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PAL 2023 Fishing Derby
MANCHESTER – The Manchester Township Police Athletic League has set June 3 as the 18th Annual Kids Fishing Derby date. The Derby will run from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This event will be held at Pine Lake in the Pine Lake Park section of Manchester Township.
The past Derbies have proven to be a tremendous success due to the support of the Mayor, Township Council, Manchester Police, Public Works and Recreation Department. Volunteers and generous donations from local businesses have made this a great day for our community. The Ocean County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs is supports the Derby as well.
They will also be registering this event with NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife, HOF-
NOD’s 8th Annual Youth Fishing Challenge. The Division of Fish and Wildlife supports all those organizations participating in the Event by providing program materials and prizes for the children. The Derby sends an educational anti-drug and alcohol abuse message as well as fishing education and fun.
This event is for children up to 15 years of age and must be accompanied by an adult. Free food and prizes will be given to participants. There is no fee charged to attend this event. Children must bring their own fishing equipment. Bait will be provided.
Preregister by sending your child(ren)’s name and age, as well as the guardians name to: Manchester Pal, PO Box 487 Lakehurst, NJ 08733.
Manchester Coordinating Council
Upcoming Meeting
WHITING – The Manchester Coordinating Council monthly meeting will be held May 22 at 1:30 p.m. at Village 5 club house, Schoolhouse Road, Whiting.
The subject matter discussed at our meetings are issues that concern residents in Manchester. Two representatives are appointed by the Board of Trustees of our 55 + communities to participate in issues that we are all interested in and bring back information to share with their residents. Guests are invited to attend.
Pasta Supper
WHITING – Need a night out? Need a night off from cooking? Join us at Whiting UMC for a Pasta Supper on June 17 at 5 p.m.
Your reservation includes pasta, marinara sauce, meatballs, tossed salad, garlic toast, dessert, coffee or tea and a drink. Tickets are $15 per person and must be reserved in advance. Reserve your tickets by calling Mary at 732-350-4704 or Robin at 774454-1032. Leave your name, phone number and how many tickets you are ordering. You will pay for your reserved ticket when you arrive at 5 p.m. No walk-ins.
WHITING – Meetings are open to anyone over 55 due to speaker related information.
Meetings are at 1 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday of the month from September to June. Membership is $10 per year. Refreshments are served. They have luncheons during the year also. At some meetings Treasure table. Recent events were a big hit.
The Ragtimers lunch and show on April 22 had everyone top tapping and hand clapping. The sandwiches from Te Amo in Whiting were also a big hit. The May 6 Health Wellness and more Fair had so much useful info for those who attended and lots of door prizes and 50-50. The kitchen was open for breakfast and lunch with a variety of egg sandwiches and bagels, lunch various types of grilled cheese and three kinds of toppings for the franks. Cake and muffins were also available as well as coffee and tea. They still have the specialty coffee bar at the meetings with cappuccino, flavored coffee and iced coffee.
The next meeting is June 27, then break for the summer. For more information contact Rosie Weaver, President, at 732-881-1044. If you would like to join just show up you can sign up for the 23-24 year at the June meeting. If you are new and come to June meeting and sign-up June is a free meeting.
VBS Registration Now Open
WHITING – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Whiting will be having a weekend Vacation Bible School (VBS) this July! Pets Unleashed: Where Jesus Cares FUR You!
We will “Let the dogs out” on July 7 and conclude with a totally “pawsome”
Women’s Club Of Deerfield Hall Village 6 Bereavement Support Group Village 6
WHITING – The next meeting is on May 26 in the D & E room of Deerfield Hall 6 Congasia Road, Whiting.
Everyone is welcome this is not just for Village 6 residents. Meeting is from 1 to 3 p.m.
celebration on July 9. Registration forms will be available in the main office or by emailing Lori Downing at ldowning@ easeton .org.
Ages 3 through 5th grade are welcome! Cost is $15 per child ($45 cap for families with more than three siblings).
with social time and refreshments. Anthony Lipari is the speaker on the stages of grief. Meetings are held on the last Friday of the month from September to June. You can just show up you do not have to register.
The Manchester Times welcomes your special announcements! Engagements, Weddings, Births, Birthday Wishes, etc. Please call 732-657-7344 for more details!
: Continued From Page 1 wildfire that threatened lives and property in the township and nearby Lakehurst Borough.
Approximately 3,859 acres burned within 48 hours.
“The work that was done that evening was absolutely miraculous. They worked tirelessly for 48 hours straight and not one structure was damaged and not one person was hurt,” Arace said during a recent Township Council meeting. “We owe a debt of gratitude to our volunteer firefighters and the New Jersey Forest Fire Service.” Mayor Arace said. He noted that thanks to those present and those beyond the agencies represented that evening.
As he did during a prior council meeting, Councilman Joseph Hankins also acknowledged the members of the Whiting Volunteer Fire Company’s Ladies Auxiliary who served up food and beverages to the firefighters throughout the evening while they were battling the blaze.
“They stayed all night long to provide meals and they do a great job,” Hankins added.
Councilman Craig Wallis clarified for the public during his council report that some present were not wearing uniforms.
“I just want to make sure everyone understood that (lineup) shows our entire EMS service, we had Whiting, Ridgeway and Manchester volunteers that were at these fires too. Our volunteers were out there on the front line also.”
“If you go down Beckerville (Road) and survey the area and you see the structure protection that was done to protect homes and property,” the mayor said, adding that his thanks extends to agencies who came to Manchester from other towns.
“Thank you for recognizing all our emergency services. That is very much appreciated. Just to show that we are always preparing and learning, in the past week we had a large table top exercise of all things that involved forest fires,” Police Chief Robert Dolan said.
Dolan explained, “we sit around, they give us a scenario and all the stakeholders that are here and some that are not here like the NJ Forest Fire Service and School Board directed by OEM (Office of Emergency Management) Coordinator Robert Sharry and his deputy go over what the problems are.”
“Every scenario is different and we learn something every single time. We are always training and trying to be ready for all kinds of situations,” the chief added.
Budget Introduced
In other business, the Council approved the introduction of this year’s municipal budget. Mayor Arace said that June 12 would be the date to adopt the budget after a public hearing.
“I’ll be bringing up an in-depth analysis, line by line of the highlights, some of the challenges and how we’ve overcome them and ultimately where we wound up. I’ll be putting together a slide presentation and there will be full transparency on the status of our budget,” the mayor added.
Council Candidates
Municipal Clerk Teri Giercyk informed The Manchester Times that petitions will be available on June 12 for those interested in running for council. Those seeking additional information can call the Manchester Municipal Clerk’s office between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Call 732657-8121, ext. 3200, or visit Town Hall at 1 Colonial Drive. The deadline for filing petitions is 4 p.m. on September 5, for the November 7 general election.
Town Wide Yard Sale
LAKEHURST – The Borough of Lakehurst Youth and Recreation Committee is sponsoring a Town Wide Yard Sale on May 20 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. (rain date May 21). All proceeds will benefit the Youth and Recreation Committee’s programs.