Bct 45 2016 11 09 0

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MID-AMERICA UPC CODES Buffalo Center Tribune

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Proudly serving Buffalo Center, Lakota, Rake, Thompson and the North Iowa Community School District


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Conservative Chronicle

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NIB to host annual Ladies Eagle Grove Eagle Night Out Thursday

The Leader

North Iowa Betterment will host its annual Ladies Night Out on Thursday, November 10 from 4-7 p.m. in Graphic-Advocate downtown Buffalo Center. $250 in North Iowa Bucks will be given away. There will also be a Blue Grass and Gospel Jam at the Heritage Town Grundy Register Center from 6-9 p.m., with the B.C. Historical Society serving a meal beginning at 5 p.m. For participating businesses, see ad elsewhere in this editionChronicle of the Tribune. Hampton

Lakota Ambulance to host annual Soup Dinner

The Lakota Ambulance will host its annual Soup Dinner on Sunday, November 13 at the Lakota Eagle Center from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Chili, chicken noodle soup, grilled cheese, egg salad sandwich, homemade bars, coffee, milk and juice will be served for a freewill donation. Takeout will also be available by calling 515-320-5010 during the dinner.

Main Attractions to host Holiday Open House November 10-12

Main Attractions in Lake Mills will host a Holiday Open House Thursday, November 10-Saturday, November 12. Twenty percent off holiday ornaments and greens along with other in-store specials, decorating sessions, style show and Iowa wine tasting. For details, look for their ad in this edition of the Tribune.

Volume One Hundred Twenty Six Number 45 12 Pages November 9, 2016


T Center ribune

Home of the first consolidated school west of the Mississippi River - 1896

Entered as Periodicals in the post office at Buffalo Center, Iowa 50424 (USPS 069-400)

Village Vine

What Cheer Paper

The Thilges brothers, Curt, Brandon and Derek, donated one of the commemorative rifles that will be given away to local veterans at the Veterans Appreciation Banquet on Sunday at the Eagle Center. Doors open at 4:30 p.m., and all veterans, their spouses, and spouses of deceased veterans are invited. RSVP for the meal by contacting Cathy Kelly at 515-5380572 or Denny Murra at 641-562-2198.

Nich Holland of Christensen Family Farms, right, presents a check in the amount of $1,000 to Hunting with Heroes organizer Bernie Becker to help pay for this year’s event.

Veterans Appreciation Banquet Sunday at the Eagle Center

The sixth annual Hunting with Heroes event returns to the Lakota area this weekend, including a free banquet for all area veterans and their spouses on Sunday, Nov. 13. The meal will be held at the Eagle Center in Lakota, with doors opening at 4:30 p.m. and a program at 5:15 p.m. Hunting with Heroes will once

again welcome four Marines from the Wounded Warriors Battalion at Camp Lejune, NC to the area for a weekend of pheasant hunting and camaraderie. The Marines are scheduled to arrive in Des Moines on Veterans Day, Friday, Nov. 11, and they will be greeted by special guests including the Iowa State University volleyball team and men’s basket-

ball team before heading to Lakota. The Marines will receive brand new shotguns and hunting gear before heading out to hunt pheasants during the weekend. They will also enjoy meals at local restaurants. The free banquet on Sunday, which is open to all veterans, their spouses, and spouses of deceased veterans, will

feature ribeye steak sandwiches. Each veteran in attendance will receive a $25 gas card from K&H Cooperative. Each spouse of a deceased veteran will receive a $20 gift card to Hager Foods in Bancroft, as well as a $25 gas card from K&H Cooperative. Three veterans in attendance will also win a commemorative rifle, which will be given away

by drawing. This event is made possible each year thanks to the generous donations of many area sponsors, along with the efforts of organizers Bernie and Jason Becker. To RSVP for the meal, contact Cathy Kelly at 515-538-0572 or Denny Murra at 641-562-2198.

AVON Holiday Open House November 12

Helen Finer will host an AVON Holiday Open House on Saturday, November 12 from 4-6:30 p.m. at the Thompson Library Community Room. Holiday items, jewelry and gifts, along with bath, body and more will be available. For more information, see ad elsewhere in this edition of the Tribune.

Area businesses participate in Annual Turkey Giveaway

Sign up this week at local businesses for the Annual Turkey Giveaway. The drawing will take place on Friday, November 11. Participating businesses include: Alphs Plbg., Htg, Elec., AJ Embroidery/Bison Graphics, B.C. Chiropractic Clinic, B.C. Repair, Buffalo Center Tire & Auto, Bank Agency Ins., Buffalo Center Tribune, Buffalo Lanes, Central States Agency, LLC, DeVries Lumber Co., Farmers Trust & Savings Bank, Hassebroek Refrigeration & Appliances, Johnson’s Food Center, Murra Hardware, North Iowa Physical Therapy, Redo For You, StateLine Cooperative, Simply U and Weaver’s Leather Store.

Scouts collecting for food bank Saturday

Cub Scout Pack 445 will be collecting food for the local food pantry this Saturday, Nov. 12. The scouts ask residents in Buffalo Center, Lakota and Rake to place bags or boxes of non-perishable food and paper items by their front doors by 9 a.m. on Saturday. Questions, contact Illa Roth at 641-903-9409.

In this issue

Church..................................page 4 Classifieds.............................page 8 Courthouse..........................page 5 Local News........... page 2, 4, 5, 11, 12 Marketplace.....................page 6, 7 Opinion / Editorial.............page 2 Public Notices......................page 5 Social News..........................page 3 Sports....................................page 9

1st Lt. Nathan Conlon

Veterans Day program Friday in Buffalo Center

Students get their wish of having their Physical Education classes changed to lower impact sports, such as thumb wrestling, during the North Iowa High School fall play, The “How Tos” of High School. The play can be seen this Friday and Saturday night, Nov. 11 and 12, in the North Iowa Auditorium beginning at 7 p.m. each night.

NIHS presents fall play The ‘How Tos’ of High School

North Iowa High School will host performances this Friday and Saturday night of its fall play, The “How Tos” of High School. The show is a combination of three one-act plays, which depict funny stories on how to “succeed” in high school classes, social life, and college interviews. Shows on both nights begin at 7 p.m. in the North Iowa Auditorium. The first one act play, How to Succeed in High School Without Really Trying, gives advice on the easiest way to make it through the grueling abyss known as high school. A group of student agents infiltrate an assembly to demonstrate their secret tips and tricks, ranging from legally changing your name to get around roll call, to using Tom Cruise to help memorize science terms. High school will never be the same. The second one act, How to Kiss a Girl, follows young Ken Beardsley and his quest to get ready for his very first date. He decides to download audio advice from across the centuries in order to impress his high school crush, Steph. However, the

date quickly spirals out of control, as he tries to simultaneously follow dating tips from a communist-fearing nationalist from the ‘50s, a swashbuckling pirate, a sweet southern belle, and a puritanical pilgrim. Poor Ken realizes that if he really wants to win Steph’s heart, he’ll need to tune out his smartphone and tune in to his own instincts before it’s too late. The final one act, 13 Ways to Screw Up Your College Interview, follows the story of two college recruiters at a prestigious university who need to fill one last spot to keep their jobs. Thirteen eccentric, dimwitted and slightly-insane high school seniors are eager to come in for an interview. What seems like a simple task turns into a nightmare when the applicants turn out to be a reality TV star, a practicing vampire, an amateur magician, and others that are much, much worse. Each applicant’s interview hilariously illustrates what not to do at a college interview. All three one acts join together to provide a night of laughs, goofy advice, HOW TOS to page 5

Museum opens new exhibit for Veterans Day

A new veterans’ exhibit will be on display at the Heritage Museum in Buffalo Center, beginning Thursday, Nov. 10 during Ladies Night Out and the Bluegrass Jam. The exhibit includes examples of local uniforms from every branch of service. There are also many personal stories and memorabilia from Buffalo Center veterans. The museum will be open on Thursday from 5-9 p.m., and then the exhibit will be open again on Veterans Day, Friday, Nov. 11, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Coffee and cookies will be provided on Friday.

Quasqui selling raffle tickets for Chanhassen show

The Buffalo Center Quasquicentennial Committee is holding a raffle for four tickets to see Camelot at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre in Chanhassen, MN. Tickets will be available at Bison Graphics beginning on Ladies Night Out this Thursday, Oct. 10.

In addition to the Chanhassen tickets, the winner will receive a $50 gas card courtesy of K&H Coop. Tickets cost $5 each or three for $10. The drawing will be held during Old Fashioned Christmas in Buffalo Center on December 10. Winners will be notified.

North Iowa Community School will host a Veterans Day program this Friday, Nov. 11 at 9 a.m. in the school auditorium. The public is invited to attend. The featured speaker will be 1st Lt. Nathan Conlon of Humboldt. Conlon enlisted in the Iowa Army National Guard in December of 2006 as a Field Artillery Tactical Data Specialist. He graduated from Officer Candidate School in 2010 and commissioned as a Field Artillery Officer. He deployed with Charlie Troop, 113th Cavalry from December 2010 through July 2011 as a Fire Support Officer. He is currently a Platoon Leader with Bravo Battery 194th Field Artillery in Algona. Conlon and his wife, Amy, have been married for six years, and they have twin four-year-old boys, Breckin and Hayden. In his civilian career, Conlon is employed with the Department of Human Services as a social worker in Fort Dodge. The Veterans Day program on Friday will also feature addresses by student speakers Naddie Myer and Jordan Ostrander. There will be music by the NIHS choir and band, and local veterans will help to conduct the program.


2 • Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune

Way back when 10 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, November 9, 2006 Democrat Warren “Willie” Wubben easily outdistanced his challengers to win the three-way race for Winnebago County District 3 Supervisor as the polls closed Tuesday, November 7 following the 2006 General Election. The North Iowa Middle School Band has four students selected to participate in the North Central Iowa Bandmaster’s Association Middle School Honor Band. The honor band is to be held on Saturday, November 11 at Iowa Falls High School. Those selected include: Brandi Swenson, 8th grade, saxophone; Jenna Long, 8th grade, flute; Trevor Diercks, 8th grade, trumpet; and Blake Huntington, 7th grade, trombone. 20 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, November 7, 1996 Just a little can mean so much. Could you spare one dollar a month to help keep a needy child warm this winter? Project Care is a program funded by Interstate Power Company customers to help local families who cannot afford to heat or weatherize their home. The second annual Christmas

Tour of Homes is planned for Sunday, December 15 from 3-7 p.m. The Christmas Tour of Homes is an event sponsored by the Buffalo Center Community Club. 30 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, November 6, 1986 With 991 registered voters in the precinct, 614 votes were cast here for a 66.9% response. Buffalo Center’s friendly and affable barber, Curt Bashans, was the Mystery Guest making an appearance at the First Reformed Youth Fellowship funtime activity the evening of Halloween, Friday, October 31. 40 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, November 11, 1976 Parent-Teacher Association of Buffalo Center will meet on Monday evening, November 14, at 9 p.m. in the Student Lounge at the Buffalo Center School as announced by Ruth Harringa, President. Please show an interest in your local school, teachers, and students, and plan to come. We hope to see you there! The Buffalo Center Community Betterment Club gathered for their regular business meeting. Serving Swiss steak as the main course were

Reinert Levik and Rick Potter. The business meeting was opened by Marlyn Hassebroek, president. 50 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, November 10, 1966 Arlyn Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Olson, left on November 1, from Seattle, WA for three weeks of Seabee duty on Okinawa. From there he will report for his 2nd tour of duty in Vietnam. Head basketball Coach Bill Prochaska reports the he will have four returning senior lettermen from last year’s North Iowa Conference Championship squad. They are: Pete Wessels, Pat Orthel, Darrel Steen and Dennis Heiman. 60 Years Ago Tribune Files of Thursday, November 8, 1956 Outlook for this year’s pheasant season is a rosy one. Officials of the Conservation Commission predict “a good season with plenty of birds”. It is believed that nearly all of the corn will be picked by this Saturday’s opening day. Come in to Forest Schmidt’s Meat Market and buy some of his weekend specials. Hamburger, 3# for 89 cents. Beef roast only 45 cents a pound.

FSA County Committee elections begin

Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Val Dolcini has announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will begin mailing ballots to eligible farmers and ranchers across the country for the 2016 FSA County Committee elections this week. Producers must return ballots to their local FSA offices by December 5 to ensure that their vote is counted. “Producers elected to FSA county committees play a vital role in local agricultural decisions,” said Dolcini. “Their contributions are essential to the daily operation of nearly 2,200 offices across the country. It is a valued partnership that helps us better understand the needs of the farmers and ranchers we serve.” Nearly 7,700 FSA County Committee members serve FSA offices nationwide. Each committee has three to 11 elected members who serve three-year terms of office. One-third of county committee seats are up for election each year. County committee members apply their knowledge and judgment to help FSA make important decisions on its commodity support programs, conservation programs,

indemnity and disaster programs, and emergency programs and eligibility. Producers must participate or cooperate in an FSA program to be eligible to vote in the county committee election. Approximately 1.5 million producers are currently eligible to vote. Farmers and ranchers who supervise and conduct the farming operations of an entire farm, but are not of legal voting age, also may be eligible to vote. Farmers and ranchers will begin receiving their ballots the week of November 7. Ballots include the names of candidates running for the local committee election. FSA has modified the ballot, making it easily identifiable and less likely to be overlooked. Voters who do not receive ballots in the coming week can pick one up at their local FSA offices. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked no later than December 5. Newly elected committee members will take office January 1, 2017. For more information, visit the FSA website at www.fsa.usda. gov/elections or contact your local USDA Service Center or FSA office.

Check soil temperatures before applying anhydrous ammonia

Quiz Bowl team takes first place at Algona

The North Iowa Quiz Bowl team traveled to Algona High School to participate in the Bulldog Invitational on Saturday, Nov. 5. The varsity team of Noah Melz, Sam Hassebroek, Natalie Dirksen and Freddie Eden came out as the team champion. They had a 3-1 record in the preliminary rounds and beat quality Bishop Garrigan and Algona High teams in the playoffs to take home the tournament trophy. The JV team of Joey Goetz, Samantha Davis, Ella Hughes, and Jeremy Dirksen finished 1-3 in preliminary play and did not advance to the playoffs. From left are varsity team members: Natalie Dirksen, Noah Melz, Sam Hassebroek and Freddie Eden.




As a way of saying Thank You, North Iowa businesses will be giving away FREE Thanksgiving turkeys on Nov. 11. Register at any of the businesses listed below for a chance to win! No purchase necessary, Winners will be called! Alphs Plbg., Htg., Elec. AJ Embroidery/Bison Graphics B.C. Chiropractic Clinic B. C. Repair Buffalo Center Tire & Auto Bank Agency Ins.

Buffalo Center Tribune Buffalo Lanes Central States Agency, LLC DeVries Lumber Co. Farmers Trust & Savings Bank Hassebroek Refrigeration & Appliances

Johnson’s Food Center Murra Hardware North Iowa Physical Therapy Redo for You StateLine Cooperative Simply U Weaver’s Leather Store

As air temperatures continue to fluctuate this fall, so do soil temperatures. This means it may still be too early to apply anhydrous ammonia (NH3) to cropland without risking nitrogen losses through groundwater leaching. Anhydrous ammonia applied before soil temperatures, at a 4-inch depth, are 50 degrees Fahrenheit and trending lower will quickly convert to nitrate. While ammonium will mostly stay attached to the soil, nitrate will flow with water. “If we get more rain than the soil can absorb this fall or next spring, the nitrate is at risk to leach into groundwater, tile water, and streams,” says Eric Hurley, nutrient management specialist with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Des Moines. Since most of the nitrogen in liquid swine manure is in the ammonium form, it should also be applied when

the soil temperature is cold and the soil microorganisms that convert ammonium to nitrate are relatively inactive, says Hurley. Nitrogen losses can also impact crop development, says Barb Stewart, state agronomist for NRCS in Iowa. “We encourage farmers to wait until spring to apply fertilizers,” she said. “This not only prevents nitrogen losses throughout the fall and winter, but spring application ensures the nitrogen is available when the crop needs it the most.” As of Nov. 2, soil temperatures were slightly above 50 degrees in the northern third of the state but were still in the mid to upper 50s in soils throughout the rest of Iowa. Farmers and fertilizer dealers are encouraged to check Iowa State University Extension’s Iowa Soil Temperature Map at http://extension.agron.iastate. edu/NPKnowledge/ for trending soil temperatures throughout the state.

FFA appreciation meal next Thursday for farmers and businesses The Bison FFA Chapter will hold an appreciation meal for the farmers and businesses in our communities on Thursday, Nov. 17 from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The lunch will be held in the old school cafeteria. Guests may enter the school through the door by the Agriculture classroom and follow the signs.

The Bison FFA Chapter will be serving grilled pork and beef burgers, baked beans, potato salad, chips, bars and beverages. There is no cost for this meal, which is the Chapter’s way of saying thank you. Questions, call Mr. Rick Meyer, FFA Advisor, at 641562-2525.

Coin show Sunday in Clear Lake

The twice-a-year North Iowa Coin, Stamp & Currency Show returns to Clear Lake on Sunday, Nov. 13. It will be held at the ballroom of the Best Western Holiday Lodge in Clear Lake. The hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There will be 20 tables of coins, stamps, gold, silver, collectible currency and collecting supplies. The free admission, family friendly bourse will feature items in all price ranges. Advanced and beginning collectors are welcome. Dealers from Iowa and Minnesota will offer free appraisals. Dealers will buy, sell and trade. The event is sponsored by the Southern Minnesota Coin and Stamp Club Association, a non-profit organization for the promotion of stamp and coin collecting.

Electric cooperatives launch Iowa Choice Renewables

Heartland Power Cooperative of Thompson and St. Ansgar and other rural electric cooperatives across the state have joined together to form Iowa Choice Renewables. This partnership fills a void for co-op members and other utility consumers interested in a locally trusted, fact-based solar energy option. Iowa Choice Renewables offers customized energy efficiency consultations and high-quality solar installations. With Iowa Choice Renewables, members have one point of contact for the education, evaluation, purchase, installation, and interconnection of a renewable energy system. “We are excited to take this step,” said Heartland Power CEO/GM Jon Leerar. “Iowa Choice Renewables will simplify the process and assist member-owners as they work through sensible energy options.” Iowa Choice Renewables was created through the partnership of Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative, Postville; Butler County REC, Allison; Heartland Power Cooperative, Thompson and St. Ansgar; Midland Power Cooperative, Jefferson; Raccoon Valley Electric Cooperative, Glidden; and Western Iowa Power Cooperative, Denison. For more information, contact Heartland Power Cooperative at 641-584-2251 or visit www.iowachoicerenewables.com

Encourage Kindness Today


Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 • 3

North Iowa Communities List of Events

Save the Date

November 17 Noon Luncheon, Bethlehem Lutheran Church-Buffalo Center, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. November 19 Annual Soup Supper, Rake Fire Department, 4-7 p.m. November 28 Alzheimer’s Support Group Meeting, Heritage Town Center-Buffalo Center, 6 p.m. December 3 Christmas Craft Show-Winter Expo, Heritage Town Center-Buffalo Center, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. December 4 Rake Christmas Tour of Homes, City of Rake, 4-7 p.m. December 8 Bluegrass Jam, Heritage Town Center-Buffalo Center, 6-9 p.m. December 10 St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Cookie Walk, Heritage Town Center Christmas in Buffalo Center December 14 Farmers Trust and Savings Bank Christmas Open House, Buffalo Center, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Northside Birthday Club to meet November 11

The Northside Birthday Club will meet Friday, November 11 at 2 p.m. at the home of Shirley Myers.

News from Wednesday, November 9 Christian Women’s Club meeting, First Reformed Church-Buffalo Center, 9:30 a.m. Thursday, November 10 Ladies Night Out, Downtown Buffalo Center, 4-7 p.m. 7th/8th Boys Basketball (H) Lake Mills, 4:15 p.m. Bluegrass Jam, Heritage Town Center-Buffalo Center, 6-9 p.m. Friday, November 11 Veterans’ Day Program, NICS-Auditorium, 9 a.m. Military Exhibit at Heritage Museum hosted by B.C. Historical Society, Heritage Town Center-Buffalo Center, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Northside Birthday Club meeting, Shirley Myers’ home, 2 p.m. North Iowa High School Fall Play, Auditorium, 7 p.m. Saturday, November 12 Fall Bazaar, Zion Lutheran Church-Rake, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Winter Brass celebrates celebrates 90th birthday 70th birthday Friends and family of Jake Winter are invited to celebrate Jake’s 90th birthday at an open house on Saturday, November 12 from 2-4 p.m. at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Buffalo Center. Birthday greetings and well-wishes will reach him at 109 Mission Drive, Buffalo Center, IA 50424.


70th Birthday Card Shower

Open House Celebration honoring

Jake Winter

Saturday, November 12 2-4 p.m. Social Hall Bethlehem Lutheran Church Buffalo Center Birthday greetings will reach him at 109 Mission Dr. Buffalo Center, IA 50424 No gifts please.

Noon Luncheon

90th Birthday Open House Celebration honoring Jake Winter, Bethlehem Lutheran Church-Buffalo Center, 2-4 p.m. AVON Holiday Open House, Thompson Library, 4-6:30 p.m. North Iowa High School Fall Play, Auditorium, 7 p.m. Sunday, November 13 Lakota Ambulance Annual Soup Dinner, Eagle Center-Lakota, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Veterans Appreciation Supper, Eagle Center-Lakota, social hour, 4:30 p.m.-program, 5:30 p.m. Monday, November 14 North Iowa Food for Families Food Pantry open, Buffalo Plaza, 2-4 p.m. 7th/8th Boys Basketball @ St. Ansgar, 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, November 16 Potato Bake, Ramsey Reformed Church-Titonka, 5-7 p.m.


Ron Brass whose special day is

Sunday, November 13 Birthday greetings and well-wishes will reach him at #27 Wildridge Estates Garner, IA 50438

! h t 6 1 y p p a H Have

! a great day

Bethlehem Lutheran Church-Buffalo Center

Friends and family of Ron Brass of Garner, formerly of Buffalo Center, are invited to celebrate Ron’s 70th birthday on Sunday, November 13 with a card shower. Birthday greetings and well-wishes will reach him at #27 Wildridge Estates, Garner, IA 50438.

TMNH By Cammi Anderson Activity Director What a fun weekend we had. On Saturday morning, we had trivia, Riddle Me, and a ribbon dance. For the afternoon, Pastor Doug from Zion Lutheran Church came and led our worship service. Thank you, Pastor Doug. On Sunday, we came in to help the residents get ready for the trick-or-treaters. What a fun afternoon. We had 76 kids that came out to trick-or-treat! Monday, we exercised to Sota Grass. After exercise, we had Halloween Trivia, then we played sticky ball. At 1:30 p.m., Jeff Beuge came and sang for us. Afterwards, we had our Halloween party. Kim made us opened face sandwiches with fresh veggies and fruit smoothies. Thank you, Kim. The game of the day was horseshoes. Tuesday, we exercised to Jukebox Hits from the 40-60s, then we played frisbee golf. After dinner, we had trivia, then we played Deal or No Deal on the Wii. Wednesday, we exercised to Brooks and Dunn. After exercise, we had Nifty Nails, Pamper Me and we played bean bag toss. At 2 p.m., we had Armchair Travel. This week we traveled to Washington D.C. Then we played ladder ball, and I read the Buffalo Center Tribune. Thursday, we exercised to Alabama. This week’s lessons at Bible study with Pastor Peake were: Hag-

New Military Exhibit at Heritage Museum

Heritage Town Center-Buffalo Center Open November 11, 2016 - Veterans’ Day 9:30-11:30 a.m. Coffee and cookies will be served by the B.C. Historical Society.


Sunday, November 13 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. LAKOTA EAGLE CENTER - LAKOTA

On the Menu

Chili and Chicken Noodle Soup Grilled Cheese or Egg Salad Sandwich Homemade Bars ~ Coffee, Milk, & Juice 515-320-5010



Portions of the proceeds will be used to help pay for renovation of the ambulance/fire department building and ongoing training expenses.

Thursday, November 17 11 a.m.-1 p.m.


on Nov. 13 to have dinner delivered in Lakota

The Lakota Ambulance Crew appreciates your support!

~Serving~ Maidrites, Potato Salad, Beans, Chips, Desserts, and Coffee Freewill Donation Everyone is welcome!

bud r u o y m o r F

Ramsey Reformed Church Potato Bake Wednesday, November 16 • 5-7 p.m. Baked potato with toppings, salad and homemade pie. Freewill Donation All proceeds will go to world wide and local missions. The Ramsey Church Youth Fellowship will also have a Bake Sale with the proceeds going to support their sponsor child through “Compassion Int’l.”

AVON Holiday Open House Saturday, November 12 • 4-6:30 p.m.

Thompson Library/Community Room • Thompson, IA Refreshments served. Free Goodie Bag for the first 20 attending! Holiday, Jewelry and Gifts FREE GIF as well as Bath, Body and More! WITH AN T Y ORDER! Stocking Stuffers! Save 20% with any Campaign 25 Please join us for our annual order or Open House purchase

Holiday Open House which will be held on Friday, Dec. 3, 2010 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy holiday goodies, coffee and cider.

For more information: 641-584-2301/hwfine@wctatel.net

SeePickusup your for2011all your calendar and sign up for door prizes! Banking Needs! Hope to see you there! State Savings Bank (641) 566-3321

102 North Main Rake, Iowa

NIB Ladies Night Out

Thursday, November 10 • 4-7 p.m. Downtown Buffalo Center Participating businesses: AJ Embroidery, Murra Hardware, Emporium Furniture & Mattress, ME Boutique, Shelton’s Liquor Store, Redo For You, Buffalo Center Tire and Auto, The Rusty Rose, The Tin Lily, and North Iowa Physical Therapy. Vendors will also be at the Bison Senior Center. $250 in North Iowa Bucks to be given away! Blue Grass and Gospel Jam Meal served by - Heritage Town Center, B.C. Historical Society 6-9 p.m. beginning at 5 p.m. until gone.

Thank you The families of Richard Thompson want to thank Gary and Deb Garst, Mark Garst and Trent Palm for their great care and loving concern for him. A special thank you to the Buffalo Center Ambulance crew for their quick response, professionalism and hard work as they tried to revive him. Thank you to the law enforcement officers who were there giving their support also. Our families have truly been blessed by the Rake-Buffalo Center communities with their outpouring of support, love, help and generosity. It has greatly helped us deal with our grieving for a wonderful husband, father and grandfather. A special thank you to Joy Gelhaus who rushed to the hospital to be with me until the girls were able to arrive. Thank you to the Zion WELCA ladies for the dinner they served after the funeral. A special thank you to Lori Osland, Kelsey Griffin and the children who sang for Richard at the visitation. Words can not express our sincere thanks to all of you. A special thank you to Bart Winter, Mark Anderson and Paster Rokke, who all went above and beyond their job in their care for us all. In the midst of all the generosity and kindness surrounding Richard’s death, we fear we may have missed acknowledging a few people’s generous gifts. Please let us know if you do not receive a thank you note from our family, as we would feel terrible if we did not thank everyone properly from the bottom of our hearts.

Michele (Shelley) Thompson, Kendra Grunig and Brandon, Craig Legka, Rebecca and Shane Gelhaus, Drake and Kenley, Christine and Andrew Nessler, Max, Liam and Margo




Location: 124 N Main Street Mailing Address: PO Box 367, Buffalo Center, IA 50424 Telephone: 641-562-2606 Fax: 641-562-2636 Email: bctrib@wctatel.net Website: thebuffalocentertribune.com Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays

Eugene Sauer all dressed up for Halloween. gai 1:15b-2-9, Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17 and Luke 20:27-38. Thank you, Pastor Peake. During our Sunshine group, Monica played ring toss. This week at bingo, we had 25 residents and 15 winners. For our p.m. game, we played The Dice Game. Friday, we exercised to Glenn Miller. Afterwards, we bowled on the Wii. This week’s winners were: Marlin Mitthun with a score of 180 and Jo Meinders with a score of 178. After bowling, we played ball toss and had Pick a Tune. At 2 p.m., we had Happy Hour, then in the p.m. games and Sensory Corner.

Buffalo Center

Sun: Closed Mon: 1-5 pm Tues: 9:30 am-noon; 1-5 pm Wed: 1-5 pm Thurs: 1-5 pm Fri: 1-5 pm Sat: 9:30 am-12 noon


Sun: Closed Mon: Closed Tues: 1-5 pm, 6-8 pm Wed: 9 am-2 pm Thurs: 1-5 pm, 6-8 pm Fri: Closed Sat: 9 am-12 noon


Sun: Closed Mon: Closed Tues: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-5 pm Wed: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-5 pm Thurs: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-6 pm Fri: 9-11:30 am, 1:30-5 pm Sat: 9-10:30 am


Sun: Closed Mon: Closed Tues: 9-11:30 am, 2-5 pm Wed: 2-6 pm Thurs: 9-11:30 am, 2-5 pm Fri: 2-5 pm Sat: 9-11 am

Post Office


Buffalo Center

Monday-Friday 8 am-12:30 pm, 1:30-4 pm Saturday 8-10:30 am


Mon-Fri 8 am-12 noon Saturday 8:30-9:30 am


Mon-Fri 8:30 am-12:30 pm Saturday 8:30-10:15 am


Monday-Friday 8 am-noon Saturday 8-10:45 am

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4 • Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Services and Announcements of activities in our area


“Not forsaking the assembling...together” BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH Thompson, Iowa Pastor Judy Wozniak www.lutheransonline.com Sunday, November 13: Worship, 8:45 a.m. Fellowship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. --------------------------------------BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Pastor Nathaniel Hedin-Schmidt Wednesday, November 9: Grounded 4 Life, 7 p.m. Sunday, November 13: Worship, 9:30 a.m. Fellowship, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Confirmation, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 16: Grounded 4 Life, 7 p.m. ------------------------------------COMMUNITY CHAPEL Pastor Kent Hillesland Lakota, Iowa www.communitychapelonline.org Sunday, November 13: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship Service, 10:30 a.m. -------------------------------------FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Sunday, November 13: Worship, 9 a.m. --------------------------------------FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa www.firstcongobc.com Sunday, November 13: Worship w/Pastor Tim Diehl, 9 a.m. Fellowship, 10:15 a.m. -Hassebroek and Jones Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Meditations-Blue Earth Radio 1560, 12:05 p.m. Monday, November 14: Trustees Meeting, 7 p.m. Thursday, November 17: Women’s Fellowship Bible Study, 2 p.m. -Cheryl --------------------------------------FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Lakota, Iowa Judy Junkermeier, CRE Wednesday, November 9: Mary Circle, 6:30 p.m. -Potluck Program – each person bring a poem or reading on Thanksgiving

-Dedicate Thank Offering, Ronda Gray -Hostess, Joyce Paulsen Sunday, November 13: Sunday School, 9 a.m. Worship Service, 10 a.m. Ambulance Soup Dinner, 10 a.m.1 p.m. Monday, November 14: Joint Board Meeting Trustees, 6 p.m. Session, 6:15 p.m. --------------------------------------FIRST REFORMED CHURCH Buffalo Center, Iowa Pastor Bill Peake www.firstreformedbc.org Wednesday, November 9: Pastor Bill is out of the study this morning. Christian Women’s Club meets in the church fellowship hall, 9:30 a.m. Discovering the Bible #17 – Discover “The Savior”, 7 p.m. Thursday, November 10: TMNH Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. -The public is invited to attend. Friday, November 11: Pastor Bill is out of the study this morning. Sunday, November 13: Sunday Worship with live broadcast on KIOW-FM 107.3 and simulcast on WCTA Cable TV channel 2 as well as streamed live on www. kiow.com, 9:30 a.m. -Pastor Bill will be in the pulpit this Sunday. Fellowship Hour, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School classes will meet throughout the church, 10:45 a.m. Chancel Choir practice, 11 a.m. Pastor Bill leads worship at TMNH, 2 p.m. Operation Christmas Child box packing in the church fellowship hall, 2 p.m. The packing will be followed by a soup supper for all, 5 p.m. Monday, November 14: Pastor Bill is out of the study this morning. Dorcas Circle meets in the narthex classroom, 10 a.m. -Devotions are shared by Bev Finer and today’s lesson is shared by Marilyn Balvance. Esther Circle meets in the fellowship hall to share their Christmas Potluck, 7 p.m. -Shelley Volz and JoAnn DeBoer are hostess. Tuesday, November 15: Lectionary Text Study meets in the church’s study for all clergy, 10 a.m.

Wednesday, November 16: Worship Titonka Nursing Home, Pastor Bill is out of the study this 4:30 p.m. morning. Wednesday, November 16: --------------------------------------Confirmation, 6-7:30 p.m. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN --------------------------------------CHURCH SOLID ROCK MINISTRIES Rural Titonka 3024 - 360th St., Buffalo Center www.parishthree.weebly.com Pastor Van Davis Sunday, November 13: Friday, November 11: Immanuel Worship, 8:30 a.m. Supper, 6 p.m. St. John’s Worship, 10 a.m. Praise and Worship/Prayer, 7 p.m. --------------------------------------Lesson and Discussion, 7:30 p.m. RAMSEY REFORMED --------------------------------------CHURCH UNITED METHODIST Titonka, Iowa CHURCH Wednesday, November 9: Buffalo Center, Iowa Catechism classes for grades 3-12, Pastor Deb Devine 7 p.m. Wednesday, November 9: Thursday, November 10: Ecumenical Bible Study, 1 p.m. Ruth Circle meets, 1:30 p.m. Confirmation, 2 p.m. Esther Circle meets, 7 p.m. Sunday, November 13: Saturday, November 12: Sunday School, 9:15 a.m. Community Men’s Bible Study, 6 Veterans’ Sunday Worship, a.m. 10:15a.m. Sunday, November 13: Fellowship and Coffee, 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship w/Pastor Larry Tuesday, November 15: Doughan of Grundy Center, 9:30 Text Study, 10 a.m. a.m. Wednesday, November 16: Coffee Fellowship, 10:30 a.m. Ecumenical Bible Study, 1 p.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. Confirmation, 2 p.m. Wednesday, November 16: --------------------------------------The public is invited to a Potato UNITED METHODIST Bake Supper hosted by the Ramsey CHURCH RCW serving baked potatoes with Thompson, Iowa all the toppings, Jell-O, pie and ice Pastor Deb Devine cream and drinks for a freewill doWednesday, November 9: nation. Proceeds go to missions, 5-7 Ecumenical Bible Study at BC, 1 p.m. p.m. Catechism classes for grades 3-12, Confirmation at BC, 2 p.m. 7 p.m. Saturday, November 12: --------------------------------------Charity Circle Annual Breakfast ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN Brunch with candy and nut sale at CHURCH the Public Library, 8:30-11 a.m. Woden, Iowa Sunday, November 13: www.parishthree.weebly.com Veterans’ Sunday Worship, 8:30 Sunday, November 13: a.m. Immanuel Worship, 8:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. St. John’s Worship, 10 a.m. Fellowship and Coffee, 9:30 a.m. ----------------------------------------Tuesday, November 15: ST. PATRICK’S CATHOLIC Text Study, 10 a.m. CHURCH Ad-Council, 5 p.m. Buffalo Center, Iowa Wednesday, November 16: www.stpatrickschurch.org Ecumenical Bible Study at BC, 1 Saturday, November 12: p.m. Reconciliation , 5:45 p.m. Confirmation at BC, 2 p.m. Mass, 6:15 p.m. --------------------------------------Wednesday, November 16: ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Faith Formation Classes Rake, Iowa --------------------------------------Wednesday, November 9: ST. PAUL LUTHERAN Bible Story Hour, 5:30 p.m. CHURCH Confirmation, 6 p.m. Lakota, Iowa Thursday, November 10: Sunday, November 13: Council Meeting, 6 p.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Sunday, November 13: Taking items and anything Worship Service,winter 10:30 a.m. Choir, 8:30 but a.m. large furniture. Must be clean, no holes. Thanksgiving Service, 9:30 a.m. Bible 10:30 a.m. needed. We also accept donations. NoStudy, appointment Wednesday, November 16: 102-4th St.Woden, IA 641-562-2424 Bible Story Hour, 5:30 p.m. 641-926-5360, after hours 641-251-1152 Confirmation, 6 p.m.

Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune

Congregate Meals

Monday, November 14: Swedish Meatballs, Baked Potato, Harvard Beets, Mixed Fruit Tuesday, November 15: Turkey Noodle Casserole, Garden Beans, Hot Fruit Compote, WW Roll Wednesday, November 16: Birthday Party Thursday, November 17: Scalloped Potatoes and Ham, Broccoli, Cranberry Pear Crisp Friday, November 18: Crunchy Baked Fish, Potato, Creamed Peas, Orange/Banana/ Pineapple Please RSVP for a meal by 6 p.m. the night before by calling 562-2495, and leave a message on the answering machine.

Zion Lutheran Church to host Fall Bazaar Saturday

Zion Lutheran Church in Rake will host a Fall Bazaar on Saturday, November 12. Coffee will begin at 9:30 a.m. with a bake sale and small craft sale to follow at 10:30 a.m. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. At 12:30 p.m., an auction, along with a Marlin Krupp Barn Raising quilt drawing, will be held.

Christian Women’s Club to meet November 9 The Buffalo Center Christian Women’s Club will meet on Wednesday, November 9 at 9:30 a.m. at First Reformed Church in Buffalo Center. Music will be provided by Marvella Blome of Thompson. The special feature will be a “Mary and Martha Gathering”, by Sheree Hoover of Ft. Dodge. Speaker will be Polly Lily of McIntire, who will speak on “Bird in a cage – What Keeps you from Flying?” Baked goods, including some Norwegian goodies, will be for sale after the meeting. For reservations, call Joyce at 5663529

Autumn Stargazing program coming November 29 The Winnebago County Conservation Board will hold an Autumn Stargazing program at Thorpe Park on Tuesday evening, November 29. The program will be held at the entrance to the park, beginning at 7 p.m., and will last 45-60 minutes. Thorpe Park is located five miles west of Forest City on “I”/345th Street. During the program, Winnebago County Naturalist Lisa Ralls will give an informal tour of the autumn nighttime sky. The summer triangle will be disappearing in the west, but the first of the winter constellations, such as Taurus the Bull and Auriga the Charioteer, will be rising in the east. Yearround constellations such as the Big and Little Dippers, and Cassiopeia, will also be visible. People will learn how to identify these constellations, as well as

some of the brighter autumn stars. Fascinating tidbits of information will also be shared about what people are seeing, and star charts will be handed out afterwards to help people identify the stars and constellations once they return home. People can bring along a pair of binoculars, if they’d like, and can also bring along a lawn chair, as well. In case of clouds, the program will have to be canceled, and that announcement will run on KIOW Radio (FM 107.3), as well as on the WCCB web site (www.winnebagoccb.com), the WCCB Facebook page, and the WCCB Twitter feed (@WinnebagoCCB). For more information about the Autumn Stargazing program, people can contact Lisa Ralls at 641-565-3390 or at lralls@winnebagoccb.com

B&R Farm and Country Store (formally Carm’s Country Store in Woden)


Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday Taking winter items and anything but large furniture. Must be clean, no holes. We also accept donations. No appointment needed. 102 4th St.Woden, IA•641-926-5360, After Hours 641-251-1152

Timely MIssion Nursing Home Kyle Ryan, PA-C in Buffalo Center December 1 & 15

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Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune


SENTENCES AND PLEAS Nicholos Dee Karalius, 3/7/1995, Forest City, pled guilty to “Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance-Third Offense (Methamphetamine), a class D felony, stemming from an investigation by the Forest City Police Dept., July 14. Karalius is scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 16, 2016. Sierra Marie King, 3/17/1998, Burt, pled guilty to “Eluding,” a class D felony, stemming from an investigation by the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office, June 8. King is scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 16, 2016. Michael Gene Luecht, 12/12/1960, Lake Mills, pled guilty to “Domestic Abuse Assault,” an aggravated misdemeanor, stemming from an investigation Feb. 28, by the Lake Mills Police Dept. Luecht was granted a deferred judgment and ordered to pay a $625 civil penalty, surcharges, court costs and victim restitution. Luecht was placed on probation for two years, and as a term of probation, was ordered to complete the Iowa Domestic Abuse Program. LAND TRANSFERS Janora Hodges and Russell Hodges to Virgean Reines and Carroll Reines, all interest in unit 3, lot 2, block 7, CD Smiths Addition, Lake Mills, section 2, Center Township. Eileen Mestnik and Jerome Mestnik to Virgean Reines and Carroll

Reines, all interest in unit 3, lot 2, block 7, CD Smiths Addition, Lake Mills, section 2, Center Township. Mark Hanna and Belinda Hanna to Philip Hanna, a tract of land in section 10, Mt. Valley Township. Irene Wempen to Kayleigh Massman and Ricardo Garcia, lot 6, block 1, North Ridge Acres, Buffalo Center. Duane Polsdofer Jr. and Tamara Polsdofer to Tracy Armstrong and Jacqueline Armstrong, a portion of block 73, Forest City. Jill Holland to Brett Torkelson, a tract of land in section 3, Forest Township. Diane Charlson and Jerald Charlson to Halie Amundson, a tract of land in section 21, Mt. Valley Township. Jerome Clouse and Eunice Clouse to Feliz Dia LLC, lot 1, block 47, Forest City. Wayne Risius Trust, Wayne Risius trustee to Risius W160 LLC, a tract of land in section 19, Grant Township. Grant Evangelical Lutheran Free Congregation and Grant Lutheran Church to Grant Lutheran Church Preservation Society Inc, a tract of land in section 25, Grant Township. Marlas Reimann Estate, Tracy Reimann co-executor and Steven Riemann co-executor to Judy Arruda, lots 12, 13 and 14, block 12, Benson, Leland.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 • 5

Pets go trick-or-treating at Murra Hardware

Murra Hardware held its annual pet Halloween costume contest last Monday, Oct. 31. Several dogs dressed up for the occasion, and there was even a rabbit this year. Participants included, clockwise from top left: Zimmer the lion, Reba the devil, Ashley the witch, Bruce as Batman, Truper as Winnie the Pooh, and Tucker as Maleficent.

Ghosts and goblins in Lakota

Proceedings Public Notice

WINNEBAGO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS October 25, 2016 The Winnebago County Board of Supervisors met in session at 9:00 A.M. October 25, 2016 adjourned from October 18, 2016. Present: Supervisors Stensrud, Jensvold and Durby Absent: On a motion by Stensrud and seconded by Durby the Supervisors moved to approve the minutes for the October 18, 2016 Board Meeting and approve the October 25, 2016 agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. John Torbert, Iowa Drainage District Association discussed the annual updates including legislation, water quality and the Des Moines Waterworks lawsuit update. Ruth Merchant, Public Health Administrator discussed the lack of space in the Public Health Building. Scott Meinders, Engineer discussed Secondary Road matters including A34, A16 concrete pour is complete. The road crew is working on the culvert by Lake Mills. On a motion by Durby and seconded by Stensrud the Supervisors moved to approve the 2017 Secondary Road Budget Amendment #1. All voted aye. Motion carried. On a motion by Durby and seconded by Jensvold the Supervisors moved to approve the Utility Accommodation Permit for Mediacom. Voting aye - Durby and Jensvold. Abstain – Stensrud. Motion carried. Kris Oswald, Drainage Clerk discussed drainage matters including DD 54 Lat 6 Ditch, which will be on the agenda next week. Supervisor Durby discussed DD 1 Lat 1 and has contacted Rognes Bros to work on this project. Gordon Anderson, landowner discussed why non perforated tile on DD 18 was used in his farm. Clay tile was there and perforated tile should have been put in. Anderson is unable to get his crop out due to the high amount of water. Anderson is requesting the Board of Supervisors look into the situation and come up with a solution. Eric Guth, IT discussed phone systems. There was much discussion whether to use a local company even though the bid was about $6,000 higher. The Board directed Guth to call references to the companies and check with the companies to see if they would lower the bids further. The Board may have a special meeting later in the week to discuss the phone system. The session was adjourned until 9:00 A.M. November 1, 2016. Bill Jensvold, Chairperson Attest: Karla Weiss, Auditor Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016

NOTICE OF INTENT AND PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The Timely Mission Assisted Living and Nursing Home has filed an application with the USDA Rural Development for financial assistance to develop a renovation project. A public meeting for comments will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 9 at Buffalo Center City Hall to discuss the proposed project and to provide the opportunity for public comment. Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Oct. 26, Nov. 2, and Nov. 9, 2016

Joslyn Koppen dressed in a colorful Kade Koppen was the Incredible Hulk witch’s costume to go trick-or-treat- this year for Halloween. ing this Halloween.

Proceedings:Winn. Co. Fair

ASSOCIATION OF IOWA FAIRS FISCAL YEAR FINANCIAL SUMMARY OF MEMBER FAIRS INCORPORATED NAME OF FAIR & CITY Winnebago County Fair, Thompson ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE: 4,000 CARNIVAL (name): None GROUNDS ADMISSION: FREE GRANDSTAND ADMISSION: PAID Financial Report for Fiscal year Start Date: 10-1-2015 End Date: 09-30-2016 SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES RECEIPTS Fair Income $16,103.83 Non-Fair Income +$67,799.73 County Funding +$32,736.71 State Funding +$10,109.85 Money Borrowed +0.00 Total Receipts =$126,750.12 EXPENSES Fair Expenses $39,006.92 Non-Fair Expenses +$5,606.11 Capitol Improvements +$9,743.35 Payments to Debts +0.00 Total Expenses =$54,355.98 SIMPLE CASH RECONCILIATION Beginning Cash Balance (First Day of Fiscal Year) $31,049.44 Plus Total Receipts +$126,750.12 Less Total Expenses -$54,355.98 Ending Cash Balance (Last Day of Fiscal Year) =$103,443.58 Less Total Indebtedness (Balance of Loans Payable) -0.00 Net Ending Cash Standing (as of Last Day of Fiscal Year) $103,443.58 PREMIUMS PAID AFFIDAVIT FAIR: Winnebago County Fair We, the undersigned President, Secretary and Treasurer of the above stated Fair, being duly sworn on oath depose and say the said Association/Society, being duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Iowa held a Fair known as the Winnebago County Fair on these days of July 21-24, in or near the city of Thompson, and said Fair consists of a true exhibition

Right: Tom, Landon and Olivia Price came out to Roadrunners in their Halloween costumes last Monday evening.

of livestock, together with agricultural products and farm implements as contemplated by law (either Section 174.1 or 174.10). We further depose and say that the following is a statement of the actual amount paid in cash premiums by the Association/Society for the current year, this statement corresponds with the published offer of premiums, and that no deductions have been made for entry fees, stall or pen rent. We further depose and say that no part of the below statement was paid for speed events or to secure games or amusements. We further depose and say that state appropriated funds received were used for infrastructure purposes only. STATEMENT OF CASH PREMIUMS 4-H & FFA DEPARTMENTS Beef 356.00 Dog 4.00 Goats 139.50 Horse 1520.00 Poultry 58.00 117.00 Rabbit Sheep 70.00 Swine 364.00 Alpaca 39.00 Static Exhibits (Building Projects) 2043.00 Total 4710.50 OPEN CLASS DEPARTMENTS Arts & Crafts, Textiles & Related 25.00 Flowers/Plants 25.00 Total 50.00 NUMBER OF EXHIBITORS AND EXHIBITS Area 4-H & FFA Open Class Livestock Exhibitors 108 Livestock Exhibits 230 Non Livestock Exhibitors 58 Non Livestock Exibits 391 Report Verified by the following Officers of the Association/Society President Lynn Hagenson Secretary Amy Main Treasurer Amy Main Published in the Buffalo Center Tribune on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016


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Winners of the adult Halloween costume contest at Roadrunners in Lakota were Sam and Matt Wedeking, who own the Lakota Veterinary Clinic.

HOW TOS from page 1 and entertainment for the whole family. Cast members of the production include: Freddie Eden, Noah Melz, Jessica Westrum, Alex Balvance, Natalie Dirksen, Sidney Walton, Natalie Sachs, Emily Rice, Sam Hassebroek, Thomas Blodgett, Jordan Ostrander, Naddie Myer, Rebekah Jensvold, JB Lentz, Ben Hassebroek, Charles Wycoff, Sierra Billick, Esther Shortenhaus, Hannah Main, Amelia Blodgett, Joey Goetz, Samantha Davis, Jeremy Dirksen,

Danessa Bruner, Ella Hughes, Harlie Lawson and Samantha Stenersen. The stage manager is Jackson Berte, while the set manager is Nicholus Price. Members of the crew are: Madison Hassebroek, Lexie Arnevik, Mackenzie Bengtson, Willow Huitt, Kelsi Holt, Jeron Koppen, Cas Peterson, Chantel Sahr, Drake Bullis, Kenzy Jensvold, McKenna Knight, Mariah Richter and Paige Roney. The play is directed by Chelsey Shreeve, who is the middle school social studies teacher at North Iowa.










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ransforming that leftover holiday turkey or ham from an ordinary dish you heat up in the microwave or let go to waste into an extraordinary meal may be easier than you think. From flatbread pizza to a hearty stew, enhancing your everyday meals is easy with cooking wines, available in flavors such as Marsala, Sherry, White, Red and White with Lemon. The premium, flavor-enhancing cooking wines are a go-to countertop ingredient and can be used to add a bold boost to any dish whether it’s around the holidays or just pasta for an any-night family dinner. These recipes from Guy Meikle, corporate chef for Mizkan America, Inc., show how easy it is to whip up a new twist on holiday leftovers with cooking wines. You can also find quick tips for boosting the flavor of everyday meals on the label of each bottle. Find more recipes and tips at HollandHouseFlavors.com.

Family Barbecue Turkey Mini Flatbread Servings: 4 | Prep time: 15 minutes | Cook time: 10 minutes

Hearty Ham and Bean Protein Bowl Servings: 4-6 | Prep time: 15 minutes | Cook time: 30-45 minutes Total time: 3 hours 1 ham bone 12 cups water, divided 2 bay leaves 1/4 teaspoon black peppercorns 1/4 cup vegetable oil, plus 3 tablespoons, divided 1 cup yellow onion, small diced, plus 3 tablespoons finely chopped, divided 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1/4 cup Holland House Red Cooking Wine 3 cans (15 ounces each) pinto beans, undrained 1/2 cup sour cream 8 ounces wild rice 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons Holland House Sherry Cooking Wine 3 cups fresh okra, sliced into 1/2inch pieces at an angle 1 1/2 cups grilled corn kernels 1 1/2 cups kosher dill pickle, sliced 1/4 cup parsley 4 teaspoons tarragon To prepare broth: In 4-quart stock pot, combine ham bone, 8 cups water, bay leaves and peppercorns. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, about 2 hours. Strain broth and set

aside. In same stock pot, heat 1/4 cup oil and saute 1 cup onion and garlic 2 minutes. Pour in red cooking wine and reduce by half. Add in canned pinto beans; no need to drain. Bring to boil and reduce heat to medium low. Simmer soup about 30-45 minutes, or until liquid is reduced to stew-like consistency. Place sour cream in mixing bowl and ladle in some cooking liquid to temper it. Add back to soup while stirring. Let simmer a few minutes. To prepare rice: In small saucepan, heat 2 tablespoons oil. Add remaining onion and saute 1-2 minutes. Add rice and stir until coated with oil. Pour in remaining water and cook covered about 45 minutes, or until rice is tender. Remove from heat and rest, covered, 10 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and sherry cooking wine. In 10-inch skillet, heat remaining oil. Saute okra about 3 minutes, or until slightly charred. For each bowl: Place rice and stew in center and garnish with 1/4 cup grilled corn, 1/4 cup diced pickles, 1/2 cup okra, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley and sprinkle of tarragon.

Turkey and Caramelized Onion Jam Stuffed Empanadas Servings: 15 | Prep time: 20 minutes | Cook time: 15 minutes 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup turkey, diced into 1/2-inch cubes 2 tablespoons dried figs, diced into 1/2-inch cubes 1 cup button mushrooms, minced 3 tablespoons caramelized onions 2 tablespoons Marsala Cooking Wine Salt, to taste Pepper, to taste Empanada Dough (recipe below) 1 egg, beaten Cranberry Dipping Sauce (recipe below) Heat oven to 350 F. In pan, heat butter; add turkey, figs, mushrooms and caramelized onions. Deglaze pan with cooking wine; season with salt and pepper, and cool. Roll out dough 1/8- to 1/4-inch thick and cut into 15 3-inch circles. Brush egg on entire disc of dough, eliminating any air bubbles, and place 1 tablespoon filling in center of each circle. Fold dough in half and crimp with fork; prick top with toothpick to let steam out. Place empanada on greased sheet tray and brush with remaining egg; bake 15 minutes until golden brown.

Place on plate and serve with Cranberry Dipping Sauce.

Empanada Dough Servings: 15 | Cook time: 5 minutes 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 4 ounces butter 1 egg 1/3 cup ice water 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar Sift flour and salt. Cut butter into small cubes and blend into flour. Whisk together egg, ice water and vinegar. Add egg mixture to flour and mix until just incorporated. On table, knead dough; wrap and chill 1 hour.

2 cups Marsala Cooking Wine 1/2 cup barbecue sauce 1 1/2 cups roasted turkey, large diced 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 tablespoons yellow onion, small diced 1 cup zucchini, large diced 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese 1 cup smoked Gouda cheese, shredded 1 cup fontina cheese, shredded 2 flatbreads (approximately 8 inches each) 2 teaspoons cilantro, chopped Heat oven to 400 F.

In small saucepan, reduce cooking wine to about 1/2 cup. Mix with barbecue sauce. Toss diced turkey with about 1 tablespoon of sauce and set the entire mixture aside. Heat oil and saute onion and zucchini about 3 minutes over high heat. Season with garlic salt and remove from heat; mix in Parmesan cheese. Set aside. In small bowl, mix Gouda and fontina cheeses together and set aside. Spread each flatbread with an even layer of barbecue sauce. Top each with 1 cup cheese and half the zucchini and turkey mixtures. Bake 10 minutes. Garnish with chopped cilantro then cut flatbreads in half to serve.

Cranberry Orange Marsala Dipping Sauce Servings: 15 | Cook time: 5 minutes 1 1/2 cups whole cranberry sauce 2 tablespoons whole unpeeled orange, finely chopped 3 tablespoons Holland House Marsala Cooking wine Mix all ingredients thoroughly.


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8 • Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Classifieds! TO PLACE AN AD ~ CALL 641-562-2606 Howell Real Estate & Auction

Auction Calendar th

November 19 2016@ 6:30pm

Ducks Unlimited Banquet (held @ V.F.W. Estherville, IA)

November 26th 2016 @ 10:00am

Acreage & Personal Property

Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune

To Contact Us: PHONE ...............................641-562-2606 FAX.....................................641-562-2636 EMAIL ...................... bctrib@wctatel.net WEB ........ thebuffalocentertribune.com MAIL .................. Buffalo Center Tribune P.O. Box 367 Buffalo Center, IA 50424 STOP BY ........................ 124 North Main Buffalo Center, IA

Hwy 9 W Buffalo Center IA Thursday, December 1, 2016, 10 a.m.

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Terms of Real Estate on Auction Day: Buyer will enter into Standard Purchase Agreement with Seller. Buyer will be expected to put 10% of purchase price down, non-refundable, day of auction. The rest will be due and payable upon closing and presentation of merchantable title by seller on or before 45 days. Real Estate taxes shall be pro-rated to the date of closing. Property to be sold in its current as-is where-is condition with all faults. Possession upon closing.

Open House: The property will be open for inspection on Sunday, November 6 and Sunday November 20 from 1-3 p.m. or by appointment. Taxes: Gross: $1465.70 Current Assessment: $123,840 Seller: Marshal and Rebecca Andersen

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Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 • 9

Rachel Hassebroek, left, All-Conference Honorable Mention, and Krista Schutter, Second Team All-Conference.

Two Lady Bison receive All-Conference honors The coaches of the Top of Iowa Conference-West are honoring North Iowa’s Krista Schutter and Rachel Hassebroek for their efforts during the 2016 volleyball season. Schutter, a junior, was named to the Second Team All-Conference, while Hassebroek, a senior, received Honorable Mention. Schutter had to cut her season short after suffering an injury with two games left in the conference schedule, but she still managed to lead her team’s offense this season with 51 kills and a hitting efficiency of .287. In the back row, she dug out 65 attacks from the opposition, ranking second for the Lady Bison. She was also one of her team’s best blockers, with nine block assists and two solo blocks. She served 90% with eight aces. “Krista’s injury was devastating to her and our entire team, but her positive attitude and constant support of all the girls was truly honorable,”



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said Lady Bison Head Coach Sharla Hassebroek. “We look forward to her senior season!” Rachel Hassebroek ranked second in the Top of Iowa Conference-West in digs with 109, which came up just two short of the leader – a libero from Eagle Grove. She also led the Lady Bison in serving percentage with 95%, and she tallied nine aces. She had 35 kills, five block assists and one solo block. “One thing’s for sure, Rachel is not afraid to dive for a hard hit ball, and she has the bruises to prove it,” said Coach Hassebroek. “She was one of our best serve receivers and was a leader on the floor. She was also our floor captain – an honor she held for three years straight. She had a great senior season!” Coach Hassebroek has a couple of other players she would like to recognize for their hard work, even though they didn’t get selected for All-Conference this year. “Kendall Melz finished the season for us as strong as any hitter in our conference. She worked very hard this season, adjusting to playing the back row, and was a strong server and blocker,” said Coach Hassebroek. “Cassidy Sachs was one of the best right side hitters in the conference and was called upon frequently in our offense and put the ball down many times for us. She was an excellent server and our ‘second setter’, when needed. Both of these senior leaders gave awesome efforts all season long, and we are grateful for their hard work and dedication.”

Pick Your Tag & MAKE YOUR DEAL

Dominyk Price considers a pass as he plays quarterback for the North Iowa Middle School football team.

Logan Sabin kicks off for North Iowa during the middle school football team’s season finale against Northwood-Kensett.

The North Iowa Middle School football team put together a strong season this fall. Seven eighth graders, along with 11 seventh graders, worked together well, according to Coach Zach Meinders, as they continually improved week to week. The Bison finished the season with a 4-2 record, chalking up wins over

team’s leading rusher with 454 yards (an average of 6.5 yards per carry) and eight total touchdowns. Jacob Hoffman was the leading receiver, catching five passes for a total of 102 yards, with two of those catches 5.75" going for touchdowns. On the other side of the ball, Murray led the team in tackles with an

Bison middle schoolers go 4-2 this football season Northwood-Kensett (twice), GTRA and Bishop Garrigan. The two losses came at West Bend-Mallard and Harris-Lake Park. Dominyk Price led the team in total touchdowns with six rushing and three passing TDs. He also led the team in passing with 193 yards over five games. Tyler Murray was the

average of 11.3 per game. Izzy Salas was the second leading tackler with 4.8 tackles per game. Following them were Logan Sabin, Riley Sabin, Jacob Hoffman, and Cole Peterson rounding out the top six. Salas led the team in fumble recoveries with three. Murray led the team in interceptions with one.

Bowling Results Bison League

October 31, 2016 W L Pete’s Plumbing 128 72 K & H Coop 112½ 87½ Optimum Health Chiro 107½ 92½ Ollenburg Motors 105 95 Timber Tree Service 96½ 103½ Hager Foods 93 107 Bison Graphics/AJ Embr 81 119 Murra Farm Machinery 29½ 170½ Highs Posted: team game, Bison Graphics/AJ Em (646), team series, Bison Graphics/AJ Em (1842), ind. game, Steve Boyken (234), ind. series, Steve Boyken (651)

Wed. Ladies Night November 2, 2016

W L Heidi’s Hair Care 35 17 NGT 31 21 HyVee 30 22 Emporium Furniture 29 23 K & H Coop Oil 24 28 Bye 7 45 Highs Posted: team game, Emporium Furniture (475), team series, HyVee (1280), ind. game, Virginia Schulte (212) ind. series, Sheri Boyken (565)

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November 2, 2016 W L Heidi’s Hair Care 36 20 HyVee 33 23 Emporium Furniture 32 24 NGT 31 25 K & H Coop Oil 28 28 Bye 8 48 Highs Posted: team game, Emporium Furniture (451), team series, Emporium Furniture (1281), ind. game, Sheri Boyken (233) ind. series, Sheri Boyken (549)

Twin City League

November 3, 2016 W L Nick’s Auto Body 141 89 Lofstrom Seeds 134 90 Ag Performance 131½ 98½ StateLine Coop 119½ 110½ Murra Hardware 118½ 111½ Winnebago Ins Agency 109½ 117½ Buffalo Lanes 103 127 Bye 46 184 Highs Posted: team game, Ag Performance (788), team series, Ag Performance (2235), ind. game, Joe Knudson (254), ind. series, Jeremy Smith (662)

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Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune

10 • Wednesday, November 9, 2016

MID-AMERICA UPC CODES Buffalo Center Tribune

Keota Eagle

Butler County Tribune Journal

Clarksville Star

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, Thompson and the North Iowa Commun


Liberal Opinion Week

ity School District

Volume One Hundred Twenty Four Number 46 12 Pages November 18, 2015


New Sharon Sun

Conservative Chronicle

Pioneer Enterprise

CWL Times

Sheffield Press

Dows Advocate

Sigourney News-Review

Berggren Seeds to host Pioneer Days Nov. 16-21 Ber Berggren

Eagle Grove Eagle

Seeds will host Pio Pio-Monday, November 16 to Saturday, November 21 at 1425 Hwy 9 West in Buffalo Center. Customers are asked to call Grundy 641-590 Register -2493, or stop in for an appointment. Coffee and refreshments will be served Graphic-A dvocate neer Days from

FFA hosts appreciation meal for farmers and businesses The Bison


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of the Mississippi River - 1896

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The Leader

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FFA Chapter will hold an appreciation meal for the farmers and businesses in our communities on Tuesday, Nov. 24 from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The lunch will be held in the old school cafeteria. Guests should enter the school through the door by the Agriculture classroom and follow the signs to the old cafeteria. The FF FFA Chapter will be serv serv-ing grilled pork and beef burgers, baked beans, chips, bars and beverages. There is no cost for this meal, which is the Chapter’s way of saying thank you. Questions, call Rick Meyer, FFA Advisor at 562-2525.

In this issue Church .................................page 4 Classifieds ............................ page 8 Courthouse........ use.............. .............. ............p ....page age 5 Gone Cold ...........................page 5 Local News ....... page 9, 10, 11, 12 Marketplace....... lace .............. .............. .......page page 6, 7 Opinion/Editorial............. l ................page .page 2 Public Notices .....................page 5 Social News .........................page 3 Sports .................................page 11

Coach Steve Prohm and the Iowa State men’s basketball team gave a warm welcom e to the Wounded Warriors participating they arrived in Iowa on November 6. in this year’s

Hunting with Heroes honors Wou nd Warriors and local veterans for fif ed th year

President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “A man that is good enough to shed blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal after afterwards.” This is one of the quotes that local non-profit organization “Hunting with Heroes” has adopted as a mantra and as a purpose for their annual event that honors veterans from near and far each year around the Lakota Area. On November 6-9, the group hosted its fifth group of Wounded Warriors from Camp Lejuene, NC for friendship, fellowship and recognition of the sacrifices that our military makes for us each and every day. In 2011, Bernard and Jason Becker founded “Hunting with Heroes”- a non-profit organization managed through the local American Legion Post 21 as a way to honor young men and women that fought in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. The event started as a way to honor young servicemen and women injured in battle but grew into an event that honors the dozens of local veterans from the area, as well. Through the generosity of local volunteers and supporters, this year’s Hunting with Heroes was once again made possibl event was arguably the best one yet. e this year thanks to volunteers who offered assistance and land for hunting to the their visiting Wounded Warriors from Camp As in the prior four years of the Lejuene, NC. The group of visiting Marines this year included, front from event, “Hunting with Heroes” worked left: Staff Sgt Eric Bruland, Major Stephe n Taylor, dog closely with the United States Marine handler Jim McGrady and Chief Warrant Officer 3 Brad Pottorff. Back row: Capt. Jim Nash, Sgt. Johna than Smart and Capt. Andrew Yeary. (Photo Johnacourtesy Algona Upper Des Moines)

Redo For You was a busy spot during Ladies Night Out last Tuesday, as shoppe rs checked out the repurposed items and holiday décor at the newly opened business on Main Street.

Hunting with Heroes event, as

Corps this year to find Marines who had been injured in battle and who were in need of time away from rehabilitation of their physical and emotional injuries from the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. This year, a total of seven Purple Heart Recipients were welcomed to the area for the weekend. Four Marine attendees made their first trip for the event: Major Steven Taylor, Captain Andrew Yeary, Staff Sgt. Eric Bruland and Sgt. Jonathan Smart. In addition, three participants from past years came back to assist with the logistics and execution of the event as alumni members. “Having the alumni members present at the event the last couple of years has been a great improvement, as they are able to relate to our new marine attendees and make them feel immediately at ease,” said Bernie Becker. All seven of the Marines received wounds from recent wartime efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan and are representative of the thousands of Marines who have been killed or wounded defending the freedom of our country. This year’s event started off with a very special welcome to Iowa, as the Wounded Warriors were warmly received by Iowa State men’s basketHEROES to page 11

Barb Murra of Murra Hardware helped shoppers make light-up snowman ornaments to take home during Ladies Night Out last Tuesday in Buffalo Center.

Thank you to our veterans

Ladies enjoy a nice night on the town

Many shoppers got their first look at one of Buffalo Center’s newest establishments , The Tin Lily, during Ladies Night Out last Tuesda y, Nov. 10. Carol Wilson of The Rusty Rose recently expanded her operations into the new space on Main Street, located in the former Leibrand TV & Appliance store. While the new store also features antique items much like The Rusty Rose, Wilson is taking advantage of all the new space by arranging displays with differen t themes at The Tin Lily, such as bedroom, dining room and kids’ room displays. She also has a wide assortment of vintage chairs and other furniture in the basement level of the buildin g.

Buffalo Center

The Bison Senior Center hosted a variety of vendors and crafters during Ladies Night Out on Novem ber 10, including Thrive, Scentsy, 31, Tupperware, Origami Owl, Keep Collective, Wildtree and the Heartwarmers Quilt Guild.

Retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergea nt Dennis Murra delivered the address at the annual Veterans Day Program held at North Iowa High School on Wednesday, Nov. 11. He said that veterans often consider their time in service to be one of the most defining experie nces of their lives. Murra spoke about the recent Operation LZ event held in Forest City for veterans of the Vietnam War, and he addressed some common myths about that war, noting that the majority of servicemen and women who took part in that war were volunteers, rather than draftees. He also talked about ways that young people can uphold the traditions of this nation on Veterans Day and on every day of the year, such as flying the flag, volunteering in the community, and saying “thanks” to those who have served. “If you feel that being an Americ an is a title and not a responsibility, then this nation may not survive,” said Murra. “We need everyone to serve in whatever way they can.” More on page 11.



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Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 • 11

Tickets for ‘A Christmas Story’ on sale

Attending the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN are Bison FFA members, front from left: Alexa Vrieze, Kelsi Holt, Danica Voortmann, Sidney Walton and Paige Roney. Back row: Nicole Kirschbaum, Harlie Lawson, Sydney Giesking and Chapter Advisor Rick Meyer.

FFA students tour On the Rail Farms in Fortville, IN on their way to the National FFA Convention.

Eight members of the Bison FFA Chapter headed to Indianapolis, IN on Tuesday, Oct. 18, for the 89th National FFA Convention. The local chapter members made the trip along with FFA members from Lake Mills, Forest City, Belmond-Klemme, CAL and Hampton Dumont. While traveling to Indianapolis, the group stopped outside of Champaign, IL and toured a dairy goat farm. This farm milks about 80 dairy goats twice a day. The milk that is produced is processed right there on the farm into various types of goat cheese, and gelato (a type of ice cream) that they sell through their store and to the local area. They also have a small orchard consisting of apple and peach trees, but they had already harvested those crops. The students were able to sample some of the cheese and gelato along with touring the milking parlor, barns, pastures and the milk processing facilities. The students learned about niche marketing and some different aspects of agriculture that are not found in the Buffalo Center area. They also learned about the amount of time it takes to develop this type of market and production system. The group toured Beck’s Hybrid seed company on Wednesday morning and learned the history of the company and how it was started and how the company has grown in size over the past few

about what they do when training a horse, the types of feed used and why they use specific types of feed for the horses. The kids listened to a farrier and learned about what he does and how he can fix a horse’s hoof and leg problems by using specific types and styles of shoes. The owner discussed the different aspects of her business and some of the challenges she faces on a daily basis and the costs to keep a horse in her facility. She also mentioned that the area she was in had the largest per capita population of horses in Indiana. Wednesday evening, the FFA members attended the opening session at Bankers Life Fieldhouse, where they listened to National FFA Advisor Dr. Steve Brown, the national band and chorus. They also had a special recognition on the Smith-Hughes Act that was passed 100 years ago in 1917. The Smith-Hughes Act, when passed, provided funds from the federal government to be able to teach agriculture in local school systems, since most kids didn’t go to college and went straight back to the farm. The keynote speaker was Diana Nyad, who is an author and long-distance swimmer. She is the only person to swim from Cuba to Key West, FL. She had failed to do this the previous four times but succeeded on her fifth try, and it took three

Bison FFA members attend National FFA Convention decades to become a major player in the seed industry. The students toured the greenhouses, where Beck’s is growing corn for research purposes and for seed plot production. Beck’s talked about how they pollinate the corn; then they take the kernels and cut out the embryo and plant that into a petri dish to speed up the plant growing process. With this process, they can produce a full-grown corn plant that pollinates and produces an ear within 100 days or so. Beck’s took students through some of their research plots, where they grow both spring and winter wheat, corn and soybeans. Some of the research included population tests, use of cover crops, and irrigation/water management trials in an effort to produce 300 bushel per acre corn. The kids learned about some of the different careers in this company and in the agricultural industry in general. They learned that if you have the right skills, it doesn’t matter what degree you have – you can still be employed in the agricultural field. That afternoon, the group toured On the Rail Farms, which is a horse boarding/training facility. The students learned about some of the different breeds of horses that are on this farm and the history of these horses and what they are used for in the horse industry. The group also learned

days to accomplish this. She never left the water. She ate and drank while she treaded water, and she had other swimmers with her to protect her from the sharks. She talked about not giving up, even if you fail, and to keep trying whether you succeed or not. On Thursday, the group traveled to the Dixie Chopper lawn mower facility and toured the manufacturing plant where they are producing multiple styles of lawn mowers for both the commercial and residential markets. They were able to see a robotic welder at work, a laser cutting machine where they make all their own parts, the metal lathes, and the assembly line. Thursday afternoon and Friday were spent at the FFA career show. While at the career show, the FFA members had the opportunity to visit with hundreds of different businesses in the agricultural field and find out what careers they offered and what they are looking for in future employees. The students could also visit with a large number of two and four year colleges and learn about their Ag programs and degrees they offer. The FFA members also attended several workshops during this time on a variety of topics such as: leadership, FFA opportunities, careers and the agricultural industry and how to promote it and the opportunities available.

How to stop cyberbullying

By Elizabeth Olson, Katlyn Wycoff, Jesse Beck Editor’s note: These three sixth grade students in the Academic Technology class at North Iowa wrote the following article for Bully Awareness Month in October. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embar-

rassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. We did a survey. Fifty-two kids took this survey. Twelve out of the fifty-two kids said that they have been cyberbullied. Forty-eight of the kids have at least one social media account like Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Youtube, Kik, Messenger, Skype, Musical.ly, and Google+. Four kids said they didn’t have any social media. Thirty-nine kids said that they would be open to their parents and tell them if they were being cyberbullied, but twenty-eight said otherwise. Twenty-two of the kids said they know somebody that has

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been cyberbullied. Twenty-eight of the kids said they don’t know anybody who has been cyberbullied. The steps to stopping cyberbullying, taken from www.connectsafely. org: • Know that it’s not your fault. What people call “bullying” is sometimes an argument between two people. But if someone is repeatedly cruel to you, that’s bullying and you mustn’t blame yourself. No one deserves to be treated cruelly. • Don’t respond or retaliate. Sometimes a reaction is exactly what aggressors are looking for because they think it gives them power over you, and you don’t want to empower a bully. As for retaliating, getting back at a bully turns you into one – and can turn one mean act into a chain reaction. If you can, remove yourself from the situation. If you can’t, sometimes humor disarms or distracts a person from bullying • Save the evidence. The only good news about bullying online or on phones is that it can usually be captured, saved, and shown to someone

who can help. You can save that evidence in case things escalate. • Tell the person to stop. This is completely up to you – don’t do it if you don’t feel totally comfortable doing it, because you need to make your position completely clear that you will not stand for this treatment any more. You may need to practice beforehand with someone you trust, like a parent or good friend. • Reach out for help – especially if the behavior’s really getting to you. You deserve backup. See if there’s someone who can listen, help you process what’s going on, and work through it – a friend, relative or maybe an adult you trust. • Use available tech tools. Most social media apps and services allow you to block the person. Whether the harassment is in an app, texting, comments or tagged photos, do yourself a favor and block the person. You can also report the problem to the service. That probably won’t end it, but you don’t need the harassment in your face, and you’ll be less tempted to respond. If you’re getting

threats of physical harm, you should call your local police (with a parent or guardian’s help) and consider reporting it to school authorities. • Protect your accounts. Don’t share your passwords with anyone – even your closest friends, who may not be close forever – and password-protect your phone so no one can use it to impersonate you. • If someone you know is being bullied, take action. Just standing by can empower an aggressor and does nothing to help. The best thing you can do is try to stop the bullying by taking a stand against it. If you can’t stop it, support the person being bullied. If the person’s a friend, you can listen and see how to help. Consider together whether you should report the bullying. If you’re not already friends, even a kind word can help reduce the pain. At the very least, help by not passing along a mean message and not giving positive attention to the person doing the bullying. Don’t cyberbully, it hurts!


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Tickets for BrickStreet Theatre’s production of Jean Shepherd’s holiday comedy “A Christmas Story” go on sale Monday, Nov. 14. Based on the now-classic 1983 movie of the same name, “A Christmas Story” tells of 9 year-old Ralphie, who would do anything to get a BB gun for Christmas. But between run-ins with his younger brother, Randy, and the school bully, Scut Farkus, Ralphie doesn’t know if he will survive until Christmas. And with everyone telling him “No, you’ll shoot your eye out”, Ralphie doesn’t know what Santa will bring. Under the direction of Troy Thompson, performances are scheduled for two weekends. The dates include Friday, Dec. 9 and Saturday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 11, at 2 p.m. Shows will also be held Friday, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. and on Saturday, Dec. 17 with two performances at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets are available at the Forest City Chamber of Commerce and at brickstreettheatre.org. Tickets may also be purchased at the door, pending availability. BrickStreet Theatre is a regional community theatre based in Forest City that provides art and entertainment opportunities for North Central Iowa.

North Iowa School Menu

Monday, November 14 B: Breakfast pizza, peaches L: Hot ham and cheese, potato wedges, fruit cocktail Tuesday, November 15: B: WG pancakes/syrup, pear L: Pepperoni pizza, banana, baby carrots Wednesday, November 16: B: Breakfast bites, banana L: Taco burger, refried beans, orange Thursday, November 17: B: Breakfast wrap, tri-tator, mandarin oranges L: Lasagna, garlic bread, pineapple, cookie Friday, November 18: B: Cereal, toast, applesauce L: Chicken patty, mashed potatoes/gravy, WW dinner roll

Kossuth County Extension to hold first annual 4-H FamilyFest

The first annual 4-H FamilyFest is to take place Sunday, Nov. 13 at 5:30 p.m. in Algona at the Trinity Lutheran Church’s Trinity Life Center. This event is an expanded version of Recognition Sunday – the previous 4-H awards ceremony. “I wanted an event that could be a celebration for all 4-H families to get together for some fun and comradery,” said Darcie Kramer, Youth Educator with Kossuth County Extension. “I hope that all 4-H families will attend the new annual event to spotlight the youth and all their hard work!” Kramer indicated that this event is themed ‘T-Shirt Ball’, and all attendees should wear some type of 4-H t-shirt, if possible. The event is a soup potluck; each 4-H Club will bring a different type of soup. There will be an awards ceremony, followed by games sponsored by the Kossuth 4-H County Council. For more information about this program or other Extension programs, contact the Kossuth County Extension Office at 515-295-2469.

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Buffalo Center (Iowa) Tribune

Elf: The Musical at North Iowa Middle School

North Iowa Middle School got a head start on the Christmas season with its presentation of Elf: The Musical Jr. on Thursday, Oct. 27. The musical, based on the 2003 movie Elf, starred Tommy Hughes as Buddy, along with Bailee Garst as Jovie, Parker Greensky as Walter Hobbs, Emma Duve as Emily Hobbs and Kaiden McGrady as Michael Hobbs. Other cast members included: Jacob Burkhow, Rebecca Hofmann, Ethan Henn, Anthony Eisele, Caitlin Mitthun, Charlie Schaefer, Jason Peterson, Madilynn Fisher, Jayden Skistad, Brogyn Greensky, Abi Larson, Gage Lawson, Katlyn Wycoff, Lilly Cavin, Hayden Meinders, Caleb Flicek, Thomas Flo, Chloe Elbon-Holland, Gavin Droessler, Christian Lestrud, Connor Fisher, Dereck DeLong, Alayna Myer, Abby Friest, Gracie Westfall, Shayla Heetland, Dominyk Price, Hope Henton, Josee Vilano, Ashlee See, Heather Bauer, Leah Kramersmeier, Carlie Cavin, Ariana Wales, Elizabeth Olson, Chloe Grubbs, Juan Hernandez Almaraz, Max Schaefer, Isaiah Oudekerk, Parker Johnson, K’Lyn Sahl, William Jensvold, Kali Bengtson, Caleb Cooper, Jacob Hofmann, Hannah Boekelman, Kade Hobbs, Ty Murray, Paige Goodnight, Elyssa Powell, Kody Roth, Kenall Kahler, Elise Hinders and Alexis Sorrell. Many additional fifth through eighth graders also took part in singing the musical numbers.

Buddy tries to save his father’s job as he sings “The Story of Buddy” during Elf: The Musical Jr. at North Iowa Middle School.

The elves are hard at work in Santa’s workshop at the North Pole.

Buddy (Tommy Hughes) comes to Santa’s (Jacob Burkhow) aid when there’s not enough Christmas Spirit to make Santa’s sleigh fly. The Macy’s Dancers perform “Sparklejollytwinkejingley”.

Members of the fifth grade ensemble sing “There is a Santa Claus”.

Buddy (Tommy Hughes, right) is excited to finally track down his real Buddy (Tommy Hughes, right), father, Walter Hobbs (Parker Green- tries to get a reluctant Jovie sky), in New York City. (Bailee Garst) to sing and dance.

Winnebago County

Featured photo by Whitey Anderson

Whitey Anderson took this photo at Murra Farms in rural Buffalo Center in the midst of harvest at the end of October.

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