October 9, 2013 E-Edition

Page 1


Ogden Reporter





A chilly Oktoberfest

A nice-sized crowd attended this year’s Oktoberfest Sunday afternoon despite cool, drizzly weather. Some of the fun activities included pony rides and pumpkin painting. (Pictured to the right). More photos next week.

Fire damages shop

A fire at 305 E Sycamore Street did severe damage to a shop building owned by Marilyn Good. Ogden fire and police responded to a call around 5:45 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1. The fire, thought to be electrical in nature, started near the front of the structure. Electrical equipment, along with several power tools and hand tools were destroyed in the blaze. -Photo provided

Invite community to “Lights On” open house at Ogden Kids Club October is the month to celebrate Afterschool Programs nationwide! The Youth & Shelter Services of Boone County Kids Club will be participating in the 14th annual national “Lights On Afterschool!” celebration. The event is from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 22, at Ogden Kids Club, Howe Elementary School. “We will be one of more than 5,000 sites across the nation that will help send the message that afterschool is key to children’s success, and that we must keep afterschool program’s lights on and the doors open. Families, school officials and community members are invited to help us support safe, stimulating afterschool programs,” Jana Rector, Ogden Kids Club site supervisor, said. This Lights On! event is an opportunity to learn more about the importance and benefits of your local Kids Club program. A variety of activities have been planned, including games and crafts. Everyone is welcome to join YSS of Boone County, the children and parents of Kids Club for supper and an evening full of activities. The YSS of Boone County Kids Club Afterschool Program is a qual-

ity afterschool program for children in grades kindergarten to sixth. It is a nonprofit program made possible through fees paid by parents and grant funding. Kids Club provides a safe learning environment, a relaxed, trusting atmosphere which fosters self-respect, a place for friendships to develop and grow, and contact with thoughtful, caring adults. For parents, the program provides the security of a safe, happy, and healthy place for their children to be while they are at work, a voice in determining the kind of care their children need and receive, and the support and advice from staff who enjoy working with children. YSS is a welcoming and inclusive agency that does not discriminate regardless of race, age, color, ethnicity, sex, religion, marital status, physical and/or mental disability, physical challenge, national origin, gender, gender orientation, sexual orientation, or ability to pay. “We look forward to having you join us for our ‘Lights On Afterschool!’ event. We hope that you will help us keep the lights on for afterschool so that we can inspire all our children toward a brighter future,” Rector said.


Meeting addresses questions on quiet zone Ogden City administrators have been in discussion for two years about implementing a quiet zone. While most everyone agrees that the silencing of train horns in Ogden would benefit the community, it does not come without costs. Redesigning the four railroad crossings is an expensive venture. Then you have to also look at the inconvenience to local business persons. A public meeting was held Thursday, Oct. 3 at the City Hall to provide the public more information about the proposed project. City Administrator Donovan Olson reviewed what has been done up to this point and the current estimated costs. A copy of the engineering report from Bolton and Menk was available for viewing. After the overview, Olson fielded questions from the approximate 20 community members present. Questions addressed included: • Where are we at on the price? • Where will the money come from? • Are there ways to economize by doing some of the project at a later date? • What expenses will be born by the utilities and how will that affect current utility rates? • Does the project have to be approved by the Federal Railroad Administration? • Will it affect our property taxes? Is so, how much? • What are the inconveniences caused by the non-mountable medians? • Will First Street be widened? • Can this project be put on a ballot for voting? Discussion also took place about the petition circulated earlier. Those present were invited to leave comments in writing for the City Council to address at their next meeting.

Habitat for Humanity is seeking partner family Habitat for Humanity is pleased to announce plans to build a new house in Boone in 2014 and is actively seeking a partner family for that home. To assist potential families in understanding how the Habitat home ownership program works, along with providing help in completing an application, two free public information sessions have been scheduled in October. The dates and times are Saturday, Oct. 19 at 10 a.m. and Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. Both events will be held in the Habitat for Humanity office at 720 Story Street.


Can drive is this Saturday Help support the Class of 2014 by donating your cans, plastic and/ or glass bottles that have return deposit on them. An OHS senior class can drive will be held this Saturday, Oct. 12. For your convenience, cans may be placed in the bin on main street. If you need assistance, call 2752289.

Save the date . . .

Joy riding . . .

Day care provider Janann Abels says her entourage may not stop traffic, but she notices drivers do slow down for a second look when she takes her charges out for a stroll. From left are Gabriel Gerzema, Sylus Rude, Case Peterson, Joslyn Britton, Aiden Gerzema. -Photo by Julie Holmberg

Formally Larry’s Fine Jewelry -Repair and Create Fine Jewelry -Buy, Sell, Trade, Pawn Gold & Silver and now FIREARMS ! -Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Repair New Products, Same Amazing Service!

The Boxholm - Grand Community School reunion is planned for May 24, 2014 at the “Old School House.” A buffet lunch will be served at 1 p.m. Tell your friends. Details will be published at a later date. For questions, call Dorothy Henrichs at 515-846-6356 or Sonja Sturtz at 515-987-4282.

815 Story Street, Boone IA, 50036, 515-432-4450 Like us on Facebook


PAGE TWO - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, October 9, 2013

In Depth


Ruth’s Reflections W

hilE WiNTER CaME with a vengeance this past week to many parts of the country, and other areas experienced severe weather, somehow Taos was blessed with perfect autumn days. The night temperatures dropped down to the low 30s and there was frost on the ground, but daytime temps quickly climbed up into the 70s with abundant sunshine. As I enjoyed my time outdoors each day I felt very fortunate, surrounded by nothing but beauty, and I was reminded of how this is why I love Taos so much. It just didn’t get much better than this! After the previous week’s intense schedule I was looking forward to a quiet week to rest up a bit. Monday is supposed to be my day off, but I made the mistake of answering the phone early that morning. It was a lady who said she had a miniature horse that she thought may be foundering and she needed help. I have a friend who wanted a mini, so I told the lady I’d get my friend and we’d go take a look at him. The little horse was pastured outside of Angel Fire, about a 45 minute drive. Turns out that the “miniature” was actually more likely a Shetland pony. He was lying down when we arrived and he did not want to stand or walk. He was in a severe founder crisis – lameness, fever and heat in his hooves, and pain, from being extremely obese (about 100 pounds overweight)

and living on a big, rich mountain grass pasture. And, as usual, it was a bit more complicated a situation than the lady had told me over the phone. The little guy obviously needed something for pain, but I make a point to not give prescription pain meds or other medications to anyone else’s animal unless authorized to do so by the veterinarian. But I had brought my tuning forks along, so I gave him a thorough session. At the end he was standing and we were able to walk him up to the barn, not a small distance. I knew that the tuning forks would help, but I was amazed at how much. It was obvious that I couldn’t leave Peanut there. My friend fell in love with him even though he was a pony, not the miniature horse she’d wanted. I made arrangements with the owner for him to be surrendered to the horse sanctuary so he could get the immediate care he needed. She was at work, 45 miles away, so it got complicated real quickly. I couldn’t take the pony without the proper documentation and transfer of ownership, so the person who owned the pasture called the husband. Turns out he and the lady who’d called me were in the middle of a divorce. After he signed the surrender papers, and said he was the legal owner, that he’d bought and paid for him, he muttered something about “but she’s getting him

in the divorce.” Great. So I called her and left a message on her machine, asking her to call me back and confirm that she indeed did want to surrender him and would sign the papers also. She agreed to meet us at the pasture. We headed back to Taos to pick up the truck and trailer, then back to Angel Fire to pick up Peanut. After the papers were signed, I gave him some bute for his pain. By the time we got back to the horse sanctuary, it was 8:30. I unloaded him in the dark and tucked him in for the night. That wasn’t much of a day off. The heat in Peanut’s hooves and fever were almost completely gone the next day. He has improved each day here. He’s gotten lots of love and attention and looking perkier. I have not seen him lay down once since he arrived. After a few days on the pain med, I quit giving it to him because he no longer needed it. I had no idea that I’d be practicing what I’d learned with the tuning forks so soon after the previous week’s class, but I was grateful to have these tools to help little Peanut. I was amazed at how well he responded. If only all life’s crisis’s could be resolved – or helped – by something so gentle and noninvasive. All things considered, though, it’s still a beautiful world! Until next time, Ruth B.

by aaliYah sCoTT



his is NaTioNal 4-H Week! To be honest, I would not be where I am today - able to speak in front of people, identify needs in my community and find solutions to meet those needs, have leadership skills, know how to raise livestock, build a model rocket, sew, and so many more things, if I hadn’t joined 4H. When I was younger, I didn’t know what 4-H was. I had never heard about it. I didn’t know how to perform citizenship or leadership activities. But I joined 4-H and through meetings, activities, workshops, and trips, my world has expanded so much. I have helped chemotherapy patients, the hungry, people in need of clothing, the elderly, youth who live in shelters, and so many more

groups of people, while having fun and gaining life skills. As a young 4-H’er in Boone County, you can do lots of fun things, besides the meetings and the fair. You can go to junior fun night and meet new friends, go to junior Halloween night where you can dress up in cool costumes and get awards for them, and play fun games. There’s Tri-County 4-H camp, Share the Fun, Fashion Day, Communications Day, Extravaganza and much more. You can apply for awards if you turn in your record book. When you get older, you get to do even better things. When you’re in junior high, you can go on the intermediate trip! I went twice, once to Kansas City, where we went to Oceans and Worlds of Fun, the zoo, and went to a Royals game, and once to Minneapolis where we went to the

Blue and white - fight, fight More scenes from Ogden’s Homecoming celebration

Bulldog mascot gives a friendly wave to parade-watchers.

aBovE: cheerleaders sydney Bishop (top), Kristen Bennett (left), Kristina Paulson (partially hidden) and Betty henderson (right). RiGhT PhoTo: Football player Kody hoskins and his teammates were a highlight of the homecoming parade.

lEFT: ohs marching band under the direction of Jeremy Britton.

We welcome “Letters to the Editor.” They must be signed. Address letters to: Letters to the Editor, The Ogden Reporter, Box R, Ogden, IA 50212, or e-mail kspierce@netins.net


The Ogden RepORTeR Postal Publication Number: USPS 403-820


BY THE OGDEN REPORTER, 222 W. WALNUT STREET, OGDEN, IA 502120818. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT OGDEN, IA. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE OGDEN REPORTER, P.O. BOX R, OGDEN, IA 50212-0818. CIRCULATION: The Ogden Reporter is distributed to 2,000 subscribers and over-the-counter buyers each Wednesday. The Reporter is the official newspaper for the City of Ogden, Ogden Community School District, and is an official newspaper for Boone County. DEADLINES: Friday noon. PUBLISHER: Ryan Harvey. PHONE: 515-275-2101 or 4101 - FAX: 515-275-2678 e-mail: kspierce@netins.net www.ogdenreporter.com

zoo, a Twins game, and the Mall of America and the aquarium there. By the time I was an intermediate, my life skills and my success in school had improved immensely just because of 4-H. When you get to be in high school, your opportunities expand again, with the chance to attend State 4-H Conference, be on County 4-H Council, apply for state awards in project areas, and go on the Citizenship Focus Washington D.C. trip. The record keeping, application forms and interview processes help you to gain skills needed in college and the workplace. I love being in 4-H. I’m so glad that I got involved and hope that you will get involved and get to have as much fun as I am having. If you are in 4th-12th grade, you can join 4H. Contact the Boone County ISU Extension office for more information (515) 432-3882.


The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, October 9, 2013 - PAGE THREE



IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Tom Prochnow, Pastor Tuesday, October 8: Women’s Bible study is at 10 a.m. Wednesday, October 9: Prayer Shawl is at 1 p.m. Thursday, October 10: TOPS is at 6 p.m. Saturday, October 12: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Sunday, October 13: Worship with Communion is at 9 a.m. Choir practice is at 10 a.m. Sunday School is at 10:15 a.m. Church Council meets at 10:30 a.m. Monday, October 14: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Tuesday, October 15: Women’s Bible study is at 10 a.m. COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Gary Hoyt, Pastor Wednesday, October 9: No Childrens choir practice. No BEWAPS. No Jr. High Youth group. Bells practice at 5:30 p.m. Chancel choir practice is at 6:30 p.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Ministry Oversight Team meeting is at 7:30 p.m. Bulldog Builders is at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, October 10: Seekers Bible study is at 10 a.m. JAM (Kind.4th grade) is at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, October 13: Prayer Gathering is at 8:15 a.m. Sunday school is at 8:45 a.m. Worship led by directory of Youth Ministries, Cameron Wagner, is at 10 a.m. Fellowship follows worship. Wednesday, October 16: UMW meet at church to carpool to Boone at 1 p.m. UMW Unit meeting at Westhaven in Boone at 1:30 p.m. Children’s Choir is at 3:45 p.m. BEWAPS is at 4:30 p.m. Jr. High Youth group meets at 5:30 p.m. Bells practice is at 5:30 p.m. Chancel choir practice is at 6:30 p.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Leadership Board meeting is at 7:30 p.m. Bulldog Builders meet at 8:30 p.m. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Wade Brandt, Pastor Tuesday, October 8: Elders meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 9: Bible class is at 9 a.m. Mid-Week is at 1 p.m. Board of Stewards meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, October 10: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Saturday, October 12: LERT training is from 9 a.m. to noon. Worship is at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, October 13: Worship is at 9 a.m. Family Bible class is at 10:20 a.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. BOXHOLM TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Rod Meyer, Pastor Wednesday, October 9: Ogden Manor service is at 2 p.m (Miriam Group) Sunday, October 13: Fellowship hour is at 9:30 a.m. Worship is at 10:30 a.m. (Food Pantry Sunday). Wednesday, October 16: Women of the ELCA General meeting at 2 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST 502 W WALNUT

Sunday: Bible class is at 9:30 a.m. (Classes for all ages.) Worship service is at 10:30 a.m. Sunday evening service is at 6 p.m. Wednesday: Bible Study is at 7 p.m. ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. James Bruch, Pastor Wednesday, October 9: No Mass. Sacred Heart School Mass is at 10 a.m. Religious Education K-8th is from 6 to 7:15 p.m. 9th and 10th grade class is at 7 p.m. Thursday, October 10: Hall reservation is from Noon to 4 p.m. Friday, October 11: No Mass Saturday, October 12: Mass is at 6 p.m. Sunday, October 13: Mass is at 8 a.m. Monday, October 14: OCBW Dinner is at 6 p.m. BOXHOLM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dennis Shepherd, Pastor Sunday worship is at 9:45 a.m. Ad board meets the fourth Wednesday of June, August, October and December of this year at 7:30 p.m. Joy Circle meets the first Thursday at 1:30 p.m. PILOT MOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dennis Shepherd, Pastor Sunday worship service is at 8:30 a.m. Sunday school is from 10 to 11

OBITUARIES Dale Kenneth Andersen Dale Kenneth Andersen, 86, of Victoria, TX passed on to his heavenly home Monday, Sept. 30, 2013. He was born Dec. 12, 1926, in Palmyra, NE, to the late Emma Lizetta and Neils Peter Andersen. He was baptized March 25, 1945. Dale served his country in the United States Army during World War II from March 30, 1945, until he was honorably discharged Nov. 26, 1946. He retired to Victoria in 1984 after 37 years with Northern Natural Gas Co. in Odgen, IA. He was a 67 year member of the American Legion in Cuero, TX active for years with the Mission Valley Volunteer Fire Department, and a member of Christ the King Lutheran Church. He loved to play cards or dominoes with friends and family, and was an avid reader. He will be remembered by his friends and family for his quiet strength, great sense of humor and cheerful attitude. He is survived by his wife, Joan A. Andersen; daughter and son-in-law, Judy and Kenneth Perry of Alpine, TX; grandson, Robert R. Perry of Alpine, TX; sister, Velda Ragan of Lincoln, NE; sister and brother-in-law, Fran and Orville Kirchhoff of Sarasota, FL; sister and brother-in-law, Arlene and Dale Rodaway of Kingsland, TX; sister-in-law and husband, Linda and Rick Elbert of Ogden, IA; brother-in-laws and wives Dale and Tonya Adix of Derby, KS, and Paul and Tammi Adix of Ogden, IA and many nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by an infant son; brothers, Murl, Loid and Larry; and sisters, Doris Wilhelm, Marie Kuhl, Esther Jones and Norma Wachtel. Funeral services were held Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013, at Rosewood Funeral Chapels. Rev. Michael Couchman officiated the service. Burial with full military honors under the auspices of the Victoria Veterans Council follow ed in Mission Valley Cemetery. Pallbearers were Robert Perry, Dwight Jander, Ross Mansker, Richard Gisler, W. A. Afflerbach and Blake Afflerbach. Dale’s family (Andersen and Adix) wishes to extend their sincere appreciation for all the food, visits, phone calls, and love that have been extended to them. Your love and support comfort and inspire us. We would especially like to thank the EMS responders who were so very helpful to Joan on Sunday morning, to the ER doctor and nurses, the Life Flight crew and all the people who worked very diligently to save Dale’s life. Memorials may be made to Christ the King Lutheran Church, 275 Cavalry, Victoria, TX, 77905. Words of comfort may be shared with the family at www.rosewoodfuneralchapel.com. a.m. AA meets at 7 p.m. Monday. Quilters meet Tuesday and Thursday at 1 p.m.

BETHEL CHURCH D. Ray Hoke, Pastor

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Sunday: Morning worship is at 9:30 a.m. Sunday school for all ages, including adult electives is from 11 to 11:45 a.m. Evening services for adults and Jr./Sr. High youth are at 6 p.m. Wednesday: AWANA Club is from 6:30 to 8:10 p.m. Jr./Sr. High Bible study is from 6:30 to 8:10 p.m. Adult Care and Share is from 6:45 to 8 p.m. Men’s and women’s group home Bible studies are available. Call 2754091 for information.

Rick Summerhays, Pastor Bible Study is from 9 to 10 a.m. Gathering is from 10 to 10:15 a.m.: Pre-service snacks served. Service is from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m.: Contemporary music and a relevant message from God’s Word.

BIRTH Dr. Kate Heineman and Lee Henderson, of Des Moines, are the proud parents of a daughter, Margaret Rose, born Monday, Sept. 30, 2013 in Des Moines, IA. She weighed 7 lbs., 11 oz. and was 19 inches long. Grandparents are Dr. Brian and Nancy Heineman, Jim and Erin Henderson, Val Biancalana and Stuart Mackey. Great grandparents are Margaret Easton of Marian, IA and John and Eldora Heineman of Ogden, Donald Henderson and Alice Rebec.

Ogden Manor news Tuesday, October 8: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers are at 10:15 a.m. Reminisce group is at 10:30 a.m. Popcorn and Movie at 1:30 p.m. Bingo with Lion’s at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 9: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers are at 10:15 a.m. Bean bags at 11 a.m. Zion Lutheran Church social time is at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, October 10: Polka Parade is at 8 a.m. Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers are at 10:15 a.m. Charades is at 11 a.m. Pumpkin carving is at 2 p.m. Friday, October 11: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers are at 10:15 a.m. Ogden 4th graders are at 10:45 a.m. Cooking Classics is at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, October 12: Exercise is at 9:30 a.m. Movie matinee with James is at 2 p.m. Classic Gospel is at 5:30 p.m. on Channel 11. Sunday, October 13: Catholic time is at 9 a.m. Exercise time is at 9:30 a.m. Marge Smalley is at 1:30 p.m. Monday, October 14: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Hee Haw is on Channel 65. Ogden Rollers are at 10:15 a.m. Reader’s Theater is at 11 a.m. Bingo is at 2 p.m.

Zion Lutheran Women respond to LWML statement Members of the Zion Lutheran Women’s Missionary League met Thursday, Oct 4 and observed 70 years of being a national auxiliary to the church. Christian growth chairman Eldora Heineman led the responsive reading to the LWML mission statement which included assisting each woman of the LCMS and in affirming her relationship to the Triune God, enabling to use her gifts, ministry to people of the world and to “serve the world with gladness.” There are 92 ladies aids in the Iowa District West which has 6,650 members who meet for Bible study and mission work projects. The districts are divided into zones. Ogden is part of the Boone Zone, along with Ames, Boone, Bouton, Perry and Jefferson. In Luke 21 Jesus talks of the poor widow and her two mites and who gave more than anyone because she gave all she had. In 2015 the national LWML convention for LCMS will be held in Des Moines. “Lutheran Women One and All” was sung accompanied by Annette Powers. In Christian education Pastor Brandt led the Bible study “Connecting Heart to Heart.” The focus was on “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation,” Mark 16:15. We need to focus on recognizing cultures around us and own the desire and responsibility to reach out and build bridges and friendships, trying to understand one another. Dorothy Kruse led the business

meeting and welcomed Judy Olson as a new member. Secretary Joyce Boehm reported on September activities and Dorothy Reimers gave the results on mites and Zion preschool donations. In mission services Carol Claussen attended the Zone rally where Sue Ackerman was elected president and Marilyn Westrum Secretary. Carol announced Monday, Oct. 7 at 9 a.m. for tying quilts. All are invited to help. Other announcements were kitchen cleaning done by Wanda Schuller and Dorothy Kruse and visiting shut-ins by Lois Powers and Karen Elsberry. Ogden Manor was also visited in September by this group. On Oct. 16 Ogden Manor will be visited again. Twenty-three members from the Boone Zone visited Iowa Mission Central at Mapleton on Sept. 21. Women are to bring three twelve inch blocks for quilting in November and bring your mite boxes filled, following the suggested list of giving. Hostesses for the day were Karla Kahler and Dorothy Kruse. LWML Service is Sunday, Oct. 6. All members are to wear purple and bulletins are provided by aid members. Closing thoughts were “There is something better than understanding God and that is trusting Him.” Meeting closed with Table Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer. November 7 is the next meeting with hostesses Annette Powers and Lois Powers.


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OGDEN BAPTIST CHURCH Curt Fincham, Pastor Sunday: Sunday school for all ages is at 9:30 a.m. Morning worship is at 10:30 a.m. Evening service is at 6 p.m.

Sunday: Church service is at 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome.

The church of Christ Who are these people? It would be a cruel, insensitive, and heartless Creator that didn’t care about his creation’s well being. Of course the God of the universe, the Creator and Giver of all life, DOES care about His creation. We’re reminded of God’s care for us in Luke 12:6-7 “Are not five sparrows sold for two pence? and not one of them is forgotten in the sight of God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” The Bible also teaches us that we can carry our burdens to God in prayer. Just as we would talk to our earthly father and let him know of our joys, aspirations, and concerns in life, so also we may approach our heavenly Father. It is the privilege of every one of His children to be able to talk to Him in prayer as Father. Galatians 4:6 declares, “And because ye are sons, God sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” When we so approach our Father, we can then, as Peter tells us, cast “all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Perhaps, however, the greatest proof that God does indeed care for us is in the love that He showed us through His Son, Jesus. Does God know what it feels like to lose someone dear to Him? Yes, he does, because God gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross. “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not also with him freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32). And Jesus, God Himself, experienced what it was like to live as a man. “For we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but one that hath been in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4:15) He knows what our feelings are like when we are sad, lonely, depressed, aching, despondent, and hurting. And he cares. He also experienced those feelings. Yes, God KNOWS what and how we are feeling. It is sad that many will not turn to God’s word as the source of true comfort. God knows each of us better than we know ourselves; so, God can tell us what we need to do to appropriately work through our strong feelings. God’s word has all of the answers to life’s problems and through our faith in it; we can overcome (1 John 5:4). See our broadcast on local channel 6 Sundays at 6 pm & Tuesdays, at 7 pm! “In Search of the Lord’s Way”, Sunday at 7:30 am on KCWI, cable Ch. 9! We would like to invite you to worship with us at 502 W. Walnut! Sunday Bible study at 9:30 a.m., Worship at 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening Bible study at 7:00 p.m.

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PAGE FOUR - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Our Town


Heineman’s busy schedule allows for very little free time As many of us know, Grant Heineman is a gifted, hard working young man; he is an athlete, musician, farmer, and all-around citizen. Grant’s performance in the classroom, on the stage, and as a volunteer, make it clear that he has earned the award of October Student of the Month. In the classroom, Grant has been on honor roll every semester. His dedication and effort have allowed him to be a member of the National Honor Society, as well as an active participant in the Knowledge Bowl and Physics Bowl. His excellent example in the classroom has also enabled him to be elected to Student Council as the Senior Class President, as well as represent OHS on the Homecoming Court. Grant excels in class, and also on the stage. He is the drum major of the marching band, and also plays the trombone in concert band and jazz band. He sings in the chamber choir and mixed chorus, show choir, has been in the spring plays, and has either been a lead in each musical, or been behind the soundboard. The other stage on which Grant shines is the field or court. He has been in football, basketball, and track, and the statistician of the baseball team. Not only does he set positive examples during games, but he also puts in extra time after

GRANT HEINEMAN Student of the Month practices and on traveling teams developing his speed and endurance. Perhaps what makes Grant particularly unique and deserving of this award, is his willingness to help and generously volunteer his time and energy. We have seen this in his technical support at school as he sets up all assemblies with sound and technology and can solve any problem he encounters. Grant and his father even built the box in

the auditorium to hold the soundboard. Outside of school, Grant volunteers at Zion Lutheran Church in many capacities including communion assistant, and Vacation Bible School teacher. His other time is spent as a part of Westside Hustlers 4-H Club, and for the past eight years he has been raising and showing cattle and hogs. He has also completed projects in woodworking, welding, aerospace, citizenship, and leadership. Currently, he is serving as co-president and on County Council. Due to Grant’s productivity, little free time is available. On top of his many activities, he enjoys helping on the family farm, water sports, snowboarding in Colorado, fantasy football, music, and hanging out with friends. His family is very important to Grant as well. He is the son of Paul and Mari Lynn Heineman, and younger brother to Marcus and Andrew, both 2009 OHS graduates. Thank you, Grant, for your example of leadership, and excellence in all areas of your life. It is our honor to award you with October Student of the Month, and we encourage you to continue in that leadership after you leave Ogden to major in agricultural engineering at Iowa State University.

COMING EVENTS MONDAY, OCTOBER 14Stop by for a short visit with Sue of the RSVP 55+ Volunteer Program at the Leonard A. Good Community Library, 208 W. Mulberry, Ogden. Monday’s October 7, 14, 21, and 28, anytime between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Look for Sue and see what the many different volunteer opportunities there may be to fit your schedule. Give one hour a week or month to help one or more people. You can make a difference.

Briefly The Ogden Community School District Board of Education will hold their regular board meeting Monday, Oct. 14, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the High School Library. Items on the tentative agenda are as follows: Call to order; good news; consent agenda; delegations, petitions and communications; Action items: A. District: 1. Appoint School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC). 2. Strategic Plan survey review. B. Curriculum/school improvement/professional development: 1. Kids Club update. 2. Hospitality and tourism management class overview. 3. Professional Learning Communities (PLC) presentation. C. Technology. D. Finance/facilities/support services: 1. Monthly financial reports. 2. Board Instruction Committee report. 3. Board Facilities Committee report. 4. Recommendation to approve engineer/ architectural firm for baseball field renovation. E. Superintendent: 1. Technology update. 2. Board Policy Series Codes 407-414 - first reading. 3. Board calendar. 4. Next board agenda-draft; other; adjourn.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9Fun and games at 12:30 p.m., McGraw Senior Center. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10Water Buffaloes meet at McGraw Senior Center. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15Catered dinner at noon, McGraw Senior Center. Food Pantry drop-off, open daily, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., McGraw Senior Center.

EVERY THURSDAYTOPS Club (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets every week on Thursday at 6 p.m. at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 119 SW 2nd St., Ogden. Visitors are always welcome. First meeting is free. TOPS Club, Inc. is an affordable, nonprofit, weight-loss support and wellness education. For details, call Linda Trudo at 515-275-4620, visit www.tops.org or call TOPS Headquarters at 800-932-8677


Steven Johnson, D.O. Boone County Hospital (BCH) is pleased to welcome Steven Johnson, D.O., to the BCH Medical Staff. He is joining Dr. Tracey McIntire and the OB/GYN Clinic. Dr. Johnson is originally from northern Iowa and received his Doctor of Osteopathy Degree from Des Moines University, Des Moines. Dr. Johnson completed a Residency at Broadlawns, Des Moines, and Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana. Most recently he practiced in Connersville, Indiana. Dr. Johnson is looking forward to meeting his new patients. Obstetrics/Gynecology Clinic 1015 Union Street, Boone www.boonehospital.com

To schedule an appointment, call 433-8700.

10 Years Ago From the Oct. 8, 2003 issue Father Brian Danner of Madrid has been named administrator for St. John’s Catholic Church in Ogden, replacing Msgr. James Lafferty who resigned for health reasons. Allison Lingren, Pilot Mound, received a state 4-H music project award. Lingren, 17, is an OHS senior and the daughter of stan and Cheryl Lingren. The Iowa 4-H Foundation and Zeta Lind Memorial sponsors the award. Jennifer Erickson, 2001 OHS graduate, is a staff reporter for the Central College Ray at Central College in Pella. Erickson is the daughter of Robert and Susan Erickson, Ogden. She is a junior psychology major. Jenna Thompson has been selected as October Student of the Month for 2003. Jenna serves as a role model for her high standards, her firm convictions, her hard work, and her kindness. She is the daughter of Duanna and Ryan Thompson. Ogden first grade teacher, Lillian Kruse, was nominated as an outstanding teacher in the Iowa Teacher of the Year program. Kruse is one of the chosen few to represent the state of Iowa. Of the 3,200 teachers in the state, only 30 to 40 are nominated. Aaron Van Pelt tore up 230 yeards, tallied 3 TDs and 2 PATs as the Ogden Bulldogs recorded their first winof the season by crushing the Stuart, West Central Wildcats, 38-14, before a big Homecoming crowd Friday night.

30 Years Ago From the Oct. 12, 1983 Issue A large ceramic plate created by David Alban will be among numerous works displayed at a national show which opens Friday, Oct. 14 at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, MO. Alban is a graduate student at Cranbrook Academy of Art near Detroit, MI. He is the son of Gary and Sharon Alban of Ogden. Jana Boehm, daughter of John and Joyce Boehm, and Dave Snedden, son of Don and Dee Snedden, were crowned 1983 Homecoming queen and king at festivities Friday. Carma Jean Stumpenhorst of Temple City, CA and Larry Ahrens of Staplehurst, NE were married Aug. 27, 1983 at Our redeemer Lutheran Church in Staplehurst. Parents of the couple are Marvin and Ruth Stumpenhorst and Charles and Dorothy Parks of Staplehurst, NE. The congregation of Ogden Bible Church has voted to change its name to Ogden Baptist Church. This does not represent a change in beliefs. But because it is our desire to enter into fellowship with the General Association of Regular Baptists we are changing our name to conform to the names of those churches by adding Baptist to our name. Jason Sloan was one of 93 students at Northwest Missouri State University to pledge membership in the University’s social fraternities and sororities as the fall semester got underway on the Maryville campus. Sloan pledge Tau Kappa Epsilon. He is the son of Les and Donna Sloan. The business and professional women of Ogden will host their annual courtesy coffee Wednesday, Oct. 19 from 8 to 11 a.m. at the McGraw Senior Citizens Center. All Ogden business people, school faculty, ministers, and senior citizens are welcome.

60 Years Ago From the Oct. 15, 1953 Issue Ogden Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, reached a milestone in its history with the celebration on Friday evening, Oct. 9 of its Golden Anniversary. A party honoring Miss Alice Carlson was held at her home Sunday evening, Oct. 11. Luncheon included a beautiful decorated cake and Miss Carlson received many nice gifts. The misses Delores and Donna Belle Smith entertained a dozen friends at a kitchen shower Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Bud Sarver of Madrid, who before her recent marriage was Miss Ann Fishel. A birthday party was held Sunday evening at the Alvin Heck home in honor of their daughter, Sharon’s sixteenth birthday. Dale Hagge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hagge, was 5 years old last Friday and Thursday afternoon he celebrated the event with a small party. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grimm were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bergstrom of Winterset. Mrs. Charles White left Saturday for West Union where she will spend three weeks in the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Frey.

Nicolle Reynolds places at horse shows

Nicolle Reynolds, daughter of Michael and MaLinda Reynolds of Boone, attended her third horse show Saturday, Sept. 21 at Stagecoach Stables in Ames. Nicolle entered two events and won first place ribbons in the “Walk/Jog Jackpot” and the “Walk/Jog, 11 and under” categories. She is shown with her horse Angel following the competition. The Ogden student was also a winner back in May with her horse Sassy, placing first in “Western Horsemanship, 11 and under”; second in “Walk/Jog Jackpot”; and second in “Walk/Jog, 11 and under.” -Photo provided

SHERIFF’S REPORT Tuesday, October 1 8:29 a.m.: Sgt. Wingate and Deputy Gray arrested Erich Reints of Urbandale on a forceable felony warrant and transported to the BCJ. 10:19 a.m.: A person called the BCSO to report and accident with a farm implement and a Fed-Ex truck at I Ave. and 230th. According to the report a fertilizer spreader driven by David Fevold was distracted by a person walking near the road and did not see the Fed Ex truck driven by Steve Pfannes. There were no injuries. Thursday, October 3 10:50 a.m.: Sheriff Elsberry arrested Nozey W. Habhab on a warrant from Humboldt County for assault causing injury. He was held for authorities from Humboldt County. Saturday, October 5 12:10 p.m.: Deputy Quinn made a traffic stop on Highway 210 and QF Lane. After a brief investigation the driver Michael Kennedy was

arrested on suspicion of OWI and transported to the BCJ. 11:27 p.m.: Sgt. Wingate and K-9 Bandit searched for two subjects that fled into a field when officers discovered a large gathering of people at the bike trail on the Boone/ Story County line. The subjects were found. One person, Zachary Thompson was charged with underage possession, and everyone else was warned about trespassing and allowed to leave. Sunday, October 6 2:47 a.m.: Sgt. Wingate made a traffic stop and arrested two subjects for possession, Malarie Riker and Colton Robinson were transported to the BCJ for further investigation. 1:08 a.m.: Deputy Fangman made a traffic stop in the westbound lanes of Highway 30 and Highway 169. After a brief investigation the driver Victoria Stafford was arrested on suspicion of OWI. She was transported to the BCJ for further investigation.




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The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, October 9, 2013 - PAGE FIVE

Bulldog volleyball nabs Public Notices back-to-back victories KEY: K - Kills; A - Assists; D - Digs; B Blocks; S - Serves; A - Aces

Ogden vs. West Central Valley

Ogden vs. SEW-Grand Everyone contributed to the win Monday, Sept. 30 at home. In set 1 Abbey Gustafson and Katie Lowman each had 4 kills and Gustafson had 3 ace serves topped off by Mallory Melchert’s 2 blocks. The first set played evenly until the score reached 12-12. That’s when Jordan Poock served 6 times to score 5 points, giving the Dogs an 18-12 lead. Ogden maintained control of the match to win 25-19. Lowman tallied 3 kills and Kennedy Kruse controlled the net serving in set 2. Ogden had an 8-7 lead when Kruse stepped to the serving line. The Bulldog served a quick 5 points and then took the score to 17-8, forcing the SEW-Grand coach to take 2 times outs. Kruse served 10 of 10 in a row with 3 aces to dominate the Eagles. Kori Kershner and Gustafson followed, serving 3 points each to finish the match. SEW-Grand tried to hold on but couldn’t overtake the Bulldogs. Ogden took a quick lead with 3 aces served by Gustafson, giving Ogden a 7-1 lead. The Eagles climbed back within a point. Poock then went to the line and tallied 5 points stretching the score to 13-8. Kruse’s perfect serving forced another Eagle timeout. Ogden was up 21-12 by that point. SEW-Grand’s next two servers challenged the Bulldogs, pulling their team within 2, but the Bulldogs held on for the win supported by Melchert’s 8 kills in set 3. “These kills were developed by tremendous passing by Jordan Poock in set 3,” said Coach Shan-

Middle hitter Katie Lowman attacks the net. -Photo by Darren Tromblay non Zinnell. “Jordan received 8 of 8 serves in set 3, 6 of them perfectly. Mallory had 5 blocks for the match.” Ogden 3 - SEW-Grand 0 Christensen Gustafson











0-1 0 14-16 4

Kershner Kruse Lawler Lowman Melchert Moses Poock Westberg Wheelock

Thompson wins Leon Fox CC Invitational Last Thursday the Bulldogs had a chance to see how they stack up against the rest of the schools in the West Central Conference as most of the conference schools were present at the Leon Fox Invitational at Perry. “We’re encouraged by tonight’s results, but there is still plenty of work left in the coming weeks,” said Coach Ryan Kobliska following the meet. The boys finished third in Class B behind two tough teams in Panorama and Nodaway Valley. Ogden was led by meet champion Trey Thompson in a personal best time of 17.28. Kobliska said that winning a race has been one of his big goals. “With his work ethic it was just a matter of time. He has steadily improved each week this season. We really had a strong effort from all seven of our varsity runners.” Andrew Stumbo finished 13th to also earn a medal. Zane Buxton set a new personal best time of 20.43. In the junior varsity race Devon Johns and Garrett Kahler set new personal bests. BOYS TEAM STANDINGS 1. Panorama .......................... 2. Nodaway Valley ................. 3. OGDEN ............................. 4. Roland-Story ..................... 5. Des Moines Christian ........ 6. Van Meter .......................... 7. Woodward Academy ......... 8. Greene County .................. 9. Madrid ............................... 10. Orient-Macksburg ............. 11. Paton-Churdan..................

53 82 96 117 141 144 150 167 244 249 275

Here’s how the Bulldogs finished: Trey Thompson, 1st, 17.28*; Andrew Stumbo, 13th*, 18.45; Jack Roberts, 24th, 19.17; Evan Klicker, 31st, 19.40; Aleks Kester, 39th, 20.13; Daniel Nida, 42nd, 20.29; Zane Buxton, 48th, 20.43. Junior varsity: Bradley Gregory, 88th, 22.19; Garrett Kahler, 100th, 22.47; Devon Johns, 141st, 24.47; Zach Allen, 163rd, 32.12; Jordan Hance, 164th, 31.37. Girls

Junior high The junior high boys had a good race from Blake Gregory who finished in the top 10% of a very competitive race. The coach said Matt Sauer ran one of his best races of the year, too. Hannah Booth was the top finisher for the junior high girls, covering the two-mile course in 15:13. “She’s been running very well lately,” said her coach. “Aubrey Keenan gave a nice effort tonight. She and the girls as a whole did a good job of kicking at the end of the race.” Here’s how they finished: Boys: Blake Gregory, 19th, 13.19; Isaac Lewiston, 50th, 14.10; Gershom Levi, 66th, 14.26; Brady Nelson, 147th, 17.14; Jeff Chumbley, 148th, 17.14; Cade Barnett, 161st, 17.56; Cole Bennett, 171st, 18.22; Matt Sauer, 172nd, 18.22; Lance Longhorn, 175th, 18.35. Girls: Hannah Booth, 26th, 15.13; Camryn Buxton, 49th, 16.06; Trinitie Barnett, 85th, 17.15; Claudia Kester, 104th, 18.11; Brooke Schmidt, 106th, 1818; Aubrey Keenan, 108th, 18.21; McKayla Dozier, 113th, 18.32; Aidan Skalicky, 138th, 19.59; Natalie Keenan, 146th, 22.53.

JH ScoreS Football Monday, Sept. 30 vs. South Hamilton 7th grade lost 36-6 8th grade lost 46-0 Thursday, Oct. 3 vs. Colfax-Mingo 7th grade 8th grade


The girls were again paced by Sydney Bishop, running a time of 18:35. Anna Clark and Sydney Diggs both improved their best times. Michele Johnson was strong in the final straight-away.

Monday, Sept. 30 vs. Glidden-Ralston 7th Grade lost: 16-21, 11-21, 14-21, 19-21, 13-21. 8th Grade won: 22-20, 21-18, 21-15, 15-4.


Thursday, Oct. 3 at Prairie Valley 7th Grade lost: 15-21, 14-21, 21-18, 19-21. 8th Grade tied: 17-21, 21-18, 13-21, 22-20.

1. Panorama .......................... 41 2. Greene County .................. 53 3. West Central Valley ........... 59 4. Madrid ............................... 101 5. Roland-Story ..................... 118 6. SEW-Grand ....................... 136

2 5 3 13

5 3 8

8-12 15-15 3-3 20-20 1-2 4-5 65-74

2 4 4 14

Ogden 3 - West Central Valley 0 K

Christensen Kershner Kruse Lawler Lowman Melchert Poock Westberg Wheelock





7 - 10 - 13-13 3 3 - 11-12 1 6-6 - 1 3 - 14-16 4 1 9 4 - 1 3 - 16-17 6 1 2 22 1 - 7-10 31 24 22 5 56-74 KEY: K - Kills; A - Assists; D - Digs; B Blocks; S - Serves; A - Aces


Ogden ................................... NTS

Here’s how the Bulldogs finished: Sydney Bishop, 26th, 18.35; Anna Clark, 40th, 20.13; Sydney Bishop, 47th, 20.40; Michele Johnson, 53rd, 22.39.

3 2 7 9 1 1 1 1 2 1 26 32 28

Bulldog Kylie Westberg had her best match of the year with 6 kills (3 in set 3) with no errors last Tuesday at West Central Valley. Ogden won all three sets 25-20, 25-11, 25-22. According to Coach Zinnell, part of their game plan was attacking WC Valley’s zone 1 because she felt they defended it poorly. “Kylie took clear advantage of their weakness,” said Zinnell. Melchert dominated at the net with 9 kills (5 in set 3) and 4 blocks. At the serving line the Bulldogs took turns dominating: controlling set 1 was Jackie Lawler with 7 serves and 2 aces; set 2 belonged to Kershner and Gustafson. Kershner was 8 for 8 at the line with 3 aces, followed by Gustafson going 6 for 6 with 1 ace. “In set 3 Jordan took her turn frustrating WC Valley,” said the Ogden coach. “She served with 100% accuracy, 11 for 11 with 2 aces.” Melchert finished the match with 4 blocks and Gustafson had 10 digs. Ogden was in complete control, holding the Wildcats to only 17 attack attempts and 12 kills. The unpredictably play required Ogden’s libero, Poock, to scramble as she worked to put the Bulldog attack into a system, drawing compliments from the opposing coach. This resulted in Ogden’s 82 attack attempts and 31 kills. A

2 3 2 2 9


LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing before the Board of Supervisors of Boone County (according to Section 335.6 Code of Iowa) will be held on Wednesday October 16, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. at the Boone County Courthouse (2nd floor, Board Room) located at 201 State Street, Boone, Iowa 50036, to consider Ordinance # 120, John Logue petition to rezone 14.37 acres, more or less, from R-1 (Rural Residential) to TA-1 (Transitional Agriculture) to accommodate Logue Subdivision, a non-farm residential development. A second hearing will be held on Wednesday October 23, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. unless suspended at the October 16, 2013 hearing. A third hearing will be held on Wednesday October 30, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. unless suspended at the October 16, 2013 or the October 23, 2013 hearing. Petitioner: Boone County Planning & Development 201 State St. Boone, Ia. 50036 Property Owners: John Logue 1140 Montana Rd Boone, Ia. 50036 LOCATION OF PROPERTY AFFECTED: PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, DES MOINES TOWNSHIP 84 NORTH, RANGE 26 WEST OF THE 5TH PM AND PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, DES MOINES TOWNSHIP 84 NORTH, RANGE 26 WEST OF THE 5TH PM, BOONE COUNTY, IOWA, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 14.37 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Location Summary: Take Highway 30 west of Boone approximately 1 ¾ miles to Montana Rd. Turn right onto Montana Rd continue heading north approximately ¾ miles. The proposed subdivision is located on the right side of Montana Rd. The above Petition is open for inspection at the Planning and Development Department, Boone County Courthouse. Persons wishing to appear at such hearing may do so in person, or by attorney, or other representative. Communication in writing in relation thereto may be filed with the Zoning Commission or at such hearing. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend the hearing and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and participate, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, are requested to contact The Boone County Courthouse (515) 433-0550. BOONE COUNTY Sandra Monck Director of Planning and Develop-

September 25, 2013 Foster called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. with all members present. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve the minutes of September 18, 2013 meeting. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to amend the agenda to add discussion of Parrish drainage and meet with Marian Moore and approve the agenda as amended. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Mike Segner and others that live on Magnolia Road north of E-57 presented a petition to the Board to restore Magnolia Road to it’s previous condition before the county cleaned the ditch. The Board, along with county engineer will view the area on Wednesday October 2, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. Moved by Hollingshead, second by Duffy to table the pay adjustment for Joseph Smith, Building & Grounds for further discussion. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Moved by Hollingshead, second by Duffy to table the pay adjustment for Russell Stevens, Building & Grounds for further discussion. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Moved by Hollingshead, second by Duffy to approve authorizing the landfill administrator to purchase replacement extraction well from EPG Equipment for $7,363.00. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Moved by Duffy, second by Hollingshead to approve signing the Digital Data Agreement between Boone County and City of Ames for countywide parcels shape file. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Moved by Hollingshead, second by Duffy to approve signing Applications for 2014 Homestead Tax Credits for Lance J. & Jennifer A. Stumbo 985 214th Ln., Boone; Teresa Wilcox 523 S Main St, Boone; Ned M. Park 1320 Boone St., Boone; Ronald W. Hodges & Sherryl K. Hodges 718 E 8th St., Madrid and Applications for 2014 Military Exemption for Ronald W. Hodges & Sherryl K. Hodges 718 E 8th St., Madrid as recommended by Boone County Assessor. NO: None; YES; Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m. These minutes were approved this second day of October 2013. Philippe E. Meier Boone County Auditor

ment Published in The Ogden Reporter Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013.

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Southeast Webster-Grand and West Central Valley rallied late in the third sets, but Ogden volleyball held off and claimed back-to-back wins, defeating both the Eagles and Wildcats 3-0 in recent action. Ogden, 6-13, hosts Van Meter Tuesday. October 15 the Bulldogs travel to Panorama.


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Iowa Department of Management Form F638 - R (Published Summary)

County No: 8 Boone County ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance -- Actual and Budget FY 2012/2013 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 8/8/2013 For the fiscal year ended: June 30, 2013 Budget Accounting Basis: Special Capital Debt Actual Budgeted CASH General Revenue Projects Service Permanent Totals Totals (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Taxes Levied on Property 1 4,531,336 2,632,404 606,621 7,770,361 7,784,566 1 Less: Uncollected Delinquent Taxes - Levy Year 2 538 1,162 398 2,098 3,800 2 Less: Credits to Taxpayers 3 188,670 107,549 24,675 320,894 247,011 3 Net Current Property Taxes 4 4,342,128 2,523,693 581,548 7,447,369 7,533,755 4 Delinquent Property Tax Revenue 5 1,013 284 134 1,431 835 5 Penalties, Interest & Costs on Taxes 6 72,699 72,699 80,500 6 Other County Taxes/TIF Tax Revenues 7 342,764 854,843 17,169 1,214,776 1,183,035 7 Intergovernmental 8 1,944,149 3,602,776 24,737 5,571,662 6,323,230 8 Licenses & Permits 9 16,775 2,455 19,230 15,500 9 Charges for Service 10 994,598 37,593 1,032,191 1,098,474 10 Use of Money & Property 11 114,023 1,825 115,848 196,201 11 Miscellaneous 12 120,109 168,642 288,751 693,190 12 Subtotal Revenues 13 7,948,258 7,192,111 0 623,588 0 15,763,957 17,124,720 13 Other Financing Sources: General Long-Term Debt Proceeds 14 14 0 Operating Transfers In 15 142,000 1,979,083 222,700 2,343,783 2,343,783 15 Proceeds of Fixed Asset Sales 16 18,257 18,257 12,000 16 Total Revenues & Other Sources 17 8,108,515 9,171,194 0 846,288 0 18,125,997 19,480,503 17



Public Safety and Legal Services Physical Health Social Services Mental Health, MR & DD County Environment and Education Roads & Transportation Government Services to Residents Administration Nonprogram Current Debt Service Capital Projects Subtotal Expenditures

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

2,900,217 627,502

949,521 7,295,265

336,937 7,689,849

Operating Transfers Out Refunded Debt/Payments to Escrow Total Expenditures & Other Uses Excess of Revenues & Other Sources over (under) Expenditures & Other Uses Beginning Fund Balance - July 1, 2012 Increase (Decrease) in Reserves (GAAP Budget) Fund Balance - Nonspendable Fund Balance - Restricted Fund Balance - Committed Fund Balance - Assigned Fund Balance - Unassigned Total Ending Fund Balance - June 30, 2013

29 30 31






670,680 1,379,777

-719,868 4,552,319

2,050,457 2,050,457

3,832,451 3,832,451

Other Financing Uses:

Additional details are available at: Notes to the financial statement, if any:

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

659,122 547,400 1,611,503

Boone County Aduditors Office



3,139,221 627,502 990,305 1,443,838 5,320,086 566,201 1,611,503 0 697,401 1,286,458 15,682,515

3,342,407 18 797,533 19 2,731,750 20 1,760,947 21 5,820,000 22 632,502 23 1,923,629 24 0 25 831,465 26 3,181,200 27 21,021,433 28



2,343,783 0 18,026,298

2,343,783 29 0 30 23,365,216 31

0 133,779

148,887 71,642


133,779 133,779

220,529 220,529

0 0

990,305 784,716 5,320,086 18,801 697,401 0


99,699 -3,884,713 32 6,137,517 6,137,517 33 34 0 35 0 36 0 37 0 38 0 6,237,216 2,252,804 39 6,237,216 2,252,804 40 Telephone:515-433-0502

PAGE SIX – The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Put your football picking skills to the test! PARTICIPATE IN THE OGDEN REPORTER’S



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IT’S EASY! Just pick the winners of this week’s games featured in each ad and send us your entry! The more correct guesses you have, the better your chance of being a prime pigskin picker! Each week, the entry with the most correct picks (and most accurate tie breaker) will win $40 in cash! Second and third place winners will win $20 and $10 respectively. Note: The winners are listed in The Ogden Reporter sponsored football.


Anyone is eligible except employees of The Ogden Reporter. The winner each week will receive a $40 cash prize. The decision of the judges is final. Deadline for entries is 5 p.m. on Fridays. Mail entries to: Football Contest, Reporter, P.O. Box R, 222 West Walnut Street, Ogden, IA 50212, or bring your entry to our office at 222 West Walnut Street, Ogden, IA, by 5 p.m. Friday. Use official entry form published in this newspaper. Faxed copies using the original entry blank will be allowed (515-2752678). Contest games are listed in the advertisements. Write the name of the team you think will win in the corresponding blank by the name of each sponsor. The tie-breaker will be used in the event of a tie. In the tie-breaker, write the total number of points you think will be scored in the tie-breaker game. The closest to the actual total points scored in the tie-breaker game, without going over, will be the winner. If there is still a tie after the tie-breaker, the winner will be drawn from the winning entries. Good luck!


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Moffitt’s Ford, Lincoln _____________________________________ The Lucky Pig Pub & Grill___________________________________ GET WHAT YOU NEED AT



Boehm Insurance Agency __________________________________ Sternquist Garage ________________________________________


Peoples Trust & Savings Bank _________________________________ Ogden Farm & Feed Center ________________________________

• HARDWARE • Livestock Feed and Pet Food • Roller Chain • Plumbing and Electrical Supplies • Hand Tools • Hydraulic Hose Repair • Gates & Fencing • Oil filters • Check Out Our RENTAL DEPARTMENT! 113 SW 4th Street in Ogden - Hours: M-F 7 - 6; Sat. 8 - 4

Mid-America Publishing Corp. _______________________________

Hours: M-F 7 - 6; Sat. 8 - 4

Pigskin Sponsor No. 1 _____________________________________

The Ogden Reporter _______________________________________ Carson/Stapp Funeral Home ________________________________


www.ogdenreporter.com __________________________________

Iowa State at Texas Tech

Pigskin Sponsor No. 2 _____________________________________


OGDEN BOONE DAYTON 275-2977 432-1681 547-2317


Northwestern at Wisconsin

Pigskin Sponsor No. 3 _____________________________________ Pigskin Sponsor No. 4 _____________________________________

Don’t forget the tie-breaker game points below! Business Printing Personal Printing Business Cards Letterhead & Envelopes Business Forms Brochures & Flyers Posters

515-275-2101 Oakland Raiders at Kansas City Chiefs

In case of a contest tie, the entry with the closest guess to the actual number of points scored in the tie-breaker game, without going over, will be the winner. Enter total number of points you predict will be scored in the following game:

Tie-breaker Game: Iowa State vs. Texas Tech Total points in Tie-breaker Game: _____________

Member FDIC

Grand Junction • Jefferson • Rippey www.ptsbank.com Pella Christian at Van Meter


The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, October 9, 2013 - PAGE SEVEN


Late strike downs Pella Christian Missed extra point proves to be the difference in a 14-13 win by AL TRELOAR



Any fAnS AT PELLA Friday evening were concerned about the weather as storms had been forecast. A storm did blow up in the fourth quarter, but it was a storm not from the skies but on the field as a bolt of lightning from the arm of quarterback Caleb Frye struck Luke West in the hands and he crashed through a defender into the end zone to tie the score with just 26 seconds showing on the clock. Another bolt from the leg of Kolton Christle split the uprights into a stiff breeze for the extra point that would break the hearts of the Pella Christian faithful and seal the comeback victory for the Bulldogs 14-13. For more than three quarters the Pella Christian Eagles had dominated the line of scrimmage, employing a punishing ground game in the name of Mason Howerzyl and a stiff defense to forge a 13-0 lead at the start of the fourth quarter. Ogden finally got something going when Luke West stepped in front of a Colton Collins pass and returned the interception 35 yards to the Eagle 30 yard line. With 8:53 to go Frye hit Grant Heineman with a 12 yard scoring pass to pull to within 6. The Bulldogs got the ball back with 5:51 left in the game and mounted a sustained 14 play drive to set up the dramatic finish. “Nights like this are why I love coaching,” said Coach Garrison Carter. “Backs against the wall, nothing going our way, and we found a way to get it done. So proud of this group of kids, a lot of teams would have quit, but we didn’t. Obviously Luke West made some huge plays for us. His interception really swung momentum in the game and was the first shot of life we had all night. “He made a huge play on fourth down to catch the game winning touchdown. It’s something he’ll always remember and I’m extremely proud of him. I was really happy with our pass blocking up front. We don’t have the biggest line, but they really work well together and have done a great job protecting Caleb the last few weeks. Wins like this are great, but we still have a lot to improve on. We’ll be excited to get back to work on Monday. “It’s been a really long time since Ogden has beaten South Hamilton. They have a very good team again this year and we will have to play a great game Friday night to beat them.” Ogden’s leading rusher once again was Austin Lentz, carrying the ball for 86 yards. The defensive

OGdEN 14 - PElla CHrISTIaN 13 O PC First downs .............. 14 Yards rushing ........... 138 217 Passes comp/attmpt 12-18 4-9 Passing Yardage ...... 156 81 Total yards ............... 294 298 Passes intercepted by 1 0 Total plays ............... 59 51 Fumble recoveries ... 0 0 Punts/avg. ................... 4/39.5 2/52.5 Penalties .................. SCORE BY QUARTERS OGDEN 0 0 0 14 14 PC 0 6 7 0 13 rUSHING (plus yardage only) (Carries/yards) OGDEN: Kolton Christle, 5/12; Caleb Frye, 13/53 Jonathon Thompson, 2/2; Austin Lentz 17/71 PC: Dillon Branderhorst 4/23; Colton Collins 4/11; Carson Duggers 2/3; Mason Howerzy 35/153 Lavi Jungling 8/22; Miles Wichhart 3/5 PaSSING OGDEN: Frye, 12-18-156. 0 INT. 2 T.D. PC: Colton Collins 4-9 81 1 INT. 0 TDS rECEIVING OGDEN: Luke West, 4/72, 1 TD ; Grant Heineman 4/30 1TD; Jonathan Thompson 3/23; Jake West 1/31 PC: Carson Diggers 1/10; Mason Howerzy 1/20; Josh Posthuma 2/49; FUMBlE rECOVErIES O: None. PaSS INTErCEPTIONS O: Luke West. SCOrING Second Quarter PC: Howerzyl 14 yard run PAT Brouwer kick no good Third Quarter PC:Howerzyl 8 yard run PAT Brouwer kick good Fourth Quarter O:Frye12 yard pass to Heineman PAT Christle kick good O: Frye 5 yard pass to Luke West PAT Christle kick good OGDEN DEFENSE S A Kolton Christle .................................. 4 2 Brian Cole ......................................... 0 1 Caleb Frye ........................................ 8 1 Henry Haglund ............................... 13 6 Gyena Hansen .................................. 1 1 Jake West ......................................... 5 1 Jonathon Thompson ........................ 5 2 Austin Lentz ...................................... 1 0 Grant Heineman ............................... 4 2 Nick Ross ....................................... 13 4 Luke West ......................................... 4 0 Spencer Nelson ................................ 4 2 Trent Ganoe ...................................... 0 1 Owen Haberer .................................. 0 1

effort was led by Senior Henry Haglund with 19 total tackles and sophomore Nick Ross with 17. first Quarter The Bulldogs got the ball first and made two first downs before the Pella defenders forced them to punt. The Bulldogs got the ball back on downs when they stuffed a fourth and one attempt by the Eagles but punted it back after five plays. The defenses were dominant and neither

Pigskin Sponsor No. 1

combatant could gain an advantage as they traded punts to end the first quarter Second Quarter The Dogs began the second frame by punting to the Eagles once more. Pella put together an eight play drive but a fourth down incomplete pass gave the Bulldogs the ball back on downs. Three running plays only managed to gain 5 yards against the inspired Eagle defense and the Dogs punted again. And then the trouble started. Pella’s hard-nosed runner Mason Howerzyl carried the ball 8 times in the next 11 plays, the last of which being a 14 yard touchdown. The point after kick was wide and the Eagles led 6-0. Ogden took the kickoff and was seemingly stopped but a 57 yard bomb from Frye to L. West gave them new life, first and goal to go at the 10. Three running plays moved the ball to the three, but a fourth and goal quarterback sneak was stopped by the Eagles on the one yard line as the half ended. Third Quarter Pella Christian got the second half kickoff and went back to work, running the ball for ten plays of a thirteen play drive with Howerzyl hammering the last 8 yards to score. The kick was good and the Eagles owned a 13-0 lead. The Dogs offense still was not in gear and they punted. The Eagles were in charge as their ten play drive gave them the ball in Ogden territory as the quarter ended.

Austin Lentz (23) rushed for 71 yards in the hard-fought win over Pella Christian. no. 51 is junior Gyena Hansen.

fourth Quarter The Eagle drive was continuing when Luke West gathered in an enemy pass and returned it 35 yards to the Eagle 30. Lentz, Christle, and Frye took turns running the ball before a third and three pass from the twelve found Heineman for the score. Christle’s kick attempt was perfect and the lead was trimmed to 13-7. Ogden’s defense, inspired by the turn of events, forced the Eagles to punt. The Bulldogs took over at their own 21 yard line with 5:51 to play in the game and methodically began to march down field. The drive was highlighted by a 30 yard pass completion from Frye to Jake West but a sweep on third down lost yardage and the Bulldogs faced fourth and goal at the five with the game on the line. Frye took the snap and led L. West perfectly, catching him in stride as he slanted from his wide receiver position toward the goal post. The receiver was met at the one by an Eagle defender but he was not to be denied, crashing into the end-zone to tie the score with 26 ticks left on the clock. A perfect kick by Christle and Ogden led 1413. The defense mopped up and the Bulldogs owned a tough road win.

LEfT: Bulldog quarterback Caleb frye hit on 12 of 18 pass attempts for 156 yards and 2 touchdowns last friday night. The Bulldogs are 5-1 on the season, their only loss at the hands of Van Meter. Ogden hosts South Hamilton this friday. -Photos by Al Treloar

Pigskin Scores Ogden 14, Pella Christian 13 Boone 40, Iowa Falls 7 Panorama 42, Des Moines Christian 3 Woodward-Granger 57, Earlham 13 Michigan State 26, Iowa 14 North Dakota State 24, UNI 23 Oklahoma 20, TCU 17 Oklahoma State 33, Kansas State 29 Osage 13, Hampton-Dumont 12 Baylor 73, West Virginia 42 Georgia 34, Tennessee 31 Denver Broncos 51, Dallas Cowboys 48 New Orleans Saints 26, Chicago Bears 18 Green Bay Packers 22, Detroit Lions 9 Kansas City Chiefs 26, Tennessee Titans 17 Baltimore Ravens 26, Miami Dolphins 23

Winners Pigskin Sponsor No. 2

1. Jamie Moorman, Ogden - $40 14 correct, 2 wrong: tie-breaker 44

2. Dan Lake, Ogden - $20

14 correct, 2 wrong: tie-breaker 38

3. Ezra Roberts, Perry - $10 14 correct, 2 wrong: tie-breaker 56 Tie-breaker number was 44

The Ogden Reporter West Hancock at SEW-Grand

Pigskin Sponsor No. 3

Southern Illinois at UNI

Pigskin Sponsor No. 4 Be a Pigskin sponsor for only $25/week. Call 275-2101 and we will place your ad here.

Michigan at Penn State

South Hamilton at Ogden

Tennessee Titans at Seattle Seahawks

For a colorful adventure . . .

www.ogdenreporter.com Baylor at Kansas State

PAGE EIGHT - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Amplify Your Life

OGDEN POLICE REPORT Monday, September 30 8:00 a.m.: Officer investigated a theft at 119 W. Locust. 8:54 a.m.: Officer investigated a theft. 2:45 p.m.: Officer assisted the Storm Lake Police department at 619 W. Elm St. 4:30 p.m.: Officer investigated harassment. Tuesday, October 1 5:45 a.m.: Officer assisted the Ogden Fire Department at 301 E. Sycamore St. with a structure fire. 3:00 p.m.: Officer handled an animal complaint. 4:20 p.m.: Officer investigated a possible burglary at 213 W. Sycamore St. Wednesday, October 2

11:26 a.m.: Officer handled an animal complaint at 108 W. Walnut St. 3:04 p.m.: Officer investigated suspicious activity in the 300 block of S.W. 3rd St. 4:55 p.m.: Officer investigated a complaint of a reckless driver on Highway 30. Officer never located the vehicle. Thursday, October 3 10:32 a.m.: Officer investigated suspicious activity in the 200 block of W. Walnut St. 3:05 p.m.: Officer investigated a domestic dispute in the 200 block of W. Walnut St. 3:30 p.m.: Officer investigated a civil complaint at 308 S.W. 5th St. 4:00 p.m.: Officer handled a dog

complaint in the 400 block of E. Sycamore St. 4:25 p.m.: Officer responded to 245 W. Walnut St. in reference to a domestic dispute. 11:20 p.m.: Officer investigated a possible intoxicated driver in the 500 block of N. 1st St. Friday, October 4 7:00 a.m.: Officer investigated suspicious activity in the 400 block of S.W. 5th St. 11:04 a.m.: Officer investigated a motor vehicle accident in the 200 block of S.W. 4th St. Saturday, October 5 7:35 p.m.: Officer investigated a single vehicle accident in the 100 block of S.W. 3rd St. Sunday, October 6

12:20 a.m.: Officer investigated suspicious activity in the 500 block of W. Sycamore St. 8:48 a.m.: Officer attempted to deliver an emergency message to a resident in the 300 block of S.W. 7th St. Place. 1:20 p.m.: Officer assisted a stranded motorist in the 400 block of W. Walnut St. 4:30 p.m.: Officer assisted on a medical call at 113 S. 1st St. These charges are merely an accusation and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.


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The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, October 9, 2013 - PAGE NINE

The Classifieds



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Thank You

HELP WANTED RESTAURANT CONCESSIONAIRE DESCRIpTION: The Boone County Conservation Board is seeking candidates for the daily operation of the Restaurant and Bait House at Don Williams Park. This is a temporary position running from April 15, 2014 thru September 15, 2014. QUALIFICATIONS: The ideal candidate would possess experience in restaurant management. Candidate must be able to provide services daily with minimum hours of operation set at 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.

CLUBHOUSE CONCESSIONAIRE DESCRIpTION: The Boone county Conservation Board is seeking candidates for the daily operation of the golf course Clubhouse at Don Williams Park. This is a temporary position running from April 15, 2014 thru October 15, 2014. QUALIFICATIONS: The ideal candidate would possess experience in restaurant/clubhouse management. Candidate must be able to provide services daily. INTERESTED CANDIDATES IN EITHER pOSITION must submit a resume and cover letter addressing past work experiences and qualifications for the position. All items can be mailed or dropped off in person to the Boone County Conservation Board Office at 610 H Ave., Ogden, IA 50212. For additional information please call 515-353-4237. Deadline to apply is November 1, 2013.

414 SE 2nd St., Ogden


3 bedroom, 1 bath, full basement.

Thank You

GARAGE SALE 332 SW 3rd St., Ogden Thur., Oct. 10 - Noon to 7 Fri., Oct. 11 - 5 to 8 Sat., Oct. 12 - 8 to Noon

Thanks to everyone who helped make Oktoberfest a success! A special thank you to all of our business sponsors, community groups and those who helped decorate to make our town look festive for fall! We appreciate all of your help!

Whirlpool washer/dryer-6 yr. old; oak table with 2 leaves/5 chairs; porcelain dolls, rooster items, clothes, hunting/ fishing items, much, much more

Ogden Legacy Promotion & Marketing

GARAGE SALE 319 W. Oak St., Ogden

Fri., Oct. 11 - 3 to 7 Sat., Oct. 12 - 9 to 5 Antiques, collectibles, generator, mower engine, baby clothes, household items, Cub Cadet mower, yard cart. Christensen Farms is seeking the services of an Independent Contractor for the management of a swine farm in the Iowa Falls, IA area. Services required include daily animal care, loading/unloading, feed and ventilation management and building maintenance. This independent contractor must not be in contact with other swine for bio‐security purposes.

For further information, please contact Jennifer Wilmes at 507‐794‐8548




Roy Stockman res.

101 SE 6th, Ogden Fri., Oct. 11 - 9 to 5 Sat., Oct. 12 - 9 to 3

Avon, Longaberger, window air conditioner, exercise bicycle, clothing, coats, seasonal decor. Lots of new items added!

207 Haws Drive, Ogden 3 bedroom, 1 bath and 2 car garage available Oct. 1

Christensen Farms is seeking a

Repair & Maintenance Technician in the Buffalo Center, IA area. Qualified individuals have experience in electrical work and welding as well as general repair and maintenance. Full time position with great benefits and pay!

Apply online at www.christensenfarms.com Equal Opportunity Employer

Senior Operation & Maintenance Technician Position 1301098, Ogden, IA Northern Natural Gas Company, a subsidiary of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, is seeking a Senior Operation and Maintenance Technician in the Ogden, IA area. Technicians perform preventative maintenance on compressor station and pipeline equipment; operate associated work equipment, power tools, hand tools and specialized instruments. They must comply with state and federal specifications, codes, safety standards, Northern Natural Gas operating procedures and maintain required records. All qualified candidates must possess a valid driver’s license, high school diploma or equivalent education, three to five years of related experience, strong verbal/written skills and computer knowledge utilizing Windows based programs. Operations skills are beneficial. Candidates are required to carry a pager or cell phone and are subject to call-out 24/7 and possible extended workdays. Working conditions include exposure to hazardous conditions, including escaping gas, adverse weather conditions and temperatures, heights, high-pressure gas, heavy lifting and cramped spaces. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Visit our website at www.northernnaturalgas.com and apply online. No phone calls or personal visits, please. Northern Natural Gas is an Equal Opportunity Employer and subscribes to a drug-free/tobacco-free work place.

Like us on Facebook!


Saturday, Oct. 12 7 - 9:30 a.m.

$6 - adults $2 - children 5-12 Under 5 - free

Choice of Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage or Biscuits and Gravy, Juice, Milk, Coffee 4-H Bake Sale Items Available

Planning a garage sale? Contact us: 515-275-2101


Come Celebrate


call Mike - 515-250-3500 Downtown


Pilot Mound United Methodist Church

Thanks to everyone that remembered me in any way while in the hospital and since returning home. Thanks to Ogden First Responders for coming so quickly. Irene Delp





New Look!

Friday, Oct. 11: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 12: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

(Rain dates: Oct. 18 & 19 - same times) 1009 Hancock Drive, Boone (directly west of DMACC-college campus)

Antiques: Victorian walnut parlor chair & other chairs, parlor & end tables, old metal butter churn, Dazey church, 1960s cream separator, 1930s-40s Popular Science, Open Road, Boys Life magazines & others, old comic books, Milwaukee Beer items, pottery, Haviland & other China, over 100 pieces of Pink Depression glass, antique glassware, jars & bottles, and primitives. Unusuals: 2 trophy white tail deer head/shoulder mounts, ping pong table, LOTS of silk flowers, old jewelry, golf balls galore, WOOD dinette table w/leaf & 4 chairs, lamps, bedding, books, boys size 12 clothes, lots of nice kitchen items. LARGE collection of RAILROAD Items: antique lanterns, spittoons & collectibles, framed pictures, CNW timetables/paper items & protectors, train sets, grouping of Railroad jewelry and watches, NEW & collectible Railroad caps, coats, shirts; kids items, . HOLIDAY Stuff: Halloween costume items; Several NEW CHRISTMAS TREES, lights, decorations, Holiday floral, Still unpacking—Lots of Surprises & good buys!

Great gift idea . . . a subscription to

The Ogden Reporter P.O.Box R Ogden, IA 50212

The City of Ogden is seeking qualified general contractors to bid on remodeling jobs within the City. The work is being financed through a grant from the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Typical repairs may include re-roofing, re-siding, foundation repair, window/door repair and/or replacement, painting, electrical and mechanical work. No person will be excluded from the opportunity to submit bids on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, handicap, political affiliation, citizenship, or family status. Minority and women contractors are encouraged to participate. Contractors with Certifications of training in Lead-Safe Work Practices will be required on some projects. Interested contractors should contact: Simmering-Cory, Inc. PO Box 141 Clear Lake, IA 50428 641-357-7554 or Ogden City Hall at 515-275-2917. E.O.E.

FOR RENT VERY NICE 2 BR apt. in Ogden, Water, sewer, garbage paid. Laundry available. Call: 515-231-9340.

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Mon. 9-5:30

Tues. 9-5:30

Wed. Thurs. Fri. 9-5:30 9-8 9-5:30

Sat. 9-5

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Christmas Wreath/Garland Sale



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HELP WANTED SEMI DRIVER WANTED SEMI DRIVER: Dedicated run – over 450 miles per day. Out and back – based out of Fort Dodge, IA. Must have a good MVR and a verifiable work history. Call Rick at 888739-5220 ext 29c O9

Photo provided by: The Boone News Republican

STORAGE/PARKING Outdoor RV or complete semi parking available. $30 per month. Call 275-4536. O9, tfn


Wreaths • Swags • Garlands Centerpieces • Crosses We are taking orders through Oct. 31. Contact any boy scout or call John Emerson at 515-275-4521

You’re invited

Go Bul l d


Customer Appreciation Event octoBer 11 5 - 6:30 pm Food and Drink before the South Hamilton Game Ogden High School Lunchroom


PAGE TEN - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, October 9, 2013

HOURS: OPEN 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. 7 Days a Week!









Sliced Bologna..........

Jumbo Wieners....

SHUR FRESH 10 oz. pkg.

259 129


OSCAR MAYER 16 oz. pkg.

2 259


Sirloin Patties.........


329 1099

Summer Sausage.....

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ORCA BAY 10 oz. pkg.

Drumsticks or Thighs.....

Halibut Steak.....

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1 99 1

1 99 Cranberry Juice 2


Mashed Potatoes..... OCEAN SPRAY 100% 60 oz. btl.


229 269

Peanut Butter......... WESTERN 16 oz. btl.






39 lb.


PETER PAN 16.3 oz. jar

Corner Cookout Mon., thurs., and Sat. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.


24-pk. cans plus dep.

3 209




80% LEAN lb.





5% Discount



Senior Citizens’

Prices effective Wednesday, October 9, 2013 through Tuesday, October 15, 2013. Quantity rights reserved. No sales to dealers.



12 oz. pkg.


149 199

Mushrooms.............. SENECA SWEET POTATO OR 2.5 oz. bag

Apple Chips.............



3-lb. bag


99 lb.


199 199

Cranberries.............. DOLE 6 oz. pkg.

Baby Spinach........








3 3 39 lb.




14.7-15.6 oz. pkg.





8 pc. box



2 99 2 99 3



12-ct. pkg.



12 oz.

30 oz. jar


12 oz. sqz.




23-24 oz.




16 oz. ctn.






FROZEN TOTINOS 17.4-19.8 oz.

BUMBLE BEE 5 oz. can

YOPLAIT WHIPS 4 oz. ctn.

LEAN CUISINE 9-11.75 oz.

BETTY CROCKER PREMIUM 16.5-19.1 oz. box

PILLSBURY 12.4-13 oz. tube

REAMES 12 in. pkg.

EGG 16 oz. ctn.


HUNT’S SNACK PACK 4-pk. 3.25 oz.



NABISCO 10 oz. box







8-12 oz. bag

8 oz. pkg.






4.5-8 oz.

PAWS PREMIUM 3.15 lb. bag

299 99 Scoop Litter........8 29 Popcorn..............1

Cat Food.............

10-11 oz. bag

We do film developing All types of exposures, CD’s enlargements and copy craft!



2 2 2 4




8.75-11.5 oz. bag

14.5 oz. can

28 oz. can

MINUTE MAID 59 oz. ctn.




2 1




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20-21 oz. can


4 1





Tomato Sauce..3/







HUNT’S 8 oz. can

Check out our corner sign for the






100 Orange Juice......299 Pizza Rolls......2/600 19 00 00 Tuna....................1 Yogurt............10/5 Entrees........5/10 79 00 19 00 Brownie Mix....2/5 Egg Noodles......2 Sweet Rolls.....2/4 00 29 Pudding...............119 49 Pizza...........4/ 10 ....2 Beaters...............2 49 79 ...2 Sugar..................1 99 Oatmeal Squares...2/500 CONES ICE CREAM 99 CHEESE SINGLES Teddy Grahams...1 49 49 99 99 49 00 Muffin Mix.......2/4


79 TURKEY 14 oz. pkg.






5 3



FRESH STEP 20-lb. bag

ACT II MICROWAVE 8.25 oz. box

12 oz. pkg.

48 oz. ctn.


Beautiful Hardy, Fall Mums & Combination Pots • 1-gallon pot • 2-gallon pot • Belgium Pot • Eggplant Bush • Combination Fall Flowers SHUR FINE







5 10/10 2



10-16 oz. bag


10 oz. can

49 9.4-14 oz.







5 14 15 00

12-16 oz.


18-pk. cans plus dep.


30-pk. cans plus dep.



4 12



8.6-8.75 oz. bag


99 95 oz. box or 100 oz. btl.

32 oz. box



SYRUP 24 oz. btl.



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