1 minute read
Mental Health A Focus In Schools
By Bob Vosseller
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the township school district had a very proactive approach toward social-emotional learning (SEL), finding it essential to student success. Since mental health is not something to address only once, the district held several student, family, and staff wellness events.
The School District continued its commitment to focusing on the social-emotional well-being of the entire school community by hosting its first district-wide SEL Family Night for all township families and a district-wide Staff Wellness Day for every staff member.
Staff Wellness Day events which are a collaboration with the New Jersey Education Association and the Manchester Township Education Association were held to implement the “Road to Wellness” program.
“The well-being of our
(Health - See Page 4)
–Photos courtesy Manchester Schools
(Above) The Manchester School District recently recognized those who provide support in the area of mental wellness for their students as well as district staff. (Right) Staff Wellness Day featured kitten therapy provided by All Fur One Pet Rescue.
Erosion Impacting Lake Horicon
By Bob Vosseller LAKEHURST –
Borough officials are looking at methods to combat erosion at one of their greatest natural resources.
Council President Steven Oglesby reported during a recent Council meeting that severe