WEDNESDAY | OCTOBER 9, 2013 | Volume 136 | Number 41
Young visits Hampton
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The annual “Treat Your Farmer to Lunch!� meal will be held from 11-1 p.m. on Wednesday, October 9, at the Fareway parking lot in Hampton. All proceeds support the Franklin County 4-H Scholarship Endowment Fund. For $5, customers will be able to choose from either two burgers, or a burger, a water, and a bag of chips. A special thanks to Fareway and Franklin County Pork Producers.
Franklin Players to hold auditions on Oct. 8 and 10 The Franklin Players will present the comedy-drama Miracle on 34th Street on November 30 and December 1. Open auditions will be held at Center 1 on Tuesday, October 8 and Thursday, October 10 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at Center 1. By chance, Kris Kringle, an old man in a retirement home, gets a job working as Santa for Macy’s; some believe his claim to be “Santa Clausâ€? while Macy’s vocational counselor plots to have Kris committed to Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital. Kris ends up in a court competency hearing and in a dramatic decision, the FRXUW FRQÂżUPV .ULV DV WKH WUXH Santa. The script calls for: 3 men, 2 women, 1 girl 7-8 years old; 14 men or women, 3 teens, 3 children, 4-8 elves and 3 parents. Additionally, we will need pedestrians, shoppers, postal baggers and many extras including children. For more information, call Karen Ferris at 641-425-5897.
First Congregational UCC Fall Bazaar is Oct. 10
The First Congregational United Church of Christ will be holding its Fall Bazaar on Thursday, Oct. 10 from 10-1:30 p.m. The bazaar will feature FRIIHH DQG FRIIHHFDNHV RU PXI¿QV from 9-10 a.m. with the bazaar from 10 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. A luncheon will be served from 111. The menu will include stacked beef au jus, assorted salads and pies for $8. Other features of the bazaar include candy by the piece from the bakery, homemade frozen rhubarb and peach pies, deli and garden patch, Mary’s Fashion Scarves, Kitchen Gadgets, and a sewing basket.
Hampton Senior Center Bake Sale is Oct. 11
The Hampton Senior Center, located at 23 1st St. SW, Hampton, will be having at Bake Sale from 9 a.m. until gone on Friday, October 11. There will be a wide variety of home made goodies available for purchase.
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Sports, Page 12
The Hampton-Dumont football team dropped a hertbreaking 13-12 contest on Saturday to Osage. Despite their best efforts, the Green Devils managed to score with 11 seconds remaining to snatch the victory.
Spears buy a piece of history News, Page 3
Hampton’s Jeff and Tracy Spear recently bought a 1955 Chevy at a historic Nebraska car dealer auction.
Treat your farmer to lunch on Oct. 9
‘Dogs drop heartbreaker
Local News, Page 2 U.S. Senate candidate David Young recently visited Hampton to explain why he wants the job.
Go to HamptonChronicle.com to view all of our newspaper publications.
$1.25 Newsstand
The evening began with locals dressed in 1920s garb greeting attendees and taking tickets. Many of the crowd came in attire from that era to add to the ambience. 7KH QLJKW¡V HQWHUWDLQPHQW VODWH opened with an introduction to the silent movie by Leon Kuehner, who directed the Windsor Orchestra that played throughout the event. Kuehner described the silent movie era for a bit and discussed some of its history. “Silent movie orchestras were the largest employer of musicians at that time,â€? Kuehner said. 7KH VLOHQW Ă€OP ´&RSVÂľ IURP 1922 starring Buster Keaton was the Ă€UVW WKLQJ RQ WKH PHQX RI HQWHUWDLQment and lasted for about 10 minutes, drawing lots of laughs from the packed house in attendance. A vaudeville show followed the movie, with various historic comedic skits performed by the Pythian Players troupe – composed of WenG\ %XVHPDQ 'DYLHV 7RGG &URZ Moli Gerken, Deb Lukensmeyer, Melanie Mayberry, Sharon Parks, DQG &UDLJ 6HPOHU The skits, which included “Wild West Freak Show,â€? “Doctor, Doctor,â€? “At the Restaurant,â€? and “Short RQ 6PDUWVÂľ ZHUH SURYLGHG E\ &RQWHPSRUDU\ 'UDPD 6HUYLFHV LQ &RORUDGR 6SULQJV &ROR
0RUH WKDQ SHRSOH Ă€OOHG WKH historic Windsor Theater Saturday night for a celebration of old-timey entertainment and to fete the theater on its 100th anniversary. “A night like it used to beâ€? was the theme, and the entertainment was a blast from the past as there was a silent movie, ventriloquists, comedic skits from years gone by, dancing, and a barbershop quartet. Jim Davies, manager of the Windsor Theater and also an actor in several skits with the Pythian Players troupe, said he was more than pleased with the massive turnout to FHOHEUDWH RQH RI +DPSWRQ¡V PRVW historic buildings. “I was welcoming people at the beginning when they were coming in, and I was telling everyone they have to laugh regardless if its funny or not,â€? Davies said of the entertainPHQW RQ WDS IRU WKH HYHQLQJ ´7KDW¡V WKH ZKROH LGHD RI YDXGHYLOOH ,W¡V WKH audience that really drives and gives the energy to the performers.â€? ´,W¡V PRUH RI DQ ROGHU FURZG EXW you see some younger people,â€? DaYLHV VDLG ´,W¡G EH FRRO WR VHH PRUH Âľ “There were funny skits, it was good. The ventriloquists were popular in those days,â€? Davies added. “In those days, this was the only entertainment.â€?
&DOHLJK 6XWWHU IURP 0V 1LQD¡V 'DQFH &HQWHU SHUIRUPHG D GDQFH number as the “Roaring 20s Gal,â€? ZKLFK ZDV PRGHOHG DIWHU WKH Ă DSSHU girl culture of the Prohibition Era. One of the more popular performances was the ventriloquists act with Buseman and her brother, Todd &URZ 7KH SDLU EURXJKW WKH DXGLHQFH a seemless performance with their dummies, drawing lots of laughs and a hearty round of applause. The barbershop quartet “River &LW\ 5HYHUEÂľ ² FRPSRVHG RI -HII $ULDQV 'DQLHO %RGWNH .HYLQ &XUrier, and Tyler Van Dyke – also performed to the delight of the audience and utilized their humor and showmanship while belting out numerous classic barbershop tunes. Dawn Groszkruger, a local resident and leader of the popular Sing Along nights at the theater, rounded the night out leading the crowd in communal singing – belting out nine different songs. At the end of the performance, Groszkruger led the crowd and cast in a singing of “Happy Birthday to youâ€? dedicated to the theater. The night ended with rousing applause from the more than 225 in attendance. Afterward, a cake and refreshments party was hosted in the upstairs apartment of the theater. Windsor: See Page 8
Ventriloquist Todd Crow was on hand for the night’s entertainment at the Windsor Theater. (Photos by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle.)
FALL FESTIVAL FUN Harriman-Nielsen Farm hosts annual event
By Jeff Forward 7KH IDOO VHDVRQ ZDV RIĂ€FLDOO\ rung in Sunday at the HarrimanNielsen Historic Farm as hundreds of locals and out-of-county visitors invaded the farm grounds for food, music, contests, and fun on a crisp October afternoon. “A great crowd,â€? said Berry Johnson, one of the board members from the farm who helped organize the annual event. “We really lucked out with the weather.â€? The fall festival is in its 10th year and helps fund various things at the historic farm including site maintenance, restoration efforts, and the summer garden. The event – attended by several hundred people - featured contests, different types of produce and pumpkins for sale, demonstrations, music, and food. ´,¡P RXW RI VRXS ,¡P RXW RI EUDWV DQG ,¡P RXW RI SLH Âľ VDLG 'RUHHQ 3HWHUVHQ ZKR LV DOVR RQ WKH IDUP¡V ERDUG DQG KHOSHG ZLWK WKH GD\ ´,W¡V WKH Ă€UVW WLPH ZH¡YH FRPSOHWHO\ UXQ out of food.â€? Petersen said that local residents donated more than 55 pies to be served at the event and that running out of food was proof the day was a success. There were all sorts of fun activities for all ages, including livestock on display, a tall corn stalk contest, pumpkin painting for kids, DQG DQ DSSOH FLGHU SUHVV DQG Ă HD market.
By Kristi Nixon SHEFFIELD – One thing is certain, West Fork will never forget this homecoming win. Approximately three days after the Warhawks had to postpone play after lightning kept delaying its &ODVV $ 'LVWULFW JDPH DJDLQVW (DJOH *URYH WKH\ Ă€QLVKHG WKLQJV off nicely with a 42-7 victory Monday evening. Leading 12-0 with about 2 and D KDOI PLQXWHV OHIW LQ WKH Ă€UVW KDOI when play resumed, coach Rodney +XEHU¡V VTXDG SXW WKH IRRW RQ WKH JDV DQG GLGQ¡W OHW XS WR HDUQ WKH VHFRQG ZLQ RI WKH VHDVRQ DQG Ă€UVW district triumph. ´7KLV ZDV WKH Ă€UVW WLPH LW¡V ever happened to me (being in a weather-delayed game), so that was unique,â€? Huber said. “I think WKH PRVW RI WKH NLGV KDG WKH Ă€UVW time experiencing something like that. I guess it was a good thing because we came a little bit sharper on offense and were able to reiterate some things and clean things up.â€? Senior captain Spencer Halloran did a little bit of everything on both nights. Friday, he rushed for a touchdown, but threw his only interception of the game. On Monday, he turned things DURXQG DQG Ă€QLVKHG RI for 275 yards and a pair of long touchdowns to Evan Sprung. Cade Meyer, left, and Abby Brager, with gourd, explore the wide range of gourds for sale on Sunday at the Harriman-Nielsen Historic Farm Fall Festival. (Photos by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle)
Fall Festival Fun: See Page 8
Sunda day S
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Worth the wait: Warhawks extend homecoming 72 hours for victory
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Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Hampton Veterinary Center moves forward after Flickinger retirement By Nick Pedley The Hampton Veterinary Center is now without its long-time owner and associate, Dr. Richard Flickinger, after he hung up his stethoscope for WKH Ă€QDO WLPH ODVW ZHHN Flickinger retired for good to focus on his health following 31 years of practicing animal medicine. In October 2012, he sold the practice to Dr. Zach Vosburg who had worked DORQJVLGH )OLFNLQJHU IRU Ă€YH \HDUV prior to the ownership change. Flickinger stayed on as an associate for the past year, but decided to call it quits this fall. “It just got to be too much,â€? said Flickinger. “I don’t know what I’ll miss the most. I’ll certainly miss all my clients, and also working with all the great people out there.â€? Flickinger began his career in Hampton after receiving his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Iowa State University in 1982. He worked at the Hampton Veterinary Center under Dr. Doug Anderson IRU Ă€YH \HDUV EHIRUH SXUFKDVLQJ the practice in 1987. Health issues prompted Flickinger to sell the practice and scale back his involvement, but he remained active at the clinic for the past year. “As the owner, you’ve got other
chine and in-house blood work capabilities, but noted those potential upgrades would be a gradual process. “Rome wasn’t built in a day. We take things one at a time, and we’re basically trying to bring this practice up to speed to keep it competitive with the other practices in the area,â€? he said. Technology additions, ownership switches and facility upgrades haven’t been the only thing that’s changed at the vet clinic this year. Dr. Renee Bertrum was added to the staff as an associate in September, and has since become a valuable member at the clinic. According to Vosburg, Bertrum specializes in smaller animals, but doesn’t shy away from livestock. She grew up on a cattle farm and is accustomed to working with larger animals. “She’s kind of what I’d call a utility player, which is nice to have,â€? Hampton Veterinary Center associate Dr. Renee Bertrum, left, of- Vosburg said. “She’s been a wonderÂżFH FDW 0XJJOHV DQG RZQHU 'U =DFK 9RVEXUJ ULJKW 3KRWR E\ ful addition. We’re starting to grow; 1LFN 3HGOH\ +DPSWRQ &KURQLFOH
we’re starting to change.â€? Vosburg pointed out that the upresponsibilities, but as an associ- rience in Hampton and knowledge ate you’re just doing the vet clinic of the customer base has eased any grades and additions have brought work,â€? he said. OHDUQLQJ FXUYHV GXULQJ KLV Ă€UVW \HDU added business and revenue to the practice. The ultrasound machine Both Flickinger and Vosburg felt as owner. the transition in ownership was a “As far as things go, it didn’t can be used to inspect internal orsmooth one. Vosburg said his expe- change dramatically with the new gans or conduct check-ups on pregownership,â€? Vosburg said. “It’s vir- nant animals both large and small. tually the same staff and everything However, he said the clinic’s objecelse, and that’s really the transition tive has remained the same despite the recent changes. we wanted.â€? “Our goal is to make this place as Vosburg said he and his employees placed emphasis on modernizing the modern as possible while still mainclinic’s technological arsenal over taining the quality and level of medithe past year. Records are now kept cine our customers have come to exelectronically, an ultrasound ma- pect,â€? said Vosburg. “Dr. Flickinger chine was added and the large ani- has done an excellent job over the mal facilities were updated. Vosburg years with the quality of medicine, said he’d like to add an x-ray ma- and we’re trying to continue that.â€?
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Up Front: From Page 1
HDEA Soup Supper is Oct. 11
The Annual HDEA Soup Supper will be held from 5-7 p.m. on Friday, October 11, in the Hampton-Dumont High School Commons. Prices are $6 in advance or $7 at the door for fourth grade through adults; $3 in advance or $4 at the door for Pre-K through third grades, and Preschool and younger are free. All proceeds go to the HDEA scholarship fund.
fee Cat, Healing House (in Clear Lake). Farm to Fork is sponsored by the following partners: Iowa State Extension & Outreach, Cerro Gordo County, Blue Zones Project™ in Mason City, Healthy Harvest of North Iowa - www. northiowafood.org, participating establishments and producers For more information call 515851-1690 or email libbey.jan@ gmail.com
Texas Style Jam set 2013 Mason City for October 17 Farm to Fork to be A Texas Style Jam well be held from 6-9 p.m. on Thursday, Octoheld Oct. 17 ber 17, in Dows at the Convention The 2013 Mason City Farm to Fork will be held on Thursday Oct. 17. This all local mean will be served by three downtown Mason City establishments in partnership with featured producers. Tickets are $55 and must be purchased by Oct. 9. Dinner begins with an appetizer at Mason City Brewing Company, 28 e. State St., with catering by Hy-Vee West. The entrÊe will be at the 1910 Grille, at the Historic Park Inn, 15 W. State St., and concludes with desset at the Decker Bed and Breakfast, 119 2nd St. SE., with locally roasted coffee from Jitters Coffee Bar. Three seatings are available, 4:30, 6 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at Mason City Brewing, Historic Park Inn, Decker House B&B, Jitters Coffee Bar, Hy-Vee West, Moorman’s Clothier, Coff
Center. Jammers, listeners, and dancers welcome! Bring snacks to share. For more information, please call 515-689-3986.
St. Paul Luncheon set for October 20 in Latimer
St. Paul’s P.T.L. of Latimer will be holding a Soup Luncheon on Sunday, October 20, from 10:30 a.m. until 12 noon. The luncheon, which will be held in the church basement, will feature a menu of chili, cheesy vegetable soup, bread, dessert, and drinks. A freewill offering will be taken for the St. Paul’s Activity Account. Thrivent Supplemental Funds have also been applied for.
U.S. Senate hopeful David Young stops in Hampton By Nick Pedley He’s visited 96 of Iowa’s 99 counties, but David Young knows he still has a long road ahead of him if he’s to secure the Republican Party’s nomination for the U.S. Senate in the June 2014 GOP primary. “It’s a work ethic I learned from Senator Grassley – get out there, see the people and listen to them,â€? he said. Young stopped in Hampton on Friday and visited with locals about issues facing Iowans and the nation as part of his Senate campaign. He threw his hat into the ring after long-time Iowa Senator Tom Harkin announced he wouldn’t seek re-election after his term expires in 2015. Five other candidates are vying for the Republican nomination, and Young said he’s been campaigning fervently to set himself apart from WKH FURZGHG Ă€HOG “I understand the federal issues that are going on and how they impact Iowans, and I’ve got courage and leadership to take on those issues,â€? he said. “I’ve been there, I’ve got solutions and I’m ready to work.â€? Young, 45, is a native of Van Meter. He earned his college degree from Drake University and began his political career with the 1992 Bush-Quayle presidential campaign. He worked his way up the ranks on Colorado Senator Hank Brown’s VWDII DQG ODWHU EHFDPH Ă€QDQFH GLrector and campaign manager for Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky. He eventually became Bunning’s Chief of Staff, and later moved on to become Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley’s Chief of Staff in 2006. He’s still trying to distinguish himself from his fellow GOP candidates, but Young wasn’t naĂŻve about the competition looming on the other side of the fence. He said numerous things separate him from Democratic frontrunner Bruce Braley, who’s
currently vying for his partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Senate nomination. Young claimed Braleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s record in the U.S. House of Representatives proved the Congressman was in favor of Obamacare, a carbon emissions tax and higher overall taxes, amongst other things. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He likes a bigger government approach to our problems, and I like to give people more opportunity, freedom and let markets decide these thingsâ&#x20AC;ŚIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m for empowering people,â&#x20AC;? he said. Young felt the budget, stagnant job growth and the escalating national debt will continue to plague the country in the years to come. He also said Obamacare needed to be reformed, and noted numerous areas where he differed from the law. He believes prohibitions on policies across state
lines should be dropped, medical liability laws should be loosened and more emphasis should be placed on health savings accounts. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not ready for prime time,â&#x20AC;? Young said about Obamacare. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to repeal it and start over with other solutions.â&#x20AC;? Throughout the course of his campaign, Young said Iowans expressed anxiety over the national debt and concern regarding Congressâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; failure to pass a farm bill. He also said Congressâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; failure to pass a budget and work coherently has created what he GXEEHG WKH ´WUXVW GHĂ&#x20AC;FLWÂľ ² $PHULcans have lost faith in their legislators after years of poor spending habits and sluggish progress. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have to do regular order,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Providing Republicans take control [of the Senate], I will say to
my leadership, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s get on track to get a budget, letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s get the appropriations bill done so we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a shutdown, so we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come to these loggerheads, these manufactured crises.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153; His ticket to U.S. Senateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chambers is far from punched, but Young said he was ready for the challenge ahead of him. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To me, it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t matter what side of the aisle youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on. Republican or Democrat, you were sent there by the taxpayer and owe the taxpayer to spend their money wisely and advocate for them,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not walking in there wide-eyed. I know the institution and how to work for Iowans and advocate for them right away.â&#x20AC;?
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Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The 1955 Chevy has only 29,000 or so miles on it. (Photo by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle.)
Located in the warehouse behind Dancinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with Roxie
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Furniture Pumpâ&#x20AC;?
Jeff and Tracy Spear stand next to the 1955 210 Post Del Ray Chevy that they bought during a classic Chevy auction in Pierce, Nebraska. (Photos by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle.)
Local man finds dream car at classic Chevy auction in Pierce, Neb. By Jeff Forward Local resident and classic car enthusiast Jeff Spear has always wanted a classic 1950s era Chevy. Now, after attending a history-making car auction at Lambrecht Chevrolet in Pierce, Neb., he has that dream car â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a 1955 Chevy 210 Post Del Ray with a V-8 engine and automatic transmission. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve wanted a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;55 Chevy since I was 15 years old,â&#x20AC;? local resident Jeff Spear said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There was one in a guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s yard and I took my dad over there (to buy it) and he said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;absolutely not.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? The auction the Spear and is wife Tracy bought the car at was held at Lambrecht Chevrolet in Pierce, Nebraska, and was attended by as many as 15,000 people over several days at the end of September. The dealership â&#x20AC;&#x201C; owned by Ray Lambrecht â&#x20AC;&#x201C; featured as many as 500 classic Chevy vehicles including Corvettes, Corvairs, Impalas, various trucks, and other Chevy models. The vehicles ranged from ones that had hardly been driven â&#x20AC;&#x201C; some with only one mile on their odometer, to others that were used with many thousand miles. The highest price paid for a vehicle was $140,000 for a 1958 Chevy Cameo pick-up truck that had 1.3 miles on it. The vehicles had sat unused in ÂżHOGV DQG ZDUHKRXVHV LQ WKH VPDOO rural town, which added to their value and uniqueness. The dealerships owner had an unusual policy about selling certain vehicles, which resulted in all the classic models being stockpiled over the years. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A couple of guys at church told me we should go out to the auction,â&#x20AC;? Jeff Spear said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We put it off then ZH ÂżQDOO\ VDLG ÂľZH VKRXOG JR RXW there.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; We tried to make reservations in Pierce, and they just laughed at
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; harvest gold and India ivory. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s got a little cancer in the WUXQN D OLWWOH FDQFHU RQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;RRU ´ Jeff Spear said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an automatic, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only got 29,000 miles on it. We were one of the lucky ones, this still had air in the tires.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is going to be a classic restore, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to keep it mostly stock with a few upgrades to make it drive nice,â&#x20AC;? Jeff Spear added. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do body work. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to take the motor and tranny out and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to go through those.â&#x20AC;? The vehicle will make a welcome addition to the coupleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growing car collection â&#x20AC;&#x201C;which includes classic Camaros, trucks and various other vehicles - but Jeff Spear said this one is special. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With 29,000 original miles on it, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the second owner,â&#x20AC;? he said. Âł:KHUH GR \RX ÂżQG WKDW"´ For his wife, who admitted sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s become more of a car lover over the years, the vehicle is a chance to have fun. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This will be a good project when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s done,â&#x20AC;? said Tracy Spear. â&#x20AC;&#x153;
SUN., NOV. 3 RD â&#x20AC;˘ 12 - 4 P.M. CALL 641-430-6006
Friday, October 11 9 a.m. til gone
At Hampton Senior Center â&#x20AC;˘ 23 1st St. SW A wide assortment of homemade goodies! This is a Senior Center Fundraiser.
HAMPTONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S 1ST ANNUAL
Saturday, October 12 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Harriman Park Shelter House (Hwy. 65 N)
AREA VENDORS INCLUDE: Sugar Bean Cupcakes â&#x20AC;˘ Tupperware â&#x20AC;˘ Thirty-One Gifts â&#x20AC;˘ South Hill Designs Advocare â&#x20AC;˘ Signature HomeStyles â&#x20AC;˘ Tastefully Simple â&#x20AC;˘ Isagenix â&#x20AC;˘ ACE/SAE Body by Vi â&#x20AC;˘ Mary Kay â&#x20AC;˘ Jill McCaslin Photography â&#x20AC;˘ Sassafras-In-Stitches Lia Sophia â&#x20AC;˘ Take Shape for Life â&#x20AC;˘ Arbonne â&#x20AC;˘ Pampered Chef â&#x20AC;˘ Scentsy
The trim and metal-work on this 1955 Chevy 210 Post Del Ray were part of the appeal for local car collector Jeff Spear. (Photos by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle.) us. We ended up booking a hotel in Yankton, South Dakota, which is an hour away.â&#x20AC;? Eventually, the couple found a room in Pierce, which had been invaded by thousands of car enthusiasts for the classic Chevy auction. The couple paid $12,000 for the car after bidding on it against several other buyers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This was actually mis-marked in the bidding sheet, it was actually
marked as a four-door,â&#x20AC;? Jeff Spear said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We thought we had it bought for $8,000. All the sudden someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hand went up and it went up. When you were bidding on it, you couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even see it there were so many people.â&#x20AC;? 7KH FDU LV GHÂżQLWHO\ D Âż[HU XS but Jeff Spear said that is part of WKH H[SHULHQFH KH HQMR\V 7KH FRXple will renovate the vehicle to its original condition, dĂŠcor and colors
AgVantage FS officials lambasted by Chapin residents at variance hearing By Nick Pedley AgVantage FS was granted a speFLDO YDULDQFH RQ 0RQGD\ WR H[SDQG their grain facility in Chapin, but it didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come without staunch criticism from a group of locals angry about the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business practices. A special hearing was held at the Community Resource Center in Hampton to take action on a variance determining whether or not the company could build alongside First Street in Chapin. AgVantage FSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s property is zoned in a heavy industrial area, and special permission is needed when constructing anything
OPEN: FRI., NOV. 1 ST â&#x20AC;˘ 4 - 8 P.M. OR BY APPOINTMENT SAT., NOV. 2 ND â&#x20AC;˘ 9 A.M. - 4 P.M.
within 30 feet of a right-of-way. The meeting was prompted by the comSDQ\ÂśV SODQV WR H[SDQG LWV IDFLOLW\ÂśV storage capacity and corn drying capabilities in addition to adding an out-bound scale on the south side of its property. The hearing wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t without its ÂżUHZRUNV KRZHYHU $URXQG D GR]HQ members of the Chapin Coalition for Environmental Friendly Community [sic] (CCEFC) showed up in force to combat the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proposal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I moved to Chapin three years ago, and my doctor told me recently that I should consider looking for a different place to live because heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
AgVantage FSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chapin location plans to expand its storage capacity and corn drying capabilities in addition to adding an out-bound scale on the south side of its property. A new dump pit with an aeration system will also be added. (Photo by Nick Pedley, Hampton Chronicle)
seen changes in my lungs because of all the dust,â&#x20AC;? said CCEFC chairman Kay Rother. Many people took turns criticizing AgVantage FS Grain Division Manager Kevin Gray and Western Regional Grain Manager Barney Bartels, claiming the company neglected the well being of the townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s residents for years. Nearly everyone LQ DWWHQGDQFH JDYH YDULRXV ÂżUVW KDQG accounts detailing rampant air pollution from corn dust, deafening noise from the dryer and drainage issues that created pools of stagnant water ripe with mosquitos. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My grandson came to visit me, and he asked, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Grampy, why do you JRW \HOORZ VQRZ RYHU KHUH"Âś , WHOO him, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Well, that isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t snow. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s corn dust,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;? said CCEFC Second Chairman Ralph Marshal. Both Gray and Bartels were concerned over the accusations and said AgVantage FSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proposed additions would address some of the issues. The new tower dryer they plan to install is much quieter than the current ones, they said, and it will help eliminate some of the issues with corn dust. %DUWHOV H[SODLQHG WKH QHZ GU\HU EXUQV WKH FRUQ KXVNV DV WKH\ Ă&#x20AC;RDW WRwards the top of the structure during the drying process. The charred remains drop to the bottom, in turn bettering air quality. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get rid of all it, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s JRLQJ WR KHOS VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ ´ VDLG Chapin: See Page 9
$ 77
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$ 99
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Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Pedleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ponderings
),567 $0(1'0(17 WR WKH &2167,787,21
by Nick Pedley
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The final harvest
67$7( RI ,2:$ 02772 Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.
$ 1$7,21 2) /$:6 Where the will of men exceeds the rule of law, there, tyranny prospers.
+$03721 &+521,&/( 3RVWDO 1RWLFH 2SLQLRQ 3DJH 3ROLFLHV 81,7(' 67$7(6 3267$/ 6(59,&( 5(48,5(' 127,&( The Hampton Chronicle is produced weekly and distributed on Wednesdays by Hampton Publishing Company, a division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation, +DPSWRQ ,$ 3HULRGLFDOV SRVWDJH SDLG DW WKH +DPSWRQ 3RVW 2IÂżFH Hampton, IA 50441. Send address changes to Hampton Chronicle, PO Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441. Postal Permit USPS 234-020. This is issue Volume 136, Number 41, on Wednesday, October 6, 2013. 23,1,21 3$*( 32/,&,(6 The Chronicle accepts letters. All such material should clearly and concisely express and opinion or solicit a call to action regarding a particular issue. Letters must include the name, address, and SKRQH QXPEHU RI WKH DXWKRU IRU YHULÂżFDWLRQ SXUSRVHV 7KH &KURQLFOHÂśV VWDQdard practice is to not publish unsigned or anonymous letters. The Chronicle has the right to edit all letters and guest editorials for length, clarity, taste and libel. All personal columns and letters on this page are the views of the auWKRUV DQG GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHĂ&#x20AC;HFW WKH YLHZV RI WKH +DPSWRQ &KURQLFOH
Chronicle Editorial
Kudos for allowing vets to see their memorial
In such heightened times of bitter partisanship and extreme disorder within the federal government, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy to lose sight of certain things that are truly imSRUWDQW :HÂśUH Âż[DWHG RQ WKH QDWLRQÂśV EXGJHW DQG QHZ health care law, and a case of tunnel vision has somewhat skewed our priorities. However, a group of persistent veterans provided a breath of fresh air last week when they refused to let the government shutdown affect their visit to the National World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. An Honor Flight group comprised of Iowa and Mississippi WWII veterans â&#x20AC;&#x201C; with the help of a few members of Congress â&#x20AC;&#x201C; pushed past the security guards and barricades Oct. 1 after the government closure temporarily shuttered the monumentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s doors. No one interfered with the bunch, and they were able to visit the memorial built in their honor peacefully without tourists or other hassles. It must have been a heart-warming scene watching nearly 200 veterans in their 80s and 90s stream into the empty memorial. Some had walkers and canes, others were in wheel chairs. It would have taken a lot of nerve to deny these brave Americans entrance into the monument, and a tip of the hat is necessary to the Honor Flight assistants and security guards who stood up (and aside) for the veterans during a situation beyond their control. We like to gripe about our legislators, especially in times like these. However, a degree of gratitude should be extended to those that assisted in getting WKHVH YHWV LQ WR WKH PRQXPHQW 2EYLRXVO\ WKH EHQHÂżW for the Congressmen was twofold: help these men in to the memorial and look good doing it. Even so, the event provided us a brief respite from all the monotonous bickering spewing from the capitol during these past few weeks. Our legislators arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always the callous policy-driven grouches they make themselves out to be, and last Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s development proved they actually care about things other than battling their opposition. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy to get caught up in all the commotion of the shutdown. Some people are greatly affected, while others remain relatively untouched. However, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stories like this one that help bring context to the situaWLRQ DV D ZKROH 7KH JRYHUQPHQWÂśV ÂżQJHUV WRXFK DOO facets of our everyday lives â&#x20AC;&#x201C; be it our national parks, federal agencies or other services. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of WKLQJV SHRSOH GRQÂśW WKLQN DUH EHQHÂżFLDO RU HYHQ ZRUWK funding, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s obvious some fat could be trimmed. However, completely shutting down is by no way the proper method to operate a functioning country. These YHWV H[SHULHQFHG WKDW ÂżUVWKDQG EXW LWÂśV IDLU WR VD\ WKH\ earned the right to ignore any sort of lockdown at a memorial constructed to celebrate their service. The Honor Flight is one of the most noble projects of recent memory. The Greatest Generation is aging, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re losing more and more each year. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s obvious many of them wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have gotten to see Washingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s breath-taking memorials commending them and others whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve served without the programâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s efforts. Congressional gridlock and a government shutdown shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop our countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best and bravest from visiting these national monuments, and thanks to some stubborn vets and persistent politians, it didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. Amidst all the legislative chaos and partisan divide, it seems thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still some common sense and sympathetic hearts left in Washington D.C. after all.
Letters to the Editor
A â&#x20AC;&#x153;shout outâ&#x20AC;? to the cross country team
Proud of Hampton
To the Editor: I just wanted to give a â&#x20AC;&#x153;shout outâ&#x20AC;? to the HD Cross county team. As I was out and about on my walk today I happened upon the team as they were out for practice on a portion of the bike trail. I was truly inspired with the shouts of encouragement I heard from several of them as they were meeting some of their fellow teammates that were obviously a distance behind them. I can name a few of the students but honestly, I was greeted with a â&#x20AC;&#x153;hiâ&#x20AC;? or a smile from many of them! Wonderful to an observer of these spontaneous acts of kindness and encouragement! I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think we often take the time to say words of encouragement about our young people and our school staff members! Thanks for the work you do! Kim Hanson, Hampton
To the Editor: I am a 2004 graduate of Hampton-Dumont High School. I currently live and teach English in southern Iowa. My parents still live in Hampton, and I try my best to visit whenever possible. Those times I do, I am sure to drive through town and take advantage of the newly paved running trails. I am always surprised to see various upgrades, clean streets, and friendly faces. When you live somewhere for a long time, it becomes GLIÂżFXOW WR VHH WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI WKH OLWWOH FKDQJHV %XW as someone who has moved away, I can tell you that Hampton is a place to be proud of. There seems to be great progression in the H-D School District as well as the entire community. Hats off to Hampton, and thank you for being a great place to come home to. Anna Nelson
by Fritz Groszkruger
Shutdown Smutdown Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been asked to comment on the federal governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s partial shutdown and looming debt ceiling debate. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m humbled. But I have to fall back on basic principles for an answer. The question could have been, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Do you believe in stealing?â&#x20AC;? Because what does the federal government really do? As mentioned in a previous column they tell workers they may not work for less than $7.25 per hour. If a potential employer canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t turn a SURÂżW SD\LQJ WKH IHGHUDO JRYernment says the worker must remain unemployed. Would you be in favor of shutting down government programs that steal our freedom to work? How about government programs that have replaced fathers with paperwork and street gangs, like the welfare state has done for a huge portion of urban America? I remember sitting at a bus stop in Oakland and asking a black teenager, â&#x20AC;&#x153;What have you been up to?â&#x20AC;? He said heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d been robbing white folks to make up for past misdeeds to his people. This may not sound like a direct result of the welfare state but it uses the same concept of redistribution set by its example. We certainly wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t condone such behavior. Yet if we use the federal government to conduct business in the same way, is it alright? At least that kid had the guts to go out and do it himself. In a study of American households from June of this year, only ten percent had retirement accounts
adequate to provide anything but a meager existence or a life of drudgery until death. Would this have happened if there was no Ponzi scheme disguised as a retirement investment called Social Security? The false sense of security obviously played a part in our lack of concern for the future. One of the essential services still funded is military recruitment. Really. In a country already spending about as much as the rest of the world combined for this thing they call defense. Even CIA reports state that the 9/11 attacks were a result of blow-back (retaliation by radicals from U.S. occupied lands). What is really essential about all these services provided by the federal government are the livelihoods of people employed to provide them and the people who receive them. 7KH LQHIÂżFLHQF\ DQG ZDVWH FUHDWHG by services funded through coercion rather than mutual consent is largely ignored, as if they are as natural as growing grass. Maybe they are. Our system of government is now widely described as a democracy, where theft is legitimized by a vote. The transition of services from the private sector to the public one is unchecked by that â&#x20AC;&#x153;damn piece of
paper,â&#x20AC;? as G.W.Bush described The Constitution. There are clearly too many who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t realize the impact of the waste created by big government. The most vocal opponents to big government still call for reform, rather than elimination of all these programs. Those who understand that reform only slows this cancer are marginalized and considered insane. That is because there is really no way out. The good folks employed by and served by the behemoth have debts to pay and families to support. A grand plan to wean ourselves is even more beyond reach than a plan to externally manage an economy properly at all. The services cut back in the shutdown are mostly done so as theater. The $2 billion NSA spy center in Utah has opened despite the shutdown. A $98,000 outhouse was built in Alaska in spite of this dire lack of funding. The government will continue to borrow. The Fed will continue to print (buy bonds that will never be paid with increased money supply that devalues that money we have saved). The dependent classes, from single moms to the heads of giant energy conglomerates, will continue to grow on the backs of responsible people until they are bled dry and we become lawless as a path to survival. Contact Fritz at 4selfgovernment@gmail.com. Or see other stuff at his website: www.alternativebyfritz.com.
From the Editor by Jeff Forward
Dozens of Hampton fans enjoy ISU-Texas tailgate party By Jeff Forward Hampton fans of all ages gathered together Thursday Oct. 3 in Ames for a celebratory tailgate party before the Iowa State-Texas football game, bringing together parents, children, grandchildren and friends from Hampton and around Franklin County. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of people who went to Iowa State from Franklin County,â&#x20AC;? said Brad Staley who, along with local resident Ron Raney and several other locals, helps organize the tailgate parties during football season. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A lot of people have kids in school, so we all get together and enjoy the pre-game fun.â&#x20AC;?
More than three dozen people with Hampton connections descended on parking lot B5 outside Jack Trice Stadium on a beautiful fall afternoon to enjoy food and drink and celebrate all things Cyclone. There were three generations of Hampton residents there, ranging from Ron Raney and his son to Dennis Borcherding and his grandson. Everyone had fun socializing, eating tailgate munchies and imbibing in a few adult beverages in a responsible manner. The game turned out to be a thriller, as the Cyclones battled hard for the entire game only to lose 3130 after a controversial ruling by ofÂżFLDOV LQ WKH ÂżQDO PLQXWH
Borcherding said the tailgate was a fun event and gives Hampton residents who love the Cyclones the chance to have fun and celebrate their team with friends. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We see everyone during the week but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nice to go to the game and see folks,â&#x20AC;? Borcherding said of the tailgates in Ames. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A lot of times we have more fun outside than in the game. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just fun. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the best of both worlds, you just show up and eat.â&#x20AC;? Borcherding wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t too upset about the loss to Texas, but said it was typical of Iowa State football. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the way it goes for ISU,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get the breaks.â&#x20AC;?
, GRQ¡W KDYH PDQ\ Ă&#x20AC;UVW KDQG DFcounts of harvest season. Most of my experience is limited to WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW HLJKW years of my life, but this time of the year always seems to stir fond memories nonetheless. I was raised with rather conflicting LQĂ XHQFHV 0\ PRP¡V VLGH RI WKH family was in the newspaper business, but my dadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s side farmed. Some days Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d head up town to the RIĂ&#x20AC;FH EXW RWKHU WLPHV ,¡G KHDG RXW to the sprawling greens of my grandparentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; acreage. Both provided me a rather unique experience that has stuck with me to this day. Obviously, I chose the news industry over agriculture. My decision was a matter of circumstance more than anything else â&#x20AC;&#x201C; my grandparents sold their farm, consequently leaving me with no other option than to pursue my interests elsewhere. However, I always have a few distinct memories that come back each time harvest season rolls around. Everything seemed so huge out at my grandparentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; place. The tractors were enormous beasts capable of moving anything that crossed their path; the barns were spacious castles that provided endless hours of fun; and the machine shed had a fascinating item in every corner. For a youngster like me at the time, nothing was bigger and more impressive than the farm. Like most little boys, tractors fascinated me. I had many toy models to play with, but nothing beat riding in the actual thing with my grandpa. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d occasionally get to â&#x20AC;&#x153;driveâ&#x20AC;? the tractor, which essentially meant he let me put my hands on the steering wheel. The experience was monumental for me nonetheless. Telling my farm friends that I had driven a tractor gave me a little more credibility on the playground, and that was key growing up in a rural community. Chore time didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t equate to much by the time I was old enough to help. My grandpa had quit raising livestock and strictly stuck to farming soybeans and corn. However, there were still a few things to do each morning. It was always fun gathering eggs from the chicken coop or feeding all the farm cats. The cats werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tame, but there was one particular hen that always let me pick it up and hold it. I felt like a big shot petting that chicken, as ridiculous as that may seem. All of these ag experiences came to a close when my grandparents decidHG WR UHWLUH 7KHUH ZDV QR Ă&#x20AC;QDO FKDSter for the farm until an auction was held to sell everything, but harvest time seemed to be the more poetic ending. I was somewhat oblivious to WKH VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQFH RI WKDW DXWXPQ 7KH Ă&#x20AC;HOGV ZHUH DV JROGHQ DV WKH\ KDG DOways been and my grandpa was just as busy as every other season, but that harvest over 15 years ago was indeed a special time that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll never forget. I remember more family members were there to help out and take in the memories. I helped my grandma and DXQWV EULQJ RXW D Ă&#x20AC;HOG OXQFK DQG , think I rode along in the combine. I also remember that my sister, who is six years my senior, drove grandpaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pick-up with just her and me in it â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a pretty big deal in those days. It was a fun time that brought the family toJHWKHU WR VKDUH WKH Ă&#x20AC;QDO PHPRULHV RI the farmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last hurrah, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m certainly thankful I could share in the experience. Maybe it didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mean much to me back then, but it does today. Every now and then Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll drive past the old farm when I go home for a weekend. I think back to all times I spent exploring the grove, helping my grandpa or climbing around some old piece of equipment. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m glad I got to experience a few moments of farm life, even if they were rather brief. I loved the farm and everything on it, and I know many other â&#x20AC;&#x153;city kidsâ&#x20AC;? arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t as lucky as I was growing up. I may only have a few memories of harvest season, but I know that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a special time of the year for many farm families â&#x20AC;&#x201C; it marks an end to the growing season and all the hard work put in to a successful crop. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s certainly something to celeEUDWH HYHQ LI LW¡V QRW \RXU Ă&#x20AC;QDO KDUvest. Nick Pedley is the regional news editor for the Hampton Chronicle, 7KH 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG 3UHVV DQG WKH 3LRQHHU Enterprise.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Business Brief
Dream big grow here $15,000 business grant competition announced for north Iowa region
The North Iowa Corridor, Cerro Gordo Chambers of Mason City and Clear Lake, NIACC John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center have partnered with the University of Northern Iowa to offer an award winning online business grant contest worth $5,000 to regional entrepreneurs and small business owners called Dream Big Grow Here. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s focus will be on businesses that engage in interstate commerce. Contestants can win cash and gain widespread statewide publicity by competing in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;North Iowa 2013â&#x20AC;? followed by a statewide Pitch-Off event during the annual EntreFest! conference in March 2014 for a shot at the $10,000 grand prize. Now in its third year, Dream Big Grow Here offers entrepreneurs an opportunity to upload their business dream online from now until October 31 at www.DreamBigGrowHere.com, then encourage customers, friends, family, and community members to vote online for them from Monday, November 4 to Wednesday, November 18th. The top Ă&#x20AC;YH RQOLQH YRWH JHWWHUV ZLOO WKHQ SDUticipate in a regional pitch-off event on Wednesday, December 4th to determine the regional $5,000 business grant winner. Winners from each of
the regional contests will all be invited to go on to compete for an additional $10,000 grand prize business grant in a live pitch-off event during the statewide EntreFest! conference for Iowa business owners to be held early next year. According to Tom Mulholland, owner of Mulholland Grocery in Malvern Iowa and the 2012 Dream Big Grow Here grand prize winner, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the Dream Big Grow Here contest has proven to be a bountiful opportunity for my business, and my community. Just since winning the contest earlier this year, we have had visitors and gained new customers from all across the state (and even from outside Iowa). One of our highlights was hosting Kim Reynolds, our Lieutenant Governor, here in Malvern to see Mulholland Grocery and learn more about our local business community.â&#x20AC;? Lead sponsor for Dream Big Grow Here 2012 is the Iowa Bankers Association. Other key sponsors for Dream Big Grow Here are a mix of private and public sector agencies, including the University of Northern Iowa MyEntre.Net, Iowa Bankers Association, Renew Rural Iowa, Iowa Economic Development Authority, VentureNet, Delta Dental of
A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation
Iowa, and the Technology Association of Iowa. Local sponsors include North Iowa Corridor, Cerro Gordo Chambers of Mason City and Clear Lake, and the NIACC John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center. For more information on the â&#x20AC;&#x153;North Iowa 2013â&#x20AC;? and to enter the contest, go to www.DreamBigGrowHere.com scroll down the page to the map of Iowa and click on your county. For complete rules or for more information about this regional contest contact Dan Winegarden at 641422-4191 or winegdan@niacc.edu. To learn more about how your community can get involved in this exciting initiative, contact UNI Dream Big Grow Here Statewide Lead Rob Williams at rob.williams@uni.edu or by phone at 319-273-4333. The national NACCE Innovation Award winning NIACC John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center provides college level courses and degree programs in entrepreneurship, as well as comprehensive consulting services for business start-ups, existing industries and owner transitions in the North Iowa region. Space is available for start-up businesses in the North Iowa Business Incubator. For more information, contact the NIACC JPEC at 641-422-4111.
Tall Corn FFA members take part in soil judging contest
By Spencer Brinkman, Tall Corn FFA Reporter The Tall Corn FFA Competed at North Central District FFA Soils Judging which took place on Sept. 25 at Ellsworth Community College in Iowa )DOOV 7DOO &RUQ ))$ KDG Ă&#x20AC;YH WHDPV FRPSHWH DW WKH HYHQW DJDLQVW WHDPV from across North Central Iowa. Team 1 consisting of Brooke Benning, Caleigh Sutter, Mallory Wohlford, and Logan Chipp placed 19th overall. Our chapterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top individual was Brooke Bennning who recieved 21st place out of 233 students as an individual overall. Team 2 consisting of Eddie Reichenbacher, Morrigan Miller, Austin Busma, and Lauren Dirksen placed 31st Eddie had the second highest score from the Tall Corn FFA placing 71st. Other members who participated included Matt Miller, Morgan Ersland, Robert Alert, Morgan Marshall, Carter Barkema, Nate White, Jason Burnett, Devon Eley, Tyler Waddingham, Josiah Ragsdale, Cody Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Donnell, and Samantha Smith. On the same day, the 11 freshman FFA members participated in Greenhand Fire-Up. They participated in many different sessions on leadership and met many FFA members from across the North Central District. The Tall Corn FFA is very excited to see our members competing in events that relate to their future career choices and learning about leadership through FFA.
Looking Back
by Jill Harvey, Interim Coordinator
Fifty Years Ago October 17, 1963 Pat Dohlman was chosen as the homecoming queen for 1963 following coronation ceremonies at the Hampton High School Auditorium. Mayor pro tem Gerald Cheever of Macon, Missouri, and J.B Johns, manager of the U.S. Civil Defense depot of Hampton, watch the loading of part of the 12 miles of pipe that is being taken to Macon to alleviate a water emergency. One of the stacks has one mile of eight-inch, 20-foot long pipe. The work is being done by volunteer labor. Approximately 100 attended the hobby show and open house of the Senior Citizens held Tuesday at the IOOF hall. This is a new project of the organization and it was decided to hold it annually. Forty Years Ago October 11, 1973 Val Edgington and Tim Christensen were selected Queen and King of WKH 6KHIÂżHOG &KDSLQ +RPHFRPLQJ festivities. Attendants were Steve Sukup, Donna Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor, Tom Koeningsberg, and Mary Mullen. Marion Denger of Dows was nominated to receive the American Farmer Degree, the highest degree presented by the National FFA Organization. Denger was nominated by the Iowa FFA Association and the nomination was approved at a recent meeting of the National FFA Board of Directors in Washington, D.C. The Iowa FFA Association also selected Denger to represent Iowa in the United States
Regional FFA competition for Star Regional Agri-businessman. Denger was selected by the Iowa FFA Association because of the quality of his agri-business program. The Leslie E. Meyer farm, located in Richland Township, set a new record for the highest price paid for farmland in Franklin County. The farm was sold recently to William G. Schermer of Latimer for $1,300 per acre. A total bid of $260,000 for the 200 acre farm. Thirty Years Ago October 13, 1983 Construction on the new basketball court at Progress Park began late last week as city crews prepared the site for concrete. The new courts will run north and south at the west of the present court. The Old Stone House, near Geneva, has been chosen for federal funding. The funds are provided as matching funds through a Historic Preservation Fund, grant-in-aid from the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service. The funds are available through a provision of the National Preservation Act of 1966. The Old Stone House, listed in the National Register of Historical Places, is among 35 sites in Iowa chosen for the grant. Franklin County Supervisor Dan Artley has submitted his letter of resignation to the Franklin County Board of Supervisors. Artley, who received a serious head injury in a fall at his home on June 17, has decided that he cannot actively resume his position of supervisor at this time. His resignation is effective October 15.
Twenty Years Ago October 14, 1993 The Three Hampton third-grade teachers have been invited to a state convention to show off a program they began this year that gets pupils more involved in the community. Pam Will, Terri McWilliams, and Jerry Buseman will attend the Iowa Association of School Boardsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 1993 convention. They will set up a booth along with other districtsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; projects that were picked to be a part of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Show and Tell â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Share the Successâ&#x20AC;? program. Pupils who need extra help staying in school or graduating should receive encouragement from a program approved by the Hampton School Board. The program, which call for hiring two teachers next year, is designed for kindergarteners through 12th graders who have a greater chance of dropping out or performing poorly. Some CAL seventh and eighth graders are working to improve their school by bringing classmates closer together. CAL Keys to the Future started during the summer. Its mission is to hold events for seventh and eighth graders to bring members of those two grades together for fun. Under the guidance of Ann Lupkes and Amy McNabb, the 10 students have planned activities throughout the year. Ten Years Ago October 8, 2003 The new Dumont Library is rapidly nearing completion, and the public will get a chance to see the facility
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COONLEY & HEILSKOV, CPA'S KOERNER-WHIPPLE PHARMACY Pharmacists Elaine Coonley, CPA Bruce Whipple â&#x20AC;˘ Todd Wragge Patricia Heilskov, CPA Wendal Speake â&#x20AC;˘ Katie Regan Coonley Office Building st Erica Miller 121 1 Ave. NW Professional Prescription Service Hampton, IA 50441 24 Hours a Day Every Day 641-456-2441 641-456-2510 JEFFREY A. JAACKS MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Licensed Public Accountant Phone 456-4146 Office West Side of City Park Hampton 3 -1st Street SW Hampton, Iowa 50441 RICK'S PHARMACY 641-456-4125 Richard Grote, R.Ph. Phone 456-3538 â&#x20AC;˘ Hampton STEVEN E. PEARSON After Hours Emergency Certified Public Accountant Phone 456-3268 State Farm Insurance Building P.O. Box 61 Hampton, Iowa 50441 Bus. 641-456-4829
OPTOMETRISTS DR. CRAIG L. SEMLER Optometrist 402 12th Ave. NE Hampton Phone 456-4251 DR. M.W. SNELL Optometrist 1701 Washington Ave. Iowa Falls 641-648-2357 or 1-800-748-7408
CHIROPRACTORS HICKMAN CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Jay Hickman 820 Hwy 65 N. Hampton Phone 641-456-2280 KOENEN & COLLINS CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Dr. James Koenen Dr. Chad Collins 303 Central Ave E. Hampton Phone 641-456-4142
MEDICAL CLINICS HAMPTON CLINIC IOWA SPECIALTY HOSPITAL 700 2nd St. SE, Suite 101 Hampton, IA 50441 (641) 812-1094 Hannah Lokenvitz, P.A.-C. Emily Hill, D.O., F.A.C.O.O.G. Gautam Kakade, M.D. Phillip Greenfield, D.P.M. Krista Ysker, A.R.N.P. FRANKLIN GENERAL HOSPITAL FRANKLIN MEDICAL CENTER 1720 Central Avenue E. Hampton, IA 50441 (641) 456-5000 Family Practice Doctors Keith Hansen, DO David Dennis, D.O. Toni Lauffer, D.O. Orville Jacobs, D.O. Erin Murphy, P.A.-C. Tara Hensley, P.A.-C. Daphne Landers, A.R.N.P.
FUNERAL HOMES RETZ FUNERAL HOME Sheffield 892-4241 Meservey 358-6105 Thornton 998-2311 Call Collect
during an open house on Saturday, October 18. A ribbon cutting was set for 7:30 p.m. AFG Coatings in Hampton has long been recognized for its low-e glass. A new $2 million expansion at the plant will soon make that glass even better. The expansion, which is currently underway, is expected to be done by mid-December. One look at the Franklin County Courthouse clock tower is all thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needed to show the project to restore the failing structure is already underway. Bids are being taken on the project, but the letting of those bids have been delayed a week. The architect felt the need to make some changes to the specs. Prelimary cost estimates provided to the supervisors by Bergland and Cram Architects, Mason City, predicted the restoration project would cost about $1.2 million. Five Years Ago October 8, 2008 Hampton-Dumont celebrated homecoming last week. Katy Speake
and Nate Kline were the queen and king. The Hampton Municipal Airport will be under new management next year. McCandless Aviation has been under contract with the city to operate the airport, but the company recently decided to close its Hampton location. City Administrator Ron Dunt said the city was weighing several options for future management of the airport. A pair of construction projects currently underway at Northern Pipe Products, Inc., at Hampton, will result in new capabilities and cost savings for the Fargo, N.D. based PVC pipe manufacturing business. According to Mitchell, FCDA is building a 3,600 square foot building that will be rented to the pipe company. The new structure will house a new machine for grinding up pipe. Looking Back is compiled weekly by Jill Harvey.
Death Notice
Rodney L. Freeman
Rodney L. Freeman, 58, of Clear Lake, died on Friday, October 4, 2013, at his home. Per Rodneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wishes his body has been cremated. A celebration of life service will be held at 4 p.m. on Friday, October 18, at the 2SHQ %LEOH &KXUFK LQ &OHDU /DNH ZLWK 3DVWRU :LOO +XQVDNHU RIĂ&#x20AC;FLDWing. Dinner will be held after the service in the church basement. The Iowa Cremation, Cedar Memorial Funeral Home, of Cedar Rapids is in charge of arrangements.
ATTORNEYS COONLEY & COONLEY Lawyers John E. Coonley 121 1st Ave. NW Hampton Phone 456-4741 Sheffield Office â&#x20AC;˘ By Appointment Dows Office â&#x20AC;˘ By Appointment HOBSON, CADY & CADY G.A. Cady III Megan Rosenberg Office West Side of City Park Hampton Phone 456-2555 RANDY D. JOHANSEN Lawyer 1562 200th St. Sheffield Phone 456-2970
REALTORS ABBOTT REALTY Home is Where Our Heart Is! Ph. 641-456-4707 Downtown Hampton Kathy Stanbrough - 641-430-3821 Chuck Svendsen - 641-425-7159 CASTLE, DICK & KELCH INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 2 2nd St. NW, Hampton P.O. Box 299 Ph. 456-2578 Fax 456-2546 Duane Kelch Linda Campbell Tom Birdsell Terry Pecha Tonya Markwardt JASPERSEN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE LTD 123 1st St. NW PO Box 296 Hampton 641-456-2266 www.jaspersenltd.com
MILLER AND MILLER, P.C. Attorneys at Law KRUKOW REAL ESTATE Brian D. Miller Highway 3 West Andrea M. Miller 515 Central Ave. West, Hampton 7 First Ave. NE Ph. 641-456-3883 Fax 641-456-5553 Hampton, IA Yvonne Krukow - 641-425-0923 Erran Miller - 641-456-2447 Phone 641-456-2111 Jerry Plagge - 641-430-7951 Michelle Sackville - 641-430-6305 DANIEL F. WIECHMANN JR. Ashley Tufte - 319-213-7307 Attorney at Law Tonya Kregel - 641-425-4993 114 3rd St. NE Don Plagge - 641-892-4893 Hampton Phone 456-4545 STALEY REAL ESTATE 21 4th St. NE., Hampton Ph. 456-3607 Fax 456-5910 TONY D. KRUKOW Jerry Staley - 456-3607 Attorney at Law Brad Staley - 425-9400 P.O. Box 343 Susan Staley - 425-9431 515 Central Ave. W. Kent Brown - 456-4664 Hampton Kurt Thielen - 430-3659 Phone 641-456-5999 Jay Brower 641-580-4070 tonykrukow@aol.com www.staleyonline.com
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
)URP WKH /RJ \Franklin County Attorney September report Â&#x2021; )UDQNOLQ &RXQW\ $WWRUQH\ 'DQiel F. Wiechmann, Jr., announced recently that during the month of 6HSWHPEHU KLV RIĂ&#x20AC;FH KDQGOHG WKH following responsibilities: 14 trial LQIRUPDWLRQV Ă&#x20AC;OHG QLQH DUUDLJQments; three plea change hearings; 18 pre-trial conferences; nine sentencings; two probation revocations; seven arrest warrant hearings; one extradition hearings; one show cause hearings; and one competency hearing. Hampton Police Wednesday, September 4: Â&#x2021; 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV FKDUJHG &HFHOLD )LQN 14, Iowa Falls, with assault. Wednesday, September 25: Â&#x2021; 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV FKDUJHG 0DWWKHZ 5 Sparks, Jr., 15, Hampton with third degree sexual abuse. Monday, September 30: Â&#x2021; 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV FKDUJHG 0DJDQLD *Rmez Lopez, 18, Hampton with going armed with intent, a Class D felony. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHport of a vehicle running a stop sign near the intersection of 3rd Ave. and 3rd St. SW. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHport of a vehicle blocking the alley in the 10 block of 1st St. NW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV VSRNH ZLWK a subject with regards to an accident which happened yesterday in the 700 block of Central Ave. W. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHU WRRN D UHSRUW
of sale calls in the 400 bock of 3rd St. NW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG LQformation about a suspicion. Tuesday, October 1: Â&#x2021; 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV FKDUJHG *XQQHU 5 0DUtin, 17, Hampton, with possession of alcohol; and Landon M. Franke, 17, Dumont, with possession of alcohol. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW of a cat being found in the 300 block of 4th St. NW. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV DVVLVWHG PHGical personnel in the 10 block of Shar Denn Dr. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW of a lost phone in the 600 bock of Central Ave. W. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D QXLsance report at 205 1st St. NW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW of an erratic driver at 12 1st Ave. NW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D loose dog report near the intersection of 2nd St. SW. and 1st Ave. SW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a vehicle accident at 602 2nd Ave SE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV DVVLVWHG PHGical personnel at 204 12th Ave. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D dog complaint at 601 12th Ave. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D PLVF civil complaint in the 700 block of 1st St. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D PLVF FLYil complaint in the 300 block of 8th Place NW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW of a street light out in the 100 block
BRENTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AG & AUTO REPAIR Oil Change Open 2 Sat.po8in-1 tment
by ap
Brent Kotenbrink, Owner 1683 B HWY. 65 NORTH â&#x20AC;˘ HAMPTON, IOWA
Greg Giddings - Owner
State Licensed Electrical Contractor
Mohawk, Shaw, Beaulieu, Kraus & Barrett Carpet Karndean & Armstong Commercial Flooring â&#x2014;&#x2020; Solid & Engineered Hardwood Floors â&#x2014;&#x2020; Laminate Wood Flooring â&#x2014;&#x2020; Nafco Permastone Vinyl Tiles â&#x2014;&#x2020; Congoleum Vinyls, Durastone and DuraCeramic â&#x2014;&#x2020; â&#x2014;&#x2020;
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Iowa Falls
of 4th Ave. NW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D UHport of a suspicious phone call. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to an alarm at 106 4th St. NE. Wednesday, October 2: Â&#x2021; 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV FKDUJHG /XFHUR &DUULOOR 15, Hampton, with disorderly conduct; Taeya J. Deibler, 15, Hampton, with disorderly conduct; and Lily Bryant, 14, Mason City, with disorderly conduct. Â&#x2021; D P 'LVSDWFKHUV WRRN D UHport of a loose dog along I-35 near the 164 mile marker. Â&#x2021; D P 'LVSDWFKHUV WRRN D UHport for medical personnel needed in the 100 block of Bennet Dr., ShefĂ&#x20AC;HOG Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG an open ended 9-1-1 call from 108 1st St. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG LQformation from 1280 Imperial Road. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW of suspicious phone calls from 409 3rd St. NW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW of theft by check from 309 Central Ave. W. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D UHport of a threat in the 1600 block of 4th St. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV FROOHFWHG misc. information. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a welfare/mental matter in the 10 block of 2nd Ave. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a misc. civil matter in the 400 block of 3rd St. SW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN Ă&#x20AC;QJHUprints for employment at a day care. Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG a 9-1-1 hang-up call from 297 85th St. Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG a 9-1-1 hang-up call from 1910 Indigo Ave. Thursday, October 3: Â&#x2021; 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV FKDUJHG $ULVWHR /LPLD] Ortiz, 46, Hampton, with no driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license; Betty Smith, 41, Hampton, with fourth degree theft; and Colin Zander, 19, Hampton, with third degree sexual abuse. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D UHport of an assault. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV LQYHVWLJDWHG an accident at the intersection of 1st St. NE and 3rd Ave. NE. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D report of a vehicle blocking a driveway at 301 1st Ave. NW. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW of a lost rabbit. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW of a disabled vehicle on 1st St. NW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D parking complaint in the 10 block of 1st St. NW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D FRPplaint of juvenile behavior at 104 10th Place NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a misc. civil matter at 619 1st Ave. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D FRPplaint of juvenile behavior in the 500 block of 1st St. NW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D UHport of security patrol at 808 4th St. SE.
Veterans Day Tribute COMING TO THE HAMPTON CHRONICLE Veteranâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Name _________________________________ Branch of Service (unit) __________________________
2ELWXDULHV Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to an alarm at 106 4th St. NE. Friday, October 4: Â&#x2021; 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV FKDUJHG &KDUOHV Flinkinger, 16, Hampton, with no insurance; and Fred Berger, Jr., 80, Hampton, with failure to obey a trafĂ&#x20AC;F FRQWURO GHYLFH Â&#x2021; D P 'LVSDWFKHUV ZHUH DGvised of a vehicle all over the road headed northbound on I-35 near the 159 mile marker. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW of a vehicle going through a school stop sign at Highway 65 and 12th Ave. NE. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D UHTXHVW WR DVVLVW ZLWK IXQHUDO WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F DW the intersection of 1st Ave. NE. and Highway 65. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV LVVXHG D QXLsance violation at 713 2nd Ave. NW. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW of a door being broken in to at 311 1st Ave. SE. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D report of a vehicle all over the road on Olive Ave. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW of lost keys. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG LQformation from a subject. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D QXLsance report at 117 2nd Ave. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D WKHIW report. Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG a 9-1-1 hang-up call from 401 2nd St. NW. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D YHKLcle complaint at 609 4th St. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV DUUHVWHG Venancio Hernandez Castro, 32, of Coulter, for operating while intoxicated, second offense; no driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license; and no insurance. He was placed in a cell and held to appear. Saturday, October 5: Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D UHSRUW RI an open door at 712 1st St. NW. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D phone call from 1st St. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D YHKLcle complaint at 10 Federal St. N. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV UHFHLYHG D suspicion report at 1422 Beeds Lake Dr. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D PLVF civil complaint in the 200 block of 12th Ave. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV WRRN D PLVF civil complaint on 19th Ave. NE. Sunday, October 6: Â&#x2021; D P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG a 9-1-1 hang-up call from the 200 block of Federal St. N. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV KDG D PHVsage to deliver in the 700 block of 4th Ave. SE. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV DVVLVWHG PHGical personnel. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV SLFNHG XS D live trap. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to an animal call in the 800 block of 2nd St. NW. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a misc. civil matter on 19th Ave. NE. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV DVVLVWHG WKH )UDQNOLQ &RXQW\ 6KHULII¡V 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH LQ booking Bruce McLaughlin on a Franklin County warrant. Â&#x2021; S P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a misc. civil matter. Â&#x2021; D P 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHUV ZHUH LQformed of a juvenile matter.
Part III
Larry Schinagel, 63, of Cottonwood, Ariz., died on Sunday, September 29, 2013, at his home with his daughter, Tracy, by his side. /DUU\ 6FKLQDJHO He was born on November 28, 1949, in Hampton, to Gerald and Dagmar Schinagel. Larry graduated IURP 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG &KDSLQ +6 LQ and NIACC in 1970. After graduation he resided in Colorado and Arizona. Larry enjoyed working on cars and his greenhouse and loved country music and dancing. He enjoyed roaming the mountains with his dogs. He was a loving father and brother. Larry is survived by his daughter, Tracy Schinagel, of Cornville, Ariz.; sister and brother-in-law, Beverly and Darrell Stratmann, of Hampton; and nieces, Angela Petersen, of GoldĂ&#x20AC;HOG DQG 'DUF\ 7LGG RI 0RQXPHQW Colo. He was preceded in death by his parents Gerald and Dagmar Schina gel and grandparents, George and 6HUYLFHV Clara Schinagel and Marius and Held at a later date Mary Johansen. A memorial service will be held at a later date by his family and friends in Jerome, Ariz.
Wilma J. Oleson
Wilma J. Oleson, 83, of Coulter, died on Sunday, October 6, 2013, at the Franklin Country View Nursing Facility in Hampton. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 12, at the Sietsema-Vogel Funeral Home in Hampton, with the Rev. Travis Berg will EH RIÂżFLDWLQJ Visitation will be held one hour prior to service on Saturday at the Sietsema-Vogel Funeral Home in Hampton. Burial will take place at the Hampton Cemetery in Hampton.
â&#x153; CLIP & SAVE
Rated R
Spouse ________________________________________
Curse of Chucky
Date of Service__________________________________
Larry Schinagel
The Hangover
After Earth Afte Ea th
Lola Maxine Springer, 97, of Hampton, died on Sunday, September 29, 2013, at the Franklin Country View Nursing Facility in Hampton. Funeral services were held at 11:30 a.m., Friday, October 4, 2013, at the Hampton United Methodist Church ZLWK 3DVWRU &RUE\ -R -RKQVRQ RIĂ&#x20AC;ciating. Family greeted friends from /ROD 6SULQJHU 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Friday prior to the services at the church. Burial took place in the Hampton Cemetery. The Sietsema-Vogel Funeral Home of Hampton was in charge of arrangements. She was born on April 2, 1916, in Vermont, Ill., to Ross Ervin and Roxie Lola (Stroops) Heaton. Maxine graduated from Macomb High School in Macomb, Illinois. She was united in marriage to Harold Springer on January 27, 1934, in Macomb, Illinois. Maxine was a homemaker. She was a member of the Hampton United Methodist Church in Hampton. Maxine enjoyed going to the Hampton Senior Center, attending church services, quilting, doing various activi ties at Springer Auction and spending 6HUYLFHV time with her family. She is survived by her daughter 11:30 a.m. October 4 Lola Mae Ault of Macomb, Illinois, Hampton United Methodist son Don (Betty) Springer of HampChurch ton, daughter Mary Lou (Jerome) Pastor Corby Jo Johnson Lenth of Postville, son Richard (MaRIÂżFLDWLQJ rylou) Springer of Suisun, California, Burial: nine grandchildren, 26 great-grandHampton Cemetery children, brothers Vernon Heaton of $UUDQJHPHQWV E\ Quincy, Illinois, Virgil (Linda) HeaSietsema-Vogel Funeral Home ton of Bettendorf, William Heaton of Hampton Quincy, Illinois and Ben (Lois) Heasietsemavogelfuneralhomes.com ton of Wheaton, Illinois, along with 641-456-3232 numerous nieces and nephews. Maxine was preceded in death by her parents Ross and Roxie, husband Harold, one grandson, one great-granddaughter, four brothers and three sisters.
a prisoner to Mercy 5 east in Mason City. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV WUDQVSRUWHG D prisoner to Prairie Ridge. Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG a 9-1-1 hang-up call. Dispatchers Franklin County Sheriff left a message. Subject called back, Friday, September 27: Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV WUDQVSRUWHG it was a misdial. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV QRWLĂ&#x20AC;HG RI D large deceased deer in the 700 block of Highway 65. Dispatchers also noWLĂ&#x20AC;HG '27 119 1st St. N.W. HAMPTON 456-3773 Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel from Wright County in the 1500 block of Balsam
Location _______________________________________
Children _______________________________________
Lola Springer
Rated R
Nation al
VIDEO STORE DAY! Sign up now through the 19th to win in-store gift cards!
(purchase required to enter) Free VHS movies for your collection on the 19th! RENT A NEW RELEASE AND GET A CATALOG MOVIE FOR 50¢.
In honor of the veterans past and present, please send us your photos with information provided in sample above. There will be no charge to submit photo and bio.
Deadline for photo/bio submission is Friday, Oct. 25 at 5 p.m. Publication date is Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013 HAMPTON CHRONICLE nd 9 2 St., Hampton â&#x20AC;˘ P.O. Box 29 Hampton, IA 50441 or email to: piacarmona.map@gmail.com Subject line: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Veterans Day Tributeâ&#x20AC;?
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Dean Kelsey
Dean Kelsey, 90, of Iowa Falls, died on Friday evening, October 4, 2013, at Scenic Manor. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 9, at the First United Methodist Church, Iowa Falls. Visitation will be held from 5-7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 8, at the First United Methodist Church. Burial will be at the Union Cemetery, Iowa Falls. The Linnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Funeral Home of Iowa Falls is in charge of the arrangements. Ave. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH DGYLVHG of a go-cart driving around Coulter on S. Marston. Saturday, September 28: Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG D motorist in the 700 block of 190th St., Latimer. Deputies waited for a tow truck to arrive. Sunday, September 29: Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV WRRN D UHSRUW of two cars and one truck having mirrors broken off of them in the 2400 block of Hardin Road. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV WRRN D UHSRUW /RJ See Page 7
October 11 - 17
FRI. - THURS. 7:30 P.M. Mon., Nov. 4th, 2013 â&#x20AC;˘ 6 - 9 p.m. OCTOBER, 18 â&#x20AC;˘ PRISONERS â&#x20AC;˘ R OCTOBER, 25 â&#x20AC;˘ GRAVITY â&#x20AC;˘ PG-13
â&#x153; CLIP & SAVE
Adults - $2, 15 & Under - $1
New Lyric Theatre
Main Street - Belmond
Business Brief
Krukow-Gast joins Krukow Real Estate
Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV ZHUH DGvised that a salesman came to the door about selling cancer insurance. Thought it was strange. Butler Sheriff Monday, September 30: Â&#x2021; 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG WZR WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F stops and received three reports of a controlled burn. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV WRRN D VXVpicious activity report near the intersection of 3rd Ave. and Locust St. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 300 block of Parriott St. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG PHGical personnel in the 500 block of Elm St. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to a property damage accident in the 200 block of 3rd St., Parkersburg. Damage was estimated at $500. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to a dog-deer matter near the intersection of 150th St. and Packard Ave. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to an alarm in the 26700 block of Temple Ave. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to a possible vehicle theft in the 500 block of S. Adams St. Report was unfounded. Tuesday, October 1: Â&#x2021; 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG Ă&#x20AC;YH WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F stops. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 400 block of 6th St. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to a dog-deer matter in the 200 block of 2nd St. Wednesday, October 2: Â&#x2021; 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG WZR WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F VWRSV DQG ZHUH QRWLĂ&#x20AC;HG RI WKUHH FRQtrolled burns throughout the county. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG D possible burglary report in the 600 block of Nash St., Aplington. Report was unfounded. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to a dog-deer matter near the intersection of 280th St. and Willow Ave. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 100 block of Saratoga St. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 900 block of Walnut St. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DWWHPSWHG to serve an arrest warrant in the 300 block of Water St. It was unfounded. Thursday, October 3: Â&#x2021; 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG IRXU WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F VWRSV DQG ZHUH QRWLĂ&#x20AC;HG RI VHYHQ FRQtrolled burns throughout the county. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG a motorist near the intersection of Highway 14 and West Brook St. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG Ă&#x20AC;UH personnel in the 400 block of S. Prairie St., Shell Rock. It proved to be a false alarm as no smoke detector was going off. Friday, October 4: Â&#x2021; 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG Ă&#x20AC;YH WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F VWRSV DQG ZHUH QRWLĂ&#x20AC;HG RI WZR FRQtrolled burns throughout the county. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV SHUIRUPHG a welfare check in the 200 block of Locust St. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to an alarm in the 500 block of Main St. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 800 block of 6th St. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to a dog-deer matter in the 33600 block of 210th St. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 400 block of N. Plainview St. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to a dog-deer matter in the 17400 block of Highway 3. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV SHUIRUPHG a welfare check in the 00 block of High School Blvd.
Timothy Gibbons M. D. Offering a full range of Orthopaedic services including Total Hip Replacement, Hip Resurfacing, Minimally Invasive Total Knee Replacement and Sports Medicine
Seeing patients @ Franklin General Hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tullâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s New and Used Store Sheffield Pharmacy Forever Yours Duganâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sew Heavenly Businesses Reborn in a Barn Included Enchanted Acres Chapin Station
/RJ From Page 6
of an erratic driver on Highway 65 KHDGHG VRXWK IURP 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG District Court Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH DGThe following were resolved vised of a black and tan dog walking recently in criminal proceedings in south of Highway 3 on Timber Ave. the district court for Franklin County: Monday, September 30: Â&#x2021; &\QWKLD $ULEHWK 0DUWLQH] Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG Blue Earth, Minn., pled guilty on medical personnel in the 1500 block September 30 to two counts of child endangerment. On the same date RI WK 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG 'LVSDWFKHUV DOVR she was given a deferred judgment pages Franklin General Hospital, and placed on one-year probation 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG 3ROLFH DQG WKH 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG ( with the Second Judicial District Squad. Department of Corrections. She must Â&#x2021; D P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG D pay a $300 enrollment fee, complete 9-1-1 call with no one on the line in a family assessment response with WKH EORFN RI 3DUN 6W 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG the Minnesota Child Protective Dispatchers called back, spoke with Service and comply therewith, subject, everything was OK. UHSD\ DOO ÂżQDQFLDO REOLJDWLRQV FRXUW Â&#x2021; D P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG costs of $247, no enter any bars, a 9-1-1 call with a buzz on the line. taverns, or liquor stores, abstain IURP XQDXWKRUL]HG XVH RI FRQWUROOHG Dispatchers called back, line was substances, submit to a substance busy. DEXVH HYDOXDWLRQ DW WKH GHIHQGDQWÂśV 0DJLVWUDWH &RXUW Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG The following actions were expense, and comply with treatment a call of a semi broken down near recommendations, perform 40 resolved recently in Franklin County the intersection of Highway 57 and Magistrate Court: hours of unpaid community service Spruce Ave. The caller advised she by September 30, 2014; prepare Â&#x2021; &DUPHQ 6KDH $OH[LV +RZDUG had a truckload of hogs and would Geneva, pled guilty on October 3 D ÂżYH SDJH HVVD\ DQG ÂżOH D 9,6$ application within 90 days. Case was to violation of a no contact order. OLNH WR NQRZ LI DQ DUHD Ă&#x20AC;UH GHSDUWÂżOHG RQ 2FWREHU E\ WKH Defendant was sentenced to 15 days ment could spray some water on in jail with credit for 15 days in jail. He them to cool them down. Ackley Hampton Police Department. Fire was paged to assist. Â&#x2021; -HUHPLDK 'DQLHO %DUNHU was assessed $60 in costs. Alexander, pled guilty on September Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG a report of a dog had broken its chain in Latimer. Caller advised he was looking for the dog. Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG a 9-1-1 hang-up call in the 600 block of Grant St., Coulter. Dispatchers Krukow Real Estate would like call back, but received no answer. to announce the addition of Real Deputy spoke with subject, all was Estate Sales Associate Brenda KruOK. kow-Gast. Tuesday, October 1: Brenda and her husband Kevin Â&#x2021; D P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG OLYH LQ UXUDO 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG 7KH\ KDYH a 9-1-1 hang-up call in the 200 block two children, Chelsea Weiland, and of Grouse Ave. Dispatchers were her husband, Brandon, of Aredale; advised that there wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a landline and Logan, of Miami, Okla. there. Dispatchers tried to call back Brenda retired in July of 2012 a couple of times, but it was busy. from the United States Postal Ser Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG vice after nearly 23 years of service. a call of a subject chasing her dog We are pleased to have Brenda join our professional sales team at Krufor the past couple of hours. Advised 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG 3ROLFH WR FKHFN kow Real Estate. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV UHPRYHG D subject from a home in the 900 block of Main St., Popejoy at the request of the homeowner. Wednesday, October 2: Following is the calendar of events conducted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Franklin County. The public is invited to attend. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH DGYLVHG Due to arrangements and/or content, attendance at a few meetings will be of a subject having problems with limited by invitation or pre-registration. Further details may be obtained by their dog in the 400 block of HighFRQWDFWLQJ WKH )UDQNOLQ &RXQW\ ([WHQVLRQ DQG 2XWUHDFK RIÂżFH DW way 3. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG 4811. medical personnel in the 1700 block of Killdeer Ave., Hampton. West DATE: October 11, 18 (END OF SEASON, stockup night!) Franklin EMS and Franklin General Hospital assisted. TOPIC: Farmers Market Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG TIME: 5-7 pm a report of a controlled burn in the PLACE: Main Street Square, Hampton 1300 block of Hardin Road. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG Ă&#x20AC;UH DATE: October 9 SHUVRQQHO DW D FRPELQH Ă&#x20AC;UH QHDU WKH TOPIC: Walk Somewhere, Anywhere, Everywhere Day intersection of 200th St. and Vine Ave. TIME: All Day PLACE: Anywhere in Franklin County (Stop by the Extension Â&#x2021; S P &DOOHU UHTXHVWHG H[WUD patrol due to subjects not stopping at 2IÂżFH )UDQNOLQ :HOOQHVV &HQWHU RU a stop sign in the 100 block of West Rehabilitation Center of Hampton to register for prizes!) St., Latimer. Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG DATE: October 9 a report of someone had driven TOPIC: As We Age Informational Fair through a yard and fence in the 1300 TIME: 9 am-3 pm block of Heather Ave. PLACE: Franklin Wellness Center Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG a report of a vehicle sitting alongside DATE: October 9 TOPIC: Treat a Farmer to Lunch, 4-H Scholarship the road one mile south of Hampton on Highway 65. The vehicle apFundraiser peared to have a faint dome light on. TIME: 11 am-1 pm Deputy checked location, but vehiPLACE: Hampton Fareway Parkling Lot cle was gone. Thursday, October 3: DATE: October 6-12 Â&#x2021; S P 'LVSDWFKHUV UHFHLYHG TOPIC: National 4-H Week a 9-1-1 hang-up call in the 800 block of 85th St. It was mapped to the DATE: October 12 above location. Deputy spoke with TOPIC: 4-H Family Night at the Movies an employee, said it was a misdial. TIME: 7 pm Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH DGPLACE: Windsor Theatre, Hampton vised of a blue truck in the ditch by 6XNXSV RQ +LJKZD\ 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG DATE: October 14 RIĂ&#x20AC;FHU FKHFNHG YHKLFOH ZDV JRQH TOPIC: Your Money Your Future Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG D TIME: 6-8 pm motorist in the 700 block of High 3/$&( )UDQNOLQ &RXQW\ ([WHQVLRQ 2IÂżFH way 3. 30 to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, second offense. On the same date he was sentenced to two years in prison with all but seven days suspended. Defendant to have 60 days in which to serve the time. Mittimus shall be issued on the 30th day of November at D P +H ZDV ÂżQHG percent statutory surcharge; two years probation with the Department RI &RUUHFWLRQDO 6HUYLFHV DQG in attorney fees; follow through with recommendations of the substance abuse evaluation; $300 enrollment fee; $10 DARE Surcharge, and shall not enter any establishment whose principal source of income is derived from the sale of alcohol; and $100 in court costs.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Dr. Gibbons â&#x20AC;˘ October Dates October 11 & 25 a.m. only Our goal is to provide the top-quality and safe orthopaedic care to our patient. Talk to your Family physician today or call our office today.
Mason City Clinic Department of Orthopaedics 250 South Crescent Drive, Mason City, IA 50401
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Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV SHUIRUPHG D welfare check in the 1200 block of Glenn St. Unable to locate. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DUUHVWHG Johnny May of Carlyle, Ill., in Shell Rock, and was charged with operating while intoxicated. Deputy was transported to jail and was held overnight for court. Saturday, October 5: Â&#x2021; 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG HLJKW WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F VWRSV DQG ZHUH QRWLĂ&#x20AC;HG RI WKUHH FRQtrolled burns throughout the county. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 900 block of N. Cherry St. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to the 16400 block of 150th St. for an unknown problem. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to the 300 block of N. Mather St. for an unknown problem. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to the 200 block of Elm St. due to suspicious activity. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV WRRN D UHport of a theft of a vehicle in the 600 block of 9th St., Allison. The report was unfounded as the owner had given permission for someone to use it. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DUUHVWHG %ULan Knecht, Waterloo, in Allison, on charges of driving while revoked and fourth degree theft. He was taken to jail to await court. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 300 block of Parriott St. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV SHUIRUPHG a business door check in the 20400 block of Floyd Line St. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 400 block
First Congregational United Church of Christ - Hampton
of E. Mindy Dr. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG D report of suspicious activity in the 300 block of S. 2nd St., Greene. Nothing was found. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG with a routine transfer from the 400 block of 10th St. to the Iowa Falls Hospital. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG D report of suspicious activity near the intersection of Main St. and Packwaukee St., New Hartford. Report was unfounded. Sunday, October 6: Â&#x2021; 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG IRXU WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F VWRSV DQG ZHUH QRWLĂ&#x20AC;HG RI Ă&#x20AC;YH FRQtrolled burns throughout the county. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG D report of suspicious activity near the intersection of S. Albright St. and Lake St. Â&#x2021; D P 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG D report of suspicious activity near the intersection of 1st St. and Main St., Dumont. Report was unfounded. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG D report of a suspicious vehicle parked in a farm drive in the 18700 block of 260th St., Aplington. Deputy was unable to locate. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to a possible theft matter in the 21500 block of Highway 57, Parkersburg. Deputy noted it involved a divorce. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH FDOOHG to the 300 block of S. Church St. for a dog-deer matter. Â&#x2021; S P 'HSXWLHV ZHUH called to the intersection of Butler Ave. and Highway 3 for a dog-deer matter.
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HAMPTON-DUMONT SCHOOLS Monday, October 14: Breakfast: Breakfast bites, orange wheel, milk. Lunch: Cheeseburger/bun, sweet potato tri tator, broccoli, pears, milk. Tuesday, October 15: Breakfast: Breakfast cookie, yogurt, strawberries, milk. Lunch: Cream chicken/biscuit, asparagus, Mandarin oranges, milk. Wednesday, October 16: Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, toast, fruit juice, milk. Lunch: Tenderloin/bun, green beans, cantaloupe, milk. Thursday, October 17: Breakfast :DIĂ&#x20AC;HV V\UXS WURSLFDO IUXLW PLON Lunch: Chili, cinnamon roll, carrots & celery, applesauce, milk. Friday, October 18: Breakfast: Biscuit & sausage gravy, pears, milk. Lunch: Chicken tetrazzini, toss salad, WG bread stick, strawberries, milk. AGWSR SCHOOLS Monday, October 14: NO SCHOOL Tuesday, October 15: Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, juice, milk. Lunch: Tacos, corn, juice, chocolate cake, milk. Wednesday, October 16: Breakfast: French toast sausage, juice, milk. Lunch: Grilled chicken sandwich, peas, peaches, milk. Thursday, October 17: Breakfast: Breakfast wrap, juice, milk. Lunch: Chili, cinnamon rolls, veggie sticks, rosy applesauce, milk. Friday, October 18: Breakfast: Cereal & toast, juice, milk. Lunch: Nachos w/meat & cheese, green beans, peanut butter sandwich, apple wedges, milk. CAL SCHOOLS Monday, October 14: Breakfast: Breakfast bites/syrup, orange wheels, milk. Lunch: Cheese burger/bun, sweet potato, tri tator, broccoli, pears, milk. Tuesday, October 15: Breakfast: Breakfast cookie, yogurt, strawberries, milk. Lunch: Cream chicken/biscuit, asparagus, Mandarin oranges, milk. Wednesday, October 16: Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, toast, juice, milk. Lunch: Tenderloin/bun, green beans, canteloupe, milk. Thursday, October 17: Breakfast :DIĂ&#x20AC;HV V\UXS WURSLFDO IUXLW PLON Lunch: Chili, cinnamon roll, carrots & celery, applesauce, milk. Friday, October 18: Breakfast: Biscuit & sausage gravy, pears, milk. Lunch: Chicken tetrazzini, toss salad, WG bread stick, strawberries, milk. CONGREGATE MEALS Monday, October 14: Spaghetti, broccoli, apricots, French bread. 1:00 Bingo Tuesday, October 15: Pork sand./bun, baked beans, rice pudding, rasp. lemonade. 10:45 Sing-a-long, 12:45 Cribbage, 12:45 Brd. mtg. Wednesday, October 16: Chili, corn bread, tangy coleslaw, orange/bananas. 12:45 500 Cards, 1:00 Foot Clinic Thursday, October 17: Chicken T., baked potato, peas, cinn. raisin/applesauce. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pastorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dayâ&#x20AC;?, 1:00 Bingo Friday, October 18: Ham loaf, sweet potato, calico corn, strawberries. 12:45 Mex. train, 1:30 Snack mtg.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Windsor: From Page 1 â&#x20AC;&#x153;I thought it was great,â&#x20AC;? said Groszkruger of the evening. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think everyone enjoyed it.â&#x20AC;? Much of the crowd was older and from the 1930s and V HUD LQFOXGLQJ 'DUU\O 0D\HU RI &KDSLQ ZKR FDPH to the event looking for a memorable evening. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I enjoyed it. It sure was great, all of it,â&#x20AC;? Mayer said of the performances. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The ventriloqists, when Jim Davies came out as a cowboy.â&#x20AC;?
Born in 1935, Mayer said he does not understand modern day music, which he described as people ´VFUHDPLQJ DQG \HOOLQJ Âľ DQG VDLG KH¡V LQWHUHVWHG LQ WKH Old Fashioned Sing Aling events Groszkruger hosts each month. ´, OLNH WKH ROGLHV VRQJV 7KH\ GRQ¡W SOD\ HQRXJK RI them any more,â&#x20AC;? Mayer added. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It brings back old memRULHV , GRQ¡W WKLQN WKHUH ZDV DQ HPSW\ VHDW LQ WKH KRXVH Âľ
Above: The skit â&#x20AC;&#x153;At the restaurantâ&#x20AC;? was a popular one, drawing lots of laughs as four ladies were subjected to a sassy waitress and her shenanigans. (Photos by Jeff Forward, Hampton, Chronicle.)
Far left: Caleigh Sutter did a dance routine as the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Roaring 20s Galâ&#x20AC;? evoking memories of WKH Ă&#x20AC;DSSHU FXOWXUH RI WKH V (Photos by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle.) Jim Davies, left, and Craig Semler, performed a skit with the Pythian Players entitled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wild West Freak Showâ&#x20AC;? where characters died after seeing an ugly person under a blanket. (Photos by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle)
Left: Craig Semler performed in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Doctor, Doctor.â&#x20AC;? (Photos by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle.)
Fall Festival Fun: From Page 1 Dick Paulsen, of Hampton, kept busy throughout the afternoon demonstrating an apple press to lots of children. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They just have a lot of fun,â&#x20AC;? Paulsen said of people operating the press. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Then we get them to taste it.â&#x20AC;? Berniece Seiler, who was at the event with her family, helped introduce her great grand daughter Lilli to a couple of baby piglets that were on display. ´,W¡V ZRQGHUIXO ,W¡V VXFK D QLFH thing,â&#x20AC;? Seiler said of the fall festival. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I used to do a lot of this on the farm. This is a thrill for me.â&#x20AC;? Also on hand was author Dr. Jim Iversen, who is in the process of writing a historical review of the personal letters of the Harriman and Nielsen families over several decades. Iversen, who is of Danish descent like the Nielsen family, said KH¡V EHHQ WUDQVODWLQJ WKH OHWWHUV IURP the Danish into English and hopes to have the book completed by 2014. The proceeds from the book will be used to help fund the historic farm. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It covers 100 years plus, six generations of the family. They were telling about themselves,â&#x20AC;? Iversen
VDLG RI WKH ERRN DQG OHWWHUV ´7KHUH¡V a lot of world history involved.â&#x20AC;? There were also several contests held to celebrate the fall season. Winner of the tall corn stalk contest was Jason Van Wert, with a stalk of 18 feet tall. The big pumpkin contest was won by Wayne Pralle, of Latimer, who grew a gourd weighing SRXQGV -R &RRQOH\ ZRQ WKH Great Pumpkin Bake-off contest ZLWK KHU VHOI QDPHG -R¡V SXPSNLQ EDUV %RE 0F&RUPLFN ZDV WKH winner of the cribbage tournament. The day had a distinct community feeling to it as people milled about and chatted, others tasted bean soup, there was perusing and buying of pumpkins, and folks enjoying the day. Four-year-old Oliver Arenholz epitomized the day as he stood on a wagon full of pumpkins, cautiously lifting one that matched his size and holding it up in the air in front of his mother. Oliver said his favorite part of the day was the â&#x20AC;&#x153;tractor pull,â&#x20AC;? but he also liked some other stuff. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I like the wagons and the pumpkins,â&#x20AC;? he added.
Berniece Seiler, of Hampton, shows her great grand-daughter Lilli a baby piglet on Sunday at the fall festival. (Photo by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle.)
There were a variety of contests at Sundayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fall festival at the Harriman Nielsen Historic Farm, including tallest corn stalk. The tallest stalk was 18 feet and submitted by Jason Van Wert of Hampton. (Photo by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle.)
Oliver Arenholz, 4, of Hampton, picks out a mini-pumpkin Sunday at the Harriman-Nielsen fall festival celebration. (Photos by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle.)
Jim Paulsen shows a child how the apple press works. The press was a popular exhibit at the fall festival Sunday. (Photo by Jeff Forward, Hampton Chronicle.)
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
13th biennial Plain View Country School Reunion
Legion Auxiliary donates to G.A.R. Memorial Hall Members of Unit #183 of the George A. Aldinger American Legion Auxiliary of Hampton presented a check for $500 to Michelle Schaefer of the Franklin County Historic Preservation Committee (FCHPC). The FCHPC is working toward a goal of $32,000 in matching grant funds to restore the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) Memorial Hall in Hampton. 7KH EXLOGLQJ ZDV WKH ÂżUVW PHPRULDO EXLOW LQ ,RZD WR KRQRU YHWHUDQV RI WKH &LYLO :DU ,W LV PDLQWDLQHG E\ WKH 2IÂżFH RI 9HWHUDQV $IIDLUV Pictured are front row, left to right: Michelle Schaefer and Ladonna Gorges. Back row, left to right: Gladys Fanny, Elaine Wilcox, Shirley Husz and Melba Muhlenbruch. (Photo by Nick Pedley, Hampton Chronicle)
7KH WK ELHQQLDO 3ODLQ 9LHZ Country School Reunion was held on Friday, September 20, 2013 at 11a at God Fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pizza in Hampton. Seven former students, one WHDFKHU ÂżYH VSRXVHV DQG RQH JXHVW attended and enjoyed a smorgasbord meal. Time was spent looking at history items and many pictures that were taken through the years at the VFKRRO 9LYLDQ 2EUHFKW +DQDZDOW was the only teacher attending. A very enjoyable time of reminiscing was spent following the meal. Pictures were taken of the former students and the teacher and of all those attending.
+,6725< 2) 7+( 3/$,1 9,(: 6&+22/ %HWZHHQ QLQH families from East Friesland, Germany, settled the unboken prairie some ÂżYH PLOHV ZHVW RI &KDSLQ 6HYHUDO of the families included Cornelius Dirksen, Peter Halfwassen, Harm A Koenen, H. Aneweer, and J.K. Jurgens. Shortly after the settlement a school was built around 1886-1887. 7KH UHFRUG RI WKH ÂżUVW WHDFKHU ZDV Clarence Cole in 1890. This is the same year that the Zion Reformed Church was organized. The congregation met in the school before this date, and for three years after organization until the church building
was completed one half mile north RI WKH 3ODLQ 9LHZ 6FKRRO 7KHUH LV record of 43 teachers who taught in the school. Norma Brouwer was the last teacher, and the school closed in May, 1947, and was one of the last rural schools to close. Adeline JurJHQV DQG )DQGHOHQH 9DQ +RUQ ZHUH the last secretaries and treasurers. ,Q (WWD )UHLH D WHDFKHU ZDV paid $85, Gwendolyn Bohning was paid $92 in 1945; and at the closing, teacher Norma Brouwer was paid ,Q WKH VFKRRO EXLOGLQJ
was sold for $341 to Marlo Westaby who purchased the school and moved it to Alexander where it was remodeled into their home. Ted Mollenbeck purchased the school property for $45 in May, 1953. The Chapin Bank closed in 1933 with $160 left in the bank which belonged to the school. in 1926 Toby Jurgens and Harm Koenen were to look into the cost of brick school buildings; they evidently found the cost too high, and a basement was dug and a furnace installed later.
Annual HDEA Soup Supper friday, october 11, 2013
Serving in the Hampton-Dumont
High School commons
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
4th grade - adults
Kids PreK - 3rd grade
$6.00 in advance
$3.00 in advance
$7.00 at the door
$4.00 at the door
Preschool & under
Commercial & Residential
â&#x20AC;˘ Fall Clean Up â&#x20AC;˘ Weed control & fertilizing â&#x20AC;˘ Tree & shrub trimming
Front Row: Rhoda Symens Bender, Vivian Obrecht Hanawalt-teacher, Rebecca Janssen Ellingston, and Harry Janssen; back row: Murrel Symens, Ronald Symens, David Jurgens, and Lloyd Dodd
Borcherdings honored for Century Farm at 2013 Iowa State Fair 'DUUHO DQG 1RUPD %RUFKHUGLQJ ZHUH UHFRJQL]HG DW WKH ,RZD 6WDWH Fair for their Century Farm. Attending were children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren: Kay Hinrichs and Tom Hinrichs, Jill, Cael, Blaek and Wesley Burmester, Micah, Kimberly and Konnor Jackson, Tim and Joyce %RUFKHUGLQJ $QGUHZ .HQGUD 2OLYLD DQG 5HHVH %RUFKHUGLQJ (ULND $Xbrey, Austin and Charles Borcherding, Steve and LaShell Borcherding. (Submitted photo)
City council hears parking complaint; gets update on health care changes By Jeff Forward Members of the Hampton City Council on Monday listened intently to a local dentist describe the parkLQJ SUREOHPV DW KLV RIÂżFH DQG DOVR got an update on the changes in coverage that will be caused by the Affordable Health Care Act. The city council, holding its normal Monday non-action workshop, ÂżUVW KHDUG DQ XSGDWH IURP .ULVWLna Raisch about a visit from Main 6WUHHW ,RZD UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV ODWHU WKLV month. Raisch presented and agenda of the visitorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activities and also invited members of the council to some of the events. Then, local dentist Dr. Larry Alquist addressed the council about concerns he has regarding parking in front of his Third Street Northest ofÂżFH $OTXLVW VDLG WKDW KLV RIÂżFH Âą which is located in a residential area Âą KDV LVVXHV ZLWK SDUNLQJ EHFDXVH local residents park on the street in IURQW RI KLV RIÂżFH OHDYLQJ KLV SDtients with no where to park near the RIÂżFH â&#x20AC;&#x153;We do have patients that are not very mobile, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a problem for some RI WKHP ´ $OTXLVW VDLG Âł,ÂśP ZRQGHUing if you have any suggestions as to how this could be handled.â&#x20AC;? Alquist then suggested possibly altering the parking in front of his RIÂżFH WR D ÂłSDWLHQW RQO\´ GHVLJQDWLRQ before council members chimed in. Council members Craig Eckhardt and Dyanne Pralle both said a â&#x20AC;&#x153;patient-onlyâ&#x20AC;? designation would be too hard to enforce for police. Council Member Dick Lukensmeyer wondered if a handicapped parking sign ZRXOG VXIÂżFH ,Q WKH HQG WKH FRXQFLO PHPEHUV
present decided to revisit the subject at their Nov. 11 workshop where they said residents of the street could come and voice their opinions. The council also heard from Don )DEHU IURP 7KUHH 5LYHUV %HQHÂżWV the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health care administrating agency, about the impending changes to health care under the new Affordable Health Care Act. Faber described for the council PHPEHUV SUHVHQW Âą 0D\RU 6KDZQ Dietz and Council Member Steve Harms were not in attendance - various nuances of the new health care law and potential costs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are some things you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get out of,â&#x20AC;? Faber said of new charges. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are several taxes and fees coming into play.â&#x20AC;? The city has several options when it comes to renewing their health insurance coverage, including renewing by Dec. 1 with a more than 17 percent increase in premium and maintaining their current policy for PRQWKV 2U WKH FLW\ FRXOG H[plore the market in January and opt for a different plan that may be more economical. The council also looked over a draft of a proposed amendment to the off-street parking ordinance that ZRXOG GHÂżQH ZKDW W\SH RI KDUG VXUface would be required for vehicle parking. City Manager Ron Dunt said that if the city police department is going to enforce the law, there needs to be D GHÂżQLWLRQ RI WKH KDUG VXUIDFH UHquired. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been some concerns ZLWK WUDLOHU LQ EDFN\DUGV DQG 59V LQ IURQW \DUGV ´ 'XQW VDLG Âł2XU RUGLQDQFH GRHV QRW GHÂżQH KDUG VXUIDFHV very well.â&#x20AC;?
Free estimates
Chapin: From Page 3 Bartels. The two men noted the company plans to remove the old red corn dryer and keep the the other one as a back-up after the tower dryer is installed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll use the back-up if we need to increase capacity if we have a wet crop, or if we have a small amount that comes in so we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to start the larger tower dryer, but the back-up will be used sparingly,â&#x20AC;? Gray explained. Residents continued to tell stories of dust piled so thick they had to scoop it off their sidewalks with shovels or clear it with a leaf blower. 2QH PDQ VDLG KH KDGQÂśW ZDVKHG KLV vehicle in more than a year because it gets dusty immediately. The meeting got out of hand momentarily when numerous residents disrupted both Bartelsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and Grayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s answers while simultaneously interrupting each othersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; questions. Âł, KDYH WKUHH GLIIHUHQW FRQYHUsations going on at the same time,â&#x20AC;? interjected Zoning Administrator Russell Wood. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We need to stay on track and take it one at a time.â&#x20AC;? Wood said numerous items brought up by the CCEFC should be dealt with outside of the meeting between the residents and the company. Many of the problems werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t related to the variance proposal, he said, and side-tracking discussion wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t pertinent to the boardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision. He felt it was important for the group to prioritize their goals and move forward in a more structured manner. Both Bartels and Gray reiterDWHG WKDW $J9DQWDJH )6 ZDV PDNing strides to improve its standing within the community. Bartels said a drainage survey is currently being FRQGXFWHG WR ÂżJXUH RXW WKH VWDQGLQJ water problems, and they plan to address the issues accordingly after the results are completed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want to make sure the drainage is correct,â&#x20AC;? said Gray. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want to be good neighbors in the community.â&#x20AC;? However, residents remained hesitant to take the promises at face value. Âł, KDYH D KDUG WLPH FRPLQJ EDFN here today and believing you,â&#x20AC;? said Chapin resident David Dannen. Âł%XW ,ÂśP WKULOOHG WR GHDWK ZLWK ZKDW youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re saying and trying to do.â&#x20AC;? Residents also raised concerns
RYHU GDQJHURXV WUXFN WUDIÂżF RQ WKH townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s streets caused by the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pick-ups and semis. John and Crystal McNealy said they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t allow their children to ride bikes on the streets because they feared theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d get hit by a negligent driver. The couple thought the new additions were too close to First Street, consequently increasing the possibility of an accident. Âł, NQRZ WKLV LV JRLQJ WR SDVV EXW , WKLQN PRVW SHRSOH ZRXOG DJUHH WKDW theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d rather have it further from the road just from a safety standpoint,â&#x20AC;? John McNealy said. Bartels claimed the new setXS ZRXOG OHVVHQ WUDIÂżF DORQJ )LUVW Street because the out-bound scale would alleviate the need for trucks to make multiple loops around the facility when they bring in grain and get weighed. After further questioning on behalf of the residents, Board of Adjustment Chair Franklin Thies called the issue to a vote. The variance allowing the company to build inside the 30-foot right-of-way was granted by 3-0 margin with board member Rick DeGroot abstaining due to a FRQĂ&#x20AC;LFW RI LQWHUHVW Âł,WÂśV DQ DVVHW WR WKH FRPPXQLW\ DQG , WKLQN ZLWK WKH SURSHU PDQDJHment the problems can be handled,â&#x20AC;? Thies said. $FFRUGLQJ WR *UD\ $G9DQWDJH FS will move forward with their project and add two 750,000-bushel dry corn bins, two 110,000-bushel wet corn bins, a corn dryer capable of handling 7,000 bushels-per-hour and an out-bound scale on the south side of its property. A new dump pit with a state-of-the-art aeration system will also be installed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That will also help keep some of the dust down, and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been the industry standard for quite some time,â&#x20AC;? Gray said after the meeting. The company was unsure when the project would begin, but Bartels said some work could begin this fall. $J9DQWDJH )6 KRSHV WR KDYH WKH new additions completed by next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s harvest season. Both Gray and Bartels noted the company was willing to continue working with Chapin residents to improve relations and better living conditions within the town. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want to be good neighbors, everybody, but weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re running a business, plain and simple,â&#x20AC;? said Bartels.
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Issue 5, October 9, 2013
MASS PARTICIPATION BY STUDENTS AND STAFF MAKE FOR A COLORFUL HOMECOMING WEEK The 2013 Homecoming week is in the books, and while it went by quickly, the memories of crazy dress-up days and intense competitions will stay with H-D students and staff forever. The week was jam-packed with themes and activities beginning on Sunday night. Each class in the high school showed up in the afternoon to decorate their respective hallways in red, black, and white. After that, it was off to Aftershave volleyball where the boys in each grade played each other. The junior boys got the win. From there, the girls of the high school took LW WR WKH IRRWEDOO ÀHOG ZKHUH WKH\ SOD\HG HDFK RWKHU LQ ÁDJ football. The sophomore girls proved themselves the best, beating all of the other grades. The dress-up theme on Monday was color day. Each grade had a different color to dress in. Winners of color day were Brooklyn Plagge, Chace Klein, and Mrs. Eilderts. On Tuesday, students and teachers adorned their cowboy boots and belt buckles for western day. The senior group of Blake Brown, Hannah Petersen, Paige Wragge, and Katie Brolsma dressed as tumbleweeds and took home ÀUVW SUL]H IRU WKH VWXGHQW category. Mr. Sauke and Mrs. Bergeson shared the honors for the teachers. Monsters, superheroes, cartoon characters, and minions walked the H-D hallways on Wednesday for character day. Winners were Kendrick Suntken and Jessica Speake as Shrek and Fiona. The Math Department, made up of Mrs. Prantner, Mr. Aalbers, Mrs. Bergeson, and Mrs. Vosburg, were named the staff winners. The quartet dressed as the gang from Duck Dynasty. Thursday was a blast from the past as each class was asked to dress as a different decade. The freshmen were assigned the 50’s, the sophomores dressed as they would in the 60’s, it was the 70’s for
the juniors, and the seniors wore side ponytails and leg warmers for the 80’s. The faculty was assigned the Great Depression. Winners of decade day were Miranda Woltjer, Dayton Gooder, and Mrs. Kingland-Hanson. On Thursday night, the freshmen, junior varsity, and varsity volleyball teams took on Central Springs for their homecoming game. The varsity came up short in their pursuit of a homecoming victory. Friday was a busy but exciting day for students and faculty. The morning began with the annual pep breakfast in which the teachers served the students. The student body was also treated to the musical stylings of the faculty pep band. After the pep breakfast, students boarded buses or left on foot to complete their service projects in their advisory groups. They served the areas of Hampton, Dumont, Aredale, and Hansell, completing projects for businesses and community members. After lunch when students returned, it was time to go outside for the ÀUVW HYHU %DWWOH RI WKH $GYLVRries competition. Students and teachers had a great time playing giant games of Duck- DuckGoose, a football target throw, Telephone, and sack hop races. No single advisory was named the winner, but students were competitive. Friday afternoon, the student body watched as Elvira Cavazos and Jack Artley were named Homecoming King and Queen for 2013. Then, hundreds lined the streets for the homecoming parade, followed by a pep rally at Band Shell Park. Homecoming week was tapped off with a huge bulldog football victory over Central Springs 51-0. The dance team made their 2013 debut during halftime, and the H-D band entertained. The dance brought an exciting week to an end. So while Homecoming week was exhausting for all involved, everyone made it a week to remember forever.
SOPHOMORE GIRLS AND JUNIOR BOYS COME UP BIG WINNERS On Sunday, September 22nd, 2013 the biggest rivalry in sports had arrived. No, not the Iowa/Iowa State game or Alabama versus LSU. It was the Powderpuff and Aftershave games at H-D. The boys and girls teamed up by grade and WRRN LW WR WKH FRXUW DQG ÀHOG for some friendly competition. The boys tried their hands at volleyball, and the girls played football. It’s a tradition that goes back many years, and as always,
By Ciara Spradlin and Catie Corsello the games proved to be exciting match-ups that were entertaining and enjoyable. First, it was the boys volleyball game. In this round-robin competition, the juniors played the sophomores. That proved to be the night’s biggest rivalry. The juniors ended up beating the sophomores, but not by much. At the same time, the seniors were busy playing the juniors. The juniors swept them away. Junior Parker Claypool said his favorite part about the After-
shave volleyball game was beating everyone, while sophomore Colten Barz just enjoyed the good old-fashioned competition. Following Aftershave volleyball was the girls’ Powderpuff football games. First the sophomores played the juniors, while at the same time, the freshmen took on the seniors. It was the sophomores over the juniors in a 21-point victory and the seniors beat the freshmen. These were the most aggressive match-ups of the night, although it was good-hearted fun. After those
games the senior girls and the sophomore girls played. The sophomores earned another victory making them the night’s big winners. Sophomore Morgan Marshall said, “My favorite part of powderpuff was being coached by the boys.” While the rivalry between these classes is very real, after all the scrapes and bruises were tended to, everyone left Aftershave and Powderpuff with smiles on their faces, no matter win, lose, or draw.
Left: Kyle O’Brien and Alex Sackville Above (top row): Monica Vondra, Bekah Christiansen, Payton Miller, Morgan Marshall, Mallory Wohlford, Abby McKee, Macy Scheideman, and Caitlin Meader (bottom row) Brooke Benning, Katelyn Baltes, Ivy Swaney, Caleigh Sutter, Charlie Myers, Ashlyn Hansen, Jessica Speake, and Jordan Prantner
Top left to right: Taylor Baltes, Lindsey Milbrandt, & Jasmine Coronado as the gang from Monsters Inc.; Chace Klein in the sack hop race; Mallory Wohlford plays duck-duck-goose; Trevor Eiklenborg, Natalie Eiklenborg, Cassy Miller, & Cole Miller as the Flinstones. Bottom left to right: The dance team of Reann Orr, McKenna Wilkinson, Kelly Nee, Alex Baltes, Tori Wreghitt, Mercedez Hershey-Guerrero, Allison Milbrandt, & Hailey Dunt; Jessica Speake & Kendrick Suntken as Shrek & Fiona; Selena Ramirez is 80’s gear; Luis Damas & Aidan Carr participate in the Battle of the Advisories.
Coronation photos curtesy of Skarpness Photography
Homecoming King and Queen Jack Artley and Elvira Cavazos
Homecoming Court (left to right): Brenna Menning, Allen Teggatz, Paige Wragge, Levi Pratt, Jack Artley, Elvira Cavazos, Eduardo Flores, Reann Orr, Dalton Hanson, and Tori Wreghitt
No. 2 Janesville downs CAL JANESVILLE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Second-ranked (Class 1A) Janesville lived up to its billing in sweeping the CAL volleyball team on Tuesday, Oct. 1. The Wildcats left no doubt in this one with a 25-6, 25-6, 25-9 win over the Cadets. CAL managed only four kills against Janesville with three coming from Karter Miller, who added nine digs. The Cadets best area of the night came from the service line as they were 22-of-23 with an ace.
Distinct disadvantage: Hampton-Dumont runs into rolling Algona
Janesville 3, CAL 0 (25-6, 25-6, 25-9) ATTACKS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL 39 (Karter Miller 13, Jenna Johnson 8, Emily Quinones 7, Sidney Turner 6, Dianna Porzio 4, Stephanie Thielen). KILLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL 4 (Miller 3, Quinones). BLOCKS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL 0. Assists â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL 2 (Thielen 2). Digs â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL 19 (Miller 9, Johnson 4, Thielen 2, Turner 2, Porzio, Quinones). SERVING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL, Porzio 5-5; Quinones 5-5; Johnson 4-4; Miller 3-3; Turner 1-1; Thielen 4-5, ace.
Warhawks sweep Central Springs SHEFFIELD â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lindsey Peterson SXW GRZQ RI :HVW )RUN¡V kills in a 3-0 Corn Bowl Conference sweep of Central Springs on Tuesday, Oct. 1. The senior outside hitter added 27 digs and three aces in the 25-21, 25-23, 25-17 win. In the deceptively competitive match, the lead changed hands 16 times but the Warhawks were able to put away the Panthers to improve WR RYHUDOO DQG LQ WKH &RUQ Bowl. Peyton Perkins distributed 25 assists and served up three aces on 10-of-11 serving while Courtney Larson added six kills and 15 digs in the victory. The Warhawks were off until another Corn Bowl match on the road against Northwood-Kensett RQ 7XHVGD\ 2FW DQG SOD\ KRVW WR Rockford tonight (Thursday). West Fork 3, Central Springs 0 (25-21, 25-23, 25-17) ATTACKS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CS 88 (Kaitlyn Faught 19, Kendall Moorehead 18, Carly Miller 17, Morgan Ott 15, Hannah Wagner 9, Kaitlyn Hrubetz 7, Lexi Korte 2, Bria Johanns). WF 116 (Lindsey Peterson 62, Courtney Larson 25, Kelsey Nierengarten 11, Lexi Bray 7, Peyton Perkins 3, Kaitlyn Liekweg). KILLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CS 21 (Ott 5, Miller 4, Moorehead 4, Faught 3, Hrubetz 2, Wagner 2). WF 38 (Peterson 25, C. Larson 6, Nierengarten 4, Bray 3). BLOCKS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CS 4 (Miller 4). WF 5 (Ahna Larson 2, Nierengarten 2, Perkins). Assists â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CS 14 (Johanns 8, Korte 5, Hrubetz). WF 35 (Perkins 25, A. Larson 10). DIGS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CS 88 (Megan Peterson 32, Moorehead 19, Faught 13, Korte 8, Johanns 6, Ott 4, Wagner 4, Miller 2). WF 76 (Peterson 27, C. Larson 15, A. Larson 12, Bray 4, Jacy Guerrero 3, Siera Jeffrey 3, Nierengarten 2, Perkins 2). SERVING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CS, Peterson 11-11; Miller 10-10, 2 aces; Faught 1010, ace; Johanns 10-11, 2 aces; Korte 6-7; Moorehead 7-9, 2 aces. WF, Jeffrey 17-17; C. Larson 1617, 3 aces; Perkins 10-11, 3 aces; Liekweg 10-11, ace; A. Larson 7-8; Peterson 9-11, 3 aces.
Spectrum 20#
Emily Casey of Hampton-Dumont tries to tip the ball over the net against No. 15 Algona on Tuesday, Oct. 1. (Kristi Nixon/Hampton Chronicle)
By Kristi Nixon HAMPTON â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Newly-ranked $OJRQD¡V YROOH\EDOO WHDP URGH LQWR Hampton on Tuesday, Oct. 1 with a nine-game winning streak. And Hampton-Dumont was in the process of changing its offense. It made for a disadvantage for the home team as the No. 15 (Class 3A) Algona Bulldogs pulled out three straight, 25-13, 25-13, 25-13 to win their 10th match in a row. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We just started yesterday with a new 6-2 offense,â&#x20AC;? Hampton-Dumont coach Cinda Barz said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Because we KDYH EHHQ SOD\LQJ DQG , Ă&#x20AC;QDOO\ got another setter to work. We EURXJKW LQ D OLEHUR DQG LW¡V GLIIHUHQW for her and who she is playing next to. I knew going into this, this is not the greatest timing to set up a new offense. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As far as their offense, the ball FRPLQJ RYHU DW PLOHV DQ KRXU ZH MXVW ZHUHQ¡W UHDG\ IRU WKDW ² WKDW¡V even hard to practice with what we have.â&#x20AC;? The only lead H-D had against $OJRQD ZDV DW WKH VWDUW RI WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW game, but it was all Algona the rest of the way. Hampton had trouble with $OJRQD¡V VHUYH WKURXJKRXW â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was more of a mentality when they were serving,â&#x20AC;? H-D senior Lexi Sorenson said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Like, our minds ZHUHQ¡W LQ WKH JDPH VR ZH PDGH VLOO\ PLVWDNHV 7KH\ KDYH Ă RDWHUV ² it looked like it was coming down, but it would just sail backwards so
per ream
it would hit you up in the shoulders. Then they would switch it, and then right over the net and have a backspin so it would just drop over.â&#x20AC;? And, Algona dictated the tempo. ,Q WKH WKLUG DQG Ă&#x20AC;QDO JDPH SRLQWV were decided by the Algona attack. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Their hitting was just phenomenal,â&#x20AC;? Sorenson said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our EDFN URZ FRXOGQ¡W NHHS XS ZLWK LW DQG RXU EORFNLQJ FRXOGQ¡W EORFN anything.â&#x20AC;? Barz added, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The girls were very nervous, very unsure of themselves and things just kind of fell apart IURP WKHUH *HWWLQJ WKDW FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQFH and growing the team is all I can do right now.â&#x20AC;? Overlooked in the hitting of Ali *UHLQ ZKR Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHG NLOOV ZDV setter Sami Grein, who is averaging DVVLVWV D VHW â&#x20AC;&#x153;She moved all the way around the court â&#x20AC;&#x201C; wherever the ball was, she was ready and hit all of her spots as far as quick, long, short,â&#x20AC;? Barz said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She was there and could do it all â&#x20AC;&#x201C; so that was hard to put up with to.â&#x20AC;? What the H-D Bulldogs have OHDUQHG IURP SOD\LQJ WKH Algona Bulldogs is the need to stay together. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Teamwork is key and staying alive â&#x20AC;&#x201C; we just got to keep up with WKHP Âľ 6RUHQVRQ VDLG ´,W GRHVQ¡W matter that they are ranked, you can beat a ranked team.â&#x20AC;?
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Lions at Browns
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Mo Kelly awarded to Ben Fridley Ben Fridley, left, of Hampton received the Mo Kelly award on Friday, Sept. 27 from H-D activities director Nate Boock. The award, which comes via nomination from schools are recognized for sportsmanlike announcing with attention to correct pronunciation of names, welcoming opposing teams and fans and generating good will between players and communities; years of service; and depth and breadth of announcing. (Kristi Nixon/Hampton Chronicle)
Riceville seeks new conference home By Kristi Nixon ,W LVQ¡W D FHUWDLQW\ \HW EXW Riceville, a Corn Bowl Conference mainstay since the 1960s, is looking to make the leap to the smallerschool Iowa Star Conference. The Wildcats, with a 9-11 grade HQUROOPHQW RIĂ&#x20AC;FLDO QXPEHU RI is by far the smallest school in the Corn Bowl. If a Monday, Oct. 21 school board meeting approves Riceville to leave the Corn Bowl and later is admitted to the Iowa Star, it would be in the middle of the conference as far as enrollment goes. The average 9-11 enrollment for Iowa 6WDU VFKRROV LV 7KH VZLWFK ZRXOGQ¡W EH HIIHFWLYH until the 2015-16 school year and would leave the Corn Bowl with just seven member schools and
LQFUHDVH WKH ,RZD 6WDU WR DIWHU the addition of Valley Lutheran in this school year. This also makes traveling considerations for Riceville a concern, considering the Iowa Star includes Colo-Nesco and Meskwaki Settlement School, URXQG WULSV RI IRXU KRXUV PLQXWHV DQG PLOHV respectively. North Butler activities director 7RGG 7KRPSVRQ VDLG KH GLGQ¡W want to speculate on something that KDVQ¡W KDSSHQHG \HW RU GLVFXVVHG ZLWKLQ WKH &RUQ %RZO VFKRRO $'¡V principals or superintendents. Clarksville AD Matt Finley, a member of the Iowa Star, said that Riceville potentially could be competition for his conference. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I feel Riceville will be a
great addition to the Iowa Star Conference,â&#x20AC;? Finley said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It will DOORZ XV WR KDYH WHDPV LQ RXU conference. Also it will be a good Ă&#x20AC;W IRU 5LFHYLOOH VLQFH WKH\ ZLOO have several schools their same size.â&#x20AC;? New CAL AD Scott Striegel said that he is too new to the conference in order to make a comment on the potential move. Corn Bowl Conference member West Fork AD Lance Thompson did not return a message for comment. Several steps in the process PXVW Ă&#x20AC;UVW WDNH SODFH IRU WKH PRYH but one thing is certain, Riceville is looking for a new home.
Racing News, Stats & Trivia 2013 Standings 2013 Chase for the Cup
Oct. 12th, 7:45 pm ET Charlotte Motor Speedway
1) Matt Kenseth Points: 2183 Wins: 7 Top 5: 8 Top 10: 16
2) Jimmie Johnson Points: 2180 Wins: 5 Top 5: 12 Top 10: 19
3) Kevin Harvick Points: 2158 Wins: 3 Top 5: 8 Top 10: 16
4) Jeff Gordon Points: 2151 Wins: 0 Top 5: 7 Top 10: 15
2013 Nationwide Series Driver 1) Austin Dillon 2) Sam Hornish Jr. 3) Regan Smith 4) Elliott Sadler 5) Justin Allgaier 6) Brian Vickers 7) Brian Scott 8) Trevor Bayne 9) Kyle Larson 10) Parker Kligerman
Location: Concord, N.C. Shape: Quad-Oval Distance: 1.5 miles Turns / Straights: 24Âş / 5Âş Qualifying Record: Dale Earnhardt Jr. 186.034 - 2000 Race Record: Jeff Gordon 160.306 - 1999
Chase for the Cup: Bank of America 500 Preview Ironically, Charlotte Motor Speedway opened its gates the same year, 1960, as Atlanta Motor Speedway, now a sister track owned by Speedway Motorsports, Inc. Not only was the track unique in its design, the trackâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s founders, Bruton Smith and Curtis Turner, made the announcement that the ďŹ rst event would be 600 miles in length. Today, it is the largest sports facility in the Southeast and has over 167,000 permanent seats, including 121 executive suites, and capacity for nearly 50,000 spectators in the inďŹ eld area. The speedway was the ďŹ rst superspeedway to host night racing in 1992. The race will be aired on ABC.
6) Greg BifďŹ&#x201A;e Points: 2139 Wins: 1 Top 5: 4 Top 10: 12
7) Kurt Busch Points: 2136 Wins: 0 Top 5: 10 Top 10: 15
8) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Points: 2129 Wins: 0 Top 5: 6 Top 10: 17
9) Clint Bowyer Points: 2128 Wins: 0 Top 5: 8 Top 10: 15
The battle between Brad Keselowski and Kyle Busch was rekindled after Busch wrecked Keselowski on Lap 188 of Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nationwide series race. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a dirty driver; thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no other way of putting it,â&#x20AC;? Keselowski said. Busch, who ďŹ nished fourth, found Keselowskiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s use of â&#x20AC;&#x153;dirty driverâ&#x20AC;? ironic. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Brad Keselowski knows what dirty drivers are because heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s done it plenty of times,â&#x20AC;? Busch said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have yet to wreck a person on purpose.â&#x20AC;?
10) Joey Logano Points: 2124 Wins: 1 Top 5: 10 Top 10: 16
11) Carl Edwards Points: 2123 Wins: 2 Top 5: 9 Top 10: 15
12) Ryan Newman Points: 2110 Wins: 1 Top 5: 6 Top 10: 14
13) Kasey Kahne Points: 2100 Wins: 2 Top 5: 8 Top 10: 11
Racing Trivia What former US President ate lunch at one of Charlotte Motor Speedwayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ofďŹ ce.
a) Bill Clinton c) Abe Lincoln b) George Washington d) Ronald Reagan Answer : b) President George Washington ate lunch and rested in a house that once served as the speedwayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ofďŹ ces.
Track Details
Points 1024 1016 989 981 959 957 942 939 878 858
Racing News
5) Kyle Busch Points: 2148 Wins: 4 Top 5: 14 Top 10: 18
Last Weekendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Race: Kevin Harvick wins the Hollywood Casino 400 Driver Start Finish Points/Bonus Kevin Harvick 1 1 48 Kurt Busch 19 2 42 Jeff Gordon 14 3 41 Joey Logano 5 4 41 Carl Edwards 9 5 39 Jimmie Johnson 3 6 39 Paul Menard 8 7 37 Dale Earnhardt Jr. 6 8 37 Marcos Ambrose 25 9 35 Aric Almirola 20 10 34
The fourth race in the Chase ended as it began, with Kevin Harvick out front. The driver of the No. 29 Richard Childress Racing Chevrolet crossed the ďŹ nish line more than a football ďŹ eld ahead of runner-up Kurt Busch, with Jeff Gordon trailing Busch in third. Kyle Busch simply crashed, at a track that continues to bedevil him. With the win, Kevin Harvick moved into third place in the standings, 25 points behind Matt Kenseth. The victory was Harvickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s third of the season, his ďŹ rst at Kansas and the 22nd of his career. With a bizarre power failure in the last two laps, Jimmie Johnson failed to cash in decisively on Matt Kensethâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s skittishness. After the race Harvick said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;To sit on the pole and win the race, obviously, is a great weekend.â&#x20AC;?
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Northland Oil â&#x20AC;˘ Wix Filters â&#x20AC;˘ Raybestos Brakes 621 4th St. SE â&#x20AC;˘ Hampton
SRLQW DWWHPSW DIWHU + '¡V QH[W score, a 17-yard pass from Miller to Charlie Flickinger, proved costly. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were in control of ball JDPH XQWLO RI WKH IRXUWK quarter,â&#x20AC;? Shafrath said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They got WKH EDOO DERXW WKH \DUG OLQH DQG scored on a quarterback run.â&#x20AC;? That score was set up on a Hampton-Dumont fumble, but it gave H-D hope when the Green Devils missed their point-after attempt. After playing back and forth and the clock winding down, Osage managed to convert on a fourth down and a third and Ă&#x20AC;YH HYHQWXDOO\ VFRULQJ WKH W\LQJ touchdown with 11 seconds to go, making the kick to go ahead, stunning the Bulldogs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were being aggressive and playing the way kids did (all season),â&#x20AC;? Shafrath said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Trevor Eiklenborg played a nice game, had some nice hits; Chace Klein played well in the secondary. Dalton Hanson had some good runs, Parker Claypool as well as Kendrick Suntken played well
Osage 13, Hampton-Dumont 12 H-D 0 6 6 0 - 12 Osage 0 0 0 13 - 13 SECOND QUARTER H-D â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Parker Claypool 20 pass from Cole Miller (2-pt conversion failed) THIRD QUARTER H-D â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Charlie Flickinger 17 pass from Miller (2pt conversion failed) FOURTH QUARTER O â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Collin Havel 10-yd run (kick failed) 7:33 O â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Nolan Lawler 10 pass from Havel (Justin Zimmerman kick) 0:11 TEAM STATISTICS Rushes-yards Passing Comp-att-int Punts-avg. Fumbles-lost
H-D 51-296 134 10-16-2 3-20.3 2-1
O 23-108 183 24-45-1 6-29.7 0-0
defensively and Isaiah Noelck went over 100 yards rushing again. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We did some nice things, we were just not able to capitalize when we had opportunities.â&#x20AC;? 7KH %XOOGRJV¡ SOD\RII KRSHV DUH not over, but they are faced with D PRUH GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOW WDVN DV 8QLRQ LaPorte City rolls into Hampton this Friday with quarterback Jay 6FKHHO D 8QLYHUVLW\ RI ,RZD recruit. ´8QLRQ DW PLG VHDVRQ ZDV UDWHG 1R ZLWK -D\ 6FKHHO who caused us issues a year DJR Âľ 6KDIUDWK VDLG ´:H KDYHQ¡W played our best offensively and GHIHQVLYHO\ \HW :H¡UH KRSLQJ WR put all four quarters together, make key plays and maybe this week, ZH¡OO SXW HYHU\WKLQJ WRJHWKHU IRU D complete game.â&#x20AC;? ,W ZLOO EH D ÂśEODFN RXW¡ WKLV ZHHN with fans requested to wear all black clothing. ´:H¡UH KDYLQJ D EODFN RXW DQG LW¡V EDQG QLJKW Âľ 6KDIUDWK VDLG ´,W¡V D ELJ JDPH IRU XV VR ZH¡UH hoping for fan support.â&#x20AC;?
INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; H-D, Isaiah Noelck 25-143, Dalton Hanson 6-61, Chace Klein 6-34, Cole Miller 7-33, Bailey Miller 4-14, Kendrick Suntken 3-11. Osage, Collin Havel 10-66, Ryan Woods 6-26, Justin Zimmerman 5-10, Caleb Bushbaum 1-3, Thatcher Goodale 1-3. PASSING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; H-D, C. Miller 10-15-2-134, Charlie Flickinger 0-1-0-0. Osage, Havel 2344-2-170, Zimmerman 1-1-0-13. RECEIVING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; H-D, Suntken 4-45, Parker Claypool 3-38, B. Miller 1-28, Flickinger 1-17, Levi Pratt 1-6. Osage, Zimmerman 6-49, Kole Broderick 1-35, Goodale 4-30, Nolan Lawler 3-20, Sam McCarty 2-18, Woods 3-12, Casey Ringhofer 1-6. TACKLES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; H-D, P. Claypool 12, Drew Abbas 11, Trevor Eiklenborg 8, Klein 8, Pratt 8, Derek Juhl 6, Suntken 6, C. Miller 4, Justin Wenzel 4, Hanson 4, Mario PeĂąa 3, Noelck. Osage, Ryan Blake 11, Goodale 11, Ringhofer 11, Zimmerman 8, Shae Bartusek 7, Justin Woods 5, Havel 5, Tommy Low 4, Marcus Paulus 4, Dillon Johnson 3, Wyatt Spitz 3, Broderick, Lucas Klein, Lawler, Orry Leggett. FUMBLE RECOVERIES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; H-D, None. Osage, Zimmerman. INTERCEPTIONS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; H-D, None. Osage, Low, Ringhofer.
Cougars score second NICL West victory
OSAGE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Penalties and turnovers turned a playoff-hopeful Hampton-Dumont football team away at Osage on Saturday night. 3RVWSRQHG DOPRVW KRXUV after severe weather hit northcentral Iowa, the Bulldogs had a heart-wrenching 13-12 loss to the Green Devils in Class 2A, District 3 play. A win Saturday would have already clinched a playoff berth for H-D. â&#x20AC;&#x153;(We had) several turnovers and penalties that put us in a bad position,â&#x20AC;? Hampton-Dumont coach Jerry Shafrath said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We threw an interception and the defense did a nice job of holding them. Throughout the next drive, penalties of some type hurt us.â&#x20AC;? Shafrath added that it was probably the most penalized his team had been all season. 'HVSLWH WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW KDOI ZRHV WKH Bulldogs led 6-0 at the half on a 20-yard touchdown pass from Cole Miller to Parker Claypool, but the two-point conversion failed. That, and another missed two-
Driver of the Week Kevin Harvick #29 Born: Dec. 8, 1975 Crew Chief: Shane Wilson Car: Chevrolet
Year 2013 Career
Wins 3 22
Top 10s 16 204
ACKLEY â&#x20AC;&#x201D; AGWSR picked up its second North Iowa Cedar League West Division volleyball victory last Tuesday with a four-set victory over West Marshall. 7KH &RXJDUV RYHUDOO LQ WKH 1,&/ :HVW ZRQ D PDUDWKRQ Ă&#x20AC;UVW VHW DQG WKH VHFRQG EHIRUH GURSSLQJ WKH WKLUG VHW 7KH\ FDPH back to win the deciding fourth, 25-11. The Cougars recorded a season-best 50 kills in the match, led by Madison Fryslie and Alexa Johnson with 12 each, Ashley Sicard with 11 and Taylor Steinfeldt with nine. Danielle Henning tallied 25 assists while Kim Ellingson added 17. The Cougars recorded 15 service DFHV DQG GLJV LQ WKH PDWFK +HQQLQJ KDG Ă&#x20AC;YH DFHV while Johnson had four; Olivia Ingledue recorded a
team-high 22 digs while Fryslie had 19 and Ellingson 7KH &RXJDUV DOVR ZHQW DW WKH &KDUOHV &LW\ Tournament Saturday. They fell 21-12, 21-10 to :DSVLH 9DOOH\ WR -DQHVYLOOH to Oelwein and 25-15, 25-17 to Jesup in the seventhplace match. Sicard had a team-high 17 kills in the tournament ZKLOH -RKQVRQ KDG DQG ERWK )U\VOLH DQG +HQQLQJ recorded eight each. Henning had a team-high 23 assists while Ingledue recorded 33 digs. The Cougars played at South Hardin Tuesday and are in the Hudson tournament Saturday. They wrap up their regular season at home next Tuesday (Oct. 15) DJDLQVW %&/8:
Laurens-Marathon defense tough on CAL MARATHON â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Laurens Marathon shut down CAL with its defense, posting a shut out of the Cadets, 30-0, last weekend. CAL managed just 31 yards of offense despite not turning the ball over. Kainan Braun, who was 1-of-5 passing for eight yards and no interceptions, also picked off Laurens-Marathon quarterback Chase Oehlertz. Taylor Rapp, who carried the ball six times for 17 yards, also led the way in tackles with six, with a tackle for loss and a sack assist. The Cadets (0-6) take on third-ranked Newell-Fonda on the road this Friday.
Laurens-Marathon 30, CAL 0 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL, Taylor Rapp 6-17, Andrew Quinones 5-5, Kainan Braun 5-1. PASSING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL, Braun 1-5-8-0. RECEIVING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL, Robert Pals 1-8. TACKLES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL, Rapp 6, Juan Trinidad 4, Miguel Calles 2, Hunter Schleisman 2, Braun, Oscar Castro. SACKS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL, Rapp, Schleisman. FUMBLE RECOVERIES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL, None. INTERCEPTIONS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CAL, Braun.
Avg. Finish 12.0 14.3
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Waukon New Hampton Union, LaPorte City Hampton-Dumont Osage Central Springs Waterloo Col.
W 04 03 02 02 01 00 00
L 00 00 01 02 02 04 03
W 06 06 04 04 01 01 00
L 00 00 02 02 05 05 06
Diff. +13.00 +13.00 +04.33 +03.xx -12.xx -13.00 -13.00
Last Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Scores Beckman Catholic, Dyersville 42, Waterloo Columbus 7 New Hampton 61, Central Springs 0 Osage 13, Hampton-Dumont 12 Waukon 35, Union, La Porte City 0 This Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Games Central Springs at Waterloo Columbus Catholic Osage at New Hampton Union at Hampton-Dumont Waukon at South Winneshiek (ND) Class 1A District 3 Dike-New Hartford 1DVKXD 3ODLQÂżHOG South Hamilton Hudson Aplington-Parkersburg West Fork Eagle Grove
W L W L 03 00 06 00 03 01 05 01 02 02 03 03 01 02 02 04 00 02 01 04 00 03 00 05
Diff. +13.00 +04.25 +02.25 -04.33 -13.00 -13.00
Last Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Scores Dike-NH 28, Sumner-Fredericksburg 6 1DVKXD 3ODLQÂżHOG +XGVRQ South Hamilton 43, Aplington-Parkersburg 6 (DJOH *URYH DW :HVW )RUN 6KHIÂżHOG SSG This Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Games Aplington-Parkersburg at Eagle Grove Dike-New Hartford at Hudson South Hamilton at Ogden (ND) :HVW )RUN DW 1DVKXD 3ODLQÂżHOG Class A District 2 AGWSR Algona Garrigan MC Newman Prairie Valley Belmond-Klemme Lake Mills SE Webster-Grand West Hancock
W 03 03 02 03 02 02 00 00
L 00 01 01 01 02 02 04 04
W 06 04 02 03 04 03 01 00
L 00 02 03 03 02 03 05 06
Worth the Wait: From Page 1
Football Scoreboard Class 2A District 3
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Halloran added another rushing touchdown on Monday and accounted for 399 yards of overall offense. He also took over on kick-offs late and had a pair of interceptions against Eagle Grove quarterback Devon Omvig in the fourth quarter â&#x20AC;&#x201C; one that would have gone for a touchdown but for an illegal block in the back penalty. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I got moved to safety today because they ZHUH WKURZLQJ VZHHSV Âľ +DOORUDQ VDLG ´,W¡V a lot easier to make plays on sweeps playing safety than linebacker, so they moved me out there. They threw a couple of balls up and I went up and got them.â&#x20AC;? His brother, Reese, had intercepted Omvig LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW KDOI RQ )ULGD\ Overall, Halloran was happy with how
homecoming ended after the wait. ´:H KDYHQ¡W ZRQ RQ KRPHFRPLQJ WKH ODVW couple of years and so this is pretty exciting to win on homecoming for once,â&#x20AC;? Halloran VDLG ´:H KDYHQ¡W EHHQ RQ WKH ULJKW VLGH RI WKH scoreboard on a lot of blowouts this year, so that was good. ´,W¡V D OLWWOH GLIIHUHQW SOD\LQJ RQ 0RQGD\ QLJKW ² , GRQ¡W WKLQN ,¡YH HYHU SOD\HG RQ D Monday night, except maybe middle school, EXW LW¡V JRLQJ WR VXFN JRLQJ WR VFKRRO WRPRUURZ sore. It was good the way we came out and played.â&#x20AC;? (YHQ WKRXJK LW LVQ¡W KRPHFRPLQJ ZHHN LW was still a homecoming game to remember. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The guys will always remember this one, how unique it was,â&#x20AC;? It was a weird situation
because homecoming week is gone and done ZLWK %XW WKH\¡OO UHPHPEHU LW DQG WKH\ JRW WKH ZLQ VR WKDW¡V DOZD\V VSHFLDO Âľ Tyson Pillard, who scored a touchdown each night, had 11 carries for 72 yards rushing. The Warhawks have a quick turnaround in ZKLFK WKH\ PXVW WUDYHO WR 1DVKXD 3ODLQĂ&#x20AC;HOG 3, 2-1) for a key district game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Friday night is a big game in district for us â&#x20AC;&#x201C; we beat Nashua, we like our odds of making the playoffs,â&#x20AC;? Halloran said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So, we know how big )ULGD\ LV DQG ZH KDYH WR FRPH EDFN ZDWFK Ă&#x20AC;OP tomorrow and have a couple of good practices this week.â&#x20AC;?
West Fork 42, Eagle Grove 7 EG 0 0 7 0 - 7 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS WF 12 0 22 8 - 42 RUSHING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; EG, Josh Morris 11-51, Devon Omvig 14-46, Julian Calderon 1-21, Graham Schope 4-20, Miguel Pacheco 2-10. WF, FIRST QUARTER Spencer Halloran 17-124, Tyson Pillard 12-72, Reese Halloran WF â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tyson Pillard 14 run (pass failed) 9:10 1-9, Austin Neff 3-9. WF â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Spencer Halloran 3 run (pass failed) 5:38 PASSING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; EG, Omvig 7-19-39-4. WF, S. Halloran 14-23-2THIRD QUARTER 275, Collin Arndt 0-1-0-0. WF â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Halloran 12 run (Halloran run) 9:22 RECEIVING â&#x20AC;&#x201C; EG, Zach Ploeger 2-17, Morris 1-12, Schope EG â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Josh Morris 31 run (Devon Omvig kick) 9:06 4-8. WF, Evan Sprung 3-119, Deven Heitland 3-73, Arndt 6-54, WF â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pillard 7 run (Collin Arndt pass from Halloran) 5:33 Jacob Eliason 1-9, Neff 1-1. WF â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Evan Sprung 52 pass from Halloran (pass failed) 1:28 FUMBLE RECOVERIES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; WF, Pillard. EG, None FOURTH QUARTER INTERCEPTIONS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; EG, Schope, Ploeger. WF, S. Halloran 2, WF â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sprung 26 pass from Halloran (Sprung pass from Halloran) R. Halloran, Eliason. 9:26 TEAM STATISTICS EG WF First downs 12 17 Rushes-yards 34-148 33-212 Passing 39 275 Comp-att-int 7-19-4 15-24-2 Punts-avg. 3-22.6 0-0 Fumbles-lost 3-1 1-0 Penalties-yards 3-28 12-96
Diff. +10.67 +08.25 +06.33 +05.00 +00.00 +00.00 -13.00 -13.00
Last Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Scores Algona Garrigan 54, SE Webster-Grand 0 Lake Mills 54, West Hancock 0 Prairie Valley 20, Belmond-Klemme 14 (OT) AGWSR at MC Newman ppd This Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Games Belmond-Klemme at AGWSR Algona Garrigan at MC Newman Lake Mills at Prairie Valley West Hancock at SE Webster-Grand 8 Player District 2 Newell-Fonda West Bend-Mallard NE Hamilton Graettinger-Terril/R-A Laurens-Marathon CWL North Iowa CAL
W 04 04 02 02 02 01 01 00
L 00 00 02 02 02 03 03 04
W 06 07 04 03 03 02 03 00
L 00 00 02 03 03 05 03 06
Diff. +13.00 +13.00 +00.00 +00.00 -02.25 -04.25 -06.50 -13.00
Last Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Scores Laurens-Marathon 30, CAL 0 Newell-Fonda 28, G-T/R-A 6 NE Hamilton 46, North Iowa 12 West Bend-Mallard 38, CWL 0
5HHVH +DOORUDQ RI :HVW )RUN JHWV VKRYHG RXW RI ERXQGV E\ (DJOH *URYHÂśV -RVK 0RUULV GXULQJ WKH ÂżUVW KDOI RI WKLV &ODVV $ 'LVWULFW JDPH RQ Friday. The game was suspended until Monday evening due to lightning. (Kristi Nixon/Hampton Chronicle)
This Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Games CWL at Newell-Fonda G-T/R-A at North Iowa NE Hamilton at Laurens-Marathon West Bend-Mallard at CAL
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Hampton Chronicleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Football Pick â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;em The game is getting a little closer after week four. Sales representative Frankie Aliu and reporter Nick Pedley each went 4-1 last week to keep pace with each other. Sports editor Kristi Nixon and publisher Ryan Harvey remained in fourth and fifth, respectively, but gained ground on editor Jeff Forward, who fell to .500 overall. Here are this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s staff picks and their reasoning behind them:
PRO Green Bay at Baltimore New Orleans at New England COLLEGE Oregon at Washington Texas A&M at Ole Miss Iowa State at Texas Tech COMMENTARY
As low as
PUBLISHING 641-456-2585
9 â&#x20AC;˘ 2nd Street NW â&#x20AC;˘ HAMPTON
Frankie Aliu
Nick Pedley
Jeff Forward
Kristi Nixon
Ryan Harvey
Sales Representative
Sports Editor
Green Bay New England
Baltimore New England
Green Bay New England
Baltimore New England
Green Bay New Orleans
Oregon Texas A&M Texas Tech 42, Iowa State 21
Washington Texas A&M Texas Tech 54, Iowa State 21
Washington Texas A&M Texas Tech 40, Iowa State 21
Oregon Texas A&M Texas Tech 48, Iowa State 14
Oregon Texas A&M Texas Tech 35, Iowa State 14
Frankie Aliu: Green Bay: Packers win on the road to keep pace with the Bears and Lions. The defense forces some turnovers and Randall Cobb should have a huge game against a young Baltimore secondary. New England: Tom Brady will be poised to have a great game after a disappointing one at Cincinnati. Hopes to have Gronk back, which should be a huge help for the Patriots offense which has been struggling so far this year. Oregon: Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be surprised if the combined score is over 100 points; should be a very good game. Texas A&M: Johnny Football has over 500 yards, A&M wins comfortably. Texas Tech: ISU could get a break if Baker Mayfield doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t play because of injury and keep this game much closer. Nick Pedley: Baltimore: Sort of want to pick Green Bay here, but Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to go with the home team. New Orleans: Saints come marching in and win comfortably. Washington: I picked UW last week over Stanford. They were close, but no cigar. Texas A&M: Ole Miss not looking so hot after last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s loss. Texas Tech: ISU could make it closer, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not sure. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know much about the Red Raiders this year. Jeff Forward: Green Bay: Aaron Rodgers has too many weapons for ailing B-more defense. New England: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a battle of former Big 10 stars as Drew Brees and Tom Brady duke it out. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going with the Pats. Washington: UNLV had the Tark, UW has the Sark. Huskies rebound from difficult loss to Stanford with upset of Ducks. Texas A&M: Ole Miss can score with the best of them, but Manziel saves the day. Texas Tech: Cy canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t beat two Texas teams in one season. Kristi Nixon: Baltimore: Packers continue on their funk and go to 1-4. New England: As much as I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stand the Patriots, I think they win a close one. Oregon: I learned this from a former colleague: when in doubt, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Go Ducks!â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Texas A&M: Johnny Football remains hard to stop. Texas Tech: Season continues to get more difficult for the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Clones. Ryan Harvey: Green Bay: Just have a feeling with the Packers this week. New Orleans: New England just isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the same without Wes Welker being Tom Bradyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top target. Oregon: The Ducks will continue to fly. Texas A&M: Manziel should have a big game against the Rebels. Texas Tech: While the first inclination is to pick the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Clones, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not sure ISU is quite ready to pull off its annual upset yet.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
TRUE TO THE COURSE Area runners like running at Hampton
By Kristi Nixon +$03721 ² :KDW¡V QRW WR OLNH DERXW WKH 0D\QH¡V Grove cross country course? A true cross country course down to the exact mileage, DUHD UXQQHUV HQMR\HG LW QR PDWWHU WKHLU Ă&#x20AC;QLVK The No. 6 (Class 1A) West Fork boys cross country WHDP ZRUNHG LWV ZD\ WKURXJK WKH Ă&#x20AC;HOG WR Ă&#x20AC;QLVK UXQQHU up to second-ranked (Class 3A) Charles City as the Comets swept the team and individual titles at Hampton'XPRQW¡V + ' %XOOGRJ ,QYLWDWLRQDO RQ 7KXUVGD\ afternoon. ´,W¡V RQH RI P\ IDYRULWH PHHWV WR UXQ DW Âľ VDLG :HVW Fork freshman runner Jacob Hansen, who recently entered the Iowa Association of Track & Cross Country Coaches rankings at 11th, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and I think that the times today might have been a little bit slower for everybody ² , GRQ¡W NQRZ ZK\ PD\EH EHFDXVH RI WKH KLOOV LW¡V D pretty good cross country course and pretty challenging, also.â&#x20AC;? :LWK 3H\WRQ 7ZHGW UDQNHG WKLUG LQ $ Ă&#x20AC;QLVKLQJ UXQQHU XS WR &KDUOHV &LW\¡V -DFRE 'D\ UDQNHG WKLUG LQ &ODVV $ DQG 'UHZ (QJHEUHWVRQ FURVVLQJ WKH Ă&#x20AC;QLVK OLQH LQ WK WKH :DUKDZNV VFRUHG SRLQWV WR IRU the Comets. ´:H¡UH DOO SXVKLQJ HDFK RWKHU HYHU\ERG\ KDV somebody on the team that pushes them,â&#x20AC;? Hansen said.
Also breaking 20 minutes â&#x20AC;&#x153;Peyton pushes me and I push for the Bulldogs besides Peyton and Drew also pushes Lehmann and Skarpness me. I mean, everybody just Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re all pushing each other, W Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;r were Jarred Robinson SXVKHV HDFK RWKHU :H KDYHQ¡W everybody has somebody on DQG 0D[ /HKPDQQ had that in the past couple of years as much, but this year the team that pushes them. em Jordan Prantner, ZH¡YH JRW D ORW RI LQ SUDFWLFH - Jacob Hansen meanwhile, overcame back competition. We all make each WURXEOHV WR FURVV WKH OLQH Ă&#x20AC;UVW other better and it really shows IRU WKH + ' JLUOV LQ IRU because we all brought our 17th. times down.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Last week with two meets and some other activities, 5XQQLQJ LQ WKHLU KRPH PHHW WKH %XOOGRJV Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHG it got kind of sore,â&#x20AC;? Prantner said of her back. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I went Ă&#x20AC;IWK LQ WKH ER\V WHDP UDFH ZKLOH WKH JLUOV ZHUH VL[WK )RXU RI + '¡V UXQQHUV EURNH PLQXWHV ZKLFK LV to a chiropractor and got it checked out â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they had VRPHWKLQJ FRDFK 6WHYH +XOLQJ¡V VTXDG KDV EHHQ DLPLQJ been working on doing a little therapy with it, so I had D MDPPHG MRLQW DQG LW¡V FDXVLQJ VRPH PXVFOHV WR ZRUN for. 7KH WRS Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHU DPRQJ WKH + ' ER\V ZDV *UDQW harder. Lehmann, who overtook teammate Chase Skarpness ZLWK DERXW D PLOH WR JR WR Ă&#x20AC;QLVK WK RXW RI UXQQHUV LQ ´7KDW FDXVHG VRPH SDLQ DQG , ZDVQ¡W DEOH WR UXQ WZR RI WKH Ă&#x20AC;HOG LQ PLQXWHV VHFRQGV the days this week and I can tell that in the race.â&#x20AC;? ´, ZDV OHDGLQJ IRU WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW PLOH DQG RQFH ZH ZHQW Since she missed a few days of practice and with elite XS WKDW ÂśKHDUWEUHDN KLOO¡ KH 6NDUSQHVV SDVVHG PH IRU competition at the meet, Prantner said she was happy probably about a mile. Right before we got to the lake, ZLWK KHU Ă&#x20AC;QLVK I decided to go for it. (This is my) season best; last year ´&RQVLGHULQJ , KDYHQ¡W GRQH PXFK , ZDV SUHWW\ , JRW VR ,¡P VWLOO HLJKW VHFRQGV RII D SHUVRQDO pleased about it,â&#x20AC;? Prantner said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was glad my back ZDVQ¡W KXUWLQJ GXULQJ WKH UDFH EXW , FRXOG WHOOÂŤP\ best).â&#x20AC;?
+DPSWRQ 'XPRQWÂśV *UDQW /HKPDQQ KHDGV WRZDUG WKH ÂżQLVK OLQH GXULQJ H-Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only home meet on Thursday, Oct. 3. (Kristi Nixon/Hampton Chronicle)
Hampton-Dumontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Illiana Bartsch, left, keeps pace with a Garner-HayÂżHOG 9HQWXUD UXQQHU ZLWK DERXW \DUGV WR JR LQ WKH +DPSWRQ 'Xmont home meet at Mayneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Grove on Thursday, Oct. 3. (Kristi Nixon/ Hampton Chronicle)
OXQJV DIWHU WDNLQJ WKUHH GD\V RIIÂŤLW UHDOO\ FKDQJHV KRZ you can run and what you can do. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With the competition here â&#x20AC;&#x201C; I knew there was going to be good runners from what coach had said and so I was hoping to stay up with a couple that I had ran with in a couple of other meets, but I was still pretty pleased.â&#x20AC;? :HVW )RUN¡V 0D\D 5RZH ZDV WKH :DUKDZNV¡ WRS IHPDOH Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHU DW WK LQ Area competitors are working their way toward a post-season push. ´,W¡V FUD]\ ² LW GRHVQ¡W VHHP WKDW ORQJ DJR WKDW ZH ZHUH starting school and just started practice but conference LV FRPLQJ XS DQG ,¡P KRSLQJ RXU ZKROH WHDP FDQ JHW healthy so we can get a good team score in,â&#x20AC;? Prantner said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;(To) get in good shape and run PRs, it would be awesome.â&#x20AC;? Others who were ailing for the Bulldogs included Bekah Christiansen and Jessica Speake. Illiana Bartsch was next to cross the line for the H-D girls in 30th +DQVHQ VDLG RI KLV WHDP¡V SRVW VHDVRQ JRDOV ´5LJKW now, we are still trying to qualify for state and one of our team goals is to get top three at state so we can bring KRPH D WURSK\ EXW ZH¡UH UHDOO\ ZRUNLQJ WRZDUGV WKDW Âľ
Hampton-Dumontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jordan Prantner grabs some water during H-Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home race at Mayneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Grove on Thursday, Oct. 3. (Kristi Nixon/Hampton Chronicle)
H-D Bulldog Invitational Scoring H-D Bulldog Invitational Varsity Boys Team Scoring
1. Charles City 27; 2. West Fork 58; 3. Osage 72; 4. *DUQHU +D\ÂżHOG 9HQWXUD 75; 5. Hampton-Dumont 151; 6. Central Springs 185; 7. Dunkerton 199; 8. Mason City Newman 228; 9. Belmond-Klemme 252; 10. &ODULRQ *ROGÂżHOG Sumner-Fredericksburg 322. Top 10 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1. Jacob Day (CC) 16:30.50; 2. Peyton Twedt (WF) 16:47.22; 3. Will Jarvill (CC) 16:56.98; 4. Sam Lynch (CC) 17:00.56; 5. Tyler Randall (O) 17:02.99; 6. Joel Toppin (GH/V) 17:07.35; 7. Chase Smith (GH/V) 17:09.74; 8. Jacob Hansen (WF) 17:19.16; 9. Michael McKenzie (CC) 17:28.49; 10. Jonathan
Zander (CC) 17:36.94. West Fork (58) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2. Twedt 16:47.22; 8. Hansen 17:19.16; 11. Drew Engebretson 18:01.90; 17. Austin Steil 18:38.64; 20. Colton Rowe 19:00.96; 35. Markus Wogen 20:14.66; 37. Seamus Sullivan 20:16.86. Hampton-Dumont (151) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 24. Grant Lehmann 19:15.89; 26. Chase Skarpness 19:30.01; 33. Jarred Robinson 19:54.95; 34. Max Lehmann 19:55.57; 37. Will Alert 20:14.66; 43. Jacob Jungck 20:43.44; 50. Jacob Grefe 21:18.60. Varsity Girls Team Scoring
1. Charles City 36; 2. *DUQHU +D\ÂżHOG 9HQWXUD 3. Osage 71; 4. Mason City Newman 105; 5. Clarion*ROGÂżHOG +DPSWRQ
Dumont 173; 7. SumnerFredericksburg 189; 8. West Fork 193; 9. Central Springs 260; 10. Belmond-Klemme 262. Hampton-Dumont (173) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 17. Jordan Prantner 17:37.00; 30. Illiana Bartsch 18:32.53; 35. Lindy Lehmann 18:42.91; 39. Jessica Speake 19:06.07; 52. Bekah Christiansen 20:11.56; 55. Crystal Peterson 20:54.81; 56. Katie Peterson 21:02.01. West Fork (193) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 24. Maya Rowe 18:08.37; 33. Taylor Nuehring 18:38.12; 42. Josi Fjone 19:27.93; 48. Taylor Rooney 19:50.25; 49. Madison Shreckengost 19:50.46. JV Boys Scoring
1. Charles City 15; 2. Osage 52; 3. G-H/V 76;
4. Hampton-Dumont 104; 5. Central Springs 148; 6. Belmond-Klemme 171. Hampton-Dumont (104) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 14. Trevor Grefe 20:51.31; 17. Brandon Holness 21:17.70; 21. Edgar Romo 21:35.97; 25. Justin Kent 22:02.03; 27. Alex Gonzalez 22:25.65; 28. Mitch Lettow 22:30.02; 31. Allen Teggatz 22:50.16; 65. Greg Cavazos 24:05.33. West Fork (no team score) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12. Kyle Schulz 20:00.72; 20. Josh Stevens 20:24.63; 21. Travis Fekkers 20:27.40; 23. Bret Barkema 20:50.31. JV Girls Scoring 1. Charles City 2. Osage 62; 3. G-H/V 66; 4. Dunkerton 97; 5. Mason City Newman 118. Hampton-Dumont (no team score) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12. Lela Barnes 19:41.84; 49.
Elvira Cavazos 23:23.05.
Middle School Girls Scoring
1. West Fork 34; 2. Mason City 46; 3. Sumner1. Mason City 35; 2. West Fredericksburg 61; 4. )RUN 1DVKXD 3ODLQÂżHOG Hampton-Dumont 107; 71; 4. Webster City 73; 5. 5. Webster City 110; 6. Sumner-Fredericksburg 128; Belmond-Klemme 177. 6. Hampton-Dumont 146. West Fork (34) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1. Talia Rowe Middle School Boys Scoring
West Fork (68) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4. Zach Martinek 13:33.96; 8. Connor Schulz 13:58.92; 12. Austin Larsen 14:44.58; 22. Daniel Novotney 17:01.88; 41. Devon Koethenbeutel 17:04.48; 48. Bryce Groh 18:33.47. Hampton-Dumont (146) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 24. Jonathon Schmidt 17:05.49; 25. Noah Walker 17:12.14; 29. Kian Gibson 18:52.04; 33. Nick Henrichs 20:09.99; 35. Alex Anderson 22:56.87; 37. Jorge Garcia 25:18.56.
29:10.11; 3. Mckenna Weaver 14:14.89; 9. Ciara Hansen 15:26.85; 10. Mikenzi Roberts 15:37.80; 11. Allysa Barkema 15:42.88; 12. Payton Kuhlemeier 15:45.14; 28. Reagan Arbegast 18:01.30. Hampton-Dumont (107) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6. Patti Teggatz 14:19.43; 23. Morgan Miller 17:40.38; 25. Meg Christiansen 17:43.53; 26. Trinity Shirk 17:51.58; 27. Gisselle Gutierrez 17:54.26; 29. Abbey Fielding 18:06.78; 30. Rachel Kotenbrink 18:15.67.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
New Arrival
Reader of the Week
Old Fashioned Sing-Along is October 14
:LQGVRU 7KHDWUH¡V 2OG )DVKLRQHG 6LQJ $ORQJ LV 0RQGD\ 2FWREHU p.m. in Hampton. Please join Dawn Groszkruger, who will lead a variety of songs, including a new one: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mairzy Doats.â&#x20AC;? Melba Muhlenbruch from Hampton will be the accompanist. Other â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;notesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; of interest: Maynard Koenen will join Dawn on stage for a requested duet, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It Is Wellâ&#x20AC;? and Dawnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kids from California will be attending! /DVW PRQWK¡V VLQJ DORQJ GUHZ D FURZG RI IURP DUHD WRZQV ,W ZDV DQ especially fun event with Ali at the piano. Dawnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s theme was birds, who make music all the day. We even had a whistler join us. There is no admission charge. However, if you wish to donate to the theater, a basket is provided. A lyric book will be handed to you as you arrive and you may purchase a treat at the concession stand if you like. For more information, FDOO 'DZQ DW
Halloween Costume Party Friday, Oct. 18
Mojo Productions will be DJing from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. 5 p.m. to midnight Craft Beers for $3.50 Door Prizes will be awarded
Tenley Nicole Showalter
Bulletin Board
Tree Pruning Workshop set for October 19 in Parkersburg
The ISU Extension Service and the Allison and Parkersburg Trees Committee will sponsor a tree pruning and care workshop on Saturday, October 19, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in Parkersburg. It will be held at the Larry Luhring residence, 504 Highway 57. The Workshop is very important to anyone who has planted trees recently EHFDXVH WKH FDUH DQG SUXQLQJ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW Ă&#x20AC;YH WR VHYHQ \HDUV GHWHUPLQHV LW¡V growth for the NEXT 50-70-years. Dr Jesse Randall, ISU Forestry Specialist, will conduct the workshop and provide tree pruning tools for the participants. He will also answer questions DERXW WKH (PHUDOG $VK %RUH ZKLFK KDV EHHQ FRQĂ&#x20AC;UPHG LQ WKUHH ,RZD FRXQties and just across the river in Illinois. There will be a drawing for two trees sponsored by the Allison and Parkersburg Trees Committees. Refreshments will be provided by the two Trees Committees Dress for the weather since you will be outside. Please call the Butler &RXQW\ ([WHQVLRQ 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH DW LI SODQ WR DWWHQG
â&#x20AC;&#x153;As we ageâ&#x20AC;? informational fair set for Oct. 9
Reader of the Week at the Hampton Public Library is Catelena Hernandez, age 3. Catelena is the daughter of Danielle Benavidez and her favorite book is Oh the Places You Will Go by Dr. Seuss. Catelena attends Toddlertime at the Library. Fall programming just started so it is never too late to bring your children to the Library! Library Fun Fact: Libraries are an essential elementin a process of giving users access to digital knowledge. For many people they are the only place with free access to the internet. Most importantly, however, libraries are the places where you can expect smart and clear answers to even the most GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOW TXHVWLRQV $V RQH RI P\ IDYRULWH FDUWRRQV VKRZV D /LEUDULDQ LV WKH original search engine.
Community Notes Hampton Rotary
Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at Hampton Rotary Club meets Godfatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pizza in Hampton. Wednesdays at 12:05 p.m. at GodAn â&#x20AC;&#x153;As we ageâ&#x20AC;? informational fair will be held from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pizza. Blaine Lenz, song AA, Al Anon Â&#x2021; %UDGIRUG $$ DQG $O $QRQ on Wednesday, October 9, at the Franklin Wellness Center. Over 20 vendors leader; Art Zewart, invocation; Paul will be on hand and set up in the gymnasium. Free health screenings are 6HQVRU Ă&#x20AC;QH PDVWHU -RKQ &RRQOH\ meets Sundays starting at 7 p.m. at Denny Edwards, and James Kent, the Bradford Methodist Church. available. Â&#x2021; $$ 2OG 7LPHUV *URXS DQG $O program. Anon, Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Franklin County Alcoholism Service Center. Hampton Kiwanis Â&#x2021; $$ :HGQHVGD\V S P DW WKH Hampton Kiwanis Club meets $ 7H[DV 6W\OH -DP ZHOO EH KHOG IURP S P RQ 7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHU LQ Tuesday, October 15 at Godfatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FCASC in Hampton. 'RZV DW WKH &RQYHQWLRQ &HQWHU -DPPHUV OLVWHQHUV DQG GDQFHUV ZHOFRPH Pizza. Mark Whipple, program; Duane Carstens, invocation/pledge; Latimer Community Club %ULQJ VQDFNV WR VKDUH )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH FDOO Jeff Forward, greeter; Belen Krabbe, Â&#x2021; 2SHQ PHHWLQJV RI WKH /DWLPgood news. er Community Club are held the 1st Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at Hampton Lions the Latimer Golf Course. Hampton Lions Club meets Thursday, October 10th at Godfa- Franklin County Tea Party therâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pizza. Program by Dorothy Movement Brinkley and Jeff Hofer. The Franklin County Tea Party Pieceful Comforts will hold a two day retreat in the Latimer Movement meets 6:30 p.m., second Community Center on Friday October 11 and Saturday October TOPS #272 Wednesday of each month in the 12. Everyone is welcome to join for both days or for only one TOPS #272 (Take Off Pounds Godfatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pizza meeting room in day. Bring your own projects to work on and also see projects of Sensibly) meets every Tuesday, with Hampton. other quilters. Newcomers are always welcome. There is a $5 weigh-in at 5:30 p.m. and the meetper day charge to help pay for rental of the Community Center. ing at 6 p.m. Anyone interested can Share your meeting A warm fall day greeted the CAL Over 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s group on October visit a meeting. For information, call 1st. Blood pressure checks were given by Vicky and a student Email time, date and place of Mary Gregory at 641-456-2304. The your non-church group meeting to attending Ellsworth who was helping out. Whitney kept track of PHHWLQJ LV DW WKH SXEOLF KHDOWK RIĂ&#x20AC;FH neighbors@iowaconnect.com records. Thank you! for at 1600 Central Ave. E., Hampton. Janice Liekweg and Sue Smit were our lady helpers from Zion. inclusion here. Meetings run the priPastor Art was on hand with devotions and prayer. or week unless otherwise requested. Hampton Jaycees Moonlight Cakes and Catering again served a great meal. It (Church activities go on the Religion +DPSWRQ -D\FHHV PHHWV Ă&#x20AC;UVW page.) included a very tasty chili or chicken soup and hot homemade cheesy biscuits plus crackers and raw veggies. Dessert of a very delicious pumpkin mixture topped with whipped cream completed our dinner. The Averys from Rowan entertained us with their guitar music and singing. They took requests and we sometimes sang along. They are great! Prizes for the day were a mum plant, won by Edna and a CD of the Averyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cut in Hawaii last winter. Norma Alderdyce took that home. On the 15th we will celebrate the October birthdays and have the balloon. CAL fourth graders will let us know about their reading program. Be sure to come, Phyllis loves cooking for more, but she needs to know in advance. Call Gay at 579-6592 or Norma at 579-6113.
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30´Ă&#x2014; 36´Ă&#x2014; 10´ 3-Stall Horse Barn $25,280 Price Includes:
8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; open lean-to Vented Ridge Three 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; stalls One 3â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Entry Door One 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Sliding Door w/windows Three 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Dutch Doors Delivery & install (12â&#x20AC;? sofÂżt & gutter not included in price) Travel charges may apply
Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must Âżll each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can Âżgure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
CLUES DOWN 1. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Lil Abnerâ&#x20AC;? cartoonist Al 2. Pitcher Hershiser 3. Elvisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughter 4. Mt. Lebanon resort town 5. Islamic civil and religious leader (var. sp.) 6. Mexican American 7. A sideways pass 8. Bunny 9. Threatening rain 10. Where one abides 11. Ardent devotees 13. Not moving 17. Ghastly pale from distress 24. Midway between E and SE 25. Writing materials sellers 26. Even golf score 27. Fabric of camel or goat hair 28. Hide from police: on the ___ 29. Patti Hearstâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s captors 35. Universal Standard Time (abbr.) 36. British thermal unit 37. Own (Scottish) 38. Digital display material 40. Fall back to a former state 41. Tom __, former LA mayor 42. Runs PCs 43. Wear away 44. Russian marten furs 45. Item used for 58 across 47. A Scottish Highlander 48. Rolls-__, luxury car 49. Jeff Bridgesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; brother 52. Bay Area Transit Authority 53. As fast as can be done (abbr.) 54. Metric preÂżx for 10 to the 12th power 55. Frankenberg river
Buffalo Center Tribune, Butler County Tribune-Journal, Clarksville Star, Eagle Grove Eagle, Kanawaha Reporter, The Leader, Grundy Register, Hampton Chronicle, Pioneer Enterprise, ShefÂżeld Press, Wright County Monitor, The Reporter â&#x20AC;˘ Wed.-Thurs., October 2-3, 2013
Taylor Lehman reaches the ball over the goal line for a two-point conversion in the Clarion-GoldÂżeld Cowboys home game with Forest City. The senior also contributed two solo tackles and six tackle assists on defense (photo by Jim Lester-Mug Shots by Jim)
Tori Axtell of Eagle Grove makes a nice serve receive during a recent match. The junior had four digs against Algona, and was 16 of 20 in serving at a tournament hosted by Bishop Garrigan. (photo by Les Houser-Eagle/Monitor Sports)
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Clarion-GoldÂżeldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jossie Sann hits against the block of Hampton-Dumontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jordan Casey on Thursday, Sept. 26. (Kristi Nixon photo)
Clarksvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s McKenna Lebeck hits into the block of Northeast Hamiltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Andi Anderson during the second game of an Iowa Star Conference volleyball match at Blairsburg on Tuesday, Sept. 24. (Kristi Nixon photo)
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Sam Kruckenberg of Eagle Grove digs out the ball in a recent match. The junior lead the team in digs with 12 versus Algona, and also had two kills. In a Saturday tournament hosted by Bishop Garrigan, she went 29 of 31 with Âżve ace serves and made 40 total digs. (photo by Les Houser-Eagle/Monitor Sports)
Â?Ă?Ă?Â&#x2DC;n -/ / / AĂ?ĂłnĂ&#x201C;Ă? Â?nÂ&#x2DC;eĂ&#x201C; AĂ?ÂŁ 0AÂ&#x2DC;n %ğêŽ|źŠ HÂ&#x203A;Ĺ&#x2019;Ä&#x2019;Â?Ÿğ Ä&#x153;Ä&#x153; Ă&#x201D;ĤÄ&#x192;ĂŠĹ&#x152;ĤÄ&#x192; Z|Ĺ&#x2019;Ĺ&#x;ğŽ|źŠ HÂ&#x203A;Ĺ&#x2019;Ä&#x2019;Â?Ÿğ Ä&#x153;Ĺ? Ä&#x17D;|Ä&#x192;ĂŠĂ&#x201D;ĤÄ&#x192; ZĹ&#x;Ä&#x2030;ÂŽ|źŠ HÂ&#x203A;Ĺ&#x2019;Ä&#x2019;Â?Ÿğ Ä&#x153;Ĺ&#x2014; Ä&#x153;Ĺ?ĤÄ&#x192;ĂŠĂ&#x201D;ĤÄ&#x192; Ä&#x2030;Ĺ&#x2019;ĂŞÄąĹ&#x;ÂźĹ&#x201E; Â&#x152; pĂŞÄ&#x2030;Ĺ&#x2019;|Ă&#x2013;Âź Â&#x152; +|Ä&#x2030;ÂŽÄ&#x192;|ÂŽÂź CŸš Â&#x152; 8ŸšŸÚğź Â&#x152; ÄźĹ&#x2019; %Ĺ&#x;ÄźÄ&#x2030;ĂŞĹ&#x2019;Ĺ&#x;ğŸ Â&#x152; %Ä&#x2019;Ä&#x2019;ÂŽ VÂźÄ&#x192;Ä&#x2019;ŽŸÚŸŽ ÂŽ|êğź Â?|ÄźÄ&#x2030; šêĹ&#x2019;ä Ĺ&#x201E;ŸŜŸğ|Ăš Ä&#x2019;Ĺ&#x;Ĺ&#x2019;Â?Ĺ&#x;êڎêÄ&#x2030;Ă&#x2013;Ĺ&#x201E;ÄŞ qÂź |ğŸ ĂšÄ&#x2019;Â&#x203A;|Ĺ&#x2019;ŸŽ Ă&#x2018; Ä&#x192;êڟĹ&#x201E; Ä&#x2030;Ä&#x2019;ÄźĹ&#x2019;ä Ä&#x2019;Ă? +Ä&#x2019;ÚÚ|Ä&#x2030;ÂŽ ĂŞÄ&#x2030; Ĺ&#x2019;äŸ Â?Âź|Ĺ&#x;Ĺ&#x2019;ĂŞĂ?Ĺ&#x;Ăš Â&#x203A;Ä&#x2019;Ĺ&#x;Ä&#x2030;Ĺ&#x2019;ğźĹ&#x201E;ꎟĪ HĂ?Ă? ŸŚêĹ&#x2019; Ĺ?Ć&#x192;Ă&#x201E; Ä&#x2019;Ä&#x2030; +šź Ĺ?Ć&#x192; Cq Ä&#x2019;Ă? +šź Ĺ?Ć&#x192; Â&#x2021; Ä&#x153;Ă&#x201D;
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Mon., Nov. 4th, 2 Â&#x2021; S.P. Ĺ?Ć&#x192;Ă&#x201D;Ĺ?Ă&#x201E; Ä&#x153;Ĺ?Ć&#x192;Ĺ&#x2019;ä ZĹ&#x2019; +Ä&#x2019;ÚÚ|Ä&#x2030;ŽŠ . Ĺ&#x2014;Ä&#x153;Ä&#x17D;Ĺ&#x17D;Ĺ?Ă&#x201D;Ć&#x192;ĂŠĂ&#x2018;Ć&#x192;Ĺ?Ć&#x192; Ĺ&#x2014;Ä&#x153;Ä&#x17D;Ĺ&#x17D;Ĺ?Ă&#x201D;Ć&#x192;ĂŠĂ&#x201E;Ă&#x2018;Ă&#x201D;Ä&#x153; šššĪÚêĹ&#x2019;Ĺ&#x2019;ڟĤğ|êğêŸĂ&#x2013;êğÚĪšÄ&#x2019;ğŽĤğŸĹ&#x201E;Ĺ&#x201E;ÄŞÂ&#x203A;Ä&#x2019;Ä&#x192; <ê០Ĺ&#x;Ĺ&#x201E; Ä&#x2019;Ä&#x2030; %|Â&#x203A;ÂźÂ?Ä&#x2019;Ä&#x2019;áĂ?
0$50#&3 t 13*40/&34 t 3 0$50#&3 t (3"7*5: t 1(Ĺą
West Forkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Peyton Twedt runs to the West Fork boys cross country invitational title on Monday, Sept. 23 with a personal best time. (Kristi Nixon photo)
$UHD 5HVWDXUDQW TRACTORS 2012 CIH STX 550, 304 HRS ....................... $294,000 2011 CIH STEIGER 550, 500 HRS .............. $275,000 2011 CIH 535 QT, 1100 HRS........................ $262,000 2012 CIH 450, 200 HRS ............................... $245,000 2007 CIH 530 QT, 2850 HRS ....................... $220,000 2012 CIH 315 MAG, 800 HRS...................... $183,000 2013 CIH MX 235, 100 HRS ........................ $164,500 2011 NH T8.300, 450 HRS ........................... $135,000 2007 CIH 275 MAG, 1600 HRS.................... $140,000 2009 CIH MX 245, 1392 HRS ...................... $146,000 2012 CIH PUMA 210 CVT, 300 HRS ............ $140,000 2006 CIH 245 MAG, 1900 HRS.................... $128,000
COMBINES 2011 CIH 8120, 431/348 HRS ...................... $249,500 2011 CIH 8120, 728/620 HRS ...................... $241,000 2011 CIH 8120, 650 HRS ............................. $237,500 1999 CIH 2388, 3653/2473 HRS .................... $70,000 CORNHEADS 2012 CIH 2612, AHHC, FT ........................... $105,000 2011 CIH 2612, 12R, AHHC ........................... $93,000 2010 CIH 3412, 12R, FT ................................ $62,500 2012 CIH 3208, 8R, AHHC ............................. $52,000 2012 CIH 3208, 8R, AHHC ............................. $52,000 2007 CIH DRAGO 8R30, W/CHOP ................ $42,500 2012 CIH 3406, 6-30â&#x20AC;? ..................................... $35,500 2005 CIH 2412, 12R30, HYD DK PL .............. $32,500
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Old Bank Winery Â&#x2021; 2SHQ WR 7XHV 6DW Â&#x2021; /RFDWHG LQ 'RZQWRZQ .DQDZKD Â&#x2021; )UHH ZLQH WDVWLQJ David & Nancy Litch â&#x20AC;˘ 641-762-3406
Â&#x2021; 0D\ ZH FDWHU \RXU HYHQW" Â&#x2021; 2SHQ 0RQ )UL WR 6DW WR %LJ %UDG¡V %%4 *URFHU\ Â&#x2021; 'RZQWRZQ .DQDZKD
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Thursday th OCTOBER 17
for a night with the
HAMPTON CHRONICLE DEADLINES: LEGAL NOTICES Wednesdays, 5 p.m. SUBMITTED NEWS Thursdays, 5 p.m. NEWSPAPER ADS, INSERTS Fridays, noon. CLASSIFIED ADS Mondays, 10 a.m. OBITUARIES Mondays, noon. COVERAGE REQUESTS 24 hour notice. 38%/,& 127,&(
Moderated by: Jeff Forward, Editor of The Hampton Chronicle Citizens may submit questions for consideration by 5 p.m., October 14th at the Chronicle office or by email to HamptonChronNews@gmail.com
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+DPSWRQ &KURQLFOH Â&#x2021; 6HFWLRQ % 38%/,& 127,&( City of Hampton
38%/,& 127,&( 72 7(55< ),1. 25 $// 387$7,9( )$7+(56 2) $ &+,/' %251 21 7+( UG '$< 2) 6(37(0%(5 ,1 7+( 67$7( 2) ,2:$ <RX DUH QRWLÂżHG WKDW WKHUH LV QRZ RQ ÂżOH LQ WKH RIÂżFH RI WKH &OHUN RI &RXUW IRU )UDQNOLQ &RXQW\ a Petition Alleging Delinquent Child in case number JVJV500406 which to a child born on WKH UG GD\ RI 6HSWHPEHU )XUWKHU GHWDLOV FRQWDFW WKH FOHUNÂśV RIÂżFH The Petitionerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attorney is Brent J. Symens. <RX DUH QRWLÂżHG WKDW WKHUH ZLOO EH D KHDULQJ RQ the petition alleging delinquent child before the Iowa District Court for Franklin County, at the Courthouse in Hampton, Iowa at 2:30 p.m. on the 21st day of October, 2013. /s/CLERK OF THE ABOVE COURT Franklin County Courthouse Hampton, IA 50441
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU ____________________________________
38%/,& 127,&( Probate
____________________________________ Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU DQG ____________________________________
38%/,& 127,&( Probate
5(48(67 )25 352326$/6 5)3
5)3 $8',7 180%(5 Franklin County will receive proposals for audit services relating to the annual audit of County IXQGV IRU WKH ÂżVFDO \HDU HQGLQJ -XQH and possibly for June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2016. Please submit a bid for the 2014 audit; with prices for the 2015 and 2016 as Options 1 and 2. The granting of the bid may be for a one year contract or possibly for a two or three year contract. Attached is information relating to PLQLPXP VSHFLÂżFDWLRQV RI VHUYLFHV LQIRUPDWLRQ to be included in the proposal, evaluation criteria, and selected information relating to Franklin County. Sealed proposals (one copy) will be accepted XQWLO )ULGD\ 2FWREHU WK LQ WKH 2IÂżFH RI WKH Auditor in the Franklin County Courthouse, Hampton, Iowa. If mailed, the proposals should be mailed to: Franklin County Auditor PO Box 26 Hampton, IA 50441 Those submitting sealed proposals should indicate on the outside of the envelope in the lower left-hand corner that it is a sealed proposal IRU 5)3 DQG WKH QDPH RI WKH ÂżUP submitting the proposal. The contract for services will be awarded on or before January 1, 2014. Further information may be obtained from the 2IÂżFH RI WKH $XGLWRU Phone: 641-456-5622 FAX: 641-456-6001 Email: mgiddings@co.franklin.ia.us 3UHSDUHG LQ WKH 2IÂżFH RI WKH $XGLWRU 6HSWHPber 30, 2013. ____________________________________
'DWH RI VHFRQG SXEOLFDWLRQ th day of October, 2013. ____________________________________
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU ____________________________________
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU DQG ____________________________________
127,&( 2) 352%$7( 2) :,// :,7+287 35(6(17 $'0,1,675$7,21 352%$7( 12 (635 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF IOWA IN AND FOR FRANKLIN COUNTY In the Estate of Mary E. Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, Deceased, who died on or about April 25, 2013. <RX DUH KHUHE\ QRWLÂżHG WKDW RQ WKH th day of September, 2013, the last will and testament of Mary E. Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, deceased, bearing date of the 5th day of June, 2003, was admitted to probate in the above named court and there will be no present administration of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Dated this 25th day of September, 2013. Debra Bausman Clerk of the District Court Thomas A. Lawler Lawler & Swanson, P.L.C. 601 Coates Street, P.O. Box 280 Parkersburg, Iowa 50665
38%/,& 127,&( 1RWLFH WR %LGGHUV 1RWLFH WR %LGGHUV ,RZD 'HSDUWPHQW of Natural Resources Sealed bids will be received by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Engineering %XUHDX DW WKH :DOODFH 6WDWH 2IÂżFH %XLOGLQJ (DVW WK 6WUHHW 'HV 0RLQHV ,RZD 0034 until 11:00 A.M., October 17th, 2013 for the public improvement projects listed below, at which time they will be opened publicly. No bids shall be accepted by FAX. After the bid opening, information concerning bid results may be obtained by visiting the Departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website at www.iowadnr.gov. Note: The United States Postal Service (USPS) does not deliver mail or packages directly to the address provided above but rather to the Capitol Complex Mail Room. Extra time should be allotted for proposals sent by the USPS. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources shall not consider bids if they are not received by the Department of Natural Resources, either at its mail room or at its Fourth Floor Reception Desk, by the time and date described in this Notice to Bidders, regardless of whether the bid was mailed prior to that time and date or whether the bid was received at the Capitol Complex Mail Room or other state government location prior to that time and date. Project documents, including drawings, speciÂżFDWLRQV SURSRVDO IRUPV DQG DGGHQGD LWHPV for the project are available at Beeline and Blue, at 2507 Ingersoll Ave., Des Moines, Iowa 50312. Please visit www.beelineandblue.com or contact (515) 244-1611 for more information. Alternatively, Bid Documents can be viewed or printed online at https://programs.iowadnr.gov/ engreal/projectlist.asp The Department shall comply with all public improvement procurement laws, as outlined in WKH SODQV DQG VSHFLÂżFDWLRQV DQG LQFOXGLQJ EXW not limited to: Iowa Code chapter 26 related to public construction bidding; Iowa Code chapter 73 related to preferences; Iowa Code chapter 573 related to labor and materials on public improvements; rules promulgated by the Department of Administrative Services â&#x20AC;&#x201C; General Services Enterprise as they may apply; rules
&,7< 2) +$03721 6800$5< 2) 5(&(,376 6(37(0%(5 General ........................................ Pool .................................................$1,242.66 Band Shell .............................................. Forfeiture ................................................$0.17 Road Use Tax ................................ Trust & Agency .............................. Water .............................................$57,422.11 Sewer ............................................$56,036.81 /DQGÂżOO &RPSRVW .............................. Emergency ......................................$1,052.05 T.I.F. ............................................... Cemetery Trust ...................................$353.87 Local Option Sales Tax ..................$34,300.71 Make A Splash! ................................ Economic Development ...................$5,141.00 7RWDO 5HFHLSWV 'HSRVLWV ____________________________________
127,&( 2) 352%$7( 2) :,// 2) $332,170(17 2) (;(&8725 $1' 127,&( 72 &5(',7256 352%$7( 12 (635 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FRANKLIN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM L. ROBINSON III, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of William Robinson III, Deceased, who died on or about September 18, 2013: <RX DUH KHUHE\ QRWLÂżHG WKDW RQ WKH th day of September, 2013, the last will and testament of William L. Robinson III, deceased, bearing date of the 30th GD\ RI 6HSWHPEHU ZDV DGPLWted to probate in the above named court and that Iowa Falls State Bank was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors havLQJ FODLPV DJDLQVW WKH HVWDWH VKDOO ÂżOH WKHP ZLWK the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowDQFH DQG XQOHVV VR ÂżOHG E\ WKH ODWHU WR RFFXU RI four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is therefore after forever barred. Dated this 2nd day of October, 2013. Iowa Falls State Bank 601 Washington Avenue Iowa Fall, IA 50126 Executor of Estate G.A. Cady III, ICIS PIN No: AT0001386 Hobson, Cady & Cady Attorney for Executor )LUVW 6WUHHW 6: PO Box 456 Hampton, IA 50441 641-456-2555 Date of second publication 16th day of October, 2013. ____________________________________
promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources and the Natural Resources Commission, as they may apply; and any federal statutes, rules and/or executive orders that may be associated depending on funding sources. Bidders shall comply with these laws to be considered and are encouraged to be familiar with public improvement procurement requirements and the bidding documents before submitting a bid. Each bidder shall accompany the bid with a bid VHFXULW\ DV GHÂżQHG LQ ,RZD FRGH VHFWLRQ The bid security must be in an amount set forth in the bidding documents and made payable to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Failure to execute a contract for the proposed ZRUN DQG ÂżOH DQ DFFHSWDEOH 3HUIRUPDQFH %RQG in an amount equal to 100% of the contract SULFH DQG D FHUWLÂżFDWH RI OLDELOLW\ LQVXUDQFH ZLWKin thirty (30) days of the date of the award of the FRQWUDFW ZLOO EH MXVW DQG VXIÂżFLHQW FDXVH IRU WKH rescinding of the award and the forfeiture of the bid security. 1. FRANKLIN COUNTY -- PROJECT NO. 1402-35-02 BEEDS LAKE STATE PARK SHOWER BUILDING DEMOLITION AND REPLACEMENT PROPOSAL GUARANTEE: $20,000 COMPLETION DATE: MAY 15, 2014 BID LETTING DATE: OCTOBER 17, 2013 This project consists of the demolition of an existing shower building in the campground, installing a new shower building in the same location, and constructing a new campsite near the shower building. Work to include installing ADA sidewalks and parking for access to the new building, all earthwork, supplying and installing the new structures and incidental work as required by the project documents and the IDNR Inspector at Beeds Lake State Parks in Franklin County, Iowa. ____________________________________
72 5$)$(/ 5,9(5$ 25 $// 387$7,9( )$7+(56 2) &+,/'5(1 %251 )(%58$5< $1' '(&(0%(5 $1' 6(37(0%(5 $1' 6(37(0%(5 $1' 6(37(0%(5 ,1 7+( 67$7( 2) ,2:$ <RX DUH QRWLÂżHG WKDW WKHUH LV QRZ RQ ÂżOH LQ WKH RIÂżFH RI WKH &OHUN RI &RXUW IRU )UDQNOLQ &RXQW\ a Petition for Child Need of Assistance in case number JVJV500400 which to a child born on February 3, 2004; and a Petition for Child in Need of Assistance in case number JVJV 500401 which to a child born on December 28, 2004; and a Petition for a Child in Need of Assistance in case number JVJV500402 which to a child born on September 4, 2008; and a Petition for Child in Need of Assistance in case number JVJV500403 which to a child born on 6HSWHPEHU DQG D 3HWLWLRQ IRU &KLOG in Need of Assistance in case number JVJV 500404 which to a child born on September 15, )XUWKHU GHWDLOV FRQWDFW WKH FOHUNÂśV RIÂżFH The Petitionerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attorney is Brent J. Symens. <RX DUH QRWLÂżHG WKDW WKHUH ZLOO EH D KHDULQJ RQ the petition for a child in need of assistance before the Iowa District Court for Franklin County, at the Courthouse in Hampton, Iowa at 1:30 p.m. on the 30th day of September, 2013 /s/Debra Bausmann Clerk of the above Franklin County Courthouse Hampton, IA 50441 ____________________________________
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU ____________________________________
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU DQG ____________________________________
net ........................................................ Hampton Hardware, animal traps ............ Harrison Thornburgh Ins., Inc., new ambulance coverage ...........................................1,041.00 J & C Grocery, maintenance supplies .....20.31 MidAmerican Energy, utilities .................. Miller & Miller, PC, legal services-Verizon ......... .............................................................105.00 2IÂżFH ([SUHVV ELQGHUV ...........................46.34 Postmaster, abatements ..........................28.25 Business Type Activities Water Fund Dennis Burkett, Augustsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; salary .......$ 2,735.00 Wellmark, group health..........................603.63 Internal Revenue Service, Federal/FICA/Medicare ...................................................1,258.82 IPERS, IPERS .......................................623.81 Hawkins, Inc., chlorine & phosphate .....320.38 Iowa One Call, locates............................. MidAmerican Energy, utilities ..................55.81 Sewer Fund AgSource Laboratories, wastewater analysis.... ...........................................................$524.00 Dumont Telephone Co., phone & UPS fees ...... ...............................................................78.37 Iowa DNR, wastewater permit FY2014 ............. .............................................................210.00 MidAmerican Energy, utilities ................736.65 Postmaster, billing postage-8/30/13 ........ /DQGÂżOO *DUEDJH K.C. McKinney, brush pile salary .........$128.15 Rhonda Schmidt, OT-computer preparation ...... .............................................................634.83 Internal Revenue Service, FICA/Medicare ........ ...............................................................17.64 IPERS, IPERS .........................................17.16 Butler Co. Solid Waste Comm., disposal feeSeptember 2013 ...............................2,070.25 Jendro Sanitation Services, August 2013 .......... ..........................................................1,822.00 5(9(18(6 General Fund Butler Co. Treasurer, general taxes ....... Butler Co. Treasurer, insurance ...............20.41 Butler Co. Treasurer, support of public library ... ................................................................. Butler Co. Treasurer, Ag Land .................
Mosquito Fund, utility billings.................655.00 State of Iowa, local option .................. Resident on Second St., plumbing repairs PA... ................................................................. State of Iowa, liquor license-Dumont Emergency Services.............................................12.50 Debt Service Fund Butler Co. Treasurer, street repayment ............. .............................................................$20.73 Special Revenue Butler Co. Treasurer, emergency levy ..... %XWOHU &R 7UHDVXUHU HPSOR\HH EHQHÂżWV .12.03 State of Iowa, Road Use Tax ..............6,176.68 Water Fund Metered sales, utility billings ............$ 4,802.51 Tower maintenance, utility billings .........837.00 Penalties, utility billings..........................150.00 Turn off fees, utility billings ......................70.00 Meter rent, utility billings ........................213.00 Sales tax, utility billings..........................427.43 Sewer Fund Metered sales, utility billings ............$ 4,144.11 Base rate, utility billings ......................3,010.00 /DQGÂżOO *DUEDJH Refuse fees, utility billings ...............$ 5,044.00 As the agenda was complete, Shear moved to adjourn. Showalter seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Edwin L. Mouw, Mayor Rhonda L. Schmidt, Attest ___________________________________
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU DQG ____________________________________
38%/,& 127,&(
38%/,& 127,&( 'XPRQW &LW\ &RXQFLO 'XPRQW &LW\ &RXQFLO 6HSWHPEHU The Dumont City Council met in regular session Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Dumont City Hall with Mayor Edwin L. Mouw presiding. Present were Council Members Brenda Baldwin, Kenneth McKinney, Reid Menken, David Shear and Chris Showalter. Visitors in attendance were Craig Fuller, Sheriff Jason Johnson and Nora Kurtovic representing Pathways Behavioral Services. Mayor Mouw opened the time for public comment on non-agenda items. Mayor Mouw informed the Council that not long ago we had a request for a dust oil treatment. We declined the request since it is too late in the season. The Clerk was instructed to attach a note to next Aprilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calendar to place dust oil on the agenda for that month. As per direction from our June 13, 2013 City Council meeting, an electronic vote to accept the Community Bowl liquor license was held on August 21, 2013 with a vote of all ayes to approve said license. McKinney moved to approve the minutes from our August 8, 2013 Council meeting as published. Shear seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Nora Kurtovic, Community Prevention Educator for Pathways, gave a presentation on social host law and prescription drug abuse and disposal. More Iowa counties and cities are adopting â&#x20AC;&#x153;social hostâ&#x20AC;? ordinances in the hopes of deterring teen drinking. She also noted the use of prescription and over-the-counter drug abuse is an increasing concern in Iowa and is the fastest growing form of youth substance abuse in America. She stated it is very important to secure any prescriptions and promptly dispose of any unused or outdated medications. Craig Fuller addressed the Council seeking their approval for the removal of his sidewalk. The Council tabled this item until our October meeting so more information can be obtained. The property owner at 615 Elm Street has failed to comply with the Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s requests and is still in violation of the City of Dumontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Code
of Ordinances. Shear moved to enforce the requirements of our Municipal Infraction Chapter by requesting City Attorney Brian Millerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s assistance in issuing a civil penalty not to exceed IRU D ÂżUVW RIIHQVH 6KRZDOWHU VHFRQGHG Roll: Ayes-Baldwin, McKinney, Menken, Shear and Showalter; Nays-none. Motion carried. McKinney presented RESOLUTION NO. 2013-12 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE VERIZON LAND LEASE AGREEMENT WITH MIDWEST WIRELESS, LLC D/B/A VERIZON WIRELESS and moved for its passage. Menken seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Resolution declared adopted, signed by the Mayor and hereby made a portion of these minutes. 0F.LQQH\ PRYHG WR LVVXH D WKLUG DQG ÂżQDO QRtice to the property owners at 603 Bickford Street and 322 Second Street requiring their trees be trimmed within two weeks from date of letter. Showalter seconded. Roll call: AyesBaldwin, McKinney, Menken, Shear and Showalter; Nays-none. Motion carried. The Summit computer software installation/ training is set for September 16-18. City Attorney Miller requested Council direction on the upcoming hearing set for September 24, 2013 regarding the dog at large simple misdemeanor charge against Debra Erlbacher. The Council wishes to delay the hearing if possible for a year in case the Defendants move back to the area. At next monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meeting, the Council will further discuss municipal infraction penalties and enforcement. The doors at the Dumont Emergency Services building will be painted in the near future. Menken moved to place a handicapped toilet and railing in the Park & Rec Shelter House. Showalter seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. The discussion on adopting the International Building Code will be dropped for now. There is a chance we will pursue this issue at another time. Menken moved to send nuisance abatements to the properties listed during tonightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meeting.
McKinney seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Showalter moved to set trick-or-teat hours from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 31, 2013. McKinney seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. McKinney moved to pay the bills. Menken seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. The bills are as follows: (;3(1',785(6 63(&,$/ 5(9(18(6 Road Use Tax Fund Joseph Brown, Augustsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; salary ........$ 1,688.60 Internal Revenue Service, Federal/FICA/Medicare ......................................................657.20 IPERS, IPERS .......................................357.12 Wellmark, group health.......................1,207.26 Airgas USA, LLC, cylinder rental .............24.15 Blacktop Service Company, 8.5 tons cold mix... .............................................................850.00 Bruening Rock, washed concrete sand ... %XWOHU &R (QJLQHHUÂśV 2IÂżFH GLHVHO IXHO WR 8-27 ......................................................312.38 C & L Service, tire repair .........................48.00 Dumont Harken Lumber, Inc., sidewalk repairSecond Street ......................................170.13 Dumont Implement Co., Inc., sickle sections, plow bolts .............................................230.44 Farmers Cooperative Co., chemicals ...... Hampton Hardware, cutting wheel and grind wheels .................................................... Kwik Trip, Inc., fuel ................................216.76 MidAmerican Energy, utilities .............1,087.01 Midwest Pipe Supply, Inc., pipe .............667.20 Ron Schmidt, used 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; sickle ....................30.00 (PSOR\HH %HQHÂżWV Internal Revenue Service, Federal/FICA/Medicare ....................................................$381.32 IPERS, IPERS ....................................... Wellmark, group health..........................603.63 *(1(5$/ )81' 3XEOLF 6DIHW\ Community Electric, Inc., inspect kitchen wiring .............................................................$25.00 Chief Supply Corporation, nozzle water well & hose ..................................................1,516.55 Dumont Telephone Company, phone/fax/internet ..........................................................
MidAmerican Energy, utilities ..................80.50 US Cellular, cell phone ............................62.87 Culture & Recreation-Library Debra J. Eisentrager, Augustsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; salary .. Debra J. Eisentrager, Augustsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; extra hours ....... ...............................................................12.81 Jodi L. Angstman, Augustsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; salary .........328.10 Shirley Bierman, Augustsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; salary .............64.20 Internal Revenue Service, Federal/FICA/Medicare ......................................................175.57 IPERS, IPERS ......................................... Jodi L. Angstman, cleaning...................... $OOLVRQ 3KDUPDF\ NLG DQG RIÂżFH VXSSOLHV..6.18 Baker & Taylor, books ............................ Country Sampler, magazine renewal-one year . ...............................................................18.00 Debra J. Eisentrager, reimb. for book & DVDs .. ............................................................... First, magazine renewal-one year ........... Guideposts, book.....................................17.74 Harlequin Reader Service, books ............ Kids Reference Company, Inc., books .. MidAmerican Energy, utilities ................262.50 People, magazine renewal-one year .....116.07 Popular Mechanics, magazine renewal-one year ........................................................ Popular Science, magazine renewal-one year .. ............................................................... Shape, magazine renewal-one year ........ Sports Illustrated for Kids, magazine renewalone year ................................................. State Library of Iowa, EBSCOHost database subscription ............................................56.85 Womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World, magazine renewal-one year ... ............................................................... Culture & Recreation-Parks & Recreation MidAmerican Energy, utilities ................$38.63 General Fund Rhonda L. Schmidt, Augustsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; salary .................. ........................................................ Jodi L. Angstman, Augustsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; salary ......... Internal Revenue Service, Federal/FICA/Medicare ...................................................... IPERS, IPERS ....................................... Butler County Treasurer, back taxes-331 Montrose Ave. .............................................156.00 Dumont Telephone Company, phone/fax/inter-
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU ___________________________________
Legals are your right to know! 38%/,& 127,&( 0HJDQ 5 5RVHQEHUJ 7+( ,2:$ ',675,&7 &2857 )5$1./,1 &2817< 1R *&35 ,Q WKH 0DWWHU RI WKH *XDUGLDQVKLS RI - ( 0 '2%
3ODLQWLII V TO THE BELOW-NAMED PARTY(IES): /XLV 7RUUHV \RX DUH QRWLÂżHG WKDW D SHWLWLRQ KDV EHHQ ÂżOHG LQ WKH RIÂżFH RI WKH FOHUN RI FRXUW QDPing you as a defendant in this action, which petition prays that the Court appoint Isaac Vazquez as Guardian of the proposed ward, your biological child, J.E.M. (DOB 11-10-2010). The name and address of the attorney for the plaintiff(s) LV 0HJDQ 5 5RVHQEHUJ )LUVW 6WUHHW 6: 32 Box 456, Hampton, Iowa. The attorneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s phone number is 641-456-2555; facsimile number: 641-456-3315. <RX DUH IXUWKHU QRWLÂżHG WKDW SXUVXDQW WR DQ 2UGHU RI WKLV &RXUW GDWHG WKH WK GD\ RI 6HSWHPber, 2013, the time and place of hearing upon VDLG DSSOLFDWLRQ KDV EHHQ VHW DQG Âż[HG IRU WKH 14th day of November, 2013, at 11:30 oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;clock p.m. in the courtroom in the County Courthouse in Hampton, Franklin County, Iowa, and that said application will come on for hearing and will be heard and determined by the Court at that time and place or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard by the court in regular RUGHU DQG XQOHVV \RX DSSHDU WKHUHWR DQG ÂżOH objections with the Clerk of said Court at least three (3) days prior to said hearing date, the prayer in the application will be granted. Dated at Hampton, Iowa, this 26th day of September, 2013. /s/Debra Bausman, Clerk /s/Brenda DeVries, Designee CLERK OF COURT Franklin County Courthouse Hampton, Iowa 50441 IMPORTANT: YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE AT ONCE TO PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS ____________________________________ Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU DQG ____________________________________
38%/,& 127,&( 3URSHUW\ 6ROG TO: GAIL L. ANDERSON, 220 NORTH STREET LATIMER IA 50452 - OWNER GAIL L. ANDERSON, PO BOX 546 LATIMER IA 50452 - OWNER SHERRY A. ANDERSON, 220 NORTH STREET LATIMER IA 50452 - OWNER SHERRY A. ANDERSON, PO BOX 546 LATIMER IA 50452 - OWNER PERSON IN POSSESSION, 220 NORTH STREET LATIMER IA 50452 - PERSON IN POSSESSION CITY OF LATIMER c/o CITY CLERK, 108 S AKIR ST LATIMER IA 50452 - CITY LIMITS FRANKLIN COUNTY AUDITOR, PO BOX 26 HAMPTON IA 50441 - COURT COSTS FRANKLIN COUNTY ATTORNEY, 24 1/2 1ST ST NW BOX 315 HAMPTON IA 50441 COURT COSTS IOWA ATTORNEY GENERAL, 1305 E WAL187 67 50 '(6 02,1(6 ,$ COURT COSTS MIDLAND FUNDING LLC c/o KEVIN AB%277 5' 67 67( '(6 02,1(6 ,$ 50324 - PENDING JUDGMENT CAPITOL ONE BANK c/o ABENDROTH & RUSSELL PC, 2536 73RD STREET DES MOINES IA 50322 - JUDGMENT/LIEN HOLDER ANY OTHER UNKNOWN PERSONS WITH INTEREST 127,&( 2) (;3,5$7,21 2) 5,*+7 2) 5('(037,21 ,Q DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK ,RZD &RGH 6HFWLRQ \RX DUH KHUHE\ QRWLÂżHG WKDW 1. The property described in paragraph 2 of this Notice was sold at tax sale on the 20TH day of June 2011. The purchaser at tax sale was EASTERN PROPERTIES/US BANK. 2. The legal description of the property sold is: Lot One (1) and Lot Two (2), EXCEPT the 6RXWK 7ZHQW\ ÂżYH IHHW RI /RW 7ZR Block One (1), Clockâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Second Addition to Latimer, Franklin County, Iowa a/k/a PARCEL # 3. That your right of redemption as set forth in the Iowa Code will expire unless redemption of WKH SURSHUW\ LV PDGH ZLWKLQ GD\V IURP WKH date of completed service of this Notice. 4. If the right of redemption is allowed to expire, a tax deed will be issued by the Treasurer of FRANKLIN County. ____________________________________ Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU ____________________________________
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3XEOLVKHG LQ WKH +DPSWRQ &KURQLFOH RQ 2FWREHU _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
38%/,& 127,&( )UDQNOLQ &RXQW\ %RDUG RI 6XSHUYLVRUV 352&((',1*6 2) 7+( %2$5' 2) 683(59,6256 6HSWHPEHU %H LW GXO\ QRWHG WKHVH PLQXWHV RI are UNOFFICIAL minutes. The Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30vAM with Board members Corey Eberling-Chairman, Michael Nolte and Jerry L. Plagge present. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Plagge, approves the agenda as submitted with one addition: 1) Proclaim October 4, 2013 as National Manufacturing Day in Franklin County. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by Plagge, seconded by Nolte, approves the minutes of September 23, 2013. All ayes. Motion carried. Public Comment: No one from the public was present. Committee Updates: Community Action; Emergency Management Updates; Clean Line XSFRPLQJ PHHWLQJ 1RYHPEHU AM at the Franklin County Fairgrounds for updates on utilizing land across Franklin County for new lines; Homeward Housing Trust meeting; Second Judicial Meeting Motion by Plagge, seconded by Nolte, approves a Franklin County Utility Permit ApplicaWLRQ IRU &HQWXU\ /LQN 4& WR VHUYLFH WK Street. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Plagge, approves a Utility Permit Application for Windstream to construct copper cable along 45th Street between Dogwood Avenue and Finch Avenue and along Dogwood Avenue between Oakland Drive and 45th Street according to SODQV RQ ¿OH ZLWK WKH (QJLQHHU $OO D\HV PRtion carried. Motion by Plagge, seconded by Nolte, approves an Application to Perform Work Within Franklin County Highway Right of Way for Larry Hansen to remove fence and grade the back slope at these general locations: along 220th Street between Violet Avenue and ½ mile east along 120th and 130th Streets and Mallard
$YHQXH LQ ( ò 6HFWLRQ DQG .LOGHHU Avenue and 80th Street in NW Âź of Section $OO D\HV PRWLRQ FDUULHG Motion by Nolte, seconded by Plagge, approves an Application to Perform Work within Franklin County Highway Right of Way for Marlyn Hofmeister to grade the ditch and back slope to route water into a new waterway in his ÂżHOG DW WK 6WUHHW $OO D\HV PRWLRQ FDUried. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Plagge, approves a Road Closure on 35th Street between Spruce Avenue and Thrush Avenue on SeptemEHU th DW $0 IRU EULGJH UHSDLU $OO D\HV motion carried. Motion by Plagge, seconded by Nolte, approves a Road Closure on Heather Avenue and 40th Street (curve area on S25) between Grouse Avenue and 50th Street. Closed for a grading project on September 23rd at 8:00 AM. All ayes, motion carried. $W $0 7RP %HUU\ 9HWHUDQÂśV $IIDLUV 'LUHFtor met to update the Board on the Veteranâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s department. No action taken. At 10:00 AM Ron Dunt, Hampton City Administrator met regarding the City of Hamptonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s offer to transfer the parcel of land described as Lot 5 and S 20 4/5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Lot 6, Block 13, Gillettâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Addition to Hampton, in which the GAR Memorial Hall sits on and offer the ownership and Abstract to the County so the County can prepare a title opinion. This transfer would clear up the ongoing confusion with the County owning the GAR Memorial Building and the City of HampWRQ RZQLQJ WKH ODQG 7KH ÂżQDO RXWFRPH EHLQJ Franklin County owning both the GAR Memorial Building and the land it sits on. The Board agreed with this transaction and accepted the updated Abstract for said land. At 10:30 AM Tom Birdsell and Duane KelchCastle Dick & Kelch, Franklin Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Representative for the Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tort liability insurance, met to discuss the Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opportunity to use ICAP Legal Representative in regard to the Civil Action Lawsuit Whitney vs. Franklin General
Hospital et al. The Board is awaiting word from ICAP of their acceptance to take this case and represent Franklin County. The Board reviewed the Letters of Understanding from the City of Hampton and Teamsters Union #238 for Dispatch operations transfer. Legal counsel is looking over and will be in contact with the County. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Plagge, apSURYHV FODLPV IRU WKH SHULRG HQGLQJ $OO ayes, motion carried. Motion by Plagge, seconded by Nolte, approves the resignation of Kent Mollenbeck as the Representative on the Homeward Housing Trust. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by Plagge, seconded by Nolte, adopts Resolution 2013-38: Proclamation of Manufacturing Day. Said Resolution reads below: A PROCLAMATION SUPPORTING NATIONAL MANUFACTURING DAY ON OCTOBER 4, 2013. :+(5($6 PDQXIDFWXULQJ PDNHV D VLJQLÂżcant contribution to the national, state and local economy, and WHEREAS, manufacturing provides good employment opportunities and careers for skilled workers; and WHEREAS, our community is fortunate to be the home of many great manufacturing companies, and WHEREAS, our communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s manufacturing companies are vitally important to the prosperity of Franklin County, and NOW, THEREFORE, the Franklin County Board of supervisors, do hereby proclaim October 4, 2013, as National Manufacturing Day. We urge all citizens to join in recognizing the value of manufacturers and the importance they serve in our community. ADOPTED this 30th day of September 2013 Eberling-Aye, Nolte-Aye, Plagge-Aye. Resolution duly adopted. The Board acknowledged receipt of a US District Court Civil Action Lawsuit Whitney vs. Franklin General Hospital, Franklin County,
Mercy Health, Brian Hansen, Victoria Kruse and Kim Price. The Board acknowledged receipt of the Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Monthly Report of Fees, Accident Report, Criminal Activity and Transports for August 2013. The Board acknowledged receipt of a Notice of Intent to Issue a Permit-Wohlford Site, Facility ID #61661, Franklin County from the IDNR. Motion by Plagge, seconded by Nolte, adjourns at 11:10 AM until October 7, 2013. All ayes. Motion carried. ATTEST: Corey Eberling, Chairman Michelle S. Giddings, Auditor & Clerk to Board &/$,06 Access, Care/Keep ................................112.44 Alexander Housing Corp, Rent ..............300.00 Ron Allen, Well Rehab...........................600.00 Alliant Energy, Util ................................. Allied Manatts Group, Road Stone .... JoEllen Arends, Mileage ........................ ASCE Membership, Dues......................245.00 Baker Group, Srv Agrmnt ....................5425.50 Brenda Boyington, Mileage ...................171.36 Brown Supply, Rep/Parts.......................180.00 Cenex Fleetcard, Fuel ........................... Ashley J Claussen, Mileage ....................87.72 Community Care Inc, Care/Keep.........2742.26 Consolidated Energy, Fuel .................... County Case Mgmt, Trng.........................60.00 Deanoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dust Control, Dust Control ......118.25 Casey Ditch, Mileage.............................187.68 Dollar General, Sup .................................47.50 Dumont Harken Lumber, Sup ................ E & E Repair, Rep/Parts .......................... Ellsworth Hospital, Srvs .........................425.00 Elizabeth Faber, Srvs ............................362.50 Farm & Home Publishers, Plat Books .....52.80 Fastenal Co, Rep/Parts ...........................54.01 Franklin Co Sheriff, Srv Fees ................ Franklin REC, Util ..................................745.15 G & K Services, Shop Sup ......................25.00 GlaxoSmithKline Co, Medcl Sup ...........600.30 GovConnection, Data Proc ......................62.23
Veronica Guerrero, Mileage..................... Linda Hamman, Mileage..........................77.52 Hampton Hardware, Parts/Sup................53.84 Hardin Co Comm Srvs, Care/Keep .......375.31 Pam Harkema, Mileage .........................105.57 Teresa Harms, Mileage..........................183.60 Hawkeye West Pest Cntrl, Pest Cntrl ......55.00 Heartland Asphalt, Const Srvs........... Teresa Heitland-Symens, BOH Mtg.........10.00 Tony Holmes, Well Clsd.........................400.00 Amy Holmgaard, Mileage ........................ Howie Equip, Rep/Parts .......................... ICAP, Ins ..........................................171063.53 Imagetek, Sftwr/Srvs ...........................1787.50 IMWCA, Work Comp ...........................8663.00 Iowa Falls Glass, Glass Rep .................308.63 Iowa State University, Ed/Trng ..............500.00 Iowa Transit, Engr Equip ..................... ISACA, Dues .........................................125.00 Johnson Sanitary Products, Cust Sup ...176.52 Deb Jones, Mileage ................................. Tory Klahsen, Srvs.................................325.00 Koenen Lawn Care, Srvs....................... Robin Koob, Mileage ............................. Keith Kothenbeutel, Pstg ........................... Line-X of Mason, Sup ............................ Marshall & Swift, Clng Srv .....................101.16 Martin Marietta, Road Stone................ Marvin Janssen Electric, Rep/Parts.....2533.42 Mason City Glass, Rep/Parts ..............3520.44 Mason City Powersports, Srvs ................ Menards, Sup ........................................176.17 Mid American Energy, Util .......................16.54 Midland Power, Util ....................................8.46 Midwest Pipe, Pipe ................................ Cyndi Miller, Mileage .............................211.65 Deb Miller, Mileage .................................. Erran Miller, BOH Mtg..............................10.00 Millerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alignment, Rep/Parts ..................15.00 Mortâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Water, Outside Srv ...................... NIACC, Ed/Trng ....................................... Northern Iowa Therapy, Therapy .........2475.00 Barb Noss, Mileage ............................... 2IÂżFH (OHPHQWV 0DLQW ..........................207.47 Dr Wm Paltzer, BOH Mtg.........................10.00
Sherry Peterson, Mileage ........................ Petroblend Corp, Lubricants ................1770.68 PETTY CASH--FR CO SHERIFF, Funds .......... .............................................................100.00 Pitney Bowes, Qrtly Pstg ....................... Plastic Recycling, Signs ......................1027.60 PSI, Sup ................................................241.82 Quill Corp, Off Sup ................................ Ramsey Badre & Assoc, Prof Srv ........4750.00 RC Systems, Srvs .................................243.53 Reliable, Off Sup ...................................178.43 Nancy Retz, BOH Mtg .............................10.00 Vicky Riebkes, Mileage .............................5.10 Ricky Rieck, Safety Shoes ...................... Rooney Electric, Rep/Parts ...................462.62 Bill Rossean, Sup ....................................86.76 Secondary Rds, Fuel ...............................75.02 Dr Craig Semler, Safety Glasses ...........154.00 Staples Credit, Off Sup ............................14.57 Staples, Sup .......................................... State Public Defender Off, JV Base ....1441.00 Jenni Swart, Mileage .............................113.22 TSP Court Reporting, Depositions ........132.00 Terry & Sandra Tull, Rent ......................300.00 US Cellular, Cell Srv ..............................354.02 US Postal Srv, Pstg .................................46.00 Van Diest Supply Co, Seed/Fertlzr ........540.78 Verizon Wireless, Cell/WiFi ...................201.40 Julia Warwick, Mileage ..........................100.47 Webster Co Sheriff, Srvs .........................23.00 Weidemann Inc, Srvs ......................166851.45 Daniel F Wiechmann Jr, Rent ................716.00 Diana Wilkinson, Mileage ........................61.71 Jeanne Wogen, Mileage .......................... Yaggy Colby Associates, Prof Srvs .......421.00 Grand Total ___________________________________
.............................................................743.67 MONTGOMERY, MARI , PHYSICAL REIMB .... ...............................................................40.00 MORTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S PLUMBING & HEATING, MAINT REPAIR .....................................................550.47 MORTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WATER COMPANY, TOILET ..103.50 MUSIC IN MOTION, VOCAL MUSIC SUPPLIES ...................................................118.73 NAPA AUTO PARTS, MAINT SUPPLIES .......... ...............................................................18.36 NORTH IOWA AREA COMM. COLLEGE, BUS TRAINING ............................................225.00 NORTH IOWA MEDIA GROUP, FALL COACH ADVERTISING ..................................... NORTHWEST EVALUATION ASSN, MAP LICENSES ...........................................3,287.00 OVERHEAD DOOR CO OF MASON CITY, GARAGE DOOR ....................................... PAUL A HALVORSON INC, REPAIR SERVICE .............................................................675.60 PETTY CASH, POSTAGE ....................... PIONEER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, PAINT ................................................... RIEMAN MUSIC EAST, BAND REPAIRS & SUPPLIES ........................................... SADLER POWER TRAIN, INC, TRANS PARTS ...................................................22.50 SCHAEFER, MARDELL , REIMB FOR STUDENT WORKBOOKS ............................37.21 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES, SUBSCRIPTIONS K,2 & 4 .....................................336.12 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS OF IOWA, MEMBERSHIP MR WIDEN ............................ SCHOOL BUS SALES COMPANY, TRANS PARTS ................................................. SCHOOL DATEBOOKS, PLANNERS ...264.07 SCHOOL TECH SUPPLY, MACBOOK-SCOTT S........................................................1,251.00 SEMINOLE ENERGY SERVICES, L.L.C., NATURAL GAS ...........................................185.13 SHOWALTER, KELLI , CLM EXPENSES REIMB....................................................24.73 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, SUPPLIES ..268.63 STENHOUSE PUBLISHERS, PD SUPPLIES ... .............................................................285.00 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES OF AMERICA INC, MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS....401.42 TEACHER DIRECT, KINDERGARTEN SUPPLIES ..................................................... TRANEL, SHONDA , FCS SUPPLIES .... USA TODAY, 5TH GRADE SUBSCRIPTION .... ............................................................. WESSELS, SARAH , SCR CLASS REIMB ....... ............................................................. WIDEN, DWIGHT , TRAVEL EXPENSES ......... .............................................................375.38 WILLIAM V MACGILL & CO, NURSE SUPPLIES .....................................................74.86 XEROX CORPORATION, COPIER SUPPLIES & LEASE ..............................................174.54 XEROX CORPORATION, COPIER SUPPLIES & LEASE ...........................................1,023.22 727$/ +27 /81&+ )81' EARTHGRAINS BAKING COâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S INC., SUMMER FOOD SUPPLIES .........................40.53 HEARTLAND PAYMENT SYSTEMS-NU-
TRIKIDS, MENU PLANNING MAINT FEE ...... .............................................................405.00 KARR LLC, KITCHEN SUPPLIES.........112.56 MARTIN BROTHERS DIST. CO., INC, SUPPLIES ................................................ 727$/ $&7,9,7< )81' BRITTAIN, CHARLES , FOOTBALL OFFICIALS ASSIGNER ...............................350.00 CLARION-GOLDFIELD COMMUNITY SD, CLARION VBALL TOURNEY.................60.00 CORNER MARKET, FFA SUPPLIES ......27.38 DEBOUR, SARAH , MEALS & MISC REIMB .... ...............................................................41.07 DECKER SPORTING GOODS, JERSEYS AND SUPPLIES ................................ DJMAN, THE , HOMECOMING DJ 2013 .......... .............................................................200.00 FAREWAY STORES, INC., CONCESSIONS SUPPLIES ...........................................160.41 FARMERS COOPERATIVE COMPANY, GREENHOUSE NATURAL GAS .........175.50 FARMTEK, FFA SUPPLIES...................102.77 FRANKLIN COUNTY LUMBER, FFA SUPPLIES .......................................................0.00 HAMPTON AQUATIC CENTER, POOL RENTSWIM MIXER .......................................105.00 IGCA, MEMBERSHIP DUES...................65.00 IOWA FFA ASSOCIATION, STATE FAIR REGISTRATIONS ..........................................15.00 IOWA GIRLS H.S. ATHLETIC UNION, MEMBERSHIP DUES ....................................50.00 IOWA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH ASSOCIATION, MEMBERSHIP DUES .................50.00 IOWA MUSIC EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION, IMEA CONF REG ................................180.00 IOWA STAR CONFERENCE, MEMBERSHIP DUES ...................................................200.00 JOSTENS INC, YEARBOOK PMT ........742.05 KEEHN, NANCY , CONCESSIONS SUPPLIES ...................................................323.13 MARTIN BROTHERS DIST. CO., INC, CONCESSION SUPPLIES ..........................480.16 MILLER, MARSHA , HOMECOMING FOOTBALLS ....................................................32.08 NANNENGA, ELIZABETH , IA CHORAL CONF REG REIMB ......................................... NASC/NASSP, NHS MEMBERSHIP .......85.00 NIOA, OFFICIAL ASSIGNERS 13-14 ....300.00 PATTERSON MEDICAL SUPPLY INC, ACTIVITIES MEDICAL SUPPLY ..................1,006.88 RIDDELL, INC, FOOTBALL JERSEYS .388.38 RIEMAN MUSIC EAST, SUPPLIES ......487.57 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION, ACTIVITIES MEDICAL SUPPLIES...............1,182.66 WAAGE, KAREN , JH CANDY SALES SUPPLIES REIMB ......................................134.36 727$/ ___________________________________
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU ___________________________________
38%/,& 127,&( &$/ &RPPXQLW\ 6FKRRO %RDUG &$/ &20081,7< 6&+22/ %2$5' $118$/ 0((7,1* 6(37(0%(5 The CAL Community School Board met for its annual meeting on September 23, 2013 in the CAL Media Center. President Steve Muhlenbruch called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Board members Steve Muhlenbruch, Mitch Vanness, Austin Elling, Beth Eddy and Todd Mensing were present. Also present were Superintendent Dwight Widen, Principal Scott Striegel and Secretary Amanda Rapp. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Eddy, seconded by Vanness. All ayes. The Board recognized visitors Jane Gorder Halladay, Lisa Lewis, Marlys Pralle and Frank Patrick. Mrs. Halladay gave an update on the DC Trip preparation. A motion to approve the consent agenda and to pay the bills was made by Eddy, seconded by Vanness. All ayes. The Board reviewed items received through the mail and through the Board members. It was asked that the school order milk in plastic containers, not cardboard. Treasurer Marlys Pralle and Business Manager Lisa Lewis gave the Board their respective annual reports. A motion to approve the Treasurerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Report was made by Mensing, seconded by Vanness. All ayes. The Board also swore in Marlys Pralle as the treasurer for the 20132014 school year. Custodian Frank Patrick, Mr. Striegel and Mr. Widen all gave their reports to the Board. A motion to approve the insurance premium changes for auto was made by Vanness, seconded by Mensing. All ayes. The Board held discussions over the curriculum report. Under old business a motion to approve the VSHFLDO HG GHÂżFLW RI DQG WKH UHTXHVWV IRU PRGLÂżHG DOORZDEOH JURZWK DQG VXSplemental aid was made by Eddy, seconded by Mensing. All ayes. A motion to approve an Equipment Break Down Insurance Policy was made by Elling, seconded by Vanness. All ayes. A motion to adjourn the annual meeting was made by Mensing, seconded by Vanness. All ayes. The annual meeting was adjourned at 10:27 p.m. &$/ &20081,7< 6&+22/ %2$5' 25*$1,=$7,21$/ 0((7,1* 6(37(0%(5 Secretary Amanda Rapp called the organizational meeting to order at 10:27 p.m. The meeting was held in the CAL Media Center. Present were Steve Muhlenbruch, Mitch Vanness, Todd Mensing, Austin Elling, Beth Eddy, Dwight Widen, Scott Striegel and Amanda Rapp. Rapp called for nominations for Board President. Steve Muhlenbruch nominated Mitch Vanness. Todd Mensing nominated Steve Muhlenbruch. Beth Eddy called for nominations cease. A roll call vote was taken with Elling, Vanness, Eddy, and Mensing all voting for Steve Muhlenbruch, and Muhlenbruch voting for Mitch Vanness. Steve Muhlenbruch was named the Board President for the 13-14 year.
Rapp called for nominations for Board Vice President. Muhlenbruch nominated Mitch Vanness. Mensing called for nominations cease. A roll call vote was taken with Elling, Mensing, Eddy, and Muhlenbruch voting for Mitch Vanness. Vanness was named Board Vice President for the 13-14 year. 7KH RDWK RI RIÂżFH ZDV JLYHQ E\ 6HFUHWDU\ Amanda Rapp to President Muhlenbruch and Vice President Vanness. The Board appointed Amanda Rapp as the Board Secretary for the \HDU DQG WKH RDWK RI RIÂżFH ZDV DGPLQLVtered by President Muhlenbruch. The Board reviewed and appointed the following committee assignments: 2013-2014 Committee Assignments Employee Relations: Steve Muhlenbruch, Chair and Mitch Vanness Transportation and Food Service: Mitch Vanness, Chair and Todd Mensing Curriculum, Instruction and Teacher Recruitment: Austin Elling, Chair and Todd Mensing Physical Plant and Equipment: Steve Muhlenbruch, Chair and Mitch Vanness IASB Network & Delegate Assembly Representative: Beth Eddy with Steve Muhlenbruch alternate Comprehensive School Improvement Advisory Committee Representative: Todd Mensing, Chair and Mitch Vanness Education Foundation Representative: Beth Eddy Franklin County Conference Board Representative: Beth Eddy, Chair and Austin Elling Franklin County Assessorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Board Representative: Beth Eddy, Chair and Austin Elling Calendar Committee Representative: Beth Eddy, Chair and Todd Mensing Marketing Committee Representative: Beth Eddy, Chair and Austin Elling Vocational and Tech Programs Advisory Committee: Steve Muhlenbruch and Mitch Vanness Daycare Representative: Beth Eddy with Steve Muhlenbruch alternate Scholarship Committee: Beth Eddy and Austin Elling A motion to hold regular Board meetings on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the CAL Media Center was made by Vanness, seconded by Mensing. All ayes. A motion to approve the Resolution Naming Depositories was made by Mensing, seconded by Vanness. All ayes. A motion to name Heiny, McManigal, Duffy, Stambaugh, Anderson P.L.C. as the Districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s legal counsel was made by Vanness, seconded by Eddy. All ayes. A motion to name the Hampton Chronicle as the Districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Newspaper for Publication was made by Eddy, seconded by Elling. All ayes. Under new business a motion to approve an open enrollment into the District was made by Vanness, seconded by Mensing. All ayes. A motion to accept the resignation from Steve Waage as golf coach was made by Vanness, seconded by Mensing. All ayes. A motion to approve the resignation from Rhonda Noelck as Cheerlead-
ing Sponsor was made by Vanness, seconded by Eddy. All ayes. A motion to approve the list of amended contracts for the year was made by Eddy, seconded by Mensing. All ayes. A motion to approve the maternity leave requested by teacher Jen Waddle was made by Mensing, seconded by Vanness. All ayes. A motion to approve the maternity leave requested by teacher Ashley Sears was made by Vanness, seconded by Elling. All ayes. A motion to approve a contract for Kitchen Assistant with Jamie Johnson was made by Vanness, seconded by Mensing. All ayes. A motion to approve the NWEA Agreement and changes to it was made by Mensing, seconded by Elling. All ayes. A motion to cash the Management Fund CD and bid out for a &' IRU PRQWKV ZDV PDGH E\ 9DQness, seconded by Mensing. All ayes. Items on the agenda for the October 14, 2013 PHHWLQJ DUH WKH SUHOLPLQDU\ &HUWLÂżHG (QUROOment Report, Annual Progress Report and Board Goals Progress Report. A motion to adjourn the organizational meeting was made by Vanness, seconded by Mensing. All ayes. The meeting was adjourned at 11:31 p.m. *(1(5$/ )81' ADVANTAGE ADMINISTRATORS, CAFETERIA PLAN DUES ..................................528.00 AEA 267 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, SUPPLIES ...................................................500.55 AFLAC, LANEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S PREMIUM ....................45.50 ALL STAR PEST CONTROL, PEST CONTROL......................................................80.00 AMAZON.COM, SUPPLIES ...............1,320.42 APPLE COMPUTER, INC., MACBOOK ............ ............................................................. AUTO PARTS, INC, TRANS SUPPLIES ........... ...............................................................13.40 BARKERS LAWN CARE AND SNOW REMOVAL, LAWN CARE ..............................1,480.00 BH PHOTO VIDEO & PRO AUDIO, LIBRARY SUPPLIES ...........................................143.20 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY COMPANY, SCIENCE SUPPLIES ............................13.50 CENTRAL LOCK & KEY INC., DOOR CLOSERS & HANDLES ............................. CHEMSEARCH, MAINT SUPPLIES .....480.00 CITY OF LATIMER, WATER & GARBAGE ....... .............................................................244.22 COMMISSIONER OF ELECTIONS, 2013 BOARD ELECTIONS ........................1,611.33 CONSULTANTS CORNER MARKET, SUPPLIES ............105.88 CULVER HAHN ELECTRIC SUPPLY, BULBS .. .............................................................668.06 CUMULUS GLOBAL, CHROMEBOOKS........... .............................................................837.00 CUSTOM SHEETMETAL WORKS INC, NORTH GYM WALL RESIDING ..... DEBOUR ELECTRIC, INC., ICN AIR CONDITIONER ............................................... DEBOUR, SARAH , AUG DAILY MILEAGE ...... ...............................................................73.50 DELTA EDUCATION, SCIENCE SUPPLIES ..... .............................................................135.06 DES MOINES REGISTER #1150, THE , 5TH
GRADE SUPPLIES.............................. E & E REPAIR INC, TRANS PARTS .........5.78 EDGENUITY, E20/20 LICENCES.......4,000.00 FAHRMANN HEATING & PLUMBING, ICN AIR CONDITIONER .................................... FAREWAY STORES, INC., SUPPLIES ...36.72 FARMERS COOPERATIVE COMPANY, FUEL . .......................................................... FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC., SCIENCE SUPPLIES ..................................................... FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES, MAGAZINE SUB ............................................440.61 FRANKLIN MEDICAL CENTER - LATIMER, BUS PHYSICAL ...................................166.00 FRANKLIN RURAL ELECTRIC COOP., ELECTRICITY ............................................ FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS, COMMUNICATIONS .............................................867.66 HAMPTON HARDWARE, MAINT SUPPLIES ... ............................................................... HM RECEIVABLES CO LLC, PRACTICE BOOKS ............................................. HOGAN HANSEN CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND , FY13 AUDIT ....7,500.00 HOWLAND, JULIE , AUG DAILY MILEAGE ...... ...............................................................38.50 IDVILLE PHOTO IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS & ACESSORIES, ID LANYARDS ......... IOWA ASSN OF SCHOOL BUSINESS, FALL CONFERENCE REG ...........................203.00 IOWA ASSN. OF SCHOOL BOARDS, POLICY ONLINE & LEGAL SERVICE RENEWAL ........ .............................................................750.00 IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK, ICN ... ..........................................................1,283.15 IOWA DIRECT EQUIPMENT AND APPR, BLEACHER REPAIRS ...................... ISEBA, RETIREES INSURANCE .......6,283.10 ISFIS, BACKGROUND CHECKS AUG ............. .............................................................185.50 ITSAVVY LLC, PROJECTOR ................330.26 J. ROBERT HOBSON, GASB 45 .......... KARR LLC, SUPPLIES ...................... KEEHN, KIMBERLY , MILEAGE .............12.60 KINSETH PLUMBING & HEATING,INC, MAINT REPAIR ................................................306.08 KOENEN LAWN CARE LLC, BROADLEAF HERBICIDE ......................................1,403.10 LATIMER INSURANCE AGENCY, INSURANCE PREMIUMS..........................87,452.00 LAWLER, GLORIA , REIMB FOUND LOST CHARGER .............................................40.00 MARSHALL & SWIFT, INC., LAUNDRY SERVICE..................................................... MARTIN MARIETTA AGGREGATES, GRAVEL .............................................................848.11 MCGRAW HILL COMPANIES, THE , WORKBOOKS ................................................ MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING CORP., BOARD MINUTES & CLAIMS ...........................156.76 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY COMPANY, ELECTRICITY .................................................42.64 MIDWEST ALARM SERVICES, REPAIR SERVICE..................................................1,206.00 MID-WEST ROOFING COMPANY INC, REPAIR ROOF LEAK ...............................234.60 MINNESOTA CLAY USA, ART SUPPLIES ........
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on OctoEHU ___________________________________
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The Hampton Chronicleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BONUS The Hampton Chronicle www.hamptonchronicle.com DELIVERED TO MORE THAN 5,600 HOMES PLUS INTERNET SHOPPERS!
SUBMIT YOUR AD ONLINE AT WWW.HAMPTONCHRONICLE.COM OR CALL 641-456-2585 Ć&#x201D; TOLL FREE 1-800-558-1244 THIS PUBLICATION DOES NOT KNOWINGLY ACCEPT advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care, particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised.
FOR SALE For Sale - Hampton-Dumont Schools - The following vehicle is for sale on Ebay: 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1999 Transitstyle School Bus, 72 passenger. Bids will be accepted through 4 p.m. on October 17, 2013. Go to: www.motors.ebay.com to view and bid. If you have any questions, please call 541-456-2319. ________________________ c42
2nd Annual Community Wide Garage Sale. Saturday, March 15, Franklin County Convention Center. Booths still available. Call 641-425-0754 to reserve your space. ________________________ c41 Group Garage Sale Thurs., Oct. 10 9-6, Friday, Oct. 11, 9-6 and Sat., Oct. 12, 9-11 at the Steve Jones residence 303 2nd Ave. SE Hampton. Furniture, menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clothing, all sizes, tools, misc. items and a Jayco bumper hitch 30-foot camper. ________________________ c41 Garage Sale: toddler boys clothes, toddler toys, mens and womens clothes, LOTS of kitchen and household items. Most things in great condition. Thurs., Oct 10 & Fri., Oct 11...3:00 - 6:00 pm. 10 2nd Ave SW, Hampton. Gruelke house. ________________________ c41
Large indoor rummage sale Saturday, October 12, 8-5, 2460 Hwy. 3, Dumont. Household items, furniture, books, adult and little boyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clothes, antiques and new & used vintage toys. ______________________ c41pd 30 GARAGE SALES - Saturday, October 12th in Clarksville starting at 8:00 a.m. Sale list online at www.clarksvilleiowa.com and at gas stations. Church coffee and lunch at Amvet Hall, and events at downtown specialty shops. ______________________ c41pd
9,(5.$1'7 )$506 ,V VHHNLQJ Butch Gruelke Auto Body is hiring -2,1 285 7($0 1RZ KLULQJ semi & gravel truck drivers. Must hard working, responsible a full time auto body technician. have a current Class A CDL & LQGLYLGXDOV WR ÂżOO WKH IROORZLQJ Candidate must possess good work DOT physical. 1 yr. of driving SRVLWLRQV Â&#x2021; 6HDVRQDO SXPS RSHUDWRU history, attention to detail and experience preferred. Home most for nutrient management (Class knowledge of collision repair. Mail nights & weekends. Paid holidays $ &'/ LV D SOXV Â&#x2021; )7 $J /LPH resume to Butch Gruelke Auto & vacations. Competitive wagesapplicator operator Class A CDL Body, 521 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4th St SE, Hampton, %RQXVHV +HDOWK ,QV %HQHÂżWV &DOO QRW UHTXLUHG EXW EHQHÂżFLDO Â&#x2021; IA 50441. Or stop to pick up Melanie @ KTM Transport @ 641FT Farm help Class A CDL application. 648-3959 required Experience is a plus-would ________________________ c41 _________________________ ctf be willing to train Vierkandt Farms Franklin County Home Care Service offers competitive wages and LV ORRNLQJ WR KLUH D &HUWLÂżHG 1XUVHÂśV EHQHÂżW SDFNDJH &DOO 0LFKDHO Aide. Applicant must be available 855-4501 or 641-373-1928 to work as hours are available. Job _________________________ ctf responsibilities include assisting Drivers. Class A CDL experience with personal cares and assisting preferred but will train right person. with other activities of daily living Local hauling. Home weekends. based on assignment. For more ([FHOOHQW SD\ DQG EHQHÂżWV 0- information contact Deb at 641Vierkandt Trucking 515-859-7777. 456-5830. _________________________ ctf ________________________ c42
SEMI DRIVER - Dedicated run â&#x20AC;&#x201C; over 450 miles per day. Out and back â&#x20AC;&#x201C; based out of Fort Dodge, Iowa. Must have a good MVR and D YHULÂżDEOH ZRUN KLVWRU\ &DOO 5LFN at 888-739-5220 ext 2 ________________________ c41
Hiring 2nd Shift Certified Nurse Assistants.
Redneck Trailer Supplies, the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading wholesale distributor of trailer parts and towing supplies has immediate openings for Warehouse Team Members with experience in order fulfillment. Background should include previous forklift experience (loading & unloading), picking and packing parts, proven ability to read order fulfillment documents, willingness to work in a highly disciplined environment and performing associated shipping and receiving activities. If you would like to join a motivated team like ours and have the experience and high standards we desire, apply today! Competitive pay, bonus program, health-dental-vision-life insurance, paid vacation & holidays, matching 401(K) w/profit sharing. Pre-employment drug screen and background check required. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply in person anytime Mon.-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
New Starting Wage Plus $1 Per-Hour Shift Pay. Benefits, including Health Insurance.
HELP WANTED Seasonal Grain OperaĆ&#x;ons Laborers Operate pick-up truck or straight trucks; Assist in warehouse. Receiving and loading of grain in a safe and profitable manner. To view specific job locaĆ&#x;ons and apply go to www.growmark.com/ourcareers or contact your local FS cooperaĆ&#x;ve. AA/EOE
ROCKWELL COMMUNITY NURSING HOME 707 Elm Street, Rockwell, IA 50469 www.rockwellnursinghome.com E.O.E.
1240 Imperial Road, Hampton, IA 50441 www.rednecktrailer.applicantpro.com
Hagie has the best employees in Iowa!
How do we know? According to the Des Moines Register, our employees voted Hagie the 6th Top Iowa Workplace in Iowa for 2013! A great honor that would not have been possible without 475 of the best team members in the world. Thank you Hagie employees for contributing to our success! Some of the reasons are a fun working atmosphere, encouraging employee development, great family values and fantastic benefits.
Gleeson Constructors & Engineers, L.L.C. will be accepting applications for the following positions beginning August 12th: Laborers-$12.00 Carpentersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;$17.00 Iron Workersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;$17.00 &HUWLÂżHG :HOGHUV² Concrete Finishersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; $17.00 &HUWLÂżHG &UDQH 2SHUDWRU²
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Think you have what it takes to be a part of the Hagie movement? Then apply today!
Delivery: September 1st - October 31st
NOW HIRINGâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;2nd shiĹ&#x152; Welders, Painters, & FabricaĆ&#x;on along with 1st shiĹ&#x152; Assembly posiĆ&#x;ons Visit hagiecareers.com to view all openings Hagie Manufacturing Company 721 Central Ave. West Clarion, Iowa 50525 515-532-2861
Please apply in person only with Gleeson Superintendent Jacob Gookin at the jobsite trailer located at: 1260 US 18 %ULWW ,$
CONTACT RYAN EDEKER Grain Merchandiser | 641-648-8918 MIKE BORCHERDING Grain Merchandiser | 641-648-8950 EVAN TAYLOR Customer Service Representative | 641-648-8953 W W W. F H R . C O M / R E N E WA B L E S FLINT HILLS RESOURCES | IOWA FALLS, IA
Titan Machinery, a CNH agricultural equipment dealer with 106 locations operating in North America, has an IMMEDIATE opening at its WILLIAMS, IA Store Location for a
Titan Machinery, a CNH agricultural equipment dealer with 106 locations operating in North America, has an IMMEDIATE opening at its WILLIAMS, IA Store Location for a
35,25 &216758&7,21 (;3(5,(1&( ,6 5(48,5(' Must be able to pass pre-employment physical Post Offer Pre-Employment Drug Testing & E-Verify Required Gleeson Constructors & Engineers, L.L.C. is an (TXDO 2SSRUWXQLW\ $IÂżUPDWLYH $FWLRQ (PSOR\HU www.gleesonllc.com
Become a trusted healthcare partner for life
-RLQ WKH WHDP WKDW YDOXHV HDFK DQG HYHU\ HPSOR\HH DQG VWULYHV IRU H[FHOOHQFH LQ FDUH WR WKRVH SDWLHQWV ZH VHUYH $UH \RX ORRNLQJ IRU D JUHDW VXSSRUWLYH WHDP WR ZRUN ZLWK" )UDQNOLQ *HQHUDO +RVSLWDO PD\ EH WKH SODFH \RX DUH ORRNLQJ IRU 2XU JRDO DV KHDOWK SURIHVVLRQDOV LV WR HQVXUH D SRVLWLYH HQYLURQPHQW IRU RXU FRPPXQLW\ Country View Nursing Home - Nurse Aide: Part-time, 24 hours a week, 2 and 3 shifts. :RUNV HYHU\ RWKHU ZHHNHQG DQG DOWHUQDWLQJ KROLGD\V 7KLV SDUW WLPH SRVLWLRQ UHFHLYHV EHQHÂżWV Country View Nursing Home - Nurse: LPN or RN, part time, 24 hours a week, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Works every other weekend and alternating holidays. This part-time position receives EHQHÂżWV Cardiac/Cardiolyte Nurse: ([FHOOHQW RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU TXDOLÂżHG SURIHVVLRQDO WR ZRUN LGHDO part-time hours. Normally MWF mornings, approx 10 hrs/wk, performing cardiolyte procedures and working closely with cardiac rehab patients. No weekends or holidays. Must be competent in cardiac rhythms. RN license, ACLS required. FGH seeks an experienced Registered Nurse OR Surgery Technician in the Surgery DepartPHQW $ WHFKQLFLDQ FHUWLÂżFDWLRQ LV QRW UHTXLUHG DW WKLV WLPH EXW QHHG HTXLYDOHQW H[SHULHQFH This position is part-time, 24 hours a week, daytime hours, no weekends or holidays. It does require the ability to work in different capacities such as central sterile, endoscopy, recovery (RN only), and other areas of a surgical suite. Prefer a minimum of 1-2 years surgical experience. Health Coach: Join us for this exciting new opportunity at FGH! This is a full time position for a Registered Nurse or individual with a bachelors or masters degree. The Health Coach will mainly be daytime hours with some evenings and weekends. Health care experience required. Operating Room/Central Sterile/Outpatient Services Manager: Full time. This candidate will direct, supervise, and coordinates all services and functions of the operating room, central sterile and outpatient surgical/services department. Must be able to work effectively with staff, patients and public. Must have working knowledge about computer programs including Excel, Power Point and Word. Must be a graduate of a program in professional nursing and hold a current RN License in the State of Iowa. BSN degree required. Must have prior experience as DQ RSHUDWLQJ URRP QXUVH DQG EH $GYDQFHG &DUGLDF /LIH 6XSSRUW $&/6 FHUWLÂżHG )UDQNOLQ *HQHUDO +RVSLWDO RIIHUV DQ H[FHOOHQW EHQHÂżW SDFNDJH LQFOXGLQJ ,3(56 +HDOWK DQG 'HQWDO ,QVXUDQFH 3DLG 7LPH 2II /LIH ,QVXUDQFH Ă&#x20AC;H[LEOH VSHQGLQJ DFFRXQWV DQG D )5(( VLQJOH PHPEHUVKLS WR WKH )UDQNOLQ :HOOQHVV &HQWHU ,I LQWHUHVWHG ÂżOO RXW DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ DW WKH KRVSLWDO RU SULQW DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ RQOLQH DW www.franklingeneral.com DQG VHQG LW WR nd
Applicants must have experience in the equipment service industry and be a very hard working self starter. Ability to accurately troubleshoot, diagnose and repair electrical, hydraulic, drive train components and a passion for agriculture required. Agricultural equipment knowledge preferred. Competitive compensation with an excellent benefits package including vacation, PTO, health and dental insurance. Yearly training provided. Great work environment.
Applicants must have extensive experience in the agricultural equipment service industry and be a very hard working self-starter. Ability to accurately troubleshoot, diagnose and repair electrical, hydraulic and drive train systems is required. Great communication, organizational, leadership and employee development skills are required. Competitive compensation with an excellent benefits package including vacation, PTO, health and dental insurance. Yearly training provided. Career advancement opportunities available. Great work environment! Titan Machinery is a drug-free workplace and conducts pre-employment drug testing.
APPLY ONLINE: www.titanmachinery.com Direct Inquiries to: Titan Machinery, HR 644 East Beaton Drive, West Fargo, ND 58078-2648 701-356-0130 EEO EMPLOYER
APPLY ONLINE: www.titanmachinery.com Direct Inquiries to: Titan Machinery, HR 644 East Beaton Drive, West Fargo, ND 58078-2648 701-356-0130 EEO EMPLOYER
Now Hiring Christensen Farms Christensen Farms is seeking the services of an Independent Contractor for the management of a swine farm in the Iowa Falls, IA area. Services required include daily animal care, loading/unloading, feed and ventilation management and building maintenance. This independent contractor must not be in contact with other swine for bioͲsecurity purposes.
For further information, please contact Jennifer Wilmes at 507Ͳ794Ͳ8548
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Repair & Maintenance Technician in the Buffalo Center, IA area. Qualified individuals have experience in electrical work and welding as well as general repair and maintenance. Full time position with great benefits and pay!
Apply online at www.christensenfarms.com Equal Opportunity Employer
Hampton Chronicle â&#x20AC;˘ Section B
$VSKDOW ÂżOO LQ FKXQNV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ GO BOLD! You noticed this 1â&#x20AC;&#x2122; square, located on the southeast FODVVLÂżHG LQ SDUW EHFDXVH RI EROG corner of property owned by W\SH 8VH EROG W\SH LQ \RXU DG IRU Midwest Meter, north of Hampton just 15¢ more per word. on Highway 65. There are multiple _________________________ ctf SLOHV RI WKLV DVSKDOW ÂżOO DQG LV IUHH Want statewide coverage with your for the hauling. Contact 641-456FODVVLÂżHG" 7KH &KURQLFOH FDQ GR LW 4848 and ask for Julie or Kathy. for you for one price. Ask our sales ________________________ c42 reps. Contact Hampton Publishing, QG 6W 1: +DPSWRQ or 1-800-558-1244. NOTICE _________________________ ctf Bobâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s barber Shop Dumont will be closed for vacation Saturday, REAL ESTATE October 19-24, open Friday, 25th. ______________________ c42pd 4 Beds, 1.5 baths, beautiful woodwork! Must see! Price Reduced! $49,500. 215 2nd Ave SE 641-512-0352. Classifieds Work! 456-2585 _________________________ ctf
MEDICAL HELP WANTED EMERGENCY ROOM/HOSPITAL REGISTRATION: Full-time position in Clarion. Mon., Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 5:30 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2:00 p.m. and Tues., 5:00 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1:30 p.m. Position requires a weekend and holiday rotation. Performs routine duties associated with the registration process and serves as primary greeter for the hospital. Basic office skills, customer service and computer skills, flexibility, personal demeanor, confidentiality and dependability required. Will be required to work at all Iowa Specialty Hospital locations as needed. CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT/UNIVERSAL WORKER: Full-time position in Clarion Assisted Living. Will be required to work on a rotation of all shifts. Position requires a certified nursing assistant and working every other weekend and a holiday rotation. Will be required to work at all Iowa Specialty Hospital locations as needed. EMT/PARAMEDIC: PRN position in Clarion. Requires EMT or Paramedic certification and experience preferred. Positions offer outstanding wages & fringe benefits. Please stop by and pick up an application, apply on-line at www.iowaspecialtyhospital.com or contact the Human Resources Department at 515-602-9801 to receive an application by mail. All positions are subject to criminal/dependent adult abuse background checks, pre-employment physical and drug testing.
Specializing in You
Cards of Thanks
2 BR house, includes AC, washer/ GU\HU 1R SHWV QR VPRNLQJ mo. and $500 deposit. Applications available. Contact Diane, 641-4308844. _________________________ ctf
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Rochelle Abbas Realtor
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Area Church Activities Baptist Faith Baptist Hwy. 3 E., Hampton Senior Pastor David Koenigsberg, Associate Pastor of Connecting Brad VanHorn Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU D P Prayer; 9 a.m. Worship Service; 9:20 a.m.: Kingdom Kids; 10:30 a.m.: Sunday School Â&#x2021; 0RQGD\ 2FWREHU S P Proverbs Bible Study Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU a.m. Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Prayer; 7 a.m. Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Prayer; 6 p.m. kidsLIFE; 6 p.m. CIA; 7:30 p.m. Aftershock Catholic St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Catholic Ackley / Rev. Mike Tauke Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P 0DVV St. Patrickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Catholic 1405 Federal St. N., Hampton Rev. Mike Tauke 1405 N. Federal St. Â&#x2021; 6DWXUGD\V S P 0DVV LQ 6SDQLVK Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P 0DVV Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) First Christian Pastor Alan Berneman 605 4th St. NE, Hampton fcchamptoniowa.org Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU S P Board Meeting Â&#x2021; 6DWXUGD\ 2FWREHU D P Christian Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fellowship Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU D P Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU S P Education Meeting Episcopal St. Matthew-by-the-Bridge Episcopal Rev. Elliot Blackburn 507 Railroad St., Iowa Falls Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P %LEOH 6WXG\ 10:30 a.m. Family Worship Service Latter Day Saints The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints Hampton / Miguel Sosa Garcia, Branch President Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P :RUVKLS 6HUvice; Spanish Activities Lutheran Church of the Living Word, LCMC 420 1st Ave. NE, Hampton www.clwhampton.org
Jacob Rahrig, Pastor To reserve auditorium or gym, contact Kay Hinrichs at 456-2706 or at kay.hinrichs@gmail.com Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P 6XQGD\ 6FKRRO 10 a.m. Celebration Service Â&#x2021; 7XHVGD\V D P QRRQ 0LQLVWHULDO &ULVLV &HQWHU Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\V S P %RG\ By Jesus, Preschool-Sixth Grade; S P WK WK *UDGHV Our Saviorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lutheran 121 Prospect, Ackley Pastor Gary Burkhalter Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P 6XQGD\ 6FKRRO 10 a.m. Divine Service (Communion 2nd, 4th, 5th); 11 a.m. Fellowship Â&#x2021; 7XHVGD\V S P 7XHVGD\ 6FKRRO Nazareth Lutheran Coulter / Pastor Dave Bernhardt Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU D P &RIfee Hour; 10:30 a.m. Worship Â&#x2021; 0RQGD\ 2FWREHU D P Quilting; 7 p.m. Council Meeting St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lutheran 1207 Indigo Ave., Hampton Pastor Dave Bernhardt Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU S P 6W Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s WELCA, Meeting Hostess: Kathy Jorgensen and Lori Heyden; Program: Evelyn Sharp Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU D P :RUship, 10 a.m. Coffee with fellowship Â&#x2021; 0RQGD\ 2FWREHU D P Quilting St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Pastor Steve Winsor 17 2nd St. NE, Hampton &KXUFK 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH +RXUV 0 ) Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P :RUVKLS 6HUYLFH Â&#x2021; 7XHVGD\V 'RUFDV &LUFOH 0HHWV Third Tuesday of Each Month at 9:30 a.m. at the Church Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\V D P QRRQ 4XLOWing Group; 10 a.m., Coffee Hour â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Everyone is Welcome; 5:30 p.m. WOW; 6:30 p.m. Youth Group Â&#x2021; 7KXUVGD\V 3ULVFLOOD &LUFOH 0HHWV Third Thursday of Each Month St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lutheran 304 W. Main, Latimer Pastor Travis Berg, Pastor Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU :2: S P -U &RQĂ&#x20AC;UPDWLRQ S P Council Â&#x2021; 7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHU D P Chapel Â&#x2021; 6DWXUGD\ 2FWREHU S P 9HVpers Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU D P :RUship; 10:15 a.m. ABC and Sunday 6FKRRO Â&#x2021; 0RQGD\ 2FWREHU p.m. Board of Education Â&#x2021; 7XHVGD\ 2FWREHU 6FKRRO FKLO-
dren sing at PLACE Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU :2: 1:30 p.m. Cemetery Society; 6-7 S P -U &RQĂ&#x20AC;UPDWLRQ St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church 400 Larch St., Thornton Pastor Johnson Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P 6XQGD\ School at UMC; 10:30 a.m. Worship at St. Paul Trinity Lutheran Church 16 12th Ave. NE, Hampton The Rev. Karl Bollhagen, Pastor Vicar Nathan Schieber Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU S P &RQĂ&#x20AC;UPDWLRQ Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU D P Lutheran Hour on KLMJ; 9 a.m. Worship Service; 10:15 a.m. Bible Class and Sunday School, Worship Broadcast on KLMJ; LWML Sunday Brunch Â&#x2021; 0RQGD\ 2FWREHU D P Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bible Class; 9 a.m. Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bible Class Â&#x2021; 7XHVGD\ 2FWREHU D P Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bible Study; 7 p.m. Parish Council Methodist Ackley United Methodist Jerry Kramer, Pastor 416 Hardin St. Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU S P %Lble Study at Library; 2 p.m. KFC; 6 p.m. Youth; 7 p.m. Orpah Circle Â&#x2021; 7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHU S P %Lble Study at Village Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU /HJLRQ Omelet Breakfast; 9 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship; 11 a.m. Fellowship; 3 p.m. Church Conference First United Methodist 7KRPSVRQ 6W 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG Sandi Gobeli, Pastor Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P :RUVKLS Geneva United Methodist 603 Front St. Harry Imlay, Pastor Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P :RUVKLS Hampton United Methodist Pastor Corby Johnson 100 Central Ave. E. Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU S P Kids Club; 5:30 p.m. Choir Practice; S P &RQĂ&#x20AC;UPDWLRQ S P (Gucation Meeting; 6:30 p.m. Senior Youth; 7 p.m. Finance Meeting; 7 S P :RUVKLS &RPPLWWHH 0HHWLQJ p.m. Leadership Council Meeting Â&#x2021; 7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHU D P Prayer Breakfast at 7 Stars; 6 p.m. Nominations Committee Meeting
Â&#x2021; 6DWXUGD\ 2FWREHU S P :RUship Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU D P %LEOH Study â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Not a Fan; 9 a.m. Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship Service; 11:15 a.m. Radio Broadcast on KLMJ; 11:30 p.m. Fellowship Â&#x2021; 0RQGD\ 2FWREHU S P Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FLOCK Â&#x2021; 7XHVGD\ 2FWREHU D P %Lble Study Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU p.m. Naomi Circle; 5 p.m. Kids Club; 5:30 p.m. Trustees Meeting; 6 S P &RQĂ&#x20AC;UPDWLRQ S P 6HQLRU Youth; 7 p.m. Leah Circle
Living Well Fellowship 917 Howard St. (First Presbyterian Church), Aplington 319-247-5569 Â&#x2021; 0RQGD\V S P &RQWHPSRUDU\ Worship Exploring Redemption and Healing. Come Early for Hot Chocolate or Cappuccino.
West Fork United Methodist 7XOLS $YH 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG Sandi Gobeli, Pastor Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P :RUVKLS
Church of Christ 22 1st St. NE, Hampton Rocky Woolery, Pastor Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P :RUVKLS *DWKering Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\V S P %HOLHYHUV Gathering
New Hope United Methodist Parish: Aredale, Bristow, Dumont Ann Donat, Pastor Â&#x2021; $UHGDOH &HQWHU 6XQGD\ :RUVKLS D P Â&#x2021; 'XPRQW &HQWHU 6XQGD\ 6FKRRO D P :RUVKLS D P United Methodist Church Morgan, Lee Center, Bradford Rev. Judy Eilderts, Pastor Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P :RUVKLS % 9:30 a.m. Worship, (LC); 10:30 a.m. Worship (M) Â&#x2021; 7XHVGD\V S P 1$ AA Bible Study; 7:30 p.m. (B) Bible Study United Methodist & Presbyterian Dows â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Alexander Shawn W. Hill, Pastor Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P $OH[DQGHU Methodist Worship; 9 a.m. Dows Sunday School; 10 a.m. Dows Joint Worship at Presbyterian Church on Ă&#x20AC;UVW WZR 6XQGD\V HDFK PRQWK DQG DW United Methodist Church on remaining Sundays Â&#x2021; 7KXUVGD\V D P 3UHVE\WHULDQ Women
In town delivery starting at 5 p.m.
Hwy. 3 West, Hampton
Call 641-456-2303
B & C KITCHEN 641-456-2788 7 1 AVE. NW â&#x20AC;˘ HAMPTON ST
Iowa Falls, 641-648-2569 Toll Free 1-800-464-2569
Neighborhood Bible 1570 Hwy. 65 N., Hampton Joel Anderson, pastor Darren Chipp 641-430-0701 Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P 6XQGD\ School; 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\V S P %LEOH Study and Prayer Â&#x2021; (YHU\RQH :HOFRPH &RPH $V You Are. Partnering with Evangelical Free Church of America.
Dumont Reformed 912 3rd St. Pastors April and Jeff Fiet Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P 6XQGD\ 6FKRRO (age 3 through high school); 10 a.m. Worship (nursery care provided each ZHHN FRPPXQLRQ RQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW 6XQday of each month) Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\V S P 5&<) \RXWK JURXS IURP WK WK JUDGH
First Reformed 214 Brown St., Alexander
Seven Stars Family Restaurant
119 North Akir St Latimer, IA 641-579-6240
Member FDIC
First Congregational U.C.C. 22 1st. Ave. SW, Hampton Pastor John Byrne Â&#x2021; )ULGD\ 2FWREHU D P p.m.: Fall Bazaar Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU D P Sunday School; 9:30 a.m. Choir; 10:30 a.m. Worship; 11:30 a.m. Coffee and Fellowship
Allison â&#x20AC;˘ Dumont â&#x20AC;˘ Hampton â&#x20AC;˘ Latimer
First Citizens National Bank
Chef Jeffrey Ho Chinese Cuisine DINE IN â&#x20AC;˘ TAKE OUT â&#x20AC;˘ CATERING
Lighthouse of Life 420 4th St. SE, Hampton Â&#x2021; 7KXUVGD\V S P 6SDQLVK 6HUvice with Pastors Antonio and Jeannete Pichardo
Sietsema-Vogel Funeral Homes and Monument Sales
Monday Night Buffet 5 - 8 pm
Dan Schipper - Manager
Seventh Day
Reformed Abundant Life Chapel 202 Fairview St., Dows Bruce Klapp, Pastor Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P 6XQGD\ School for all ages including adults; 10:30 a.m. Worship Service with Nursery and Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ministry available; 6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study with childcare available Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\V S P $GXOW %LEOH Study with Nursery, Children and Youth Ministry
Hwy 65 So.
641-456-5378 Open 6:30 am-8 pm Tues. thru Fri. Sat. & Sun. 7 am-8 pm
Zion Reformed -RQTXLO $YH 6KHIĂ&#x20AC;HOG Rev. Arthur Zewert Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU D P 6XQULVH &LUFOH S P &DWHchism, Praise Team; Deacons/Elders; S P &RQVLVWRU\ Â&#x2021; 7KXUVGD\ 2FWREHU D P %XOletin Deadline Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU D P Worship; 10:45 a.m. Sunday School; HS Catechism; 11 a.m. Junior Choir Â&#x2021; 0RQGD\ 2FWREHU S P 9HVpers Circle Â&#x2021; 7XHVGD\ 2FWREHU D P 6HZing Group Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU S P &DWHFKLVP
Sixth Street Church of Christ (Acapella) 909 6th St. SW, Hampton Jim Zacharias, Minister Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P 6XQGD\ School; 10:30 a.m. Worship; 4:30 p.m. Worship Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\V S P %LEOH Study
Godfatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pizza Serving All of Central Iowa From Hampton!
Sovereign Grace Church 109 N. Eskridge St., Dows Dows / www.sgcdows.com Doug Holmes, Pastor Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P 6XQGD\ School; 11:15 a.m. Worship at First Presbyterian in Dows
Pastor Philip Arnold Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\V D P 3DVWRU 3KLO¡V Radio Ministry on KQCR; 9:30 a.m. Worship; 7 p.m., Pastor Philâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Radio Ministry on KLMJ
Hampton Seventh Day Adventist P.O. Box 464, Hampton Jose LaPorte, Pastor Â&#x2021; 6DWXUGD\V D P %LEOH 6WXG\ 11 a.m. Worship United Church of Christ
Immanuel U.C.C. 204 E. South St., Latimer The Rev. Lindsey Braun, Pastor Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU S P &RQĂ&#x20AC;UPDWLRQ S P &KXUFK &RXQFLO Â&#x2021; 6DWXUGD\ 2FWREHU S P <RXQJ $GXOW %RQĂ&#x20AC;UH Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU D P Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship/ Birthday Bank; 10:30 a.m. Lindseyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second anniversary coffee Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU S P &RQĂ&#x20AC;UPDWLRQ S P &( %RDUG St. Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s U.C.C. 496 B Raven Ave., Geneva StPetersIAUCC@gmail.com Rev. John Hanna, Pastor Â&#x2021; 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU D P Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship Â&#x2021; 7XHVGD\ 2FWREHU D P Sewing Circle Â&#x2021; :HGQHVGD\ 2FWREHU D P Ackley Presbyterian Village Communion Service
1280 Imperial Rd., Hampton
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104 Federal St. N, Hampton
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Dumont Implement Co.
3 - 1st St. SW, Hampton 641-456-4125
Highway 3, Dumont, IA www.dumontimplement.com
Corn Belt Power Cooperative
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Allison Pharmacy
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808 1st St. NW - Hampton
Humboldt â&#x20AC;˘ Hampton Emmetsburg â&#x20AC;˘ Spencer