or reject letters. The weekly deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday. Mail typed letters to: PO Box 521, Lakehurst,
732-657-7388 or e-mail news@jerseyshore-
Letters may be limited to one per month per writer at


Continued From Page 1

was personally inspired by the students and suggested motivating others might be another achievement worthy of celebration.

The Ocean County Prosecutor’s office has made a conscious effort to work with the schools to promote positive behavior among young people. The aim is to create a supportive environment that empowers students and helps them avoid trouble with the law.

Students selected as unsung heroes were nominated by their individual school districts for the award. Each was identified as a person who does great deeds but receives little or no recognition for themselves.

“This award represents the recognition you deserve,” wrote the Prosecutor’s office in the program containing the names of all of the recipients. “Whether you have overcome obstacles, preserved in the face of great challenges, or improved academically, your faculty and administrators have deemed you worthy of this prestigious honor.”

As part of their recognition, the students were given a certificate and a bag full of goodies and presented with a challenge coin. Challenge coins hold great significance and represent an honor highly valued in military and law enforcement communities. The coins are given as tokens of appreciation and recognition for individuals who have completed a difficult task or distinguished themselves in some way.

Representatives from each of the school districts took turns at the podium to share the qualities that led to the selection of their district’s unsung hero nominee. The presenters represented a variety of roles within the schools, from principals to teachers to social workers and school counselors.

Some of the students faced heart-wrenching losses that profoundly impacted their lives, and had to work diligently to move forward. Children who had relocated multiple times were acknowledged for their determination to adjust to new environments and navigate relationships. Others persevered through mental health and physical challenges. Still others regularly performed random acts of kindness despite an overload of personal commitments. There was a noticeable trend among the selection of unsung heroes, as the same set of admirable adjectives was repeatedly used to describe each award recipient. Words such as determined, dedicated, resilient, positive, proactive, compassionate, kind, and empathetic appeared to embody the character traits of nearly every student recognized.

Most did not notice that Billhimer diverted from the program and skipped over the student named as the unsung hero from the Frog Pond Elementary School in Little Egg Harbor.

“I wanted to handle this in a respectful way,” shared Billhimer. “The student, Michael Browne, who was nominated for the unsung hero award was in an unimaginable accident and passed away earlier this year.”

Frog Pond Principal Tom Denning and

Vice Principal Paul Nazarck took their place at the podium. Nazarack emphasized that Michael had been selected for the award before his death. Indeed, the remarks offered by Denning reflected a much happier time.

“At a young age, Michael faced experiences in his family life that would have caused adults to pause and ponder how to face life’s challenges,” said Denning. “Fortunately, Michael faces life’s challenges head-on.”

“With his loving and caring grandparents, he is adjusting to a new state, a new community, a new school, and making new friends,” Denning continued. “He is rising above the struggles of the earlier part of his life, and he is now able to give better attention to his school responsibilities and show himself, his teachers, and his classmates the amazing things he is capable of.”

According to his obituary, Michael “Mikey” Ryan Browne tragically left his world on April 2, 2023, just days before his thirteenth birthday. His obituary mentions his achievement as an unsung hero.

The list of 2023 Award Recipients and the school districts they represented are as follows: Matthew Fronzuk, Barnegat Township High School; Joseph Thiel, Bay Head Elementary School; Mariah Walling, Brick Memorial High School; Liam Nielson, Brick Township High School; Nathaniel Davis, Central Regional High School; Harrison Headley, Eagleswood

Elementary School; Michael Browne, Frog Pond Elementary School; Yaneli Emilio-Tlapanco, Hugh J. Boyd School; Teagan McGarry, Island Heights School; Denielle Deriode, Jackson Liberty High School; Christophano Marano, Jackson Memorial High School; Charles Elmer, Lacey Township High School; Anthony Palma, Lakewood High School; Skyler Vivenzio, Lavallette Elementary School; Kirra Fredericks, Manchester Township High School; Luis Huitron, New Egypt High School; Ava Yellovich, Ocean Gate Elementary School; Eric Czaplinski,

OCVTS-Brick Center; Dinah Van Name, OCVTS-Grunin Performing Arts Academy; John Fitzpatrick, OCTVS-Jackson Center; Matthew Caccavano, OCVTSToms River Center; Emma Carlysle Kohler; Pinelands Regional School District; Sabina Smith, Point Pleasant Beach School; Kagni Hostinsky, Point Pleasant Borough High School; Quinn Corbett, Stafford Township Intermediate School; Bella Moderno, Toms River East High School; Alexandra Finter-Flood, Toms River North; and Diana Olivos, Toms River South.

The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023, Page 7 jerseyshoreonline.com
Quinn Corbett, Stafford Township Intermediate School, was honored for their determination. –Photo by Stephanie Faughnan Charles Elmer (Left), Lacey Township High School, and Matthew Fronzuk (Right), Barnegat Township High School, were honored for their determination. Emma Carlysle Kohler (Left), Pinelands Regional School District, and Eric Czaplinski (Right), OCVTS-Brick Center, were named Unsung Heroes.

Art Honor Society Induction

Perinatal Loss Discussion

LACEY– The Ocean County Library will offer a special presentation in observance of Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month. “When the Bough Breaks: Loss During and After Pregnancy” will take place, live and online, at 2 p.m. May 24 in the OCL Lacey Branch.

Kathy Donaldson, Program Manager of the Pregnancy and Parenting Wellness Program at the Central Jersey Family Health Consortium (CJFHC), will discuss various types of perinatal loss and its effects on parents and grandparents, as well as ways to provide support and solace to bereaved parents.

The Central Jersey Family Health Con-

sortium (CJFHC) maintains offices in Brick Township, North Brunswick, and Morristown.

CJFHC staffers research and recommend programs pertaining to early intervention, bereavement care, community-based COVID-19 defense strategies, health care for families, expectant mothers, teens, and children, parenting wellness, and more. Register at theoceancountylibrary.org/ events to attend this free program in person, or to receive a link to view the Zoom presentation wherever you need to be. For more information, visit the Lacey Branch, 10 East Lacey Road, Forked River, or call 609-693-8566.

Build Your Own Terrarium Class

TUCKERTON – The St. Francis Counseling Center is offering a free build your own terrarium class on May 31 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Union March and Gallery, 120 W. Main

Street, Tuckerton.

Light refreshments will be served. Call 609-494-1554 to register. Limited spots available.

Page 8, The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com C OMMUNITY N EWS C LUB N EWS , A CTIVITIES , E VENTS & A NNOUNCEMENTS MANCHESTER TIMES • BERKELEY TIMES • BRICK TIMES JACKSON TIMES • HOWELL TIMES • TOMS RIVER TIMES SOUTHERN OCEAN TIMES Copyright by Micromedia Publications, Inc. All material printed in The Times’ is copyrighted by Micromedia Publications, Inc. unless otherwise noted. The reproduction of the contents, in full or in part, is prohibited, unless permission is granted by Micromedia Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Published Weekly P.O. Box 521, Lakehurst, NJ 08733 • Phone: 732-657-7344 • Fax: 732-657-7388 email: news@jerseyshoreonline.com • jerseyshoreonline.com President & Publisher Stew Swann Vice President/COO Jason Allentoff News Editor Chris Lundy Assistant News Editor Bob Vosseller Production Manager Allison Gradzki Graphic Artist Adriana Starcic Distribution Manager Laura Hoban Sales Manager Lorrie Toscano Send your news tips, copy & letters to news@jerseyshoreonline.com Layout Designer Sara Zorns P&K FIREARMS & AMMO INC. (609) 597-4646 63 east bay ave, manahawkin, nj 08050 new/used/military » buy/sell/trade pkfirearmsnammo.com PAUL ORLANDO ffl dealer/owner USED FIRE ARMS WANTED! ALL TYPES: COLLECTIBLES, MILITARY, ETC. Call 609-597-4646 OR 917-681-6809 GARDEN STATE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE COMPLETE LANDSCAPING All Yard Work • Shrubs • Trees • Mulch • Topsoil • Stone Flower Beds • Stump Grinding • Gutter Cleaning • Weeding Debris Removal • Pavers • Decks • Bulkhead Repairs Spring/Fall Clean-Ups BILLY SCHOENEBERG CELL 609-661-5470
–Photo courtesy Southern Regional MANAHAWKIN – Over 250 student artists from grades 7 to 12 were represented in the annual district art show held at the Long Beach Island Foundation for the Arts and Sciences. Current Art Honor Society members Cheyenne Grillman and Sophia Bates led the ceremony. The event kicked off with the induction of seven new members of the Southern Regional Art Society.

MANAHAWKIN – Congratulations to

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includes: 2-Hr Memorial Visitation (during regular business hours) a complimentary select Urn, removal from Hospital or Facility with-in 25 miles of Funeral Home, all Funeral Home service fees, required cremation container MCDDT-01. Package
residential removal fee and Crematory charges. VETERAN & FIRST RESPONDER DISCOUNTS OFFERED Carmona ~ Bolen Home for Funerals, LLC Traditional Funerals • Cremations • Memorials Serving All Faiths Lawrence G. Bolen, Founder Michael J. Defonzo Jr., Manager • NJ Lic #4075 AFFORDABLE CREMATION PACKAGES
Southern Regional Boys Lacrosse senior Joey DeYoung on
his 100th career goal in the
14. Joey is
Mike Jinks. The Rams improved to 4-1 re-
on the season and 3-0 in “A”
Success! COMING SOON! Cafe at Cucina Fresca Plan your next event here • Indoor & Outdoor Seating Serving Breakfast & Brunch 8am-3pm STOP IN FOR DETAILS! (732) 506-4346 • 510 US-9, BAYVILLE, NJ 08721 Bakery • Fresh Baked Bread • Homemade Sausage • Fresh Mozzarella Fresh Prime Meats • Prepared Foods • Italian Specialties Boars Head Cold Cuts • CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS! GOURMET BASKETS & COOKIE TRAYS AVAILABLE! Boar’s Head Ham $11.99/LB Boar’s Head Honey Maple $13.99/LB Boar’s Head Maple Ham $11.99/LB Boar’s Head Bologna $8.99/LB Boar’s Head Oven Cold Turkey $13.99/LB Boar’s Head American Cheese $7.99/LB Boar’s Head Genoa Salami $11.99/LB Store Roast Beef $18.99/LB Ask About Our MAY SPECIALS! COLD CUT SALE Lacrosse Senior Scores 100th Career Goal – Photo courtesy Southern Regional MANAHAWKIN – Congratulations to Southern Regional Girls Lacrosse player Delaney Falk on recording her 100th career point in the Rams’ victory over Lacey Township 17-7 on April 18. Congratulations to Southern Regional Girls Lacrosse Players Recognized – Photo courtesy Southern Regional Girls Lacrosse player Kaya Nascimento on her commitment to continuing her education and Lacrosse career at Montclair State University. Kaya is pictured with her family, Head Coach Lori Johnson and Coach Sean Sweeney.
pictured with Head Coach John
and Coach
South. Continued

Girls Golf Team Wins Championship

Page 10, The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com C OMMUNITY N EWS C LUB N EWS , A CTIVITIES , E VENTS & A NNOUNCEMENTS
Southern Regional MANAHAWKIN –
the Southern Regional Girls Golf
winning the 2023 Ocean County Tournament Championship
April 17 at Bey Lea Golf Course in Toms River.
– Photo courtesy
Congratulations to
Congratulations to the golfers and Head Coach Jeff Reilly.

Boys Track & Field Athlete Hits Personal Record

MANAHAWKIN – Congratulations to Southern Regional Boys Track & Field thrower Fabian Gonzalez who, at the Woodbury Relays on April 22, came out on top in the shot put with a personal record and the nation’s No. 2 distance of 65 feet, 9 inches. The senior also won the discus with a 181-2. His efforts earned him the Most Valuable Field Performer Award.

Free Rabies Clinic

LACEY – A free rabies clinic will be held on June 4 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the parking lot behind the Municipal Building, 818 Lacey Road, Forked River. Rain or shine. No appointments. Dogs must be on a leach. Cats must be in a carrying case. Licenses will not be sold during the clinic. Dog licenses will be for sale at Community Development, 124 South Main Street, Forked River, now through August 15. Proof or rabies required. Rabies must be good through April 1, 2024, unless provides exemption letter from veterinarian. Questions, email lacey.boh@laceytownship.org.

Summer Kick-Off Beach Campfi re

LONG BEACH ISLAND – What a better way to kick off the summer season than on the beach in front of a campfi re? Summer Kick-Off Beach Campfi re will be on June 24 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, Long Beach Island

Enjoy the fi re, live music and marshmallows roasting as you watch the sun go down and listen to the waves lap the shoreline – all with Ol’ Barney as the backdrop. Bring a beach chair or blanket and some marshmallows and a stick.

The lighthouse will be open if you are up for a climb! These programs are in cooperation with Barnegat Lighthouse State Park. Limited beach wheelchair access is available with advance 48-hour notice. Rain or shine. No registration is required.

The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023, Page 11 jerseyshoreonline.com C OMMUNITY N EWS C LUB N EWS , A CTIVITIES , E VENTS & A NNOUNCEMENTS A FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM 189 Route 37 • Toms River, NJ (1/4 Mile W. of GSP) 74 Brick Blvd. • Brick, NJ (The Pavillion) 623 Lacey Rd. • Forked River, NJ 732-349-4949 PROMPT & PROFESSIONAL REPRESENTATION • Personal Injury • Workers’ Compensation • Municipal Court • Wills / Living Wills / POA • Estate Probate • Estate Administration • Real Estate Closings
Silvio M. Silvi Neil D. Honschke Ralph F. Fedele
Photo courtesy Southern Regional


Continued From Page 1

gift in 2019, transactions are now complete, officials said. With the land came a maintenance endowment of more than $112,000 from the Conservancy.

“Ocean County has a great parks program, and we are certain they will be excellent stewards of this land for people and wildlife. The site is easy to fi nd and provides access to the Pine Barrens for people who previously may have been hesitant to visit this ecological treasure in our state,” said Eric Olsen, director conservation programs for TNC’s New Jersey chapter.

The land had been given to the Nature Conservancy by Stephan Leone, a Toms River lawyer and businessman, more than a decade ago, the Conservancy said. It is adjacent to an 8,000-acre parcel of open space already owned by the county, purchased in 2019 for $15 million. Together, they create an 11,100-acre preserve.

County Commissioners said that the land will remain in a natural state, open to the public for such passive recreation as hiking or birdwatching.

“This donation is not only adjacent to the largest tract we have acquired under the county’s open space program but it is also one of the most environmentally sensitive tracts we have purchased under our Natural Lands Trust Program,” said Ocean County Commissioner Virginia E. Haines. “This type of land preservation is what the open space program is all about.”

“On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, I extend our deepest appreciation for this donation from The Nature Conservancy and Stephan Leone,” she added. “This parcel mirrors the environmental qualities of the Forked River Mountain tract and is a perfect fit for our open space program since it is surrounded by land already preserved by Ocean County and the state. Our residents and visitors will always be able to enjoy this environmental gem.”

Needlecraft Club

BARNEGAT – Knitting, crochet, crossstitch, hand sewing, etc. First Monday of every month, 7 to 9 p.m. at Barnegat Friends Meeting, 614 East Bay Avenue, Barnegat. More information at barnegatquakers.org

Page 12, The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com
NEED AN EMERGENCY HOME REPAIR? WE’RE HERE TO HELP AT NO CHARGE HANDS FOR ALL A Division of HOMES FOR ALL, INC. A Not-For-Pro t A ordable Housing Developer 680 Hooper Ave. • Building B 2nd Floor Toms River, NJ 08753 Tel: 732.286.7929 • Fax: 732.286.9698
The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023, Page 13 jerseyshoreonline.com

Dr. Izzy’s

Sound News

Over-The-Counter (OTCs) Hearing Aids Revisited

Last fall, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration published final rules establishing a new class of hearing devices — those available over the counter (OTC). Though specific to the United States, the new category may understandably spark questions for anybody seeking hearing care.

What does it mean for you? More than ever, it’s important to seek hearing help from a trained hearing care professional. Hearing loss is complex, and self-treating could worsen an existing problem. Working with a highly trained provider can help you make safe, effective decisions for your ear health.

Here’s What Else You Should Know… OTC Hearing Aids Are for Adults Only

The new class of FDA-regulated hearing instruments are approved only for those 18 and older with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss. They are not available for children and might not align with one’s actual hearing loss, which could be greater than perceived.

The Right Fit Plays a Big Role To maximize comfort and functionality, hearing aids must be custom fitted to each individual and programmed to support their listening lifestyle. Hearing professionals are espe-

cially skilled in helping ensure the right fit now and in the future as your hearing needs change.

You May Need Other Support Hearing loss can go hand in hand with tinnitus (ringing in the ears) or balance issues and is also associated with serious conditions such as dementia. A comprehensive hearing evaluation may help uncover additional care needs that self-treating would likely not detect.

Self-Treatment Bypasses Critical Diagnostics It takes a trained professional to get to the bottom of hearing loss, which can have causes ranging from earwax buildup to head trauma, noise exposure, infection, disease, or even some medications. Self treating without the benefit of a diagnostic evaluation can mean missing key answers.

In a world of choices, deciding the right approach for your hearing wellness can feel overwhelming. Remember, price is only an issue in the absence of value! We’re here to help with the personalized advice and care you deserve. So, don’t wait. Call to schedule your appointment today!

Dr. Izzy & his Staff can be reached at 732-818=3610 (Toms River/Whiting) or 609-978-8946 (Manahawkin) or visit us at www.gardenstatehearing.com.

His offices are in Toms River, Whiting, and Manahawkin. He can be reached at 732-276-1011 or via Web site at gardenstatehearing.com. Dr. Izzy & Staff gives Retirement Community Talks!

Stafford EMS Now Recruiting

STAFFORD – As we enter the new year, it is time for the Recruitment Process to begin! Have you ever considered becoming an EMT?

Stafford EMS is in need of motivated, willing candidates that would like to discover the world of emergency medicine and pre-hospital care. Come join the organization and help give back to your community. They provide you with all

necessary training at no cost to you and the necessary tools to perform the duties in emergency medical services. Please consider joining the team, we are excited to continue growing the organization!

Visit squad38.com/recruitment to apply and also review the different classes of membership to see which best fits your interest!

Page 14, The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com H ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH •

Matcha Vs. Coffee: Unlocking The Health Benefits And Energizing Effects

I drink both matcha and coffee on a daily basis. I wonder if you know the exact differences and health benefits of each. Let’s delve into that today.

Matcha and coffee are popular beverages known for their health benefits and energy-boosting properties. While they both contain caffeine, they differ in taste, nutrient composition, and effects on the body.

Matcha is made from finely ground shadegrown green tea leaves. The shade-growing process increases chlorophyll and L-theanine content, giving matcha a vibrant green color and unique umami flavor. Matcha contains higher levels of antioxidants, amino acids, and caffeine compared to green tea, as the entire leaf is consumed. You’re literally drinking crushed up leaves when you have a matcha!

Coffee, on the other hand, comes from the seeds of the Coffea plant. It lacks L-theanine and chlorophyll but makes up for it because it’s rich in antioxidants, essential nutrients, and caffeine. Coffee beans are roasted, which gives it that characteristic flavor and amazing aroma. The first coffee tree in the United States was planted in Hawaii around 1817, when they were introduced to Kona, a region on the Big Island. They could maybe grow in south Florida; however the floods and hurricanes don’t allow it. Coffee trees could never grow in Colorado where I live. Besides, this state tends to prefer weeds better, lol!

Caffeine in both matcha and coffee can enhance alertness, cognitive function, and

memory. Matcha has less caffeine than coffee, but its effects can last longer due to the synergistic action of L-theanine. The calming properties of L-theanine can balance the stimulant effects of caffeine, providing a focused and sustained energy boost.

Both drinks may have a laxative effect, with coffee generally producing a stronger effect. Matcha has a milder effect, primarily due to its lower caffeine content and dietary fiber from ground tea leaves.

Matcha has been an integral part of Japanese tea ceremonies for centuries. The Chada ceremony is a highly ritualized practice that involves serving matcha tea in a serene and meditative setting and emphasizes harmony, respect and tranquility.

Traveling with matcha packets is convenient due to their compact size and versatility. Matcha can be easily mixed with hot water or added to smoothies, lattes, or baked goods. I made my own matcha drink at the coffee station at my hotel just last week. Coffee packets are also portable, but when traveling you can almost always find a coffee machine close by, not to mention a Starbucks or Caribou Coffee!

In summary, matcha and coffee each offer unique health benefits and flavors. Incorporating them into your routine can provide an enjoyable way to boost well-being and cognitive performance. Choose the beverage that best suits your taste and preferences, or consider combining the benefits of both by alternating or mixing them in creative ways.

(This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of “The 24-Hour Pharmacist” and “Real Solutions.” For more information, visit www.SuzyCohen.com) ©2022 SUZY COHEN, RPH. DISTRIBUTED BY DEAR PHARMACIST, INC.

• Promote a culture within our company where our employees provide the highest standards of medically complex care in a patient focused environment

• Foster a compassionate and caring patient setting, while utilizing cutting-edge technology

• Use proven best practices, and an aggressive approach towards rehabilitation and recovery

The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023, Page 15 jerseyshoreonline.com H
ERE ’ S T O Y OUR H EALTH barnegatrehab.com
Dear Pharmacist

Substantially Damaged Homes In Toms River:

What They Are And How To Appeal

Under Section 313-5 of the Toms River Municipal Code, a structure is deemed to be “substantially damaged” if the costs of restoring a damaged structure to its pre-damaged state would equal or exceed 50% of the market value of the structure before it was damaged. In other words, if the value of the damage, divided by the market value of the structure prior to the damage is over 50%, the structure is substantially damaged.

In the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, in October of 2012, many homes in Toms River were deemed to be substantially damaged. A determination that your home is substantially damaged could have serious effects on your ability to obtain building permits, gain site plan approval, and could required you to elevate your home.

In March of 2022, the Township of Toms River put a new process in place by which a homeowner can appeal the determination that their home is substantially damaged. There are two approaches under which an appeal can be successful: 1) the damage to the home is lower than the Damage Estimate calculated; 2) the pre-damaged home was

worth more than it was assessed for.

Under the first approach, the Township will consider factors such as proof of loss from insurance, invoices from contractors who worked on repairing the home, and receipts for materials. These will then be compared against the Damage Estimate from the FEMA Inspectors. Under the second approach, the Township will consider factors such as a tax appeal determination from the year the damage occurred, or an appraisal from a NJ Licensed appraiser for the pre-damage value of the home. The appraisal or tax appeal decision will then be compared to the 2012 tax assessor’s improvement value for the home.

If you feel your home has been inaccurately deemed substantially damaged and would like to file an appeal, please give the attorneys at R.C. Shea & Associates a call for a consultation.

Our clients’ success is our greatest reward. 732-505-1212 • RCSHEA.COM
R.C. Shea & Assoc. Inside The Law
The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023, Page 17 jerseyshoreonline.com

Real Estate

Toms River House For SaleSarasota 2 Bed 1 Bath, Brand new appliances, brand new paint, brand new carpets throughout. Open house Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun, May 11th -June 4th, 521 Jamaica Blvd. Holiday City 08757; or call 732-569-3174. (24)

Estate Sale


Items Wanted

Entire Estates Bought - Bedroom/dining sets, dressers, cedar chests, wardrobes, secretaries, pre-1950 wooden furniture, older glassware, oriental rugs, paintings, bronzes, silver, bric-a-brac. Call Jason at 609-970-4806. (t/n)

CASH PAID!! LP records - stereos, turntables, musical instru-ments, guitar, saxophone, CD’s, reel tapes, music related items. Come to you. 732-804-8115. (30)

Garage Sale

Annual Community Garage Sale - At Greenbriar I, Burnt Tavern Road, Brick on Saturday, June 3 (rain date Sunday, June 4) from 9-3. Over 60 families will be holding sales. Follow the balloons for the streets participating. Call 732-840-9496 with questions. (23)

Garage Sale 492 St. Thomas Dr., Toms River - Holiday City/Berkeley - Fri, Sat and Sun - May 19, 20, and 21, 2023 (R/S). 908-230-3822.

All items must sell! From BricA-Brac to clothing to books and sporting goods. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m./3 days/Don't miss this! (23)

Items For Sale

For Sale - Large cocco brown couch $250; Two twin beds white headboard/footboard $200; Black with six drawers, $300. Please call Mary 732-475-7770. (23)

Items Wanted


ELRY Looking to buy costume/ estate jewelry, old rosaries and religious medals, all watches and any type of sterling silver, bowls, flatware candlesticks or jewelry. Same day house calls and cash on the spot. 5 percent more with this AD. Call Peggy at 732-581-5225. (t/n)


Jewelry and watches, costume jewelry, sterling silver, silverplate, medals, military items, antiques, musical instruments, pottery, fine art, photographs, paintings, statues, old coins, vintage toys and dolls, rugs, old pens and postcards, clocks, furniture, brica-brac, select china and crystal patterns. Cash paid. Over 35 years experience. Call Gary Struncius. 732-364-7580. (t/n)

Vinyl Records Wanted - Paying cash for LP albums. Rock, Blues, Reggae, Soul. Very good condition only. Call Rick 908-616-7104. (21)

Junk or Wrecked Cars and Trucks

Wanted - Cash paid. 732-6577251, Steve. Thanks. (22)

CASH, CASH, CASH! - Instant cash paid for junk cars, trucks, vans. Free removal of any metal items. Discount towing. Call Dano 732-239-3949. (t/n)

Don't pawn your coins - Call me first. I pay more. Old coins, currency. Will cash in your change. Chris 848-210-7372. (23)

Cash Paid! - For LP Records, reel to reels, 45/33. Travel to you or meet. We pick-up the phone, Eddie 732-829-5908. (20)

Cash - Top dollar, paid for junk, cars running and nonrunning, late model salvage, cars and trucks, etc. 732-928-3713. (t/n)

Used Guns Wanted - All types: collectibles, military, etc. Call 917-681-6809. (t/n)

Ca$h Paid For Old 45 RPM Records. - R&B, doo wop, soul, early rock & roll, and rockabilly preferred. Call between 8AM and 8PM 909-938-4623. (20)

Help Wanted

Weekend Receptionist - Magnolia

Gardens Family owned and operated Assisted living community looking to fill weekend receptionist position. All positions start at $15.00 an hour. For more information call 732-5576500 or come to our home and fill out an application at 1935 Lakewood Road, Toms River 08755. (22)

MEDICAL BILLING - 35 years of experience. Directly connected to Medicare. Call Cindy Office:848-238-7997 email: cindytmp2@gmail. (24)

Laundromat Attendant - For FT/

PT Good communication skills, math and min computer knowledge. Transportation needed. Long term commitment only. 732-286-1863. (t/n)

Help Wanted

Certified Aides - Full time, Per Diem, Weekends, Magnolia Gardens Family owned and operated Assisted living community looking to fill nursing, and medical aide positions. All positions start at $15.00 an hour. For more information call 732-557-6500 or come to our home and fill out an application at 1935 Lakewood Road, Toms River 08755. (22)

Full/Part Time Dietary Aid - Magnolia Gardens Assisted Living Family owned and operated Assisted living community looking to fill positions for Full time and part time, Dietary aids. All positions start at $15.00 an hour. For more information call 732557-6500 or come to our home and fill out an application at 1935 Lakewood Road, Toms River 08755. (22)

R.C. Shea and Associates is seeking to hire a paralegal with civil/commercial litigation experience as well as an administrative assistant. Pay and benefits commensurate with experience. Please call Pam Williams, office manager at (732) 505-1212 or email at pwilliams@rcshea.com (t/n)

Process Engineer (Job ID#: PE0110) Alpha Engineered Composites, LLC (Lakewood, NJ): Dvlp, configure, & optimize processes from inception thru steady state mfg, based on the goal of achieving strategic Key Performance or Target to Improve mfg indices; Identify, thru measurement & interpretation of product-process data; justify resources & capital financially; & implmt capital expenditure & process improvement initiatives; Support solution dvlpmt for special cause mfg issues; Process & maintain process instruction docs per current ISO platform. Complete monthly reports & identify thru pareto analysis, problem product-process issues; Scale transfer tech. at new facilities & verify process metrics are achieved; Support Lean Mfg initiatives focused on the elimination of mfg waste & enhancing product value; Support mfg suprvsn in techn'l input. Need Bachelor's in Mechan'l Engg, Chemical Engg, Industrial Engg, or rltd; 30 mths exp in process engg; Proficiency w/ the PLC prgmg & ladder logic Computer Aided Dsgn, Statistical Analysis, & Process Simulation s/ware; Understanding of Lean mfg principles & the mfg dependency btwn process availability, performance, & qlty; Familiar w/ local & federal envrmnt'l, health, & safety regulations; Travel throughout U.S. & China, twice per yr (1 month each trip) to provide techn'l support to AEC joint venture.

Mail CV w/ Job ID# to 145 Lehigh Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701. (22)

Handyman Service - Carpentry, masonry, painting repairs large and small. 40 years experience. Call Jim 732-674-3346. (39)

Property/Maintenance/Masonry - Brick restoration, brick repointing, concrete repairs, step repairs, grass cutting, cleanups. mulch. Call Ken 732-814-7743. (23)

CHEAP PAINTING Done RITEFree est. Senior discounts interior exterior. Call 732-506-7787, cell 646-643-7678. (28)


Over 30 years experience in all phases of home improvements. Free estimates and referrals. Call John 267-475-7962. (22)

Services Services Services

Absolute best home improvements!"Building the shore since 1984" Additions, carpentry, windows & doors, roofing & siding, painting & staining, flooring, kitchens & baths, finished basements, masonry, fencing, custom decks, fully insured, license #13VH11804800. $ave. Call Brien 732-850-5060. (28)

Roofing Repairs Etc. - Roofing, siding, windows. Repairs on small jobs. Utility shed roofs replaced. Prompt service. Insured. Gutters cleaned. Call Joe Wingate 551-804-7391. (19)

Certified Home Health Aides - Needed for Ocean County area. Hourly and live-in positions avail. P/T and F/T. Call CCC at 732-206-1047. (t/n)

ALL American Home Health AidesExperienced experts in the field of trauma and recovery. Holistic approach to healing-nutrition, physical therapy, and quality of life improvements. Hourly or live in. Honest, hardworking, etc. Includes housekeeping, rides to doctors/pleasure. Skip the rest, come to the best. 732-664-3605. (t/n)

LANDSCAPING - Restorations, Repairs, Stones, Mulch, Sod Installs, Hedges, Shrubs, Bushes, Downed Branches Trimmed & Removed, Demolition, Cleanouts, ect., Dumpster service provided by A901 Licensed Hauler ect. MAN WITH VAN LLC. Jim 609-335-0330 HIC# 13vh10806000. NO JOB TOO SMALL! (20)

THE RIDE GUY - Takes you anywhere! No limits. Comfy mini-van. Call Charlie 732-216-3176 or Email: cr@exit109. com. References. Let's Go! (19)

Housecleaning, Painting, Shopping, - Laundry, window cleaning, also we do typing services and run errends for you and also help paperwork. Very good prices. Call 732-7735078 or 848-287-3944. (21)

Nor’easter Painting and Staining, LLC - Interior and exterior. Decks, powerwashing. Affordable. Senior discounts. References. No job too small. Fully insured. 732-6910123. Lic #13VH09460600. (19)

APlus Home Improvements - Over 30 years experience. Everything from small handyman tasks to large renovations, decks, finished basements and much more. Lic #13VH11453600. No job too small give us a call. 908-278-1322. (52)

windows, doors, trim, tile, bathrooms, kitchens, masonry, flooring, decks, advanced building. 609-384-9030. (21)


Properties, Houses, Attics, Garages, Sheds, Storage Units, ect. Handyman Disposal provided 901a Dumpster Service LLC. Licensed, Insured, call or text Jim 609-335-0330. (27)

C.B.J. ROOFING - Covering the jersey shore since 1984. All work guaranteed. We will beat ANY legitimate estimate. $ave. Call 732-850-5060. (20)


PQ Painting & Home Improvement Services - Over 5 decades of service in NJ. Visit us online at pqpaintingservice.com . Winner of Angie’s List Super Service Award. Free estimates, reasonable rates, fully licensed and insured NJ Lic #13VH06752800. Call 732500-3063 or 609-356-2444. (t/n)

Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-877-791-2033 or visit dorranceinfo.com/micro. (t/n)

Computer Tutoring for Seniors – Retired, “Microsoft Certified” instructor. Very Reasonable rates. Very patient with slow learners. I’ll teach you in the comfort of your home on your computer. I can trouble shoot your slow computer! I also teach iPhone and iPad. I set up new computers at less than half the price the retailers charge. Windows 10 specialist. I can also build a beautiful small business website at a fraction of the going rates. Special Projects always welcome! Tony 732-997-8192. (t/n)

Bobs Waterproofing - Basement and crawlspace waterproofing. Mold testing, removal and prevention. Family owned. Fully licensed and insured. Call Bob 732-616-5007. (t/n)

MASONARY REPAIR - Sidewalks, steps, driveways, pavers. For free estimate call 732-5896798, 848-210-2716. (20)

Learn To Play The - Flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, or drums from a NJ State Certified Teacher of instrumental music, in your home! Call 732-3504427 for more information. (21)

MY HANDY CREW - Home repairs, carpentry, painting roofing and siding, decks, powerwashing, yardwor,k all your home maintenance needs. $ave. Call Clark 732-850-5060. Insured and NJ License #13VH11804800. (46)

Garden Advisory: Experienced (Master) Gardener - Assists homeowners with garden planning & design, plant care advice, plant selection & replacement recommendations, container gardens, soil testing. 732-232-8144. (21)


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Page 18, The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com
• Repair • Replace - Affordable • Expert Workmanship.
Seeking Responsible Individual With Good Phone Skills - Experience In Hvac & Permits A Plus. Filing/Answering Phones/ Scheduling/Permits/Ordering Parts/ Customer Service. Great Work Environment. $15/Hour 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Paid Holidays. Call Care Temp Heating & AC at
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ESTATE SALE – Old fur -
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Local Man Sentenced To Prison For Killing Teen In Car Crash

MANAHAWKIN – An Ocean County man has been sentenced to 17 years in state prison after driving 80 miles an hour while intoxicated, resulting in the death of a teen girl.

On January 30, 2021, officers from the Little Egg Harbor Township Police Depart-

ment reported to Radio Road and Baltusrol Court about a two-vehicle crash with serious injuries. It was revealed that Michael Pillarella, 28, of Manahawkin, was driving northbound on Radio Road when he failed to negotiate a curve in the road and hit an oncoming car.

Two teens were in the other car and both

had to be airlifted to Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune due to serious injuries. Pillarella was airlifted to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Trauma Center in Atlantic City for treatment of his injuries.

Auto with two counts as to each offense.

On February 9, 2021, one of the teens involved in the incident passed away from her injuries. As a result, the charges against Pillarella were upgraded to include Aggravated Manslaughter and Vehicular Homicide.

On February 1, 2021, Pillarella was charged with Aggravated Assault and Assault by (Crash - See Page 20)

Police revealed laboratory results of

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Continued From Page 19

Pillarella’s blood, which they found he was under the influence of Alprazolam, Methadone and Fentanyl at the time of the crash. Police also found that Pillarella was driving at an excessive rate of speed, around 80 miles per hour, at the time of the crash. Subsequently he was charged with Speeding.

On May 5, Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer announced that Pillarella was sentenced to 17 years in New Jersey State Prison (NJSP) having previously been found guilty of Manslaughter. This sentence will be subject to the terms of the No Early Release Act, meaning that Pillarella will be required to serve at least 85 percent of his prison sentence before he may be considered for parole eligibility.

Additionally, Pillarella was sentenced to

four years NJSP as a result of being found guilty of Assault by Auto in connection with the same motor vehicle crash. The sentences will run consecutively.

Prosecutor Billhimer commended the diligence and dedication of Supervising Assistant Prosecutor Robert Cassidy and Assistant Prosecutor Alyssa Mandara who together tried this case on behalf of the State. The Prosecutor likewise extends his gratitude to the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Vehicular Homicide Unit,

Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office High Tech Crimes Unit, Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Victim Witness Advocacy Unit, Little Egg Harbor Township Police Department, Berkeley Township Police Department, New Jersey State Police, Ocean County Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Investigation Unit, and Ocean County Medical Examiner’s Office, for their combined and collective efforts investigating this tragedy – ultimately resulting in Pillarella’s state prison sentence.

Fun Facts About The Praying Mantis (Mantids)

Retired New Jersey State Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator

There are about 2,000 species of mantids based on information documented in 2020. Only 18 species are native to North America, with the remaining species occupying tropical areas. The species you would see here in the United States are exotic species. The majority of mantids in New Jersey are invasive, more specifically the Chinese mantis and the European mantis. Believe it or not, mantids, who are insects, are closely related to both termites and cockroaches.

The praying mantis is the only insect possessing the ability to swivel their heads 180 degrees, which makes it challenging to sneak up on them. Even those who are not fond of insects seem to be fascinated, even drawn, to the praying mantis. This acceptance of them is likely due to their humanoid faces and long, grasping forelegs.

Reproduction comes in the form of eggsdepositing them on a stem or twig in the fall, protecting them with a substance resembling Styrofoam which she secretes from her body. The eggs will develop over the winter. You would be able to find eggs during the winter after trees and shrubs have lost their leaves. However, attempting to bring these egg sacks into your home could result in finding your house overrun with little mantids. The male praying mantis is sometimes beheaded before consummation with the female. Turns out the male is considered a better lover without his brain, which controls inhibition and the act of copulation.

For obvious reasons the name of the praying mantis refers to the way it holds its front legs, as if to pray, however, this is a deadly predator. Their attack is lightning quick to grab an insect, using its sharply spined forelegs, enabling them to hold its prey tightly as it devours it. While they are often viewed as beneficial insects, they will devour good bugs and bad bugs. Larger mantids will feast upon frogs, birds, and lizards.

There are no state/federal laws protecting the praying mantis.

I gathered the information for this article from multiple sources so statistics may vary slightly. To reach me please call 732-244-2768. It’s illegal to possess, relocate, or cause harm to wildlife for any reason. Managing wildlife without the proper state/federal permits is illegal. Violating laws protecting wildlife is punishable by law.

Page 20, The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com Studio - 1BR - 2BR MODELS Starting at $2,020 per month 24/7 Security/First Responders On Site Enclosed Porch & Covered Patio Free Laundry Room Free Basic Cable - Free Water 24/7 Maintenance Service Free Snow & Trash Removal Access to Onsite Health Center YOUR HOME without the burden of ownership! ENJOY WORRY-FREE LIVING in your spacious, recently renovated garden-style apartment home on our beautiful, tree-lined campus with lots of PERKS and none of the headaches!


The countdown to Memorial Day continues with just a few weeks left. One staple of the Jersey Shore are the surfers. Local resident Joan Gallagher was in Seaside Heights recently when she spotted this guy riding the waves. The water temperature that day hovered around 47 degrees. Yikes! Another great photo. Want to share one of your own? How about winning a prize? Email photos@ jerseyshoreonline.com and you may get lucky!

3rd Annual Spring Craft Fair

STAFFORD – The Stafford Township EMS Auxiliary will host their 3rd Annual Spring Craft Fair on May 21 from 9 a.m. to

3 p.m. at Southern Regional High School. Contact STEMSSpringCraftFair@gmail. com for complete details.

The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023, Page 21 jerseyshoreonline.com





40 In the event of a freeze, ...

43 Shelter securely 44 Tech support callers

45 Like those who leap before they look 46 More evil 49 Brown brew 50 Aerodynamic

3 Old British sports cars

4 Finish choice

5 Orbital period

6 Drives

7 Elementary sequence

8 Spanish relatives

9 Web page standard

10 Baker’s dozen

11 Cereal grain

12 Start of many band names

13 “Ben-__”



Street”: 1970 hit

33 Open __ night

34 Non-native speaker’s subj.

37 Theater section

39 Soup du __

41 “What else?”

42 Electronics pioneer

47 Vessels with cockpits

48 Final, say

51 Kipling title orphan

53 A 48-Down may include one

55 Norse prankster

56 Poet banished by Augustus

58 Baby seals

59 Beads on blades

60 Have title to 61 State east of Wyo.

62 Afore

63 First aid skill, for short

64 16-Across garland

65 Timeline section


Page 22, The Southern Ocean Times, May 13, 2023 jerseyshoreonline.com
blind mice
Lowland 25 Title
on a form
Destroy, as files 31 Bitterroot Range st.
Take on 35 Close 36 Rye fungus 38 Underestimate,
1 Toddler’s call 6 The universal language, some say 10 “Time __ transfix the flourish set on youth”: Shak. 14 Red tide cause 15 Bio, in a way, is aptly part of it 16 Most populous
island 17 In the event of a
... 20
pigs or
residue 22
With enthusiasm 30 Ballroom
18 Crater borders 19 Faux __ 22 Nielsen ratings units 23 Epinephrine-producing gland 24 “Cooking With
author 26 Seasons in the sun 28 Member of a league in a Sherlock Holmes
attire 32 “Love on __-way
“Freeze!,” ...
Daily delivery 69 Sky and Storm org.
Mid-month day 71 Turkey neighbor Down
52 Parker’s wind 53 Ice cream brand
Farm skyline sight 57 Sharp barks 59 In the event of a
66 Jug 67 Michael Douglas’
name 68
Spanish shout
1 Deface 2

Omarr’s Astrological Forecast

For the week of MAY 13 - may 19

ARIES (March 21-April 19): One way to make solidarity tangible may be to get everyone to pool their efforts now. You might get the most accomplished when paired up with a friend or working within a cooperative framework.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): It’s a great big universe, and anything is possible. Aim high whenever you may be tempted to make major changes or want to experiment with something new. The sky’s the limit when your timing is carefully chosen.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Make your own rules but try not to break someone else’s. A poorly chosen word or comment can land you in the doghouse. Luckily, forgiveness may be easier than usual to find. A sincere apology should put things right quickly.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) : The more you share with a loved one, the closer you could become. You may feel mentally agile and eager to investigate someone’s powerful ideas or interests. You might find opportunities in the least likely places.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Spread your enthusiasm generously and widely and other people could be eager to join your team. It may be challenging to remain patient when someone hesitates or gets to the point more slowly than you do but give them grace anyway.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 ): Romantic and friendly relationships can be highly satisfying unless you view them as simply transactional. If you are engrossed in a project or business interest, be mindful that you don’t leave loved ones out in the cold for too long.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) : Peace and tranquility could be your most prized possessions. You and a partner might not always agree completely, but you can respect each other’s opinion. A sympathetic bystander might help you mend some fences.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Applaud someone’s good intentions. There may be opportunities for compromise that solve all your on-the-job problems. Make key decisions today or tomorrow while you have a firm grasp on potential long-range results.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) :

You may have made lofty plans to live a purpose-driven life. Your money is there for a reason and can be put to effective use. Focus on making your home a safe and secure place and ignore minor disputes.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Once smitten by the love bug, you may not be able to rest until you have your way. You could be eager to shower someone with treats. It may be as easy to dispose of outworn customs and ideas as worn-out clothes.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Daily expenses might get you down, but your long-term plans for financial security may be right on track. Realign your thoughts by getting quiet and centered and praying on it, or by seeking sound advice.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Deal with any duties responsibly. You show your integrity by consistently honoring your obligations. If you need more time, be honest and ask for it. Accountability and consistency speak volumes about your character.




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