Homecoming week at South Hardin TUESDAY
E L D O R A, I O W A
V O L U M E 1 50
• NO52•
Extension Service also fields a slate of November candidates by Rick Patrie News Editor HARDIN COUNTY – Not to be forgotten on the November ballot are candidates for the county extension council. Those elected will have a role in directing extension services to constituents in the county. Hardin County voters have the opportunity to elect four members to the Hardin County ISU Extension & Outreach Council at the Nov. 8 general election. “The council members elected this year will be involved in bringing educational opportunities to Hardin County for the next four years,” said Darwin Miller, Hardin County ISU Extension Administrator. ISU Extension and Outreach educational programming is a cooperative effort involving local citizens, Iowa State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Extension council members are elected at large and all voters in the county are eligible to vote for four candidates. Successful candidates will take office in January 2017. Candidates on this year’s ballot include Lisa Burns from Union, Jennifer Smith from Iowa Falls, and Peggy Rash-Daniels and Jeff Roll from Eldora. Burns manages a family crop seed business near New Providence, Smith is a homemaker, Rash-Daniels works for the Grundy County Natural Resources Conservation Service and Roll farms and works for the Iowa Department
Newsbriefs Hubbard’s Big Green Annual Fall Bake Sale October 8
Hubbard’s Big Green, a not for profit organization, will have its annual fall bake sale Saturday, October 8, from 9 a.m. to noon at the shelter house at the Hubbard Park. There will also be crocheted and knitted dishcloths, fall decorations and irises of various colors for fall planting.
American Legion Pork Chop Dinner Oct. 5
The American Legion Club Post #182, Eldora, will be having their Pork Chop Dinner on Wednesday, Oct. 5. The meal will be served from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Carry-outs will be available at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $8 per person. Everyone is welcome.
Greenbelt Home Care to hold flu clinics
Greenbelt Home Care will hold flu clinics: October 3 - Pine Lake Housing South, 2 p.m.-3 p.m.; North, 3 p.m.-4 p.m.; October 5 Radcliffe Security State Bank, 10 a.m.-noon; October 5 - Hubbard Security State Bank, 1 p.m.-3 p.m.; October 27 - Peoples Savings BankWellsburg, 11 a.m.-noon All persons can get a flu shot. FEE: $30.00 – FREE if you have Medicare Part B (must bring your Medicare card with you.) Please call if you are not able to get to clinic we will come to you or schedule time for you to come to us!! For more information call Greenbelt Home Care at (641) 9398444 or toll free 1-877-283-0959. (continued on page 9)
of Transportation. Extension council members whose terms expire this year are Valerie Cook from Hubbard, and Jennifer Mitchell, Peggy RashDaniels and Jeff Roll from Eldora. Cook and Mitchell decided not to be candidates for another term. Cook has served 16 years on the council and Mitchell has served eight years. Carryover council members whose terms continue through the end of 2018 are Scott Bahr, Francis Fritz, and Dale McDonough from Iowa Falls and Jo Duncan and Allen Tibbs from Alden. Extension council members make policy, programming and budget decisions for ISU Extension and Outreach in Hardin County. Elected council members and offices in every county uniquely position ISU Extension and Outreach to move the state forward. Last year more than 1 million people directly benefited from ISU Extension and Outreach programs. These programs help citizens solve critical issues affecting their lives. ISU Extension and Outreach and county extension councils work together to build a strong Iowa. ISU Extension and Outreach has 100 field offices, providing local access to extension programs in all 99 counties. Learn more atwww. extension.iastate.edu or contact ISU Extension and Outreach in Hardin County at ph. 641-648-4850 or by email xhardin@iastate.edu
South Hardin Homecoming court South Hardin Homecoming candidates are from left to right: Dane Butler, Hunter Nessa, Lane Reifschneider, Ty Cook and Ted Dunn. Also left to right, Sarah Wiechmann, Nina Priske, Sarah Brown, Dru Balvanz, and Lexi Ryan. The student body elected the homecoming court and the coronation was to be held Monday evening (October 3) in the high school gym at about 7:15 p.m. following the junior varsity football game, with pictures in Friday’s paper. The homecoming game is Friday October 7.
The Governor Absentee would like to take voting is you for a walk becoming the rule
By Rick Patrie News Editor HARDIN COUNTY – Greenbelt Home Care is joining in to support the Healthiest State Initiative on October 5. The project encourages walks in all of Iowa’s 99 counties this year under the sponsorship of Delta Dental of Iowa. This year’s Walk aims to get people together to walk for 30 minutes. Just thirty minutes of physical activity each day improves physical, social, and emotional health. “Greenbelt Home Care in Eldora is excited to partake in the Healthiest State Walk as it represents a commitment to our residents’ wellbeing. We look forward to not only walking together on October 5, but also initiating a cultural shift towards more activity,” spokesmen say. Before the October 5 walk, Greenbelt also encourages
community members to participate in the #WhyIWalk pledge by writing down their own reason for incorporating walking into their daily routine in the long run. These pledges can be shared via photos on social media using the hashtags #StepItUpIowa and #WhyIWalk. Come out to the event at Greenbelt Home Care in Eldora at 12 p.m. The walk will be thirty minutes long and participants are encouraged to join and walk at their own pace as we all take steps to improve our health. Free lunch will be served following the walk. Even if you are not able to join our organized walk, organizers encourage you to go for a 30 minute stroll sometime during the day to support the goal to make Iowa a healthier state. Remember, come out to Greenbelt at noon on October 5.
The doctor invites you too GRUNDY CENTER - Everyone is invited to take a step toward better health by joining the new ‘Walk with a Doc’ program sponsored by Grundy County Memorial Hospital and physician Dr. Eric Neverman. The year-round walking program has more than 200 chapters across the country as part of an effort that
pairs doctors with members of their community to encourage increased physical activity in people of all ages. The first Grundy County walk is scheduled for Wednesday, October 5, at 12:00 noon to coincide with (continued on page 3)
by Rick Patrie News Editor HARDIN COUNTY – Today one can vote absentee – but do it very much in person. There was a time you needed a reason to vote absentee. Not a life or death reason, .but just thinking of the reason was enough to make most folks slog in on election day itself. Then the reason was no longer needed, and more and more people began to realize how convenient it was to vote on their own schedule. And so it was last Thursday was first day for voters who wanted to show up at the county auditor’s office in person and cast their ballot – absentee. Voting early and absentee has gotten so popular that nowadays the split is close to fifty-fifty statewide, between those who come early and those who wait for election day. Of course there is also the more conventional method of voting absentee, too. The Secretary of State’s office says the following:
Absentee Voting by Mail (continued on page 3)
Andy Cable was one of the first to afford himself of the opportunity to vote absentee – absentee, but very much in person on opening day for voting last Thursday.
DON’T HAVE A HY-VEE FUEL SAVER + PERKS CARD? SIGN UP AT YOUR ELDORA HY-VEE TODAY. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Ends 11/13/16. For Official Rules and complete details, see hy-vee.com.
8431_4x4F4A_Newspaper_10x20_STARTER_FILE.indd 7
8/24/16 4:20 PM
Local/Area News
Tuesday, October 4, 2016 • pAge 3A
Absentee voting no longer the exception, but becoming the rule (continued from page 1) Registered voters may request an absentee ballot to be sent to them by mail. You must complete an absentee ballot request form and return the original, signed form to your county auditor. The request form does not need to be witnessed or notarized. Someone who will be 18 years old by the date of an upcoming election may request an absentee ballot if he or she is pre-registered to vote. Request Deadline The request form must be received in the county auditor’s office by 5 p.m. on the Friday before the election. If the request is received so late that is unlikely the absentee ballot can be returned by mail in time to be considered for counting, the county auditor will enclose a statement to that effect with the absentee ballot. Receiving the Ballot After receiving a request form, the county auditor will mail the voter a ballot. For primary and general elections, the ballots are mailed no later than 40 days before election day. For other elections, ballots are mailed to
voters as soon as they are ready. With the ballot, the county auditor will include instructions on how to mark the ballot as well as how to return the ballot. Returning the Ballot You can return your voted absentee ballot by mail. Absentee ballots received in the county auditor’s office by the time the polls close on election day are eligible for counting. Absentee ballots received after the polls close on election day must be postmarked by the Monday before election day or earlier and received in the county auditor’s office no later than noon on the Monday following the election. For school and some city and special elections, the return deadline may be earlier. Read the instructions sent with the ballot. Voted absentee ballots cannot be delivered to the polling place on election day. If you have not returned your absentee ballot on election day, you have the following options: Deliver your voted absentee ballot to the county auditor’s office before the polls close on election day, Surrender your voted absentee ballot at the polls and vote a regular ballot, or Vote a provisional ballot at the
The doctor invites you to walk (continued from page 1)
Iowa’s Healthiest State walk. But there are several other opportunities. Future Walk with a Doc walks are scheduled for November 2, December 7, and January 7, 2017. Walk with a Doc begins at the UnityPoint Clinic entrance, 101 East J Avenue in Grundy Center, and will continue to the Pioneer Trail and return to the clinic parking lot. Each monthly gathering will begin with a brief health topic discussion, led by the doctor, before the walk gets underway. “My interest in starting Walk with a Doc locally was to highlight the importance of incorporating regular physical activity into one’s lifestyle,” says Dr. Neverman, who joined UnityPoint Clinic – Grundy Center Family Medicine recently. “Various chronic health conditions encountered in the clinic are related to a sedentary lifestyle. Adding physical activity can be as simple as getting outside for a walk. I hope our monthly community walks can help demonstrate the benefits of walking.” The walk is open to everyone,
says Dr. Neverman, and he believes the Walk with a Doc program is an effective way for him to become acquainted with community members while people also get a chance to get to know him outside of the doctor’s office. The first Walk with a Doc program began in Columbus, Ohio, more than ten years ago, and was the brainchild of David Sabre, M.D., a cardiologist. It’s based on data that shows walking for as little as thirty minutes a day can reduce the risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, while improving blood pressure and blood sugar levels and elevating your mood. Its mission is to encourage healthy physical activity in people of all ages, improving the health and well-being of the country. The Grundy County Walk with a Doc effort is among ten walks offered in Iowa. “We encourage everyone to join us on October 5th to kick off Walk with a Doc.” For information, phone 319-8244161 or email brenda.schmidt@ unitypoint.org.
polls if you cannot surrender your voted absentee ballot.
Absentee Voting in Person
You may cast an absentee ballot in person at your county auditor’s office before any election. You must vote your absentee ballot at the auditor’s office. You cannot take the ballot home with you. For voters who need assistance in marking their ballots, an accessible ballot marking device is available at the county auditor’s office. For primary and general elections, absentee ballots will be available no earlier than 40 days at the county auditors’ offices. For all other elections, ballots will be available as soon as they are ready. In-person absentee voting is not available on election day at the auditor’s office unless the polls open at noon. If the polls open at noon, you may cast an absentee ballot at the county auditor’s office from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on election day. Iowa’s 40-day early voting period is one of the longest in the nation. There are several different ways Iowans can vote, including in-person at their county auditor’s office, through the mail by requesting an absentee ballot, at satellite voting locations, and at the polls on Election Day, November 8. For more information, visit the Iowa Secretary of State’s website, sos.iowa.gov, and click on ‘General Election 2016’<https://sos.iowa. gov/elections/electioninfo/general/ generalelection2016.html> on the homepage.
Fareway supports Tiger PACK Dana Cummings (l) with Tiger PACK and Sherry Albertson, director of the E-NP after school program, accepted $250 from Fareway manager Ryan Bjustrom, proceeds from Fareway’s monthlong “Roundup” project which lets customers round up their purchases to the next highest whole dollar, and see the accumulated funds will go to a betterment effort in the community.
Check out our website: eldoranewspapers.com Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for faster news and updates PUBLIC NOTICE
Statement of Ownership Statement of the Ownership, Management, Etc., Required by the Acts of Congress as of Aug. 12, 1970 1.- 8. eldora Herald Ledger, publication number 171-240, filing date of Sept. 29, 2016, frequency of issue, weekly; number of issues published annually, 52; annual subscription price, $50.00. The mailing address of the Known Office of Publication and Headquarters is 1513 edgington Ave., eldora, IA 50627, Hardin County. 9. The name and address of the publisher is Clinton Poock, 1513 Edgington Ave., Eldora, IA 50627. The name and address of the editor is Richard patrie, 1513 edgington Ave., eldora, IA 50627 The name and address of the managing editor is Scott Bierle, 1513 Edgington Ave., eldora, IA 50627. 10. Owners: Mid-America publishing Corporation, 9-2nd St. NW, P.O. Box 606, Hampton, IA 50441-0606. Stockholders owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of stock: Jeanette M. Grohe, 1 Lincoln Place Dr., Des Moines, IA 50312; Matthew Grohe, 1 Lincoln Place Dr., Des Moines, IA 50312; Julie M. Herr, 4422 N. Mozart St., Chicago, IL 60625. 11. The known bondholders, mortgagees or other security holders owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: First Bank Hampton, PO Box 59, Hampton, IA 50441; First Security Bank, PO Box 119, Hampton, IA 50441; MidWestOne Bank, 112 N. Main St., Sigourney, IA 52591; Barbara Mussman, 721 Cedar Dr., Clarion, IA 50525; Chrysler Capital, PO Box 660335, Dallas, TX 75266; News Publishing Company, Inc., PO Box 286, Black Earth, WI 53151; Roger & Karen Rector, 1004
Twin Pines, Ida Grove, IA 51445; Leon & Becky Thorne, PO Box 352, Parkersburg, IA 50665. 13.-14. Eldora Herald Ledger, issue date for circulation data below is Sept. 20, 2016. 15a. Extent and Nature of Circulation. Total Number Copies (net press run) average each issue during preceding twelve months, 1,492; single issue published nearest filing date, 1,500. 15b. Paid Circulation (By Mail and Outside the Mail) (1) Mailed Outside-County paid Subscriptions Stated On PS Form 3541 (Include paid distribution above nominal rate, advertiser’s proof copies, and exchange copies) - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 231, single issue published nearest filing date, 216. 15b. (2) Mailed In-County Paid Subscriptions stated on PS Form 3541 (Include paid distribution above nominal rate, advertiser’s proof copies, and exchange copies) - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 671; single issue published nearest filing date, 671. 15b. (3) paid Distribution Outside the Mails Including Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Paid or Requested Distribution Outside USPS - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 188; single issue published nearest filing date, 170. 15b. (4) paid Distribution by Other Mail Classes of Mail Through the USPS (e.g. FirstClass Mail) - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 0; single issue published nearest filing date, 0. 15c. Total Paid Distribution [sum of 15b (1), (2), (3), and (4)] - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months,
1,090; single issue published nearest filing date, 1,057. 15d. Free or Nominal Rate Distribution (By Mail and Outside the Mail) - (1) Free or Nominal Rate Outside-County Copies Included on PS Form 3541 - Average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 6; single issue nearest filing date, 6. (2) Free or Nominal Rate In-County Copies Included on PS Form 3541 - Average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 2; single issue nearest filing date, 2. (3) Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed at Other Classes Through the USPS (e.g. First-Class Mail) - Average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 0; single issue published nearest filing date, 0. (4) Free or Nominal Rate Distribution Outside the Mail (Carriers or other means) Average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 0; single issue published nearest filing date, 0. 15e. Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution [sum of 15d (1), (2), (3) and (4)] - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 8; single issue published nearest filing date, 8. 15f. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c. and 15e.) - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 1,098; single issue published nearest filing date, 1,065. 15g. Copies Not Distributed - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 394; single issue published nearest filing date, 435. 15h. Total (Sum of 15f and g) - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 1,492; single issue published nearest filing date, 1,500. 15i. Percent Paid and/or Requested
Circulation (15c divided by 15f times 100) average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months 99.27%; single issue published nearest filing date, 99.25%. 16a. paid electronic Copies - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 3; single issue published nearest filing date, 3. 16b. Total paid print Copies (Line 15c) + Paid Electronic Copies - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 1,093; single issue published nearest filing date, 1,060. 16c. Total Print Distribution (Line 15f) + Paid Electronic Copies - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 1,101; single issue published nearest filing date, 1,068. 16d. Percent Paid (Both Print & Electronic Copies) - average number of copies each issue during preceding twelve months, 99.27%; single issue published nearest filing date, 99.25%. I certify that 50% of all my distributed copies (Electronic & Print) are paid above a nominal price. 17. This Statement of Ownership will be printed in the Oct. 7, 2016 issue of this publication. Signed Clinton Poock, Publisher, on Sept. 28, 2016. I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits material or information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) and/or civil sanctions (including civil penalties). (Ledger – Oct. 4, 2016)
Good Luck comets stomp the beLmondkLemme broncos!
BCLUW FOOTBALL- Pictured are members of the BCLUW football team for the 2016 fall campaign. Front row, left to right, Nathan Hulbert, Chase Luethje, Mason Dhyne, Neil Cashin, Bradley Bell, Clay Silver, Caleb Engle, Storm Wiseman, Landon Gunderson. Second row, l to r, Logan Gunderson, Ruben Montoya, Sebastian Oberbeck, Calob Keller, Treye Teske, Coby Willett, Dalton Critchfield, Tre Walker, Brock Kinney, Garrett Brown, Erick Knott, Drake Hutchens. Back row, l to r, Joe Mason, Noah Lehman, Mason Yantis, Greg Schmitt, Jack Garber, Brad Barkema, Conner Thompson, Keegan Rhinehart, Ben Paper, Garrett Hauersperger, Evan Engle.
HardinCSB.com HCSB@HardinCSB.com
7/16 - approved
Community/Area News
Tuesday, October 4, 2016 • pAge 4A
Gail Lawler turns 90 Mrs. Gail Lawler of Steamboat
Rock will be turning 90 on October 5. She will be celebrating with an Open House on Sunday, Oct. 16 from 2 to 4 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church in Eldora. Birthday greetings may be sent to Gail at 20927 T Ave., Steamboat Rock, IA 50672.
Open House for Edward (Bud) Trittien There will be an open house for Edward (Bud) Trittien of Eldora, to celebrate his 80th birthday. The open house will be on Sunday, Oct. 9 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Dorothy’s Senior Center, 1306 17th Ave., Eldora.
Priscilla Guild The Priscilla Guild of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Eldora, met September 22. Vicki Speck hosted the meeting with six members present. Pastor David Splett led the lesson based on the Quarterly on Homosexuality. Donating money to different projects was discussed. Kids Against
Hunger was one of the recipients of a donation. Kids Against Hunger took place during Sunday School on September 25. Both adults and children participated. The next meeting will be held on October 20 with Maxine Daleske as hostess.
Call 939-5051 with your news Hubbard’s Big Green A Not-for-profit organization will have its
Annual Fall Bake Sale Saturday, Oct. 8
9 a.m.-Noon at the Shelter House at Hubbard Park
Never send just a computer to do a human’s job. Thrivent Mutual Funds are Sara activelyKadolph managed by investment * notst. professionals, robots. We focus 22885 305th on delivering competitive performance Hubbard, ia 50122 and sophisticated solutions in a surprisingly simple way. Get started today.
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Contact us for help in determining which funds may be right for your financial needs. Pine Lake Financial Associates 1710 Edgington Ave, Ste#1 Eldora, IA 50627 641-858-2050 Ron Wieting ChFC®, CLU®, FIC Financial Consultant ron.wieting@thrivent.com Chris Wieting, FIC Financial Associate chris.wieting@thrivent.com Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. Thrivent Investment Management Inc. is registered as an investment adviser and a brokerdealer, and a member of FINRA and SIPC, with its principal place of business at 625 Fourth Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55415. All entities are wholly owned subsidiaries of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. 29084 N3-16
FUNDRAISER Barn Dance Hardin County Farm Museum Featuring the Live Country Music of
THE OTHER BAND Freewill Donation Fundraiser
Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016 Dance from 7-10 p.m. Soup Supper - 6 p.m. Chili & Chicken Noodle Sloppy Joes, Pie and Desserts Served in the Barn - Freewill Donation
10/4 & 7/16
54 first run
18 if you would want to run a second run
Here are the members of the BCLUW homcoming court. Guys on left (from bottom to top): Caleb Engle, Landon Gunderson, Storm Wiseman, Chase Luethje, Clay Silver. Girls on right (from bottom to top): Jenna Willett, Taylor Cizek, Sara Sharp, Claire Stufflebeam, Jordyn Beeghly.
Steamboat Rock Progress Club
Ruth and Naomi Circle met on September 15 with 10 members present at the home of Cindy Slifer. Linda Kromminga served as Twenty-two members of the hostess. Steamboat Rock Progress Club Pastor Splett led the lesson were welcomed to Munchkin Land entitled “Gay Questions.” During by the Scarecrow, Tin Man, Wicked the business meeting, members Witch and Dorothy of the Wizard of were reminded that October would Oz on September 22 at the home of be election of officers. Cares and Toni Nederhoff. Newsbrief concerns and Secret Sister gifts President Marcia Frerichs began were shared. Lunch was served. by reading one author’s thoughts on The next meeting will be held on how the Wizard of Oz has impacted Hubbard’s October 20 Big and Green will beAnnual hostedFall by the culture. Bake Sale October 8 Pat Maronn. Hubbard’s Big Green, a not for profit organization, will have its annual fall bake sale Saturday, October 8, from 9 a.m. to noon at the shelter house at the Hubbard Park. There will also be crocheted and knitted dishcloths, fall decorations and irises of various colors for fall planting. The City of Eldora Water Department will be flushing all fire hydrants within the community October 10-14 weather permitting.
Flushing of Fire Hydrants
for the
BCLUW homecoming court
There will also be crocheted and knitted dishcloths and fall decorations and irises of various colors for fall planting.
9/30, 10/4, 7/16
Ruth and Naomi Circle
During this period of time the water may become discolored at times, but should clear up within twenty-four hours.
9/30, 10/4/16
American Legion Club Post 182 - Eldora, IA
Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016
9/30, 10/4
is Let’s Pretend. The vice president, Lois, handed out the program books and reviewed the committee assignments, monthly program topics and member information. A few corrections were made and the committee duties were received. The community report was given by Kitty – a library pamphlet given to member’s details of a new program called Fun for Adults (FFA) to be held every Thursday at 1 p.m. in October. The first Wednesday of the month is movie day and the third game day for the youth. There will be a flea Market in the Community Center on October 2, Social Hour continues on Tuesday from 5 to 7 p.m. and the Boat Club breakfasts continue until the end of October. Old business was reminder to pay dues. No new Business and the meeting was adjourned.
American Legion T.T.T. PorkNational Chop Dinner Oct. 5 Society
The American Legion Club Post #182, Eldora, will be having their Pork Chop Dinner on Wednesday, Oct. 5. The meal will be served from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Carry-outs will be with available at 5:30 p.m. CostDessert is $8 per person. Everyone is welcome
Annual Chicken & Biscuit Dinner
Friday, Oct. 7 • 5-7 p.m.
Serving 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $8.00 per person Carry-outs available at 5:30 p.m. October is “Pork” month Everyone welcome
Everyone brought a salad to share and a delicious meal was enjoyed by all along with rolls and punch. The meeting was opened and the roll call question answered was “If I could be a fictional character, who would it be?” Many interesting and surprising answers were given. Three new members were welcomed. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and the treasurer’s report was given and approved. Dues were collected from nine members. Toni passed out a trivia quiz concerning the Wizard of Oz and future program topics. Prizes for first and second place were given to Teresa and Mary who tied. A dictionary was given by the Scarecrow and a heart shaped key chain from the Tin Man. Dawn received a whiskbroom from the Wicked Witch. Mary guessed the program theme for the year, which
$7.45 & $2.50
South Hardin High School Commons, Eldora Preceding the South Hardin/West Marshall Homecoming Game
Adults - $7 • Children (under 12) - $4 Eat in or Carry-Out
Proceeds to be used for Eldora girls to go to camp
Tickets available from T.T.T. members or at the door
9/30, 10/4/16
Open House at
Annual Fall Bake Sale Fall Open House Hubbard’s Big Green
Saturday, Oct. 12 Sat. & Sun., Oct. 8 & 9 9 a.m.-Noon 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
at the Shelter House at Hubbard Park
There will also beNorth of the fairgrounds on 4th St., Eldora • Snacks • Live Music • Donkey Cart Rides crocheted and knitted dishcloths Oct. 6 - Noon-6 p.m. Thursday, and some fall decorations • Trolley Rides in the Upper Eagle City Park Children’s Chalk Art Contest • Prairie Seed Pick & Sow • Free Wine Tasting • Wine Sales
Bring your friends.
winemaker@eaglecitywinery.com www.eaglecitywinery.com 28536 160th St. • Iowa Falls, IA 50126 • 641-648-3669
10/4, 8, 11/13
Learn about future improvements Questions? Contact Abby at aterpstra@inhf.org Hosted by Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
Public Record
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 • Page 5a
Steamboat Rock Library
Judith June Bates Fulton, 68 Judith June Bates Fulton, 68, passed away Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016 at Mary Greeley Medical Center, in Ames Iowa. Memorial services were held at 11 a.m., Saturday, Oct., 1, 2016 at Union Community Church, in Union, Iowa. Visitation was held from 9:30 a.m., until the time of the services at the church. The Conrad Chapel of the Anderson Funeral Homes has been entrusted with arrangements. Inurnment will be at Union Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Union Public Library Foundation. Online condolences for the family may be offered online at www.andersonfhs.com Judy was born December 19, 1947 to Lloyd and Rosajune (Robinson) Bates, in Ames. She graduated from Union Whitten High School in 1966 and went on to earn a degree in Education from the University of Northern Iowa in 1970. Judy was united in marriage to Craig Fulton on June 18, 1977 in Union. She worked as a kindergarten teacher for seven years in Atlantic, IA. Judy moved with her husband to Ottawa Ontario Canada where she had her two children. Judy remained in Ottawa for 35 years and was busy with her two children and numerous volunteer activities such as her work at the Laurentian High School. Judy also taught Sunday School for a number of years at the City View United Church. She had a strong interest in children and always enjoyed being with them. She was very interested in both American and Canadian history. Judy was an avid reader and enjoyed musicals and plays. In 2012 Judy, Craig and their son John returned to Iowa, settling in Ames. Iowa was close to Judy’s heart, she annually returned home and enjoyed keeping strong ties in the community. Judy is lovingly remembered by her husband, Craig Fulton, a daughter, Jane, a son, John, and a sister, Beth (Stephen) Gaul. Judy was preceded in death by her mother and father, and a brother, David Bates.
Friends of the Library members from left to right: Marilee Lawler, Marcia Thompson, Leona Vigars, and Nikki Mattson.
Eldora Library news …
by dan Gehring Librarian Eldora – Thanks go to the Friends of the Library for their most recent purchase of children’s books. The books are on display and are available for checkout. Toddler Time is Tuesday at 10 a.m. Preschool Storytime is 10 a.m. Wednesday. After school time for middle school and upper elementary youth is Tuesday and Thursday until 4:45 p.m. Lego time is after school on Friday until 4:30 p.m. Regular Hours: Monday 9 a.m.8 p.m., Tuesday 9 a.m.-6 p.m.,
Wednesday 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Thursday 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. New books added include: Robert B. Parker’s Debt to Pay by Reed Farrel Coleman and Twelve Days of Christmas by Debbie Macomber. To check for more new items added see the library’s catalog and click on What’s New. TrIvIa quEsTIon: According to my source a pound of apples diced will give you how many cups of apples? The answer can be found on the classified page.
Larry D. and Andrea L. Last, husband and wife to Omega Farms Trust, 8-26-16, Pt Lot 3, Auditor’s Seventh Plat, Hubbard; 1/2 int: SW1/4 SW1/4 19-86-21; W1/2 NW1/4 3086-21; and 1/2 int: SW1/4 21-86-21
Notice of Hearing
In the Iowa District Court for Hardin County IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR HARDIN COUNTY feDeRal NaTIONal ) MORTgage aSSOCIaTION ) (“faNNIe Mae”), a ) eQUITY NO. CORPORaTION ) eQCV100988 ORgaNIZeD aND ) eXISTINg UNDeR THe ) ORIgINal laWS Of THe ) NOTICe fOR UNITeD STaTeS Of ) PUBlICaTION aMeRICa, ) PlaINTIff ) vs. ) alleN j. HaaS, SPOUSe ) Of alleN j. HaaS, If aNY, ) jaNe aMY HaaS aND ) STaTe Of IOWa, ) DefeNDaNTS ) execution TO THe aBOVe NaMeD DefeNDaNTS: You are hereby notified that there is a petition on file in the office of the clerk of the above court which petition prays for a judgment in rem against the property involved in this action for the sum of $62,452.94 with interest at 4.125% per annum from and including february 1, 2016, on the promissory note executed by allen j. Haas, a single person, and mortgage executed by allen j. Haas, a single person, to Mortgage electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for CitiMortgage, Inc., its successors and assigns and assigned to Plaintiff, who is the sole and absolute owner thereof. Said note, together with the mortgage given to secure the same are due and payable by reason of the failure of the Defendants allen j. Haas, a single person, to pay the installments of principal when due. Plaintiff also prays in said Petition for the foreclosure of said mortgage dated October 10, 2006 recorded in Book 2006 Page 3819 in the Recorder’s Office of Hardin County, Iowa, with said note dated October 10, 2006 on the following described property, to-wit: lot 4 and the South 12 feet of lot 3 and the
east 12 feet of lot 5 and the South 12 feet of the east 12 feet of lot 6; and the South 78 feet of vacated alley, all in Block 2, greef`s addition to eldora, Hardin County, Iowa and also asking that said mortgage be declared a prior and superior lien to that of each of the above named Defendants; for appointment of a receiver; for the amount paid by Plaintiff for attorneys’ fees, abstract expense, costs and accruing costs of this action; that special execution issue for the sale of said real estate to satisfy said judgment, interest, attorneys’ fees and costs and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. fOR fURTHeR PaRTICUlaRS, See COPY Of PeTITION NOW ON fIle. THe PlaINTIff HaS eleCTeD fOReClOSURe WITHOUT ReDeMPTION. THIS MeaNS THaT THe Sale Of THe MORTgageD PROPeRTY WIll OCCUR PROMPTlY afTeR eNTRY Of jUDgMeNT UNleSS YOU fIle WITH THe COURT a WRITTeN DeMaND TO DelaY THe Sale. If YOU fIle a WRITTeN DeMaND, THe Sale WIll Be DelaYeD UNTIl SIX MONTHS fROM eNTRY Of jUDgMeNT If THe MORTgageD PROPeRTY IS YOUR ReSIDeNCe aND IS a ONe-faMIlY OR TWO-faMIlY DWellINg OR UNTIl TWO MONTHS fROM eNTRY Of jUDgMeNT If THe MORTgageD PROPeRTY IS NOT YOUR ReSIDeNCe OR IS ReSIDeNCe BUT NOT a ONe-faMIlY OR TWOfaMIlY DWellINg. YOU WIll HaVe NO RIgHT Of ReDeMPTION afTeR THe Sale. THe PURCHaSeR aT THe Sale WIll Be eNTITleD TO IMMeDIaTe POSSeSSION Of THe MORTgageD PROPeRTY. YOU MaY PURCHaSe aT THe Sale. The Plaintiff’s attorneys are Petosa law llP by Benjamin W. Hopkins, whose address is 1350 NW 138th Street, Suite 100, Clive, Ia 50325, telephone number 515-222-9400, facsimile number 515-222-9121.
Midwest Veterinary CliniC
You must serve a motion or answer on or before the 31st day of October, 2016 and within a reasonable time thereafter file your motion or answer in the Iowa District Court of Hardin County, at the Courthouse in eldora, Iowa. If you do not, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. If you require assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district aDa coordinator at (641) 421-0990. (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-7352942). YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE AT ONCE TO PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS. (ledger – Sept. 27, Oct. 4, 11, 2016)
Fun For adults (F.F.a.) Looking for a fun way to spend an afternoon? Every Thursday afternoon, beginning October 6 at 1 p.m., the Steamboat Rock Public Library will host an activity geared for adults. Plans for the first Thursday of the month will feature a “make and take” craft. Supplies will be furnished for the October 6 craft item, a seasonal jar candleholder. On October 13, the second Thursday of the month, card playing will be offered and on the third Thursday of each month it will be time to sit back and relax as we give adult coloring a try. Colors and adult coloring sheets will be supplied. On the fourth Thursday of each month coffee and cookies will lend themselves to time for a coffee chat along with a possible book review by a community member. Mark your calendars now to make the Steamboat Rock Public Library your destination on Thursdays. Remember to come at one! newest dvds: “Money Monster,” “Love and Friendship,” “Angry Birds,” “God’s Not Dead 2,”
“Me Before You,” and “The Jungle Book.” Calendar of Events: wednesday, oct. 5, 3 p.m. Movie of the Month – “Sky High” Thursday, oct. 6, 1 p.m. – Fun For Adults (F.F.A.) – Craft: Seasonal Candle Jar Monday, oct. 10, 3:30 p.m. – Library Board Meeting Thursday, oct. 13, 1 p.m. – Fun For Adults (F.F.A.) – Card Playing wednesday, oct. 19, 3 p.m. Game Day - Uno Thursday, oct. 20, 1 p.m. – Fun For Adults (F.F.A.) – Coloring for Adults Thursday, oct. 27, 1 p.m. – Fun For Adults (F.F.A.) – Coffee Chat new Hours starting october 1: New hours starting October 1 will be: Tuesday, 1-6 p.m.; Wednesday, noon-5 p.m.; Thursday, noon-5p.m.; Friday, noon-5 p.m.; Saturday, 10a.m.-noon. Contact info: phone - 641-8682300; web: www1.youseemore. com/nilc/SteamboatRock/; Facebook: www.facebook.com/SteamboatRockLibrary
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Natural father or any unknown putative father of M.M. juvenile No. jVjV007160 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a duly verified Petition for the Termination of the Parent-Child Relationship and Parental Rights was filed in the juvenile Court for Hardin County, Iowa, on august 29, 2016. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that a hearing on the Petition is set for October 31, 2016, at 11:00 aM, in the courtroom at the Hardin County Courthouse in eldora, Iowa. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the purpose of such hearing is to determine if the parent-child relationship should be terminated for the reasons set forth in the Petition and that the consequences of such hearing might be to end all of the parent’s and child’s rights, privileges, duties, and powers with respect to each other. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you have the right to be represented by legal counsel and that if you are unable to employ counsel, the Court, upon application by you not less than two (2) days prior to the date of the hearing, will appoint counsel to represent you. By: Denise M. Patters assistant Hardin County attorney 1215 edgington ave., Suite 6 eldora, Ia 50627 (ledger – Sept. 27, Oct. 4, 11, 2016)
Eldora nEwspapErs a division of Mid-america publishing Corporation Eldora, Iowa official County newspaper
(Publication No. 171-240) Offices at 1513 Edg. Ave., Eldora, IA 50627-1623 Published semi-weekly with the exception of Memorial Week, Labor Day Week, Christmas Week and New Year’s Week by Eldora Newspaper, 1513 Edgington Ave., Eldora, IA 506271623. Periodicals postage paid at Eldora, IA. Postmaster: send address changes to The Eldora Newspapers, 1513 Edgington Ave., Eldora, IA 50627-1623. Clint Poock - Publisher; Scott Bierle - Sports Editor/Gen. Mgr. Rick Patrie - News Editor; Betty Gotto - Production Manager; Rob Maharry - Staff Writer Stephanie McManus - General Finance & Circulation Subscription rate: $50 per year in Hardin and adjoining counties; $57 per year elsewhere in Iowa; and $61 per year out of state. (Hardin County Index and Eldora Herald-Ledger sold in combination.) Ph. 641-939-5051, Fax 641-939-5541 Email Ad: news@eldoranewspaper.com
Make the Steamboat Rock Public Library your destination on Thursdays when we begin FFA, Fun For Adults this Thursday, Oct. 6, at 1:00. This week we will be making seasonal candle jars. Supplies will be furnished at no charge. On the third Thursday of each month we will be holding an adult coloring event. As you can see in the photo, library director, Michelle Andersen is demonstrating just how fun this can be. For more details about each week’s FFA and other library events, “like” our Facebook page.
A Time of Loss
Losing a friend or relative is devastating. The In-The-Ear sadness canYour truly Custom overwhelm you. We can’t Hearing Experts forhope 43 Years! take away your pain, but we to make things a little easier you. Our Call for us today for professional your FREE staff will be sensitive to all your needs. consultation and complimentary
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12/16/08 - then run every other Tuesday tfc
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Creps - Abels Funeral Home 866-319-8246 www.rousemotor.com
and Monuments 905 Edgington, Eldora, IA
Chad Johnson, Funeral Director 641-858-2181 www.abelsfuneralhomes.com
“Professionals Who Care”
#3 2x6
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 • page 8a
for sale
for rent
help wanted
house cleaning
thrift shop
thank you
hinegardener’s orchard is open sept 24-25 from 7am6pm, October 1-2 from 7am-6pm and October 8-9 is the annual Cider Days from 1pm-5pm. Come pick your own apples, squash and pumpkins. We have pre-picked apples, apple cider, carmel apples and apple pies. Honey is also available. Our phone number 641-492-6353. MAP-H-40*
for rent: 2 bedroom apartment: Stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities, off-street parking. $320/month plus deposit and references. No pets. (641)939-2006. tfc for rent: 2 or 3 bedroom home in Eldora, deposit and reference required. Call (641)858-5659 or call (641)751-5899. tfc
americinn of grundy center is seeking a part-time front desk person on weekends and able to fill in as needed for 11 p.m.7 a.m. Please stop by at 2101 Commerce Dr., Grundy Center to apply. H-40 LocaL hopper drivers wanted: PT or FT – day, night, weekend or combination of shifts available. Home daily/nightly. Receive differential pay for night shift, paid overtime and bonus pay for holidays. Work with local feed mills, ethanol plants and local farmers. Must have Class A CDL, good driving record and pre-employment drug screen. Please call 319-240-5305 if interested. MAP-H-41* bcLuw schooLs has positions avaiLabLe: Student Health Aide, Custodian / Bus Driver. To apply, www.bcluw.k12.ia.us About Us - Positions Available. MAP-H-40*
house need cLeaning/organizing? Call me! 20 years experience. (641)497-5783. H-43
faLL-ing temperatures bring hot deaLs on Fall & Winter Coats! Prices start at: Adults = $5; Kids = $3; Infants = $2. Trinkets & Togs Thrift Store, 1609 G Avenue, Grundy Center, (319)825-8030. I-43
card of thanks – The family of Wayne Daleske cannot think of any words to express our heartfelt thanks for the condolences and sympathy you have extended to our family. Sincerely, Family of Wayne Daleske H-40*
for rent two bedroom house for rent in steamboat rock: Attached garage, central air, washer, dryer, stove and refrigerator. $400 plus deposit and references. Call (641)512-3488 or (641)430-1239. H-40 for rent: Pinecrest Mobile Home Park has 2 and 3 bedroom homes for rent from $275. Some mobile homes for sale. Terms available. HUD approved. Small pets welcome. (641)858-3477. tfc for rent in eLdora: 2 bedroom apt. with stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer furnished. Call (641)497-5356 tfc
help wanted ryken engineering and Land surveying a 50+ year old central Iowa firm is seeking an administrative office assistant. Computer skills, client relations, communication skills, and independent work ethic required. Experience in Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, Access and QuickBooks is a plus. Competitive benefit package. Salary dependent upon experience. Send resumes to: Ryken Engineering, 739 Park Ave, Ackley, IA, 50601 or email: Ryken@rykeneng.com. MAP-I-40* trivia answer – about 3 cups.
Are you a print subscriber already? Our print subscriptions include access to the e-edition at no extra cost. If you are a print subscriber and would like access to the e-edition, please call our circulation department at 1-800-558-1244 ext 122 or email at mapcirculation@iowaconnect.com
The Hardin County Sheriff’s Office
is currently taking applications for the position of Part-time Correctional Officer. Hours vary and include nights, weekends, and holidays. Correctional Officers are responsible for the security and management of the detained population, transportation of detainees, daily routine, and other duties as assigned. The applicant, at minimum, must possess a high school diploma or GED, have valid driver’s license, be at least 18 years of age or older, and must pass a thorough background check. Required training is provided. We are looking for energetic people with a good work ethic and moral character. If interested apply in person at 1116 14th Avenue Eldora, IA or request an application by calling 641-9398197. You may visit our web site for an application at www.hardincountyia.gov. Applications for these positions will be taken until October 12, 2016 at 4:00 P.M. Hardin County is an equal opportunity employer.
9/30, 10/4/16 2x3 Telephone operaTor Part-Time position located at State Training School, Eldora, Iowa. Responsible for answering Statewide Central Abuse Hotline and relaying information to appropriate counties. Must be able work with public in a courteous manner, record accurate information and use computer. Work Shift: Average 10-15 hours per week – evenings & some weekends Salary: $11.71/hour To obtain an application contact: Ella Dohlman, Personnel Office State Training School 3211 Edgington Avenue Eldora, Iowa 50627 Phone: 641/858-5402 ext: 1118 Applications must be received no later than October 7, 2016.
$44.70 - 1st run $15 - 2nd consecutive run
The State of Iowa is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
9/30, 10/4/16
Grundy - 9/29, 10/6 Hubard
garage sales garage saLe: 1510 7th Ave., October 8, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.. Men’s clothes, lots of miscellaneous. I-40 the picikin’ preacher faLL saLe will be October 7th and 8th, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Oct. 9th, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at 21st Street and Edgington Avenue in Eldora. Check out the sale at The Pickin’ Preacher on FB. I-40 radcLiffe citywide garage saLes: Saturday, Oct. 8, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Maps available at Comart. I-40*
• Shingles • Shakes
• Flat Roofs • Steel
Tim ellefsOn 1300 edgington, eldora
FREE Estimates
(641)648-9661 or 1-800-748-3883
Ph. 858-5555
1x1.5 tfc
Pine Lake Corn Processors
is accepting applications for day
Applicants should send their resumes to Pine lake Corn Processors attN: dave Mclean 33371 170th street steamboat rock, ia 50672. We are an equal opportunity employer.
RN Part-Time $ $ Eldora - 36.50 1st run + 12.50 consecutive = $-49Every per week 2nd Shift
HubbArd CArE CEntEr
Ad runs - 9/27, 30, 10/4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21/16
403 soutH stAtE strEEt HubbArd, iowA PHonE: 641-864-3264
other weekend
10/4, 7/16 2x3 Grand $7.45JiVante & 2.50has openings for the following: • LPN/RN (2nd & 3rd Shift) • CNA (2nd Shift) • Cook (1st Shift) Apply online or in person:
$ Grundy - 25.25Bonus per week • Excellent Benefits • Anniversary • Referral Bonus Ad runs 9/29, 10/6, 13, 20 • Competitive Wage • Good atmosphere to work in
$7.30 & $2.50 Contact Heather Reed, Director of Nursing $ Parkersburg - 20 per week $5.05 or apply online at careinitiatives.org Ad runs - 9/28, 10/5, 12, 19 EOE/AAP Disability & Vets $4.00 1510 22nd St.,$26.50 Eldora per week 641 939-3491 $6.25 Allison/Clarksville - Ad runs - 9/29, 10/6, 13, 20 9/30, 10/5/16 2x2.5 $ Hampton Chronicle/Bonus - United Suppliers Inc. is seeking31.25 per week
Grundy Seasonal Production Line Workers
Grand JiVanté
502 Butler St., Ackley, IA 50601 641-847-3531 www.grandjivante.com
shift loader
Responsibilities include collection of process samples, cleaning process equipment and operating equipment including forklifts, front end loaders and computers. Minimum qualifications include a high school diploma or equivalent and familiarity with computers. Benefits include health/ dental/vision insurance, vacation and holiday pay, life insurance and 401K.
Harvesting Quality Care Providers GREAT JOB OPPORTUNITY for the experienced and for those just entering the healthcare workforce. The Hubbard Care Center is currently in the season of harvesting quality Certified Nursing Assistants For more information please visit us at hubbardcarecenter.org to fill out a Pre-Employment Application
Ad runs - 9/28, 10/5, 12, 19
to perform daily operations in our RePack warehouse in Eldora.
30, 10/4, 7/16 2x2.52ND SHIFT WANTED:9/27, NURSE AIDES FOR Eldora - $36.50 + $12.50 = $49 per week Our staff
Job Requirements:
• Reliable employee able to work 7 am -4 pm with overtime possible • Must be able to cope with changing repackaging tasks daily, standing a majority of the day, and tolerant of longer working hours when needed. • Mathematical skills • Ability to lift up to 60 pounds repeatedly all day required. • Must have a positive attitude, good work ethic, and be a team player. • Position requires passing a pre-employment drug screen and background check. To apply go to: www.unitedsuppliers.com
says this $ is a Grundy - 9/29, 10/ 6 25.25 per week good - 9/28, 10/ 5 $20 per week placeParkersburg to work.
Hampton Chron/Bonus - 31.25
We are looking for someone reliable and compassionate. $ week We offer competitive pay, nurse aide membership benefitsper (NAHCA), LPN/RN tuition assistance, BSN tuition assistance, generous 9/28, 10/ 5 anniversary bonus and more. Apply in person at 2313 15th Ave., Eldora or call Brenda Nichols at 641-858-5422 EOE/AAP Disability & Vets
10/4, 7, 11, 14/16
hardin county abstract & title co.
Hadwiger Roofing & Seamless Gutters
2x3 $58.80 per week
Innovative Ag Services is GrundyHiring - 10/6, 13/16 - $31.50 Now forper week Our Harvest Busy Season! Parkersburg - 10/5, 12/16 - $31.50 per week Positions Available In
Operations Tender Truck Driver Semi Driver
9/16, 20, 23, 27/16 2x4 IS COOKING YOUR Eldora - 58.40 + 20 = 78.40 per week Grundy 40.40 per week CUP OF TEA? $
Parkersburg $32 per week
Hampton Chronicle/Bonus $50 per week Allison/Clarksville $42 per week
The Hubbard Care Center now has an opening in the dietary
(CDL Requirements may differ based on Specific Responsibilities)
department for a Care cook ANDnowdietary aide, inthe The Hubbard Center has an opening the position dietary
Innovative Ag Services offers Competitive Compensation & Will Train.
Lookingflexible for an individual is highly motivated, includes hours who & competitive wages.
Apply Today At www.ias.coop/careers
includesforflexible hours & competitive wages. department a cook AND dietary aide, the position enjoys cooking, shines at customer service and is
Looking for an for individual that who for is highly enjoys cooking, looking an opportunity growthmotivated, and advancement. shines at customer service and is looking for an opportunity for growth Go to hubbardcarecenter.org to fill out a and advancement.
pre-employment application.
Go to hubbardcarecenter.org to fill out a pre-employment CONTACT ~ Phone: 641-864-3264 application. In-person: 403 S. State St. Hubbard
CONTACT ~Phone: 641-864-3264 In-person: 403 S. State St. Hubbard
9/30, 10/4/16
call the eldora
newspapers - 641-939-5051 or email: ads@eldoranewspaper.com
Local/Area News
(continued from page 1)
member. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Women of Hardin County to meet Oct. 10
You are cordially invited to give back. Join 100+ Women of Hardin County who care for 2016! Women together, making a difference in Hardin County. Membership open to all women. Meeting will be held Monday, October 10, 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Pine Lake Country Club in Eldora. To learn more, attend the event or contact Carol Gilbert at 515-855-4170.
Hardin Co. Driver’s License Station closed Oct. 6
Per Hardin County Treasurer, Machel Eichmeier, the Hardin County Driver’s License Station will be closed on Thursday, Oct. 6 due to a mandatory State Wide IDOT
Driver’s License Staff Training. The motor vehicle and property tax departments will be open, however staff will be at a minimum. The office will be closed from 12:30 – 1:30 for lunch. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016 • pAge 9A
email addresses at Eldora Newspapers
The city of Radcliffe will be holding their citywide garage sales on October 8. Maps will be available at Comart.
Our email addresses are: ads@eldoranewspaper.com news@eldoranewspaper.com editor@eldoranewspaper.com sports@eldoranewspaper.com billing@eldoranewspaper.com
Radcliffe Citywide Garage Sales Oct. 8
Chili Supper & 7.45 & 2.50 Candidate Meet & Greet YOU’RE INVITED!! Jeremy Barkema jeremy@jntplumbing.com
Honey Creek activities Oct. 8 and Oct. 9
You are invited to activities at the Honey Creek Meeting House located two miles south and ½ mile west of New Providence on October 8 and 9. There will be a quilt display on Oct. 8 from 1 to 5 p.m. The annual Sunday morning worship service will take place Sunday, Oct. 9 at 11 a.m. This will be followed by a potluck at noon. Starting at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday will be the historical perspective on the Hone Creek Meeting House. All are welcome.
Farm Museum to hold fundraiser barn dance Oct. 8
The Hardin County Farm Museum will be holding a Fundraiser Barn Dance on Saturday, Oct. 8. The fundraiser will start off with a soup supper, serving chili and chicken noodle soup, sloppy joe’s, pie and desserts, all served in the barn with a freewill donation. The dance will run from 7 to 10 p.m., featuring the live music of The Other Band. Freewill donation. All are welcome to attend.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
CHILI AND SOUP SUPPER Thursday OctoberAmerican 6, 2016 Legion, Iowa Falls (Behind Pizza Hut)
5:00-8:00 p.m. - Free Will Donation American Legion, Iowa Falls (Behind Pizza Hut)
Meet and Greet Local and State GOP Candidates along with special Guests from Trump for President Campaign in attendance to answer your questions. Meet and greet local and state GOP candidates
5:00-8:00 p.m.
Special Guests invited
We also will be having a Silent Auction with many unique items: Flag from US Capital donated by Senator Grassley; a signed cap from Donald Trump - Trump Campaign; $100 in beef - BJ Hoffman campaign, to name a just a few items.
Silent auction – Many unique items! Free will donation Please invite family and friends
Paid for by Hardin County Republicans - Mark Noll, Treasurer Paid for by Hardin County Republicans
9/23 & 27/16 I changed the black words for the 9/23 & 27 editions. They were coming out in CMYK
TTT Chicken and Biscuit Dinner Oct. 7
The TTT Chicken and Biscuit Dinner will be held Friday, Oct. 7 before the South Hardin High School Homecoming football game. Chicken and biscuits and a dessert will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. at the South Hardin High School Commons. Tickets are $7 for adults, kids 12 and under $4, available from any TTT member or at the door. Proceeds go to help Eldora girls go to camp.
Eldora Veterans’ Monument meeting Oct. 5
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There will be an Eldora Veterans’ Monument meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eldora Public Library. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Marsha Pettigrew, Chairperson, 641-939-3915 or a committee
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Run every other week, starting Sept 2, 2016
New years on cars starting Sept. 2
Dealer-16Fa-4c-B1.indd 16
8/23/16 4:25 PM
Meat Loaf
Potatoes w/Gravy Roll
Lettuce Salad Garlic Toast
1/2 LB.
Burger Fries
Reuben Sandwich and Drink
Hot Beef Sandwich Pasta
of the Day LUNCH
Enchiladas Side Salad
Potato and Roll DINNER
Taco Salad
Sandwich and Pop
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Tuesday, October 4, 2016 • page 1B
Tigers’ strong showing comes up short, 23-12 by Scott Bierle Sports Editor ELDORA- District co-leader Dike-New Hartford survived a stiff challenge by the South Hardin football team and walked away a 23-12 winner here Friday during Class 2A, District 3 play. The visiting Wolverines scored the game’s final 13 points to escape and improved to 4-0 the district (4-2 overall). The game winner was a one-yard touchdown plunge by Dike-NH’s Tanner Smith in the final stages of the third quarter. After the two-point pass was denied the Wolverines led 16-12. Like most of the night, the drive featured senior standout Trent Johnson. He accounted for 61 of the drive’s 62 yards, including a 50-yard dash to the one. The touchdown countered South Hardin’s six-pointer just three minutes earlier when Ryland Duchane found the end zone on a six-yard run. After a bad snap on the extra point attempt the Tigers were up 12-10. The march was 45-yards and setup with a partially blocked punt by Kevin Rewoldt. First down runs of 14-yards for Jeff Thompson and 12 by Tyrell Todd fueled the effort. The loss evened the Tigers’ season marks at 2-2 in the district and 3-3 overall. South Hardin shares third in the district with Saydel and CollinsMaxwell-Baxter. The Wolverines sealed the victory late when Clayton Mapel returned a punt to paydirt with 2:35 showing. Mapel scooped up the football at the Tiger 41-yard line, dashed to the sideline, turned the corner and sprinted to the end zone. “They (South Hardin) have a nice team,” stated Dike-New Hartford coach Don Betts. “It was a physical game and we knew it would be. You have to come to play every night in
this district. This district may not get a lot of respect statewide, but we have a lot of good teams.” Both defenses made plays late. South Hardin stopped Johnson at the two-yard line on fourth and goal, and then Dike-NH held the hosts to three short runs, forced the punt and
by John Jensen Mid-America Publishing ACKLEY— AGWSR High School football coach James Koop watched his team overcome adversity for the first time in three weeks Friday as the Cougars remained in the thick of the 8-player playoff race with a 24-16 victory over Northwood-Kensett. The Cougars (4-2 overall, 2-1 in 8-player District 2) overcame a pair of early turnovers and injuries to their top two running backs while bouncing back from back-to-back
losses to highly-ranked opponents. “They’re a lot like we are,” Koop said. “I thought their kids hit hard, I thought they tackled well, I thought they played to the end but (we) responded to adversity. That’s the first time we have in two weeks. Every time they had an answer for us we responded, and that’s what we were lacking the last two weeks – that and speed. The boys knew we needed the win, we got the win, when we needed to milk the clock we got key first downs because they were buckling down, lowering their shoulders and doing what we needed to do.” Defense keyed AGWSR’s victory. The Cougars held N-K’s highpowered triple-option rushing attack to 151 yards, more than one-third of which came on a single play after the Vikings had abandoned their option game. “We repped (the option) all week,” Koop said. “We knew we had to watch (N-K quarterback Caleb Kliment). An option, if you’re responsible, there’s somebody for the quarterback, for the fullback and the tailback. If you play disciplined defense you can cause problems, and we did that.” The Cougars held Kliment, who came into the game averaging more than 100 yards per game, to just 26 yards on 14 carries. Most of the Vikings’ yards came from freshman tailback Marquis Berry, who finished with 74 yards including the long fourth-quarter score. Koop said senior defensive lineman Caleb Meinders played his best game since being cleared by doctors to play football after missing most of last season and the first game of this season with an illness. “I can’t say enough about Caleb,” Koop said. “He works as hard as anybody else and did a great job.” Offensively the Cougars attempted to diversify things. Quarterbacks Nathan Karsjens and Aaron Roelfs alternated throughout the first half before injuries to halfbacks Mason Eilderts and Liam Stubbe forced Roelfs to play the position in the second
Dike-New Hartford 23, South Hardin 12
Team Statistics D-NH SH First Downs 10 8 Rushing 10 7 passing 0 1 penalty 0 0 Rushes-Yards 42-309 38-128 passing 5-13-0 1-7-2 passing Yards 13 70 Total Yards 324 198 Fumbles-Lost 1-0 4-1 punts-average 4-21.5 5-30 penalties-Yards 6-50 3-20 Scoring by Quarters Dike-NH 3 7 6 7 -23 South Hardin 0 6 6 0 -12 Scoring Summary D-NH – Jackson Lage 29-yard field goal. SH – Jeff Thompson 1-yard run (pass failed). D-NH – Trent Johnson 22-yard run (Lage kick). SH – Ryland Duchane 6-yard run (kick failed). D-NH – Tanner Smith 1-yard run (pass failed). D-NH – Clayton Mapel 41-yard punt return (Lage kick). Individual Stat Leaders South Hardin: Rushing – Jeff Thompson 14-40 TD, Hunter Nessa 6-31, Logan Spindler 6-30, Tyrell Todd 4-18. Passing – Kolten Rewoldt 1-of-7 for 70 yards, 2 interceptions. Receiving – Logan Spindler 1-70. Dike-New Hartford: Rushing – Trent Johnson 33-277 TD, Nick Durnin 4-38. Passing – Cade Fuller 5-of-13 for 15 yards. Receiving – Mapel 3-10.
Mapel sealed the victory. “We did a lot of good things tonight, but we made a couple mistakes and good teams will make you pay,” South Hardin coach Barry Scott said. “We worked in practice on the cutback because we knew Johnson likes that and we didn’t do a good job on that at times,” he added. Dike-NH’s first possession ended with a 29-yard field goal by Jackson Lage at the 4:39 mark of the first quarter. The Wolverines had reached the three, but a holding penalty stall the march. The two teams then traded touchdowns in the second period. South Hardin scored first on a one-yard dive by Jeff Thompson. The 85-yard drive was highlighted by a 70-yard pass play from Kolten Rewoldt to a sprinting Logan Spindler at midfield and he was finally caught at the five. The Wolverines then took advantage of a South Hardin turnover and led 10-6 at halftime. After recovering a fumble at the Tiger 22, Johnson scored on the first play from scrimmage, carrying several South Hardin defenders most of the 22-yards and into the end zone. Johnson, who entered Friday as the state’s 2A leading rusher at 1,063 yards, added to that with a 277-yard effort on 33 carries. He had nine carries of 10 or more yards. “He is our bread-and-butter. Trent is a special player that has the potential to break a big play everytime he touches the ball,” Betts noted. South Hardin generated 198 total yards with 128 rushing to go with the 70 yard pass play. Thompson led the rushing with 40 yards on 14 tries with 31 for Hunter Nessa and 30 for Spindler. Rewoldt was 1-of-7 passing with two interceptions. “You have to be at the top of your game against a district favorite and
TOUCHDOWN- South Hardin’s Ryland Duchane (28) runs over Dike-New Hartford’s Clayton Mapel and dives into the end zone for a touchdown during Class 2A, District 3 football action Friday. The Tigers lost 23-12 to the Wolverines. we didn’t execute every single down. I thought the effort and attitude was good, we just didn’t execute every down,” said Scott. The Wolverines had manhandled the first three district opponents by a combined score of 137-13. The Tigers’ tackle chart was again headlined by Dane Butler at 13 tackles with nine solos. Butler entered Friday the state’s 2A tackle leader. Alex Gustafson had eight tackles with six unassisted followed by sev-
en for Duchane, and six for Thomp- district with an impressive 42-14 son, Seth Lindaman and Kevin Re- victory over Aplington-Parkersburg. woldt. South Hardin stays home and welcomes West Marshall to Eldora Friday for Homecoming. West Marshall was a 51-16 winner over East Marshall Friday for the district’s first victory. Dike-New Hartford plays for the WEEK 6 SCORES outright district lead Friday when Roland-Story visits Dike. The 5-1 Class 2A, District 3 Norseman improved to 4-0 in the Team Dist Ovall Roland-Story 4-0 5-1 Dike-New Hartford 4-0 4-2 Saydel 2-2 4-2 South Hardin 2-2 3-3 C-M-Baxter 2-2 2-4 West Marshall 1-3 3-3 Aplington-Parkersburg 1-3 2-4 East Marshall 0-4 1-5 Games from Friday, Sept. 30 Dike-NH 23, South Hardin 12 Roland-Story 42, Aplington-Parkersburg 14 Saydel 32, C-M-Baxter 27 West Marshall 51, East Marshall 16 Games for Friday, Oct. 7 West Marshall at South Hardin Roland-Story at Dike-New Hartford C-M-B at Aplington-Parkersburg Saydel at East Marshall
Area High School Football Scorecard
Cougars overcome adversity, top N-K
N-K 8 0 0 8 — 16 AGWSR 12 6 0 6 — 24 Scoring Summary First quarter agWSR — Nathan Karsjens 14 run (Kick failed); 6-0 NK — Hayden Halbach 11 run (Halbach run); 8-6 agWSR — Karsjens 1 run (Run failed); 12-8 Second quarter agWSR — Karsjens 5 run (Run failed); 18-8 Fourth quarter agWSR — Lucas Starr 7 run (pass failed); 24-8 NK — Marquis Berry 57 run (Colton Moretz pass from Caleb Kliment); 16-24 Team totals N-K AGWSR First downs 12 18 Rushes-yards 39-151 55-269 pass yards 41 64 Comp-att-Int 5-12-1 3-10-0 Total offense 192 333 Fumbles-lost 1-0 4-2 penalties-yards 7-58 7-82 punts-avg. 6-38.3 4-31.0 Individuals Rushing – Northwood-Kensett: Marquise Berry 9-74, 1 TD; Hayden Halbach 14-58, 1 TD; Caleb Kliment 14-26; Tom Fick 1-(minus 2); Kole parks 1-(minus 5). agWSR: Nathan Karsjens 28-137, 3 TDs; aaron Roelfs 14-85; Liam Stubbe 7-27; Lucas Starr 3-12, 1 TD; Tyler Rose 2-10; Team 1-(minus 2). Passing – Northwood-Kensett: Kliment 5-of-12 for 41 yards, 1 int. agWSR: Karsjens 3-of-7 for 64 yards; Roelfs 0-of-3. Receiving – Northwood-Kensett: Berry 3-33; Halbach 2-8. agWSR: Stubbe 1-35; Tate Hofmeister 2-29.
half. Eilderts was in street clothes and on crutches before the game ever started and Koop said Stubbe suffered a possible concussion in the first half. Karsjens paced the Cougars with 137 yards and three touchdowns rushing while Roelfs added 85 yards and Stubbe 27 before being injured. Freshman Lucas Starr filled in for Stubbe on defense and also played halfback in the fourth quarter, scoring a crucial touchdown.
AGWSR STRUCK PAY DIRT on its first possession on a 14-yard Karsjens run and appeared set to get the ball back in good field position before N-K recovered a muffed punt at the Cougar 24 and needed just two player to find the end zone. The Vikings’ conversion run gave them their only lead of the night, 8-6. AGWSR fumbled the ball back to the Vikings again on its next series, though the defense held. Meinders threw Kliment for a seven-yard sack on second down before the Viking senior threw a pair of incomplete passes to turn the ball back to the Cougars on downs. AGWSR took advantage of the opportunity, driving 58 yards on seven plays. Karsjens found Stubbe open for a 35-yard pass completion to the 1-yard line on fourth down and then kept the ball himself a play later for the touchdown. The Cougars extended their lead to 18-8 in the second quarter with a 12-play, 66-yard drive that Karsjens capped with his third touchdown of the night. Northwood-Kensett drove (continued on page 2A) COUGAR RUSHERS- Cougar running backs Tyler Rose (above) and Lucas Starr (below) eye running room during gridiron action against Northwood-Kensett Friday during Eight-Player District 2 play. AGWSR snapped a two-game losing skid with a 24-16 win over the Vikings. (John Jensen, Mid-America Publishing Photo).
Class 1A, District 2
Team Dist Ovall Denver 4-0 6-0 Lake Mills 3-1 4-2 South Winneshiek 3-1 4-2 Sumner-Fredericksburg 2-2 2-4 Belmond-Klemme 2-2 2-4 Central Springs 1-3 3-3 MFL-Mar-Mac 1-3 2-4 BCLUW 0-4 0-6 Games from Friday, Sept. 30 Lake Mills 28, BCLUW 7 Denver 42, Sum-Fredericksburg 12 South Winneshiek 34, Central Springs 6 Belmond-Kle 34, MFL-Mar-Mac 14 Games for Friday, Oct. 7 Belmond-Klemme at BCLUW Denver at MFL-Mar-Mac Lake Mills at Central Springs Sumner-Fredericksburg at South Winneshiek
8-Player, District 2
Team Dist Ovall Turkey Valley 3-0 6-0 Northwood-Kensett 3-1 3-3 AGWSR 2-1 4-2 Janesville 2-1 3-3 Riceville 1-3 3-3 North Iowa 1-3 1-5 Clarksville 0-3 1-5 Games from Friday, Sept. 30 AGWSR 24, Northwood-Kensett 16 Riceville 60, Clarksville 12 Janesville 63, North Iowa 41 Turkey Vall 42, Central Elkader 20 Games for Friday, Oct. 7 AGWSR at Clarksville Janesville at Riceville Northwood-Ken at Turkey Valley Tripoli at North Iowa
Tuesday, October 4, 2016 • page 2B
Top 10 runs for Teske, VanderWilt, Showers, penning
Cadets’ Fisher, Lipppert go 1-2 at SH XC Invite
by Scott Bierle Sports Editor ELDORA- The back-and-forth battle between senior Bethany Lippert and sophomore Aubrie Fisher of Iowa Falls-Alden/AGWSR added a stick to the fire at the South Hardin Cross Country Invitational here Saturday. Fisher with a strong push on the homestretch edged Lippert as the pair went 1-2 in the 67-runner field. Fisher completed the rugged Pine Lake Country Club course in 20:51 to garner gold, while Lippert settled for silver two-seconds back at 20:53. The top five placings were the sixth in eight meet for the pair of Cadets. Fisher bettered Lippert for the third time this fall while the second was Lippert’s third in the past four races. For the host Tigers, the familiar tandem of senior Miquela Teske and sophomore Jacob VanderWilt again paved the team’s paths with top 10 placings. VanderWilt ended eighth with a 18:36 clocking, while Teske took 10th in 22:57. The South Hardin boys scored seventh in a 10-team field at 151 points. Teammates Justin Meints and Kolby Winter both broke 20-minutes going 19:29 for 26th for Meints and 19:47 for 33rd for Winter. Cauy Teske was fourth for the Tigers and 39th overall at 20:12 with Josiah Dorow 45th at 20:36. The South Hardin girls posted no team score as just four runners finished. After Teske the quartet included Jordan Carr 23rd at 23:50, Chloe Webb 30th in 24:28 and Laura Stanish 32nd at 24:42. “We completed well, but I feel we lost some placings in the second half of the races,” stated South Hardin coach Mike Olson. “We are having a letdown that middle mile and we don’t have the confidence to finish hard,” he added. Senior Ian Showers and Grant Bakker propelled the BCLUW boys to a sixth placing at 133 points and just behind Collins-Maxwell-Baxter’s 131. Showers registered an 18:21 reading for sixth and Baker started the second 10 at 11th with an 18:43 time. Caleb Silver was a second top 20 placewinner at 19th, going 19:17 followed by Neifer Ralston 47th in 20:51 and Blake Mann 50th at 21:03. The BCLUW girls collected 251 points for ninth and were led by Samantha Schleisman’s 34th in 24:51. Additional placings had Milena
Ralston 57th, Skylar Nelson 58th, Payton Pekarek 60th and Haley McDonald 62nd. Fueled by Fisher and Lippert, the IF-A/AGWSR girls finished fourth with a 121 team title. Rounding out the scoring five were Katie Meyer 26th at 24:10, Haley Bakker at 25:22 for 38th and Arin Jelmeland 43rd in 26:04. The Iowa Falls-Alden/AGWSR boys matched their counterparts with 121 points for fourth. A top 10 effort of Brayden Penning led the Cadets, taking 10th in 18:41. Marco Vila was top 20, placing 16th in 19:13 with Pablo Frade 28th, Greg Tystahl 31st and Campbell Murra 36th. Team championships were claimed by the Collins-MaxwellBaxter girls and Webster City boys. The C-M-B girls with five placings in the top 10, lapped the field at 37 points with South Tama’s 86 good for second. The Webster City boys booked five runners in the top 20 for 63 points with East Marshall’s 71 second. Nevada’s Malachi Hornbuckle
WINTER ROLLING- Freshman Kolby Winter scored third for the Tigers and 33rd overall during Saturday’s South Hardin Cross Country Invitational.
hit the finish line first for the boys at 17:48 with Nick Meling of East Marshall the runner-up at 18:03. Third place for the girls over 30-seconds back of Fisher and Lippert was Kyla Wilkening of GM-G. The South Hardin junior varsity boys produced 79 points for third in the six-team race. Gavin Roy’s top 10 run at 20:49 for ninth led the Tigers followed closely by Alex Hassan 11th and Kaleb Roling 13th in 21:20 and 21:24, respectively. The fourth and fifth scorers were Layne Nelson and Tom Haywood. The South Hardin squads are right back in action today (Tuesday) at the Eagle Grove Invitational. BCLUW and IF-A/AGWSR go to Dike today for the Wolverine Invite.
South Hardin Cross Country Invitational
GIRLS TEAM STANDINGS 1- Collins-Maxwell-Baxter 37, 2South Tama 86, 3- east Marshall 92, 4- Iowa Falls-alden/agWSR 100, 5- green Mountain-garwin 108, 6- Nevada 121, 7- Colo-NeSCO, 8Webster City 206, 9- BCLUW 251, 10- North Tama 267, NTS- South Hardin. Top 10 Individuals 1- aubrie Fisher, IF-a/agWSR 20:51, 2- Bethany Lippert, IF-a/agWSR – 20:53; 3- Kyla Wilkening, gMgarwin – 21:31; 4- Heather Jessen, C-M-B – 22:02; 5- Melinda puumala, east Marshall – 22:09; 6- ashlee Johnson, C-M-B – 22:15; 7- Callie Frakes, South Tama 22:26; 8- Lauren Ratliff, C-M-B – 22:39; 9- Shasta Moody, C-M-B – 22:53; 10- Miquela Teske, South Hardin – 22:57. Area Individual Placings AGWSR – 1- aubrie Fisher 20:51, 2- Bethany Lippert 20:53, 26- Katie Meyer 24:10, 38- Haley Bakker 25:22, 43- arin Jelmeland 26:04, 45patience Kauzlarich 26:13, 50- ally Finger 26:44. BCLUW – 34- Samantha Schleisman 24:51, 57- Milena Ralston 28:17, 58- Skylar Nelson 28:29, 60- payton pekarek 29:16, 62-Haley McDonald 29:58, 65- Sarah Schmitt 32:20 South Hardin – 10- Miquela Teske 22:57, 23- Jordan Carr 23:50, 30Chloe Webb 24:28, 32- Laura Stanish 24:42. BOYS TEAM STANDINGS 1- Webster City 63, 2- east Marshall 71, 3- Nevada 92, 4- Iowa Falls-alden/agWSR 121, 5- CollinsMaxwell-Baxter 131, 6- BCLUW 133, 7- South Hardin 151, 8- South Tama 195, 9- green Mountain-garwin 200, 10- Colo-NeSCO 283. Top 10 Individuals 1- Malachi Hornbuckle, Nevada – 17:48; 2- Nick Meling, east Mar-
GOLD & SILVER- The Cadets’ Aubrie Fisher (243) dashes down the homestretch with teammate Bethany Lippert just steps behind during the South Hardin Cross Country Invitational Saturday. Fisher finished first in 20:51 and Lippert second in 20:53. shall – 18:03; 3- Ian Thomson, C-MB – 18:08; 4- Tyler Bultena, Webster City – 18:13; 5- Logan Berg, C-M-B – 18:19; 6- Ian Showers, BCLUW – 18:21; 7- Cam Hungerford, east Marshall – 18:25; 8- VanderWilt, South Hardin – 18:36; 9- Dawson Hjelmeland, Webster City – 18:36; 10- Brayden penning, IF-alden/agWSR – 18:41. Area Individual Placings IF-A/AGWSR – 10- Brayden penning 18:41, 16- Marco Vila 19:13, 28pablo Frade 19:40, 31- greg Tystahl 19:45, 36- Campbell Murra 19:54, 38- Seth Mazoway 20:08, 54- adam Long 21:41. BCLUW – 6- Ian Showers 18:21, 11- grant Baker 18:43, 19- Caleb Silver 19:17, 47- Neifer Ralston 20:51, 50- Blake Mann 21:03, 58- Troy Dolphin 22:33, 64- Michael engle 24:23. South Hardin – 8- Jacob VanderWilt 18:36, 26- Justin Meints 19:29, 33- Kolby Winter 19:47, 39- Cauy Teske 20:12, 45- Josiah Dorow 20:36, 48- Chase Harvey 20:52, 52Dillon gast 21:18.
South Hardin Junior Varsity Results
Team Standings 1- Webster City 32, 2- Nevada 33, 3- South Hardin 79, 4- east Marshall 122, 5- Collins-Maxwell-Baxter 134, 6- Iowa Falls-alden/agWSR 143. South Hardin Placings 9- gavin Roy 20:49, 11- alex Hassan 21:20, 13- Kaleb Roling 21:24, 24- Layne Nelson 22:19, 27- Tom Haywood 22:29, 30- Dylan Wenke 22:51, 38- Luke Bader 23:33, 43- Ted Dunn 24:17, 48- Hunter allen 25:20, 51- Spencer Haywood 25:56, 52Zach Roll 26:04, 53- Boe Deutmeyer 26:19, 63- Michael Smith 30:38.
AREA RUNNERS- The Tigers’ Chloe Webb (294) and Comets’ Samantha Schleisman run stride-for-stride on the Pine Lake Country Club during Saturday’s South Hardin Cross Country Invitational. Webb placed 30th and Schleisman a team-best 34th.
Comets fall 28-7, slip to 0-6 LAKE MILLS- The season’s sixth straight setback was suffered by the BCLUW football team, losing 28-7 at Lake Mills Friday during Class 1A, District 2 play. A pair of short touchdown runs each by Marcus Escherich and Alex Albert lifted the host Bulldogs and kept the Comets in search of that first victory. BCLUW, who trailed just 7-0 at halftime, were limited to seven or less points for the fifth time this fall. The Comets’ touchdown was a late eight-yard scoring strike from Brad Barkema to Clay Silver. “We played well in spurts, but then have breakdowns and can’t recover,” said BCLUW coach Anthony Jahr. “I know it is hard to see being 0-6, but we are getting better,” added Jahr. Barkema had a good night passing as the Comets’
ground game managed just three-plus yards. Barkema ended 16-of-21 for 164 yards with eight receptions for 80 yards for Jack Garber and Silver with seven grabs for 79 yards. Greg Schmitt had 16 rushing yards and Caleb Engle 15. Tackle leaders for BCLUW were Silver 13, Engle 10 and nine for Calob Keller and Bradley Bell, who had an interception. For Lake Mills, Escherich rushed for 92 yards, Albert had 88 and Cael Boehmer completed seven passes – all to Slade Sifuentes for 84 yards. The Bulldogs improved to 3-1 in the district to share second and 4-2 overall. BCLUW, 0-4 in district play, returns to Conrad Friday and battles Belmond-Klemme for Homecoming. The Broncos defeated MFL-Mar-Mac, 34-14 Friday.
agWSR football scores 24-16 win
EARLY LEAD- The Comets’ Ian Showers (10) paced the lead pack during the early stages of the South Hardin Cross Country Invitational Saturday. Showers finished sixth with a time of 18:21. Nevada’s Malachi Hornbuckle garnered the gold at 17:48.
(continued from page 1B) deep into Cougar territory late in the first half, only to see the Cougars intercept a pass on the final play before halftime. Neither team moved the ball in the third quarter. AGWSR put an insurance touchdown on the scoreboard one minute into the fourth quarter as Starr scored on a seven-yard sweep. The score proved crucial, as the Vikings responded with a touchdown
of their own just 90 seconds later as Berry broke free on a dive play and Kliment threw a conversion pass to Colton Moretz that made it a onescore game. The Cougar offense got the ball back with more than six minutes showing on the clock and did not give it back. Karsjens converted a third-and-long with a 12-yard run and then used a hard count to force
an N-K penalty on another third down. Finally, with 1:12 left and facing a fourth-and-short, Karsjens called his own number on a sneak for the game-winning first down. The Cougars play their final regular-season road game Friday at Clarksville while NorthwoodKensett (3-3 overall, 3-1 in District play) makes the long trip to Turkey Valley to face the undefeated Trojans.
South Hardin
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 Page 3B
Football Game - Friday, Oct. 7 - 7:00 p.m. South Hardin Tigers vs. West Marshall Trojans Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
SOUTH HARDIN FOOTBALL CHEERLEADING TEAM- Front row, left to right, Megan Mitchell, Jakota Maakestad, Ellie Cook, Caitlin Bader. Standing, l to r, Hayley McCord, Chloe Webb, Paige Harrell, Ashley Heubner, Chloe Edgerton, Brittney Rojas. Sitting, l to r, Jordyn Daggs-Olson, Lexi Ryan, Morgan Pagel, Megan Paul, Hanna VanderWilt. (Picture provided by Lattin Photography)
Front row, l to r, Dane Butler, Hunter Nessa, Lane Reifschneider, Ty Cook, Ted Dunn Back row, Sarah Wiechmann, Nina Priske, Sarah Brown, Dru Balvanz, and Lexi Ryan.
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Go Tigers!!
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front row, left to right, dan Cook, geoff Buchanan, owen reinalda, dick Shindelar. Back row, l to r, dwayne Melton, Craig halfpop, head coach Barry Scott, Jeff Butler, Bill heubner.
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We’re Cheering the South Hardin Tigers At Homecoming! Defeat the West Marshall Trojans! SOUTH HARDIN FOOTBALL
HardinCSB.com HCSB@HardinCSB.com
SOUTH HARDIN FOOTBALL- Pictured are members of the South Hardin football team for the 2016 fall campaign. Front row, left to right, Cody Houck, Aden Butler, Stephen Paxton, Lane Reifschneider, Ty Cook, Ryland Duchane, Brandon Meints, Alex Gustafson. Second row, Dane Butler, Quinton Lake, Malcolm Wright, Eli Roe, Jacob VanDePol, Hunter Nessa, Jeff Thompson. Third row, Kevin Rewoldt, Michael Halsey, Kolton Rewoldt, Jacob Fox, Jason Skartvedt, Jon Janke, Tyler Miller, Tommy Platte. Fourth row, Owen Fuller, Cade Spieker, Dillon Crumley, Logan Spindler, Kaden Bronzynski, Gus Armstrong, Braden Nelson, Brock Holling-
7/16 - approved
sworth, Ryne Fuller. Fifth row, Justin Mesch, Michael Fuller, Jack Halsey, Tyler Kendall, Braxton Murphy, Seth Lindamen, Colton Haley, Tyrell Todd, Tanner Lawrence, Caleb Bruns. Sixth row, Thain Friest, Gavin Ridout, Mason Sodders, Dalton Lake, Tyler Briggs, Nicolas Paxton, Brandon Harris, Drew Santor, Taylor Kolthoff. Back row, manger Jacob Brown, head coach Barry Scott, assistant coaches Dwayne Melton, Craig Halfpop, Dick Shindelar, Dan Cook, Jeff Butler, Bill Heubner, Geoff Buchanan, Owen Reinalda, manger Jake Santor.
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 â&#x20AC;˘ page 4B
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
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Go Tigers!!
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Nicolas Paxton
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Kevin Rewoldt
Kolten Rewoldt
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 • page 5B
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Numbers are adding up to a Tiger Victory
Thomas M. Donald
Colton Haley
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Go Tigers!!
Run that ball Catch that throw Come on Tigers Let’s Score
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Go Tigers!! The
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Dane Butler
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Brandon Meints
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Key to a
Victory is
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Beat West Marshall
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Sara a. anderSon, d.d.S.
Creating Healthy Smiles with a Gentle Touch!
Tyrell Todd
Aden Butler
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Tyler Miller
Dr. Dan R. Dye
Dunn Law Firm Richard N. Dunn (641) 939-3433
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
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“Clear Vision begins with healthy eyes” Eldora 939-2020
Ackley 641-847-2183
Go Tigers!!
Dane Butler
Jacob Fox
Taylor Kolthoff
Brandon Meints
Kevin Rewoldt
Drury Automotive 28154 Co. D41 • Eldora
Kolten Rewoldt
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 • page 6B
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
are Charged and ready to defeat the
Respect All Fear None.
Beat West Marshall,
Cade Spieker
gehrke inc.
Bob & Steve gehrke, garth Spieker & Jeremy Maas 1405 21st Ave., eldora, iA
Call Us For a Free estimate
Justin Mesch
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Tri County Services
Michael Halsey
Tyrell Todd
Mowers & More Lawn Mower & Snowblower Repair 2002 21st St. • Eldora
Hubbard Zearing 641-864-2244 641-487-7821
Go Tigers!!
Jack Halsey
West Marshall Trojans
Go Tigers!!
Brandon Meints
Salvo Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine
Caleb Bruns
Fitness Center
1158 Edgington Ave., Eldora, IA 50627
641-939-7317 fax
Thain Friest
Dillion Crumley
Iowa River Mutual Insurance Association Serving Hardin and Surrounding Counties for over 140 years
Greg Salvo D.P.T.
1317 15th Ave., Eldora Jay & Lucas LaVelle
Kendall Lunsford, President 1515 Edgington Avenue, Eldora, IA 50627
Go Tigers!!
Iowa River Mutual Insurance Association Serving Hardin and Surrounding Counties for over 140 years Kendall Lunsford, President 1515 Edgington Avenue Eldora, IA 50627
Dalton Lake
Quinton Lake
Hunter Nessa
Lane Reifschneider
Logan Spindler
Jacob VanDePol
Gavin Ridout
Cade Spieker
Go Tigers!!
Aden Butler
Michael Fuller
Marc, Dianne, David and Kelly
Owen Fuller
Ryne Fuller
We’re Insuring a Tiger Victory!
Go Tigers! Go Tigers!! Go Tigers! Go Tigers!
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 • page 7B
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Cody Houck
West Marshall Trojans!
Tommy Platte
Go Tigers!!
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Great Savings & Outstanding Service
Go Tigers!!
Go Tigers!!
Eli Roe
Coffee & Tea House Serving Crimson Cup® Coffees, Teas & Smoothies 1210 12th St. • Eldora 641-939-7780
Hardin County Collision & towing Pete Glaser 1302 21st St., Eldora
26950 Highway 65 N. Hubbard, Iowa 50122 Ph 641-864-2829 Cell 515-291-4271 Email cipc@netins.net
Braxton Murphy
Jason Skartvedt
1513 Edgington Avenue, Eldora, Iowa 641-939-5051 “A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation” news@eldoranewspaper.com ads@eldoranewspaper.com sports@eldoranewspaper.com www.eldoranewspapers.com
Go Tigers!!
Michael Fuller
Owen Fuller
Gavin Ridout
Cade Spieker
Ryne Fuller
Gus Armstrong
Fidelity Abstract &DavidTitle Co. Rubow, Abstracter
P.O. Box 206 1228 Edgington Avenue Eldora 641-858-5496
Go Tigers!!
Brayden Harris
Malcolm Wright
Work Hard,
“Where Experience is the Difference” 2313 15th Ave., Eldora
Beat the Trojans!
Tyler Briggs
Ph. (641) 858-5422
Go Tigers!!
1226 Washington Street
1/2 Block North of Stoplight
Go Tigers!!
Jeff Thompson
1510 22nd St. • Eldora
Justin Mesch
Dane Butler
Jacob Fox
Brock Hollinsworth
Tyler Kendall
Nicolas Paxton
Stephen Paxton
Kevin Rewoldt
Kolten Rewoldt
Eldora: 1402 Washington St. • 641.858.5411 www.greatwesternbank.com
Local/Area News
Tuesday, October 4, 2016 • pAge 8B
Harvest of 2016
Last Saturday was the corn harvest at the Hardin County Farm Museum where a nice crowd filtered in throughout the mid-day to see how things were done on the farm back 80-plus years ago. To see how kids went to school in a one room schoolhouse and to see the latest addition to the fleet of vehicles out at the historical site. George Brandt shows off a donation which came recently from Ray Stockdale of Iowa Falls, the 1950 Chevy on site for inspection. The last feature in this year’s offerings comes up October 8 when the museum holds its annual family barn dance in the loft from 7 to 10:30 p.m. with supper served after 6 p.m.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2016 • page 9B
Bowling Scores UFO Sept. 12, 2016 Firehouse 49 11 Napa 43 17 Steinfeldt paint 37 23 The Hubb 18 42 FMH 17 43 United Suppliers 16 44 High team game- Firehouse 990; High team series- Firehouse 2863; High individual games- Dennis Dickenson 245, Jim Callaway 243, Steve Dickenson 242, Bret Harris 242; High individual series- Bret Harris 704, Steve Dickenson 653, Jim Callaway 653, Jake Travis 646. Wellsburg Church Sept. 14, 2016 Cruisers 45 15 Section 8 34 26 Spider Killers 29 31 pizza Ranch 28 32 Odd Ballz 28 32 High team game- Section 8 770; High team series- Odd Ballz 2160; High individual games- Nick pieters 256, Jacob Christensen 253, Michael Krull 238, Dawn Harrell 201, 171, Crystal Jeske 191; High individual seriesRobert Jeske 662, Michael Krull 632, Jacob Christensen 628, Dawn Harrell 526, Crystal Jeske 474, Kristina atkins 338; Splits picked up- Larry Meints 5-7, Crystal Jeske 7-6. Bowl Mor Sept. 15, 2016 Midwest Liquid 64.525.5 epI 53 37 Sween Law 51 9 eldora auto parts 47.542.5 Froning enterprises 46 44 High team game- Sween Law 850; High team series- Sween Law 2407; High individual games- Jim Sween 245, Brett pfaltzgraff 242, Jim Callaway 236; High individual seriesShawn Bolt 662, Jim Sween 657, Brett pfaltzgraff 640; Splits picked up- Marv granzow 5-10. Good Times Sept. 15, 2016 aches & pains 67 23 american Legion 54 36 M&g Tire 48 42 Fareway grocery 41 49 eldora Bowl 38 52 Fugowee Tribe 22 68 High team game- Fareway grocery 1017; High team series- Fare-
way grocery 2698; High individual games- Jeff gore 251, Mark Hobson 233, Blaire Donaldson 226; High individual series- Jeff gore 631, glen Carpenter 606, Dennis Dickenson 604. Friday Nite Mixed Sept. 16, 2016 Fit 12 4 Bulls on the Loose 12 4 We’re Back 10 6 Wild Ones 2 14 Split Happens 0 16 Team 6 0 16 High team game- Fit 760; High team series- Fit 2079; High individual series- John Schatzman 253, Robert Kasischke 240, Dan Teske 237, Cathy Kusserow 187, Mickey Montalvo 178, Sue Taylor 159; High individual series- Robert Kasischke 692, Dan Teske 625, John Schatzman 620, Cathy Kusserow 507, Sue Taylor 447, Mickey Montalvo 422; Splits picked up- Janelle Tidman 2-7 pat gehrke 5-10. Tuesday Nite Mixed Sept. 20, 2016 Las Flores 59 21 Firehouse 53.536.5 porkers 49.539.5 High team game- porkers 802; High team series- porkers 2235; High individual games- Blaire Donaldson 201, Bruce Heidt 193, evan eichmeier 151, Kortney Jaenke 198, Susan engelking 172, Brittany Link 171; High individual series- Blaire Donaldson 561, Bryce Heidt 460, evan eichmeier 419, Susan engelking 456, Jill grego 437, Melissa Berends 420; Splits picked up- Bev Miller 5-7, Jill grego 3-10. Good Times Sept. 22, 2016 aches & pains 83 37 american Legion 71.548.5 M&g Tire 71 49 Fareway grocery 55 65 eldora Bowl 50.569.5 Fugowee Tribe 29 91 High team game- Fareway grocery 969; High team series- Fareway grocery 2727; High individual gamesRyan Mossman 247, glen Carpenter 244, Jason Hampton 233; High individual series- glen Carpenter 613, Ryan Mossman 608, Jason Krull 603; Splits picked up- Scott Harvey 5-8-10.
Regional pairings released, South Hardin at Iowa Falls
ELDORA- Regional volleyball pairings were released by the Iowa Girls’ High School Athletic Association Friday. The South Hardin girls will make the short trip north to Iowa Falls and play Iowa Falls-Alden in a Class 3A Region 4 quarterfinal match Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 7 p.m. Through Friday, the records stood 5-12 for the Tigers and the Cadets are 11-9. The South Hardin – IF-A winner advances to a semi-final match back in Iowa Falls Tuesday, Oct. 25 against the Dike-New Hartford – West Marshall winner from Wednesday. Perennial power Dike-NH is second-ranked in 3A and a lofty 313. Additional quarterfinal bouts in Region 4 of 3A are Clarion-Goldfield-Dows at No. 15 Forest City and Hampton-Dumont at Garner-Hayfield-Ventura. The Region 4 final is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 31 in Hampton. The BCLUW gals have a Class 2A, Region 4 first-round match against rival Grundy Center at Grundy Center Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. The Comets are 16-3 through Friday and had an 11-match winning streak snapped by the 17-9 Spartans, losing 3-0 just last Tuesday. The BCLUW – Grundy winner plays Ogden, who received a bye, in Grundy Center Monday, Oct. 24 with that winner advancing to a semi-final bout in Woodward Thursday, Oct. 27. Ogden is 11-6 State-ranked in Region 4 of 2A is No. 4 Tri-Center and ninth-rated Woodward-Granger. The AGWSR girls will host a Class 1A, Region 5 first-round match in Ackley, playing Clarksville Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. Records through Friday have the Cougars 6-12 and the Indians 2-12.
The AGWSR – Clarksville winner has a tall task in the quarterfinals, playing top-ranked Janesville at Janesville Monday, Oct. 24. The Wildcats are 14-8 with all the losses to bigger, highly-ranked teams. The state volleyball tournament will be held Tuesday through Friday, Nov. 8-11 in Cedar Rapids. The latest state volleyball rankings feature five teams from the NICL East division with Dike-NH second in 3A, Sumner-Fredericksburg second in 2A and Hudson second in 1A with Union High third in 3A and Waterloo Columbus No. 11 in 2A.
Business & Professional Directory Call 641.939.5051 to place your ad!
Business & Professional Directory
AREA NETTERS- South Hardin’s Chloe Edgerton (8) reaches to block the spike of AGWSR’s Alana Groninga during recent net play. The Tigers travel to Jesup tonight (Tuesday) while the Cougars host Grundy Center.
Pineyour Lake Wildlife Call 641.939.5051 to place ad! Club Fall Stag set
ELDORA- The Pine Lake Wildlife Club’s 28th Annual Fall Sportsman’s Stag will be held Wednesday, Oct. 26. The social hour will run from 5:30 to 7 p.m. followed by a Canadian Walleye dinner at 7 p.m. and auction and raffle at 8 p.m. The PLWC Clubhouse is located just north of Pine Lake State Park. The auction will feature 12 to 15 items of fishing and hunting gear, quality tools and a couple premium prints while the raffle will feature several prizes, including two guns. Proceeds from the stag will be used for special projects including fish stocking, wild game releases, construction projects and hunter safety course to name a few. For tickets contact Rick Dunn or Jody Stonebraker.
Business & Professional Directory
IGSHAU Volleyball Rankings
CLASS 1A 1- Janesville, 2- Hudson, 3Springville, 4- Tripoli, 5- grandview Christian, 6- Holy Trinity, 7- Lawton-Bronson, 8- Sidney, 9- Iowa Valley, 10- LeMars gehlen, 11- Siouxland Christian, 12- audubon, 13- New London, 14- edgewood-Colesburg, 15Starmont. CLASS 2A 1- Western Christian, 2- Sumner-Fredericksburg, 3- Unity Christian, 4- Tri-Center, 5- Lake Mills, 6- Central Lyon, 7- St. albert CB, 8- North Cedar, 9Woodward-granger, 10- Mediapolis, 11- Waterloo Columbus, 12- Treynor, 13- Central Springs, 14- South Hamilton, 15- Tipton. CLASS 3A 1- Carroll Kuemper, 2- DikeNew Hartford, 3- Union High 4West Delaware, 5- Mount Vernon, 6- Davenport assumption, 7- Sioux Center, 8- Humboldt, 9- gilbert, 10- Spirit Lake, 11Dyersville Beckman, 12- east Sac County, 13- North polk, 14Osage, 15- Forest City.
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Elizabeth Hill, D.V.M. Small Animal Veterinary Services and Boarding! 1118 Washington St., Eldora, IA 50627 p 641-939-7557 f 641-939-7547 eldoravet@gmail.com www.ELDORAVET.com
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Dean R Stickrod, D.D.S. Randy’s Mowers 1310 Washington st., eldora & More “Caring for smiles for over 30 years”
Dr. Dan R. Dye
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Lawn Mowers - Snowblowers - Small Engines 2002 21st St. • Eldora 858-3201 m-F 8-5; Sat. 8-noon
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plumBing & Heating Serving Hardin Co. Since 1965
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Get targeted exposure to a large audience when you advertise your business in our directory. Your ad runs 8-9 times a month for next to nothing. To get your ad started, give Betty a call 641-939-5051.
Football Fever Contest Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016 • page 10B
We have placed 10 of this weekend’s games on this week’s football contest. Find the 10 games in the ads below. Indicate the winner in the appropriate place on the entry blank. pick a number - a number which you think will be the highest number of points scored by any one team on this page. place the number in entry blank space provided. This will be used to break all ties. One entry to each contestant only. entries must be brought to the eldora Newspapers in eldora, by 4 p.m. on Friday or postmarked no later than Friday. Winners will be announced in next week’s Herald-Ledger. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE ON ThIS OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK.
Game No. 1 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 2 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 3 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 4 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 5 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 6 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 7 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 8 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 9 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 10 winner __________________________________________________ I think ________________ will be the most points scored by one team. Name __________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________
Susan Eichmeier
Brody & Hudson Clemons
1- Dike-New Hartford 23, South Hardin 12 2- Lake Mills 28, BCLUW 7
First Place ($20) Carole Damon, Eldora Second ($15) Dan Munson, Eldora Third($10) Mike Schwarck, Eldora
3- AGWSR 24, Northwood-Kensett 16 4- Ballard 49, Iowa Falls-Alden 16 5- UNI 42, Southern Illinois 21 6- Northwestern 38, Iowa 31 7- Baylor 45, Iowa State 42
8- Washington 44, Stanford 6
Certificates are redeemable at any of the contest sponsors and must be redeemed by Dec. 31, 2016.
9- Michigan 14, Wisconsin 7
10- Clemson 42, Louisville 36
You can’t win if you don’t play, so fill out your entry blank today and return it to the Eldora Newspapers!
Fidelity Abstract & Title Co. David Rubow, Abstracter 10- Texas vs Oklahoma
P.O. Box 206 1228 Edgington Avenue 641-858-5496 Eldora
“Where Experience is the Difference” 2313 15th Ave., Eldora
Ph. (641) 858-5422
HardinCSB.com HCSB@HardinCSB.com 5- Iowa at Minnesota
7/16 - approved Fresh Produce
faREway fooD StoRE
Last Week’s Game Results
Last Week’s Winners
Doug Brock M. Haverkamp Jacobson 9/29/15 CFP, AAMS Brock M. Jacobson Doug Haverkamp CFP, AAMS Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Washington 702 Washington Ave. 505 Washington Ave. 702 Ave. 505Iowa Falls, IA 50126 Washington Ave. Iowa Iowa Falls, IA 50126 Falls, IA Iowa Falls, IA 641-648-4656 641-648-4656 641-648-5783 641-648-5783
Ryan Bjustrom
CLEmonS HaRDwaRE & REntaL
Rachel Lewey
Rachel Lewey Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor 702 Washington Ave. 702 Washington Ave. Iowa Falls, IA 50126 Iowa Falls, IA 641-648-4656 641-648-4656
Marc, Dianne, David and Kelly
9- Florida State www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC at Miami (Fla)
Hubbard Days 2016
USDA Choice Beef All Natural Pork
Ryan Bjustrom, Store Mgr. Jason Robinson, Market Mgr.
Eldora 641-858-2472
8- Tennessee at Texas A&M
4- West Marshall at South Hardin
1510 22nd St. • Eldora
1616 Edgington Ave.
6- Iowa State at Oklahoma State
Panda One
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Clemons Hardware & Rental
2- Belmond-Klemme at BCLUW
Ann and Aaron Clemons Owners 1366 Washington St. Eldora, IA 50627 (641) 939-5252 4/1/16
Lunch Buffet Every Day 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Broadban Heart of Iowa d Internet Service from Communicatio ns Cooperati ve
7- UNI at South Dakota
Sept. 2016
Shop your local hy-Vee SeVen dayS a week hrs: sun.-Thurs., 6 A.M. - 10 P.M.; Fri. & sat., 6 A.M.-11 P.M.
Chinese Restaurant Mandarin & Cantonese Style Gourmet Chinese Food Open 6 days a week 1280 Washington St., Eldora Mon.-Sat. 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Closed Sun. 641-939-7878
2313 15th Ave., Eldora
(641) 858-5422 11/14
Anderson Family Dentistry Fair 2015
Ronald R Wieting ChFC®, CLU®, FIC Financial Consultant ron.wieting@thrivent.com
Sara a. anderSon, d.d.S.
Christopher C Wieting, FIC Financial Associate chris.wieting@thrivent.com
1- AGWSR at Clarksville 27193 R4-15
May 2016
Creating Healthy Smiles with a Gentle Touch!
Pine Lake Financial Associates 1710 Edgington Ave Ste#1 641-858-2050
3- Gladbrook-Reinbeck at Hudson
Eldora 641.939.7900 Now accepting New Patients 5/15