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photo of thE wEEk
The countdown to Memorial Day continues. Local resident Ryan J. Drewes captured this amazing sunset in Mantoloking recently. Want to share your pix with our readers? What about a chance to see the Jersey Shore BlueClaws on us? Email photos@jerseyshoreonline.com and you may get lucky!
Clothing Drive For Special Needs Children
JACKSON – Let your spring cleaning make an impact! Jackson Elks is running a clothing drive for special needs children, now through May 31. Your clothing donations will not only benefit special needs children, but will also be given to homeless children and people in need. They will pick up! Simply leave a message at 732-363-4101 or email JacksonElks2744@gmail.com to arrange pick-up or drop off. Shoes are accepted, please place in a separate bag.
EDUCATORS! Have a special event planned for your class? Let everyone know by placing a news release in this paper! Call 732-657-7344 to find out how!