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What Cheer Paper

Wednesday, nOVeMBeR 9, 2016

News at a glance

| Vol. 144, no. 45 | $1 per copy/90¢ deliVered

Veterans Transportation is needed

GARNER – The Garner-Hayfield-School is asking for help from the community members who have golf carts. With all the high school construction and lack of parking spots, we would like to request assistance from a few people who own golf carts and would be willing to shuttle elderly community members from their cars to the gym doors on November 11 from approximately 9 a.m. to the start of the program at 10:30 a.m. Contact Lorrie Formanek at 923-2632.

Garner Asset Project

GARNER – The next Garner Asset Project meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 10, 12 noon to 1 p.m. at Zion Evangelical & Reformed Church , 760 W. 8th St., Garner. GAP is an organization to raise community awareness and understanding to reduce youth substance abuse. All interested persons are invited to attend.

Closed for Veterans Day

Community calendar

with the


Rebecca Peter

GARNER – Students at Garner-Hayfield-Ventura High School had the opportunity to learn how democracy works in a statewide Youth Straw Poll last week. The straw poll was organized by Iowa Secretary of Sate Paul Pate. More than 57,000 students from over 250 schools across the state participat-

Coming Nov. 18 Inferno PG-13

ed. “I think it was a great opportunity for them to see first-hand how the process works. It also gives them a running start for the next election cycle and receive a little tutoring at the same time, so they’ll have a good base of knowledge for Iowa’s elections process,” Secretary Pate said. “I hope this fired them up and will also spur them to encourage their parents, neighbors POLL to page 10

CORWITH – A Corwith man charged with first degree kidnapping and domestic abuse assault was arraigned in Hancock County District Court on Nov. Randy Lee Dann, 45, entered a plea of not guilty to the charges. Dann was arrested after the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of domestic violence in the Corwith area on Oct. 11 According to the complaint, Dann allegedly bound the victim with black zip ties and assaulted her repeatedly throughout the evening of Oct. 10 into the morning of Oct. 11. The victim reported that after being bound with zip ties, she was kneed in the back and groin area as well as

Veterans Day programs planned for Nov. 11 Rebecca Peter On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, an armistice between the Allied nations and Germany ended the “Great War” (World War I). “Armistice Day”, as it was known, became a federal holiday in the United States in 1938. Following World War II and the Korean War, the name was changed to “Veterans Day” in 1954 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to honor American veterans of all wars. In honor of our veterans, Veterans Day programs will be held Friday, Nov. 11 at Garner, Britt, Kanawha, Ventura, and LuVerne. Garner The 63rd annual Veterans Day program will be held Friday, Nov. 11 at 10:30 a.m. at the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura High School gymnasium. Posting of the Colors will be done by the Garner Ceremonial Unit, Commander Mark Prohaska, followed by the singing of the “Star Spangled Banner” by the GHV Honor Choir. Senior class treasurer Olivia Carew will lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Joshua Chizek, student body president, will give the welcome and introductory remarks. Derek Brown, senior class president, will give an explanation of Veterans Day, followed by the “Armed Forces Medley” by the GHV concert band. Platform guests include American Legion Commander John Tammen, President of the American Legion Auxiliary Nancy Tammen, VFW Commander Gary Madsen, Senior Vice-President of the Garner VFW Auxiliary Aggie Voss, Mayor Ken Mick and Superintendent Tyler Williams. Veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghan conflicts, peacetime veterans and current service personnel will be recognized.

struck in the head. She was seen by medical staff to document the injuries. Dann stated the only contact that he had with the woman on that date, was when he was trying to hold her down when she was having a seizure. A search warrant of the Dann residence produced black zip ties cut into small pieces. First degree kidnapping is a Class A felony that carries a mandatory sentence of life in prison. Domestic abuse assault (2nd Offense) is an aggravated misdemeanor. A jury trial has been scheduled for January 18, 2017. Dann remains in custody in the Hancock County Jail in lieu of $100,000 cash bond on the kidnapping charge and $1,000 bond on the assault charge.

Water/sewer rates to go up at Ventura Rebecca Peter VENTURA – Water and sewer rates will be going up at Ventura beginning January of 2017. The city council recently approved a third and final reading of an ordinance to increase the rates in a 3 – 1 vote. According to city administrator Else Taylor, the City of Ventura is in the process of increasing the water/sewer rates and moving to a monthly billing cycle. “After a full review of the 2016 Iowa League of Cities rate study, the council has concluded that a rate change is necessary,” Taylor said. “Unanticipated main break repairs, big ticket maintenance items and pending well monitoring control system upgrades have necessitated the need to increase the rates. Taylor noted that the current system SHOW TIMES Fri.-Sat., Mon.-Thurs. 7 pm Sunday 4 pm & 7 pm Adults $4 Children $3 (under 12) 3D + $2 Visa, Mastercard & Discover accepted

Avery Theatre 495 State Street, GARNER, Iowa 641-925-AVRY (2879)

was installed in 1978 and until recently, has experienced very few system control or main failures. “At this point in time, the utility needs to prepare for what is going to take place over the next five years and beyond,” she said. With the new rates, a typical minimum monthly bill for up to 5,000 gallons would be: •Water - $25 •Tax - $1,75 •Sewer - $17.50 Garbage - $10 Total - $54.75 In other business, the city council discussed the increase of boat hoist storage on the northwest side of the 700 block of E Lake Street. The general consensus of the council was to have Attorney Mike Moeller proceed with sending a letter to the owners appraising them of the concerns. No formal action taken on this item.

Volume 144 Number 45


Leader photo by Rebecca Peter

Hancock County Veterans Monument at courthouse in Garner.

Dann enters plea of not guilty Rebecca Peter

Thursday, November 10 Westview Care Center in Britt is holding its veterans program at 2 p.m. to especially celebrate nine veterans who call Westview their home. Members of the Britt American Legion will be in attendance, and a reception will follow the program. Family members, friends and members of the community are invited to attend. Friday, November 11 Kanawha adult book club will meet at 10 a.m. to discuss “On Strike for Christmas” by Sheila Roberts. Readers may sign up and borrow a copy at the Kanawha Public Library. Saturday, November 12 Klemme United Church of Christ is hosting its annual luncheon and bazaar fundraiser from 11 a.m. to p.m. St. Paul Lutheran Church, 810 State St., Garner, is hosting the first of two 2016 ethnic bake sales from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the basement fellowship area. Garner Firefighters open house soup dinner will be held at the Garner fire station from 4 to 7 p.m. Chili and broccoli cheese soup will be served. Trucks and equipment purchased with past donations will be on display. Free will donations will be accepted. Sunday, November 13 Garner Veterans Ceremonial Unit is sponsoring a benefit breakfast at the VFW in Garner from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. The public is invited to attend to support your local veterans. A free will donation will be taken. Continued on page 2

Keeping Up

GHV students participate in Iowa Youth Straw Poll

AMES - All Iowa Department of Transportation business locations will be closed Friday, Nov. 11. Iowa DOT driver’s license stations will also be closed Saturday, Nov 12, but open on Monday, Nov. 14 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. These stations are typically closed on Mondays. Many people may be able to complete driver’s license business online at or at one of the conveniently located self-service kiosks. Kiosk users should check the host location’s holiday schedule to determine hours and availability.

November 11-17

Submitted photo

Jeremy Soderberg, a student at Garner-Hayfield-Ventura High School, participates in the Iowa Youth Straw Poll.

The program will also include a video and introduction by Haley Suby, senior class secretary. At 11 a.m., there will be a moment of silence, followed by “Taps.” The program will close with “America the Beautiful” and the retiring of the Colors. Concord Care Center On Friday, Nov. 11 at 2 p.m., Garner’s VFW Ceremonial Unit will be at Concord Care Center to celebrate Veterans’ Day by honoring our veterans. The public is invited to attend. The ceremony will include the Pledge of Allegiance, a presentation on “Folding of the Flag,” “Taps” and refreshments for all to enjoy. Contact Marline Lewerke at 923-2677 for more information. Britt The Veterans Day program at the West Hancock High School will be held Friday, Nov. 11, at 2:30 p.m. Former mayor Jim Nelson will be the speaker. Nelson is a Vietnam War era veteran. Posting of the Colors will be done by the American Legion Color Guard. Dan Peterson, high school principal will welcome the audience. Pastor Willie Rosin will give an invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Music will be provided by the West Hancock High School mixed chorus, concert band and the West Hancock Elementary Choir. Liliana Hill and Marissa Eekhoff will read “Thank You” by Cathy Maxwell. Madison Daniels and Alyssa Tegtmeyer will read the poem “Thirteen Folds.” The program will also include recognition of veterans, followed by a moment of silence, the benediction and retiring the Colors. West View Care Center The public is also invited to a Veteran’s Day recognition at West View Care Center in Britt on Thursday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. Westview is home for nine veterans who served their country, according to Sandy Shear, admissions coordinator.

Kanawha The public is also invited to attend the Veterans Day program at the West Hancock Middle School gym in Kanawha. The program will begin at 10 a.m., Friday, Nov. 11. Dean VanDeWiele will be the speaker. VanDeWiele is a veteran of the United States Air Force during the Vietnam era. The 7th and 8th grade band will play the “Star Spangled Banner” and “America the Beautiful.” The 6th grade band will perform “America.” Noah Klaas will play “Taps.” The 5th grade choir will also perform a piece. Ventura The dedication of new veteran’s memorial will take place at the Ventura Community Center, Friday, Nov. 11 at 11:30 a.m. Mayor Lynn Benson will dedicate the memorial. VFW Post 4868 Commander Mike Nelson and the Clear Lake VFW honor guard will participate in the dedication. Persons interested in having lunch with the veterans are asked to make a reservation by calling the community center at 641-829-3517. Lunch is $3.50 for persons age 60 or older, or $6.25 under age 60. LuVerne Elementary LuVerne Elementary School will host a Veterans Day program at 9 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 11. Students will sing songs and show their appreciation to local veterans. The program is open to the public. Rich Fish, a member of the American Legion at Corwith, will speak. The program will also include a video, “Daddy, Come Home”, the presentation of the Colors and “Taps.” Veterans are invited to come for coffee and donuts prior to the program from 8:15 to 8:45 a. m.










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The Leader • Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Garner Chamber of Commerce Annnual Meeting and Banquet Awards

Rebecca Peter | The Leader

Service Awards were presented at the Garner Chamber of Commerce Annnual Meeting and Banquet, Thursday, Nov. 3. Award recipients include: (left-right) the Garner Fire Department (125 years - with Fire Chief Greg Leear pictured), Gus and Jan Erickson (50 years), the City of Garner (135 years - with Mayor Ken Mick and wife, Betty), and IMT General Manager Jim Hasty accepting on behalf of the company (55 years.) Other businesses recognized for years of service were: Millier Auto Body (5 years), Cardinal Grove (15 years), American Crane (20 years), Hueneman Farms (20 years), Tammy’s Pharmacy (20 Years), Videl Family Dentistry (35 years), Schoneman Realtors (40 years).

Rebecca Peter | The Leader

The engineering firm Veenstra & Kimm received an award for 55 years of service to the City of Garner. Tim Moreau and Drew Sweers accepted the award on behalf of the company at the Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Banquet, Nov. 3.

Community calendar

Continued from page 1 The twice-a-year North Iowa Coin, Stamp and Currency Show will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the ballroom of the Best Western Holiday Lodge in Clear Lake. Monday, November 14 Hancock County Board of Supervisors meets at 9 a.m. in Board Chamber, Garner. Tuesday, November 15 Britt Council meets at 7 p.m. at City Hall. The Commission of Veteran Affairs will meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Hancock County Public Health building at 545 State St., Garner. Saturday, November 19 Garner Public Library is hosting an open house at its newly renovated building from 2 to 5 p.m. Monday, November 21 Hancock County Board of Supervisors meets at 9 a.m. in Board Chamber, Garner. GHV School Board meets at 7 p.m. in HS Media Center. West Hancock School Board meets. Tuesday, November 22 Garner Council meets at 7 p.m. in Council Chamber, City Hall. Monday, November 28 Hancock County Board of Supervisors meets at 9 a.m. in Board Chamber, Garner. Saturday, December 3 St. Paul Lutheran Church, 810 State St., Garner, is hosting a 2016 ethnic bake sale from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the basement fellowship area. Monday, December 5 Klemme Council meets. Wesley Council meets.

Hancock County Board of Supervisors meets at 9 a.m. in Board Chamber, Garner. Tuesday, December 6 Britt Council meets at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Wednesday, December 7 North Iowa Detachment #859 Marine Corps League meets at 7:30 p.m. in Hy Vee East meeting room, Mason City. For more information, contact Ernie Martinez at 641-4236023 or 800-373-3393. Monday, December 12 Hancock County Board of Supervisors meets at 9 a.m. in Board Chamber, Garner. Tuesday, December 13 Cowith Council meets. Kanawha Council meets at 6 p.m. Garner Council meets at 7 p.m. in Council Chamber, City Hall. Monday, December 19 Hancock County Board of Supervisors meets at 9 a.m. in Board Chamber, Garner. GHV School Board meets at 7 p.m. in HS Media Center. WH School Board meets. Tuesday, December 20 Britt Council meets at 7 p.m. at City Hall. Monday, December 26 Hancock County Board of Supervisors meets at 9 a.m. in Board Chamber, Garner. Tuesday, December 27 Garner Council meets at 7 p.m. in Council Chamber, City Hall. What is your group doing in November and December? Email or call 923-2684 and we’ll add it to the calendar.

Rebecca Peter | The Leader

Tim Schmidt/Pritchard Auto was presented the 2016 Pillar of the Community Award at the Garner Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet, Nov. 3. Schmidt and Pritchards Auto were recognized for their volunteer activities and many other contributions to the Garner community. Deb Schmidt, Chamber of Commerce board member, is presenting the award.

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Rebecca Peter | The Leader

Kristen Williams and Mark Ricke were named Outstanding Volunteers for 2016 at the Garner Chamber of Commerce Awards and Recognition Banquet, Nov. 3.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016 • The

House Calls.




Bringing healthcare to you.

By Jennifer Snyder, diabetic educator, Hancock County Health System What are the dangers of not treating diabetes? Unless a person who has diabetes takes steps to manage it properly, it can lead to heart attacks, strokes, amputations, blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage. It’s not easy finding out that you or a loved one has diabetes. However, educating yourself about this disease is he first step toward feeling better and living a longer and healthier life. Make sure you keep a close eye on your blood glucose levels. Your health care provider may want you to start checking your glucose (or blood sugar) levels at home. If so, you will need a small machine called a blood glucose meter. Your health care team can help you find the best meter for your needs. Keeping your blood glucose levels in a healthy range is key in controlling your diabetes. Make sure you take your pre-


Logos are available electronically at

Jennifer Snyder scribed medications. To help keep your blood glucose in the target range, it’s vital that you take your medications as prescribed by your doctor. If you believe you’re having side effects, be sure to call your doctor or pharmacist. If you are in need of diabetes education or nutrition counseling, call HCHS Diabetic Educator Jennifer Snyder at 641-843-5014.

Patchwork Quilt

Public Service Information for the Elderly

Thanksgiving for seniors and their caregivers This holiday is a favorite holiday among seniors due to its authentic traditions and its great food. However, Thanksgiving can be stressful to hosts, seniors and their caregivers. Prepare special meals for seniors. As people age, they lose their ability to taste certain foods because their taste buds begin to fail. They may also lose the ability to chew properly and may need a special meal for the holidays. To make things easier on them, you may want to make food that is easier for your loved one to chew and digest. Have patience. Patience is an important virtue to behold if you are a caregiver, but having patience may be difficult at times. When the person that you loved dearly for your entire life begins to change in front of your eyes, it may be difficult to reconcile their new self with their old self. However, they still are your loved ones and deserve respect and patience. If your loved one has emotional or physical outbursts, then patience is an even greater need in your life. Take any help you can. At a family gathering, you probably will have many family members available to help you take care of your loved one. If anyone offers you help, then take it. The more help you receive, the easier your holiday may go. Don’t forget about yourself. If you are too focused on making sure your loved one is comfortable and happy, then you won’t enjoy the holiday yourself. This may lead to feeling burnout and disappointment that the holiday didn’t go well. Always remember to enjoy yourself on Thanksgiving while making sure your loved one is also having fun. Here is some advice for seniors. Don’t dine alone, even if you

don’t have family members to celebrate Thanksgiving with. Many senior centers, community centers and churches provide Thanksgiving meals each year. Sharing the holiday experience with others can lift your spirits and keep you in the holiday mood. Plus, you’ll get a hearty meal out of the experience and maybe make a few friends. Watch what you eat and drink. Although it may be easy and tempting to eat everything you see at a Thanksgiving meal, that probably isn’t the best idea. Holiday foods tend to be fatty, salty and high in calories. Overeating these foods can lead to heartburn, upset stomach and digestive issues. In some cases, overeating these foods can also lead to a heart attack. To avoid the negative consequences of alcohol, drink in moderation or don’t drink at all. Alcohol can cause negative social and physical side effects, and can alert the effects of certain medications. Focus on your health. Your health should always be your number one priority even during the holidays. If you feel out of sorts during the holiday season, then make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Colds, flu and depression are more common during the winter season. The best thing to remember about Thanksgiving is to have fun and give thanks. Thanksgiving is a joyous holiday that shouldn’t be stressful on the caregiver or your elderly loved one. For more information on aging related issues, contact Elderbridge Agency on Aging at, or by calling 800-2430678. You may also contact LifeLong Links at www.lifelonglinks. org, or by calling 866-468-7887.

Voices heard It’s over. For better or worse, this terrible election is over. Or at least it will be by the time you read this. Right now, as I type this, there is an approximately 75 percent chance I will be breathing a sigh of relief and a 25 percent chance I will be refreshing myself on passport requirements. If you’re reading this, then you already know the results of the election. Lucky you. I, on the other hand, have to write a column for a world that will, one way or the other, be fundamentally changed before it sees print. It’s frustrating. The election is the one topic worth writing about, but anything I write at this point will be seen too late to matter. So, ignoring the pink elephant in the room, what else is there to comment on? Well… how about the video game voice actor’s strike? That’s something that likely won’t be resolved before Wednesday. Here’s the scoop. More than a year ago the Screen Actor’s Guilt (SAG-AFTRA) entered into negotiations with a conglomerate of major video game publishers to update their contracts for video game voice work. Among their demands were shorter sessions for vocally strenuous recording, stunt coordination for roles that utilize motion capture, transparency over what game they are working on before taking the part, and residual payments for successful games. Most of these conditions aren’t very controversial. Nobody wants to see a voice actor face plant on the ground during motion capture because a stunt coordinator wasn’t around to properly secure a harness. Likewise, when your recording session involves hours of screaming, yelling, and grunting, it makes sense to break them up into shorter sessions. A hoarse voice actor isn’t good for anybody. But, not surprisingly, the issue comes down to money. The voice

actors guild has asked for up to four secondary payments of 25 percent of their original session payment, to be paid out whenever a game sells 2 million units of a game. Residual payments like these are common for movies and television, but less so for video games. Instead, representatives of the game developers offered a nine percent raise to the base rate. It was not accepted. Unable to come to agreement, the voice actors are now on strike. This is a tricky conundrum. On the one hand, voice actors are asking the games industry to adapt themselves to the Hollywood model. Developers don’t get residuals and the amount they contribute to a game’s success is far and away more substantial than voice acting. Moreover, it’s not like voice actors have the kind of leverage they do when it comes to other forms of voice work. Creating a compelling animated feature without voice actors would be pretty difficult, but video games got along without voice acting just fine for years. On the other hand, the kind of video games that these publishers make don’t really exist without voice acting. Warner Bros. Interactive released the best Batman movies ever made. Those movies just happened to play out between segments of gameplay. Likewise, nobody ever played a Mass Effect game because it was a great shooter, they played it because it was a compelling work of science fiction driven by professional grade voice talent. And while developers may not get residuals, they do get steady salaries and benefits. Voice actors may only get paid for working for a few hours a month, but in between those recording sessions are hours of auditions, research, and training.

On the other other hand, that’s really just an argument for paying the voice actors more up-front. Doing the job has to be worth their time. If the developers are willing to offer higher base pay, then shouldn’t that be enough? On the other other other hand, getting residual payments for successful games may net voice actors more money, but only on the games that can afford to pay them more. This leaves the upfront cost lower, making voice acting a feature smaller games can afford to include. There is certainly room to see both sides. Voice actors are demanding uncommonly generous compensation for the video game industry while providing a service of questionable value. On the other hand, you get what you pay for. Unless these developers want to go back to text boxes or having programmers and relatives do the voice work for their games, they might have to play ball. I’m sure a compromise can be made that works for both sides. And if it can be made here, maybe there’s hope for the future resident of the White House. Travis Fischer is a news writer for Mid-America Publishing and doesn’t have a problem with text boxes.

Thank you for your vote

Thank you for your support in the election.

Jerry Tlach

SUSAN BANGERT Democrat District 4 State Senate

Paid for by Bangert Committee for State Senate Jackie Medin, Treasurer

Paid for by candidate

THANK YOU! For your continued support.


Paid for by Scott Dodd


For your subscription expiration date.

Help a Neighbor.

Thanks to All the Volunteers

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PEOPLE & EVENTS Opportunity Village invites public to participate in annual holiday activities 4a

The Leader • Wednesday, November 9, 2016

CLEAR LAKE - Area runners and walkers are invited to “turn the lights on” for Opportunity Village’s Festival of Trees celebration at the fourth annual Lights on 5K Run/Walk. Registration is now open for the Lights on 5K, scheduled Dec. 1, at 4:30 p.m. The run begins at The Other Place, 200 Hwy. 18, and follows streets throughout the Opportunity Village neighborhood in northwest Clear Lake. Participants are encouraged to dress in holiday lights and costumes. The run is a benefit for Opportunity Village. All proceeds from registration and donations will buy Christmas gifts for individuals with disabilities supported through the Village. Last year, the event raised more than $4,300 to buy for 71 people who wouldn’t otherwise have gifts under their tree.

Registration will run through Nov. 14. Cost is $20 per person, and will increase to $25 after Nov. 14. This event is sponsored by Wayne’s Ski and Cycle, WeCare Chiropractic, The Other Place, Splash MultiSport and Custom, Holmes Murphy and McKesson Corp. The Lights On 5K Run/Walk precedes Opportunity Village’s 21st annual Festival of Trees, scheduled Dec. 2-4. The festival features more than 100 decorated trees, wreaths

and swags on display and for sale. The fundraiser event kicks off with opening night on Friday, Dec. 2. Breakfast With Santa and family activities, including Secret Santa Workshop, will be on Saturday, Dec. 3. A cookie walk will be held on Sunday, Dec. 4. Proceeds from the Festival support individuals with disabilities receiving services from Opportunity Village. Information and tickets for Festival of Trees are available online at Tickets also are for sale at the Village General Store in Clear Lake or the Opportunity Village main office. Questions on both events may be directed to Jennifer Pinske at or 641-355-1356, or Gordon Peterson at gpeterson@ or 641-355-1247.

The North Iowa Area Community College John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center will conduct an Entrepreneur for a Day program (E4D®) for the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura 5th grade students on November 15 in Ventura and at NIACC on November 21. Over 70 students will participate in the two-session program that is sponsored by Reliance State Bank of Garner. The Entrepreneur for a Day (E4D®) program is dedicated to teaching 5th grade students the fundamental principles of entrepreneurship and how to start a business. Students learn the distinct differences between becoming an entrepreneur and being an employee. One of the goals of the program is to get

kids thinking about being a job creator versus a job taker. The program encourages them to view entrepreneurship as a viable career pathway and understand that passions can become vocations. During this two-session program, participants experience business planning, financial literacy, marketing concepts, work place concepts, social responsibility and team-building skills. This marks the first step in getting entrepreneurship education into the schools. During the first day, trained facilitators visit the students’ classroom and get them excited about the program by introducing terms and concepts of entrepreneurship. The second day, students are invited to

visit the NIACC campus where they choose a product, borrow money from a bank, buy resources they will need, make the product, then sell the product and determine if they made a profit. The visit concludes with a tour of NIACC which offers students a sense of campus life, diversity and validates college. Many of these students may be the first generation in their families to attend college, and the campus presence enables the students to make a post-secondary connection. Eighteen school districts and over 1,400 5th grade students in North Iowa will participate in E4D this school year. E4D is in its tenth year of working with students in this region.

5th graders learn about entrepreneurism

GHV High School 1 Quarter Honor Roll st

“A” Honor Roll (3.667 - 4.00) *= 4.00 9th Grade: Patrick Carew, *Samuel Childress, Mykenzie Darg, Cassidy Goodlund, Adam Heflin, Madeline Hinz, Sabrina Hoover, Alexia Kiss, Jacob Leerar, Stephenie Marzen, Hailey Mullins, Laura Oppedahl, Abigail Pannhoff, Makenah Patton, Raeleigh Pridmore, *Lucy Schmidt, Abigail Sokol, Samuel Umbarger, Jordan Upmeyer. 10th Grade: *Mara Anderson, Kylee Bannister, Kyle Bell, Amanda Bierle, Katie Boehnke, Bretta Carolus, Elexis Carrison, Grace Greiman, Dalton Hawe, Rachel Hejlik, *Droste Hennings, Jayden Hughes, Nathan Larson, Tyler Nielsen, Jace Pringnitz, Lucas Rayhons, Justin Reding, Paige Schnieders, *Tori Sloan, Brielle Smeby, Reece Smith, *Macey Spilman, *Nicole Upmeyer, Madison Williams, Sidney Wilson. 11th Grade: Jonah Albertson, *Taylor Bell, *Breanna Billings, Connor Burke, Ray Cataldo, Summer Eenhuis, Jillian Heitland, Adyson Hook, *Emily Howke, Nicholas Joynt, Abby Kale, *Tyler Kumsher, Jon Loeschen, Amidy Mego, Leah Meinders, *Ryan Meyers, Seth Miller, Tehya Mitchell, Ethan Nelson, Tyler Obermann, Bryce Olson, Star Pralle, *Colton Schroeder, *Alaina Scott, Alex Stadtlander, Madison Taft, Jack Van Dusseldorp, *Jacque-

line Van Oort, Hannah Wellik, Dane Whipple, Alexis Wirtz. 12th Grade: *Samara Ades, Rebekah Baxter, Katelyn Bierle, *Derek Brown, Olivia Carew, Austin Case, *Joshua Chizek, Candie Cueva, Logan Dalbeck, Tucker Datema, Andrew Dornbier, *Rachel Enright, Brandon Feuring, *Katheryn Groom, Kyle Hansen, *McKinley Hawe, Jasie Heitland, Patrick Henley, Holden Hutcheson, Clayton Johnson, Mallory Keech, *Carlie Knutson, *Brooklyn Laird, *Hannah Lau, *Kayla Leerar, Dylan Mahlstedt, Alan Mohlis, Federica Monteleone, Anastasia Nannenga, Johnathan O’Connor, Katelyn Oetken, *Paige Penning, Bailee Pitzenberger, Courtney Pletcher, Keegan Sassaman-Clark, Dustin Schlawin, *Lydia Seelhammer, Conner Shaw, Makaya Shropshire, *Haley Suby, Damian Swalve, *Chase Theobald, Grady Umbarger, Mackenzie Van Gerpen, Anna Williams, Katelyn Wilson.

“B” Honor Roll (3.00 - 3.666) 9th Grade: Isaac Bell, Brook Barkema, Isaac Bell, Nicholas Billings, Luke Brown, Bryce Cox, Nicholas Dyre, MacKenzie Feuring, Carlee Frayne, Andrew Furst, Dalton Graff, Luke Hansen, Nicholas Huinker, Ethan Kale, Ryan Kumsher, Ashley LaBounty, Camden Lau, Chase Moorehead, Madison Moretz,

November Classes & Events Nov. 1, 6:30 p.m. ............Winter Wellness Nov. 3, 6:30 p.m. ................Intro to Oils Nov. 5, 10 a.m. ...................Intro to Oils Nov. 10, 6:30 p.m. ..Chemical Free Home Nov. 12, 10:30 a.m. ............FOOD DAY

Nov. 19, 10 a.m.... Make & Take Chapstick Nov. 21, 6:30 p.m. ..........Winter Wellness Nov. 22, 6:30 p.m. ...........Supplements 1.0 Nov. 29, 6:30 p.m. ..............Intro to Oils

Located at 2460 Taft Ave., Garner FREE CLASSES taught by Cara Hall. Please RSVP at 319.325.7176

Construction & Overhead Door, Inc.


Cloey Nelson, Caleb Renner, McKenna Schuknecht, Molly Sperr, Hannah Swartout, Caleb Van Dusseldorp, Lauren Wirtz. 10th Grade: Katelynn Bannister, Dakota Burress, Juan Carranza, Bryant Cook, Megan Eastman, Payton Echelberger, Zachary Eichmann, Brianna Gamerdinger, Erik Goll, Jared Graham, Tricia Hall, Carlie Hannah, Jade Hanson, Jenna Hanson, Rachael Hanson, Alison Johnson, Leah Johnson, Janiya Jones, Holden Larson, Makayla Madsen, Dakota Markla, Matthew Martinson, Austin Mohlis, Ashley Moorehead, Megan Oetken, Sadie Oulman, Stephen Phillips, Jack Powers, Madison Schoneman, Kylee Smith, Trinity Smith, Caleb Swalve, Buck Weaver, Hannah Whelan. 11th Grade: Cade Bamrick, Taylor Barkema, Andrew Baumgard, Brooklyn Brown, Jarod Christie, Deserae Clevenger, Spencer Duregger, Spencer Formanek, Bailee Frayne, Taylor Gerdes, Samantha Hall, Blaine Hanson, Matthew Heinemann, Trevor Hrubes, Connor Kiss, Kaylee Mahlstedt, Ashley Markla, Daniela Milan, Kaitlin Miller, Chase Monson, Derek Neuberger, Kaylee Parris, Jade Pringnitz, Paige Rasmuson, Cherrice Risius, Anthony Sherwood, Rachel Sokol, Mattilynn Ulven, Morgan Westendorf, Emma Whelan, Tyler Wilson, Reva Winkelman. 12th Grade: Zachary Abbas, Riley Assing, Hailey Crowder, Cassidy Hannah, Juel Hanson, Micah Imel, Cameron Jackson, Miranda Jolly, Megan Jones, Nicholas Jones, Annemarie Kaczor, Ryley Kozisek, Dimitri Larsen, Jonah Nehl, Alexander Palmer, Chase Schilling, Parker Schnieders, Emily Siems, Mason Wirtz.

70th Birthday Card Shower honoring

Ron Brass whose special day is

Residential • Commerical • Agricultural

Sunday, November 13

Call Lincoln at 641-357-5575

Birthday greetings and well-wishes will reach him at #27 Wildridge Estates Garner, IA 50438

We Also Serivce & Repair All Brands of Garage Doors & Openers

101 North 8th St., Clear Lake, IA

GHV Character Counts

Submitted photo

Garner-Hayfield-Ventura intermediate students are learning about the Character Counts program. In October, students were nominated by teachers for exhibiting great character to peers and staff and treated to a free buffet at the Garner Pizza Ranch. Left-right: Kylie Poppy, Jenna Gerdes, Ty Groom, Krist Hejlik, (back) Ali Derr, Dakota Heginger and Mason Graham.

Submitted photo

November “Character Counts” winners at Garner-Hayfield-Ventura Intermediate School are: Carly Joynt, Kinzie Patton, Dalton Mills, Sam Roberts, Gavin Chambers and Zander Mary. They were treated to a Pizza Ranch buffet.


Wellik family welcomes baby girl

Jordan and Jessica Wellik, of Bondurant, Iowa, are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter, Audrey Clair Wellik, born on Tuesday, October 25, at 2:31 p.m. Audrey came into the world weighing 6 pounds 2 ounces and measured 19½ inches. Grandparents are Dan and Pam Kloser and Tom and Darsi Wellik, all of Garner.

9th Annual

Ethnic Bake Sale Saturday, Nov. 12 & Saturday, Dec. 3 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. St. Paul Lutheran Church 810 State St • Garner, Iowa To order lefse or kolaches ahead, call 641-923-3010

Also: Ethnic pastries & breads: kringla, flat bread, kavring, kolaches, pizelles, and more!


November 11, 12, 13 & 16 Jack Reacher: Never Go Back Starring: Tom Cruise, Cobie Smulders & Danika Yarosh Rated: PG-13 7:00 pm: Friday, Saturday & Wednesday 2:30 pm & 7:00 pm: Sunday 2D movies: Sunday Tickets for 2D 12 & Under: $2; Adults: $4 Tickets for 3D 12 & Under: $3; Adults: $5

Coming Attraction: Inferno Rated PG-13 115 1st Ave NE Clarion, IA 50525 515-602-6606 Check us out on Facebook

Proceedings: Garner

CITY OF GARNER COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UNAPPROVED MINUTES October 25, 2016 The City of Garner Council met in regular session on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Mick called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. ROLL CALL-Present: Denny Drabek, Marline Lewerke, Tim Schmidt, George Smith, Lynn Smith, Absent: none. Motion by Marline Lewerke seconded by Denny Drabek to approve the agenda as printed, carried unanimously. PUBLIC INPUT: Mayor Mick welcomed Spencer Formanek from the YIELD program and the following Boy Scouts who are working on their Citizenship in the Community merit badges: Dakota Burress, Jake Burress and Zach Feld. Motion by Tim Schmidt, seconded by Lynn Smith to approve the Consent Agenda items as follows, carried unanimously. • Minutes – October 11th regular meeting • Tax Abatement Request – Cheryl Farris @ 435 W. 11th • Approve the September Golf Course Financials Following and update from Mike Danburg, project engineer with SEH there was a motion by Denny Drabek, seconded by George to approve change order #1 to Concrete Foundations Inc in the amount of $2,640 for repairs to several field tiles on the Touchstone RISE Project, carried unanimously. Motion by George Smith, seconded by Marline Lewerke to approve pay request #1 to Concrete Foundations, Inc for work on the Touchstone RISE project in the amount of $118,842.80, carried unanimously. Motion by George Smith, seconded by Tim Schmidt to approve a request from Duane

Hutchinson @ 1140 Maben to connect his sump pump discharge to a storm sewer intake, carried unanimously. Andy Buffington, Hancock County Emergency Management Coordinator, discussed the possibility of Hancock County and Winnebago County combining their E911 dispatching. Hancock County Sheriff Scott Dodd reviewed the possibility of Hancock County contracting with Winnebago County for jail services. Following a review of IA DOT Director Paul Trombino’s letter and comments shared by residents there was a motion by George Smith, seconded by Marline Lewerke to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance #418 AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF GARNER BY CREATING CHAPTER 74 ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES AND OFF-ROAD UTILITY VEHICLES, Ayes: Marline Lewerke, Tim Schmidt, George Smith, Lynn Smith, Nays: Denny Drabek. OTHER BUSINESS: Items discussed included: • Continued updates at each Council meeting regarding drainage projects • Drew Sweers, V&K, gave an update on both storm sewer projects • Councilman George Smith thanked the Golf Course Foundation members for their help with the recent District Cross Country meet • City Clerk Daisy Huffman gave an update on recent conference attended • Chief Tom Kozisek’s Open House is Monday, October 31st 1-3pm • Conflicts with the Special meeting set up to meet with a developer – will reschedule Meeting adjourned 8:15pm Kenton L. Mick, Mayor Daisy Huffman, City Clerk Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016

NEW LYRIC THEATRE—BELMOND, IA Showing November 11-17


When Robert Langdon wakes up in an Italian hospital with amnesia, he teams up with Dr. Sienna Brooks, and together they must race across Europe against the clock to foil a deadly global plot.

Ticket Prices Shows Daily at 7:30 p.m. Adult - $3; 15 & Under - $2



Wednesday, November 9, 2016 • The



Hancock County Memorial Hospital named among ‘Best Hospital’

ASAP hosts prescription drug drop-off day

Rebecca Peter | The Leader

ASAP (Allies for Substance Abuse Prevention) hosted a prescription drug drop-off day at Britt on Saturday, Nov. 5. Residents can securely deposit their unused, expired or unwanted prescription medicines in the MedReturn box located at the Britt Police Department. ASAP Director Karie Terhark, Britt Police Chief Dan Cummings and Sandy Rayhons, ASAP Coordinator also handed out information about the importance of proper drug disposal.

BRITT – Hancock County Memorial Hospital made the list of “Best Hospitals” in the 2017 edition of the U.S. News and World Report for successfully meeting performance measures in the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association “Get With the Guidelines” quality improvement program. HCMH obtained Silver Achievement in the area of heart failure. Hospitals included in this category were recognized for 12 consecutive months of 85 percent or higher adherence on all achievement measures applicable to heart failure. Consistent adherence to these treatment guidelines has been shown to have a tangible impact on patients’ lives. “This is a tribute to (HCMH’s) dedication to providing the very highest level of patient care,” said Nancy Brown, chief executive officer of the American Heart Association /American Stroke Association. “We applaud (HCMH) and its team for contributing to our mission of building healthier lives, free of car-

Ann Loges

Jeffry Stampohar

diovascular disease and stroke.” Iowa had nine hospitals named to the list. HCMH was the only critical access hospital to be mentioned. Other hospitals on the list are located in Iowa City, Des Moines, Dubuque and Sioux City. “So it’s true. Big things can come in small packages,” said Ann Loges, HCMH’s quality director. “We are very honored. It is a huge attribute to the entire HCMH team’s dedication

and focus.” “This is great news for all those who seek heart care at Hancock County Memorial Hospital. I am extremely proud to work in an organization where the medical team comes in every day and performs at such a high level and provides quality care while also demonstrating compassion to our patients and families,” said Jeff Stampohar, CEO, HCMH.

Plan for holiday visits with older adults

By Barbara Dunn Swanson and Laura Sternweis, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach AMES, Iowa - A visit from family and friends during the holidays can make life better for older adults in care facilities. Barbara Dunn Swanson, a human sciences specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, suggests planning ahead to make the most of these visits. Swanson, who specializes in family life issues, offers tips for safe and healthy visits with older friends and relatives. Start by planning ahead. “As you begin to plan your visit, call the facility and check the visiting hours before you contact your older friend or relative,” Swanson said. “That way you will ensure that you’ll have enough time to visit with your loved one without interfering with medical treatments or other activities. This also gives your loved one time to anticipate and look forward to your visit. “If you are planning to visit someone in specialized care, call ahead to make sure you understand visiting hours and regulations. They may differ from those in the rest of the facility,” Swanson added. Bring children. “Children add a special kind of cheer to care centers and hospitals, so certainly bring them along. But check with the facility first to make sure children are

allowed and under what conditions,” Swanson said. Prepare children for the visit by explaining what they might see and answering their questions. Encourage them to bring a favorite toy or book. Older loved ones may enjoy the experience of watching young children play, Swanson said. Share the gift of fellowship. “Your visit is the best gift you can give someone in a care facility. During your time together, you can tell your loved one stories, read a humorous book aloud or share photographs of past holidays,” Swanson said. Remember to sit close. Offer a hug

M & LMonte ENTERPRISES & Lee Hefty

Used Cars/Repair/Tires/Towing 1185 York Ave., Renwick, Iowa 515-824-3655



Thank you to the Hancock County Foundation for their grant donation to the City of Corwith for assisting on the demolition of a hazardous house.

Kanawha Firefighters Annual

Wreath Sale 20” with red velvet bow & cones


Reserve your wreaths at the Soup Supper Nov. 18

or to hold hands. Touch has a tremendous impact on the physical and emotional need to feel connected to others. “Pay attention and take cues from the person you’re visiting about how long to stay. If you leave too early, you may not hear their concerns or the visit may be forgotten. If the visit is too long, your loved one may become tired,” Swanson said. Limit the number of people who are visiting at one time. Some individuals may become more confused or anxious with large numbers of visitors at the same time. “A visit to the care facility is a wonderful gift, but when possible, plan a day ‘out’ suited to your loved one’s interests, health and strength, and your ability to handle his or her needs. If the excursion is well planned, your loved one may be able to enjoy a day away,” Swanson said. She suggests that those who want to bring a gift for their loved one consider the following: a large, colorful calendar to help the person keep a sense of time; music the person would enjoy; personal toiletries, tissues or a decorative tissue holder; books or magazines in large print; flowers or a new plant; stamps and cards with pre-addressed envelopes; a gift certificate to the hair salon; specialized clothing, or socks or slippers with non-skid surfaces; a large-face or talking clock; a puzzle; or craft sup-

plies. The care facility staff may have suggestions on gifts as well. Always check with staff before bringing food. If it’s okay to bring food, choose appropriate and health conscious snacks. Stay home if not feeling well. Care center residents and hospital patients can be at higher risk for infection. If children are sick or not feeling well, don’t bring them along for the visit. “Likewise, if you have a cold or the flu, stay home,” Swanson said. “ In these instances, a phone call is a better way to let your loved one know you care. If possible, you can set up a later time to visit when you are well.”

The Local Markets

NORTH CENTRAL CO-OP - KANAWHA 641-762-3251 or 800-640-3716 DATE

31-Oct 01-Nov 02-Nov 03-Nov 04-Nov


3.10 3.04 3.01 3.03 3.04


3.45 3.41 3.39 3.41 3.42


9.24 9.06 8.98 9.01 9.03


9.24 9.13 9.08 9.12 9.12

Thank You! The members of West Hancock Ambulance Service would like to thank the following for donations to our service during the months of September and October 2016: Donations from Britt Draft Horse Association. Memorials for Bill Malek, Marvin Klipping, Steven Schaper, Melvin Pergande, Delos Smith, Genevieve Seebeck and Jerry Hobscheidt.

Thank you all very much!


ANNUAL SOUP SUPPER FRIDAY - NOVEMBER 18 - 5:00 TO 7:00 PM Kanawha Fire Station Freewill Donations Requested


West Hancock School Calendar

Wednesday, Nov. 9 ......................................................Booster Club, 5:30 pm Thursday, Nov. 10 ............... ASVAB at HS Multi-purpose Room, 8:30 am ....................................7th Boys BB at Belmond-Klemme HS, 4:15 pm ........................................ 8th Boys BB vs. Belmond-Klemme, 4:15 pm Friday, Nov. 11 ......................... Veterans Day Program in Kanawha, 10 am ......................................... Veterans Day Program at HS Gym, 2:30 pm ................................................................... 7th-8th Fun Night, 7:30-9 pm Saturday, Nov. 12 ........... NCIBA Honor Band 7th-8th at John Adams MS .................................................... TIC Quiz Bowl at Bishop Garrigan Monday, Nov. 14 .................................................Boys Winter Season Begins ............................ 7th Boys BB at Garner-Hayfield-Ventura, 4:15 pm ............................8th Boys BB vs Garner-Hayfield-Ventura, 4:15 pm ..........................................................................Music Boosters, 7 pm Tuesday, Nov. 15.........V Girls BB Scrimmage vs. CAL Comm., etc., 6 pm Wednesday, Nov. 16...................................................... 2 Hour Early Dismissal Thursday, Nov. 17 .......................................... Iowa All-State Festival at Ames ......................................... 7th & 8th Boys BB at Eagle Grove, 4:15 pm

Sponsored by:

Kanawha Weather Report ISU Northern Research Farm

Matt Schnabel, Superintendent 2016 High Low Precip. 31-Oct. 56.73 40.99 01-Nov. 69.28 38.60 02-Nov. 63.91 43.18 03-Nov. 68.18 35.10 04-Nov. 71.85 34.74 05-Nov. 72.90 36.61 06-Nov 67.26 40.03 -

Nate Burk (641) 425-9038

Adjust spacing if early deadline week, may only have 4-5 days, the following week will have 9-10.

Kanawha Community Calendar

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 ... Clinic open 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. ... Library open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, November 10, 2016 ... Library closed ... Garbage pick-up & Recycling Friday, November 11, 2016 ... Clinic closed on Fridays ... Library open 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ... Adult Book Club at Library, 10 a.m., to discuss “On Strike for Christmas” by Sheila Roberts Saturday, November 12, 2016 ... Library open 9 a.m. to Noon. Sunday, November 13, 2016 ... Church Services throughout Kanawha. See the church directory each week for details. Monday, November 14, 2016 ... Library open 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 15, 2016 ... Clinic open 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. This Calendar Provided by

Ewing Funeral Homes Kanawha • Britt • Clarion



The Leader • Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Rick Ermer Photo

1st Team All District, L-R: Dane Whipple, Connor Burke, Chase Theobald, Conner Shaw, Grady Umbarger, Nick Joynt. Not Pictured: Jack VanDusseldorp.

Rick Ermer Photo

Academic All District, L-R: Colton Schroeder, Tyler Kumsher, Connor Burke, Ryan Meyers, Dane Whipple, Clay johnson, Chase Theobald, Josh Chizek, Conner Shaw, Nick Joynt.

Cardinals receive all-district football honors Football coaches from Class 2A District Two have released their all-district selections to recognize the district’s top players. GHV was well represented on the all-district lists with seven Cardinals being named to the first team roster. Five additional players were listed as Honorable Mention selections while 11 GHV athletes were named to the Academic All-District roster. Three GHV seniors completed their careers with first-team all-district recognition. Grady Umbarger and Chase Theobald earned their spots with outstanding defensive play while Conner Shaw repeated as a first team running back. Joining the three seniors were juniors Dane

Whipple, Jack Van Dusseldorp, Nick Joynt and Connor Burke. Umbarger and Theobald led a very successful Cardinal defensive unit. Grady was credited with nine tackles-for-loss while finishing the season with 24 solo tackles and 43.5 total tackles. Theobald recorded 32 solo tackles, 41 total tackles and a pass interception. Meanwhile Shaw was GHV’s rushing leader, finishing the season with 996 yards for an average of 4.9 yards per carry. Maybe some of the hardest working but least recognized players on a football team are the guys in the trenches playing on the line. Whipple and Van Dusseldorp did gain the attention of opposing coaches with

Monday Bago League October 24 1 Super Bowl 20.5 11.5 2 Unicover 18.5 13.5 3 Jordahl Jems 18 14 4 National Purity 16 16 5 Duane Malek Const. 14 18 Team Scratch Game: 643 Unicover, 620 National Purity, 583 Super Bowl. Scratch Game: 191 Sandy Newby, 179 Ronda Francis, 172 Ruth Ann Torgerson. Team Scratch Series: 1709 Unicover, 1685 National Purity, 1626 Super Bowl. Scratch Series: 529 Sandy Newby, 468 Brenda Boss, 438 Lois Purcell. Team Handicap Game: 823 Unicover, 808 Duane Malek Const., 802 National Purity. Handicap Game: 216 Ruth Ann Torgerson, 216 Vallie Martin, 215 Lynn Savoy. Team Handicap Series: 2261 Duane Malek Const., 2249 Unicover, 2241 Super Bowl. Handicap Series: 599 Bev Malek, 592 Colleen Rout, 587 Sheri Harpestad.

Wednesday Super Bowl October 26 1 The Bad Sandbaggers 276 124 2 10th Frame 243.5 156.5 3 Singlestad Hardware 237.5 162.5 4 Thompson Roofing 223 177 5 Super Bowl 211 189 6 FCA-VIP 195 205 7 Chrysler of FC 177.5 222.5 8 WCTA 169.5 230.5 9 We Five 163 237 Team Scratch Game: 1101 The Bad Sandbaggers, 1072 10th Frame, 992 Thompson Roofing. Scratch Game: Men – 290 Roger Harford, 289 Jeff Haugen, 289 Josh Shankland; Women – 172 Nikki Trunkhill, 145 Cheryl Bakken, 135 Jessica Severin. Team Scratch Series: 3110 The Bad Sandbaggers, 2926 10th Frame, 2848 Thompson Roofing. Scratch Series: Men – 804 Roger Harford, 674 Shawn Torgerson, 664 Jeff Haugen; Women – 471 Nikki Trunkhill, 426 Cheryl Bakken, 324 Cindy McClement. Team Handicap Game: 1243 Chrysler of FC, 1232 The Bad Sandbaggers, 1206 10th Frame. Handicap Game: Men – 326 Josh Shankland, 303 Jeff Haugen, 290 Roger Harford; Women – 249 Jessica Severin, 228 Nikki Trunkhill, 217 Kathy Peterson. Team Handicap Series: 3503 The Bad Sandbaggers, 3328 10th Frame, 3325 Thompson Roofing. Handicap Series: Men – 804 Roger Harford, 724 Joel Christianson, 721 Heath Weber; Women – 639 Nikki Trunkhill, 624 Cindy McClement, 622 Kathy Peterson.

Rick Emer Photo

Honorable Mention All District, L-R: Connor Burke, Zach Abbas, Dylan Mahlstedt. Not pictured: Anthony Sherwood, Tucker Datema.

Bowling Results

Tuesday Industrial Mixed League October 25 1 Singelstad Hardware 276 124 2 Super Bowl 256.5 143.5 3 Schmidt Happens 248 152 4 Kohner’s Korner 223.5 176.5 5 FC Motel 221.5 178.5 6 All Stars 217.5 182.5 7 Split Happens 181.5 218.5 8 Eye of the Griffin 175 225 9 TSB 146.5 253.5 Team Scratch Game: 1069 Singelstad Hardware, 1048 Kohner’s Korner, 946 TSB. Scratch Game: Men – 256 Ty Hermanson, 247 Roger Harford, 236 Jeremy Sveen; Women – 225 Nikki Trunkhill, 223 Becky Stumme, 193 Alma Walker. Team Scratch Series: 2999 Kohner’s Korner, 2816 Singelstad Hardware, 2586 Super Bowl. Scratch Series: Men – 695 Roger Harford, 637 Jeremy Sveen, 602 Denny Schmidt, 602 Ty Hermanson; Women – 537 Nikki Trunkhill, 514 Becky Stumme, 489 Shelly Turner. Team Handicap Game: 1224 Singelstad Hardware, 1197 TSB, 1174 Kohner’s Korner. Handicap Game: Men – 292 Ty Hermanson, 262 Denny Schmidt, 259 Ron Kvale; Women – 274 Nikki Trunkhill, 267 Becky Stumme, 246 Alma Walker. Team Handicap Series: 3377 Kohner’s Korner, 3369 Super Bowl, 3296 All Stars. Handicap Series: Men – 749 Ron Kvale, 710 Denny Schmidt, 710 Ty Hermanson; Women – 684 Nikki Trunkhill, 678 Shelley Turner, 646 Becky Stumme.

Wednesday Powder Puff October 26 1 GES Who 20 12 2 Lake Mills Pump 18 14 3 Jordahl Jems 18 14 4 Black Hills Energy 16 16 5 Forest City Auto 13 19 6 Twedt Financial 11 21 Team Scratch Game: 543 Jordahl Jems, 399 GES Who, 389 Black Hills Energy. Scratch Game: 204 Linda Jordahl, 177 Carmin Thorson, 168 Sue Ostrander. Team Scratch Series: 1330 Jordahl Jems, 1152 GES Who, 1097 Lake Mills Pump. Scratch Series: 552 Linda Jordahl, 446 Janice Colby, 414 Evelyn Knudtson. Team Handicap Game: 671 Jordahl Jems, 582 Black Hills Energy, 578 GES Who. Handicap Game: 238 Carmin Thorson, 221 Marion Lenz, 221 Ramona Eggum. Team Handicap Series: 1714 Jordahl Jems, 1689 GES Who, 1662 Black Hills Energy. Handicap Series: 598 Janet Bergo, 591 Linda Jordahl, 582 Evelyn Knudtson, 582 Corinne Shirk.

Thursday Night League October 27 1 Heath’s Computer 25 15 2 Sh-Boom’s 25 15 3 Strike Harder 16 24 4 Fred’s Girls 14 26 Team Scratch Game: 661 Heath’s Computer, 584 Sh-Boom’s, 568 Fred’s Girls. Scratch Game: Men – 169 Heath Heimer, 161 Brett McClement, 153 Eli Bruns; Women – 178 Kristi Silva, 172 Donna Erickson, 172 Alisia Bruns. Team Scratch Series: 1710 ShBoom’s, 1706 Heath’s Computer, 1629 Fred’s Girls. Scratch Series: Men – 464 Heath Heimer, 463 Brett McClement, 402 Eli Bruns; Women – 506 Donna Erickson, 484 Sue Byro, 432 Kristi Silva, 432 Alisia Bruns. Team Handicap Game: 916 Heath’s Computer, 848 Sh-Boom’s, 826 Strike Harder. Handicap Game: Men – 232 Cody Michael, 220 Heath Heimer, 218 Matt Clark; Women – 249 Alisia Bruns, 238 Kristi Silva, 232 Donna Erickson, 232 Karen Usher. Team Handicap Series: 2502 Sh-Boom’s, 2471 Heath’s Computer, 2406 Strike Harder. Handicap Series: Men – 642 Matt Clark, 617 Heath Heimer, 613 Brett McClement; Women – 686 Donna Erickson, 667 Sue Byro, 663 Alisia Bruns.

Friday Mixed League October 28 1 Three Plagges and a C 36 4 2 Eddy’s Glass 23 17 3 Six to Nine 19 21 4 Pocket Pounders 19 21 5 Wonderboys 18 22 6 CJ Paint 17 23 7 Go 4 Ten 14 26 8 Mighty Tiggers 13 27 Team Scratch Game: 797 Three Plagges and a C, 645 Pocket Pounders, 619 CJ Paint. Scratch Game: Men – 256 Jordy Plagge, 256 Heath Weber, 232 Scott Plagge; Women – 187 Alma Walker, 171 Cari Bolie, 160 Raven McClement. Team Scratch Series: 2252 Three Plagges and a C, 1839 Pocket Pounders, 1761 Wonderboys. Scratch Series: Men – 713 Jordy Plagge, 679 Heath Weber, 651 Scott Plagge; Women – 482 Cari Bolie, 474 Alma Walker, 395 Cassie Anderson. Team Handicap Game: 960 Three Plagges and a C, 919 CJ Paint, 899 Go 4 Ten. Handicap Game: Men – 283 Jim Oxley, 280 Heath Weber, 257 Jordy Plagge; Women – 246 Cari Bolie, 244 Cindy McClement, 243 Cassie Anderson. Team Handicap Series: 2741 Three Plagges and a C, 2589 CJ Paint, 2542 Eddy’s Glass. Handicap Series: Men – 751 Heath Weber, 716 Jordy Plagge, 711 Scott Plagge; Women – 707 Cari Bolie, 695 Cindy McClement, 653 Cassie Anderson.

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their play during the season with Dane earning first team honors on the offensive line and Jack getting recognition as a defensive lineman. Joynt and Burke completed the list of GHV’s first team selections. Nick earned a spot as a utility player while Connor was selected as the district’s top kicker. Burke’s versatility was recognized as the junior defensive end also earned Honorable Mention honors for that position. Connor recorded 11 solo tackles and 21.5 total tackles for the year. Seniors Tucker Datema, Dylan Mahlstedt and Zach Abbas were also listed on the Honorable Mention roster. Datema and Abbas were recognized for their play on the

line as offensive lineman and defensive end while Mahlstedt was listed as a utility player. Completing the list of Honorable Mention players was junior tight end Anthony Sherwood. It has become customary for coaches to recognize athletes for their efforts in the classroom. Earning this honor as Academic All-District performers from GHV were Ryan Meyers, Colton Schroeder, Nick Joynt, Connor Burk, Jack Van Dusseldorp, Dane Whipple, Tyler Kumsher, Chase Theobald, Conner Shaw, Clay Johnson and Josh Chizek. The Leader Sports department would like to congratulate these GHV athletes for their achievements both on the field and in the classroom.

Rick Ermer Photo

GHV Volleyball Top of Iowa Conference-West all Conference. L-R Carlie Knutson (Honorable Mention), Bailee Frayne (2nd Team), Mackenzie VanGerpen (1st Team), Hannah Lau (1st Team).

Four Cardinals earn TIC honors Three GHV seniors along with a junior received post-season recognition after being named to the Top of Iowa Conference West Division volleyball elite teams. The Cardinals finished with a conference record of 5 – 3 to finish third overall in the league standings, a significant improvement over last season’s 2 – 6 mark. Lake Mills and Forest City were the TIC champion and runner-up. GHV’s one-two punch of seniors Mackenzie Van Gerpen and Hannah Lau were both named to the TIC West First team roster. Van Gerpen, an outside hitter for the Cards, completed the conference season with impressive numbers both at the net and defensively that resulted in her being a unanimous selection. Mackenzie tallied 77 kills, 73 digs and 15 ace serves in league play. As a middle hitter, Lau was also a force at the net, scoring 84 kills with 55 digs and 10 ace serves. Cardinal coach Kelsey Steffens noted that Van Gerpen obviously impressed opposing coaches as evidenced by her unanimous selection. “Mackenzie is a talented all-around volleyball player that is able to play many different positions extremely well. Although Mackenzie is an outside hitter, to best help our team, she played one rotation as a middle hitter and in the back row played all three rotations as middle back. Her ability to mix up her skill set helped contribute to our team’s success. In the Top of Iowa West Conference Mackenzie finished top ten in kill efficiency, kills, digs, and ace serves. Mackenzie will finish her high school career with 737 kills (third in GHV history), a kill efficiency per set of 2.62 (fourth in GHV history), a kill efficiency of 0.204 (eighth in GHV history), and 544 digs (fourth in GHV history). Steffens was also pleased to sum-

First Citizens Bank First State Bank Hancock County Coop Oil Assn. Hancock County Health System IMT Jaspersen Insurance & Real Estate Ltd. Kanawha Equipment Kramer Ace Hardware Law Offices of Earl W. Hill McNeese Tire & Automotive

marize Lau’s accomplishments. “As an all-around middle hitter and four-year letter winner Hannah brought tremendous experience to the team. Her presence in the front row was well-noted as she was successful both on offense and defense. Hannah was able to run and execute a complex offense. In the Top of Iowa West Conference Hannah finished ninth in kill efficiency and second in kills. Hannah is our new record holder in career kills at GHV, with a total of 902 (Emily Mathews had 749 kills). She will also finish her career with 2.96 kills per set (second in GHV history), 0.258 in kill efficiency (fifth in GHV history), and 178 blocks (seventh in GHV history). Junior setter Bailee Frayne was named to the TIC West second team list. As the team’s primary setter Bailee was credited with 143 assists in conference play with 29 digs and 13 ace serves. “Bailee’s work ethic was evident this year as she did a nice job of getting the ball to our hitters,” noted Steffens. “In the Top of Iowa West Conference, Bailee finished fourth in assists with 143 and tied for eighth in ace serves with thirteen. Along with Bailee’s offense, she offered up a strong block for opposing teams’ outside hitters.” GHV’s fourth player earning post-season honors was senior outside hitter Carlie Knutson. Carlie, listed as an Honorable Mention performer, was a versatile member of the Cardinal squad. Knutson recorded 37 kills, seven ace serves and 63 digs in league games. “Carlie was a valuable member of the team this year,” remarked Coach Steffens. “Her energy, positive attitude, and determination helped the team be successful this year. Both in practices and in competition, Carlie was a great team-

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mate and because of that has earned the E. Wayne Cooley Award for the GHV team. The award goes to an athlete who shows the elements of good character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship). It is given to an athlete who influenced their team in a positive manner while demonstrating great character.” A complete listing of the TIC West Division all conference volleyball rosters follows. TIC West Final Team Standings Lake Mills 8 Forest City 7 GHV 5 North Union 5 North Iowa 4 Bishop Garrigan 4 Belmond-Klemme 2 West Hancock 1 Eagle Grove 0 TIC West First Team Mackenzie Van Gerpen* GHV Lexi Groe* LM Hailey Borgmeyer* LM Brea Dillavou FC Joslin Dillavou FC Olivia Marlow NU Hannah Anderson FC Robyn Bowman LM Hannah Lau GHV * denotes unanimous TIC West Second Team Whitney Hovey BG Ryleigh Lillquist FC Jackee Meyer BK Mallory Wilhelm LM Dana Bauman LM Bailee Frayne GHV Anna Ingalls NU Krista Schutter NI Kelsey Koch FC TIC West Honorable Mention Natalee Dippel BK Jenna Boelter BG Maci Pickering EG Cora Holland FC Carlie Knutson GHV Ashley Groe LM Rachel Hassebroek NI Kate Anderson NU Amanda Chizek WH

0 1 3 3 4 4 6 7 8 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 10 12 11 12 10 12 11 12 11 9


Kristi Nixon photo

West Hancock’s Colton Francis (42) breaks free for a long run to roll up some of his 194 ground yards in the Eagles’ Class A quarterfinal game on Friday, Nov. 4.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 • The

Kristi Nixon photo

West Hancock’s MaCoy Yeakel is dragged out of bounds after a 15-yard reception for an Eagles’ first down in their final drive of the game on Friday night.



Kristi Nixon photo

West Hancock linebacker Glen Smith (65) pursues Algona Garrigan quarterback Brad Capesius in the first half of the Eagles Class A state quarterfinal game at Algona.

Two-minute drill falls short for Eagles

ALGONA – Two minutes, 32 seconds showed on the clock and West Hancock needed to go 97 yards. The Eagles took to the air and reached the Algona Garrigan 20-yard line with a chance to reach the Class A state semifinal football round at stake. Three straight passes were incomplete in the end zone and a last gasp fourth down pass was picked off with only 12 seconds left as West Hancock fell 12-8 to its rival on Friday, Nov. 4 at Algona. “When you are on the losing side, you always second-guess yourself,� West Hancock coach Bob Sanger said. “Maybe we could have gone a little quicker with the pistol because they weren’t covering anything at all. “We got some things to happen, but toward the end there, they were covering us ... it’s just sour grapes as far as my part, but we were getting knocked around pretty good on some of those plays.� The two teams traded possessions a total of 10 times, including turnovers on interceptions and back-to-back fumbles before West Hancock put together a 15play drive that was capped by Colton Francis’ 10-yard touchdown run. Jordan Weiland ran in the twopoint conversion and the Eagles led 8-0 into the half as they scored with just 35 seconds left until the break. It looked like it was going to be more of the same in the second half as both teams traded possessions, but after Garrigan running back Gibson Behr appeared to be injured, halting play for a few minutes, he went off and then the Golden Bears took off. Garrigan quarterback Brad Capesius completed a 27-yard pass to Joel

Vaske and fullback Grant Buscherfeld rumbled for 18 more on the next play. Behr returned to the game, lost a yard on first-and-goal from the 7-yard line, but then gained three and Buscherfeld took the next two carries, including the score on fourth-and-goal from the 1. But West Hancock retained the 8-6 lead with the two-point pass by Capesius falling incomplete. The Eagles were forced to go 3-andout on their next possession and that is when Garrigan put together the goahead drive. Again, both teams traded possessions before Vaske’s punt rolled down to the three. That is when Dylan Eckels started throwing the ball and getting the Eagles downfield. One of the biggest pass plays was a 41-yarder to Ben Eisenman as well as a 15-yard completion to MaCoy Yeakel. Eckels even came through on fourth down-and-five with a five-yard completion to Eisenman, who went out of bounds to conserve the clock. But the next three attempts into the end zone missed the target and his final fourth down attempt was intercepted by Behr. “We were expecting to win, but we knew it was going to be a tough ball game, we knew it wasn’t going to be anything easy about it,� Sanger said. “We scored once in the first half and they scored twice in the second half. We should have been able to score at least once in the second half and we didn’t. That is the difference in the ball game. “That doesn’t make us any less proud of our kids. Our kids played so hard. They’ve done so well all year long and gone through a lot of obstacles. They wanted this one pretty bad and didn’t get it.� Francis finished with 194 yards on

24 carries and the touchdown. Eckels was 8-of-17 passing for 92 yards. Seven of his eight completions were on the final drive. “I’m very proud of our kids,� Sanger said. “I think our kids are probably... the least character person was me tonight. Some calls should have been made. The pass interference stuff, they were knocking us around pretty good when the ball was in the air. That is what was upsetting about it.� Sanger, who just completed his 49th season at the helm of the Eagles and has the field bearing his name, plans to be back for season 50 in 2017. West Hancock completes the season at 8-3. Algona Garrigan 12, West Hancock 8

West Hancock’s Dylan Eckels accepts the Class A state playoff trophy after the Eagles’ season ended in a 12-8 loss to Algona Garrigan on Friday, Nov. 4. (Kristi Nixon photo)

338 State St., Garner • 923-9936 Michigan at Iowa

Wednesday is Ladies Day

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Rushing (Att-Yds-TDs) – WH, Colton Francis 24-194-1, Jordan Weiland 1442-0, MaCoy Yeakel 1-6-0, Dylan Eckels 6-(13)-0. AG, Gibson Behr 26-89-0, Grant Buscherfeld 16-45-1, Brad Capesius 7-7-1, Max Patkins 2-4-0. Passing (Att.-Comp.-Yds-TD-INT) – WH, Eckels 8-17-92-0-3, Weiland 1-1-3-0-0. AG, Capesius 2-6-31-0-1, Behr 1-1-37-0-0. Receiving (Catches-Yds-TDs) – WH, Ben Eisenman 2-47-0, Yeakel 2-21-0, Caleb Eckels 2-10-0, Nick Lemmons 1-10-0, Weiland 1-4-0, D. Eckels 1-3-0. AG, Joel Vaske 2-64-0, Behr 1-4-0. Tackles (Solo-Asst-Total) – WH, Weiland 10-9-14.5, Eisenman 5-4-7, Hunter Hagen 2-6-5, Cameron Clark 2-5-4.5, Glen Smith 3-2-4. AG, Chase Winkel 5-8-9, Buscherfeld 3-8-7, Vaske 4-4-6, Behr 3-3-4.5, Nicholas Mergen 2-44. TFL – WH, Weiland 3.5, Hagen 1.5, Eisenman, Bryce Buren 0.5, Francis 0.5. AG, Winkel. Sacks – WH, Hagen .5, Smith .5. AG, Winkel. Fumble recoveries – WH, Smith. AG, Vaske. Interceptions – WH, Yeakel. AG, Behr, Hatten.

VaPrizes arrLe oot y l i in m e r Erizes a ot Leade P

Butler University at Drake

North Iowa News - Information - Events

AG 13 51-145 67 5-38 1-1 3-25




WH 12 45-229 95 3-41.3 1-1 4-40

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West Hancock...................... 0 8 0 0 - 8 Algona Garrigan................... 0 0 6 6 - 12 Second quarter WH – 0:35.8 Colton Francis 10 run (Jordan Weiland run). Third quarter AG – 6:09 Grant Buscherfeld 1 run (pass fail). Fourth quarter AG – 10:39 Brad Capesius 1 run (run fail).

First downs Rushes-yds Passing Punting ave. Fumbles-lost Penalties

22. Shopper Review News __________________________ Tie Breaker: “Game of the Week� total points scored. * indicates game of the week. Total Points________ NAME __________________________________________

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ADDRESS_________________PHONE _______________ CITY ___________________________________________ Highland CC at Ellsworth CC

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The Leader • Wednesday, November 9, 2016


North Iowa Coin, Stamp & Currency Show to be held Nov 13


Carol Elizabeth Omans

GARNER – Carol E. Omans, 75, of Garner died Friday, November 4, 2016 at her home in Garner. Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, November 9 at the United Methodist Church in Garner Carol Elizabeth Omans with Rev. Paul Evans officiating. Burial was in Concord Township Cemetery. Visitation was held on Tuesday, November 8 at the Cataldo Funeral Chapel, 160 E. 4th St., in Garner with a VFW Auxiliary service “place” at 4:45 p.m. photo here Carol Elizabeth Omans, the daughter of Leo and Agnes (Massoth) Collins, was born January 14, 1941 in Iola, Kansas. She grew up in rural Piqua, Kan. Carol graduated from St. Mary High School in Wichita, Kan. in 1958. 1941-2016 On August 13, 1960, she was married Services: to John Omans in Piqua. They lived in 10:30 a.m., Nov. 9 several places throughout the United United Methodist Church States while John was in the military. Arrangements by: In 1970, they moved to Garner where Cataldo Funeral Home they raised their family. Carol was Garner, Iowa employed at Home Federal Savings and Loan in Algona and Garner for a few years before starting Carol’s Tax and Accounting, which she operated in Garner until her passing. She enjoyed playing golf, cards and socializing with friends. Carol served her community from November of 1975 to 1986 as the first female city council member and mayor pro-tem for the City of Garner. She was a member of the Garner Golf and Country Club, Women’s Golf Association, Garner Chamber of Commerce and was a lifetime member of the Garner VFW Auxiliary. Carol is survived by her three children, Steve (Lori) Meyer of Kingman, Kan., Jeff (Carrie) Omans of Garner and Debbie Omans of California; eight grandchildren, Joshua (Aimee) Omans, Megan (Chris) Dominick, Clinton Meyer, Scott Meyer, Nicholas Meyer, Steven Omans, Latasha Rudd and Latesha (Jared) Murphy; three great grandchildren; seven siblings, Thomas (Janet) Collins of Garden Valley, Idaho, Marilyn Seward of Iola, Kan., James Collins of Thayer, Kan., Marlene Laird of Richmond, Kan., John (JoAn) Collins of Mason City, George Collins of Piqua, Kan. and Patrick (Norma) Collins of Piqua; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; and husband, John, January 4, 2015. Cataldo Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Obituaries ∏

Dale Eugene Pringnitz

GARNER – Dale E. Pringnitz, 68, of Garner died Friday, November 4, 2016 at Mercy Medical Center - North Iowa in Mason City. Funeral services were held at 4 p.m., on Sunday, November 6, at the United Presbyterian Church in Garner with Dale Eugene Pringnitz The Rev. Justin Asche officiating. Music was provided by organist Karen Pedersen, who accompanied congregational hymns. Honorary bearers were Craig Weaver, K.J. Hueneman, “place” Doug Upmeyer, Fred Greiman, Travis Trca, Bob Dodd and Dale Roberts. photo here Casket bearers were his grandchildren. Burial was held on Monday, November 7, at Concord Township Cemetery in Garner. Dale Eugene Pringnitz, the son of Lloyd and Mildred (Hammon) Pringnitz, was born December 4, 1947 in 1947-2016 Belmond. He grew up on a farm near Services: Goodell, and in 1954 moved with 4 p.m., Nov. 6 his family to a farm one mile west United Presbyterian Church of Garner. Dale graduated from GarArrangements by: ner-Hayfield High School in 1966. Cataldo Funeral Home After graduation, he farmed, custom Garner, Iowa sprayed and raised livestock south of Garner. He later did over-the-road trucking and helped his son, Jesse, on the farm in the spring and fall. He enjoyed truck pulling and attending his grandchildren’s activities. He was a past member of the Hancock County Pork Producers, was a past member of the Garner Jaycees and served on the Northrup King Advisory Board. Dale is survived by his three children, Jesse (Angie) Pringnitz of Garner, Chris (Eric) Jackson of Garner and Jerry (Karrie) Pringnitz of Garner; nine grandchildren, Kelsi (Chance) Tobin, Jacob Pringnitz, Lucas Jackson, Miranda Jackson, Jade Pringnitz, Jace Pringnitz, Joseph Pringnitz, Jenna Pringnitz, and Jonah Pringnitz; two step-children, Mark Graff of Mason City and Tina Berger of Texas; two brothers, Gordon (Marilyn) Pringnitz of Garner and Roger Pringnitz of Garner; two nephews, Brent Pringnitz of Ames and James (Rachel) Pringnitz of Rochester, Minnesota; and best bud, his boxer, Burt. Dale was preceded in death by his parents. Cataldo Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Affordable health screenings coming to Garner GARNER, Iowa – Residents living in and around Garner can learn about their risk for cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and other chronic, serious conditions with affordable screenings by Life Line Screening. The USDA building (Viaduct Center) will host this community event on Nov. 19. The site is located at 255 Hwy. 69 South in Garner. Screenings can check for the level of plaque buildup in your arteries, related to risk for heart disease, stroke and overall vascular health; HDL and LDL choles-

terol levels; diabetes risk; bone density as a risk for possible osteoporosis; kidney and thyroid function and more. Screenings are affordable, convenient and accessible for wheelchairs and those with trouble walking. Free parking is also available. Packages start at $149, but consultants will work with you to create a package that is right for you, based on your age and risk factors. Call 1-877-237-1287 or visit our website at Pre-registration is required.

One-on-One Mentoring Program breakfast

Rebecca Peter | The Leader

Pastors Scott Kozisek, Brian Lund, Haddon Anderson and Fr. James Dubert and other volunteers helped serve an omlete breakfast, Saturday, Nov. 5 at the Garner Fire Station. The breakfast was the annual fund-raiser for the Garner Asset Project’s One-on-One Mentoring Program.

The twice-a-year North Iowa Coin, Stamp and Currency Show returns to Clear Lake on Sunday, Nov. 13. It will be held at the ballroom of the Best Western Holiday Lodge in Clear Lake. The hours will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be 20 tables of coins, stamps, gold, silver, collectible currency and collecting supplies. The free admission, family friendly event will feature items in all price ranges. Advanced and beginning collectors are welcome. Dealers from Iowa and Minnesota will offer free appraisals. Dealers will buy, sell and trade. The event is sponsored by the Southern Minnesota Coin and Stamp Club Association, a non-profit organization for the promotion of stamp and coin collecting.

Autumn Stargazing Program Scheduled

Late spring frost having impact on animals this fall By Adam Janke and Gabbi Edwards, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach AMES, Iowa – Brightly colored leaves, harvest and the busy labors of squirrels burying nuts for the long winter ahead are iconic images of fall in Iowa. This year, however, Iowans may notice fewer scurrying squirrels in their yards, thanks to a late spring frost that negatively impacted hard mast production in many areas throughout the state. “Hard mast is the botanical name for hard nuts produced by trees and shrubs such as acorns, walnuts, hickories and hazel nuts,” said Gabbi Edwards, urban forestry specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. “Hard mast provides food for many familiar wildlife species seen in urban and rural environments throughout Iowa.” Birds including bluejays, ducks and wild turkeys, white-tailed deer, fox squirrels and many other creatures rely on hard mast from trees and shrubs to build up energy reserves for long winter days or fuel their migration to warmer climates. Iowa Department of Natural Resources foresters have noted widespread hard mast failure this year, making for lean times for some animals counting on this seasonal food source. Mast failure results from frosts when hardwood tree flowers emerge during April and May. In the absence of killing frosts, flowers formed in April and May produce the seed, or mast, that matures and drops from the tree in the fall. A late spring frost after flowers have emerged can damage or kill the flowers, resulting in fewer acorns or nuts being produced. Spring 2016 saw frosts around the state as late as May 18, later than normal and after many trees had already produced the flowers necessary for mast production. The map illustrates the last date this spring where a temperature below 32 degerees F was recorded at each of the Iowa Environmental Mesonet stations. However, local variation in frost severity could result in failures in areas other than what is shown. Not only has the late spring frost

affected mast production for this fall, but there will be the same decrease in mast next year in some trees, as well. Red oaks and other oaks within the red oak family like black oak and shingle oak, take 15 months for acorns to mature. This means the fall of 2017 will have decreased mast due to flowers that were lost in the spring of 2016. White oaks and walnuts produce and mature acorns and nuts within the same growing year. Failure of mast does not affect all trees in the same area. That depends on the severity of the frost, exposure to the sun or other factors affecting local microclimates, and whether an individual tree had flowered at the time of a late frost. Thus some trees on the same block may have different production patterns this year, but on average many trees have failed to produce mast. “Large-scale failures of mast crops can have negative impacts on some wildlife species that count on the seasonal food source,” said Adam Janke, assistant professor and extension wildlife specialist at Iowa State. “Studies in some northern states with near-complete failures have shown significant reductions in squirrel populations. However, such a widespread decline is unlikely in Iowa, given that mast failure did not affect all trees and many other food sources, such as waste grain in crop fields, are available for wildlife.” Motorists and homeowners may expect to see some animals, like deer and squirrels, moving longer distances this fall and winter in search of trees that were spared from the damaging frosts. Home or property owners can do little to abate the impacts of a late frost on annual mast production. However, the impacts of a late frost on some species is a reminder of the importance of planting or managing for a diversity of trees and shrubs in landscaping and in natural areas to hedge against environmental uncertainties. In this year, having species of red and white oaks in the yard would ensure the impacts of the late frost were spread over two years, safeguarding the sight of busy squirrels in the yard foreshadowing the coming winter days each November.

FOREST CITY - The Winnebago County Conservation Board will be holding an Autumn Stargazing program at Thorpe Park on Tuesday evening, November 29th. The program will be held at the entrance to the park beginning at 7 p.m., and will last 45-60 minutes. Thorpe Park is located five miles west of Forest City on “I”/345th Street. During the program, Winnebago County Naturalist Lisa Ralls will give an informal tour of the autumn nighttime sky. The summer triangle will be disappearing in the west, but the first of the winter constellations, such as Taurus the Bull and Auriga the Charioteer, will be rising in the east. Year-round constellations such as the Big and Little Dippers, and Cassiopeia, will also be visible.

People will learn how to identify these constellations, as well as some of the brighter autumn stars. Fascinating tidbits of information will also be shared about what people are seeing and star charts will be handed out afterwards to help people identify the stars and constellations once they return home. People can bring along a pair of binoculars, if they’d like, and can also bring along a lawn chair, as well. In case of clouds, the program will have to be canceled and that announcement will run on KIOW Radio (FM 107.3), as well as on the WCCB web site (, the WCCB Facebook page, and the WCCB Twitter feed (@WinnebagoCCB). For more information about the Autumn Stargazing program, people can contact Lisa Ralls at 641-565-3390 or at

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The Leader • Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Concord’s Home Meal Delivery Menu, Garner

A noon meal can be delivered to your home for the cost of $5 a meal. Call 923-2677 to get signed up for Concord’s Home Delivered Meals. Menu is subject to change. Monday, November 14 BBQ Chicken, Potato Wedges, Asparagus, Custard Tuesday, November 15 Ranch Pork Chop, Baked Sweet Potato, Lima Beans, Poke Cake Wednesday, November 16 Bruschetta Chicken Bake, Parsley Buttered Noodles, Wax Beans, Brownie Thursday, November 17 Hot Beef Sandwich w/Mashed Potatoes, Country Trio Veggies, Fruited Gelatin Friday, November 18 Fish Filet, Mini Baker Potatoes, Broccoli, Cake Roll

Congregate Meals

Britt, Kanawha & Ventura Britt: E-Free Church Meal is served at 11:30 a.m.

Kanawha: City Hall Meal is served at 11 a.m.

Ventura: Community Center

Meal is served at 11:45 a.m. Menu provided by Elderbridge Agency on Aging. For reservations, call (641) 8293517 at least one day in advance. During inclement weather, closures will be announced on KIMT, KGLO & KIOW. Meals served with skim or 1% milk. 1/3 required daily amounts for persons 70+. Monday, November 14 Swedish Meatballs, Baked Potato w/Sour Cream, Harvard Beets, Mixed Fruit Tuesday, November 15 Turkey Noodle Casserole, Garden Beans, Hot Fruit Compote, WW Roll, Tomato Juice Wednesday, November 16 White Chili, Tortilla Chips, Lettuce Salad, Applesauce Jello Thursday, November 17 Scalloped Potatoes & Ham, Broccoli, Cranberry Pear Crisp, OJ Friday, November 18 Crunchy Baked Fish, Tartar Sauce, Sweet Potato, Creamed Peas, Orange/Banana/ Pineapple, Tomato Juice

West Hancock

CALENDAR & MENU White and Chocolate Milk available each day.

Milk, juice, toast, and cereal offered daily for breakfast. Lunches are served with choice of vegetable and fruit.

Monday, November 14

Lunch: Chicken Fajita, Spanish Rice, Baby Carrots, Diced Pears 4:15 p.m. BB (B) 7th vs. GHV Jr. High @ Ventura 4:15 p.m. BB (B) 8th vs. GHV @ WH MS 7 p.m. Music Boosters @ Kanawha

POLL from page 1 and friends to get out and vote.” At Garner-Hayfield-Ventura High School, 375 students participated in the straw poll. Voting took place Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 during their lunch hour. “The voting was not required, but strongly encouraged,” according to Gregory Hiemstra, social studies teacher. Social studies classes monitored the polling and counted ballots. In the race for president, GHV students favored the Republican ticket of Donald J. Trump/Mike Pence over the Democratic ticket Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine by a vote of 237 to 91. The Libertarian ticket of Gary Johnson/Bill Weld received 20 votes from students. Other third party candidates also received a scattered number of votes. Incumbent Senator Charles Grassley (R) received the majority of votes over former Lt. Gov. Patty Judge (D). Grassley received 224 votes in the straw poll. Judge received 50. Third party candidates receiving votes in the straw poll were Charles Aldrich (18 votes), Jim Hennager (20 votes), and Michael Luick-Thrams (7 votes). Representative Steve King (R) also won among GHV high school students. King received 226 votes while 49 votes were cast in support of Kim Weaver (D). Hiemstra said the goal of the straw poll was for students to understand the importance of voting and that “it is their civic duty, right and privilege.” “Also to understand the different choices they have as voters and what it takes to be well informed by watching debates and preparing on their own,’ Hiemstra said. Hiemstra noted that most of the questions asked by students were about the candidate’s past, rather than their policies, which made it touchy to talk about at times. “We hear quite a bit of discussion throughout the school and some days more than others. We took time to discuss the presidential debates as they happened. Some of the discussion has calmed down since then.”


Wednesday, November 16

Lunch: Sausage Pizza, Side Salad, Golden Corn, Mixed Fruit 2 Hr. Early Dismissal

Thursday, November 17

Lunch: Chicken Sandwich, Baked Chips, Garden Peas, Applesauce 4:15 p.m. BB (B) 7/8 vs. Eagle Grove @ Eagle Grove HS

Friday, November 18

Lunch: Roast Turkey, Whipped Potatoes/ Gravy, Gr. Bean Casserole, Fruit Salad, Sunshine Bar 6 p.m. Hall of Pride Game vs. Algona @ WH HS Gym


CALENDAR & MENU All meals include Milk. *9-12 Menu Only

Monday, November 14

Lunch: Ham/Cheese Sandwich, Grapes, Potato Wedges, Sweet Potato Fries, Veggies/ Hummus Cold Entrée (HS): Chef Salad 4:15 p.m. BB (B) 7th vs. WH @ GHV Jr. High – Ventura 4:15 p.m. BB (B) 8th vs. WH @ WH Middle School 6 p.m. Wrestling Season Potluck Kickoff @ GHV HS 7 p.m. 5th Band/Vocal Concert @ GHV Int. Ventura

Tuesday, November 15

Lunch: Chicken Broccoli Bowl, Banana, Fruit Cup, Carrots, Dinner Roll Cold Entrée (HS): Cobb Salad 4:15 p.m. BB (B) 7th vs. Lake Mills at Lake Mills HS 4:15 p.m. BB (B) 8th vs. Lake Mills @ GHV Jr. High – Ventura 5:30 p.m. BB (G) JV Scrimmage vs. Mason City @ Mason City HS 7 p.m. 7/8 Band/Vocal Concert @ GHV Jr. High – Ventura 7 p.m. BB (GV) Scrimmage vs. Mason City @ Mason City HS

Wednesday, November 16

Lunch: Meatball Sub, Pears, Peas, Honey & Cinnamon Sweet Potatoes Cold Entrée (HS): Honey Mustard Deli Wrap 1 Hr. Early Dismissal

Thursday, November 17

Lunch: A la King, Biscuit, Peaches, Green Beans, Carrot & Celery Sticks, Cookie Cold Entrée (HS): Chicken Caesar Salad 6 p.m. Cross Country Banquet @ GHV HS

Friday, November 18

Lunch: Cheese Pizza, Orange Wedges, Corn, Romaine Salad/Dressing Cold Entrée (HS): Chef Salad

New Construction

Quality Built Spec Home Remodeled 2 BR Ranch Home in Klemme! Over 1,000 sq. ft. on Main Level. New Kitchen, Flooring, Paint, Windows, Roof & More! Full Basement, Large Yard, 2-Det. Garage & Quiet Street. Great for 1st Home or Excellent Rental Property! Call today to set up your apt.


Quality Built Newer Construction Ranch Home in Garner! 3 BR, 2 Bath w/Over 1,500 sq. ft. on Main Level & Full Basement. Built 2012, Beautiful Oak Kitchen w/Dining, Oversized 2-Att. Garge & Great Location! Priced to Sell! $209,900.





Tuesday, November 15

Lunch: Hot Dog, F.F., Golden Corn, Orange Wedges 6 p.m. BB (GV) Scrimmage @ WH HS

Submitted photo

GHV HIgh School students participated in the state-wide Iowa Youth Straw Poll, last week. Pictured: students Lydia Seelhammer, Olivia Carew, Abby Kale (background) Connen Shaw and Jacki Van Oort.

Spacious 4 BR, 2 Bath home w/large detached garage. Some newer updates. Maint. Free Exterior. Call today to take your tour.

Excellent 2-Story Home on Corner Lot w/3Det. Garage Close to Downtown Garner! Open Layout, Large LR & FR on Main Level, Beautiful Hardwood Floors, Gas Fireplace, Fresh Paint, Appliances Included, Fenced Yard & Main. Free Exterior w/Steel Siding, Newer Roof & Windows. Priced to Sell at $124,500!

Call for details!

Brand New Home in Great Neighborhood of Garner! Gorgeous New Construction w/Quality Builder! 3 BR, 2 Baths, Master BR w/Bath, Open Layout, 9’ Ceilings, Custom Woodwork, Beautiful Kitchen w/Center Island & MainLevel Laundry. Main. Free Exterior & 2-Att. Garage! $225,000.

4 BR, 2 Bath Split-Level Home in Great Neighborhood Garner! Great Home for growing family close to School & Aquatic Cente. Spacious Rooms, Dine-in Kitchen, Fresh Paint throughout on Walls & Ceiling & Bath on each Level. Newer Roof on House, Oversized 2-Att. Garage w/Att. Shop, Fenced Backyard w/Mature Trees & Landscape & Storage Shed. $139,900.

Well Kept 4 BR, 3.5 Bath Ranch on Sesame Street in Garner! 1,488 sq. ft. w/Master BR & Bath, Walk-in Closet, Large LR, Dine-in Kitchen & Part. Fin. Basement. Main. Free Vinyl Siding & Brick Exterior. 2-Att. Garage w/Shop, Deck, Storage Shed & Mature Landscaped Backyard. $169,900.

Cute and Cozy 3 BR Ranch w/Att. Garage in Woden! Well-Kept Hme w/Newer Siding, New Windows, Newer Kitchen w/Solid Countertops, Full Basement & Appliances Included! Excellent 1st Home or Investment Property! $52,500.

Acreage Newer 1,560 Sq. Ft. Home on Hard Surface Road w/ 10 ACRES South of Duncan. Beautiful Ranch home w/ Gorgeous Kitchen, Open Layout, Master BR w/ Bath, Main-Level Laundry & Full Basement. Well Established Grove on North & West, Additional Alfalfa Acres, Usable Buildings & New 3-Det. Garage & Beautiful Country Setting! All Around Amazing Acreage! This one will go fast! $225K.

Acreage site

««« FARMLAND ««« IOWA Winnebago County: 124 Acres w/120.22 Tillable. GenNEW tly Rolling w/Good Drainage w/CSR2: 70.2 and Open to Farm in 2017!! Winnebago County: 235 Acres w/229.81 Tillable. Rolling NEW Farm w/Terraces in Place and some tile w/CSR2: 64.6 and Open to Farm in 2017!! Wayne County: 280 Acres w/220 Tillable. CSR2: 50.5. Hard Surface Road and Remainder of Acres in Timbered Draws that are home to many Traveling Bucks during the Rut. Owner would like Lease Back for 2017! Great Return on Investment w/the Bonus of Hunting! Decatur County: 160 Acres w/90 Tillable. EXCEPTIONAL HUNTING PARCEL w/Tillable providing Income and NEW Possible Food Plot Locations. 1 Pond & Heavy Timber & Draws that hold large numbers of Deer & Turkey! Deer Pics upon request. Ringgold County: 445 Acres w/Great Combination of Tillable Acres, Pasture & Timber! Amazing Habitat for Deer & Turkey & FULL OF GAME!! Tillable Acres currently going into Attractive CRP Contract! Excellent Soils to provide Income along with Hunting! MISSOURI Mercer County: 40 Acres w/26.2 Tillable. Remainder in Timber and Surrounded by LARGE BLOCK OF TIMBER!! Buy a tag over the Counter for the Missouri Rifle Season! Owner will Lease Back Tillable Acres. Great Hunting Farm w/Income! Mercer County: 177 Acres w/100 Tillable. Remainder in Thick Timber & Draws. Hard Surface Road, Full of Deer NEW & Turkey and Quality Neighbors! Excellent Hunting Farm w/Tillable Acres for Income! Open to Farm in 2017!

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4 BR, 1 Bath 2-Story Home on Corner Lot in Prime Location of Garner! Almost 1,500 sq. ft. of Living Area, Dine-in Kitchen, Hardwood Floors, Main-Level Laundry, Near Schools, Parks & Rec. Center. Great 1st Home or Possible Rental!! $79,900.

! REDUCED Absolutely Amazing 5 BR Ranch Home Built in 2008 in Cobblestone Estates of Garner! Main Level is 1,746 sq. ft. w/Dine-in Kitchen w/Granite Countertops, Gorgeous Hardwood & Travertine Floors, Stone Fireplace in LR, Master Suite w/Walk-in Closet and Bath w/Tile Shower & Main Level Laundry. LL has 2 BRs, Office, Fitness Room, FR, Full Bath & 2nd Laundry. Ext. Features 2-Att. Garage, Stone Patio & Storage Shed. Great Location Near School & Aquatic Center!! Call today!

Beautiful Country Setting to Build a Home w/ Grove & 2 Existing Outbuildings just off of Hard Surface Road! 2.59 Acres m/l on less than 1/4 Mile of Gravel w/ Southern Exposure & Great Grove on North & West. Just off of Vail Ave. SE of Klemme! Rare Find to build your Dream Home!





Quiet, Cozy & Convenient Condo near Downtown Garner! 3 BR, 2 Bath Unit w/Full Fin. Basement, Kitchen/Dining, LR & FR in LL. Laundry, Concrete Patio & Attached Single Garage. Within Walking Distance to Downtown. Call today!


36 Venetian Dr, Clear Lake Immaculate ranch home with 5 BR, 3 baths & over 3,000 square feet will give you plenty of room while still maintaining its cozy feel. $399,900.

Greg Schoneman Broker ALC, CCIM, CRS, GRI 923-2407

Beautiful & Historic 2-Story Home on Corner Lot Close to Downtown & Rec. Center of Garner! 1,410 sq. ft. w/3 BR, 2 Bath, Beautiful Hardwood Floors, Main-Level Laundry, Formal Dining, Good Sized LR & High Ceilings. Completely Remodeled Upstairs Bath, Full Basement & 2-Det. Garage in Great Location of Garner! A MUST SEE!! $88,600.

Beautiful 2-Story Brick Home on Corner Lot in Garner! 1,900 sq. ft. w/3 BR, 2.5 Bath, Gorgeous Woodwork Throughout. Hardwood Flooring, Updated Wiring & Plumbing. New Roof & Windows & More!! Call today! $149,900.




Quality Built Twin Home w/ Gorgeous Views in Clear Lake! Over 1,350 sq. ft. on Main w/2 BR, 2 Bath, Beautiful Kitchen w/ Pantry, Vaulted Ceilings, Master Suite w/ Bath, Main-Level Laundry, Full Fin. Basement w/ FR, BR & Bath. Heated Floors in Basement & DECK WITH A VIEW!! $254,900.

Tompkins Parkview Subdivision

Lisa Schoneman Broker Associate, GRI 923-2229 Matt Schoneman Broker Associate 425-7673 Kyle Schoneman Associate 425-0766

Chad Schoneman Broker Associate 425-7672




In this section:

Marketplace • Classifieds • Faith • Obituaries Public Notices • Courthouse News Wednesday, nOVeMBeR 9, 2016 | Section B

Submitted photo

Agrium donated $2,500 to assist Garner Hayfield Ventura FFA in purchasing a new greenhouse. The Garner-Hayfield- Ventura FFA is building 30” x 48’ greenhouse, is located east of the high school shop. The greenhouse will enhance GHV student’s agronomy and horticulture education. GHV FFA thanks Agrium for the company’s continuous support. Left to right: GHV FFA officers Andrew Baumgard (treasurer), Grady Umbarger (sentinel), Steve East (Agrium terminal supervisor), Joshua Chizek (president), Conner Shaw (historian), Ana Nannega (secretary).

Thoe Graduates from Commercial Lending School CLEAR LAKE, Iowa - Kent Thoe of MBT Bank, Clear Lake, successfully completed the 2016 Iowa Bankers Association’s Commercial Lending School, held recently in Ankeny. The school is an intense, one-week program sponsored by the Iowa Banker’s Association. The purpose of the IBA Commercial Lending School is to prepare commercial lenders who have not been exposed to formal commercial lending education or lenders who want to broaden their commercial lending knowledge to serve effectively and profitably as commercial loan officers. This is accomplished by developing a better understanding of the econo-

Kent Thoe my and how it affects the lending decision; developing an understanding


Mid-America Publishing Corporation seeks a full-time Regional News and Sports Reporter for its Britt office. This position requires the successful candidate to work both in a team environment and independently of our editor, located in Garner. The successful candidate must be a self-starter who is well-versed in writing, photography, and social media. They must also be able to write hard news, delve into features, investigate issues of all types while also being able to write sports stories and features in and around western Hancock County. Top-notch verbal and written communication skills are imperative. This position offers competitive pay, benefits, and an opportunity to use your skills to the fullest. You’ll be surrounded by a strong staff, allowing you to focus on what matters — capturing the news. You’ll just need to focus on producing high quality local news and sports content. Mid-America Publishing, the fastest growing media group in Iowa, is a family-owned corporation. You’ll enjoy a positive, fun, and fastpaced environment with like-minded professionals who strive to provide topnotch products and services to our clients. We offer competitive pay, and full benefits including paid vacation, health insurance, 401K, vision, dental, and AFLAC insurance To apply, send cover letter, resume and references to:

Ryan Harvey, President/CEO Mid-America Publishing Corporation P.O. Box 29, Hampton, Iowa 50441 or you may email your information to

Coming Soon! Look for our special “Honoring Our Veterans” section soon! THE


365 State St., Garner 641-923-2684 • Fax 641-923-2685

49 Center St., Britt 641-843-3241 • For ads call Sandy at 712-490-9692

of how a business is structured and how it competes; develop an understanding of the role of company’s management and how to analyze and evaluate that management; develop a thorough understanding and application of basic and advanced analytical techniques; and develop an understanding of relationship banking to meet and maintain multiple customer financial needs. Thoe is a graduate of Iowa State University and has served on several community boards including Opportunity Village, the Ventura Recreation Department, Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce and Redeemer Lutheran Church. Kent and his wife, Jennifer, reside in Ventura and have 3 children, Amanda, Zachary, and Braden.

Farm Credit Services supports FFA

Submitted by Reporter Haley Suby

Farm Credit Services of America, located in Mason City, donated $2,000 to assist the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura FFA in purchasing a new greenhouse. The GHV FFA received the grant through their Working Here Fund. The Garner-Hayfield- Ventura FFA is building 30” x 48’ greenhouse, which will be located east of the high school shop. The greenhouse will enhance GHV student’s agronomy and horticulture education. The greenhouse will be operational in mid-November 2016. The GHV FFA would like to thank Farm Credit Services of America for their support. For more information please contact Robert Baumgard at

Iowa Specialty Hospital to offer EMT & CNA training Scholarships available to eligible participants BELMOND & CLARION, Iowa Iowa Specialty Hospital will again offer emergency medical technician (EMT) and certified nursing assistant (CNA) training through Wright Health Partners Health Careers Academy starting in January 2017. Both classes will be held at Iowa Specialty Hospital’s Belmond Campus. EMT classes will be held on Monday and Thursday evenings, 6 to 10 p.m., from January 23 through May 4. CNA classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 5 to 9:30 p.m., from January 17 through April 4 . Some Saturday clinical rotations are also required for the CNA course. Any

community member, aged 16 or older, is eligible to participate in either class. Scholarships may be available to those community members that apply and meet certain criteria. Scholarship eligibility requires being a community member over the age of 16, residing in one of the network counties (Wright, Hancock, Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Humboldt, Webster or Hamilton), and signing a letter of commitment to remain in a rural area once your coursework is complete. Scholarship applications must be returned to Abby Young by November 30th. The Career Academy is made possible through grant funds and collaboration with the Wright Health Partners

Network (Iowa Specialty Hospital, North Iowa Area Community College, Belmond-Klemme Community School District, ABCM Corporation, Orthopedic Specialists and Gabrielson Clinic). This program will provide a rural pathway that includes hands on training in a rural environment, discussion on how the network supports our rural communities, and assistance with job searches, applications, and interviewing techniques. For further details, registration, or scholarship applications, contact Abby Young, Education Coordinator, at 641-444-5549.

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Just a friendly reminder:


The Leader • Wednesday, November 9, 2016



480 Main Ave. N, Britt, 50423 Phone 843-3110 Pastor Greg Baum Sunday, November 13 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Church 6 p.m. Sunday Evening Service Wednesday, November 16 6 p.m. Awana Club


Pastor Zach Fischer Sunday, November 13 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Catholic





906 West O St. Forest City Fr. James Dubert, Pastor, 923-2329 Fr. Paul E. Lippstock, Sacramental Priest Thursday, November 10 8 a.m. Mass at Garner 8:40 a.m. Reconciliation at Garner 1 p.m Bible Study at Garner 9 p.m. Mass at Waldorf in Forest City Friday, November 11 7:30 a.m. Mass at Britt 9 a.m. Mass at Good Samaritan in Forest City Saturday, November 12 2 p.m. Reconciliation at Forest City 3 p.m. Reconciliation at Duncan 4 p.m. Mass at Duncan 8:30 p.m. Reconciliation at Garner Sunday, November 13 7:15 a.m. Reconciliation at Britt 8 a.m. Mass at Britt 10 a.m. Mass at Garner 10:30 a.m. Mass at Forest City Monday, November 14 7:30 a.m. Mass at Forest City 4:30 p.m. Reconciliation at Duncan 5:30 p.m. Mass at Duncan 6:30 p.m. Bible Study at Duncan Tuesday, November 15 4:30 p.m. Reconciliation at Forest City 5:30 p.m. Mass at Forest City 6:30 p.m. Bible Study at Forest City Wednesday, November 16 5 p.m. Reconciliation at Britt 5:30 p.m. Mass at Britt Faith Formation Classes – See www. for site times.




403 East St. S. Wesley, 50483 Phone 515-679-4279 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 a.m. Mass Saturdays 5 p.m. Mass Sundays 8:30 a.m. Mass Church of Christ


North Fourth & Elder, Klemme Phone 587-2462 Sunday, November 13 9 a.m. Worship 10 a.m. Coffee Fellowship Wednesday, November 16 5 p.m. Noah’s Ark Church School 6 p.m. Confirmation *Dorcas 1st Wednesday each month. *Women’s Fellowship 2nd Wednesday Church of the Nazarene


195 2nd St., Britt, 50423 Phone 843-4667 Sunday, November 13 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 2 p.m. Concord Care Center Service Wednesday, November 16 7 p.m. Evening Prayer Service Evangelical Free


810 Second Ave SW, Britt, 50423 Stan Johnson, Senior Pastor Phone 843-3861 Sundays 9 a.m. Services 10:30 a.m. Sunday School


580 Hwy 18 E. Garner, 50438 Phone 923-6092 Haddon Anderson, Pastor Thursday, November 10 1 p.m. Moms in Prayer International Sunday, November 13 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship Service Tuesday, November 15 7 a.m. Classical Conversations


502 Read St. W. Wesley, 50483 Phone 515-679-4460 Jason Boomgarden, Pastor Sundays 9 a.m. Worship 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 6 p.m. Evening Service (1st & 3rd Sunday) 376 State Street Garner, IA 50438 Ph. 641-923-2227

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1985 290th St. Miller Garner, 50438 Handicap Accessible Phone 927-4413 Rose Visser, Lay Minister Thursday, November 10 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Office Hours (FLC) 2:30 p.m. Final Bible Study of Phillipians at Sally’s Sunday, November 13 8:30 a.m. Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Fellowship/Nominating Committee Tuesday, November 15 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Office Hours (OSL) Wednesday, November 16 3-4:30 p.m. Confirmation Class (OSL) 6:30 p.m. Council Meeting (FLC)


70 5th Ave, NW, Britt, 50423 Phone 843-3172 Friday, November 11 2:30 p.m. Veteran’s Day Service – WH HS Sunday, November 13 9 a.m. Sunday School/Christmas Practice 10 a.m. ELCA Women Thankoffering Service (Harvest Dinner to follow service) 7 p.m. AA Meeting Monday, November 14 Pastor’s Sabbath Tuesday, November 15 8:30 a.m. Britt Ministerial Meeting 12-1 p.m. Community Prayer Wednesday, November 16 10:30 a.m. Text Study 6 p.m. Confirmation 6 p.m. LYO


Saturday, November 12 9 a.m. Bible Study Sunday, November 13 9 a.m. Sunday School Wednesday, November 16 5:30 p.m. Confirmation

Redeemer Preschool & Day Care 301 S. Main Ventura The Rev. Jesse A. Burns Pastor’s Study: 641-829-3650 Office: 641-829-3615 Office email: Sunday, November 13 9 a.m. Divine Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Study


2405 260th St. Garner Phone 829-4493 Sunday, November 13 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship

Douglas S. Hayes, AAMS Natalie Swartout, AAMS Financial Advisors



707 4th St. SW, Britt Phone 843-3523 Sunday, November 13 9 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Fellowship 10:30 a.m. Worship Wednesday, November 16 6 p.m. Youth Group


PO Box 212, 517 SE Elm St. Corwith, 50430 Barbara Chapman, Pastor Sundays 9:30 a.m. Worship


Pastor James Harbaugh Sunday, November 13 8:30 a.m. Worship


and Little Lambs Preschool 810 State Street, Garner Phone 923-2261 The Rev. Scott A. Kozisek 641-923-2261 Office: Preschool: Treasurer: Office Hours: M-F 8 a.m.-noon & 1-4 p.m. Thursday, November 10 7:30 a.m. Concord Prayer Breakfast 7 p.m. Al-Anon Saturday, November 12 7:30 a.m. Men’s Ministry 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Ethnic Bake Sale 4-7 p.m. GFD Soup Dinner Sunday, November 13 9 a.m. Worship/Communion 10 a.m. Fellowship 10:15 a.m. Sunday School

World renowed organist to perform concert at Klemme UCC Immanuel Reformed United Church of Christ, 313 E. Elder St., Klemme, Iowa, cordially invites the public to a free organ concert on November 13, at 2 p.m., in the sanctuary followed by a time of fellowship. World renowned organist Mark McClellen will be performing and demonstrating the capabilities of the new organ. Mark began his study of the organ at the age of nine with Eva J. Wisner

10:30 a.m. Annual Meeting 5 p.m. Senior Youth Gathering Meeting Monday, November 14 7 p.m. Rebekah Circle Tuesday, November 15 7 p.m. AA Wednesday, November 16 4 p.m. Junior Youth 5:15 p.m. Christian Ed Meal 5:45 p.m. Christian Ed Classes 5:45 p.m. Adult Bible Study 6 p.m. St. Paul Bell Choir 7 p.m. Wednesday Worship /Communion 7 p.m. St. Paul Senior Choir

KA_ChurchAdGarner1_2016.indd 1


885 Maben, Garner Phone 923-2191 Pastor Paul Evans Thursday, November 10 9:30 a.m. Bible Study at Prairie View 4-6 p.m. God’s Pantry 4-7 p.m. Comfort Quilters 7 p.m. Romans Bible Study Sunday, November 13 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship Celebration (Hospitality and Fellowship to Follow Worship) 12-3 p.m. Harvest Walk for God’s Pantry 7 p.m. Romans Bible Study Monday, November 14 9-11 a.m. God’s Pantry 1 p.m. Quilters Tuesday, November 15 1-4 p.m. Comfort Quilters Continued on page 3b

Letís Hear It!

oy is a scarce commodity in today’s world. We are on disaster overload. Yet, when we see God work, joy is the inescapable result. Join joyful singers this week in church.

Sing for joy. Isaiah 65:17-25

Isaiah 12

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Luke 21:5-19

Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for

Sunday, November 13, 2016 Twenty Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

200 State Street PO Box 143 Garner, IA 50438 Bus. 641-923-3295 Toll-free 800-542-6933

Wesley, IA 50483 Ph. (515) 679-4373

214 Clinton St. Box 217 Corwith, 50430 The Rev. Beatrice Kinzler Sunday, November 13 10 a.m. Worship Service Food Pantry by Appt.

When you find yourself joyful, sing it out.

of Drake University, Des Moines, and with Rev. Paul R. Peters of Waterloo. He pursued further study with Dr. Robert F. Triplett at Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, and Dr. Carl Staplin at Drake University. He has given recitals throughout the United States, Israel, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Italy and France. He is an enthusiast of the organ and is involved in the promotion and sponsorship of U.S and European Organ Festivals.

BoB Becker construction




190 State St., Box 169 • Garner, IA 50438 Phone: 641-923-3741 Fax: 641-923-2812 First Citizens Bank First Citizens BankBank First Citizens 220 N Main Street • Kanawha IA 50447 641-762-3222 Member FDIC

N Main Street 220 N Main220 Street • Kanawha IA 50447 Kanawha IA 50447 641-762-3222 641-762-3222 Member FDIC

KA_ChurchAdGarner1_2016.indd 1

12/29/15 11:45 AM

Kanawha, Iowa

Ollenburg Motors Inc. 12/29/15 11:45 AM

Chevy • Pontiac • Chrysler • Olds 641.923.3191 • Garner

Offices in Algona, Burt, Corwith, Swea City & West Bend.

Insurance & FInancIal solutIons

Rennae Padderud 485 7th Street SW, Britt, IA 50423 Independent • locally owned • 19+ years of experience 641-843-4605 888-843-4605 (toll free) HEALTH - LIFE - RETIREMENT - INVESTMENTS - & MORE

525 Hwy. 18 W, Garner, IA 50438 Phone 923-2861

Your ad could be here. Call 641-923-2684.

North Iowa Grain Equipment Highway 18 • Garner, IA Phone 923-2862

55 State St. Garner, IA 50438 641-923-3771 800-450-3771 Comprehensive Family Denstistry Dr. Roy Tesene | Dr. Amy Maurer | Dr. Matt Maurer | Dr. Breanne Mumm-Reed

641-925-1000 Intersection of Hwy 18 & 69, Garner, IA

Your ad could be here. Call 641-923-2684. Your ad could be here. Call 641-923-2684.

The Leader

and Mid-American Publishing Corp


Continued from page 2b 1-6 p.m. Community Blood Drive Wednesday, November 16 10 a.m. Romans Bible Study 1 p.m. Quilters 5:30 p.m. Confirmation Class 6:30 p.m. Committee Meeting 7:30 p.m. Ad Council


201 Willow St. Goodell Phone 641-495-6102 Pastors Don and Cindy Morrison Sunday, November 13 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship


Kanawha The Rev. Mark Heath Sunday, November 13 9 a.m. Worship Tuesday, November 15 6:30 p.m. Bible Study


Klemme Phone 641-587-2540 Pastors Don and Cindy Morrison Sunday, November 13 9:45 a.m. Worship


306 3rd St. LuVerne, 50560 Phone 515-882-3509 Sundays 9 a.m. Worship 10 a.m. Sunday School Wednesdays 7 a.m. Prayer Breakfast Non-denominational

OPEN ARMS CHRISTIAN MINISTRY CHURCH Meets at Garner Ed. Center 325 W. 8th Street Church Office: 425 State Street, Garner Phone 641-425-4095

Email: Pastor Keith Hood Thursday, November 10 7-9 p.m. Pastor’s Office Hours Sunday, November 13 9:30 a.m. Jr./Sr. High Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Praise and Worship 11:30 a.m. Fellowship and Coffee Tuesday, November 15 7-9 p.m. Pastor’s Office Hours Wednesday, November 16 4 p.m. 1st Year Confirmation Class 5 p.m. 2nd Year Confirmation Class 7 p.m. Church Movie Night (All Welcome) Presbyterian


475 Maben Ave. Garner Phone 923-2274 Thursday, November 10 4-6 p.m. God’s Pantry Sunday, November 13 8:30 a.m. Adult Study 9:15 a.m. Choir 10 a.m. Worship/Thank Offering 11 a.m. Fellowship Monday, November 14 7 p.m. Circle Tuesday, November 15 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Pastor Justin in Office Wednesday, November 16 12-5 p.m. Pastor Justin’s Office Hours 3:30 p.m. Cross Kids Newsletter Items Due to Kris Reformed


569 Main Ave. N, Britt, 50423 Phone 843-3308 Pastor Joel De Boer Sundays 10 a.m. Worship Service 11:15 a.m. Sunday School


Sunday, November 13 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. Sunday School

Daniel M. Kadrlik, Mgr. 130 E. 8th St., GARNER 923-2454 (FAX) 923-3381


5 p.m. Second Service Wednesday, November 16 9:15 a.m. Coffee Break Bible Study 5:30 p.m. Games & Good News


3 mi. S. Hwy 69, Garner, 50438 Phone 923-3060 Mark Larson, Pastor Sunday, November 13 9:30 a.m. Sunday School




Rent this spot for only $10 per week!* Call Sandy at 923-2684 Rent this spot for only $10 per week!* Call Sandy at 923-2684

531 2nd St NW, Britt, IA • 641-843-5000

Philip L. Garland LAWYER 200 State St., Garner Phone 923-3792

Dr. P.L. Vidal

Dentist 160 West Fourth, Garner Phone 923-2294


8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday

tained compost pile will generate little, if any, objectionable odors. Unpleasant odors may arise if the

10:30 a.m. Worship

760 W. 8th, Garner Phone 923-3152 Thursday, November 10 9:30 a.m. Sew n’ Sews 12 p.m. GAP Meeting Sunday, November 13 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship 3 p.m. Turkey Bowl Tuesday, November 15 9 a.m. Prayer Group Wednesday, November 16


Sunday, November 13 9:30 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School 5 p.m. Evening Worship Service


Listings of Professions - Services - Offices A HANDY REFERENCE FOR YOUR INFORMATION


Dr. George Wilson, DDS Dr. Scott Wilson, DDS


Will a compost pile produce objectionable odors? A properly prepared and main-



Earl W. Hill & Kelsey Beenken 35 Main Ave. S. Britt, IA 50423

By Richard Jauron and Greg Wallace, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach What types of material can be placed in a compost pile? Suitable materials for the compost pile include garden debris, leaves, grass clippings, straw, sawdust, and small twigs and branches. You can also add food scraps from produce items, such as apple cores, potato and banana peels, and melon rinds. Coffee grounds and eggshells can also be placed in the compost pile. What types of material should not be placed in a compost pile? Don’t add meat scraps, bones, grease, whole eggs or dairy products to the compost pile because they decompose slowly, cause odors, and may attract rodents. Also, don’t add dog feces or spent cat liter to the compost pile. Dog feces and cat liter may contain harmful pathogens that may not be destroyed during the composting process. Can I put disease-infested plant material in the compost pile? Temperatures of 150 to 170 degrees Fahrenheit are required to kill most plant disease pathogens. Unfortunately, the internal temperatures of most home compost piles don’t reach this level and the disease organisms are not destroyed. For most home gardeners, it’s best to dispose of diseased plant materials at a public or private yard waste site.



Constructing and managing compost piles

641.923.3255 866.923.3255



Yard & Garden­—


Hancock County Abstract Co.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 • The

730 W 3rd St, Garner, IA • 641-923-2651

In Step Flooring Carpet, Vinyl, Ceramic, Wood, Laminate, Commercial Phone 641-762-3688 FAX 641-762-3755 204 North Main • Kanawha, IA 50447 Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am to 5 pm Saturday 9 am to 12 noon Anytime by appointment Owners: Kevin & Shery Steenblock • Mike & Sue Beukema

Rent this spot for only $10 per week!* Call Sandy at 923-2684

GARNER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Lobby hours: 9-2 Monday-Friday or by appointment. 485 State St., Garner 641-923-3993

PUBLIC LIBRARIES Britt Library .................................................843-4245 Corwith Library ................................... 515-583-2536 Garner Library .............................................923-2850 Kanawha Library .........................................762-3595 Klemme Library ...........................................587-2369 LuVerne Library ................................... 515-882-3436 Meservey Library .........................................358-6274 Ventura Library ............................................829-4410 Wesley Library ..................................... 515-679-4214

COMMUNITY SCHOOLS CWL MS/HS-Corwith ......................... 515-583-2304 CWL Elem-LuVerne ............................ 515-882-3357 GHV Supt. Office.........................................923-2718 GHV High School ........................................923-2632 GH Middle School .......................................923-2809 GH Elementary School ................................923-2831 GH/NIACC Ed Ctr.......................................923-2252 VGH Junior High .........................................829-4484 Ventura Elementary......................................829-4482 West Hancock-HS ........................................843-3863 West Hancock-MS .......................................762-3261 West Hancock-Elem.....................................843-3833 NEW HOURS DRIVERS LICENSE EXAMINERS GARNER: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; FOREST CITY: Mon.-Fri., 8-3:30; MASON CITY: Southport Mall, Tues.-Fri. 8:30 am-5 pm & Sat. 8 am-1 pm, C.G. Courthouse Mon.-Fri. 8:15 am-4:15 pm.

Corwith Farm Service

55 State St. Garner, IA 50438 641-923-3771 800-450-3771

P.O. Box 66, Corwith, IA 50430 Pete Wilhite, Manager Business 583-2628 Home 583-2616


Full Service Shop

23-1/2 Hour Towing • Commercial Accounts Lock-out Service • Repossessions New & Used Tires Car & Truck Sales - WE FINANCE

Monte & Lee Hefty 1185 York Avenue 515-824-3655 Renwick, IA 50577 after hrs: 515-571-0071

POLICE DEPARTMENTS EMERGENCY......................................................911 Garner Police Dept.......................................923-3773

COUNTY OFFICES Hancock Co. Sheriff.....................................923-2621 Hancock Co. Assessor..................................923-2269 Hancock Co. Attorney..................................923-4198 Hancock Co. Auditor ...................................923-3163 Hancock Co. Treasurer.................................923-3122 Hancock Co. Recorder .................................923-2464 Hancock Co. Clerk Court.............................923-2532 Hancock Co. Pub Health ..............................923-3676

M & L Enterprises


AMBULANCE SERVICE EMERGENCY......................................................911 Garner. Vol. Amb. Service ...........................923-2546

CITY HALLS Britt City Hall ..............................................843-4433 Corwith City Hall................................. 515-583-2342 Garner City Hall...........................................923-2588 Kanawha City Hall.......................................762-3595 Klemme City Hall ........................................587-2018 LuVerne City Hall ................................ 515-882-3206 Meservey City Hall ......................................358-6408 Ventura City Hall .........................................829-3861 Wesley City Hall .................................. 515-679-4292

2:30 p.m. 7th/8th Grade Confirmation 5:30 p.m. New Life Meal 6 p.m. New Life Program 7 p.m. 9th Confirmation 7:15 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group *Send upates for church calendars by Fridays at noon. Email or bring a copy to the Garner or Britt office. Schedules are printed one week in advance.

Donald W. Furman, OD • Trichelle Jackson, OD

FIRE DEPARTMENTS EMERGENCY......................................................911 Britt Fire Dept. .............................................843-4433


compost pile contains excessive amounts of wet plant material (such as fruit or grass clippings), is kept too wet, or is not turned on a regular basis. When constructing the compost pile, mix wet plant material with dry plant debris. Keep the compost pile moist, but not wet. The composting materials should feel damp like a wrung-out sponge. Turn the compost pile at least once or twice a month. Odors are emitted by poorly prepared or maintained compost piles. How long does it take a compost pile to break down? The rate of decomposition depends upon the composition of the compost pile, level of management, and other factors. A well-managed compost pile (one that is watered and turned regularly) containing a mixture of plant materials should be ready in two to four months. A good compost pile contains a mixture of green material, such as grass clippings, and brown material like leaves and straw. The timing of compost pile construction is another important factor. Compost piles prepared in fall will not be ready until early summer of the following year. (Little decomposition occurs during the winter months.) Compost piles constructed in spring should be ready in late summer.

Rent this spot for only $10 per week!* Call Sandy at 923-2684

If you want it in Wednesday’s paper, you have to get it to us by noon, the Friday before! Garner office, 365 State Street, is open M-F, 8am-5pm Britt office, 49 Center Street W, is open M-F, 9am-2pm G 641-923-2684 B 641-843-3241 • 641-923-2685 fax •


FRIDERES REPAIR Automobile & Light Truck Repairing & Service

515-679-4211 Wesley, Iowa

Next to Pritchard’s Pro Wash 325 Hwy. 18 W. Garner, IA 50438 641-925-0960 • 1-855-925-0960 Terry Jass - Manager

Dr. Dave Gildner, PC Optometrist

Clarion 532-3630

Toll Free to Clarion: 1-888-532-3630

Belmond 444-3380

Timothy M. Anderson

165 E 4th St., Garner Phone 923-2769

Attorney-at-Law Iowa State Bank Helping people succeed! Corwith, IA 50430 Wesley, IA 50483



The Leader • Wednesday, November 9, 2016


MAGISTRATE COURT US Bank National Association vs. H&R Accounts and Kathryn and Travis Nolte. Case dismissed without prejudice on October 26.

SMALL CLAIMS First State Bank vs. Danny Kampfe, Britt. Judgment for the plaintiff on October 27 in the amount of $234.82 with 2.57% interest from October 27. Hauge Associates Inc vs. Dixie and Larry Treinen, Klemme. Judgment for the plaintiff on October 27 in the amount of $2,994.12 with 2.59% interest from September 23. Hancock County Coop Oil Association vs. Nick and Heaberlin, Klemme. Judgment for the plaintiff on October 26 in the amount of $1,396.96 with 2.57% interest from October 26. GARNER POLICE DEPARTMENT Traffic Stops/Accidents – 6, Motorist Assists – 0, Citizen Contact

–7, Business Contact – 2, Business Contact (Funeral) - 0, Government Contact – 0, Government Contact (ambulance) – 1, Investigation – 7, Disturbance – 1, Other – 0. October 27 10:31 a.m., N. State St., traffic stop, verbal warning for speeding. 12:42 p.m., GHV Elementary School, traffic accident, no injuries. October 28 7:52 a.m., Lyon St., traffic stop, verbal warning for speeding. 12:26 p.m., 300 Blk E 12th St., animal complaint. 10:18 p.m., 200 Blk W Sesame St., domestic disturbance. 10:22 p.m., 100 Blk E 4th St., investigation, sexual assault. October 29 10:03 a.m., 700 Blk Blackstone Dr., vandalism. 1:58 p.m., 3rd St./Garner, traffic stop, verbal warning for speeding. October 30 1:06 p.m., Hwy 69/Lyons St., traffic stop, verbal warning. 12:24 p.m., Wildridge Estates, sus-

Public Notice

ORIGINAL NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR HANCOCK COUNTY WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. GENE A. STILLE AND SPOUSE OF GENE A. STILLE; MARK P. STILLE, PERSONALLY AND AS ADMINISTRATOR AND SPOUSE OF MARK P. STILLE; LISA L. DARNER AND SPOUSE OF LISA L. DARNER; THOMAS J. STILLE; STATE OF IOWA; ESTATE RECOVERY PROGRAM and ALL KNOWN AND UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS AND ALL PERSONS KNOWN OR UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST AND ALL OF THEIR HEIRS, SPOUSES, ASSIGNS, GRANTEES, LEGATEES, DEVISEES AND ALL BENEFICIARIES OF EACH AND ALL OF THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL CREDITORS, HEIRS, SPOUSES, ASSIGNS, GRANTEES, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF STEVEN R. STILLE AKA STEVE R. STILLE, Defendants. EQUITY NO. EQCV019512 To the above-named Defendants: All known and unknown claimants and all persons known or unknown claiming any right, title or interest and all of their heirs, spouses, assigns, grantees, legatees, devisees and all beneficiaries of each and all of the above-named defendants, including but not limited to all creditors, heirs, spouses, assigns, grantees, legatees, and devisees of Steven R. Stille aka Steve R. Stille You are notified there was on 9/7/2016 filed in the Office of the Clerk of the above-named Court a Foreclosure Petition, which prays for foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of the Plaintiff on the property described herein and judgment in rem in the amount of $26,291.38 plus interest at the rate of 7.25% per annum from 3/1/2016, such amount equaling $5.22 per day, the costs of the action including title costs of $225.00, and reasonable attorney fees and that said sums be declared a lien upon the following-described premises from 9/27/2001, located in Hancock County, Iowa, to-wit: That part of the unnamed street being 66 feet in width lying South of Lot 7, 8, 9 and that portion of the alley lying North of Lot 7, 8, and 9 all in Block 6, Farman’s Second Addition, Goodell, Hancock County, Iowa that the mortgage on the above-described real estate be foreclosed, that a special execution issue for the sale of as much of the mortgaged premises as is necessary to satisfy the judg-

ment and for other relief as the Court may deem just and equitable. The attorney for the Plaintiff is David M. Erickson, whose address is The Davis Brown Tower, 215 10th Street, Suite 1300, Des Moines, Iowa 50309-3993, Phone: (515) 288-2500, Facsimile: (515) 243-0654. NOTICE THE PLAINTIFF HAS ELECTED FORECLOSURE WITHOUT REDEMPTION. THIS MEANS THAT THE SALE OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY WILL OCCUR PROMPTLY AFTER ENTRY OF JUDGMENT UNLESS YOU FILE WITH THE COURT A WRITTEN DEMAND TO DELAY THE SALE. IF YOU FILE A WRITTEN DEMAND, THE SALE WILL BE DELAYED UNTIL SIX MONTHS FROM ENTRY OF JUDGMENT IF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY IS YOUR RESIDENCE AND IS A ONE-FAMILY OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING OR UNTIL TWO MONTHS FROM ENTRY OF JUDGMENT IF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY IS NOT YOUR RESIDENCE OR IS YOUR RESIDENCE BUT NOT A ONE-FAMILY OR TWO-FAMILY DWELLING. YOU WILL HAVE NO RIGHT OF REDEMPTION AFTER THE SALE. THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE WILL BE ENTITLED TO IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY. YOU MAY PURCHASE AT THE SALE. You must serve a motion or answer on or before the 6th day of December, 2016, and within a reasonable time thereafter, file your motion or answer, in the Iowa District Court for Hancock County, Iowa. You are notified that Hancock County District Court utilizes the Electronic Document Management System. You are directed to the Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16 for general rules and information on electronic filing and, in particular, Division VI regarding the protection of personal information in court filings. If you do not, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. If you need assistance to participate in court due to a disability, call the disability coordinator at 641-421-0990. Persons who are hearing or speech impaired may call Relay Iowa TTY (1 800 735 2942.) Disability coordinators cannot provide legal advice. IMPORTANT YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE AT ONCE TO PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS. November 16, 2016 Date of Third Publication Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Nov. 2, Nov. 9 and Nov. 16, 2016

picious activity. 5:36 p.m., 900 Blk Division St., investigation; Richard Anthony Medina, 34, Ventura, arrested and charged with public consumption/intoxication. 7:10 p.m., 500 Blk Maben Ave., domestic disturbance. October 31 7:33 a.m., 300 Blk E 12th St., welfare check. 4:27 p.m., 300 Blk E 12th St., investigation; Kelly Jean Lawson, 40, Garner, arrested and charged with simple assault. November 1 3:54 p.m., 600 Blk W Lyon St., traffic accident, non-reportable. 5:25 p.m., 100 Blk E 4th St., report of theft, under investigation. 5:44 p.m., 400 Blk W Lyon St., animal complaint. 5:48 p.m., 400 Blk State St., ambulance assist. 7:58 p.m., Hwy 18/Hwy 69, suspicious activity. November 2 10:46 a.m., 300 Blk Grove Ave., investigation; Mark Alan Hauge, 44, Mason City, arrested and charged with simple assault. 5:44 p.m., 300 Blk E 12th St., in-


THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT HANCOCK COUNTY NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ISABELLE F. GIBBS, Decesased Probate No. ESPRO11547 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Isabelle F. Gibbs, Deceased, who died on or about October 17, 2016: You are hereby notified that on October 24, 2016, the last will and testament of Isabelle F. Gibbs, deceased, bearing date of February 26, 2010, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Ronna Myers was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated October 24, 2016. Ronna Myers Executor of the Estate 1955 260th St. Garner, IA 50438 Timothy M. Anderson, AT0000454 Attorney for the Executor Timothy M. Anderson 165 E. 4th St. Garner, IA 50438 Date of second pulbication: November 9, 2016 Probate Code Section 304 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Nov. 2 and Nov. 9, 2016

vestigation; Dennis Michael Martin, 44, Garner, arrested and charged with domestic abuse.

HANCOCK COUNTY SHERIFF October 27 2:18 p.m., 500 Blk 9th Ave. SW, canine assist. 2:42 p.m., 100 Blk S State, suspicious person/activity. 3:38 p.m., 1600 Blk Hwy 18, stalled/stuck/abandoned. October 28 7:58 a.m., 170th St./James Ave., traffic stop, citation issued. October 29 8:49 p.m., Hwy 18/Pine Ave., suspicious person/activity. October 30 1:18 a.m., 220th St./Ford Ave., suspicious person/activity. 12 p.m. 100 Blk NW Elm St., traffic stop, citation issued. 12:53 p.m., Klemme Gravel Pits, vandalism. 7:09 p.m., 500 Blk Maben Ave., disturbance/dispute. 8:20 p.m., 800 Blk 2nd Ave. NW, warrant served. October 31 7:44 a.m., 200 Blk W Jerusalem St., vandalism. 12:39 p.m., Crystal Lake City Limits, traffic stop, citation issued. 1:04 p.m., Crystal Lake city Lim-

Trust Notice

TRUST NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE TRUST: DONALD AND MARVEL SMIDT REVOCABLE TRUST DATED AUGUST 3, 1995 To all persons regarding Marvel M. Smidt, deceased, who died on or about April 6, 2016. You are hereby notified that Donald R. Smidt is the trustee of the DONALD AND MARVEL SMIDT REVOCABLE TRUST DATED AUGUST 3, 1995, dated August 3, 1995. Any action to contest the validity of the trust must be brought in the District Court of Hancock County, Iowa, within the later to occur of four (4) months from the date of second publication of this notice or thirty (30) days from the date of mailing this notice to all heirs of the decedent settlor and the spouse of the decedent settlor whose identities are reasonably ascertainable. Any suit not filed within this period shall be forever barred. Notice is further given that any person or entity possessing a claim against the trust must mail proof of the claim to the trustee at the address listed below via certified mail, return receipt requested, by the later to occur of four (4) months from the second publciation of this notice or thirty (30) days from the date of mailing this notice if required or claim shall be forever barred unless paid or otherwise satisifed. Dated on October 26, 2016 Donald R. Smidt DONALD AND MARVEL SMIDT REVOCABLE TRUST DATED AUGUST 3, 1995 Donald R. Smidt 104 North Oakmont Drive Forest City, IA 50436 Name and Address of Trustee Steven L. Johanson #AT0003863 Attorney for Trustee 141 East K Street P.O. Box 428 Forest City, IA 50436 Date of second publication: November 9, 2016 Published in The Leader on Wedneday, Nov. 2, and Nov. 9, 2016

its, warrant served. 2:52 p.m., Hwy 18/Welch Ave., suspicious person/activity. 5:50 p.m., 2700 Blk Hwy 69, suspicious person/activity. 9:03 p.m., 270th St./Hwy 69, traffic stop, citation issued. November 1 8:10 a.m., 2600 Blk Hwy 69, stalled/stuck/abandoned. 4:06 p.m., 1400 Blk Hwy 18, stalled/stuck/abandoned. November 2 1:38 a.m., 500 Blk 1st St. SE, arrest. 7:05 a.m., 190th St./James Ave., stalled/stuck/abandoned. 7:39 a.m., 2400 Blk Kent Ave., suspicious person/activity. 12:18 p.m., 400 Blk 9th Ave. SW, canine assist. 8:59 p.m., 210th St./Hwy 69, accident/deer or other animal. 11:13 p.m., 400 Blk 6th Ave. SE, disturbance/dispute. November 3 9:51 a.m., 3100 Blk Maple Ave., accident, no injuries. PROPERTY TRANSFERS WD – Janet K. Dietel, Vernon A. Dietel to Dana L. Kraft, Tammy R. Kraft; Kanawha 26 2609-Hanson and Severin’s 1st Addition, Lots 23 & 24, Blk 2 as desc. 10-18. TR WD – Mabel Jeanne Kraus REV TR, Mabel Jeanne Kraus CO TR, Richard L. Kraus CO TR to Marvin H. Hillenga; Britt 22 2217-Stubbins Fourth Addition, Lot 1, Blk 1 as desc. 10-18. TITLE – Marcella E. Flaten EST, Marcella Flaten EST to Ardell L. Flaten, Richard A. Flaten, Rog-


HANCOCK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS October 24, 2016 Garner, Iowa The Hancock County, Iowa, Board of Supervisors met in adjourned session on the above captioned date pursuant to adjournment with Supervisors Florence (Sis) Greiman, Ron Sweers, and Jerry J. Tlach present. Absent: none. The minutes of October 17, 2016 meeting were read and approved. On motion by Supervisor Tlach, seconded by Supervisor Greiman, and carried unanimously, the Board gave approval to the following: Set November 7, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. as the date and time for public hearing for one new deep pit swine gilt isolation confinement building and increasing animal numbers only, with no new construction, in existing swine confinement buildings located in section 5, Erin Township, by Douglas P. Studer. No further business to come before the Board, motion made to adjourn at 10:52 a.m. by Supervisor Greiman and carried. All Supervisors present voting, “Aye,” session to adjourn and will meet again on October 31, 2016. ATTEST: Michelle K. Eisenman, Auditor Ron Sweers, Chair Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016

er L. Flatten, Susan D. Balckwell Johnson, Susan D. Johnson Balckwell, Wayne A. Flaten; Klemme 27 2704-Gruetzmacher Bros and Hanson’s Subdivision of Out Lot No. 6 of Klemme’s 1st Addition, Lots 2-4, Blk 2 as desc. 10-19. WD – Ardell F. Flaten to Kenneth A. Weiland; Klemme 27 2704-Gruetzmacher Bros and Hanson’s Subdivision of Out Lot No. 6 of Klemme’s 1st Addition, Lots 2-4, Blk 2 as desc. 10-19. WD – First Citizens Bank to Samuel S. Rasmussen, Theresa K. Rasmussen; Kanawha 26 2601-Original Town-Kanawha, Lots 7 & 8, Blk 8 as desc. 10-20. TITLE – Leona G. Sorenson EST to Kenneth R. Sorenson; Crystal Lake 23 2303-Original TownKanawha, Lots 7 & 8, Blk 8 as desc. 10-20. QUIT – Leona L. Jenson to Leona L. Jenson REV TR, Leona L. Jenson TR; NE T97N, R25W, Section 20 as desc. 10-21. QUIT – Spencer E. Hankins, Michelle Hankins to Spencer E. Hankins, Michelle Hankins; Corwith 25 2501-Original Town-Corwith, Lots 5 & 6, Blk 11 as desc. 1024. WD – Lonnie Rae Sandberg to Matthew Spangler; NW T97N, R24W, Section 2 as desc. 10-24.

Corrected Date Public Notice

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Annual Meeting of the Hancock County Agricultural Society The Annual Meeting of the Hancock County Agricultural Society will be Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the 3-Seasons Building at the Hancock County Fairgrounds. Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Nov. 2, and Nov. 9, 2016

Public Notice

Public Notice SNOW ORDINANCE IN EFFECT IN CITY OF CORWITH The following regulations for snow emergency and snow removal are now in effect: No person shall park, abandon or leave unattended any vehicle on any public street, alley, or city-owned off street parking area during the period of the time when snow is falling and for a period of forty-eight (48) hours after cessation of snowfall unless the snow has been removed and plowed from said street, alley or parking area and the snow has ceased to fall. It shall be the responsibility of the abutting property owners to remove snow, ice and accumulations promptly from sidewalks. If a property owner does not remove snow, ice or accumulations with a reasonable time, the City may do so and assess the costs against the property owner for collection in the same manner as a property tax. By Order of the City Council of the City of Corwith Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016


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BIRTHS Kyla Mae Curry, born on October 20 to Morgan Smith, Garner. Emanuel Orlando Ramos Tevalan, born on October 22 to Gabino Ramos Boj and Vilma Tevalan Lopez, Clarion. Roman Robert Stovall, born on Octobrer 23 to Natasha Johnson-Grummitt, Eagle Grove. Audulio Moises Paxtor Maldonado, born on October 23 to Bilda Maldonado Arreaga, Clarion. Brielle Jade Geis, born on October 24 to Falon Goodpaster, Pomeroy. Aurora Ripley King, born on October 26 to Tiffany Imig, Belmond. Wilco Watson Shinkey, born on October 26 to Joseph and Lindsey Shinkey, Fort Dodge. Ember Jean Zieman, born on October 26 to Brian and Abby Zieman, Meservey. Isaiah Thomas Goodell, born on October 27 to Seth and Kelly Goodell, Dakota City. Madilynn Jean Worthen, born on October 27 to Christina Worthen, Webster City. Ryan Alexander Steiner, born on October 27 to Larry and Crystal Steiner, Fort Dodge. Glendy Sarai Lopez Lopez, born on October 28 to Glendy Lopez Hernandez, Clarion.

Alayna Margaret Buckner, born on October 28 to Benjamin and Teri Buckner, Renwick. Presley Cecelia Schreur, born on October 28 to Carissa Elliott, Kanawha. Lindy Rae Goemaat, born on October 29 to Daniel and Sara Goemaat, Belmond.

DEATHS Richard Fibikar, 89, Dows, died on October 9. Larry Hansen, 79, Belmond, died on October 11. Virginia Anderson, 93, Eagle Grove, died on October 18. Lynne Aldrich, 74, Belmond, died on October 20. Marie Kroeger, 83, Earlville, died on October 21. Ilo Schutt, 95, Woolstock, died on October 24. MARRIAGE LICENSE Juan Reyes, Dows to Andriana Arresola, Dows, on October 26. CIVIL COURT The court handled one child support matter. Nazareth Howard vs. B&E Construction. Case dismissed with prejudice on October 28.

DISTRICT COURTS The court handled two probation revocation. Francesca Vazquez, 30, Fort Dodge, received a deferred judgment on October 28 to Possession of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana 1st Offense. Vazquez was placed on one year probation, assessed a $315 civil penalty, $125 Law Enforcement Initiative, and $140 in costs. Todd Hilpipre, 49, Clarion, pled guilty on October 28 to Harassment in the Third Degree (pled from Domestic Abuse Assault 2nd Offense) and Disorderly Conduct Loud or Raucous Noise. Hilpipre was sentenced to 30 days in jail (suspended), placed on one year probation, fined $130 plus 35% surcharge, and $130 in costs. Andrea Buseman, 41, Belmond pled guilty on October 28 to Assault on Persons in Certain Occupations Bodily Injury. Buseman was sentenced to two years in prison (suspended), placed on two years probation, fined $625 plus 35% surcharge (suspended), and $140 in costs. Additional charges of Unlawful Possession of Prescription Drug and Interference with Official Acts Inflicting Bodily Injury was dismissed. TRAFFIC COURT

Speeding 55 or under zone (1 thru 5 over): Amber Tolck, Minneapolis, MN; Sharon Kroeger, Cedar Rapids; Melissa Watson, Belmond; Speeding 55 or under zone (6 thru 10 over): Sean Stephenson, Eagle Grove; Garett Wilson, Clarion; Mirsad Ceric, Des Moines; Brandon Marsh, Eagle Grove; Rujuta Vidal, Iowa City; Holly Stephens, Washington DC; Louis McDonald, Des Moines; Christopher Bowling, Moline, IL; Richard Morris, Eden Prairie, MN; James Fritz, Webster City; Speeding 55 or under zone (11 thru 15 over): Eric Asche, Eagle Grove; Speeding 55 or under zone (21 or over): Haylee Graham, Stratford; Speeding over 55 zone (16 thru 20 over): Jessica Fenlon, Farmington, MN; Excessive Speed 6 thru 10: Jori Meints, Garner; Excessive Speed 11 thru 15: Jose Contreras, Estherville; Excessive Speed 16 thru 20: Barry Timmerman, Strawberry Point; No Valid Drivers License: Randall Grandgeorge, Eagle Grove; Hugo Atumn Vasquez, Eagle Grove; Jose Contreras, Estherville Driving While License Under Suspension: Olegario Ochoa Miranda, Clarion; Erik Martinez Yepez, Dows; Timothy Reed, Eagle Grove,

Professional Directory Listings of Professions - Services - Offices

City of Kanawha


Skilled Care Center “24 Hour Nursing Care” 641-762-3302 Kanawha, Iowa MOFFITT DENTAL CENTER Michael Moffitt, DDS 422 W Broadway, Eagle Grove Call 515-448-4852

New Patients Welcome • Emergencies Seen Promptly Insurance Accepted

Drs. Tesene, Maurer & Maurer, DDS, PC Family Dentistry

Roy Tesene, DDS Amy Maurer, DDS Matt Maurer, DDS Breanne Mumm-Reed, DDS 55 State St., Garner, IA 50438 (641) 923-3771 • (800) 450-3771

Public Library ..............641-762-3595 City Clerk .....................641-762-3632 Police Department........641-762-3272 KANAWHA CITY COUNCIL Mayor - Nancy Litch Council Members: Raylin Bassett, Judy VanderPloeg Christa Hanson, Shirley Baker and Robert Zeigler City Clerk - Sharon Grimm

Drs. Snively & Gildner, PC

City of Klemme


Clarion 515-532-3630 Belmond 641-444-3380 Clarion 1-888-532-3630 EARL W. HILL, Attorney 35 Main Ave. S., Britt Earl W. Hill & Kelsey Beenken Attorneys 641-843-4491

Ewing Funeral Homes Kanawha 641-762-3211 Britt 641-843-3839 Clarion 515-532-2233


Certified Public Accountants • Accounting Services • Tax Services • Financial Planning • Auditing 641-843-3729 Britt, Iowa

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Dr. Don Furman, Optometrist 45 State Street 90 Main Ave. Garner Britt 641-923-3737 641-843-3841 SIEGRIST & JONES, PC Attorneys

Klemme Library ...........641-587-2369 Klemme City Clerk ......641-587-2018 KLEMME CITY COUNCIL Mayor - Ken Blank Council Members: David Abele, Douglass Taft, Morris Crotty, Kody Trampel, and David Welsch City Clerk - Colleen Rout

94 Main Ave. N, Britt Iowa 641-843-4451 or 800-943-4451

Douglas S. Hayes, AAMS Natalie Swartout, AAMS Financial Advisors

200 State Street PO Box 143 Garner IA 50438

800-542-6933 (641) 923-3295

De Anna Ramirez-Trujillo, Webster City; Dennis Rapp, Eagle Grove; Financial Liability Coverage Violation: Jamie Hernandez, Clarion; Permitting Unauthorized Person to Drive: Rebecca Smith, Hampton; Permitting Unauthorized Minority to Drive: Diane Tagge, Dows; Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device/Stop Sign/Yield Sign: Fabiola Santos Gutierrez, Hampton; John Frank, Garner; Failure to use Child Restraint Device: Rodolfo Villarreal, Belmond; Leaving Scene of an Accident: Erik Martinez Yepez, Dows; SMALL CLAIMS Blanche Bosteder, Eagle Grove vs. Alex Sisson, Eagle Grove. Judgment for the plaintiff on October 31 in the amount of $419.04 with 2.59% interest from June 21. Midland Funding LLC vs. Pamela Bell, Belmond. Judgment for the plaintiff on October 27 in the amount of $1,254.13 with 2.57% interest from September 28.

PROPERTY TRANSFER Warranty Deed: Dennis and Angie Resh to Head Down Enterprises Iowa LLC; Gold Liberty Addn Blk 4 Lot 1; $230,000; 16-2177. Warranty Deed: Lawrence and Lori Weets to Juventino Alaniz; Gold Liberty Addn Blk 8 Lot 1 Weets to Alaniz 000007519001271812; 162180. Quit Claim Deed: Juventino Alaniz to Sheri Harms; Gold Liberty Addn Blk 8 Lot 1 Weets to Alaniz 000007519001271818; 16-2181. Warranty Deed: Goldfield United Methodist Church to City of Goldfield; Gold Liberty Addn Blk 4 Lot 8; 16-2188. Warranty Deed: Suzanne Ward Trustee and Ward Family Trust to SMW Farm LLC; 26-91-24 NE; 162189. Warranty Deed: James Laurel Trustee, Russel Peterson Trustee, and Miriam Peterson Revocable Trust to Miriam Peterson Revocable Trust, Laurel James, Patrick Peterson, Jay Peterson, Mary Peterson, Doyle Peterson, Russel Peterson, Cynthia Peterson, Constance Peterson, and Michael Hampton; 15-9124 NE NW; 15-91-24 NE W 1/2 of NE Correcting Grantees BK 2016 PG 2114; 16-2191. Warranty Deed: Sherri Oldenburger, Sherri Green, and Michael Oldenburger to Mariela Lobato Baez; Eg Orig Addn Blk 36 Lot 5 S 25’ EG Orig Addn Blk 36 Lot 6; 16-2192. Warranty Deed: Roger and Karen Wenzel to Roger and Karen Wenzel; 14-92-23 SE S 1/2; 16-2194. Warranty Deed: William Johnson Trustee and William Johnson 2009 Revocable Trust to FKFS Incorporated; Belm Orig Addn Blk 24 Lot 1 E 1/2; 16-2196. Warranty Deed: B&W Farms LLC to Prestage Foods of Iowa LLC; 21-


90-26 SE Except Prestage Foods of IA (25025-1) 000007439001275198; 16-2200. Warranty Deed: David and Charlene Harmon to Prestage Foods of Iowa LLC; 21-90-26 SE SE; 21-9026 SE E 396’ Prestage Foods of IA (25025-1_ .1 000007439001275219; 16-2201. Quit Claim Deed: Curtis and Brenda Patterson to Mark Patterson; 22-91-26 SW Tract; 27-91-26 NW Tract Patterson/24931.0001 000004668001275300; 16-2204. Quit Claim Deed: Craig and Lynn Patterson to Mark Patterson; 22-91-26 SW Tract; 27-91-26 NW Tract Patterson/24931.0001 000004668001275302; 16-2205. Quit Claim Deed: Lori and Scott Ward to Mark Patterson; 22-91-26 SW Tract; 27-91-26 NW Tract Patterson/24931.0001 000004668001275304; 16-2206. Warranty Deed: Jerome and Susan Maier to Aaron and Janel Parrott; EG Maier’s Addn Lot 2; 16-2209. Warranty Deed: Jean Jorgensen to Jean Jorgensen Life Estate and Thomas Jorgensen; 16-90-26 NW S 1/2 EG Cadwell’s First Addn Blk 41 Lot 6 E 48’ & S 1/2 of Alley; 162213. Warranty Deed: Thomas and Frances Kauffman to McCormick Revocable Trust, David McCormick Trustee, and Candace McCormick Trustee; 11-91-26 NW Tract 2-91-26 SW E 1/2 Kauffman 000005662001277633; 16-2214. Warranty Deed: Jesus Duran Olmos and Maria De Olmos Venegas to Tri County Investments LLC; EG Middleton’s Addn Blk 4 Lot 1 and Alley Between Lots; EG Middleton’s Addn Blk 4 Lot 2; EG Middleton’s Addn Blk 4 Lot 11; EG Middleton’s Addn Blk 4 Lot 12; 162215. Warranty Deed: Lloyd Christenson to Raymond and Rebecca Ellingston; Belm Orig Addn Blk 28 Lot 3 S 1/2 of W 1/2; Belm Orig Addn Blk 28 Lot 4 S 1/2; 16-2218. Warranty Deed: Helen Busick Trust and Helen Busick Trustee to James and Johna Buhr; EG Orig Addn Blk 9 Lot 7 E 10’; EG Orig Addn Blk 9 Lot 6; 16-2220. Warranty Deed: Daniel Gabrielson, Chance Coppola, Ryan Coppola, and Dana Coppola to Michael and Paula Kruger; 9-92-24 SE Tract Court Officer Deed Fullfillment BK 2015 PG 1419; 16-2224. Warranty Deed: Gerald Lund Trustee and Gerald Lund Trust to Gold Eagle Cooperative; EG Wright’s 3rd Addn Blk 47; 16-2230. Warranty Deed: Deborah Lund trustee and Deborah Lund Trust to Gold Eagle Cooperative; EG Wright’s 3rd Addn Blk 47; 16-2231. Warranty Deed: John and Russell Lint to Brandon Zqiefel; Clar Schoolview Addn Blk 1 Lot 5; 162245.

Don’t tempt fate... That text can wait!

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All served with your choice of a fresh side salad or a cup of one of Bill’s soups






Turkey Ciabatta B-L-T


Club Croissant

Sourdough Roast Beef

Virginia Ham Ciabatta

Smoked turkey with bacon, fresh lettuce & sweet tomato on ciabatta bread with light mayo and provalone cheese, hot off the panini grill.

Honey ham, beef bologna, hard salami, American cheese, fresh lettuce, & sweet tomato on a hoagie bun.

Open Mon.-Sat. 11 am to 6 pm Sunday 11 am to 6 pm


Honey ham, turkey, bacon, leaf Roast beef with roasted tomalettuce, tomato, and American toes, pesto, lettuce, & provalone cheese on a Wildcheese on Wildflower Bakery flower Bakery sourdough bread; large croissant. hot off the panini grill.

Virginia ham with mustard spread, baby Swiss cheese, fresh lettuce, & sweet tomato on ciabatta bread, hot off the panini grill.

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ransforming that leftover holiday turkey or ham from an ordinary dish you heat up in the microwave or let go to waste into an extraordinary meal may be easier than you think. From flatbread pizza to a hearty stew, enhancing your everyday meals is easy with cooking wines, available in flavors such as Marsala, Sherry, White, Red and White with Lemon. The premium, flavor-enhancing cooking wines are a go-to countertop ingredient and can be used to add a bold boost to any dish whether it’s around the holidays or just pasta for an any-night family dinner. These recipes from Guy Meikle, corporate chef for Mizkan America, Inc., show how easy it is to whip up a new twist on holiday leftovers with cooking wines. You can also find quick tips for boosting the flavor of everyday meals on the label of each bottle. Find more recipes and tips at

Family Barbecue Turkey Mini Flatbread Servings: 4 | Prep time: 15 minutes | Cook time: 10 minutes

Hearty Ham and Bean Protein Bowl Servings: 4-6 | Prep time: 15 minutes | Cook time: 30-45 minutes Total time: 3 hours 1 ham bone 12 cups water, divided 2 bay leaves 1/4 teaspoon black peppercorns 1/4 cup vegetable oil, plus 3 tablespoons, divided 1 cup yellow onion, small diced, plus 3 tablespoons finely chopped, divided 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1/4 cup Holland House Red Cooking Wine 3 cans (15 ounces each) pinto beans, undrained 1/2 cup sour cream 8 ounces wild rice 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons Holland House Sherry Cooking Wine 3 cups fresh okra, sliced into 1/2inch pieces at an angle 1 1/2 cups grilled corn kernels 1 1/2 cups kosher dill pickle, sliced 1/4 cup parsley 4 teaspoons tarragon To prepare broth: In 4-quart stock pot, combine ham bone, 8 cups water, bay leaves and peppercorns. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, about 2 hours. Strain broth and set

aside. In same stock pot, heat 1/4 cup oil and saute 1 cup onion and garlic 2 minutes. Pour in red cooking wine and reduce by half. Add in canned pinto beans; no need to drain. Bring to boil and reduce heat to medium low. Simmer soup about 30-45 minutes, or until liquid is reduced to stew-like consistency. Place sour cream in mixing bowl and ladle in some cooking liquid to temper it. Add back to soup while stirring. Let simmer a few minutes. To prepare rice: In small saucepan, heat 2 tablespoons oil. Add remaining onion and saute 1-2 minutes. Add rice and stir until coated with oil. Pour in remaining water and cook covered about 45 minutes, or until rice is tender. Remove from heat and rest, covered, 10 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and sherry cooking wine. In 10-inch skillet, heat remaining oil. Saute okra about 3 minutes, or until slightly charred. For each bowl: Place rice and stew in center and garnish with 1/4 cup grilled corn, 1/4 cup diced pickles, 1/2 cup okra, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley and sprinkle of tarragon.

Turkey and Caramelized Onion Jam Stuffed Empanadas Servings: 15 | Prep time: 20 minutes | Cook time: 15 minutes 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup turkey, diced into 1/2-inch cubes 2 tablespoons dried figs, diced into 1/2-inch cubes 1 cup button mushrooms, minced 3 tablespoons caramelized onions 2 tablespoons Marsala Cooking Wine Salt, to taste Pepper, to taste Empanada Dough (recipe below) 1 egg, beaten Cranberry Dipping Sauce (recipe below) Heat oven to 350 F. In pan, heat butter; add turkey, figs, mushrooms and caramelized onions. Deglaze pan with cooking wine; season with salt and pepper, and cool. Roll out dough 1/8- to 1/4-inch thick and cut into 15 3-inch circles. Brush egg on entire disc of dough, eliminating any air bubbles, and place 1 tablespoon filling in center of each circle. Fold dough in half and crimp with fork; prick top with toothpick to let steam out. Place empanada on greased sheet tray and brush with remaining egg; bake 15 minutes until golden brown.

Place on plate and serve with Cranberry Dipping Sauce.

Empanada Dough Servings: 15 | Cook time: 5 minutes 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 4 ounces butter 1 egg 1/3 cup ice water 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar Sift flour and salt. Cut butter into small cubes and blend into flour. Whisk together egg, ice water and vinegar. Add egg mixture to flour and mix until just incorporated. On table, knead dough; wrap and chill 1 hour.

2 cups Marsala Cooking Wine 1/2 cup barbecue sauce 1 1/2 cups roasted turkey, large diced 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 tablespoons yellow onion, small diced 1 cup zucchini, large diced 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese 1 cup smoked Gouda cheese, shredded 1 cup fontina cheese, shredded 2 flatbreads (approximately 8 inches each) 2 teaspoons cilantro, chopped Heat oven to 400 F.

In small saucepan, reduce cooking wine to about 1/2 cup. Mix with barbecue sauce. Toss diced turkey with about 1 tablespoon of sauce and set the entire mixture aside. Heat oil and saute onion and zucchini about 3 minutes over high heat. Season with garlic salt and remove from heat; mix in Parmesan cheese. Set aside. In small bowl, mix Gouda and fontina cheeses together and set aside. Spread each flatbread with an even layer of barbecue sauce. Top each with 1 cup cheese and half the zucchini and turkey mixtures. Bake 10 minutes. Garnish with chopped cilantro then cut flatbreads in half to serve.

Cranberry Orange Marsala Dipping Sauce Servings: 15 | Cook time: 5 minutes 1 1/2 cups whole cranberry sauce 2 tablespoons whole unpeeled orange, finely chopped 3 tablespoons Holland House Marsala Cooking wine Mix all ingredients thoroughly.


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The Marketplace is published in 12 local newspapers, and the ads are included in four local shoppers. Contact your local ad rep and tell them:

“Put my ad in the Marketplace!�

DISCOVER FREESTYLE CRUISING Travel to Hawaii, Alaska, Panama and New England/French Canada with Edgerton Travel, Hawkeye Stages and Norwegian Cruise Line

ATTEND A TRAVEL SHOW TO LEARN MORE -- 6:30-8:00 pm CEDAR RAPIDS – Nov. 14 The Hotel: Kirkwood Center, 7725 Kirkwood Blvd. SW, Cedar Rapids

WATERLOO – Nov. 15 Fairfield Inn, 2134 LaPorte Road, Waterloo

DECORAH – Nov. 16 Hotel Winneshiek, 104 E Water St., Decorah

NEWTON – Nov. 17 Hawkeye Stages, 300 E. 17th St S.


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Where You Can Buy That Quality Handmade Product Callahan Promotions, Inc., 563-652-4529

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The Leader • Wednesday, November 9, 2016





Brandt Stump Removal Service, insured, free estimates, 515-9282427.

Sobriety House, Britt. Rooms for rent, $275/month incl. utilities. Call Mike 641-590-6574.

Discover A Better Bottom Line with Conventional Corn & Soybeans

Malek’s Lawn & Tree Service: Thatcherizing, rolling, mowing, garden tilling. Tree trimming and cutting. Stump removal and crane service. Odd jobs. 641-923-2374

FOR RENT 4 Bedroom, 2 bath house for rent in Garner. Stove and refrigerator. Two car garage. No pets/no smoking. $700/month plus one month deposit. 145 E. 10th St. Call or text 319-610-7581.

Traited Corn Available eMERGE, Spirit Hybrids, IA State, eMERGE Soybeans

HOUSE FOR RENT: CA, 2 bedrooms, attached garage, furnace 92% efficient. No pets, no smokers. Call 923-2249. Leave message.

Kanawha, IA



FOR RENT: KANAWHA APTS 2BR/1BA $450 1BR/1BA $375 Updated Property, New Appliances, Onsite Laundry. Landlord Pays Water and Sewer. CALL AL 641-494-7965


•Concrete •Roofing •Siding •Windows •Doors •Wood floors

Full-time Home Health Nurse

M-F with a weekend call rotation. RN required, prefer experience. License, insurance and vehicle required. Must be flexible and have compassion. Please visit our website to apply.

NOW TAKING Applications at Garner Village Apartments Garner 2-3 Bedroom Centrally located washer & dryer. Rental Assistance Available. Phone 641-923-2898, (TT): 1-800-735-2942, (VOICE): 1-800-735-2943.

»»» Fabricator «««

An established local manufacturer is looking for an experienced fabricator. Qualified applicants must have 2 years MIG and TIG welding experience or completed 39-week welding course. Must be able to read and interpret complex blueprints. Starting wage is $19.31/hr. Benefits are offered. Mail resume to: Fabricator, 2400 Hwy 18 East algona, ia 50511. Fax: 515-395-6262

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Keyway’s website:

CONSTRUCTION, LLC. Remodels: •Kitchens •Baths •Basements •Additions

NOTICES PREGNANT? Need help? Call toll free: BIRTHRIGHT 1-800550-4900. Our help is free and confidential.

Lead Safe Renovator Lic. & Insured • FREE Estimates




THANK YOU Thank You The family of Christine Muff wishes to thank everyone for all the cards, memorials and well wishes. It’s nice to know we have so many good people around us!


FOR SALE – Overhead Garage Door Sales & Service. Residential and Commercial. Mike Sampson 641-762-3330.

Masterson Staffing Solutions Many positions available on All Shifts.

PICK-UP TOPPERS - Buy factory direct. UNICOVER, 843-3698, Britt, IA.

It’s as easy as.. Buy a Line classified ad in any Mid America paper and add any other paper for just $2 Add Marketplace for $5 Run your ad in all 22 papers (plus 3 shoppers) for just $10 more

Contact your local newspaper sales representative today!

2 5 10

MARKETPLACE is published in the following MID-AMERICA PAPERS: Buffalo Center Tribune • Butler County Tribune-Journal (Allison) • Clarksville Star Eagle Grove Eagle • The Leader (Garner, Britt) • Eclipse News-Review (Parkersburg) Eldora Herald-Ledger • Grundy Register • Hampton Chronicle • Pioneer Enterprise (Rockwell) The Sheffield Press • Wright County Monitor (Clarion) OTHER MID-AMERICA NEWSPAPERS: Calmar Courier • Hardin County Index (Eldora) Graphic-Advocate (Lake City) • Ida County Courier (Ida Grove) • Keota Eagle News-Review (Sigourney) • Ogden Reporter • The Outlook (Monona) • Postville Herald The Sun (New Sharon)

Please call 641-423-1830, or email or walk-ins welcome at 1915 4th St. SW, Mason City, IA

Masterson Staffing Solutions is an equal opportunity employer



MT/MLT: Full-time Rotating Day/Evening position in Belmond. 4 ten hour days, with rotating weekend and holiday call. Completion of accredited laboratory science program. Experience preferred. Primary duties may include, but not limited to general laboratory testing, scheduling, paperwork, drug screening & breath alcohol testing. This position will work closely with ER, Clinic Nursing and the Med/Surg Nursing. Applicant must be detail oriented, able to multi-task and have excellent communication skills. Will require MT/ MLT diploma. Will be required to work at all Iowa Specialty Hospital locations as needed. COOK: Full time position available in Belmond. Primary hours from 11 a.m.–7:30 p.m. but will require flexibility, including working every other weekend and a holiday rotation. Responsibilities include preparing meals for patients and employees, as well as other duties as assigned. Will be required to work at the Belmond and Clarion locations as needed. EDUCATION COORDINATOR: Full-time position located in Belmond/Clarion. Hours are Mon.–Fri. 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. This position is responsible for planning, implementing and evaluation of continuing education programs (CEU) for employees and planning leadership education. This position promotes education programs by ensuring class schedules and learning material is available for employees in multiple locations. This position is responsible for managing the Healthstream site, maintaining the licensure/ CEU tracking database and maintaining class website. Will also assist with new employee hire and student orientation, and helps coordinate the Health Careers Academy. RN clinical and/or education background preferred. General office and computer knowledge required. Will be required to travel to all ISH locations. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC: Full-time position between Clarion and Belmond. Mon.– Sat. rotation. 11 a.m. 11:30 p.m. Position will require flexibility with hours and locations and ambulance driving. Must have a valid Iowa Class D driver’s license, able to lift 70 pounds unassisted, knowledge of general Maintenance including but not limited to plumbing, electrical, carpentry, HVAC, painting and floor care. The ideal candidate will be a self-starter with excellent problem solving communication and people skills. Prior experience preferred but not required. BELMOND BARIATRIC PROGRAM NURSE COORDINATOR: Full-time position available in Belmond. Will require frequent traveling to West Des Moines office. Mon.–Fri. day shift hours but will require some evenings hours for Iowa Weight Loss Specialists. This position is accountable for the management of all components of the Bariatric Surgical Program. The Coordinator assists in the center development, managing the accreditation process and ensuring compliance with MBSAQIP requirements, maintaining MARKETPLACE is published in thecontinuous following MID-AMERICA PAPERS: relevant andCounty procedures, patient education, Buffalo Center Tribunepolicies • Butler Tribune-Journal (Allison) •outcomes Clarksvilledata Starcollection, quality efforts,(Garner, and education relevant staff in the various aspects of the Bariatric Eagle Grove improvement Eagle • The Leader Britt) • of Eclipse News-Review (Parkersburg) surgery patient with a focus on patient safety. Requires current license in the State of Iowa Eldora Herald-Ledger Grundy Registerto •work Hampton Chronicle • Pioneer Enterprise as an RN.• Will be required in all Iowa Specialty Hospital locations as needed. (Rockwell) The Sheffield Press • Wright County Monitor (Clarion)

Photos from the paper are now available to purchase online!

Contact: Darwin Luedtke (515) 368-1757

»»» machinist «««

An established local manufacturer is looking for an experienced CNC Machinist. Preferred applicants must have experience programming and operating CNC machining centers & lathes. Starting wage is $19.31/hr. Benefits are offered. Mail resume to: MACHINIST, 2400 Hwy 18 East Algona, IA 50511. Fax: 515-395-6262

ElEctrical PanEl »»» ShoP tEchnician ««« Cozzini, LLC, a recognized leader in the manufacturing of food processing equipment, is seeking an experienced Electrical Shop Technician. Qualified candidate must be able to read electrical schematic and sub panel layout drawing along with other instructions to assembly electrical panels. Also must demonstrate the ability to power, wire, debug and re-wire electrical panels as required. PLC experience and UL experience are a plus. Competitive wages and benefits offered. Mail resume to: ElEctical PanEl ShoP tEchnician, 2400 hwy 18 East algona, ia 50511. Fax: 515-395-6262

Positions offer outstanding wages & fringe benefits. Please stop by and pick up OTHER MID-AMERICA NEWSPAPERS: Calmar Courier • Hardin County Index or contact the an application, apply on-line at (Eldora) Graphic-Advocate (Lake City) • Ida County Courier (Ida Grove) • KeotaanEagle Human Resources Department at 515-532-9303 to receive application by mail. News-Review (Sigourney) • Ogden Reporter The Outlook (Monona) • Postville Herald All positions are subject to •criminal/dependent adult abuse background checks, The Sun (New Sharon) pre-employment physical and drug testing.

Belmond - 403 1st St. SE Specializing in You WWW.IOWASPECIALTYHOSPITAL.COM


Clarion - 1316 S. Main St.


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Wednesday, November 9, 2016 • The



The Leader’s Garner Turkey Give-A-Way! OFFICIAL RULES

To enter: Clip the turkeys from this page, fill them out and take them to the business listed on the registration coupon. Drawings will be held on Friday, Nov. 18, 2016. There will be a winner from each participating business listed. Need not be present to win. Winners will be listed in The Leader and the Shopper Review HANCOCK COUNTY News on November 23. Winners COOP OIL ASSN. 615 W Hwy 18 • 923-2635 will receive a gift certificate (valued Name ________________________ at $10) for a turkey or ham product at Address ______________________ Bill’s Family Foods in Garner. Phone_______________________ Email ________________________


360 State St. • 923-4748


175 E 3rd St. • 923-2801


346 State St • 923-9919

Name ________________________

Name ________________________

Name ________________________

Address ______________________

Address ______________________

Address ______________________




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211 State St • 641-430-6341


150 Hwy. 18 West • 923-2611


376 State St • 923-2227

Name ________________________

Name ________________________

Name ________________________

Address ______________________

Address ______________________

Address ______________________




Email ________________________

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260 Hwy. 18 W • 923-2694

WOOD CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 232 State St • 923-2059


255 Hwy. 18 W • 923-2883

Name ________________________

Name ________________________

Name ________________________

Address ______________________

Address ______________________

Address ______________________




Email ________________________

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336 E State St • 641-529-0392


325 State St • 923-3621

YOUR PLACE SPORTS BAR & GRILL 345 State St • 923-9900

Name ________________________

Name ________________________

Name ________________________

Address ______________________

Address ______________________

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10th FRAME BOWLING & GOLF 338 State St. • 923-9936

TESENE, MAURER & MAURER DENTAL 55 State St. • 923-3771


365 State St. • 923-2684

Name ________________________

Name ________________________

Name ________________________

Address ______________________

Address ______________________

Address ______________________




Email ________________________

Email ________________________

Email ________________________


Salute to Veterans The Leader • Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The following businesses show their support to all veterans. Bill’s Family Foods Garner • 641-923-2883 Forest City • 641-585-5377 CL Tel (SkyBlue) Ventura • 641-357-2111 1-844-759-2589 Cobbler Shoppe Britt • 641-843-3512 Comm1 Kanawha • 641-762-3772 Edward Jones Garner • 641-923-3295 Ermer Insurance Mason City • 641-423-1805 Ewing Funeral Home and Monument Company Britt • 641-843-3839 Kanawha • 641-762-3211 Clarion • 515-532-2233 Family Eye Care Center Britt • 641-843-3841 Garner • 641-923-3737 Forest City • 641-585-3590 Farmers Trust and Savings Bank Britt • 641-843-4455 Buffalo Center • 641-562-2696 First Citizens Bank Kanawha • 641-762-3222 First State Bank Britt • 641-843-4411 Woden • 926-5333 Hancock County Coop Oil Assn. Garner • 641-923-2635 Hancock County Health System Hospital • 641-843-5000 Clinics • 641-841-5050 IMT Garner • 641-923-3711 Jaspersen Insurance & Real Estate Ltd. Garner • 641-923-2645 Kanawha Equipment Kanawha • 641-762-8261 Kramer Ace Hardware Garner • 641-923-2611

Law Offices of Earl W. Hill Britt • 641-843-4491 McNeese Tire & Automotive Britt • 641-843-3536 North Iowa Area Community College 1-888-GO-NIACC North Central Cooperative Kanawha • 641-762-3251 Pro Parts of Iowa Garner • 641-925-0960 Reliance State Bank Garner • 641-923-2801 SkyBlue by CL Tel Clear Lake • 641-357-2111 1-844-759-2589 Smith’s Do It Best Hardware Garner • 641-923-2227 Stellar Industries, Inc. 641-923-3741 Tammy’s Pharmacy Garner • 641-923-2649 Tesene, Maurer & Maurer Dental Garner • 641-923-3771 Trulson Auto Parts & Service Inc. Britt • 641-843-3865

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