Dec. 4, 2013 E-Edition

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Ogden Reporter






Bethel Church presents “The Gospel According to Scrooge” rector Tracy Nation. “The Gospel According to Scrooge is Bethel’s way of sharing the Christian message that Jesus is ‘. . . the way, the truth and the life’ - Romans 14:6. It’s a fun, but meaningful way to begin the Christmas season.” Bethel Church is located at 1726 L Avenue near the intersection of R18 and E57.

Cast and crew members, all from Bethel Church in rural Boone County, are preparing their 15th production of The Gospel According to Scrooge. This year’s presentation will be Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6 and 7 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 8 at 2 p.m. Seating will begin one hour before each performance and a free-will offering will be taken. The church has been presenting “Scrooge” since 1983. “Scrooge” is a modern-day musical version based on Charles Dickens’ book “A Christmas Carol” which the author James P. Schumacher has

rewritten with a Christian theme. The church sanctuary and foyer are transformed into an old English village with a stage backdrop, windows decorated as storefronts and hanging shingles to depict various businesses of the era. Players are fully costumed in dress of the late 1800s and the musical numbers are choreographed and sung to taped background accompaniment. “The production has many serious moments, with a serious message to convey, though it is generally light-hearted and entertaining.,” says di-

4-H adult volunteers honored at Awards Day

A holly, jolly Christmas in Ogden

Volunteers are the backbone of the Boone County 4-H program. Adult 4-H volunteers were recognized at 4-H Awards Day held on Sunday, November 10 at the Community Building at the Boone County Fairgrounds. Alumni Award Kim Rhodes of Ogden was presented the 4-H Alumni Award. Kim is a Boone County 4-H Alumni of the Westside Hustlers 4-H Club and is a dedicated 4-H volunteer. After graduating from Iowa State University with a degree in microbiology she began volunteering as a project leader for the Westside Hustlers and held a position on the Poultry Committee. While on that committee, Kim helped organize the poultry/rabbit FSQA, pullorum testing and the poultry show at the Boone County Fair. Rhodes is a very passionate person, loving to share what she knows with others. In 2012, her father and her started the Poultry Club to share their passion for poultry with youth in 4-H. Kim is currently the secretary of the Boone County 4-H Youth Committee which oversees the 4-H program in Boone County.

Santa • Open houses • Tree lighting • Soup supper • Wagon rides The Christmas holiday is fast approaching and the Ogden Legacy Promotions and Marketing Committee is making plans for our town’s festivities.

to sit with Santa for a photo opportunity, then make a craft frame for their picture. Mrs. Claus will be on hand to read some Christmas stories, too. Entry fee is $1.

Breakfast with Santa

Getting ready for Santa

A breakfast with Santa will be Saturday, Dec. 7 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Leonard Good Community Center. Donuts, milk and juice will be provided. Children are invited

Be sure to stop by the Leonard Good Library from 1 to 2 p.m. Saturday where the library gals will be decorating cookies and assisting with a craft. This is a free event.

Wade Sundell voted “Athlete of the Year”

Our Angels at the Manor

Friend of 4-H The Friend of 4-H Award was presented to Kris Goos of Boone. Kris has spent many years training her dogs and has been invited to judge dog agility trials nationwide. Boone County is very fortunate to have her as a dog agility instructor for the 4-H program. In 2012, Kris began teaching dog agility to 4-Hers in Boone County with the goal of sharing her knowledge and passion. She encourages the kids to keep an open mind when training their dogs, and above all, enjoy the bonding time with their 4-legged friends. They now call their group the Canines and Clovers 4-H Agility group and enjoyed hosting the first ever all 4-H Agility Trial for Iowa this summer. Kris is making a difference in the lives of both 4-Her’s and dogs as she teaches, coaches and develops pride and confidence. Meritorious Service to 4-H The Meritorious Service to 4-H Award was presented to Boone Bank & Trust. For 65 years, Boone Bank & Trust has sponsored the Outstanding 4-H Member awards which recognize the hard work of 4-Hers. The first documented Outstanding Member award was given out in 1948 to two 4-H’ers for outstanding records and was sponsored by the then named, Boone State Bank & Trust Company. Since then the Outstanding member awards have expanded into the current three categories and are given out to 20 members annually. They also support 4-H by sponsoring the Small Animal Showmanship Awards, given to nine members annually, during the Boone County Fair. Boone County is fortunate to have a business so willing to support its youth. Fran Thompson Memorial Outstanding Leader Award A highlight of the 4-H Awards Day program is the presentation of the Fran Thompson Memorial Outstanding Leader Award. This year’s recipient was Mari Lynn Heineman of Ogden. Mari Lynn is a co-organizational leader of the Westside Hustlers since 2003. Through her dedication and commitment, this club has grown to 49 members. Mari Lynn also served on the Boone County 4-H Youth Committee from 2006-2009. Beyond being a 4-H leader, she serves on the preschool board, the Ogden Boosters as well as many church committees. Mari Lynn and her husband Paul have three sons: Andrew, Marcus and Grant. Award of the Clover During the awards ceremony Mary Clancy, Boone County Extension Program Coordinator, presented Award of the Clover pins to 13 4-H volunteers. A 40-year five point diamond pin was awarded to Deb Owens of Luther. Two 25-year emerald pins were awarded to Kim Bengtson and Tom Kauffman, both of Boxholm. A 20-year diamond pin was awarded to Dennis Lynch of Ames. A 10-year gold pin was awarded to Chris Swanson of Madrid. Five-year silver pins were awarded to Jess Haht, Jeremiah Haub, Kacy and Suzan Frantum and Kim Rhodes of Ogden, Kevin Kordick, Bill Martin and of Boone, Mia Glasgow of Woodward. During the Awards Day program, members of the Boone County 4-H Youth Committee presented 4-H member awards as well and recognized 4-H club leaders. Thirty one youth were installed as members of the 2013 - 2014 County 4-H Council.

Watch next week’s Ogden Reporter for more photos.

Rodeo Fame magazine voted saddle bronc rider Wade Sundell as “Athlete of the Year.” The magazine will be featuring the Boxholm native in its next issue. Sundell is making a return trip to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, Thursday through Saturday, Dec. 5-14, where he placed first in two events last year. The event matches top cowboys with the toughest and fastest livestock in a head-to-head competition to crown the PRCA World Champions. Each of the 10 rounds will be aired on the Great American Country channel. For a complete schedule of air times, go to the Great American Country website at www.

Swede Valley Christmas concert The Ames Chamber Artists will present a concert of Christmas music entitled “Northern Lights” Saturday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. at Swede Valley Lutheran Church. The choral group is directed by Dr. James Rodde and accompanied by David Howell. Tickets are not needed for this concert, however, a free will offering will be taken. Everyone is invited to attend, hear wonderful music and see the newly-refurbished church.

Residents in nursing homes are often the forgotten ones during the busy holiday season. But for Ogden Manor’s Life Enrichment Coordinator Rose Fowler, they are first and foremost on her mind and she wants to make sure each one is remembered this holiday season. “I love to see the joy on their faces when they have a gift under the tree,” she says. “I want to make sure everyone has a gift. Not every family has the means to get their loved ones something for Christmas, and some here have no family.” So Fowler has put up an Angel Tree. She is encouraging people to stop in and choose an angel tag. She asks that gifts be returned by Wednesday, Dec. 18.

Music of the season All three Ogden Community Schools have concerts scheduled for this year’s holiday season. Be sure to mark your calendar. Tuesday, Dec. 10: Howe Elementary School Concert (grades 1 and 2) at Ogden Middle School at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15: OHS Winter Band Concert at 2 p.m. in the high school auditorium Monday, Dec. 16: OHS Holiday Vocal Concert, “Sounds of the Season,” will be at 7 p.m. at Community United Methodist Church. Tuesday, Dec. 17: Fifth and sixth grade band and vocal concert, 6:30 p.m.; Seventh and eighth grade at 7:30 p.m., Ogden Middle School.

SUNDAY ACTIVITIES Open houses 3 to 5 p.m. Continuing on in the weekend are several Sunday, Dec. 8 activities. Select businesses will be open from 3 to 5 p.m. Many have treats and in-store specials. Visit each store to have a card validated. When your card is complete you will be entered for a chance to win one of two $50

Ogden Bucks prizes. A drawing will be held at the soup supper. (You need not be present to win.) Following are the participating businesses: • Allie’s Hair Care - Grand opening, door prizes, Scentsy, crafts. CHRISTMAS please turn to page four

Little CeJay Jones of Ogden getting an early start on his bullriding career. -Photo provided

Never too young to ride Tuff-N-Nuff Miniature Rodeo Association is heading to the big show and taking their miniature bulls and cowboys along for the ride. Eight Junior and eight Pee-Wee TMRA cowboys are getting the chance of a lifetime and Ogden’s own CeJay Jones is among them. CeJay who is six and is in Kindergarten this year, just started riding bulls last summer. He is the son of Chris and Lanna Jones, and brother to Dakota and Dawson. The Hopkins family from Dayton (Johnny, Peggy and Levi), are the proud owners of TMRA. They work hard to give these little guys and gals the chance to ride bulls just like the pros do. They have been asked to travel out to the Denver National Western Livestock show with their bulls and cowboys to participate in the rodeo events. They will be featured in the rodeos Saturday, Jan. 11 and the 2013 Champions of TMRA will be featured in the rodeo Monday, Jan. 13. When asked what this means to them Johnny replied, “When we took the event in Denver it was on one term. I told them if we come out we bring our own riders. They deserve to be there just as much as us. They agreed to it so Denver here we come. This is one of the World’s largest stock shows if not the largest and our kids get to take part in it. I’m excited. It’s not just getting our bulls in front of large crowds - it’s getting our kids in front of them, too. That means a lot to us because it’s those kids and their families who make this all work.”

The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - PAGE TWO

Zion Lutheran Church Brunch & Bake Sale Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013 Zion Lutheran Church, Ogden 8:30 - 11:30 Menu inCLuDeS: Breakfast Casserole Cinnamon Rolls Hot Fruit Compote Fudgeons Orange Juice Coffee, and Milk White elephant Gifts Baked Goods Fudgeons Candy Silent Auction for an 84 x 94 handmade quilt. The bid will start at $125

Come see our Santas on display! Motor Coach Operator We need full and part-time Des Moines area drivers. Basic qualifications are: • Like to work with groups. • Have a Class A or B CDL with passenger & airbrake endorsement. • Business like appearance. • At least 25 years old. • No DUI in prior 7-yrs. • No more than 3 moving violations in prior 3-yrs. • No more than 1chargeable accident in the prior 3–yrs.

We offer competitive pay and benefits. Applicants should apply on-line at

OGDEN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES OGDEN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES October 16, 2013 7:01 AM The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on the above date. Present Chm. Darrell Heck, Donna SloanChristensen, Richard Smith, Supt. Dan Wilson, Administrative Assistant Kathy Weber, Brandon Craighton, and guest Eric Seeman, CPA; Houston & Seeman, P.C. Approval of Board Meeting: SloanChristensen moved to approve the September 18, 2013 Board Meeting minutes, Heck seconded. Ayes: Heck, Sloan-Christensen, Smith. Additions and Approval of Agenda: Smith moved to approve the agenda. Sloan-Christensen seconded. Ayes: Heck, Sloan-Christensen, Smith. Payment of Bills: Heck moved to approve the payment of the bills and two additions; Duke Aerial Equipment, Inc; $2,280.00; equipment rental and Comprehensive Emission Service; $1,919.53; emission testing labor. Smith seconded. Ayes: Heck, Sloan-Christensen, Smith. General Ledger Report: General Ledger report for September 2012 & September 2013, a previous 13 month comparison and a 13 month cash flow comparison were discussed. Further discussion emphasized electric department’s revenue and expense accounts. Resolution to Permit Reimbursement of Funds: Discussed a resolution to permit recovery of funds spent on the upcoming projects if the funding for the projects is from a future revenue bond issuance. The Auditor indicated that it should be adopted regardless of the funding method. Resolution for Emergency Repair Work: Tometich Engineering, Inc. has inspected the radiator building. Ted Hoeger, P.E. believes the failure of this structure will cause serious loss to the utilities, as defined by the Iowa Code 384.103(2), in the event of a substantial snow fall. Smith moved to adopt a Resolution for Emergency Repair Work on the radiator building. Motion died for lack of a second. Board members indicated the need for more information and decided to meet Thursday, October 17, 2013 at Noon to reconsider adopting the Resolution for Emergency Repair Work. Update on RICE-NESHAP Improvements: DGR Engineering requested a decision from the Board to ensure legal requirements of the Project Plans and Specifications. The options were: to formally review and approve the Project Plans at a later date or to formally approve releasing the Project Plans and Specifications for the bidding phase, indicating the plans are subject to final Board approval. Each option has varying time lines. Project bidding could start as early as mid November with a contract being awarded mid December. It is unknown at this time if special meetings will be needed or if it can be acted on at the monthly meetings. Heck moved, seconded by Sloan-Christensen to approve releasing the Project Plans and Specifications for the bidding phase. Ayes: Heck, Sloan-Christensen, Smith. Financing Information for Upcoming Projects: Discussed refinancing the present bond issue: financing of T-1 reconnect; Radiator Building repairs and the RICENESHAP improvements. Discussed the length of the loan and leaving the sinking fund intact and having 10 percent loan reserve in the event we use a bank financ-

ing instead of a bond issue. Succession Planning: This item will be discussed at the end of the meeting. Wellness Center and USDA Grant Update: Reviewed a letter from Johnson Law Office, P.C regarding the loan in the amount of $300,000.00 to Ogden Legacy. Community Safety Net Participation: Heck moved to approve participation in Community Safety Net Program. Smith seconded. Ayes: Heck, Sloan-Christensen, Smith. Reconnection of Transformer T-1, Engines Emission Equipment & Damage Claim Status: Wilson had nothing to report. Annual Wage Bonus: Discussed the annual wage bonus to employees. Motion by Sloan-Christensen to approved a bonus of $675.00 per employee, subject to lawful, required deductions; to be paid with the November 22, 2013 payroll. Heck seconded. Ayes: Heck, Sloan-Christensen, Smith. Department Project Updates: Discussed the progress on the new medical clinic. Schoon Construction will be installing conduit prior to sidewalk replacement at the new Wellness Center. The work is needed to replace damaged, direct buried wiring and by extending conduit to the west side of SW 4th providing additional loop feed capabilities. A diesel fuel issue was discovered with our trucks after replacement of a truck fuel pump. OMU could use our diesel storage, connecting a fill station to provide the fuel for our trucks. Board Member New Business: The next meeting is scheduled for November 20, 2013 at 7:00 A.M. Members inquired about OMU involvement in October 13th, Sunday morning water leak on SW 2nd. The leak was a private service line issue that ultimately required Utility involvement. Sloan-Christensen requested a formal date of Wilson’s retirement. Sloan-Christensen reiterated that interviewing should be done in November and coordinate the salary with annual wages in December. With that request in mind, Wilson announced his last day would be March 14, 2014. Smith and Craighton departed at 8:04 AM. To provide guidance to Staff, further discussions included where to advertise, the job description and time frame for interviewing and hiring. No action was taken. Adjourn: Motion by Sloan-Christensen, second by Heck to adjourn the meeting at 8:22AM. Ayes: Heck, Sloan-Christensen. DARRELL HECK, CHAIRMAN DANIEL L. WILSON, SUPT. CLAIMS FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 THRU OCTOBER 16, 2013 A & M LAUNDRY, INC. SUPPLIES .............................. $84.16 ACCESS SYSTEMS LABOR ................................. $214.23 AIRGAS USA, LLC SUPPLIES .............................. $91.30 CUSTOMERS SECURITY DEPOSIT REFUNDS (3), SECURITY DEPOSIT REFUNDS ............ $557.84 BLACK HILLS ENERGY NATURAL GAS SERVICE ..... $374.22 BORDER STATES ELEC SUPPLY TOOLS ................................... $80.56 BOYER PETROLEUM CO. LUBE OIL .......................... $5,618.04

We’ve expanded & renewed our commitment to lifetime service


CAPITAL CITY EQUIPMENT CO. RENTALS ............................. $154.00 CITY OF OGDEN .............TRUCK FUEL / STREET LIGHTS ............... $2,892.50 CLARK’S FOOD MART SUPPLIES .............................. $44.64 DANIEL L. WILSON MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $89.27 DEARBORN NAT’L LIFE INSURANCE INSURANCE EXPENSE ......... $87.50 DGR ENGINEERING ENGINEERING .................. $4,278.00 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING CO. RENTALS ............................... $33.38 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SYSTEMS INSURANCE EXPENSE ......... $45.50 FASTENAL COMPANY SUPPLIES .............................. $32.20 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO; INC. MATERIAL ............................ $225.78 HOUSTON & SEEMAN, P.C. LABOR ................................... $60.00 IA. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM, PAYROLL EXPENSE .......................... $3,991.35 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE .............. PAYROLL EXPENSE ............... $7,359.26 IOWA DEPT OF REVENUE & FINANCE USE TAX ............................... $469.00 KATHY WEBER, MILEAGE ......... $62.15 KRIZ DAVIS COMPANY MATERIAL / SUPPLIES ..... $1,735.72 LINDA SUNSTROM, MILEAGE $103.96 MATT PARROTT & SONS CO.................. SUPPLIES .............................. $49.79 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING CORP. LEGAL PUBLICATIONS ....... $136.43 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LABS, LABOR ................................. $420.00 OGDEN FARM & FEED CENTER RENTALS / TOOLS / MATERIAL ........................ $1,702.15 O’HALLORAN INTERNATIONAL MATERIAL ............................ $356.26 PAYROLL, SALARIES 09/27/& 10/11/2013 ...................... $18,618.06 PITNEY BOWES, POSTAGE...... $200.00 RANDY S. NEWTON SELF FUNDING.................... $789.36 RESALE POWER GROUP OF IA. PURCHASED POWERSEPTEMBER ................... $72,037.13 RICK STURTZ, MATERIAL / SUPPLIES ............................ $500.00 STRAUSS LOCK COMPANY RENTALS ............................... $59.35 STUART C IRBY CO. MATERIAL ....................... $11,149.40 TELVENT DTN, INC. RENTAL ............................. $1,632.60 TERRY WILL, SELF FUNDING .. $830.64 TREASURER, STATE OF IOWA PAYROLL EXPENSE ......... $1,250.00 TRI COUNTY BUILDERS, MATERIAL / LABOR ........................... $4,255.23 TRI-COUNTY LUMBER MATERIAL ............................ $774.92 U.S. CELLULAR .................TELEPHONE SERVICE ................................ $26.75 VISION BANK DEPOSIT SLIPS ..................... $51.76 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT CLAIMS ..........................$143,524.39 ACCESS SYSTEMS, LABOR .... $214.23 AIRGAS USA, LLC, RENTAL ..... $182.50 AUTO ELECTRIC & TUNEUP LABOR ................................... $35.00 BLACK HILLS ENERGY, NATURAL GAS SERVICE ........................ $29.00 BROWN SUPPLY CO; INC. MATERIAL ............................ $349.56 CENTURY LINK TELEPHONE SERVICE .......... $51.43 CITY OF OGDEN SEWER SERVICE ................... $47.30 CLARK’S FOOD MART SUPPLIES .............................. $44.64 HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS .......................... $10.00

HOUSTON & SEEMAN, P.C. LABOR ................................... $60.00 IA. DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES ANNUAL FEE ......................... $66.00 IOWA ONE CALL, LABOR ........... $64.20 MATT PARROTT & SONS CO. SUPPLIES .............................. $46.53 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING CORP. LEGAL PUBLICATIONS ....... $142.85 MID-IOWA SALES COMPANY ................ SUPPLIES .............................. $95.22 MUNICIPAL SUPPLY, INC. SUPPLIES ............................ $301.34 NAYLOR SERVICE & SALES EQUIPMENT ..................... $2,574.00 OGDEN FARM & FEED CENTER SUPPLIES / TOOLS ............. $223.62 OGDEN TELEPHONE COMPANY TELEPHONE SERVICE ........ $376.19 PITNEY BOWES, POSTAGE...... $200.00 POSTMASTER, POSTAGE ........ $322.56 RODGERS PLBG. & HEATING, INC. LABOR ................................. $280.00 SCHOON CONSTRUCTION, INC. LABOR .............................. $2,266.00 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA HYGIENIC LABORATORY, LABOR .......... $24.00 STRAUSS LOCK COMPANY RENTAL .................................. $20.00 TOM WALTERS COMPANY GARBAGE SERVICE .............. $55.00 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SERVICE .............................. $100.31 VERIZON WIRELESS TELEPHONE SERVICE .......... $50.72 VISION BANK, DEPOSIT SLIPS .. $51.76 WATER DEPARTMENT CLAIMS ............................. $8,340.27

OGDEN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES October 17, 2013 12:04PM The Board of Trustees met in special section on the above date. Present: Chm. Darrell Heck, Donna Sloan-Christensen, Richard Smith, Supt. Dan Wilson, and Administrative Assistant Kathy Weber. The purpose of this meeting is for the consideration of a Resolution for Emergency Repair Work on the radiator building. The Board, Wilson and Weber departed the board room at 12:05PM to see the radiator building, observe its present condition and to better explain the need for repairs; returning to the Board Room at 12:13PM. Before discussion on adopting the resolution, Wilson reported receiving a confirmation from Community Safety Net for the Drug/Fire Safety Program; 44 resources at a cost of $660.00 Motion by Sloan-Christensen, second by Heck, to authorize payment, not to exceed $660.00. Ayes: Heck, Sloan-Christensen, Smith. Iowa Code 384.103(2) allows the Board of Trustees to adopt a resolution making a finding of the necessity to institute emergency proceedings. Ted Hoeger, P.E. of Tometich Engineering, Inc. has previously determined the failure of this structure will cause serious loss to the utilities. The firm has furnished a conceptual plan for the Board and Staff comments. After discussion of possible remedies, the resolution was introduced by Wilson. He then polled the Trustees for their vote on adopting the Resolution of Finding of Necessity to Institute Emergency Repairs. Heck, Aye. Sloan-Christensen, Aye. Smith, Aye. Resolution is adopted. Adjourn: Motion by Smith, second by Sloan-Christensen to adjourn the meeting at 12:29PM. Ayes: Heck, SloanChristensen, Smith. DARRELL HECK, CHAIRMAN DANIEL L. WILSON, SUPT.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION TO RECLASSIFy ROADwAy TO CLASS C SERvICE STATUS The Boone County Board of Supervisors has set December 11, 2013, at 11:30 A.M., in the Board Room, Boone County Courthouse, 201 State Street, Boone, Iowa, as the date, time, and place to conduct a public hearing on a petition of abutting landowners to reclassify a portion of Boone County Road No. 1104, a 66 foot wide secondary road also known as the A.J. Bollenbaugh Road, located in the SW 1/4 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 SW 1/4, and the SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 7, Marcy Township, and the NW 1/4 NE 1/4, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 and the NW 1/4 NW 1/4 of Section 18 Marcy Township, to a Class C Area Service status. The legal description of this section of roadway is: Commencing 60 feet West of the N.E. Corner of Section 18, T. 83 N., R. 27 W. of the 5th P.M., Marcy Township, Boone

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County, Iowa; thence due West 1,400 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing due West 3,917 feet to the Point of Termination which is 33 feet due east of the N.W. Corner of said Section 18. This roadway is currently classified as a Class B Area Service status. Class C Area Service status will allow the erection of a locked gate at the east and west ends of the described roadway. Abutting property owners and public safety agencies will be issued keys for access. Written comments will be accepted by the Boone County Auditor, 201 State Street, Boone, Iowa 50036 before the hearing. All comments, written or oral, will be heard. After close of hearing, or at a time then determined, the Board of Supervisors will act to establish said described roadway as a Class C Area Service Road. Philippe E. Meier Boone County Auditor

Ruth’s Reflections Ruth will be back next week.

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BY THE OGDEN REPORTER, 222 W. WALNUT STREET, OGDEN, IA 502120818. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT OGDEN, IA. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE OGDEN REPORTER, P.O. BOX R, OGDEN, IA 50212-0818. CIRCULATION: The Ogden Reporter is distributed to 2,000 subscribers and over-the-counter buyers each Wednesday. The Reporter is the official newspaper for the City of Ogden, Ogden Community School District, and is an official newspaper for Boone County. DEADLINES: Friday noon. PUBLISHER: Ryan Harvey. PHONE: 515-275-2101 or 4101 - FAX: 515-275-2678 e-mail:


The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - PAGE THREE



IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Tom Prochnow, Pastor Tuesday, December 3:: Women’s Bible study is at 10 a.m. Wednesday, December 4: Prayer Shawl meets at 1 p.m. Thursday, Decmeber 5: TOPS meets at 6 p.m. Saturday, December 7: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Sunday, December 8: Worship with Holy Communion is at 9 a.m. Choir practice is at 10 a.m. Sunday School is at 10:15 a.m. Coffee Fellowship is at 10:15 a.m. Monday, December 9: Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Gary Hoyt, Pastor Wednesday, December 4: Children’s Choir is at 3:45 p.m. BEWAPS ringing bell for Salvation Army from 4 to 6 p.m. Bells practice is at 5:30 p.m. Junior High Youth Group meets at 5:30 p.m. Chancel Choir practice is at 6:30 p.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Bulldog Builders meet at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, December 5: Seekers Bible study is at 10 a.m. JAM is at 3:30 p.m. Monica Circle - TBD. Hope Circle to Lucky Pig - TBD. Grace Circle meetin gat home of Janice Anderson at 1:30 p.m. Friday, December 6: T.T.T. pick us at 5 p.m. Saturday, December 7: Christmas basket pick up from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Sunday, December 8: Prayer gatherin gis at 8:15 a.m. Sunday School is at 8:45 a.m. Children’s Sunday School program during worship at 10 a.m. soup lunch will follow. Wednesday, December 11: Children’s Choir practice is at 3:45 p.m. Jr. High Youth Group meets at 5:30 p.m. Bells practice. Chancel Choir practice is at 6:30 p.m. Televised worship is at 7 p.m. on Channel 6. Ministry Oversight Team meeting is at 7:30 p.m. Bulldog Builders meet at 8:30 p.m. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Wade Brandt, Pastor Wednesday, December 4: Bible class is at 9 a.m. Mid-Week is at 3:30 p.m. Junior LYF meets at 5 p.m. Advent worship is at 7 p.m. ELM St. preschool board meets. Thursday, December 5: LWML meets at 2 p.m. Saturday, December 7: Holiday brunch, bazaar and bake sale is from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Worship and Holy Communion are at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, December 8: Worship and Holy Communion are at 9 a.m. Program rehearsal is at 10:20 a.m. “Angel Tree” shopping is at 2 p.m.

Ogden Manor news Tuesday, December 3: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers are at 9:45 a.m. Reader’s Theater is at 10:30 a.m. Popcorn and movie, “Rudolph” is at 1:15 p.m. Wednesday, December 4: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers are at 9:45 a.m. Bean bags are at 10:30 a.m. Water’s Edge Church social time is at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, December 5: Polka Parade is at 8 a.m. Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers is at 9:30 a.m. Charades are at 10:30 a.m. Bingo is at 2 p.m. Friday, December 6: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers are at 9:30 a.m. Ogden 4th Graders are at 10:10 a.m. Resident Council meets at 1:30 p.m.

Saturday, December 7: Exercise time is at 9:30 a.m. Movie matinee with James is at 2 p.m. Classic Gospel is on Channel 11 at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, December 8: Catholic time is at 9 a.m. Exercise time is at 9:30 a.m. Marge Smalley visits at 1:30 p.m. Monday, December 9: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Hee Haw is on Channel 65. Ogden Rollers are at 9:45 a.m. Rhythm Band is at 10:30 a.m. Bingo is at 2 p.m. Tuesday, December 10: Devotions are at 9 a.m. Ogden Rollers are at 9:45 a.m. Reader’s Theater is at 10:30 a.m. Popcorn and movie is at 1:15 p.m. Bingo with Lion’s Club is at 6:30 p.m.

Joy Circle meets the first Thursday at 1:30 p.m.

9:30 a.m. Sunday school for all ages, including adult electives is from 11 to 11:45 a.m. Evening services for adults and Jr./Sr. High youth are at 6 p.m. Wednesday: AWANA Club is from 6:30 to 8:10 p.m. Jr./Sr. High Bible study is from 6:30 to 8:10 p.m. Adult Care and Share is from 6:45 to 8 p.m. Men’s and women’s group home Bible studies are available. Call 2754091 for information.

PILOT MOUND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dennis Shepherd, Pastor Sunday worship service is at 8:30 a.m. Sunday school is from 10 to 11 a.m. AA meets at 7 p.m. Monday. Quilters meet Tuesday and Thursday at 1 p.m. WATER’S EDGE CHURCH “For the Thirsty Soul” 341 W WALNUT

Rick Summerhays, Pastor Bible Study is from 9 to 10 a.m. Gathering is from 10 to 10:15 a.m.: Pre-service snacks served. Service is from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m.: Contemporary music and a relevant message from God’s Word. OGDEN BAPTIST CHURCH Curt Fincham, Pastor Sunday: Sunday school for all ages is at 9:30 a.m. Morning worship is at 10:30 a.m. Evening service is at 6 p.m. BETHEL CHURCH D. Ray Hoke, Pastor

Affiliated with Christian and Missionary Alliance – 5 miles south of Hwy. 30 on R 18 (L Ave.)

Sunday: Morning worship is at

CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN BEAVER UMC YOKED PARISH Marjorie Smalley, Pastor Sunday: Church service is at 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome.

Beaver Church Annual Lunch & Craft Sale

Sat., Dec. 7 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Beaver Community Center 9 - 11 Early Bird Specials Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate and Sweet Treats

11 - 1 Lunch

Soup and Sandwiches Relishes and Desserts (Free will offering)

BOXHOLM TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Rod Meyer, Pastor Wednesday, December 4: Sarah Group meets at 2 p.m. Saturday, December 7: TICWF Youth group Salvation aRmy bell ringing, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, December 8: Fellowship time is at 9:30 a.m. Food Pantry Sunday. Worship is at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Rod and Cheryl’s Open House is from 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, December 10: Church Council meets at 7 p.m. Wednesday, December 11: Women of the ELCA General meeting is at 2 p.m.

Battin Chapel Sing-A-Long Sunday, Dec. 8 7 p.m. •

Refreshments will be served.

Come enjoy the Christmas season with us! (Located 1½ miles east of Ogden at Battin Chapel Church)


Sunday: Bible class is at 9:30 a.m. (Classes for all ages.) Worship service is at 10:30 a.m. Sunday evening service is at 6 p.m. Wednesday: Bible Study is at 7 p.m. ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. James Bruch, Pastor Wednesday, December 4: No mass. Sacred Heart School Mass is at 8:25 a.m. Religious education K-8th is from 6 to 7:15 p.m. 9th and 10th grade class is at 7 p.m. Friday, December 6: Mass is at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, December 7: Mass is at 6 p.m. Sunday, December 8: Mass is at 8 a.m. Communal Penance at 1 p.m. at Sacred Heart and 3 p.m. at St. Malachy’s Monday, December 9: Mass is at 8:30 a.m. BOXHOLM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dennis Shepherd, Pastor Sunday worship is at 9:45 a.m. Ad board meets the fourth Wednesday of June, August, October and December of this year at 7:30 p.m.

The church of Christ Who are these people? What is the sin unto death, sometimes referred to as “the unforgivable sin”? In 1 John 5:16 we read, “If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.” The ASV translates this as: “There is a sin unto death: not concerning this do I say that he should make request.” One of the most interesting things about the Greek language is its lack of the indefinite article. In English, the indefinite article is the word “a” or “an.” When an indefinite article is expected, the syntax of the Greek sentence just gives the noun itself without the definite article. It is up to the translator to either supply the indefinite article or to leave it out depending upon the context. In this particular context, it makes better sense to leave the definite article out so the sentence would read, “There is sin unto death.” This removes the idea that there is one specific sin that leads to death. In other words, there is no specific sin unto death, but it is a case where someone commits sin and that sin leads to death. John uses the Greek word “PROS” in this verse, which is translated “unto” in the KJV. A better translation for this preposition would be “toward”, so the statement becomes clearer, “There is sin toward death.” Ultimately, if one continues in one’s sin, eventually that will lead to spiritual death. What is such a situation? We must note that John is speaking to those who are Christians. He says, “If any man see his brother sin…” What kind of sin could a Christian commit that would lead to death? James says in James 1:14-15 “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” According to James, any temptation can lead to sin and death. So, how do we avoid sinning toward death? John gives the answer in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” The sin that leads toward death is the un-repented and un-confessed sin. This follows naturally with the next thought, the sin that is not toward death. That is the sin of which one has repented and confessed. For this sin, we can pray for our brethren that they will repent and receive forgiveness. See our broadcast on local channel 6 Sundays at 6 pm & Tuesdays, at 7 pm! “In Search of the Lord’s Way”, Sunday at 7:30 am on KCWI, cable Ch. 9! We would like to invite you to worship with us at 502 W. Walnut! Sunday Bible study at 9:30 a.m., Worship at 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening Bible study at 7:00 p.m.

AmeS ChAmBer ArtiStS preSent

“Northern Lights” Sat., Dec. 7 • 7 p.m. at Swede Valley Lutheran Church

Directed by Dr. James Rodde and accompanied by David Howell. FREE WILL OFFERING

Everyone is invited to attend, hear wonderful music and see the newly refurbished church.


To your Programs & Services Anticoagulation Management Service Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., BCFM. This service is offered to patients taking Coumadin who need checked on a regular basis. To schedule an appointment, call Boone County Family Medicine, 432-2335. Blood Pressure Checks, FREE �BCH Specialty Clinic Every Friday, 8 a.m. to Noon, BCH. �Madrid Family Practice Clinic, Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8 to 9 a.m., MFPC. No appointment is necessary. Boone Blood Drive December 9, 1 to 6 p.m., Central Christian Church. To schedule an appointment to give blood, call (800) 287-4903. Sponsored by the BCH Auxiliary. Boone County Caregiver Support Group First Tuesday of every month, 6 p.m., Westhaven Chapel. Every other meeting will have a speaker; the evenings there is no speaker, attendees will have the opportunity to share their thoughts & experiences, if they wish. A complimentary meal will be provided. RSVP if you would like a caregiver to watch over your loved one. For questions, call Angela Lewis, 432-2275. Boone County Nutrition Programs Boone County provides meals to individuals 60-plus & older throughout the county. For more information on the Home Delivered Meal & Congregate Meal Programs, call 432-1127. CPR Classes CPR classes are provided as requested. Call 433-8190. Cancer Early Detection Program The program is for lowincome, uninsured or underinsured women who earn less than the set income guidelines & are between the ages of 50 to 64. For more information, call 432-1127 & ask for Katie Hagan.

Car Seat Safety Checks If you would like a car seat safety technician to check your child’s car seat & make sure it’s installed correctly, call 433-8196 to schedule a time.

Home Care Services Provides a wide range of home care & health promotion programs to better the community’s healthcare. For more information, call 432-1127.

Diabetes Education Classes If you have diabetes & would like to attend our education classes, please talk to your physician about referring you to the Boone County Hospital Diabetes Center. Call 433-8624.

Lab Wellness Profiles Offered seven days a week, 6:30 to 10:30 a.m., BCH Lab. Seven different blood tests are available. Cost is low; no insurance filed. Call 433-8170.

Diabetes Support Group No support group in December. Educating & Empowering U December 17, BCH 4th Floor Conference Room. Presenters are Connie Buss, Diabetes Center, & Katrina Tilley, Dietary. Learn how to set achievable goals in eating, drinking & being healthy through the holiday season, as well as the new year. Receive healthy recipes to give you a kickstart in making modifications for quick & easy meal preparations. A complimentary meal is provided. To register for this free program, call Sara Behn at 433-8470 or email her at

Outpatient Nutritional Services A BCH dietitian can provide you with a nutritional needs assessment, help you develop healthier eating habits, plan healthy menus & lose weight. Call 433-8624. SHIIP A SHIIP (Senior Health Insurance Information Program) volunteer is available to assist you with your Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. To schedule an appointment, call 432-1127. Sibling Class December 11, 6 p.m., BCH 4th Floor Conference Room. This sibling class for 2 to 10 year olds helps children prepare & accept the arrival of a newborn. To register, call the Birth Center at 433-8400.

F. William Beckwith Adult Day Services Open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The program offers a home-like environment with fun activities, noon meals & individualized care for adults 55 years of age & older who do not need 24 hour care, but cannot be left alone for long periods of time. Call 432-2275.

Valet Services Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to noon & 1 to 3 p.m & Friday, 8 a.m. to noon, BCH.

First Aid Classes This OSHA approved course will teach participants how to initially respond to medical emergencies & injuries. For scheduled dates & to preregister, call 433-8190.

Volunteer Auxiliary The BCH Auxiliary is looking for men & women volunteers of all ages. To become a volunteer, please fill out a volunteer application at

Gifts Galore Gift Shop Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call 433-8190.

“Like” Boone County Hospital on Facebook!

Vestibular Rehab If you have ongoing problems with dizziness or instability, ask your doctor about a referral to Vestibular Rehab. Call 432-7729.

1015 Union Street � Boone, Iowa � 432-3140 �

PAGE FOUR - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Our Town


From the Dec. 3, 2003 issue A benefit for Paul Doolan, Ogden, will be held Saturday, Dec. 6 starting at 7 p.m. at BK’s Sports Bar and Grill in Ogden. Doolan, a six-year conductor for the Union Pacific Railroad, suffered a broken back and wrist the night of Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003 and will not be able to return to his job for several months. Ogden and much of Iowa was buried in the first winter snowstorm Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, Dec. 2-3, 2003. The 4” to 5” snowfall caused schools to be closed here and throughout the area, while other districts started classes two hours late. Pfc. Adam J. Shepard graduated from Army Basic Combat Training, at Fort Jackson, SC, Nov. 20, 2003. He qualified as a sharpshooter with the M16A2 rifle, and as an expert with hand grenades. He is currently attending UH-60 Blackhawk Maintenance Repairer training at Ft. Eustis, VA. Shepard, a 2003 OHS graduate, is assigned to Boone’s Company D, 1st Battalion, 109th Aviation Regiment, Iowa Army National Guard. Colonel Jodi S. Tymeson, daughter of Laverne and Joan Lingren, Ogden, will be promoted to Brigadier General Saturday, Dec. 6, 2003. Help cut down on all the holiday waste this year by learning to make your own sparkly decorations Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2003 at 3:45 p.m. at the Leonard A. Good Community Library. The program is sponsored by Boone County Conservation.

30 Years Ago From the Dec. 7, 1983 Issue Ogden’s weather has left a little to be desired the past week, as freezing temperatures still make walking difficult on ice-covered sidewalks and traveling hazardous on country roads, even though major highways are generally listed as being normal to winter driving conditions. Michael J. Nette, 18, of Rochester, Ind., accused of abducting two Ogden Reporter employees Aug. 9, 1983, was sentenced Monday to a period not to exceed 10 years at the adult correctional facility in Anamosa by District Court judge James C. Smith on one count of conspiracy to commit kidnapping. Bethel Church will present a delightful family musical, “The Gospel According to Scrooge,” beginning this weekend with performances Friday, Dec. 9 and Sunday Dec. 11 at 7 p.m. each evening. Airman Kennth D. Cook son of Janet R. Cook, and Marlon D. Cook of rural Boone, has graduated from the U.S. Air Force weapon control systems course at Lowry Air Force Base. “A Blessing Comes Down” is the title of the Immanuel Lutheran Church youth program Sunday, Dec. 11 at 7 p.m. A fellowship coffee will follow. Smaller children are invited to Immanuel’s traditional birthday party for Jesus. Melissa Miller, a freshman at the University of Iowa, will be performing with the University chorus Wednesday evening, Dec. 7, when the University symphony orchestra and chorus present a Christmas concert, Haydn’s “The Seasons,” at Hancher Auditorium. Melissa is a 1983 OHS graduate and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Miller.

60 Years Ago From the Dec. 10, 1953 Issue Mr. and Mrs. John Heineman Jr. are the parents of an 8 lb., 15 oz. son born Friday, Dec. 4. He has been named Craig Everett. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stumpenhorst and Mr. and Mrs. John Heineman of Ogden. Miss Regina Brown will be presented a 4-H scholarship on TV Thursday evening, Dec. 10. Regina is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brown of Ogden. She is a freshman this year at Iowa State College. William C. Lindholm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lindholm. of Ogden has been named to Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities at Augustana College, Rock Island, IL, where he is a senior this year. Mr. and Mrs. P.T. McDonough of Omaha, NE have announced the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Patricia to George D. Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dunn of Ogden. The wedding will be solemnized Saturday, Dec. 19 in St. John’s Catholic Church in Ogden. Johnny Nystrom celebrated his sixth birthday on Dec. 5 at two birthday parties given in his honor by his parents. Friends rode home from school on the bus to play and watch T.V. Then, on Saturday evening a family group was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nystrom. Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Boehm entertained at a 7 o’clock dinner-bridge at their home Sunday evening. Dr. and Mrs. R.W. Jack, Mr. and Mrs. R.G. DeWitt and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sexauer attended.

TTT orders can be Ogden Legacy annual meeting picked up Friday The annual meeting of Ogden Legacy is planned for Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013 at 6 p.m. at the Leonard Good Community Center. A meal will be served, compliments of Ogden Legacy. You are invited to come and see the progress they have made and help set goals for 2014. (See ad inside.) RSVP to 275-2917 or

The almonds, pecans, and cheeseballs sold by the TTT members will be ready for pickup Friday, Dec. 6 from 5 - 7 p.m. at Community United Methodist Church. Proceeds from the sale help to send local girls to summer camp for a week. If anyone is unable to pick up their order, they can call the person they ordered from to make other arrangements.

Health News . . . Bursitis - Everybody’s Problem Including Your Chiropractor by Dr. Rick Elbert, Ogden Doctor of Chiropractic

Although bursitis is often referred to as “housemaid’s knee,” “a game arm,” or “a working man’s disorder,” it can strike anyone at any time, usually beginning in the thirties or forties. A sudden shift in position, a fall, or a gradual postural change can displace the muscles or bones of the affected area. When this happens nerve impulses cannot reach the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac which cushions and lubricates the bones and muscles. The fluid dries up and becomes gritty. The cushioning effect is gone, and the affected area becomes irritated and inflamed. Bursitis may first appear as only a minor soreness or recurring pain in the elbow, knee or most often in the shoulder. During this time, heat, cold or aspirin may bring temporary relief. But recurring twinges of pain in the shoulder are not healthy signs. They are Mother Nature’s warning that serious trouble is on its way. If left untreated, the condition will steadily worsen until sharp, excruciating agony brings its crippling effect. Normal movement is prevented and the greatest athletes

are sidelined while the housewife and working man find it difficult if not impossible to perform their daily tasks. Because of the very nature of bursitis, the Doctor of Chiropractic is thought to be well suited to treat it. He knows that lasting relief is impossible until the

Dr. Rick Elbert

cause of the trouble is eliminated. By putting the muscles and bones of the affected area back into alignment, he can pave the way for the nerve impulses to flow again. When this happens, the bursa can again act as a cushion and lubricant and body joints will provide the freedom of movement necessary to everyday living.


Sunday, Dec. 8 Grand Junction

Library Open House


Sponsored by GJ Public Library

Tour of Homes


Sponsored by the Naked Ladies

Soup Supper & Auction

• Everlastings Flowers & Gifts - Unveiling holiday windows, surprises inside, place Christmas orders early. • Plahn & Simple Designs - Coffee, cookies, 20% off everything. • Patio Pros, Inc. - Hot chocolate and candy canes. • Clark’s Food Mart - Horse drawn wagon rides 4 to 7 p.m. • McGraw Senior Citizens Center - Coffee, cider, treats. • Ogden Farm & Feed Center - Coffee, cookies, 10% off tools. • Kyndra Sundell Photography drawing for free mini-photo session. • Ebenezer Antiques. • Walnut Street Health & Wellness - hot cider. • Functional Chiropractic - Drawing for gift basket. • Peoples Trust & Savings Bank - Hot cider and hot cocoa. The Promotions and Marketing Committee is sponsoring a drawing of Ogden Bucks that will be given to someone who visits each of the open businesses that day. Horse-drawn wagon rides 4 to 7 p.m.

You are not turning 60. You are just turning 20 for the third time.

Happy Birthday!

There’s a new name in health insurance. Insured or not, better health insurance options are here. Find us on the new Marketplace or through your local agent or broker.

Our experts can help!

Community tree lighting 5:15 to 5:30 p.m.

329 W. Walnut St. Box 337, Ogden • 515-275-4899


(Continued from page one)

Clark’s Food Mart is sponsoring horse-drawn wagon rides from 4 to 7 p.m.

Functional Chiropractic - Dr. Rick Elbert


Ogden Christmas-


Sponsored by Horizons & the Naked Ladies

Silent Auction items on display at Peoples Bank, Grand Junction Tour tickets available at the Library, Peoples Bank and from Naked Ladies Garden Club members.

SOUP SUPPER - FREE WILL DONATION Entertainment by “Off the Track Players”

Leap into Stephens for Ballet Magic!

The Community tree lighting will take place under the water tower starting around 5:15 to 5:30 p.m. with caroling led by Ogden High School chorus members. Soup supper - 5:30 to 7 p.m. Following the tree lighting, everyone is invited to the Well on West Walnut Street for a community soup supper. The Promotions and Marketing Committee will provide soup, rolls, veggies, beverage and a dessert. Adults $5, children $3, or $20 per family. Christmas Sing-Along at 7 p.m. After the soup supper, head out to Battin Chapel Church for a Christmas Sing-Along. Christmas lighting contest Ogden is once again having a Christmas lighting contest with voting taking place from Dec. 1 through Dec. 18. Ballot boxes are located at Clark’s Food Mart and VisionBank. Prizes of Ogden Bucks will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners.

Briefly Board of Education will meet Dec. 9 The Ogden Community School District Board of Education will meet in regular session Monday, Dec. 9, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the High School library. Items on the tentative agenda are as follows: Call to order; good news; consent agenda; delegations, petitions and communications; Action items: A. District: 1. School van purchase update, 2. Drivers education; B. Curriculum/ School Improvement/Professional Development: 1. School Improvement Advisory Committee report; C. Special Education: 1. Special education head count; D. Technology; E. Finance/Facilities/Support Services: 1. Monthly financial reports, 2. Shive-Hattery, Inc. - Presentation of Preliminary Design - 2014 High School roof improvements; F. Superintendent: 1. 2014-15 MAG (Modified Allowable Growth Application), 2. Board Policy Code Series 407 - 414 (second reading); 3. Board calendar, 4. Next board agenda - draft; other; adjourn.

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COMING EVENTS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3Board meeting is at 11 a.m. Catered dinner is at 12 noon with Angela Christner as guest speaker at McGraw Senior Center.

The Nutcracker Ballet December 14 at 1:30 pm & 7:30 pm | December 15 at 1:30 pm

ORDER YOUR TICKETS TODAY! Stephens Auditorium Ticket Office (no service fees) | 1-800-745-3000 | Ticketmaster Outlets

1ST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH Boone County Caregiver Support Group meets the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. in the Chapel at Westhaven Community, 112 W. 4th St., Boone. RSVP will provide an evening meal at 6 p.m at no cost and will provide people to care for your loved one in another area in Westhaven Community during the meeting if you have no one to care for him/ her at home. If you have questions please call Connie Hadden at 515432-1393 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5 Ladies Day starts at 12:30 p.m., McGraw Senior Center. Food Pantry drop-off, open daily, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., McGraw Senior Center.

Explore the Possibilities! Christensen Farms is seeking a TRUCK WASHER in Alden, IA. Competitive wage starting at $12/hour. Excellent benefit package. Full Time – Day Hours. Power washing trucks and trailers, Maintaining high biosecurity standards Maintaining clean environment.

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The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - PAGE FIVE

Public Notices


BOONE COUNTY SUPERVISORS November 20, 2013 Foster called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. with Foster and Duffy present. Duffy moved Foster seconded motion to approve the minutes of November 13, 2013 meeting. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster. Motion carried. Duffy moved Foster seconded motion to approve the agenda as posted. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster. Motion carried. Hollingshead joined meeting at 8:35. John Grush, Boone/Madison CPC discussed need for amendment to Boone County mental health budget, as large payments were made in FY13-14 that were originally budgeted to be made in FY1213. The Board informed Grush the public hearing for this amendment was set at the November 13, 2013 meeting and will be at 10:00 am on December 11, 2013. Grush asked for Board approval of posting general assistance part-time position and permission to fill with the most qualified applicant. Board informally approved this request. Boone County libraries funding request from county for users of the three public in Boone County by rural patrons is $85,000. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve signing Applications for 2014 Homestead Tax Credits as recommended by Boone County Assessor as follows. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Homesteads: Garrett Dillion Maronde, 1704 2nd St., Boone; Steve & Samantha Perkins, 424 Southern Prairie Dr., Madrid: Daniel A. Webster & Iris M. Chang 1616 331st Drive, Madrid (Douglas Township); Joea Dean Korte, 303 W Park Ave., Boone; Martin A. Buerer, 314 E Division, Ogden; Loren A. & Lisa S. Nalean, 1528 Linn St., Boone. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve signing the 2013 Weed Commissioner’s Report. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Board reviewed and placed on file Boone County Conservation Board minutes from the October 14, 2013 meeting. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to table for input from the county attorney the draft copies of proposed Boone County Employment Agreements for Veteran’s Affairs Director and County Sanitarian/Maintenance & Grounds Director. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve hiring Kevin Brown, part time Veteran’s Assistance Director (30 hour week) at $27,300 per annum, effective December 2, 2013. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve hiring John J. Roosa, part time Environmental Education Specialist, Boone County Landfill, at $16 per hour, effective November 25, 2013. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve request to close county offices on Tuesday December 17, 2013 from noon – 1:30 p.m. for employee holiday lunch. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve signing the Digital Data Agreement between Boone County and Snyder & Associates, Inc. for proposed project near High Trestle Trail west of Madrid. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to approve signing the Agreement for Cooperative Public Service between Polk County and Boone County for Routine Maintenance on a portion of NW 166th Ave. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to approve Liquor License renewal application for Seven Oaks. NO: None; YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to enter closed session under Code of Iowa 21.5.j at 9:20 am. NO: None. YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded motion to resume open session at 9:45 am. NO: None. YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Motion carried. Board met with representatives from the Boone Group, Harris Racing and Midland Power regarding a transfer of jurisdiction agreement proposed by the Iowa DOT. More information will become available as contracts and agreements are executed on this issue. Bob Kieffer, Co. Engineer & Scott Kruse, Asst. Co. Engineer presented a petition to reclassify a class B road in Marcy Township. The public hearing will be set at next Board meeting. Board spent rest of morning considering plans and design for a recycling center to be built with landfill funding. Foster called Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance 121 – rezone 36.8 acres, more or less, from A-1(Agriculture Conservation) to A-2 (Agriculture Business) to allow for the construction of a Greenfield fertilizer, see and crop protection storage and distribution center located in SE NW of Section 28 Union Twp. owned by Chad & Linda Pennington at 1:00 p.m. Planning and Development Director, Sandra Monck stated Boone County Zoning Commission recommended for approval on October 28, 2013. Comments were received from Bill Mulder, Elsie Mace and Robert and Mary Long that were not supportive of proposed re-zoning. Devon Mogler from coop presented group with a picture of what facility would look like and answered direct questions. Bill Mulder asked the Board if he spent time collecting signatures of neighbors that oppose allowing the proposed facility, would that make any difference to them? The Board did not answer the question. Bob Fisher, Boone’s Future Director spoke in favor of the proposal and recommended Board approve the rezoning. Chet Hollingshead spoke as a farmer on the need for fertilizer outlets closer to farmers on west side of river and defended need for plant. He also stated he is a member of the coop. Duffy moved Hollingshead seconded

motion to close the public hearing. NO: None. YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. Duffy moved Foster seconded motion to approve Ordinance 121 on its first reading. NO: None. YES: Duffy, Foster. ABSTAIN: Hollingshead. Motion Passed. Hollingshead moved Duffy seconded motion to allow secondary road claims 18785 -18829 and county claims 132512 – 132773 totaling $359,283.18 and approve issuance of warrants 104137 to 104394 in payment of same. Handwritten warrant 104136 for $1,634.93 is hereby approved for publication. NO: None. YES: Duffy, Foster, Hollingshead. The meeting was adjourned at 1:48 p.m. These minutes were approved this twenty-seventh day of November 2013. Philippe E. Meier Boone County Auditor Boone County Claims Listing For November 20, 2013 General Basic Fund Food & Provisions Beemer Fisheries ...................$ 2,350.00 Custodial Supplies Central Iowa Distributing ..............387.32 Hardware Craftmaster................................102.07 Fuels Boone Co. Treasurer.....................322.16 Martin Oil Wholesale .................1,620.00 Minor MV Parts & Access. Madrid Automotive .......................104.87 MTI Distributing, Inc .....................129.43 Stationery & Forms Ames Tribune..................................95.00 Capital Sanitary Supply ..................88.44 Card Services - VISA ......................29.97 The Des Moines Register .............252.02 Home Office .................................310.85 L-Tron Corp ..................................162.00 Mid-America Publishing Corp ........91.00 Magazines, Period. & Books Card Services ...............................202.69 Clark’s Food Mart .............................6.40 Jax Mercantile Co ........................226.35 Wal-Mart Community .....................44.36 DHS Building Maintenance Overton Cleaning..........................810.00 Presto-X Company .........................51.75 Food & Provisions Dept. of Inspections & Appeals ......67.50 Fareway .....................................1,883.60 Polk County Auditor .....................515.00 Rent Payments Rick L. Pauley ...............................185.00 Utilities Payments A & M Laundry, Inc .......................220.41 Alliant Energy ................................444.22 Ogden Municipal Utilities .............196.68 Bus Boone Co. Transportation .........1,000.64 Official Pub.& Legal Not. Boone News Republican ..............991.82 Board Proceedings Boone News Republican ..............960.23 Postage & Mailing TotalFunds by Hasler .................5,000.00 Employee Mileage & Subsistence John Cook, MD ..............................35.00 Richard J. Early ............................135.90 Dr. Caleb Glawe............................275.00 Kailyn M. Heston ..........................135.90 Daniel J. Kolacia ...........................225.45 Telephone Services Kailyn M. Heston ............................30.00 Daniel J. Kolacia .............................30.00 We b s t e r C a l h o u n Te l e p h o n e C o 133.21 Windstream ..................................112.50 Care of Prisoners Bob Barker Co..............................400.05 Medical Associates Pharmacy .....484.58 Data Processing Services Combined Systems Tech, Inc....2,483.94 Educational & Training Service Card Services - VISA ....................698.70 Andrew R. Hockenson....................30.00 Iowa Ass’n. of Naturalists ...............20.00 I D A L S .........................................15.00 Emily J. Klein ..................................15.00 Mid-America Publishing Corp ......104.00 Veronica A. Rardin ..........................44.55 Anna M. Shannon ...........................33.75 Wilcox Printing & Publishing ........102.00 Legal & Court-Related Services Ahlers, Cooney, P.C. .......................50.00 Card Services - VISA ......................20.89 Polk Co. Sheriff Civil Division .........37.84 Webster Co. Sheriff ........................23.00 Medical & Health Services Polk Co. Medical Examiner ..........473.54 State Medical Examiner ............3,117.50 Electric Light & Power Alliant Energy ................................272.83 Midland Power Cooperative ......2,629.36 Ogden Municipal Utilities .............426.00 Xenia Rural Water District.............189.15 MV Equip. Rep. Outside Serv. Electronic Engineering....................55.61 Freedom Tire ................................237.76 Moffitt’s Ford ................................865.60 Building Repair Boone Ace Hardware ...................117.33 Carson Electric, Inc ......................207.35 Crystal Clean .............................1,825.00 Hamilton Redi-Mix........................772.00 Lester Refrigeration ......................597.19 Martin Marietta Aggregates ..........401.29 Ogden Building Supply ................117.33 Pritchard Brothers, Inc ...................72.00 ProBuild - Boone ..........................111.96 Snyder & Associates, Inc..............900.00 Youngren Excavating Inc ...........2,460.00 Fixed Plant Equipment Repair Schumacher Elevator Co..............281.32 Office Equip. & Furn. Rep. Daniel J. Kolacia .............................15.62 Radio & Related Equip. Repair Card Services - VISA ........................2.68 Well Capping AgSource Laboratories...................42.00 Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources .175.00 Ted & Donna Meeker ....................400.00 Beverly Rinker ..............................600.00 Machinery & Mech. Equip. Rent Access Systems .............................94.41 Cleaning & Sanitary Boone Co. Landfill ........................510.20 Caffrey Wholesale, Inc....................33.41 The Portable Pro ..........................560.00 Tom Walters Company .................181.00 Walters Sanitary Service.................89.34 Dues & Memberships IA Org. for Victim Assistance ..........15.00 Investigation Expense Boone Co. Landfill ............................ 7.50 Card Services - VISA ......................34.39 Total Choice Shipping ....................37.65 Miscellaneous Expense Boone Co. Treasurer.......................85.00 Fareway ........................................100.00 Central Air Condit. Sys. Iowa Prison Industries ..................134.99

Capital Improvements/Maint. Joshua J. Dalton........................2,800.00 Ogden Farm & Feed Center .........440.75 Equipment Purchases Clements Associates Inc. JMC So129.25 Data Processing Equip. Combined Systems Tech, Inc....5,358.12 Tesdell Electric LTD ...................4,915.06 Other Equipment/Radio, etc. Boone Hardware...............................9.99 Card Services - VISA ......................66.99 Gen. Supp. Fund Election Supplies Evangelical Free Church...............100.00 Kenco Label & Tag Co., LLC ........622.50 Official Pub .& Legal Not. Boone News Republican ..............235.84 Fidelity & Sec. Bond Prem. Old Republic Surety Group .......1,199.00 Election Officials Beverley L. Adreon .......................130.50 Susan M. Anthoney ......................157.50 Marcia Atherton ............................130.00 Christine A. Bahl ...........................133.00 Judy Bennett ................................102.00 Joyce Busch .................................165.15 Madilyn Busch ................................20.50 Donna Sloan Christensen .............135.70 GeorgeAnn Cleaveland...................97.90 Elizabeth Cox ...............................124.00 Rosemary Crouse ...........................18.70 Marlys Curry .................................121.50 Lucille Danks ................................108.50 Laurie A Doran..............................144.00 Janelle Drent.................................128.00 Hilary Duncan ...............................108.00 Anita Eschliman ..............................56.00 Norma Fast ...................................106.00 Robin L. Frantum ..........................108.30 Sandra Friesen .............................133.00 Ilene Gardner ................................122.00 Deanna Glauner............................120.00 Vicki Harmon ................................138.40 Linda Harris ..................................138.40 Jo A. Howell .................................114.00 Molly Ketchum .............................103.50 Mary Sue Latta .............................148.20 Janice Lee ......................................94.00 Danis Lingren................................151.50 Lee Lingren ...................................124.00 MaryAnn Littleton .........................128.00 Sandy Madden ...............................76.00 Paul A. Millis .................................124.00 Donna J. Moore ............................103.80 Carole J. Nelson ...........................128.00 Pete Nelson ..................................130.00 Janet Neumann ............................162.90 Ray Neumann ...............................139.50 Cecelia Paris...................................80.00 Diane Patrick ..................................76.00 Lawrence J. Peter.........................132.00 Marlys R. Peter ...............................12.00 Glenn L. Peterson .........................128.00 Karen Peterson .............................110.50 Tamara Peterson ..........................171.50 Lois Pies .......................................140.20 Madalynn Polich ...........................144.70 Craig Reutter ..................................94.00 Rebecca Reynoldson .....................18.70 David J. Richardson .....................116.00 Judith Richardson ........................120.00 Rebecca Roorda ..........................116.00 Beverly A. Rose ............................116.00 Dino Rosene .................................124.00 Wayne Rouse ...............................192.65 Barbara Shedd .............................109.70 Marcene M. Steinick.....................180.90 Jacqueline Tabor ..........................108.00 Judith K. Tungesvik ......................140.00 Paula Vaughn................................124.00 Mary Weaver.................................155.70 Edna M. Will .................................111.00 MH-DD Services Fund Diag. Eval. Not Rel.-Comm. Eyerly Ball Mental Health..............400.88 Outpatient Gabrielle Barloon, MD, PC .............80.00 Pamela Caviness, LISW ACSW ....158.10 Central Iowa Recovery ..............1,752.75 Eyerly Ball Mental Health...........2,460.46 Anne McCrea, LISW .....................254.62 Prescription Medicine Home Care Services.....................148.00 Medical Associates Pharmacy .....578.40 Medicap Pharmacy ......................104.96 Residential Care Facility Genesis Development ...............3,905.40 Knoxville Residential ....................538.32 Mallard View, Inc .......................1,306.03 Partnership for Progress............3,286.00 Representative Payee Genesis Development ....................63.50 Home Instead Senior Care ...........220.00 Supported Community Living Genesis Development ...............7,265.98 Other Transportation Boone Co. Transportation .........1,353.90 Sheltered Workshop Services Genesis Development ..................462.78 Work Activity Services Genesis Development ...............2,062.67 Adult Day Care Genesis Development ...............2,657.54 Home Care Services.....................300.00 Supported Employment Services Genesis Development ..................972.47 Enclave Genesis Development ..................247.60 Legal Representation Patrick Hall ...................................152.50 Johnson Law Firm, PC .................300.00 Jordan & Mahoney Law Firm, PC 150.00 Terrill, Richardson, Hostetter ..........60.00 Mental Health Advocates Karl G. Schaudt ............................555.89 Other Human Resources Services Alliant Energy ..................................64.00 Central Iowa Recovery ............... 641.25Electronic Trans Clearinghse .....6,465.64 Home Instead Senior Care ...........248.63 IA Community Services Assn .........50.00 Partnership for Progress.................52.80 Contrib. -Other Gov. & Organ. Madison Co. Auditor ...............50,000.00 Rural Serv. Basic Fund Township Officials Carol Bork ......................................20.00 Daryl W. Johnson ...........................20.00 Erick Johnson .................................20.00 David Keithley.................................20.00 Stationery & Forms Home Office .................................122.75 Official Pub. & Legal Not. Boone News Republican ..............123.20 Mid-America Publishing Corp ........35.85 Wilcox Printing & Publishing ..........36.03 Secondary Road Fund Asphalt/Concrete Maint./Constr. ProBuild - Boone ............................16.93 Culvert Material Agri Drain Corp .............................110.06 ProBuild - Boone ............................11.18 Cover Aggregate & Sand Boone Co. Landfill ..........................85.80 Boxholm City Clerk.......................203.66 Fraser City Clerk ...........................300.55 Independent Salt Co. ................3,114.31



CO NO: 8


The County Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the current County budget as follows: Meeting Date: December 18, 2013

Meeting Time: 8:30 a.m.

Meeting Location: Boardroom, Boone County Courthouse

At the public hearing any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, the proposed amendment. An approved budget amendment is required in order to permit increases in any class of expenditures as last certified or last amended. County Telephone No.:

For Fiscal Year Ending:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Total Budget as Certified or Last Amended 7,897,956 3,434 245,134 7,649,388 985 80,500 1,199,167 5,833,796 15,600 1,000,883 144,000 828,620 16,752,939

14 15 16 17

2,863,328 12,000 19,628,267

Iowa Department of Management Form 653 A-R Sheet 1 of 2 (Publish) (revised 04/30/12)

REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Taxes Levied on Property Less: Uncollected Delinquent Taxes - Levy Year Less: Credits to Taxpayers Net Current Property Taxes Delinquent Property Tax Revenue Penalties, Interest & Costs on Taxes Other County Taxes/TIF Tax Revenues Intergovernmental Licenses & Permits Charges for Service Use of Money & Property Miscellaneous Subtotal Revenues Other Financing Sources: General Long-Term Debt Proceeds Operating Transfers In Proceeds of Fixed Asset Sales Total Revenues & Other Sources EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING USES Operating: Public Safety & Legal Services Physical Health & Social Services Mental Health, MR & DD County Environment & Education Roads & Transportation Government Services to Residents Administration Nonprogram Current Debt Service Capital Projects Subtotal Expenditures Other Financing Uses: Operating Transfers Out Refunded Debt/Payments to Escrow Total Expenditures & Other Uses Excess of Revenues & Other Sources over (under) Expenditures & Other Uses Beginning Fund Balance - July 1, Increase (Decrease) in Reserves (GAAP Budgeting) Fund Balance - Nonspendable Fund Balance - Restricted Fund Balance - Committed Fund Balance - Assigned Fund Balance - Unassigned Total Ending Fund Balance - June 30,

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

3,519,446 791,584 1,294,000 1,735,332 5,844,900 647,996 1,900,212

6/30/2014 Proposed Current Amendment

Total Budget After Current Amendment


7,897,956 3,434 245,134 7,649,388 985 80,500 1,199,167 6,859,487 15,600 1,000,883 144,000 828,620 17,778,630


0 2,863,328 12,000 20,653,958



1,122,371 2,159,111

3,519,446 791,584 2,330,740 1,735,332 5,844,900 647,996 1,900,212 0 736,588 3,391,200 20,897,998



2,863,328 0 23,761,326

(1,973,948) 4,136,984

(1,133,420) 2,100,231

736,588 2,268,829 18,738,887




1,092,060 2,163,036

966,811 966,811

(3,107,368) 6,237,215 0 0 1,070,976 0 0 2,058,871 3,129,847

Explanation of changes: Line 8; additional Intergovernmental revenue expected for projects on line 48. Line 41: Expenses paid in FY13-14 that were budgeted to be paid in FY12-13. Line 48: Expenses paid in FY13-14 on CIE Road Project and High Bridge Culvert repair that were budgeted in FY 12-13 Line 56: July 1, 2013 cash balance corrected tp actual balance. all other lines are corrections of totals.

Iowa Dept. of Transportation ........462.96 Iowa One Call .................................26.10 M & J Aggregate Corp .............20,378.50 Martin Marietta Aggregates .......7,694.36 Pilot Mound City Clerk .................473.43 Supplies Eagle Point ...................................750.00 Hardware NAPA Auto Parts .......................1,370.88 Rockmount Research & Alloys Inc ........................................1,289.41 Ziegler Inc. ......................................92.18 Fuels Key Cooperative ......................22,917.90 Martin Oil Wholesale .................4,757.96 NAPA Auto Parts ............................39.99 Lubricants NAPA Auto Parts ............................11.96 Safety Items Ia. Assn. of Municipal Utilities ......261.00 UnityPoint Clinic ........................222.00 Tires & Tubes Heartland Tire & Auto Center .........96.28 Minor Mv Parts & Access A & M Laundry, Inc .......................435.89 Boone Hardware.............................39.02 Iowa Dept. of Transportation ........212.49 NAPA Auto Parts ..........................724.70 Snap-On Tools..............................149.60 Story City Radiator Repair LLC ....931.66 Stumbo Autobody and Truck .......310.00 Trans-Iowa Equipment, Inc........1,632.22 Ziegler Inc. .................................5,134.06 Minor Equip. & Hand Tools NAPA Auto Parts ............................13.43 Snap-On Tools..............................339.00 Official Pub. & Legal Not. Boone News Republican ................25.83 Dallas County News, Inc. ...............25.83 Mid-America Publishing Corp ........65.00 Wilcox Printing & Publishing ..........96.00 Telephone Services Ogden Telephone Co......................84.55 Windstream ..................................105.05 Educational & Training Service Card Services - VISA ....................113.12 IA Drainage Dist. Assn ....................45.00 Engineering Services CMT Constr. Materials Testing .....171.25 WHKS & Co .............................62,255.33 Electric Light & Power Alliant Energy ................................418.69 Black Hills Energy .........................237.24 Midland Power Cooperative ...........85.23 Ogden Municipal Utilities .............231.45 Water Use Ogden Municipal Utilities ...............73.22 Xenia Rural Water District...............46.80 MV Equip. Rep. Outside Serv. Heartland Tire & Auto Center .......591.00 Safelite Fulfillment, Inc .................640.68 Stumbo Autobody and Truck .......942.50 Ziegler Inc. ....................................795.87 Brush Cutting Chemicals I D A L S .........................................45.00 Buildings Brown Electric ..............................102.29 ProBuild - Boone ............................22.71 Roads Manatt’s Inc. ..............................4,826.33 Construction & Maint. Ziegler Inc. .................................9,030.84 Jail Commissary Fund Wearing Apparel & Uniform Stellar Services, LLC ....................280.79 Wanda’s Hair Gallery ......................15.00 Grant Fiscal Agent Fund Other / Misc Expense Card Services - VISA ....................466.86 County Comm. Serv. Case Mngt. Custodial Supplies Madison Co. Treasurer ...................45.42 Stationery & Forms Card Services - VISA ....................365.92 Home Office ...................................39.54 Madison Co. Treasurer ...................89.33 Utilities Payments Madison Co. Treasurer .................161.36 Employee Mileage & Subsistence Brian Drey .....................................126.90 Donald L. Watson .........................186.30 Telephone Services Madison Co. Treasurer .................150.09 Donald L. Watson ...........................20.00

Office Equip. & Furn. Rep. Madison Co. Treasurer ...................41.40 Data Processing Equip. ....................66.45 E911 Surcharge Telephone Services Ogden Telephone Co......................99.00 Emergency Management MV Equip. Rep. Outside Serv. Boone Co. Treasurer.....................210.00 Building Repair Boone Hardware.............................28.57 County Assessor Fund Educational & Training Service Card Services - VISA ....................207.00 Landfill Trust Ground Water Tax Expenses Bee & Herald Publishing...............160.02 Big Green Umbrella Media, Inc ....475.00 Boone News Republican ..............480.00 K W B G........................................692.00 Mid-America Publishing Corp ......487.50 Wilcox Printing & Publishing ........502.50 Landfill Fuels Boone Co. Treasurer..................1,105.43 The End Zone .................................81.83 Operating Expense Arnold Motor Supply ......................58.94 Boone Hardware...........................244.45 Capital City Equipment Co. .......1,515.38 Cardinal Cleaners ...........................35.00 Culligan Water Conditioning ...........31.35 Iowa Dept. of Agriculture ................84.00 Moeller Electric .............................509.98 ProBuild - Boone ............................43.19 Springer Pest Solutions ..................85.00 Stationery & Forms Home Office ...................................73.78 Recreational Supplies ArcMate Manufacturing Corp .......347.01 Cardinal Cleaners .........................136.75 Official Pub.& Legal Not. Boone News Republican ................24.00 Employee Mileage & Subsistence Card Services - VISA ....................814.07 Educational & Training Service Picketts Salvage ...........................215.00 Engineering Services Ahlers, Cooney, P.C. .....................200.00 HLW Group, LLC .......................4,400.00 Slingshot....................................9,500.00 All Utilities Coe Transfer, Inc...........................368.29 Fixed Plant Equipment Repair Card Services - VISA ......................43.79 Operating & Cons. Equip. Rep. Al-jon Manufacturing, LLC ...........542.10 Arnold Motor Supply ....................231.82 Pat Clemons Inc .............................33.84 Road Machinery & Supplies ....11,577.30 Ziegler Inc. .................................2,538.58 Dues & Memberships Card Services - VISA ......................10.00 Leachate Control Keystone Laboratories ..............6,083.63 Gravel M & J Aggregate Corp ..................480.85 Health Ins. Premium Payroll Holding Acct. BC Treasurer / Flex Benefits ......3,033.27 Grand Total ........................$ 360,918.11

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing before the Board of Supervisors of Boone County (according to Section 335.6 Code of Iowa) will be held on Wednesday December 11, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. at the Boone County Courthouse (2nd floor, Board Room) located at 201 State Street, Boone, Iowa 50036, to consider Ordinance # 123, Stephen Riker petition to rezone 3.53 acres, more or less, from A-1 (Agriculture Conservation) to R-1 (Rural Residential) to accommodate two (2) residential parcels each consisting of less than three (3) acres in size. A second hearing will be held on Wednesday December 18, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. unless suspended at the December 11, 2013 hearing. A third hearing will be held on Friday, December 20, 2014 at 09:00 a.m. unless suspended at the December 11, 2013 or the December 18, 2013 hearing. Petitioner: Stephen Riker 1744 230th St. Boone, Ia. 50036 Property Owners: Same LOCATION OF PROPERTY AFFECTED: PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, WORTH TOWNSHIP 83 NORTH, RANGE 26 WEST OF THE 5TH PM, BOONE COUNTY, IOWA, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 3.53 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Location Summary: Take Highway 30 east of Boone approximately 3.3 miles to IA-17. Turn right onto IA-17 continue approximately .7 miles to 230th St. Turn right onto 230th St., 1744 230th St. is on the left. The above Petition is open for inspection at the Planning and Development Department, Boone County Courthouse. Persons wishing to appear at such hearing may do so in person, or by attorney, or other representative. Communication in writing in relation thereto may be filed with the Zoning Commission or at such hearing. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend the hearing and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and participate, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, are requested to contact The Boone County Courthouse (515) 433-0550. BOONE COUNTY Sandra Monck Director of Planning and Development Published in The Ogden Reporter Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013.

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing before the Board of Supervisors of Boone County (according to Section 335.6 Code of Iowa) will be held on Wednesday December 11, 2013 at 10.30 a.m. at the Boone County Courthouse (2nd floor, Board Room) located at 201 State Street, Boone, Iowa 50036, to consider Ordinance # 122, Craig & Roylene Shepley petition to rezone 25.54 acres, more or less, from A-1 (Agriculture Conservation ) to TA-1 (Transitional Agriculture) to accommodate Butternut Woods Estates, a non-farm residential development consisting of three (3) residences total. A second hearing will be held on Wednesday December 18, 2013 at 09:00 a.m. unless suspended at the December 11, 2013 hearing. A third hearing will be held on Friday, December 20, 2014 at 08:30 a.m. unless suspended at the December 11, 2013 or the December 18, 2013 hearing. Petitioner: Boone County Planning & Development 201 State St. Boone, Ia. 50036 Property Owners: Craig & Roylene Shepley 1424 L Ave. Boone, Ia. 50036 LOCATION OF PROPERTY AFFECTED: PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, MARCY TOWNSHIP 83 NORTH, RANGE 27 WEST OF THE 5TH PM, BOONE COUNTY, IOWA, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 25.54 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Location Summary: Take Highway 30 west of Boone approximately 3.7 miles to L Ave. Turn left onto L Ave continue heading south approximately 2 miles. The proposed subdivision is on the east side of the road starting at the intersection of 240th St. and L Ave. The above Petition is open for inspection at the Planning and Development Department, Boone County Courthouse. Persons wishing to appear at such hearing may do so in person, or by attorney, or other representative. Communication in writing in relation thereto may be filed with the Zoning Commission or at such hearing. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend the hearing and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and participate, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, are requested to contact The Boone County Courthouse (515) 433-0550. BOONE COUNTY Sandra Monck Director of Planning and Development Published in The Ogden Reporter Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013.

Great gift idea . . . a subscription to The Ogden Reporter

The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, December 7, 2013 - PAGE 1B

Welcome to Christmas activities in Ogden! SMALL TOWN


Saturday, December 7: Breakfast with Santa is from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Leonard Good Community Center. $1 admission serving donuts, milk or juice. Have your picture taken with Santa, make a craft, listen to stories with Mrs. Claus. “Getting ready for Santa” 1 to 2 p.m. Cookie decorating and crafts at the Leonard Good Library. Sunday, December 8:

Select businesses open from 3 to 5 p.m. Many have treats and in-store specials. Businesses that will be open are: Plahn & Simple, Everlastings Flowers & Gifts, Patio Pros, Clark’s Food Mart, McGraw Senior Citizens Center, Ogden Farm & Feed, Kyndra Sundell Photography, Ebenezer Antiques, Walnut Street Health and Wellness, Functional Chiropractic, Peoples Trust & Savings Bank and Allie’s Hair Care. Visit each store and have a card validated. When your card is complete turn it in at a participating store for a chance to win $50 in Ogden Bucks. The drawing will be held at the soup supper Sunday, December 8. Clark’s Food Mart is sponsoring the horse drawn wagon rides from 4 to 7 p.m. Community Tree Lighting will be from 5:15 to 5:30 p.m. under the water tower on Walnut St. Carols will be led by Ogden High School Chorus. Soup Supper at The Well from 5:30 to 7 p.m: $5-adults, $3-children, $20 family. Menu includes: soup, rolls, veggies, beverages and dessert. Door prizes & drawings for $50 in Ogden Bucks! Battin Chapel Christmas Sing-Along is at 7 p.m.

Proceeds from “Breakfast with Santa” and the soup supper go to the Ogden Food Pantry

Gifts for Everyone on Your List Gift Certificates Phone Cards Fruit Baskets Meat & Cheese Trays Chocolates & Homemade Candies & Cookies Many Holiday Goodies




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ATCH FuTuRE CHuRCH LISTINGS for dates and times of Christmas programs, and plan on attending the upcoming school Christmas concerts.


OLIDAY LIGHTING CONTEST - Voting takes place Sun., Dec. 1 through Wednesday, Dec. 18. There are ballot boxes at Clark’s Food Mart and VisionBank. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners receive Ogden Bucks.

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PAGE 2B - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, December 4, 2013

OGDEN POLICE REPORT Monday, November 25 9:04 a.m.: Officer investigated suspicious activity at Waters Edge. 1:28 p.m.: Officer investigated a possible assault. 4:30 p.m.: Officer investigated a possible mail scam. 7:12 p.m.: Officer responded to an incomplete 911 at 502 S. 1st St. Everything was okay. Tuesday, November 26 7:16 a.m.: Officer responded to a reported breaking and entering at 402 W. Walnut St. There was an unknown amount of cash and tools taken. 7:48 a.m.: Officer responded to an attempted breaking and entering

at 302 W. Walnut St. Wednesday, November 27 2:10 p.m.: Officer assisted Ogden First Responders with a subject that had fallen on the ice in the 500 block of E. Walnut St. 8:45 p.m.: Officer assisted subject locked out of vehicle. 9:29 p.m.: Officer received a complaint of loud noise coming from 210 W. Walnut St. Apt #1. Officer advised subjects living at the residence to quiet down. Thursday, November 28 8:00 a.m.: Officer found a pair of snow pants in a plastic bag just south of Howe School at S.E. 2nd and Division St. The officer will take the

pants to Howe School on Monday, Dec. 2, 2013. 4:07 p.m.: Officer received a complaint of loud music at 432 E. Walnut St. The officer asked subjects to turn radio in their vehicle down. 5:11 p.m.: Officer received a report of a Golden Retriever dog that had been running loose and resident at 202 E. Walnut caught the dog. They said they would hold the dog until owner claimed. Saturday, November 30 1:58 p.m.: Employees at Ogden Manor reported a visitor that was causing problems. The subject was leaving upon officer’s arrival.

7:55 p.m.: Officer received a report of a suspicious vehicle at 1094 H Ave. Officer found Brandon Peterson at this location and his vehicle was broke down. Officer cited Brandon Peterson, 28, of Stratford for driving under suspension. Peterson was cited and released and his vehicle was towed. These charges are merely an accusation and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. PSA: Ogden residents are reminded to clear their sidewalks of snow within 48 hours after the snow has stopped falling.

Sunday, November 17 3:53 a.m.: Deputy Quinn made a traffic stop at T Ave. and Highway 30. After a brief investigation Deputy Quinn took Bryce Kauffman into custody for driving while suspended, unlawful possession of prescription drugs and investigation into possible OWI. He was transported to the BCJ. Monday, November 18 3:03 a.m.: Deputy Quinn was checking Highway 30 for a possible drunk driver after Ames PD put out a radio broadcast of a vehicle with heavy front end damage from an accident in their city. Deputy Quinn located the vehicle eastbound in the westbound lanes. The vehicle nearly struck Deputy Quinn and another car head on and was eventually stopped by Deputy Quinn. After a brief investigation the driver Laura

Zaugg was placed under arrest for investigation into OWI and numerous other traffic violations. The investigation is continuing. Wednesday, November 20 1:34 p.m.: A person called the 911 center and advised she was involved in an ATV accident and that she was injured. Deputies Pontius and Gray responded along with the Boone FD and BCH Ambulance. The injured driver of the ATV was hard to find as she was in the middle of a section with no accessible roads to where she was at. Because she called in on her cell phone 911 communication specialist were able to direct law enforcement and first responders to the scene. The driver of the ATV was transported to BCH for her injuries. Her condition is not know at this time.

PAGE 4B - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Do Some Shopping, Find Your Holiday Glow, and Play “Light Up the Holidays”! We’ve left a candle glowing for you! Now thru Dec. 15, gather your friends and search out that special glowing candle in each participating business. Each business has a holiday related word on their candle located throughout their business. You will have to find the candle in the store and write the word down on the game piece (provided at each store). Write down their word and have a store employee mark your card by their business name. Once you have them all, drop your completed game piece at one of those participating businesses.

Cards must be received by 5 p.m. on Dec. 15 to qualify.

The winner will be chosen by random drawing. No purchase necessary.

Businesses participating in the BAMA promotion, “Light Up the Holidays”, include: Eckstein’s Jewelry, The Dutch Oven Bakery, Something for You Boone, Iowa, Midwest Creations, The Book Shoppe, Hy-Vee, Napa Auto Parts, The Furniture Zone, Pizza Ranch, Bacon Jewelers, and People’s Clothing.

25% CASH

Holly’s has the brands you love!

discount on ALL Christmas cards! Gift Certificates available

FREE GIFT WRAP • GIFT CERTIFICATES Holly Bucks Begins in November! $1 for every $10 you spend. Redeem in January

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Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 9-5:30 9-5:30 9-5:30 9-8 9-5:30

Sat. 9-5

Sun. 12-4

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Looking for that one of a kind gift?

d r o e r r u f o o r y t e h v e Holi r e s e r da ut s

We have lots of handmade & unique gift items for that special someone in your life! Mention Boy Scout Troop 197 Fund Raiser and you receive 10% off your purchase and 20% of your purchase goes to the troop

Something for YOU Boone, Iowa

STORE HOURS: Mon - Sat - 9 to 6 • Thursdays - 9 to 8 813 Keeler St., Boone • 515-432-0362

Special Orders Welcome Stocking Stuffers

Book Shoppe

2014 Calendars & Planners Puzzles for all ages Journals and Sketchbooks


Multiples • Tribal Alfred Dunner • Woolrich • Brighton Not Your Daughter’s Jeans

Inc. On Story Street

Our 3 large rooms are filled to the brim with holiday decorating ideas and beautiful gifts!

Let us be your complete florist with fresh flower arrangements for the holidays or any occasion!

Fresh Christmas Trees, Custom Decorated Wreaths and Roping!


STORE HOURS: Monday through Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. 817 Story St., Boone • 515-432-2556

Light Up The Holidays!

Just in “Time” for Great Savings!

20% OFF Citizen & Pulsar Watches



Choose from stately, elegant, bold, or sporty styles. Running short of TIME? Let us gift wrap it for you! • Lay-away for Christmas. • Pick up game card to “Find Your Glow.”

alue Watc.hes V l ia c e p S s e * Excludd thru Dec. 31, 2013 Goo

2204 E. Mamie Eisenhower Ave., Boone 515-432-6275



Jewelers Since 1899 819 Story St., Boone 515-432-4783


133LPI minimum required, 150LPI recommended. Please pay special attention as to how to build the add using the snipes and disclaimers.

LET IT SNOW! $ 00 899

The Iron Horse Antique Mall


Place product specs here


We have something for everyone on your list!

10 - 50% OFF many booths!

INTERMEDIATE DUAL-STAGE: Ideal for medium driveways and walkways.


Briggs & Stratton 900 Snow SeriesTM Ohv engine with Electric Start. 24” Clearing width.


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Regular Hours: Mon - Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Handicapped Accessible • Our Coffee Pot Is Always On


Mon. - Fri.: 8:30 - 6 • Sat. - Sun.: 12 - 5

Like us on Facebook

WE WILL BE OPEN Sundays, Dec. 1 - Dec. 22: Noon to 4 p.m.

605 Story St., Boone

Celebrating 40 years of bringing Christmas Cheer!

Light Up the Holidays


R & W POWER 802 10th St., Boone, IA (515) 432-3765

711 Story St., Boone • 432-5577

Place Dealer Imprint Here (Place your dealer information here)

Place Finance Promotion

(Please see Current Promotions section on website to obtain the current finance snipes to insert in the gray blade)

The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - PAGE 3B

The Classifieds


Ogden Opening AD – Ogden Reporter – 6.3333” (3 col) x 10”h – 4C


Come Grow With Us Peoples Trust & Savings Bank is bringing loan services to Ogden, and we look forward to helping the community grow! As we partner together, over time we can become your full-service financial solution. So let’s work and grow – together!

We’re proud to be in Ogden.

Lending Solutions … Personal. Business. Ag. Mortgage.

Member FDIC


Position AvAilAble boone County seCondAry roAd MAintenAnCe/Weed CoMMissioner Due to retirement in the Boone County Secondary Road Department, the Boone County Board of Supervisors will be accepting applications for a Secondary Road Employee. Position requires: operating light to heavy equipment in the maintenance and repair of County roads and right-of-ways; operating equipment for snow removal, sanding, salting and plowing; and function as a general laborer. Other duties performed, but not limited to, are brush cutting, weed spraying along with weed commissioner duties, drainage tile repair and roadway pavement repair. The applicant must have a valid Iowa Driver’s license with an acceptable driving record and will be required to have a valid Class A Commercial Drivers License. Selected applicant will be required to successfully complete a pre-employment physical and drug test. Hire-in salary: $15.30 per hour. Boone County offers a competitive benefits package. A County employment application and job description may be obtained from the Boone County Engineer’s office located in the Boone County Courthouse, Boone, Iowa. Applicants must submit employment application to the: BOONE COUNTY ENGINEER’S OFFICE Courthouse, 201 State St., Boone, Iowa 50036 Applications will be accepted until Friday, Dec. 13, 2013, 4:30 p.m. BOONE COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.


Do you have: Class A CDL Excellent Driving Record 2 Years Experience Preferred Do you want: Competitive Wage Great Benefits Package Home Every Night Clean & Well Maintained Equipment

We Have the Opportunity for You! Please stop by the feed mill at 411 Lawler Street, Iowa Falls to fill out an application. Call 800-889-8531 ext. 8543 Equal Opportunity Employer

HOUSE CLEANING Perfectly Clean will clean a 2 BR home, 2.5 to 3 hours for $45.00. We do Holiday Cleaning also. Call 515432-3989. D4, D11, D18, D25

Please help us re-stock


Ogden Kids Club KC will decorate Christmas trees at McGraw Senior Citizen Center

Tues., Dec. 3 • 3:30 -4:30 p.m. KC “Movie” Night. we will be open until 7 p.m. at Howe Elementary

Thurs., Dec. 12

Just a reminder that Kids Club will be open during Christmas break (6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.) Thurs.-Fri., Dec. 26-27; Mon.-Tues., Dec. 30-31 (closing at 4 p.m. on Dec. 31); and Thurs.-Fri., Jan. 2-3. Parents need to sign up their children for these dates AsAP. Call 515-298-0587 or online


BOONE COUNTY LAND LAND FOR SALE FOR SALE 53.5753.57 AC.,Ac., M/L m/l- –53 53CROP crop ac.,AC., 82.5 82.5 CSR CSR Located on NW edge of Boone Located on NW edge of Boone FullFull Possession 2014 Crop Possession for for 2014 Crop YearYear $8,500/A $8,500/A


415 11thSt., St., Nevada, 415 S.S.11th Nevada,IAIA50201 50201 800-593-5263 800-593-5263

FOR RENT VERY NICE 2 BR apt. in Ogden, Water, sewer, garbage paid. Laundry available. Call: 515-231-9340. APARTMENT FOR RENT NICE LARGE 1 BR upstairs apartment in Ogden. Remodeled with new carpet. $340/mo. plus water and sewer. Call: 515-249-7054

The Ogden Reporter

DRIVERS: Flatbed, newer equipment w/APU excellent pay package & benefits w/top incentives. Avg. miles 2500-3000 extra stop & tarping pay consistent home time. CDL-A, 25 yoa & 2yrs recent OTR exp. 855-219-5996 D4, D11


Great gift idea . . . a subscription to

338 W Walnut Street Ogden, IA 50212 515-275-2758


The family of Buzz Curry would like to thank everyone for their kindness and prayers through out his four years of illness and at the time of his passing. Buzz was known and loved by many for his sense of humor, quick wit and kindness towards others. Special thanks to Dr. Merchant & staff at Bliss Cancer Center, Boone Specialty Clinic, Homeward Hospice and Israel Hospice House, along with family and friends. Buzz will live in our hearts forever. Family of Buzz Curry


P.O.Box R Ogden, IA 50212

Don’t let your child get frustrated with math! I am a junior at OHS. I can assist with homework, provide extra assistance with the current curriculum, or take the fear out of math. My tutoring sessions will be informative and fun!

$10 for s te 30 minu

Before and after school time slots available. All sessions will be held at Ogden schools or Leonard Good Library. Contact Trey Thompson by email:

4th Quarter Machinery and Equipment AD – Ogden Reporter – 6.3333” (3 col) x 10”h – 4C

It’s 4th Qtr

And we’ve got a game changer. Purchase your machinery and equipment with rates as low as …

1.99 % 2.99

3-year term/3-year amortization



5-year term/5-year amortization

Food items may be taken to McGraw Senior Center, the Leonard Good Library or to the Community United Methodist Church.


The IRS has extended expensing up to $500,000 of qualifying equipment including technology, machinery, and certain vehicles until December 31, 2013, when that opportunity is scheduled to expire.

Classifieds don’t cost . . . They pay!

Place your ad today!


Contact your Local PTSB Lender for more details! For a complete directory of our Commercial/Ag lenders, visit

* The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is accurate as of October 1, 2013 and subject to change. New money only. Standard loan qualifications apply. Some restrictions apply. Offer good through December 31, 2013. Financing available for business purposes only. Consult your tax advisor to discuss your specific tax situation.

Member FDIC

PAGE SIX - The Ogden Reporter, Wednesday, December 4, 2013

HOURS: OPEN 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. MONDAY-SATURDAY 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. SUNDAY Senior Citizens’

5% Discount Every Tuesday!







5 3 99

69 lb.


REDI 8 oz. pkg.

159 369 329 369

Stew Meat................... HORMEL FROZEN ST. LOUIS lb.

Pork Ribs...................... CHARCOAL lb.



5 2


HORMEL MINI 5 oz. pkg.


329 00 Pepperoni 2/6 Kraut 169 39 Flake Style Crabmeat 2 ..............

FRANK’S QUALITY 32 oz. bag






3 12 49




* Beef Bologna * German Bologna * Pickle Loaf




7-ct. bag


64 oz. ctn.


229 Olives 139 00 Dinners 4/5 89 Condensed Milk 1

Dressing........................ ........................................










6-8 oz. bag

FRESH, PLUMP 6 oz. ctn.



3-lb. bag


199 299 Tomatoes 199 Iceberg Lettuce 109



Red Potatoes...........







SHUR FRESH 16 oz. pkg.

Ring Bologna...........







15-16.3 oz. jar

Rib Quick...................... BEEF lb.















12 oz. pkg.





3 1




15.25 oz. box


12-16 oz. ctn.



5 1

00 99


20 oz. pkg.

11.5-12 oz. bag


Check out our corner sign for the SPECIAL OF THE DAY SERVED HOT TO GO! 11 a. m. - 1 p.m. in our deli!





5 5




2-ltr. btl. plus dep.




SHUR FINE 12 oz. can


TAI PEI 12-14 oz.


SHUR FINE 8 oz. box



SHUR FRESH 12.4 oz. tube

BLUE BUNNY 1.75 qt.

NESTLE 16-16.5 oz. pkg.


.89 Deli Slices.......2/500 Chinese Entrees...249 99 79 Coffee.................5 Cream Cheese......99 Complete Dinners..2 COOKIES FLAVOR CRISP 29 99 99 CHICKEN Pie Crust.............1 Ice Cream...........3 Cinnamon Rolls....1 99 99 99 49 00 Canola Oil........... 2 12 Complete Meals... 2 Cookie Dough...2/5 79 Sugar.................. 1 59 CHEESECAKE 99 BOWL 8 Corn Syrup..........229 BUTTER 3 PIZZA 79 09 GRILLED CHICKEN 2 TUNA SANDWICH 1 99 99 Nilla Wafers.........2 00 39 49 29 2/ CHICKEN 2 POTATOES 1 Powdered Sugar...1 GREGORY (READY TO BAKE) BAG FULL OF


12 pc. box


48 ct. bag




16 oz. pkg.

32 oz. ctn.



NABISCO 11 oz. box






6 oz. ctn.





6.5-8 oz. bag









Evaporated Milk...



12-16 oz. pkg.

00 24 oz. jar






DOWNY 51 oz. btl.



GLAD 210 ft.

BOB’S RED & WHITE 12-ct. box

8-8.5 oz. bag

219 Fabric Softener....529 Peanuts...............179 09 49 29 Candy Canes......1 Cling Wrap.........2 Bleach................1

Cookie Mix.........










2 12 2/7 17 14 16 99

12.214.4 oz.

99 100 oz. btl.


13-20 oz. bag

95 each


18 pk. cans plus dep.

28-32 oz. box


FLOUR 5-lb. bag


15 oz. ctn.






30-pk. cans plus dep.

Potato Bologna • Fresh Baked Kringla • Meat & Cheese Trays Fruit Baskets (any size) • Holiday Cookies • Egg Nog Homemade Chex Party Mix • Holiday Lottery Scratch Tickets • Cornish Hens Holiday Beers & Ales • Bulk Brach’s Chocolates • Christmas Wrapping Paper Almond Bark • Chocolate Covered Cherries • Christmas Cookie Cutters Christmas Candy • Holiday Candles • Holiday Window Clings Homemade Seasonal Candies • Asst. Dipped Pretzels • Ogden Bulldog Sports Wear Fresh East Coast Oysters • Fresh Apple Cider • Clark’s Gift Certificates






5 299 2/300 288 49

12-ct. rolls

4-4.25 oz. bar

9.7 oz. spray

Prices effective Wednesday, December 4, 2013 through Tuesday, December 10, 2013. Quantity rights reserved. No sales to dealers.

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