The Wright County
Punt, Pass, Kick results on pages 14 and 15 Fireman’s Ball on page 20
144th year Number 47
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Official newspaper of Wright County
$1.00 per copy
Clarion City Council hears report on Firemen’s Ball
by Kim Demory - The council approved the Ordinance #551 - Deleting Property Facility Planning for Inflow and from the TIF for the Clarion Urban Greg Littlejohn and Rich Smith, Infiltration Reduction for a CDBG Renewal Area of the City of Clarion, Clarion volunteer firefighters, were grant. Tom Madden of Yaggy Colby Pursuant to Section 403.19 of the on hand at the Clarion City Council was on hand to answer questions. Code of Iowa. meeting held Monday, Nov. 18 to - Approved Amendment No. 1 - Approved Waiving of second give a report on the recent fireman’s to Owner-Engineer Agreement I and third reading. Approved ball. and S Group for the right turn lane adaptation of Resolution #13-53 - a Littlejohn stated that the event improvement project. public hearing on proposed CDBG went very well with more than 200 - Approved agreement for Housing Rehabilitation people in attendance and raising professional services I and S Group - Reviewed draft contract for over $10,000. for the traffic signal project on Hwy private development. The council “The City was very well 3. This will effect three locations: decided they would offer $30,000 in represented (at the ball),” Littlejohn Main Street, Fourth Street, and matching funds for 10 houses to try said. Second Street intersection. That and receive federal funding for the “I think everybody that was there includes pedestrians signals. After project. really enjoyed themselves,” said City the work, if a driver hits a green “We have some houses that need Administrator Rochelle Pohlman. light along the route, they should be to be rehabbed,” said Pohlman. Littlejohn added the entire Interested homeowners on “That’s going to help us department also appreciated the the southeast and southwest certificate of proclamation from protect the public all the better. portions of town will have the mayor and city council. That will help us a bunch,” to sign up and meet income “We will hang that up at our eligibility requirements. The Greg Littlejohn said. next meeting,” he said. matching funds will come out Money raised from the event of the 2014 budget. Approval will be used to purchase an air filter able to make it through Main Street or denial of funds is expected to compression system that is already stoplight, barring any unexpected come in April 2014. on the way. obstacles that slow you down. Home improvements don’t “That’s going to help us protect - Approved the Geotechnical necessarily have to be the whole the public all the better. That will Evaluations - additional soil house, it could just be new windows, help us a bunch,” Littlejohn said. borings for the proposed housing furnace, etc. The residence has to The department has decided since development was granted to Chosen be owner occupied and certified the first ball was such a huge success, Valley Testing, Inc. that owner will live in the house for they are going to try and make it an - Approved FYE 2013 Annual five years. Not eligible for rental annual event. Financial Report. properties. Clarion has 30 percent “It was really neat to see that - Approved Resolution #13-52 - population of low and moderate many people come,” said Littlejohn. Appropriating funds for payment of income home owners. Littlejohn also reported that six certain financial obligation Internal - Public hearing set for December members of the fire department Capital Funds - All TIF eligible 2 at 5:15 p.m. recently participated in a search and expenses go through here to simplify - Approved Resolution #13-54 rescue training day that was free of accounting - $300,000 will be put to set a date for a public hearing on charge. into that fund on top of the $194,000 proposed private development for “We’ve only had one fire call already there. Projects like the Dec. 16 at 5:15 p.m. since the last report,” Littlejohn said. current housing project are put into - Approved Resolution #13-55 The department is planning to this. to provide a guarantee of certain work with the hospital to make a - Approved the fiscal year end indebtedness of i2iClarion, INC. for plan to familiarize themselves with 2013 Annual Urban Renewal TIF Housing Development. They will the new layout of the hospital. They Indebtedness Report and authorized make payments with money from are planning for a tour in December. Rochelle Pohlman to certify to the the sale of lots. “It gives us some training county auditor. A 17 page report - Approved tax abatement request (opportunities) that we can do while was given to the council reporting for Ewing Funeral Home and it’s cold without freezing up our on TIF use from last year, spending certifying with the county assessor equipment,” Littlejohn said. $637,000. - Approved new Special Class In other council business: - Approved the first reading of C Liquor License (beer/wine) and
Members of the First State Bank and Town and Country Insurance are (left to right) Craig Nelsen, Denise Nelsen, Tiffany Lowe, Staci Schnittjer, Sherri O’Brien, Jodi Reed, and Myndi McCart.
Clarion FSB and Town & Country food drive will benefit Wright County families by Kim Demory Thanksgiving is a time to take notice of all we have to be thankful for. It’s the start of the holiday season, and a time to share with others. First State Bank and Town & Country Insurance of Clarion are hoping to help those families make the season more merry and bright by sponsoring a Food Drive for Wright County families. As part of their Random Act of Kindness initiative, employees are bringing in nonperishable food and they’re asking the community to join them. According to Staci Schnittjer and Sherri O’Brien, two of the coordinators, they have already collected nearly 150 items since November 1. They will continue taking donations until November 30. This is the first time FSB and T&C have taken on such an endeavor, but they are excited to be a part of something so wonderful.
“It’s something I’ve been a part of other times,” said O’Brien. “Everyone is excited about it.” All non-perishable food items will then be delivered to Upper Des Moines Opportunity in Eagle Grove, who will add them to their limited supply of food items they have on hand. From there, they will distribute to families who come in for their monthly food assistance program. “(UDMO) seemed really excited to be the recipient (of the food to distribute),” said O’Brien. “We specified that all the food stay in Wright County,” added Schnittjer. FSB and T&C Insurance began the Random Acts of Kindness initiative just this past October, having donated Chamber certificates to every employee of Clarion Wellness and Rehabilitation. They also donated a stylus to every Clarion middle school student and staff member to use with their iPads. In addition to collecting items for
the Food Drive in November, they have also selected 10 area families to receive a certificate to Clarion Super Foods to receive a turkey, pan, and cooking bags at their time of choice during the holidays. Upcoming Random Acts of Kindness projects FSB and T&C Insurance employees will be focusing on include working with the Holmes Christmas Club, the Spirit of Giving Group in Clarion, and presenting every Clarion High School student with ear buds, microphone, and a pouch to carry and clean their new laptops. A project is also underway for the Clarion elementary school. If you would like to get involved in a Random Act of Kindness, won’t you please consider dropping off a non-perishable food item at the Clarion FSB and T&C Insurance office located at 714 Central Ave E by Nov. 30. A family you may never meet will be grateful you did.
Supervisors approve two separate box culvert projects
Staff members for the HOPES program are (left to right): Donna Pippal, Darcy Sisson, Gaylean Rutherford, Alexis Morgan. Not pictured is Denise Schumacher.
The Giving Tree
Offering the gift of HOPE
by Kim Demory If there’s any time of year that offers the opportunity for hope, it’s Christmas. Alexis Morgan, and the entire staff of the HOPES program of Wright County, are looking for individuals or families who would like to help give the gift of HOPE to a child in our county this holiday season. A Giving Tree has been placed in the lobby of the Public Health
office, located at 115 1st Street SE, in Clarion. You are invited to simply stop in and select a tag from the tree. Your gift(s) may then be returned, by Monday, Dec. 9, to the Public Health office. Please have your gift placed in a gift bag with the original tag you selected from the tree attached. If a business or organization would like to adopt an entire family, you may do so by contacting Morgan directly at 515-532-3461. The same return date and instructions apply.
“We are trying to extend the Christmas spirit throughout Wright County,” said Morgan. HOPES (Healthy Opportunities for Parents to Experience Success) is a year-round program that offers support to parents who are in need of help, whether it be financial or emotional contributions. The idea is not for long term assistance, but to help them learn a better way that they can make a better life for themselves and their family.
By Les Houser back to the supervisors with those county to do road maintenance,” said The Wright County Supervisors recommendations. “No closures Clemons. “I was surprised, because received final plans for two separate are expected, but one will likely be the extra cost is not that much.” The box culvert projects at their meeting downgraded on its weight limit,” Board was fine with the plan. this week. Plans were presented by said Clemons, to which Roll added In other action the Board: County Engineer Adam Clemons that the bridge is already in the five- -received a brief visit from and assistant engineer Taylor Roll, year plan. employees representing McClure with Roll doing all the design work Yet another item from the engineer’s Engineering, including Brent on the structures. Both will be placed office team involved a proposal Johnson who is retiring this year. He at drainage district crossings. from the Iowa DOT during their has worked with the drainage district The first is southwest of Eagle Grove resurfacing of Highway 3 next year. trustees on many projects over in Section six of Troy Township. The According to Clemons, while the the past years, and the supervisors plan is for a 10x8 foot precast box state normally does only a 10-foot expressed their appreciation for his culvert to replace a 22x20 foot bridge run-out from the highway to connect quality work and wish him well in currently at that site. According with county roads they would like his retirement; to Clemons, this will solve width to extend all of those an additional -announced that negotiations issues for farm equipment using 40 feet. “This would be a six-inch will start on December 10 for that bridge. The second plan is for asphalt layer, and this (the extra bargaining with the Teamsters Local a bridge northeast of Clarion on length) will make it easier for the representing the Sheriff’s office; 150th Street in Section 36 of Norway Township. A twin 12x10 foot precast box culvert will replace a 26x25.5 foot bridge there. According to Clemons, both projects are eligible for 80 percent of costs The annual Thanksgiving free but you are urged to pick from Bridge Replacement Day Dinner sponsored by the up a ticket so the Clarion Funds, and both will be Clarion Ministerium will be Ministerium might get a let on February 18 of next Thursday, Nov. 28, starting at count to make their plans. year at the DOT office. noon at the high school. A free will offering will be Construction could start Tickets may be picked accepted but is not required. as early as spring of 2014. Clemons informed the up at Super Foods. They are Let us give thanks for Board that the newest the many blessings we have bridge inspection reports received as we celebrate with should be arriving in this thanksgiving. his office this week, and then he will report
Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Page 2 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, November 21, 2013
Clarion Chamber and Development celebrated and honored its members The Clarion Chamber and Wheels, State Farm Insurance, Development held its annual dinner Studer Construction, Sunflower on Tuesday, Nov. 5, at the Central Reiki Center, Team Valley Wrestling Grill. It was a night to honor and Club, That Iowa Girl, The Phoenix celebrate all the chamber members. Group, Thrifty White, Upper Des Six businesses were started in Moines Opportunity, Water’s Edge the past year. They were Envy by at Clarmond, and Wright Eyes by Brittany, TB Redemption, Phoenix Danny. Group, Fuel, State Farm Agent Three board members were Tom Frantz, and Wright Eyes by recognized for all their years of Danny. Also honored were existing service to the Clarion community. businesses who are now serving Retiring from the Clarion Chamber their customers in a new way: First Citizens National Bank and Ewing Funeral Home each built new buildings, That Iowa Girl opened a store front for her business, Holy Family Cluster opened a new office, and First Citizens National Bank donated their old building to the county to be used as the Wright County Professional Building. S e v e r a l businesses were honored for special anniversaries this year. Celebrating one year of business were A p p e a r a n c e s Retiring Board Members are (left to right): Steve Salon & Spa, Norm Carlson Art U Creative, Centrum Valley Farms, Clarion Theatre, Edward and Development Board were Steve Jones, First State Bank, Internet Burkheimer, Carol Haupt, and Norm Auction Warehouse, Kristina Lynn Carlson. Each was presented with Photography, Preppy Farmer, and a plague in recognition years of Shopko Hometown. Pritchard service. Family Auto Stores were honored Three new board members were for their 100 year anniversary. elected for the 2014-2016 term. Twenty-six business joined They were Todd Foss of Prairie the chamber this year. They are: Energy Cooperative, Teresea American Frontier Lives On, Lancaster of Hagie Manufacturing, Barkema Tree Service, Belmond and Staci Schnittjer of Town & Area Arts Council, Beyond Baby, Country Insurance. Kirk Rier was Inc., Broadway Vision Clinic, also moved from an ex-officio board doTERRA Essential Oils, Envy member to a full board member to Salon by Brittany, First State complete the remaining two years on Bank, Fuel, Handmade by Haley, a term vacated by Norm Carlson. Imagine That, Iowa Home Care, The Rising Star Award is Meyer Home Improvement, mialisia presented to a member of the Jewelry Consultant, Rehabilitation Chamber who has become an Center of Belmond, Spinning emerging leader in making an impact
on Clarion through their Chamber involvement and volunteerism. The nominees for this year’s award were Staci Schnittjer, LeAnn Johnson, and Erica Lindaman. This year’s recipient is LeAnn Johnson of the Clarion Theatre. The Leadership in Action Award is presented to a member of the Chamber who has made an impact on making Clarion the best community in the Midwest through their long term commitment to Chamber involvement and volunteerism. The nominees for this year’s award were Bud Young, Alan Hagie, and Nola Wa d d i n g h a m . This year’s recipient is Alan Hagie of Hagie Manufacturing.
The Golden Hammer Award is presented to a Chamber member Business or Organization that within the last three years has completed a project improving the appeal and image of Clarion. The nominees for this year’s award were Bruce Burkheimer and Frink CPA, That Iowa Girl, and Fuel. This year’s recipient is the Fuel owned by Curt and Kammie Nelson. The Community Catalyst Award is presented to a Chamber member Business or Organization that within the last three years has implemented an effort/initiative/ program/or business which has propelled the community forward. The nominees for this year’s award were Iowa Specialty Hospital, Hagie Manufacturing, and First Citizens National Bank. This year’s recipient is Hagie Manufacturing.
Award winners at the Clarion Chamber and Development dinner were (left to right): Josie Nelson, Kammie Nelson, Kaylynn Nelson, and Curt Nelson of Fuel, winners of the Golden Hammer Award; LeAnn Johnson of the Clarion Theatre, winner of the Rising Star Award; and Alan Hagie of Hagie Manufacturing, winner of Leadership in Action Award and Community Catalyst Award.
Calendar of Events Thursday, Nov. 21 All-State Music Festival at Ames 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Masterson Personnell Job Fair at the Depot, 302 S. Main Friday, Nov. 22 All-State Music Festival at Ames 1:30 p.m. Early Out for school due to Parent-Teacher Conference prep Saturday, Nov. 23 All-State Music Festival at Ames Sunday, Nov. 24 3 p.m. Rowan Hymn Fest – Free will offering with proceeds to be used toward the newly formed Rowan chapter of the Wright Co. Historical Society. Public is invited. Monday, Nov. 25 1:30 p.m. Clarion-Goldfield Schools early out 3 to 8 p.m. Parent-Teacher Conferences 6 p.m. 70th annual Holmes Christmas Club Auction at Chappy’s on Main Tuesday, Nov. 26 1:30 p.m. Clarion-Goldfield Schools early out 3 to 6 p.m. Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:45 p.m. 9th/JV/Varsity Girls Basketball vs. Bishop Garrigan
Wednesday, Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Vacation for Clarion-Goldfield and Dows Schools – No School 7 to 9 p.m. Clarion Cross-Culture Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation, will offer FREE English and/or computer classes to our surrounding area residents. Hosted at the United Presbyterian Church and taught by Tamara and Robert EnTin. For more complete information, contact the EnTins at 1-515-293-0928 or 1-515-293-0927. Thursday, Nov. 28 Thanksgiving Vacation for Clarion-Goldfield and Dows Schools – No School 12 noon Community Thanksgiving Dinner
at Clarion-Goldfield High School. Friday, Nov. 29 Thanksgiving Vacation for Clarion-Goldfield and Dows Schools – No School Saturday, Nov. 30 Small Business Saturday – Shop Local! 9 a.m. to 12 noon Santa Day at Lifetouch Studios * To have your event added to the calendar call 515-532-2871 or email cmonitor@
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The Wright County Monitor 107 2nd Avenue NE Clarion, Iowa 50525
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Thursday, November 21, 2013 • The Wright County Monitor Page 3
Nancy’s Notes I had around 100 preschoolers come and listen to stories, enjoy a couple finger plays, and sing a song or two in the past couple of days. I have to say, I think that’s the best part of my job. They are so eager and loving. We would like to thank Security Savings Bank for the donation of , “Last Reader Standing”. It is a biography of the man who learned to read at age 54. Archie lost his job at meat packing plant after thirtyone years. He had kept his illiteracy a secret throughout his life. He was now forced to deal with his secret when he needed to hunt for a new job in mid-life. Growing up, struggling with dyslexia, he was seated in the back of his classroom and labeled as stupid. After learning to read Archie became a national figure and joined Barbara Bush for her Literacy Foundation fundraisers. Now at age eighty-two, Archie continues to work with literacy issues. Danielle Steel is well known for romantic fiction but every once in a while she comes out with something biographical. Her latest is, “Pure Joy the Dogs We Love”. In this memoir, Steel tells the story of how she met a dog the size of a mouse with a big personality. Her adventures provide the perfect backdrop for a look at the magic that dogs bring to our lives, and how they become part of the family, making lasting memories. We also meet Steel’s childhood pug, James; and Elmer, the basset hound who was at her side in her struggling days as a young writer; Sweet Pea who was unveiled in a Tiffany box for a dog-loving husband and all those dogs who shared a household of nine children, other canines, and one potbellied pig. John Grisham’s first book was, “A Time To Kill”. Now he has brought back the same characters in the same courthouse location. Jake Brigance once again finds himself embroiled in a controversial trial that will expose old racial tensions and force Ford County to confront its tortured history. Seth Hubbard is a wealthy man dying of lung cancer. He trusts no one. Before he hangs himself from a sycamore tree, Hubbard leaves a new, handwritten, will. It is an act that drags his adult children,
his black maid, and Jake into a conflict as dramatic as the murder trial that made Brigance one of Ford County’s most notorious citizens, three years earlier. Susan Wiggs newest installment in her Lakeshore Chronicles is entitled, “Candlelight Christmas”. A single father who yearns to be a family man, Logan O’Donnell is determined to create the perfect Christmas for his son, Charlie. The entire O’Donnell clan arrives to spend the holidays in Avalon, on the shores of Willow Lake, a place for the family to reconnect and rediscover the special gifts of the season. Come in and see us: Monday through Wednesday between noon and 8:00 p.m., Thursday and Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., or Saturday between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Letter to the editor Did you see that?! It was a programming gem hidden in between the news and college football. It’s been a while since we have had the opportunity to see anything like it. But there it was, hidden between the 6 o’clock news and the prime time college football game at 7 o’clock. ABC aired the program on Saturday, Nov. 9, at 6:30pm. It was a message from the most beloved evangelist in
recent memory - Dr. Billy Graham. He’s 95 years old now and in declining health, but on that Saturday night the great evangelist gave to us what will be the last we ever get from him. “Billy Graham’s My Hope America” was Billy’s last call to America to come to the cross. “Our country’s in great need of a spiritual awakening,” he says. “There have been times that I’ve
Jen’s Gems Jennifer Roberts lives with her husband Brent, and their three children, Cody, Kourtney and Brandon in Klemme, Iowa.
This time of year seems to have a lot of people looking for ways to give back to our fellow citizens. There are several ways in which you can help someone. First State Bank and Town and Country Insurance are in the final few days of a food drive. All the food donated will be kept to help families in need in Wright County. The HOPES group has put up
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Thank You For Your Support For all of you who voted and helped me in the recent City Council election.
Nancy Duitscher Let’s keep Clarion Growing
their trees in the Wright County Public Health office. You may stop in their office to pick up a tag from the tree. The unwrapped gifts with the tag attached must be returned by Dec. 9 to the HOPES office so that they may be wrapped by the staff and distributed to the children. If you are looking to do more, they have entire families available for “adoption.” The Giving Tree is also collecting items for families in need this holiday season. Their Christmas tree with ornaments may be found at the Clarion Public Library and the Iowa Specialty Hospital – Clarion. You are asked to pick out an ornament and purchase the item on it. Unwrapped gifts may be turned in at the Clarion Presbyterian Church on Friday, Dec. 6 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Growing up I never thought much about the opportunity to help other people. I do remember one Christmas we awoke to find lots of gifts under the tree. More than I could remember any other year. It was not until years later that my mom shared with us how we got all those presents. She was a single parent who was barely making ends meet trying to raise three girls. A group in Albia, where we lived, happened to help her out that year. Now she organizes our whole family to help another young family in need. Each year she contacts the school and requests a family who is in need but won’t meet the requirements of the groups in town. Then we all get an email with details of the ages and wants of the children. We have helped families for about six years now. Although we are not going to Christmas in Lovilla this year. I do plan on shopping for the family. It will not be a Christmas without helping someone in need.
wept as I’ve gone from city to city and I’ve seen how far people have wandered from God.” In this powerful 30 minute message put out by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Dr. Graham explains what the cross really is and what it really means. Go watch it, it may just change your life. Today, people have crosses hanging around their necks, tattooed on their shoulders, and carved into their school desks. How could America be so dark and so far from God with this emblem all around and at every corner? It’s because many don’t truly understand what happened on that cross, they don’t truly understand what it means. To most, the cross is just a cool emblem or some religious luck charm, but there is a real and everlasting meaning to that cross. At the hand of the Romans, Jesus died on that cross. He gave His life so that you and I might have life. The cross confronts us with a universal truth: we’re sinners and as sinners we are objects of God’s wrath. Why did Jesus die? He died in our place. He died to satisfy God’s wrath. There is absolutely
no way apart from Christ to avoid God’s wrath. Guess the percentage of people living who will eventually die. Everybody is going to die. When you die you will either meet your judge or meet your Savior. The very second you die, you will either be judged by God or welcomed into heaven by Jesus. Jesus lived the perfect life you and I couldn’t live and died the death we should have died. Put your faith in Jesus, confess your sins and accept Him as your only Savior. There is no way to God and no way to heaven except through Christ. The cross is so important. It was on the cross that God displayed His great love for you. If you reject the cross and reject Jesus, when you die you will meet God and He will be your judge. Your judgment will be eternal suffering in hell. God loves you, Jesus died for you. Won’t you accept this free gift of salvation? Pastor Zach Holmes Baptist Church
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The Wright County Monitor welcomes opinions of our readers, as long as the expressions are not in bad taste, and do not attack individuals within our circulation area without documentation or justification. Repeated letter from the same writer may not be used. The Wright County Monitor also will not accept letters that are duplicated, reprinted, copied or otherwise reproduced. Letters should be original, typewritten or neatly handwritten and signed in blue or black ink. If emailed, it must be from an original email address. The Wright County Monito does not care to print letters which
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Page 4 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, November 21, 2013
Board of Supervisors Wright County Supervisors November 12, 2013 Chairman Watne called the regular meeting of the Wright County Board of Supervisors to order at 9:00 a.m. Members present were Helgevold, Rasmussen, and Watne. Minutes of the November 4, 2013 regular meeting were read and approved. Approved claims for payment. Held the canvass of votes for the City Election held on November 5, 2013. The board received the tally books and compared to the results. There was then a motion by Watne and seconded by Rasmussen to approve the canvass of votes for the City Election. Motion carries. Motion by Helgevold and seconded by Rasmussen to approve the family farm applications as presented and to disapprove those applications that do not qualify. Motion carries. Brad Leckrone, CSS Director, discussed with the board about Concerned Inc. out of Eagle Grove. It is the request that a report is given for the clients that are served so that the expense can be turned into the state for reimbursement. Supervisor Helgevold will meet with Eagle Grove Concerned board and discuss
Boyington Sheriff Sale
options of documentation for the $7,000 funding source. Brad Leckrone presented a new agreement with Community and Family Resources for Detox services. At the new rate in the agreement, the expense of about $9,000 per year will go up to about $26,000 per year. There have been more voluntary commitments for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Motion by Watne and seconded by Rasmussen to approve the agreement for $421.00 per day for detox services. Motion carries. Motion by Rasmussen and seconded by Helgevold to proceed with reclassifying the land within Drainage District No. 176, Drainage District No. 130, and Drainage District No. 31, and appoint McClure Engineering to prepare the reclassification report. Motion carries unanimously. Motion by Rasmussen and seconded by Helgevold to adjourn the meeting. Motion carries. Stan Watne, Chairman Wright County Board of Supervisors Betty Ellis, Wright County Auditor Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013
PUBLIC NOTICE Public Hearing
Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed CDBG Housing Sustainability Application for the City of Clarion Pursuant to the requirements of Section 507 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987, as amended, the Clarion City Council will hold a public hearing on December 2, 2013 at 5:15 P.M. at the Clarion City Hall, 121 First Street SW, Clarion, Iowa. The purpose of the hearing will be to discuss a proposed 2014 CDBG application to rehabilitate homes and provide affordable housing for low and moderate income people. Funding to assist with rehabilitation of 10 owner occupied single family residences in the southern area of Clarion, south of the railroad tracks, will be
requested. The application process requires the City Council to describe the need for the activities, the nature of the proposed activities, how the project will be funded and where the project will be located as well as other known details on the project. If you have questions concerning the project or if you require special accommodations to attend the hearing such as handicapped accessibility or translation services, you may contact Shelley Pohlman, City Administrator at (515) 532-2847. Persons wishing to know more about the proposed project activities are encouraged to attend this meeting. Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013
NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S LEVY AND SALE STATE OF IOWA Wright County Iowa District Court COURT CASE # EQCV023928 Special Execution US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE (SUCCESSORBY MERGER TO LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION) AS TRUSTEE FOR WELLS FARGO HOME EQUITYTRUST MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-1, PLAINTIFF vs. STEPHANIE S. BOYINGTON F/K/A STEPHANIE S. REIGHARD, SPOUSE OF STEPHANIE S. BOYINGTON F/K/A STEPHANIE S. REIGHARD, NICKOLAS J. REIGHARD A/K/A NICHOLAS J. REIGHARD, SPOUSE OF NICKOLAS J. REIGHARD A/K/A NICHOLAS J. REIGHARD, CAPITAL ONE BANK, AND PARTIES IN POSSESSION, DEFENDANT (Judgment Debtor) As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant (s) REAL ESTATE to satisfy the judgment. The property to be sold is described below: Lot 1 in Block 4 in Eskridge’s Third Addition to Dows, Wright County, Iowa located at 500 West Ellsworth, Dows, Iowa The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows:
Date of Sale: 12-17-2013 Time of Sale: 10:00 a.m. Place of Sale: Lobby of Wright County Sheriff Office, 719 2nd St SW Clarion, IA 50525 Homestead: Defendant is advised that if the described real estate includes the homestead (which must not exceed ½ Acre if within a city or town plat, or, if rural, must not exceed 40 Acres), defendant must file a homestead plat with the Sheriff within ten (10) days after service of this notice, or the Sheriff will have it platted and charge the cost to this case. This sale not subject to redemption. Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provisions of the law and file appropriate notice, if acceptable. Judgment Amount: $ 28,325.85 Costs: $ 882/89 Accruing Costs: PLUS Interest: 8.875 % annum to and from
Attorney: Dunakey & Klatt 531 Commercial St, Ste 250 PO Box 2675 Waterloo, IA 50704-2675 P) 319-232-3304 Date 10-22-2013
Jason Schluttenhofer Sheriff Wright County, Iowa Patricia Barz Deputy Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, Nov. 14, and Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013
Public Notices are your right to know!
Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Transition Meeting Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Transition Board Unapproved Minutes November 14, 2013 The Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Transition Board held a Special Meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2013. Present were Clint Middleton, Beth Jackson, Missy Schultz, Dr. Robert Olson, and Anita Frye. The Meeting was called to order at 5:02 P.M. by President Middleton. Motion by Jackson to Approve Agenda. Second by Schultz. Motion passed 3-0.
Motion by Jackson to direct Dr. Olson to contact Engineer to draw up specifications for air conditioning units that introduce fresh air into the air while cooling according to building codes. Second by Schultz. Motion carried 3-0. Motion by Jackson to Adjourn. Second by Schultz. Motion passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M. Anita Frye Board Secretary Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013
MIDAS Public Input Meeting REGION V REGIONAL PLANNING AFFILIATION PUBLIC INPUT MEETING The Region V Regional Planning Affiliation (RPA) will hold a public information input meeting, to receive input and comments on amendment to the FY 2014-2017 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP). Region V includes the following counties: Calhoun, Hamilton, Humboldt, Pocahontas, Webster and Wright and the cities of Fort Dodge and Webster City. The FY 2014-2017 RTIP is being amended to update the following projects: Section to - Amending Transit increase General Operations/Maintenance/ Administration to reflect the $7,500 in Intercity bus funding. - Update Cost on Webster County Bridge Project on 390th Street to increase Federal Aid to $320,000. - Update Cost on Webster County Bridge project on 160th Street to increase Federal Aid to $400,000. - Add IDOT project on IA 3 in Humboldt County, Federal Aid $6,720,000 in FY 2014. - Add IDOT project on IA3 in Pocahontas County, Federal Aid $4,684,000 in FY 2014. - Add IDOT project on IA 3 in Wright County, Federal Aid $6,080,000 and Regional
Federal Aid $500,000 in FY 2014. - Add IDOT bridge project on IA 15 in 2014. - Add IDOT bridge project on IA926 in FY 2014. Copies of the FY 2014-2017 RTIP Amendment are available by contacting Shirley Helgevold at MIDAS Council of Governments, (515) 576-7183 ext. 212 or e-mail at Written comments should be received by 12:00 PM November 25, 2013. Please submit all written comments to: Region V Regional Planning Affiliation 602 1st Avenue South Fort Dodge, IA 50501 or e-mail to: PUBLIC INPUT MEETING November 26, 2013 2:00 PM MIDAS Building 602 1st Avenue South Fort Dodge, IA 50501 If you have any special needs pertaining to this meeting, please contact Shirley Helgevold, MIDAS Council of Governments, (515) 5767183 ext. 212. Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013
Clarion-Goldfield Board of Directors
PUBLIC NOTICE City of Clarion
Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013
Clarion-Goldfield Board of Directors Unapproved Minutes Monday, November 11, 2013 The Regular Meeting of the Clarion-Goldfield Board of Directors was held on Monday, November 11, 2013. In attendance were Clint Middleton, Missy Schultz, Beth Severson, Dr. Robert Olson, Clae Goater, and Anita Frye. President Middleton called the meeting to order at 6:07 P.M. Motion by Schultz to Approve Agenda. Second by Severson. Motion carried 3-0. There was no TAP or Sports Booster Reports. Beth Jackson arrived at 6:12 P.M. Motion by Jackson to Approve Consent Agenda. Second by Schultz. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting held on October 14, 2013; Approve Payment of Monthly Bills; Approve Payment of Additional Bills; Approve Pay Pal Technology Related Expenses; Approve Maternity Leave for Jenny Smith; Approve Resignation of Jenny Smith from coaching middle school girls track; Approve resignation of Pam Winter as newsletter editor; Approve Missy Springsteen-Haupt and Terri McGivern as middle school girls track coaches per salary schedule; Approve Kris Mraz as newsletter editor for $300.00 per issue; Approve Jennifer Flurer and Andrea Arne as Para educators per salary schedule; Approve Second Reading of District Policy 412.14 & 502.4 bringing the district’s tobacco use policy up to date; Approve First Reading of Policy 503.6; Approve Review of Policies 504.5A, 504.6, 504.7, and 504.8. Motion carried 4-0. Motion by Schultz to Approve shared Financial Support for Transition Board Expenditures with Dows Community School Board equally. Second by Severson. Motion carried 4-0. Motion by Severson to proceed with Lease Option of Propane Fueling Station and the purchase of a propane bus. Second by Jackson. Motion carried 4-0. Next Regular Meeting will be held on Monday, December 9, 2013 at 5:30 P.M. in the High School Library. Motion to adjourn by Jackson. Second by Schultz. Motion carried 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M. Anita J. Frye Board Secretary November 11, 2013 Board Approved Claims Access Systems – Copier Maintenance........................... 210.00 AEA 267 – Registration............................ 30.00 Airgas USA LLC – Supplies.................... 550.38 AmericInn – Travel................................... 94.07 Aramark Uniform Services – Services.... 337.38 Arnold Motor Supply – Parts/Supplies.... 806.87 Askelsen, Margaret – Registration.......... 39.99 Bakker Jon – Supplies............................. 15.89 Bank of America – Equipment/Supplies........................... 460.75 Belmond-Klemme Comm School – Open Enrollment............................. 3,000.50 Bill’s Piano Tuning – Service.................. 145.00 Bomgaars – Tools................................... 115.98 C.H. McGuiness Company – Supplies..... 18.39 Central Iowa Distributing – Equipment....................................... 1,056.48 Central Iowa Water, Inc. – Supplies....... 731.00 City Of Clarion – Water........................ 2,632.13 City Of Goldfield – Water.......................... 73.18 Clarion Distributing – Equipment/Supplies........................... 144.50 Clarion Hardware Hank – Supplies.......... 96.22 Clarion Super Foods – Supplies............. 373.54 Community Apple Orchard – Admission........................................... 208.00 De Lage Landen – Rental................... 1,002.78 Department of Education – Inspection Services............................ 440.00 DHS Cashier 1st Fl – Medicaid........... 4,210.17 Don’s Pest Control – Service.................. 109.00 Eagle Building Supply, Inc – Supplies...... 88.84 Engel Law Office – Legal Services......... 531.25 Follett Library Resources – Books......... 195.14 Frey Scientific Division – Supplies......... 101.14 Goldfield Access Network – Phone..... 2,909.70 Goldfield Telephone Co – Phone........... 202.50 Haberman, Steve – Mileage................... 210.50 Hansch, Paul – Mileage......................... 119.50 Harris School Solutions – Legal Forms.. 282.80 Iowa Central Community College – Tuition............................ 18,427.50 Iowa Communications Network – Services............................ 945.54 Iowa Division Of Labor – Inspection......... 25.00 Iowa Falls Glass, Inc. – Repair................. 35.00 Iowa School Finance Information Service – Workshop........................... 643.50 JW Pepper & Son Inc – Music................ 691.86 Kakacek Kevin – Registration.................. 54.99 Local Government Services – Service... 508.00 M J Care, Inc.- Medicaid Serv................ 123.47 Malloy Law Firm – Legal Services.......... 929.25 March, Dennis – Mileage.......................... 80.00 Menards – Supplies.................................. 60.10 Mid-America Publishing Corp. – Communication............................... 355.48 Midamerican Energy – Electricity........ 8,626.64 Monoprice Inc – Equip/Supplies............. 290.00 NAPA Auto Parts WC – Parts................. 247.98 North Central Cooperative – Fuel...... 18,985.85 O’Halloran International Inc – Repair.............................................. 2,806.42 Per Mar Security Services – Service...... 261.81 Prairie Lakes AEA FD – Services........ 1,119.65 Pritchard Family Auto Stores – Repair.4,928.85 R W Sound – Sp Ed Door System.... 14,373.45
Ruth Davis – Supplies.............................. 15.00 Saddleback Educational Inc – Supplies........................................... 1,030.62 Sam’s Club Discover – Equipment......... 378.50 School Bus Sales – Supplies................. 260.46 School Health Corp – Supplies.............. 358.73 School Specialty Inc – Equipment/Supplies........................... 183.35 Sioux City Community Schools – Tuition............................. 1,462.43 Staples Advantage – Supplies................ 378.60 The Trash Man – Trash Collection...... 1,100.90 TMI Services – Service.......................... 330.00 Urness Hardware – Supplies.................. 371.87 US Postal Service (CMRS-FP) – Postage.............................................. 300.00 Verizon – Phones................................... 775.70 W & H Cooperative Oil Co – Propane.... 215.00 Water’s Edge – Service.......................... 299.00 Waverly-Shell Rock High School – Tuition.............................................. 1,198.60 West Music Co – Equipment............... 2,002.41 Wright County Auditor – Election Services............................. 1,343.61 Wright County Motors – Repair.............. 881.27 General Fund Totals..................... 108,949.96 Ackerman, David – Supplies.................. 280.73 American Drum Inc – Supplies............... 239.00 Askelsen, Margaret – Parking.................... 7.00 Balloons Etc/Costume Emporium – Supplies.............................................. 157.75 Bank of America – Registration.............. 362.85 Bartolo, John – Official............................. 90.00 Brackey, Jim – Official.............................. 90.00 Brightspark Travel – Band Trip Pmt..... 5,482.98 Central Lighting & Equipment – Equipment.......................................... 157.51 Clarion Super Foods – Supplies.......... 1,690.67 Clarion Theater Group Inc – Supplies...... 32.00 Curtains Up Costumes – Costume Rental............................... 2,929.40 Daisy’s On Main – Supplies...................... 30.00 Decker Sporting Goods – Equipment....................................... 2,731.50 DeMoulin – Suppl;ies............................. 169.40 Down to Earth – Supplies......................... 30.00 Eagle Building Supply, Inc – Supplies.... 177.94 Eickmeier, Larry – Official......................... 60.00 Fort Custer Maze – Admission............... 368.00 Great American Opportunities – Magazine Sales............................... 5,516.40 Griffith, Cary – Official.............................. 90.00 Harrenstein, Brent – Official................... 110.00 Harter, Mike – Official............................... 90.00 IGHSAU – VB Admissions................... 1,530.00 Imagine That! – Supplies..................... 1,688.75 J & J Sports – Supplies....................... 1,596.00 Johnson Dave – Refund......................... 100.00 JW Pepper & Son Inc – Return.............-160.00 Kalvig, Mike – Official............................... 90.00 Lacey, Brandt – Official............................. 90.00 Life’s Great Moments – Speaker......... 1,500.00 Martin Bros – Supplies........................ 1,252.71 Meinders, David – Official........................ 90.00 Morris, Randy – Official............................ 90.00 National FFA Organization – Supplies.... 260.00 Nelson, Paul – Official............................ 140.00 Pepsi Beverages Co – Supplies.......... 1,409.31 Pizza Ranch – Supplies......................... 721.50 Reny, Rick – Official................................. 90.00 Rieman Music – Equipment................... 497.42 Robbins, Kenny – Official......................... 90.00 Ruiter, Colby – Refund............................. 12.00 Shopko Stores Operating Co LLC – Supplies.............................................. 139.78 Stein, David – DJServices...................... 125.00 Stumps One Party Place – Supplies...... 421.42 Tams-Whitmark – Supplies..................... 689.00 Urness Hardware – Supplies.................... 17.97 Verizon – Phones..................................... 97.16 Walderbach, Kurt – Official....................... 90.00 West Music Co – Equipment............... 2,002.42 Wintermote, Rusty – Official..................... 90.00 Wolfe, Woody – Official.......................... 110.00 Woodin, Timothy – Official...................... 140.00 World’s Finest Chocolate Inc – Supplies........................................... 1,550.00 Wright Co Extension Office – Ear Tags...... 5.00 Activity Fund Totals........................ 37,458.57 Iowa Workforce Of Labor Serv – Unemploy........................................ 2,643.90 2,643.90 Adams Concrete & Construction – Repair............................................ 30,420.70 Capital Projects Total...................... 30,420.70 eBags Inc. – Equipment.................... 12,727.14 Fairchild Communications – Bus Radios.................................... 15,535.25 Gadbury Plumbing Heating – Repair... 2,156.67 Iowa Prison Industries – Desks........... 2,790.00 Monoprice Inc – Equip/Supplies.......... 5,866.07 PPEL Fund Total.............................. 39,075.13 Bankers Trust Company – Bond Pmt....................................... 13,394.59 DEBT SERVIEC FUND Total............ 13,394.59 Anderson Erickson Dairy Co – Milk..... 6,015.84 Earthgrain Baking Co’s Inc – Food......... 709.04 Goldfield Access Network – Phone........ 167.33 Keck, Inc. – Commodities....................... 978.24 Martin Bros – Food............................ 11,535.16 Verizon – Phones..................................... 43.95 Nutrition Fund Total........................ 19,449.56 .................................................... 251,392.41 October Payroll Insurance......................................... 110,050.71 Taxes................................................. 34,118.97 H.S.A./H.R.A..................................... 12,260.00 IPERS................................................ 40,726.72 .................................................... 197,156.40 Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013
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Thursday, November 21, 2013 • The Wright County Monitor Page 5
Wright County Courthouse Marriage License Wendy Bohlman, 34, and Eric I. Zacarias, 33, both of Clarion. Nov. 13, 2013 Death Certificates Debra L. Heginger, 46, of Belmond. Oct. 8, 2013 Jeanice J. Cuppett, 91, o Clarion. Nov. 1, 2013 Birth Certificates Female, Sophia M. Jordan born Oct. 2 2013, to Tanja Jordan and Patrick S. Jordan of Hamilton County. Female, Wren E. Wharton born Oct. 2, 2013, to Danielle E. Holt of Cerro Gordo County. Male, Antonio D. Colorado born Oct. 4, 2013, to Katelyn M. Colorado and Alberto Colorado-Grajales of Wright County. Male, Juan J. Perez-Lopez born Oct. 8, 2013, to Anna M. Lopez Tevalan and Nicolas Perez Paxtor of Wright County. Male, Zane T. Watt born Oct. 6, 2013, to Ashley J. Watt of Cerro Gordo County. Female, Makenna M. Harlan born Oct. 9, 2013, to Marissa M. Vierkant of Franklin County. Male, Christian R. Hinkel born Oct. 10, 2013, to Roxanne I. Ammerman of Hancock County. Male, Link J. Heck born Oct. 11, 2013, to Michelle K. Miller of Wright County. Female, Teea M. Carter-Toftee born Oct. 14, 2013, to Cari A. Carter of Hamilton County. Female, Aryanna S. Wilkinson born Oct. 14, 2013, to Melissa K. Watson of Wright County. Female, Jelena C. Garcia born Oct. 16, 2013, to Maria L. Garcia and Ismael
Garcia Ramirez of Hancock County. Male, Ridge D. Johnson born Oct. 16, 2013, to Amber N. Johnson of Wright County. Male, Noah P. Towell born Oct. 18, 2013, to Bernadette Martinez of Wright County. Female, Addysen N. Reynolds born Oct. 19, 2013, to Patricia M. Halverson of Wright County. Female, Abby L. Miller born Oct. 21, 2013, to Kaylea M. Dales of Wright County. Male, Howard R. Miller born Oct. 21, 2013, to Staci A. Miller and Anthony E. Miller of Wright County. Male, Ian K. Wahl born Oct. 21, 2013, to Jamie L. Wahl and Chance E. Wahl of Wright County. Female, Brynlie M. Nielsen born Oct. 22, 2013, to Christine M. Nielsen and Ryan M. Nielsen of Humboldt County. Male, Bentley M. Hembree born Oct. 23, 2013, to Tabitha L. Hembree of Wright County. Property Transfers QUIT – Effective Outdoor Advertising Corporation to Iglesia Juan 316 El Fin Viene, City of Eagle Grove, Wright’s 3rd Addition, Block 4, Lots 1, 2, and 3, as desc. 11-06-13 WD – Eagle Grove Community Development Corporation to Leonard Lee Carlson and Elaine Carol Carlson, 27-9126, as desc. 11-06-13 QUIT – City of Goldfield to Allan D. Poutre and Lesli A. Poutre, City of Goldfield, Original Addition, Block 23, Lots 3 and 4, as desc. 11-06-13 WD – Lori Lea Carlon, David Carlonn,
and Lori Lea Frakes to DNC Properties Inc., City of Clarion, Tyrrell’s Addition, Block 10, Lots 1 and 2, as desc. 11-06-13 WD – Richard S. Howieson and Marilyn Howieson to Marilyn Howieson Revocable Trust and Howieson Marilyn Revocable Trust, 34-92-23; 22-92-24; 2392-24; and 27-92-24, as desc. 11-06-13 WD – Richard S. Howieson and Marilyn Howieson to Richard S. Howieson Revocable Trust and Howieson Richard S. Revocable Trust, 34-92-23; 22-92-24; 2392-24; and 27-92-24, as desc. 11-06-13 WD – David D. Newcomb to David D. Newcomb Living Trust, David D. Newcomb Trustee, Patty A. Newcomb Trustee, and Newcomb David D. Living Trust, 7-91-26, as desc. 11-07-13 WD – David D. Newcomb to David D. Newcomb Living Trust, David D. Newcomb Trustee, Patty A. Newcomb Trustee, and Newcomb David D. Living Trust, 18-90-25, as desc. 11-07-13 SHERRIFF’S DEED – Dorothy L. Wilcox, John T. Wilcox, Wright County Sheriff, Citifinancial Inc., Midland Funding LLC, and FIA Card Services NA to Wells Fargo Bank, NA., City of Eagle Grove, Wright’s 2nd Addition, Block E, Lots 6 and 7, as desc. 11-07-13 WD – Wells Fargo Bank NA to Federal National Mortgage Association, City of Eagle Grove, Wright’s 2nd Addition, Block E, Lots 6 and 7, as desc. 11-07013 COD – Tommy L. Amosson Executor, Carroll R. Burras, and Estate of Carroll R. Burras to Edith M. Burras, 32-93-25; 1793-25; 21-93-25; 28-93-25; and 32-93-25, as desc. 11-07-13 WD – John Wm. Myers and Brenda L.
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Myers to Albert J. Kollasch, 19-93-23, as desc. 11-07-13 COD – Richard Ammerman Executor, Estate of Lyle Ammerman, Lyle Ammerman, Estate of Lyle D. Ammerman, and Lyle D. Ammerman to Virginia Farris Le, Richard Ammerman, Kthy Gamble, Sandra Bojack, and David Ammerman, City of Clarion, Eastman’s Addition, Block 14, Lots 5 and 6, as desc. 11-08-13 WD – Melissa L. Waage, Mellisa L. Riggs Wagge, Melissa L. Riggs Wagge, Melissa L. Riggs, and Jeff L. Wagge to Jeffrey D. Swenson and Summer R. Swenson, City of Belmond, Morse’s Addition, Block 3, Lot 1, as desc. 11-08-13 WD – Allen H. Hansen and Peggy S. Hansen to Peggy S. Hansen Trustee, Hansen Peggy S. Revocable Trust Agreement, and Peggy S. Hansen Revocable Trust Agreement, 36-92-24; 3093-23; 31-93-23; 19-93-23; 20-93-23; and 36-92-23, as desc. 11-08-13 WD – Allen H. Hansen and Peggy S. Hansen to Allen H. Hansen Trustee, Hansen Allen H. Revocable Trust Agreement, and Allen H. Hansen Revocable Trust Agreement, 36-92-24; 30-93-23; 31-9323; 19-93-23; 20-93-23; and 36-92-23, as desc. 11-08-13 Clerk of Court Speeding 55 or under zone (6 thru 10 over): Justin D. Barkema of Belmond, $40; Speeding 55 or under zone (11 thru 15 over): Larry R. Kling of Eagle Grove, $120; Speeding over 55 zone (11 thru 15 over): Crystal J. Keepers of Argonne, Wisc., $120; Lynell R. Grieser of Woodbury, Minn., $80; Violation – financial liability coverage: Crystal J. Keepers of Argonne, Wisc., $375; Evelyn L. Dorsey of Eden Prairie, Minn., $250; Violation – financial liability – accident: Sielbestere Santiago of Clarion, $750; No valid drivers license: Antonio J. Calles of Webster City, $300; Sielbestere Santiago of Clarion, $200; Larry R. Kling of Eagle Grove, $300; Fail to maintain control: Joel A. Ellis of Eagle Grove, $150; Fail to obey traffic control device: Randall L. Koenig of Sioux Rapids, $100; Improper use of registration: Larry R. Kling of Eagle Grove, $300; Small Claims Junction Rental, Corning, vs. Melissa M. Burns, 1301 W. Broadway, Eagle Grove, and Mitchell L. Frakes, 1001 N. Wright Ave., Eagle Grove. Judgment for the plaintiff Nov. 8 by default jointly and severally in the amount of $5,000 plus interest at a rate of 2.12 percent per annum from May 3 and court costs. Culligan Water Conditioning/Iowa Falls, vs. Melissa M. Burns, 1301 W. Broadway, Eagle Grove, and Mitchell L. Frakes, 1001 N. Wright Ave., Eagle Grove. Judgment for the plaintiff Nov. 13 by default jointly and severally in the amount of $578.61plus interest at a rate of 2.12 percent per annum from Aug. 20 and court costs. Rev Auto, Clarion vs. Courtney J. Jacobson, 513 NE 4th Street, Eagle Grove. Judgment for the plaintiff by default Nov. 14 in the amount of $3,957.54 plus interest at a rate of 2.12 percent per annum from Oct. 8 and court costs. H & R Accounts Inc., Moline, Ill., vs. Timothy P. Griffin, 2470 150th Street, Belmond. Case was dismissed Nov. 12 without prejudice. Case was originally filed Oct. 8. Civil Court Lois M. Otto, Eagle Grove, vs. Carroll’s Inc., Algona, and John Dahl, Livermore. Case was dismissed Nov. 14 with prejudice. Case was originally field Sept. 21, 2012. District Court The court handled two probation violation cases. State of Iowa vs. Jessie L. Morris, 619
S. Lucas Str. Apt. 18, Eagle Grove. The defendant pled guilty Nov. 8 to the amended charge of assault – simple misdemeanor and was sentenced to reimburse for court appointed attorney fees, restitution to be determined, court costs, and 30 days in the county jail with credit for time served. All the jail time was suspended in lieu of one year informal probation to the sheriff. The original charge was domestic abuse assault. This sentence is the result of an incident July 29 investigated by the Eagle Grove Police Department. State of Iowa vs. Ofelia M. GomezOrdonez, 312 S. Lucas, Eagle Grove. The defendant pled guilty Nov. 8 to the amended charge of providing false identification information and was fined $65 plus the 35 percent statutory surcharge, restitution to be determined, court costs and 30 days in the county jail with credit for time served. The original charge was identity theft. This sentence is the result of an incident Aug. 26 investigated by the Eagle Grove Police Department. State of Iowa vs. Alejandra Trevino, 421 11th Ave NE, Hampton. The defendant pled guilty Nov. 8 to the amended charge of theft in the third degree and was sentenced to a $625 fine plus the statutory 35 percent surcharge, $125 Law Enforcement Initiative surcharge, court appointed attorney fee, restitution to be determined, court costs, and a term not to exceed two years in prison. The prison term was suspended in lieu of two years probation to the Department of Correctional Services. The original charge was forgery. This sentence is the result of an incident June 21 investigated by the Eagle Grove Police Department. State of Iowa vs. Samantha N. Resh, 216 E. Chestnut St., Goldfield. The defendant pled guilty Nov. 8 to possession of drug paraphernalia and was fined $100 plus the statutory 35 percent surcharge and court costs. This sentence is the result of an incident Oct. 15 investigated by the Eagle Grove Police Department. State of Iowa vs. Justin A. Beauvais,
216 E. Chestnut Street, Goldfield. The defendant pled guilty Nov. 8 to possession of drug paraphernalia and was fined $100 plus the statutory 35 percent surcharge and court costs. This sentence is the result of an incident Oct. 15 investigated by the Eagle Grove Police Department. State of Iowa vs. Nathan D. McGrane, PO Box 21, Dows. The defendant pled guilty Nov. 8 to driving while revoked and was sentenced to a $1,000 fine plus the 35 percent statutory surcharge, court appointed attorney fees, $10 DARE surcharge, restitution to be determined, court fees, and 30 days in the county jail with credit for time served and all but 10 days not suspended in lieu of one year probation to the sheriff. This sentence is the result of an incident Sept. 8 investigated by the sheriff’s department. Sheriff’s Department *Any criminal charge is merely an accusation and any defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. Nov. 3 – 5:38 p.m. – Report of car vs. deer near St. Olaf Church. Nov. 12 – 21:07 – Arrested Jose M. Munoz-Orozco of Dows and charged him with driving while barred. Nov. 7 – 5 p.m. – Received a call from Randy Cristo of R & R Cristo Construction. He reported that someone had attempted to steal a skid loader from the work site in the 3100 block of 290th Street. The skid loader was discovered in the north ditch turned over on its side. Case is under investigation. Nov. 4 – 6 a.m. – Jerry Mortiz of Corn Belt Power Cooperative reported that someone had cut the chain link fence in the 1600 block of Hwy 17 North in Wright County and cut and removed all the copper grounds to the support beams and the fence. It was approximately 90 feet of copper taken. Case is under investigation. Oct. 24 – 19:23 – Arrested Samuel A. Munguia-Cortes of Corwith and charged him with driving while barred.
Apple Grove Investments ORIGINAL NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR WRIGHT COUNTY APPLE GROVE INVESTMENTS, INC., Plaintiff, v. RYERSON REALTY, LLC, RACHEL KINGERY and ANY UNKNOWN PERSON(S) CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: Lots 11 and 12 in Block 43 of Caldwell’s First Addition to Eagle Grove Junction, Wright County, Iowa, Having a local address of 521 E. Broadway, Eagle Grove, Iowa 50533, Defendants. EQUITY NO. EQCV023976 TO: THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS AND EACH AND ALL OF YOU, AND TO THE UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS OF THE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE CAPTION WHICH IS, BY THIS REFERENCE, MADE A PART OF THIS ORIGINAL NOTICE. YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition of the above-named Plaintiff in the above-entitled action is now on file in the office of the Clerk the above-named Court which Petition asks no claim of personal judgment against you and the Petition alleges that the Plaintiff is the absolute owner in fee simple of the real estate described in the caption which description is by this reference made a part hereof. Said Defendants, or some of them as Plaintiff is credibly informed and believe, may make some claim to said property or some interest therein, adverse to the title of this Plaintiff, but Plaintiff alleges that any right, title, or interest that the said Defendants, or any of them may ever have had in or to the said real estate, or any part thereof, is junior and inferior to the title of the Plaintiff and is barred by the statute of limitations. The names and residences of the unknown Defendants and the unknown claimants and each and all of them are unknown to the Plaintiff, and Plaintiff has sought diligently to learn
the same. Plaintiff prays that the title to the real estate above described be quieted in it as against the adverse claims of each and all of the Defendants; that all of the said Defendants be forever barred and estopped from having or claiming any right, title, or interest in or to said real estate adverse to the Plaintiff herein; that Plaintiff be decreed to be the absolute owner in fee simple of said real estate; and that the Defendants be ordered to deliver immediate possession of said real estate to Plaintiff. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, SEE THE PETITION ON FILE. Plaintiff, Apple Grove Investments, Inc. is represented by attorney James E. Nervig, Brick Gentry P.C., 6701 Westown Parkway, Suite 100, West Des Moines, Iowa 50266. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTFIED THAT UNLESS ON OR BEFORE THE 26th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2013, you serve, and within a reasonable time thereafter file a written appearance, motion or answer in the Iowa District Court for Wright County, at the Wright County Courthouse in Clarion, Iowa, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition
CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT Wright County Courthouse 115 North Main Street Clarion, IA 50525
NOTE: The attorney who is expected to represent the Defendant in this matter should be promptly advised by the Defendant of the service of this Notice. If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services in order to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at (515) 286-3394. (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TY at 1-800-735-2942). Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, Nov. 14, Thursday, Nov. 21, and Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013
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Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Transition Board Unapproved Minutes November 11, 2013 The Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Transition Board held a Public Hearing and Regular Meeting on Monday, November 11, 2013. In attendance were Clint Middleton, Beth Severson, Beth Jackson, Missy Schultz, Corey Jacobsen, Dr. Robert Olson, Clae Goater, Tyler Luttenegger from Modus Engineering, and Anita Frye. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by President Middleton. No one addressed the board during Open Forum. Motion by Jacobsen to Approve Resolution for Continuation of Five-Year Instructional Support Levy. Second by Schultz. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Jackson to Approve Agenda. Second by Severson. Motion Carried 5-0. Motion by Jacobsen to Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings held on October 14, 2013 and October 28, 2013. Second by Schultz. Motion Carried 5-0. Tyler Luttenegger from Modus Engineering presented three options for air conditioning in the Elementary and Middle School areas. base creative version 1, IA, 6.4300 The options presented ranged in estimates of $2.75 million to $3.5 million. Motion by Schultz to table Approving Air Conditioning Options
pRiCe ReduCed
and table Approving Struxture Architects and Modus Engineering to write specifications to gather further information. Second by Jackson. Motion Carried 5-0. Motion by Severson to Approve Resolution Requesting Election Approving Revenue Purpose Statement. Second by Jacobsen. Motion Carried 5-0. Motion by Jacobsen to Direct Board Secretary to Notify Wright County Commissioner of Elections of Intent to Conduct a Special Election to Approve a Revenue Purpose Statement for the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows School District, on February 3, 2014. Second by Jacobsen. Motion Carried 5-0. Motion by Severson to Approve 20 seat participation in Regional Vocational Academy to be held in Eagle Grove through Iowa Central Community College. Second by Schultz. Motion Carried 5-0. Set Monday, December 9, 2013 at 6:00 for the next Regular Meeting. Motion by Jackson to Adjourn. Second by Schulz. Motion Carried 5-0. Meeting Adjourned at 9:42 P.M. Anita Frye x 4.50, PUWSY5HUGJ, number of Board Secretary Published in the Wright County Monitor on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013
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Page 6 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, November 21, 2013
Monitor Memories
Remembering our loved ones... Tuesday, November 19, 2013, at First Lutheran Church, 420 1st Street North West in Clarion. David Mathias Anderson was born on June 29, 1946, in Ironwood, Michigan to Edward and Martha Anderson. After graduating high school in 1965, David enlisted in the United States Army and proudly served his country from 19661968. On July 23, 1966, David was united in marriage to Sandra Pederson in Montevideo, Minnesota. He loved spending time with his grandchildren, fishing and watching wrestling. David is survived by his sons, Michael (Renee) Anderson and their children, Austin, Mariah, Derek and Easton all of Ankeny, and Troy (Pam) Anderson and their children, Brayden, Chase and Tanner all of Farley and several siblings. He was preceded in death by his parents and wife, Sandra.
DAVID ANDERSON David Anderson, 67, of Clarion, passed away Saturday, November 16, 2013, at Iowa Specialty Hospital in Clarion. A memorial gathering for David Anderson was held on
PHYLLIS LOUISE SCHILLING Phyllis Louise Schilling, 83, of Clarion, Iowa, passed away Saturday November 16, 2013 at the Clarion Wellness and Rehabilitation Center. Memorial services will be held on Friday, November 22, 2013 at 10:30am at the First United Methodist Church in Clarion. Fellowship with family will be one hour prior to services at the church. Phyllis Louise Buchman was born December 27, 1929 to Harold and Agnes (McNitt) Buchman in Springbrook, Wisconsin. She was united in marriage to Francis Sherman Schilling on June 11, 1949 in Lindstrom, Minnesota. Phyllis enjoyed parades, gardening, canning, baking, watching baseball on television, babies and spending time with her family. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Clarion and participated in Rebekahs and TOPS. Phyllis is survived by 6 children:
Mark (Zelene) Schilling, Debra Reyes, Penny (Jim) Munday, Diane Shores and partner Wade Roberts, Kris Schilling and fiancé Sue Dahlstrom, and Karen (Mike) Cmelik; 14 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren; brothers, Howard and Ed (Janelle) Buchman; and sisters, Marlene (Marv) Goetz, Maxine (Neal) Rydberg, and Janette Wessel. She was preceded in death by her husband Francis Schilling; parents Harold and Agnes Buchman, and step-mother, Virginia Buchman; brothers Delphin, Vernon and Orville Buchman; sisters Norma Murphy and Eleanor Lindstrom; and grandson Garrett Roberts. Memorial Donations may be made in her name to the First United Methodist Church in Clarion. Online condolences may be expressed at www.iowacremation. com
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From The Archives oF The wrighT counTy moniTor
1978 and 1943
35 Years Ago November 23, 1978 Three photos on the front page showed Stacy Jackson, Nicole Hill, Brad Anderson, Steve Jackson, Brenda Stockwell, and Alan Stockwell all playing in the first snow of the season. John Dempsey recently won a t-shirt for being an alert TV viewer. While watching the “Vegas” Dantanna Show, he noticed that in a fight scene with two “bad guys” the hero had a gun in his back pocket. When he ran away, there was no gun in his pocket, but moments later it was back in place in his back pocket. The mistake apparently was not noticed while filmed in sections. John entered a TV Blooper Contest and won a t-shirt for his alertness. Preparing a treat for Thanksgiving, first graders in Mrs. Orcutt’s room began by washing two whole pumpkins. They cut the pumpkins into pieces, cleaned out the inside, carefully saving the seeds and placing the pumpkin pieces in an electric skillet with a small amount of water, cooked it until it was soft. After they removed the skin, they put the pumpkin through a food mill. On Tuesday they made individual pumpkin pies. The seeds from the pumpkin they roasted for a treat on Monday. Six children are out of this class with the chicken pox. 70 Years Ago November 25, 1943 Clarion friends of Mrs. W.
D. Lester of Inglewood, Calif., formerly of Clarion, will be interested in learning that she was recently awarded a $25 war bond in recognition of her part in foiling a group of women shoplifters who had raided then Inglewood stores in one day, taking goods valued at over $400. She was also given a $25 cash bonus by the manager of the Dunlap Department store where she is employed, and the other merchants whose stores had ben looted by the shoplifters. The bond was given Mrs. Lester in behalf of Inglewood Retail Merchants association. November 23 the first basketball game of the season was opened on the local court with Clarion defeating Dows 25 to 11. Pete Rodriguez was high point man with 9 points and Leland Lunde was next high with 8 points. The second team played the opening game, winning by a score of 34-5. Farmers Elevator Company will hold their official opening of their new feed grinding mill on Saturday, Nov. 27. They plan to hold open house during the afternoon, climaxed by a public sale during the afternoon. The company has been making a number of major improvements during the summer and fall with a new mill and several large storage rooms. They plan to specialize in the Fountain City feeds. Arthur Beisell is manger of the Farmers Elevator Company with Earl Prettyman in charge of the grinding.
Clarion Coin Club to meet early due to Thanksgiving The Clarion Coin Club usually meets on the fourth Thursday of the month of the Pizza Ranch in Clarion. However, the club will meet a week earlier because of the Thanksgiving holiday. The Thursday, Nov. 21, meeting will include a live auction of 80 items, consigned by club members. The auction items will be on display at 6 p.m. preceding the business meeting. The auction always starts at 7 p.m. The public
is welcome to bid. A list of auction items is always prepared 10 days before the meeting and mailed to club members. The Clarion Coin Club, founded in 1958, is one of the oldest and most active coin clubs in Iowa. For details, contact Boyd LaRue, club president, at 515-532-0056 or (cell) 515-460-5681.
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and Linda McCormick of Clarion and Ramon and Enimia Rivera of Veracruz, Mexico. Baby Boy Allison Adam and Krystle (Bosch) Allison of Clarion are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Leo Samuel Allison, on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013. Leo weighed 8 pounds, 2.5 ounces at birth. He was welcomed home by his big brothers, Ace, 4 1/2, and Eli, 22 months. Proud grandparents are Kim Bosch of Rockwell, Mary Allison of Grinnell, and Mike and Sharon Allison of Newton. Greatgrandparents are Jack and JoAnn Petersen of Rockwell, Lynnea Bosch-Smith of Rockwell, and Elda Stahl of Grinnell. Baby Boy Murray Alison Hennigar of Clarion and Seth Murray of Goldfield are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Parker Gail Murray, on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013. Parker weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Proud grandparents are Scott and Tangela Hennigar of Clarion, Charlotte Nesset of Lexington, Tenn., Dale and Tammy Fedkenher of Goldfield, and Bruce Rollins of Webster City.
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Baby Girl Fagervik Eric and Tracie Fagervik of Blairsburg are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Iva Grace Fagervik, on Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013. Iva weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. She was welcomed home by her siblings, Janell Crane, 18; Breana Crane, 18; and Kylie Crane, 17. Proud grandparents are Roger and Sheri Fagervik of Blairsburg. Great-grandmother is Frieda Hurt of Topeka, Kansas. Baby Boy Rivera Carlos and Katie Rivera of Clarion are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Wyatt Scott Rivera, on Monday, Nov. 11, 2013. Wyatt weighed 7.6 pounds at birth. He was welcomed home by his brothers, Ramon, 12; and Johnny, 10. Proud grandparents are Scott
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Thursday, November 21, 2013 • The Wright County Monitor Page 7
Annual Meeting of the North Central Iowa Genealogical Society Held November 9 Board members of the North Central Iowa Genealogical Society hosted a soup luncheon as part of the society’s annual meeting held on Saturday, Nov. 9, at the Manor in Mason City. Following soup and dessert, a business meeting was held. Board members reported on the work that had been done for the society during 2013. A project of great value for the area genealogists and historians is the obituary project. Obituaries
from the Mason City Globe Gazette and many smaller newspapers in North Central Iowa are copied and added to the society’s website at Indexing of the 2013 obituaries from the Globe Gazette is also ongoing. This index will be available at the genealogy room at the Mason City Public Library. Work on the Map Collection has also been completed. This included encapsulating single-page maps between acid free plastic to prevent
Lake Clovers 4-H meeting The Lake Clovers had the regular 4-H meeting on Sunday, Nov. 17, at Gabby and Alex’s house. Nikki Kapka lead them in the Pledge of Allegiance, and Cheyenne Harle lead them in the 4-H Pledge. There were 12 members present and 4 guest. Roll Call was what’s the best part about Thanksgiving? Old Business: they talked about 4-H awards day. There were 11 members who got awards. Everyone got a schedule of when and where the meetings would be at this year, and who is signed up to do presentations at each meeting. New Business: Went through the newsletter for any upcoming events. Everyone in the club is to bring a gift for the Christmas party under five dollars. Instead of saying who it is from you are to write a clue about
yourself. That way when they get their gift they have to guess who it is from. There is going to be a cookie exchange and everyone is to bring two-dozen cookies. For next time everyone is to bring an idea with them for the club game at 4-H fun night. The members chose Hannah Kapka for their 4-H fun night queen candidate. Alex Hackley gave a presentation on cheerleading. Then she taught the club a couple easy cheers. Cheyenne and Courtney had a healthy trivia game for everyone at the end of the meeting. Cheyenne Harle motioned to adjourn the meeting. Courtney Harle second it. The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is on December 15 at Gracey and Olivia’s house.
them from deteriorating or being harmed by handling. Plat maps and atlases were cataloged and stored for easy access. Projects involving the historians’ notebooks, the periodicals and newsletters, and The Genie Bug have also been completed. Work is also being done to combine the announcement clipping notebooks and to create a digital backup of them. Volunteers for NCIGS have donated 3,299 hours to the society between January and October of 2013. Using the national volunteer hourly value of $22.14 per hour for this work, members have contributed $73,039.86 to the society. 342 researchers have signed in at the society’s library, housed in the Mason City Public Library. In addition, 76 research requests have been received and processed from April through October of 2013. Improvements to the website and indexing of obituaries in the Globe Gazette for years that have not been indexed before are two new projects for the coming year. During the annual meeting suggestions for programs or for other projects that might be undertaken in the coming year were discussed. The need for more members to become involved in the operation of the society was stressed during this part of the meeting. A small group of members have being doing most
of the work. It is time for others to join them to keep the society alive and make more research materials available. The society celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2012. Now is the time to commit to continuing the success from the past 40 years to new heights in the future. There will be no meeting held in December since everyone will be busy preparing for Christmas on the second Saturday of the month. Future meetings will be held on the second Saturday of the month at their new meeting location of the Wedgewood Room at the Manor, located at 4 3rd St NW in Mason City. All meetings are free and open to the public.
Pastor Zach Fischer 2137 Hancock Avenue 515-825-3110 •Sunday 9:30 am - Sunday School, 10:30 am - Worship Service, 6:00 pm - Evening Service •Wednesday 7:00 pm - Prayer meeting; Souled Out Group,
- High School
25th Anniversary of Rowan Hymn Fest
The 25th reunion anniversary of the Rowan Hymn Fest will be held on Sunday, Nov. 24, at 3 p.m., at the Iowa River Players Theater. This was held annually for 20 years, the last one was 25 years ago. Some of the original entertainers will be part of the show. This will be an afternoon of gospel music. The freewill offering will go to the newly formed Rowan chapter of the Wright County Historical Society.
Church news
CLARION AREA FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 201 3rd. Ave. NE, Clarion Rev. Don Morrison 515-532-2845 •Thursday, Nov. 21 10:00am Bible Study at the Meadows, 12:00noon Book Club (Fireside Room) •Saturday, Nov. 23 7:30am UMM •Sunday, Nov. 24 8:45am Traditional Service, 10:00am Sunday School, 11:00am Contemporary Service •Monday, Nov. 25 No Hiz Kidz •Thursday, Nov. 28 Office Closed for Thanksgiving FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 420 1st Street N.W., Clarion Rev. Ronald Nelson 515-532-3440 •Thursday, Nov. 21 9:00am Sew Day •Sunday, Nov. 24 9:30am Sunday School, 10:00am Fellowship, 10:45am Worship •Monday, Nov. 25 No Hiz Kidz at Methodist Church •Tuesday, Nov. 26 1:00pm Pastors’ text study in Jewell UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, CONGREGATIONAL 121 3rd Avenue N.W., Clarion Pastor Bill Kem 515-532-2269 •Sunday, Nov. 24 10:15am Sunday School at UPC, 10:15am Fellowship, at UCC 11:00am Worship CHURCH OF CHRIST 420 North Main, Clarion Pastor Warren Curry 515-532-3273 •Thursday, Nov. 21 12:00noon Swing’ Seniors at Pizza Ranch, 3:45pm SHINE at Church Office Sunday, Nov. 24 9:00am Sunday School, 10:00am Worship Service, 4:30pm Church Family Christmas Decorating Party (includes youth group working together with church family) •Monday, Nov. 25 No Hiz Kidz meet at Methodist Church •Tuesday, Nov. 26 6:00am Iron Men – New Men’s Prayer Group at church office •Wednesday, Nov. 27 9:00am Church prayer time at Sandy Stephenson’s, 3:45pm Bible Bowl Practice at Church office, 4:30 to 5:30pm God’s Team (Boys Group 4th – 6th grades) at church, No Bible Study #7 – James – at Church office ST. JOHN CATHOLIC 608 2nd Ave. N.E., Clarion Father Nils Hernandez, Pastor 515-532-3586 •Thursday, Nov. 21 NCYN Indiapolis Trip • Friday, Nov. 22 7:40am Rosary at St. John in Clarion, 8:00am Mass at St. John in Clarion •Saturday, Nov. 23 3:40pm Rosary at St. John in Clarion, 4:00pm Mass at St. John in Clarion, Quilt Sale after 4 p.m. Mass at St. John, 8:00pm Mass in Spanish at St. John •Sunday, Nov. 24 8:00am Mass at Sacred Heart in Eagle Grove, 9:00am to 12:30pm KC/CDA breakfast at St. Francis in Belmond, 10:30am Mass at St. Francis in Eagle Grove •Monday, Nov. 25 6:15pm RCIA/Adult Catechesis at St. John in Clarion •Wednesday, Nov. 27 Offices Closed, No YFF •Thursday, Nov. 28 Offices Closed, 9:00am Cluster Mass at St. John in Clarion UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 219 First Street N.W., Clarion Bill Kem, Pastor 515-532-2709 •Sunday, Nov. 24
9:00am Worship with Fellowship following, 10:00am Sunday School •Tuesday, Nov. 26 10:00am Prayer Group THE LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Dana Wendel, Minister 1010 2nd Street SW, Clarion 532-2330 or 532-6686 •Sunday 9:30 am - Sunday School, 10:45 am - Worship Service free lunch following service •Tuesday 11:00 am - Prayer (Hiemstra’s) •Wednesday 7:00 pm - Adult Bible Study THE DWELLING PLACE Pastor Kim Lee 912 Central Ave East 515-293-2822 •Saturdays 6:00pm Service • Sundays 10:00am Services • Wednesdays 7:00 pm Corporate Prayer
GOLDFIELD AREA UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 220 Oak Street, Goldfield Rev. Sara Hill, Pastor 515-825-3581 •Thursday, Nov. 21 9:15pm TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) weigh-in and meeting, 6:30pm Support and Recovery group at Crossroads on Main Street •Saturday, Nov. 23 4:15 – 5:00pm Community Thanksgiving Worship Service led by Rev. Sara Hill at Goldfield School Building •Sunday, Nov. 24 9:15am Sunday school for all ages, 9:45am Choir practice in east basement, 10:30am Worship Service, 11:30am Fellowship coffee •Monday, Nov. 25 6:30pm You are invited to help decorate the church for Christmas. Enjoy Christmas goodies, cider and coffee too! •Wednesday, Nov. 27 No Story-time, Thanksgiving Vacation LAKE LUTHERAN CHURCH Goldfield Pastor Truman Larson •Sunday 9:00 am Worship Service, 10:15 am Sunday School and Confirmation. PARK CHURCH OF CHRIST 422 North Washington St., Goldfield Bob Dishman 515-825-3911 •Sunday 9:15 am Bible School, 10:15 am Worship Service-Communion observed weekly; childcare available and Children’s Church, 11:00 am WWE/Jr. Worship GOLDFIELD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P.O. Box 190 Pastor Christina Perkins Craig Carlson, Youth Minister 515-825-3754 •Sundays 10:30 am – Worship HOLMES EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Rich Taylor 515-825-3660 Friday, Nov. 22 9:00am Bible Study at Samuel Lutheran •Sunday, Nov. 24 9:45am Sunday School, 10:45am Contemporary Worship •Tuesday, Nov. 26 1:30pm Assemble Newsletter at Samuel •Wednesday, Nov. 27 9:00am Prayer Hour, 7:00pm Thanksgiving Worship at Holmes HOLMES BAPTIST CHURCH
WRIGHT CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 1730 130th Street, Kanawha 641-762-3947 •Sunday 9:30 am - Morning Worship, 10:30 am Fellowship, 11:00 am - Sunday School, 6:00 pm - Evening Worship
ROWAN AREA UNITED CHURCH OF ROWAN Pastor Nancy Hofmeister 811 Pesch Box 38, Rowan •Thursday, Nov. 21 2:00pm Women’s Group •Sunday, Nov. 24 9:00am Kids/Adult Sunday School, 10:00am Worship Service, 11:00am Coffee Fellowship IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Missouri Synod Jct. Highway 69 & 3 Pastor Mark Peterson
•Sunday 10:30 am - Divine Service 11:45 am - Bible Study
DOWS AREA ABUNDANT LIFE CHAPEL 202 Fairview St., Dows 515-852-4520 / Bruce Klapp, Pastor • Sundays 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages including adults; 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service with Nursery and Children’s Ministry available; 6:30 p.m. - Adult Bible Study with childcare available • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. - Adult Bible Study with Nursery, Children and Youth Ministry SOVEREIGN GRACE CHURCH 109 N. Eskridge St., Dows Dows / Doug Holmes, Pastor • Sundays 10:15 a.m. - Sunday School/Coffee;11:15am Worship at First Presbyterian in Dows FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Dows Pastor Ron Nelson •Saturday, Nov. 23 6:30am Men’s Bible Study at Rick’s •Sunday, Nov. 24 9:00am Worship with Communion, 10:00am Sunday School and Coffee •Wednesday, Nov. 27 1:00pm FLCW Workshop, 5:00pm Confirmation, 7:00pm Ecumenical Worship at Methodist Church UNITED METHODIST & PRESBYTERIAN Dows / Alexander Shawn W. Hill, Pastor • Sundays 8:45a.m. - Alexander Methodist Worship; 9:00a.m. - Dows Sunday School; 10:00a.m. - Dows Joint Worship at Presbyterian Church on first two Sundays each month and at United Methodist Church on remaining Sundays • Thursdays 9 a.m. - Presbyterian Women FIRST REFORMED 214 Brown St., Alexander Pastor Phillip Arnold • Sundays 8:30 a.m. - Adult Sunday School in the Sunshine Room; 9:30 a.m. - Worship; 10:45 a.m. - Sunday School; 6:30 p.m. - HS Youth Group Meeting; 7 p.m. - Pastor Phil’s Radio Ministry on KLMJ • Wednesdays 4:00p.m. - Catechism, Grades 1-8; 7:00p.m.
IMMANUEL U.C.C. 204 E. South St., Latimer Pastor Lindsey Braun • Sunday 9:30am - Worship •Monday 7:00pm - Pastor Lindsey back from vacation ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN 304 W. Main, Latimer Travis Berg, Pastor • Wednesday 6:30pm - Elders • Saturday 7:00pm - Vespers • Sunday 9:00a.m. - Worship; 10:15 a.m. - ABC / Sunday School
Bobst, Martin wed in London Alyssa Bobst and Daniel Martin, both of London, England were married in London on December 8, 2012 at a private ceremony with their parents and close friends in attendance. They celebrated their marriage in London in June 2013 with a reception at a beautiful English Country Pub surrounded by family and friends from the United States, England, Wales, Germany, France and Australia. In August, a proper English Afternoon Tea welcomed Alyssa and her motherin-law, Julie Martin, to the Figge Art Museum in Davenport, Iowa, which was enjoyed by local family and friends. The tea was co-hosted by Alyssa’s mother, Robin Kroloff, and close family friend, Jane Rock. Alyssa graduated from North
Scott High School in Eldridge, Iowa, and Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri with degrees in Anthropology, Arabic and International Studies. She received her Master’s Degree from the University of London, School of Oriental, African and Asian Studies. She is the daughter of Robin Kroloff and Kevin Bobst of Park View. Dan received his PhD from Kings College of London in Cardiovascular Medicine and is the son of Julie and Jim Martin, Sussex, England. The couple’s grandparents are Larry and Linette Bobst of Clarion, Iowa and step-grandmothers Michele Martin of Paris, France and Janet Waters of Monmouth, Wales. The couple resides in England.
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Morgan, Lee Center, Bradford Erling Shultz, Pastor • Sundays, 8:30 a.m. Worship (B); 9:30 a.m. Worship, (LC); 10:30 a.m. Worship (M) • Tuesdays, 5:15-6:30 p.m. NA/AA Bible Study; 7:30 p.m. (B) Bible Study MISSIONARY ALLIANCE CHURCH 3rd & Lake Streets, Blairsburg Ron Lotz, Pastor 515-325-6210 •Saturday, Nov. 23 9:30 to 11:00am MAC Fit fitness group for women of all ages and stages of fitness. MAC Fit is fitness for body, mind and soul. • Sunday, Nov. 24 9:00am Sunday School for all ages, 10:00am Worship service •Tuesday, Nov. 26 6:00am Men’s Bible Study at MAC •Wednesday, Nov. 27 No Family Night NAZARETH LUTHERAN Coulter Pastor Dave Bernhardt • Sunday 10:00am - Coffee, 10:30am - Joint Worship Service
Bridal Registry
Breanne Wagner & Waylon Keller
Wedding: February 8, 2014
108 North Main St. • Clarion, Iowa
Come & Go Bridal Shower for Delany Wanken Bride to Be of
Joe Essing
Saturday, November 30 Clarion Public Library 2:00 - 5:00 pm Registered at Target and Kohl’s
CHRISTMAS IS COMING Are you trying to think of a unique gift for family or friends with Clarion Connections? Consider an Alumni Album available at
Mister G's
102 North Main • Clarion or the
Heartland Museum Highway 3 West • Clarion or get a Heartland Museum membership for 2014.
Holmes Christmas Auction Chappy’s on Main 122 South Main Street • Clarion
Monday, November 25 6:00 P.M. - ?
Please leave items to be donated for auction at Chappy’s on Main • Or call for pickup Chappy’s/Nick Barrett • 515-532-2727 Shelley Pohlman • 515-532-2847 Spook Anderson • 515-532-6565 Beth Menges • 515-532-3378 Lisa Kluss • 515-851-0063 Dean Kluss • 515-835-0502 Erin Halverson /Eagle Grove • 515-293-0499 Kathy Braun/Dows • 515-852-4258 Bobbi Tyrrell/Belmond • 515-571-0147
Page 8 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, November 21, 2013
Clarion-Goldfield Middle School and High School Students Shine at North Central District Honor Choir Festival at NIACC on Nov. 15 On Friday, Nov. 15, 33 middle school and high school students from Clarion-Goldfield participated in the North Central District Honor Choir Festival at NIACC. This marks the 20th year anniversary for this honor choir. Starting in 1993, the honor choir consisted of two choirs with seventy-five members each. The first site for the honor choir was Forest City Schools. After the festival increased in numbers, the event was moved to Hanson Fieldhouse in Forest City. The festival continued to grow, and eventually it moved to NIACC in Mason City. Approximately 720 middle school and high school vocalists from north central Iowa participated in this year’s festival. North Central Iowa has the largest honor choir in the state, and the vocal directors are very proud of this
CG FFA Attends National FFA Convention
Six members of the Clarion-Goldfield FFA (left to right), Grant Sebby, Brandon Zwiefel, Ben Jacobsen, Austin Keller, Sam Jergenson, and Breanna Ellis, traveled to Louisville, KY to the 86th National FFA Convention. Members enjoyed the Career Expo with more than 350 booths of Colleges and agriculture based companies. Other highlights included the Opening Ceremonies, Dan Dunn and his presentation and guest speaker Rick Pitino. Workshop topics included Electrify Your Connections and Agvocacy. Local highlights included Churchill Downs, Consolidated Grain and Barge and the historic downtown of Louisville. (Submitted Photo)
Band selling Value Cards to raise money for trip to Florida
CGHS Vocal Student To Participate In The All-State Music Festival
The Clarion-Goldfield High School Band is currently selling Value Cards that feature over $1,000 worth of valuable goods and services from local businesses. Proceeds of the sales of the cards will go towards the 2014 High School Band Trip to Disney World in Florida. The cards are good until the beginning of January. There are monthly offers to take advantage of so an early purchase is most beneficial. Through the purchase and use of the Value Card you will be supporting the merchants by shopping local, you will be able to easily gain back the money you spent for the purchase of the Value Card with the outstanding discounts, and you will be helping a student raise money for their trip. They would make great Christmas stocking stuffers! The featured businesses with
Elizabeth Lockwood, a senior at CGHS, will be singing with the AllState Chorus on Friday, Nov. 22, and Saturday, Nov. 23. All rehearsals take place on the ISU campus in Ames. After auditioning in Hampton on Saturday, Oct. 26, Elizabeth was chosen as a member of the 600-voice All-State Chorus. On Friday, Nov. 22, the chorus reports for rehearsal three times: (8:30-11:30 a.m.), (1:00-4:00 p.m.), and (5:30-7:30 p.m.). On Saturday, Nov. 23, the chorus has one rehearsal in C.Y. Stephens from 8:30-11:15 a.m. After that rehearsal, they move to Hilton Coliseum. There are two rehearsals in Hilton: (2:00-3:30 p.m.) and (3:45-4:00 p.m.). An AllState Chorus group photo will be taken from 3:30-3:45 p.m. The chorus will also rehearse with the All-State Orchestra and the All-State Band during the afternoon rehearsals. The All-State Concert
values and/or discounts included on the card are Central Grill, Chappy’s, Clarion Super Foods, Clarion Movie Theater, Daisy’s On Main, Fuel Coal Fired Pizza, Goldfield Cheese Mart, grounded, Hardee’s, Hearts & Flowers, Heaven Scent Floral and Gifts, Imagine That, Main Street Style and Tanning, Mister G’s and Mister G’s for Her, New Home Cafe, Pizza Ranch, Rainbow Cleaners, Sam’s Chinese Kitchen, Snack Village, That Iowa Girl, The Hair Studio, Thrifty-Pharmacy, and Wright County Motors. Thank you to these businesses for their support of the music department. You may purchase a Value Card from any High School Band Student or by contact Kent Wesselink, the High School Band Director by phone: 515-532-2895 or email:
from the cast and crew of “The Wizard Of Oz” The Clarion-Goldfield High School Vocal Music Department would like to thank everyone who attended the musical on Friday, Nov. 8th and Saturday, Nov. 9th. Approximately 1,000 people attended the musical, making this musical the most attended in the last 20 years! Your support and appreciation of the fine arts doesn’t go unnoticed. Also, thank you to Clarion-Goldfield Schools and the CG Music Boosters for their for all their financial support. Directors: David Ackerman & Tamara EnTin
We’re Moving!
is in Hilton Coliseum on Saturday, Nov. 23 at 7:30 p.m.. Tickets are available by contacting ticketmaster. com. If you cannot attend the concert, Iowa Public Television will televise the All-State Music Festival on Thanksgiving weekend. Check local listings. Elizabeth is the daughter of Tammy and Lee Lockwood. Congratulations, Elizabeth!!!
A.D. Tech Solutions will be closed for the week of November 25, 2013. Our doors will be reopened on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013. Thank you!
Andrew and Sarah Dencklau
A.D. Tech SoluTionS
(515) 532-2157 •
1776 Page Ave • Clarion, Iowa 50525
Open House Tuesday, Dec. 3 9 to 11 a.m.
worshipful experience,” said Choral Director Dr. Adam Luebke. “As in years past, the audience will be able to join in and sing carols such as Hark! The Herald Angels Sing and Silent Night.” Christmas with Waldorf: Angels Sing with Joy tickets are available by calling 641-585-8724 or visiting the Immanuel Lutheran Church office. Tickets will also be available at the door before each performance. Ashley is the daughter of Brenda Rauch of Clairon. Kevin is the son of Mark Ansel of Kanawha and grandson of Barb Ansel of Clarion.
214 North Main • Clarion • 532-2878 • Farmland Real Estate • Farm Management • Farmland Auction
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Dueling Keys Pianos
9:00 pm to Midnight • $30 per person Ticket sales starting December 2 available at: Waters Edge Thursday - Sunday Bruce Frink CPA office Monday - Friday
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Community Pharmacy
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Service on refrigerators, freezers & air conditioners.
Toad Tunes DJ $2.25 Tallboys • $1.00 Jello Shots Drink Specials all night! So what are you waiting for!?!
BURTON E. TRACY & CO. P.C. Certified Public Accountant 902 Central Ave. E. • Clarion Phone: 515-532-6681 Fax: 515-532-2405
Ribbon Cutting at 10 a.m.
920 Central Ave E, Clarion 515-532-2425
Forest City, Iowa – Ashley Rauch of Clarion, and Kevin Ansel of Kanawha, will perform at Christmas with Waldorf, an annual weekend of concert performances, at Immanuel Lutheran Church on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. A celebration of the holiday season, the decades-old tradition showcases Waldorf College’s fine arts department with performances by the Waldorf Choir, Schola Cantorum, Sangkor, and the Waldorf Wind Symphony. Performers include Waldorf students, faculty, and staff, as well as members of the Forest City Community. “The concert will be an intimate,
“Complete Family Dentistry”
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Local students share musical talent at annual Christmas celebration
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accomplishment. “North central Iowa is a very musical part of the state, and Mason City (River City) is home to “The Music Man,” commented David Ackerman, 6-12 vocal music director. “Our students were well prepared on the music, and they acted mature on Nov. 15. Parents and teachers should be extremely proud of the way our students rehearsed and conducted themselves,” said Ackerman. Several CG parents attended the concert and supported their child/children. One CG family had three children involved in the festival. Mr. Ackerman is proud of each one of his students who participated in the honor choir, and he hopes you learned something along the way.
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The Wright County Monitor & The Wright Reminder
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Papering, Staining, Varnishing Commercial, Residential, Farm Buildings
RADECHEL Painting Services Craig: 515-293-1196 Scott: 515-371-2386
Thursday, November 21, 2013 • The Wright County Monitor Page 9
Happy Holiday Buying: Tips for Holiday Shopping By Attorney General Tom Miller
As holiday shopping becomes a 24-hour, seven day a week proposition for more and more retailers, consumers need to be on guard 24/7 when shopping for holiday gifts online, by phone or by mail, or through local brick and mortar stores. Ads & Sales • Read store ads carefully. Is the store offering sale items at a limited quantity? Can you get a rain check if it’s an out-of-stock sale item? • Take the ad with you when you go shopping to make sure you find the right item at the price advertised. • Focus on bottom-line prices, not discounts. Discount claims may not reflect real savings, if the seller inflated the original price of an item and then discounted it to make the “discount price” appear as a bargain. The Seller • Buy from a seller you trust. Whether the seller is down the street or across the country, know who you’re buying from. Be wary of online retailers that don’t disclose contact information, including a phone number and physical address. • Understand the seller’s return and refund policies. How long do you have to return the item? Will you get a full refund, store credit,
or nothing? Is there a restocking fee? Do you need a receipt and the product packaging? If the seller ships an item that you later decide to return, who pays for shipping? • If you’re making an online purchase, make sure it’s a secure website. Secure sites use an “https“ prefix in their Web address. The “s” stands for secure, which means the site is not secure without it! Don’t email financial information, such as credit card or bank account numbers. • If ordering online or by phone, use a credit card because credit cards generally offer consumers better protections in cases of fraud or disputes. Only give credit card numbers to sellers you know and you called. And review your monthly statements to ensure the charges are correct. Avoid using a debit card, because debit transactions draw directly from your bank account. Don’t wire money or send cash. • If it’s a mail or phone order, the merchant is required to ship the item within 30 days of the order, unless the seller clearly discloses a longer wait in advertisements or catalog. If the merchant cannot meet the 30-day deadline, the seller must disclose it to the customer and offer the option of a cancellation and full refund. • If you’re buying through a
Wright County Upper Des Moines Opportunity Clothes Closet Is Closing Upper Des Moines Opportunity, Inc. announces that after much careful thought and consideration effective November 26, 2013, the Wright County UDMO Outreach office will no longer operate their used clothing closet. UDMO feels that it is in UDMO’s best interest to no longer provide this service in the Wright County Outreach office. Recent budget cuts due to federal sequestration has placed a strain on their budgets and ability to provide adequate levels of full-time staffing in some of the
Outreach offices. However, UDMO will assist income eligible individuals and families dealing with a clothing hardship by providing a voucher to Krys’ Corner in Clarion. UDMO would like to thank everyone who donated clothing or volunteered in their clothing closet over the past several years. They would not have been able to provide this service without your help and support. UDMO will continue to provide all of the other services.
layaway, be sure you understand the policies, including any additional fees or restrictions, and cancellation policies. Warranties & Extended Warranties • How long does the seller warranty the product? Does a seller’s warranty go beyond the manufacturer’s warranty? • Think carefully about extended warranties and service agreements. Be sure to understand the terms, including what is and is not covered. Extended warranties often mean add-on profits for sellers, but they can also offer peace of mind for the buyer and convenience if the product breaks during the warranty period. Gift Cards • Understand the terms. Does the merchant charge a gift card purchase fee? Does the merchant charge an inactivity fee (which is allowed after 12 months of inactivity)? • The card must clearly disclose the expiration date, and fees must be clearly disclosed on the card or its packaging. Gift cards must be good for five years from the purchase date, or from the last date any additional money was loaded onto the card. • Urge the recipient to use the card sooner rather than later to avoid loss, theft, and future inactivity fees. And keep your receipts, or give the recipient a receipt in case of problems down the road.
35 Years of Service
Dan Ott (seated) was recently presented with an Achievement Award certificate of thanks from the Wright County Board of Supervisors for his 35 years of dedicated commitment to servicing Wright County and its citizens as a dispatcher. Presenting him with the award were (left to right): Rick Rasmussen, Wright County Sheriff Jason Schluttenhofer, Karl Helgevold, and Stan Watne. (Submitted Photo)
Pay It Forward This Holiday Season – Donate Blood Get in the holiday spirit by donating blood with LifeServe Blood Center! The holidays are a time of giving and there is no better gift than the gift of life. Celebrate your good health and pay it forward with a lifesaving blood donation that will help a child or adult in their critical time of need. Blood donations are especially needed this time of year as busy holiday schedules, poor winter weather conditions and the cold and
flu season decrease blood donations. Only 38 percent of the population is eligible to give, and of that only 5 percent currently does. Every donation matters to ensuring a stable blood supply for our local hospitals. Help your community by paying it forward this holiday season with a blood donation. By spending an hour with us this holiday season, you can do more than most people do in a lifetime. You can save lives. All donors can redeem their donation points for a limited-edition Pay It Forward t-shirt November 25 – January 4, 2014. Please plan to give your lifesaving gift at any of the following blood drive(s): Clarion Community Blood Drive, Tuesday, Dec. 3, from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m., at United Presbyterian Church of Clarion, 219 1st Street NW. Sign up to save a life today! Schedule a blood donation appointment online at www. or call 800.287.4903.
Volunteers Needed to Help with Taxes Free tax preparation for lowincome families with simple tax returns is a valuable contribution made by community volunteers each year. New volunteers are needed in Wright County! Two types of volunteers are needed: tax preparers and site hosts/managers. No previous experience is necessary. To find out more about volunteering to help with the local tax project, contact the Wright County Extension Office (515-532-3453) or Barb Wollan, ISU Extension, 515832-9597, or The Earned Income Tax Credit is a valuable federal and state benefit for working low-income families. To claim that benefit, however, they must file a tax return. Unfortunately, even a simple return often costs over $100, and much more if the taxpayer chooses a high-cost, highrisk “quick refund” loan. That’s why volunteer tax preparation is so important in our communities. Your help could make a big difference to local families! Tax preparation volunteers receive IRS-sponsored training through VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) or AARP, and are provided the materials, equipment and software necessary to prepare
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In 1958 Darrell and Janice Evans opened Evans Furniture & Floor Covering in Clarion. We're celebrating this 55th Anniversary with our Biggest Sale Ever! Our store is packed with beautiful furniture - all in the latest styles and colors and everything on the showroom floor has been discounted! Sale going on now!
basic income tax returns. Training is partly independent study and partly conducted through in-person workshops, which will take place in December 2013 or January 2014 at convenient locations in or near Wright County. Trained volunteers are certified by the IRS and have technical support available when needed. The IRS waives liability for VITA volunteers. Qualifications: no specific qualifications exist, but tax preparation volunteers are most likely to be successful if they are comfortable with computers and familiar with basic tax principles. All volunteers (tax preparers and hosts) must be committed to confidentiality and to helping others. Once trained, tax volunteers will assist individuals and families in Wright County with preparing their tax returns. Tax preparation is done at community sites on weekdays and Saturdays, so volunteers can find a time that fits their schedule. Local tax preparation projects currently receive modest funding through ISED. Wright County Extension and the Eagle Grove Memorial Library are key partners in VITA efforts.
Page 10 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, November 21, 2013
Classifieds Oldson’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.
Clarion Housing apartments in Clarion, iowa
1 bedroom apartments available reasonable rents, 1 Bdr. $275, 2Bdr. $330 for elderly (62 years of age or older) or disabled of an age. • Laundry facilities available. • Large Community Center. • Water, sewer, garbage included in rent. • 3 locations to choose from. • Rental assistance available through MIRHA. Contact Karen in Clarion at: 515-851-8344 or
Eagle Grove/Clarion • 515-448-3456
Residential & Commercial Plumbing & Heating We service any Brand/Model 24-7 Emergency Service Furnaces Air Conditioners Boilers Heat Pumps Geothermal Fireplaces Water Heaters Ductless Systems LENNOX MAYTAG FUJITSU RHEEM (IN BUSINESS FOR OVER 100 YEARS)
murphy management service
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1-800-956-1618 208 e. state st. algona
Thank You for your business!
• Down Draft Paint Booth w/Baked Curing Cycle • Frame Machine • Computerized Paint Matching • Computerized Estimates • A preferred shop with insurance companies
Lantern Park
Quality Pre-Owned Vehicles
Authorized Luverne Dealer • Detailing • Interior/Exterior Cleaning
118 N. Commercial • Eagle Grove • 448-3944
DeaDline: General labor Masterson Staffing Solutions is looking for people for general labor positions in Clarion. Must be reliable and have excellent attendance.
Legal Notices Classifieds Display Ads Submitted News Obituaries
To be considered for these opportunities please Stop by the Train Depot in Clarion on Thursdays between 10am-2pm. 302 N Main St Clarion IA • 641-423-1830
Noon Friday Noon Monday Noon Monday Noon Friday 4:30 p.m. Monday
Affordable Housing offering 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Refrigerator, Stove Resident controlled heat On site laundry Handicap units Rental assistance avail. Applications at 601 2nd St. SE Clarion or call 515-532-6837
Help Wanted
Kitchen help and wait staff wanted. Looking for individuals to work in this facepaced environment. Must be a team player and willing to work nights and weekends. We will train. Sorry Kids, Must be 18 to apply. Call 515-532-2727 ask for Nick Or stop in for an application
Masterson Staffing is an equal opportunity employer
apply for: Direct support associate: Full time and Part time. Working with
individuals with disabilities. Positions available in Belmond, Clarion, Eagle Grove, & Webster City. Requires Valid DL and ability to pass DS/BG. Competitive Pay/Benefits.
applications available at:
Humboldt Homes
1108 15th St. N. 1107 19th St. N.
• Rental assistance available • Rent based on income Now • On-site Laundry center • Trash & snow removal included NoN-SmokiNg • Private parking • Quiet setting • Community rooms available for tenant use • All utilities included in the rent • Activities - card parties, potlucks • Stove and refrigerator provided • Co-City Bus transportation available • 62 years of age or older or disabled/handicapped of any age
Apply todAy!
Connor Management 641-435-4788
This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.
REGISTERED NURSE: Full-time position in Belmond. Mon. – Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. This position will primarily work as a triage nurse in the Belmond Family Practice Clinic and candidate must be able to multi-task, have excellent telephone skills and float to all areas of clinic as needed. Requires current RN or LPN license in the State of Iowa. Clinical experience preferred. Will be required to work at all Iowa Specialty Hospital locations as needed. CLINICAL INFORMATICIST: Full-time position, during normal business hours, will require flexibility. This position requires a weekly rotational on-call with other Informaticist, covering all Iowa Specialty Hospital locations. The duties involve serving as resource for deploying new portions of the electronic health record in specified clinical locations, consulting with the IT Team, Medical Staff, and clinical departments in customizing software and altering workflow processes in the daily operation of Iowa Specialty Hospital EMR systems, which includes Family Practice Clinics, Specialty Clinics and the Critical Access Hospitals. This resource will analyze current nursing and medical provider processes and recommend workflow changes that support best practice while meeting the ARRA meaningful use guidelines. Minimum education for this position will have an Associate’s Degree, with experience in Healthcare and Electronic Medical Records. Preferred education will be a Registered Nurse with McKesson Electronic Medical Records experience. CLINICAL INFORMATICIST - Technical: Full-time position, during normal business hours, will require flexibility. This position requires weekly rotational on-call with other Informaticist, covering all Iowa Specialty Hospital locations. The duties involve serving as technical resource of the electronic health record in specified clinical locations, consulting with the IT Team, Medical Staff, and clinical departments with support calls, interfaces, direct messaging, patient portal and the daily operation of Iowa Specialty Hospital EMR systems, which includes Family Practice Clinics, Specialty Clinics and the Critical Access Hospitals. This resource will work with the other Informaticist on processes and assist with implementing workflow changes that support best practice while meeting the ARRA meaningful use guidelines. Minimum education for this position will have an Associate’s Degree, with experience in Healthcare. Positions offer outstanding wages & fringe benefits. Please stop by and pick up an application, apply on-line at or contact the Human Resources Department at 515-602-9801 to receive an application by mail. All positions are subject to criminal/dependent adult abuse background checks, pre-employment physical and drug testing.
Specializing in You
WWW.IOWASPECIALTYHOSPITAL.COM Belmond - 403 1st Street SE Clarion - 1316 S. Main Street
210 2nd st. N.W. clarion, iowa 50525 515-532-3221 or online at
Help Wanted
open positions may be found under the career link Mosaic is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Apply for: Direct Support Manager This position coordinates and manages program operations while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Responsibilities include: assistance with hiring, scheduling staff, coordinating activities and appointments, training and habilitation of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and maintaining accurate records. Bachelor’s Degree preferred or equivalent experience working with individuals with disabilities. Must have or be willing to obtain a CMA Certificate. Mosaic offers competitive wages, a full range of excellent benefits and PTO for Full-Time Employees. Apply online at: Career Link Or send resume to: 210 2nd Street NW Clarion, IA 50525 Attn: Aimee Miller Mosaic is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
The Wright County Monitor, a division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation, seeks a full-time news editor. The successful candidate must be well-versed in writing, photography, and social media. They must also be able to write hard news, delve into features, and investigate issues. Top-notch verbal and written communication skills are imperative. This position offers competitive pay, benefits, and a launching pad to use your skills to the fullest.
If you think you’re up to challenge, email a letter of interest, resume, several clips, and three references to The position is now open, so interviews begin immediately.
Welders, Machinists, Metal Fabricators
M.H. Eby, Inc., a leading manufacturer of aluminum livestock trailers, has immediate openings at our Story City facility. Conveniently located on I-35, we offer an excellent compensation package including a starting wage of $15/hour, quarterly productivity bonus, gain sharing, health, dental, 401k, paid holidays and vacation. Plenty of voluntary overtime is offered, with up to 60 hours/week available. Great opportunity for advancement. To join our winning team, email resumes to or stop by our facility to fill out an application. Call: 866-894-3297
REGIONAL NEWS REPORTER The Leader and Kanawha Reporter, divisions of Mid-America Publishing Corporation, seeks a full-time regional news reporter. The successful candidate must be well-versed in writing, photography, and social media. They must also be able to write hard news, delve into features, and investigate issues. Top-notch verbal and written communication skills are imperative. This position offers competitive pay, benefits, and a launching pad to use your skills to the fullest.
If you think you’re up to challenge, email a letter of interest, resume, several clips, and three references to The position is opening soon, so interviews begin immediately.
Thursday, November 21, 2013 • The Wright County Monitor Page 11
Mosaic Apply for: Program Coordinator
Now Hiring Christensen Farms is seeking a
Repair & Maintenance Technician in the Buffalo Center, IA area. Qualified individuals have experience in electrical work and welding as well as general repair and maintenance. Full time position with great benefits and pay!
This position oversees all home and community based services program operations for the Wright County Agency to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Functions include program operation and development, training, and providing supervision. Successful candidate will have Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Special Education, Human Services, Social Work or related field or equivalent experience. Minimum four years experience working with individuals with disabilities. Mosaic offers competitive wages, a full range of excellent benefits and PTO for Full-Time Employees. Apply online at: Career Link Or send resume to: 210 2nd Street NW Clarion, IA 50525 Attn: Aimee Miller
Apply online at
Mosaic is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Production Daybreak Foods, Inc., a growing, financially stable food processing company, has the following opportunities available at our production facility near Eagle Grove, IA.
Ensure Safe Quality Food standards are adhered to while packaging product and by cleaning processing machinery, equipment and facilities to Daybreak standards. Requires using power washing equipment to clean processing machinery. Willingness to learn and apply basic food plant sanitation, process control systems, written and verbal communication skills, and basic math skills are essential. Daily schedule includes every other 3-day weekend off. Benefits include: Vacation Pay, Holiday Pay, 3 days of paid time off after 90 days, Health, Dental, Vision, Life, STD, Flexible Spending, and 401k. Starting wage is $10.00 per hour with a 90-day performance review, which provides the opportunity for a wage increase. Physical requirements include standing for long periods of time. A post-offer, pre-employment drug and physical capacity screening is required. E-mail your resume to:, or apply in person at Daybreak Foods, 3159 Buchanan Ave., Eagle Grove, IA 50533. Equal Opportunity Employer
Now Hiring
DENTAL ASSISTANT Busy general dental practice seeking a caring, enthusiastic,
self-motivated dental assistant to become a part of our team. Must have good communication skills and a great attitude. Dental office/assisting experience is a plus, but we will train the right person.
Send resume to: Dr. Pamela Kelch, 303 N. Main Street, Clarion, IA, 50525
Kids Korner
Is looking for individuals who are EXCELLENT with children to work in our nursery and main floor area. We are also looking for people willing to be substitutes. We are wanting individuals who are creative with activities for children, are interested in leading small groups, and most importantly people who are caring and excited about working with young children. Previous experience with children is beneficial. Please contact Hannah McLaughlin-Director of Kids Korner for more info. Kids Korner 515-532-2778
Seeking a caring, compassionate, motivated and flexible persons to fill the positions of: • Certified Nursing Assistants Competitive wages, health, dental and vision. Please apply at 1107 7th St NE, Belmond, Iowa or call Tracy for more information 641-444-3915.
FOR SALE: TOPPERS Buy factory direct. Uni-Cover - 641-843-3698 (Britt) tfc NOTICE: Garage door sales, service and repairs. Farm, home and commercial garage doors and operators. For prompt service, phone Mike Sampson in Kanawha at 641-7623330 tfc
FOR SALE: 801 2nd St NW, Clarion, Harms Estate 1bdrm, lrg walkin closet, Tub/ shower combo, livingroom/fireplace, dinning/kitchen, laundry or 2nd bdrm $9,000.00 O.B.O 641-373-1580
FOR RENT FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apartment, all utilities furnished. Call Betty: 515825-8007. tfc
FOR SALE FOR SALE: GE Cool White fluorescent light bulbs. There are 14 which are 8 feet long and 60 watts, asking $3 a piece. There are 26 which are 4 feet long and 34 watts, asking $2 a piece. Inquire at MidAmerica Publishing Corporation, 9 2nd St. NW, Hampton, IA. Ask for Dan. tfc FOR SALE: 1994 Lincoln Continental Executive Series. white exterior, blue leather interior, 85,533 miles, 3.8 liter engine, runs great, excellent tires, new Interstate battery, must sell $2,995 rock bottom price. Contact: David Ackerman at (515) 532-6982 or (563) 5801407
WANTED TO RENT: 1 or 2 car garage in Clarion preferably near the Meadows. Call Walter Martin 1200 2nd St. SW Apt. 222 • Clarion, 515824-3316 tfc
THANK YOU: Thank You Trail to Serenity Massage and Body Work for the gift basket I won at Ladies Night Out. Jennifer Roberts THIS PUBLICATION DOES NOT KNOWINGLY ACCEPT advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care, particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised.
Electrical Technician
Sukup Mfg Co. is seeking an Electrical Technician in Sheffield, IA. For position requirements and details go to
ABCM Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer
HIDDEN VILLA RANCH NOW HIRING!! Hidden Villa Ranch is looking for hardworking employees for our new egg processing plant in Hampton. Experience working in egg plants is a plus. Hiring for the following positions:
Competitive pay with excellent benefits including, vacation, holiday, health/dental insurance, and 401k. Please apply in person at the AmericInn (conference room) 702 Central Ave W. Hampton 50441. Accepting applications on the following dates: 11/20 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 11/21 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Laborers-$12.00 Carpenters—$17.00 Iron Workers—$17.00 Certified Welders—$17.00 Concrete Finishers— $17.00 Certified Crane Operator— $25.00 Please apply in person only with Gleeson Superintendent Jacob Gookin at the jobsite trailer located at: 1260 US 18 Britt, IA 50423 PRIOR CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED Must be able to pass pre-employment physical Post Offer Pre-Employment Drug Testing & E-Verify Required Gleeson Constructors & Engineers, L.L.C. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
Equal Opportunity Employer
The District is in great need of bus drivers, both route drivers and substitute drivers. Annual full route drivers start at $12,160. Substitute route drivers earn $23.00 per trip. Activity trips pay $12.20 per hour. Requirements are CDL with passenger and school bus endorsements. Drivers are required to submit to a DOT physical, background check and drug/alcohol analysis. The district is willing to pay for a physical, background checks, drug/alcohol analysis and the difference between the cost of a driver’s license and CDL/ School Bus Permit. The district is looking for individuals who work well with school aged children and serve as strong role models and representatives of the school. Prior school bus driving experience is welcome, but not a requirement of the position. Training may be provided for individuals interested. Interested individuals are asked to contact the district office located at 319 Third Avenue NE, Clarion, Iowa 50525 or call 515-532-3423. AA/EOE
Security Guard Open pOSitiOn Centrum Valley Farms is seeking full-time and part-time Security Guards for the complexes located around the Galt and Alden. As a Security Officer you will perform security patrols of designated areas on foot or in vehicle watching for irregular or unusual conditions that may create security concerns or safety hazards. Graveyard shift available.
Positions requires • Valid Driver’s License • High school diploma or equivalent • Ability to pass a driver record check • Must be able to sit for a long period of time • Must be able to stand or walk on various surfaces • Security Guard experience a plus • First Aid and CPR a plus • Bi-lingual a plus
This full-time position is responsible for the daily care of all animals at the worksite. Each technician is a vital member of a team of 10-12 people all dedicated to providing excellent animal care. This entry level opportunity provides hands-on experience in many of the following areas: animal movements, breeding and gestation, farrowing, piglet care, recordkeeping and farm maintenance. The ideal candidate will have a desire to work with pigs, a willingness to learn, a high level of dependability and a solid work history.
This position offers:
Clarion-Goldfield CSd
Gleeson Constructors & Engineers, L.L.C. will be accepting applications for the following positions beginning August 12th:
• All necessary training and certifications • Base salary starting at $25,000 with potential for quarterly bonuses • Eligibility to apply for the Manager In Training program after ENTRY-LEVEL six months employment BASE SALARY • Full benefits: health, dental, vision, 401(k), Flex spending • Paid holidays, sick days and vacation • Adventureland and Iowa State Fair Family Days • Get hired and refer a friend — we have a $1,560 Employee Referral Bonus!
Apply online at, call 641-648-4479 or stop by 811 South Oak Street in Iowa Falls to complete an application. Iowa Select Farms is an equal opportunity employer.
Resume can be mailed to the following:
Responsibilities • Foot patrol of interior and exterior areas of assigned locations. • Check for unsafe conditions, hazards, unlocked doors, security violations, and unauthorized persons. • Detect, deter and intervene in suspicious activities in support of the specific post orders. • Report all incidents, accidents or medical emergencies. • Respond to all emergencies as specified in the respective post order. • Preparing reports on accidents, incidents, and suspicious activities. Send resume to Attn: Human Resource; Centrum Valley Farms, PO Box 538, Clarion, IA 50525 Or email resume to Equal Opportunity Employer
Page 12 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, November 21, 2013
Wed.-Thurs., November 20-21, 2013 • Buffalo Center Tribune, Butler County Tribune-Journal, Clarksville Star, Eagle Grove Eagle, Kanawaha Reporter, The Leader, Grundy Register, Hampton Chronicle, Pioneer Enterprise, Shefďƒželd Press, Wright County Monitor, The Reporter
„Where We Put Your Business on the Map!‰
HELP WANTED - HEALTH CARE Registered Nurse leader needed for a home health care agency in North Central Iowa. Applicants will have a minimum of one year supervisory experience in home health. Responsibilities include daily oversight of all clinical and administrative operations. Respond to clientfocusedhomecare@gmail. com. (INCN)
ELECTRIC MANAGER: Graettinger Municipal Light Plant is accepting applications for this fulltime position. Applicant will be required to work in the ďƒželd with our lineperson also. Knowledge of the methods, procedures and practices used in the operation of an electric power generation plant is preferred. Submit letter of introduction resume with reference to: (INCN) HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER
HELP WANTED - PROFESSIONAL Fulltime staff writer. Cover courts, police, ďƒžre, county, government. Journalism or communications degree, experience with InDesign. Full Beneďƒžts, send resume: Robin Delaney- Managing Editor, Fort Madison Daily Democrat. 1226 Avenue H, Fort Madison, IA 52627 email: editor@dailydem. com (INCN)
TanTara Transportation is now hiring OTR Company Flatbed Drivers and Owner Operators. Competitive Pay and Home Time. Call us @ 800-650-0292 or apply online at (INCN)
Best lease purchase in the USA, 99¢/gal. fuel program, newest tractors & trailers available anywhere. Top pay, medical insurance program, good miles Hirschbach 888-5146005 (INCN)
ELECTRIC LINEPERSON: Graettinger Municipal Light Plant is accepting applications for this fulltime position. Experienced lineperson or line school graduate required. Submit letter of introduction resume with references to: (INCN)
Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! Iowa Based Dedicated Customer Account, Consistent Home-Time, Excellent Pay ($55-60K annually) and Beneďƒžt Package! Call 800397-8132 or apply online (INCN)
Shag Driver Livestock Handler
Lynch Livestock, Inc., has an immediate opening for a Shag Driver Livestock Handler at our Hampton, Iowa location. Job requires driving, loading & unloading hogs, and helping in the yard. Candidate must have a CDL Class â&#x20AC;&#x153;Aâ&#x20AC;? license, must be at least 25 years of age, and have an excellent driving and attendance record. We offer a professional work environment, competitive wage & a Great beneď&#x192;&#x17E;t package. Home daily!
This weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Crossword and Sudoku puzzles
Buy a line classiď&#x192;&#x17E;ed ad at any participating Mid-America newspaper and get it listed here for just $5 more!
OTR Company Drivers, Class A CDL, 23 yrs of age. Health insurance, Dental/Vision. Pd Vacation & Company matched 401K. Safety/ Performance Incentives. Home time. Call Monson and Sons @ 1-800-463-4097 or ext 110. EOE. (INCN) Drivers: CDL-A Train and work for us! Professional, focused CDL training available. Choose Company Driver, Owner Operator, Lease Operator or Lease Trainer. (877) 3697895 (INCN) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Partners in Excellenceâ&#x20AC;? OTR Drivers APU Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825 (INCN)
MISCELLANEOUS This classiď&#x192;&#x17E;ed spot for sale. Advertise your product or recruit an applicant in over 250 Iowa newspapers! Only $300/week. Call this paper or 800-227-7636 (INCN)
FOR SALE 1994 Lincoln Continental Executive Series. white exterior, blue leather interior, 85,533 miles, 3.8 liter engine, runs great, excellent tires, new Interstate battery, must sell $2,995 rock bottom price. Contact: David Ackerman at (515) 532-6982 or (563) 580-1407 (TFN) MRKT
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Propane bills too high? Stop feeding the pig and get Geo.
Stop by our Hampton station to ď&#x192;&#x17E;ll out an application or you may get an application on line at and mail application or resume to:
Lynch Livestock, Inc. 331 3rd St. NW, Waucoma, IA 52171 Attn: Lori or Email to: Pre-employment physical and drug test required - EOE
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Each year thousands of Iowans are hurt at work, but many fail to learn the Injured Workers Bill of Rights which includes: 1. Payment of Mileage at $.565 per mile 2. Money for Permanent Disability 3. 2nd Medical Opinion in Admitted Claims. . . . A New Book reveals your other rights, 5 Things to Know Before Signing Forms or Hiring an Attorney and much more. The book is being offered to you at no cost because since 1997, Iowa Work Injury Attorney Corey Walker has seen the consequences of client's costly mistakes. If you or a loved one have been hurt at work and do not have an attorney claim your copy (while supplies last) Call Now (800)-707-2552, ext. 311 (24 Hour Recording) or go to Our Guarantee- If you have been injured and do not learn at least one thing from our book call us and we will donate $1,000 to your charity of choice.
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CLUES ACROSS 1. Regions 6. Abu __, UAE capital 11. Forever 13. Lower position 14. Masterpiece series 18. Atomic #18 19. Cuckoos 20. Goat with conical horns 21. European money 22. Flaw the surface 23. Restaurant bill 24. Indicated horsepower (abbr.) 25. Go in advance 28. Ancient Egyptian King 29. Insert mark 31. Palm fruits 33. Peels a fruitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s skin 34. Many not ands 35. Cathode-ray oscilloscope 36. Bo __, â&#x20AC;&#x153;10â&#x20AC;? 38. Satisď&#x192;&#x17E;es to excess 40. More dry 41. Of he 42. Lay a tax upon 45. Ed Murrowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home 46. Newsman Rather 47. Swiss mountain 49. Till 50. Potato, tossed or green 52. Italian automaker 53. Birthplace of Abraham 54. Scheduled visits 57. Yemen capital (alt. sp.) 59. Assisted 60. Persian kings 61. Accumulate
Call 1.866.217.6111 Open enrollment has begun. Choose a plan thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right for you.
2013 NFBA Building of the Year Award Winner!
Call for a free estimate â&#x20AC;˘ FULLY INSURED â&#x20AC;˘ LISCENSED ICC GENERAL CONTRACTOR â&#x20AC;˘ STEEL ROOF & SIDES â&#x20AC;˘ 90 MPH WIND LOAD â&#x20AC;˘ 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; O/C POST-SPACING â&#x20AC;˘ 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; O/C TRUSS SPACING â&#x20AC;˘ 30LB. TRUSS LOAD
30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Open Sided Building $16,500
QUALITY CARS ONLY, NO RUSTY CRUSTIES AMERICAN DREAM MACHINES 1500 Locust St. Des Moines, IA 50309 Call (515)245-9100 or email photos & info to
â&#x20AC;˘ Five 12´ Open Bays â&#x20AC;˘ 3´ Overhang on open-side â&#x20AC;˘ Delivery & Installation (Travel charges may apply.)
Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must ď&#x192;&#x17E;ll each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can ď&#x192;&#x17E;gure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
CLUES DOWN 1. Unkeyed 2. Recable 3. Sea eagles 4. Small social insect 5. __ Paulo, city 6. 2 man ď&#x192;&#x17E;ght 7. Honey (abbr.) 8. Anno Domini 9. Malibu and Waikiki 10. To burst in 11. Mild yellow Dutch cheese 12. Liqueď&#x192;&#x17E;ed natural gas 15. Douroucoulis 16. Spoiled child 17. Founder of Babism 21. Ireland 26. Love intensely 27. One who confronts boldly 28. Atomic #52 29. Feels concern or interest 30. Got up from 32. Sound of disappointment 33. Out of 100 (abbr.) 36. Actress Kerr 37. Irish Gaelic 38. 10 Commandments mountain 39. Morning 40. Straight downhill ski run 41. Angelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crown 43. Canonized individuals 44. Old school tablets 46. Dip lightly into water 48. Traumatic anxiety disorder 50. Mineral spring resorts 51. Desoxyribonucleic acid 52. Greek cheese 54. Express pleasure 55. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know when yet 56. 13th Hebrew letter 58. Chinese tennis star Li
Thursday, November 21, 2013 â&#x20AC;˘ The Wright County Monitor Page 13
Buffalo Center Tribune, Butler County Tribune-Journal, Clarksville Star, Eagle Grove Eagle, Kanawaha Reporter, The Leader, Grundy Register, Hampton Chronicle, Pioneer Enterprise, Shefď&#x192;&#x17E;eld Press, Wright County Monitor, The Reporter â&#x20AC;˘ Wed.-Thurs., November 20-21, 2013
Area News Briefs GARNER: Filing of all case types at the Clerk of Court Ofď&#x192;&#x17E;ces in Hancock, Winnebago and Worth Counties will be done electronically. The switch started on Tuesday, Nov. 12. The change to digital is an on-going, state-wide initiative, according to Scott Hand, court administrator for the Iowaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Second Judicial District. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are over 30 [clerk of court] ofď&#x192;&#x17E;ces on-line already,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the majority of our courthouses, we just donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have space for paper any more. That was one of the overriding factors.â&#x20AC;? Hand anticipates efď&#x192;&#x17E;ciency gains for the clerksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ofď&#x192;&#x17E;ces, â&#x20AC;&#x153;just by not handling paper and looking for ď&#x192;&#x17E;les
and pull ď&#x192;&#x17E;les. You wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to worry about misplaced ď&#x192;&#x17E;les.â&#x20AC;? Data will also be stored at two, separate physical locations as a precaution. GOODELL: A formal request for a recount of the mayoral election at Goodell was ď&#x192;&#x17E;led with the Hancock County Board of Supervisors. The unofď&#x192;&#x17E;cial results of the Nov. 5 city election showed challenger Pat Sweeney receiving 29 votes over 27 votes for the incumbent mayor, Ryan Halfpop. Each candidate will choose a representative to serve on a recount panel. The panel will also include a mutually agreed upon third person. The date for the recount has yet to be set.
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HELP WANTED: SHOP MANAGER For Local Construction Company.
Duties include: loading/unloading material and equipment, truck driving, record keeping, organization, equipment repairs/ maintenance. CDL, construction background, and mechanical skills helpful. Health Insurance and vacation available.
Call (641)456-5200 for more information.
0,66,1* 5HZDUG RIIHUHG /Ĩ Ć&#x152;Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x2030;Ĺ˝Ć&#x152;Ć&#x161;Ä&#x17E;Ä&#x161; Ä?Ç&#x2021; Ä&#x17E;Ä?Ä&#x17E;ĹľÄ?Ä&#x17E;Ć&#x152; ĎŽÍ&#x2022; ĎŽĎŹĎĎŻ Ä?ŽŜÄ&#x161;Ĺ?Ć&#x161;Ĺ?ŽŜĆ? Ä&#x201A;Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x2030;ĹŻÇ&#x2021;
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Jessica Birdsell, Custom Printing 641-456-2585, ext. 111
2nd Street N: Â&#x2021; +ampton, ,$ 5 441
Page 14 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, November 21, 2013
Age Group 6-7
Grace Bergeson won first place in the NFL PPK Sectional held in Clarion on Oct. 19, 2013. Punt: 36 feet, 5 inches; Pass: 27 feet, 4 inches; Kick: 29 feet, 9 inches; Total: 93 feet, 6 inches. Second place went to Katelyn Hejlik. Third place went to Abigail Sieck.
Age Group 10-11
Kaylee Seitzer won first place in the NFL PPK Sectional held in Clarion on Oct. 19, 2013. Punt: 67 feet, 0 inches; Pass: 70 feet, 0 inches; Kick: 77 feet, 10 inches; Total: 214 feet, 10 inches. Second place went to Darby Dodd and third to Emily Jaeschke.
Age Group 12-13
Gabby Hackley won first place in the NFL PPK Sectional held in Clarion on Oct. 19, 2013. Punt: 38 feet, 5 inches; Pass: 40 feet, 8 inches; Kick: 47 feet, 4 inches; Total: 126 feet, 5 inches.
Pressure Washer Repair 100 1st Ave. SE • Clarion • 515-532-2066 There are two new faces around the shop. Cassie Nerem & Teala Melendez Are here to take care of all your hair, skin and nail needs. They are available Tuesday - Saturday with evening times available. Walk-ins Welcome!
A&J ConstruCtion • New Homes • Additions • Garages • Siding • Remodeling • Windows John Jacobson
Age Group 8-9
Katelyn Lappe won first place in the NFL PPK Sectional held in Clarion on Oct. 19, 2013. Punt: 37 feet, 0 inches; Pass: 69 feet, 8 inches; Kick: 36 feet, 0 inches; Total: 142 feet, 8 inches. Emma State won second place.
Chalk Talk Saturdays 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Santa’s is here from the North Pole!!
Bring your children in for a special holiday portrait with Santa!
Saturday, November 30 9:00 a.m. to Noon
No appointment Necessary!
Photo’s starting at $5.00
Lifetouch Mike Geary 404 North Main • Clarion Ph. 515-532-2869
“Serving Our Community for over 63 years”
• Most brands • Hot or cold units • Large parts inventory • New • Used • Rentals
103 W. Hwy. 3 • Goldfield • 515-825-3777 It’s always worth the drive!
Thursday, November 21, 2013 • The Wright County Monitor Page 15
. .
Age Group 6-7
Carson Lullmann won first place in the NFL PPK Sectional held in Clarion on Oct. 19, 2013. Punt: 68 feet, 9 inches; Pass: 56 feet, 4 inches; Kick: 54 feet, 6 inches; Total: 179 feet, 7 inches. Kaden Abbas won second place and Diego Gonzalez won third place.
Age Group 10-11
Christian Roquet won first place in the NFL PPK Sectional held in Clarion on Oct. 19, 2013. Punt: 74 feet, 7 inches; Pass: 69 feet, 7 inches; Kick: 79 feet, 8 inches; Total: 223 feet, 10 inches. Placing second was Tate Stine-Smith and third place went to Kain Nelson.
Age Group 14-15
Nathan Karsjens won first place in the NFL PPK Sectional held in Clarion on Oct. 19, 2013. Punt: 108 feet, 3 inches; Pass: 129 feet, 10 inches; Kick: 111, 5 inches; Total: 349 feet, 6 inches. Nick Ebbers won second place and Devin Burgart won third place.
Proud sponsors of the Cowboy’s and Cowgirl’s Sports page are:
Dr. Pamela K. Kelch, DDS, PC Iowa Specialty Hospital - Clarion and Belmond To find out how to get your business added to this list call Frankie at 515-532-2871
Clarion Theatre
Free Merchant Movies The movies are free but you need a ticket from a participating sponsor to get in. Limited seating. First come basis.
All Movies Showing at 11:00 am Despicable Me 2 • November 30 Rise of The Guardians • December 7 The Croods • December 14
Age Group 8-9
Kellen Hartman won first place in the NFL PPK Sectional held in Clarion on Oct. 19, 2013. Punt: 60 feet, 10 inches; Pass: 61 feet, 6 inches; Kick: 60 feet, 7 inches; Total: 182 feet, 11 inches. Gannon Buhr took second place and Dominique Reyes won third place.
Riedel Tree Service All Tree Trimming and Removal Specializing in Farm Acreages
Free Estimates • Insured • Seasoned Firewood
Josh Riedel Cell: 641-430-7064
Dates for Spirit of Giving Spirit of GivinG - important DateS • Friday, November 22 - ornaments will be hung on the Christmas trees for the community to pick a child wish list. Trees are located at the Clarion Public Library and Iowa Specialty Hospital in Clarion. • Friday December 6 from 8:00 A.M. until 7 P.M. gift items can be taken to the Clarion Presbyterian Church. Please do not wrap the gifts. • Saturday, December 7 from 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Christmas Gifts can be picked up by the families at Clarion Presbyterian Church
Forget Black Friday, The Real Deals are on
Small Business Saturday, Nov. 30 • Great Sales and Promotions • FREE Merchant Movie at 11 a.m. • Home Business Vendor Market at grounded 9 a.m. to 12 noon
Shop to say “Thank You” for the community support businesses provide all year. This event is a promotion of the Clarion Chamber and Development
Age Group 12-13
Brook Farley won first place in the NFL PPK Sectional held in Clarion on Oct. 19, 2013. Punt: 102 feet, 4 inches; Pass: 107 feet, 10 inches; Kick: 117 feet, 3 inches; Total: 327 feet, 5 inches. Theodore Baldus won second place and Wade Adcock won third place.
Sam’s Chinese Kitchen
Snow Crab Leg Buffet Friday, November 22 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
(515) 532-2989 104 Central Ave. E. Clarion, IA. 50525 Accept Visa, MasterCard
Kids Korner will be having a meet and greet for
Hannah McLaughlin
Thursday November 21 • 6:30 pm. This will be a chance for parents and members of the community to come and meet the new director.
Ad Tech Solutions Ameriprise Financial Services - Steven Burkheimer Ameriprise Financial Services - Kevin Kakacek Art U Creative/Preppy Farmer Bradford Group Chappy’s on Main Clarion Distributing Clarion Hardware Hank Clarion Lions Club Clarion Rotary Clarion Ruritans Clarion Super Foods C & J Mini Storage Daisy’s on Main Dr. Charles Davis, DC Ennis Corp Envy Salon by Brittany Evans Furniture & Floor Covering First Citizens National Bank First Sate Bank and Town & Country Insurance Flatlander’s Outpost Bruce Frink CPA Fuel Hagie Manufacturing Hanson & Sons Tire Hearts & Flowers Heaven Scent Floral & Gifts Imagine That Illinois Foundation Seed Iowa Specialty Hospital Dr. Pamela K. Kelch, DDS Larson Lawn Care Lifetouch Studios Maasdam Construction Main Street Style and Tanning Mister G’s for Him & Her Monsanto Ag Products Moriarty Dental Group Murry Wise Associates MyMedMart North Central Cooperative North Iowa Real Estate & Wright County Land & Title Oldson’s Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc Paradigm Benefits Piece by Piece, LLC Myron and Shelley Pohlman Sam’s Chinese Kitchen Security Savings Bank Service Master Cleaning Services Silpada Designs - Vicki Iverson, Representative Dr.’s Snively & Gildner State Farm Insurance Studio Portraits Sumners Insurance Agency Swanson Farms The Hair Studio The Print Shop Thrifty White Pharmacy Torkelson Construction Town and Country Realty Burton E. Tracy & Company,CPA T & S Sanitation Urness Hardware & Appliance Wells Fargo Bank Wright Choice Chiropractic Wright County Monitor Wright Cuts Barber Shop Wright Eyes by Danny
Page 16 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, November 21, 2013
Acreage Reporting Dates for 2014 Wright County USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Executive Director Tamara Pruin announced that producers who file accurate and timely reports for all crops and land uses, including failed acreage can percent the potential loss of FSA program benefits. Please pay close attention to the acreage reporting dates below, as some dates have changed for 2014. “In order to comply with FSA program eligibility requirements, all producers are encouraged to visit the Wright County FSA office to file an accurate crop certification report by the applicable deadline,” said Pruin. The following acreage reporting dates are applicable for Wright County:
December 15: Fall seeded small grains and perennial forage July 15, 2014: All other crops The following exceptions apply to the above acreage reporting dates: · If the crop has not been planted by the above acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 15 calendar days after planting is completed. · If a producer acquires additional acreage after the above acreage date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 30 calendar days after purchase or acquiring the lease. Appropriate documentation must be provided to the county office.
· If a perennial forage crop is reported with the intended use of “cover only,” “green manure,” “left standing,” or “seed” then the acreage must be reported by July 15 (cover crops only). According to Pruin, Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) policy holders should note that the acreage reporting date for NAP covered crops is the earlier of the dates listed above or 15 calendar days before grazing or harvesting of the crop begins. For questions regarding crop certification and crop loss reports, please contact the Wright county FSA office at 515-532-2849.
Board reminds consumers of winter heating disconnection law and available assistance General LIHEAP/Weatherization applications accepted on November 1 As the home heating season approaches, the Iowa Utilities Board reminds eligible Iowa households that the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and associated Home Weatherization Program protect against energy utility service disconnection and can help reduce residential heating costs this winter. The latest energy and winter fuel outlook from the U.S. Energy Information Administration projects higher average household natural gas and electric heating costs. The LIHEAP program provides lowincome consumers with limited financial assistance to cover a portion of their winter heating expenditures.
The related weatherization program offers long-term financial relief to households by improving energy efficiency, educating consumers about energy use, and providing methods to reduce consumption. Iowa law requires that both programs protect a qualified household from natural gas or electric service disconnection from November 1 through April 1 during the annual winter disconnection moratorium. However, the Board urges all LIHEAP or Weatherization certified customers to continue paying toward their utility bills through the winter to avoid debt accumulation and potential service disconnection in the spring.
Need Plumbing Heating or Air Conditioning? Call Allen Home Center, Inc. 220 E. Main, Belmond, IA • 641-444-7354
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Customers not certified for LIHEAP or Weatherization may receive a 30-day stay from disconnection during the moratorium by notifying the utility that they will be applying for either of the energy assistance programs. However, those customers must apply or be subject to disconnection. Customers who do not qualify for Weatherization or LIHEAP may be disconnected for failure to pay utility bills during the winter moratorium timeframe. Heating assistance funds are limited, so LIHEAP applications will be accepted from households on a first come/first served basis at their local Community Action Agency (CAA) from November 1, 2013, through April 30, 2014. Households with disabled or elderly persons 60plus years of age were allowed to apply for pre-certification starting on October 1. Consumers without computer access may inquire with their local utility or the Iowa Utilities Board Customer Service Section toll-free at 1-877-565-4450 to locate the nearest CAA. For eligibility requirements, visit the Iowa Department of Human Rights, which administers both programs or call (515) 281-0859. The Iowa Utilities Board regulates utilities to ensure that reasonably priced, reliable, environmentally responsible, and safe utility services are available to all Iowans.
Clarion graduate to hold book signing
Len Froyen Clarion is the centerpiece of three of the thirteen chapters in Len Froyen’s recently released book Gratitude: Affirming One Another Through Stories. Froyen,
like many of his classmates, went elsewhere after graduating from Clarion High School in 1953. Yet he and his classmates still proudly claim Clarion as their hometown. The geography of their lives may have changed but nostalgia continues to stir thoughts of gratitude for a former day and a favored past. Many of their favorite stories took place in the neighborhoods and households scattered across the countryside. Among Froyen’s favorite stories is one devoted to building friendships when his family moved to Clarion in 1950. A second story takes place in Froyen’s Bakery where he learned to fry and glaze donuts. A third story retraces a relationship bridging two generations when he painted farm buildings for three summers. Froyen returned to Clarion for the Festival in the Park celebration
this past summer. He used the occasion of his 60th class reunion to introduce class members to his book. They urged him to publicize the book in the Wright County Monitor and to think about scheduling a book signing. He has followed the suggestion by supplying the copy for this article and setting a date for a book signing on Saturday, Nov. 23, from 11:30 am to 1:30 p.m. He has made arrangements with Curt Nelson at the former location of Froyen’s Bakery, now Fuel, Clarion’s newest restaurant. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. Come to Fuel and celebrate some of his personal history, extend the conversation of former days, by connecting with his gratitude affirming stories of growing up in Clarion.
Practical Farmers of Iowa seeks experienced farmers to become trainers for new beginning farmer program – Apply by December 9 AMES, Iowa — Does your farm seek a highly motivated farm employee? Are you looking for a way to support the next generation of Iowa farmers by sharing your farming knowledge with an aspiring farmer? If so, consider becoming a trainer in Practical Farmers of Iowa’s Labor4Learning program. The program, now entering its second year, is an effort to help beginning farmers receive paid, on-the-job training while helping experienced farmers attract highquality, motivated farm employees. Applications will be accepted through Dec. 9. Up to 15 trainer farms will be selected by a committee of Practical Farmers members. Farms of all sizes, enterprises, production practices and regions in Iowa are encouraged to apply. To be eligible to serve as a trainer, farmers must live or farm in Iowa and be Practical Farmers of Iowa members. To become a member, visit http:// or call the PFI office at (515) 232-5661. Tom and Mary Cory, who raise grass-based livestock at Cory Family Farm near Elkhart, took on their first longer-term employee, Rory Van Wyk, through the program last year and have been very pleased. “With our business growing, the Labor4Learning program was our nudge to go to the next level,” Mary says, explaining that in the past, she and Tom have only hired daily help during hay baling or other temporary periods of heavy workloads. “They were always high school age, whereas Rory is in his mid-30s – not that age matters. But he had basic background experience, which was important in our situation. He’s also motivated, because his goal is to start a grass-based farm with his wife. Without PFI offering this program, I don’t know that we would have taken the leap.” Program attributes: Approved trainer farms will receive a payment of up to $200 per month, not to exceed $1,000 per year. This money pays farmers to spend additional time educating trainees on farm business development – training that gives trainees knowledge and business insights beyond the experience they gain performing
tasks as a farm laborer. Training time may be flexible, on-the-job or of an informal nature, and should take about one to two hours per week. Trainers will also receive support learning about farm labor regulations. Trainees will receive other benefits, including: one paid day off to attend Practical Farmers events, such as field days; a special student rate discount to Practical Farmers’ annual conference; and special
consideration for free lodging at a PFI member’s home during the 2015 annual conference. Practical Farmers of Iowa will help advertise and connect trainees to employment opportunities at trainer farms; hiring decisions are made by the farm trainers. An application is available at, or request one by calling (515) 2325661. Applications will be accepted through Dec. 9.
Death is permanent. So is your Legacy. Got Wills? More than half of all Americans do not have a Will. If you are among them, the good news is that your wealth still goes to your family. The bad news is that your wealth may not go where you want it to go. If you die without a Will, and if you have always been married to your current spouse, your spouse will inherit all your wealth. That is probably what you want, and if so, there is no problem. But what if you have inherited a family farm and promised to keep it in your family? Too bad; the farm will still go to your spouse who can then leave it to anyone he or she wants. If you have been married more than once, and your surviving spouse is not the mother or father of your children, your wealth will be divided in half. Half will go to your surviving spouse, and half will be divided among all of your children. That may or may not be what you want. What if you don’t have a good relationship with some of those children? They will still inherit the same share as the ones you are closer to. What if you want your spouse’s children to inherit too? They can’t if you don’t have a Will. If all your children are adults at your death, they will inherit immediately. Their share will not be available to support your spouse. If you had one child with your first spouse and three with your current spouse, the four children will divide half of your wealth equally at your death, and the children of your
Homes for sale NeW lIsTING THIs Is THe Home for YoU aND YoUr famIlY! 416-1sT aVeNUe N.e. This large, 3 bedroom home is just what you’ve been looking for! The home has nice woodwork throughout, hardwood floors, modern kitchen with an eating bar, formal living room and dining room, spacious family room with a fireplace, first-floor laundry, large closets, open staircase and lots more. Fenced yard with playhouse! The kids can walk to school! Call Deb for a showing. 515-571-7105.
second spouse will probably split the second half at your second spouse’s later death. Many people want a more equal split. These aren’t the only problems with not having a Will. Without a Will, you cannot pick the person who will handle your affairs after your death. That responsibility will probably fall to your spouse or to the child who lives closest, regardless of his or her abilities. More importantly, you cannot pick the person who will raise your children in the unlikely event that both you and your spouse die prematurely. Without a Will, you cannot leave family heirlooms or family assets to the people who should inherit them. You can’t make a bequest to your favorite charity. You cannot leave your piano to your most musical grandchild or leave your farm or business to the family member who has contributed years of sweat equity. In fact, you will have no say in what your children do with that farm or business or how they divide it among themselves. The child who farms may be outvoted and have to watch the family farm sold out from under him or her. If those aren’t enough reasons to make a Will, think about your legacy and peace of mind. When you create your Will you help cement your legacy and you also get satisfaction knowing that your family, loved ones, and charitable organizations will receive exactly what you intend. You’ll also know you won’t be burdening your family or friends with difficult decisions after you’re gone. If you don’t have a will or haven’t updated it in a while, pick up the phone and contact your advisors. Get a Will done and fortify your legacy. Make a difference in your own life and make a difference in the lives that follow.
NeW lIsTING 417 NorTH maIN sTreeT sPaCIoUs CoNDo IN Ne ClarIoN GreaT loCaTIoN! This condo has many nice features including 2 nice-sized bedrooms, one with a master bath, large main bath, spacious living room, eat-in kitchen with a patio door to a deck, some newer appliances, newer flooring, lots of storage and a full basement. GREAT LIVING! MAINTENANCE FREE! MOVE-IN CONDITION! CALL NOW. ContactDeb Prehm @ 515-571-7105 ChECk out all ouR lIstINgs oN ouR wEbsItE at:
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North Iowa Real Estate
112 Central Ave. E. • Clarion • 515-532-3917
Jan Jerde-Broker (515) 532-3917 • (515) 851-1414 Kevin Reed-Sales Associate Deb Prehm-Broker Associate (515) 532-3917 • (515) 851-1586 (515) 571-7105
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Thursday, November 21, 2013 • The Wright County Monitor Page 17
Cowgirl players rank Cortney Olson well in NCC final stats wins Pigskin Picks
All-NCC volleyball
These three Cowgirl varsity volleyball players received selections to the 2013 North Central All-Conference Teams. Pictured are, from left; Hope Polzin, Jossie Sann and Celeste Swanson. Polzin was a First Team pick at the libero position. The junior was third in the league in digs and fourth in serving. Sann was a Second Team selection at a middle hitter position. The senior was fifth in kills per set, 12th in blocks and 13th in serving. Swanson was named to the Third Team as an outside hitter. The junior was fourth in kills per set, 14th in digs and 16th in blocks.
By Les Houser With all teams no longer playing, the North Central Conference final stat rankings have been made available. Several Clarion-Goldfield Cowgirl players are ranked highly in the various stat categories. The varsity team finished 19-14 overall in matches and 53-39 in sets played, with a 6-3 conference match record and 21-12 set record. The Cowgirl JV was 10-5 overall and 21-14 in sets, with a 7-2 conference mark (tied for second) and a 14-7 set record. The Cowgirl freshmen were 12-13 overall and 25-27 in sets, with a 5-4 conference match record (fifth) and a 10-11 set record. Individually, Hope Polzin was tied for fourth in serve efficiency with a .986 percent success rate. Her 138 successful serves (out of 140) ranks her fifth in that stat, and her 18 aces puts her second. Mara Warnke was 11th with a .971 efficiency, and she finished right behind Polzin with 136 successful serves (out of 140) with six of those for aces. Jossie
Sann finished tied for 13 with a .965 efficiency, making 82 of 85 with one ace. Jenalee Hinkle was ninth in assists, making 127 sets for points for a 4.23 average per set played. Maddie Disney was right behind in 10th with 138 total for a 4.18 average. Celeste Swanson was fourth in total kills with 106 and also fourth in average with 3.21 per set played. Even with limited court time this year, Sann still finished fifth in average with 3.11 and 10th in total kills with 84. She was also 14th in kill efficiency with .228, recording only 26 errors in 254 attack attempts. Polzin was third in digs with 171 total and 5.18 average per set. Swanson finished 14th with 101 total and a 3.06 average, and Disney was tied for 19th with 88 total and 2.67 per set. Sann finished 12th in blocks, making 15 solo and nine assists for 0.89 per set. Celeste Swanson was 16th with 19 solo and three assists for a 0.67 average, Hannah TerHark 18th with 11 solo and seven assists for a 0.60 average and Lili Swanson 20th with eight solo and nine assists for 0.52 average. th
Bill Roberts wins pizza party The 12th and final week of Pigskin Picks for 2013 produced a logjam of eight contestants tying with 9-3 records. Using the tiebreaker point total, Cortney Olson was only two off with her prediction of 42 so she takes first place. Second place goes to Scott Simmons via the weekly drawing. He was also just three off from the tiebreaker points. Others at 9-3, with their points off, were Bill Roberts (5), Scott Schulte (5), Roger Heginger (5), Jeff Stark (8), Barb Ainger (16) and Anthony Ainger (19). Finishing at 8-4 were Roger Abbott, Rob Schmidt, Landon Olson, Dewayne Knoshaug, Logan Holmes, Mitch Roberts, Chris Staudt, Les Ainger, Joy Amonson and Wade Kreitlow. The Dolphins vs. Chargers game was the most commonly
missed of the week. The grand prize drawing of a pizza party at Fuel goes to Bill Roberts. Logan Holmes takes the championship for the season with 109 correct games, followed by Roger Abbott 108, Russ Schumacher 107, Dee Baker 106, Jane Abbott 105, Rob Schmidt 105, Bill Roberts 104, Cortney Olson 99, Paul Larson 99 and Jeff Stark 98. Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to everyone who participated this year. Special thanks to our contest sponsors, and we would appreciate all of you that enjoy the contest to let them know that as well. Reminder to previous winners, if you have not stopped in the Monitor office to claim your winnings, please do so.
Winter sports schedule begins next week at home By Les Houser The Clarion-Goldfield-Dows winter sports teams will get into action starting next week, with the Cowgirls leading things off
by hosting Bishop Garrigan on Tuesday, Nov. 26. The Cowboys teams will make their season debut the following Tuesday, Dec. 3. That will be the first quad night of the year as the Cowgirls and Cowboys play visiting Eagle Grove. The two teams then travel to Fort Dodge on Friday, Dec. 6, to play St. Edmond. The Cowboy wrestling team will hit the mat for the first time this season on Thursday, Dec. 5, playing host to both Iowa FallsAlden and Central Springs in a double dual. Be watching for our first-ever Winter Sports Preview tab, which will be inserted in the December 12 issues of the Monitor and Eagle. It will contain stories on all the teams, along with photos, schedules and sponsor ads. Read the pages of the Wright County Monitor all winter long for complete coverage of Cowgirl and Cowboy athletics.
All-District football
These Cowboy players were chosen to the All-District teams for Class 2A, District 2. Pictured are (with position chosen at): Front, from left; Gavin Disney (DL), Caleb Hanson (OL), Trenton Sann (Utility), Zach Pogge (RB). Disney, Hanson and Sann were all First Team choices, while Pogge was named to the Second Team. Back, from left; Joel Haberman (Utility), Elliott Ahrens (LB), Mitch Gambrill (DL). These three were all honorable mention selections. In district stats, Sann was second in rushing yards with Pogge third. Haberman was ninth in receiving yards, and fourth in all-purpose yards with Sann fifth and Pogge sixth. Ahrens was third in tackles, with Hanson fourth and Disney 12th. Gambrill finished in the top 30 in tackles.
All-Academic football
These two Cowboy players were named to the All-Academic Team for Class 2A, District 2. To receive this honor, student-athletes must have maintained at least a 3.25 gpa as a junior or senior. Pictured are Kirby Simmons (Sr) and Logan Nelson (Jr).
grounded 118 North Main Street • Clarion • 515-602-6212 Hours: Breakfast: 7:00 - 11:00 am • Monday - Saturday Lunch: 11:00 am - 2 pm • Monday - Friday
Drinks and Treats until 3:00 pm
Lunch Box Special Daily
1/2 sandwich, soup or salad and chips or cookie.
($1.00 extra for a full sandwich)
The office will be closed Thanksgiving day and will be open regular hours on Friday, November 29.
Call in orders welcome!
Thank You
The Clarion Volunteer Fire Department would like to Thank the Community for all the wonderful support and success of the First Annual Fire Fighter’s Ball held on Saturday, November 16. Special ThankS To The 5 main SponSorS: First Citizens National Bank, North Central Cooperative, Hagie Manufacturing, Rich and Jan Bordwell, and Warren and Julie Clausen (donating in Memory of Rick McGonigle and Dave Thompson) Thank you to Bud Young for doing an amazing job emceeing the event and for the City of Clarion for making Saturday, November 16, 2013 honorary Fire Fighter’s Day in Clarion. Thank you to all the great people that donated door prizes and to the hard working staff for the good food and service at the Water’s Edge at Clarmond. Thank you also to the Eagle Grove Fire Department for being on call for the Clarion Department for the evening so all the Clarion Crew could attend the Ball! The funds raised for this event will help pay for a new compressor for filling the air tanks of the Fire Fighters.
Thank You all again From... The Officers and Members of the Clarion Volunteer Fire Department
Grand Prize Winner
(Party for 4 consists of 2 Large Specialty Pizza’s and 4 Drinks at Fuel)
Bill Roberts Week 12 Winners First Place: Cortney Olson Second Place: Scott Simmons
Page 18 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, November 21, 2013
From the Korner
By Marillyn Korth Next week will be the week before Thanksgiving and I want to think about all the things I have for which to be thankful. Many come to mind, but I will save that for next week. The Dows Methodist ladies had a wonderful dinner a couple of weeks ago. What a lot of work, but what good food and fellowship. We came from church that Sunday and enjoyed it very much. A good way to feed yourself and visit with friends on a Sunday. I have been watching a lot of documentaries on the Kennedys. 50 years ago and it seemed like yesterday when we were watching all the TV film. Someone said they couldn’t remember what they were doing. I was watching “As the World Turns” and Walter Cronkite came on with a special report and with his voice shaking he related that the president had been shot and a little later announced that the president was dead. What a terrible shock for
this nation. Then the coverage for the next few days of all the things that went into a state funeral. I remember that Elmer and Loretta and the kids came over and we all watched the funeral on TV. There were tears and a respectful attitude from all of us. Jon was a baby and he just got passed around as we watched. Seeing all the information again really brought it back. The Kennedy family has had its share of heartache. But they were in the public eye and were never afraid. At least I don’t think so. I spent the week getting ready for another Sunday dinner. I cleaned and cooked and we had a great time. Norma helps me and we try to be dignified and ladylike. But it is impossible. I put some garlic bread into the oven and she took it out and both ends of the envelope open and the loaf of bread flew out onto the floor. We scrambled to pick it up and no one was the wiser. I did
have to tell them after dinner. They all laughed and probably went home and took some strong medicine. Then I spilled a tablespoon of coffee grounds on the counter. Well, we cook but not too attractively. Ha! The folks all helped clean up. It is a delightful time for me as I need to be pushed to do some of those things. I am very tired, but I can go to bed and sleep till noon if I want to. I am using my walker now as my hip is hurting; the opposite hip from my accident. It never rains but what it pours. Guess I will talk to my doctor about it tomorrow or soon. Last night when I took my garbage out, the moon was absolutely beautiful. It was also very mild. A lovely evening. I think you would call that a harvest moon. I hope most of the harvest is done. So we are very fortunate. I must make my Sunday evening phone calls so till next time. Have a good week. MK
required. Pick up your free meal tickets (for meal counts) at Clarion Super Foods by Monday, November 25. ** From the Belmond Area Chamber of Commerce: “The Chamber’s 22nd Annual Parade of Lights is Friday, November 29 at 6:30 p.m. Lineup will once again be at City Park at 6 p.m., if you want to participate; fireworks start the parade. This year’s theme is Inside Santa’s Workshop. The Santa House will once again be open after the parade for children to have an opportunity to visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus.” ** From the bank staff in Clarion: “First State Bank & Town & Country Insurance are organizing a Food Drive to help families in Wright County. Any non-perishable food item can be dropped off at our office from November 1 thru November 30th. ** National celebration “Small Business Saturday” is November 30th. Support small town, local retailers who will be having great sales and promotions. Drop the kids off at the FREE merchant movie and hit the stores. Take the kids out for breakfast before the movie or a nice lunch at one of the many great restaurants in town. The holidays are a perfect time to support your local businesses. Shopping locally is a win-win for everyone. ** It’s coming the popular Annual Event: “Jingle Jam Kids Shoppe” - Saturday, December 7 from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. at the Clarion Public Library. Followed by a FREE Merchant Movie @ Clarion Theatre at 11 a.m.; it is “Rise of the Guardians”. Kids and your families, join in the fun. ** On that day (Saturday,
November 30) from 10 - 11 a.m., stop at Art U Creative, 104 North Main in Clarion to make a “Snowflake Ornament”, to make a cute snowflake out of paper for your Christmas tree. It’s FREE. ** Community Blood Drive - Tuesday, December 3 from 1 - 6 p.m. at the Clarion United Presbyterian Church. A reminder that the holiday season stays busy and blood supplies remain low. ** AT THE MOVIES: Showing at the Clarion Theatre from Friday, November 22 - Sunday, November 24, “Last Vegas”, rated PG-13. Show times nightly at 7 pm plus a Sunday matinee at 2:30 pm. And then again on Wednesday, November 27 at 7 p.m. For current shows and more information on to view a preview of this movie or upcoming movies, check them out at: ; phone number 1-515-602-6606.
The Clarion Wire
By Karen Weld ** From Heartland Museum: We are still looking for country school pictures. Thank you to those who have already shared; not too late to share more. It is helpful if we can identify who is in the picture, but fun even if we can’t. Guess/identify the year; location of the school. Call 1-515-602-6000 to schedule a drop off of copies/photos. ** From the Froyen family: “Len Froyen will be signing his book “Gratitude: Affirming One Another Through Stories” at Fuel, the former site of Froyen’s bakery (in Clarion) on Saturday, November 23 from 11:30 - 1:30 p.m. Books will be available for purchase. Unfortunately, raised glazed donuts will not be.” ** “Rowan Hymn Fest” celebration will be held at the Iowa River Players theatre on Sunday afternoon, November 24 beginning at 3 p.m. According to organizers, it is the 25th anniversary since the fall event has been held. The hymn fest was celebrated annually each fall for 20 years. Some of the original entertainers will be part of the event. Free will offering, proceeds will be used toward the newly formed Rowan chapter of the Wright County Historical Society. Public is invited. ** Annual Holmes Christmas Club Auction (70 years in 2013) on Monday, November 25 beginning at 6 p.m. - Chappy’s on Main, south Main Street in Clarion. ** Happy Thanksgiving! Clarion’s Ministerial Association is again sponsoring the Community FREE Thanksgiving Dinner at the Clarion-Goldfield High School on Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 28 at noon. Full Thanksgiving meal; freewill donations are accepted but not
Dows Area News
Birth Announcements
Cameron Nicholas Campbell was born October 25, 2013. He is the son of Nick and Julie (Kruse) Campbell of Des Moines. Grandparents are Ron and Diane Lentz of Dows, and Gary and Judy Campbell of Des Moines. Sophia Elise Shilling was born November 8, 2013. She is the daughter of David and Jennifer (Kruse) Shilling of Bondurant. Sophia has two brothers, Jonathan and Regan and two sisters, Maya and Ellie. Grandparents are Ron and Diane Lentz of Dows, and Kevin and Phyllis Shilling of Greenfield.
Dows & Clarion School Menus
Thursday, Nov. 21 • Breakfast: Pancakes with powdered sugar sprinkles, sausage, fruit. • Lunch: Maid rites, fries, strawberries, bananas. Friday, Nov. 22 • Breakfast: Cereal or yogurt, granola bar, fruit. • Lunch: Pepperoni pizza, garbanzo beans, broccoli, carrots, pineapple, cookie. Monday, Nov. 25
• Breakfast: Cereal or yogurt, toast, fruit • Lunch: Shrimp shapes, cinnamon sugar breadsticks, mashed potatoes, broccoli, celery, pears. Tuesday, Nov. 26 • Breakfast: Bacon scramble breakfast pizza, fruit. • Lunch: Grilled chicken sandwich, waffle fries, baby carrots, and applesauce. Wednesday, Nov. 27 • No school.
News from the Historic District
By Velma Butt Several years ago Iowa Tourism sent out a request to all Welcome Center contacts about a request from a person who was looking for information about rural churches in our area. He planned to do some magazine articles with the information received. I forwarded information about at least three rural churches in Franklin and Wright County. St. John Lutheran - rural Coulter, Morgan Methodist - rural Dows and the French church on the road to Woolstock. Whether that information was ever used, I have no idea but it was a special time for me to be able to share about rural churches in this area. The French
church and St. John’s remind me of the family church of my youth, It was not a rural church but in a very small community and was one of the oldest churches and the mother church to all the LCMS churches in Benton and Linn Counties. Several years ago the church was destroyed by fire and anyone who had ever had ties to that church was heartbroken, but God in His mercy saw that a new church would be built, and we now have our annual family reunion in the fellowship hall of that church and what a blessing it is to visit it and appreciate the accessibility this church has which is much better than the former
building. In the mail today with our weekly Farm News was their calendar for 2014. The Farm News does the barn book, the Women in Ag book so their calendar pictures reflect some of these features. In 2014 the monthly pictures are mostly rural churches and included is our community rural church Morgan Methodist for the month of September. The Farm News features weekly articles by several of their reporters and I enjoy seeing what they have to share each week. Also a couple times a year they ask for a small donation to help with publishing costs and winners are chosen from those who participate, we have a free television set to prove it. Harvest is about complete but the farmers will still be in the field as long as possible so still be on the lookout for slow moving machinery. Snow, we have had some two times already so be prepared for slick spots and until next time “KEEP ROLLING”.
Kensington Club report By Mary Ellen Patterson Kensington Club met November 1 at the Crème with 10 members attending the Dutch Treat meeting. The club had two members helping with the community Halloween Party at the Convention Center the previous evening. Plans were made for our Christmas meeting/party on December 6. We will meet at the Crème for a noon Dutch Treat luncheon, followed by our traditional White Elephant gift exchange. After the meeting, we will decorate a tree at the Convention Center for the upcoming Christmas open house. Also we will collect our usual silver offering for a local need, as well as deciding on a monetary gift for a local resident living with multiple sclerosis, MS being the club’s “pet project”. Iris Eriksen, the community’s well-known story teller, gave a history of the Wampanoag Indians living on the coast of New England, the Island of Nantucket, and the coming of Pilgrims who were welcomed by the Indian, Massosoit. Mary Ellen Patterson had information about the other national holiday observed in November, Veterans Day, and how it came to be, how it is observed, how many veterans are in the United States today, and the health care system for veterans. The meeting was adjourned
Dows Business & Professional Directory
with several jokes/stories told by our president, Lisa Stuck, because our long-time “resident story-teller”, Mabel, has moved to Ames.
Spinning Wheels
Friday & Saturday • 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. • Admission $4.00 We are available for private parties! • 218 1st St SW • 532-3686
Now opeN for busiNess Call for an appointment with Dr. Todd Brown 515-602-6910
MISSING MISSING Reward offered $20,0 MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING Reward offered $20,000 $20,000 900 Central Ave. E • Clarion
Muhlenbruch Insurance
Shannon Muhlenbruch, Agent
COONLEY & COONLEY John E. Coonley Attorney at Law Hampton, Iowa 641-456-4741
Office Hours in Dows by Appointment
515-852-4156 Authorized, Independent Kinetico Dealer
- DOWn to Earth Regular Hours: Monday-Friday 10-5 Saturday 9-noon 515-852-4699 1-800-657-6985
Tenold-Andrews Funeral Homes
Personal Services Belmond, Iowa 641-444-4474
THIS SPACE IS RESERVED Pharmacist on duty: FOR YOU! APARTMENTS APARTMENTS Mon., Tues., Wed., 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
has immediate openings! 1 & 2 bedroom apartments for rent. Appliances and laundry provided. DOWS DEVELOPMENT Mark Odland, RPH DOWS DEVELOPMENT For an application call:
URPHY Thurs., 9 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. immediate openings! has immediate has openings! CALL: 515-852-3344
Fri., Sat.,for9 rent. a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 1&2 for bedroom 1&2 bedroom apartments rent. apartments Store Hours: Appliances Appliances and laundry provided.and laundry provided. Mon.-call: Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. For an application For an application call:
FOR MORE 515-295-2927 Sat. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Murphy M anageMent Murphy M anageMent Thomas managemenT , I nc . Thomas m anagemenT , I nc . After hours emergency phone, 515-852-3585 INFORMATION 515-859-7218515-852-4628 •515-295-2927 1-800-600-9946 515-295-2927 •515-859-7218 515-852-4628••1-800-600-9946 515-852-4628
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 am - 12 pm • 12:30 - 5:30 Friday 8 am - 12 pm Later hours available by appointment
If reported by December 2, 2013
Reward offered $20,000 Reward offered
If reported by December 2, 2013 conditions apply Reward offered Ethan Bert K If reported by December 2, $20,000 2013 conditions apply Reward offered $20,000
If reported by December 2, 2013 conditions apply Age: 22 Ethan Bert Kazmerzak Ethan Bert Kazmerzak If reported by December 2, 2013 conditions apply Ethan Bert Kazmerzak Age: 22 Missing Since: Age: 22Kazmerzak Ethan Bert
Age: 22 Since: 09/15/2013 Age: Missing 22 Missing Since: 09/15/2013 Missing Since: 09/15/2013 Date of Birth: Missing Since: 09/15/2013 DateBirth: of Birth: 04/12/1991 Date 04/12/1991 Date of of Birth: 04/12/1991 Date of Birth: 04/12/1991 Ethnicity: Whi Ethnicity: White Ethnicity: White Ethnicity: White Ethnicity: White Sex: MaleSex: Male Sex: Male OTHER INFORMATION: OTHER INFORMATION: Sex: Male OTHER INFORMATION: Sex: Male OTHEROTHER INFORMATION: INFORMATION: Distinguishing MarksInclude: Include: Beard, Grateful Dead Tattoo Hair Color: Dark Blonde Distinguishing Marks Beard, Grateful Dead Tattoo Hair Color: Dark Blonde on left Marks upper arm. Distinguishing Marks Include: Beard, GratefulGrateful Dead Tattoo Hair Hair Color:Color: Dark Blonde Distinguishing Include: Beard, Dead Tattoo Distinguishing Marks Include: Beard, Grateful Dead Tattoo on left upper arm. HairBlonde Color: Da Dark Heupper was reportedly wearing orange or peach colored shorts, on left arm. Eye Color: Blue He was orange or peach colored shorts, on upper arm. onleft left upper arm. andreportedly areportedly white or wearing tealwearing printed shirt. Eye Color: Blue He was orange or peach colored shorts, and a white or teal printed shirt. He reportedly wearing orange or peach colored Eye Color: Blue may driving a 2006 silveror Volkswagen Jetta, shorts, and aHe white orbe teal printed shirt. Hewas was reportedly wearing orange peachshorts, colored Eye Color: Weight: 180 Blue He may be driving a plate 2006 silver Volkswagen and a white or tealbe printed shirt. Eye Color: Blue an Iowa license of AUZ 382. with He may driving a 2006 silver Volkswagen Jetta, Jetta, OFFICE: 641-866-6866 and a white or teal printed shirt. Weight: 180 Weight: 180 with anIowa Iowa license plate of 382. AUZ 382. Jetta, He may be driving a 2006plate silver Volkswagen an license of AUZ with Height: 5’ 5″180 He may belicense driving a 2006 TOLL FREE: 1-877-667-8746 with Weight: an Iowa plate of AUZsilver 382. Volkswagen Jetta, Height: 5’Height: 5″ 5’Weight: 5″ 180 with an Iowa license plate of AUZ 382. Missing From: Hampton, Height: 5’ 5″ Missing From: Hampton, Hampton, Iowa Missing From: Height: 5’ 5″ IowaMissing From: Hampton,
“Your One Stop Water Shop”
Titan Machinery Hwy. 65/20 N. • Iowa Falls
1-800-657-4750 641-648-4231
conditions apply
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Missing From:
POLICE DEPARTMENT IF YOU SEE reward can be found at HAMPTON POLICE 1-800-383-0088
More informatio reward can be
November 21, 2013 The Wright County Monitor • Page 19
Dows Area News
DOWS COMMUNITY CALENDAR Thursday, Nov. 21 • Library Story Hour for kids ages 3-5 from 10-11 am. Questions contact the library at 852-4326. Friday, Nov. 22 • Texas Style Jam from 6-9 p.m. Bring a snack to share. Tuesday, Nov. 26 • JV/Var girls’ basketball at Clarion, 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27 • No School.
Thursday, Nov. 28 • No school. Happy Thanksgiving. Friday, Nov. 29 • No school. Monday, Dec. 2 • 9th grade basketball at Clarion, 6:30 p.m. • Dows City Council to meet at City Hall, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 3 • JV/Var basketball at Clarion 3:45 p.m.
The Clarion-Goldfield/Dows band was a big hit at the last Veterans Day program at the Dows School. The gymnasium was full of veterans and those wishing to honor all of the veterans that day.
Holmes Christmas Club continues holiday tradition of giving
Dows Lions Soup Supper/Raffle on Saturday, December 7
Annual auction at Chappy’s on Main in Clarion, Nov. 25 By Deb Oelmann It’s the time of year to think about those less fortunate. The Holmes Christmas Club gears up for another year of doing just that, and more. They will hold their annual auction again this year at the Chappy’s on Main in Clarion at 6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 25. The Holmes Christmas Club’s holiday fruit basket tradition continued in 2012 when nearly 1000 baskets were delivered to the care centers and retirement homes in Wright county, as well as elderly
By Linda Denio On Broadway...Well, not N.Y.C..... but our own N.Y.C., Broadway Street in Rowan, IA to be exact. Just a few miles from many home towns in the Iowa River Valley lies a treasure of great value. Some of us have found it and can’t stay away and others have yet to discover it. In the old school gym many times a week you can find numerous men, women and children working together. They are rehearsing a play, preparing scenery, outfitting cast members with costumes, and building new friendships all in the process of bringing to life a wellknown & loved Christmas story concerning the reclamation of one
Ebenezer Scrooge. Directed by Luanne Krabbe, this Iowa River Players cast and crew (which very likely includes someone you know) are meeting 2-4 nights a week and Saturdays, hoping that you will take the opportunity to go back in time with us to 19th century London. It’s been a gift for each of us to be a part of this wonderful resource. When our audience arrives the circle is complete. During this Christmas Season, on December 6, 7 & 8, 13, 14 & 15 to be exact, we share with our community the gift of live theater.
Our local Commercial Club members are sponsoring prize drawings at eight local businesses down town this Christmas shopping season. When you are in any of the main street stores doing your shopping, don’t forget to sign up for two $25 gift certificates in each store. Drawings will occur on December 20th, and you do not need to be present to win.
Crafters/Vendors needed for Open House
Tables will be set up in the Dows Community Convention Center on Saturday night for vendors, crafters or anyone who has something that they would like to sell as Christmas gifts. The tables will be set up on Friday, and rent is $5. To make a reservation, please call City Hall at 852-4327.
Texas Style Jam November 22
The next Texas Style Jam will be this Friday, Nov. 22 from 6 - 9 p.m. at the Dows Community Convention Center; bring snacks to share. Contact Annie and/or Terri if you have questions. Call 1-641-8532495 or 1-515-689-3986.
7 0Z
6-13 OZ
Norm Proceeds from the soup supper will go toward the purchase of a seeing-eye dog through a Lions program which trains the dogs. The Dows Lions have named their dog “Norm”. The Dows Lions also support the sign on the east end of Ellsworth, projects like Hearing Aids and glasses (collection boxes around town at local businesses), camp courageous and diabetic camp for kids. Head on down town on December 7 for great shopping and a great meal.
y Grocer s!! Special
14 OZ
14 OZ
8 OZ
15 OZ
8 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. 10 A.M. - 1 P.M.
$1.29 $1.25 $2.49 $3.49 $3.99 $4.49 $1.49 $1.75 $1.49 $1.49 10 OZ
14 OZ
15 OZ
7 OZ
14 OZ
12-16 OZ
18 OZ
6-9 0Z
12-16 OZ
6 OZ
32 OZ
15 OZ
$1.00 $1.00 88¢ $1.25 $2.49 $1.00 3/$5 $3.75 $2.99 14 OZ
p.m., passing out bags of goodies, so bring your kids and camera. Santa will be at the Community Convention Center at 6 p.m., and the firemen will be running the Christmas train on the streets of Dows, beginning at 5 p.m. There will be craft vendors with booths set up in the front part of the Dows Community Convention Center, so you can get a good start on your Christmas shopping.
Dows Community Grocery DOWS, IOWA | 515-852-4303 WE ACCEPT WIC/EBT
and shut-ins in Belmond, Clarion, Dows, Eagle Grove, Galt, Goldfield, Holmes, Rowan, Woolstock, and rural areas of Wright county. Because of last year’s auction, raffle, and monetary contributions the group also had the funds available to make over $26,000 in donations to local worthy causes: One hundred percent of the funds collected will go to help people and causes in Wright County. A nine-member board with the help of untold volunteers throughout the county organize and help carry out all of the good deeds. The Christmas Club would like to invite everyone to head over to the Knotty Pine party room on the Monday, Nov. 25. If you have an item to donate, Kathy Braun is the local contact for more information. Call her at 515852-4258, or call Chappy’s at 515532-2727.
Shop your local Commercial Club members for your chance to win $25
IRP’s ‘A Christmas Story
Make plans to be in town on Saturday, Dec. 7 as the Lions Club holds their annual Soup Supper and Raffle at the Dows Community Convention Center from 5-7 p.m. The Lions are serving various kinds of soups, along with sandwiches and bars/cookies. They are also raffling off a $1000 grand prize that night, along with $250 for second prize and then three more lucky tickets will be drawn for $50 worth of Dows bucks each. The drawing will be held at 7 p.m., after the soup supper. You need not be present to win the prizes. Tickets are $10 each, and may be purchased from any Lions Club members, at Muhlenbruch Insurance, and will still be available the night of the supper. Santa will also be on hand at 6
20 OZ
$3.29 $3.99 5 OZ
12 OZ
9 OZ
24-32 OZ
48 OZ
$1.49 $5.49 $1.49 $2.88 $1.99 $1.88 $1.49 $1.75 $1.99 $3.99 $1.99 20 OZ
$1.29 $1.79
8 OZ
y Grocer !! Specials
$1.99 12 OZ
$1.99 8 OZ
99¢ $1.99 $1.99 $2.00 HY-TOP BUTTER
14 OZ
$1.89 12 OZ
16 OZ
16 OZ
15 OZ
8 OZ
12 OZ
$2.75 $1.29 $2.49 FROZEN 30 OZ
68-160 COUNT
$8.49 4 POUNDS
$1.25 12 OZ
12 OZ
Rob will be smoking turkeys for Thanksgiving!
Whole Turkey 79¢/lb
Hot off the smoker sliced and ready to serve! Pick up Thursday morning! Call Rob for details 515-852-4304
16 OZ
Page 20 The Wright County Monitor • Thursday, November 21, 2013
1st Annual Firemans Ball
El Morelense
Fuel will be closed on
Mexican Restaurant
Thanksgiving Day
$5.00 Daily Specials Tuesday- All types of enchiladas Wednesday- Burritos Thursday- Taco Salads Friday- Taco Fajitas (Full menu offered everyday!)
so our family can spend time with their families.
Closing early on Friday, Dec. 13 for a private party. Hours will be 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 223 North Main • Clarion 12 midnight 515-532-FUEL (3835)
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rom your (HEY-MORT) backyard Water & Sewer 800-579-6678
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Very affordable pricing!
Chicken Fajitas
Hours- Monday’s • Closed Tuesday-Sunday • 10 am -9 pm
115 South Main Street Clarion • 515-602-6111