2 minute read
Wildlife Rescue 911 – A Law Firm In Roseland NJ
Renee A. Thomaier
Retired New Jersey State Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator
Some years ago, while I was working at a large law fi rm, I received a call around 9 p.m. from one of the maintenance workers who discovered a bird on the balcony of one the attorneys’ office. He didn’t know what to do, but knowing I was a wildlife rehabilitator, he called me. I was able to ascertain the kind of bird it was, and I knew the office he was referring to had large windows. My fi rst thought was that the bird struck a window rendering it unable to fly. The bird was a mourning dove, capable of a fl ight speed of up to 55 mph.
I knew the safety of the bird would be at risk overnight, so I readied myself to make the 40-minute drive to Roseland. This was one of the rare cases where I had retrieved the injured animal, as the maintenance worker was working his overnight shift. I met up with him and we proceeded to the balcony, retrieved the bird, and drove home. There were no obvious injuries. This appeared to be a case of the bird getting stunned by the window strike. I proceeded to care for the dove over the next week. The most difficult part was that each day I arrived at work, I observed the apparent mate of the injured dove on top of the building, calling its mate. It was heart-wrenching. I knew I would release it where it was found. But how long would the mate wait?
The week passed and each day the dove improved. I decided to perform the release on Sunday, as there would be less activity at the fi rm. I arrived early that morning and I removed the dove from the carrier. I did not see her mate. With the dove in my hands, I opened them and from behind where I stood, simultaneously, another dove joined her in fl ight to ultimately end up on a railing next to each other. I feel certain it was her mate. Generally, the mourning dove is a monogamous bird. To reach me please call 732-244-2768.
It’s illegal to possess, relocate, or cause harm to wildlife for any reason. Managing wildlife without the proper state/federal permits is illegal. Violating laws protecting wildlife is punishable by law.
Eclectic “Euphoria” Variety Show Comes To Hard Rock Hotel & Casino AC
ATLANTIC CITY – Enter the eclectic world of Euphoria Variety Show, live onstage in the Sound Waves theater at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City, every Sunday at 4 p.m. beginning June 18. The high octane and exceedingly captivating production show features top shelf variety acts, singers, dancers and an orchestra, all working in concert to create a new and incredibly entertaining, fun, and unique experience.
Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at hardrockhotelatlanticicty. com. All tickets for the “Euphoria Variety Show” cost $29. All shows are subject to change.
The creators who brought you “The Rat Pack Show,” “Motor City Live” and “Dance To The Music” invite you into a world of high flying aerialists, thrilling Cirque-style performers, hilarious silent action comics, and mind blowing illusionists, combined with powerhouse singers, provocative dancers, and an accomplished orchestra.
“Euphoria Variety Show is a contemporary take on a classic variety show, which is reimagined and married with other elements normally not seen on stage and working in tandem,” said producer Allen Valentine. “It makes for a really fun and exciting production to see live.”
“Euphoria Variety Show” is produced by Valentine, choreographed by Jillian Reed and features the musical direction of Arland Gilliam, with costume design by Kristine Valentine. The show’s production manager is Linda Voermans.