Ogden Reporter
Glenwood Cemetery’s lone Civil War Confederate soldier After decades of tension between the northern (Union) and southern (Confederate) states over issues of states’ rights, westward expansion and slavery, the conflict eventually exploded into a Civil War. The two sides battled for four years before the Confederacy surrendered. The American Civil War, fought between 1861 and 1865, is considered the costliest war fought on American soil with over 620,000 soldiers killed. A bronze marker recently placed in Glenwood Cemetery in Ogden marks the grave of one of the Civil War survivors. Confederate war veteran Jonathan Rinker moved from Virginia to Illinois before settling with his family near Beaver, IA. Rinker’s fascinating background is being shared with our readers by his great-great grandson, Mark Rinker, a 1981 OHS graduate. See his story on page three.
This marker designating Jonathan Rinker as a Confederate war veteran, was put in place Sept. 23 by Brian Heck. Heck had read about Rinker’s great-great grandfather on a school site and initiated the effort to get the war veteran officially recognized.
James Wheeler’s wall of assorted “specialty plates” issued in the State of Iowa. The “non-resident transit” plates (center of photo) were for companies with employees working out of state.
Wall to wall license plates by KATHY PIERCE
O mAnY, THEY ARE just old pieces of metal, discarded when new ones are issued, but to James Wheeler, old license plates are a treasure, a part of history. And for the past 10 years he’s been searching swap meets, antique stores, auctions and garage sales, looking for unique plates to add to his collection. “They are out there he says,” you just have to be patient.” In his upstairs “man cave” Wheeler estimates there are 700 plates on the walls, all from Iowa. That’s some heavy-duty wall covering. One niche of the dormered room is covered with Boone County plates. Dealer plates have their own special area as do several other sub-collections - truck, farm trailer, weight class, non-resident transit, grain dealer, commercial truck, motorcycle, official and even duplicate plates. When he sees one with his birth date, it is a must-have. He also favors No. 1 plates. Back when they issued new plates every year, Wheeler said if you went to the courthouse early, you could pick your own number. Wheeler started getting interested in license plates about 10 years ago. “I really got serious three years ago when researching the Internet for old Iowa plates and I discovered there was a plate club,” said Wheeler. Along with his membership came a subscription to “PLATES” the magazine, a bi-monthly publication that features articles from collectors around the country. Wheeler’s goal in the beginning was to get a Boone County plate for every year, and it snowballed from there.
Leather preceded the metal license plates. This one dates back to around 1906. According to Wheeler, Iowa first issued license plates in 1911. “Back then you wrote to the office of Secretary of State, and for $1 were issued a round metal disc with a number.” He then explained how you would take that number and find someone to make you a plate. Most were of leather with attached metal “house numbers.” Car owners even solicited the work of blacksmiths who would forge each individual letter. Wheelers colorful walls can be attributed to the fact that each year, when Iowa issued new plates, the color changed. In the 1920s Boone County had four different number designations (#13, 1922-24; #14, 1925; #16, 1926; and #7, 1927-29). Wheeler said they were trying to figure out a county code. “It took them a decade, but they finally found an efficient system, said the avid collector. “They went alphabetical after that and Boone County was assigned #8, a designation they held from 1930 until 1978.” How would World Wars I and II affect the license plate industry?
During the first war, plates were made without years so you could keep it until the war was over. And because massive amounts of metal were needed to build tanks, ships, planes and weapons in the second World War, anything using metal was rationed, including license plates. Americans were even urged to turn in scrap metal for recycling while schools and community groups held scrap metal drives. Stickers were handed out instead during that time period. When 1945 rolled around and the war had come to a halt, license plate production started up. Hanging off by itself, framed, is Wheeler’s oldest plate, a 1905 dealer license plate - black leather with hand painted white letters. Here’s a little bit of a history lesson to put this in perspective: German inventor Carl Benz built the first automobile in 1886; Henry Ford’s Model T, introduced in 1908, made automobiles more affordable thanks to mass production; the first license plate was issued in the United States in 1903! They were mounted on the front of open-framed, motorized
License plates such as this one were issued to Pearl Harbor survivors only. (note the historic date: License plate toppers were popular Dec. 7 -when Pearl Harbor was attacked.) This suin the 1940s, especially ones with a per rare license plate, one of Wheeler’s favorites, was only issued from 1986 through 1991. local flavor.
Holiday Lighting Contest Voting will take place Dec. 1-18 Ballots can be dropped off at Clark’s Food Mart and VisionBank.
carriages with spoke wheels. Wheeler mostly enjoys showing off his specialty plates, especially the super rare locking truck plate issued from 1936-1940. The unique design features a metal sliding tab, that locks into place. The interchangeable tab is stamped with the truck’s weight. He says there are still a few years missing from his collection. During the late 30s and early 40s “itinerant” license plates were issued for non-citizens. These, Wheeler said, are the rarest nonpassenger type. He is always keeping an eye out for dealer plates, ones with a “D” in front of the number. The lower the number the better. He’s proud of his 1911 and 1913 dealer plates (D18) and says he can’t imagine there would be that many dealers in Iowa back then. Grain dealer plates were issued from 1974 to 1983. Wheeler has them all on his wall, except 1979. Like all collectors, Wheeler looks for the ones in good condition, but once in a while he comes across an out-of-the-ordinary specimen deserving of restoration. These are sent to Conway, AR, restored, and returned looking like new. Collectors like Wheeler learn over time to be selective about their purchases. Sometimes, though, by being too cautious, you miss out. That’s his feeling about passing up a unique vertical leather license plate he found in an antique store in Walnut, IA several years back. “They wanted a lot of money for it - around $400,” said Wheeler. “It was super, super rare. Looking back, I know it was worth every bit of that. A friend who has been collecting over 40 years says he has never seen one.”
Reflective Pearl Harbor license plate topper.
Breakfast with Santa Saturday, Dec. 7, 9 to 11 a.m. Leonard Good Community Center. Watch next week for more planned activities.
JOnATHAn HEnRY RInKER 1841 - 1910
-Photos provided
Reserve your holiday food basket Patrons of the Ogden Food Pantry who would like a holiday food basket should call Sandy at 275-2385 or Karen at 275-2990 by Thursday, Nov. 21. The holiday baskets will be given out Saturday, Dec. 7 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at Community United Methodist Church, 337 SW 2nd Street.
Youth group plans food drive St. John’s Catholic Church youth group is planning a food drive Wednesday, Nov. 20. Students will be going door-to-door from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. collecting goods for Ogden Food Pantry’s holiday gift baskets. For those who may not be home, items can be dropped in the giving basket at the church through Sunday, Dec. 1.
Ogden Lions Club pickup
Product Pickup Day for the Ogden Lions Club Fall Fundraiser is Thursday, Nov. 21 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Ogden High School lunchroom. If you are unable to pick up your order Thursday, please contact Jerry Wiedman at 275-4314 to make other pickup arrangements. See ad on page nine today.
Give acreage reporting dates for 2014 Boone County USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Executive Director Lee Ann Davis announced that producers who file accurate and timely reports for all crops and land uses, included failed acreage, can prevent the potential loss of FSA program benefits. Please pay close attention to the acreage reporting dates below, as some dates have changed for 2014. “In order to comply with FSA program eligibility requirements, all producers are encouraged to visit the Boone County FSA office to file an accurate crop certification report by the applicable deadline,” said Davis. The following acreage reporting dates are applicable for Boone County: December 15, 2013: Fall seeded small grains and perennial forage July 15, 2014: All other crops The following exceptions apply to the above acreage reporting dates: • If the crop has not been planted by the above acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 15 calendar days after planting is completed. • If a producer acquires additional acreage after the above acreage reporting date must be reported no later than 30 calendar days after purchase or acquiring the lease. Appropriate documentation must be provided to the county office. • If a perennial forage crop is reported with the intended use of “cover only,” “green manure,” “left standing” or “seed” then the acreage must be reported by July 15 (cover crops only). According to Davis, Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) policy holders should note that the acreage reporting date for NAP covered crops is the earlier of the dates listed above or 15 calendar days before grazing or harvesting of the crop begins. For questions regarding crop certification and crop loss reports, please contact the Boone County FSA office at (515)432-4320.
PAGE TWO - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, November 20, 2012
Welcome to Christmas activities in Ogden!
es, It’s fun to be a part of Ogden’s Christmas activities. the kids can have “Breakfast with santa” at the Leonard Good Community Center, saturday, Dec. 7 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.! More details will be in next week’s Ogden Reporter.
OLIDAY LIGHtInG COntest - Voting takes place sun., Dec. 1 through Wednesday, Dec. 18. there are ballot boxes at Clark’s food Mart and VisionBank. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners receive Ogden Bucks!
AtCH futuRe CHuRCH LIstInGs for dates and times of Christmas programs, and plan on attending the upcoming school Christmas concerts.
Gifts for Everyone on Your List Gift Certificates Phone Cards Fruit Baskets Meat & Cheese Trays Chocolates & Homemade Candies & Cookies Many Holiday Goodies
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City still taking applications for rehabilitation program The City of Ogden is still taking applications for their Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program. This is funding the City has received in a grant through the State of Iowa to help pay for the cost of rehabilitating approximately eight single-family, residential structures located within a neighborhood of N. 1st Street (up to W Vine Street) east to NE 4th Street (with W. Maple Street and W. Sycamore Street extended) and E. Cherry Street south to E. Locust Street. The purpose of the Program is to assist low to moderate income persons to rehabilitate their homes in compliance with Iowa’s Minimum Housing Rehabilitation Standards. Typical repairs may include re-roofing, foundation repair, window repair and/or replacement, painting, re-siding, electrical, heating and plumbing work. The City can provide assistance to make needed repairs for qualified applicants in the form of a deferred payment loan. If the owner occupies, and there is no sale or transfer of the house for five years, there will be no repayment obligation on the deferred loan portion. A sale prior to the five years would likely require at least a partial repayment of the grant funds. A mortgage and promissory note (lien against the property) will
be executed and recorded. The amount of the assistance will be based on value of property and amount of work needed. The home must be a single-family structure and located within the designated neighborhood in the City limits. The applicant must be the owneroccupant and must have resided in the dwelling for at least six months prior to application, and the household gross income must be below the following guidelines: 1 person and the total household income is below $39,100 2 persons and the total household income is below $44,700 3 persons and the total household income is below $50,300 4 persons and the total household income is below $55,850 5 persons and the total household income is below
$60,350 6 persons and the total household income is below $64,800 7 persons and the total household income is below $69,300 8+ persons and the total household income is below $73,750
Other eligibility requirements include, but are not limited to, verification that property taxes, special assessments and mortgage payments are current, and the condition and type of property. Properties being purchased under Contract Sales are not eligible. Applications are available at City Hall, or by contacting Simmering-Cory, Inc. (the City’s Program Administrators) at 641-357-7554. Applications received will be processed on a first-come, first-qualified basis. Questions can be answered by calling Melanie Mitchell at Simmering-Cory, Inc. at 641-357-7554, or leaving a message at City Hall (515-275-2917). Equal Housing Opportunity A NEW ADVENTURE
In Depth
The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - PAGE THREE
From a Virginia battlefield to an Iowa farm by MARK RiNKER Jonathan henry Rinker 1841 - 1910 Jonathan Henry Rinker was born May 9, 1841 at the town of Woodstock, Shenandoah County, Virginia. He was the eldest of twelve children and son of farmer Henry St. John and Mary (Fravel) Rinker. His grandfather Colonel Jacob Rinker was a land surveyor of the same region, and served in the Revolutionary War. Military and census records indicate that as many as fifteen relatives with the surname ‘Rinker’ from Shenandoah County, Virginia mustered into service with the Civil War Confederate forces between 1861 and 1862. On 18 April, 1861 a 19 year old Jonathan and his 18 year old brother Robert Douglas Rinker joined “C” Company VA 10th Infantry, signed into service by Capt. J.P. Rinker at Edinburg, Virginia. The brothers are listed as serving first “C” Company VA 10th Infantry, then later with “C” Company, VA 7th Calvary, a unit known as the ‘Shenandoah Rangers’. This unit eventually joined “K” Company, 12th Virginia Calvary. By 1893, Jonathan attained the rank of 2nd Sergeant, his brother Robert being recorded as a ‘Teamster’ or horse drawn wagon driver. Disbursement records bearing Robert’s name and signature indicate that he was paid for two horses that were killed in battle – one in June of 1863 that appraised for $700, and one in October of 1863 that appraised for $800. A younger brother Jacob George Rinker joined the fight on March 20th, 1864 at New Market VA – also serving in the same “K” Company 12th VA Calvary. Young Jacob was wounded twice during his one year of service – first in the arm, and then in the neck in the battles of Wilderness and Cedar Creek, but survived these injuries. One can imagine that the three young brothers were in regular contact, if not in close proximity to one another during these final and most bloody battles known as the Shenandoah Campaigns of 1864. According to Public Domain information, “K” Company 12th VA Calvary fought in Northern Virginia, in the Maryland Campaign, at Brandy Station, then was involved in various conflicts in the western part of Virginia. The regiment continued the fight at Bristoe and Mine Run, in the battles around The Wilderness and Cold Harbor, and in Early’s operations in the Shenandoah Valley. During midApril, 1865, it disbanded. ‘ Surrender at Appomattox April 1865 marked the surrender of Confederate forces at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia. Confederate soldiers were required to sign a ‘parole’ document, a contract in which they agreed to “ . . . not take up arms against the United States Government until I am regularly exchanged, and that if I am permitted to remain at my home, I will conduct myself as a good and
RiNKER FAMiLY PhOtO Front row, Ernest Eben, Sarah Catharine, Jonathan henry, George James. Back row, Lucy Anna, Anna Elizabeth, Charles Reuben, Milton Jacob, harvey hoover, Sarah Neff.
Stone in Glenwood Cemetery marking the burial site of Jonathan Rinker and his wife Sarah. -Photo provided peaceable citizen, and will support the laws in force where I reside, and will do nothing to the detriment of, or in opposition to the United States Government.” Jonathan’s parole document is dated 24 April 1865 and was signed at Winchester, Virginia. Jacob and Robert’s parole documents were both signed on the same day - 4 May 1865 at Edinburgh, VA – indicating that they were together at that time. Only two months before the end of the war, Jonathan (now 23) married Sarah Catherine Hoover (22) on February 15, 1865. Sarah’s older brother Harvey Hoover had been an apprentice carriage maker also from Woodstock, VA. He had joined up on that same day as the two Rinker brothers back in 1861, but died July 23, 1862 in Richmond, VA two months after being ‘slightly wounded’ on the battlefield. In 1866, Jonathan and Sarah named their firstborn son ‘Harvey Hoover Rinker’ after her brother lost to the war.
Note: Harvey Hoover’s passing is documented in the Civil War diary of Sgt. George Christopher Hamman of Company F, 10th Virginia Volunteer Regiment . . . August 14 1862: I omitted here to fore to mention the deaths of HARVEY HOOVER in Richmond on July 23rd & of ED CATON on July 31st last. No drills today. According to Civil War pension records of 1888, Jonathan had moved his family to McLean County IL. Robert was living in Ohio, and Jacob was in Arkansas. In 1891, Jonathan and his eldest son Har-
vey traveled to Beaver, Iowa with the intention of locating land for purchase. They had been experiencing water shortages in Illinois and found property that had a naturally flowing artisan well and that was situated near Beaver Creek as an ideal water source for raising livestock. According to family history, Harvey said ‘. . . this is it, Pap’ and this location eventually became the Rinker farmstead, with the entire family relocating to the area from Illinois by 1893. Family patriarch Jonathan was known to his children and grandchildren by the nickname “Little Reb” that his wife often used. A history of Boone County, Iowa published in 1914 references Jonathan, stating “. . . in connection with his son he purchased 240 acres of land on section 16, Beaver township, and to its further development and improvement devoted his remaining days. He enlisted for service with the Confederates and was at the front throughout the Civil War. Honest in his opinions and from his convictions he did not deviate from a course which he believed to be right. He died February 3, 1910, at the age of sixty-nine years and is survived by his widow, who is living upon the old home place at the age of seventy-two years.” After the turn of the century and through the Great Depression, five of Jonathan and Sarah’s sons were situated on farms in Beaver township engaged in farming and raising livestock in close proximity to one another. Most of the homesteads were situated close to the meandering Beaver Creek where cattle were raised on pasture. Today one can still view what remains of those green pastures and tree lined vistas along the Beaver Creek bottom south of Beaver, Iowa. They are reminiscent of the Iowa prairieland that gave way to farmland, roads, and fences. The author of this account (a great-great grandson) believes that Jonathan spent his last years situating his sons and daughters on farms with the goal of recreating what had been lost back in ‘The Old Dominion’ to the war – a peaceful place where families could raise children and work together. Jonathan Henry Rinker died in 1910 at the age of 69 years. He is buried at Glenwood Cemetery in Ogden, Iowa next to his wife Sarah of 45 years, who lived until 1929 and 87 years old. They raised eight children that lived to adulthood, establishing a family legacy of agriculture that still exists today in future generations.
Postal Publication Number: USPS 403-820
LEttER tO thE EditOR:
Thanks to the students tO thE EditOR:
I want to say a big THANK YOU to the fifth grade class, Mrs. Flynn, Ms. Nigro, Ms. Cornelus and Mrs. Studer who raked my yard on Wednesday morning. This Grandma needs help with yard work. It is awesome to have the kids help me so willingly. I got to meet some great kids that were well behaved with good manners. I see a great future with them learning how to help the community and others. I can’t stress enough how much I appreciated those kids and adults, also Mr. Neubauer and Mrs. Oien for the organization.
RiGht: Confederate soldiers were required to sign a ‘parole’ document, a contract in which they agreed to “ . . . not take up arms against the United States Government until i am regularly exchanged, and that if i am permitted to remain at my home, i will conduct myself as a good and peaceable citizen, and will support the laws in force where i reside, and will do nothing to the detriment of, or in opposition to the United States Government.”
The Ogden RepORTeR
Every so often a person has to take a break. I have learned that I can only push myself so hard for so long before I am forced to take a break whether I want to or not. That’s what happened to me this past week. After the exciting but exhausting time spent away for the therapeutic riding instructor workshop, I had a lot to catch up on. I tried to pace myself and not work too hard. At the end of the week, I’d worked out arrangements for Serena, one of the rescue horses to go to a new home. Serena had come to the horse sanctuary three years ago, in the middle of July. She’d been confined to a small two-horse trailer for a few days, in the extreme heat, and was very emaciated and fearful when she arrived. She’d suffered a back injury when she was young, as a result of a trailer loading “accident”, according to her owner who surrendered her to the sanctuary. Serena was only five years old and I hoped that she’d eventually be able to be ridden. But the back injury never did heal enough and she will likely never be a comfortable carrying a rider, so I’d hoped to find a good home for her as a companion horse. The perfect situation came up for her last week – to be a companion to a 20 year old gelding, sharing a 57 acre mountain pasture with ponds and a creek and a big barn, owned by a local small animal veterinarian. Absolutely perfect! The biggest challenge was getting Serena safely loaded and delivered to her new home. She didn’t want to get into the two-horse trailer, and I didn’t blame her one bit. I didn’t push it. It didn’t take much to coax her into the three-horse slant load trailer, and away we went. After unloading Serena at her new home, it was great to see her happily cantering across the field, meeting her new horse buddy, and then watching as she climbed halfway up the mountain hillside, then stopping under big pine trees and surveying her new domain. I felt sad driving back to Taos, but even though I was already missing her, it was good to know she has a great home for the rest of her life. Next on the agenda was to take little Peanut, the fat foundered pony, to his new home. Peanut has lost over 50 pounds since we took him in several weeks ago and he is looking and feeling much better. I was growing way too attached to this adorable pony, so I offered to keep him. My friend who had planned on adopting him said “no way!” She, too, had fallen in love with Peanut. So now he’s happily getting settled in at his new home. And then I got sick, really sick. I was down for almost a week with a nasty upset stomach. I can’t remember when I’ve been so sick. But after four days of barely being able to get out of bed, I recovered. I realized that if I don’t take care of myself, eventually my body rebels and demands that I take a break. Despite the demands of the past few weeks, getting sick, and the stress of it all, I’ve found myself smiling more, relaxing more, seeing all the wonderful things in my life. I enjoyed a visit with a couple who were visiting New Mexico from Calgary, Alberta. They had been in Santa Fe, and had purchased prints of our little donkey, Bindy, and our Arabian horse, Klassy Kat, that the artist had done as a benefit for the horse sanctuary. She had called me when they were at her gallery and asked if they could come visit, so I gave them directions and arrived a couple hours later. It was delightful talking to them about my favorite city in the world, Calgary, where I’d lived in the early ’80s. They enjoyed meeting Bindy and Kat and took lots of photos of the equines. By the time they left, I had a standing invitation to stay at their place in Calgary if I can ever get away for a visit there. I’ve been wanting to take a trip to Alberta for many years, and who knows, maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to someday. Definitely something to add to my bucket list – after I get a good rest! Until next time, Ruth B.
LEFt: Map showing Shenandoah Valley campaigns.
Ruth’s Reflections
BY THE OGDEN REPORTER, 222 W. WALNUT STREET, OGDEN, IA 502120818. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT OGDEN, IA. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE OGDEN REPORTER, P.O. BOX R, OGDEN, IA 50212-0818. CIRCULATION: The Ogden Reporter is distributed to 2,000 subscribers and over-the-counter buyers each Wednesday. The Reporter is the official newspaper for the City of Ogden, Ogden Community School District, and is an official newspaper for Boone County. DEADLINES: Friday noon. PUBLISHER: Ryan Harvey. PHONE: 515-275-2101 or 4101 - FAX: 515-275-2678 e-mail:
Ogden Municipal Utilities (OMU) is seeking a professional, self-motivated Superintendent to oversee the day-to-day operations of the electric and water utilities. OMU currently employs 7 people and is located in the city of Ogden, a central Iowa community of approximately 2,050. description: The Superintendent is responsible for the overall management and day-to-day operation and maintenance of the electric and water systems, transmission lines, distribution systems and equipment under the general direction of a three-person Board of Trustees; for the implementation of long term strategic plans; and for the growth and sustainability of the organization. The successful candidate must be able to effectively communicate with local area business people, elected city officials, city staff, and department leaders; with customers and be able to promote/market OMU services to potential customers. The successful candidate must have or be able to obtain a grade II water treatment and distribution certificate and a class B CDL with air brake endorsement. Service territory residency is a condition of employment. Experience: Five (5) years progressively advanced experience including one (1) year of effective lead/ supervisory and project management responsibility or an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the essential duties of the job listed above. Essential Functions: Duties include project assignments, work plan assignments, planning and organization, problem resolution, identifying, and coordinating training needs of employees, preparing and overseeing budget for the utilities, and appraising the performance of the assigned personnel. Ensures compliance with the Federal DOT-CDL program. Guides staff by providing direction, technical expertise, and ongoing support for their assigned jobs or special projects. Identifies operating and capital improvement needs; implements planning and operation activities; supervises office staff, field staff, and power plant staff; coordinates projects schedules, serves as conceptual designer, technical reviewer and project manager. Must be able to understand and evaluate purchase power contracts that use local generation resources. May include operation of the Utilities generation equipment including maintenance of generation and auxiliary systems as well as working in the electric and water distribution systems when additional help is needed. Serves as Secretary to the Board of Trustees. Physical & Mental demands: Occasionally exerting up to 50 pounds of force and/or the necessary amount of force to frequently or constantly lift, carry, push, pull or otherwise move objects. Exposed to repetitive keyboarding. Occasionally works in confined spaces. Occasionally uses ladders, basket trucks, digger derricks and related construction and maintenance equipment. Occasionally walk over uneven and unfamiliar terrain. Requires use of personal protective equipment including respirators, safety glasses and hearing protection to comply with OSHA and the OMU Safety Manual. Benefits: Medical; holiday pay; vacation; sick leave; iPERS: personal protective equipment and clothing provided. Salary is dependent upon qualifications and experience. A post-offer physical, a preemployment commercial drivers license drug test and criminal background check will be required. Qualified candidates please send your resume and cover letter to: Ogden Municipal Utilities Attn: Resume PO Box 70 • 201 NW 3rd St., Ogden, IA 50212-0070 deadline for submitting resume is November 29, 2013. EOE
PAGE FOUR - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, November 20, 2013
IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Tom Prochnow, Pastor Tuesday, November 19: Women’s Bible study is at 10 a.m. Wednesday, November 20: Prayer Shawl is at 1 p.m. Thursday, November 21: TOPS is at 6 p.m. Saturday, November 23: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Sunday, November 24: Worship is at 9 a.m. Choir practice is at 10 a.m. Sunday School is at 10:15 a.m. Coffee Fellowship is 10:15 a.m. COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Gary Hoyt, Pastor Wednesday, November 20: UMW Unit meeting is at 9:30 a.m. Children’s Choir is at 3:45 p.m. BEWAPS is at 4:30 p.m. Jr. High Youth group meets at 5:30 p.m. Bells practice is at 5:30 p.m. Chancel Choir is at 6:30 p.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Leadership Board meeting is at 7:30 p.m. Bulldog Builders meet at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, November 21: Seekers Bible study is at 10 a.m. JAM is at 3:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 22 - Sunday, Nov. 24: Sr. High Retreat Sunday, November 24: Prayer Gathering is at 8:15 a.m. Sunday School is at 8:45 a.m. Worship is at 10 a.m. United Methodist Men Pie Auction and Fellowship to follow. Wednesday, November 27: Children’s Choir practice at 3:45 p.m. Bells practice at 5:30 p.m. Chancel Choir is at 6:30 p.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Bulldog Builders meet at 8:30 p.m. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Wade Brandt, Pastor Tuesday, November 19: Pastors conference, Jefferson. Wednesday, November 20: Bible class is at 9 a.m. Ogden Manor devotions are at 1:30 p.m. Mid-Week is at 3:30 p.m. Junior LYF is at 5 p.m. Thursday, November 21: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Saturday, November 23: Worship is at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, November 24: Worship is at 9 a.m. Family Bible class is at 10:20 a.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. BOXHOLM TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Rod Meyer, Pastor Wednesday, November 20: Women of the ELCA general meeting at 2 p.m. Thank offering. Sunday, November 24: Fellowship is at 9:30 a.m. Worship is at 10:30 a.m. Monday, November 25: Miriam Group meets at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 27: Thanksgiving Eve Service at Faith Lutheran in Harcourt at 7 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST 502 W WALNUT
Sunday: Bible class is at 9:30 a.m. (Classes for all ages.) Worship service is at 10:30 a.m. Sunday evening service is at 6 p.m. Wednesday: Bible Study is at 7 p.m. ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. James Bruch, Pastor Wednesday, November 20: Mass is at 8:30 a.m. Religious Education K-8th is from 6 to 7:15 p.m. HSYG is at 6:30 p.m. Friday, November 22: Mass is at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, November 23: Mass is at 6 p.m. Sunday, November 24: Mass is at 8 a.m. Wednesday, November 27: Mass is at 6 p.m. No Religious Education. BOXHOLM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dennis Shepherd, Pastor Sunday worship is at 9:45 a.m. Ad board meets the fourth Wednesday of June, August, October and December of this year at 7:30 p.m. Joy Circle meets the first Thursday at 1:30 p.m. PILOT MOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dennis Shepherd, Pastor Sunday worship service is at 8:30 a.m. Sunday school is from 10 to 11 a.m. AA meets at 7 p.m. Monday. Quilters meet Tuesday and Thursday at 1 p.m.
OBITUARIES Helen L. Miller
Helen L. Miller, 85, of Ames, and formerly of Ogden, passed away on Thursday, November 14, 2013, at Green Hills Health Care Center in Ames. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m., Monday, Nov. 18, 2013, at Carson – Stapp Funeral Home in Ogden. Pastor Mark Heilman will officiate. Visitation will be Sunday, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the funeral home. Burial will be at Glenwood Cemetery in Ogden. For online obituaries & condolences please visit: Helen Louise Lass was born on August 1, 1928, in Ogden, Iowa, the daughter of John and Luella (Seeman) Lass. She was a graduate of the Ogden High School and went on to attend A.I.B. Business College. Helen worked at City State Bank in Ogden for 45 years, starting out as a bookkeeper for the bank president and retiring as the president of the bank. On December 24, 1979, Helen was united in marriage to Albert Miller at Zion Lutheran Church in Ogden. The couple built a home in Ogden where they lived before moving to Green Hills in June of 2000. Helen belonged to Memorial Lutheran Church in Ames, and was a former member of Zion Lutheran Church in Ogden. She was also active with the Leonard A. Good Trust, Ogden Community Business Women, Ogden Community Development, and the Iowa Banking Association. Helen enjoyed reading, jigsaw puzzles, and playing cards. Survivors include three sisters, Lola Halsvand of Des Moines, IA, Pauline (Dale) Balmer of Ames, IA, and Caroline Hill of Omaha, NE; one brother, Virgil (Glenda) Lass of Sun City, AZ; two step children, Dan (Deb) Miller of Hermosa, SD, and Mary Jane Mack of Osage, IA; three step grandchildren, Ian (Amy) Miller, Heath (Kelley) Miller and Patrick (Jenny) Cook; and five step great grandchildren. Helen was preceded in death by her parents, and her husband, Albert Miller on November 27, 2005. Memorials may be left to either: Memorial Lutheran Church, 2228 Lincoln Way, Ames, Iowa or to the Ogden Community Scholarship Foundation at Vision Bank, 217 West Mulberry St., Ogden, Iowa 50212.
Geneva Irene Swanson Geneva Irene Swanson, 90, of Boxholm, IA, passed away Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013, at Mary Greeley Medical Center in Ames. Funeral services will be held 2 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Boxholm. Rev. Rod Meyer will officiate. Visitation will be Tuesday, from 6 to 8 p.m., at Carson – Stapp Funeral Home in Ogden. For online obituaries and condolences please visit: Geneva Irene Swanson the only child of Clarence and Evalyn Anderson Swanson was born on Jan. 30, 1923, at the Lutheran Hospital in Fort Dodge. Geneva was baptized at Grant Center Lutheran Church by Dr. Joseph Anderson. She confirmed her faith when Rev. Philip Holmberg was pastor at Grant Center Lutheran Church on June 6, 1937. Geneva attended school at Boxholm Consolidated School and graduated with the class of 1940. During the Second World War Geneva worked in Galva, IL, and later worked at Boone Abstract and Loan. On Oct. 5, 1947, Geneva was united in marriage to Donald Swanson at Trinity Lutheran Church in Boxholm. Donald and Geneva established their home on Don’s home place southeast of Boxholm, living there their entire married life. To this union two children were born Julian in 1949 and Patricia in 1953. In the fall of 1959, Don and Geneva began farming Geneva’s home place northwest of Boxholm farming both places until their retirement in the later 1980’s. Geneva farmed with Don throughout their married life. Geneva was a life long member of Grant Center Lutheran/Trinity Lutheran Church and was active in it’s women’s organizations over the years. In October of 1977 Geneva and Don celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. In March of 2004, Don suffered a stroke. Beginning that night Geneva lived with Pat in Ogden. Don passed away shortly after celebrating his 80th birthday on March 8, 2004. Geneva enjoyed playing 500 at Boxholm at the Guild meetings and on Friday afternoons tolerating “Up and Down the River” but only when necessary. She enjoyed her two Pomeranians Rosie and Radar and up until the last couple of months took them with her everywhere she went. Geneva’s health was declining slowly over the last few years. The pace picked up this past year and ended with her death at Mary Greeley on Nov. 14, following surgery. Nov. 13th had been a good day for her, the 14th however saw a rapid decline ending with her passing late in the evening on the 14th. She is survived by her two children, Patricia Swanson of Ogden, IA, and Julian also of Ogden; two grandsons, Andrew Swanson and Paul Swanson. She was preceded in death by her parents, and her husband, Don. Memorials may be left to Trinity Lutheran Church in Boxholm.
Fall Fundraiser Pickup
Thursday, Nov, 21 - 4 - 8 p.m. If you are unable to pickup your order on Thursday night, please contact Jerry Wiedman at 275-4314 to make other arrangements. The Ogden Lions Club would like to thank you for your support of this project. All proceeds will be distributed to such entities as the food pantry, scouts, eyeglasses and exams for those in need.
Thank You from the Ogden Lions Club for Your Order!
Carpenters/Framer Beisser Lumber is in need of FT framers. Competitive wage/benefit pkg. Valid DL & drug screening. Send resume: r or call Rob @ 515-986-1706
Perry Fine Arts to hold concert Perry Fine Arts will be sponsoring The 3 Amigos KC Mariachi Band in a program of Latin music as they perform Sunday, Dec. 8, 2013 at 2 p.m. in Perry High School’s Performing Arts Center located at 1200 18th St., Perry. The 3 Amigos, located in Kansas City, MO, perform popular Mariachi tunes as well as music from South and Central America, Cuba and the Caribbean. The 3 Amigos are composed of Robert Scagliotti, Tony Swisher, and Miguel “El Mambo” Deleon. Come and enjoy this excellent band and their sound! This program is supported in part by a grant from the Bock Family Foundation. Fine Arts concerts are free and open to all. The Performing Arts Center is handicapped accessible.
BIRTH Robert and Crista Cooper of Ogden are the parents of a daughter born Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013, 3:10 p.m., at Boone County Hospital. She weighed 10 lbs., 1.9 oz., was 22” long, and has been named Cora Leurine. Cora was welcomed home by a
BLUE MOUND TURKEY DINNER Sunday, Nov. 24 11 to 1 p.m. Dayton Community Center Sponsored by Dayton Lions Club
Ogden Manor news Wednesday, November 20: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers are at 10:15 a.m. Bean Bags are at 11 a.m. CUMC Church social time is at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, November 21: Polka Parade is at 8 a.m. Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers at 9:35 a.m. Charades are at 10:35 a.m. Bingo is at 2 p.m. Suzie Q is at 3:15 p.m. Friday, November 22: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers are at 9:30 a.m. Ogden 4th graders are at 10:05 a.m. Arts and Crafts at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, November 23: Exercise is at 9:30 a.m. Movie matinee with James is at 2 p.m. Classic Gospel is at 5:30 p.m. on Channel 11. Sunday, November 24: Catholic time is at 9 a.m. Exercise time is at 9:30 a.m. Roger Plath is at 1:30 p.m. Monday, November 25: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Hee Haw is on Channel 65. Ogden Rollers are at 9:35 a.m. Rhythm Band is at 10:35 a.m. Bingo is at 2 p.m. Tuesday, November 26: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers are at 9:35 a.m. Reader’s Theater is at 10:30 a.m. Popcorn and a movie is at 1:15 p.m.
WATER’S EDGE CHURCH “For the Thirsty Soul” 341 W WALNUT
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Rick Summerhays, Pastor Bible Study is from 9 to 10 a.m. Gathering is from 10 to 10:15 a.m.: Pre-service snacks served. Service is from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m.: Contemporary music and a relevant message from God’s Word. OGDEN BAPTIST CHURCH Curt Fincham, Pastor Sunday: Sunday school for all ages is at 9:30 a.m. Morning worship is at 10:30 a.m. Evening service is at 6 p.m. BETHEL CHURCH D. Ray Hoke, Pastor
sister, Tricia, 3. Grandparents are Jackie and Curtis Jens and Laura and Jerry Cooper, all of Ogden. Great grandparents are Milton and Brownie Cooper of Ogden; Herb and Patty Jens of Avoca; and Marv and Carol Schroder of Walnut.
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Wednesday, Nov. 6: AWANA (for ages 3 yrs. through sixth grade and up), is from 6:30 to 8:10 p.m. Jr./ Sr. high youth group is from 6:30 to 8:10 p.m. Oasis Group (adult Bible study) is from 6:45 to 8 p.m. Worship team practice is at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 9: Baby shower at 10 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 10: Worship service is at 9:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday school is at 10:50 a.m. Adult Sunday school classes are at 11 a.m. Scrooge practice is at 12:30 p.m. Power Hour prayer meeting is at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12: Elder meeting is at 7 p.m. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN BEAVER UMC YOKED PARISH Marjorie Smalley, Pastor Sunday: Church service is at 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome.
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C-00139 (10/13)
Our Town
The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - PAGE FIVE
10 Years Ago
From the Nov. 19, 2003 issue An American Flag flown over Iraq during Operation Eduring and Iraqi Freedom now belongs to Ogden High School. Iowa Army National Guard Sgt. Bob Ott presented the flag to OHS Principal Stan Friesen Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2003, while home on a two-week leaves from Kuwait. Navy Fireman Apprentice Mark R. Ross, son of Denise M. Eisner, and Mark A. Ross, both of Ogden, recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, IL. Jonn Nebbe, son of Doug Nebbe, Ogden, will receive his MS in metallurgical engineering Saturday, Dec. 13 from the University of Idaho. Jonn is a 1989 OHS graduate and received his BS from Iowa State University in 1994. He and his wife Alissa (Kruse) presently live in Clarion. Brandon Wendt was a member of the Norse football team at Luther College. The team finished the season at 6-4. Wendt, a 2001 OHS graduate and 2003 graduate of Waldorf College, is a junior majoring in art education at Luther College. He is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. The Heart of Iowa U14 soccer team recently completed their fall soccer season with an undefeated 8-0 record. The team consists of 14 fifth through eighth grade girls from Ogden and Boone.
30 Years Ago From the Nov. 23, 1983 Issue Put the Ogden and Boone girls together on a basketball court and you can forget all the stats, records and predictions because anything can happen. The intense rivalry was renewed at the DMACC gym Friday night and the Bulldogs escaped 5250 in an overtime that ended with the Toreadorettes missing a last second baseline shot. Leland J. Keel recently retrieved a yellow balloon from the reeds of Don Williams Lake. Keel was on the ninth tee when he spotted the partially deflated balloon. Attached was a card from Jenny Alberg, a fifth grader at Whitson Elementary School in Topeka, KS. The class sent up balloons celebrating National Education Week. Wednesday night is dollar night at Spinning Wheels Skating Rink in Ogden. With the purchase of a new pair of roller skates you receive three free admissions. The OHS music and drama departments presented “Showboat” Saturday, Nov. 19, Sunday, Nov. 20, and Monday, Nov. 21 at the high school auditorium. A special treat awaits the Ogden area this Christmas season as Bethel Church will present a delightful family musical, “The Gospel According to Scrooge” in three performances. The musical is a modernday version of Charles Dickens’ 19th century tale, “A Christmas Carol,” in which three angels appear to Ebenezer Scrooge, review his past and look at the present and future of his life. The Ogden Reporter office will be closed at noon Wednesday, Nov. 23, and remain closed through the weekend, in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Kauffman celebrates 90 years Do your part with snow removal Dan Kauffman, Boxholm will celebrate his 90th birthday, Sunday, Nov. 24 with an open house at Trinity Lutheran Church, Boxholm from 2 to 4 p.m. Cards may be sent to 735 Timberline Dr., Apt. 103C, Story City, IA 50248. His family includes his wife, Elaine. Children, Ray and Laurie Kauffman, Harcourt and Tom and Frances Kauffman, Boxholm. Dan has six grandchildren and three great grand children. Dan was born Nov. 24, 1923 and graduated from Rockwell City High School in 1941. He served as a smoke jumper in Missoula, Montana in the summer of 1943. Dan returned to Rockwell City and began farming with his brother. He married Elaine
Per City Code, it is the responsibility of the abutting property owners to remove snow, ice and accumulations promptly from sidewalks. If the property owner does not remove the accumulations within a reasonable time, the City may do so and assess the costs against the property owner. You may not throw or blow the snow onto the city streets after they have been cleaned. You are to pile it on
(Continued from page eight)
Freeman in 1950 and they moved to Boxholm where he farmed until retirement.
the McGraw Center for each of the Ogden graduating classes, Relay for Life, Ogden First Responders, Howe School special needs and several other worthy causes. Vonnie Doyle, veteran of 10 years of the Women’s Army Corps, gave and inspirational speech of her years of service and places of deployment. Members brought various items to send to troops overseas so they could get them before Christmas. The next meeting is Monday, Dec. 9 at the McGraw Center with the project committee in charge. -Barb Sanden, secretary
DO YOU HAVE A NEWS ITEM FOR US? CALL 275-2101 OR 275-4101 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Catered dinner, 12 noon, McGraw Senior Center.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27McGraw Senior Center will be closed at 12 noon. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10The Pilot Mound Fire Department will hold its annual meeting Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2013 at Pilot Mound City Hall. The public is invited. Food Pantry drop-off, open daily, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., McGraw Senior Center. EVERY THURSDAYTOPS Club (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets every week on Thursday at 6 p.m. at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 119 SW 2nd St., Ogden. Visitors are always welcome. First meeting is free. For details, call Linda Trudo at 515-275-4620, visit or call TOPS Headquarters at 800932-8677
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from a person identified as Ron. The investigation is continuing. 7:42 p.m.: Deputy Fangman made a traffic stop at Benton and 11th. After a brief investigation Deputy Fangman discovered that the passenger in the car Michael Allie was wanted out of Iowa County on a burglary warrant. He was transported to the BCJ for Iowa County authorities to pick up. Sunday, November 10 2:16 a.m.: A person called to report a vehicle on it’s top in the Erickson curves on Highway 30 about one mile east of Highway 17. Deputies Fangman and Quinn responded and located the driver of the vehicle Shea Smalley. She denied any injuries but was checked out by ambulance paramedics. After a brief investigation Smalley was detained for investigation into possible OWI and other charges. Monday, November 11 3:30 p.m.: Anderson called to report a theft and possible embezzlement of some money from the 2100 block of 260th St. Deputy Pontius began an investigation into the incident. 3:49 p.m.: Deputy Pontius arrested Matthew Spaulding on a parole violation warrant and transported to the BCJ.
Briefly The Board of Trustees of Ogden Municipal Utilities will meet in regular session Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013 at 7 a.m. in the Utilities Office.
60 Years Ago From the Nov. 26, 1953 Issue Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uthe are the parents of a daughter born Friday, Nov. 20. She has been given the name Joann Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawler of Ogden are grandparents. An Ogden Marine, Bobby E. Littleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Littleton has been promoted in rank for displaying outstanding ability in his job as M1-rifle coach. Three students from Ogden are members of the Drake University bands in Des Moines. They are Stanley Marlow, trumpet; Amy Lou Miller, tenor saxophone, and LaDonna Ott, trombone. More than 40 members of the Ogden Lions Club enjoyed touring Europe with Miss Bethel Rust, who lectured with her slide photos taken last summer while on a three month visit in Europe. Lt. Norman L. Mendon recently reverted to civilian life after spending 3 years in the army and receiving his discharge this week at Fort Sheridan, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Mendon, Mike and Molly will make their home in Ogden. A beautiful ceremony was performed by the Rev. Donald E. Merrill at Bethel Church Sunday, Nov. 22 when the twin babies of Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Craven, Denise Lenora and Dennis Lowell, were dedicated to the Lord. Chief Warrant Officers Gordon C. Shoeman, whose wife and children live in Ogden, is serving with the Korean Base Section in Korea.
estaurant Manager Honey Creek Resort State Park is seeking an experienced manager for Rathburn Lakeshore Grille. Applicants will need hands-on approach and the ability to drive and lead the front of house team. Should have prior food & beverage exp; recruit, train, schedule, staff, and monitor labor costs.
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Motor Coach Operator We need full and part-time Des Moines area drivers. Basic qualifications are: • Like to work with groups. • Have a Class A or B CDL with passenger & airbrake endorsement. • Business like appearance. • At least 25 years old. • No DUI in prior 7-yrs. • No more than 3 moving violations in prior 3-yrs. • No more than 1chargeable accident in the prior 3–yrs.
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Friday, November 8 5:01 a.m.: Deputy Quinn clocked a vehicle on radar at 111 mph at 222 nd and Highway 30. Deputy Quinn eventually stopped the vehicle several miles later. After a brief investigation the driver of the vehicle Justice Michael Jeffery Pritchard was detained for further testing into possible OWI, however Pritchard did not test high enough and was cited for speed and an 0.2 violation and released. Saturday, November 9 2:37 a.m.: Deputy Quinn arrested Kirk McWilliams on contempt of court warrant from Story County. Deputy Quinn transported to a Story County Deputy. 3:37 p.m.: The BCH called to report a child that was brought into the ER that was bitten by a dog. Deputy Spencer responded and began an investigation. The owner of the dog was located, and she took the dog to the Boone Humane Shelter for observation. The condition of the child is unknown. 4:28 p.m.: A person called to report that someone entered his property and cut the power to his home located in the 900 block of 222nd Dr. They also entered his residence went through his property and stole a gun. The owner of the property is also receiving harassing phone calls
How You Can Avoid 7 Costly Mistakes if
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21Ladies Day is at 12:30 p.m., McGraw Senior Center.
REMINDER: There is no parking on main street between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.
Sheriff’s report, cont.-
Doyle talks about years in Army Corps Ogden Community Women met Monday, Nov. 11 at McGraw Senior Citizens Center. Bev Lindgren catered the supper with a patriotic table theme. The meeting was called to order by Maggie Plahn, president. Guests were Michelle Swan, Sandy Moore and Elia Rogers. The club plans to develop a Facebook page for encouraging membership drives, relaying information of fund raisers and increasing public awareness of how funds raised are dispersed: Angel Tree at VisionBank, scholarships for two Ogden seniors, photograph holders at
your own property. Please do not push snow off onto your neighbor’s property. Also, please have your cars off the city streets after a snow so streets may be cleaned. This does not pertain to the business district during normal business hours.
We offer competitive pay and benefits. Applicants should call Trans Iowa Charters at 800-310-6754 or apply on-line at
Public Notices
PAGE SIX - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, November 20, 2013
OGDEN COMMUNITY SCHOOLS PROCEEDINGS AND CLAIMS Minutes of a Regular Monthly Meeting of The Board of Directors of the Ogden Community School District November 11, 2013 I. CALL TO ORDER The Ogden Board of Education held a regular Board meeting Monday, November 11, 2013 in the Ogden Community School District High School Library. Members present included Pete Bergstrom, Tom Cleveland, Sally Good, Camille Schroeder and Matt Van Sickle. Meeting was called to order by Board President Sally Good at 5:30pm. Other members present were Superintendent Brad Jermeland and Board Secretary/Business Manager Kris Van Pelt. II. GOOD NEWS Superintendent Jermeland shared good news from throughout the district. III. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Approval of Minutes, Regular Meeting October 14, 2013 3. Personnel Recommendations Appointments: Cornelius Burton, HS Asst. Boys Basketball Coach, Step 4 $2,815.79, replacing Zach Meyer; Brenda McCloud, HS Wrestling Cheerleading Sponsor, Step 1 $1,109.33, replacing Jill Ahrens; Deborah Long, Elementary 1:1 Associate, Step 2 $9.24/hr., new position for Kindergarten Resignation: Janet Bosma, Elementary Kitchen Manager, effective November 1, 2013 4. Monthly List of Bills October 2013 Activity Fund, $25,459.40; October 2013 Nutrition Fund, 33,135.85; November 11, 2013 General Fund, $129,347.38; Management Fund, $652.30; PERL, $355.64; PPEL, $4,365.69; and Sales Tax Fund, $3,000. 5. Snow Removal Bids: J&L Custom Services, LLC for the 2013-14 school year. 6. Open Enrollment: Kyla Faris from Boone CSD to Ogden, 2013-14 school year; Trey Vanderlaan, Jasmine Ingram, Jacob Ingram, Janze Ingram from Boone CSD to Ogden, 2013-14 school year. Camille Schroeder moved to approve the consent agenda items. Tom Cleveland seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. IV. DELEGATIONS/PETITIONS/COMMUNICATIONS The floor was opened to delegations, petitions, or communication on items not on the agenda. No response.
V. ACTION/DISCUSSION ITEMS A. District 1. Transportation Committee Report Meeting notes from Wednesday, October 30, 2013 were reviewed and discussed. Denny Good, District Transportation Director was present to discuss and answer questions or concerns the Board may have had. 2. Silver Cord Award: Camille Schroeder moved to approve the recommendation to implement the Silver Cord Award program to encourage students to become involved within their community through volunteerism. The award is for those students who earn a minimum of 50 service hours per year and would be recognized for this service at graduation. Pete Bergstrom seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. B. Curriculum/School Improvement/ Professional Development 1. Board Instruction Committee Report: Meeting notes from Thursday, November 7, 2013 were reviewed and discussed. 2. Career Technology Advisory Committees: Pete Bergstrom moved to approve the Career Technology Advisory Committees for the three technology areas; Hospitality and Tourism Management, Manufacturing and Business. Tom Cleveland seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. C. Finance/Facilities/Support Services 1. Monthly Financial Reports: Camille Schroeder moved to approve the monthly financial reports through October 2013. Matt Van Sickle seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 2. Board Finance Committee Report Meeting notes from Thursday, October 17, 2013 were reviewed and discussed. 3. Board Work Session – Thursday, November 14, 2013: The Board reviewed a tentative agenda for a Board Work session schedule for Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. 4. 2014 High School Roof Improvements – Shive-Hattery, Inc.: Tom Cleveland moved to approve a Proposal for Services for the 2014 construction season to remove and replace two roof levels at the High School. D. Superintendent 1. SBRC Application – Fall 2013 – For Increasing Enrollment, Open Enrolled Out, and LEP Instruction Beyond 4 Years Camille Schroeder moved to approve the SBRC application for $55,701 in additional
allowable growth for increased enrollment. Pete Bergstrom seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 2. Board Policy Code Series 407 – 414 (First Reading): Pete Bergstrom moved to approve the first reading of Board Policy Code Series 407-414. Matt Van Sickle seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 3. Board Calendar: The Board calendar for November 2013 was reviewed. 4. Next Board Agenda-Draft: The draft of the agenda for the December 9, 2013 regular Board meeting was reviewed. VI. OTHER VII. ADJOURN There was no further business to come before the Board for consideration at this time. Camille Schroeder moved to adjourn. Matt Van Sickle seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Sally Good, Board President adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Reports and documents and the full text of motions, resolutions or policies considered by the Board at this meeting are on file in the Board Secretary’s office, 515-275-2894, Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 p.m. Sally Good, Board President Kris Van Pelt, Board Secretary OCTOBER ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO. ...........................3,699.71 CLARK’S FOOD MART ..................34.45 ECOLAB .......................................105.69 KECK, INC. ................................1,434.31 MARTIN BROS DISTRIBUTING CO., INC .............................12,332.55 OGDEN GENERAL FUND .......15,529.14 ACTIVITY FUND ARROWSMITH, DOUG ..................90.00 BATTLES, GARY ............................90.00 BELZ, RUSS ..................................90.00 BERG, ROD ...................................90.00 CAFFREY WHOLESALE, INC....1,036.42 CARTER, EBON ............................46.94 CASEY’S GENERAL STORE ........213.80 CLARK’S FOOD MART ................858.95 COPYWORKS ................................35.60 DECKER SPORTING GOODS ......710.00 ELY, KEN ........................................60.00 EVERLASTINGS ...........................312.85 FISCHER, JOE ...............................90.00 FLESHNER, JERRY .......................90.00 GOOD, CHUCK ........................... 300.00 GOOD, KEITH ..............................180.00 GRADOVILLE, STEVE .................300.00 GRAPHIC EDGE, THE ..............3,787.64 GREIMAN, TODD ..........................90.00
GROSSNICKEL, DEAN ..................60.00 GTM SPORTSWEAR ....................204.00 HANNA, MARK ............................180.00 HAWKINS, NORM .........................90.00 HITE, CURTIS ................................90.00 HUMBOLDT COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ..................80.00 IBCA .............................................225.00 IWCOA CONVENTION .................320.00 J.W. PEPPER & SON, INC. .............74.74 JARVIS, SUE .................................90.00 JORDISON, STEVE .......................90.00 JUHL, CHRIS .................................90.00 KRAGEL, MARK ............................90.00 LARSON, KELLI ...........................120.00 MARTIN BROS DISTRIBUTING CO., INC ..................................668.45 MCCREA, KEVIN ...........................90.00 MEISTER, HALEY ..........................44.13 MEYERS, KEN ...............................90.00 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING CORPORATION ........................78.00 MOLITOR, JIM ...............................90.00 OGDEN BUILDING SUPPLY, INC ..........................................123.55 OGDEN FARM & FEED CENTER....52.41 OGDEN GENERAL FUND ............146.20 OGDEN HOT LUNCH FUND ..........95.39 PEPSI-COLA .............................1,745.90 PERRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST. ........................................120.00 PICK, NATHAN ..............................90.00 PLAHN & SIMPLE .....................3,058.25 POMEROY, DAN ............................90.00 PORTER, BAILEY ..........................25.00 REIMERS, MICHELLE .................168.69 ROLAND STORY COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ........120.00 RUBIN, PATRICIA ..........................50.00 SALATI, ABBEY .............................59.11 SAM’S CLUB/GECF ..................1,465.68 SCHIEFFER, HARLEY ...................90.00 SIMPSON, ROGER ........................90.00 SOUTH CENTRAL CALHOUN CSD ...........................................90.00 SOUTH HAMILTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ................................80.00 SOUTHEAST WEBSTER-GRAND CSD ...........................................75.00 STAR DESINATIONS .................5,000.00 STUMPF, SHELLEY .......................90.00 UTHE, MICHELLE .........................75.00 VIDEO ONE ..................................245.68 VISIONBANK ................................325.00 VITTETOE, MIKE ...........................90.00 WALMART COMMUNITY .............167.02 WERNER, MARK ...........................90.00 WESTBERG, KYLIE .......................25.00 WINTERMOTE, RUSTY .................90.00 WOLFE, LANDON .........................90.00 NOVEMBER
OPERATING FUND ADVANTAGE ADMINISTRATORS....................................... 506.50 AHLERS & COONEY, P.C. ............ 117.50 ALDRICH, CATHY ........................ 320.00 AMERICA’S BEST WATER TREATERS, INC ................... 1,250.00 AMES COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ............................. 3,000.50 APPLAUSE LEARNING RESOURCES, INC. ................. 141.52 AUTO ELECTRIC & TUNEUP ......... 92.47 AUTO-JET MUFFLER CORPORATION ...................... 429.54 BLACK HILLS ENERGY ................. 85.80 BLACKMORE, MATTHEW ........... 279.60 BOONE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST. ................................... 33,755.66 BOONE COUNTY AUDITOR ........ 616.99 BOONE HARDWARE ........................ 1.79 BOONE NEWS-REPUBLICAN ....... 48.30 BRELSFORD, NIKKI .................... 434.70 BRITTON, JEREMY ....................... 76.00 CASCIO INTERSTATE MUSIC ........ 20.16 CASEY’S GENERAL STORE ..... 1,548.25 CHRISTENSEN, JESSICA ............. 50.00 CLAIMAID ..................................... 461.00 CLARK’S FOOD MART .................. 47.06 CUB SCOUT PACK 155 ............... 825.00 DAILEY, BREANNA ...................... 400.00 DECKER EQUIPMENT ................... 49.27 DELTA EDUCATION ........................ 76.40 DES MOINES AREA COMM. COLLEGE ............................. 3,307.00 DES MOINES REGISTER ............... 70.00 DIGITAL STEW SERVICES INC .... 385.00 DREES HEATING AND PLUMBING ............................. 903.06 DUTCHER, RICH ........................... 36.57 E.L.M. STREET PRESCHOOL ... 4,741.24 EDU-SAFE LLC ............................ 497.00 EMERSON, DAVID ....................... 150.00 FASTENAL COMPANY ................. 161.90 FES ............................................... 158.00 FULLER, J.C. ................................. 80.04 FUTURE HORIZONS INC ............... 88.90 HAGLUND, SUSAN ....................... 37.26 HEARTLAND AEA 11...................... 70.14 HEARTLAND COOP ....................... 48.96 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT PUBLISHING CO. 32.20 PUBLISHING CO ..................................... IOWA ASSN. OF SCHOOL BOARDS ................................. 225.00 IOWA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ............................ 5,527.67 IOWA STATE CENTER .................... 42.00 J.W. PEPPER & SON, INC. ........... 348.79 LIGHTSPEED TECHNOLOGIES INC. ......................................... 163.00 LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT .... 307.77
MADRID COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST. ..................................... 1,500.25 MCCONNELL, JAMES .................. 50.00 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING CORPORATION ...................... 507.66 OGDEN BUILDING SUPPLY, INC .......................................... 226.64 OGDEN FARM & FEED CENTER.. 522.91 OGDEN HOT LUNCH FUND ........ 360.78 OGDEN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ........................... 19,041.68 OGDEN TELEPHONE COMPANY ........................... 1,200.12 PALO SPORTS ............................. 440.58 PORTER, KIM ................................ 50.00 PREMIER PRINTER SUPPLIES L.L.C........................................ 451.74 QUICK OIL CO. ......................... 5,481.57 QUILL CORPORATION................... 20.87 REESE ELECTRIC MOTOR CO........ 4.00 RESEARCH PRESS CO., INC. ....... 43.00 RIEMAN MUSIC, INC. .................. 188.80 RODGERS PLUMBING-HEATINGWIRING ................................... 664.63 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION ................... 1,208.40 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION ........................ 56.59 SEMINOLE RETAIL ENERGY SERVICES, LLC ..................... 945.88 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP................ 530.00 STONE PRINTING COMPANY ..... 422.83 TAIT, JAMES .................................. 16.02 TAPKE, MICHELLE ........................ 32.43 THOMAS BUS SALES .................. 669.96 THRANE, JANNETTE .................... 67.82 TIME4LEARNING ......................... 718.20 TOP & BODY REPAIR, INC........... 226.00 U.S. CELLULAR ............................. 78.97 VISA .............................................. 617.60 WALMART COMMUNITY ............. 219.88 WALTERS COMPANY, TOM ........ 485.00 WEEKS, BRANDON .................... 500.00 WEST MUSIC ................................. 77.40 WOODWARD-GRANGER COM. SCHL DIST ......................... 29,703.66 MANAGEMENT FUND ADVANTAGE ADMINISTRATORS ... 55.30 BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. ......................... 597.00 PLAYGROUND FENNER IRRIGATION................... 300.00 OGDEN FARM & FEED CENTER.... 55.64 PHYSICAL PLANT & EQUIPMENT DREES HEATING AND PLUMBING .......................... 2,051.94 RICOH USA, INC. ...................... 2,313.75 LOCAL OPTION SALES & SERVICES TAX FUND PMA FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC. ...................................... 3,000.00
BOONE COUNTY HOSPITAL QUARTERLY REPORT - QUARTER ENDING SEPT. 30, 2013 The following are the bills allowed by the Board of Trustees, Boone County Hospital, for the quarter ending September 30, 2013, pursuant to Section 347.13, Chapter 347. Income from Hospital Service to Patients: $10,672,492 Taxes: $187,966 A-1 CARPET CLEANING ......... $ 408.00 CONSUMER CONTACT/ HALO .................................. 1,098.76 IOWA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ................................. 8,057.67 PRIORITY HEALTCARE DISTRIBUTION .............................. 1,938.69 AACVPR ..................................... 249.00 COOK MEDICAL INCORPORATED................... 640.93 IP PATHWAYS, LLC ............. 101,288.77 PRITCHARD BROTHERS ............ 961.17 AAHAM ....................................... 549.00 COOPER SURGICAL............... 1,772.28 JIM’S FLOOR COVERING, INC. . 864.00 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SERVICE ................................ 592.60 AAMA ........................................... 10.00 COREPOINT HEALTH ........... 23,342.48 JOHNSON & JOHNSON HEALTH CARE.................................. 4,011.00 PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL, INC.1,783.40 AARP ............................................ 29.44 COVIDIEN ..................................... 15.00 KCI LANDSCAPE SUPPLY ......... 560.00 PULMONARY PAPER .................... 50.00 ABBOTT LABORATORIES .......... 657.00 CPSI ...................................... 21,284.26 KCI USA .................................. 5,157.70 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS........... 20,090.58 ACCESS SYSTEMS ................ 2,515.48 CREST HEALTHCARE SUPPLY . 166.79 KERMA MEDICAL PRODUCTS, INC ............... 4,171.15 QUORUM HEALTH RESOURCES LLC.................................. 259,195.68 ACE HARDWARE ....................... 201.93 CSASWC ................................. 1,317.00 KEY SURGICAL INC................... 145.95 R & B SOLUTIONS ................... 5,649.90 ACOG ......................................... 307.20 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING ................. 1,142.83 KIMBERLY CLARK GLOBAL SALES ................................... 476.33 R W POWER ................................. 74.94 ACS MEDIHEALTH ................ 22,993.36 CURBELL MEDICAL................... 301.00 KINZLER CONSTRUCTION SERVICE ............................... 210.09 RAM SCIENTIFIC .......................... 55.00 ACURAD TECHNICAL SERVICES ............................. 190.85 DAKOTA SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. ...................................... 277.50 KIWANIS ....................................... 25.00 RAY’S DOOR LLC .................... 1,007.00 ADVANCED MEDICAL DESIGNS INC. ......................................... 74.15 DATEX OHMEDA ..................... 1,053.75 KOCH FILTER CORPORATION .... 57.17 RECONDO TECHNOLOGY, INC .................................... 10,064.74 AESCULAP ................................. 150.93 DAVIS BROWN LAW FIRM......... 720.00 KRAMES STAY WELL, LLC ........ 430.58 RESTORE BENEFIT SOURCE..... 398.25 AHRA .......................................... 185.00 DAYTON REVIEW/GOLD NUGGET ............................... 195.00 KRIEGER E. GREENHOUSES, INC .......................................... 58.85 REW SERVICES CORPORATION .................................. 1,400.00 AIRGAS NORTH CENTRAL ..... 6,817.31 DE LAGE LANDEN ................ 30,493.65 KRUCK PLUMBING AND
HEATING CO ...................... 2,423.15 RNA MEDICAL .............................. 88.00 ALCON LABORATORIES, INC. .................................. 37,233.29 DELTA LOCUM TENENS ....... 20,368.69 KWBG/WAIIT RADIO ............... 4,064.66 ROGERS AUTOMATED ENTRANCES ....................... 2,299.01 ALLIANT ENERGY-IP&L ........ 84,242.79 DES MOINES REGISTER ...... 14,253.97 LABSCO ..................................... 203.95 ROTO ROOTER SEWER ............... 94.25 ALLIED INSURANCE .................. 296.00 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINTS......... 689.09 LAZONO MIKE ........................... 100.00 RSVP VOLUNTEER PROGRAM . 624.91 ALLSCRIPTS LLC.................. 11,103.48 DICK’S FIRE EXTINGUISHER S & S .................... 207.05 LEE ANESTHESIA P.C. .......... 50,991.18 SANOFI PASTEUR INC. ......... 25,229.76 AMAZON.COM ........................ 3,089.22 DMS HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES ....................... 73,964.68 LESTER REFRIGERATION ...... 1,373.93 SCHUMACHER ELEVATOR COMPANY .......................... 2,576.73 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ......... 275.00 DOOR & FENCE STORE INC ..... 218.00 LIBERTY HARDWOODS, INC. ... 760.20 SEE THE TRAINER ........................ 95.00 AMERICAN COLLEGE OBSTETRICIANS .................... 28.00 DR. JILL’S FOOT PADS, INC. ..... 113.90 LIFE SERV BLOOD CENTER. 19,738.50 SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ....... 555.00 AMERICAN COLLEGE OSTEOPATHIC ............................... 1,218.75 DRAGER MEDICAL, INC. ........... 187.09 LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS.................................. 80.94 SHELTON DEHAAN CO INC ....... 729.87 AMERICA’S PPO .......................... 15.23 DRAGER SAFETY DIAGNOSTICS, INC ........................................ 121.69 LOCUMTENENS. COM ......... 29,878.17 SHORT STOP ................................ 77.72 AMERISOURCE BERGEN ..... 92,608.99 DUCKS UNLIMITED ..................... 75.00 LOFFREDO ................................. 665.21 SHRM .......................................... 180.00 AMES ENVIRONMENTAL INC. ... 650.00 DUFFYS INC ................................ 64.50 LOWE’S ...................................... 589.82 SIEMENS FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. ..................................... 4,166.00 AMES LOCK & SECURITY ......... 375.95 DUTCH OPHTHALMIC USA....... 529.50 LSS DATA SYSTEMS............. 35,616.50 SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS .................. 33,748.79 AMES TAXI SERVICE.................. 210.00 DUTCH OVEN BAKERY ............. 467.70 LUTZ ...................................... 15,738.41 SIGMA ........................................... 86.55 AMES TRIBUNE ......................... 199.00 EARTHGRAINS COMPANY ..... 2,574.76 LYNN MEDICAL .......................... 159.07 SIGNATURE HEALTHCARE.... 35,969.75 ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO ...................................... 4,311.65 ECOLAB ..................................... 474.89 LYNX MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC ..................................... 3,837.25 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP............ 1,543.00 ANESTHESIA MOBILE SERVICES PC .................. 73,710.06 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO ......................................... 370.60 MACRO HELIX, INC. ............. 13,556.80 SNHPA......................................... 250.00 APEX PRINT TECHNOLOGIES 3,847.94 ELMED INCORPORATED ........... 132.52 MADRID HOME ....................... 3,225.00 SOURCEONE HEALTHCARE,
INC. ..................................... 2,907.90 AQUATROL.............................. 1,289.96 EMC INSURANCE ................... 1,236.00 MAJORS CONCRETE CO. ...... 2,395.00 SOUTHWEST TECHNOLOGIES INC. ........................................ 153.25 ARCMAIL TECHNOLOGY ....... 4,320.00 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC .......................................... 38.50 MARKETLAB INC. ...................... 363.61 SOUTHWIND .......................... 10,700.00 ARMSTRONG MEDICAL INDUSTRIES ......................... 886.54 EMERGENCY NURSES ASSOCIATION......................... 78.00 MARTIN BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. ................................... 12,856.50 SPACELABS HEALTHCARE ... 19,529.39 ARROW INTERNATIONAL INC 4,030.32 EMERGENCY PRACTICE ASSOC. ............................ 13,923.48 MARY GREELEY MEDICAL CENTER .............................. 6,487.91 STANDARD REGISTER COMPANY .......................... 4,673.09 ASI BUSINESS GROUP .......... 4,639.25 EMERGENCY VEHICLE SALE SERVICE ............................ 1,000.00 MATRIX TECHNOLOGIES LLC. ... 67.68 STANDARD TEXTILE ................ 1,213.38 ASPEN MILLS ............................ 169.71 ENCISION INC......................... 1,622.51 MAYO MEDICAL LABORATORIES ............................ 2,891.74 STAPLES ADVANTAGE .......... 11,964.87 ASSOCIATION OF NUTRITION & 145.00 ENCOMPAS UNLIMITED, INC. .... 70.42 MCG ...................................... 13,514.46 STERICYCLE INC. .................... 3,337.27 A-TEC RECYCLING INC ............ 817.58 ENTEGRA PROCUREMENT.... 4,093.00 MCGOWAN ENTERPRISES, INC. 651.88 STERIS CORPORATION........... 5,988.95 ATLANTIC BIOLOGICALS CORP. 436.48 ENTERPRISE ELECTRIC INC..... 855.45 MCKESSON GENERAL MEDICAL CORP ................................. 9,371.67 STETSON BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC ......................................... 100.88 BANK OF AMERICA .............. 29,318.87 EPS, INC....................................... 78.65 McKESSON MEDICAL SURGICAL............................... 1,280.96 STRYKER INSTRUMENTS ....... 2,157.56 BARD MEDICAL DIVISION .... 16,054.29 EXECUTIVE SERVICES CORPS-NE, INC ........................................ 400.00 MCN AMERICAN JOURNAL MATERNAL ............................. 32.99 STRYKER ORTHOPAEDICS .. 24,354.52 BAXTER 340B ............................ 845.79 EXPAND-A-BAND......................... 53.57 MEDAFOR .................................. 174.38 STRYKER SALES CORPORATION ................ 14,390.30 BAXTER HEALTHCARE-IV SYSTEMS ........................ 20,440.75 FAEGRE BAKER DANIELS LLP 2,184.14 MEDI DOSE INCORPORATED ... 460.43 STUDER GROUP.................... 12,875.00 BEAVER VISITEC..................... 1,106.87 FAIRWAY OUTDOOR.................. 600.00 MEDIACOM ............................. 3,119.45 SURVIVAL FITNESS .................... 780.00 BECKMAN COULTER INC ...... 6,129.83 FAMILY TRADITIONS ................. 517.03 MEDIBADGE .............................. 360.30 SWANSON DRUG ......................... 65.28 BEE & HERALD PUBLISHING CO\ 87.38 FAREWAY STORES............... 548.14 MEDICAL ASSOCIATES PHARMACY .......................... 781.86 SWEETS & SMILES BAKERY ........ 60.30 BEEKLEY MEDICAL ................... 633.76 FARM BUREAU 40.00MEDICAL GRAPH-
ICS CORPORATION ................... 236.00 SYNTHES LTD USA..................... 135.10 BENEFIT SOURCE INC. ............. 796.50 FARM BUREAU PROPERTY & CASUALTY ....................... 53,305.01 MEDICAL INFOMATION ........ 33,320.00 SYSCO FOOD SVCS OF IOWA ................................. 37,076.45 BERCHTOLD ................................ 45.00 FAST HEALTH CORPORATION .. 840.00 MEDITECH .............................. 3,493.00 TASTE OF HOME ......................... 24.98 BESSE MEDICAL SUPPLY ......... 712.00 FEDERAL EXPRESS ................... 533.31 MEDIVATORS .......................... 8,218.84 TELEFLEX MEDICAL ................... 173.00 BIG GREEN UMBRELLA MEDIA, INC. .................................... 1,908.00 FIRE STARTER PUBLISHING ..... 502.31 MEDLINE INDUSTRIES INC .. 15,435.34 TELEVOX SOFTWARE INC ...... 1,182.40 BIOMET INC. ........................... 1,200.42 FIRST ADMINISTRATORS ............ 63.30 MEDRAD INC. ......................... 8,864.00 THARPE COMPANY, INC. ........... 796.20 BIO-RAD LABORATORIES ...... 1,364.08 FIRST ADMINISTRATORS, INC ................................ 976,397.22 MEGADYNE MEDICAL PRODUCTS ....................... 1,572.65 THERACOM ................................ 650.32 BKD, LLP ............................... 32,795.51 FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE INC ....................................... 161.17 MERCEDES MEDICAL INC ........ 125.00 THERMAL BAGS ......................... 794.80 BLACK HILLS ENERGY ............ 202.04 FISHER HEALTHCARE .......... 10,051.71 MERCY CANCER CENTER .......... 50.00 THINKSTOCK ........................... 1,399.00 BLACKHAWK AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS ........................ 365.00 FOLLETT CORPORATION .......... 488.14 MERCY CLINICS ................... 22,665.00 THUNDER ROAD EMBROIDERY ....................... 542.00 BLANK CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL.. 60.00 FOOD SERVICE RESOURCES 1,184.69 MERCY COLLEGE HEALTH SCIENCES .............................. 30.00 TMG MARKETING SOLUTIONS ........................ 7,510.88 BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCY ......................... 32,944.00 FRASIER HEALTHCARE .......... 5,300.13 MERCY HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER ........................... 12,246.00 TODD’S TAXI SERVICE ............ 1,056.00 BOONE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ......................... 120.00 FRESENIUS KABI USA, LLC ...... 197.25 MERCY MEDICAL CENTER .... 1,833.33 TOM WALTERS COMPANY......... 570.00 BOONE BOOSTER CLUB ......... 500.00 GALLS INCORPORATED.............. 68.48 MERRITT HAWKINS .............. 21,690.00 TRI SCRIPT ............................. 4,488.08 BOONE COUNTY HOSP AUXILLARY ........................ 2,461.17 GE HEALTH CARE................. 26,212.28 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS . 5,026.22 TRI STATE DISTRIBUTION .......... 159.89 BOONE COUNTY HOSPITAL .. 7,977.35 GE HEALTHCARE FINANCIAL SERVIC ............................ 69,186.52 MID AMERICA PUBLISHING CORP........... 2,115.35 TRI STATE ELECTRONIC SERVICE ............................. 3,670.44 BOONE COUNTY LANDFILL ....... 97.80 GENESIS DEVELOPMENT .... 20,384.27 MID IOWA ANESTHESIA INC .................................. 52,500.00 TRILLIANT SURGICAL LTD ...... 1,585.00 BOONE COUNTY
TRANSPORTATION ............ 1,303.96 GG & B COMPANY..................... 548.10 MIDLANDS BUSINESS EQUIPMENT ...................... 2,415.00 TRUVEN HEALTH ANALYTICS18,073.00 BOONE COUNTY TREASURER ...................... 5,418.94 GLEASON DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING, PC ......................................... 582.00 MMIC ....................................... 2,106.00 U S CELLULAR ........................... 100.30 BOONE FIRE DEPARTMENT... 3,044.00 GOODWIN TUCKER GROUP ..... 803.45 MNG, INCORPORATED ............... 90.00 UI DIAGNOSTIC LABORATIORIES................. 1,168.00 BOONE HARDWARE ................. 133.23 GRAINGER INC ..................... 21,233.57 MOFFITTS FORD MERCURY LINCOLN ............................ 6,425.54 UNDERWATER ADVENTURES ...... 30.00 BOONE NEWS REPUBLICAN . 5,396.62 GRAPETREE MEDICAL STAFFING ........................ 14,775.39 MORTARA INSTRUMENTS ........ 374.39 UNITED LABORATORIES ............ 356.68 BOONE REHABILITATION SERVICES ...................... 494,064.49 GRAPHIC MANAGEMENT SPECIALTY P ........................ 331.71 NATIONAL CHILD SAFETY COUNCIL .............................. 186.13 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE ......... 519.08 BOONE RENTAL ........................ 163.34 GREER MEDICAL ....................... 202.00 NATUS MEDICAL INC. ............... 125.59 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ........................... 11,000.00 BOONE’S FUTURE.................. 2,500.00 GRIFOLS BIOLOGICALS INC. 6,942.66 NEONATAL PROFESSIONAL ..... 427.12 UNITED STATES TREASURY .. 3,638.11 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP. 12,573.79 GRIFOLS THERAPEUTICS INC. .................................. 28,347.15 NEOTECH PRODUCTS, INC. ....... 89.77 UNITED WAY OF BOONE COUNTY .................................... 8.00 BOUNDTREE MEDICAL, LLC ... 464.97 GRIFOLS THERAPEUTICS, INC. .................................. 14,539.40 NET DIRECT SYSTEMS ........ 45,294.64 UNITY POINT HEALTH ............. 1,881.87 BRACCO ................................ 2,578.33 HANCOCK COUNTY MEMORIAL ........................ 1,340.00 NUANCE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ................................. 69,058.12 UNIVERSAL HOSPITAL SERVICES ................................... 138.00 BRADY ANESTHESIA, LLC ... 43,795.56 HARDWARE DISTRIBUTORS, LTD ....................................... 312.36 NUCARE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. .................................... 1,773.02 UNIVERSITY HYGIENIC LABORATORY ........................ 535.05 BROWN’S MEDICAL IMAGING .......................... 15,000.00 HAYES INTERPRETING SERVICE .............................. S337.50 OGDEN COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ............................... 70.00 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA ............... 675.00 CAFFREY WHOLESALE INCORPORATED................... 747.18 HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS ........ 426.85 OGDEN LEGACY................... 60,000.00 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA HOSPITALS ......................... 1,048.00 CANDICE SMITH PHOTOGRAPHY ................... 385.00 HEALTHCARE SERVICES MANAGEMENT .................. 8,427.87 OGDEN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES.. 936.11
UP TO DATE ................................ 449.00 CAPITAL BANK & TRUST ...... 13,937.08 HEALTHPORT............................... 25.06 OGDEN TELEPHONE COMPANY ......................... 1,934.91 US BANK .............................. 198,126.09 CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY .. 4,197.48 HEARTLAND DOOR & FRAME, INC. ...................... 1,242.75 OHARCO .................................... 123.08 USBANCORP ....................... 552,326.98 CARDINAL CLEANERS ................ 29.40 HILL ROM ................................ 1,327.52 OLYMPUS AMERICA INC ....... 1,049.32 UTAH MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC ......................................... 296.25 CARDINAL HEALTH ............ 331,026.80 HOBART SERVICE ..................... 118.00 ON SITE INFORMATION ............ 467.20 VAN WALL GROUP ..................... 400.00 CARDINAL HEALTH MEDICAL ....................... 105,975.81 HOLOGIC INC. ........................ 4,849.34 OPTUM ....................................... 654.89 VERACITY GROUP INC ........... 3,000.00 CARDINAL HEALTH PHARMACY ..................... 12,731.08 HOME OFFICE THE ................ 3,786.89 ORASURE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. .................................... 1,180.00 VERIZON BUSINESS .................... 71.57 CARDINAL HEALTH PHARMACY MANAG ....... 50,482.25 HOUCK TRANSIT ADVERTISING 750.00 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY . 91.47 VERIZON WIRELESS .............. 3,268.97 CARE FUSION 2200, INC...... 13,425.92 HUBERT COMPANY .................. 504.15 ORTHOTEK, INC. ....................... 502.32 VIDA CARE ............................... 1,133.64 CARE LEARNING .................... 4,250.00 HY VEE FOOD STORE ............ 2,691.50 PARAGARD DIRECT................... 598.00 VIRGINIAS FLOWERS AND GIFTS ....................................... 60.00 CAREFUSION 2200, INC............ 789.20 IA-ANFP...................................... 100.00 PASSPORT HEALTH COMM INC. ....................................... 769.81 VIRTUAL RADIOLOGIC .......... 17,268.00 CARLSON’S ECOWATER SYSTEMS ............................... 99.00 IAAP............................................ 115.00 PATHOLOGY LABORATORY . 27,274.15 VISA .......................................... 4,547.14 CARPENTER UNIFORM & PROMOTIONS ...................... 203.97 IATRIC SYSTEMS ....................... 862.50 PATTERSON MEDICAL ........... 1,271.72 VISA VISA ................................... 275.82 CARSON ELECTRIC, INC. ........ 100.34 ICE TECHNOLOGIES ............ 13,292.25 PENTAX MEDICAL COMPANY ..................... 184,615.94 VISION BANK .............................. 300.00 CASSLING ............................... 7,257.00 IDEACOM/CMA ..................... 36,162.00 PEPSI COLA GEN BOTT INC .. 7,795.02 VIVID IMAGES ............................. 175.00 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. ... 86,335.87 IHS ........................................... 1,881.87 PETER COHEN ASSOCIATES, LLC ............. 4,615.00 VOLUNTEER SOFTWARE, INC, .. 300.00 CEDARS OF MADRID HOME 18,030.00 IMGMA ....................................... 110.00 PHARMACIST’S LETTER ........... 129.00 WAL MART PAYMENT CENTER1,219.79 CENTRAL IOWA EMS ................. 50.00 INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE HOSPITAL please turn to page seven
The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - PAGE SEVEN
BOONE COUNTY SUPERVISORS PROC. AND CLAIMS Annual concert presents November 6, 2013 Foster called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. with all members present. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve the minutes of October 30, 2013 meeting. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve the agenda as posted. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Scott Smith, Landfill Administrator met with the Board for weekly update and discussion of yard waste date extension. It was agreed to extend the date for accepting free yard waste to the end of the normal shift on Saturday November 30, 2013 Moved by Hollingshead, second by Duffy to approve setting Wednesday November 20, 2013 at 1:00 p.m.; Wednesday November 27, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. ; Wednesday December 4, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. at the Boone County Courthouse (2nd floor, Board Room) located at 201 State Street, Boone, Iowa 50036, to consider Ordinance # 121, Farmers Cooperative Co. petition to rezone 36.8 acres, more or less, from A-1 (Agriculture Conservation) to A-2 (Agriculture Business) to allow for the construction of a greenfield fertilizer, seed and crop protection storage and distribution center which would include storage for dry, liquid and anhydrous ammonia fertilizer. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Moved by Hollingshead, second by Duffy to approve vacation and transfer of a secondary roadway in Boone County - 166th Drive, also known as the R.M. Harris Road NO. 722, from approximately 1800 feet North and 1300 feet West of the E. ¼ Corner of Section 1-84-27; thence Northerly approximately 4420 feet to the point of termination, which is the Southerly right-of-way line of 155th Street in Section 36-85-27, pending all legal arrangements and contracts are in order. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Foster recessed the meeting at 10:12 a.m. Board resumed session at 10:30 to meet with the Wellness Committee that presented their recommendation on employee Health Care Premium Differential policy. Moved by Duffy, second by Hollingshead to approve the Health Insurance Premium Differential for Boone County Employees, effective January 1, 2015. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Moved by Duffy, second by Hollingshead to approve secondary road claims 18751 to 18784 and claims 132364 to 132510 totaling $$485,110.17 and issuance of warrants 103808 to 103962 to pay the same. Handwritten warrants 103623 - 103625 totaling $ 18,960.04 are hereby approved for publication. No: None; Yes: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion passed. Moved by Hollingshead, second by Duffy to approve authorizing the Board chairman to sign the FY2014 County Substance Abuse Prevention Expenditure Report Summary for Contract # 588 3 SS08 for first quarter expenditures. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Moved by Duffy, second by Hollingshead to approve signing the IDOT Certificate of Completion and Final Acceptance of Agreement Work between Boone County and Manatt’s for Project No.: RTB-RB-34(013)—90-00 – second phase of Central Iowa Expo Project to stabilize and pave roads. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Foster had received a letter that he shared with Duffy and Hollingshead after viewed letter went back to Foster and he said that it can be discussed later. ?? Moved by Duffy, second by Hollingshead to approve signing the letter of support to be sent to Boone Chamber of Commerce for developing a county wide recreational trail system. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Moved by Duffy, second by Hollingshead to approve signing Applications for 2014 Homestead Tax Credits and Applications for 2014 Military Exemption as recommended by Boone County Assessor as follow. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Military: Michael J. & Kimberlie K. Meyers, 406 329th Place, Perry (Union Township); Daniel C. & Peggy A. Williams, 1827 Union Street, Boone. Homestead: Michael J. & Kimberlie K. Meyers, 406 329th Place, Perry (union Township); Kelly A. Davis, 517 College St., Boone; Christopher J. & Christin B. Blume 1111 Country Club Drive, Boone; Jean E. Bjustrom 527 Linden Lane, Boone; Kelle J. Cook 522 13th St., Boone; Jill Trainum 312 N Water St., Madrid; Daniel C. & Peggy A. Williams 1827 Union St., Boone. The Board reviewed and placed on file Youth & Shelter Services Inc. Consolidated Financial Statement & Supplementary Information for year ended June 30, 2013. The Board discussed proposed 219th Road project. The Board had reported that they had spoken to County Engineer about
updating the budget. Letters have been sent to Rolfes @ Boone; Midland Power Coop; Harris Racing – Pat Clemons & John Logue about meeting on November 20 with the Board and County Engineer. Duffy left the meeting at 11:00 a.m. Bob Kieffer, County Engineer & Scott Kruse, Asst. County Engineer, met with the Board for Secondary Road update. The Board recessed at noon for lunch and all board members returned at 1:00 p.m. to meet with the Veterans Commissioners to discuss Commissioners recommendation for the Boone County Veterans Affairs Director position. Moved by Hollingshead, Foster stepped down to second the motion to offer the Veterans Affairs Director position to candidate – 30 hours/week at $17.50/ hour. Will offer health insurance on a prorated basis, contract employee with six month probation. After six months the Veterans Commission can report back to the Board. NO: Duffy; YES: Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Foster adjourned the meeting at 2:50 p.m. These minutes were approved this thirteenth day of November 2013. Philippe E. Meier Boone County Auditor Boone County Claims Listing For November 6, 2013 General Basic Fund Board of Health Home Care Services................. 2,443.00 Garden & Lawn Boone Ace Hardware .................... 27.97 The End Zone ................................ 25.46 Electrical Supp. & Parts Boone Ace Hardware .................... 14.99 Custodial Supplies Boone Ace Hardware .................... 23.92 Boone Hardware............................ 96.36 Caffrey Wholesale, Inc................. 597.74 Central Iowa Distributing ............. 204.56 Hardware Boone Hardware............................ 37.45 Parts R & W Power ............................... 167.97 Fuels Boone Co. Treasurer................. 5,062.80 Training and Education Lou Greco ...................................... 80.00 Stationery & Forms Home Office ................................ 111.35 Sunstrom Miller Press ................. 308.80 Wilcox Printing & Publishing ......... 96.00 Magazines, Period. & Books West Payment ............................. 314.00 D & E Related To Commitment Community & Family Resources1,602.00 Food & Provisions Martin Bros ............................... 3,804.39 Rent Payments Martha Ahrens ............................. 350.00 Central IA Regional Housing ......... 89.00 Reliable Property Mngt. Co ......... 400.00 Utilities Payments Alliant Energy ............................... 261.00 Black Hills Energy .......................... 41.57 Boone Water Department.............. 83.43 Midland Power Cooperative .......... 63.51 Presto-X Company ...................... 168.54 Walters Sanitary Service.............. 369.86 Xenia Rural Water District.............. 60.31 Sheriff Transportation Boone Co. Sheriff ........................ 489.86 Tamara K. Reimers ........................ 20.00 Community Support Programs Creative Prevention Resources 1,872.01 Youth & Shelter Service ............ 1,379.73 Official Pub. & Legal Not. Mid-America Publishing Corp ..... 343.01 Wilcox Printing & Publishing ....... 386.06 Board Proceedings Mid-America Publishing Corp ..... 938.41 Wilcox Printing & Publishing ....... 878.69 Postage & Mailing Mail Services, LC......................... 568.46 Purchase Power .......................... 500.00 Medical Examiner expense John Cook, MD ............................. 35.00 Employee Mileage & Subsistence Kathy A. Gustafson ....................... 67.50 Barbara J. Plath ............................. 67.50 Telephone Services Russell W. Stevens ........................ 20.00 U.S. Cellular................................. 347.75 Verizon Wireless .......................... 684.92 Windstream .............................. 1,377.16 Care of Prisoners Master Lock Company .................. 24.95 Carolyn Moreland ........................ 600.00 Wal-Mart Community .................... 84.54 Accounting, Audit, & Cler. Serv. Mail Services, LC......................... 227.08 Data Processing Services Combined Systems Tech, Inc... 2,970.00 Home Office ............................. 1,713.91 Oracle America, Inc ....................... 29.62 Security Equipment, Inc .............. 300.00 Windstream ................................... 28.00 Educational & Training Service Rhonda E. Crim ............................. 94.50 Russell W. Stevens ...................... 231.05 Story Co. Treasurer................... 1,427.57 Legal & Court-Related Services Story Co. Sheriff ............................ 42.40 Natural & LP Gas Alliant Energy ............................ 1,235.39 Electric Light & Power Alliant Energy ............................ 4,734.10 MV Equip. Rep. Outside Serv. Electronic Engineering................. 136.72 Building Repair
Boone Ace Hardware ...................... 4.58 Office Equip. & Furn. Rep. Sam’s Club .................................... 45.00 Contrib. - Other Gov. & Organ. Boone Co. Historical Society ... 4,100.00 Juvenile Detention Services Central IA Juvenile Detention ... 1,640.83 Investigation Expense Wal-Mart Community .................. 228.88 Unemployment Expense Iowa Workforce Development ... 5780.00 Miscellaneous supplies Wal-Mart Community .................... 95.61 Central Air Condit. Sys. Kruck Plumbing & Heating .......... 632.38 Major Heating Systems Central Iowa Water, Inc ............... 585.00 Data Processing Equip. CDW Government, Inc. ............... 174.15 Other Equipment/Radio, etc. Security Equipment, Inc .............. 600.00 General Fund CIE Road Proj. Capital Improvements/Maint. Foth Infrast & Environment .......... 748.80 Gen. Supp. Fund Official Pub.& Legal Not. Mid-America Publishing Corp ..... 253.14 Wilcox Printing & Publishing ....... 142.50 Educational & Training Service ISACA Secretary / Treasurer ........ 125.00 MH-DD Services Fund Outpatient Pamela Caviness, LISW ACSW ... 155.00 Eyerly Ball Mental Health.......... 2,041.94 Mason City Clinic ........................ 224.00 Anne McCrea, LISW .................... 636.55 Prescription Medicine Medicap Pharmacy ..................... 157.87 Residential Care Facility The Pride Group, Inc ................ 1,625.78 Hospital Covenant Medical Center......... 3,930.00 Mary Greeley Medical Center ...... 933.00 Mason City Clinic ........................ 720.00 Sheriff Transportation Boone Co. Sheriff ........................ 344.27 Work Activity Services Genesis Development ................. 411.36 Enclave Genesis Development ................. 198.08 Case Management-100% County Co. Community Services............. 120.26 Legal Representation Johnson Law Firm, PC ................ 150.00 Other Human Resources Services Hammer Medical Supply ............... 47.00 Hayes Interpreting Services ........ 112.50 Employee Mileage & Subsistence John W. Grush ............................. 506.70 Brandi Kanselaar ......................... 495.00 Telephone Services Brandi Kanselaar ........................... 45.00 Verizon Wireless ............................ 90.25 Windstream ................................... 49.03 Educational & Training Service Brandi Kanselaar ......................... 400.00 Rural Serv. Basic Fund Telephone Services Windstream ................................... 36.21 Secondary Road Fund Culvert Material Ogden Building Supply ............... 252.00 Cover Aggregate & Sand Martin Marietta Aggregates ......... 638.93 Pavement Markings Vogel Traffic Services ........... 109,096.20 Hardware Fastenal Company ........................ 11.05 Fuels Barker Lemar Petroleum Service ................................ 1,300.00 Environmental Resource Service ................................ 1,350.00 Martin Oil Wholesale ................ 9,804.99 Lubricants Martin Oil Wholesale ................ 5,599.34 Tires & Tubes Van Wall Equipment .................... 313.59 Minor MV Parts & Access. Boone Ace Hardware ...................... 1.59 Brown Supply Co ................... 16,182.50 Force America ............................. 243.12 Home Office ................................ 113.55 Inland Truck Parts Co. ................. 145.31 Iowa Dept. of Transportation .. 25,320.90 Lowe’s Companies, Inc. ................ 32.74 Mid Iowa Sales ............................ 125.15 Moffitt’s Ford ................................. 86.03 O’Halloran International Inc. ..... 2,873.73 Ogden Farm & Feed Center ........ 112.25 Seneca Corporation .................... 295.00 Walters Sanitary Service.............. 166.60 Zee Medical Service Co. ............. 336.33 Minor Equip. & Hand Tools Arnold Motor Supply ....................... 6.29 Ogden Farm & Feed Center ........ 144.04 Postage & Mailing Home Office ................................ 146.13 Sunstrom Miller Press ................. 209.90 Telephone Services Verizon Wireless .......................... 264.07 Webster Calhoun Telephone Co .... 24.67 Windstream ................................... 96.99 Labor Relations Services Ahlers, Cooney,P.C. ..................... 200.00 Electric Light & Power Alliant Energy ............................... 149.06 Black Hills Energy .......................... 76.47 Water Use City of Madrid ................................ 16.80 Xenia Rural Water District.............. 85.20 MV Equip. Rep. Outside Serv. Moffitt’s Ford ............................... 394.80 Radio & Related Equip. Repair Racom ...................................... 8,423.30 Equipment Insurance ICAP ............................................ 272.00
Jail Commissary Fund Wearing Apparel & Uniform Dish Network ................................. 54.00 Stellar Services, LLC ................... 322.18 Reserve Deputy Fund Other / Misc. Expense Webster Co. Sheriff Reserve ....... 340.00 Attorney Drug Prosecution Educational & Training Service Your DUI Pro ................................ 250.00 Attorney Delinquent Fee Collection Remodel- Attorney’s office Kriz-Davis Company.................... 368.56 Pritchard Brothers, Inc ................ 759.00 R & C Acoustical Services, Inc .... 768.00 Central Iowa Expo Project Contrib. - Other Gov. & Organ. VisionBank .............................. 39,144.92 Grant Fiscal Agent Fund Other / Misc. Expense Boone Co. Sheriff ........................ 228.00 Home Office .................................. 15.60 Windstream ................................... 15.72 County Comm. Serv. Case Mngt. Stationery & Forms Quill Corporation ......................... 110.52 Technical Services County Case Mngt. Service ........ 733.50 Employee Mileage & Subsistence Shannon Brown ........................... 266.40 Brian Drey .................................... 123.75 Brandi Kanselaar ........................... 57.60 Kimberly Schomaker ..................... 85.95 Erin C. Schriever.......................... 139.05 Telephone Services Brandi Kanselaar ........................... 15.00 Erin C. Schriever............................ 60.00 Verizon Wireless .......................... 335.62 Windstream ................................... 74.63 Educational & Training Service County Case Mngt. Service .......... 65.00 E911 Surcharge Telephone Services CenturyLink ................................... 68.55 Minburn Telecommunications ..... 279.36 Webster Calhoun Telephone Co .. 281.74 Windstream ................................. 209.51 Miscellaneous Expense Priority Dispatch ....................... 1,599.03 Emergency Management Utilities Payments Alliant Energy ............................... 149.09 Boone Water Department.............. 20.34 Walters Sanitary Service................ 19.00 Employee Mileage & Subsistence David E. Morlan ............................. 14.00 Telephone Services Verizon Wireless .......................... 130.10 Windstream ................................. 109.03 MV Equip. Rep. Outside Serv. O’Reilly Auto Parts ........................ 65.57 County Assessor Fund Employee Mileage & Subsistence Boone Co. Treasurer.................... 105.73 William P. Overton ......................... 49.16 E. Jason Sands ........................... 365.56 Telephone Services Windstream ................................... 68.68 Data Processing Services Vanguard Appraisals Inc......... 11,450.00 Educational & Training Service Sheryl A. Hurst .............................. 47.46 William P. Overton ....................... 437.31 Solutions, Inc ............................... 300.00 Legal & Court-Related Services Watson & Ryan PLC ................. 3,940.32 Dues & Memberships IAAO ............................................ 350.00 ISAA Secretary-Treasurer ............ 175.00 Landfill Trust Ground Water Tax Expenses Wal-Mart Community .................... 35.78 Landfill Operating Expense Ames Lock & Security ................. 257.40 Card Services .............................. 475.17 Cardinal Cleaners .......................... 20.60 US Bancorp Government Leasing ............................... 8,639.27 Wal-Mart Community .................... 59.37 Stationery & Forms Carolina Software, Inc. ................ 201.80 Recreational Supplies Wal-Mart Community .................... 98.51 Telephone Services Verizon Wireless .......................... 131.59 Windstream ................................. 127.90 Xenia Rural Water District............ 120.90 All Utilities Coe Transfer, Inc............................ 34.15 Operating & Cons. Equip. Rep. Midwest Re-Con LLC ............... 4,335.87 Moffitt’s Ford ................................. 80.68 Contract Services Coe Transfer, Inc....................... 4,000.00 Gravel Martin Marietta Aggregates ...... 3,265.15 Health Ins Premium Payroll Holding Acct. BC Treasurer / Flex Benefits ..... 2,225.53 Fort Dearborn Life Insurance....... 682.74 ISAC - Group Health Insurance ........................ 141,287.00 Wellmark BlueCross/BlueShield .. 110.40 Co. Employee Wellness Fund Iowa Sports Foundation .............. 710.00 US Bank ................................. 18,344.70 Grand Total ....................... $ 504,070.21
the Christmas Journey
A holiday tradition in Boone County is set to return, bringing local Christians together in remembrance and celebration of the promise fulfilled through the birth of Jesus. All are invited to attend the Boone County Community Christmas Concert benefitting Habitat for Humanity. Featuring many accomplished local musicians, this year’s event will be held Sunday, Dec. 8, at 3 p.m. in the Boone High School Auditorium. In addition to a large combined chorus representing many local congregations, there will be special performances by the Trinity Lutheran School Children’s Choir, a men’s double quartet from Augustana Lutheran Church, the Salvation Army Brass Band and interpretive choreography featuring youth from the Boone Open Bible Church
What health insurance changes mean to you The Boone County Hospital (BCH) Foundation will be hosting “Smart Choice: Health Insurance” Tuesday, Nov. 26 from noon to 2 p.m. in the 4th Floor Conference Room at BCH. Do you wonder what the health insurance changes mean for you? This free non-commercial, non-political workshop will deal with: • Key health insurance terms and concepts • Analyzing your health care needs • Comparing policies • The new Health Insurance Marketplace • Premium tax credits and other cost reductions. The presenter will be Barb Wollan, ISU Extension Family Finance Specialist. A complimentary lunch will be served. To register your attendance, call 433-8470 by Friday, Nov. 22 for questions, call 432-3882. The program is sponsored by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Boone County Hospital Foundation.
PUBLIC NOTICES THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT BOONE COUNTY PROBATE NO. ESPR23647 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF FAYE J. BLAIR, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Faye J. Blair, Deceased, who died on or about May 18, 2013: You are hereby notified that on the 13th day of November, 2013, the last will and testament of Faye J. Blair, deceased, bearing the date of the 27th day of November, 1973, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Kimbal K. McCollum and Marc R. Blair were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons
indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 13th day of November, 2013. Kimbal K. McCollum N9002 N. Shore Court St. Cloud, WI 53079 and Marc R. Blair 402 N. 1st Street Ogden, IA 50212 Executors of estate Lee R. Johnson, ICIS PIN No: AT0003852 Attorney for executor Johnson Law Office, PC 214 W Walnut Ogden, IA 50212
THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT BOONE COUNTY PROBATE NO. ESPR023651 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF TWILA L. MORGAN, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Twila L. Morgan, Deceased, who died on or about September 19, 2013: You are hereby notified that on the 15th day of November, 2013, the last will and testament of Twila L. Morgan, deceased, bearing the date of the 4th day of December, 1998*, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Dennis Morgan was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever
barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 15th day of November, 2013. Dennis Morgan 1475 H Avenue Ogden, IA 50212 Executor of estate Lee R. Johnson, ICIS PIN No: AT0003852 Attorney for executor Johnson Law Office, PC 214 W Walnut Ogden, IA 50212 Date of second publication: Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013
Evaluating Your Estate Plan For Farm Families
Hospital, continued from page six STRATEG .............................. 325.00 PHARMCO PRODUCTS INC...... 616.00 WALMAN INSTRUMENT GROUP ............................. 17,804.11 CENTRAL IOWA HOSPITAL CORP ............................... 22,374.50 INTENSITEE INC .......................... 47.88 PHARMEDIUM SERVICES, LLC..................................... 4,974.58 WALTERS SANITARY SERVICE ............................. 2,979.24 CENTRAL STATES ROOFING CO. ........................................ 755.35 INVOTEC INTERNATIONAL, INC.. 70.57 PHARMSERV SOLUTIONS ... 14,082.09 WEATHERBY LOCUMS, INC. ................................... 20,287.27 CENTURION MEDICAL PRODUCTS ....................... 3,301.00 IOWA ALLIANCE IN HOME CARE.................................. 1,905.00 PHILIPS HEALTHCARE ......... 30,193.12 WEIGHT WATCHERS NORTH AMERICA ............................... 280.67 CENTURY LINK ..................... 17,975.18 IOWA ARBORETUM ................... 150.00 PHILIPS HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS ................. 20,156.90 WELLMARK INC.......................... 120.46 CHIRON DATA SYSTEMS, INC. 1,500.00 IOWA BOARD OF PHARMACY .... 90.00 PHILIPS LIFELINE ................... 5,964.42 WERFEN USA LLC ................... 1,275.00 CHOICE PRINTING ................. 5,495.48
IOWA CHAPTER ACOFP ............ 350.00 PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS HSG .................. 6,929.65 WESTERN AG INSURANCE COMP ............................... 23,084.66 CIGNA HEALTHCARE ........... 31,547.19 IOWA COMMISSION VOLUNTEER ........................... 75.00 PHOENIX TEXTILE ..................... 567.66 WHITFIELD & EDDY P.L.C. ....... 7,680.00 CITY OF BOONE ................... 16,217.91 IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK ......................... 1,737.88 PHYSIO CONTROL, INC ............ 907.12 WILCOX PRINTING PUBLISHING....................... 1,656.01 CITY OF MADRID ......................... 71.35 IOWA DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS......................... 67.50 PHYSIO-CONTROL .................... 207.98 WINDSTREAM.......................... 1,532.04 COBBLESTONE SYSTEMS CORP. .................................... 654.95 IOWA DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH ............................. 1,536.00 PICIS, INC. .............................. 8,102.25 WPS MEDICARE ...................... 1,337.45 COLA ....................................... 2,184.00 IOWA DIVISION LABOR SERVICES .................. 25.00 PITNEY BOWES ...................... 1,509.00 WPS TRICARE............................... 29.39 COLLEGE OF AMERICAN ....... 4,559.00 IOWA HEALTH - DES MOINES .... 90.25
PIZZA RANCH ............................ 172.63 WRIGHT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY INC. ........... 8,624.66 COLORADO GRILL ...................... 45.84 IOWA HEALTH DM MOBILE DIAG................................... 4,992.00 POE INTERPRISES, INC .............. 67.50 WRS GROUP, LTD. ....................... 33.40 COMBUSTION CONTROL CO 6,095.80 IOWA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION.................... 2,957.00 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS ........... 112.70 Z & Z MEDICAL, INC. ............... 6,034.50 COMMUNICATION INNOVATORS ................... 15,600.00 IOWA ONE CALL .......................... 37.20 POSTMASTER......................... 1,160.00 ZEISS....................................... 2,868.00 COMMUNITY SAFETY NET,......... 80.25 IOWA OSTEOPATHIC MEDICAL ASSOC ................................... 490.00 PRECISION DYNAMICS CORP (PDC) .................................. 1,559.93 ZIEGLER INC ............................ 1,690.23 COMPUTER RX ....................... 1,118.04 IOWA PHYS CLINIC MED FND 1,354.00 PRESS, GANEY ASSOCIATES, INC. .................................. 18,664.81 ZIMMER US, INC. .................. 44,636.42 CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES, INC. ....................................... 870.00 IOWA ST UNIV. EXTENSION ........ 94.00 PRESTO X LLC........................ 1,680.86 ZOHO CORPORATION........... 12,582.00
Date of second publication: Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013
Thursday, December 12 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Central Iowa Ag Expo Main Building 1827 217th Street Boone, IA 50036
For more information and to register, call the Boone County Extension Office at: 515-432-3882 or Story County Extension Office at: 515-382-6551 $50/person, lunch included Space is limited, register by December 2 Featured Speakers Include: Melissa O’Rourke - B.S., M.A., J.D., Farm & Agribusiness Management Specialist for ISU Extension in northwest Iowa. Kelvin Leibold—B.S., M.A., Farm & Agribusiness Management Specialist for ISU Extension in central Iowa.
Evaluating Your Estate Plan Workshop is sponsored by :
Keith W. Berg & Adam Good
PAGE EIGHT - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, Wednesday, November 20, 2013
OGDEN POLICE REPORT Monday, November 11 7:50 a.m.: Officer received a report of a dog that had been running loose around the Ogden Middle School and had been caught by the principal. The officer picked up the dog and returned to the owner. 4:25 p.m.: Officer delivered an emergency message to an Ogden resident for an out of state police department. Tuesday, November 12 12:20 p.m.: Officer assisted subject locked out of vehicle. Wednesday, November 13 9:15 a.m.: Officer received a complaint of a vehicle parking on the traveled portion of the roadway
in the 100 block of S.W. 8th St. The vehicle was gone upon officer’s arrival. 4:25 p.m.: Officer attempted to catch a Husky dog running at large in the 500 block of W. Walnut St. The officer was unable to catch the dog. 7:06 p.m.: Officer assisted subject locked out of vehicle. Thursday, November 14 3:57 p.m.: Officer assisted a stranded motorist at the intersection of Highway 169 and Highway 30. Friday, November 15 5:27 p.m.: Officer investigated vandalism at 619 W. Elm St.
Saturday, November 16 5:00 p.m.: Officer assisted a subject at 113 S. 1st St. with a medical issue. Sunday, November 17 1:15 p.m.: Officer stood by while subject removed belongings from residence. 9:20 p.m.: Officer received a complaint of a large yellow lab running loose at 1st and Walnut St. The officer was unable to locate the animal. These charges are merely an accusation and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.
BOONE COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT Sunday, November 3 8:05 a.m.: A person called to report the back window of his truck was broken out in the 1000 block of 155th St. Deputy Gray responded and began an investigation. 1:22 p.m.: A person called to report that a motorcycle with two people on it hit a stone wall at the entrance to Ledges State Park on Oriole Road. Deputy Gray along with the Boone Fire Department and the ambulance from BCH. The driver of the motorcycle Adam Fett and his passenger Kirsten Brooks were treated at the Boone County Hospital for their injuries. The extent of their injuries is not known at this time, and the investigation is continuing. 8:41 p.m.: Deputy Zeutenhorst
arrested Carmen Andrews on a warrant from Greene County. Tuesday, November 5 9:37 a.m.: A person called to report that someone had dumped a television in the ditch in the 2300 block of 180th St. 1:39 p.m.: Deputy Gray began an investigation into telephone harassment in the 900 block of 222nd Dr. The threatening messages were coming from a cell phone in the form of a text message. A suspect was located and advised to stop or be arrested. The investigation is continuing. Thursday, November 7 7:53 a.m.: A person called the BCSO to report that he may have ingested some anti freeze. Deputy Godzicki and Chief Deputy Lampe
along with an ambulance from BCH and Ogden First Responders went to the 900 block of 222nd Dr. The subject was taken to BCH and the investigation into the incident is continuing. 11:26 a.m.: Deputy Godzicki and Chief Deputy Lampe assisted the Story County Sheriff’s Office with a fatal motor vehicle accident at R-38 and Lincoln Way. 3:37 p.m.: Deputy Godzicki and Chief Deputy Lampe were called to do a welfare check on a couple that had not been seen or heard from in some time. Deputies went to the scene and found the couple okay. SHERIFF’S REPORT please turn to page five
The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - PAGE NINE
The Classifieds LET US ASSIST YOU IN YOUR ADVERTISING • 515-275-2101 • FAX 275-2678
The Skin Care Clinic 1st Friday of every month starting in December
Walnut Street Health & Wellness
Live Music by Danny Grause Wed., Nov. 27
from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m.
Walnut Street Health & Wellness 245 W. Walnut St. Please Call 515-275-2536 to schedule an appointment
Linda Schilling, ARNP Medical Dermatology Nurse Practitioner Linda has been a dermatology nurse practitioner for 13 years. She treats acne, eczema, skin cancer, rashes, moles, and more.
Karaoke Night Sat., Nov. 30
113 W. Walnut, Ogden 515-275-9946
t Bucke Beer ls Specia
e price of 5)
(6 btls. for th
8 p.m. - 1 a.m.
by Klassic Karaoke
HUGE (8 family) INDOOR
We would like to shout out a big Thank You to Ray Kaufman, Roger Stevens, Mark Blair, John Blair, Larry Jewett, Rick Jewett and son, Joe Overturf, Chuck Ott and Ardith Ott, for helping me to finish the harvest. Also a thank you to our family and friends for their continued support and prayers during this time of need. Dick and Veva Teeters
GARAGE SALE Sat., Nov. 23
FOR RENT FOR RENT VERY NICE 2 BR apt. in Ogden, Water, sewer, garbage paid. Laundry available. Call: 515-231-9340.
8 to 1 p.m.
in the basement of Boone Historical building, 6th & Story St. Clothing, furniture, knick knacks, something for everyone...
245 W Walnut Street Ogden, Iowa 50212
APARTMENT FOR RENT NICE LARGE 1 BR upstairs apartment in Ogden. Remodeled with new carpet. $340/mo. plus water and sewer. Call: 515-249-7054
P: (515)275-2536
Ogden Legacy
NOTICE Ogden Municipal utilities will be clOsed
thursday & Friday november 28 & 29
804 8th St. Boone, Iowa 50036 Business 515-432-8860 Licensed in Iowa
in observance of the
thanksgiving hOliday.
332 S. 1st St., Ogden
call 275-2437
Great ranch home with lots of potential!
for emergency assistance.
HELP WANTED POSITION AvAILAbLE bOONE COUNTY SECONdARY ROAd MAINTENANCE/WEEd COMMISSIONER Due to retirement in the Boone County Secondary Road Department, the Boone County Board of Supervisors will be accepting applications for a Secondary Road Employee. Position requires: operating light to heavy equipment in the maintenance and repair of County roads and right-of-ways; operating equipment for snow removal, sanding, salting and plowing; and function as a general laborer. Other duties performed, but not limited to, are brush cutting, weed spraying along with weed commissioner duties, drainage tile repair and roadway pavement repair. The applicant must have a valid Iowa Driver’s license with an acceptable driving record and will be required to have a valid Class A Commercial Drivers License. Selected applicant will be required to successfully complete a pre-employment physical and drug test. Hire-in salary: $15.30 per hour. Boone County offers a competitive benefits package. A County employment application and job description may be obtained from the Boone County Engineer’s office located in the Boone County Courthouse, Boone, Iowa. Applicants must submit employment application to the: BOONE COUNTY ENGINEER’S OFFICE Courthouse, 201 State St., Boone, Iowa 50036 Applications will be accepted until Friday, Dec. 13, 2013, 4:30 p.m. BOONE COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.
WANTED: OLD LICENSE PLATES Fair, honest price paid for one plate or whole collection Call or text James Wheeler 515-230-9367 or e-mail:
You must check it out!
Holiday Boutique Sat., Nov. 23 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Water’s Edge 341 W Walnut, Ogden Bring friends, see current trends, shop amazing sales, enter fabulous drawings.
Pampered Chef, Premier Designs, Thirty-One Gifts, BeautiControl, Scentsy, Origami Owl, & more!
Classifieds don’t cost . . . They pay!
Place your ad today!
PAGE TEN - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, November 20, 2013
8 a.m. - 8 p.m. SUNDAY Senior Citizens’
5% Discount Every Tuesday!
7 6 99
269 00 2/3 529 269
Pickes.............................. SHUR FRESH REG. OR HOT 16 oz. pkg.
Sausage Roll...... SUPREME CHOICE 10 oz.
Shrimp Ring............... BONELESS lb.
Pork Chops................
FREE 10-12 lb. Turkey with $175.00 or more purchase
12 ct. pkg.
KRAFT POURABLE 16 oz. btl.
CURE 81 lb.
10 299 .88 399 1 99 69 4 1 5 6 oz. ctn.
2 ltr. btl. plus dep.
500 99 Turkey and Gravy 3 69 Bone-in Turkey Breast 1 Hams 359
Potatoes or Mac/Cheese......2/
Mashed Potatoes...
Dressings....................2/ HEINZ 12 oz. jar
DOLE 15 oz. can
Mandarin Oranges.......
500 .99
12 oz. bag
Seedless Grapes... FRESH bunch
3-lb. bag
U.S. #1 PREMIUM lb.
.49 249 Yams 49 99 Russet Potatoes 2 1 ...............................
U.S. #1 10-lb. bag
3 3 69 lb.
79 .
14 oz. can
48 oz. jar
Check out our corner sign for the SPECIAL OF THE DAY SERVED HOT TO GO! 11 a. m. - 1 p.m. in our deli!
20-21 oz. can
20 oz. can
3 2 98 1 5
00 49 29 39 99 2 2 1 2/ HAM
24 pk. cans plus dep.
12 pk. cans plus dep.
SHUR FINE STUFFED 5.75 oz. jar
BRUCE’S 29 oz. can
PILLSBURY 8 oz. tube
REAMES 16 oz. bag
SWANSON 14 oz. can
REDDI WIP 6.5 oz.
SHUR FINE ASSORTED 12-16 oz. bag
129 Cream Cheese...199 Dinner Rolls.......399 99 00 49 Cut Yams............. 1 Crescent Rolls ...2/4 Egg Noodles......2 BONERTS PIES ROLLS SALAD Broth...................78 Whipped Cream....199 Fruit................2/500 59 79 59 29 29 00 Salsa...................1 Vegetables......... 1 Pie Crusts.......2/5 00 Stuffing Mix..... 3/ 5 CHICKEN 899 DONUTS 299 88 Ritz Crackers......2 99 7-LAYER SALAD 79 NOG CHIP DIP ICE CREAM COOL WHIP CINN. ROLLS 2 2 Snack Crackers....2/500 EGG 27 00 49 29 99 FAMILY FRIES 49 3/ BASKET 3 1 Olives..................129 ASSORTED VARIETIES
2 3 12-ct. pkg.
SHUR FINE CHUNKY 15.5 oz. jar
8 in. pkg.
STOVE TOP 6 oz. box
12-ct. pkg.
8 pc. box
12 oz.
Manzanilla Olives...
NABISCO 12.5-13.7 oz. box
NABISCO ASSORTED 7.3-9 oz. box
5 2 16 oz. ctn.
48 oz. ctn.
8 oz. tub
Baking season has Begun!
1-lb. qtrs.
00 4 .73 00 00 99 09 2/5 3/10 Chicken or Mushroom..99 Evaporated Milk.......1 00 99 Morsels............2/4 Granulated Sugar......1 99 39 99 29 29 Cups...................5 Hot Cocoa..........1 Cat Food........14 Condensed Milk.....2 Marshmallows...1 99 79 99 00 00 Cooking Spray....2 Brown Sugar......1 Water..................3 Big Roll Paper Towel.2/3 Instant Oatmeal...10/10 10-16 oz. bag
12-pk. cans plus dep.
MEOW MIX 14.2-16 lb.
SWISS MISS 10-ct. box
BETTER OATS 4.9-7.55 oz.
AQUAFINA 24-pk. 1/2 ltr. btl.
29-30 oz. can
CAMPBELL’S CREAM OF - 10.75 oz. can
1-lb. qtrs.
CARNATION - 12 oz. can
NESTLE TOLL HOUSE - 11-12 oz. bag
C&H - 4-lb. bag
KRAFT JET-PUFFED - 10 oz. pkg.
PAM NO-STICK - 5-6 oz.
C&H POWDERED OR - 2-lb. bag
6.2-8.8 oz.
00 9.5-10 oz. bag
9.4-14 oz. box
18-pk. cans plus dep.
2 15 16 15 6 49
24-pk. cans plus dep.
30-pk. cans plus dep.
750 ml.
00 8.75-10.25 oz. bag
22.6-33.9 oz.
Prices effective Wednesday, November 20, 2013 through Tuesday, December 3, 2013. Quantity rights reserved. No sales to dealers.