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Capitol Comments
Assemblyman Alex Sauickie
Based on a lot of what I’ve written here, especially about school issues, it may be surprising to hear that there is some good news for Jackson coming from Trenton lately. But there is.
Last week, I mentioned the huge numbers of legislative bills flying around the State House these days. I explained that there’s normally a rush to get a lot of bills to the governor before the Legislature takes a summer break after passing the new state budget. I wrote that I would look through the many bills and report back if I found any that would provide meaningful, structural property tax relief in the near term.
I didn’t exactly find such a bill among the 159 scheduled for an Assembly vote as I write this (I expect there will be even more), but I did come across one I like so much that I testified in favor of it in early June. It would put in place a framework that I believe will help school districts like Jackson’s, and could lead to actual progress