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Veteran Salute Section B

4-H Salute Pages TUESDAY


E L D O R A, I O W A


Two area growers take your questions on cover crops by Rick Patrie News Editor DES MOINES—Iowa farmers planted about 64,000 more cover crop acres funded through state and federal incentives in the fall of 2015 compared to fall 2014 – a 22 percent increase. That was 1,019 in Hardin County for the reporting period. And an extended farming family in the Hubbard area are among the devotees who have helped build those numbers. Roger Knutson of Hubbard and his son-in-law, ag engineer Jacob Bolson, have been collaborating in recent years and they along with farmers in 24 other Iowa counties have been offering to share the benefit of their experience. A recent ISU report on cover crop use listed Bolson and a Grundy County operator as points of contact for others looking to try the experiment. Bolson was listed as a source here in Hardin County at jmbolson@ gmail.com. and Grundy County farmer Fred Abels is found at farmerfred1981@hotmail.com. Meanwhile, Wade Dooley in Marshall County can be found at centuryfarm@hotmail.com All have said they are eager to talk about the results. Statewide Iowans planted 291,267 cover crop acres last fall compared to 227,256 in 2014 with help from state and federal conservation programs. The numbers include funding from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) through the Water Quality Initiative (WQI), State Cost-Share, and local watershed projects. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation

Service (NRCS) provides farmers assistance for cover crop through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). Cover crops such as cereal rye, winter wheat and hairy vetch are helping farmers provide ground cover and living roots in the soil throughout the year. This helps improve soil health, water infiltration, and soil biology, reduce soil erosion and weed competition, trap excess nutrients in the soil, and even provide livestock grazing. Barb Stewart, state agronomist for NRCS in Iowa, credits the increase in cover crop acres to the amount of outreach and education to famers from conservation groups throughout the state, along with more farmers paying attention to soil health and water quality the past several years. NRCS and IDALS are both anticipating cover crop acres to increase by about 15 percent next year in Iowa, based on 2016 program signups. “We continue to see interest in cover crops grow,” said Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey, “both from farmers brand new to the practice as well as those who have been doing it for a couple years.” Northey says even in challenging economic times in agriculture, farmers are seeing the benefits cover crops provide and putting their own money toward cover crops and other practices focused on protecting water quality and improving soil health. For more information about cover crops and other practices and programs to help address natural resource concerns on your land, visit your local USDA Service Center.

Windfarms proliferate

by Rick Patrie News Editor CEDAR RAPIDS – The wind energy presence keeps growing. Developers in Grundy County were not long ago pushing additional wind turbine construction just north of the Ivester area, there are already big fields of producing turbines spreading south of Wellsburg, cutting across the south and west of Hardin County (just below Hubbard and Radcliffe), and now word is out that Alliant Energy is giving strong consideration to enlarging a wind

Newsbriefs Courthouse and Co. Office Bldg. and Engineer’s Office closed Nov. 11

All County Offices in the Courthouse, County Office Building, and Engineer’s Office will be closed on Friday, Nov. 11, in observance of Veterans’ Day.

Steamboat Rock Presbyterian Church Steak Supper Nov. 12

The Steamboat Rock Presbyterian Church will be holding a Steak Supper on Saturday, Nov. 12 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Iowa River Boat Club in Steamboat Rock. Adults $9, children (5-10) $4.50 – payable at the door. (continued on page 3A)

generating field north of Iowa Falls in Franklin County. Alliant Energy’s Iowa utility is moving forward with its New Wind Project, which will bring up to 500 megawatts of new wind generation to Iowa. That’s enough to power 215,000 homes. Alliant is currently working with landowners in Franklin County near its existing Whispering Willow Wind Farm, as well as exploring (continued on page 3A)


Hard to motivate

V O L U M E 1 50

• N O. 45 •


Stop action photo. Things move at their own pace in Donkey Basketball. A couple of Saturday’s ago, everyone got a showcase of it when a Wisconsin-based promoter of Donkey sports of all kinds brought the thrills to the Steamboat Rock gym. More pictures inside on page 2A. A big thanks to Vanessa Meester and Kitty Hemmen for providing the pictures.

A Veterans album The Davison brothers of World War II get the spotlight this year in the special veterans edition of the newspapers. Youngest to oldest, left to right, Warren G. Davison, Clyde A. Davison, Dean W. Davison, and A.L. “Bob” Davison. The first three boys in line were in the Army, and Bob was in the Navy. Also find, all the vets whose photos have been submitted over the years. See the second section of this newspaper for those memories. And see list of Veterans Day events on page 3A.

Politically astute and well mannered By Rick Patrie News Editor E-NP SCHOOL – The Cubs won the World Series and if that’s not miracle enough for you, then take a trip to the elementary school here in Eldora – where the kids in Kristin Schindelar’s TAG and enrichment group are learning their way through American electoral politics. Learning their politics against the backdrop of Trump and Clinton – actively politic-ing and yet somehow staying friends! Incredible. They are second through 5th graders, of course, and that helps. But even at that young age, they already have as many political points of view as your proverbial national crosssection. Solid, well thought opinions, too.

And yes, this being a real world exploration, they have split off into Republicans and Democrats, they’ve talked about everything from gun control, to immigration, they have their differences on health care, the war on terror, the economy, and foreign trade – but amid all this politics, everyone still raises his or her hand to be called on, everyone smiles, speaks his or her piece and then listens to the other child. The kids have been studying for about five weeks, and being youngsters in the second, third, fourth and fifth grades, they are all novices to politics. Still they have a remarkably good command of the issues and are able to state their The children of E-NP’s TAG and enrichment program.

(continued on page 4A)

Local/Area New

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 • pAge 2

They were back and in no mood for fast breaks

Find the Steamboat Rock Presbyterian, the Baptist, and the fire department and the Pine Lake Saddle Club (trophy in hand) all represented on the floor with the visiting donkeys. It was a return engagement for Donkey Basketball which has been to town twice before during the last few years. It is always a big crowd pleaser. The donkeys set the pace. And it is usually non-too frantic. A Wisconsin farm family keeps them engaged throughout the year in the upper Midwest and the animals, who play all kinds of donkey sports pretty much make up their own rules of the game. And, of course, during half time all the kids in the crowd get a chance to take the saddle as well.




Bring gently used or new coats, hats and gloves to our Iowa Falls or Eldora Branch and we will donate items collected to the elementary and middle schools throughout Hardin County. All donors will receive a donation receipt for tax purposes.

Fall Craft & Vendor Show

Items can be delivered to the Iowa Falls or Eldora Branch Offices through December 19, 2016.

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Local/Area News

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 • pAge 3A

Windmill Cafe opens

Several Veterans Day observances around the area

By Rick Patrie News Editor ELDORA – Veterans day in the Eldora-New Providence School is November 11 with what has now become n annual program honoring veterans in the community. The American Legion and VFW posts always join with the South Hardin High School band for several features during the observance. Each year students bound for the armed services are introduced and this you a 5th Grade Essay Winner will be an additional feature. The program always honors 50 year Legion members. One feature is the Parade of Flags, involving children from the Eldora New Providence Elementary. The Veterans Day project here in Eldora has become a tradition, bringing together veterans and children in the schools for the observance. The program starts at 10 a.m. at the downtown elementary school gym. As always, the public is encouraged to come and take part.


Liscomb Veteran’s Day Program The Harry E. Powers Post #87 will celebrate Veteran’s Day on Friday, November 11. The program will begin at 10:45 a.m. at the Liscomb Community Center. Clifford Gifford will be honored for 70 years of continuous membership in the Harry E. Powers American Legion Post. Special music will be provided by Ron Galloway, Phil Gould and Ralph Norman. Sharon Hatch will read, “The Noble and the Brave: A Veteran’s Day Tribute.” Group singing of patriotic songs will be led by Helen Fiscus. Refreshments will be served by the Liscomb Legion Auxiliary following the program. The public is encouraged and invited to attend.

BCLUW schools veteran

Polling spots One Poll change

And announcing again there has been a last minute change in the location for voting for residents of the Eldora/Pleasant/Providence/ Union voting precinct. That includes residents in those townships and cities within them, including Whitten, New Providence, and Union. They will vote at the Emergency Operations Center at 1031 Edgington Avenue in Eldora. They had been scheduled to vote at the Eldora city hall, but that is changed due to the continuing street construction around the municipal building. Around the county the following are polling places for the November 8 vote. Alden/Buckeye Precinct votes at the Alden Legion Community Center, 506 West Street in Alden Concord/Sherman/Grant/Tipton Precinct votes at the Hubbard Fire Station at 218 N. Iowa Street, Hubbard

Eldora/Pleasant/Providence/ Union Precinct votes at the emergency operations Center building in Eldora at 1031 Edgington Avenue, Eldora. Note the change because of construction around city hall in Eldora. The Eldora ‘City’ Precinct votes at the Hardin County Courthouse. Etna/Clay Precinct votes at the St. John United Church of Christ at 716 3rd Avenue in Ackley. Hardin/Ellis/Jackson Precinct votes at the Ellsworth Equine Center at 709 Ellsworth Avenue, in Iowa Falls. The Iowa Falls Precinct number One votes at the Barlow Memorial Library 921 Washington Avenue in Iowa Falls. Iowa Falls Precinct number 2 votes at the Iowa Falls Fire Department at 218 South River, Iowa Falls. Voting hours are 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Election Day is Tuesday November 8.

Veterans day in the BCLUW schools is November 11 at 2 p.m. in the middle school gym. The program honors veterans as a whole and spotlights those in attendance. If you have a veteran in the family and want them acknowledged contact the school by Wednesday November 9. Part of the program is having student’s present flags to his or her family member-veteran in attendance. Veterans in attendance can begin checking in at 1 p.m. on the 11th. The project is part of a school wide observance on Veterans Day.

South Hardin Middle School

The South Hardin Middle School students will honor our local veterans at our annual Veterans Day program. This year’s program is scheduled on Wednesday, November 11 at 10:00 in the new Hubbard Gym. Petty

areas of the state. Construction could start as soon as next year. Alliant Energy expects to place 250 megawatts in service in 2019 and the rest in 2020. “The New Wind Project will benefit our customers, our communities and the state,” said Doug Kopp, president of Alliant Energy’s Iowa utility. “The wind turbines will generate clean, cost-effective energy for customers. They also create tax revenue for communities, and bring construction jobs and economic growth to the state, making this a win-win project.”

On October 25, the Iowa Utilities Board issued a final order regarding the New Wind Project. The order approves, with limited modifications, the settlement between Alliant Energy and customer groups, which was filed on October 12, 2016. The New Wind Project will help the company economically meet its customers’ energy need, by maximizing the value of renewable energy tax credits and taking advantage of favorable wind turbine pricing. “We want to thank our community partners in Franklin County. We also want to thank the Iowa Utilities Board for its work and the organizations

by Rick Patrie News Editor IOWA FALLS – The season is turning and Mid Iowa Community Action is gearing up for another winter of helping needy county residents pay their heat bills. The rules are different during winter, and while MICA’s low income heating assistance can’t do everything, it can help qualifying households get through the winter, and ensure the power company it will be paid, too. Beginning October 1, Mid-Iowa strted to accept applications for the agency’s Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). At that time, the agency will accept applications from individuals age 60 or older and those with a disability. On November 1, MICA will begin accepting all other LIHEAP applications. LIHEAP provides a one-time payment to help pay a household’s heating costs. To be eligible for assistance,

that came together to advance this application toward approval. They include the Office of Consumer Advocate, the Iowa Business Energy Coalition, the Large Energy Group, the Iowa Environmental Council and the Environmental Law and Policy Center,” said Kopp. “Through our work together, we are helping to advance clean energy while providing low-cost, reliable energy solutions to our customers.” More information is available at alliantenergy.com/ whisperingwillow.

email at Eldora Newspapers

Our email addresses are: ads@eldoranewspaper.com news@eldoranewspaper.com editor@eldoranewspaper.com sports@eldoranewspaper.com billing@eldoranewspaper.com

how to prevent hospitalization and manage the disruptive patient effectively. The meeting helped students learn to identify resources in the community for the mentally ill patient in crisis, consider consequences of the lack of mental health beds in Iowa, and explore ways to advocate for resources to

Iowa Falls - Hansen Family Hospital celebrates and recognizes those who have served and are currently serving in all military branches. An open house reception will be held in the hospital cafeteria on Veterans Day, November 11th. Refreshments will be served from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The community is welcome to join hospital employees in commemorating the sacrifices made by those in all military branches. Hansen Family Hospital is located at 920 S. Oak Street in Iowa Falls.

Dates and Menu and chef for the day: November 10th - Catie Leytham Appetizer: Tossed Salad Main Entree: Chicken Alfredo w/ Garlic Bread Sticks Side: Green Beans Dessert: Pumpkin Bars Beverage: Sparkling Grape Juice November 18th - Zakee Newman Appetizer: Greek Salad Main Entree: Spaghetti w/ Meatballs

individuals must earn 175 percent or less of federal poverty guidelines. This year, an individual can earn up to $20,790 annually to be eligible. A family of four can earn up to $42,525. Funded by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Iowa Department of Human Rights/ Division of Community Action Agencies, LIHEAP is not designed to pay a household’s total energy costs for the winter. Instead, it provides supplemental assistance based on several factors, including household income, household size, dwelling type, type of heating fuel, and others. Households that are approved for LIHEAP may also qualify for weatherization services from MICA as well. Applicants that are between 175 percent and 200 percent of poverty guidelines (between $42,525 and $48,600 for a family of four) do not qualify for a LIHEAP award but do qualify for moratorium protection and are eligible for weatherization.

To apply, contact MICA’s Hardin County Family Development Center at 637 S. Oak Street in Iowa Falls. To schedule an appointment, call 641-648-5036. LIHEAP forms and instructions may also be found on www.micaonline.org. Applications will be accepted through April 30, 2016. To apply, please bring the following to your appointment: A copy of your most recent heating and electric bill. Proof of all household members’ gross incomes for the past three months or the most recent income tax return. Birth dates and general information for all household members. Social Security cards or I-94 cards for all household members. If a household does not have either of these, please contact MICA for more information. To learn more, call your local MICA Family Development Center.

Side: Texas Toast Dessert: Chocolate Lasagna Beverage: Virgin Margarita

December 1st - Darlene Luckeroth Appetizer: Fresh Fruit with Dip Main Entree: Meatloaf w/ Mashed Potatoes Side: Candied Carrots Dessert: Brownie Ice Cream Sundae Beverage: Strawberry Lemonade December 8th - Calvin Hoversten Appetizer: Apple Sausage Slices Main Entree: Rinderrouläden w/ Brünede Kartofler Side: Irish Soda Bread Dessert: German Chocolate Cake Beverage: Spezi December 15th - Laura Urrestta Velez Appetizer: Corn Empanadas Main Entree: Marinated Baked Pork Chops Side: Avocado Salad Deep, Fried Banana Chips Dessert: Black Forest Pie Beverage: Lemonade

Newsbriefs (continued from page 1)

Ivester Church of the Brethren Lasagna Dinner Nov. 13

The Ivester Church of the Brethren will be holding a Lasagna Dinner on Sunday, Nov. 13 from 4 to 7 p.m. The church is located at 25056 E Ave., rural Grundy Center. Freewill offering.

Call 939=5051 with all Newsbriefs

Check our website: eldoranewspapers.com

Holiday Giveaway Win a FREE Holiday Turkey from the Eldora Newspapers and participating merchants! It’s Easy!

ECC students attend Iowa Nurses meeting IOWA FALLS – Ellsworth Community College Practical Nursing students and faculty attended the Iowa Nursing Association’s Culture of Safety: Caring for the mental health patient in the Emergency Room meeting on Friday, Oct. 14 in Ankeny. The objective was to teach students

Hansen Hospital

Heat assistance season

Windfarms proliferate (continued from page 1A)

Officer 3rd Class Steve Hunt of the United States Navy will be our guest speaker. The Hubbard and Radcliffe Legions provide the Color Guard for the ceremony. The South Hardin Middle School band and chorus will also perform. A reception with refreshments will be held following the program. The public is invited to attend.

SOUTH HARDIN – The windmill cafe will be starting November 10th. Students have 5 dates setup for the cafe, November 10th, November 18th, December 1st, December 8th, and December 15th. Food will be served at 11:30 a.m. at South Hardin High School in Room 210 (The FCS room). The meal is $6 a person. RSVP 2 days in advance, and due to limited amount of help, we have decided to have a 16 person cap for each event to keep things running smoothly. For reservations call: 641 - 939 - 3421 or email Mrs. Halvorsen at rhalvorsen@southhardin.org.

serve the mental health needs of patients. After the meeting INA Board member, Dr. Sharon Guthrie, spoke to ECC students about the importance of being active in the legislative process and the impact of legislation on the future of nursing.

Are you a print subscriber already? Our print subscriptions include access to the e-edition at no extra cost. If you are a print subscriber and would like access to the e-edition, please call our circulation department at 1-800-558-1244 ext 122 or email at mapcirculation@iowaconnect.com

Look for the entry forms, like the one below, in the Eldora Newspapers on Friday, Nov. 11 and Tuesday, Nov. 15. Complete and cut out the entries. Visit each participating merchant where you wish to enter and drop off your entry. Drawing of winners will take place at each store on Thursday, Nov. 17 at 5 p.m. Stores will present winners with a certificate for a 10-12 pound turkey. – Register to Win–

FREE Holiday Ham or Turkey

le p m Address______________________________________________________ a S oid Phone_______________________________________________________ V Name________________________________________________________


Store’s Logo Here Contest Ends 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 17

11/8,_11,_13/16_ _ _


Community/Area New Extension offers Supervisors receive offer for multiple workshops county shed in Ackley

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 • pAge 4

By: Rob Maharry Staff writer ELDORA- During its regular meeting on Wednesday morning, the Hardin County Board of Supervisors received a bid of $15,000 for a county shed from the city of Ackley. The shed lies within the city limits of Ackley, and according to Joe Wessels, who spoke on behalf of the city, they would use it for dump trucks and other machinery while keeping the building heated if they ended up purchasing it. “This is a nice start. We do need to look through the contract and see if this is the way we want to go,” Supervisor Ronn Rickels said.

After some discussion, the board unanimously agreed to review the contract further before making a final decision. County Community Services Director Linn Adams addressed the board in regards to the bed bugs control fund policy, which lays out guidelines and allocates $5,000 in county funds to address the problem for those in low-income households. The supervisors agreed that general assistance funds (and not local option sales tax) should be used for bed bugs, and the policy was approved by a 3-0 vote. The board also voted to reauthorize the temporary contract with

Amanda Winters for county sanitarian services until the end of December as they search for a permanent replacement. They voted unanimously to accept the DNR determinations on two proposed CAFOs while tabling one other one after a brief public hearing. On November 16, the board will receive bids for the county home farm and conservation land lease. IT/ GIS Director Micah Cutler reported that the county recently launched a new website that went live last week, and they are still working out a few of the kinks in hopes of bringing it up to full speed.

Submit FAFSA earlier than ever

Performing arts boosters launch fund raiser The Performing Arts Boosters group in the South Hardin Schools have a beautiful quilt donated by Dorothy Teske to raffle off at the Holiday Concert on December 12th at South Hardin High School. The group members will be selling $1 raffle tickets at South Hardin events between now and then to raise funds for the Performing Arts departments in the schools.

Call 939-5051 with all your community news

Ivester Church of the Brethren

Lasagna Dinner

Sunday, Nov. 13 - 4-7 p.m.

At the church, 25056 E Ave., Rural Grundy Center Freewill Offering

11/8, 11/16

1952 Since3rd n ratio e n e G


Rouse Motor

IOWA – The window to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid for the 2017-18 school year opened Saturday, October 1, and Iowa College Aid is reminding students and prospective students that the FAFSA is the gateway to financial aid for higher education. The FAFSA determines a student’s eligibility for federal grants, loans and work-study and is required for most state-administered grants and scholarships. Many schools and organizations also use the FAFSA to determine who receives scholarship money. “The FAFSA is the crucial first step in applying for financial aid for college,” said Karen Misjak, executive director of Iowa College Aid. “In the 2014-15 school year, only 64 percent of high school seniors in Iowa filed the FAFSA. The rest missed out on potential help to pay for higher education.” Iowa College Aid urges high school seniors and current college students to file the FAFSA even if they think they won’t qualify for student aid, or if they’re not sure they will attend college next year. “Students are often surprised how much aid they might receive,” Misjak said. “And sometimes that assistance helps make the decision to start college or return to college.” Until this year, students and families were required to use prioryear tax information to file the FAFSA. For the 2016-17 academic year, for instance, tax information from 2015 was required. Now FAFSA filers are allowed to use “prior-prior-year” tax information. For the 2017-18 academic year, 2015 tax information will be accepted. A new FAFSA must be filed for each year a student hopes to qualify for financial aid. To apply online, go to FAFSA. ed.gov. To request a paper application, call 800-433-3243. For tips on filing the FAFSA and other information about applying for financial aid, go to IowaCollegeAid.gov.

(1st Tuesday, 4th Friday)



Fumigation Applicators Workshop Nov. 15 A continuing education workshop for Fumigation Commercial Pesticide Applicators will be held Tuesday, November 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., at the Hardin County ISU Extension Office in Iowa Falls. The workshop is for certified applicators withcategories 7C (Fumigation) and 10 (Demonstration and Research). The course will cover topics including recognition of sensitive areas, fumigant labels, exposure to fumigants, pests, pest

(continued from page 1A) positions – spoken and in political posters and paraphernalia. They will be voting, not at the courthouse, but in a mock vote to be held election day next Tuesday. It is actually school wide. They, of course, can’t vote for real, but they do appreciate voting’s significance. Part of the 5-week study was considering what it would be like living without the right to vote. And based on several echoes of a same theme in the classroom, they have clearly all been encouraged to think about the sacrifices made down through the

Steak Supper

Saturday, Nov. 12 - 4-7 P.M. at Iowa River Boat Club

Adults $9

Children (5-10) $4.50 Payable at the door

management and pesticides The registration fee is $35 on or before November 8 and $45 after November 8. To register, contact the Hardin County ISU Extension Office at 641-648-4850 or toll free 1-888648-5005.

Commercial Ag Weed, Insect, Plant Disease Applicators Workshop Nov. 16 A continuing education workshop for Commercial Ag Weed, Insect, and Plant Disease Pesticide Applicators will be held Wednesday, November 16, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at the Hardin County ISU Extension Office in Iowa Falls. The workshop is for certified applicators with categories 1A, 1B, 1C and 10 endorsements. Topics to be covered include pesticide applications and impacts to sensitive areas; pesticide labels; pest management and pesticides; and restricted entry intervals and pre-harvest intervals. Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in Soil and Water Management and Pest Management will be offered at this program. Interested participants should bring their CCA number. The registration fee is $35 on or before November 9 and $45 after November 9. To register, contact the Hardin County ISU Extension Office at 641-648-4850 or toll free 1-888-648-5005 Writing Your Retirement Paycheck How can I be sure my retirement funds will last my lifetime? This important question will be addressed in an Iowa State University Extension and Outreach two-session workshop on Tuesdays, December

6 and December 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Hardin County Extension in Iowa Falls. Writing Your Retirement Paycheck is designed to provide information needed by those approaching retirement within the next ten years. The workshop outlines key factors to consider prior to retirement and describes two strategies for structuring your retirement income. “For most of us,” says Barb Wollan, Human Sciences Specialist in family finance, “our paychecks have been determined by someone else all our lives. But in retirement, many of us are responsible to write our own paychecks. How will we know how big it should be?” According to Wollan, who will lead the workshop, topics include: inflation, health costs, Social Security, required minimum distributions, annuities, and more. “Individuals need to make their own decisions about retirement,” says Wollan, “but clear and non-commercial information is a necessary ingredient for decision-making.” Wollan points out that even those who work with a trusted financial professional must ultimately make the decisions themselves. A financial professional can suggest or recommend products and strategies, but it is the consumer who decides and then lives with the results of the decisions. The registration fee is $20 per person or per couple for the two session program payable at the first session. Register by December 2 by contacting Hardin County Extension at 641-648-4850 or toll free 1-888648-5005 or email xhardin@iastate. edu

Political science class

Steamboat Rock Presbyterian Church

320 G Ave., Grundy Center, IA


HARDIN COUNTY – Ornamental and Turfgrass Applicators Workshop Nov. 9 A continuing education workshop for Ornamental and Turfgrass Commercial Pesticide Applicators will be held Wednesday, November 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at the Hardin County ISU Extension Office in Iowa Falls. The workshop is for certified applicators with categories 3O, 3T, 3OT and 10 endorsements. Topics to be covered include pesticide applications and impacts to sensitive areas, pests, pest management, and pesticides with discussions on ornamentals, home lawns, golf course turfgrass, and sports turfgrass; pesticide labels; and restricted entry intervals. The registration fee is $45 unless pre-registration was completed by Nov. 2. To register, contact the Hardin County ISU Extension Office at 641-648-4850 or toll free 1-888648-5005. This and the following workshops are sponsored by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and Iowa State University Extension & Outreach Pesticide Safety Education Program.

years, so that they could someday vote. They learned the American way of democracy has never been a perfect piece of political machinery. After all, when America was still in its infancy, they will tell you, voting was the tightly held province of a privileged moneyed, land owning few. All men, all white, no women or others need apply. A few of the kids are fascinated enough with what they’ve learned that they say they might consider running for office themselves. But, tellingly, several of the children wondered that the rigors of public office might be more than they’d want to suffer. “It’s hard to make people happy,” one said. The study section on the electoral process acquainted the kids with the in’s and out’s of voting, the work of

running for office, of organizing a political campaign, financing it, and advertising it. And naturally, any study of American politics and the Presidency has to include a section on ‘strange pets kept in the White House.” Early on, the class completed an issues and preferences survey and on its basis each joined one or the other of the political parties. It was close to a 50 /50 split. But their instructor Mrs. Shindelar reminded them how in fact so very many of the children found themselves occupying a political middle ground rather than a spot on the extreme. Class will ‘graduate’ next Tuesday on Election Day and unlike the rest of America, they will almost certainly look back upon the experience as lots of fun. A good way to run a country.

Annual Hardin County Fair Board Meeting November 15th at 8 p.m. • Open to the public

•At the Hardin County Fairgrounds in the Community Building 11/8/16


Public Record Death Notices Patricia Sue Bakker, 66

Steamboat Rock Library

Patricia Sue Bakker, 66 of Pueblo, Colorado, formerly of Grundy Center, passed away on October 26, 2016. A public visitation will be held at 9 a.m. on November 17, 2016, at the First Baptist Church in Grundy Center, Iowa. Memorial services will be held following the visitation at 10:30 a.m. French Hand Funeral Home is caring for Patricia and her family.

Small Claims filed

Veterans Day display courtesy of the CCC/POW Museum at the Eldora Library.

King Construction & Overhead Door vs. Chad Roy. King Construction & Overhead Door vs. Jeff Risius. King Construction & Overhead Door vs. Brent Lyman. King Construction & Overhead Door vs. KLK Group. Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. vs. Heidi K Fischer. Napa Auto Parts vs. Mike Horton.

District Court Cases filed

News from the Eldora Library by dan Gehring Librarian Eldora – The Eldora Public Library will welcome Miquela Teske, Miss Eldora 2016, Tuesday, Nov. 8, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Elementary age and younger children are invited to join Miquela for stories, snacks, and a craft. Stop by the library to see a Veterans Day display courtesy of the CCC/POW Museum. We also have a table of books featuring stories of

veterans. Toddler Time is Tuesday at 10 a.m. Preschool Storytime is 10 a.m. Wednesday. After school time for middle school and upper elementary youth is Tuesday and Thursday until 4:45 p.m. Lego time is after school on Friday until 4:30 p.m. Regular Hours: Monday 9 a.m.8 p.m., Tuesday 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Wednesday 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Thursday 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

New books added include: The Sleeping Beauty Killer by Mary Higgins Clark and At the Sign of Triumph by David Weber. To check for more new items added see the library’s catalog and click on What’s New. TrIVIa quEsTIon: What do John McCain, Mitt Romney, William Jennings Bryan, and DeWitt Clinton have in common? The answer can be found on the classified page.

SHHS 1st Quarter Honor Roll

Discover Bank vs. Trent C Bendixen Re: Debt collection. The following students were re Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. vs. cently named to the first quarter honTroy C. Muilenburg Re: Debt collecor roll at South Hardin High School. tion. a Honor roll Midland Funding LLC vs. Terry Freshmen: Kennedy Allison, Daniels Re: Debt collection. Jocelyn Bainter, Claire Brinkmeyer, Thain Friest, Michael Fuller, Brayden Harris, Chase Harvey, Alex Hassan, Tyler Kendall, Kate Kohart, Hadwiger Roofing & Seamless Dalton Lake, Gavin Ridout, Gavin Gutter vs. Charles and Amy Ti- Roy, Holland Van Maaren, Meghan lander, Penny Melock. VanDePol, Savanah Werner, Kolby Winter. sophomores: Jaelyn Allen, Caitlin Bader, Sybil Below, Alicia Bonin, Osiel Moreno, single to Efrain Alexis Bradshaw, Jordan Carr, Ellen Sarah England, Claire Estes, Vidal-Guiterrez, single, 10-14-16, Pt Losing a friend or relative Cook, is devastating. The sadOlivia We Halsey, Marissane Hanson, Lot 8, Blk 1, Ackley. ness can truly overwhelm you. can’t take away Haywood, Autumn Jewell, your pain, but we hope Spencer to make things a little Kaleb Kusserow, Tanner Lawrence, easier for you. Our professional staff will James be sensiJakota Maakestad, Maakestive to all your needs. tad, Tyler Miller, Megan Mitchell, Iowa Dept. of Revenue vs. RayCourtney Murphy, Kaleb Roling, mond F Abbas. Isabelle Sisson, Clarissa Spiehs, Amanda Twedt, Jacob Vander Wilt, Cyrena Werner. Juniors: Chelsie Anderson, Kevin J. and Nicole L. Ladd, hus- Heather Brown, Chloe Egerton, 905 Edgington, Eldora, IA band and wife to Melissa J. Bran- Brant Friest, Ryne Fuller, Martin Chad Johnson, Funeral Director nick, 9-23-16, Lot 7 in N1/2 SE1/4 Hassan, Ashley Heubner, Elizabeth 641-858-2181 20-89-20 Hohanshelt, Brady www.abelsfuneralhomes.comHicks, Lauren “Professionals Who Care”

Mechanics Liens


A Time of Loss

Tax liens

Creps - Abels Funeral Home

Deeds and Monuments

Hardin County Magistrate The following citations were is-2x6 to yield to vehicle on right. #1  sued in Hardin County by all agen- Arend Johnson, Aplington, failure

Kendall, Elijah Nichols, Gillian Page, Kevin Rewoldt, Kolten Rewoldt, Joseph Schult, Jason Skartvedt, Justyn Smith, Emily Stansbury, Andrew Sutton, Holly Talbot, Haley Teske, Faith Van Zante, Chloe Webb, Rachel Weber, Hannah Wolcott. seniors: Kole Allison, Julia Andrews, Luke Bader, Sarah Brown, Aden Butler, Dane Butler, Blaire Card, Ty Cook, Jordyn Daggs-Olson, Boe Deutmeyer, Thomas Haywood, Taylor Hess, Brianna Kendall, Quinton Lake, Amber Maine, Sammy May, Hunter Nessa, Morgan Pagel, Megan Paul, Nina Priske, Zachary Roll, Lexi Ryan, Miquela Teske, Jeffrey Thompson, Emily Timmerman, Hannah Tripp, Jacob VanDePol, Hanna Vander Wilt, James Wical, Malcolm Wright. B Honor roll Freshmen: Austin Anway, Tyler Briggs, Rebecca Brown, Willow Corse, Kylee Fresher, Jack Halsey, Katelyn Mathis, Justin Meints, Brighton Mueller, Emma Paul, Nicolas Paxton, Isaac Rewoldt, Peyton Schatz, Paige Shields, Taylor Shore, Makayla Smith, Michael Smith, Bradley Springston, Tessa Stephens,

Lavern Schipper, Ackley, cmv chapter 325A- general penalty. cies. to obey traffic control device. Zeyu Zhang, Cedar Falls, speed Quinten Zurn, Des Moines, no Wyatt Crain, Alden, careless driv- ing. valid driver’s license. ing. Jason Zipse, Omaha, NE, speed Danielle Buseman, Iowa Falls, Sara Burroughs, Cedar Rapids, ing. speeding. speeding. Lisa Jacobs, Chicago, IL, speed Darius Lasley Shields, Tama, James Ryan, Eldora, speeding. ing. speeding. Thang Pum, Des Moines, angling- Joseph Varno, Edina, MN, speed Ted Vosburg, Iowa Falls, speed- unlawful means to take fish. ing. ing. Matthew Wiechmann, Hubbard, Lori Pattison, Sumner, speeding. Amanda Williams, Iowa City, failure to maintain control. Mark Johnson, Story City, speedspeeding. Jacqueline Faust, Parkersburg, ing. Nathan Bishop, Des Moines, speeding. Thadd Nau, Winterset, speeding. speeding. Ladonna Massey, St. Louis, MO, Emily Biwan, Elkhart Lake, WI, speeding. speeding. Michael Taylor, Beaman, speed- Kyleigh Sheridan, Truro, speeding. ing. Sebina Selimanovic, Waterloo, Kelly Geerdes, Wellsburg, speeding. speeding. Brock Hunt, Cedar Rapids, speed- Jedidiah Glotfelty, Wisconsin Dells, WI, speeding. ing. Amari Hayes, Canton, MS, speed- Kenneth Lichty, Waterloo, driving or towing unsafe vehicle. ing. Alyssa Corsbie, Sioux Falls, SD, Francisco Medina Ventura, ChiWe never really know what lies ahead. cago, IL, speeding. speeding. Life’s twists and turns promise new failure Caden Bachtell, Hubbard, Jason Jones, Iowa City, speeding. to maintain control. Melinda Hardee, Hubbard, failure challenges. Sometimes life’s mysteries

The Mystery of Life leave us asking, “Why?” We understand struggles, and Eldorathese nEwspapErs a division of Mid-america publishing Corporation we’re here to help when you need it. Eldora, Iowa

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • Page 5a

official County newspaper

(Publication No. 171-240) Offices at 1513 Edg. Ave., Eldora, IA 50627-1623 Published semi-weekly with the exception of Memorial Week, Labor Day Week, Christmas Week and New Year’s Week by Eldora Newspaper, 1513 Edgington Ave., Eldora, IA 506271623. Periodicals postage paid at Eldora, IA. Postmaster: send address changes to The Eldora Newspapers, 1513 Edgington Ave., Eldora, IA 50627-1623. Clint Poock - Publisher; Scott Bierle - Sports Editor/Gen. Mgr. Rick Patrie - News Editor; Betty Gotto - Production Manager; Rob Maharry - Staff Writer Stephanie McManus - General Finance & Circulation Chad Johnson, Funeral Director Subscription rate: $50 per year in Hardin and adjoining counties; $57 per year elsewhere in Iowa; and $61641-858-2181 per year out of state. (Hardin County Index and Eldora Herald-Ledger sold in combination.) www.abelsfuneralhomes.com “Professionals Who Care” Ph. 641-939-5051, Fax 641-939-5541 Email Ad: news@eldoranewspaper.com

Creps - Abels Funeral Home and Monuments 905 Edgington, Eldora, IA

#3      2x6

McKenzie Terry, Gwyneth Wright, Kaden Zoske. sophomores: Kiera Anderson, Caleb Bruns, Chloe Crouse, Kendra Gummo, Alexis Hartsuff, Emma Inks, Seth Lindaman, Hailey Lindsey, Darlene Luckeroth, Kyla Luckeroth, Kailey Maine, Ashlee Marshall, Heidi Moore, Olivia Pfantz, Jade Piere, Hannah Riley, Skylar Sorrells, Thomas Spiehs, Cade Spieker, Aaron Swartz, Cauy Teske, Eden Tym, Peter Wiechmann, Brylie Zeisneiss. Juniors: Hunter Allen, Harley Bumbalough, Jacob Fox, Gillian Gear, Blaze Harms, Paige Harrell, Brock Hollingsworth, Jordana Keahey, Caleb Lindsey, Jayden Luse, Kordell Norem, Cade Prosser, Faith Schossow, Logan Spindler, Hunter Welch. seniors: Dru Balvanz, Emily Boeke, Kaden Davis, Shea Davis, Hadyn Dilley, Alex Gustafson, Katie Lytham, Kaytlynn Murphy, Aaron Nederhoff, Layne Nelson, Layne Pratt, Erica Reel, Austin Robinson, Jake Santor, Mackenzie Shaver, Laura Urrestta Valez, Peter Wiechmann.

“Saturday Stories” have begun Need a neat place to hang out for a bit on a Saturday morning? Saturday Stories at 11 a.m. might be just the ticket. Geared to those age eight and under (and accompanied by an adult) songs, picture books, and an activity combine for 20 minutes of fun. Afterwards there will be ample time to check out books and movies for the weekend. Be sure to give this weekly event a try. Fun For adults (F.F.a.) continues Every Thursday afternoon, beginning this fall, the Steamboat Rock Public Library will host a free activity geared for adults, with all supplies provided. Plans for the first Thursday of each month feature a “make and take” craft. On the second Thursday of the month, card playing is being offered and on the third Thursday of each month we give adult coloring a try. On the fourth Thursday of each month coffee and cookies lend themselves to time for a coffee chat along with a possible book review by a community member. Mark your calendars now to make the Steamboat Rock Public Library your destination on Thursdays. Remember to come at one! new materials at the library: Easy readers: Ape and Armadillo Take Over the World by James Sturm, Piper Green and the Fairy Tree by Ellen Potter, The Water Princess by Susan Verde; The Darkest Dark by Chris Hadfield, and The Magic Word by Mac Barnett. Juvenile Fiction: Ghost by Jason Reynolds. Juvenile nonfiction: Six Dots by Jen Bryant, Pocket Change by Michelle Mulder, and The Great Leopard Rescue by Sandra Markle. Fiction: Two by Two by Nicholas Sparks, Missing by James Patterson and Kathryn Fox, The Candidate by Lis Wiehl, Murder in the Courthouse by Nancy Grace, The Fall Guy by James Lasdun, Small Great Things by Jodi Piccoult, The Twelve Dogs of Christmas by David Rosen-

felt, The Underground Railroad: a novel by Colson Whitehead, The Nix by Nathan Hill, The Whistler by John Grisham, and Hillary by D.W. Buffa. non-Fiction: The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines, Solar Electricity Handbook 2015 ed. By Michael Boxwell, and National Geographic People of the World: Cultures and Traditions, Ancestry and Identity. newest dVds: “X-Men Apocalypse,” “The Legend of Tarzan,” “Ice Age: Collision Course,” “Independence Day Resurgence,” and “Ithaca.” Calendar of Events: Thursday, nov. 10, 1 p.m. – Fun For Adults (F.F.A.) – Card Playing saturday, nov. 12, 11 a.m. – Saturday Stories for all those age eight and under Monday, nov. 14, 3:30 p.m. – Library Board Meeting wednesday, nov. 16, 3 p.m. - Game Day - Lego Building Challenge Thursday, nov. 17, 1 p.m. – Fun For Adults (F.F.A.) – Coloring for Adults saturday, nov. 19, 11 a.m. – Saturday Stories Thursday, nov. 24 – CLOSED for Thanksgiving saturday, nov. 26, 11 a.m. – Saturday Stories Thursday, dec. 1, 1 p.m. – Fun For Adults (F.F.A.) – Holiday Craft saturday, dec. 3, 11 a.m. – Saturday Stories wednesday, dec. 7, 3 p.m. - Movie of the Month– “Home Alone” new Hours: Tuesday, 1 p.m.-6 p.m.; Wednesday, noon-5 p.m.; Thursday, noon-5 p.m.; Friday, noon-5 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-noon. Phone: 641-868-2300; Web: www1.youseemore.com/nilc/ SteamboatRock/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/ SteamboatRockLibrary

We Care

During life’s difficult times, it’s nice to have friends who care. If you have important decisions to make and you need special information or assistance, we’re always here.

Creps - Abels Funeral Home and Monuments 905 Edgington, Eldora, IA

Chad Johnson, Funeral Director 641-858-2181 www.abelsfuneralhomes.com

“Professionals Who Care”

#2      2x6

Emily Grunewald, West Chicago, IL, speeding. Rick Schrichfield, Cameron Park, As you can see, library board members got in the swing of HalCA, speeding. Sarah Adams, Iowa Falls, speed- loween fun last week! They served hot dogs, chips, drinks, and treats to all the “trick or treaters” who stopped by the Steamboat ing. Rafael Magana-Gonzalez, Cof- shelter house on Halloween night. Can you guess who is who? feyville, KS, windshield and window requirements. Lucas Fawkes, Elgin, IL, speeding. Desma Pitcox, Webster City, speeding.

The Power of Nature

Nature’s power is beyond our control, but you can prepare yourself and your family for the unexpected. Getting your affairs in order before tragedy strikes is the best way. Call us today for more information.

Creps - Abels Funeral Home and Monuments 905 Edgington, Eldora, IA

Chad Johnson, Funeral Director 641-858-2181 www.abelsfuneralhomes.com


“Professionals Who Care”

Football Fever Contest Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 6a


We have placed 10 of this weekend’s games on this week’s football contest. Find the 10 games in the ads below. Indicate the winner in the appropriate place on the entry blank. pick a number - a number which you think will be the highest number of points scored by any one team on this page. place the number in entry blank space provided. This will be used to break all ties. One entry to each contestant only. entries must be brought to the eldora Newspapers in eldora, by 4 p.m. on Friday or postmarked no later than Friday. Winners will be announced in next week’s Herald-Ledger.

Jim Brown

hardin county savings Bank


Game No. 1 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 2 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 3 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 4 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 5 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 6 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 7 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 8 winner ___________________________________________________

I think ________________ will be the most points scored by one team. Name __________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________

dave rubow

Fidelity aBstract & title co.

Last Week’s Game Results

Last Week’s Winners

1.UNI 39, Indiana St. 6 2.Penn St. 41, Iowa 14

First Place ($20) Eugene Ubben, Conrad Second ($15) David Splett, Eldora Third($10) Ken Damon, Eldora

3.Luther 28, Wartburg 27

4.Central 49, Simpson 14

5.Ohio St. 62, Nebraska 3

6.Minnesota 44, Purdue 31 7.TCU 62, Baylor 22

certificates are redeemable at any of the contest sponsors and must be redeemed by dec. 31, 2016.

Game No. 9 winner ___________________________________________________ Game No. 10 winner __________________________________________________

lucy anderson

anderson Family dentistry

8.Arkansas 31, Florida 10 9.Alabama 10, LSU 0

10.USC 45, Oregon 20

You can’t win if you don’t play, so fill out your entry blank today and return it to the Eldora Newspapers!

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Iowa River Mutual Insurance Association Serving Hardin and Surrounding Counties for over 140 years Kendall Lunsford, President 1515 Edgington Avenue Eldora, IA 50627 641-939-7985 8- Auburn at Georgia


Clemons Hardware & Rental Ann and Aaron Clemons Owners 1366 Washington St. Eldora, IA 50627 (641) 939-5252 4/1/16

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 • page 7a

Hardin County 4H and its supporters

Extension celebrates 100 in Hardin County One hundred years ago

by Rick Patrie News Editor HARDIN COUNTY – They were born part of the same generation, 4-H and the Extension Service. Both came out of the very early 1900’s when farmers were starting to value university science and the value education for their children. Born separately, but destined for a long partnership. As a result, here in Hardin County 4-Hers and extension service staff are in the middle of celebrating 100 years – of extension – and no better place to make the presentation of honors than when the Hardin County 4-H program gets together for their annual awards night November 12. And yet another familiar group figures in the story, too: The Farm Bureau, albeit not known as the farm bureau quite yet, but all the same a organization of farmers interested in establishing a tie to Iowa State University. So when they remember the birthday of extension service here in Hardin County, they are counting the years of that close relationship between the service and its biggest single project 4-H, and recalling how the then Hardin County Farm Improvement Association was there to push along the establishment of

the service as well. Darwin Miller who came on with extension back in 1997, notes that in a few years the Farm Bureau and Extension sort have parted, organizationally. But he says it was a very, very good-natured divorce. Extension was after all a public entity, dependent on the local community’s tax support, while the Farm Bureau was very much a private group. When the then-Improvement Association hired its first extension agent, the distinction between the private and public was fuzzed. All that the newspapers of the time recalled was that they were very happy with Mr. Ben Walker, who came to Hardin County from the Ames university, happy enough they set what for the time was a pretty substantial salary. (Though as much as they liked their new man, they drew the line at providing him a car.) Miller notes: That’s still the rule. So it is not so coincidental that this year has marked both the 100year birthday of extension in Hardin County as well as that of the Farm Bureau. We ran a story on that a few months ago, and the history it recalls bears repeating here.

By Rick Patrie News Editor HARDIN COUNTY –They wasted no time. A week or so after they organized the forerunner of the Hardin County Farm Bureau, the board of directors hired its “county agent” and judging by the newspaper account to the right, they couldn’t have been happier. The early Farm Bureau, all across Iowa and here in Hardin County, was always close to the agricultural land grant colleges built after the Civil War. And the forerunners of the ISU county extension folks you deal with today were county agents like Mr. Walker described in the article to the right. So, the Farm Bureau played a big role in funneling university research out to farmers of the time. Of course, here in Hardin County the first ‘farm bureau’ went by a different name for a while. The a history of the Farm Bureau in Hardin county, actually goes back to an organization known as the Hardin County Farm Improvement Association. The early records were scant, according to a 1938 Eldora newspaper story looking back on the origins of the farm bureau in 1916. The Eldora Herald reported the first effort to organize the Hardin County Farm Improvement Association, “took place in the winter of 1915, with the help of extension men from Ames.” It carried over into 1916. “It secured 319 commitments from farmers who agreed to pay $5 per year for a period of three years to support a county agent in Hardin county. The first county agent, Ben H. Walker, arrived on May 1, 1916, to take up his work, making Hardin County the seventeenth county in the state to be organized. E. F. Morris of New Providence was the first president and John Hunt of Ackley the first secretary of the association board.” Organization approval was at a meeting in

Eldora, of about 100 men from around Hardin County, all farmers, and the bulk from the central and east of the county at the time. They came together in considerable measure at the urging of a Mr. George Haynes. Even in the days of the ‘Improvement Association,’ the basic framework that would become the Farm Bureau was already in place. It rest on strong ties to the then still emerging land grant college, today’s Iowa State University. When you formed an association that would become a Farm Bureau chapter, one of the first things you did was go looking for that county agent. He helped steer the results of college research to the farmer in the field and became the secretarytreasurer for his county association. Then you elected a slate of officers. The other members of the of the very first Hardin County board included J. Adamson, Lloyd Bittle, H.B. Fouts, W.A. Wolf, L.V. Carter, C.R. McClean, Henry Granner and F.H. Brunemeier. The board of directors quickly secured an office in the courthouse here in Eldora. They would not incur just any old expense, however. One of the provisions of Mr. Walker’s contract was that he provide a car for the job. The Hardin County Farm Bureau, like most of the other county Farm Bureaus at that time, saw its first big assignment helping win the First World War. Next fell the task of guiding the Farm Bureau through the post-war period of deflation and collapsing markets. World War I had been boom years for farmers, but in 1920 over thirty billion dollars of farm values were swept away. The common response at the time was to try and convince farmers to work together voluntarily and stem an abundance of crops no longer being consumed by foreign demand. Troubles persisted however, and it was in but a few years and the whole country was in the great depression along with its farmers.

Ben Walker was the hands down first choice for county extension agent in Hardin County. At the time the extension service was a public-private undertaking, a initiative of a forerunner of the Farm Bureau, first named the Hardin County Farm Improvement Association. It wasn’t too many years and the Farm Bureau and the extension service took their public and private turns, extension supported by a small county levy.

Coming on board with 4-H By Rick Patrie NewsEditor HARDIN COUNTY – New Hardin County Extension Youth Coordinator Lori Hardman is a nearly life long Ackley area resident. And as it happens a good portion of those early years were spent as a 4-H club member. Now she comes on staff with Hardin County Extension, and far and away her work promises to be about the 4-H program and its impact on kids. She started work October 31 and succeeds Emily Klaffke who has served extension for the last few years and is now joining her husband in the family farm operation. Lori Hardman was raised on a farm south of Ackley. She was a nine year Hardin County 4-H member herself

Newest to Hardin County Extension New Hardin County Extension Youth Coordinator Lori Hardman joined the service this month. She will be in charge of the extension’s long project with county 4-H.

and has a long history of involvement in 4-H and FFA. She served on the county 4-H council and showed cattle and displayed exhibits at the Hardin County Fair. She worked two summers as a summer intern at the Hardin County Extension Office. She was also a member of FFA and received the Iowa Farmer Degree. She graduated with a B.S. Degree in Animal Science from Iowa State University and was inducted into the Golden Key and Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Societies. She participated on the ISU Meats Judging Team and was a member of the ISU Block and Bridle Club. After college graduation, she was Field Operations Manager in this region for Niman Ranch working for the specialty meats marketer for 16 years.

GEhrkE Inc. 641-847-3511

She and her husband farm south of Ackley and have two children. Lori says the new position gives her an opportunity to be closer to home in her work, and it works out as an outlet for her long time passion for 4-H. “I’m is beyond excited to be the new Hardin County Extension Youth Coordinator”. “It brings me back to something I love, in a place I love.” Lori will replace Emily Klaffke who has been Hardin County Extension Youth Coordinator the past five years. Emily and her husband will begin farming near Oskaloosa. Emily will continue working in November and assist Lori in transitioning to her new position.

and Monuments

905 Edgington, Eldora Chad Johnson Funeral Director

Free estimate






1317 15th Ave., Eldora Jay and Lucas LaVelle Hubbard Days 6/14


4-H honors its own in the annual banquet coming up this Saturday evening at the Fairgrounds Community Building. The dinner and meeting kicks off at 5:30 p.m.

Ackley Creps - Abels Funeral Home

505 Sherman, Ackley Call Us For a

Bob & Steve Gehrke, Garth Spieker & Jeremy Maas 11/14 1405 21st Ave., Eldora, IA


“Professionals Who Care”


Eldora Creps - Abels(641) Funeral Home 939-3476 Eldora, Iowa

Ike Rooks Broker Marilyn Reinertson Broker Associate (641) 751-0505 Cell (515) 231-2379 Cell www.eldoraiowarealty.com Edgington, 1318 Eldora Washington St., Eldora

and Monument 905

641-858-2181 Steve Angell, Funeral Director

4H & Vets 2015 “Professionals Who Care”

Little League 2014

4-H Salute

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 • page 8a

The fair recognizes 4-H scholars and youth leadership

Top Showman

The Supreme Showmanship contest features the 4-H or FFA Showmanship winner in beef, dairy, horse, sheep, swine, rabbit, poultry, dog, meat goat, and llama. The Senior Showperson for each specie was: Rabbit: Dima Gilmour Poultry: (forfeited) Swine: Sydney Friest Dog: Lindsey Larson Sheep: (injured) Meat Goat: N/A Dairy: Cale Friest Llama: Olivia Butt Beef: Michaela Friest Horse: Alexus Hackbart The Ostheimer family sponsors a traveling trophy in memory of J. R. Ostheimer for the Supreme Showman. They are also donating a plaque that the showperson will have as a keepsake. Greg and Sandy Reisinger award a $50 savings bond to the Supreme Showman. The 2016 Hardin County Fair Supreme Showperson is Michaela Friest.


Hardin County 4-H awards scholarships to graduating seniors in the 4-H program. This money is available thanks to generous donors during the Ribbon Auction. If the members are present, please come as your name is called. This year’s scholarship winners are: Victoria Butt. Victoria is a nine year member of the Ellis Jackson Ag Stars 4-H Club, and a 3 year member of County Council. Her future plans include attending Ellsworth Community College

in the fall, to earn an Associate in Science degree in Ag Science transfer. Upon graduation, her plans are to continue her education at Iowa State University, where she will double major in Agricultural Communications and International Agriculture.

Vince Cook. Vince is a nine year member of the Tipton Grant Toppers 4-H Club, and 4 years on County Council. Vince has served as the County Council President for the past year and is a youth representative on the Youth Development Committee for two years. He plans to study Agricultural Business at Iowa State University. After graduation, he hopes to return to the family farm to expand current livestock facilities, as well as, help manage the business aspects of farming. Cale Friest. Cale is a nine year Independent 4-H member. He is currently at Fisher Controls in Marshalltown for an internship this summer and then plans to attend Marshalltown Community College in the fall. Cale hopes to have his own herd of cattle and sheep someday. Michaela Friest. Michaela is a nine year member of the Tipton Grant Toppers 4-H Club and a 4 year member of County Council. She plans to attend Iowa State University and double major in Agricultural Education and Animal Science. After graduating, she would like to move back to the Hardin County area and teach Agricultural Education. Rachel Miller.

Rachel is a nine


year member of the Eldora Eagles 4-H Club and a 4 year member of County Council. She plans on majoring in History at Simpson College and depending where her college journey takes her, she will be pursuing a career based on public service, possibly as a teacher or lawyer. Emily Mitchell. Emily is a 9 year member of the Eldora Eagles 4-H Club and a 4 year member on County Council. She has served as the Treasurer for the past two years and is a youth representative on the Youth Development Committee for two years. She plans to attend the University of Northern Iowa to pursue a degree in Early Childhood Education, with a hope to teach preschool or Kindergarten. Upon graduation, she hopes to return to the area to give back to the community and help to positively influence the lives of young people. Lydia Rose. Lydia is a 9 year member of the Ellis Jackson Ag Stars 4-H Club. She plans to attend Emmaus Bible College in Dubuque, where she will be majoring in Elementary Education and Bible, and minoring in Reading, Math, and possibly Special Education. She will earn her coaching certificate and play basketball for the Lady Eagles. She hopes to teach children and coach young people in the future. Hannah Sams. Hannah is a 9 year member of the Union Whitten Hustlers 4-H Club. She plans to attend Iowa State University to major in Marketing, specializing in market analysis research. After college

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Perry Ag Services and Hardin County Tire & Service Salute:

graduation, she wants to work within a college or university. She hopes to travel and live somewhere far away or even abroad for a few years, but eventually return to central Iowa. Joseph Tibbs. Joseph is a 9 year member of the Alden Active Achievers 4-H Club. He will be attending the University of Northern Iowa and plans to study Biochemistry and Physics, hopefully getting a double major. He also hopes to pick up a minor or certificate in the fields such as mathematics and computer science. Upon graduation, he plans

to enter graduate school, likely at Iowa State, where he will earn an advanced degree. Then, Joseph plans to enter the workforce as a research scientist in a biochemistry field, integrating the latest technology and computing science into his work.

County Council

The 2016-2017 County Youth Council are high school students charged with the responsibility to be county-wide 4-H ambassadors. Applicants must complete an application and interview to be

selected for the council. If present, please come to be recognized. The members of the council for 20162017 are: Chris Jass of the Alden Active Achievers. Jordyn Daggs-Olson, Tyler Miller, Zachary Roll, and Emily Stansbury of the Eldora Eagles. Olivia Butt, Hailey Kube, Esther Rose, and Savannah Trusty of the Ellis Jackson Ag Stars. Shouly Brekke of the ENP Bearcats. Karli Hager and Lane Reifschneider of the Tipton Grant Toppers. Mark Patten and Mollee Patten of the Union Whitten Hustlers.

“We Proudly Salute Our Area 4-H Clubs”! Steckelberg Veterinary Clinic, P.C. and Hardin County Savings Bank Salute:

Eldora Eagles Clover Kids Union-Whitten Hustlers

Eldora EaglEs ClovEr Kids – Front row, l to r, laney Cook, sofia Burk, Katy scott, Hannah Perry, Hayden sparrow, Barrett Halvorsen, Cash guiles. second row, adeline Cook, Kassidy lynch, aiden Kuecker, Theo Konomi, lane Buchheit, layla Follett. Third row, Calvin Mcdonald, Jacoby Hobson, lexie Tidman, Emma Minteer, Marie Halvorsen, lleahla Peppers. Back row, Casey Williamson, Collin Burk, lucas Perry, owen larson, ava guiles, Carli luman. Not present, Hayden granzow, Kiersten Winter, Michael raney Club leaders: Teresa Perry and Janelle Cook-guiles.

Brent Perry Eldora 641-751-2699

Hardin County Tire & Service Dennis Barick, Owner-Mgr.

Hwy. 65 South, Iowa Falls


Union Whitten hUstlers – Front row, l to r, erin Collins, Goldie Kaisand, Brooklyn Backoff, Virginia Kaisand, lilly olmsted, Keely Valde. row 2, leah Pieper, McKenna Cross, Kevin hill, Kade Pekarek, henry Kaisand. row 3, Katie hill, Allison engle, olivia Kitzman, Kailan Mcewen, Dylan Andrews. row 4, Dahlia Gardiner, Mollee Patten, evan Andrews, Payton Pekarek. row 5, evan engle, Will selken, Mark Patten, Claira sams. not present, Anistyn rash, nick Pieper, noella Grafke, Maliah Gunderson, Madison Wessels, James Wical.


Veterinary Clinic, P.C.

Kurt Steckelberg, D.V.M. Erin Damman, D.V.M.

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-noon 18095 330th St. • Conrad, IA 50621 • (641)366-2540

HardinCSB.com HCSB@HardinCSB.com

4-H Salute

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 • page 9a

Alden family latest to join Hall of Fame taking care of all the tasks of being superintendents. Jackie managed the 4-H Food Stand for seven years. She did a great job working with families and helping the food stand run efficiently and be profitable. This helps 4-Hers receive scholarships for trips, camps,

workshops, etc. She has also been in charge of running the concession stand for all the grandstand events. Dale started on the fair board as a member then moved up to being the president. During those years the team has done a lot to improve the fairground’s appearance. Some of the improvements include: putting

in a Figure 8 track, fundraising for a new barn, and updating buildings, as needed. The hall of fame citation also recalled that Jass also puts in a lot of time working on events and getting the fairgrounds ready for the Hardin County Fair every year.

Whink Products and Iowa River Mutual Insurance Salute:

Cadet Clovers on the occasion of

Hardin County 4-H Awards Program Nov. 12 County fair feature enrolls long time 4-H supporters in the state hall of fame by Rick Patrie News Editor AMES – Dale and Jackie Jass of Hardin County joined over 100 long time volunteer supporters of 4-H when they were installed on the organization hall of fame during the recent Iowa State Fair. The Jass became Hardin County’s hall of fame designees for 2016 during the Hardin County Fair,when they were cited for a generation of work with 4-H, both within their own family and in the community. Because of their countless hours given to the Iowa 4-H program, fully 125 Iowa 4-H volunteers from 95 counties were welcomed into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame in August at the State Fair 4-H Exhibits Building ceremonies. Inductees were introduced on stage and awarded a certificate. Following the ceremony was a reception sponsored by donors of the Iowa 4-H Foundation. “The Hall of Fame was created in 2002 to show our committed

volunteers how important their time and talents are to this program. Our inductees work tirelessly to ensure that Iowa’s youth are able to have a fun and safe environment to learn and grow,” the citation said. The inductees are chosen by their county based on their service and dedication to the 4-H program and their contributions to the lives of 4-H’ers. Inductees serve as club leaders, fair board members, council members, fair judges, financial supporters, ISU Extension staff members and more. The inductees have demonstrated volunteerism, community service, integrity and leadership to Iowa’s youth. Biographies of the Inductee Class of 2016 can be found on the Iowa 4-H Foundation website, and photos from the event can be found on the Foundation’s Flickr page. The Iowa 4-H Foundation provides the private financial resources to develop and deliver quality 4-H youth programs

throughout the state of Iowa. These opportunities help young people enhance their ability to use critical thinking, leadership, communication and social skills – tools that will give them a competitive edge in their future endeavors. The Hardin County 4-H program cited Dale and Jackie Jass for supporting the program for nearly 25 years. From being superintendents for poultry, to helping with their three boys’ 4-H projects, managing the 4-H Food Stand, or on the fairgrounds setting up and planning the fair . They started when their oldest boy was in 4th grade in 1993 until the last boy graduated in 2009, working with 4-H directly. Between all of the boys they have shown: sheep, pigs, cattle, chickens, ducks, and rabbits, along with restoring projects like lawn mowers. In part of this time, they covered all the responsibilities in the poultry barn along with (continued above)

Hubbard Cooperative Telephone and Cable and Brown Hurst Insurance Agency, Inc. Salute:

Hubbard Radcliffe Clover Kids

HUBBARD RADCLIFFE CLOVER KIDS – Front row, l to r, Cameron Miller, Gage Mowrer, Mayella Miller, Aumriee Roberts, Maddy Duncan, Liberty Brown. Middle row, Owen Topp, Carsen Duncan, Aleighia Roberts, Peyton Overturf, Finnigan Hinderaker. Back row, Katie Allison, Piper Overturf, Adelyn Vinsand, Anya Miller, Kaydi Zoske, Emma Miller.

Hubbard Cooperative Telephone and Cable 306 E. Maple

Hubbard, IA 50122


CADET CLOVERS MEMBERS - Beau Barhite, Syler Benning, Luke Burch, Logan Cotto, Emmalyn DeWeese, Zachary Doering, Gabe Emerson, Madison Fisher, Paige Jaenke, Josie Johnson, Alivia Halvorsen, Brandt Halvorsen, Landyn Hansen, Chloe Hoversten, Garrett Kloetzer, Kyli Koenigsfeld, Kymri Koenigsfeld, Brady Lancaster, Adela Lara, Brody McNeal, Gavin Merz, Kaden Murley, Collin Pieper, Ella Pieper, Layton Renaud, Tenley Renaud, Erica Rodamaker, Zach Rodamaker, Jaxon Verba, Jack Wieting, Holden Williams, Hudson Williams, Noelle Winters.

Iowa River Mutual Insurance Association Serving Hardin and Surrounding Counties for over 140 years

Whink Products Company … since 1947! 641.939.2353 www.whink.com

Kendall Lunsford, President 1515 Edgington Avenue Eldora, IA 50627


Vision Health Center and Eldora Specialty Care Salute:

County Council 2016 on the occasion of

Hardin County 4-H Awards Program Nov. 12

4-H County CounCil - Front row, l to r, Jordyn Daggs-olson, Mollee Patten (President), Mark Patten (Vice President), Karli Hager (treasurer). Back row: tyler Miller, olivia Butt, Esther Rose, Emily Stansbury, Zach Roll, Savannah trusty, Chris Jass. not pictured: Shouly Brekke (Secretary), Hailey Kube, lane Reifschneider.

Dr. Dan R. Dye Optometrist

Marc, Dianne, and Kelly

“Clear Vision begins with healthy eyes” Call us at one of our two locations:

Eldora 641-939-2020

Ackley 641-847-2183

1510 22nd St. • Eldora


4-H Salute

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 • page 10a

Hardin County Collision & Towing Salutes all the Frame Straightening & Unibody Repair • Expert Color Matching Insurance Claims Handled • Products by 3M & Dupont • Replacement Parts (OEM)

Where guaranteed repairs and professional care are what you expect.

33 Years Experience (641) 939-7461 Fax (641) 939-7462

Area 4-H Clubs

pEtE glasEr 1302 21st st. Eldora, Ia 50627

Valley View Specialty Care and Hy-Vee Salute:

on the occasion of

Hardin County 4-H Awards Program Nov. 12 R & M Automotive and Innovative Ag Services & Building SupplyTM Salute:

First Robotics

Alden Active Achievers

on the occasion of

Hardin County 4-H Awards Program Nov. 12

First robotics – Front row, l to r, William schafer, Allison Jaenke, Erin collins, Levi Mannetter, Drew stansbury, Layton Jorges. back row, Emily stansbury and Nicki stansbury. coaches: Emily stansbury and teresa stansbury.

Alden Active Achievers – Front row, l to r, Blake Pieper, Ava Pieper, Aubrey Johnson, tianna Kinsinger, Andrew Bartlett, Brady Ackerman, Maddie Ackerman, taeh raisch. Back row: todd raisch, dylan schnitker, chris Jass, Kolbi tjarks, taylor Johnson, evan Ackerman.

R & M AutoMotive

“Where Experience is the Difference” 2313 15th Ave., Eldora

SHoP your loCAl Hy-Vee SeVeN dAyS A week hrs: sun.-Thurs., 6 A.M. - 10 P.M.; Fri. & sat., 6 A.M.-11 P.M.

Ph. (641) 858-5422

1616 Edgington Ave.




Eldora Newspapers Salutes:

Tipton Grant Toppers

1107 Water St., Alden, IA 50006 24 hour towing car sales & repair services Ron Bates


Innovative Ag Services


Hubbard 641-864-2266

Innovative Building Supply TM

Hubbard 641-864-2237

Clampitt Seed and Anderson Family Dentistry Salute:

Ellis Jackson Ag Stars

on the occasion of

Hardin County 4-H Awards Program Nov. 12

TIPTON GRANT TOPPERS - Front row, l to r, Cali Hager, Avrie Warburton, Hailey Faris. Middle row Nolen Steiner, Gage Hager, Karli Hager, Kaci Bradshaw, Levi Mannetter, Logan Faris. Back row, Chad Zoske, Haley Teske, Clarissa Spiehs, Lane Reifschneider, Thomas Spiehs, Brylie Zeisneiss, Sarah England, Alexiss Bradshaw, Kaden Zoske, Carter Zeisneiss.

and the

1513 Edgington Avenue, Eldora, Iowa 641-939-5051 “A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation” news@eldoranewspaper.com ads@eldoranewspaper.com

Ellis Jackson ag stars - Front row, l to r, guest, andrew Bartlett. second row, Wilken kube; guest, Ella scholte; lily Hansen, nevaeh Murphy third row: Emily campbell, Mckayla Denio, Emma Bartling, Hailey kube, chase koenigsfeld. Back row: Mike Bartling, Esther rose, katie Miller, Elizabeth Vogel, lorren steinfeldt, savannah trusty, Honoria Balogh. leaders: Mike Bartling & Honoria Balogh.

Clampitt Seed 641-497-5775

Anderson Family Dentistry

Sara a. anderSon, d.d.S.

Creating Healthy Smiles with a Gentle Touch!


641.939.7900 Now accepting New Patients

Business & Professional Directory Call 641.939.5051 to place your ad!


Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 12a

for rent

for rent

for rent

help wanted

foR RENT: 1 BR upstairs apt. Heat/AC, appliances and garbage furnished. No pets. (641)858-3531. tfc

foR RENT: 2 or 3 bedroom home in Eldora, deposit and reference required. Call (641)858-5659 or call (641)751-5899. tfc

foR RENT: 2 or 3 bedroom home in Eldora, deposit and reference required. Call (641)858-5659 or call (641)751-5899. tfc foR RENT: Pinecrest Mobile Home Park has 2 and 3 bedroom homes for rent from $275. Some mobile homes for sale. Terms available. HUD approved. Small pets welcome. (641)858-3477. tfc foR RENT IN ELDoRA: 2 bedroom apt. with stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer furnished. Call (641)497-5356 tfc foR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment: Stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities, off-street parking. $320/month plus deposit and references. No pets. (641)939-2006. tfc

bcLuW SchooLS poSITIoNS AVAILAbLE: Custodian, Bus Drivers. To apply, www.bcluw.k12. ia.us - About Us – Positions Available. H-45 ThE Rock STop in Steamboat Rock is searching for part time help. Ideal candidate would be dependable, a team player, and customer service oriented. Duties include running cash register, preparation of food, and general cleaning and upkeep of the store. If interested, pick up application at The Rock Stop or mail resume to: The Rock Stop, PO Box 396, Steamboat Rock, IA 50672. I-47

OPEN HOUSE ~ Sunday, Nov. 13~1-2 P.M. 517 N. WASHINGTON ST, CONRAD

More Classified Ads can be found on page 13A

thrift shop

craft show

You hAVE To SEE IT To bELIEVE IT! ALL You Want For CHRISTMAS! Over 300 items moved in DAILY! Trinkets & Togs Thrift Store, 1609 G Avenue, Grundy Center, 319-825-8030. I-47

RIc ANNuAL cRAfT ShoW will be held Dec. 3 from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Lunch served. Call Sara Peterson at 515-899-2238 or Joy Wykle at 515-899-2414. Spaces are $15.00. I-45

Business & Professional Directory

Stately and spacious 3 Bedroom, 3 ½ Bath home located in BCLUW schools! A great home with great space perfect for entertaining with nice kitchen with snack bar, sunlit family room addition overlooking large back yard, living room, 2nd family room/den and a lower level recreation room with pool table! Lots to offer with back yard deck, main level laundry, master bath and a 2 stall garage!! . All this on a great lot near swimming pool. $180’s

Hardin County Savings Bank is seeking a full time CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE for its Union location. Our ideal candidate will possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills, enjoy working with our customers, be a team player and have strong math skills. Prior cash-handling experience is preferred. Excellent pay and benefit $7.30 & $2.50 package. Submit resumes by November 18 to: Krista Weber, PO Box 311, Eldora, IA 50627. $5.05

Call 641.939.5051 to place your ad!

OPEN HOUSE ~ Sunday, Nov. 13~2:15-3:15 P.M. 30101 G AVE, CONRAD

ACREAGE on hard surface with 5 bedrooms, 1 bath and fabulous buildings!!! Great family home with large country kitchen, formal dining, spacious 
living room, main level laundry, den and a 4 season enclosed front porch. Potential galore including master suite with sitting area, main level bedroom and more. Every man’s dream with nice buildings including a 60 x 80 metal building, 30 x 40 horse barn, 28 x 30 metal building & a unique chicken house makes for a great man cave or storage! All this and a spectacular heated and insulated 27 x 32 garage and newer metal roof!! $120’s

Grand JiVante has openings for the following: • CNA (1st & 2nd Shift) • LPN/RN (2nd Shift) Apply online or in person:

Grand JiVanté

502 Butler St., Ackley, IA 50601 641-847-3531 www.grandjivante.com

10/28, 11/1, 4, 8/16

Paula Price Call my Cell: 641-751-1558

Business & Professional Directory 1610 S Center Street • Marshalltown

TRIVIA ANSWER – According to my source they all lost U.S. Presidential elections.

Now Hiring!

$4.00 $6.25



$ Eldora Operations/Customer - $29.20 + $10 =Service 39.20 per week

Office: 641-753-3080

Grundy -

WANTED: NURSE AIDES FOR 2ND SHIFT Our staff says this is a good place to work.


Austinville, IA

• Provide customer service, 11/3, 10 $operations per week assistance, & accurate accounting functions at the location. 11/2, 9 $ per week • Assist Location Manager with Custom Application & Transportation Logistics. $ • Conduct counter sales and process incomingper week calls in a friendly, courteous manner. 11/2, 9 • Class A CDL with Hazmat or willing to obtain.

Parkersburg -

The E-NP School District is seeking applicants for a

full TimE PoSiTioN aS morNiNg aND afTErNooN School buS DrivEr

for daily rural route and shuttle to SHMS for the rest of the school year. Experienced bus driver preferred, but district will provide training and process to become Iowa School Bus Permit holder for the chosen applicant. Pay will be according to Local 2003 Wage Scale for 2016/17. The ENP Transportation Team is a friendly and a fun group to work with. Opportunities also to drive for field trips and sports events. Applicants must be able to work according to school schedule, be prompt, able to follow directives, attend in-services to maintain permit, work well with students, and pass DOT physical requirements. Please send application to carolyn luiken, Transportation Director, 1010 Edgington avenue, Eldora, 50627 or call (641) 939-5631 for more information. Deadline Nov. 30, 2016. EoE


Hampton Chron/Bonus - 25

Call 641.939.5051 to place your ad!

We are looking for someone reliable and compassionate. We offer competitive pay, nurse aide membership benefits (NAHCA), LPN/RN tuition assistance, BSN tuition assistance, generous anniversary bonus and more. Apply in person at 2313 15th Ave., Eldora or call Brenda Nichols at 641-858-5422 EOE/AAP Disability & Vets

2x3 $58.80 per week

For more information & to apply online go to www.innovativeag.com/careers!


Business & Professional Directory

10/4, 7, 11, 14/16

11/8, 11, 15, 18/16

Grundy - 10/6, 13/16 - $31.50 per week

Parkersburg - 10/5, 12/16 - $31.50 per week

Call 641.939.5051 to place your ad!

auto paint & Body

Farming SupplieS

Hardin County Collision & towing

• Frame Straightening & Unibody Repair • Expert Color Matching • Insurance Claims Handled • Products by 3M & Dupont • Replacement Parts (OEM) • 27 Years Experience

Where guaranteed repairs and professional care are what you expect.

Pete Glaser

1302 21st St., Eldora Phone: (641)939-7461


Building SupplieS

Innovative Building Supply

Van R. McKibben

2211 148th St., Albion, IA 50005 641-488-2260

Home HealtH care

greenBelt home care


plumBing & Heating

Eldora - $58.40 (1st run) Eldora - $20 (2nd consecutive run) Eldora - $78.40 per week Grundy - $42 per week - 11/3, 10

Sanitation Service

medical Evening appointments available

Dealer for Livestock Feeding & Handling Equipment, Creep & Hay Feeders, Chutes, Tubs, Panels, etc.

10/28, 11/1, 4, 8/16

Teresa Brown, DO UnityPoint Clinic® – Family Medicine – Eldora 1506 Edgington Avenue | Eldora, IA 50627

Call (641) 939-7777

local Dependable service co.

Knight Sanitation

★ All size dumpsters available ★ Have roll-off containers too

★ Brush Chipping

★ Tire Recycling

Mark Clarke - 641-858-2459



Eldora VEtErinary CarE

and the

“For all your building, remodeling, & fencing needs” Since 1948 Hubbard 641.864.2237 www.innovativebuildingsupply.com

HomE CarE: 24 Hour availability medicare/medicaid Certified Clinics for all ages Serving all economic levels 2411 Edgington Ave., Eldora (641) 939-8444 1-877-283-0959

641-939-5051 1513 Edgington Ave. news@eldoranewspaper.com Eldora ads@eldoranewspaper.com

Elizabeth Hill, D.V.M. Small Animal Veterinary Services and Boarding! 1118 Washington St., Eldora, IA 50627 p 641-939-7557 f 641-939-7547 eldoravet@gmail.com www.ELDORAVET.com


Heating & cooling

plumBing & Heating


Anderson FAmily dentistry 1906 Edgington, Eldora


“Creating Healthy smiles with a Gentle touch!”

Now Accepting New Patients


• PlumBing

Your preferred Dealer Call 641-497-5213 Heating and Cooling Specialist

lawn mowerS & more

Dean R Stickrod, D.D.S. Randy’s Mowers 1310 Washington st., eldora & More “Caring for smiles for over 30 years”


Dr. Dan R. Dye

• Drain cleaning

Lawn Mowers - Snowblowers - Small Engines 2002 21st St. • Eldora 858-3201 m-F 8-5; Sat. 8-noon

• heating

“Clear Vision begins with healthy eyes”

• cooling “Professional Services At Affordable Rates”

plumBing & Heating Serving Hardin Co. Since 1965

McClellan Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning

N. Wash. St., Eldora



Eldora 641-939-2020

Ackley 641-847-2183


Get targeted exposure to a large audience when you advertise your business in our directory. Your ad runs 8-9 times a month for next to nothing. To get your ad started, give Betty a call 641-939-5051.


Classifieds/Public Record thank you card of thanks – Our hearts are full of gratitude when we say many thanks to family members, friends and neighbors for all acts of kindness and sympathy: food, flowers, memorial monies, cards, visits and kind words spoken to our family regarding the recent passing of a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Betty Hazelwood. We want to express special appreciation to the staff at the Iowa Falls Dialysis Center, Pastor Splett for his many words of comfort and to the Creps-Abels Funeral Home for their professional arrangements and caring service. Betty will be remembered for her strength, courage and positive attitude, warm smile and the twinkle in her eye. The family of Betty Hazelwood H-45*

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Current Electric

1x1.5 tfc

NOTICE Of LETTINg fOr LEasE Of agrICULTUraL LaNd By hardIN COUNTy, IOwa To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified that cash rent bids will be received by the Hardin County Board of Supervisors for the cash rent lease of agricultural land in Hardin County, Iowa, containing 151.5, acres, more or less, in two tracts, described as follows: all of the e 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 26, Township 88, Range 20 South of the railroad; all of the W 1/2 of the Se 1/4 of Section 26, Township 88, Range 20 South of the Railroad, except Parcel a located in the Se 1/4 of the SW 1/4 and the SW 1/4 of the Se 1/4 as found in survey recorded as year 2000, document 1300

Bruce Berghuis Wellsburg & surrounding communities

Farm, Home, Commercial PUBLIC NOTICE SetLetting for Grundy Register Notice of in the office of the Hardin County Recorder. The garden tract, the cemetery, the building site, the wildlife area enclosed by multiflora hedge, communications tower, wetland area and the seepage bed are excluded. and The NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 29, Township 88 North, Range 19 West of the 5th P.M., Hardin County, Iowa. The bids should be on a per acre basis. Said bids must be received in the Hardin County auditor’s Office, 1215 edgington avenue, Suite 1, eldora, Ia 50627, on or before 4:00 PM on Thursday, November 10, 2016. The timely received bids will be opened at the Board meeting on November 16, 2016. The top five bidders will


be invited back to the Board’s meeting on November 23, 2016 at 10:00 a.M. and they will be allowed to raise their bids. The period of the lease shall be for a term of two (2) years commencing on March 1, 2017 and ending on February 28, 2019, with the cash rent to be paid as follows: One quarter due on or before april 1, 2017; one-quarter due on or before November 1, 2017; one-quarter due on or before april 1, 2018; one-quarter due on or before November 1, 2018. a copy of the lease document can be obtained from the auditor’s Office. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. (Ledger – Nov. 8, 2016)


In the Iowa District Court IN ThE IOwa dIsTrICT COUrT fOr hardIN COUNTy WeLLS FaRgO ) CaSe NO. BaNK, N.a., ) eqCv101001 Plaintiff ) OrIgINaL vs. ) NOTICE BRIaN a. CaSLavKa, ) SPOUSe OF BRIaN ) a. CaSLavKa ) PaRTIeS IN ) POSSeSSION ) Defendants. TO THe aBOve-NaMeD DeFeNDaNT(S): You are notified that a petition has been filed in the office of the clerk of this court, naming you as a defendant in this action, for foreclosure of the property legally described as: LOT 4 IN BLOCK 1 IN eSTeS PLaCe aDDITION TO IOWa FaLLS, HaRDIN COUNTY, IOWa (Mortgaged Premises) due to a default in making contractual payments on a promissory note; for judgment in rem against the mortgaged premises for the principal amount of $43,848.11 plus interest as provided in the Note and as may have been subsequently adjusted thereafter, fees, costs, and attorney’s fees, for a declaration of the sum due as a lien on the premises, a declaration that the mortgage is prior and superior to all of the other liens on the property, for a special execution to issue for sale of the Mortgaged Premises at sheriff’s sale, for the issuance of a writ of possession, for a appointment of a receiver upon plaintiff’s application, and for such further relief the Court deems just and equitable.


THeN a DeFICIeNCY JUDgMeNT MaY Be eNTeReD agaINST YOU IF THe PROCeeDS FROM THe SaLe OF THe MORTgageD PROPeRTY aRe INSUFFICIeNT TO SaTISFY THe aMOUNT OF THe MORTgageD DeBT aND COSTS. IF THe MORTgageD PROPeRTY IS NOT YOUR ReSIDeNCe OR IS NOT a ONeFaMILY OR TWO-FaMILY DWeLLINg, THeN a DeFICIeNCY JUDgMeNT MaY Be eNTeReD agaINST YOU WHeTHeR OR NOT YOU FILe a WRITTeN DeMaND TO DeLaY THe SaLe. You are further notified that unless you serve and, within a reasonable time thereafter, file a motion or answer on or before November 28, 2016 in the Iowa District Court for Hardin County, Iowa, at the Courthouse in eldora, Iowa, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. If you need assistance to participate in court due to a disability, call the disability coordinator at 641-421-0990. Persons who are hearing or speech impaired may call Relay Iowa TTY (1800-735-2942). Disability coordinators cannot provide legal advice. Clerk of Court Hardin County Courthouse eldora, Iowa IMPORTaNT: YOU aRe aDvISeD TO SeeK LegaL aDvICe aT ONCe TO PROTeCT YOUR INTeReSTS. (Ledger – Oct. 25, Nov. 1, 8, 2016)

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • Page 13a

hardin county abstract & title co. TIM eLLeFSON • 1300 edgington, eldora Ph. 858-5555 PUBLIC NOTICE

Fiscal Year Financial Summary of Member Fairs assOCIaTION Of IOwa faIrs fIsCaL yEar fINaNCIaL sUMMary of MEMBEr faIrs INCORPORaTeD NaMe OF FaIR & CITY: Hardin County agricultural Society eSTIMaTeD aTTeNDaNCe: 10,000 CaRNIvaL: Ozark amusements gROUNDS aDMISSION: FRee gRaNDSTaND aDMISSION: PaID financial report for fiscal year: (Start Date) 10/1/2015; (end Date) 9/30/2016 sUMMary Of rECEIPTs aNd ExPENsEs rECEIPTs ExPENsEs Fair Income......................................$73,124.15 Fair expenses .................................$87,746.95 Non-Fair Income ..........................+$149,161.19 Non-Fair expenses........................+$67,910.41 County Funding .............................+$46,000.00 Capitol Improvements .................+$160,716.38 State Funding ................................+$10,109.85 Payments to Debts ......................................+$0 Money Borrowed .........................................+$0 Total Receipts ..............................=$278,395.19 Total expenses ............................+$316,373.74 sIMPLE Cash rECONCILIaTION Beginning Cash Balance (First Day of Fiscal Year) .............................. $125,329.39 Plus Total Receipts ..............................................................................+$278,395.19 Less Total expenses ............................................................................-$316,373.74 ending Cash Balance (Last Day of Fiscal Year) ...................................=$87,350.84 Less Total Indebtedness (Balance of Loans Payable) .........................................-$0 Net ending Cash Standing (as of Last Day of Fiscal Year) .................... $87,350.84 PrEMIUMs PaId affIdaVIT FaIR: Hardin County agricultural Society We, the undersigned President, Secretary and Treasurer of the above stated Fair, being duly sworn on oath depose and say the said assocation/Society, being duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Iowa held a Fair known as the Hardin County Fair on these days of July 6-10, 2016, in or near the city of eldora, Ia, and said Fair consists of a true exhibition of livestock, together with agriculrutal products and farm implements as contemplated by law (either Section 174.1 or 174.10). We further depose and say that the following is a statement of the actual amount paid in cash premiums by the association/Society for the current year, this statement corresponds with the published offer of premiums, and that no deductions have been made for entry fees, stall or pen rent. We further depose and say that no part of the below statement was paid for speed events or to secure games or amusements. We further depose and say that state appropriated funds received were used for infrastructure purposes only. sTaTEMENT Of Cash PrEMIUMs 4-h & ffa dEParTMENTs OPEN CLass dEParTMENTs Beef ......................................................$426.00 Beef ...............................................................$0 Dairy ..............................................................$0 Dairy ..............................................................$0 Dog .........................................................$30.50 Sheep ............................................................$0 goats ......................................................$66.00 Swine.............................................................$0 Horse ....................................................$163.50 Other Livestock .............................................$0 Poultry ...........................................................$0 Rabbit .....................................................$27.00 arts & Crafts, Textiles & Related ............$67.00 Sheep ...................................................$125.50 Culinary & Related .................................$33.00 Swine ....................................................$245.50 Flowers/Plants ........................................$19.00 Other.......................................................$66.00 Other Non-Livestock.............................$182.00 Static exhibits (Building Projects) .........$527.75 Total ...................................................$1,677.75 Total ......................................................$301.00 NUMBEr Of ExhIBITOrs aNd ExhIBITs aRea 4-H & FFa OPeN CLaSS Livestock exhibitors ..................................... 103 ........................................72 Livestock exhibits......................................... 439 ........................................79 Non Livestock exhibitors ............................... 94 .........................................56 Non Livestock exhibits ................................. 490 .......................................310 report Verified by following Officers of the association/society President: Dale W. Jass Secretary: Whitney Jass Treasurer: Julia Hall (Ledger - Nov. 8, 2016)


Central Iowa Detention Commission Meeting Minutes CENTraL IOwa dETENTION COMMIssION MEETINg MINUTEs 10-21-16 CIJdC gyM ELdOra Ia The meeting was called to order by the Chair Dave Thompson at 9:32 a.m. attending Members: Mark Waits, Terry Hertle, Tom Foster, Mike Cooper, Jeff quastad, Lance granzow, Morton Christianson, Dennis Stevenson, gary Mcvicker, Ron Sweers, Wayne Clinton, Larry vest and Rick Rasmussen. CIJDC staff present included: Tony Reed, Matt Mitchell Minutes: Cooper motioned to approve, Clinton 2nd MCU. financial report: Sweers motioned to approve, White 2nd MCU. Non-routine Expenditures: Rasmussen motioned to approve, Waits 2nd MCU. Personnel reports: Resignations: Jan Lukes, Sharae Brubaker, Transporters; austin Lomica, Bryanna Johnson, Tyler Ingham, Brett Rosedale, Client Service Coordinators Hiring of: austin Moore, Ben Keating, Full Time Client Service Coordinators; Mackenzie Schleisman Part Time Client Service Coordinators; David Diemer, Sharae Brubaker, Paris McNelly, Cheryl evans-Pryor, Transporters Director’s Hours Report august and September Clinton motioned to approve all Personnel Reports, Waits 2nd MCU. detention report: Hertle motioned to approve, Waits 2nd MCU. Transportation report: Hertle motioned to approve, Cooper 2nd, MCU Evaluation report: INSeRT motioned to approve, INSeRT 2nd, MCU. New Business: a. Contracts were presented. Clinton motioned to approve as presented, quastad 2nd. MCU. set Time & Place for Next Meeting: Foster moved to set meeting 11-18-16 at 9:30 a.m. at CIJDC. Waits 2nd. MCU Meeting adjournment: Cooper move to adjourn vest 2nd. MCU. register: *CIJdC Checking from 08/01/2016 through 09/30/2016 US Cellular 724.56; Wage Works 798.30; variety Specialties 291.42; Dan Deery Toyota 19,635.00; Dan Deery Toyota 19,986.00; Dan Deery Toyota 19,986.00; PayPal 35.20; Mediacom 109.95; alliant energy 5,586.24; erin Monaghan 248.09; accent Laser Services 117.42; Mediacom 64.35; greenley Development 205.00; Linda Hoover 170.97; Stone Sanitation 194.74; Dr. T.L. augspurger M.D. P.C. 2,250.00; Danielle Ballard 150.00; Heartland Insurance Risk Pool 950.00; Jenny griffin 78.36; Wage Works 522.00; Delaware Crossings 474.40; ahedo, aurora 204.44; amato, amie L. 224.92; Benson, Matt W. 60.00; Boren, Brett L. 147.94; Brown, Marchelle M. 1,039.36; Carlson, erik T. 127.64; Caviness, Brent J. 60.00; Cloyd, gregory v. 283.92; Curren, Jordan L. 60.00; erwin, alex R. 116.59; Feher, Stephanie N. 187.41; Feltus, Matt R. 256.16; Harmening, Hunter M. 60.00; Hart, alec J. 60.00; Hassler, Dejah D. 860.04; Ingham, Tyler W. 45.00; Inks, Scott a. 355.22; Johnson, Bryana L. 103.96; Johnson, Jenny L. 13.70; Keating, Ben a. 60.00; Leytem, Steve e. 991.99; Lomica, austin J. 60.00; Mahoney, Johnny R. 229.44; Martinez, Monica I. 126.37; Meyers, Samantha L. 60.00; Mitchell, Matt T. 67.81; Pauley, Sara R. 150.45; Pearcy, Daniel J. 1,290.78; Reiher, Tom J. 174.88; Roberts, Joey D. 155.40; Rosedale, Brett O. 360.33; Smith, Benjamin a. 314.96; Smith, Linda K. 60.00; Webb, Blake T. 655.45; Whitney, Jordan C. 60.00; Hashemi-Toroghi, Natalie M. 2,478.74; Rick Bagnall 2,400.00; Jason Halsey 300.00; Felicia Carter 200.00; ahrens, Cathy M. 426.40; ehrig, Barry L. 54.96; Harmening, Hunter M. 105.00; Kramer, Richard J. 77.26; Mcgee, Mick 278.23; Reicks, Maria S. 144.23; Tripp, gail 955.80; PayPal 72.95; Kaylee Nodgaard 31.08; Boys Town of Iowa 1,550.00; anderson, Neal L. 881.45; arganbright, Trevor T. 693.72; authier, Kirk . 1,394.58; ayers, Richard a. 81.17; Beckman, Daniel J. 498.98; Benson, Matt W. 6.51; Birke, Brenda L. 2,255.90; Borsch, Cliff a. 245.21; Bruening, Jennifer J. 2,531.10; Caviness, Brent J. 225.67; Curren, Jordan L. 206.95; Feher, Stephanie N.

17.33; Feltus, Matt R. 146.16; guevara-Perez, Blas 726.03; Harmening, Hunter M. 25.10; Hart, alec J. 300.30; Hentges, Jim R. 160.83; Hocking, Donovan a. 544.36; Ingham, Tyler W. 444.37; Inks, Scott a. 80.48; Johnson, Bryana L. 6.43; Johnson, Jenny L. 20.32; Kaufman, Ken S. 181.71; Kelly, Richard e. 253.10; Krug, Shane S. 247.07; Linquist, Jack e. 1,057.14; Lomica, austin J. 6.03; Mahoney, Johnny R. 112.19; Martinez, Marcos 109.30; Nellis, Ricke a. 835.98; Olson, alan H. 246.53; Pearcy, Daniel J. 494.74; Reiher, Tom J. 21.92; Roberts, Joey D. 401.32; Rosedale, Brett O 21.35; Schutt, ashley M. 886.61; Smith, Benjamin a. 109.04; Tripp, gail 492.01; Walker, Travis J. 14.88; Webb, Blake T. 506.70; Wilson, Harry J. 900.38; PayPal 150.00; alliant energy 206.40; Xenia Rural Water District 197.52; Casey’s general Store 68.29; Rita Baker 320.86; Forbes Office Solutions 24.01; Casey’s general Store 67.12; akaisha Blackhawk 70.32; ahedo, aurora 1,097.98; ahrens, Cathy M. 964.18; amato, amie L. 981.89; Bartusek, Mackenzie K. 969.58; Bedford, Tim e. 2,186.58; Beghtol, Tasha e. 1,455.71; Bennett, Shawn D. 1,311.82; Benson, Matt W. 1,414.40; Bergan, Michael R. 1,158.03; Blazek, Jocelyn C. 1,463.07; Boren, Brett L. 914.26; Carlson, erik T. 1,088.69; Caviness, Brent J. 1,117.07; Cornish, Justin R. 2,003.88; Curren, Jordan L. 863.25; Davison, Sue L. 461.76; erwin, alex R. 956.02; Feher, Stephanie N. 1,206.03; Felt, Jenny 1,369.41; Feltus, Matt R. 1,063.74; galloway, Janie L. 1,340.02; guevara, Christine 2,479.81; Hammell, Meagan a. 990.80; Harmening, Hunter M. 739.53; Hart, alex J. 686.80; Hashemi-Toroghi, Natalie M. 1,080.04; Hicks, alyson S. 1,246.57; Hoover, Shannon R. 222.33; Huegel, Scott P. 1,374.83; Huff, Debi S. 1,142.98; Ingham, Tyler W. 789.50; Inks, Scott a. 1,140.42; Jenkins, Wendy 694.61; Johnson, Bryana L. 1,039.64; Johnson, Jenny L. 1,373.48; Keating, Ben a. 825.60; Keller, Richard W. 1,492.73; Kitsis, Danielle W. 1,152.79; Knott, Jennifer a. 1,403.16; Korte, Cayla R. 1,325.45; Kube, Carrie J. 1,444.88; Lomica, austin J. 686.59; Madden, Sareena J. 1,214.32; Mahoney, Johnny R. 1,082.25; Manning, Cheri J. 1,601.30; Martinez, Marcos 1,414.92; Martinez, Monica I. 1,142.70; Matthews, Sheila a. 1,232.83; Meyers, Samantha L. 535.38; Mitchell, Matt T. 1,378.49; Monaghan, erin e. 1,417.10; Ownby, Beth M. 1,080.39; Pauley, Sara R. 842.14; Pfaffle, Lindsey R. 1,097.56; Reed, Tony J. 2,880.71; Reiher, Tom J. 1,002.26; Roberts, Joey D. 1,063.38; Rohlfs, Deb K. 2,282.31; Rosedale, Brett O. 562.68; Ruth, Kassie L. 2,578.85; Schminke, Heidi H. 1,211.51; Schrader, Deb a. 1,750.30; Smith, Benjamin a. 1,131.15; Smith, Linda K. 472.47; Spaulding, Heather L. 1,271.01; Stone, Ben P. 1,305.73; Thoma, Paige C. 930.01; Underwood, Courtney L. 1,365.41; Walker, Travis J. 2,203.97; Webb, Blake T. 1,474.17; Whitney, Jordan C. 836.85; Wilaby, Lacey J. 1,647.89; Jenkins, Wendy 562.21; PayPal 167.15; Richard Heiderscheit 550.00; Secretary of State 30.00; Canto, Dennys 570.05; Johnson, Bryana L. 803.42; Lindgren, Lydia L. 1,302.85; Negley, amy L. 382.11; Nissen, Brian e. 282.32; qualley, amanda e. 826.82; Shelton, gary J. 238.48; Walters, Brenda L. 1,353.31; Youngs, april D. 314.89; Clerk of Court-Webster 140.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 116.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 42.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 43.71; Clerk of Court-Webster 7.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 57.75; Clerk of Court-Webster 119.00; Jennifer Mitchell 189.69; Cornerstone Family Dentistry 275.00; Courtney Karns 27.26; Clerk of CourtWebster 82.34; Clerk of Court-Webster 28.00; BgM SaDD 400.00; Internal Revenue Service 36,404.56; PayPal 117.76; PayPal 148.78; City of eldora 597.21; american Funds-LW Roth IRa 31.25; Franklin Templeton-TW Roth IRa 187.50; vanguard-403b TR eR 342.83; vanguard-403b TR ee 486.54; vanguard-403b MF eR 93.75; vanguard-Roth IRa TR 211.54; vanguard-Roth IRa MF 211.25; Peggy James 86.10; Wage Works 192.30; Kathy Kelly 185.75; vanguardRoth IRa MF 422.50; verizon 335.65; Parenting Way 800.00; Yolanda Harden 125.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 112.00; Kayla Conner 60.00; Tasha Scott 182.52; Jeremiah Rollberg 408.72; PayPal 10.99; PayPal 13.85; PayPal 21.47; PayPal 33.15;

PayPal 89.88; Mediacom 89.95; Skott & anderson architects 40,000.00; Mid-american energy 111.01; Mediacom 329.95; Des Moines Menace academy 470.00; erickson Center 280.00; anderson, Neal L. 1,837.56; arganbright, Trevor T. 1,526.52; authier, Kirk L. 976.39; ayers, Richard a. 129.07; Beckman, Daniel J. 1,720.23; Beckman, Katy M. 80.70; Birke, Brenda L. 1,552.02; Borsch, Cliff a. 328.31; Brown, Marchelle M. 657.40; Bruening, Jennifer J. 689.71; Carlson, Clark L. 462.72; Carlson, erik T. 1.43; Caviness, Brent J. 41.97; Feher, Stephanie N. 33.48; guevara-Perez, Blas 324.89; Harmening, Hunter M. 5.93; Hart, alec J. 241.54; Hocking, Donovan a. 863.86; Ingham, Tyler W. 91.14; Johnson, Bryana L. 6.93; Keating, Ben a. 124.64; Kelly, Richard e. 439.21; Krug, Shane S. 912.65; Leytem, Steve e. 651.73; Linnevold, gordon W. 147.29; Linquist, Jack e. 647.81; Lomica, austin J. 96.26; Mahoney, Johnny R. 194.68; Martinez, Marcos 199.49; Mitchell, Matt T. 27.00; Nellis, Ricke a. 864.05; Olson, alan H. 245.82; Pearcy, Daniel J. 454.14; Reiher, Tom J. 172.86; Roberts, Joey D. 79.72; Rosedale, Brett O. 16.74; Ruth, Kassie L. 194.37; Schutt, ashley M. 1,292.77; Smith Benjamin a. 10.76; Treanor, Mike a. 860.56; Tripp, gail 577.87; Webb, Blake T. 1,125.46; Whitney, Jordan C. 6.96; Wilson, Harry J. 1,062.46; Wilson, Marsha a. 351.53; Wage Works 400.00; Jamie Bahl 16.16; Rosann anderson 242.03; Margaret Linquist 133.12; ahedo, aurora 1,444.90; ahrens, Cathy M. 1,107.88; amato, amie L. 1,061.44; Bartusek, Mackenzie K. 1,250.88; Bedford, Tim e. 1,840.20; Beghtol, Tasha e. 1,592.33; Bennett, Shawn D. 1,286.08; Benson, Matt W. 1,605.64; Bergan, Michael R. 927.08; Blazek, Jocelyn C. 1,439.08; Boren, Brett L. 1,531.68; Carlson, erik T. 1,552.41; Caviness, Brent J. 1,389.73; Cornish, Justin R. 2,420.87; Curren, Jordan L. 585.76; Davison, Sue L. 293.64; erwin, alex R. 1,065.95; Feher, Stephanie N. 1,368.02; Felt, Jenny 1,342.98; Feltus, Matt R. 945.21; galloway, Janie L. 944.67; guevara, Christine 2,387.13; Hammell, Meagan a. 1,441.05; Harmening, Hunter M. 195.77; Hart, alec J. 762.42; Hashemi-Toroghi, Natalie M. 620.52; Hicks, alyson S. 946.31; Hoover, Shannon R. 225.87; Huegel, Scott P. 1,773.11; Huff, Debi S. 1,038.31; Ingham, Tyler W. 633.90; Inks, Scott a. 1,245.10; Jenkins, Wendy 662.48; Johnson, Bryana L. 1,517.27; Johnson, Jenny L. 1,622.14; Keating, Ben a. 744.48; Keller, Richard W. 1,504.41; Kitsis, Danielle W. 1,185.85; Knott, Jennifer a. 1,028.50; Korte, Cayla R. 1,308.68; Kube, Carrie J. 1,426.97; Lomica, austin J. 888.78; Madden, Sareena J. 1,214.78; Mahoney, Johnny R. 1,553.87; Manning, Cheri J. 1,788.57; Martinez, Marcos 1,203.19; Martinez, Monica I. 1,533.61; Matthews, Sheila a. 1,188.67; Meyers, Samantha L. 600.15; Mitchell, Matt T. 1,575.61; Monaghan, erin e. 1,591.24; Onnen, Jocilyn R. 484.18; Ownby, Beth M. 1,195.09; Pauley, Sara R. 768.89; Pfaffle, Lindsey R. 1,061.76; Reed, Tony J. 2,880.71; Reiher, Tom J. 1,273.91; Roberts, Joey D. 1,532.11; Rohlfs, Deb K. 2,057.54; Rosedale, Brett O. 578.50; Ruth, Kassie L. 1,509.01; Schminke, Heidi H. 1,151.29; Schrader, Deb a. 1,750.31; Smith, Benjamin a. 1,595.77; Smith, Linda K. 544.09; Spaulding, Heather L. 1,161.59; Stone, Ben P. 1,287.86; Thoma, Paige C. 1,180.23; Underwood, Courtney L. 1,365.89; Walker, Travis J. 2,464.60; Webb, Blake T. 1,570.51; Whitney, Jordan C. 668.39; Wilaby, Lacey J. 2,087.34; Felt, Jenny 664.24; Jenkins, Wendy 755.65; HashemiToroghi, Natalie M. 1,138.04; PayPal 74.10; PayPal 130.00; PayPal 269.99; Wage Works 3,076.80; Jennifer Raska 85.50; Child Time 113.00; Lutheran Services in Iowa 450.00; Monica Marker 114.24; Canto, Dennys 834.06; Halsey, Jason M. 188.77; Johnson, Bryana L. 803.43; Lindgren, Lydia L. 1,302.84; Negley, amy L. 561.63; Nissen, Brian e. 353.27; qualley, amanda e. 436.39; Shelton, gary J. 404.77; Walters, Brenda L. 1,544.19; Youngs, april D. 145.31; Bankcard Department 8,429.66; Heart of Iowa Communications 817.70; accurate Controls 718.02; apartments By ellingson 905.00; Bl a geo group Company 479.91; SS, Inc. 10,910.55; CJ Cooper & associates, Inc. 8,400.00; Country Car Shop 51.00; eldora Pharmacy 4,884.18; Newark element14

172.25; Hansen Family Hospital 150.00; Hy-vee 3,839.84; Keating Smith LLC 675.00; Lamoni SaFe Coalition 200.00; LBR, LLC 340.00; Martin Brothers Distributing 3,457.28; Mid-america Publishing 220.50; Mildred L. Dunn Trust 850.00; quality automotive, Inc. 48.00; TCM Professional Subscription Services 244.64; The Center 300.00; The graphic edge 80.58; Iowa Physicians Clinic 286.00; Unity Point Health 110.40; vvoortech, Inc. 210.00; Felicia Carter 200.00; Central Iowa Psychological Services 1,050.00; Checks Unlimited 272.87; US Cellular 845.87; Felicia Carter 200.00; Centurylink 125.63; Wage Works 384.60; Jasper County Treasurer 136.51; erin Monaghan 179.43; accent Laser Services 57.48; Mediacom 64.36; greenley Development 205.00; Operation Threshold 262.66; volunteer Managers of Central Iowa 30.00; City Of Lansing 262.76; Internal Revenue Service 37,215.94; green Belt Bank & Trust 5,000.00; green Belt Bank & Trust 495,000.00; Wellmark Health & Dental 19,929.62; Dearborn National Life Insurance 450.00; avesis-vision 495.78; american Funds-LW Roth IRa 31.25; Franklin TempletonTW Roth IRa 187.50; IPeRS 39,681.89; State of Iowa-Treasurer 11,641.00; T. Rowe Price – SH 125.00; vanguard-403b TR eR 342.83; vanguard-403b TR ee 486.54; vanguard-403b MF eR 93.75; vanguard-Roth IRa TR 211.54; vanguard-Roth IRa MF 211.25; vanguard-Roth IRa MF 422.50; Jason Halsey 150.00; Rick Bagnall 1,800.00; Mediacom 109.95; Stone Sanitation 194.74; Wage Works 1,000.00; Rusty Wright 500.00; Dr. T.L. augspurger M.D. P.C. 4,250.00; Wage Works 652.50; alliant energy 5,460.93; ahedo, aurora 285.58; amato, amie L. 95.09; Benson, Matt W. 60.00; Boren, Brett L. 319.52; Brown, Marchelle M. 1,243.75; Carlson, erik T. 175.60; Caviness, Brent J. 204.39; Cloyd, gregory v. 563.12; Curren, Jordan L. 60.00; erwin, alex R. 273.15; Feher, Stephanie N. 148.82; Feltus, Matt R. 190.38; Hart, alec J. 60.00; Hassler, Dejah D. 2,353.99; Huegel, Scott P. 2.35; Ingham, Tyler W. 45.00; Inks, Scott a. 346.04; Johnson, Bryana L. 160.62; Johnson, Jenny L. 48.75; Leytem, Steve e. 1,265.16; Lomica, austin J. 60.00; Martinez, Monica I. 125.62; Meyers, Samantha L. 60.00; Pauley, Sara R. 100.44; Pearcy, Daniel J. 1,341.83; Reiher, Tom J. 168.93; Roberts, Joey D. 79.50; Rosedale, Brett O. 181.47; Ruth, Kassie L. 263.94; Smith, Benjamin a. 134.12; Smith, Linda K. 60.00; Webb, Blake T. 79.14; Whitney, Jordan C. 60.00; Keating, Ben a. 132.45; Mahoney, Johnny R. 317.43; anne Kandel 438.60; ahedo, aurora 1,097.98; ahrens, Cathy M. 964.18; amato, amie L. 981.90; Bartusek, Mackenzie K. 969.56; Bedford, Tim e. 2,288.50; Beghtol, Tasha e. 1,455.70; Bennett, Shawn D. 1,277.66; Benson, Matt W. 1,414.40; Bergan, Michael R. 1,179.86; Blazek, Jocelyn C. 1,367.50; Boren, Brett L. 1,051.44; Carlson, erik T. 1,123.23; Caviness, Brent J. 1,117.07; Cornish, Justin R. 1,897.24; Curren, Jordan L. 668.67; Davison, Sue L. 436.84; erwin, alex R. 956.02; Feher, Stephanie N. 1,206.03; Felt, Jenny 996.34; Feltus, Matt R. 1,063.75; galloway, Janie L. 1,302.22; guevara, Christine 2,544.14; Hammell, Meagan a. 915.94; Hart, alec J. 576.79; Hashemi-Toroghi, Natalie M. 1,212.53; Hicks, alyson S. 1,195.06; Hoover, Shannon R. 122.00; Huegel, Scott P. 1,408.36; Huff, Debi S. 1,103.22; Ingham, Tyler W. 495.10; Inks, Scott a. 1,198.27; Jenkins, Wendy 702.32; Johnson, Bryana L. 1,039.65; Johnson, Jenny L. 1,373.48; Keating, Ben a. 958.76; Keller, Richard W. 1,484.90; Kitsis, Danielle W. 1,186.38; Knott, Jennifer a. 1,336.50; Korte, Cayla R. 1,348.97; Kube, Carrie J. 1,444.88; Lomica, austin J. 674.48; Madden, Sareena J. 1,240.63; Mahoney, Johnny R. 1,082.25; Manning, Cheri J. 1,661.78; Martinez, Marcos 1,405.92; Martinez, Monica I. 1,142.70; Matthews, Sheila a. 1,008.94; Meyers, Samantha L. 608.06; Mitchell, Matt T. 1,378.48; Monaghan, erin e. 1,417.09; Onnen, Jocilyn R. 893.07; Ownby, Beth M. 1,080.39; Pauley, Sara R. 652.29; Pfaffle, Lindsey R. 1,055.01; Reed, Tony J. 3,113.71; Reiher, Tom J. 1,033.66; Roberts, Joey D. 1,063.37; Rohlfs, Deb K. 1,791.74; Rosedale, Brett O. 569.22; Ruth, Kassie L. 1,520.62; Schminke, Heidi H. 1,211.50; Schrader, Deb a. 1,750.30; Smith, Benjamin a. 1,131.15; Smith, Linda K. 529.55; Spaulding, Heather L. 1,198.00; Stone, Ben P. 1,327.59;

Thoma, Paige C. 930.01; Underwood, Courtney L. 1,449.42; Walker, Travis J. 2,203.97; Webb, Blake T. 1,137.19; Whitney, Jordan C. 744.26; Wilaby, Lacey J. 2,220.17; Felt, Jenny 770.21; Jenkins, Wendy 562.20; ahrens, Cathy M. 20.80; ehrig, Barry L. 98.49; Kramer, Richard J. 111.80; Mcgee, Mick 353.28; Reicks, Maria S. 242.54; Thoma, Paige C. 57.20; Tripp, gail 1,162.21; anderson, Neal L. 1,669.75; arganbright, Trevor T. 323.92; authier, Kirk L. 1,864.75; ayers, Richard a. 17.11; Beckman, Daniel J. 945.47; Beckman, Katy M. 275.98; Birke, Brenda L. 2,030.69; Borsch, Cliff a. 708.65; Brown, Marchelle M. 391.71; Brubaker, Sharae a. 79.72; Bruening, Jennifer J. 1,167.89; Carlson, Clark L. 733.83; Caviness, Brent J. 26.49; Curren, Jordan L. 13.79; Diemer, David D. 739.77; Feher, Stephanie N. 8.57; Feltus, Matt R. 110.99; guevara-Perez, Blas 2,380.08; Hart, alec J. 7.92; Hocking, Donovan a. 968.46; Ingham, Tyler W. 487.82; Inks, Scott a. 177.06; Johnson, Bryana L. 14.86; Kaufman, Ken S. 204.72; Keating, Ben a. 262.64; Kelly, Richard e. 405.60; Krug, Shane S. 579.19; Linnevold, gordon W. 321.58; Lomica, austin J. 169.89; Mahoney, Johnny R. 66.64; Martinez, Marcos 630.95; McNelly, Paris a. 923.13; Nellis, Ricke a. 1,099.66; Olson, alan H. 298.67; Onnen, Jocilyn R. 47.36; Reiher, Tom J. 29.00; Roberts, Joey D. 921.09; Rosedale, Brett O. 10.00; Ruth, Kassie L. 453.33; Schutt, ashley M. 1,455.40; Slobe, Brandon L. 255.06; Smith, Benjamin a. 240.23; Treanor, Mike a. 789.68; Tripp, gail 835.78; Webb, Blake T. 599.37; Wilaby, Lacey J. 5.27; Wilson, Harry J. 728.80; Canto, Dennys 986.82; Halsey, Jason M. 140.16; Johnson, Bryana L. 761.06; Lindgren, Lydia L. 1,346.46; Negley, amy L. 859.46; qualley, amanda e. 1,146.67; Shelton, gary J. 576.06; Walters, Brenda L. 1,448.72; Office Depot 348.94; Families First Counseling 364.00; Families First Counseling 273.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 476.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 56.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 84.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 35.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 21.00; CIJDC 288.00; erin Monaghan 70.57; Beth Ownby 71.95; accent Laser Services 32.48; Beth Ownby 149.50; PayPal 20.50; PayPal 23.98; PayPal 36.66; PayPal 44.98; PayPal 45.98; PayPal 49.99; PayPal 65.00; alliant energy 217.76; Casey’s general Store 19.54; Wage Works 370.20; Casey’s general Store, Inc. 9.78; Rita Baker 320.86; Casey’s general Store, Inc. 24.37; Rosann anderson 126.00; Barb Carlson 126.00; Dee Dobson 84.00; Lakemary Center, Inc. 1,000.00; Marc and Jacqueline Hoffman 500.00; Dave Duball 405.00; Jason Halsey 225.00; Internal Revenue Service 35,624.42; City of eldora 707.13; green Belt Bank & Trust 300.95; green Belt Bank & Trust 1,594.01; american Funds-LW Roth IRa 31.25; Franklin Templeton-TW Roth IRa 187.50; vanguard-403b MF eR 93.75; vanguard403b TR ee 486.54; vanguard-403b TR eR 342.83; vanguard-Roth IRa TR 211.54; vanguard-Roth IRa MF 211.25; Bankcard Department 21,008.91; verizon Wireless 293.21; anderson Family Dentistry 158.00; apartments By ellingson 905.00; Bl a geo group Company 306.82; Black Hawk Sprinklers 209.00; CSS, Inc. 757.27; eldora Pharmacy 5,857.79; Felicia Carter 200.00; Halvorson Trane 1,606.88; Hardin County Collision 1,719.90; Hy-vee 3,193.60; ICS Jail Supplies, Inc. 211.05; Iowa Physicians Clinic 158.00; Keating Smith LLC 675.00; Lamoni SaFe Coalition 200.00; LBR, LLC 340.00; Martin Brothers Distributing 6,088.98; McClellan Plumbing, Heating & air 1,646.23; Mid-america Publishing 22.43; Mildred L. Dunn Trust 850.00; Signs & Designs 150.00; The Center 300.00; Times-Republican 24.54; vvoortech, Inc. 211.00; Rick Bagnall 1,500.00; Mid-american energy 106.98; Clinton Parks and Rec 210.00; guthrie County ReC 308.79; New Opportunities 271.00; Xenia Rural Water District 96.67; Parenting Way 700.00; Parenting Way 800.00 Lutheran Services in Iowa 454.00; Wendy Jenkins 5.66; Forbes Office Solutions 102.41; Stone Ridge apartments 500.00; ahedo, aurora 1,444.91; ahrens, Cathy M. 1,107.89; amato, amie L. 1,061.44; Bartusek, Mackenzie K. 1,255.56; Bedford, Tim e. 1,885.01; Beghtol, Tasha e. 1,592.32; Bennett, Shawn D. 1,311.91; Benson, Matt W. 1,605.65; Bergan, Michael R. 1,185.64;

Blazek, Jocelyn C. 1,486.82; Boren, Brett L. 1,545.06; Carlson, erik T. 1,580.96; Caviness, Brent J. 1,389.72; Cornish, Justin R. 2,507.26; Curren, Jordan L. 654.01; Davison, Sue L. 527.38; erwin, alex R. 1,042.45; Feher, Stephanie N. 1,368.02; Felt, Jenny 1,074.32; Feltus, Matt R. 945.20; galloway, Janie L. 1,305.88; guevara, Christine 2,450.45; Hammell, Meagan a. 1,488.24; Hart, alec J. 423.52; HashemiToroghi, Natalie M. 1,673.82; Hicks, alyson S. 867.92; Hoover, Shannon R. 72.57; Huegel, Scott P. 1,808.64; Huff, Debi S. 1,003.03; Ingham, Tyler W. 411.48; Inks, Scott a. 843.79; Jenkins, Wendy 734.53; Johnson, Bryana L. 1,039.65; Johnson, Jenny L. 1,622.13; Keating, Ben a. 1,266.17; Keller, Richard W. 1,558.74; Kitsis Danielle W. 1,223.95; Knott, Jennifer a. 1,057.06; Korte, Cayla R. 1,309.25; Kube, Carrie J. 1,426.97; Lomica, austin J. 883.71; Madden, Sareena J. 1,211.99; Mahoney, Johnny R. 1,553.88; Manning, Cheri J. 1,423.45; Martinez, Marcos 1,203.17; Martinez, Monica I. 1,533.62; Matthews, Sheila a. 1,388.41; Meyers, Samantha L. 432.28; Mitchell, Matt T. 1,576.61; Monaghan, erin e. 1,591.23; Moore, austin R. 442.24; Onnen, Jocilyn R. 470.52; Ownby, Beth M. 1,195.10; Pauley, Sara R. 910.77; Pfaffle, Lindsey R. 1,061.75; Reed, Tony J. 4,807.53; Reiher, Tom J. 1,300.31; Roberts, Joey D. 1,532.11; Rohlfs, Deb K. 1,733.31; Rosedale, Brett O. 604.58; Ruth, Kassie L. 1,544.91; Schminke, Heidi H. 1,151.29; Schrader, Deb a. 1,750.30; Smith, Benjamin a. 1,595.78; Smith, Linda K. 660.27; Spaulding, Heather L. 1,070.87; Stone, Ben P. 1,208.89; Thoma, Paige C. 1,180.23; Underwood, Courtney L. 1,321.09; Walker, Travis J. 2,464.59; Webb, Blake T. 1,600.82; Whitney, Jordan C. 348.44; Wilaby, Lacey J. 2,087.33; Felt, Jenny 1,133.91; Jenkins, Wendy 768.28; Mediacom 89.95; Kathy Burkhardt 486.90; Mediacom 329.95; anderson, Neal L. 1,468.37; arganbright, Trevor T. 207.11; authier, Kirk L. 1,440.98; Beckman, Daniel J. 1,473.62; Birke, Brenda L. 2,798.26; Borsch, Cliff a. 305.35; Bruening, Jennifer J. 1,757.20; Carlson, Clark L. 981.11; Carlson, erik T. 11.32; Caviness, Brent J. 48.78; Curren, Jordan L. 6.00; Diemer, David D. 262.56; Feher, Stephanie N. 10.18; Feltus, Matt R. 31.59; guevara-Perez, Blas 1,617.89; Hocking, Donovan a. 1,702.50; Huegel, Scott P. 125.90; Ingham, Tyler W. 310.02; Inks, Scott a. 250.63; Johnson, Bryana L. 87.43; Johnson, Jenny L. 11.79; Keating, Ben a. 215.03; Kelly, Richard e. 929.42; Krug, Shane S. 552.35; Linquist, Jack e. 365.89; Lomica, austin J. 115.30; Mahoney, Johnny R. 43.67; McNelly, Paris a. 996.48; Mitchell, Matt T. 13.18; Moore, austin R. 17.58; Nellis, Ricke a. 726.36; Pauley, Sara R. 135.50; Pearcy, Daniel J. 127.47; Reiher, Tom J. 24.74; Roberts, Joey D. 478.51; Rosedale, Brett O. 26.10; Ruth, Kassie L. 296.32; Schillerberg, Jessica S. 221.99; Schutt, ashley M. 1,134.39; Slobe, Brandon L. 281.02; Smith, Benjamin a. 10.13; Treanor, Mike a. 786.65; Tripp, gail 629.83; Web, Blake T. 472.25; Wilson, Harry J. 488.66; Canto, Dennys 1,162.86; Halsey, Jason M. 334.61; Johnson, Bryana L. 761.06; Lindgren, Lydia L. 1,261.22; Negley, amy L. 737.98; qualley, amanda e. 1,076.83; Shelton, gary J. 368.71; Walters, Brenda L. 1,459.91; Youngs, april D. 387.55; Wage Works 192.30; Brenda Payne, Ph.D. 492.00; Beth ann Stratton 47.90; Heart of Iowa Communications 881.37; Benton County Transportation 30.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 101.50; Clerk of Court-Webster 322.00; Clerk of CourtWebster 17.50; Clerk of Court-Webster 91.00; Clerk of Court-Webster 157.50; Linda Fisher 570.00; accent Laser Services 62.48; Mediacom 64.36; erin Monaghan 125.47; greenley Development 205.00; Machelle Pezley 75.62; Kathy Burkhardt 400.00; PayPal 11.97; Centurylink 125.63; Country Pine Mowers 551.81; Internal Revenue Service 38,564.72; american Funds-LW Roth IRa 31.25; Franklin Templeton-TW Roth IRa 187.50; IPeRS 40,096.68; State of Iowa-Treasurer 11,887.00; T. Rowe Price-SH 125.00; vanguard-403b MF eR 93.75; vanguard-403b TR ee 486.54; vanguard-403b TR eR 342.83; vanguard-Roth IRa TR 211.54; vanguard-Roth IRa MF 211.25; Wellmark Health & Dental 19,382.37; avesis-vision 415.50; Dearborn National Life Insurance 440.00. (Ledger – Nov. 8, 2016)


Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 15a

Fisher, Lippert, penning pave the path for Cadets

AGWSR/Iowa Falls-Alden Cross Country Results

GIRLS: Meet Placing IF-A Invitational 2nd of 7 MC Newman Invite 4th of 14 Marshalltown Invite 11th of 18 Ballard Invite 4th of 9 BCLUW Invite 3rd of 8 Humboldt Invite 4th of 15 Nevada Invite 5th of 10 South Hardin Invite 4th of 10 Dike-NH Invite 9th of 20 NCC Meet 4th of 7

IOWA FALLS- Aubrie Fisher and Bethany Lippert along with Brayden Penning headlined the fall for the Iowa Falls-Alden/AGWSR girls’ and boys’ cross country teams. Fisher, a sophomore, and senior Lippert were a one-two punch for the girls as Lippert led the Cadets’ scoring column six times and Fisher five. Both runners booked eight top five placings with two top 10s and another two top 20s for Fisher. Fisher capped the stellar season with a medal stand showing at the state meet, ending 11th in the Class TOP CADETS- 3A girls’ field. She was an individAbove, Aubrie ual state qualifier for a second time Fisher (right) and after taking sixth at a state qualifyBethany Lippert ing meet. Fisher garnered gold at (left), and at left, the South Hardin Invitational and Brayden Penning bronze medals at the North Central were season long Conference meet and Nevada Invite. scoring leaders Lippert had a strong run at midfor the Iowa Fallsseason as she won the Nevada InAlden/AGWSR vitational between seconds at the cross country BCLUW and South Hardin Invites. teams this fall. She had five top three placings in all Penning led the with another silver at the Humboldt boys’ scoring all Invite and a third at the Newman In11 meets, while for vite. Lippert was denied a third state the girls, Lippert meet appearance, finishing 19th at a was the top Cadet state qualifying meet with the top 15 six times and advancing. Fisher five. Fisher Penning, a junior, was the team was the team’s leader for the IF-A/AGWSR boys, lone state qualifier leading the team scoring column all and was a Class 11 meets. He had two top 10 plac3A medal winner, ings and four top 20s. Penning’s top taking 11th. showing came at the North Central Conference meet, scoring sixth followed by a 10th at the South Hardin Invite. The IF-A/AGWSR girls registered a season-best runner-up placing at the season-opening Cadet Invitational followed by a third at the BCLUW Invite and five fourths, including one 3A State Qualifier 10th of 13 at the conference meet. The scoring BOYS: Meet Placing quintet at those three meets were IF-A Invitational 5th of 7 Lippert, Fisher, Haley Bakker, Katie MC Newman Invite 7th of 14 Meyer and Patience Kauzlarich. Marshalltown Invite 20th of 21 For the boys, the Cadets’ top showBallard Invite 10th of 11 ing was a fourth at the South Hardin BCLUW Invite 5th of 8 Invite followed by four fifths with Humboldt Invite 9th of 19 one at the NCC meet. The team’s Nevada Invite 5th of 10 five scorers at the South Hardin and South Hardin Invite 4th of 10 Dike-NH Invite 9th of 17 NCC meets were Penning, Marco NCC Meet 5th of 8 Vila, Pablo Frade, Greg Tystahl and 3A State Qualifier 10th of 13 Campbell Murra.

NICL scores 4 football wins in state’s quarterfinal round ELDORA- The North Iowa Cedar League Conference posted a perfect 4-0 record during the quarterfinal round of the high school football playoffs Friday. Gladbrook-Reinbeck, secondranked in Class A, scored a 35-0 shutout win of No. 8 Montezuma; third-ranked in Class 1A Denver drilled Bellevue, 34-6, and in Class

Iowa Prep Football Playoff Quarterfinal Results

CLASS 2A: Dike-New Hartford 54, prairie CityMonroe 14; Union High 28, North Fayette Valley 12; Mount Vernon 42, Williamsburg 32; Boyden-Hull/Rock Valley 49, Carroll Kuemper 28. CLASS 1A: Denver 34, Bellevue 6; Iowa City Regina 45, pella Christian 43; Van Meter 28, Madrid 7; Western Christian 34, Hinton 7. CLASS A: gladbrook-Reinbeck 35, Montezuma 0; algona garrigan 12, West Hancock 8; St. ansgar 43, Lisbon 12; St. albert CB 21, West Sioux 14. EIGHT-PLAYER: Don Bosco 56, Central elkader 20; Fremont-Mills 63, exira-eHK 20; Harris-Lake park 44, ar-We-Va 36; Midland 42, Twin Cedars 22.

BCLUW boys book strong fall behind trio

2A, eighth-ranked Dike-New Hartford manhandled No. 6 Prairie CityMonroe, 54-14 and No. 3 Union High upset top-ranked North Fayette Valley, 28-12. The defending Class A champion Rebels will be one of four 11-0 teams in the semi-finals and meets top-ranked St. Ansgar Friday morning at 10:06 a.m. The 11-0 Cyclones battle perennial power Iowa City Regina at 10:06 a.m. Saturday. The Regals are 10-1 and No. 1 in 1A. In 2A, Dike-NH plays No. 2 Boyden-Hall/Rock Valley, 10-1, at

4:06 p.m. Saturday followed by 10-1 Union High against fifth-ranked and 10-1 Mount Vernon. The Knights beat North Fayette after losing in week eight also at West Union, 5621. For D-NH, Trent Johnson rambled for 296 yards on 31 carries and four touchdowns one week after galloping up-and-down the gridiron for 424 yards on 26 attempts and tallied seven TDs. Johnson has rushed for over 2,700 yards this fall. All the semi-final playoff games scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be played at the UNIDome in Cedar Falls

5:36 p.m. – Webster City (10-1) vs Glenwood (9-2); 8:21 p.m. – Pella (110) vs Cedar Rapids Xavier (11-0). Friday, Nov. 11: CLASS A 10:06 a.m. – St. Ansgar (11-0) vs Gladbrook-Reinbeck (11-0); 1:06 p.m. – Algona Garrigan (11-0) vs St. Albert

10:06 a.m. – Denver (11-0) vs Iowa City Regina (10-1); 1:06 p.m. – Western Christian (10-1) vs Van Meter (11-0). CLASS 2A 4:06 p.m. – Dike-New Hartford (92) vs Boyden-Hull-Rock Valley (10-1); 7:06 p.m. – Union High (10-1) vs Mount Vernon (9-2).

DOWNHILL- The Comets’ Ian Showers (265) and Grant Baker (199) glide downhill during a cross country race this past fall. The pair were a potent one-two punch for BCLUW as the two seniors were NICL Conference firstteam and two-time state qualifiers.

STARTING LINE- The Comets’ Samantha Schleisman (161) and Milena Ralston (160) sprint from the starting line during a cross country meet this past fall. Schleisman led the scorecard eight times and was second three for the BCLUW girls.

CONRAD- The BCLUW boys’ cross country team enjoyed a fantastic fall. The Comets fueled by the threesome of seniors Grant Baker and Ian Showers along with sophomore Caleb Silver saw the season end at the state meet. The trio were all individual state qualifiers in the Class 1A field. Baker placed 29th at the state show, Silver 46th and Showers 79th. Baker and Showers were also state qualifiers as juniors. BCLUW has advanced a team or individual(s) to state in 14 of the past 15 years. It was a bitter-sweet state qualifying meet for the Comets, as Baker, Showers and Silver all posted top 15 placings, but the team finished fourth by one point with the top three squads advancing. Baker was the bronze medalist at the state qualifier with Showers eighth and Silver 12th. BCLUW booked three third placings as a team and another two fourths. Thirds were the NICL Conference meet, Union High Invite and South Tama Invite. Baker and Showers were top 10 for first-team all-conference at seventh and 10th, respectively, and Silver took 12th for second-team. The fourth and fifth runners at the NICL, Union and South Tama meets were Neifer Ralston and Blake Mann. Showers led the team’s scoring column seven times and had six top 10 placings; Baker led the team scoring three times to go with four top 10s and four more top 20s, and Silver had two top 10s and five top 20s. Samantha Schleisman led the BCLUW girls’ cross country team. Schleisman paced the team’s path in six meets and was second in the scoring column three times, while Katie Thompson was the team leader three meets.

BCLUW Cross Country Results

GIRLS: Meet Placing Pine Lake Run 9th of 10 Marshalltown Invite 18th of 18 South Tama Invite 8th of 9 BCLUW Invite 8th of 8 West Marshall Invite NA South Hardin Invite 9th of 10 Dike-NH Invite 8th of 17 Union High Invite 11th of 12 NICL Meet 13th of 14 1A State Qualifier 17th of 19 BOYS: Meet Placing Pine Lake Run 5th of 9 Marshalltown Invite 15th of 21 South Tama Invite 3rd of 8 BCLUW Invite 4th of 8 West Marshall Invite NA South Hardin Invite 6th of 10 Dike-NH Invite 20th of 20 Union High Invite 3rd of 10 NICL Meet 3rd of 12 1A State Qualifier 4th of 18

October’s best at Eldora Bowl

ELDORA- The final day of October brought the season’s first 300 game at the Eldora Bowl by Jake Travis of Eldora and highlighted the month’s high scores. Travis’ first-ever 300 game on Oct. 31 capped a 684 series. After Travis, top games were Bret Harris 279, John Schatzman 278, Shawn Bolt 277 and Tom Harrell 276. Bolt rolled the month’s high series with a 745 and had a second 700-plus at 715. Schatzman had a 10-frame 719, Steve Dickenson 707 Iowa Prep Football (11-0). and Jim Sween 700. Playoff Semi-Final Schedule CLASS 4A Thursday, Nov. 10: 4:06 p.m. – West Des Moines Dowl- Deb Teske led the women’s scorEIGHT-PLAYER ing (10-1) vs Ankeny Centennial (10-1); ing with a game of 236 and series 9:06 a.m. – Don Bosco (10-1) vs 7:06 p.m. – Cedar Rapids Washington of 604 and 566. Susan Engelking Midland (9-2); 12:06 p.m. – Harris Lake (10-1) vs Iowa City West (9-2). was next best at 224 for a game and Park (11-0) vs Fremont-Mills (11-0). Saturday, Nov. 12: 549 for a series with Kortney Jaenke CLASS 3A CLASS 1A scoring a 548 series.

Eldora Bowl October High Games & Series

MEN Games/Series: Steve Allbee – Game 258. Brian Balvanz – Games 242, 236/Series 654.

Shawn Bolt – Games 277, 268 256, 248, 247, 237/Series 745, 715, 652, 639. Jeff Butler – Game 234/Series 642. Ruben Camacho – Games 239, 235, 233, 232, 231/Games 681, 670. Jim Callaway – Games 236, 235/Series 654. Alan Clemons – Games 244, 242/Series 659. Daryl Clingerman – Series 649. Dennis Dickenson – Series 659. Steve Dickenson – Games 248, 246(2), 244, 240, 237, 236/Series 707, 676. Zak Dolash – Game 232. Blaire Donaldson – Game 245. Darren Driggers – Games 274, 234/ Series 646, 642. Jeff Gore – Game 237/Series 645. Jason Hampton – Games 256, 253/Series 632. Tom Harrell – Games 276, 258/Series 685. Bret Harris – Game 279/Series 657. Rick Heetland – Game 267, 244/Series 713. Robert Jeske – Game 234/Series 635. Jason Krull – Games 265, 258. Jordan Krull – Game 231. Tyler Krull – Game 243. Kevin Lake – Game 236.

Dave Lloyd – Games 244, 236/Series 671, 632. Brett Pfaltzgraff – Games 257, 235. Nick Pieters – Game 238. Chad Roy – Game 253. John Schatzman – Game 278, 268/Series 719. Harris Steinfeldt – Games 247, 244. Mike Steinfeldt – Game 236. Jim Sween – game 268, 247(2)/Series 700, 657. Mike Teske – Games 255, 245, 234/ Series 658. Jake Travis – Games 300, 265, 255, 245, 243, 241, 235, 233/Series 684, 681, 677, 675, 647, 638, 631. WOMEN Games/Series: Diana Dickenson – Game 200. Susan Engelking – Game 244/Seires 549, 521. Dawn Harrell – Series 524. Jane Geerdes – Game 203. Kortney Jaenke – Game 209/Seires 548, 543, 528. Beth Nederhoff – Series 525. Judy Staples – Game 210. Sue Taylor – Game 204/Series 549, 535. Deb Teske – Games 236, 205/Series 604, 566, 520.




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Tuesday, November 8, 2016 • page 1B

Well remembered Charles Clough

The Family Album Fortunes smiled on another

Youngest to oldest, left to right, Warren G. Davison, Clyde A. Davison, Dean W. Davison, and A.L. “Bob” Davison. The first three boys in the line up were in the Army, and Bob was in the Navy.

By Rick Patrie News Editor HARDIN COUNTY – Charles Clough was nowhere near forgotten. Earlier this year the newspapers published a story about a group from Holland that was looking for photographs of young American servicemen buried in a national cemetery in the Netherlands. The inquiry comes from loyal caretakers at the American Military Cemetery outside Margraten. Residents of that community have spent all the years since the war adopting the dead in a military cemetery, individuals and families tending the graves throughout the year and then coming for a special tribute on each Memorial Day. Charles Clough of the UnionWhitten area was among the adoptees. He was the son of Charles and Eldona Clough and he died nearby in Germany on Thanksgiving Day back in 1944. His mother would die the following year. His father would live until 1969. The caretakers of their son’s grave in the Netherlands wanted a photo of the 21 year old to place with the stone monument at his gravesite. Terry Hirsch of Indianapolis, Indiana had contacted the newspapers here, seeking help uncovering a photo. It turned out there was little searching needed. We received numerous calls from Clough’s fellow classmates at the Union Schools. All had kept the annual from their graduating year and each had a photo to share. The photo will be placed next to his marker. In this way the Dutch visitors will be invited to see the faces of their liberators. Last year, 25,000 people accepted that invitation and came to the cemetery. The project still maintains a website, www.TheFacesOfMargraten.com. All submitted photos as well as other information on these soldiers can already be found in the foundation’s Fields of Honor - Database. The photos was placed next to the

headstones from May 1-5, when the Netherlands observes the 71st anniversary of its liberation. Charles Clough lived in Hardin County with his parents, Charles and Eldona and his 5 siblings. He had 4 years of high school according to his enlistment records. PFC Clough served in the 84th Infantry and was killed by a sniper on Thanksgiving Day, 1944 in Mullerdorf, Germany. “I was hoping a story would entice your readers to help find one. Maybe they have a scrapbook or yearbook? Or have access to digital archives? And maybe there is family still in the area who would like to know of the honor the Dutch bestow upon him, Hirsch said. A volunteer group to which she belongs has found photos of nearly half of the 8,300 soldiers interred. There are 8,301 graves at the cemetery and 1,722 names of

service members who were missing in action. The Dutch community first stepped forward back in late 1944 as the numbers of dead soared in Margraten, and townspeople began to help digging graves and then on the first Memorial Day after the wars end some 30,000 in all showed up at this cemetery to honor the American dead. All 17,000 graves were covered in Dutch flowers. The next year 50,000 Dutch came. Soon the mayor of Margraten proposed the formal graves adoption process. Today a Dutch family adopts every grave. And the adoptions have spanned into a third generation. The adoptions have grown to be more than tending the graves, but establishing when they can, ties with the families of those lost.

Margraten Cemetery

by Rick Patrie News Editor ELDORA – Four Davison brothers from Eldora served in WWII and every one came home. Still thankful, Elizabeth Hopkins daughter of Dean Davison, who now lives in Clinton, recently gathered together some family photos recalling the time. Some taken overseas, a lot of them here at home, both before and after her father’s and uncles’deployments. She also gathered up family recollections of the now-increasingly distant time. She wrote to us and what follows is taken from her notes on each picture: “The picture with all four brothers, was taken in late 1946, and appears from youngest to oldest, left to right, Warren G. Davison, Clyde A. Davison, Dean W. Davison, and A.L. “Bob” Davison. The first three boys in the line up were in the Army, and Bob was in the Navy. The other photos, taken in winter of early 1946, before Warren returned home, show the older three brothers in uniform. “Brother, Warren recalled shipped U.S. supplies in for the troops in occupied Japan. “Their oldest brother Paul Davison was turned down for the military, as he did not pass his physical exam, but did work for the Civilian Conservation Corp. He was assigned to various projects, such as at Pine Lake, and lived in the barracks at the fairgrounds. They did not want him to be excluded, since he also did his part in working for our country’s good.” Elizabeth’s dad Dean did enlist, Brother Bob had signed up first. Clyde and Warren joined, too, and word was Clyde wanted to be a pilot, and Warren probably wanted to follow in his big brothers’ footsteps. When the war was over and the Davison Boys returned to civilian life, Clyde and Elizabeth’s grandfather. Paul T. Davison, convinced her dad father to use his mustering out pay to buy some tools at an auction. They bid on a hand cranking cement mixer, which they called “Old Herman”, 2 wheel barrows, and some shovels. The brothers, along with their dad, worked together to form the Davison Construction Company, which later became Davison Brothers Builders Supply. The retail hardware store (continued on page 2B)

Dean, in uniform, was taken somewhere in England, the date is July of 1944.

Veteran Salute

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 • page 2B

Honor Flight project

Davison veteran contingent

Family Album

(continued from pag 1B

and lumberyard was established so they could get building materials wholesale for their construction projects, as well as supply local contractors and area families, and since their father was getting too old for doing manual labor. Dean and Clyde became partners in this business, which continued for a total of 63 years, when my dad retired just short of his 90th birthday. Brother Warren not long ago went on an Honor Flight. He was the only one of the boys who felt able to go, and brought back pictorial albums for them. During WWII, he served in the Army for about a year and a half. Upon his return he married his sweetheart, Marilyn March, who had been waiting for him. He actually had to get his parent’s permission to get married when he returned. At that time a woman could get married at age 18, but a man had to wait until 20. They will be celebrating 70 years of marriage on Nov. 3, and Warren will be 90 years on Nov. 8. Elizabeth remembered Bob was a Navy cook in the North Atlantic. He enlisted in 1941, so he could choose his area of service, and had experience working in a meat locker (for his father-in-law at Emmert’s Locker in Eldora on 15th Ave., one block south of city hall). Bob was head cook on an LCI-293 (Landing Crew Infantry) ship and in charge of its kitchen crew. She said she located a photo of this group. Bob’s nickname was “Big Boss” and his rank was SC-1/C. “Uncle Bob never talked much about his wartime experience, probably because it brought tearful emotions to think about it. He was part of the landing operations on D-Day at Normandy, France, so he observed the many hundreds of men being shot down as they ran onto Omaha Beach. Although he was a cook, he still had to help bring down the gate panel, and hoist it up after letting out the troops. A man on each side was in place, and when the time came to lift it up, the soldier on the opposite side of Bob cowered, so Bob had to attempt the task alone. He received bullets to his helmet and ended up sliding on his belly across the deck to keep from being gunned down, but was able to get the job done, with a surge of adrenaline and God’s help. Approximately 230 men that went out, probably 200 of them perished.” In March of 1945, Bob’s ship was docked at Weymouth, England. While there, he met up with his brother Dean, who was stationed in Coventry, England. A photo of the two brothers was taken at this time, as well as the photo of Bob and his kitchen crew. Bob is in the upper left hand corner, without a hat. The individual photo of Elizabeth’s dad, Dean, in uniform, was taken somewhere in England, the date is July of 1944. The other photo shows part of his maintenance crew standing in front of one of the B-24’s that they worked on, with Dean standing in center. This particular plane “Our Howdy”, with nose art depicting a cowgirl, had seen 32 missions. The inscription on the back of the photo reads Kensington, England, June 28, 1945. During this summer Dean was able to fly to Europe, where he continued working on aircraft, this time in preparation to return troops back home. He saw parts of Belgium, France, and Germany, and then ended up traveling by ship, when he finally came back to The States. After getting training to become an airplane mechanic in Flint, MI, and further military training in Albuquerque, NM, he was sent to England, where he served in the 305 Depot Repair Squadron. Submitted by Elizabeth Hopkins daughter of Dean Davison, now living in Clinton. Clyde’s daughter, Deb Johnson, and Bob’s daughter, Judy Neymeyer, also contributed.

by Rick Patrie News Editor WASHINGTON DC An Honor Flight is conducted by nonprofit organizations dedicated to transporting as many United States military veterans as possible to see the memorials of the respective war(s) they fought in Washington, D.C. at no cost to the veterans. Currently these organizations are focused on bringing veterans of World War II to the National World War II Memorial, and any veteran with a terminal illness to see the memorial of the war they fought in. Honor flights arrive at all three of the Washington’s area airports: Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, and Washington Dulles International Airport. The veterans

Warren on a recent Honor Flight trip to Washington DC, shown above, and in uniform (right) just after returning home from active duty. “As you can see he was very young, and his parents, were much relieved to have him back, as well as the older brothers.” The Honor Flight was around 2007 or 2008, and it was a terribly rainy day, so Warren is wearing rain gear. You can see that he is standing in front of the changing of the guard at Arlington National Cemetery.

are generally escorted by volunteer guardians, who help them on the flight and around D.C. After landing, the taxiing airplane may be saluted by fire trucks,[3][4] and passengers are often met by cheering crowds in D.C. or upon their return flight home. The network was cofounded by Jeff Miller, a small business owner from Hendersonville, North Carolina, and Earl Morse, a physician assistant and retired Air Force captain. Morse worked in a Department of Veterans Affairs clinic in Springfield, Ohio, where he saw many patients who were WWII veterans. After the National WWII Memorial in Washington was completed in 2004, he asked many of his veteran patients if they were going to see it. Morse offered to fly with two veterans to

Washington to see the memorial, and after seeing them break down and cry and graciously accept the offer, he pitched his idea to a local aeroclub of 300 private pilots at a local Air Force base, proposing that the pilots would pay for the flights for the veterans to Washington and personally escort them around the city. Eleven volunteered, and the network was formed; by 2005, a board was formed, funds were raised, and volunteers had joined.[2] The first honor flight took place in May 2005, when six small planes flew 12 veterans to Washington. In late 2005, Jeff Miller, a dry cleaning company owner in Hendersonville, North Carolina, inspired by Morse’s vision, had a similar idea but on a larger scale. His vision is the program today.

PROGRAM - 2016

courage Honoring All WHo Served NOVEMBER 11, 2016 - 10:00 a.m.

Eldora-New Providence Elementary School Gym 21 Gun Salute and Echoing Chimes ........................................................ American Legion/VFW Color Guard and SHHS Band Presentation of the Colors ............................................................ American Legion/VFW Color Guard “The National Anthem”................................................................... SHHS Band, Directed by Wayne Lu “The Pledge of Allegiance” ................................ Boys’ State Participants - Tom Haywood and Ty Cook Welcome................................................ Howard Marsh, American Legion and Mike Rundall, Principal Introduction of Student Soldiers ......................................................................................Howard Marsh Aiden Butler - Marines; Megan Hallett - Marines; Levi Webster - Army “A Soldier, and the One I Love” by Dan Davison ...................................................SHHS Concert Choir Directed by Patrick Gagnon Gavin Roy, Snare Drum Fifth Grade Essay Winner “You’re a Grand Old Flag” arranged by Theresa Jennings ......................Red, White, and Blue Singers Directed by Patrick Gagnon Roll Call of 50-Year Legion Members ..............................................................................Howard Marsh “America, the Beautiful” by Samuel Ward, arr. J. Bullock. ............. SHHS Band, Directed by Wayne Lu “And Still I Rise” adapted from Maya Angelou. .................................................................Megan Hallett Bob was a Navy cook in the North Atlantic. Daughter Deb Johnson remembers her dad Clyde (right) achieved the Tech 5 rank, (corporal) in the Army Air Corps and was in pilot training in San Antonio when he became seriously ill and was granted a medical discharge. Home, he married Dorothy Bottema from Whitten and together they raised four children who all remained in Eldora. They included Deb, Randy Davison and Rick and Dennis Davison, who are both deceased. Clyde would co-own and operate Davison Brothers Builders and Supply until age 88, when a stroke forced him to retire. The business was sold shortly thereafter.

“1961 Inaugural Address” adapted from J. F. Kennedy ..................................................Michael Halsey “The Armed Forces Salute” arr. Bob Lowden ......................................................................SHHS Band Please stand and be recognized when your service hymn is played Directed by Wayne Lu Gene Foster Parade of Flags ..................................................................................... E-NP Elementary “Taps” by Gen. Butterfield and Oliver Norton................................................................ SHHS Trumpets “Taps” and “Echo” ...............................................................................................................SHHS Band Retirement of Colors...................................................................... American Legion/VFW Color Guard

Special Thanks to:

Howard Marsh, Master of Ceremonies; Mark Hobson, Officer of the Day; Dwight Clark, Commander, Walter Sayer American Legion Post; Scott Hootman, Commander, Roll-Harless VFW; American Legion/VFW Color Guards and Honor Guards; Jay Mathis E-NP Superintendent; Mike Rundall, SHHS Principal; Annie Bradford, E-NP Elementary Principal; Mr. Gagnon and Music classes for chair setup and removal; SHHS Art Department Bethany Broer and Catie Leytham; Patrick Gagnon, E-NP Elementary Music & SHHS Vocal; Wayne Lu, SHHS Band Ushers: Boys’ State Participants: Ty Cook and Tom Haywood Ushers: National Honor Society Members Student Speakers: Michael Halsey and Megan Hallett Gene Foster, Bo and Connie Jeske for Flags and Kerchiefs Gene Foster and Kay Roelfsema for the inspiration.

Civilian Conservation Corps/Prisoner of War Recreational Hall and Museum will be open to ALL on Friday from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Coffee and cookies to veterans and their families.

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Eldora Herald Ledger Hardin County Index


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sanitation service Knight Sanitation

Give us a call at the Eldora Newspaper office if you would like to become a sponsor 641-939-5051.

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 3B

Dale F. Allbee

Kenneth Robert Allbee

Helen Allison

Ray L. Allison

Navy MM3/C

U.S. Navy Seaman 1st Class

Ralph (Buster) Allbee Navy 2/C

army and National guard Sgt.

David S. Allen

Floyd E. Allen

Justin Allen National guard Sgt. Iraqi War

Navy Seabees Chief petty Officer Vietnam & Desert Shield

Women’s army Corp pFC

David Andrews

Kenneth Anway

Ingvert Appel army pvt.

Duane Babcock

Navy 3rd Class petty Officer (Korean) 1950-1954

Donald F. Balvanz

Harold Balvanz

air Force Corporal

Larry Balvanz

2nd Infantry Staff Sergeant World War II - Served 42-46

air Force Corporal WWII

Steven C. Allen

Cpl. Korean War

army Mp Unit Corporal

Kenneth C. Balvanz

U.S. army - Cpl. acting Sgt. Feb. 6, 1953-Jan. 21, 1955 B BTRY 53rd aaa gun Btl. apO 929 - Served in Japan

army Staff Sgt.

army Spec. 4

air Force - Staff Sgt. Years 1965-1969

Loran Balvanz

Marvin “Mick” Balvanz

Shannon Lee Balvanz United States air Force aIC

Vernon R. Balvanz

army National guard Command Sergeant Major

Michael B. Barber

Larry Barcus

James Bartlett

Michael A. Bartusek army SFC

Ernest Barz

army pFC - Co. K 26th Inf. 1st Div. World War II

Kenneth H. Barz

Melvin E. Barz

Otto Henry William Barz

Terry R. Beare

Francis Belknap

Alan Kent Berends

Joseph Beres

Harold Bergman

Charles W. Blakemore

Bill Bottema

Jacob F. Bottema

army Corporal

army - 594th Transportation Division -5th, Specialist 4th Class expert Rifle M-14

Marines private 1st Class

army pF4 Spec 4th Class

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army Corporal WWII

army 135th eng. T-Sgt.

army Spc 4

army private e-2

air Force - airman

air Force Sgt.

army private

U.S. army Specialty Company Clerk Hawaii Sgt. e-5; 20 yr. career

U.S. Navy e4

army e-4

army Tech 4th grade

Marc, Dianne, and Kelly

Where guaranteed repairs and professional care are what you expect. 33 Years Experience (641) 939-7461 Fax (641) 939-7462

pEtE glasEr 1302 21st st. Eldora, Ia 50627

Thank you to our Veterans

They’ve left behind loved ones to risk their lives in protecting their country.

Fidelity Abstract & Title Co.

David Rubow, Abstracter P.O. Box 206 1228 Edgington Ave., Eldora 641-858-5496

Proud sponsors of

Hy-Vee “Honor Flights” Shop your local hy-Vee SeVen dayS a week 1616 Edgington Ave., Eldora hrs: sun.-Thurs., 6 A.M. - 10 P.M.; Fri. & sat., 6 A.M.-11 P.M.

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 4B

John Bottema Jr.

Howell M. Boyd, Jr.

Gerald “Orv” Brinkmeyer

Jim Brown

Teresa Roberts-Brown

William T. “Bill” Bruner

Kenneth L. Buckley

Jerry L. Butler

Ryan Butler

Dick Butters

Frank Cable

army, e4 or Spec 4 4th army Div. goeppingen, germany

U.S. Navy - Vietnam Hospital Corpsman

US Navy Seaman 2nd Class WWII

army Spec. e-4

army Staff-Sgt.

Navy - WWII asiatic-pacific

Harold L. Brock

Donald L. Brown

Randy A. Buckley

Dr. Eldon W. Burke army Dental Corps Major - World War II

John C. Burns

US Coast guard Radioman Third Class

Kenneth J. Cable

Howard Cakerice (standing)

Lora L. Camacho

Bob Doug Rick Prater Wickham Brockmeyer Okinawa - March, 1983

Navy e-5

Navy e-4

army Spec. 4

army Chief Warrant Officer 4 Det 34 USa Com, ankeny, Ia

army - Sgt. 1st Class

Ruben D. Camacho

Warren “Dale” Campbell

Carl Carlson

James L. Clapsaddle

Dwight Clark

Heidi Clark

Wendell Clark

Edward Clarke

Ken Collins

Wilber “Wib” Conway

Charles Creps

Cameron Jade Crosser

Dean M. Crosser

U.S. army - Iowa National guard Sergeant First Class (ReT.)

US Marines Corporal e4

USaF T Sgt.

army - Cpl. 1953-1955

army - WW II Staff Sergeant

Marines Corporal

army Sgt.

army Staff Sgt.

Navy Reserve Hospital Corpsman

army Staff Sgt. 1967-1969

Wendell Caster air Force

U.S. army Sgt. 1942-1945

James Caster

Roy Caster


army pFC

air Force Senior airman


army Spec 4

army air Force Sgt.

Craig, Smith & Cutler llP

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army Sgt. e-5

air Corps Corporal

army, pFC Lee Bimbi (right) Baumbolder, germany 1955

Women’s army Corp. Iowa army, National guard Staff Sergeant, e-6 (ReT.)

Thomas M. Catlin

George A. Chamberlain

army air Traffic Control

Gregory J. Clarke

Navy Machinery Repairman, Fireman

Ernest T. Crosser U.S. Navy Seaman 1st Class WWII

army - May 1943-1946 World War II airbourne-glider

Earl L. Cockerham

army – private First Class 672nd Field artillery Battallion

Jack Crosser

army - anti aircraft Battalion Wheel and Track Vehicle Maintenance 1952 - 1954 Korean War

Eldora, IA 641-939-5051 “A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation” news@eldoranewspaper.com ads@eldoranewspaper.com HardinCSB.com www.eldoranewspapers.com


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1513 Edgington Avenue, Eldora, Iowa 641-939-5051 “A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation” news@eldoranewspaper.com ads@eldoranewspaper.com www.eldoranewspapers.com

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 5B

Skylar Crosser

Curtis E. Daggs

USaF - e 3

4th Division Infantry prvt. engineers - Corporal Korea 1950-51

Dean A. Daleske

army Corporal

Larry J. Dole

USaF - airman 1st Class RegaF e-4 Jan. 1959-March 1963

Lee R. Dole

USMC - Corporal Jan. 1951-aug. 1952 Korean War July 1951-June 1952

Clyde A. Davison army/air Corps pFC/pilot

army/air Corp private First Class Mechanic in england June 1, 1942-Dec. 25, 1945

George Davison

US Coast guard Nov. 1974-Nov. 1978 Marine Science Technician 3rd Class petty Officer

Warren Davison

Jessica Detrick

Don Diamond

Roy Diamond

Robert L. Dickenson

Steve Dickenson

Richard J. Dole

William R. Dole

Joe Donald

Megan Donald

Tom Donald

US Navy WWII Ship Cook 1st Class

Donald D. DeNeui

army pFC - 1st Class

Bob Davison

US army - 2006-2012 e4

army Sp-5

air Force Sgt.

US army - Staff Sgt. 372nd eng Brigade Ft. Snelling, MN

Paul J. Dudley

Darold Duerr

William N. Dunn

Michael Eilderts

Clint Eklund

George L. Elliott

Krystle Faris

Richard Faris

air Force Staff Sergeant Korean War

Henry B. Drake

Marines Master gunnery Sergeant

Ralph Drake

Harold S. Eckhoff

Henry V. Eckhoff

Danielle Eddings

Charles “Chuck” Edgerton

John W. Ellis, Jr. Navy CB’s Seaman

army Tec 4 Served in WWII

Brent Ewoldt

US army, 1st Cav. Sgt.; 1970-1972 Vietnam

CpT(p) army Nurse Corps

John Ewoldt

army air Corp. - Corporal

Marines Sergeant Major

US air Force 1960-65 MpO; Staff Sgt. Morocco, North africa

Denny Faris

(James) Edward Faris


1321 Edgington Avenue Eldora


Tues.-Fri.: Noon-7:30; Sat., 10:30-4; Sun. & Mon.: Closed


Health Mart Pharmacy

National guard

Tim Hoy, Manager 939-5881

army Sgt.

National guard Military police Unit

Country Car Shop

32938 Highway 175, Eldora, IA 50627


Melody Hoy R.Ph. Registered Pharmacist 939-3091

Ahoy Fountain

US army e-4 4th Inf. Div.

air Force Major

army Staff Sergeant 4 overseas tour of duties 2 in Iraq, 2 in afghanistan

Navy Boatswain’s Mate

Sales & Service

Wellsburg Days 6/15

We support those who defend our Freedom.

tropical fish & supplies

army Sp 3

Sgt. USaR Operation Iraqi Freedom 5/09-5/10 445th Transportation Co. Waterloo, Ia


Specializing in African Cichlids

Major, RN US army Nurse Corps Fort Campbell, Kentucky 101st airborne

army Spec 4 Class

Locally Owned and Operated

Vets Salute 11/15

U.S. Navy CpO 1980-2005

US army - Corporal Korea Jan. 1951- Oct. 1952

Robert Donaldson

U.S. Marine Corps Served on guadalcanal and Iwo Jima Served March 1942-Nov. 1945

U.S. Navy Radarman 2nd Class

US army WWII T-5

US Navy - aOMT 1st Class Sept. 1942-Jan. 1946

Cody Donaldson Marines Lance CpL.

Dean Davison

Mark McDowell, Certified Technician Vets Salute 11/15

Thomas M. Donald

Certified Public Accountant Eldora


Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 6B

Slade Faris

John D. Farrell

Clay Feilmeier

John Feilmeier

Richard Fisher

Matthew Fleury

Harold W. Folkerts

Bill Follett

Gene K. Foster

Jerry Foster

Carl E. Fowler, Jr. Marines Lance Corporal

Gari D. Fuller

army Specialist - 4th Class Served in Vietnam

Jeffry Robert Fuller

James L. George

David Lee Goodell

Erica Goodknight

Jon Goodknight

Dr. Colin G. Gould

David Granzow

Glen G. Granzow

Marvin Granzow

David Gridley

Marines - Sgt. afghanistan 11th Marine expeditionary Unit

U.S. army Ret. SFC 1982-2002

air Force S Sgt.

army Spec. 5 1967-1969

army CpL

C Troop 1/4 Cav. Lima Company Spec 4

U.S. Navy electrician Mate 2nd Class Koren 1954-1957

army National guard SSg

133rd Inf. - Staff Sgt.

army Sp 3

Marine Corps

army e4

Navy Officer

Marines gunnery Sgt.

army Corporal

army air Corp WWII Captain

US Navy petty Officer 1st Class e6

U.S. army Spec 4

army Sp-3

Leonard C. Gray

Robert E. Gray

Vernon Greimann

Le Roy E. Gretillat

Timothy L. Gretillat

Bethany Gridley

Leslie J. “Bud” Groeneveld

N. Kurt Haas

Jay Hadley

Marvin O. Hagen

Clarence M. Hammill

Donald E. Harless Navy SI/C

US army National guard Combat engineer Served in afghanistan

Virgil C. Harless

John A. Hartman

Chuck Harvey

Don Haskin

Oscar T. Hassman

Delmar Hayden

H. LaVerne Haywood & (father) Harry L. Haywood army - pFC

army private-1st Class Served in WWII

army pFC Korea

army Cpl

army - Cpl. 6/1/51-6/1/53

222nd Quarter Masters Cpl. 4 yrs. - South pacific

army – Corporal Hardin County’s first casualty of WWII

army Sp4-e4

U.S. Navy Seaman First Class World War II, asiatic-pacific 1944-1945

U.S. air Force (eOD) Tech Sgt.

army pFC

U.S. army e-4

Inf. 3rd army pFC World War II

USaaF Staff Sgt. WWII

army Corporal

army Staff Sergeant

army Captain

army 81st Squadron 1945-1946

army CpT

Jeffrey Harless

Lunch Buffet Every Day 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. up Drive- w o d in w r for younce! ie conven

Coffee & Tea House

Serving Crimson Cup Coffees, Teas & Smoothies

Panda One


1210 12th St. • Eldora • 641-939-7780


Pine Lake Festival 7/15

Hubbard Care Center 403 South State Street, Hubbard, IA 50122 Phone (641)864-3264

Fax (641)864-2343

Email hubcc@netins.net


Chinese Restaurant Mandarin & Cantonese Style Gourmet Chinese Food Open 6 days a week 1280 Washington St., Eldora Mon.-Sat. 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Closed Sun. 641-939-7878


• Firewood Fair 2015 ing & • Fish ting • Hun nses e • Lic • 10 Diffe re • Sandwic nt hes • Pro • Exc pane Ta Open Daily hang nk e 6:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. AGWSR 2015

Hubbard Days 6/14

• Hot Food tizers

e • App

or • Dine inout • Carry za iz • Hot P • Bai t e c I •

Levi Fryslie Agent

(641) 939-5428 (319) 269-3596 cell (641) 939-2660 fax 1317 14th Avenue • Eldora IA 50627-1605 levi.fryslie@fbfs.com levifryslie.fbfs.com


Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 7B

Calvin J. Heard

Rex Heard

Jay Held

Dean Hendrickson

John A. Herman III

Ernest Hermsen

Denny Higgason

Max Higgason, Jr.

Max R. Higgason, Sr.

Orville Higgason

Glenn Hinders

Keith Hinders

William W. Holcomb

Scott Hootman

Mark Hoover

Caleb Humphrey

Daniel Huntley

Robert R. Hurst

air Force Staff Sgt.

Bill Higgason

air Force

Marine pFC

Marines USMC Corp. BaR Man (Browning automatic Rifle)

army, 1966-1968 Drill Sgt. e-5 air National guard 1970-1980 aircraft Mechanic

Carroll Hobson

Mark Hobson

Leslie R. “Red” Holcomb

6th armored CMp - T/Sgt. WWII

U.S. army Military police Okinawa

army National guard Sgt. e-6

army 1941-42 private

Navy MM 1st Class

army air Corps Corporal

James Hoy

Lester Hueser

Maurice L. Hyde

David Isenhower

Bob Jeske

Ralph Howe

air Force Sgt. 1963-1967

army/Korean War Sgt.

army Sp 4

army Spec 4

Marines Cpl.

Marines USMC private First Class

Richard L. Holcomb Marines Staff Sgt.

Joe W. Hubbard air Force Sgt.

Cal Johnson

air Force - Staff Sgt. 1944-1947

army Sgt.

army air Force Corp.

Navy RD2

U.S. army Specialist

U.S. Marines Sgt.

Marines gunnery Sgt., 1928-44 – KIa

U.S. army e-5

U.S. Marines SSgt/e-6


army - Specialist Served in Iraq

Blake Jones

David Hess

air Force S. Sgt.

Eron Lindsey Jon Goodknight

National guard National guard National guard 133rd Inf. Iowa Falls 133rd Inf. Iowa Falls 133rd Inf. Iowa Falls Sgt. Sgt. Sgt.

Signal Corps Sgt. T4

Patrick M. Jones

Iowa army National guard e-3-pFC

Ackley 641-847-3511

505 Sherman, Ackley Deanne K. Jones-Blakemore army - e-3-pFC

Adam T. Kadner

air Force - Senior airman

Jonathan Kadner USMC Sgt.

Albert E. Kadolph army 11/14 pFC

Dean R. Stickrod D.D.S. 1310 Washington St., Eldora(641)939-3214

James A. Kadolph

Albert H. Kadolph

U.S. army Specialist 4th Class (e4) airframe Repairman Stationed Munich, germany (Vietnam era)

army Sargent World War I in France

Larry E. Kadolph army Spec. 5

Randy’s Mowers Eldora & More Lawn Mower & Snowblower Repair


“Caring for smiles for over 30 years”

1317 15th Ave., Eldora Jay and Lucas LaVelle



Owners: BRUCE & NANCY HARVEY 1314 Washington Eldora, Iowa 50627 (641) 858-3531

Carpet, Vinyl, Laminate, Luxury Tile & Wood Floors, Window Treatments Cabinetry, Quartz & Granite Countertops, Paint, Sundries, Picture Framing Heat N Glo Fireplace Showroom


707 G Avenue Grundy Center, IA 50638 11/14

2002 21st St. • Eldora


Firemen 10/15

United Suppliers, Inc. Grundy Center Eldora, IA


Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 8B Robert Kasischke air Force e-4

Harold Kasischke army

Dennis Kasischke

Martin D. Kasischke

Kenneth Kebschull

John W. Kelley

Carl J. King

Raleigh King

Ryan King

Arthur C. Klettke

William Klosterman

Harold Knutson Jr.

Kip Knutzon

Kevin Kromminga

Kenneth Krukow

Terry Lamasters

Marcus Lamoreux

Cody Landis

Donald E. LaVelle

Junior Lawler

Daniel Dale Lawless

Harry Lawless army Staff Sgt.

army Med. Corp. Saipan Surgical Tech 4

Lloyd G. Lee

Stanton LeMoind

Kimberly Lindsey

Jerry Long

Larry L. Luiken

Carey Luse

Sean Luse

Angus S. MacRae

Merlyn E. Kallem

Lowell Kasischke

Lawrence L. Kelly

Matthew “Buzz” Kennedy

Elston “Bud” Ketels Marines - Cpl. 1951-1953

army Captain Chaplain Vietnam

US army air Force Sergeant

Russ Kinney

Gary Klatt

Robert J. Klatt

Kenneth Kramer

Mel Kramer

Clarence Lange

Warren Lepley

army pFC

US army air Corp Master Sgt.

Marine Corps

army Captain

U.S. army e-4

air Force Sgt.

army air Force Sgt.

U.S. army air Corps - 2nd Lt. 73rd Troop Carrier Squadron 434th Troop Carrier group

army air Force Sgt.

1st army Sgt.

army air Corps. Technical Sgt.

army Sgt.


army Sp 4

army pFC

N.g. army Cpl.

air Force Staff Sgt.

army Sp5

Jim Key

U.S. Marines & U.S. army

army pFC

army p.F.C.

army Spc 4 1963-1965

army private e2

army Sgt. e-5 Vietnam

army Major

Navy - RM3 pacific Fleet, San Diego, Ca atlantic Fleet, Norfolk, Va, guantanamo Bay, Cuba

air Force 1st Lt.

Marine Corp. Staff Sgt.

US Navy petty Officer 1st Class gSe 1 (SW)

air Force Lt. Colonel

Navy Storekeeper

US Navy - a.S. V-12 army - a.U.S. TM. BM. T-4

U.S. army pV2 airbourne artillery

army S. Sgt.

army air Corp WWII Sgt.

army Sgt. 1st Class

Creps - Abels Funeral Home and Monuments

905 Edgington, Eldora

Eldora, Iowa

(641) 939-3476

Ike Rooks Broker Marilyn Reinertson Broker Associate (641) 751-0505 Cell (515) 231-2379 Cell www.eldoraiowarealty.com 1318 Washington St., Eldora

641-497-5213 www.newprovidencehardware.com

(641) 858-5422

STore HourS: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8-noon



6/23/15 Heritage Days

4H & Vets 2015

2313 15th Ave., Eldora

Tom and Marlene McDonald

Chad Johnson Funeral Director

On Veterans Day, we honor the men and women whose military service protects the values and security of our great nation.

“Professionals Who Care”


Creps - Abels Funeral Home

Rick Schult & Teri Pszanka

and Monument 905 Edgington, Eldora

641-858-2181 Steve Angell, Funeral Director

“Professionals Who Care”

Little League 2014

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 9B

Delmar Magnuson

Howard Mairs

Marvin R. Manning

Merl D. Manning

Jacob T. Manship

George B. Marks

Emil Maronn

Verner Maronn

Howard Marsh

Warren L. Martin army - 1961-1963 pFC

Bill Mattson

Navy Vietnam River patrol

Michael May

Char Mazurik

Dave Mazurik

John McBride

David McCall

James H. McClellan

Donald C. McCoy

Paul Kenneth McCrea air Force Sergeant

Sgt. 3rd Marine Division Camp pendleton 1 yr. Vietnam 2 yrs. 1967-1969

John McDowell

Darell D. McMartin

Dale Meeker

Glendon Mesch

James Michaelson

John Mildenhall

James D. Miller

Carroll Mitchell

David M. Mitchell

Darrell R. Montgomery

Floyd Mooney

Ray Morlan

Helen (Mueller) Preston (center)

Marvin Mueller

Chad Murphy

Doris LeRoy Murphy

U. S. Navy - e-3 Vietnam

U.S. army Corporal WWII

Melvin Nederhoff

Ervin Neuendorf

John Newhall

William M. Nowasell

Navy Seaman 2nd Class


US army - Cannoneer - 789th Field artillery Battalion

army e-5

Navy Coxswain 1944-1946

army Sgt.

army Corp.

US army (Korean) Cpl.

army - Cpl.

air Force airman 1st Class

Navy - Seaman 1st Class 12/28/45 - 12/28/47

air Force Staff Sgt.

air Force

Monroe Murphy

Dale R. Nance

U.S. army Spc 4 Vietnam

air Force Staff Sergeant

Navy pO 3rd Class

Dennis Nance U.S. air Force Sgt.

army private 1st Class paratrooper

US army Sergeant 1st Class 2 Bronze Medals

air Force Sgt.

army Sp3

Innovative Ag Services

315 East Maple • Hubbard, IA 641-864-2298 Office 800-284-6908 Toll Free www.farmersnational.com

Hubbard Days 6/16

Leonard Realty

Office (641) 858-5555

Toll Free (800) 926-5555


1300 Edgington Avenue, Eldora Email: info@leonardrealty.net

USMC Corporal

army e5

air Force pFC 1951-55

army air Force - Sgt. authorized to wear the presidential Unit Citation and six battle stars

Hubbard 641-864-2237

GEhrkE Inc.

April 2015

Bob & Steve Gehrke, Garth Spieker & Jeremy Maas 1405 21st Ave., Eldora, IA


army Sp 4

army T-5

National guard e-4 133rd Infantry

army european Theatre WWII pFC

army Sp 4

army Vietnam 1969-1970

US army CpT

U.S. army Tec 4 WWII


Hubbard 641-864-2266

Innovative Building Supply TM


US army Medic

U.S. Marine air Corp. Sergeant

Call Us For a Free estimate


1/2 Block North of Stoplight

641-939-2166 • 800-584-5028 www.eldoraflowersandgifts.com Fair 7/15

Midwest Liquid Systems, Inc.

1414 21st Avenue, Eldora 641-858-2668 Fine Arts 6/2015

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 10B

US Navy WWII 1943-1945 MoMM2c(T)

army air Force 15th Staff Sgt.

Carl Orgel

Donald C. Orgel

Abraham Orozco

Derek Pagel

Jim Pagel

Michael Pagel

James Parris

David L. Pence

Harvey Alonzo Pence

Melvin Pence, Sr.

Clarence Perrin

Clint Perry

Darrell Levin Peters

Marlyn E. Peters

Roy A. Petersen

Dick Pettigrew (right)

Dale E. Petty

Nicholas C. Piper Navy - e-3

WWII 102nd Infantry Company L. 407th Regiment

Ben Primus

Paul Primus

Bernard “Bud” Priske

Harold Priske

Theodore E. O’Neil

Navy 3rd Class S.p. 3 years in South pacific

army (1952-1954) Cpl 5th RTC Korea

army Special Forces Sgt.

army air Force 1941-1945 Staff Sergeant

U.S. army SSg 1966-1969

army p.F.C.

army Corporal

U.S. air Force S/Sgt. - air police Louis (left) – French gendarme

army Mp-STC Iraq

Navy Fireman First Class

army Staff Sgt.

army pFC

Marines - Cpl.

army CW4

air Force Staff Sergeant

Navy e-3

army e-4

US Navy RDM 3rd Class

air Force

US army Beruit “58” Spec 4

USaF, 1959 to 1979 e6-Tsgt.

Arthur L. Pruitt

Dennis Putnam

William H. Raum III USMC Staff Sgt.

air Force 1966-1970 Sgt.

Jim Priske

U.S. Navy 1957-1978

David Ray

army Sgt.

army National guard

Clint Reents

Rodney Reinertson

Shorty Reinertson

Vic Reist

Allen Richardson

Orval Ridpath

C. Eugene Rieks

Rod Riemenschneider

James Riggins

Dick Ritter

Nicholas Robbins

Steven Robbins

Eugene Rose

Jesse Neal Reece

US army Sp3

Navy – e3 Fireman army (6 yrs.) – e 4 p

air Force Captain

army – Spec 4 Served 1962-1964

U.S. Navy Seaman

army - Sgt. 7th Division 1951-1953

army Spc. e4

USaF Major C-37a evaluation pilot McDill aFB Tampa, FL

army Infantry pFC

army – 1st Lt. 2d Bn, 63rd armor 1st Infantry Division

Fresh Produce USDA Choice Beef Chairman’s Reserve Pork All Natural Pork

Eldora 641-858-2472

1510 22nd St. • Eldora


www.heartofiowa.coop Phone “611” or 641-486-2211



Broadban Heart of Iowa d Internet Service from Communica tions Cooperativ e

For Reliable Broadband & Other Communication Services All Provided With Superior Customer Service It’s... With Offices in Union, Conrad, & Eldora

Navy CM3 Seabee

Thanks, Veterans!

Ryan Bjustrom, Store Mgr. Jason Robinson, Market Mgr.

Saluting All Area Veterans … Thank You for Your Years of Service to Our Great Country!

army WWII - pOW purple Heart

Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Greg Salvo D.P.T.

Fitness Center

1158 Edgington Ave., Eldora, IA 50627 641-939-7311  641-939-7317 fax

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 11B

Donald E. Rosine

Henry Rose

James Roupe

air Force S. Sgt.

Navy Seaman 1st Class

U.S. army Signal Corp. 1953-1956

U.S. Navy - World War II Radioman II

Richard J. Rubow

army airborne Ranger SFC

Jamie J. Ryan

Patrick L. Ryan

Shawn P. Ryan

John Robert Schmitz

army Reserves Major

air Force MSgT.

Robert O. Ryerson

Ronald D. Sapp

Earl S. Sayer

Merle J. Sayer

Irvin Schallau

David L. Schmidt

Delbert Schueller

Murl Schumacher

Donald Leon Schwarck army - T-5 - 2 years 250 Station Hospital Regensburg, germany

Stephen Wayne Schwarck

pvt. 1st Class Served and injured in Vietnam

Dale Seaton

army Spec 5 ‘68-‘69 Vietnam a Troop 4th Cav 25th Inf.

Adam Seward Marine Lance Corporal

Navy CBs 83rd Battalion MM 1st Class

Austin T. Sisson

Floyd Sisson 34 Inf. Div. T5

Philip Sisson

army Specialist 4th Class 101st airborn Div. 1971-1973

Richard D. Smith

Wayne E. Smith

Jack R. Snittjer

Richard D. Soesbe

Zack Soesbe

William D. Speicher

Harlan C. Standorf

Timothy Stanfield army Sp4

John P. Starr

army Calvary; 77th Infantry Sgt.

E. Gene Steelman

Navy 1st Class Seaman ship-fitter Boot Camp 1945

Jody Steelman US Navy Seaman

Kenny Steinfeldt

Leo Steinfeldt

Dennis R. Stickney US Navy

Alex M Stowe

George Strait

Jordan M. Strait

Keith M. Strother

army - e-4 25th Inf. Vietnam

army - pFC - 168th Infantry Served 2/10/41-7/10/45 Bronze Stars; Served in WWII, algerian, Tunisian, NaplesFoggia, Rome-arno Campaigns

2nd Marine amb Battalion plt Sgt.

army Staff Sgt.

Navy C-3

army National guard 2nd Lieutenant

Marines pvt. First Classman

US army artillery Sgt.

army WWII

air Force Staff Sgt.

air Force Cpl.

army SpC4-Corp.

Yeoman 2nd Class

Navy pM2

army T-5

Navy gMe 4

LCpL USMC active Duty CH-53e Super Stallion Crew Chief; MCaS Miramar, Ca

army Sp4

USMC 1960-1980 Master Sgt.

U.S. Navy

army Sgt.

Charles M. Shore

army National guard e4 Specialist

Navy SN

army - T-5 89 Div. WWII

Remington Seeds LLC

Ronald R Wieting ChFC®, CLU®, FIC Financial Consultant ron.wieting@thrivent.com Christopher C Wieting, FIC Financial Associate chris.wieting@thrivent.com

Pine Lake Financial Associates 1710 Edgington Ave Ste#1 641-858-2050

Contract Production, Packaging & Distribution of Quality Seed 1625 18th Avenue Eldora, IA 50627 (641) 858-3331

27193 R4-15

Fair 2015

May 2016

Dr. Dan R. Dye

Iowa River Mutual Insurance Association Serving Hardin and Surrounding Counties for over 140 years


“Clear Vision begins with healthy eyes”

Call us at one of our two locations:

Eldora 641-939-2020

Ackley 641-847-2183


Kendall Lunsford, President 1515 Edgington Avenue Eldora, IA 50627

1602 Edg. Ave., Eldora

Ph. 641-858-3567 11/14

Hubbard Cooperative Telephone and Cable 306 E. Maple

Hubbard, IA 50122




Spring Sports 4/15

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 • page 12B

Charles Stanfield Jr. army Sp 4

Lindsay Stupp

Earl Stupp

army-air Force/55th Reconnaissance Squadron 1942-1946 WWII

Jim Tull

Ia National guard – Sgt. 1st Bat, 133rd Infantry afghanistan 2004 Iraq 2006

Dean May

Bob Way

U.S. Navy – Seamen Feb. 1951, “Boot Camp,” San Diego, Ca

Lew Throssel

Marvin Trout

U.S. army air Force WW II

William Toner

Navy SOOg 2 1959-1962

Edward Tordoff

Jeremy Twedt

Marlene Tyndall

Franklin D. Valde

Russell Van Dornum

US air Force airman 2nd Class

army National guard Specialist

army - Vietnam 1967-1968

army air Corp Cpl. WWII


air Force airman-1st Class

Keith Van Patter army private

Floyd W. Wallace

Henry Gerard Vanderzyden

Harold Vaux

army Spec 3rd Class

Bill Vigars

air Force - 1 yr. Quarter Master Base Sec. 2 - 3 yrs. Sgt.

Tanner Vinton

Kenneth E. Wagner

Navy South pacific 1945-1946

8th air Force pFC Okinawa

army pFC

Navy - aviation Machinist Mate 1st Class

Bob Walters

Jay Wasson

Shawn Weatherly

Williard Wehrman

Jon W. Welch

Edward J. Wiesner, I

Edward J. Wiesner II

Edward J. Wiesner III

Kenneth W. Williams

Paul Williams

Don Wilson 8th air Force Staff Sgt.

Infantry 34th Div. 1941-1945 Corporal T

Julius G. Wilts

Harrison D. Wolcott Navy ROM-2

Leo F. Wolcott

Navy Lt. Comm. (pharmacist)

Aaron J. Wood

Shane Wood

Oliver Wright

William “Bill” Zielske

Albert Ziesman

Edward Ziesman

Walter Ziesman

army Staff-Sgt.

air Force

army Specialist

Eldon Veld

army National guard Sgt.

Navy SN

army 40th Div. Co. M. 185th Infantry pFC

Navy 1989-1993 1a National guard 1993-1999 e4

Navy 1951-1953


army pFC engineer

US Marine Corps S/Sgt.

Greenbelt Home Care salutes our veterans!

air Force e-4

Marines Sgt.

army Sp 3

army air Force Sgt.


air Force Colonel

Anderson Family Dentistry

Sara a. anderSon, d.d.S. Hardin County Public Health

2411 Edgington Avenue• Eldora, Iowa 50627 P: 641-939-8444 F: 641-939-8450 www.greenbelthomecare.com


Whink Products Company … since 1947! 641.939.2353 800.247.5102 www.whink.com


Creating Healthy Smiles with a Gentle Touch! Eldora

641.939.7900 Now accepting New Patients

Thanks to everyone who helped honor our veterans in this special salute.

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