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C ommUnitY n eWS August Programs For Adults At The Manchester Branch Library

MANCHESTER – Did you know that the Manchester Library offers free programs for adults every month? We have something for every interest! Here is a list of our programs for August:

Library Tech Talk. August 1 at 2 p.m. Staff will answer questions about any of the apps that you are using to download library materials including the Libby and Hoopla apps. We will also answer any questions about wireless printing at our Library. Please register.

DIY Yarn Tassel Flowers to Make for Any Occasion. August 2 at 10 a.m. Each flower takes about five minutes to create and requires minimum supplies. They are so much fun that you will be looking for excuses for making more when you get home. Please make sure to bring with you to the program a pair of scissors to cut yarn plus a metal dinner or serving fork. Please register.

Manchester Shore Memory Café. August 3 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Early-Stage Memory Cafes provide opportunities for concerned persons experiencing early cognitive decline, and for those diagnosed with early-stage memory loss, and their care partner(s) to meet. Join a café to engage with peers in a relaxed, unstructured environment that promotes social engagement and support, through interactions with others experiencing similar changes. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association of Greater New Jersey in partnership with the Ocean County Library. Walk-ins are welcome but registration is preferred. To register call the Alzheimer’s Association at 800-272-3900.

Manchester Emergency Services: An Overview of Basic First Aid. August 10 at 10 a.m. You never know when an emergency may strike, so the only defense is proper preparation. This is what makes fi rst aid and CPR so important. In this 45-minute program, Manchester Township Emergency Services Supervisor, Nicholas Seran, will provide a basic overview of general first aid, explain Community CPR, and tell you how you can get trained/certified. Nicholas will also discuss how Manchester Emergency Services operates and emergency service training courses offered to interested citizens. Please register.

Calming Coloring. August 18 at 2 p.m. Coloring is a great method of stress relief for adults. Spend a relaxing afternoon creating art, listening to soothing music and relaxing with like-minded adults at the library. Coloring sheets and simple crafts are provided along with crayons, markers, and pens. Alternatively, you can bring your own coloring projects and coloring tools. For even more de-stressing, we offer aromatherapy and therapy animals. Please register.

Drum Circle for Adults with Special Needs. August 22 at 10 a.m. Master Drummer Deborah Kehoe will lead a drum circle of health rhythms at the Manchester Branch for adults with special needs. Hand drumming has the ability to create a state of joy, reduce stress and release anger. There is rhythm in all of us. No experience is necessary. Drums and shakers will be provided. Please register.

Ask a Master Gardener. August 22 at 1 to 3 p.m. Drop in and talk to a Master Gardener from the Rutgers Master Gardeners of Ocean County.

Drum Circle for Adults. August 22 at 2 p.m. Master Drummer Deborah Kehoe will lead a drum circle of health rhythms at the Manchester Branch. Hand drumming has the ability to create a state of joy, reduce stress and release anger. There is rhythm in all of us. No experience is necessary. Drums and shakers will be provided. Please register.

Better Battery Life. August 23 at 2 p.m. Why is the battery life on my mobile device draining so fast? Here are tips and tricks to defeat battery drain and get the most out of your battery. Please register.

Manchester Township Senior Services Overview. August 31 at 2 p.m. Melissa DePalma of Manchester Senior Services will be on site to give a broad overview of the services they offer to residents 60 years of age or older or persons on disability. All calls made to Manchester Senior Services can provide you with information about programs on the local, county and state level. An outreach coordinator can also assist you in applying for benefits. This information may help you to make the best decision for your particular needs. Please register.

Where indicated, advance registration is required for programs. To sign up or obtain more information, call 732-657-7600 or go online to the library’s Calendar of Events at theoceancountylibrary.org/events

Registration for the Manchester Shore Memory Café goes through the sponsoring organization instead of through the library. See above description.

The Manchester Branch of the Ocean County Library is located at 21 Colonial Drive in Manchester Township.

50th Annual Horseshoe Tournament

MANCHESTER – Join Manchester Township for the 50th Annual Horseshoe Tournament at Harry Wright Lake on August 5. (Rain date August 6)

On-site registration closes at 88 max or 9 a.m. Singles and doubles. Play begins at 9:30 a.m. Wear your oldest Manchester Horseshoe Tournament shirt for a chance to win a prize.

For more information, call the Recreation Department at 732-657-8121 ext. 5101 or 5102.

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