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What Cheer Paper
Volume One Hundred Twenty Six Number 40 12 Pages October 5, 2016
T Center ribune
Home of the first consolidated school west of the Mississippi River - 1896
Hampton Chronicle
Harvest in full swing
Area farmers have been hard at work harvesting their soybeans over the past week, as fields have dried out following several inches of rain in mid-September. Jo Steffensen, above, runs the combine as she and her husband, Paul, and son, Tony, cleared out a field east of Buffalo Center on Monday. While the weather caused a delay in the harvest, our area fared well compared to parts of the state that received more than a foot of rain last month. There are a couple of chances for rain in the forecast for this week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
Entered as Periodicals in the post office at Buffalo Center, Iowa 50424 (USPS 069-400)
EMT course begins next week in Buffalo Center
Local ambulance and first responder crews are in need of new Emergency Medical Technicians, and they will sponsor an EMT course in Buffalo Center, beginning next week. The course is provided through North Iowa Area Community College and will be held at the Buffalo Center Ambulance building beginning October 10 and running through March 6 of next year. Classes will be held on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6-10 p.m. The Buffalo Center Ambulance, Lakota Ambulance and Thompson First Responders are all offering to pay tuition for people who are interested in taking the course and volunteering with their local ambulance and first responder services. Paul Armstrong, president of the Buffalo Center Ambulance, says they have 13 people signed up so far, including three from Buffalo Center. The course provides students
with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform emergency care and transport. Course modules include preparatory, function and development of the human body, pharmacology, airway management, patient assessment, medical emergencies, shock, trauma, special patient populations, and EMS operations. The course also requires an additional 18 hours of hospital-based clinical time and 12 hours of ambulance ride time. The course is approved for 7.0 semester hours of college credit. People interested in taking the course may contact Paul Armstrong at 515-538-0683 or call NIACC at 641-422-4388. More information is also available by calling 641-422-4434.
Homecoming game worth the wait as Bison pick up first win
Spencer Armstrong, right, readies a pass to Austin Haisman during the Bison’s Homecoming victory over Clarksville last Monday evening, Sept. 26 in Buffalo Center. The Bison had to wait an extra three days for their Homecoming match, after the game was postponed from the previous Friday due to flooding in the Clarksville area. After a slow start in the first half, the Bison came back to score 28 points in the second half for their first win of the season, 34-28. See sports on page 9.
Teen Night this Friday at North Iowa The Winnebago County Task Force
Cub Scouts begin fall fundraiser
Cub Scout Pack 445 is selling varieties of Pecatonica River popcorn and Country Meats beef jerky for its annual fall fundraiser project. The kids will be selling items through October 27, and items will be delivered in mid-November. Proceeds go toward camping trips and other activities for the scouts. Orders can also be placed by contacting Illa Roth at 641-903-9409.
Financial Aid Night Thursday
A Financial Aid Planning Night will be held Thursday, Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. in the North Iowa Community School Auditorium. Students and parents of college bound seniors are invited to attend this informational meeting. John Holland of Iowa College Access Network will present financial aid information.
Flu Clinics planned for October 7 and 12
Winnebago County Public Health will host a Flu Clinic on Friday, October 7 at the Rake Senior Center from 9:30-10 a.m. and on Wednesday, October 12 at Titonka Savings Bank in Thompson from 10-11 a.m. Anyone attending is asked to bring their insurance card or Medicare/Medicaid card, otherwise the cost is $25. For more information, call 641-585-4763.
Sallie Smith to host Fall Open House Saturday
Sallie Smith will host a Fall Open House on Saturday, October 8 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at 702-4th St. S.W., Buffalo Center. Fall and winter arrangements will be available, along with new wooden snowmen and screens. This will be Sallie’s final open house in Buffalo Center.
Members of the Grant Gleaners 4-H Club are joining 4-H clubs throughout the country this week in celebrating National 4-H Week. Members of the Grant Gleaners are pictured with some family and friends following a Creative Spirits project they did earlier this year. Front from left are: Gunner Mathahs, Abi Larson, Will Duve, Riley Gobeli, Hannah DeVries, Thomas Flo, Caleb Cooper and Colton Main. Middle row: Hannah Main, Brett Doege, Emma Duve, Laura Wubben, Korra Marr, Chelsey Armstrong, Kylie Buns and Nathanael DeVries. Back row: Sheila Larson, Jodi Adams, Janelle Murray, Morgan Boehm, Ty Murray, Leah Kramersmeier, Staci Marr, Jessica Adams, Julie Williams, Shirley Roth, Teresa Cooper and Teresa Buns.
Local clubs celebrate National 4-H Week Now is the time of year for youth to join and participate in 4-H, the youth development program of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Local clubs in Winnebago and Kossuth Counties are celebrating all things 4-H during National 4-H Week, October 2-8. 4-H is active in each of Iowa’s 99 counties and empowers youth to reach their full potential through many dif-
ferent types of experiences, including photography, music, woodworking, sewing, archery, livestock and horticulture. Youth have fun while gaining valuable skills in communication and the arts, citizenship and leadership, science, technology, engineering and math, as well as healthy living and personal life management by being involved in 4-H. “During this National 4-H Week,
it is important to remember the 4-H pledge, which is recited at every 4-H club meeting, and what it teaches. ‘I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service and my Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world,’” said Darcie Kramer, Kossuth County Youth Educator. “This is really what 4-H is all about!”
4-H grows confidence, creativity, curiosity, courage, character and much more in youth. 4-H allows youth to use the skills that they learn to go out and make a positive difference in their communities. To learn more about how 4-H youth development is empowering young people, or to get involved with 4-H, visit extension.iastate.edu/kossuth/4h or extension.iastate.edu/winnebago/4h
will host a Teen Night event this Friday, Oct. 7, for North Iowa High School students in grades 9-12. Youth are invited to attend a night of fun at the North Iowa Commons, beginning after the football game and lasting until 11 p.m. Activities planned include Bingo, life-size Connect Four, Pictionary and other games. Food and fun will be provided. Prizes will be given throughout the evening. Area businesses have given donations in the form of financial contributions, as well as prizes. The Task Force appreciates all the support to make the night a success. This night is not only about having fun but also to educate the youth on how alcohol and drugs can have a negative impact on their lives. Through the support of the school district, the Task Force is offering an “impaired experience”. Distorted goggles will show what it feels like to drive under the influence. The Task Force will also have materials to show what distracted driving looks like. The materials are provided through the local AEA. The mission of the Task Force is to educate, prevent and reduce youth substance abuse in Winnebago County. Its vision is for Winnebago County to be a safe and substance abuse-free environment for youth. The Task Force hopes that by offering opportunities like this to youth, they are reducing substance use among teens. Anyone interested in joining the Task Force’s youth coalition, as well as adults who would like to be involved with the Task Force, may contact the Winnebago County Task Force office at 641-562-2525.
In this issue Church..................................page 4 Classifieds.............................page 8 Courthouse..........................page 5 Local News.....................page 2, 5, 12 Marketplace.....................page 6, 7 Opinion / Editorial.............page 2 Public Notices......................page 5 Social News..........................page 3 Sports..............................page 9, 10
Community comes out to support Lakota Library
The Lakota Library had a great turnout for its annual salad luncheon on Sunday, Sept. 25 at the Eagle Center. The library board and director served of ham, turkey and egg salad sandwiches for the noon meal, with help from volunteers who prepared the food. Proceeds from the event go toward various programs and services at the library.
Library Director Sue Kearney, along with library board members and volunteers, served a delicious variety of salads at the annual Lakota Library salad luncheon on September 25.
2 • Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune
Way back when 10 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, October 5, 2006 Diane Matthias, owner of Diane’s Jubilee Quilting, will host an open house on Friday, October 6 and Saturday, October 7. Quilting has become Diane’s passion since retiring from teaching in May of 2005. Diane, who has hand quilted for the past 20 years, bought her Gammill Classic Plus quilting machine in December 2004. She opened her quilting business in 2005, and the resulting projects are gorgeous. With the approach of fall and residents busy raking their yards, Buffalo Center Postmaster Lynn Hassebroek reminds rural customers not to burn leaves in front of any mailboxes in the vicinity of their property. Orders are being taken for the new North Iowa Bison t-shirts, which are being sold to raise money for North Iowa Auditorium renovations. 20 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, October 3, 1996 The NIHS Marching Band under the direction of Tom Winkers will be marching in the Algona Band Days Parade, Saturday, October 5. This parade will showcase 22 high school bands from the north Iowa region. Starting time is at 1:00 p.m. followed by a featured percussion showcase and an awards ceremony. We are informed with the good weather earlier this week that some area farmers are headed to their bean fields with their combines to begin harvesting. Soon our roads and highways will have harvest equipment on them as farmers move from field to field. Be prepared to stop suddenly as you drive.
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30 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, October 9, 1986 VFW Post 4824 of Buffalo Center is taking donations for a pheasant dinner for disabled veterans during the month of October. The 45th Annual Pheasant Dinner for the hospitalized veterans will be served at 14 hospitals and veteran’s homes throughout the U.S. Thursday October 23. As in previous years, this is a combined VFW and American Legion project. The VFW goal will again be set at 3,000 birds costing approximately $16,000. Donations for the project may be made by stopping at the VFW Club. September brought 4.10 inches of rain in the Tribune area, according to John Plaisier, the official weather bureau observer. Precipitation fell on 18 days. Hail was reported on September 27. The high temperature for the month was 88 degrees. The low was 36 degrees. 40 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, October 14, 1976 The Homecoming King and Queen announcement was made at the halftime show of the Bison and Northwood-Vikings football game. Mike Ostermann was crowned Homecoming King, and Karla Askeland was the Homecoming Queen. Pat Costigan of Buffalo Center will began his duties as the new deputy in Winnebago County on Friday, October 15, his first official day. He said that since high school days one of his major aspirations was to become a law enforcement officer in his home territory. He will have realized his ambition. Dale Evans will be in person in Mason City in the high school auditorium. You will be thrilled to hear her singing and to hear her testimony. Arrangements were made by Rev. Stan Wierson of Buffalo Cen-
ter. The Buffalo Center High School Jazz Ensemble is scheduled to present a concert at 6:30 p.m. under the direction of the Buffalo Center Band Director Keith Peterson. 50 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, October 13, 1966 The Homecoming Queen was Julie Gill. Her attendants were Mary Costigan and Jean Johnson. Julie was crowned by last year’s Queen, Mary Schmidt. The Bison-Viking football game was won by Buffalo Center, 18-6. The selected players of the week were Terry Letcher and Pete Wessels. Terry Letcher was the lineman and defensive player. Pete Wessels was selected as a halfback. The Junior Class play, “Danger, Love at Work” will be given on Tuesday evening, October 18, at the high school auditorium. The play is under the direction of Robert Juhl. 60 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, October 11, 1956 Over 25 members of the Business Men’s Club met at the City Hall on Monday evening to enjoy a delicious family style dinner of roast beef and all the trimmings. It was served by Mesdames Hassebroek and Heitland. A very clever, and appropiate, talk was given by Rev. Henry Van Dyke. He spoke on “Business in Christianity”. President Elmer Leibrand was in charge of the business session and Secretary K. H. Elman read the minutes and reported on the finances. A special edition of the Tribune will be printed the week of October 18 for the Buffalo Days promotion. Many of the merchants will have special ads and includes Winter Clothing, Beste Pharmacy and many other merchants. Donations will be given to the Salvation Army, the Girl Scouts, and a kickoff breakfast for the Boy Scouts Fund Drive.
The Winnebago County Task Force, in cooperation with local law enforcement agencies and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), will hold a drug Take Back Day on Saturday, Oct. 22. This is the 12th such Take Back Day to be offered in six years, and it will give the public an opportunity to prevent bill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. People can bring their pills for disposal to: Buffalo Center City Hall from 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Forest City-Winnebago County Sheriff Department from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. or Miller Pharmacy from 8:30 a.m.noon, and the Lake Mills Police Department from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Note that the DEA cannot accept liquids, needles or sharps – only pills or patches. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Last April, Americans turned in
447 tons (over 893,000 pounds) of prescription drugs at almost 5,400 sites operated by the DEA and more than 4,200 of its state and local law enforcement partners. Overall, in its 11 previous Take Back events, DEA and its partners have taken in over 6.4 million pounds—about 3,200 tons—of pills. This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines—flushing them down the toilet or throwing
The Square Yard
Buffalo Center Development Corp.
them in the trash—both pose potential safety and health hazards. For more information about the disposal of prescription drugs or about the October 22 Take Back Day event, go to the DEA Diversion website or winnebagocountytaskforce. com
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Statement of the Ownership, Management, Etc., Required by the Acts of Congress as of Aug. 12, 1970
1.- 8. Buffalo Center Tribune, publication number 069-400, filing date of Sept. 27, 2016, frequency of issue, weekly; number of issues published annually, 52; annual subscription price, $37.00. The mailing address of the Known Office of Publication and Headquarters is 124 N. Main St., PO Box 367, Buffalo Center, IA 50424, Winnebago County. 9. The name and address of the publisher and managing editor is Ryan Harvey, 365 State St., Garner, IA 50438. The name and address of the editor is Andrew Shaw, 124 N. Main St., PO Box 367, Buffalo Center, IA 50424. 10. Owners: Mid-America Publishing Corporation, 9 2nd St. NW, P.O. Box 606, Hampton, IA 50441-0606. Stockholders owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of stock: Jeanette M. Grohe, 1 Lincoln Place Dr., Des Moines, IA 50312; Matthew Grohe, 1 Lincoln Place Dr., Des Moines, IA 50312; and Julie M. Herr, 4422 N. Mozart St., Chicago, IL 60625. 11. 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Take Back Day for unwanted prescription drugs is October 22
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The Buffalo Center Tribune welcomes opinions of our readers, as long as the expressions are not in bad taste, and do not attack individuals within our circulation area without documentation or justification. Repeated letter from the same writer may not be used. The Buffalo Center Tribune also will not accept letters that are duplicated, reprinted, copied or otherwise reproduced. Letters should be original, typewritten or neatly handwritten. The Buffalo Center Tribune does not care to print letters which are also
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PO Box 367, Buffalo Center, IA 50424 Fax: 641-562-2636 or Email: bctrib@wctatel.net
Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 • 3
News from
Wednesday, October 5 Christian Women’s Club meeting, First Reformed Church-Buffalo Center, 9:30 a.m. Thursday, October 6 7th/8th Volleyball @ Bishop Garrigan, 4:15 p.m. Heartwarmer’s Quilt Guild meeting, Bethlehem Lutheran Church-Buffalo Center, 7 p.m. Friday, October 7 Winnebago County Public Health Flu Clinic, Rake Senior Center, 9:30-10 a.m. V Football (H) Tripoli, 7 p.m. Teen Night hosted by the Winnebago County Task Force, NIHS Commons, following the football game until 11 p.m. Saturday, October 8 V Volleyball Tournament (H), 9 a.m. Sallie Smith’s Fall Open House, 702-4th St. S.W., Buffalo Center, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sunday, October 9 Open House Baby Shower honoring Stephanie Osborn, First Reformed Church-Buffalo Center, 1 p.m. SonGQuest Quartet, First Presbyterian Church-Lakota, 6 p.m. Monday, October 10 North Iowa Food for Families Food Pantry open, Buffalo Plaza, 2-4 p.m. 7th/8th/JV Football @ Harris-Lake Park, 4:15 p.m. 7th/8th Volleyball @ Newman Catholic, 4:15 p.m. V Boys/Girls Cross Country @ Forest City, 5 p.m. Tuesday, October 11 JV/JJV/V Volleyball (H) Northwood-Kensett, 6 p.m. Wednesday, October 12 Winnebago County Public Health Flu Clinic, Titonka Savings Bank-Thompson, 10-11 a.m.
North Iowa Communities List of Events
Save the Date
October 14 Fall Soup Supper, Bison Senior Center-Buffalo Center, 5-7 p.m. October 22 Take Back Day for unwanted prescription drugs, Buffalo Center City Hall, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. October 30 NIB Kids Halloween Party, Heritage Town Center-Buffalo Center, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Trick-or-Treat in the City of Buffalo Center, 4-7 p.m. October 31 Trick-or Treat in City of Thompson, 4-7 p.m. November 8 Election Night Soup Supper sponsored by St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Heritage Town Center, 4:30-
7:30 p.m.
November 10 Ladies Night Out, Downtown Buffalo Center, 4-8 p.m. November 13 Veterans Appreciation Supper, Eagle Center-Lakota, social hour, 4:30 p.m.-program, 5:30 p.m. November 17 Fall Luncheon, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. December 3 Christmas Craft Show-Winter Expo, Heritage Town Center-Buffalo Center, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. December 10 St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Cookie Walk, Heritage Town Center Christmas in Buffalo Center
Heartwarmer’s Quilt Guild to meet October 6 The Heartwarmer’s Quilt Guild will meet on Thursday, October 6 at 7 p.m. at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Buffalo Center. Quilters
are asked to bring regular sewing and cutting tools, as work on projects in process will continue.
Osborn to be guest of honor
Friends and family are invited to an open house baby shower honoring Stephanie Osborn on Sunday, October 9 at 1 p.m. at the First Reformed Church in Buffalo Center. Stephanie is registered at Target and Buy Buy Baby.
The family of Marilyn Harringa would like to thank everyone for the cards, food, calls, flowers, expressions of sympathy and memorials given in Marilyn’s name. Thanks to all who served the lunch and to Pastor Deb for her words of comfort. Also, thanks to Valleyvw Vue Nursing Home, Armstrong, IA and Gentiva Hospice, Spirit Lake, IA for the care and support, and Winter Funeral Home for the arrangements.
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News from TMNH TMNH By Cammi Anderson, Activity Director
By Cammi Anderson Activity Director
Location: 124 N Main Street Mailing Address: PO Box 367, Buffalo Center, IA 50424 Telephone: 641-562-2606 Fax: 641-562-2636 Email: bctrib@wctatel.net Website: thebuffalocentertribune.com Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays
Residents playing volleyball. It sure was a quiet weekend with our doors being closed to visitors due to the flu. But, I do believe we are on the mend. On Saturday, Monica had trivia, played basketball, read some short stories and she played music bingo. Due to the flu, we were unable to have worship service on Sunday. Monday, our first group listened to Glenn Miller, during exercise class, and the second group exercised to Oldies but Goodies. After exercise class, we played dart ball and had trivia. For the afternoon, we had short stories from The Good Old Days, then we played horseshoes and finished our day off with Sensory Corner. Tuesday, we exercised to The Fabulous 50s. After exercise class, we played Cover-Up. At our morning Sunshine group, we played hat toss. At 2 p.m., we had Let’s Reminisce. This week, we reminisced on The Early Days of Rationing. Then, we
played ladder ball, and Monica ended the day with Sensory Corner. Yeah, the doors are open again to visitors. Wednesday, our first exercise group listened to Cowboys and Angels, and our second group listened to Jukebox Hits. After exercise class, we had Nifty Nails. Then at 10 a.m., Monica played ring toss, and then we had Pamper Me, during our morning Sunshine group. For the afternoon and evening, we had Table Talk, played hangman and Monica read the Buffalo Center Tribune. Thursday, we exercised to Elvis. Our lessons this week during Bible Study with Pastor Peake were: Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15, 1Timothy 6:6-19 and Luke 16:19-31. Thank you, Pastor Peake. After Bible study, we had trivia and played basketball. We had 25 residents at bingo, and we gave out 18 prizes. At 3 p.m., we played Juca, and Haley finished the day with ball toss and short stories. Friday, we exercised to Tutti Fruitti.
Sallie Smith’s Saturday, October 8 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 702 4th St. S.W. Buffalo Center Refreshments will be served.
NEW wooden snowmen and scree ns
Fall and Winter arrangements available. Bring containers for special orders. This will be Sallie’s final Open House in Buffalo Center.
This week’s winners at Wii bowling were: Jo Meinders with a score of 177 and Mary Mathews with a score of 191. Good job, ladies. During our Sunshine group, Monica played dart ball. After dinner, we had Happy Hour, then Monica played Oh Shoot and we ended our week with Sensory Corner.
Open House Baby Shower honoring
Stephanie Osborn Sunday, October 9, 1 p.m. First Reformed ChurchBuffalo Center
Stephanie is registered at Target and Buy Buy Baby.
Post Office
Fall Open House
Buffalo Center
Please Vote
SUSAN BANGERT Democrat District 4 State Senate
Paid for by Bangert Committee for State Senate Jackie Medin, Treasurer
THANK YOU to the Community
Monday-Friday 8 am-12:30 pm, 1:30-4 pm Saturday 8-10:30 am
Mon-Fri 8 am-12 noon Saturday 8:30-9:30 am
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-12:30 pm Saturday 8:30-10:15 am
The Lakota Library Director and the Board of Trustees extend our sincere gratitude to everyone that attended and assisted us to make our 2016 Salad Luncheon a great success.
Monday-Friday 8 am-noon Saturday 8-10:45 am
A special thank you is given to the ladies who prepared salads and dessert bars, StateLine Coop for their donation of cups and to Green Plains Holdings, LLC for their donation to provide meat for the sandwiches.
Thank you to Eagle Center Developers for the use of the banquet center.
Thompson Pumpkin Patch Great selection of large and small pumpkins, gourds, squash and more!
Open Houses Saturday, October 1, 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. Saturday, October 8, 9 a.m. -1 p.m.
Call or text us for other times. Tom and JoAnna Thompson • 11377 410th St, just south of Thompson Tom: 515-538-0163, JoAnna: 641-420-1716 Head south on Harrison St. and take 1st left onto 410th, 1st place on the right
Seniors, you’re invited to join us this winter!
We Welcome Snowbirds!
Buffalo Center
Sun: Closed Mon: 1-5:30 pm Tues: 9:30 am-noon; 1-5:30 pm Wed: 1-5:30 pm Thurs: 1-5:30 pm Fri: 1-5:30 pm Sat: 9:30 am-12 noon
Sun: Closed Mon: Closed Tues: 1-5 pm, 6-8 pm Wed: 9 am-2 pm Thurs: 1-5 pm, 6-8 pm Fri: Closed Sat: 9 am-12 noon
If you have difficulty with ice and snow, and cannot travel south for better weather, please consider a warm stay at Forest Plaza! No long term commitments. You choose your length of stay. You choose assistance needed. Forest Plaza Assisted Living 635 Highway 9 East Forest City, IA 50436 Phone: (641) 585-1555
Sun: Closed Mon: Closed Tues: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-5 pm Wed: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-5 pm Thurs: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-6 pm Fri: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-5 pm Sat: 9-10:30 am
Don’t tempt fate... That text can wait!
Pay It Forward.
Sun: Closed Mon: Closed Tues: 9-11:30 am, 2-5 pm Wed: 2-6 pm Thurs: 9-11:30 am, 2-5 pm Fri: 2-5 pm Sat: 9-11 am
Weekly Coverage in Buffalo Center and Surrounding Communities Founded 1892 We reserve the right to edit any and all copy presented to our news department. We reserve the right to reject any advertising, request pre-payment and cancel at any time. Contract rates available on request. Quantity discounts available. Newsroom News Editor: Andrew Shaw, 641-562-2606, sports@wctatel.net, use this contact to offer story tips or send letters to the editor. People/Social News: Olivia Doden, 641-562-2606 or email bctrib@wctatel.net. Use this contact for engagements, anniversaries, weddings, new arrivals, achievers and other such items. Obituaries: Inquiries and billing information to bctrib@wctatel.net. Circulation & Subscriptions Deb Chaney, 1-800-558-1244, ext. 122 or email mapcirculation@ iowaconnect.com, subscriptions and rewnewals can take up to two weeks to process, and may cause lags in service if not planned ahead. Didn’t Get Your Paper? If you do not receive your paper in Wednesday’s mail, call the Buffalo Center Post Office 641562-2343 or Buffalo Center Tribune at 641-562-2606. Billing & Accounting Pam DeVries, 1-800-558-1244, ext. 119 or email pamdevries@iowaconnect.com. Classified Advertising: Call Olivia Doden, 641-5622606 or email bctrib@wctatel.net. Paper or Internet Advertising Ryan Harvey, 515-689-1151, ryanharvey.map@gmail.com. Olivia Doden, 641-562-2606 or email bctrib@wctatel.net. Administration Publisher: Ryan Harvey, 515-6891151 or email ryanharveymap@ gmail.com. Office Coordinator: Olivia Doden, 641-562-2606 or email bctrib@wctatel.net. News Tips The Buffalo Center Tribune welcomes any and all news tips. At the office, call 641-562-2606 or email sports@wctatel.net. To request a photographer, please give at least a day’s notice. Deadlines Legal Notices...........12 noon, Friday Classified Ads ..........12 noon, Friday Display Ads .............12 noon, Friday Submitted News .....12 noon, Friday Obituaries .............10 a.m., Monday Breaking News ......9 a.m., Monday* Event coverage requests.......24 hours *This news may not be published in the current issue. Buffalo Center Tribune Staff Regular employees in order of continuous years of service: Andrew Shaw, Editor; Ryan Harvey, Publisher; Olivia Doden, Office Coordinator; Ana Olsthoorn, Composition. Official newspaper for Winnebago County City of Buffalo Center City of Rake City of Thompson City of Lakota North Iowa School District Member of Iowa Newspaper Assn. National Newspaper Assn. A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corp. P.O. Box 29 Hampton IA 50441 Ryan L. Harvey, President and CEO Published weekly at 124 N Main Street, Buffalo Center, IA and Periodicals Postage paid at Buffalo Center, IA 50424. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Buffalo Center Tribune, PO Box 367, Buffalo Center, Iowa 50424 USPS #069-400
4 • Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune
Services and Announcements of activities in our area
John Hassebroek
“Not forsaking the assembling...together” BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH Thompson, Iowa Pastor Judy Wozniak www.lutheransonline.com Sunday, October 9: Worship, 8:45 a.m. Fellowship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Wednesday, October 12: Circles Meet Church Council Meeting, 7 p.m. --------------------------------------BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Pastor Nathaniel Hedin-Schmidt Wednesday, October 5: Grounded 4 Life, 7 p.m. Sunday, October 9: Worship, 9:30 a.m. Fellowship, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Confirmation 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, October 12: Grounded 4 Life, 7 p.m. ------------------------------------COMMUNITY CHAPEL Pastor Kent Hillesland Lakota, Iowa www.communitychapelonline.org Wednesday, October 5: Prayer and Bible Study, 6 p.m. Sunday, October 9: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship Service, 10:30 a.m. Choir Practice, 5:15 p.m. Evening Service, 6 p.m. Wednesday, October 12: Prayer and Bible Study, 6 p.m. -------------------------------------FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Sunday, October 9: Worship, 9 a.m. --------------------------------------FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Pastor Brad DeVries www.firstcongobc.com Thursday, October 6: Prayer Time, 6:30 a.m. Women’s Fellowship, 2 p.m. -Share Time-Leona -Hostess-Dorothy Sunday, October 9: Worship, 9 a.m. Fellowship, 10:15 a.m. -Tom and Kaylene, Connie Children and Adult Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Meditations-Blue Earth Radio 1560, 12:05 p.m. Prayer and Song Service, 5:30 p.m. Monday, October 10: Trustees Meeting, 7 p.m. --------------------------------------FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Lakota, Iowa Judy Junkermeier, CRE Sunday, October 9: Sunday School, 9 a.m. Worship Service Walter Reemstma CRE, 10 a.m.
Hawkeye Care Center, 2:30 p.m. SonGQuest Quartet, 6 p.m. Wednesday, October 12: Mary Circle, 6:30 p.m. -Lesson 26 and Devotions, Joyce Paulsen -Minute for Missions, Donna Steven -My Choice, Donna Steven -Hostess, Doris Christensen and Deb Blome --------------------------------------FIRST REFORMED CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Pastor Bill Peake www.firstreformedbc.org Wednesday, October 5: Pastor Bill is out of the study this morning. Christian Women’s Club meets in the fellowship hall, 9:30 a.m. RCW Book Planning gathers in the narthex classroom – bring your calendars, 7 p.m. Thursday, October 6: Timely Mission Nursing Home Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. -All are welcome to share this bit of weekly inspiration with old friends and get a jump on the lessons read in many churches on the upcoming Sunday. Ruth Circle meets at TMNH, 2 p.m. -Dorothy Boehm shares both the Devotions and today’s lesson. The RCW special project for October is a special offering to be given to the schools for the handicapped in Burt and Forest City. “Discovering the Bible”, 7 p.m. -Focus on Discovery #14 “The Wisdom”. Friday, October 7: Pastor Bill is out of the study in the morning. Sunday, October 9: Sunday Worship with live broadcast on KIOW-FM 107.3 and simulcast on WCTA Cable TV channel 2 as well as streamed live on www. kiow.com, 9:30 a.m. -Pastor Bill will preach from Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7. Our Acolytes program will continue this morning as Gabby Anderson lights candles before worship. Fellowship Hour, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School classes will meet throughout the church, 10:45 a.m. Chancel Choir, 11 a.m. -All voices are welcome to this fun time of fellowship and song. Contact Carole Kettwick if you have questions. Baby Shower in fellowship hall for Stephanie (DeBoer) Osborn, 12-4 p.m. Monday, October 10: Pastor Bill is out of the study in the morning. Dorcas Circle meets in the narthex classroom, 10 a.m. -Potluck is planned for 11:30 a.m. -Arlene Risius will share the lesson.
Esther Circle meets in the fellowship hall, 7 p.m. -Linda Abels and Ruth Ann Milbrandt are hostesses. Clarice Mayland will lead the devotions. Kathe Kiewiet Risius will present the lesson. Tuesday, October 11: Fellowship hall carpet cleaning all morning Lectionary Text Study in the church study, 10 a.m. -Today’s lessons are: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; Luke 18:1-8 and our focus lesson – Jeremiah 31:27-34 Wednesday, October 12: Pastor Bill is out of the study this morning. --------------------------------------IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Rural Titonka www.parishthree.weebly.com Wednesday, October 5: Pastors Meeting at St. John’s, 10:30 a.m. WOW, 6-7 p.m. Confirmation, 6-7 p.m. Sunday, October 9: Holy Communion Immanuel Worship, 8:30 a.m. St. John’s Worship, 10 a.m. Tuesday, October 11: Immanuel WELCA, 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 12: Confest at Estherville Pastors Meeting at St. John’s, 10:30 a.m. Confirmation, 4:30 p.m. WOW, 6-7 p.m. --------------------------------------RAMSEY REFORMED CHURCH Titonka, Iowa Wednesday, October 5: Catechism classes for grades 3-12, 7 p.m. Saturday, October 8: Community Men’s Bible Study, 6 a.m. Sunday, October 9: Morning Worship with Larry Doughan of Grundy Center, 9:30 a.m. Coffee Fellowship, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School classes will begin for the year, 11 a.m. Wednesday, October 12: Catechism classes for grades 3-12, 7 p.m. --------------------------------------ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Woden, Iowa www.parishthree.weebly.com Wednesday, October 5: Pastors Meeting at St. John’s, 10:30 a.m. WOW, 6-7 p.m. Confirmation, 6-7 p.m. Sunday, October 9: Holy Communion Immanuel Worship, 8:30 a.m. St. John’s Worship, 10 a.m. Tuesday, October 11: Immanuel WELCA, 7 p.m.
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eople used the word “awesome” long before today’s kids discovered it. The word, however, describes our God well.
Beaming the Gospel in Word and Song 24 hours a day!
Alphs Service & Supplies Plumbing • Heating • Electrical Farm • Home • Commercial 641-562-2011 | Buffalo Center, Iowa
How awesome are your deeds. Psalm 66:1-12
Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7
2 Timothy 2:8-15
Luke 17:11-19
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This space could be yours! Contact Olivia at 562-2606
Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for
Sunday, October 9, 2016 Twenty First Sunday After Pentecost
State Savings Bank
It also describes well what God does. Worship our awesome God this week in church.
Wednesday, October 12: Confest at Estherville Pastors Meeting at St. John’s, 10:30 a.m. Confirmation, 4:30 p.m. WOW, 6-7 p.m. ----------------------------------------ST. PATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa www.stpatrickschurch.org Saturday, October 8: Reconciliation, 5:45 p.m. Mass, 6:15 p.m. --------------------------------------ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH Lakota, Iowa Wednesday, October 5: Esther Circle, 1:30 p.m. Confirmation, 6-7:30 p.m. Sunday, October 9: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 10:30 a.m. Worship at Timely Mission, 2 p.m. Monday, October 10: Church Council, 7 p.m. --------------------------------------SOLID ROCK MINISTRIES 3024 - 360th St., Buffalo Center Pastor Van Davis Friday, October 7: Supper, 6 p.m. Praise and Worship/Prayer, 7 p.m. Lesson and Discussion, 7:30 p.m. --------------------------------------UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Pastor Deb Devine Wednesday, October 5: Ecumenical Bible Study, 1 p.m. Confirmation, 2 p.m. Thursday, October 6: United Methodist Women, 2 p.m. Sunday, October 9: Sunday, School, 9:15 a.m. Worship Service, 10:15 a.m. Fellowship and Coffee, 11:15 a.m. Charge Conference at Algona UMC, 3 p.m. Tuesday, October 11: Text Study, 10 a.m. Committee on Ministry, 4 p.m. Trustees, 6:45 p.m. Ad-Council, 7:45 p.m. Wednesday, October 12: Ecumenical Bible Study, 1 p.m. Confirmation, 2 p.m. --------------------------------------UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Thompson, Iowa Pastor Deb Devine Wednesday, October 5: Ecumenical Bible Study, 1 p.m. Confirmation, 2 p.m. Sunday, October 9: Worship Service, 8:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Fellowship and Coffee, 9:30 a.m. Charge Conference at Algona UMC, 3 p.m. Tuesday, October 11: Text Study, 10 a.m. Wednesday, October 12: Ecumenical Bible Study, 1 p.m. Confirmation, 2 p.m. --------------------------------------ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Rake, Iowa Wednesday, October 5: Bible Story, 5:30 p.m. Confirmation, 6 p.m. Thursday, October 6: Council meeting, 6 p.m. Sunday, October 9: Choir, 8:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study, 10:30 a.m. WELCA meets Wednesday, October 12: Quilting Day, 9:30 a.m. Bible Story, 5:30 p.m. Confirmation, 6 p.m.
Buffalo Center Tribune
124 N Main • 562-2606 Join our family of interested subscribers!
October 2016 Mon. 10 • Jim McGuire ALL DAY Tues. 11 • Dr. Carlson AM/McGuire PM Wed. 12 • Jim McGuire ALL DAY Thurs. 13 • Molly Eichenberger AM / CLOSED PM Fri. 14 • Jim McGuire ALL DAY To make an appointment for a specialty, call the Mason City Clinic at 1-800-622-1411. In a medical emergency after hours, call the Mercy Family Clinic in Forest City at (641) 585-2904 until 5 p.m. Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. For other medical advice, please call the Mercy Family Health Line at 1-800-468-0500.
John F. Hassebroek, 98 of Sioux City, died peacefully from natural causes on Wednesday, September 21, 2016, at Sunrise Retirement Community in Sioux City with his daughter Val by his side. Memorial services were held at 11 a.m., Monday, September 26, at First Presbyterian Church in Sioux City, with Rev. Dr. Tom Murray officiating. Military honors were presented at the church. John was born January 12, 1918 near Sibley, IA to Wessel and Hattie (Klaasen) Hassebroek; the youngest of five children. His mother, Hattie, died two months after his birth during the flu epidemic of 1918. Following her death, John lived with his paternal grandparents. In 1931, John’s father married his first wife’s sister, Annie. The family moved to a farm near Buffalo Center. After attending country school through 8th grade in George, John graduated from Buffalo Center High School in 1936. His classmate Lloyd Kiewiet and John became fast and lifelong friends. Following graduation and miscellaneous jobs in Buffalo Center and Des Moines, John enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1943. While in Des Moines, he met Bonnie Jean Brodie, a member of the Women’s Army Corps. They were married on October 2, 1943 in Des Moines. Both served overseas during World War II. Following the war, John and Bonnie returned to Iowa, settling in Sioux City. John worked for American Popcorn Company for 36 years, retiring in 1982 as Vice President: Field Representative. John enjoyed a long and successful career with strong connections to the Smith family and the farm families with whom he contracted acreages for Jolly Time Popcorn. He always felt pride in his work and was known as Popcorn John. John and Bonnie were longtime, active members of First Presbyterian Church in Sioux City. John was an avid camper and fisherman, enjoying many adventures with their friends the Roseberry’s. In retirement, John pursued many projects at their cabin at Lake Okoboji. Fishing, gardening and entertaining grandchildren at “the cottage”, were among his favorite pastimes. In 2005, John and Bonnie moved to Sunrise Retirement Community in Morningside. John often said it was the best decision he ever made. He was happy there and well liked by all he met. Bonnie passed away September 12, 2008. John is survived by: his daughter, Valerie and her husband Jerry Vagts of St. Paul, MN; four grandchildren, Rachel of Berea, KY, Amalia and spouse David of Decorah, Thatcher and spouse Kelly of Moab, UT, Paul and spouse Indra of Sarasota, FL; great-granddaughter, Kaya; great-grandsons, Pierson, Finn, Aiden and Oran; plus numerous nieces and nephews. John was preceded in death by: his wife of 65 years, Bonnie; his son, Tom; his parents; four siblings and their spouses, William Hassebroek (Vera), Marvin Hassebroek (Margaret), Harriett Van Hoorn (Dick) and Harvey Hassebroek (Grace). In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to the Sunrise Retirement Community for the remodeling of the Bernstein Unit. Meyer Brothers Colonial Chapel in Sioux City was in charge of arrangements.
Donna Mayland
Donna Mayland, 88, formerly of Rake, died Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at Timely Mission Nursing Home in Buffalo Center. Donna Lavonne (Swearingen) Mayland was born in her grandparents’ house on April 22, 1928 in Rural Swea City, the daughter of Lucien and Margaret (Funderburck) Swearingen. She attended country school in Swea City. After school, Donna worked for her uncle as a bookkeeper. On February 15, 1950, she was united in marriage to Alfred Mayland at the Little Brown Church in Nashua. The two of them moved near Armstrong to farm with Alfred’s father. They lived in several communities including Dell, MN, Elmore, MN, Rake and Thompson; eventually moving back to Rake in their retirement. They also delivered motor homes for Winnebago all over the United States. Donna enjoyed working on the farm, operating the tractors and other equipment, nature, gardening and any flowers that were not white. She also enjoyed dancing with her husband, Alfred, and being a den mother. She especially enjoyed spending time with her family. Donna was known for her quick wit and great sense of humor. Donna had a strong faith that she passed on to others. She always said “remember to say your prayers.” She was very active at Zion Lutheran Church in Rake. She became a resident at Rosewood Nursing Home in Estherville in November of 2012 and moved to Timely Mission Nursing Home in September of 2013. She is survived by: her husband, Alfred; son, Doug (Irene) Mayland of Estherville; grandchildren, Jordan (Lindsay) Mayland of Des Moines, Holly (Ryan) Ruter of Clear Lake and Maria Mayland of Buffalo Center; great-grandchildren, Bently and Kora Ruter; siblings, James (Bonnie) Swearingen of Emmons, MN, Dan (Kathy) Swearingen of Thompson, Sharon (Jamie) Lamb of Scarville and Bill (Diane) Swearingen of Thompson; sister-inlaw, Lavonne Swearingen or Kiester, MN; and many nieces and nephews. Preceding her in death: her parents; and brother, Dennis Swearingen. Oakcrest Funeral Services assisted the family with arrangements.
Kathryn Newel
Kathryn “Kay” Newel, formerly of Lakota, passed away Monday, September 19, 2016. Funeral services were held, Saturday, October 1, 2016 at First Reformed Church in Buffalo Center.
Congregate Meals
Monday, October 10: Chicken and Noodle Casserole, Beets, Plums, Oatmeal-Raisin Bar Tuesday, October 11: Cook’s Choice Wednesday, October 12: Swiss Style Ground Beef, Scalloped Cabbage, Blushing Pears Thursday, October 13: Turkey and Dumplings, Aspara-
gus, Raisin Rice Pudding Friday, October 14: Meatloaf, Roasted Potatoes, Baked Beans, Cinnamon Apples w/ Crunchy Top Please RSVP for a meal by 6 p.m. the night before by calling 562-2495, and leave a message on the answering machine.
Christian Women’s Club to meet October 5
The Buffalo Center Christian Women’s Club will meet on Wednesday, October 5 at 9:30 a.m. at First Reformed Church in Buffalo Center. The Special Feature will be Diane Matthias of Buffalo Center, who will present “Jubilee Quilting”. Mu-
sic will be presented by Dennis and Connie Peteritis of Buffalo Center. The Speaker of the Day will be Ilene Dirks of Sioux City, who will speak on “From Lonely Only to Life”. For reservations, call Joyce at 5663529
Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 • 5
WINNEBAGO COUNTY RECORDS SCHEDULED VIOLATIONS Michael Froendt, Forest City, no seatbelt, $127.50. Bruce Kluver, Britt, no seatbelt, $127.50. Shane Swanson, Forest City, maximum gross weight violation (three counts), $76.50, $292.50, and $93. Tom Steinbach, Villisca, speeding, $90. Jesica Trenary, Garner, speeding, $195. Bradley Helgeson, Rochester, MN, no seatbelt, $127.50. Trevor Thorson, Thompson, minor using tobacco/vapor product-1st offense, $50. Jake Taylor, Forest City, open container-driver, $60. Ashley Hiracheta, Thompson,
failure to have valid license/permit, $365. Jay Johnson, Albert Lea, MN, passing contrary to highway signs/ markings, $200. Steven Kleinschmidt, Forest City, speeding, $200. Amber Pedersen, Forest City, no insurance, $433.50. Timothy Rhodes, Forest City, no insurance, $435. Eric Hamilton II, Forest City, vehicles entering stop or yield intersection, $210. David Alvarez Ramirez, Forest City, stop required, $195. Jennifer Anderson, Leland, vehicles entering stop/yield intersection, $195. Joshua Beier, Forest City, no insur-
Public Notice
NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED REPAIRS AND/OR IMPROVEMENTS JOINT DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 37 & 39 HANCOCK AND WINNEBAGO COUNTIES, IOWA TO: Duane Boehm, Otto & Dorothy Boehm, Joy Dee Bray, Crystal Lake Wind II LLC, Barbara & John Engels, Larry & Trudy Folkerts, Forest City View Stock Farms Inc, Roger Graber, Dennis Hagen Trust, Gordon & Marjorie Hall, Daniel Hanson, Stephen & Nancy Helm, L & A Wilson Enterprises LLC, Thomas & Karen Larson Trust, M & N Family Farm LLC, Marvin & Linda Nieman, Roger & Renee Nieman, Mark Overberg, Gregory & Barbara Peck, Gretchen Peck Trust, Dale & Elaine Price, Joel Price, Darold & Daniel & Glenn Schleuger Trust, Allan Siekmeier, James Steffen, John Steffen, Thompson Chops & Crops Inc, Richard & Darlene Thompson, Barbara Thomsen, Winnebago & Hancock County Conservation Boards, Winnebago County Secondary Roads, Lukas & Stephanie Wooge, and Lynn & Cindy Wooge property owners as shown above, encumbrancers, lienholders, unknown heirs and claimants by will, to all whom it may concern, including the actual occupants of the land, or tract of land, described in and including the Joint Drainage District No. 37 & 39, Hancock and Winnebago Counties, Iowa. YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Boards of Supervisors of Hancock and Winnebago County, Iowa, acting as trustees on behalf of Joint Drainage District No. 37 & 39 in said counties has employed Kent L. Rode, P.E., ISG as an engineer to determine the feasibility or the necessity of having repairs and/or improvements, all concerning the drainage facilities of Joint Drainage District No. 37 & 39 in order to provide adequate drainage and relief for the lands included in said Joint Drainage District No. 37 & 39. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Boards of Supervisors of Hancock and Winnebago County requested that said engineer make a preliminary survey and investigation of the possible repairs and/or improvements to the drainage facilities of Joint Drainage District No. 37 & 39. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that drainage engineer, Kent L. Rode, P.E. has filed his report with the Auditors of Hancock and Winnebago Counties in which he recommends certain repairs and/or improvements. That the engineer’s estimate for the costs of the proposed repairs, improvements, and potential annexation and reclassification are as follows: Total Assessable Project Cost: Open Ditch Repair $500,400.00 Open Ditch Improvement $147,200.00 YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that this report and recommendations in full are on file in the offices of the Hancock County Auditor and Winnebago County Auditor at the Courthouse in Garner and Forest City, Iowa, for your information. Electronic copies of the report may be obtained via email by contacting the auditor’s office at hanaudah@hancockcountyia.org. You are encouraged to obtain a copy and review the same prior to the date set for hearing in this notice. Said reports have been reviewed and considered by the Joint Board of Supervisors and they have been tentatively approved as the Joint Board of Supervisors has determined that the repairs and/or improvements are necessary
and feasible. The engineers’ report also contains the following recommendations and proposals: 1. Right of Way. If the report recommends, or it is later determined, acquisition of additional right of way for this project may be considered at this hearing or a continuation thereof. 2. Annexation. That at a later date an annexation of additional lands may be considered by the joint boards, if needed. 3. Reclassification. That at a later date the joint boards may consider reclassification with appropriate adjustment of assessments, if needed. 4. Interest Rate and Waivers. The joint boards will consider the appropriate interest to charge and determine the length of time that assessments may be paid of not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) years and the interest rate for this project. For further particulars you are referred to the engineer’s report for Joint Drainage District No. 37 & 39 now on file in the offices of the Hancock County Auditor and Winnebago County Auditor. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Boards of Supervisors of Hancock and Winnebago County, Iowa acting on behalf of Joint Drainage District No. 37 & 39 has fixed a time and place of hearing on said report and proposed repairs, improvements, for December 12th, 2016NOTICE at 10:00 at the Basement OF a.m., VACANCIES Meeting Room, Hancock EnforceThe Winnebago CountyCounty Board ofLaw Supervisors ment Center, 875 State Street, Garner, Iowa is taking applications for various county board 50438. At said hearing, the Joint of Suand commission appointments for Board the following pervisors shall hear objections to the feasibility year. Winnebago County appreciates diversity of such improvements, and of the in theserepairs, appointments and welcomes all drainappliage district as18 may be presented by and any cants at least years of age. Terms andfor dates landowner in the vary. district. The are report of theposienof appointments These unpaid gineer,Aas filed herein, may be amended before tions. brief description follows: final action taken thereon the Joint Board Board of is Adjustment: Fiveby member board to of Supervisors. This hearing may and be continued review county zoning ordinance hear refrom time time without as deterquests fortovariances or further specialnotice exceptions to mined by the Joint Board of Supervisors. the ordinance. NOTIFIED Five THATmemALL YOU ARE&FURTHER Planning Zoning Commission: OBJECTIONS THE and ENGINEER’S REber commission TO to review enforce county PORT ordinance OR TO ANY CONNECTED zoning and MATTER make recommendations WITH HEARING MUST BE IN WRITING on anyTHIS proposed changes to same. AND FILED WITH THE for HANCOCK COUNTY Compensation Board the Condemnation AUDITOR OR BEFORE THE TIME FIXED of Private AT Property: 28 member commission FOR HEARING. Any interested party mayaucbe representing realtors, farmers, bankers, heard in an by himself or to by be counsel. tioneers andargument city property owners availAnyone whochief failsjudge to object writingdistrict shall be able to the of theinjudicial to held to damages have waived all objections andeminent claims assess to property taken by for damages. Any interested party may file a domain. written with the Auditor, at Boardsupporting of Health:statement Five member board to proor before the date hearing. vide guidance and for oversee operations of counFURTHER NOTIFIED that if you ty YOU PublicARE Health department. failVeteran to object, the Joint Board of Supervisors can Affairs Commission: Five member make a final decision to make repairs, commission to provide guidance and improveoversee ments, acquire additional right of way, annex operations of Veteran Affairs department. additional lands Board: and reclassify. As aboard conseConservation Five member to quence guidance of your failure to object, you lose provide and oversee operations of your right to appeal department. the final decision within county Conservation twenty daysCommission: to the Iowa District Court. Civil (20) Service Three member This notice is published and mailed as commission to oversee examinations, promoprovided law atissues the relating direction of the tions, and by discipline to Deputy Boards of Supervisors of Hancock County Sheriffs. and Winnebago County, Iowa, beThis list is not all inclusive. Theacting Boardon of Suhalf of Joint Drainage District No. 37interest& 39. pervisors is always looking for people K. their Eisenman edMichelle in serving community. Applications are Hancock required andCounty can beAuditor obtained at the office of the Karla Weiss Winnebago County Auditor. Additional informaWinnebago County by Auditor tion may be obtained calling 641-585-3412. in TheTribune Leader Published in thePublished Buffalo Center on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016
ance, $735; operators licensed, $330. Bernard Sanderson, Forest City, speeding, $120. Roy Hinton, Bowling Green, OH, control of vehicle/reduced speeding, $195. Tristan Rollefson, Forest City, defective/unauthorized muffler system, $87. Alec Madson, Hayward, MN, no insurance, $435. Alec Madson, Hayward, MN, operation without registration, $135. Molly Gjerstad, Lake Mills, operation without registration, $135. Howard Hanson, Lake Mills, operation without registration, $127.50; no insurance, $397.50. Isaiahretta Hollister, Mason City, no valid drivers license, $450. Amber Pedersen, Forest City, driving while license under suspension, $433.50.
LAND TRANSFERS Cindy Loebach, aka Cindy Welch, and David Loebach to Duane Cooper and Teresa Cooper, lots 3 and 4, block 50, Buffalo Center. Ardis Helvick Life Estate and Allen Helvick to Allen Helvick, Steven Helvick, Diane Jackson and Paul Helvick, a tract of land in section 17, Forest Township. Waldorf College and Lutheran College of Forest City to Mayes Education Inc, a tract of land in section 35, Forest Township. Winnebago County Sheriff, Jared Olson, Karla Olson, Housing and Urban Development Secy, Aqua Finance Inc, H&R Accounts Inc, Child Support Recovery Unit, United States of America, and Bank of
America NA to Bank of America NA, lot 30, block 3, Westgate 2nd Subdivision, Forest City. Terry Teig to Danny Teig, all interest in a tract of land in section 25, Lincoln Township. Janelle Bauer and George Bauer to Danny Teig, all interest in a tract of land in section 25, Lincoln Township. Hmlwk Trust, Sharon Hippen trustee, Sandra DeVries trustee, Sarah Engebretson trustee, Susan Smith trustee and Stephen Kroeze trustee to Susan Smith, a tract of land in section 9, Center Township. Randy Smith Estate, Susan Smith executor to Susan Smith, an undivided 1/2 interest in a tract of land in section 9, King Township. Randy Smith to Susan Smith, lot 12, block 2, Lakeside Addition, rural Lake Mills, and a tract of land in sections 9 and 15, Center Township.
Doris Johnson to Doris Johnson Rev Tr, lot 2, block 35, Unit D, Forest City. Marshall Thompson, Sherylee Gasper attorney-in-fact, Sharon Walsh, Richard Walsh, Richard Thompson and Wilma Thompson to David Roenfanz and Betty Roenfanz, Parcel A, section 32, Center Township. Mardelle Loge and Virgil Loge to Virgil Loge Trust and Mardelle Loge Trust, a tract of land in sections 13 and 24, Lincoln Township. Kevin Hauan to Fleener Properties LLC, lot 15, block 25, Thompson. Flenner Properties LLC to Kevin Hauan, lot 1, section 22, King Township. David Jordon, Heather Jordon, aka Heather Yeoman to Manufacturers B&T Co, lots 7 and 8, Eastgate 1st Subdivision, section 2, Center Township.
jandro Plastina, ISU Extension and Outreach economist, using farm level data provided by the Iowa Farm Business Association. “This report is a very useful tool to understand where your operation is currently standing and to compare that with similar farms in Iowa,” said Plastina. “The data provided by the Iowa Farm Business Association was incredibly important to this study. This is the first time in nearly a decade this data was available to Iowa State, and it helped immensely in our efforts to understand the current financial situation on Iowa’s farms.” This report is different from others because farm operations are classified based on their ability to produce free cash flow. The farms are broken into one of five groups, each group comprising 20 percent of the number of active farms (top 20 percent, upper 20-40 percent, middle 20 percent, lower 20-40 percent and lowest 20 percent). This structure allows the report to be used for benchmarking each farm operation against similar farms, instead of a simple industry average.
Because the data used in the study come from IFBA accounting records, it is generally more accurate and consistent than data obtained from cross-sectional surveys. It also provides a very detailed snapshot of farm conditions at the start of 2016. “Most farms had strong balance sheets and were in a good solvency position at the start of 2016,” said Plastina. “Farmers enjoyed a long period of very good prices and sustained profitability, which meant 80 percent of farms were in that high solvency position. Farmers had built their equity during the good times and are now relying on those retained earnings.” As commodity prices for both crops and livestock have dipped since the start of 2015, cash flow in the operations became a concern for some farmers. While most farms were still in good shape by the end of 2015, the lowest 20 percent of operations were in a weak liquidity position. “There is a general belief that farms across the board started 2016 with low liquidity levels, and that isn’t the case,” said Plastina. “Only the lowest
20 percent had weak liquidity levels at the end of 2015 compared to all others who had high or average levels.” Liquidity has been pushed down by profitability, and return on investment has been low, Plastina said. Many of the farms that showed a negative in farm income had a high proportion of their gross farm sales coming from livestock. One way the top performing farms separated themselves from others is in marketing. The top 20 percent of farms received corn and soybean prices that were, respectively, 33 cents and 53 cents higher than farms in the lowest 20 percent. “So far there haven’t been any reports that show the relevance of marketing,” said Plastina. “It is very clear how those farms that do better are not only better in terms of production but in terms of the final price they get for their crops.” The full report can be found on the ISU Extension and Outreach website at https://store.extension.iastate.edu/ Product/14825
Practical Farmers of Iowa encourages farmers thinking of growing small grains in 2017 to consider applying for financial assistance through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Practice 328: Extended Crop Rotations and practice 340: Cover Crops are both covered under EQIP. This funding could make it profitable for farmers to diversify their corn-soybean acres
with oats and red clover, or wheat followed by a diverse cover crop mix. Applications for EQIP funding, which is administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, are accepted on a rolling basis. However, farmers who want to plant a small grain next spring must apply by October 21, which is the cutoff date NRCS has set to rank applications that would be slated to receive EQIP funds at the start of 2017. The next cutoff date for new EQIP applications is March 17, 2017. To apply for EQIP or find more information, farmers should contact their local NRCS office. Extended crop rotations break pest cycles, reduce fertilizer costs for a following year’s corn crop and improve weed control for tough spots in the field. Side benefits include improved water quality and soil health. Sarah Carlson, Midwest cover crops research coordinator with Practical Farmers, says farmers who have started with a cereal rye cover crop and want to try something new might want to consider growing oats as a cash crop. “The summer oats harvest then allows them to plant a 12-way mix, which is a cover crop mix featuring
12 species specifically designed to add organic matter, reduce compaction, improve water infiltration and add to soil fertility.” Typically, applying for just the extended crop rotation practice does not provide enough financial assistance to interest farmers,” she says. “But by bundling that with the cover crop practice, farmers will receive enough to help get them over the initial start-up costs of adding this diversity to the landscape.” After applying for financial assistance, farmers are encouraged to join Practical Farmers’ newly launched Small Grains in the Corn Belt project. Last year, with the aid of industry experts, seven farmers learned ways to improve oat production and where to access markets for their harvested grains. To learn more about Practical Farmers’ Small Grains in the Corn Belt project, contact Sarah Carlson at 515-232-5661 or directly at sarah@ practicalfarmers.org. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program is a voluntary conservation program that provides agricultural producers with financial and technical assistance to implement structural and management conservation practices.
Nathan Woodford, Redwood Falls, MN, reckless driving, $397.50.
New report shows financial condition of Iowa farms An examination of the financial performance of Iowa farm businesses in 2015 has been released by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. The analysis focuses on farm income, wealth, financial liquidity, farm size, enterprise mix, financial structure, financial performance and efficiency and farm program payments. The report was compiled by Ale-
Public Notice Public Notice
NOTICE OF VACANCIES The Winnebago County Board of Supervisors is taking applications for various county board and commission appointments for the following year. Winnebago County appreciates diversity in these appointments and welcomes all applicants at least 18 years of age. Terms and dates of appointments vary. These are unpaid positions. A brief description follows: Board of Adjustment: Five member board to review county zoning ordinance and hear requests for variances or special exceptions to the ordinance. Planning & Zoning Commission: Five member commission to review and enforce county zoning ordinance and make recommendations on any proposed changes to same. Compensation Board for the Condemnation of Private Property: 28 member commission representing realtors, farmers, bankers, auctioneers and city property owners to be available to the chief judge of the judicial district to assess damages to property taken by eminent domain. Board of Health: Five member board to provide guidance and oversee operations of county Public Health department. Veteran Affairs Commission: Five member commission to provide guidance and oversee operations of Veteran Affairs department. Conservation Board: Five member board to provide guidance and oversee operations of county Conservation department. Civil Service Commission: Three member commission to oversee examinations, promotions, and discipline issues relating to Deputy Sheriffs. This list is not all inclusive. The Board of Supervisors is always looking for people interested in serving their community. Applications are required and can be obtained at the office of the Winnebago County Auditor. Additional information may be obtained by calling 641-585-3412. Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016
Funds available for adding small grains to row crops
Proceedings: Winnebago County Board of Supervisors
WINNEBAGO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS September 20, 2016 The Winnebago County Board of Supervisors met in session at 9:00 A.M. September 20, 2016 adjourned from September 13, 2016. Present: Supervisors Stensrud, Jensvold and Durby Absent: On a motion by Durby and seconded by Stensrud the Supervisors moved to approve the minutes for the September 13, 2016 Board Meeting and approve the September 20, 2016 agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. Tim Moreau, Veenstra & Kimm discussed current drainage projects. Mike Stensrud stated he would like Andy Smith to finish DD 2-3 and DD 5 since he has worked with and has extensive knowledge of the projects. Durby suggested Drew Sweers with Veenstra and Kimm do the Engineering for DD 103. A contract for DD 103 will be on the agenda next week. Scott Meinders, Engineer discussed Secondary Road matters including the paving projects and box culvert being set on the state line. There will be another culvert set on A16 north of Lake Mills. There was discussion regarding the dirt left over from the Public Safety Center. The Supervisors agreed Don Meinecke should have control over the dirt as he owns the driveway leading to the dirt. Meinecke stated he would be able to get rid of the extra dirt. Kris Oswald, Drainage Clerk discussed Drainage District matters including Joint DD 3739. There will be a Public Hearing on December 5th at 10:00 A.M. in Hancock County. The following claims were approved and ordered to be paid: 6,982.00 LaHarv Const Co Inc-Repairs AmericInn-Hotel at Training 93.34 Advanced Drainage System Inc -Supplies 418.00 AG Vantage Fs Inc-Fuel 4,792.62 Alliant Energy-Utilities 11.77 Austin Office Products-Supplies 23.91 Black Hills Energy-Utilities 39.43 BMC Aggregates LLC-Rock 12,488.37 Buffalo Center Foods-Supplies 27.47 Cintas Corporation-Services 271.16 City of Buffalo Center-Utilities 33.80 Class C Solutions Group-Supplies 655.88 Clear View Auto Glass-Repairs 60.00 Clear View Eye Clinic-Supplies 634.00 CR Holland Crane Service Inc -Services 8,187.50 Dave Syverson Inc-Parts 87.40 Dave Syverson Truck Center-Parts 187.11 Farmers Coop Assn-Fuel 4,230.38 Fastenal-Supplies 286.15 Five Star Cooperative-Fuel 212.37 Fleener Auto Parts & Service-Parts 49.15 G & H Motor Parts-Parts 339.32 Global Hydraulics & Supply Inc -Supplies 1,407.07 H & S Autoparts-Filters 824.72
Hancock Concrete Products LLC -Box Culvert 74,773.16 Harrison Truck Centers-Parts 100.93 Heartland Asphalt Inc-HMA Construction LFM-65--7x-95 393,110.95 Heartland Power-Utilities 364.00 Hi Yield Products-Supplies 516.09 Huber Supply Co-Supplies 251.50 Interstate Battery of Upper IA-Supplies 306.85 John Deere Financial-Machine Rental 2,550.00 Johnson, Mark-Reimbursement 65.00 K & H Coop Oil-Fuel 10,067.21 Mercy Clinics-Services 23.00 MicroDynamics Instrumentation -Supplies 1,217.00 Midwest Wheel & Equip Co-Parts 813.07 North Iowa County Engineers -Registration 25.00 Peterson Sanitation Inc-Services 55.00 Petroblend Corp-Supplies 104.75 Pitney Bowes-Machine Rental 80.16 Reisetter, Douglas-Reimbursement 65.00 Snap-On Industrial-Supplies 245.19 Telvent DTN-Renewal 2,172.00 Thompson Supermarket Inc-Supplies 45.14 Waste Mgmt of WI-MN-Services 538.64 Winnebago Co Treasurer -Drainage Assessments 14,823.89 Ziegler Inc-Parts 19,180.63 Abele, Brian-Meeting 20.00 Abele, Paul-Meeting 20.00 Access Systems-Services 283.44 AH Hermel Co-Supplies 449.80 Alliant Energy-Utilities 916.40 Almelien, Jodi-Mileage 78.00 Aramark-Services 18.56 Aukes, Ron-Rent 200.00 Austin Office Products-Supplies 245.47 Belica, Jan-Services 45.00 Bills Family Foods-Jail Food 1,229.55 Black Hills Energy-Utilities 95.44 Bomgaars-Supplies 218.14 Boone Valley Implement-Supplies 154.35 Buffalo Center Tire & Auto-Supplies 25.00 CCS-Services 530.00 Central Iowa Detention-Services 1,360.60 Century Link-Telephone 14.00 Chosen Valley Testing-Services 612.50 City of Forest City-Utilities 68.08 Clouse, Beth-Mileage 61.00 Cresco Building Service Inc -Services 381,900.00 Crop Production Services-Supplies 7,793.58 Culligan-Supplies 35.00 Deyta LLC-Services 95.00 EBS-Health Ins 99,291.65 Enderson, Mark-Meeting 30.00 Farmers Coop Assn-Fuel 1,225.46 Fat Rabbit Holdings LLC-Rent 325.00 Five Star Cooperative-Fuel 305.84 Forest City Auto Center-Services 426.34 Forest City Foods-Jail Food 359.42 Forest City Ford-Services 329.51 Forest City Vet Clinic-Services 85.95 G & H Motor Parts-Supplies 39.34 GeoComm Corp-Supplies 6,960.00
Gjerstad, Kathy-Mileage 54.50 GRP & Associates-Services 40.00 H & S Auto Parts-Supplies 4.99 Hagen, Al-Meeting 20.00 Hancock Co Memorial Hospital -Services 772.91 Hassebroek Mowing & Tilling-Services 225.00 Healthcare First-Services 939.08 Heartland Power-Utilities 564.56 Helgeson Drainage Inc-Repairs 22,574.00 I + S Group Inc-Services 336.06 Iowa Secretary of State-Services 1,264.89 IP Pathways-Supplies 130.00 ISAA-Education 325.00 ISAC-Education 200.00 Janitors Closet Ltd-Supplies 276.70 Jensvold, Bill-Mileage 334.00 Jordan, Ellen-Matron 58.50 K & H Coop Oil-Fuel 305.34 Kaisers Auto Repair-Services 67.44 KIOW-Advertising 350.00 Kossuth Co Sheriff-House Prisoners 5,625.00 Kvale, Ron-Mileage 181.00 LaHarv Const Co Inc-Repairs 350.00 Lake Mills Graphic Inc-Advertising 591.08 Lake Mills Lumber Co-Supplies 147.20 Language Line Services -Interpreter Services 366.20 Larsen Plumbing & Htg-Services 970.92 Marco Inc-Services 24.44 Martinson, Ben-Services 755.00 Martinson, Louise-Mileage 262.50 Mechanical Air Systems Co-Services 29,948.75 Medline Industries Inc-Supplies 825.90 Mercy Home Care North Iowa-Services 45.56 Mercy Medical Center North IA -Services 842.61 Mid-America Publishing Corp -Advertising 499.02 Midwest Const Consultants-Services 17,335.33 Miller Pharmacy-Supplies 222.97 Mitchell Co Sheriff-House Prisoners 1,073.83 National Business Institute-Education 349.00 Next Generation Technologies -Services 1,388.05 North Iowa Media Group-Advertising 514.01 North Iowa PT-Services 2,171.70 Office Depot-Supplies 426.79 Office of State Public Defender -Services 521.00 Olson, Rachel-Mileage 166.18 Pathology Associates-Services 1,500.00 Peterson Sanitation Inc-Services 355.55 Pitney Bowes-Machine Rental 400.71 Ricoh USA Inc-Services 37.28 Rippentrop, Dolores-Mileage 413.50 Rocky Knoll Park-Rent 530.00 Sand Creek Post & Beam Inc -Services 1,000.00 Sanofi Pasteur Inc-Supplies 4,380.02 Schnebly’s 66-Fuel 37.26 Schneider Corporation-Services 3,025.00 Schumacher Elevator Company -Services 200.14 Schutter, Bill-Meeting 20.00 Schwartz, Robert-Reimbursement 65.00
18.94 Shopko Inc-Supplies Shopko Pharmacy-Supplies 42.99 Skellenger, Willemina-Mileage 193.50 Solomonson, Roger-Meeting 20.00 Sprecher, Wayne-Rent 550.00 Staples Credit Plan-Supplies 16.99 State Hygienic Laboratory-Services 285.50 Steinfeldt, Taylor-Reimbursement 15.00 Stenzel, Karen-Mileage 57.00 Stoney Creek Inn-Hotel at Training 465.92 Thorson, James-Meeting 30.00 Verizon Wireless-Telephone 286.68 Visa-Supplies 711.42 Wagner Tire-Supplies 1,239.00 Wagner Tire Inc-Services 525.00 Warren, Melissa-Mileage 91.00 Waste Mgmt of WI-MN-Services 24.98 Weidner, AIA, Rick-Services 4,903.54 Weishaar, Krystal-Mileage 298.50 Weiss, Jason-Mileage 42.00 Wex Bank-Fuel 386.67 Windstream-Telephone 123.84 Winnebago Co Auditor 28,036.15 -TCM Reimbursement Winnebago Co Fair Assn-Transfer 2,824.58 Winnebago Co Treasurer 1,192.34 -Drainage Taxes Winnebago Coop Telecom-Telephone 738.99 Wolf, Barb-Mileage 191.00 Eric Guth, IT Director and Kevin Williams, Maintenance Supervisor discussed the current courthouse wide duress system. Once the Public Safety Center is open the current duress system will not work. On a motion by Durby and seconded by Stensrud the Supervisors moved to approve the Wave duress system to be installed. All voted aye. Motion carried. There was discussion regarding the Employee Handbook concerning the open carry policy. On a motion by Jensvold and seconded by Stensrud the Supervisors moved to strike item #12 in section 5.8 of the Employee Handbook – Having unauthorized firearms on County premises or while on County business. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Jensvold and seconded by Stensrud the Supervisors moved to amend the previous motion to include ‘effective immediately’. All voted aye. Motion carried. Jason Weiss, Zoning Administrator gave an update as to the permits given for Zoning. On a motion by Stensrud and seconded by Durby the Supervisors moved to approve the payroll claims. All voted aye. Motion carried. The Auditor’s office received the following Manure Management Plans from: Linden Finisher Farm, located in the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 1 in Linden Township; and Newton Finisher Farm, located in the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 22 in Newton Township in Winnebago County, Iowa. The session was adjourned until 9:00 A.M. September 27, 2016. Bill Jensvold, Chairperson Attest: Karla Weiss, Auditor Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016
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CLUES ACROSS 1. __ Nui, Easter Island 5. Midway between south and southeast 8. Small mark 12. Small antelope 14. Protects from weather 15. Goddess of women and marriage 16. City in Washington 18. Independent voters association 19. Bird genus 20. Train line 21. Annoy 22. Waste matter 23. 41st President 26. Type of cracker 30. Remove 31. Looked quickly 32. The habitat of wild animals 33. Type of gene 34. Humble 39. Barrels per day (abbr.) 42. Respectful compliments 44. Star Trek: The Next Generation doctor 46. Pithy remark 47. Sums up 49. Tailless amphibian 50. American Gaming Association (abbr.) 51. After seventh 56. Czech River 57. Folk band __ Iver 58. Kids ride this 59. Ancient Greek City /LTXH¿HG QDWXUDO JDV (abbr.) 61. Net
62. Colors clothes 63. Midway between east and southeast 64. Japanese beverage CLUES DOWN 1. Island north of Guam 2. Biblical region 3. Scottish ancestor 4. Hills in northeast India 5. A way to cook by baking 6. Attacked ferociously 7. Furniture with open shelves %XUW 5H\QROGV ¿OP 9. A way to examine 10. Plant of the goosefoot family 11. Job 13. Capable of being thought 17. One seeded fruit 24. Largest English dictionary (abbr.) 25. Platitudes 26. Very fast airplane 27. Pet detective Ventura
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Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 PXVW Ã&#x20AC;OO HDFK URZ FROXPQ DQG ER[ (DFK QXPEHU FDQ DSSHDU RQO\ RQFH LQ HDFK URZ FROXPQ DQG ER[ <RX FDQ Ã&#x20AC;JXUH RXW WKH RUGHU LQ ZKLFK WKH QXPEHUV ZLOO DSSHDU E\ XVLQJ WKH QXPHULF FOXHV DOUHDG\ SURYLGHG LQ WKH boxes. The more numbers \RX QDPH WKH HDVLHU LW gets to solve the puzzle!
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Each year thousands of Iowans are hurt at work, but many are not treated properly by the insurance company because they fail to learn about their rights. A New Book reveals the Injured Workers Bill of Rights which includes: 1. Payment of Mileage at $.54 per mile 2. Money for Permanent Disability, 5 Things to Know Before Signing Forms or Hiring an Attorney and much more. The book is being offered to you at no cost because since 1997, Iowa Work Injury Attorney Corey Walker has seen the consequences of clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s costly mistakes. If you or a loved one have been hurt at work and do not have an attorney claim your copy (while supplies last) Call Now (800)-707-2552, ext. 311 (24 Hour Recording) or go to www.IowaWorkInjury.com. Our Guarantee- If you do not learn at least one thing from our book call us and we will donate $1,000 to your charity of choice.
Simple seasonal solutions FAMILY FEATURES
he air is getting cooler, leaves are changing colors and days are getting shorter. All of these seasonal changes signal that the holidays are fast approaching. While many people love gathering with family and friends at this time of the year, entertaining can take the jolly out of the holiday. This year, take the stress out of hosting with these five simple holiday hacks. Buy in Bulk. One month before your holiday gathering, buy nuts â&#x20AC;&#x201C; almonds, pistachios, walnuts â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in bulk. Pour the nuts into screw-top mason jars, label with brightly colored tape and store in your pantry. When guests stop by, bring out a few jars, unscrew and serve with seasonal cider. Candy Cane Lane. Candy cane flakes work wonders â&#x20AC;&#x201C; from holiday drinks to topping off cakes and ice cream. Crush candy canes in a blender or smash between paper towels and store in an airtight container. Simply sprinkle for seasonal ease and festive yum. Double Duty. Buy flavorful refrigerated salad dressings â&#x20AC;&#x201C; think sriracha or ranch â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and use to top salads or potatoes, or as a quick, delicious dip. One jar offers many solutions. Bee Smart. Be prepared for unexpected gift-giving moments and keep several simple and affordable gifts on hand. Pour local honey into mini mason jars, wrap the neck with holiday twine and include a message that works for all, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Have a BEE-autiful Holiday.â&#x20AC;? Tis the Seasons. For entertainment ease, keep versatile products on hand, like Simply Artisan Reserve Simple Seasons, a soft, finely crumbled cheese in a shakable jar. Sprinkle the cheese on flatbreads, sliders, desserts and more â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and enjoy the flavor in every bite. With just 15 minutes of prep, you can make a seasonal dessert that looks like you spent all day in the kitchen. For more recipes, visit litehousefoods.com.
www.Hertz.ag Appearing IN PERSON
Rustic Pear Galette Serves:Â 4-6 | Total time:Â 1 hour, 10 minutes
PIE CRUST 3-4 medium pears, peeled, cored and cut into 1/4-inch slices 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/4 cup brown sugar, packed 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon (optional) GLAZE: 2 teaspoons honey 1/2 teaspoon boiled water TOPPING: Simply Artisan Reserve Feta Cheese Simple Seasons Heat oven to 425 F. Line 15-by-10-inch baking sheet with parchment paper; spray paper with cooking spray. On lightly floured surface, roll crust into 11-inch round. Drape crust over
rolling pin, transfer to baking sheet. In large bowl, toss pear slices with lemon juice. Sprinkle in cornstarch, brown sugar and cinnamon. Toss until pears are evenly coated. Arrange pears in mound in center of dough, leaving 2-inch border. Fold border over filling to cover pears partially. It does not need to be even. Bake 15 minutes then reduce oven temperature to 350 F and bake additional 40 minutes until pears are tender and crust is golden brown. In small bowl, stir together honey and boiled water to make glaze. When galette is done, remove from oven and brush honey glaze over top of fruit and crust, and sprinkle liberally with feta cheese.
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Area Restaurant GUIDE
Dining guide spots are $5 per week, doublespots for $7.50 per week or 4 spots for $15 per week, prepaid. Spots are booked with a 13-week commitment.
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DOZER: Caterpillar D6C / TILE PLOW: Michigan with Zor Plow; Boots for plow / Various sizes of TILE/ TILE TRAILER / BACKHOES: Case 580C; Caterpillar 416B, turbo, 4 x 4 / ATTACHMENTS: Forks; Frost tooth / TRUCK TRACTOR: Freightliner / TRAILER: Martin 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122; drop deck, 21â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bed, tandem axle / (3) PICKUPS: Ford F150, crew cab; 1999 Dodge Ram 2500, diesel; 1996 Dodge Ram tile truck with auto reel / Dsl. and Oil TANKS / TRACTOR: International B tractor with mower / LAWN TRACTOR: John Deere F936 / BOAT: Century 4000 / Large Quantity of General shop tools and equipment: Air compressor, 80 gallon, two stage; Router planer, 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; saw; Flather & Co lathe; Drill press; Craftsman Tool chest; Much more / SUPPORT: Horse saddle; Various antiques; Snowmobile. TERMS: Cash, Wire Transfer, or letter of credit from your bank to guarantee your check. No buyersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; premium. See our website for listing and photos www.hilpipre.com HILPIPRE AUCTION CO -- WATERLOO, IA PH: 319-235-6007 or Mervâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cell: 319-415-0816
N ing on October 8th â&#x20AC;˘ 9:30 AM No buyeorsreserve Online bidditems premium 5000 11th St. SE â&#x20AC;˘ Mason City, Iowa select Vintage Speed Parts. 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Buick, Chevrolet, Ford, Cadillac, Dodge, Chrysler, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Engines, Parts. 1928 Essex Project or Rat Rod â&#x20AC;˘ 1955 Chevy 2 DR Sedan Project â&#x20AC;˘ 1951 Chevy Fleetline 2DR project â&#x20AC;˘ 1966 Buick Skylark Convertible, running project â&#x20AC;˘ 1965 Buick Skylark 2 DR Hardtop, running project â&#x20AC;˘ 20 foot Steel Bed Car Trailer â&#x20AC;˘ 409 & 348 (2 X blocks) 402, 400, 350 Chevy Engines â&#x20AC;˘ Early Hemi engines 331, 354, 392 â&#x20AC;˘ Flat Head Ford Motors â&#x20AC;˘ BUICK NAILHEAD ENGINES â&#x20AC;˘ Early Cadillac Engines â&#x20AC;˘ Dual Quad Set ups â&#x20AC;˘ Tri Power Unitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;˘ 6 Pack Intake Set ups â&#x20AC;˘ 67, 68 NOS Camaro & Chevelle Fender â&#x20AC;˘ Several Hurst Shifterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;˘ Many Old School Carburetors â&#x20AC;˘ Holley â&#x20AC;˘ Stromberg 97â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;˘ Rochester â&#x20AC;˘ Carter â&#x20AC;˘ Old Alum Slots â&#x20AC;˘ Old Valve Covers â&#x20AC;˘ A lot of Chrome oil pans â&#x20AC;˘ Air Cleaners â&#x20AC;˘ Starters, etc. â&#x20AC;˘ NOS Parts as well â&#x20AC;˘ Shop Equipment â&#x20AC;˘ Engine Hoist â&#x20AC;˘ Stands â&#x20AC;˘ Sand Blasting Cabinet â&#x20AC;˘ Drill Press â&#x20AC;˘ Car Dollys â&#x20AC;˘ Diamond DX Oil double sided porcelain sign â&#x20AC;˘ Small Pepsi bottle machine â&#x20AC;˘ Porcelain gas station lights â&#x20AC;˘ Parts cabinets â&#x20AC;˘ 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Texaco porcelain double sided sign â&#x20AC;˘ 2 vintage gas pumps â&#x20AC;˘ Coca Cola stadium lighted clock, etc. Plus Much Much More!!! For more pictures and online bidding GO TO www.foxauctioncompany.com Terms: cash or credit/debit card w/4% convenience fee. Nothing removed until paid for. Announcements auction day take precedence over printed material. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This auction features items from a Minnesota and an Iowa Estate. Excellent collection of early engine modification components! No buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premium or Reserve.
For more information call Mike 507.438.1735
Col. Frank Fox 641-420-3243
Tall Corn CafĂŠ 7+856'$< %8))(7 SP
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Let us cater your Holiday gatherings and events! Big Bradâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BBQ Kanawha, Iowa
641-762-3541 or 515-293-0791 (leave a message)
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t tempt fate... That text can wait!
8 • Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune
The Classifieds! TO PLACE AN AD ~ CALL 641-562-2606 LARGE MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE 1408 Hwy 9 (by Ledyard-Tyann Beenken’s home) Oct. 7: 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. Oct. 8: 8 a.m.-2 p.m. (half price after 12 p.m.) Lots of name-brand men’s and women’s clothes, great condition, (women’s sizes S-L and men’s sizes L-XL); shoes; maternity clothes; baby items; baby, toddler and kids clothes, (boys and girls, all sizes); toys, bouncy seat, books. Sound system, Tom-Tom GPS, home décor, housewares, and misc. You don’t want to miss this one Come check it out!
Boeckholt’s Cottages
315 2nd St SW and 310 2nd St SW Buffalo Center
Newly remodeled, completely furnished guest cottages. Rent by day, week or month. For reservations contact
Al or Judy at
641-562-2221 Cell 641-903-6565
Callow Construction-Now hiring for construction laborer. 5 days a week/ starting wage $12/hr. Drivers license required. To inquire, call 641-590-0218. Local Hopper Drivers Wanted: PT or FT – day, night, weekend or combination of shifts available. Home daily/nightly. Receive differential pay for night shift, paid overtime and bonus pay for holidays. Work with local feed mills, ethanol plants and local farmers. Must have Class A CDL, good driving record and pre-employment drug screen. Please call 319-240-5305 if interested.
‘The Mills’ Theater Schedule Oct. 7-13: Screen 1-“The Light Between Oceans”(PG-13); shows M-Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 3 & 7 p.m. Screen 2-“Bridget Jones’s Baby”(R); shows M-Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 3:30 & 7:30 p.m. www.themillstheater.com or movie line at 641-592-6455.
POSITION AVAILABLE Part-Time Floating Teller Seeking candidate who understands the importance of confidentiality, attention to detail, and professional customer service. Must be willing to travel to all locations. Flexible hours dependent o staffing needs. Candidates should send resume to: Farmers Trust and Savings Bank Attn: Mara Frerichs 101 N. Main Street, PO Box 507 Buffalo Center, IA 50424 641-562-2696 Farmers Trust and Savings Bank is an Equal Opportunity Employer of women, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities.
Full-Time Jailer Wanted
The Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department is accepting applications for the position of full-time Jailer. Applicants must be a high school graduate or GED, 18 years of age, must be able to read and write English, and Driver License is required. Applications may be picked up anytime at the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department at 216 South Clark St., Forest City, IA or by e-mailing to slarson@winncosheriff.org. Completed applications must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on October 15, 2016. Winnebago County is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Looking for a change? Now accepting applications for: Certified Nurse Aides (all shifts) (Starting wage $12)
Paraprofessional / Classroom Associate The North Iowa Community School is seeking caring, child-centered, individual to assist students in small groups or in one-on-one situations and supporting students with their academic needs. 6 hours per day as assigned. Working days follow the school calendar (180 days per year)
Essential Functions:
• Assist special education students, individually or in groups, with lesson assignments for the purpose of reinforcing learning concepts as assigned by the teacher. • Perform general clerical duties for the purpose of helping the teacher get instructional materials ready. • May be required to supervise elementary recess. • May be required to assist students with mobility and personal needs including but not limited to personal hygiene needs and/or toileting. • Other duties as assigned. Criminal Background check clearance required. Send letter of application and resume to: Gwen Mathahs, Board Secretary -orNorth Iowa Community Schools An online application is available at 111 Third Ave NW www.teachiowa.org Buffalo Center, Iowa 50424 Position open until filled. EOE/AA
We are a construction company based out of Hampton, Iowa and looking to fill a need for an estimator/sales person to work with our Senior Estimator in efficiently supplying proposals to our customers. The candidate must be able to work well with others and on their own. Customer relations and blueprint reading is a must. Being able to use Excel, Word and being familiar with construction would be very helpful.
2nd Shift Nurse (Full Time) 2 - 10 p.m. (Hiring Bonus) Night Nurse (Every other weekend)
We offer dental insurance, health insurance, vacation, holidays and retirement benefits. Wages will be determined by experience.
PRN Nurse Afternoon Dietary Aide
We offer excellent wages, life insurance, 401k, medical insurance, sign on bonus for C.N.A., holiday and vacation pay. Ask about benefits for full-time employees.
Jason@mulfordconcrete.com or fax to 641-456-5201
Apply in person to: Roberta Hagedorn, RN/DON at Timely Mission Nursing Home 109 Mission Drive, Buffalo Center, IA 50424 641-562-2494
Help Wanted:
Business Office Manager
Experienced in Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll. Good computer skills. Pay based on experience. Experience in Medicaid, Medicare billing preferred, but not required. Contact Joe Youmans, 515-928-2600 or send resume to P. O. Box 349, Titonka, IA 50480.
Titonka Care Center
PO Box 349 • 312 1st Ave. NW • Titonka, IA 50480 • EOE
it’s the little things that matter most
arslou Realty LLC “Where the phone is ALWAYS on.”
PHONE ...............................641-562-2606 FAX.....................................641-562-2636 EMAIL ...................... bctrib@wctatel.net WEB ........ thebuffalocentertribune.com MAIL .................. Buffalo Center Tribune P.O. Box 367 Buffalo Center, IA 50424 STOP BY ........................ 124 North Main Buffalo Center, IA
1st Shift Nurse (Part Time) 6 a.m. - 2 p.m.
what are you grateful for?
To Contact Us:
Quiet street living! 2 BR with original hardwoods, newer updates including windows, furnace, shingles.
NEW OR USED appliances. Call or stop. Hassebroek Refrigeration, 562-2592.
J & J Recycling
HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
CLOSED OVER LUNCH FROM 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m.
Phone 507-943-3653
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2692 115 St., Floyd, IA 50435 641-398-2473 / 641-228-5435 / FAX 641-398-6003
3 BR home on double lot with many new updates SEELY PRESCOTT located steps from the public park and swimming pool! Attached spacious 2-stall heated and cooled TOWNSHIP TOWNSHIP garage, storage shed & garden area.
619 3rd St NE—Buffalo Center $79,000
M/L 78.86 474 Acres M/L 154.52 46951Acres 50th Ave—Buffalo Center Acres $89,000 M/L Clean & spacious acreage in North Iowa school district on 4.2 acres. Many new updates including metal roofing on most outbuildings; roof & windows Prescott Twp Seely Twp Prescott Twp on home, newer furnace and AC. Come see this affordable acreage! Section 20 Section 28 Section 25 To receive information contact Wade Barslou Lonnie Trasamar 507-525-0810 Land 507-525-0507 for Sale: Kossuth Co.—71 17 Harrison Twp—buyer 132Acres—Sec Sailor St., Blue Earth, MNhas option to rent connecting 74 acres. Office 507.526.5666 Faribault Co.—69.57 Acres Sec 2 Blue Earth City Twp. Buying Land, Faribault Co.—474and Acres Selling Sec 20 Prescott Twp. Acreages
and Homes.
Serving North Central Iowa and Give us a call! South Central Minnesota!
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Pam Yegge 641-590-3471
Fast & Reliable Service Latest Tanks & Technology for accurate nutrient placement
Don Jorgensen • Certified Applicators
Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune
Cody Smidt makes a stop against Clarksville’s Koltyn Beckham during last Monday’s Homecoming game.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 • 9
Noah Paulson is taken down by three Indians as he picks up some yards against Clarksville last Monday.
Thomas Blodgett readies the snap as the Bison face off against the Clarksville Indians for Homecoming.
Bison battle back to Homecoming victory The North Iowa Bison put their first win of the season on the board last Monday night, Sept. 26, during their Homecoming match against the Clarksville Indians, 34-28. The game was delayed from the previous Friday, as life was disrupted in the Clarksville area due to heavy flooding. The Indians came to play on Monday, however, as they led the Bison by 10 points going into halftime. The Bison turned it around in the second half, however, where they scored four touchdowns to cap off their Homecoming celebration with a win. Spencer Armstrong led the Bison for the night with 22 points, as he rushed for 150 yards and passed for 111 yards. He also led the team in tackles with five solos and 10 assists. Austin Haisman had two receptions for two touchdowns and 69 yards, and he also pulled down two interceptions.
“I think it was great that our kids made some great plays in some key situations,” said Bison Head Coach Graig Eichenberger. “Defensively, we played our best game of the year; the kids gang tackled and attacked. I’m just really proud of the kids for playing a whole game. When we were down 16, it could have been easy for the kids to hang their heads, but they didn’t, and they ultimately earned the win. All the credit goes to them.” North Iowa 6 0 12 16 34 Clarksville 0 16 12 0 28 Indians Bison Passes attempted N/A 14 Completed N/A 4 Yards gained N/A 111 Rushing plays N/A 43 Yards gained N/A 194 Total yards N/A 305 RUSHING Spencer Armstrong 30/150, Noah Paulson 10/34, Isaiah Walk 3/10 PASSING Spencer Armstrong 14/4/111
RECEIVING Austin Haisman 2/69, Noah Paulson 2/42 SCORING Spencer Armstrong 12 rushing points, 4 2-pt conv. points, 6 rushing points; Austin Haisman 12 receiving points INTERCEPTIONS Austin Haisman 2 KICKOFFS Austin Haisman 4/76, Spencer Armstrong 1/41 KICKOFF RETURNS Spencer Armstrong 1/78 PUNTING Austin Haisman 3/50 TACKLES Solo/assist: Spencer Armstrong 5/10, Drew Jensen 5/5, Austin Haisman 6/2, Colin Weaver 3/6, Noah Paulson 1/7, Clayton Henn 1/6, Nick Sabin 0/7, Thomas Blodgett 1/4, Tristan Tabb 1/0, Cody Smidt 0/1 DISTRICT RESULTS 9-23-16 Central City 46, Janesville 16 (ND) Northwood-Kensett 19, Riceville 18 Turkey Valley 62, AGWSR 8 DISTRICT RESULTS 9-26-16 North Iowa 34, Clarksville 28
The Bison played their second game of the week last Friday, Sept.
30, when they traveled to Janesville. The match proved to be North Iowa’s highest scoring contest of the season so far, but the Bison still weren’t able to keep up, as they lost 41-63. Armstrong completed 10 passes for the night for a total of 220 yards and three touchdowns. He also rushed for 126 yards and an additional three touchdowns. Haisman had nine catches for 197 yards and two touchdowns. Noah Paulson had one catch for 23 yards and a touchdown. Haisman led in tackles with nine solos and five assists. “We didn’t sustain enough drives, and we didn’t stop them enough times,” said Bison Head Coach Graig Eichenberger. “Janesville is a very athletic team, and that tends to give us some troubles defensively. Offensively, we scored 41 points, and that is our season high against a very good team. Defensively, we’ve got to stop guessing and make our
Bowling Results
Bison League September 26, 2016 W L Pete’s Plumbing 65 35 Ollenburg Motors 60 40 Optimum Health Chiro 52½ 47½ K & H Coop 49 51 Bison Graphic/AJ Em 45 55 Hager Foods 44 56 Timber Tree Service 41 59 Murra Farm Machinery 29½ 70½ Highs Posted: team game, Bison Graphics/AJ Em (749), team series, Bison Graphics/AJ Embr (1976), ind. game, Dan Hassebroek (289), ind. series, Dan Hassebroek (708) Wed. Ladies Night September 28, 2016 W Heidi’s Hair Care 21 HyVee 15 NGT 14 K & H Coop Oil 14
L 7 13 14 14
EFG 13 15 Bye 7 21 Highs Posted: team game, EFG (483), team series, EFG (1389), ind. game, Virginia Schulte (201), ind. series, Virginia Schulte (559)
Twin City League September 29, 2016 W L Lofstrom Seeds 75 40 Ag Performance 74½ 40½ Buffalo Lanes 64 51 StateLine Coop 61½ 53½ Nick’s Auto Body 57 58 Winnebago Ins Agency 55 60 Murra Hardware 54 61 Bye 19 96 Highs Posted: team game, Ag Perfromance (829), team series, Buffalo Lanes (2361), ind. game, Scott Farrow (265), ind. series, Scott Farrow (664)
reads. “I’m proud that the boys kept fighting the whole game,” said Eichenberger. “Falling down by two scores right before half put us in a hole, too. Against teams like this, it comes down to who can get a cushion, because both teams were having trouble stopping each other. This week against Tripoli, we will face a very similar opponent. To be successful, we’ll have to do a better job defensively and make sure that we maintain as many drives as possible.”
Janesville 15 14 20 14 63 North Iowa 8 7 14 12 41 Wildcats Bison Passes attempted 9 21 Completed 5 10 Yards gained 55 220 Rushing plays 41 34 Yards gained 518 180 Total yards 573 400 RUSHING Spencer Armstrong 18/126, Noah Paulson 14/52, Austin Haisman 2/2 PASSING Spencer Armstrong 21/10/220
RECEIVING Austin Haisman 9/197, Noah Paulson 1/23 FUMBLE RECOVERIES Spencer Armstrong 1 TACKLES Solo/assist: Austin Haisman 9/5, Thomas Blodgett 5/3, Nick Sabin 4/3, Spencer Armstrong 4/2, Noah Paulson 2/6, Colin Weaver 2/5, Nathan Beenken 3/0, Drew Jensen 1/2, Cody Smidt 0/3, Clayton Henn 1/0, Steven Rodriguez 0/1 DISTRICT RESULTS 9-30-16 AGWSR 24, Northwood-Kensett 16 Janesville 63, North Iowa 41 Riceville 60, Clarksville 12 Turkey Valley 42, Central 20 (ND) DISTRICT MATCHES 10-7-16 AGWSR at Clarksville Janesville at Riceville Northwood-Kensett at Turkey Valley Tripoli at North Iowa (ND) District 2 Standings District Overall Turkey Valley 3-0 6-0 Northwood-Kensett 3-1 3-3 AGWSR 2-1 4-2 Janesville 2-1 3-3 Riceville 1-3 3-3 North Iowa 1-3 1-5 Clarksville 0-3 1-5
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10 • Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Mackenzie Bengtson makes a dig during a tough match at Lake Mills last Tuesday.
Ladies fall to Bulldogs at Lake Mills The North Iowa Lady Bison faced the undefeated Lake Mills Bulldogs in their only match of the week last Tuesday, Sept. 27, as they lost 0-3 to the conference frontrunners. “We prepared well for them, and our defense was pretty solid; they just have too many weapons,” said Lady Bison Head Coach Sharla Hassebroek. “The first and third games were competitive, but we just couldn’t get going in the second game. We struggled with serve receive and our offense. Our serving was good – Rachel Hassebroek and Kendall Melz were both perfect on the night, 5/5 each. Jessica Govern led in kills with seven, and Jenna Govern had 16 assists. We are proud of the girls for playing aggressively and never giving up.” Set scores for the night were 14-25, 5-25 and 15-25.
Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune
Elise Hinders serves for the seventh grade Lady Bison.
Emma Duve sets up the ball for an attack during a recent seventh grade volleyball match.
Hannah Boekelman gets the ball under control during a home game for the eighth graders.
Jaymie Simmons serves for the eighth graders during a recent match in Buffalo Center.
The North Iowa seventh grade volleyball team picked up three more wins in recent weeks, beginning with a 6-1 win over North Union on Thursday, Sept. 15 in Swea City. Set scores were 21-14, 21-12, 21-14, 1721, 21-11, 21-4 and 21-13. Top servers were: Laura Wubben 37/38, Leah Kramersmeier 31/34, Korra Marr 10/11, Shayla Heetland 9/10 and Elise Hinders 10/12. The seventh graders won 7-1 when they hosted Northwood-Kensett on Monday, Sept. 19. Set scores were 13-21, 21-11, 21-13, 21-9, 22-20, 21-
3, 21-16 and 21-16. Top servers were: Korra Marr 17/22, Shayla Heetland 7/10 and Leah Kramersmeier 28/33. The girls performed well again on Thursday, Sept. 22, when they defeated Belmond-Klemme 6-1 in Buffalo Center. Scores were 21-8, 21-7, 21-17, 21-18, 21-13, 18-21 and 21-18. Top servers were: Leah Kramersmeier 22/27, Korra Marr 19/21, Emma Duve 19/26 and Aleigha Gross 6/8. The eighth grade girls went 1-2 against those same three opponents, as they lost to North Union 2-5 on
September 15. Leading servers for North Iowa were: Paige Goodnight 24/24, Hannah Boekelman 18/19 and Chloe Banks 14/15. “We had a lot of great serves that night, we just couldn’t move feet quick enough to the ball, but the girls played their hardest, and I was happy with that and how well they served,” said Coach Sophia Rodriguez. The eighth graders won their contest against Northwood-Kensett on September 19, as they went 4-2. Top servers were: Hannah Boekelman 21/22, Kali Bengtson 21/23 and Ken-
dall Kahler 16/17. Against Belmond-Klemme on Thursday, the eighth graders lost 2-4. Kali Bengtson served 19/22, while Hannah Boekelman served 15/19. “We had difficulty communicating with each other during these matches, but once we started to be aggressive and started talking, we started to play well,” said Coach Rodriguez. “Our last match against Belmond was a close one; the girls put up a good fight. Last score was 21-23.”
North Iowa played in its first volleyball tournament this season on Saturday, Sept. 24, as the Lady Bison faced six opponents at Bishop Garrigan. North Iowa went 2-4 for the day, with wins over Bishop Garrigan and Eagle Grove. “After a long week of Homecoming activities and games on Tuesday and Thursday night going five games each, we were worried the girls would be exhausted, but we were pleasantly surprised with their awesome effort all day,” said Lady Bison Head Coach Sharla Hassebroek. “We came out right away and got a little revenge on Bishop Garrigan, who had just beat us in five games the Tuesday night before. We beat them in two sets with the help of great serving and a couple big blocks early in the game to set the tone. Scores over Bishop Garrigan were 2112 and 23-21. Jessica Govern had eight kills, and Rachel Hassebroek served 10/11. “Next, we met up with a very tall Clarion-Goldfield team,” said Coach Hassebroek. “We split the first two games with them but ended up losing the third game, 14-16. It almost felt like a win, because the girls played really well. Our serve receive was excellent in this game – something we work on every day. It’s nice to see the hard work pay off.” Set scores against the Cowgirls were 14-21, 21-17 and 14-16. Kendall Melz led in kills with eight. Jessica Govern served 10/10 with two aces, while Cas-
sidy Sachs was 10/10 with one ace. “We played a much improved Eagle Grove in the next match and beat them 2-0,” said Coach Hassebroek. “Our serving was the key to this game. We missed very few serves and tallied eight aces. We meet up with them in conference play this Tuesday night at home.” North Iowa’s scores against Eagle Grove were 21-13 and 21-12. Rachel Hassebroek served 12/12 with three aces. She and Kendall Melz each had three kills. “Going straight into our fourth match with Lake Mills was the most difficult one of the day,” said Coach Hassebroek. “Lake Mills is a talented team with many weapons. We just really couldn’t get our offense going. The one bright spot was our serving; we only missed one serve and got two aces.” Set scores against Lake Mills were 6-21 and 10-21. Jessica Govern served 4/4 with one ace, and she had three kills. Next up was Garner-Hayfield/Ventu-
ra. “We split the first two games with them, and then tired legs and hunger took over,” said Coach Hassebroek. “It’s difficult to play five matches in a row, with no breaks. We lost the match 2-1. Our serving continued to be solid, and our offense was good, with Kendall Melz putting down seven kills along with Jessica Govern and Rachel Hassebroek each getting four kills. Our defense was solid as it has been all season.” Scores against GHV were 21-17, 1721 and 4-15. “After a much needed break, we played our last match of the day against Manson-Northwest Webster,” said Coach Hassebroek. “We started off tough against a very scrappy team. Near the end of the first game, our middle hitter, Krista Schutter, went down with a knee injury. Although it’s hard for a team to come back on the floor and play their best after a teammate is injured, the girls did just that and won the first game, 25-23. We battled
through the second game, and Mackenzie Bengtson came off the bench into a position she was not completely comfortable in and did a fantastic job! We ended up losing the game and the third one, too, but we are very proud of the girls for never giving up and always supporting each other.” Set scores for the final match were 25-23, 17-21 and 5-15. Bengtson had four aces, and Melz had six kills. The next tournament for the Lady Bison will be their home tournament this Saturday, Oct. 8 in Buffalo Center.
Seventh grade volleyball continues winning streak
Lady Bison go 2-4 at first tournament
Rachel Hassebroek spikes one over the net as the Lady Bison battle the Lake Mills Bulldogs last week.
Rachel Schutter serves last Tuesday night at Lake Mills.
TSB hireS new Ag Lender We are pleased to announce the addition of Mike Johnson to our TSB Loan Department in the Forest City Office. Mike will be working primarily in the area of agriculture and commercial lending. He graduated from Lake Mills High School and has a Bachelors degree in Agriculture from Northwest Missouri State University of Maryville, MO. Mike most recently worked as the Location Manager at the Landus Cooperative in Thompson, IA. He lives in rural Joice with his wife Cassie. Mike invites you to stop in and meet him in person or you may reach him by calling 641/585-7862. TSB Loan Officer-Forest City
Mike Johnson
173 Main St. North Titonka, IA 515-928-2142
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Berggren Seeds Eagle Grove Eagle to host Pioneer Days Nov. 16-21 Ber Berggren
Seeds will host Pio Pio-Monday, November 16 to Saturday, November 21 at 1425 Hwy 9 West in Buffalo Center. Customers are asked to call Grundy 641-590 Register -2493, or stop in for an appointment. Coffee and refreshments will be served Graphic-A dvocate neer Days from
FFA hosts appreciation meal for farmers and businesses The Bison
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FFA Chapter will hold an appreciation meal for the farmers and businesses in our communities on Tuesday, Nov. 24 from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The lunch will be held in the old school cafeteria. Guests should enter the school through the door by the Agriculture classroom and follow the signs to the old cafeteria. The FF FFA Chapter will be serv serv-ing grilled pork and beef burgers, baked beans, chips, bars and beverages. There is no cost for this meal, which is the Chapter’s way of saying thank you. Questions, call Rick Meyer, FFA Advisor at 562-2525.
In this issue Church .................................page 4 Classifieds ............................ page 8 Courthouse......... use.............. .............. ............p ...page age 5 Gone Cold ...........................page 5 Local News ....... page 9, 10, 11, 12 Marketplace....... lace .............. .............. .......page page 6, 7 Opinion/Editorial............. l ................page .page 2 Public Notices .....................page 5 Social News .........................page 3 Sports .................................page 11
Coach Steve Prohm and the Iowa State men’s basketball team gave a warm welcom e to the Wounded Warriors participating they arrived in Iowa on November 6. in this year’s
Hunting with Heroes honors Wou nd Warriors and local veterans for fif ed th year
President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “A man that is good enough to shed blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal after afterwards.” This is one of the quotes that local non-profit organization “Hunting with Heroes” has adopted as a mantra and as a purpose for their annual event that honors veterans from near and far each year around the Lakota Area. On November 6-9, the group hosted its fifth group of Wounded Warriors from Camp Lejuene, NC for friendship, fellowship and recognition of the sacrifices that our military makes for us each and every day. In 2011, Bernard and Jason Becker founded “Hunting with Heroes”- a non-profit organization managed through the local American Legion Post 21 as a way to honor young men and women that fought in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. The event started as a way to honor young servicemen and women injured in battle but grew into an event that honors the dozens of local veterans from the area, as well. Through the generosity of local volunteers and supporters, this year’s Hunting with Heroes was once again made possibl event was arguably the best one yet. e this year thanks to volunteers who offered assistance and land for hunting to the their visiting Wounded Warriors from Camp As in the prior four years of the Lejuene, NC. The group of visiting Marines this year included, front from event, “Hunting with Heroes” worked left: Staff Sgt Eric Bruland, Major Stephe n Taylor, dog closely with the United States Marine handler Jim McGrady and Chief Warrant Officer 3 Brad Pottorff. Back row: Capt. Jim Nash, Sgt. Johna than Smart and Capt. Andrew Yeary. (Photo Johnacourtesy Algona Upper Des Moines)
Redo For You was a busy spot during Ladies Night Out last Tuesday, as shoppe rs checked out the repurposed items and holiday décor at the newly opened business on Main Street.
Hunting with Heroes event, as
Corps this year to find Marines who had been injured in battle and who were in need of time away from rehabilitation of their physical and emotional injuries from the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. This year, a total of seven Purple Heart Recipients were welcomed to the area for the weekend. Four Marine attendees made their first trip for the event: Major Steven Taylor, Captain Andrew Yeary, Staff Sgt. Eric Bruland and Sgt. Jonathan Smart. In addition, three participants from past years came back to assist with the logistics and execution of the event as alumni members. “Having the alumni members present at the event the last couple of years has been a great improvement, as they are able to relate to our new marine attendees and make them feel immediately at ease,” said Bernie Becker. All seven of the Marines received wounds from recent wartime efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan and are representative of the thousands of Marines who have been killed or wounded defending the freedom of our country. This year’s event started off with a very special welcome to Iowa, as the Wounded Warriors were warmly received by Iowa State men’s basketHEROES to page 11
Barb Murra of Murra Hardware helped shoppers make light-up snowman ornaments to take home during Ladies Night Out last Tuesday in Buffalo Center.
Thank you to our veterans
Ladies enjoy a nice night on the town
Many shoppers got their first look at one of Buffalo Center’s newest establishments , The Tin Lily, during Ladies Night Out last Tuesda y, Nov. 10. Carol Wilson of The Rusty Rose recently expanded her operations into the new space on Main Street, located in the former Leibran d TV & Appliance store. While the new store also features antique items much like The Rusty Rose, Wilson is taking advantage of all the new space by arranging displays with differen t themes at The Tin Lily, such as bedroom, dining room and kids’ room displays. She also has a wide assortment of vintage chairs and other furniture in the basement level of the buildin g.
Buffalo Center
The Bison Senior Center hosted a variety of vendors and crafters during Ladies Night Out on Novem ber 10, including Thrive, Scentsy, 31, Tupperware, Origami Owl, Keep Collective, Wildtree and the Heartwarmers Quilt Guild.
Retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergea nt Dennis Murra delivered the address at the annual Veterans Day Program held at North Iowa High School on Wednesday, Nov. 11. He said that veterans often consider their time in service to be one of the most defining experie nces of their lives. Murra spoke about the recent Operation LZ event held in Forest City for veterans of the Vietnam War, and he addressed some common myths about that war, noting that the majority of servicemen and women who took part in that war were volunteers, rather than draftees. He also talked about ways that young people can uphold the traditions of this nation on Veterans Day and on every day of the year, such as flying the flag, volunteering in the community, and saying “thanks” to those who have served. “If you feel that being an Americ an is a title and not a responsibility, then this nation may not survive,” said Murra. “We need everyone to serve in whatever way they can.” More on page 11.
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Mail to: PO Box 29 - Hampton, IA 50441 or Drop Off at: 124 N Main St., Buffalo Center 641-562-2606 • M-F 8-12, 1-5
12 • Wednesday, October 5, 2016
North Iowa School Menu
Monday, October 10: B: WG French toast sticks, applesauce L: Cheese and bean burrito, chips, corn Tuesday, October 11: B: Egg and cheese sandwich, fruit cocktail L: Pepperoni pizza, banana, baby carrots Wednesday, October 12: B: Breakfast slider, pear
Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune
Junkapalooza this weekend at Heritage Park
L: Pulled pork sandwich, baked beans, fruit cocktail, brownie Thursday, October 13: B: Pancake on a stick, banana L: Ham and cheese sub, sweet potato fries, apple Friday, October 14: B: Cereal, toast, applesauce L: Breaded beef patty, mashed potatoes/gravy, pineapple
Heritage Park of North Iowa will host its Fall Fest Junkapalooza weekend in Forest City. Gates open Saturday, Oct. 8 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Junkapalooza is an event for purveyors and shoppers of vintage finds, antiques and repurposed pieces, plus some familiar home-based businesses and other various craft vendors. There will also be family fun activities, such as potato sack races, pumpkin bowling, hayride tour of Heritage Park of North Iowa, kid train and horse rides. Admission is $2 per person, and kids 12 and under get in free. Proceeds go toward Heritage Park of North Iowa, a non-profit organization. For more information, contact Dawn Arispe at 641-596-0527 or email dawnarispe@yahoo.com
Free online Beef Quality Assurance certification
The Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program is offering free online BQA Certification for the fourth consecutive year. This opportunity is open to all beef and dairy producers, veterinarians, allied partners, agricultural educators and students until November 13. Beef Quality Assurance provides cattlemen with the tools they need to produce the safest, highest quality beef in the world while also looking at ways to make their operations more efficient and productive. The BQA Program is the gold standard of livestock handling and animal welfare programs to demonstrate the industry’s commitment to continually improve the sound production practices most cattlemen use every day to build beef demand. The online BQA program has customized programs specific to cow/ calf, stocker, feedlot or dairy operations. These easy-to-use modules teach sound management techniques they
can apply to their operation to produce safe, wholesome and nutritious beef. The cattle industry has embraced BQA because it is the right thing to do; and it also helps cattle operations tell their story to consumers who might not understand all of the safety measures cattlemen take in producing the food on the table. Those interested in taking advantage of this free online BQA certification opportunity should start at www. animalcaretraining.org for the online modules. Click on Beef Quality Assurance and Beef Cattle Care or one of the other eighteen categories available (Comprehensive Beef Quality Assurance–recommended), register and enter code: BIVIBQA for your payment method. After all videos within a specific category have been observed with quizzes passed successfully, you will become BQA certified. For more information, contact Doug Bear, Iowa’s BQA Coordinator at doug@iabeef.org or 515-296-2305.
Register for fall commercial pesticide applicator training
Kossuth County Extension will host an Aquatic, Forest and Right-ofWay Continuing Instruction Course (CIC) for commercial pesticide applicators on Wednesday, Oct. 19. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., followed by sessions from 9-11:30 a.m. The course will provide continuing instruction credits for commercial and public pesticide applicators certified in categories 2 (Forest Pest Control), 5 (Aquatic Pest Control), 6 (Right-of-Way Pest Control) and 10 (Research and Demonstration). Topics to be covered are: recognition of sensitive areas impacted by pes-
ticide applications; restricted entry intervals; pesticide labels for aquatic, forest, and right-of-way products; controlling honeysuckle; poisonous weeds; and long-term thistle management. There is a fee for registration. To register or to obtain additional information about the CIC, contact the Kossuth County Extension office at 515-295-2469. Additional information and registration forms for this and other courses offered through the PSEP Program can be accessed at www.extension.iastate.edu/PSEP
Koppen shows Reserve Champion at Aksarben
Jeron Koppen of Lakota showed the Reserve Champion Foundation Simmental Heifer at the Aksarben Stock Show in Omaha, NE during the last weekend in September. Koppen is a member of the North Iowa 4-Hers. From left are: Joslyn Koppen, Jane Koppen, Trevor Borman, Jacob Koppen and Jeron Koppen.
Consider visiting an Iowa apple orchard or pumpkin patch this fall Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey encourages Iowans to get out and enjoy Iowa apples, pumpkins and other fall produce by visiting one of the many farms that sell directly to consumers or at the local farmers market. Timely rains and a warm September have helped produce a plentiful apple and pumpkin crop in Iowa. “Visiting a local apple orchard or pumpkin patch gives you an opportunity to enjoy the freshest locally grown produce and also help support these hard working families and give them the chance to showcase their farm,” said Northey. “We are hearing reports of very good apple and pumpkin crops across the state, and now is the time to get out and
enjoy fresh, Iowa-grown produce and make great family memories.” There are more than 900 acres of apple trees in the state comprised of dozens of varieties. Orchards are located throughout the state. Visiting a local orchard is a great way to find new varieties that may not be available in a grocery store. Pumpkin production has nearly tripled in the last three decades to well over 900 acres at last count. In addition to family fun carving a jack-o-lantern, pumpkins are also an extremely versatile ingredient in
Wubben serves on orientation staff at Northwestern
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cooking. Pumpkins make great pies, casseroles and soups. Pumpkin seeds and flowers can also be cooked and enjoyed. Many farms also host fall festivals with great family activities such as hay rack rides, corn mazes, local music and other activities in addition to the opportunity to pick your own apples or pumpkins. A list of apple growers and pumpkin patches can be found on the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s directory at: www.idalsdata.org/fmnp/index.cfm
Alkaline Battery
Best, longest lasting 204 N. Main St., - 5:30 p.m. power source Buffalo Center 555649 . Saturday 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m 641-562-2797
Test button tests units electronic M-F 8 a.m. circuitry,Open battery function 696856
Jonathan Wubben was among 40 Northwestern College students who were on the orientation staff to begin the new school year. The orientation staff planned a variety of events to welcome freshmen and transfer students to campus the weekend before the beginning of the fall semester. The weekend included informational sessions for new students and their parents, a variety of fun activities, small group meetings and worship services. Wubben is a sophomore and is majoring in accounting and business administration/agri-business at Northwestern. He is the son of Leslie and Jodi Wubben of Buffalo Center. Northwestern College is a Christian college of more than 1,250 students in Orange City.
Don’t be late! Deadline for next week’s paper is Friday.
Auto tour route open for Wildlife Refuge Week
Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge will open its auto tour route from Saturday, Oct. 8 through Sunday, Oct. 16 in celebration of National Wildlife Refuge Week. Visitors are welcome to drive the tour route from sunrise to sunset during those dates. The auto tour route begins at the refuge headquarters and takes visitors along a four and one-half mile drive of wetland, open water and prairie habitat. Toward the beginning of the tour route, there is an observation platform with two spotting scopes overlooking a large portion of the refuge. Along the tour route, a variety of wildlife including trumpeter swans, bald eagles, great blue herons, ducks, geese, shorebirds, pelicans, songbirds and white-tailed deer may be seen. In addition, the refuge habitats have turned to their fall colors. Remember, wildlife are generally most active in early morning and early evening. Visitors of all ages are encouraged to come inside the headquarters building and check out the interpretive displays. Indoor exhibits are open to the public Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Union Slough NWR is located six miles east of Bancroft on County Road A-42. For further information, call 515-928-2523.
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