Agri-Power FFA Mom’s Night Out Page 7
NS Medical Center Walk-In Flu Vaccination Clinic Oct. 17-21 NEW SHARON – New Sharon Medical Center will offer Flu Vaccine Walk-In Clinics October 17-21 from 1–4:30 p.m. for patients six months of age and older. “In order to streamline the process of flu vaccinations, we wanted to offer our patients an entire week where they can simply walk in without an appointment and protect themselves from the flu,� Family Nurse Practitioner Lisa Smith, ARNP-C said. “Bring the whole family and take care of vaccines for everyone in one trip!� Vaccines are available for anyone ages six months and older. Insurance can be billed or cash payment is also accepted. The regular shot costs $25 and the high dose vaccine, for people age 65 and older, is $40. Medicare Part B can be billed with proof of card and New Sharon Medical Center also participates in the VFC program that provides vaccines to Medicaid, underinsured and uninsured
children ages 6 months to 18 years old. “Due to changes in recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, MHP and New Sharon Medical Center will not be offering the f lu mist this year,� Smith explained. “Studies of the last few years’ flu mist found it ineffective in preventing influenza. As a healthcare organization, we are following the guidelines from the CDC and not administering ineffective mists. If you have received the flu mist in the past, a vaccine is recommended for this year.� Flu vaccinations are an impor-
tant yearly practice, as the vaccine changes every season to protect against the most prominent f lu strains for the year. “The influenza virus morphs into different strains as it travels around the world, so what may have been a prominent strain last year will not be as prominent this year,� Smith shared. “It’s important to get vaccinated every year to make sure you’re protected for each unique flu season.� According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, flu vaccines are recommended for almost everyone over six months of age. “It’s especially important for those in
high-risk situations to be vaccinated,� Smith encouraged. “Children under five, adults 65 and older, pregnant women and people with certain medical conditions such as heart and lung problems or a weakened immune system should get a vaccine. Anyone who is around infants or others who are unable to get the vaccine should help protect them by being vaccinated.� In addition to New Sharon Medical Center’s Flu Vaccination Clinics, patients can now receive their vaccines during regularly scheduled appointments. If you are unable to get your vaccine during the walk-in clinics in New Sharon, MHP is also offering weekly vaccination clinics in Oskaloosa until Oct. 26. On Wednesdays, patients can walk-in from 7 am to 6 pm to entrance #4. For vaccine availability or to schedule an appointment, call New Sharon Medical Center at 641.637.2651.
Election Day Registration Deadline Nearing OSKALOOSA – Mahaska County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections, Susan L. Brown, is asking that eligible voters in Mahaska County who have not yet registered or changed their Mahaska County address with her office consider doing so before the early voter registration deadline of Saturday, Oct. 29th. In January 2008, Iowa law was adopted to allow eligible persons the right to register to vote and cast
a ballot on Election Day if they are able to provide proof of both their identity and residency at the polls. The best form of ID is a valid Iowa Driver’s license with current address. If your license has an old address on it, you can use the license as proof of identity and use one of the following as proof of residence if it contains your name and your current address: Current residential lease, property tax statement, utility bill
– including a cell phone bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other government documents (vehicle registration, tax assessment, etc.) If you do not have an Iowa driver’s license, you can provide another ID as long as it contains your photo and is current, valid, and contains an expiration date. The expiration date must be the day the voter is registering or later or list “None� as the
expiration date. Temporary paper licenses or IDs issued by the IDOT are acceptable. If you do not have proof of residence and identity, a registered voter in your precinct may attest to your identity and residence as long as the attester has not attested for anyone else and was not attested for in this election. You will both be required to sign an oath. Falsely attesting or I<>@JKI8K@FE kf gX^\ -
Work by Norris Asphalt continues on the new all-weather track at North Mahaska. Lane painting is expected to begin this week.
North Mahaska Track Nearing Completion NEW SHARON â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Patrons of the North Mahaska School District have watched the work around the school grounds take shape, but none more visible than the athletic track. Replacement of the red cinder track, a staple of a gone-by era, will sport a black all-weather surface. North Mahaska athletic director Steve Ehret said if the weather holds painting of the lines will occur this week. Work will begin on the concession stands and other work around and related to the track Work continues on the science rooms and media center continue as does works on the north rest rooms. In a report to the school board last month Dale Lienemann
of Estes Construction told board members that the science and media rooms could be useable by the first of November. Furniture for the new classrooms has been ordered following a meeting of the board earlier this month. Work also continues on the façade and outside frontage of the south side of the school and cafeteria. Estes Constr uction and the subcontractors have been working around the school and sports schedules and making progress while keeping noise to minimum and ensuring student and staff safety. Discussions on progress and timelines continue, but Estes still plans to bring the project to completion by the end of the 2016.
Halloween Bash at Eveland Access RD Keep Photo
Congratulations to the North Mahaska Marching Warhawks on their 23rd Division One rating in 25 years at Iowa High School Music AsVRFLDWLRQ 6WDWH 0DUFKLQJ &RQWHVW 6DWXUGD\ 7KH EDQG LV VHHQ KHUH DW WKHLU ÂżQDO KRPH IRRWEDOO SHUIRUPDQFH
N EW SH A RON â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mahaska County residents of all ages can have a howling good time and celebrate Halloween with their families. The Mahaska County Conservation Board invites families out to Eveland Access Campgrounds to participate in its fall festivities on Saturday, Oct. 22. Events begin at 1 p.m. and run throughout the day to 10 p.m., closing with a movie. Many activities designed for the whole family to enjoy will be set up within the campgrounds. There will be fun contests for kids and adults. Attendees can show off their â&#x20AC;&#x153;best scream,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;best owl call,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;best coyote callâ&#x20AC;? and best decorated pumpkin! Games will be held for all ages such as Worm Pie Eating, mystery touch boxes, pumpkin checkers and Halloween Bingo. The
afternoon highlights will be storytelling my Mrs. Linda Fox and trick or treating around the campgrounds. The evening will end with the free showing of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Little Vampireâ&#x20AC;? (rated PG) movie at the outdoor theater. Attendees are encouraged to bring a lawn chair and blankets to enjoy the show. The campgrounds will be decorated for the Halloween season. MCCB will be awarding the â&#x20AC;&#x153;best decorated 98J? kf gX^\ -
INDEX Opinion/Editorial Pg. 4 Church Pg. 5 Public Notices Pg. 6 Local News Pg. 2, 3, 4, 5 Classified Pg. 6 Sports Pg. 7, 8
RD Keep Photo
Gabby Ferguson displays pigs and shares her knowledge GXULQJ )DUP 6DIHW\ 'D\ DW 1RUWK 0DKDVND +LJK 6FKRRO
Jenna Carrico is a regular blood donor, but her giving is deeper than the need to help others. Carrico takes extra time to donate platelets, D SURFHVV WKDW WDNHV IDU PRUH WLPH &DUULFR GRQDWHV LQ PHPRU\ RI KHU EURWKHU -DFH ZKR UHFHLYHG SODWHOHWV EHIRUH ORVLQJ KLV EDWWOH ZLWK FDQFHU â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donate platelets anytime I can,â&#x20AC;? said Carrico with a smile at the blood draw Wednesday. The next opportunity to give in New Sharon is Dec. 4.
This Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Color In The Sun Is Brought To You By
Slumberland Furniture in Oskaloosa
School News Pg. 3
2 7KH 6XQ
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
Applications Available Now to Help MidAmerican Energy Customers
PO Box 502 New Sharon, IA 50207 641-637-4031 News: Sales:
2IĂ&#x20AC;FH +RXUV Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Newsroom News Editor: RD Keep, Photos Photos may be purchased by visiign the website www.thenewsharonsun. com and clicking on the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Photosâ&#x20AC;? tab. Circulation & Subscriptions Local Area - $37 per year. Deb Chaney, 1-800-558-1244, ext. 122 or email, subscriptions and renewals can take up to two weeks to process, and may cause lags in service if not planned ahead. Didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Get Your Paper? If you do not receive your paper in Thursdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mail, call The Sun at 1-800-558-1244, ext. 122. Billing & Accounting Pam DeVries, 1-800-558-1244, ext. 119 or email &ODVVLĂ&#x20AC;HG $GYHUWLVLQJ Call Gail Pilkington at 641-6223110 or email 3DSHU RU ,QWHUQHW $GYHUWLVLQJ Amber Kephart, 641-622-3110, keomahmanager@midamericapub. com. Printing, Retail 641-456-2585, ext. 113, or toll-free 800-558-1244, ext. 113. We offer complete printing for brochures, newsletters, business cards, posters, photos, clothing, specialties and more! Administration Publisher: Ryan Harvey, 800-5581244, ext. 118, or email ryanharvey. Regional Mgr.: Amber Kephart, 641-622-3110, News Tips The Sun welcomes any and all news WLSV $W WKH RIĂ&#x20AC;FH FDOO or email To request a photographer, please give at least a dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s notice. Deadlines Legal Notices ............. 12 noon, Friday &ODVVLĂ&#x20AC;HG $GV............. 12 noon, Friday Display Ads ................ 12 noon, Friday Submitted News ........ 12 noon, Friday Obituaries ................12 noon, Monday Event coverage requests........... 24 hours 7KH 1HZV 5HYLHZ 6WDII Regular employees in order of continuous years of service: Gail Pilkington, Graphic Designer; Ryan Harvey, Publisher; Ana Olsthoorn, Composition; Amber Kephart, Regional Manager; RD Keep, Editor 2IĂ&#x20AC;FLDO QHZVSDSHU IRU City of New Sharon City of Fremont City of Barnes City North Mahaska Schols Mahaska County Member of Iowa Newspaper Assn. National Newspaper Assn. $ 'LYLVLRQ RI 0LG $PHULFD Publishing Corp. P.O. Box 29 +DPSWRQ ,$ 5\DQ +DUYH\ 3UHVLGHQW DQG &(2 Published weekly at PO Box 502, 1HZ 6KDURQ ,$ DQG 3HULRGLcals Postage paid at New Sharon, IA 52591. Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Sun, PO Box 502, New ShaURQ ,$ Advertising liability is limited to the price of the advertising. If The Sun shall fail to publish a notice as required, in whole or in part, it shall in no event exceed the amount of the charges allowed by law for the publication of the notice which was not published.
7KH JRRG ZLWFKHV VKRZHG XS DW WKH 2FWREHU PHHWLQJ RI WKH &OXE LQ 1HZ 6KDURQ 6SRUWLQJ KROLGD\ garb are Marjorie Hall, Phyllis Clayworth and Jimolene Walston.
50+ Club News By ART KENNIS
The 50+ Club held their October 3 meeting at the McVay Building with 39 members and guests in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Pastor Terry Pollard gave the table blessing. Birthdays for the month of October were Anna Mae Williams, Terry Pollard, Alberta Templeton, Wilma Talbert, and Evelyn Duinink. There
were no October anniversaries. Serving Committee was Phyllis Clayworth and Jimolene Walston. Guests were: Judy Mitchell, Donna Tylkowski, Kenneth Criswell, Chuck Taylor, and Mary Mitchell, who joined the club. Program: Classic Country and More, with Margy Calvin and Dan Mitchell. Margy and Dan sang, and played various selections of music, members sang along with some
of the songs we knew, some of the members even danced to some of the songs. Everyone had fun as we always do. Next meeting will be held on Nov. 7. Program will be Alice Gospal, with Alice Mennie, Don Rhine and Donna DeJong. Committee will be Dorathea Wanders and Anna Mae Williams.
DES MOINES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Winter is quickly approaching, so MidAmerican Energy Company wants to remind customers that applications for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) are being accepted now in Iowa for the elderly and disabled. All other qualified individuals can begin apSO\LQJ 1RY Í&#x2019; LIHEAP is a federally-funded energy assistance program designed to help low-income families who are having trouble paying their heating bills. Last year, approximately 90,000 households in Iowa received benefits from LIHEAP. The average payment was $445 per household. â&#x20AC;&#x153;During the bitter, cold days of winter, LIHEAP helps to keep the heat on for those in our community who need it most,â&#x20AC;? said Terry Ousley, vice president of customer satisfaction for MidAmerican Energy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The reality is, when temperatures drop, energy consumption rises and in turn, bills go up. This results in difficult decisions for some, such as choosing between staying warm and buying groceries. We encourage all customers who think they may have challenges paying their bills this winter to apply for LIHEAP or call us to learn about our different payment options.â&#x20AC;? LIHEAP funds are received in the form of a grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Community action agencies throughout each state process applications and administer the funds. Grants are determined based on household income, household size, type of primary heating fuel, type of housing, and other factors that assure households with the greatest need will receive the highest level of assistance. To be eligible, the total household income for an applicant must be at or below 175 percent of the 2015 federal poverty guidelines. For example, a single-person household can qualify with an annual gross income of $20,790 and a family of four can qualify with an annual gross income of $42,525. Customers are encouraged to sign up early for LIHEAP to ensure they receive the assistance they need. LIHEAP application forms are available at any community action agency. For more information watch a video on LIHEAP or visit: htt ps:// human dcaa/liheap. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t qualify for LIHEAP? MidAmerican Energy customers
who are not eligible for LIHEAP but are having difficulties managing their energy bills should call MidAmerican Energy at 888-427 Í&#x2019; WR GLVFXVV WKH FRPSDQ\ÂśV many payment and billing options, including Budget Billing. Budget Billing spreads your annual energy costs out evenly throughout the year, so you pay the same amount each month. While Budget Billing is not a discount program and offers no savings or lower rates, you do get the convenience of a consistent, predictable bill. Want to help someone stay warm this winter? Customers who want to help those in need stay warm this winter should consider donating to MidAmerican Energyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s I CARE program. I CARE raises funds for local community action agencies to assist customers who qualify for LIHEAP. I CARE funds come from customer donations, with a 25 percent match from MidAmerican Energy. Every dollar given goes directly toward providing assistance to those in need; money is not used by the company. Donations are tax-deductible and stay within the benefactorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s community. Giving to I CARE is as simple as adding a dollar amount to your monthly MidAmerican Energy bill and noting on the bill stub or online that the overpayment should be applied to I CARE. Customers can also contribute by filling out an online pledge form and making a one-time or recurring donation. In addition to I CARE, individuals looking to support a family member, friend or neighbor in need can make a phone payment to be applied directly to that customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s account by calling MidAmerican (QHUJ\ DW Í&#x2019; 3D\ments can be made anonymously, or MidAmerican Energy can send the recipient a gift receipt. There is no charge to either the giver or receiver for this service. About MidAmerican Energy Company MidAmerican Energy Company is an energy provider serving 752,000 electric customers and 733,000 natural gas customers in Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska and South Dakota. It is headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa. Information about MidAmerican Energy is available on the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube pages, which can be accessed via MidAmerican Energy Companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website.
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Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
Education / School News, Community News
NM Among Schools Participating in Straw Poll DES MOINES – Five area schools will be participating in a straw poll thanks to the Iowa Secretary of State’s office. Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate is organizing a statewide Iowa Youth Straw Poll, scheduled to take place in schools across Iowa, on Tuesday, Nov. 1. Votes will be tallied in the U.S. presidential race, as well as Iowa’s U.S. Senate and congressional races. Statewide results will be announced by the Secretary of State’s Office on Nov. 1. The goal of the Straw Poll is to engage students in a hands-on learning experience that will inspire them to participate in civics in their community. Approximately 200 schools across Iowa have al-
ready registered to participate. North Mahaska, Pella. Twin Cedars, Pekin and Ottumwa will “cast their votes” in the straw poll. The Iowa Youth Straw Poll is a facet of the free Elections 101 curriculum developed by Secretary Pate for high school students. It is available at This is a continuation of the very successful Caucus 101 curriculum developed by Secretary Pate in 2015. “I believe this Straw Poll will provide an interesting snapshot of where the presidential, U.S. Senate and congressional races stand, one week before the general election,” Secretary Pate said. “The Straw Poll will not necessarily be indicative of how elections will turn out,
but it will provide some interesting insight into which candidates have appealed to Iowa’s youth.” The Iowa Youth Straw Poll and the Elections 101 curriculum have the support of the Iowa Council for the Social Studies and the Iowa Department of Education. “Elections 101 provides a f lexible and highly engaging look at the political process,” said Jack Vanderf lught, a government teacher at Dallas Center-Grimes High School and government liaison for the Iowa Council for the Social Studies. “Teachers can use just one day, parts of a day, or use it as a complete curriculum for the study of elections. I highly recommend Elections 101 and strongly encourage
all schools to sign up for the Iowa Youth Straw Poll. “ “As a for mer social st udies teacher, I understand that we better position students to become engaged citizens when we give them opportunities to participate in the democratic process,” said Iowa Department of Education Director Ryan Wise. “The Iowa Youth Straw Poll is a great way for students to develop a life-long pattern of civic engagement.” A full list of the schools that are participating in the Iowa Youth Straw Poll will be available online at Schools can still sign up by visiting here: https://
EBF Homecoming Royalty
Peyton Walker and Taryn Swartz reigned as homecoming king and queen at EBF.
EBF Menus Monday, Oct. 24 Breakfast: Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch: Pizza, Corn, Apricots Tuesday, Oct. 25 Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch: Rib Patty/Bun, Carrots, French Fries, Pineapple Wednesday, Oct. 26 Breakfast: Egg, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch: Chicken/Noodles, Pota-
toes, Broccoli, Mand. Oranges, Br/ Butter Thursday, Oct. 27 Breakfast: Sausage Patty on Biscuit, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch: Corn Dog, Baked Beans, Pears, Bread/Butter Friday, Oct. 28 Breakfast: Cinnamon Roll, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch: Sub Sandwich, Green Beans, Chips, Mixed Fruit
EBF Calendar Thursday, Oct. 20 3 p.m. XC-HS State Qual @ Pella 5:30 p.m. Washington DC Trip Mtg @ HS 7 p.m. Fall Vocal Concert Friday, Oct. 21 7 p.m. FB-Senior Night & PinkOut 7:30 p.m. FB-V vs Centerville 8 p.m. JH Band at FB Half-Time Saturday, Oct. 22 8 a.m. Color-A-Thon Run in Eddyville All-State Auditions Monday, Oct. 24 Marching Band Extravaganza 5pm Supper/7pm Performance Tuesday, Oct. 25 7 p.m. VB-3A Reg 5 @ Centerville Wednesday, Oct. 26 6 p.m. After Prom Mtg @ E Elem Thursday, Oct. 27 ROCKET Submissions Due 5:30 p.m. Reading Night @ Blakesburg Elem Friday, Oct. 28 End 1st Qtr 8 a.m. Iron Chef Competition @ IHCC Saturday, Oct. 29 8 a.m. Music Pop Can Drive 11 a.m. XC-HS State Meet Monday, Oct. 31 Begin 2nd Qtr 7 p.m. VB-3A Reg 5 @ Montezuma
Tuesday, Nov. 1 Early Dismiss (1PM) 4 p.m. Parent/Teacher Conferences Thursday, Nov. 3 Early Dismiss (1PM) 4 p.m. Parent/Teacher Conferences 6 p.m. Music Booster Meeting Friday, Nov. 4 No School 7 p.m. HS Fall Musical Saturday, Nov. 5 7 p.m. HS Fall Musical Sunday, Nov. 6 Daylight Saving Time Ends Tuesday, Nov. 8 Election Day VB-V State Tournament 6 p.m. WR-Parents Meeting @ HS Wednesday, Nov. 9 VB-V State Tournament Thursday, Nov. 10 ROCKET Submissions Due VB-V State Tournament Friday, Nov. 11 Veterans’ Day VB-V State Tournament Monday, Nov. 14 4 p.m. GBB-V @ LynnvilleSully(Time TBA) Tuesday, Nov. 15 9 a.m. National Theater for Children-JH 6 p.m. FCA @ HS Thursday, Nov. 17 All-State Festival
North Mahaska junior varsity volleyball coach Wendy Smith talks with her team during a timeout.
North Mahaska Lunch Menus Wednesday, Oct. 19 B: Waffles, Fruit, Milk L: Pizza Quesadilla, Romaine/ Lettuce, Green Beans, Pears, Milk Thursday, Oct. 20 B: Egg Patty, Toast, Fruit, Milk L: Soft Shell Taco, Lettuce/ Cheese/Tomatoes/Salsa, Chili Beans, Peas/Carrots, Banana, Milk Friday, Oct. 21 B: Cinnamon Rolls, Fruit, Milk L: Chicken Nuggets, Texas Toast, Hashbrowns, Baby Carrots/ Ranch, Dried Canberries, Milk Monday, Oct. 24 B: Breakfast Cookie, Fruit, Milk L: Beef/Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Seasoned Carrots, Tomato/ Cucumber Salad, Biscuit, 100% Apple Juice, Milk
Tuesday, Oct. 25 B: Sausage/Gravy, Biscuit, Fruit, Milk L: Mac/Cheese, Sizzlers, Broccoli/Ranch, Cherry Tomatoes, Peas, Apple Wednesday, Oct. 26 B: Sizzlers, Toast, Fruit, Milk L: Pizza, Romaine/Lettuce, Corn, Peaches, Milk Thursday, Oct. 27 B: Omelet, Toast, Fruit, Milk L: Walking Taco, Let t uce/ C he e se/ Tom at o/Sa l s a , C h i l i Beans, Baby Carrots/Ranch, Mandarin Oranges, Milk Friday, Oct. 28 B: Donut, Fruit, Milk L: Chicken Patty, Tator Tots, Sliced Tomatoes, Peas/Carrots, Pears, Milk
North Mahaska Events Wednesday, Oct. 19 Early dismissal 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20 Cross-Country districts at Ankeny Friday, Oct. 21 Football vs. Cardinal at Eldon Wednesday, Oct. 26
Early dismissal 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27 Preschool fun night in Elementary gym 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29 State Cross-Country Meet in Fort Dodge
RD Keep Photo
641-637-4035 *800-872-2335 New Sharon * “. . .Building Your Dream”
North Mahaska Student of the Month 2016
th e b a z i l E oore M Family Members: Parents: Mark and Janine Moore; Siblings: Macy Moore. What activities are you involved in: Marching Band, Concert Band, Pep Band, Vocal, FFA, Softball, Speech, Drama, National Honor Society, Statistician, 4-H, St. Mary’s Catholic Church Your Hobbies: I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, helping my dad around the farm and showing cattle. What advice would you give to underclass members to prepare them for their future years of high school?: Enjoy every moment for what is worth and participate in everything you can. You will hear a million times that high school
ÀLHV E\ DQG WKDW LV DQ XQGHUVWDWHPHQW Favorite Classes that you feel helped prepare you for your future plans: My favorite classes have really been anything to do with Ag, but if I had to pick, I would say Agriscience and Animal Science. I also have enjoyed biology. Most Memorable Time at North Mahaska: My most memorable time at North Mahaska was when we went on the Washington DC trip in 7th Grade and we stayed up until 3 in the morning eating puppy chow and looking at ifunny. Future Plans After High School: I plan to attend to further my education (undecided as to where) and major in Animal Science.
Don’t be a Stinker And cause a Clinker...
4 7KH 6XQ
Opinion, Editorial
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
LOWER GROVE NEWS By ROSEMARY SCHMIDT The Sun Correspondent Last Saturday evening Kalvin and Carrie invited Fred Schmidt, Norma Conover and I to have supper with them. Norma said she would bring the steaks for Kalvin to put on the grill. He cooked chicken breasts for Carrie and me. He also made barbequed chicken wings and an onion casserole. Carrie made homemade bread and salad. We enjoyed homemade ice cream and chocolate cake for dessert. After all that, we were stuffed but we piled in my van and went to Rathbun Country Music theatre to hear Paige McClamroch and Bob Atkinson. The comedian Lonzo also played the saxophone and sang a few songs. Of course he told his usual amount of funny jokes to entertain the audience. I picked the green tomatoes and the last of the green peppers yesterday. That’s the last of the garden until spring. Kind of glad to see the end of it and all the work. But, when spring comes next year, I’ll be ready to plant again. Sunday morning I went to church and Sunday school. Later on I joined Carol Jansen, Charlene De Kock and Ron Van Dyk for dinner at the El Charro Restaurant in Pella. We don’t eat Mexican food very often, but it was very good. Sunday evening I watched the Presidential debate and was pleased that at least it was ‘somewhat civil.’ Although it left much to be desired and I also wondered WHY it was on Sunday evening. Seems as if the government wants to encroach on our weekends and family time. And for others it is the football games that they interfere with, how
crude is that? Monday was the start of a week of fall cleaning of the house. It is not my favorite thing to do, but must be done every year. First I did my washing and then the phone calls started. It must have been call ‘Rosemary day.’ Those calling were: Norma, Lois, Charlene, Wilma Talbot, and sister Patty. Kalvin and Carrie also stopped to visit. Then I went out to burn the trash and started picking up sticks when neighbor Pam Vander Linden drove up and so we visited outside. She had her granddaughter in the car with her and she was getting sleepy, so she couldn’t stay long. Then back to the house to continue cleaning even though I didn’t mind the interruptions. Finally finished the bedroom and the next day was the utility room. On Wednesday I had a Chiropractor appointment at Pella and did my grocery shopping also. Then I picked up a chicken sandwich at Culver’s and went to see Darlene Kool. She was having a chicken salad sandwich for lunch, so I brought my sandwich in and joined her. She is doing quite well after having had lung surgery. She always amazes me with the strength and the will she displays when she is ‘thrown a curve’ in life. When I returned home, back to cleaning! This time it was the kitchen and it takes me about two days to accomplish a good cleaning. It is better to clean in the morning when your body is a little fresher and stronger…. that is what we who are a little older have found out. Don’t remember if I told you about my pumpkin. Last year the pumpkin I had displayed on the front step was so huge that when I tried to move it…it rolled down the slope on the north and I just left it there. Then this spring I won-
dered what kind of a vine that was out there, as I had forgotten about it rolling there. Finally my brain kicked in and I said ‘aha’ that’s what it is. The vine bloomed and bloomed, but only had two pumpkins growing on it. Anyway now I have a pumpkin for this year. Neighbor Ken Vander Linden harvested the corn that was across the fence to the east. It had blocked my view all summer, but I’m not complaining, just stating a fact. But, I am glad for a better view for the winter outside my kitchen window. It is the window by the kitchen table, so I enjoy looking out at the birds at the bird feeder and all the other little animals that run across my yard. The farmers have been very busy lately. I doubt if their wives see much of them except when they come in late and want something to eat. Then they go to sleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. THE ART OF THE DEAL An elderly couple returned to a Mercedes dealership where the salesman had just sold the car they were interested in to a beautiful, leggy, busty blonde. He walked up to the salesman and said “I thought you said you would hold that car until we raised the $75,000 asking price,” said the man. “Yet I heard you closed the deal for $65,000 to that lovely young lady there. You insisted there could be no discounts on this model.” “Well, what can I tell you? She had the ready cash in hand and, just look at her, how could I resist,” replied the grinning salesman. Just then the young woman approached the aged couple and gave them the keys. “There you go,” she said. “I told you I would get the jerk to reduce the price. See you later, Grandpa.”
By BURDELL HENSLEY The Ancient Sportsman It was another gorgeous week for harvesting in the heartland. The corn and beans are pouring out of the combines at a record pace and 200 bushel corn seems to be a low average. Bins are filling and mountains of gold are beginning to rise. It was also a spectacular Friday night for football and many of the playoff slots are already determined. Pella and Pella Christian each locked up district titles with lop-sided wins Friday night and they each will host a playoff game in the first round. Pekin is 4-2 in their district and two teams are ahead of them, so playoff chances are slim. Sigourney/Keota will host Wilton Friday night with a playoff berth on the line. By Saturday morning, we will know the playoff pairings and where the games will be. Playoff time is always an exciting time and with the changes in the playoff structure, the first round games should be a little more exciting. With only seven district in each A-1A-2A-and 3A class there will have to be a pair of wild cards to fill out 16-team brackets. That will add a little spice to selection night. Friday night I did the granddad thing and went to the Ottumwa Senior Night game. Alec and Chris were being honored as Ottumwa Football Seniors. Cedar Rapids Kennedy was the opponent and they completely overpowered the Bulldogs to the tune of 43-0. Despite the score, Alec had a great game with numerous tackles, a pair of forced fumbles and a fumble recovery. Chris worked from the press box with the coaching staff. His football career ended with a concussion and cracked vertebrae in the neck. I did not cover a volleyball game last week as my schedule did not allow it. But I did take in the Little Hawkeye Conference Cross Country Meet at Pickard Park in Indianola. It was a huge spectacle as they ran Junior High, JV and Varsity boys and girls. The place was packed and parking was at a premium. Pella won the Varsity Girls and Indianola won the Varsity Boys. I had
gone to see the son of one of my Eddyville track girls run for Pella. He is usually their top runner, but he was unable to run. That really hurt Pella’s chances in the boy’s race. Tuesday, I hosted a tour to Fort Dodge and the Community Orchard. It was a lovely day and the people really enjoyed the wagon ride through the pumpkin, squash and gourd patches along the Des Moines River. They also enjoyed seeing the apple sorting procedure and the lunch in the kitchen. The apple pie with cinnamon ice cream was some kind of good. On the way home, we made a stop at Reiman Gardens in Ames and we just beat the frost. The fall flowers were stunning and the Butterfly House was great. I got some great butterfly pictures, but the one I really wanted to get would not cooperate. The gardens are always a great stop whenever you are in Ames. The Baseball Playoffs continue and I am having a hard time getting interested. There is no Cardinal Red in the mix. Cleveland is as near to the red as you can get and I am OK with that. In the late 40’s and early 50’s I really liked the Indians because of Bob Feller, Bob Lemon and Monte Irvin. I do want Kevin Kelderman to know that I am rooting for the Dodgers, but it didn’t do any good. I thought that when they got two runs off of Chapman to tie the score that things were going in the right direction. Then a catcher that is hitting .218 hit a grand slam. Yuk! Bartman, where are you when we need you? The frost got a few flowers that were out in the open, but the flowers of the Ancient-ess survived and they are blooming like crazy. I know they are doomed, but we will enjoy them as long as we can. I believe that it was Samuel Clemens a.k.a. Mark Twain that said “There are lies and there are lies and there are d______ lies. This political campaign has proved that to be true. The manure gets the raunchiest near the bottom of the pile and one party is getting there. The set up allegations against one candidate pale in comparison to the actual shenanigans of their candidate of a few years ago. What gives? It is obvious to me that the media is set on stealing this election. Where is the fairness? OK, I must get off this soap box before I break a leg.
Volleyball Regional tourneys begin this week and Football playoffs next week, so we are into the post season in those sports. Before you know it we will hear the pounding of basketballs on the gym floor and the groans emitting from the Wrestling room. Winter sports will be here before you know it. Sunday evening we went down to Union Liberty Church near Bussey for a Gospel concert by Spoken 4, a Southern Gospel group from Branson. They were very good and we were able to connect with a lot of friends there. It is time once more to see what happened in our yesterdays. 100 years ago: Oct. 23, 1916 – Oskaloosa clips Des Moines East 6-0. Kemp scored in the fourth quarter for Osky to win it. Parker was also credited with an outstanding running game. 75 years ago: Oct. 25, 1941 – Sigourney and Richland battled to a 12-12 tie. Richland is unbeaten over the past four years. Ned Stirlin and Bob Kriese scored for Sigourney, Ivan Henry ran for one Richland TD and Kermit Steinbeck passed to Roy Mauer for the other. Oct. 25 – New Sharon topped Pleasantville 24-8. Gerald Bond ran for a TD, returned a punt for another and passed to Max Ladd for a third. Russell Burggraaf ran for the final NS TD. 50 years ago: Oct. 24, 1966 – Pekin’s Boys Cross Country team placed third in Class A at the State Cross Country Meet. Larry Greiner placed 10th, David Lowenberg 13th, Bruce Dickens 18th, David Woolums 28th and Gary Woolums 40th for the Panthers. Oct. 29 – Sigourney blanks Pekin 25-0 as Ken Arduser and Rick Dill each scored twice. Oct. 29 – North Mahaska and Prairie fought to a 19-19 tie. Rick Smith scored twice for the Warhawks and Bill Klinzman passed to Roger Vander Beek for a TD. 25 years ago: Oct. 26, 1991 – North Mahaska earns a playoff bid with a 20-6 win over Eddyville. Travis Smith, Brian Thomas and Josh Boughton each scored for the Warhawks. Otis Hoskins passed to Marcos Chicas for the Rocket touchdown. Oct. 26 – Pella, North Mahaska and Sigourney/Keota all make the High School Football Playoffs. Pella will be at Grinnell, North Mahaska is at Madrid and Sigourney/Keota is at Mediapolis. Have a great week and let’s wind up this harvest while the sun is shining.
BARNES CITY NEWS By MOLLIE LOVING The Sun Correspondent Hello everyone! Hope you had a good week. The North Mahaska marching band performed at the state contest held last Saturday at Pella High School. Congratulations on receiving a Division One Rating. This is the 23rd Division I Rating in 25 years for the NM marching band. The fire department held their annual open house at the fire station last Saturday. Fire truck rides were given to
kids of all ages. Last Sunday there was a good crowd at the fire station for breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, and sausage were on the menu, all you could eat. Congratulations to the North Mahaska Warhawk football team on its 3–0 win over Winfield-Mount Union last Friday evening. NM’s last varsity football game of 2016 will be on Oct. 21 at Cardinal of Eldon. Game time is 7 p.m. The fire department will have their monthly training on Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. at the fire station. Monday, Oct. 31 is trick or treat night
in Barnes City. The kids will do their begging from 5:30–7 p.m. Those wanting to participate, leave your outside lights on. The Barnes City Methodist Church will be having a soup supper on Saturday, Nov. 5 from 5–7 p.m. Chili and vegetable beef soups, maid rites, and desserts will be served. A church service will follow the supper. Mark your calendars now! Don’t forget to take your recyclables to the recycle bin. It is located on the north side of City Hall. Enjoy all the wonderful colors of fall!
TAINTOR-GRANVILLE-LYNNVILLE By ADA KAY VAN MAANEN The Sun Correspondent Ken Van Gilst spoke to the Bible League on Oct. 10 at Christian Reformed Church in Oskaloosa. Van Gilst has made 16 trips to Africa. Richard and Dorothy Van Kooten and John and Lois Klyn ate at Culver’s in Pella Oct. 5. Students from the Newton Schools visited the Old Mill and Museum in Lynnville Friday. Dale and Bev Flander attended Cowboy Church at Newton Thursday. Marigolds are the flowers for the month of October. October anniversary wishes to Rodney and Bev Van Maanen on the 9 th and to Chris and DeAnne Tice, Carroll and Mary Lou Beyer, and to Scott and Carol Torra, all on the 16th. A birthday party was held for Lily Zylstra on Saturday at her home. Another overhead sign on I-35:
“Use your brain, don’t race a train.” Dale and Bev Flander, Kendall, and Steph and family, and Justin and Barb Flander and family, ate at a Mongolian restaurant in Des Moines to celebrate Dale’s birthday. Loren Witzenberg hosted his daughters Lisa of Pella, and Lynda Bateman of Kansas City, his son and daughter in-law Doug and Loretta Witzenberg and Emma of Pella for a pizza party. Joining them were Clazina Hoksbergen, Dorothy Rus, and John and Lois Klyn of Pella. Lyn Kinney and Will Purscell spent Sunday and Monday traveling to Salem, Mo., to visit Lyn’s cousins Ken Siblman and Eunice Williams. They ate dinner together Sunday and Monday. They went to Montauka Park near Salem. It is a good place for trout fishing. They also visited the mill that Lyn’s great, grea,t uncle Tim Hickman built and owned. It was a large three-story mill. Dot Zylstra attended Teryn and Jax Vander Beek’s soccer game at
Altoona on Sunday. Dot and Denny Zylstra, and Matt and Heather Zylstra attended Noah Zylstras college football game at Wheaton, Ill. Dot Zylstra attended the sophomore football game at Southeast Polk for the halftime performance of Teryn’s dance class. Dot Zylstra and Shy Baarda attended The Lynnville-Sully homecoming game on Friday. Shy spent the weekend with the Zylstras. On Oct. 9, they attended the soccer game for Teryn and Jax in Altoona. October birthday wishes to Bert Schnell on the 14th, Mark Scholten on the 15th, and Bev Van Maanen on the 16th. As you can tell when you read this column I like to read and share. I now wish I had kept them all written in a notebook. If you have any you would like to share, give me a call st 641-527-2950. Have a good week.
Blue October Sky
By SHERYL L. CARTER The Country Girl
And that is exactly what I see out my window as I sit here at my computer this lovely afternoon. Oh, the gorgeous colors of October! Not too cold yet and certainly not hot—like Little Red Riding Hood said once upon a time, “…it’s just right!” We took a little spin out into the countryside this morning—the first real trip out Loren has had since his last hospital stay. We bundled up his little oxygen tank and away we went. He enjoyed looking out over the countryside and seeing where the crops have been coming out of the fields. We went over to New Sharon, to visit Earl’s magical Hair Hut. Earl had his magical chair all empty and ready to go, and my husband hopped right up in there. It was past time for a haircut, as his hair was thick and full around the back and curling up in a bunch of little ducktails. Some of those Carter Boys do have curly hair if it gets long enough. I stepped across the street to check out Crow Row, but before I knew it, Loren came through the door—a full five pounds lighter, I am sure. He had never been in that antique shop before, so looked around appreciatively for a bit before taking one of the chocolate chip cookies Linda and Sheryl were offering along with apple cider. Linda and Sheryl are two hospitable girls and the Crow Row is always different every time I go in—with big furniture pieces sold off to some happy person, I presume, and new things sitting in their place. Linda and Sheryl just love to keep the displays in the store fresh and new. I am pretty pleased to report I will be having a Fall Book Signing at Crow Row on Saturday, Nov. 5, from 10 am to noon. Now you all try and stop by to say hello and be sure to pick up my newest and latest book, “The House on Cadron Creek.” I will also have copies of my first book, “The Quiet Road” available. And both personally autographed just for you. If this might be a gift for someone, I can inscribe it to them. As always, I try to keep the prices of my books reasonable so everyone can afford one. Last week was our oldest son’s birthday on the 6th —Wes turned 46 and it surely is hard to believe that little baby we brought home all those years ago has grown up to be a massive fellow with a full beard and a big, loving heart.
That same day I went into Pella for my weekly shopping, made extra special when I met an old school friend for lunch at Applebee’s. I also had my second appointment with the occupational therapist. After that, I checked out Wal-Mart for a few things. I generally do not buy groceries at Wal-Mart, but that day was a pleasant surprise as I found organics in their fresh produce section! I see Hy-Vee in Newton has discontinued their organic section, carrying fewer items now. Pella HyVee still has theirs’, so hopefully will continue. We can also pick up fresh organic vegs at the Farmer’s Market every Thursday and Saturday in Pella until it freezes. On Friday of last week, Scott, Gaylor, and Dorothy came up for the day. This was a workday for us, so Loren and I prepared dinner ahead of time. We had a thick potato soup bubbling on the stove and a fresh apple crisp hot out of the oven. Scott hied himself right out to the garden and rolled up the chicken wire garden fencing into three compact bundles along with the steel posts and stowed them away in the little lodge beside the garage. We had dinner and then we dug up a few potatoes, a small box of onions, Scott pulled a bunch of weeds, and we dug out my herbs that have been flourishing out there all summer. I potted up two parsley plants, two pots of rosemary, and pulled up the rest of the holy basil and hung it up to dry in the shed. Holy Basil is another word for Tulsi tea, apparently a healthy tea folks in India have drank for centuries. I already had some dried, but now will have more. We picked the last of the tomatoes and most all of the peppers and on Saturday, a couple of teenage boys came over and cleaned off the rest of our gardens, spreading dry grass over all. It looks so nice to have all those weeds, etc, gone. We have commented all week how much better it looks out there. Last night we brought in my newly potted herbs plus the ones that have set in their pots all summer in the English Garden—all came into the porch, and today I placed them around on the porch and even inside here on the big wood stove (which we haven’t been using) and another little table. I trimmed up the parsley, putting some in the frig, as it gets upset for awhile after it’s first brought in and I didn’t want to lose those lovely dark green cuttings. This week we were saddened to hear an old school friend had passed
away. He had Alzheimer’s so I suppose it got the best of him. The visitation was Monday evening in Knoxville and I wanted to go, but decided I was better off staying home instead of driving around at night. We sent a sympathy card instead. On Tuesday we had our every twoweek home Bible study at a friend’s house—and I got my hair cut all in the same afternoon. Yesterday I had my second massage with Angela. We will skip a week now, as she journeys out to Idaho for another round of teaching classes to use in her work. That’s about it for this time, so will leave you with these brief messages: *Book Signing—Nov. 5, 10 a.m. to Noon—Crow Row in New Sharon. *I will have my book table set up at the Pella Fall Craft Show—Nov 12, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the lovely Vermeer Pavilion. Now you really want to check this one out, as it is a premier craft show with lots of topnotch vendors. I have participated the past two years and it is extremely well-run. They do about everything for their vendors to keep them happy—such as sitting at your table so you can run to the rest room or get something to eat. It is usually held at the Pella High School, but as the school is undergoing renovation, the event was moved to the Vermeer Pavilion, which I think is a marvelous alternative. If you don’t know where the Pavilion is, just drive down the Vermeer Mile on the east side of Pella on New Sharon Road. The Pavilion, which looks like a big metal grain bin, is the very last building on the east. Lots of parking and easy to access. This show also features food vendors plus a lunch and coffee time is always served. *If you can’t get to either of those events, you need to know you can always purchase my book directly from me: just call me at 641-5944297, or email at lscarter@netins. net. My email is on all day, so that is the best way to contact me. You can pick up my books here at our home or I can mail one to you for a very nominal fee of only $2.61. Not a bad deal! “The Quiet Road” sells for $13 and “The House on Cadron Creek” for $15. The response from those who have read the newest one has been heartening. OK! That’s it for this time!! I hope you can enjoy this beautiful fall weather!
Editorial / Faith
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
7KH 6XQ 5
Dear Editor, I am highly disappointed at the lack of regard that the South Central Regional Airport Association has for the Mahaska County Board of Supervisors. I have continued to ask for information regarding meetings that are taking place. I have been stonewalled at every turn. Late last year, I made my dissatisfaction known to our representative on the board, Joe Warrick. Joe assured me that I was going to be placed on the email list of when the meetings were going to be held. He assured me that when the other parties are notified our board would be as well. More meetings have taken place, I have no notice. Earlier this year, I sought to replace Joe Warrick with a board member that assured me that he would provide better communication with the board as to
when the meetings were. My motion died for a lack of a second. Joe Warrick once again assured me that I would be notified of future meetings. The latest example of this disregard came this week. On 10/11/16 at 3:30 p.m. I received an email that there was going to be a meeting that night at 6:00 p.m. from Mike Nardini, the city administrator from Pella. I am frustrated with the total disregard from the SCRAA board and their tactics to shut out any discourse from those who oppose their mission. I am asking that Mahaska County Residents contact the SCRAA board and let them know that we demand transparency and open dialogue. Mark Doland Mahaska County Supervisor 641-295-0135
To the Editor: Hillary Clinton cannot truthfully say she is for protecting children when she supports killing them in the womb. Her number one priority for the Supreme Court is preserving Roe v. Wade, which permits abortion at any time in the pregnancy. Hillary supports partial-birth abortion, in which a baby is brutally killed in the process of being born. Hillary has said that a child has no constitutional rights until after it is born. She
says, “religious beliefs...have to be changed.” (to accommodate abortions). However, GOD says, “You shall not murder.” (Exodus 20:13) He also says in Isaiah 5:20, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the continued slaughter of our most innocent children. Carmen Reitsma 1125 Kent Ave. New Sharon, IA 50207
Guaranteed LOWEST PRICES In The Area. Pastor Shane Farnum Wednesday 6:30-7:30 p.m. Kingdom Kids (PreK-6th) Unleash Youth (7th-12th) Connection Groups Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Baptist Church of Fremont
Pastors: Robb and Joyce Bruns Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship, 10 a.m.
Barnes City Community Church
The Rev. Jim and Linda Sears Sunday 9 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship 4 p.m. - Youth Group (Pre-6th) 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship
Barnes City United Methodist
Pastor Michelle Williamson Worship, 4:30 p.m., Sunday
Cedar Christian Reformed Church
Pastor Josh Van Engen 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship
Cedar United Methodist
Pastor Bob Voles Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Fremont United Methodist Church
Pastor Bob Voles Sunday Worship 9 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 9 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:15 a.m.
It Pays YOU To Compare Greg and Brenda Watts 606 South Front St., Box 793 Montezuma, IA 50171
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Nights, Weekends or In Home Appointments Available Upon Request
Lacey United Methodist Church
Pastor Roger White 641-673-5986 Worship, 8:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.
Lower Grove Church
Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship, 10:30 a.m.
New Sharon First Christian Church
Pastor David Hall Sunday Sunday School, 9 a.m. Worship, 10 a.m. Wednesday WOW (Worship on Wednesdays), 6:00-7:30 p.m.
New Sharon Friends Church
9 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship Wednesday, 7 p.m. - Prayer Meeting
Park Church of Christ
Evangelist: Mark Doland 1804 Burlington Road Oskaloosa, IA 52577 Sunday Bible Class (All Ages): 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Life Groups Sunday afternoon and Thursday evenings
Peoria Christian Reformed Church
Pastor George Den Oudsten 10 miles west of New Sharon Worship, 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday School,10:45 a.m.
Union Mills Christian Church
Pastor Kerry Lake Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship, 10:35 a.m.
New Sharon Harvest Community Church
Searsboro Community Church
Pastor Don Job Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m.
Taintor Community Church
Pastor Joe Goemaat 641-569-3491 Sunday Worship, 9 a.m. Coffee Time 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. Thursday Young Peoples, 6:00 p.m. All ages welcome
West Liberty Church Of Christ
7 miles west of Montezuma on Diamond Trail Sunday Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 10:30 a.m. Evening, 6 p.m. Fourth Friday Night April to October Singing and Fellowship, 7 p.m.
The Sun Church Directory Updates:
2083 Hwy. 102 Richard Smith, Pastor Phone: 641-891-5060 Sunday School, 8:45 a.m. Fellowship, 9:30 a.m. Worship, 10 a.m.
Updates are due weekly to The Sun before 5 p.m. on Friday. All updates, corrections or changes are welcome at email: nssun@
New Sharon United Methodist Church
Lead Pastor Terry Pollard 641-637-2561 Sunday Worship Service, 9:15 a.m. Wednesday 6-8 p.m. - G2C Children (1st-6th) Meets 6-8 p.m.; 6:30-8:30 p.m. – PROS Youth Grades 7-12 Meets McVay Family Center
“OUR regular prices beat THEIR sale Prices!”
Mark Brandt Owner/Installer
208 West Walnut Street New Sharon, IA 50207
HE SAYS “KEEP IN TOUCH.” HE MEANS IT. Every county. Every year. Iowans get Chuck Grassley’s ear. He listens. That’s why he meets with Iowans in Mahaska County— and every county, at least once—every year.
Grassley listened in Mahaska County: June 2016: Tour and Q&A with employees at the Mahaska Health Partnership April 2015: Tour and Q&A with employees at Interpower in Oskaloosa March 2014: Tour and Q&A with employees at Clow Valve in Oskaloosa April 2013: Town Meeting in Oskaloosa February 2012: Town Meeting in Oskaloosa April 2011: Q&A with the Oskaloosa Kiwanis Club
AND HE’S NOT DONE YET. Paid for by The Grassley Committee
Family Caregiver &RQIHUHQFH 6HW OTTUMWA â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Family and friends who care for relatives and friends are invited to talk with exhibitors and hear speakers at the Family Caregiver Conference from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5 at Indian Hills Community College, Rural Health Education Center, 525 Grandview Ave., Ottumwa. There is no charge to attend but reservations are requested by Oct. 21st. Keynote speakers will present at 9:15 and 10:15 a.m. respectfully. James Cushing, Executive Director of the Iowa Association of the Area Agencies on Aging will present information resources and define new developments for Iowa caregivers. Jill and Dan Johnson, Certified Laughter Yoga Leaders, will keep everyone engaged with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Laughter for the Health of Itâ&#x20AC;? de-
signed especially for people taking care of people. Caregivers will learn about services and programs as they visit information tables of providers and organizations who serve the Ottumwa area. Also provided are light refreshments, spa time and door prizes. New this year for health professional is the opportunity to receive Continuing Education Hours for a nominal cost of $20 and preregistration. The event is sponsored by Milestones Area Agency on Aging with the space provided by Indian Hills Community College. For more information, or to reserve your spot, call Joan at 641-682-2270, ext 416. A copy of the flyer is available at
IHCC Annual Celebrity Night Featuring Aaron Thomas OTTUMWA â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tickets are now on sale for Indian Hills Community Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual Celebrity Night. Aaron Thomas will be the featured speaker at this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s event, slated for Thursday, Oct. 20, in the Tom Arnold Net Center on the IHCC Ottumwa campus. Aaron Thomas is a coach, administrator and public speaker, and the son of Ed Thomas, the legendary high school football coach who was shot and killed inside the weight room at Aplington-Parkersburg High School in 2009. The story of Ed Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; murder â&#x20AC;&#x201C; he was killed by one of his former players â&#x20AC;&#x201C; gained national attention and Aaron was the family spokesperson in the wake of his fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s death. Since the tragedy happened, Aaron has presented his message to a wide array of groups, including students of all ages, businesses
and many other organizations. He talks about overcoming adversity, standing for something and making the most of all opportunities. Due to Ed Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; accomplishments and the way his family acted following his death, the Thomas family received the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage at the 2010 ESPY Awards. Currently a high school principal and basketball coach at AplingtonParkersburg, Aaron lives in Parkersburg with his wife and their three children. Celebrity Night at IHCC begins with a social hour at 5:30 p.m., followed by a prime rib and seafood dinner at 6:30 p.m. then Aaron Thomasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; presentation. Tickets can be purchased individually or by the table. All proceeds from the event are used to fund student scholarships at Indian Hills.
MHP Donates Sports Physicals Proceeds to NM OSKALOOSA â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mahaska Health Partnership has an annual tradition of donating proceeds from performing school sports physicals back to the athleteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s school. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d estimate weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve given more than $20,000 over the years to area schools,â&#x20AC;? MHP CEO Jay Christensen shared. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are the local hospital and we feel itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to be a good community partner. Local patients choose MHP and in turn, we can give back. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a win-win.â&#x20AC;? For the 2016 season, MHPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s New Sharon Medical Center and the Medical Group on the Oskaloosa campus provided 89 sports physicals for North Mahaska athletes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We collect $20 per student and every penny is given back to their school. This year, our donation to North Mahaska is $1,780.â&#x20AC;? Family Nurse Practitioner Lisa Smith of MHPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s New Sharon Medical Center and her nurse, Melissa Bandstra, along with Christensen, visited North Mahaska to present the donation to Athletic Director Steve Ehret. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This money helps a lot,â&#x20AC;? Ehret shared. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are able to get athletic trainers up here from William Penn and take our kids there whenever they need help with something. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Renow ned ar tist P. Buckley Moss has created two new painting, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Christmas in the Valeâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;The State Theatreâ&#x20AC;?, which will be released as limited edition giclees on paper during her show appearance in Kalona Oct. 21-22. The show is being sponsored by The Village Shoppe and will be held at the Kalona Historical Village. Ms. Moss will be available form 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 21 and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22 to meet collectors and sign her work. After Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s show, Ms. Moss will attend a fundraising dinner hosted by the Moss Country Friends Chapter of the P. Buckley Moss Society. The fundraiser will also be held at the Kalona Historical Village and tickets are $30. For more information and to purchase tickets to the
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Rate available 9/11/16 - 11/11/16. Rates are subject to change.
0DKDVND +HDOWK 3DUWQHUVKLS &(2 -D\ &KULVWHQVHQ SUHVHQWV D FKHFN IRU WR 1RUWK 0DKDVND $WKOHWLF 'LUHFWRU 6WHYH (KUHW UHSUHVHQWLQJ SURFHHGV RI VSRUWV SK\VLFDOV SURYLGHG WR VWXGHQW DWKOHWHV as New Sharon Medical Center Family Nurse Practitioner Lisa Smith and Registered Nurse Melissa Bandstra look on. really nice to have access to such quality professionals. â&#x20AC;&#x153;MHPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contribution makes that possible and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re very grateful.â&#x20AC;? In total, MHP donated $5,440 in proceeds from sports physicals to
area schools this year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our providers devote entire days to serving these kids,â&#x20AC;? Christensen explained. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Participating in extracurricular activities is such an important part of growing up and learning that we
want to do our part to help ensure every child has the opportunity. This is one small way MHP can give back to the communities we are so honored to care for.â&#x20AC;?
Artist P. Buckley Moss returns to Kalona
Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re your dreams. Start building them.
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
Rate shown for lines of credit: â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Up to 70% loan-to-value â&#x20AC;&#x201C; U.S. Bank Consumer Checking Package Actual rate may be lower. Visit for custom rates.
Call 800.209.BANK (2265), visit a local branch, or go to *1.50% Introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is available on Home Equity Lines of Credit with an 80% loan-to-value (LTV) or less. The Introductory Interest Rate will be ďŹ xed at 1.50% during the 6-month Introductory Period. A higher introductory rate will apply for an LTV above 80%. Offer is available for new applications submitted from September 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; November 11, 2016. After the 6-month introductory period: the APR is variable and is based upon an index plus a margin. The APR will vary with Prime Rate (the index) as published in the Wall Street Journal. As of September 11, 2016, the variable rate for Home Equity Lines of Credit ranged from 2.62% APR to 7.20% APR. Higher rates may apply due to an increase in the Prime Rate, a credit limit below $100,000, an LTV above 70%, and/or a credit score less than 730. A U.S. Bank Consumer Silver, Gold, or Platinum Checking Package account is required to receive the lowest rate, but is not required for loan approval. The rate will not vary above 18% APR, or applicable state law, or below 2.12% APR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2.55% APR, depending on market. Choosing an interest-only repayment may cause your monthly payment to increase, possibly substantially, once your credit line transitions into the repayment period. Repayment options may vary based on credit qualiďŹ cations. Interest only repayment may be unavailable. Loans are subject to credit approval and program guidelines. Not all loan programs are available in all states for all loan amounts. Interest rates and program terms are subject to change without notice. Property insurance is required. U.S. Bank and its representatives do not provide tax or legal advice. Your tax and ďŹ nancial situation is unique. You should consult your tax and/or legal advisor for advice and information concerning your particular situation. Other restrictions may apply. Mortgage and Home Equity products offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Deposit Products are offered through U.S. Bank National Association. Customer pays no closing costs, except escrow-related funding costs. An annual fee of up to $90 may apply after the ďŹ rst year and is waived with a U.S. Bank personal Platinum Checking Package. The Consumer Pricing Information brochure lists terms and conditions that apply to U.S. Bank Consumer Checking Package accounts and can be obtained by calling 800.872.2657. Member FDIC. Š2016 U.S. Bank. 160494 8/16 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Most Ethical Companiesâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ethisphereâ&#x20AC;? names and marks are registered trademarks of Ethisphere LLC.
fundraiser, please contact The Village Shoppe at 319-655-3853. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Christmas in the Valeâ&#x20AC;? features the historic and much loved Little Brown Church in Nashua. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The State Theatreâ&#x20AC;? features its namesake in Washington, Iowa. In May of this year, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized The State Theatre as the oldest continuously running theatre in the world. The Village Shoppe is one of about 300 galleries that carry P. Buckley Mossâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; art. Each year, Ms. Moss travels the country to visit up to 20 of these galleries for special shows. Pat Moss is well known throughout the country for her portrayals of the Amish and for her tranquil landscapes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love traveling and meeting so many interesting people who truly care about others,â&#x20AC;? says
Ms. Moss. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I feel like I have a vast network of extended family. I try to focus my art on the positive elements of life, and I find so much inspiration in the wonderful people I meet.â&#x20AC;? Pat Moss will meet collectors of her art and sign prints and all purchases made during the show. Collectors are invited to bring two previously purchased prints, paintings, or products to the show for personalization as well. Pat Moss has achieved unprecedented success in the art world and has been giving back a measure of that success to the community for close to three decades. Donations of Patâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s artwork have raised more than $4 million for worthy charitable organization across the country. In this endeavor, the P. Buckley Moss Society, a group of more than 8,000
collector-members, helps her. She has also established the P. Buckley Moss Foundation for Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Education, which promotes the use of art in the school curriculum as an aid to reaching out to children with learning differences. Ms. Moss is dyslexic and grew up at a time when little was understood of this learning difficulty. Having achieved success in spite of (or, as she says, because of) her personal challenges, she is passionate to help reach children in similar circumstances today. For details on the appearance and fundraising dinner, contact Doris Greiner at The Village Shoppe, 414 B Avenue, Box 566, Kalona, IA 52247; phone 319-656-3853; or email:
I<>@JKI8K@FE ]ifd gX^\ ( being attested for is a class â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dâ&#x20AC;? felony. In the event that none of the above is possible, you will still be allowed to vote a provisional ballot at your polling site and provide the necessary documentation to the Auditorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office by noon on Thursday, Nov. 10. The Auditor is requesting eligible voters still make every attempt to register by mail or in person at the Auditorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office prior to the close of pre-registration at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29. That will assure time for the Auditorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office to complete the voter registration process and
mail a Voter Registration Card to each registrant. That Voter Registration Card will indicate the location of the correct precinct. After October 29 th , new registrations in Mahaska County, will be required to follow the same process as those registering on election day, presenting proof of identity and residency. If voting at the polls, any Mahaska County voter who has not changed their address with the Auditorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office prior to the Oct.r 29tdeadline, will need to change their address at their new voting precinct on election day and show proof of identity and residency.
Persons that are already registered to vote at their current residence do not need to re-register to participate in this election. Voter Registration forms can be obtained on line at www.sos., or at the Auditorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office. Registrations should be mailed to Mahaska County Auditor, 106 South 1st Street, Oskaloosa, IA 52577. The Auditorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. as well as Saturday, Oct. 29 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Any questions concerning this process or about the General Election can be answered by calling 641-673-7148.
98J? ]ifd gX^\ ( campsiteâ&#x20AC;? with a camping coupon book and other great prizes. Awards for all contests will be presented right before the showing of the movie in the shelter house. If interested in camping at Eveland Access for the event, all campsites are available at a first-come, firstserved basis. The cost for camping is $15 per night. MCCB encourages everyone camping that weekend to decorate their campsites and provide candy for trick-or-treaters. For more information about our park and the
event, go to or Eveland Access Campgrounds on Facebook. Schedule of Events 1 p.m. Decorated Pumpkin Contest (bring your own decorated pumpkin â&#x20AC;&#x201C; prizes for kids & adults) Ghoulish Games (games to play all afternoon) Pumpkin Croquet Worm Pie Eating Contest Scavenger Hunt Mystery Touch Boxes Halloween Bingo Pumpkin Checkers 2 p.m. Creepy Contests (for chil-
dren & adults) Coloring Contest Best Scream Contest Best Owl Call Contest Best Coyote Call Contest 4:30 p.m. Storytelling by Mrs. Fox (in shelter by playground) 5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6 p.m. Trick or Treating (from campsite to campsite) 5-7 p.m. Camp Site Decoration Judging 8 p.m. Award Presentations for All Contests (at shelter by playground) 8:30 p.m. Campground Movie Featuring â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Little Vampireâ&#x20AC;? (bring your own lawn chair/blanket)
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re committed to keeping you informed of developments that affect you at work and at home. The Sun keeps you on top of whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening in your community and Mahaska County, delivering information that lets you develop informed opinions and decisions. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not reading The Sun, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re missing out on a lot. Make a commitment to be informed.
Call 641-622-3110 For A Subscription To The Sun Today!
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
Agri-Power FFA Chapter Holds A Mom’s Night Out By RANDIE RICHMOND, MORGAN WELLS and ADLYNN EVELAND EDDYVILE – The Agri-Power FFA members and their mom’s had a night out in the ag shop. The moms came together and competed in different events that the males would usually do. The different events consisted of lacing up a boot, digging out bolts in a bucket of corn, sawing a piece of wood, hammering a nail into a board, and the usual FFA test. After the events were completed, the moms and the FFA members got together and ate chili. Each member even brought a different dessert for the supper. Chapter member Lex Judy mentioned, “I always have a lot of fun watching the moms try to do each event. I think it is a great way to get the mothers involve with our chapter and to just have fun.” During the dinner, the winners were announced. Coming in first place with the most points, was Harmony Edge, she is the mother of member Jon Edge. In second place was Allison Angle, mother of members Austin and Alan Angle. Last but not least, third place went to Aimee Wells, the mother of chapter member Morgan Wells. Aimee stated to us “I come every year since Morgan has
Pictured are the moms who attened Mom’s Night Out. been in FFA and every year the kids never seize to amaze me with the different events they come up with. It’s something I will be coming to for
more years to come.” The Agri-Power FFA Chapter would like to thank the moms who came out, competed, and had fun.
Moms night out was certainly a “moms night out.”
([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU RI ,RZD:DWFK WR 6SHDN About Challenges Facing Journalists at WPU OSKALOOSA – Executive director and editor of the Iowa Center for Public Affairs (IowaWatch), Lyle Muller, will present “Who’s Watching Out For You” on Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 6 p.m. in the Musco Technology Center on William Penn University’s campus. Muller’s presentation will cover the threats that exist in the aftermath of dramatic cuts in the number of reporters, how traditional media is reorganizing as new media emerges, and how to create engaging journalism in the United States. Muller will be the second installment of the 2016–17 Leaders Speak Series. “One of the really important facets of a university is it should be a site of multiple ideas, even competing ideas and the school should bring experts, knowledgeable professionals and
accomplished people from different areas to the campus so that there is an outreach and opportunity for students to meet and hear others’ ideas; this Leaders Speak Series is providing just that,” said Dr. Noel Stahle, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty. Muller currently serves as the first executive director and editor of the Iowa Center for Public Affairs, a nonprofit news organization founded in 2010 to produce investigative reporting in collaboration with other media as a public service, and to train college students to conduct high quality and ethical reporting. Muller joined IowaWatch in May 2012 after serving as editor of The Gazette newspaper of Cedar Rapids. He held several reporting and editing positions during his 25 years at The
Gazette, among them being editor of the Iowa City Gazette, a zoned edition of The Gazette in 1999–2003, and leading investigative and special projects. Muller served as the senior editor on a team that provided coverage of an Iowa flooding disaster, which won The Gazette a national Sigma Delta Chi award from the Society of Professional Journalists for deadline reporting in 2008. Muller is also the repor ting coach for The Daily Iowan’s Ethics and Politics Initiative project and a member of the Iowa Newspaper Association Government Relations Committee, Iowa High School Press Association Board of Directors, Investigative Reporters and Editors, the Society of Professional Journalists and Local Independent Online News Publishers. His reporting experience in a career spanning 42 years also includes working as a staff reporter at the Iowa City PressCitizen, The Daily Iowan and in radio and television news. He is a University of Iowa graduate with a degree in communication studies. The Leaders Speak Series is an annual initiative that reaches out to the community with diverse leadership-based themes. This year there are six scheduled speakers that will expand on this year’s theme: “Regenerate: planting ideas for genera-
tions.” The theme focuses on motivating students and community members to become more active and be a part of the changes they want to see, whether that is in their own lives or in the community. The event is free and open to the public and can also be streamed online at
MHP Stresses ,PSRUWDQFH RI 6FUHHQLQJ Mammograms OSKALOOSA – If you are a woman age 40 or older you should be getting a screening mammogram annually. Mahaska Health Partnership encourages this life-saving exam year round; shining a spotlight during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. “It’s important to consider our health year round. Whether a woman gets her mammogram around her birthday each year, on a special anniversary or with the start of a season; it doesn’t matter when, it only matters if she gets it!” MHP Director of Radiology Julie Hartke stressed. “MHP Radiology sends out reminder letters to our past mammography patients, but that’s not enough to help all women understand how to protect themselves against breast cancer.” According to Hartke, there has been conflicting information over the last few years from various government and health agencies, but MHP Radiology’s message remains constant. “Women are eligible for mammograms annually beginning at age 40, and sooner for younger women with increased risk. Women need to know it’s ok to advocate for themselves and ask their medical providers to order these types of screenings.” The American Cancer Society shows that one in eight women will get breast cancer in her lifetime. Early detection is the best way to ensure breast cancer is a treatable disease. Because the symptoms of breast cancer are different or nonexistent for many, regular screen-
ings are one of the best defenses. “Women of all ages are at risk for breast cancer,” Hartke shared. “Statistics show that 11 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer are under the age of 45.” Although screening mammograms are the best mechanism for detecting breast cancer, there are choices women can make to lower their risk. “A healthy diet and regular exercise, limiting alcohol consumption and being cautious about hormone replacement therapy can help reduce a person’s environmental risk,” Hartke explained. “Some risk factors, such as genetic factors or a family history, are out of a woman’s control but being familiar with your breasts can help. Know how they normally look and feel, talk to your doctor right away if you notice a change and ask about an early screening mammogram if you have a family history.” MHP hosts two Breast Cancer Awareness events in October. MHP’s annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk will be held Friday, Oct. 7 from Noon to 1:00 pm on the Square in Oskaloosa. Funds raised from the walk help pay women with a financial need pay for mammograms. The Free Women’s Breast Health Night, featuring Dr. Tim Breon, will be held at the Gateway Church of the Nazarene on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Registration is still open for the Free Women’s Breast Health Night. Visit and click the pink banner for more information, or call 641.672.3369.
8 7KH 6XQ
Classifieds / Records
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
Help Wanted
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FULL-TIME PROTEIN TRANSPORT IN ELDORA: Class CDL-A Tanker Endorsement. Earn up to $45,000 or more a year. Home almost every night and very few weekends. Pre-Drug Test. Call 'DYH DW WKH RIÂżFH or (641)485-5867. MAP35-4
The City of Aplington has an RSHQLQJ IRU D IXOO WLPH SROLFH RIÂżcer. Send resume by 09-30-16 to: Police Chief, Box 21, Aplington, IA 50604. Must meet I.L.E.A. minimum hiring standards and pass required tests. MAP36-3
OUR SIGN ON BONUS. CONTACT: Oberg Freight Company, Fort Dodge, IA, 1-888-739-5220 ext 2, MAP38
Callow Construction is hiring fulltime laborers. Drivers license required. Starting pay $12/hr. Call 641-590-0218. MAP40-2*
Owner Operators, Lease and Company Drivers Wanted! Sign On Bonus, Mid-States Freight Lanes, Consistent Home Time, No Northeast. www.Drive4Red. com or 877-811-5902, CDL A Required (INCN)
Wynne Transport Service seeking Local/Regional Des Moines Area drivers. Day & night shifts available. $2000 Sign-On Bonus. Class A CDL with Tanker/Hazmat endorsements. 800-383-9330 (INCN)
Class A CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Home Weekends, and %HQHÂżWV 3RWHQWLDO RI plus per year! Contact Tony 608935-0915 Ext 16 (INCN)
Local Hopper Drivers Wanted: PT or FT â&#x20AC;&#x201C; day, night, weekend or combination of shifts available. Home daily/nightly. Receive differential pay for night shift, paid overtime and bonus pay for holidays. Work with local feed mills, ethanol plants and local farmers. Must have Class A CDL, good driving record and pre-employment drug screen. Please call 319-240-5305 if interested. MAP38-3 Company Drivers Wanted: Oberg Freight Company, GOOD STEADY FREIGHT, EXCELLENT HOME TIME, CONSISTANT REGIONAL MILES, NO TOUCH VAN FREIGHT, VETERANS WELCOME. ASK US ABOUT
Automotive and Truck Technicians for Ames and Ankeny locations. Repair & troubleshoot customer vehicles and equipment. Apply at or contact Dave at 515-2923662 (INCN)
GENERAL MANAGER: Commercial web press/mailing operation, southeastern South Dakota, salDU\ QHJRWLDEOH ZLWK EHQHÂżWV 6HQG resume to Box J, Parkston, SD 57366. (INCN)
For Sale
For Sale: 2005 Ford Taurus SE 4 door,needs work, 135,000. $1,200 OBO. 641-622-3110. SKN31tfn*
GUN SHOW-October 21, 22, 23 Central IA. Fairgrounds, Marshalltown. Friday 4-9pm Sat. 9am5pm, Sunday 9am-3pm. Large Selection of guns & ammunition for sale. Info: (563) 608-4401 (INCN)
ASTRO BUILDINGS - Highest Quality Commercial, Suburban and Farm Structures since 1969. Custom design. Financing available! Design your building at Call 800/822-7876 today! (INCN)
Notice is hereby given to the voters of Mahaska County, Iowa, pursuant to Section 49.53, 2015 Code of Iowa, as amended, that the General Election will be held Tuesday, November 8, 2016, for the election of United States President and Vice President, United States Senator, United States Representative 2nd District, State Senator 40th District, State Representative 79th District or State Representative 80th District, one position
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641-623-2158 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Or By Appointment
CALL FOR A NO-OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE. American Family Mutual Insurance Company, American Family Insurance Company, 6000 American Parkway, Madison WI 53783 006441â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Rev. 11/15 Š 2015
Phil Griffin Agency 1007 S Market St Oskaloosa, IA 52577 (641) 673-8965 Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Mahaska Drug Committed To A Healthy Community GIFT HEADQUARTERS Â&#x2021; 3UHFLRXV 0RPHQWV Â&#x2021; <DQNHH &DQGOHV Â&#x2021; &RORQLDO &DQGOHV Â&#x2021; :LOORZ 7UHH $QJHOV Â&#x2021; -LP 6KRUH &ROOHFWLEOHV Â&#x2021; %R\GÂśV %HDUV Â&#x2021; &KHULVKHG 7HGGLHV Â&#x2021; $PHULFDQ *UHHWLQJ &DUGV Â&#x2021; +RPH 'HFRU ,WHPV IRU (YHU\ +ROLGD\
Framing & Matting Dept. CRAFT DEPARTMENT /HW 2XU &RPSXWHUL]HG 0DW Â&#x2021; 0DGH WR 2UGHU &URFKHW &XWWHU (QKDQFH $Q\ )UDPLQJ 1DPH 3URMHFW Â&#x2021; :LOWRQ &DNH 6XSSOLHV The Possibilities Are Endless Â&#x2021; 5HG +HDUW <DUQ Photo Department Â&#x2021; %HUQDW <DUQ Â&#x2021; KRXU 3KRWRV IURP 0HGLD Â&#x2021; &UDIW %RRNV IRU $Q\ &DUGV &'V 3URMHFW Â&#x2021; %ULQJ VOLGHV SLFWXUHV KDYH Â&#x2021; '0& )ORVV WKHP SULQWHG RU SXW RQ D &' Â&#x2021; 6FUDSERRNLQJ 6XSSOLHV Â&#x2021; )ORUDOV IRU HYHU\ 6HDVRQ Â&#x2021; 3KRWR *LIW ,WHPV
205 North E Street, Oskaloosa, 641-673-3439 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8-9; Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5
Records / Local / Sports
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
7KH 6XQ 9
EBF Falls at Davis County
$ $YH : DQG 1 , 6W 2VNDORRVD
: +LJK 6W New Sharon
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BLOOM FI ELD â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Eddy ville Blakesburg-Fremont slipped another slot in the South Central Conference volleyball race following a four-set loss at Davis County Tuesday. EBF won the first set 25-22, then dropped three straight, 25-16, 25-21, 25-12. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Inconsistent play throughout the match cost us,â&#x20AC;? said EBF head volleyball coach Gladys Genskow. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a lot of talented players, but we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seem to put it together and improve on the mistakes. We are trying to work through these moments and get to the level we need to be to become successful this season.â&#x20AC;? Torie Alexander led EBF with 11 kills, going 35-40 in attacks and was perfect 12-12 serving. Haegen Boyer led the defense with 14 digs and was 11-for-11 serving. Emma Bunnell led the Rockets with 20 assists in the match. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are many aspects to this match (Tuesday) that went well, but the inconsistent momentum runs didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t last long to generate the
points,â&#x20AC;? Genskow said. EBF STATS Torie Alexander: 35/40 Attacks, 11 Kills, 1 Assist, 12/12 Serving, 10 Digs, 2 Blocks Haegen Boyer: 6/6 Attacks, 1 Kill, 11/11 Serving, 14 Digs Emma Bunnell: 12/14 Attacks, 2 Kills, 20 Assists, 2/2 Serving, 2 Digs, 2 Blocks Taylor Caves: 12/14 Attacks, 2 Kills, 3 Blocks Darian Johnson: 12/13 Serving, 2 Aces, Teri Jo Lane: 4/4 Attacks, 13 Assists, 11/14 Serving, 1 Ace, 3 Digs Grace Roberts: 11/16 Attacks, 3 kills, Taryn Swartz: 8/10 Serving, 5 Digs Lexi Taylor: 12/16 Attacks, 5 Kills, 1 Dig, 2 Blocks Briana Ver Steegh: 19/27 Attacks, 10 Kills, 11/12 Serving, 2 Aces, 3 Digs, 5 Blocks
Junior Warhawks Fall at Montezuma MONTEZUMA â&#x20AC;&#x201C; North Mahaskaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s junior football squad took to the road one final time Tuesday and fell to Montezuma, 22-8. Dylan Klinker scored the lone touchdown for the Warhawks on a reverse from 40 yards out in the second quarter. North Mahaska committed two turnovers against none by Montezuma, on a fumble and an interception. The Braves scored on two touchdown passes in the first half and followed up with a running score right after the Warhawks kicked off to in the second half. Besides the two turnovers, the Warhawks were held at fourth and 2 on Monteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 25-
yard line, which was the Warhawksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; deepest penetration of the second half. The players showed steady improvement in their fundamentals, which is the goal in junior high, to prepare them for high school football. Due to scheduling issues and the construction of the track, the boys played all their games on the road. Coach Kevin Kelderman told the boys how proud he was of them and said that when this group gets to be juniors and seniors, they could be a very good football team. They just need to keep improving.
NMJH Volleyball Closes Season at L-S SULLY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; North Mahaska Junior High completed their volleyball season with a pair of wins over Lynnville-Sully Tuesday. The seventh graders won 25-18, 9-25 and 25-14, while the eighth graders won 25-18, 15-25, and 25-8. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our last game was fantastic,â&#x20AC;? said coach McKenzie Mitchell. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyone played hard and as a team. I am very proud of the girls and their
growth.â&#x20AC;? The eighth graders served 92 percent as a team. Kelsey Comstock led the way going 18-for-18, Macy Moore was 17-of-17, and Madison McKay was 15-of-15. Seventh grader serve leaders included, Austyn Fisher at 5-for-5, Kaitlynn Van Donselaar at 7-for-8, and Zoe Deucore went 6-for-7.
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Warhawks Kick Wolves By RD KEEP The Sun
WINFIELD â&#x20AC;&#x201C; North Mahaska and Winfield-Mount Union came into Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s football tilt needing a win to bolster their season. While the game did not play out by either coachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s game plan, NM won in the most unusual ways. Nor th Mahaska senior Jacob Sampsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 23-yard field goal with 1 minute, 25 seconds remaining in the game split the uprights and secured a 3-0 Class A, District 6 victory. The field goal kick was the first attempted field goal of the season for the Warhawks and the only scoring play for either team in the contest. The call in the waning moments of the game had fans and sportswriters scratching their heads. Not because of a field goal attempt, which no one in the stands can ever remember anyone kicking, but that players had been slipping and sliding on wet grass all night. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jacob does a nice job when he has had some tries and we had confidence he could make it,â&#x20AC;? said War-
hawk chief Cass Stubbs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He took extra kicks in pregame and we felt he was ready.â&#x20AC;? The remainder of the game was a battle of futility at times. Penalties became each teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worst enemy moving teams from second and third down and short to third and long. North Mahaska (3-5, 2-4) took over the ball at the 6:05 mark of the fourth period. A pass from senior Reece Strasser, who had his first start at quarterback, to Cole Rozendaal for 15 yards moved the Warhawks closer. Griffen Molenburg rushed the ball twice for a total of 24 yards to the WMU 12-yard line. An offsides penalty moved the Warhawks closer all the way to the 1-yard line. An illegal shift took a touchdown off the board and NM was unable to move the ball much and settled for Sampsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boot. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I thought Reece did a nice job in his first start,â&#x20AC;? said Stubbs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We struggled on offense, but our defense stepped up. We got the stop at our six and forced a fumble.â&#x20AC;? That defense limited Winfield-
Mount Union to just 49 yards. They were also bit by the penalty bug committing six for 55 yards, six more than their offensive output. North Mahaskaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s penalties amounted to 11 for 71 yards. Molenburg rushed the ball 19 times for 81 yards and Cole Spoelstra ran 15 times for 59 yards. North Mahaska was 4-for-10 passing with an interception. Spoelstra had a catch for 15 yards, Dakota Reashaw one for 11 and Rozendaal one for five. North Mahaska will be looking to close the season out on a two-game win streak when they travel to Eldon to face Cardinal. Cardinal is coached by former Warhawk assistant Nick Ehret. Cardinal is 4-4 on the season and 2-4 in district play. Football Statistics NM WMU First downs 9 2 Rushes-yards 45-129 40-39 Passing yards 31 10 Comp-Att-Int 5-10-1 1-2-0 Total offense 162 49 Scoring by quarters
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
North Mahaska 0 0 0 3 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 3 W-MU 0 0 0 0â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 0 Scoring NMâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Jacob Sampson 23 FG Individual statistics RUSHING: North Mahaska â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Griffen Molenburg 19-81, Cole Spoelstra 15-59. Winfield-Mount Union â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Broc Mullin 17-42, Austin Lee 9-(-7), Graham Hagge 11-21, Daunte Oepping 1-(-9), Kash Rossiter 1-3. PASSING: North Mahaska â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Reece Strasser/Griffen Molenburg 5-11-1-33. Winfield-Mount Union â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Lee 1-2-0 10. RECEIVING: North Mahaska â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Spoelstra 1-15, Dakota Readshaw 1-11, Cole Rozendaal 1-5. WinfieldMount Union â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Kaleb Hagge 1-10. Class A District 6 Standings 1. Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ville-Sully 8-0 6-0 2. Montezuma 6-2 5-1 3. New London 5-3 4-2 Pekin 5-3 4-2 5. No. Mahaska 3-5 2-4 Cardinal 4-4 2-4 7. Winfield-MU 1-7 1-5 8. Danville 0-8 0-6
RD Keep Photo
RD Keep Photo
1RUWK 0DKDVNDÂśV 0DOORU\ .OLQNHU PDNHV D SOD\ IURP D .DWLH Koehler set in the second set against Iowa Valley.
NM Falls to League Leader By RD KEEP The Sun
NEW SHARON â&#x20AC;&#x201D; North Mahaska knew facing the top team in the South Iowa Cedar League was not going to be an easy one. Iowa Valley entered the match at 7-0 and increased it by one winning, 25-23, 25-7, 25-21. North Mahaska coach Alicia Arkema knew her team would have to be at the top of their game to take down the Tigers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We knew coming in they were a good team,â&#x20AC;? Arkema said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Overall, we played fairly well. We made some adjustments and kept being aggressive. We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t quit, which is what I like. We kept fighting which is important this time of the year.â&#x20AC;? North Mahaska, 14-12, took an 8-6 lead in the opening set then saw ties as 8 and 10. Behind a pair of kills by NM senior Olivia Boender and a couple Iowa Valley misplays, the Warhawks built a 16-10 advantage. One more point and Iowa Valley called a timeout. Iowa Valleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Abigail Goettsch started the comeback with a kill off a North Mahaska block and Iowa Valley got two more points from a pair of misplays. Junior Mallory Klinker served an ace for North Mahaska at point 21 and they tied the set at 23, but Iowa Valley junior Caleigh Smith and Cherisse Ward ended it with kills.
Set two went the opposite way Arkema desired. IV built a 9-4 lead mostly on four hitting errors by the Warhawks. Iowa Valleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Isabel Patterson served an ace for 16-7 lead. Despite a North Mahaska timeout, Patterson served out the set. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They knocked us on our heels a little bit where we were always scrambling and werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t getting quite set,â&#x20AC;? Arkema said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re good hitters. We dig where they hit one spot and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to hit to another spot. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what good hitters do.â&#x20AC;? Set three found North Mahaska behind quickly. IV built an advantage of 19-9 lead, but an Arkema timeout readjusted the Warhawks. North Mahaska scored six points to trim the deficit to 23-15. Senior Jensen Kelderman and junior Hayley Pinkerton had kills and junior Kobi Evans had an ace to make it a 23-20 contest. Pinkertonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kill brought the Warhawks to within two points, but a misplay by the Warhawks and a kill by IVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mariah Fillenworth finished off the match. Olivia Boender led North Mahaska with five kills and a service ace while Pinkerton and Kelderman each had four kills. Kelderman led the team with 12 digs and Pinkerton added 10. Katie Koehler had 14 assists and two service aces. Tessa Fuller was credited with seven digs and Kalleen Chamberlain had two aces.
McGriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Farm & Home Store Alex Holt Photo/News-Review
Shaw, Goemaat Earn SICL Cross-Country Honors BROOKLYN â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Freshman Cheyenne Shaw capped off a strong season with a first place finish and allSouth Iowa Cedar League honors at the conference cross country meet Thursday. Senior Andrew Goemaat earned all-conference honors with a fifth place finish. North Mahaska placed fourth in the team race for the girls. Belle Plaine was first with 44 points followed by Colfax-Mingo with 85, Lynnville-Sully with 92 and NM with 120. Sigourney, Montezuma and BGM followed them. Shaw covered the distance in 19
minutes 56 seconds. Emma Tyrell followed her in 25th in 24:44, Bailey Wanders ran 27th in 24:57, Jade Hay came in 31st in 25:17, and Shelby McGriff ran 36th in 26:05. Kassidi Steele finished in 27:56 and Ashlynn Playle in 33:05, but did not figure into the team scoring. Goemaat covered the boyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s distance in 17:21. Chris Kubli, who has returned to competition following an injury, placed 13th in 18:02. Isaac Knockel was 33rd in 19:38 and Dawson Davis was 53rd in 22:34. North Mahaska did not have enough runners to compete in the team race.
Alex Holt Photo/News-Review
Chris Kubli placed 13th at the South Iowa Cedar League crossFRXQWU\ PHHW 7KXUVGD\ DIWHU UHWXUQLQJ IROORZLQJ DQ LQMXU\ North Mahaskaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s junior runners had a good day. Adison Bollman paced the boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; team with an 11th place finish in 10:33 with Beau Simmons followed in 12th in 10:43. Noah Jedlicka was `18th in 11:03 and Garrett Lamb was 25th in 11:51. Addison Schilling paced the girls with a 23rd place finish in 11:41. Emily Sampson ran 32nd in 12:10, and Ronni Layman was 40th in 12:57.
NM Finishes Sixth in SICL By RD KEEP The Sun SIGOURNEY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; North Mahaskaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s volleyball team had a plan to play for fifth place in the South Iowa Cedar League volleyball quads. A win over Sigourney would put the Warhawks in for a chance to upend rival Lynnville-Sully. It didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t work out that way. Sigourney rallied to win the final two sets and sending NM into the consolation match against Tri-County. NM won that match for seventh in the quad, but placed sixth in league regular season play. North Mahaska put their plan into effect winning 25-12 over host Sigourney. The Warhawks opened up a 7-2 lead forcing a Sigourney timeout. Senior Olivia Boender connected on three consecutive aces for an 11-5 lead. An ace by Sigourneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Leah Carter was followed by a serving run by Autum Barthelman to cut the lead to 1412. Carter and Barthelman would later serve the Savages to a tie then a mishit by North Mahaska score to win 27-25. In set three, the two teams battled back and forth until Sigourney was able to pull away sending a disappoint-
ed Warhawk squad into the consolation match. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It has been just the way our season has gone,â&#x20AC;? said NM coach Alicia Ehret. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We just could not get the hit down when we needed it.â&#x20AC;? Boender collected 12 kills in the match while Tess Fuller and Jensen Kelderman had 12 and 11 digs respectively. Setter Katie Koehler recorded 17 assists. Boender was perfect at the service line going 15-of-15 with three aces. Barthelman led Sigourney with 10 kills and 17 digs. Anna Ohland had nine. Carter had 20 assists and eight digs.
North Mahaska was able to handle the Trojans of Tri-County winning 2512, 25-10. Kelderman hit three service aces, half of the aces against Tri-County. She also led the team in kills with five. The big run came in the second set when junior Kobi Evans served the Warhawks from a 9-3 lead to 14-3 and the team continued to pull away. Koehlerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tip ended the match. Tri-Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nikayla Dowd led the Trojans in kills with three. Myrissa Garber had two service aces and Michaela Lundy recorded two blocks. North Mahaska will play Tuesday at Pleasantville.
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HOURS: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. RD Keep Photo
2OLYLD %RHQGHU RI 1RUWK 0DKDVND EDWWOHV ZLWK 6LJRXUQH\ÂśV 6DP %LUG at the net during the South Iowa Cedar League Quad.