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Donkey Basketball Next edition

Daylight time ends Fall back Saturday night



E L D O R A, I O W A



Beware of the bed bug

The Civilian Conservation Corps/ Prisoner of War Recreational Hall and Museum will be having their fall Breakfast Fundraiser on Saturday, Nov. 5 from 7:30-9:30 a.m. at the Hardin County Fairgrounds, Youth Building 301 11th Avenue, Eldora. The group will be serving regular and gluten free casseroles, fruit, beverages, and cinnamon rolls. Free will donations. The group is raising money to replace the 80+ year old sidewalk north of and to the building, estimated cost $8,900.

Courthouse and Co. Office Bldg. and Engineer’s Office closed Nov. 11

All County Offices in the Courthouse, County Office Building, and Engineer’s Office will be closed on Friday, Nov. 11, in observance of Veterans’ Day.


USDA Issues Safety-Net Payments to Iowa Farmers in Response to 2015 Market Downturn by Rick Patrie News Editor HARDIN COUNTY – Farm Service Agency (FSA) recently announced that approximately 154,000 Iowa farms that enrolled in safety-net programs established by the 2014 Farm Bill will receive financial assistance for the 2015 crop year. The programs, known as Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC), are designed to protect against unexpected drops in crop prices or revenues due to market downturns. For growers enrolled here in Hardin County it can mean just about $60 an acre payments applied to just over three quarters of their farm’s base corn or bean acreage. Growers must have enrolled for five years in one of two programs: PLC,

which makes payments when the annual average of each commodity’s prices drop to a certain trigger level, or ARC, which makes payments when per-acre revenues (as a function of both price and yield) fall below another trigger. Payments per acre depend on how far below the trigger revenues. Payments have ranged from mid$40 to the higher $60s in some areas of Iowa. Again, the final payments are a function of the a farm’s base acreage for corn tracing back decades, or its base for beans dating back 14 years. The USDA uses 85 percent of that base acreage – and then multiplies times the payment amount. Here it Hardin County it came to $59.56 (continued on page 3)

SHHS takes stage

Thoughts of winter and the elections giving you the blues?... try jumping in a flower pot. Jensen Jeske did at the annual New Providence Roundhouse Halloween parade and carnival. Check page 2 for the results and more really scary pictures.

By Rick Patrie News Editor SOUTH HARDIN – Remember Shrek, first the Dreamworks moviemusical, and then the adaptation on Broadway. Well, now it’s been further adapted for the South Hardin High stage. “Shrek the Musical” comes to South Hardin! Saturday, November 5, and Sunday, November 6, South Hardin vocal music director Patrick Gagnon promises the auditorium at the high school in Eldora “will come to life with the sights and sounds of 30 talented young people as the cast of Shrek the Musical! Singing, dancing, acting, and live music will be worth the price of admission and will keep you singing long after the curtain falls.” Actually it is bigger still as the

production features a total of 35 young people. That’s actors, singers, and dancers, a set designed and constructed by Mr. Barry Scott’s Industrial Arts classes, costumes designed by Kim Carr-Clemons, Join Shrek, Princess Fiona, Lord Farquaad, Donkey, Dragon, The People of Duloc, Pinocchio, Gingy, Elf, The Wicked Witch, The Big Bad Wolf, the Sugar Plum Fairy, the Three Little Pigs, the Three Bears, and MORE for an updated Fairytale. Cookies and bars will be available from Mrs. Ruth Halvorsen’s Foods classes for a free-will donation So mark the calendar, Saturday night at 7 p.m., and Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door. $7 adults/$5 students. SHHS Students $3 with an activity pass.

Candidate statements

Newsbriefs CCC/POW breakfast fundraiser Nov. 5

• N O. 3 •

Farm program kicks in

Growing public health problem by Rick Patrie News Editor HARDIN COUNTY – Note the story on page 2, where Community Service head Lyn Adams went before the county board of supervisors recently and talked about bed bugs making their way into some homes in Hardin County. Then, in a statement released shortly after, Adams says that bed bugs have become a significant problem in Hardin County and throughout Iowa. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers them a “pest of significant public health importance that cause a variety of negative physical health, mental health, and economic consequences.” Many low income households lack the resources for treatment necessary to rid their home of bed bugs. As a result, Hardin County has implemented a policy to offer some financial assistance to low income households to rid their homes of bed bugs. Under the policy, households with gross income less than 150% of the current federal poverty guidelines are eligible. Households are eligible for a maximum of $600 from the fund and most will be required to sign a repayment agreement. The policy approved by the Board of Supervisors will allow up to $5,000 in county funds to be utilized. Funds will be allocated on a first come-first serve basis. Repayments received will be used to help sustain the fund for families that need assistance for the future. Persons wishing to apply or those with questions may contact Hardin County Community Services at (641) 939-8167.

V O L U M E 84

William Hoffman On November 8th Hardin County voters have more than one tough decision to make while at the polling place. I believe that a vote for me, William Hoffman is the simplest. As a father of a 13 year old son and a fourth generation Hardin County resident I want to bring new insight, new ideas, and a sense of pride in ownership so he will want to remain in Hardin County and be a part of the most amazing community of hard working and compassionate Americans that I have ever know. Unfortunately my great grandparents, grandparents, and parents didn’t work their entire lives’ to let things slip away and I believe that without new blood, new ideas, and a modern philosophy on operating government as our most successful corporations operate we won’t rebound but I know I can lead Hardin County on to great things

for the future. I will represent and protect the platform that will allow farm children to be able to work on their family farms, not what my opponent’s party wants in terms of not allowing farm kids to be able to work on family farms. I will represent and protect the platform that wants to be stewards of the land, not rule that a puddle in a field is a navigable waterway like my opponent’s party. I represent and will protect the platform that won’t attempt to micromanage the grain dust from a combine, unlike my opponent’s party. While the office isn’t as partisan as some may think the fact that my opponent is a registered Democrat does concern me due to the platform of the Democratic party and the

Ronn Rickels At the local level there is just one county-wide race. Two candidates are vying for a seat on the county board of supervisors. Incumbent Ronn Rickels of Iowa Falls faces Bruce Hoffman of Whitten. Each has given us a short statment on their aspirations for the post.

As county supervisor, I’ve served at one time or another on 20 public/ county boards. Currently, I serve on 13 boards. Over my four-year term I’ve grown to understand the interrelations of various boards, and how to use what each board offers for the betterment of Hardin County. I take pride in supporting our county’s citizens. I’ve found avenues for state and federal money. This money is lost if not used. Hardin County purchased (with grants) a 34 mile “Trail Banked recreation trail that extends from south of Highway 20 to the center of Marshalltown. Resurfacing bridges and pouring concrete trail is scheduled for the spring of 2017. Our goal is to fully complete this trail with grant money. Other counties have achieved this goal, we can too. Counties with completed trails have

averaged a million plus dollars of economic revenue yearly. I directed grant money back to Hardin County that started a proactive program, which promotes mental health in our school systems. As we are measuring its success, I would like to see it spread to all county schools. We’ve started a new rock program for our Hardin County gravel roads. Before, we subcontracted trucks to haul rock to a fourth of our county each year. It took four years to cover the county. That program has been dropped. We now haul our own rock. Our gravel roads are improving and should keep improving over time. I’m on multiple boards for Hardin County Mental Health. Our state passed legislation to regionalize

Local/Area News

Friday, November 4, 2016 • pAge 2

New Providence owns Halloween The twenty- fourth annual Roundhouse costume parade in New Providence on Saturday evening featured a variety of animals, princesses, book characters, a mouse trap, Santa and many other creative costumes. Some walked, others were carried or carted but all were adorable. They paraded for an appreciative crowd and judges Jessica Brown, Eldora; Pat Gourley, New Providence; and Marie Fiscus, Union. Arlen Daleske, New Providence, served as emcee and was assisted by Miss New Providence, Emma Gourley. A carnival followed with game booths for kids of all ages to enjoy. Jensen Jeske from New Providence and Lily Brunscheon, Story City, tied as winners of the People’s Choice costume prize.




FACT:  The FBI has reopened its investigation of Hillary Clinton. FACT: DOJ Attorney General Loretta Lynch pleads the 5th at a    congressional hearing. FACT:  Hillary was given debate questions in advance. (Paid Advertisement) DRAIN THE SWAMP



Bring gently used or new coats, hats and gloves to our Iowa Falls or Eldora Branch and we will donate items collected to the elementary and middle schools throughout Hardin County. All donors will receive a donation receipt for tax purposes.

Items can be delivered to the Iowa Falls or Eldora Branch Offices through December 19, 2016.

Iowa Falls Branch 1815 Washington (641) 648-2331

Eldora Branch 604 Edgington Ave. (641) 939-7604

It's ME1st at MEMBERS1st!


SnapFacts 11/4/16    3x1.5

FACT:  The FBI has reopened its investigation of Hillary Clinton. th  at a  FACT: DOJ Attorney General Loretta Lynch pleads the 5 $28.13   congressional hearing. FACT:  Hillary was given debate questions in advance. 14 pt Times (Paid Advertisement) DRAIN THE SWAMP

SnapFacts 11/4/16    3x1.5 $28.13

Whoever  willfully  and  unlawfully  conceals,  removes,  mutilates,  obliterates,  or  destroys,  or  attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map,  book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court  of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United  14 pt Times States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (Paid Advertisement)

SnapFacts 3x1.5

11/4/16   removes,  mutilates,  obliterates,  or  destroys,  or  Whoever  willfully  and  unlawfully  conceals,  attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map,  book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court  of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United  States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.


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Call today!

Local/Area News

Friday, November 4, 2016 • pAge 3

SHHS Windmill Cafe project opens

SOUTH HARDIN – The windmill cafe will be starting November 10th. Students have 5 dates setup for the cafe, November 10th, November 18th, December 1st, December 8th, and December 15th. Food will be served at 11:30 a.m. at South Hardin High School in Room 210 (The FCS room). The meal is $6 a person. RSVP 2 days in advance, and due to limited amount of help, we have decided to have a 16 person cap for each event to keep things running smoothly. For reservations call: 641 - 939 - 3421 or email Mrs. Halvorsen at rhalvorsen@southhardin.org.

Dates and Menu and chef for the day: November 10th - Catie Leytham Appetizer: Tossed Salad Main Entree: Chicken Alfredo w/ Garlic Bread Sticks Side: Green Beans Dessert: Pumpkin Bars Beverage: Sparkling Grape Juice November 18th - Zakee Newman Appetizer: Greek Salad Main Entree: Spaghetti w/ Meatballs

Side: Texas Toast Dessert: Chocolate Lasagna Beverage: Virgin Margarita

December 1st - Darlene Luckeroth Appetizer: Fresh Fruit with Dip Main Entree: Meatloaf w/ Mashed Potatoes Side: Candied Carrots Dessert: Brownie Ice Cream Sundae Beverage: Strawberry Lemonade December 8th - Calvin Hoversten Appetizer: Apple Sausage Slices Main Entree: Rinderrouläden w/ Brünede Kartofler Side: Irish Soda Bread Dessert: German Chocolate Cake Beverage: Spezi December 15th - Laura Urrestta Velez Appetizer: Corn Empanadas Main Entree: Marinated Baked Pork Chops Side: Avocado Salad Deep, Fried Banana Chips Dessert: Black Forest Pie Beverage: Lemonade

Catie Leytham is missing for the photo, but her fellow chefs are from l-r Calvin Hoversten, Zakee Newman, instructor Ruth Halvorsen, Laura Urrestta Velez, and Darlene Luckeroth. They are this years Windmill Cafe.

Cardiac support group GRUNDY CENTER – Grundy County Memorial Hospital (GCMH) will host the Grundy Area Cardiac Support Group on Monday, December 5, 2016 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. in the Education Room. Please use Entrance #3 on the west side of the hospital. The December topic will be ’Celebrating and being healthy this holiday season’, by speaker, Crystal

Petersen, GCMH Health Promotions Manager. Join us for a time to share information and experiences with others who are also on this journey. The Grundy Area Cardiac Support Group meets quarterly on the first Monday of the month (March, June, September and December) in the Education Room of the Grundy County Memorial Hospital, 201

East J Avenue, Grundy Center. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Brandy Tripp, Cardiac Rehab Coordinator, at (319) 8245097 or Brandy.Tripp@unitypoint. org. Visit the hospital’s website at www.GrundyCountyHospital.org for more information on services provided at GCMH or to register for this free support group.

Farm Program kicks in (continued from page 1) per acre for corn and $45.91 for beans. The ARC (county) option has been far and away the most chosen by producers everywhere. Nationwide, producers enrolled 96 percent of soybean base acres, 91 percent of corn base acres and 66 percent of wheat base acres in the ARC-County coverage option. The USDA says the likes of the $59 payment here represents a significant cushion for farmers dealing with low commodity prices into the third season. “These safety-net programs provide help when price and revenues fall below normal, unlike the previous direct payments program that provided funds even in good years,” said SED Whitaker. Unlike the old direct payment program, which issued payments during both weak and strong market conditions, the 2014 Farm Bill authorized the ARC-PLC safety net to trigger and provide financial assistance only when decreases in revenues or crop prices, respectively, occur. The ARC and PLC programs primarily allow producers to continue to produce

for the market by making payments on a percentage of historical base production, limiting the impact on production decisions. “These payments will help provide reassurance to Iowa farm families, who are standing strong against low commodity prices compounded by unfavorable growing conditions. For example, all counties in Iowa have experienced a 32% drop in price below the benchmark price established by the ARC program for corn and a 27% drop in price for soybeans.” “Payments by county can vary because average county yields will differ,” said SED Whitaker. Statewide, 147,133 farms participated in ARC-County and 6,592 farms participated in PLC. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that beginning today, many of the 1.7 million farms that enrolled in either the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs would receive safety-net payments due to market downturns during the 2015 crop year. “This fall, USDA will be making more than $7 billion in payments under the ARC-County and PLC

MEMBERS1st Community Credit Union to Host Winter Clothing Drive ELDORA/IOWA FALLS — MEMBERS1st Community Credit Union is hosting a Winter Clothing Drive now through December 19, 2016. MEMBERS1st is collecting gently used or new coats, hats and gloves. The credit union will donate items collected to elementary and middle schools throughout Hardin County. All contributors will receive a donation receipt for tax purposes. “We are doing this as a service to the communities where we

live and work,” said Julie Off, Manager of the Eldora and Iowa Falls MEMBERS1st branch offices. “We invite the entire community to support this effort by making donations, whether or not they are members of the credit union.” If you would like to donate, please bring new or gently-used coats, hats and/or gloves to the MEMBERS1st Iowa Falls Branch (1815 Washington St. in Iowa Falls) or the MEMBERS1st Eldora Branch (604 Edgington Ave. in Eldora).

programs to assist participating producers, which will account for over 10 percent of USDA’s projected 2016 net farm income. These payments will help provide reassurance to America’s farm families, who are standing strong against low commodity prices compounded by unfavorable growing conditions in many parts of the country,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Producers enrolled 99 percent of long grain rice and peanut base acres and 94 percent of medium grain rice base acres in the PLC option. Overall, 76 percent of participating farm base acres are enrolled in ARC-County, 23 percent in PLC and one percent in ARCIndividual. For other program information including frequently asked questions, visit www.fsa. usda.gov/arc-plc. Payments are made to producers who enrolled base acres of barley, corn, grain sorghum, lentils, oats, peanuts, dry peas, soybeans, wheat and canola. The Budget Control Act of 2011, passed by Congress, requires USDA to reduce 2015 ARC and PLC payments by 6.8 percent.

Care givers meeting On November 18th Iowa River Hospice hosts a caregivers support group called Common Bonds at 2:00 PM. This group regularly meets the third Friday of each month at Hope United Methodist Church 2203 South 3rdAve in Marshalltown. Volunteers can be available for companionship for your loved one so caregivers are free to attend. The role of caregiver is one of the most challenging and support is helpful. All are welcome to come. Please join us! www.IowaRiverHospice. org

Gifts for grandmothers Jason Schoby, background and Dustin Hahn, Hy-Vee Eldora manager came calling at the Eldora nursing homes last week, bearing cookies for grandmas. The project was a combined effort of the Eldora grocery and its customers who were encouraged to donate a small amount on each of their trips thru the checkout, and they and the store then saw to the sweets.

Community/Area News

Friday, November 4, 2016 • pAge 4

Banner Year at 75 Year Reunion Annual Rotary Project

Ryan/Kahler plan wedding Pat and Marcia Ryan of Eldora would like to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ashley Nicole to Brad Kahler, son of Kathy Kahler and Jon and June Kahler of Traer. A s h l e y graduated from Eldora-New Providence High school and the University of Northern Iowa and is a physical education teacher and coach at Berg Middle School in Newton. Brad graduated from North Tama High School and is employed at Stillwell Middle School in West Des Moines and coaches football, baseball and track at Newton Community Schools.The wedding is December 10, 2016 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Newton.

It was a banner year for those over 90 years of age, coming to the annual 75 year reunion of Hardin County residents. Anyone who has lived in the county for that three quarters of a century is treated to a meal by the Eldora Rotary Club in one of the more unique programs of a Rotary Chapter in Iowa. Shown progressing from the right to left in the two group photos are: Below: Pat Van Patter of Eldora; Henry Rose, of Eldora; Ken Kuper of Iowa Falls; David Topp of Radcliffe; Gail Lawler of Steamboat Rock; Mary Rose Brown of Iowa Falls; Caleb Knutson of Radcliffe and Winnifred Crosley of Eldora. Above: Leona Hunt of Ackley; Doris Foster of Iowa Falls; Hazel Freeman of Iowa Falls; Dorothy Gehrke of Iowa Falls; Ruth Clingerman of Eldora; Nettie Daniels of Ackley and Ray Daniels of Ackley. The individual photos are Joe Rash of Union; Kate Kolthoff of Steamboat Rock and Grace Hornung of Iowa Falls.

45th Owasa School Reunion The 45th Owasa School Reunion was held on Sunday, Sept. 18, at the Jackson Township Hall in Owasa. Seventy-four people enjoyed reminiscing over a noon potluck. There were four states represented: California, Minnesota, Texas and Iowa. The highlight of the afternoon program was the ‘roll call’ of classes; this is where we find out who’s who and what year they graduated. The earliest graduating class represented was 1937 – that student was Mable Axtell Lee, who resides in Iowa Falls. Other years represented were: 1938, 1941, 1945, 1946, and 1951 through 1961. Some Owasa history was shared: In the year 2016, the town of Owasa celebrated its 132nd birthday. The first Owasa Schoolhouse was built in 1890, and then in 1917 a new one was built. A gym was added in 1951. The last graduating class was in 1961, but the school didn’t close until 1967. Owasa students

chose to go to Eldora, Iowa Falls or Hubbard Schools to graduate. Currently, Owasa has a Methodist church, a Farmer’s Elevator and, most recently, a restaurant, Three Days Grille & Saloon (great food). The next Owasa School Reunion will be September 16, 2018. We invite anyone who went to the Owasa School to join us – you did not have to graduate from Owasa. If you did not receive an invitation to this year’s reunion and you would like to receive one for the 2018 reunion, please contact: Cheryl (King) Pence, 515-491-7828, capence39@ msn.com or Julie (Baker) Stewart Ziesman, 515-689-6654, ziesman@ yahoo.com. Owasa School is on Facebook and also, Owasa has been added to the Des Moines Register’s “Lost Schools” Project. Join in and upload written memories or pictures – Let’s keep Owasa School alive!!! The link is: htt://data.desmoinesregister.com/ lost-schools/school.php?id=1993.

Omelet & Pancake Breakfast Sunday, Nov. 6

9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. St. Mary Catholic Church, Eldora Adults: $8; Children 4-10 - $4 Under age 3 is Free

10/28, 11/1, Form 653A Miscellaneous (revised 1999) 4/16

Open Fire Chapter of D.A.R. The “Open Fire” Chapter of the DAR met on October 17 at the Eldora Library. Candy Wait was hostess. The meeting was called to order by Regent Candy Wait. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Barbara


Ketels and all recited the American Creed. Devotions were given by Chaplain Marcia Brownlee. Minutes of the last meeting were by Marilyn Petty. She also related activities of their DAR sisters. WHO TV featured a Des Moines

Iowa Department of Management

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING -- AMENDMENT OF CURRENT BUDGET The Hardin County E911 Service Board of Hardin County, Iowa will meet at: The Hardin County Law Enforcement Center 1116 14th Ave, Eldora Iowa, on November 15th, 2016, at 6:02. pm. for the purpose of amending the current budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, by increasing expenditures in the following funds: 78000 Fund from $201,150. to $ 351,150.

Reasons for increases: Communications Equipment purchase to upgrade E911 communications to Computer Aided Dispatch system. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The increase in expenditures set out above will be met from increased receipts and/or cash balances not budgeted or considered in the current budget. There will be no increase in taxes to be paid in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Any residents or taxpayers will be heard for or against the proposed amendment at the time and place specified above. A detailed statement of: additional receipts (other than taxes), cash balances on hand at the close of the preceding fiscal year, and proposed disbursements, both past and anticipated, will be available at the hearing. Roxane Warnell, (Clerk, Secretary)

group who is placing tombstones on unmarked infants’ graves as their work project. Also a large group of Detroit D.A.R. members were dockside October 16 when the U.S.S. Detroit docked. All carried on video. Marilyn’s granddaughter’s husband David, Lt. Commander and Chief Engineer was aboard the newest ship for the U.S. Navy. A weeklong

CCC/POW Breakfast Fundraiser Saturday, Nov. 5 7:30-9:30 a.m.

at the Hardin County Fairgrounds Youth Building 301 11th Ave., Eldora

Menu: Regular and Gluten Free Casseroles, Fruit, Beverages and Cinnamon Rolls

Free Will Donation

11/1, 4/16

1x2.5 $15.63 - 1st run

celebration ended on October 22 when the ship was commissioned before a group of 6,500. Great granddaughters Isabella and Victoria were volunteers all week and helped give tours of the warship. Program on “Statue of Liberty” by Candy Wait. Next meeting will be November 21 with Lisa Sheller hostess.

The grand TheaTre

Eldora  641-939-3522   ````````````````````````````````` $1 - 12 & Under, 60 & Over; $1 - Matinee; $3 - Age 13-59

nov. 4-10

7 p.m. nightly. & 2 p.m. wed. matinee

“The Arated ccountAnt” r No one under 17 permitted without verbal or written parental consent.



Public Record Terry E. Smith, 66


Terry E. Smith, 66, of New Providence, passed away on Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016 at the Mary Greeley Medical Center in Ames. A memorial visitation will be held on Friday, Nov. 4 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Honey Creek New Providence Friends Church, 604 Cherry Ave., New Providence, IA. The memorial service will be held on Saturday, Nov. 5 at 11 a.m. at the Honey Creek New Providence Friends Church. Per Terry’s wishes, he was cremated and there will be no burial. Memorials may be directed to the family and online condolences may be left for the family at www.abelsfuneralhomes.com. Creps-Abels has been entrusted with arrangements. Terry was born on October 20, 1950 in Burlington, Iowa, the son of Carl and Marvel (Chubb) Smith. He grew up in Burlington where he attended school, graduating from Burlington High School with the class of 1969. He furthered his education at the community college in Burlington and later attended NE Missouri State University, earning his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. On May 26, 1973, Terry was united in marriage to Janis Rogers at St. Mary Catholic Church in Eldora. The couple welcomed daughter Angela into their family in 1977. For a short time, Terry worked at Hy-Vee in Eldora and then began his long career at the State Training School for Boys in Eldora where he worked for over 35 years, retiring in 2009. He also worked construction part time on the side. Golf. That pretty much sums up Terry. He lived for golf, where he was a member of the Pine Lake Country Club, member of the Iowa Association of Golf and was even lucky enough to play in the Iowa Masters for several years. He was playfully known, especially to his golfing friends as “Horace T” or “Smitty.” Terry also enjoyed being in Arkansas, where he owned property and of course, played golf. Terry had a zero handicap, which not many golfers can claim. In addition to his love of golf, he enjoyed playing piano, playing in church for many years and playing for weddings. He loved the outdoors including yardwork and working in the timber. Terry was also a member of the Eldora Wildlife Club, the South Hardin Recreational Club and was an associate member of the Eldora American Legion. Terry is survived by his wife Janis of New Providence; daughter Angie of Council Bluffs, Iowa; mother Marvel of Burlington, Iowa; sister Jacquelynn (Tom) Kay of Downers Grove, Illinois; nieces and nephew Nikki and Ninna Kay and Michelle and Deven Smith; he also had many close, special friends. He was preceded in death by his father; brother Daniel Smith.

Irene F. Harvey, 96 Irene F. Harvey, 96, of Eldora, Iowa passed away peacefully on Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016 at Eldora Specialty Care in Eldora, Iowa while under the care of Care Initiatives Hospice. Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2016 at the Eldora United Methodist Church in Eldora, Iowa with Pastor Phil Dicks officiating. Burial followed at the Eldora City Cemetery. A visitation was held one hour prior to the funeral service at the Eldora United Methodist Church on Wednesday. Creps-Abels Funeral Home in Eldora, Iowa cared for Irene and her family. Online condolences may be made to the Harvey family at www.abelsfuneralhomes.com Irene was born May 13, 1920 in Booneville, North Carolina, one of four children born to Luther and Eva (Kinney) Nance. Irene graduated from New Providence Consolidated School in 1937. On September 14, 1940 she was united in marriage to Charles Harvey, her soul mate and the love of her life. To this union, were born three children, Nancy, Bruce and Becky. Irene was a loving wife and mother and after raising her children, she and Charles owned and operated Harvey’s Home Decorating Store in Eldora for 18 years. She enjoyed her family and friends and in her early years, she loved to travel, play golf and bridge, read and she was a wonderful cook. In her later years, she enjoyed crafts, bingo and she loved to visit with anyone. Her greatest joy was her family, her faith and the home her husband built for her. She is survived by her son, Bruce Harvey and his wife Nancy of Eldora; her daughter, Becky Mills and Chuck Carr of Mesa, Arizona; brother, Ray Nance of Arizona; five grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren and two great, great granddaughters. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband Chuck, daughter Nancy, brother Dale and sister Pauline.

William “Bill” Shively Welden, 90

William “Bill” Shively Welden, 90, formerly of Iowa Falls, passed away November 2, 2016 at the New Hampton Nursing and Rehab Center. A “Celebration of Life” will take place at a later date. The Linn’s Funeral Home in Iowa Falls is helping the family with arrangements.

At the Movies

Eldora – Starting Friday, Nov. 4 is “The Accountant,” rated R. This movie is a crime film/drama. Run time is two hours, eight minutes. Storyline: Christian Wolff (Ben Affleck) is a mathematics savant with more affinity for numbers than people. Using a small-town CPA office as a cover, he makes his living as a freelance accountant for dangerous criminal organizations. With a Treasury agent (J.K. Simmons)

hot on his heels, Christian takes on a state-of-the-art robotics company as a legitimate client. As Wolff gets closer to the truth about a discrepancy that involves millions of dollars, the body count starts to rise. As always thanks to our volunteers. We can always use additional volunteers at the theatre, so please come in and sign the book or give us a call at (641)939-3522. See you “At the Movies!”

Visitors Eleanor and Dennis Hubbard came from Boulder, Colorado to visit her brother, Lloyd Draper and attended Sunday services at Ivester. Dohn and Clarice Kruschwitz, Oregon, attended services at Ivester prior to a wedding for their greatnephew. november 6 - Two cents-a-meal

collection will be taken. Bread & Cup Communion will be celebrated during morning worship. Leadership Team will meet following noon potluck.

News from Ivester

lasagna Meal All are invited to a lasagna meal on Sunday, Nov. 13 from 4-7 p.m. at the Ivester Church.

Letters to the Editor can be found on page 7

Allan Kinney, Sr., 72 Allan Kinney, Sr., 72, formerly of New Providence, passed away surrounded by his family on Friday, Oct 28, 2016 at Eldora Specialty Care in Eldora, Iowa. The family received friends on Tuesday, Nov. 1, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Boeke Funeral Home in Hubbard. A memorial service was held on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 1:30 p.m. at the Boeke Funeral Home in Hubbard. Pastor Rick Schill officiated. Memorial contributions may be directed to the family for a memorial to be established. Boeke Funeral Home in Hubbard has been entrusted with arrangements. For more information and online condolences go to: www.boekefuneralhomes. com Allan Ray Kinney, Sr. was born in Marshalltown, Iowa on February 3, 1944. He was one of three children born to Irvin Cecil and Lamoille Marjorie (Duncan) Kinney. Allan attended school in Owasa, Iowa and graduated in 1962 in Eldora, Iowa. He then attended the Universal Trade School in Omaha, Nebraska where he graduated in 1963. Over the years he also took various college courses for his Teacher’s Certificate. In April of 1964 Al was married to Kathryn (McStockard) Talbott in Marshalltown. To this union two children were born, Allan, Jr. and Kristine. Al also helped raise two step-children, Debra and William. In June of 1983 Al married Belva (McWherter) Wood in Eldora. Al gained two stepchildren, Rick and Kim. Al was a mechanic for 11 years at his Uncle Wayne Stonewall’s service station in Marshalltown. He then went to work at the Iowa State Training School, first in the storeroom and later became a Vocational Mechanics Instructor. He worked there for 24 years. In later years, he worked construction and as a maintenance mechanic for eight years prior to his retirement in 2006. His favorite pastime was restoring vehicles, building his prize dune buggy from the ground up. He also enjoyed woodworking. He was a member of the Mercury Club and Owasa Road Ramblers. He also owned and operated the Owasa Tap, which was previously his home and his parents’ grocery store before that. Those remaining to cherish his memory include his wife Belva of Doniphan, Missouri; one daughter Kristine (Dwight) Blomgren of Marshalltown; one son Allan (Robin) Kinney, Jr. of Union; stepchildren Debra Sanders of Ivey, Georgia, William Talbott of Union, Rick Wood of Arkansas City, Kansas and Kim Richards of Doniphan, Missouri; six grandchildren; eight greatgrandchildren; along with many step-grandchildren and step-great-grandchildren; one brother Russell (Sonja) Kinney of Eldora; one sister Linda (Dan) Vander Hart of Des Moines; along with several nieces and nephews. Allan was preceded in death by his parents and one great-grandson Gavin.

Maryann Kuhfus, 91 Maryann Kuhfus, 91, formerly of Radcliffe, Iowa, passed away on Sunday, Oct 30, 2016 at Hubbard Care Center. Funeral services for Maryann were held on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 10:30 a.m. at the Faith Evangelical Church in Radcliffe. Burial followed in the Radcliffe Cemetery. The family received friends on Tuesday, Nov. 1, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Boeke Funeral Home in Radcliffe. Boeke Funeral Home in Radcliffe was entrusted with arrangements.

Dorothy’s Senior Center

1306 17th Ave., Eldora  Phone 858-5152 Weekly menu - program  Open to all persons 60 years of  age or older noTICE: To order or cancel an a or B meal we must know by 12:30 p.m. the day before the meal. Call 858-5152 to make your reservation. If there is no answer, leave a message on the answering machine. MondaY, noV. 7 Menu a - Lemon pepper fish, cheesy rice, Lima beans, multi-grain bread/margarine, mandarin oranges/ cottage cheese, tartar sauce Menu B - Mushroom chicken, cheesy rice, Lima beans, multi-grain bread/margarine, mandarin oranges/ cottage cheese 8:30 a.m. - Exercise 8:45 a.m. - Bus to Tama Noon - Meal TUEsdaY, noV. 8 Menu a – Turkey ham and beans, green peas, glazed carrots, multigrain bread/margarine, pineapple tidbits Menu B – Chef salad, carrot raisin salad, crackers, pineapple tidbits, salad dressing Noon – Meal wEdnEsdaY, noV. 9 BIrThdaY MEal Menu a – Roast beef, brown gravy, mashed potatoes, California vegetables, wheat roll/margarine, birthday cake. no alternate. 8:30 a.m. - Exercise Noon – Meal; Program - Carson

Family - Music; Workers - Board ThUrsdaY, noV. 10 Menu a – Country fried steak, country gravy, mashed potatoes, whole kernel corn, multi-grain bread/margarine, fresh seasonal fruit Menu B – Baked chicken and gravy, mashed potatoes, whole kernel corn, multi-grain bread/margarine, fresh seasonal fruit Noon – Meal FrIdaY, noV. 11 Menu a – Pork with supreme sauce, roasted potato medley, green beans, wheat bread/margarine, cookie Menu B – Mixed bean soup, sliced roast beef and Swiss cheese, wheat bread/mustard, coleslaw, cookie 8:30 a.m. - Exercise 10:30 a.m. - Scenic Living Bingo 11:30 a.m. - Fresh Conversations with Lynette Noon – Meal CoaTs schedule Mondays, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m.; and Fridays, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. For morning rides, call between 8:30 and 9 a.m. For afternoon rides, call between 12:30 and 1 p.m. Please call only on the day that the service is needed at 858-5729.

Eldora nEwspapErs a division of Mid-america publishing Corporation Eldora, Iowa official County newspaper

(Publication No. 171-240) Offices at 1513 Edg. Ave., Eldora, IA 50627-1623 Published semi-weekly with the exception of Memorial Week, Labor Day Week, Christmas Week and New Year’s Week by Eldora Newspaper, 1513 Edgington Ave., Eldora, IA 506271623. Periodicals postage paid at Eldora, IA. Postmaster: send address changes to The Eldora Newspapers, 1513 Edgington Ave., Eldora, IA 50627-1623. Clint Poock - Publisher; Scott Bierle - Sports Editor/Gen. Mgr. Rick Patrie - News Editor; Betty Gotto - Production Manager; Rob Maharry - Staff Writer Stephanie McManus - General Finance & Circulation Subscription rate: $50 per year in Hardin and adjoining counties; $57 per year elsewhere in Iowa; and $61 per year out of state. (Hardin County Index and Eldora Herald-Ledger sold in combination.) Ph. 641-939-5051, Fax 641-939-5541 Email Ad: news@eldoranewspaper.com

Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 • Page 5

Flashback Friday

Taking a look back at local history from previous editions of the Eldora Newspapers. Compiled by Rob Maharry. Five years ago this week-2011 • BCLUW senior Levi Storjohann figured this was his year. And it was, as Storjohann captured the gold medal during the Class 1A portion of the Iowa High School State Cross Country Championships here Saturday. “My sophomore year, I was the first sophomore to finish, and my junior year, I was the first junior to finish. So I figured this might be my year, and it was,” said Storjohann. • It is over for the year. The construction work that has been a feature of the Eldora downtown and the county square will be taking a hiatus until spring. About three-quarters of the project has been completed, and a visual inspection shows as much. What remains is the completion of the new landscaping on the north side of the courthouse, planting some ornament trees to accent the larger shade trees introduced in the last few weeks, the construction of some added sidewalk elements and the introduction of that plaza walkway county map that will hereafter greet visitors to the courthouse north doors. 10 years ago this week-2006 • When word got out that Joe Rash and family of Union were being recognized under a unique Iowa program that honors the best in farm neighborliness, there was a spontaneous chorus of affirmations as people around Hardin County started finding out. Lloyd Bates of Union was behind it all. Bates spent a career as a veterinarian in the Union area and was a frequent caller and friend to the Rashes, and not too long ago he nominated the Union grandfather, Joe, his wife Pat, their son Jerry and his wife Carol and grandson John, all of whom are active in the farming operation east of the community— and Bates says that not to be forgotten, he more or less was nominating the whole family for years of contributions, not just to the beauty of the landscape, but to fellow farmers in Hardin County, and the lives of lots of their children as well. The Iowa Good Neighbor Award for October was presented to the family last Wednesday. • This is the story a lot of people around Hardin County say they have been waiting to read for much of the 2006 election campaign. And for a hometown newspaper, it’s a gift from above because, as it turns out, this local angle story has become a national story, too: Whether or not it all gets Kevin Wiskus a seat in the statehouse remains to be seen, but it’s certainly given a one-time Iowa Falls boy “his 15 minutes of fame. Wiskus is the now-famous fellow from Centerville who recently became such an overnight and oftreluctant sensation by quietly saying “enough is enough” and dropping his membership in his state party organization, dropping his claim to the party’s standard and then continuing his campaign for the Iowa Legislature as an independent—all after he

found out elements of the campaign at the state level had, without his knowledge, begun dispatching negative direct mail against his opponent, communications which Wiskus said were “way, way, way beyond plain old tasteless and crude.” 25 years ago this week- 1991 • Four candidates are seeking the two positions on the Eldora City Council in the regular municipal election on Tuesday, November 5. Two of the four are incumbents, and two are challengers. And each of the candidates has a different reason for desiring to be elected to the city posts. Wilbur Hubrecht and Tom Samp are the challengers in the November election, while Virginia Stiles and Kyle Thompson are listed as incumbents. • A quarterly review of the strategic plan for the Eldora Regional Medical Center was part of the planned agenda for a special meeting of the Eldora City Council at city hall. The review was conducted by administrator Frank Carr, who said that, overall, the efforts are “on target” for the 1991-92 strategic plan. Carr also reviewed the September financial statement, which shows the hospital had a net profit of $23,871 for the month. “It was an excellent month for us,” Carr said. 50 years ago this week- 1966 • Eldora gained its first unbeaten season and an undisputed title in the North Iowa Cedar League by soundly whipping Ackley-Geneva 38-6 here on Friday night. Coach Bob Thurness’ Tigers thus finished the season with a 7-0-1 record, the best in EHS history, surpassing the previous 8-1 records compiled by the 1916 and 1960 teams. The only blot on this year’s record was the 0-0 tie with Iowa Falls in the season’s opener. • Will Hardin County have 100 bushel corn this year? County Extension Director Jim Goode thinks this could be the year that county farmers will average 100 bushels of corn per acre—or nearly so. Farmers are generally reporting the best corn crop they have ever harvested. Several have told Goode that corn is making 25 to 50 cents more per acre. • The Hubbard Community School will hold an open house Tuesday, November 8, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in observance of the completion of the new 52x40 two story addition to the school. Refreshments will be served and guided tours will be available for the new wing. No program has been planned. The building contains the language laboratory and social studies room on the top floor which connects to the present building through the study hall; and the vocal music room, superintendent’s office, secretary’s office and storage are on the ground floor, which is connected through the lunch room on the present building. A bond issue for $75,000 was voted by the public February 24, with 80 percent in favor. Bids were let May 1, and the finishing touches are now being put on the building.

Business & Professional Directory Call 641.939.5051 to place your ad!

Community/Area News

Friday, November 4, 2016 • pAge 6

Candidate statements

(continued from page 1)

Ronn Rickels

from County to Region; to private managed care (MCO’s). Our region has worked to identify and close gaps in services. Our work is not done. I’m currently chair of Central Iowa Case Management and vice chair of Central Iowa Recovery. I also serve on boards, such as the Decatagorization and Hardin County Community Endowment Foundation, which grant money for

projects and/or programs that benefit Hardin County. I’ve attended multiple seminars and workshops to be more knowledgeable on current issues. Some include Public Private Partnerships (P3’s) Housing Development, Future of Agriculture, Iowa Water Drainage, Nutrient Reduction and Water Quality. Working with our economic

development team, I’ve helped pursue grants and/or opportunities to improve the economic growth of Hardin County. I have left out many accomplishments shared with our team of supervisors. We’ve achieved much in the past four years.

Polling spots Polls change

Hardin/Ellis/Jackson Precinct votes at the Ellsworth Equine Center at 709 Ellsworth Avenue, in Iowa Falls. The Iowa Falls Precinct number One votes at the Barlow Memorial Library 921 Washington Avenue in Iowa Falls. Iowa Falls Precinct number 2 votes at the Iowa Falls Fire Department at 218 South River, Iowa Falls. Voting hours are 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Election Day is Tuesday November 8.

Business & Professional Directory

County joined a 10-county region called Central Iowa Community Service. Now Iowa has privatized the care of our clients. Changes are initiated at the state level but our region is left to see these transitions at the local level. I’m on boards that have helped transition our client

Call 641.939.5051 to place your ad! William Hoffman

(continued from page 1) beliefs and philosophies of the party that can be brought to the Hardin County courthouse. Lastly, I believe a leader charged

with the task of leading and making fiscal decisions with other people’s money relies more on my experience of nearly two decades in public service as a first line emergency responder, nationally recognized

leader, community advocate, emergency services educator, and authority on public safety give me unique qualities my opponent can not bring to the board room. On November 8th, I am asking to

earn your vote on what I can do and how that will affect the people, processes, and finances of Hardin County. God Bless, William Hoffman

Several Veterans Day observances around the area

Business & Professional Directory

By Rick Patrie News Editor ELDORA – Veterans day in the Eldora-New Providence School is November 11 with what has now become n annual program honoring veterans in the community. The American Legion and VFW posts always join with the South Hardin High School band for several features during the observance. Each year students bound for the armed services are introduced and this you a 5th Grade Essay Winner will be an additional feature. The program always honors 50 year Legion members. One feature is the Parade of Flags, involving children from the Eldora New Providence Elementary.

And announcing again there has been a last minute change in the location for voting for residents of the Eldora/Pleasant/Providence/ Union voting precinct. That includes residents in those townships and cities within them, including Whitten, New Providence, and Union. They will vote at the Emergency Operations Center at 1031 Edgington Avenue in Eldora. They had been scheduled to vote at the Eldora city hall, but that is changed due to the continuing street construction around the municipal building. Around the county the following are polling places for the November 8 vote. Alden/Buckeye Precinct votes at the Alden Legion Community Center, 506 West Street in Alden Concord/Sherman/Grant/Tipton Precinct votes at the Hubbard Fire Station at 218 N. Iowa Street, Hubbard Eldora/Pleasant/Providence/ Union Precinct votes at the emergency operations Center building in Eldora at 1031 Edgington Avenue, Eldora. Note the change because of construction around city hall in Eldora. The Eldora ‘City’ Precinct votes at the Hardin County Courthouse. Etna/Clay Precinct votes at the St. John United Church of Christ at 716 3rd Avenue in Ackley.

The Veterans Day project here in Eldora has become a tradition, bringing together veterans and children in the schools for the observance. The program starts at 10 a.m. at the downtown elementary school gym. As always, the public is encouraged to come and take part.

Gifford will be honored for 70 years of continuous membership in the Harry E. Powers American Legion Post. Special music will be provided by Ron Galloway, Phil Gould and Ralph Norman. Sharon Hatch will read, “The Noble and the Brave: A Veteran’s Day Tribute.” Group singing of patriotic songs will be led by Helen Fiscus. Refreshments will be served by the Liscomb Legion Auxiliary following the program. The public is encouraged and invited to attend.

Call 641.939.5051 to place your ad! Liscomb Veteran’s Day Program

The Harry E. Powers Post #87 will celebrate Veteran’s Day on Friday, November 11. The program will begin at 10:45 a.m. at the Liscomb Community Center. Clifford

BCLUW schools veteran program

schools is November 11 at 2 p.m. in the middle school gym. The program honors veterans as a whole and spotlights those in attendance. If you have a veteran in the family and want them acknowledged contact the school by Wednesday November 9. Part of the program is having student’s present flags to his or her family member-veteran in attendance. Veterans in attendance can begin checking in at 1 p.m. on the 11th. The project is part of a school wide observance on Veterans Day.

Women’s Fellowship The Women’s Fellowship of the

First Congregational Church met on October 19. Eleven members and one guest were present. Lola Williams provided refreshments. Members are to bring women’s personal items for the Greenbelt Home Care Christmas gift bags to the November meeting. The list is posted in the Fellowship room. November 12 will be the date for making noodles for the bake sale. Guest speaker, Jane Kramer, presented a program from 1 Kings on Elijah, Ahab and Jezebel. The next meeting will be November 16, at the First Congregational Church.

Check out our website: eldoranewspapers.com Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for faster news and updates

Veterans day in the BCLUW

Business & Professional Directory

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Editorial/Public Record

Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 • PagE 7

Letters to the Editor Read before voting on judge retention

Help the United Fund

Trails group supports Rickels

To Concerned Citizens of Central Iowa, The U.S. Supreme Court made a ruling that said life sentences without parole for some juvenile cases, depending on the severity of the case, was unconstitutional. In 2013 the Iowa Supreme Court took this a step further and made a decision to make mandatory life sentences without parole illegal for ALL juveniles, regardless of the severity of the case. The current Iowa law states that all juveniles receiving a life sentence now have the possibility of parole. This means all juvenile cases have to be re-sentenced. In July the Rebecca Hauser family was put through yet another court hearing for Rebecca’s murder in 1994. Three of the four individuals responsible for Rebecca’s murder were re-sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole. The state’s district court judges have no choice but to re-sentence all juveniles with life sentences to now include the possibility of parole. A man from Des Moines also attended the re-sentencing hearing because, like the Hausers, he had a family member that was murdered by a juvenile. He too would be attending a future re-sentencing hearing and wanted to know what to expect. The Hauser family, along with hundreds of other Iowa families, will

To the Editor: Would you like to know about a donation you can make where 100 percent of your money goes to the cause instead of the people running it? What if it also focused on helping people right here where you live? Good news! We have such a thing. It’s called the United Fund of Eldora! How can that be? It’s because generous businesses and individuals donate their time, materials, and space to the cause. Let me thank all of them, as well as any I might fail to mention. Hardin County Savings Bank provides the secretary, Krista Weber, who works all year as the contact person and to keep the books, receive donations, and distribute the funds. The bank also provides the

To the Editor: Over the past few years, we’ve had the pleasure of serving on the Hardin County Trails Commission with Supervisor Ronn Rickels. Ronn has been a phenomenal asset not only to our project but to many other initiatives in the county as he strives to make Hardin County a better place to live and raise a family. Ronn has great vision, is respon-

be repeatedly attending these parole hearings, giving victim impact statements and reliving the terrible events over and over again. I taught in the public school system for 33 years and I know of no kindergarten student that I ever met that would think murdering someone was the right thing to do. The individuals that were convicted of this horrific, senseless, brutal crime were 15 and 16 years old at the time they murdered Rebecca Hauser. They want us to believe they didn’t know at the ages of 15 and 16 that this was not the right thing to do! Are we seriously going to go along with this? The reason for this letter is to let you know that two of the three Iowa Supreme Court judges up for reelection this year voted in favor of this new law change, allowing the possibility of parole for all juveniles sentenced to a life sentence. Their names are Mark Cady and Brent Appel. If you disagree with this change in the law, please join me in voting no for these two judges. You wonder if their vote to change the law would have been the same if their family member or someone they knew would have been involved in a similar crime. These families that this law change affects have a life sentence with no possibility of parole! Barb Schwarck, Eldora


meeting space for the board and any miscellaneous things that come up through the year. United Suppliers provides all the envelopes, paper, and printing services for the mailing you receive. Whink provides the postage, the City of Eldora provides the mailing labels, and the Eldora Newspapers do a news story about the fund drive that saves the cost of advertising. Vern Greiman spends hours checking the rural addresses to keep the list current, and he and other volunteers stuff envelopes and do whatever else is needed behind the scenes. Please join me in thanking these individuals and businesses for making your donated dollars do the most good possible. Ron Neuerburg Eldora

Estate of Evangeline L. Pruhs to Enoch L. Higbee IV and Sheila M. Higbee, husband and wife, 9-21-16, Lots 12 & 13, and S. 37 1/2 ft. Lot 14, Blk 1, Radcliffe Josephine B. Purvis, single to Harvest Moon Real Estate, LLC, 10-3-16, N 1/2 Lots 1 & 2, Caldwell’s Add., Iowa Falls Tyson H. Mitchell, single to Christopher R. Sayer, 9-29-16, N 1/2 Outlot 16 and E. 31 ft. Outlot 17, Moir’s Add., Eldora Martin Kielsmeier Estate to Joel Christianson, 9-29-16, 1/2 of 1/2 int.: Pt NE1/4 11-86-22

sible, and is always willing to work with others to get the job done. We support Ronn Rickels for re-election to County Supervisor and ask you to join us on November 8. Chris Weiting Heidi Mitchell Kent Kelsey Mona Bleeker Emily Herring Joe Herring Hardin County Trails Commission

Supports Rickels To the Editor: It is said that all politics are local. Four years ago we elected a retired award winning teacher and coach of 30 years, Ronn Rickels, to be our representative on the Hardin County Board of Supervisors. Ronn grew up on a family farm in Eastern Iowa. He and his family have always been involved in public service. Ronn has done an excellent job bringing his existing knowledge and life experience into the job besides learning the many new areas his job covers, all while serving on 14 job related committees.

He works well with the other two supervisors, one a former county auditor from Eldora and the other a farmer from Hubbard. They all contribute their knowledge, find compromise and reach workable solutions. While they all represent the whole county, it is important to have them from different parts of the county to share their knowledge of the areas they are most familiar with. Ronn deserves our support and vote so he can continue the excellent job he has done. Kurt Kelsey Iowa Falls

Your letters can be emailed to the editor at: editor@eldoranewspaper.com

All year round we invite you to join us in celebrating God’s love. Our doors are always open to those whose hearts are open to His word. May you and yours enjoy a truly blessed week. We hope to see you soon in church!

ELDORA Congregational United Church of Christ Corey Larson, Pastor 1209 12th St. (641) 939-3113 SUNDAY 10 a.m., Worship

First Assembly of God

Steve Neumeyer, Pastor Edgington Ave. & 4th St. (641) 939-7788 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship & Children’s Church 6:30 p.m., Evening Service

First Baptist

Mark Chapman, Pastor 1307 3rd St. (641) 939-2366 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship 6 p.m., Evening Worship

St. Mary Catholic

Fr. Anthony Kruse, Priest 614 Washington (641) 939-5545 Sister Connie Howe, R.S.M., Pastoral Associate SATURDAY 4 p.m., Mass, St. Mark, IA Falls 6:30 p.m., Mass, St. Patrick, Hampton SUNDAY 8 a.m., Mass, St. Mary, Eldora 10:30 a.m., Mass, St. Mary, Ackley

United Methodist

Vicki Reece, Pastor 1415 12th St. (641) 939-2057 SUNDAY 8:30 a.m., Praise Worship 9:45 a.m., Sunday School for all ages 10:45 a.m., Traditional Worship



St. Paul Lutheran

David Splett, Pastor Bruce Zimmermann, Visitation Pastor 1105 Washington (641) 858-2464 SUNDAY 6:30 & 7:30 a.m., Lutheran Hour 8:30 a.m., Sunday School & Bible Classes 9:30 am., Worship/Communion

BAngOR Bangor-Liberty Friends Matt Bishop, Pastor 1260-B Hopkins Ave (641) 486-5434 SUNDAY 8:30 a.m., Prayer Group 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m., Sunday School

Rochelle Swenson, Pastor Leader SUNDAY 8:30 a.m., Worship

HUBBARD St. John Evangelical Lutheran

Matthew W. Rueger, Pastor 116-124 S Iowa St. (641) 864-2672 SUNDAY 9 a.m., Christian Education 10 a.m., Worship

Salem United Methodist

Rochelle Swenson, Pastor 115-123 S. Illinois St. (641)864-2625 SUNDAY 9 a.m., Adult Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Fellowship 10 a.m., Worship/Communion


Zion United Church of Christ

Cottage Community Church

Laura Renault, Pastor 201 E Chestnut St. (641) 864-2600 SUNDAY 9 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship

Ken Nason, Pastor 20042 Co. Hwy. D41 (515) 855-4361 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship


St. Paul Lutheran

Michael Kearney, Pastor 408 Berlin Ave. (515) 855-4240 SUNDAY 8:30 a.m., Worship

COnRAD Blue Collar Community Church

Troy Ralston, Pastor Basement of HCSB (west door) (641) 485-5743 SUNDAY 9 a.m., Worship

This church calendar is provided by these advertisers who encourage you to attend the church of your choice.

Methodist Church

Ivester Church of the Brethren

Paul Shaver, Pastor 25056 E Ave. (641) 858-3879 www.ivesterchurch.org SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Sunday School, 10:30 a.m., Worship

LISCOmB Church of Christ

Ralph Norman, Minister 403 State Street (641) 496-5424 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Sunday School, 10:30 a.m., Worship

Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency




Steamboat Rock Baptist

Honey Creek New Providence Friends Justin Weber, Pastor 604 Cherry Dr. (641) 497-5333 SUNDAY 8:30 a.m., Fellowship 9 a.m., Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship

OWASA Owasa Methodist

Ward Richards, Pastor SUNDAY 9 a.m., Bible Study 10 a.m., Worship Service For cancellations listen to KIFG 95.3 FM


Faith Evangelical

Andrew Johnson, Pastor 26902 Cty. Hwy. S-27 (515) 899-7816 SUNDAY 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., Fellowship 10:15 a.m., Sunday School for all ages

Our Savior’s Lutheran 601 Isabella St. (515) 899-2247 SUNDAY 9 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m., Sunday School

St. John United Methodist

Margaret Aiseayew, Pastor 207 Amanda (515) 899-2327 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship

Zion Lutheran Church

13171 330th St., rural Radcliffe SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship

Calvary Baptist

Rev. Matthew Nuiver, Pastor 608 S. Adams (641) 869-3633 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m., Sunday School 7:00 p.m., Evening Worship

First Christian Reformed

Dan Brouwer, Pastor 12419 18th St. (641) 869-3305 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m., Sunday School Bruce Zimmermann, Pastor S. Washington at 6th St. 600 6th (641) 869-3911 SUNDAY 9 a.m., Worship 9:45 a.m., Sunday School

St. Paul Lutheran

Jonathan Schuler, Pastor 404 Commercial St. (641) 486-2449 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship 6:30 a.m., Evening Service

Community Church Rick Schill, Pastor 402 3rd St. (641) 486-5469 SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship

Union Church of Christ

St. John Lutheran

Victoria Shepherd, Pastor 16553 H Ave (641) 869-3992 SUNDAY 8:15 a.m., Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship

Rick Schill, Pastor 501 Commercial St. (641) 486-5596 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Worship Hour


Community Church

Jim Hartman, Pastor 812 Irwin St. (641) 486-5470 SUNDAY 9 a.m., Worship Service 10:15 a.m., Sunday School

Hardin County Savings Bank Eldora

Member FDIC


Hy-Vee Food Store 858-2005

Fidelity Abstract & Title Company Eldora - 858-5496


United Reformed Church

Green Belt Bank & Trust

Eldora - 939-5051

Mark Andersen, Pastor 617 E 4th (641) 869-3316 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Worship 10:45 a.m., Sunday School


Creps-Abels Funeral Home

Eldora Newspapers

Wellsburg Reformed

Michael Brost, Pastor 401 Market (641) 868-2292 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Fellowship

“Eldora’s Leader in Long-Term Care” 1510 22nd St., Eldora 939-3491


Michael McLane, Pastor 13607 D Ave. SUNDAY 8 a.m., Worship

First Presbyterian

Eldora Nursing & Rehab Center

Member FDIC

St. Peter’s Country Church

Harrison Lippert, Pastor Bryce Roskens, Associate Pastor 107 2nd (641) 868-2458 www.steamboatbaptist.org SUNDAY 8:45 a.m., Traditional Service 10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., Contemporary Service

Eldora - 939-3404

Chad Johnson (641) 858-2181 905 Edgington Ave. Eldora


Eldora - 858-2361

Valley View Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

“Your rehabilitation specialists” 2313 15th Ave., Eldora 858-5422

Public Record

Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 • Page 8

activity log

hardin county sheriff monday, october 24 • Officers received 36 calls for service. Among these calls were 10 ambulance requests, nine controlled burns, three fires, three civil disagreements, two deer accidents, one request to assist another agency, one attempt to locate, one accident with no injuries, one animal complaint, one public assistance request, one suspicious activity report, one harassing communication complaint and one ambulance and fire call. • 11:07 a.m.: A caller advised that two white males, both age 17, had run from the training school. They were last seen in a field southwest of the facility. tuesday, october 25 • Officers received 11 calls for service. Among these calls were four ambulance requests, three controlled burns, one accident with damages, one report of livestock out and one report of debris in the road. • 12:08 p.m.: A caller near Radcliffe advised that her 14 year old female husky/border collie mix was missing. It had long hair, red collar and no tags, and got out of the house Sunday. It had not been back since. wednesday, october 26 • Officers received 17 calls for service. Among these calls were three controlled burns, two broken down vehicles, two requests to assist other agencies, two deer accidents, two public assistance requests, one ambulance request, one domestic abuse call that the Eldora PD handled, one accident with unknown damages and one reckless driving complaint. • 2:23 p.m.: A caller in Eldora reported that his girlfriend was out of control and breaking windows. At 2:26, a neighbor called and reported that the male was holding the female down outside. At 2:36, the male called back wanting to know where the police were. He said that he was currently locked outside while the female was still inside breaking windows. Samantha Hamilton, age 23,

of Eldora, was arrested for Domestic Assault. She remained in jail. • 5:35 p.m.: A caller in Union reported that the plates were missing from his vehicle. His son moved the car three days ago and since then, both plates had been removed by an unknown person. The Iowa Falls PD located the plates in their impound lot. thursday, october 27 • Officers received 16 calls for service. Among these calls were four controlled burns, three ambulance requests, two animal complaints, one suspicious vehicle, one deer accident, one report of alarms going off, one dog complaint, one traffic offense that did not result in arrest and one report of livestock out. • 11:09 a.m.: A caller reported that the house he owns in Hubbard was broken into between Sunday and Tuesday of that week. A shotgun and a change jar were taken from the residence, and there were damages to the window and the door on the backside of the house. friday, october 28 • Officers received 21 calls for service. Among these calls were seven ambulance requests, three controlled burns, two suspicious activity reports, one reckless driving complaint, one report of cattle on the road, one report of hogs out, one ambulance and fire call, one dog complaint, one accident with no damage and one animal complaint. • 3:00 p.m.: The Butler County Sheriff’s Office advised that they had dropped a subject off at the Ackley Casey’s who said he was walking to Montana. A few calls were received from drivers while the subject was walking on Highway 57 and 65. • 5:22 p.m.: Deputy Kappel observed Daniel Viles, age 31, of Whitten, driving a vehicle in Whitten, and he was arrested for Driving While Suspended. He was released. saturday, october 29 • Officers received 25 calls for service. Among these calls were 13

controlled burns, three ambulance requests, two reports of livestock on the road, one public assistance request, one suspicious activity report, one broken down vehicle and one request to assist another agency. • 8:37 a.m.: A caller near Alden reported that a vehicle passed her at a high rate of speed. When she passed the car near Summit Farms, she said that the male was out of the car holding a shotgun. She added that there were two young males in the vehicle, but Lieutenant Stoner was unable to locate. • 6:20 p.m.: Deputy Lemke conducted a traffic stop in Alden that resulted in the arrest of Maria De Los Angels Martinez, age 20, of Dows, for Driving Under Suspension. She was released. • 11:06 p.m.: A caller in Union reported that some kids threw a pumpkin through his kitchen window and broke it. They left northbound in a black car. sunday, october 30 • Officers received 23 calls for service. Among these calls were nine controlled burns, two ambulance requests, two fires, one report of a deer in the roadway, one dog complaint, one report of alarms going off, one accident with injuries and a totaled vehicle, one public assistance request and one theft report. • 8:53 a.m.: A caller near Iowa Falls reported that while he was hunting, someone got into his vehicle. He did not believe that they took anything. He followed them as far as he could but lost them. • 12:11 p.m.: A caller reported three people and a dog hunting on railroad property. Deputy Raum located them and notified them of the complaint, and they moved on. • 5:20 p.m.: A caller outside of Eldora advised that a dark gray four door Dodge Dakota just pulled into their driveway then backed out and took off in a hurry. The caller’s husband followed the Dakota to over near Hubbard, where it almost lost control but kept going at a very high

rate of speed. The caller’s husband could not get a license plate number and quit following them. • 5:36 p.m.: A caller advised that a man wearing camouflage pants, Army boots and a tan shirt was walking westbound on the 65/175 junction carrying a gas can. The caller added that the subject was looking for Highway 30 and was trying to get to Des Moines so he could go on a trip to Niagara Falls. monday, october 31 • Officers received 21 calls for service. Among these calls were nine ambulance requests, two broken down vehicles, two public assistance requests, one reckless driving complaint, one deer accident, one report of alarms going off, one accident with unknown damages, one suspicious activity report, one controlled burn and one animal complaint. • 10:07 p.m.: Deputy Lepley transported Victoria Jean Benson, age 25, of Waterloo, from Liscomb on a Hardin County warrant for Failure to Appear at a Probation Revocation hearing originating from a charge of Third Degree Burglary. No bond was set, and she remained in jail. tuesday, november 1 • Officers received 32 calls for service. Among these calls were 11 controlled burns, four public assistance requests, three ambulance requests, three reports of livestock or debris on roads, three broken down vehicles, one accident with unknown damage, one civil disagreement, one ambulance and fire call, one animal complaint, one reckless driving complaint, and one suspicious activity report. • 9:44 a.m.: Lieutenant Stoner arrested Nicholas Wiederkehr, age 37, of Bristow, on a Hardin County warrant for Violation of Pretrial Supervision originating from a charge of OWI 2nd Offense. Bond was set at $10,000 cash or surety, and he remained in jail. • 3:10 p.m.: Chief Deputy Holmes transported Harland Huff to the Hardin County Jail.

call 641-939-5051 to place your ad!


Martin Kielsmeier Estate to Jane Dudson, 9-29-16, 1/4 of 1/2 int.: Pt NE1/4 11-86-22 Martin Kielsmeier Estate to Jill Bielecki, 9-29-16, 1/4 of 1/2 int.: Pt NE1/4 11-86-22 Garnet Kielsmeier Estate to Jane Dudson, 9-28-16, 20% of 1/2 int.: Pt NE1/4 11-86-22 Garnet Kielsmeier Estate to Joel Christianson, 9-28-16, 40% of 1/2

int.: Pt NE1/4 11-86-22 Garnet Kielsmeier Estate to Dennis Kielsmeier, 9-28-16, 20% of 1/2 int.: Pt NE1/4 11-86-22 Garnet Kielsmeier Estate to Jill Bielecki, 9-28-16, 20% of 1/2 int.: Pt NE1/4 11-86-22 Ronald and Glenda Rahfeldt, husband and wife to Jacob D. and Rebecca A. Hodnefield, husband and wife, 9-8-16, Pt NW1/4 NE1/4 2-86-22


steamboat Rock City Council STEamBOaT ROCk CITy COUNCIL SPECIaL SESSION OCTOBER 26, 2016, 6:00 P.m. the steamboat Rock City Council met in special session october 26, 2016, 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. Present were the following Councilmembers: Kevin Pieters, adam Blackburn, eric Nielsen and Jeff Risius. absent were mayor marvin Veld and Councilmember Carol Williams.

mayor pro tem Nielsen called the meeting to order. it was moved, seconded and carried that the agenda be approved as presented. it was moved, seconded and carried to approve a building permit to travis Hollander for a wrap-around deck at 301 s. 1st street. it was moved, seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned. time of adjournment was 6:16 p.m. (index – Nov. 4, 2016)


eldora-New Providence CsD TENTaTIvE agENda ELdORa-NEw PROvIdENCE CSd OCTOBER 24, 2016 – 6:15 P.m. HIgH SCHOOL mEdIa CENTER “Embracing today’s challenges, preparing for tomorrow’s world.” 1.0 meeting Called to order 2.0 Discuss/action agenda motion to approve the agenda. 3.0 District Business 3.01 Discuss/action sale of Property for ambulance Building location motion that we do

not sell the District property to the east of our elementary building to the City of eldora. 3.02 Discuss/action Purchase of High school Choir Robes motion to approve the purchase of 125 new choir robes by the south Hardin Fine arts Boosters from academic Choir apparel in the amount of $19,510.25, with the school district contributing no more than $5,000 towards this purchase. 4.0 adjournment – 6:26 p.m. (index – Nov. 4, 2016)


Joint meeting of the Boards of education JOINT mEETINg Of THE BOaRdS Of EdUCaTION Of THE ELdORa-NEw PROvIdENCE aNd HUBBaRd-RadCLIffE COmmUNITy SCHOOL dISTRICTS mONday, OCTOBER 24, 2016 6:30 P.m. SOUTH HaRdIN HIgH SCHOOL mEdIa CENTER ELdORa, IOwa TENTaTIvE agENda i. Call meeting to order a. introduction of members

ii. approve agenda motion to approve the agenda. iii. Presentations a. elementary Collaboration – presenters: PJ Heinz and annie Bradford iV. Discussion V. Business Related to Whole grade sharing a. Fall Proration—mr. mathis & mrs. Heinz B. District Website C. Date of spring semester Joint Board meeting – February 27 Vi. adjourn – 7:51 p.m. (index – Nov. 4, 2016)


PUBLIC NOTICE PUBliC NotiCe is HeReBY giVeN tHat tHe CitY oF UNioN seWeR ReHaBilitatioN PRoJeCt is eligiBle FoR a CategoRiCal eXClUsioN FRom NePa ReVieW. tHis PRoJeCt is BeiNg FUNDeD iN PaRt oR WHole BY sRF FUNDiNg. the proposed project was reviewed by the iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for eligibility for a categorical exclusion from NePa review specified in the 40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 6.204. the project meets all criteria described in the above reference, and it was determined that this project is eligible for a categorical exclusion. Consequently, a preliminary decision has been made


that a Finding of No significant impact (FNsi) will not be prepared. this action is taken on the basis of a careful review of supporting information that is on file at the DNR’s Des moines, iowa office. the Categorical exclusion documentation for this project is available online at www.iowasRF.com/eR. the DNR will not take any administrative action on the project for at least thirty (30) calendar days from the publication of this Notice. Persons disagreeing with the above environmental decision may submit comments to the DNR during this period. Please direct your comments to Jean mayne at Jean.mayne@dnr.iowa.gov or 515-725-0487. (index – Nov. 4, 2016)

To place classifieds call (641)939-5051

for sale

for rent

for rent

help wanted

garage sales

lasagna dinner

sale at gram’s! 619 G Avenue in Grundy Center. All jewelry is 50% off from November 3 – November 5. Phone number is 319-239-8430.

plex is for the elderly - 62 years of age or older, handicap/disabled, regardless of age. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.” Call 641-858-3871 or write to Bette Valde, Mgr. 1514-8th Ave. Eldora, IA. 50627. I-44 for rent: 1 BR upstairs apt. Heat/AC, appliances and garbage furnished. No pets. (641)858-3531. tfc

for rent: Pinecrest Mobile Home Park has 2 and 3 bedroom homes for rent from $275. Some mobile homes for sale. Terms available. HUD approved. Small pets welcome. (641)858-3477. tfc for rent in eldora: 2 bedroom apt. with stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer furnished. Call (641)497-5356 tfc for rent: 2 bedroom apartment: Stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities, off-street parking. $320/month plus deposit and references. No pets. (641)939-2006. tfc for rent: 2 or 3 bedroom home in Eldora, deposit and reference required. Call (641)858-5659 or call (641)751-5899. tfc

bcluw schools Positions available: Custodian, Bus Drivers. To apply, www.bcluw.k12. ia.us - About Us – Positions Available. H-45 the rock stoP in Steamboat Rock is searching for part time help. Ideal candidate would be dependable, a team player, and customer service oriented. Duties include running cash register, preparation of food, and general cleaning and upkeep of the store. If interested, pick up application at The Rock Stop or mail resume to: The Rock Stop, PO Box 396, Steamboat Rock, IA 50672. I-47

moving & garage sale: Tons of housewares, seasonal décor, furniture, camping chairs, racks of clothing – women’s M-L, 10-12; too much to mention. 1511 3rd St., Eldora, Friday, 3-6 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-noon. I-44

ivester church of the brethren, 25056 E Ave., rural Grundy Center lasagna dinner - Sunday, Nov. 13, 4-7 p.m. Freewill offering. I-44

for rent taking aPPlications: 1 and 2 bedroom apartments at Pine Lake Housing in Eldora. Stove, refrigerator and air conditioner furnished, laundry facilities available. Rent based on income. Apartment com-

Current Electric “Upgrade your wiring to Current standards”


The E-NP School District is seeking applicants for a

full TimE PoSiTioN aS morNiNg aND afTErNooN School buS DrivEr

for daily rural route and shuttle to SHMS for the rest of the school year. Experienced bus driver preferred, but district will provide training and process to become Iowa School Bus Permit holder for the chosen applicant. Pay will be according to Local 2003 Wage Scale for 2016/17. The ENP Transportation Team is a friendly and a fun group to work with. Opportunities also to drive for field trips and sports events. Applicants must be able to work according to school schedule, be prompt, able to follow directives, attend in-services to maintain permit, work well with students, and pass DOT physical requirements. Please send application to carolyn luiken, Transportation Director, 1010 Edgington avenue, Eldora, 50627 or call (641) 939-5631 for more EoE information. Deadline Nov. 30, 2016.

10/28, 11/1, 4, 8/16


Eldora - $58.40 (1st run) Eldora - $20 (2nd consecutive run) Eldora - $78.40 per week

Eldora - $7.30 & $2.50 Bruce Berghuis

Wellsburg & surrounding communities

Grundy - $5.25 Farm, Home, Commercial

Set for Grundy Register 2x2 WANTED: NURSE AIDES FOR 2ND SHIFT

thrift shop you have to see it to believe it! ALL You Want For CHRISTMAS! Over 300 items moved in DAILY! Trinkets & Togs Thrift Store, 1609 G Avenue, Grundy Center, 319-825-8030. I-47

craft show ric annual craft show will be held Dec. 3 from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Lunch served. Call Sara Peterson at 515-899-2238 or Joy Wykle at 515-899-2414. Spaces are $15.00. I-45 have something to buy sell - rent or give away? Call the Eldora Newspapers to advertise – 641-939-5051.

card of thanks – Our hearts are full of gratitude when we say many thanks to family members, friends and neighbors for all acts of kindness and sympathy: food, flowers, memorial monies, cards, visits and kind words spoken to our family regarding the recent passing of a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Betty Hazelwood. We want to express special appreciation to the staff at the Iowa Falls Dialysis Center, Pastor Splett for his many words of comfort and to the Creps-Abels Funeral Home for their professional arrangements and caring service. Betty will be remembered for her strength, courage and positive attitude, warm smile and the twinkle in her eye. The family of Betty Hazelwood H-45*

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We are looking for someone reliable and compassionate. We offer competitive pay, nurse aide membership benefits (NAHCA), LPN/RN tuition assistance, BSN tuition assistance, generous anniversary bonus and more. Apply in person at 2313 15th Ave., Eldora or call Brenda Nichols at 641-858-5422 EOE/AAP Disability & Vets

10/4, 7, 11, 14/16

thank you


2x3 $58.80 per week

Grundy - 10/6, 13/16 - $31.50 per week Parkersburg - 10/5, 12/16 - $31.50 per week

hardin county abstract & title co. tim elleFsoN 1300 edgington, eldora Ph. 858-5555

1x1.5 Grand tfc JiVante has openings for the following: • CNA (1st & 2nd Shift) • LPN/RN (2nd Shift) Apply online or in person:

Grand JiVanté

502 Butler St., Ackley, IA 50601 641-847-3531 www.grandjivante.com

10/28, 11/1, 4, 8/16



Eldora - $29.20 + $10 = $39.20 per week Grundy - 11/3, 10 $20.20 per week

$7.3 $5.0 $4.0 $6.2


Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 • page 9

Iowa furbearer season begins Nov. 5

Quakerdale Prep falls to MCC in cage opener MARSHALLTOWN- A season-opening 84-64 loss was suffered by the Quakerdale Prep basketball team to Marshalltown Community College here Tuesday. The visiting Eagles started strong and faded. Quakerdale trailed 34-33 at halftime after holding leads of 29-27 and 33-32 late in the first half. The Tigers then won the second 20-minute period, 50-31 to pull away. Mahrion Butler led the Eagles’ scoring column at 14 points to go with five rebounds and two assists and steals each. Tyrees Sidberry netted 11 points with nine for Antoine Divine, Tyrail Trussell and Chris Porter. Myles Thomas chipped in seven points, Chase White three and Alex Clark two. Thomas made two three-point goals and Butler one. “I think the positives for the night was that we held our own in the toughness category and ended up shooting more free throws than our opponent. Our shot selection and motion on offense really showed well,” said Quakerdale coach Dustin Johnston. Scoring leaders for the Tigers were Souf Mensah at 19 points with Aaron Hauser 11 and nine for Brandon Simmons and Reggie Gradwell, a former Quakerdale cager. “Our biggest concern with moving forward will be our ability to rebound the ball consistently,” added Johnston. Quakerdale’s shooting stats were 24-of-60 from the field, including 3-of11 on threes and 13-of-28 on free throws. Marshalltown made 32-of-73 field goals and 14-of-25 free throws. Quakerdale travels to Olney Community College in Illinois for games tonight (Friday) and Saturday, and then plays in Iowa Falls Tuesday (Nov. 8) against Ellsworth Community College at 7:30 p.m.

WEST’S OUTSTANDING PLAYER- Grundy Center sophomore Kylie Willis (right) spikes the volleyball over BCLUW’s Leah Yantis during earlier post-season play this fall. Willis was named the NICL West Conference’s Outstanding Player Wednesday. Yantis was one of five Comets to earn league honors, making the honorable mention list.

Six teams from NICL Conference in state volleyball field

Grundy upsets No. 5 T-C, advances to state tourney GRUNDY CENTER- One of eight berths to the Class 2A division of the state volleyball tournament was captured by underdog Grundy Center. The Spartans upset fifth-ranked Tri-Center in four competitive games – 26-24, 23-25, 25-23, 25-22 in the Region 4 final at the West Des Moines Valley High School gym here Tuesday. The Grundy Center girls are one of six teams that qualified for the state tournament from the North Iowa Cedar League. The Spartans are from the West division along with Dike-New Hartford, Union High, Waterloo Columbus, SumnerFredericksburg and Hudson all from the East. The unranked Spartans have a tough state opener, meeting No. 1 in 2A Western Christian in a quarterfi CAGE PLAY- The Eagles’ Mahrion Butler (10) goes up for a nal match Wednesday (Nov. 9) at 2 layup during opening night basketball action at Marshalltown p.m. The defending 2A champion Community College Tuesday. Quakerdale lost to the Tigers, 84- Wolfpack are 38-6. 64. (Photo by Mark Schroeder). The five-class state volleyball tournament will be held at the US Cellular Center in Cedar Rapids Tuesday through Friday. Grundy Center improved to 25-16 with the win over Tri-Center and was a second straight over a state-ranked

pitch count coming to Ia high shool baseball

ELDORA- The Iowa High School Athletic Association has announced a pitch count policy will go into effect for the 2017 prep baseball season. The policy reads that when a pitcher reaches 110 pitches, he may not pitch to another batter. He may only finish pitching to the current batter. An adult designee from both teams approved by the school will confirm the pitch count of each pitcher at the completion of each inning. If there is a discrepancy that cannot be worked out, the home scorebook/count will be considered the official count. If an individual were to pitch on consecutive days, the two or moreday total would determine how many days of rest would be required before the individual could return to pitch. The consecutive day total cannot exceed 110 pitches. Tenth-12th graders may throw 180 pitches in a week. Eighth-9th grades may throw

150 pitches in a week. A week is defined as Sunday-Saturday. The previous pitch ruling was nine innings in one day or a combination of two days, and 16 innings in a week. In addition, if an individual were to throw 25 or fewer pitches in game one of a doubleheader, he may return to pitch in game two, up to 110 pitches for the day. If an individual were to throw more than 25 pitches in game one of a doubleheader, he would be ineligible to pitch in game two. All varsity pitch counts are required to be entered into QuikStats within 24 hours of the completion of the game. All levels of baseball (freshman, JV, varsity, etc) are required to complete the IHSAA Pitch Count Chart and both school’s coaches are required to verify and sign said chart at the conclusion of the contest.

DES MOINES- Iowa fur harvesters will find good numbers of raccoons, muskrats, beaver, coyotes, bobcats, river otters and mink when the furbearer trapping and hunting season opens on Nov. 5. “Population wise, all species are doing pretty well except for gray fox,” said Vince Evelsizer, furbearer biologist for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Trappers who like to pursue muskrats should find better numbers on area marshes this year. All indications show better muskrat numbers in many parts of the state for the second year in a row, which is great news, he said. “It’s still not what is used to be in some areas, but definitely an improvement. Muskrats are a breadand-butter species for Iowa trappers but the population has been on a downward trend for the past 25 years or so. So it’s good to see their numbers rebound some,” Evelsizer said. What hasn’t come back is the fur market outlook – fur prices remain low. The number of fur harvesters fluctuates with the market prices for the third year in a row, the fur market outlook is poor. “We gained about 2,000 fur harvesters per year from 2009 through 2013, and then lost about 2,000 fur harvesters per year from 2014 through 2015,” said Evelsizer. He expects the decrease in trappers to continue for the 2016-17 season. “This is a good year to spend time with youth or older adults trapping, coon hunting or predator hunting. It’s a great way to spend time together in the outdoors, regardless of the fur market,” he said. “On the positive side, we are still one of the top five states in the nation for the number of fur harvesters per capita.” Regulation Change Fur harvesters are no longer required to obtain a permit to hold furs for sell after the season closes on Jan. 31, 2017. Otter, Bobcat Reminder Fur harvesters are reminded that it is important that they turn in the lower jaw or skull of any otter and bobcat they harvest. “This enables us to extract a tooth for aging and monitor the age distribution of otters and bobcats. This information helps assess the feasibility of possible changes to the otter or bobcat harvest season,” said Evelsizer. A map of the counties open to bobcat harvest is on page 20 in the Iowa Hunting and Trapping Regulations book available at license vendors and on the Iowa DNR’s website at www.iowadnr.gov/huntingregs. Gray Fox Study Iowa is participating in an ongoing Midwest gray fox DNA tissue study by working with trappers to collect samples used for genetic information. “Iowa gray fox numbers have declined over the past 10 years. Southeast Iowa has the highest population but there are small pockets of gray fox throughout the state,” Evelsizer said. Trappers who catch a gray fox can contact Evelsizer at 641-357-3517 or their local DNR biologist or conservation officer.

The Grundy Center – Western Christian winner meets the Central Lyon – St. Albert winner in a semifinal Thursday at 4 p.m. All five state championships will be played Friday. The state berth is the Spartans’ ninth and fifth in the past six seasons. Union High and Dike-New Hartford enter as the Class 3A favorites as the 38-4 Knights re No. 1 and 45-5 Wolverines second-ranked. Union won the NICL East with a five-set victory over D-NH. Union plays No. 14 Osage (23-11) and Dike-NH meets No. 11 North Polk (37-9) in Wednesday morning’s quarterfinals. Both won regional finals Monday in straight sets with Union over Eddyville-Blakesburg and Dike-NH over Clarion-Goldfield. Rounding out the 3A field will be No. 4 Carroll Kuemper, No. 5 Mount Vernon, No. 6 Sioux Center and No. 7 Davenport Assumption. In Class 1A, 33-4 Hudson is listed No. 2 behind defending state champion and top-ranked Janesville. The Pirates play No. 11 Lawton-Bronson (33-7) in a quarterfinal match Wednesday night. Hud swept Lamoni in three sets in a regional final (38-4) vs Osage (23-11); 12 noon – Tuesday. Mount Vernon (33-7) vs Sioux Cen- Along with Hudson and Janesville, ter (34-4). the 1A field has No. 3 Springville, QUARTERFINALS Court Two- 10 a.m. – Dike-New No. 5 Holy Trinity, No.7 Sidney, No. CLASS 5A: (Tuesday, Nov. 8) Hartford (45-5) vs North Polk (37- 9 Audubon, Lawton-Bronson and Court One- 12 noon – Cedar 9); 12 noon – Carroll Kuemper (28- No. 15 Starmont. Falls (38-3) vs West DM Dowling 1) vs Davenport Assumption (28-8). (27-15); 2 p.m. – Linn-Mar (33-8) CLASS 2A: (Wednesday, Nov. 9) vs Ankeny (37-5). Court One- 2 p.m. – Western Court Two- 12 noon – Ankeny Christian (38-6) vs Grundy Center Centennial (32-3) vs Iowa City West (25-16); 4 p.m. – Central Lyon (30(23-14); 2 p.m. – West DM Valley 4) vs St. Albert CB (26-4). (40-4) vs Dubuque Hempstead (23 Court Two- 2 p.m. – Unity ChrisAt the Grundy Care Center 10). tian (34-4) vs Mediapolis (33-7); 4 102 East J Avenue CLASS 4A: (Tuesday, Nov. 8) p.m. – Sumner-Fredericksburg (33Grundy Center, IA 50638 Court One- 4 p.m. – Pella (36-4) 5) vs Waterloo Columbus (27-13). vs Nevada (29-13); 6 p.m. – Sioux CLASS 1A: (Wednesday, Nov. 9) Start your Holiday Shopping! City Heelan (34-8) vs Charles City Court One- 6 p.m. – Janesville (37-5). COME CHECK OUT ALL THE GREAT PRODUCTS FROM: (32-8) vs Starmont (32-8); 8 p.m. Court Two- 4 p.m. – Dubuque Tupperware, Pampered Chef, 31, Lularoe Clothing, – Holy Trinity (35-3) vs Sidney (33Wahlert (25-6) vs Lewis Central (30Paparazzi, Pink Zebra, It Works, Scentsy, Blank Space Creations, 3). 8); 6 p.m. – Marion (34-9) vs Cedar Court Two- 6 p.m. – Hudson Mary Cafferty Crafts, Younique, and Usborne Books Rapids Xavier (31-9). (33-4) vs Lawton-Bronson (33-7); 8 CLASS 3A: (Wednesday, Nov. 9) p.m. – Springville (28-7) vs AuduCourt One- 10 a.m. – Union High bon (27-6).

IGHSAU State Volleyball Pairings

foe after celebrating a five-set thriller over No. 9 Woodward-Granger in the regional semi-finals last Thursday. The loss was just Tri-Center’s second of the season to end 32-2. The Spartans drilled 61 kills and had just 15 hitting errors in 172 attempts. Kylie Willis led the attack with 22 kills on 53-of-57 hitting followed by 17 kills for Brooke Flater and a dozen for Landry Luhring. Sydney Mathews dished out 53 assists. Kyah Luhring landed four of the team’s six service aces, going 17-of-18, and had a team-high 20 digs. For Tri-Center, Allison Eikenberry buried 29 of the team’s 57 kills on 64-of-67 hitting. Additional 2A quarterfinal bouts have NICL East opponents SumnerFredericksburg (33-5) third-ranked and No. 10 Waterloo Columbus (27-13) meeting along with second-ranked Unity Christian (34-4) against No. 12 Mediapolis (337), and No. 6 Central Lyon (30-4) against No. 7 St. Albert (26-4). Sumner-Fred swept West Branch in a regional final Tuesday and Columbus defeated No. 4 Lake Mills in five games – winning the first two and then the fifth 15-7.

Fall Craft & Vendor Show SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH - 1:30-4:30


Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 • page 10

South Hardin’s Balvanz, BCLUW’s Ubben & Swanson first-teamers

Area netters collect NICL West volleyball honors ELDORA- The North Iowa Cedar League West All-Conference volleyball honors were announced Wednesday and seven area netters were named to the two teams. All NICL West were South Hardin senior Dru Balvanz along with senior Samantha Ubben and sophomore Easton Swanson of BCLUW. Another Comets’ tandem made the second-team, senior Jordyn Beeghly and sophomore Cate Nason along with senior Hannah Tripp for the Tigers and AGWSR senior Maddie Brandt. Perennial conference champion Grundy Center landed a league high five slots with junior Landry Luhring and sophomores Kylie Willis and Brooke Flater first-teamers, and sophomores Sydney Mathews and Hailey Wallis second-team. Willis was selected the NICL West’s Outstanding Player. Rounding out the eight-netter first-team were junior Alexa Keigan and sophomore Catherine Sjoblom of runner-up West Marshall. Grundy Center posted perfect marks to captured an eighth straight NICL West team title – going 6-0 in matches and 18-0 in sets. West Marshall was second at 5-1 and BCLUW went 4-2 for third. West Marshall’s Denise Coberley was tabbed Coachof-the-Year. Area netters named to the honorable mention list were seniors Nina Priske of South Hardin, Alana Groninga of AGWSR, Leah Yantis of BCLUW and freshman Kyah Luhring of Grundy Center.

AGWSR divided the six league bouts for fourth at 3-3 and South Hardin finished fifth at 2-4. Willis ruled the net for the Spartans, booking league-highs with 81 kills and 30 blocks. She had a lofty .578 kill efficiency and just seven errors in 128 attack, while at the back line, the soph was 76-of-77 serving with nine aces. Additional conference leaders were Mathews in assists at 191, Sjoblom for service aces at 29 and South Hardin senior Lexi Ryan in digs at 97. South Hardin’s conference leaders were Priske 46 kills with 33 each for Ryan and Balvanz; Tripp in serving at 99-of-99 with 11 aces; senior Hanna Vander Wilt 64 assists and Balvanz 56; Tripp 56 digs good for fourth, and JoJo Keahey 17 and Priske 15 blocks. BCLUW had three girls in the league’s top eight for kills with Ubben’s 58 tied for third, Beeghly 52 for sixth and Swanson eighth at 47. Nason ended second in assists at 162, Swanson third in blocks 20 and Ubben sixth in digs with 71. AGWSR’s league leaders were Groninga second in digs at 86 and junior Mandy Willems fifth at 72 along with seventh in assists at 80, and Brandt third with 15 service aces. Groninga buried 42 kills, Brandt 41 and senior Mariah Jimmerson 39. After Willis for the Spartans, L. Luhring had 45 kills and Flater 43; Wallis and freshman Emmy Kracht had 10 service aces, and K. Luhring 44 digs.

NICL West Volleyball Finals Standings

Matches Games Grundy Center 6-0 18-0 West Marshall 5-1 15-7 BCLUW 4-2 13-7 AGWSR 3-3 9-12 South Hardin 2-4 7-13 East Marshall 1-5 6-17 Gladbrook-Reinbeck 0-6 5-18

NICL West Volleyball Individual Stat Leaders

Kills – Kylie Willis, grundy Center – 81; Juliana arifi, east Marshall – 63; Samantha Ubben, BCLUW – 58; Catherine Sjoblom, West Marshall – 58; Lexi Keigan, West Marshall – 55; Jordyn Beeghly, BCLUW – 52; Tiana Bolar, east Marshall – 50; easton Swanson, BCLUW – 47; Nina priske, South Hardin – 46; Landry Luhring, grundy Center – 45; amanda paxton, east Marshall – 44; Brooke Flater, grundy Center – 43; alana groninga, agWSR – 42; Maddie Brandt, agWSR – 41; Tessa Sienknecht, gladbrook-Reinbeck – 41. Service Aces - Catherine Sjoblom, West Marshall – 29; Brittany anderson, east Marshall – 16; Maddie Brandt, agWSR – 15; McKenzie Hinegardner, east Marshall – 15; grace porter, West Marshall – 13; Hannah Tripp, South Hardin – 11; emma deNeui, West Marshall – 11. Assists – Sydney Mathews, grundy Center – 191; Cate Nason, BCLUW – 162, grace porter, West Marshall – 99, Maddie Frischmeyer, gladbrook-Reinbeck – 91; McKenzie Hinegardner, east Marshall – 87; Lana Long, east Marshall – 81; Mandy Willems, agWSR – 80; Hanna

Samantha Ubben, BCLUW First-Team – OH/MH

Dru Balvanz, South Hardin First-Team – Setter

Easton Swanson, BCLUW First-Team – OH/MH

Vander Wilt, South Hardin – 64. Digs – Levi Ryan, South Hardin – 97; alana groninga, agWSR – 86; emma deNeui, West Marshall – 86;

Hannah Tripp, South Hardin – 79; Mandy Willems, agWSR – 72; Samantha Ubben, BCLUW – 71; Tessa Sienknecht, gladbrook-Reinbeck – 70. Blocks – Kylie Willis, grundy Cen-

ter – 30; Juliana arifi, east Marshall – 27; easton Swanson, BCLUW – 20; emmy Kracht, grundy Center – 18; JoJo Keahey, South Hardin – 17; Brooke Flater, grundy Center – 16; Dru Balvanz, South Hardin – 15.

North Iowa Cedar League West All-Conference Volleyball Honors Player Kylie Willis Samantha Ubben Landry Luhring Alexa Keigan Catherine Sjoblom Easton Swanson Brooke Flater Dru Balvanz


School rundy Center G BCLUW Grundy Center West Marshall West Marshall BCLUW Grundy Center South Hardin

Gr. Pos. So. MH Sr. OH/MH Jr. OH Jr. OH So. OH So. OH.MH So. MH Sr. Set

Outstanding Player – Kylie Willis, Grundy Center Coach-of-the-Year – Denise Coberley, West Marshall Player Maddie Brandt Sydney Mathews Jordyn Beeghly Grace Porter Hannah Tripp Hailey Wallis Tiana Bolar Cate Nason


School AGWSR Grundy Center BCLUW West Marshall South Hardin Grundy Center East Marshall BCLUW

Gr. Pos. Sr. MH So. Set Sr. MH Jr. Set Sr. OH So. OH Sr. OH So. Set


Hannah Tripp, South Hardin Second-Team – OH

Cate Nason, BCLUW Second-Team – Setter

Jordyn Beeghly, BCLUW Second-Team – MH

Maddie Brandt, AGWSR Second-Team – MH

Good Times Oct. 20, 2016 aches & pains 161 79 american Legion 133 107 M&g Tire 120 120 Fareway grocery 109 131 Fugowee Tribe 107 133 eldora Bowl 90 150 High team game-american Legion 944; High team series- american Legion 2743; High individual gamesKevin Lake 236, Kyle geerdes 226, Mark Hobson 223; High individual series- Kevin Lake 601,Kyle geerdes 590, Harris Steinfeldt 572; Splits picked up- Dave akers 6-7-10, Dennis Dickenson 2-7-8, Ryan Mossman 4-7-10. Friday Night Mixed Oct. 21, 2016 Fit 36 20 We’re Back 36 20 Bulls on the Loose 30 26 Wild Ones 10 46 High team game- Fit 722; High team series- Fit 2072; High individual games- Mike Teske 234, John Schatzman 224, Lonnie Hoelscher 214, Judy Staples 210, Sue Taylor 191, Melissa Berends 177; High individual series- Lonnie Hoelscher 599, John Schatzman 580, Mike Teske

545,Sue Taylor 549, Judy Staples 487, Melissa Berends 476. Jr. Sr. Oct. 22, 2016 Team 3 20 4 The girlies 14 10 Legitness 10 14 10.0 4 20 High team game-Team 3 589; High team series- Team 3 1738; High individual games- Hunter Welch 134, Zach Murphy 130, Chase Kane 125, Jordyn gear 107, Trinity Berends 87, emma Kane 84; High individual series- Hunter Welch 372, Zach Murphy 316, Chase Kane 306, Jordyn gear 286, emma Kane 212, Trinity Berends 203; Splits picked up- Jordyn Bear 9-10. Sunday Night Mixed Oct. 23, 2016 55 Forever 22 10 JaMK 18 14 2ND Ball First 14 18 give em the Bird 14 18 exploding Kittens 10 22 Fun with Balls 10 22 High team game- 55 Forever 652; High team series- 55 Forever 1892; High individual games- Harris Steinfeldt 244, Mike Teske 214, Bob gehrke 210, Carole Steinfeldt 174, Kelley Balvanz 174, Judy Staples 160; High individual series- Mike Teske 581, Mark Harms 574, Harris Steinfeldt 559, Kelley Balvanz 462, Melis-

sa Berends 429, Judy Staples 418; Splits picked up- phil Schilling 3-10, april Markwardt 3-10, Tami Campbell 3-10, Kelley Balvanz 3-10, Bob gehrke 3-7, pat gehrke 5-6, Lou Weig 5-6. UFO Oct. 24, 2016 Firehouse 146 64 Napa 109 101 Steinfeldt painting 108 102 United Suppliers 98 112 The Hubb 96 114 FMH 73 137 High team game- Napa 961; High team series- Steinfeldt painting 2719; High individual games- Bret Harris 279, Jake Travis 265, Steve Dickenson 244; High individual series- Bret Harris 657, Shawn Bolt 639, Jake Travis 638. Tuesday Night Mixed Oct. 25, 2016 Firehouse 163.5 73.5 Las Flores 145 95 porkers 129.5 109.5 High team game- porkers 873; High team series- porkers 2395; High individual games- Jake Travis 224, evan eichmeier 188, Bruce Heidt 141, Kortney Jaenke 209, Susan engelking 193, Jill grego 168; High individual games- Jake Travis 575, evan eichmeier 511, Bruce Heidt 399, Kortney Jaenke 548, Susan engelking 480, Chelsea Don-

Bowling Scores Wellsburg Church Oct. 19, 2016 Cruisers 157 53 pizza Ranch 124.5 85.5 Section 8 120 80 Odd Ballz 95 115 Spider Killers 77.5 129.5 High team game- Section 8 786; High team series- Odd Ballz 2204; High individual games- Tyler Krull 243, 227, Brian Balvanz 236, Kristina atkins 181, Crystal Jeske 173, 160; High individual games- Brian Balvanz 654, Tyler Krull 614, Robert Jeske 576, Crystal Jeske 489, Kristina atkins 417, Melissa Blanchard 382. Bowl Mor Oct. 20, 2016 Midwest Liquid 156 84 epI 149.5 90.5 Froning enterprises 139.5 100.5 HyVee 115 125 Sween Law 63 177 High team game- Sween Law 775; High team series- Sween Law 2134; High individual games- Steve allbee 258, Brett pfaltzgraff 257, Darren Driggers 226; High individual seriesDarren Driggers 642, Jim Sween 598 Steve allbee 579; Splits picked upZak Dolash 2-4-10.

Kyah Luhring, Grundy Center – Fr.; Emma deNeui, West Marshall – Jr.; Leah Yantis, BCLUW – Sr.; Alana Groninga, AGWSR – Sr.; Nina Priske, South Hardin – Sr.; Amanda Paxton, East Marshall – Sr.; Karlee Clark, Gladbrook-Reinbeck – Sr.

300 GAMEJake Travis of Eldora joined the 300-Club, rolling his first perfect game during the UFO League Monday at the Eldora Bowl. Travis’ 300 was the third game of a 684 series. The 25-year-old noted he has been bowling since the age of five. aldson 465; Splits picked up- evan eichmeier 6-7-10, Joann Stock 4-5. PLCC Oc. 26, 2016 Brenda’s girls 22 10 american Legion 20 12 Ball Busters 18 14 Hardin Bank 18 14 Roger’s Lawnmowing 18 14 High team game- Roger’s Lawn-

mowing 612; High team series- Roger’s Lawnmowing 1768; High individual games- Kelli Rogers 195, Jane geerdes 183, Brenda gore 182; High individual series- Jane geerdes 480, Brenda gore 475, Kelli Rogers 459; Splits picked up- Beth Nederhoff 4-57, 3-9-10, Rachel Fulton 2-7, Sharon Ziesman 4-5, Nancy allen 5-6, Diana Dickenson 4-5-7, Kari Wolcott 3-10.

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